#can’t i get a sign? — ✦ memes / prompts.
onestepfcrward · 2 years
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tag dump - 8/26/2022
i tricked myself into carrying on. — ✦ ic. i think you’re better off looking alone. — ✦ inbox. dear diary... life is trying me. — ✦ dash / disc comm. omega count how many sand is in this desert! — ✦ crack.
i never lose my confidence. — ✦ self. you never knew your mind was dark. — ✦ thoughts / musings. you can dig so deep for scars. — ✦ headcanons. one track mind‚ one track heart. — ✦ ramble / study. life is just begging to include you. — ✦ likes / aesthetics. using your headphones to drown out your mind. — ✦ music. can’t i get a sign? — ✦ memes / prompts. i can learn‚ no u-turn. — ✦ dash games.
i am some of me. — ✦ ooc. i know i’m gonna change that tune. — ✦ psa. back to the shadows with all i hold dear. — ✦ queued. don’t forget! — ✦ saved. every single one’s got a story to tell. — ✦ promo.
i just want to make a change. — ✦ main verse. i shake and i think about the powers at play. — ✦ future verse.
can you hear me from there? you’re not alone. — ✦ relations / team dark. i’ll give them shelter like you’ve done for me. — ✦ relations / sonic & co. it’s like forgetting the words to your favorite song. — ✦ relations / ark family. you never had a chance while i’m around. — ✦ relations / the adversary.
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Ectoberhaunt 2023. Day 17. Blood and Flesh.
CW: TW! Recurrent pregnancy loss. TW!Abortion. TW!Bleeding
Maddie: Jack, we need to talk. I know this is gonna sound crazy but I think Phantom, the ghost boy, is actually our son. And I’m sure Danny and Jazz know about it too.
What if we bring down on the Fentons the knowledge that they have ghost children without revealing Phantom’s identity?
Of course Maddie wanted to have children. But…Not in college. She felt it was too soon. The lack of stable earnings and time were not conditions for growing a new person. She had nothing to give this potential child. Maddie did not hesitate long before deciding to have an abortion.
And for years, neither Jack nor Maddie have thought about this unplanned pregnancy.
Ectoplasm is toxic, obviously. But since ectology was only recently recognized by the scientific community, no one has ever fully analysed the effects of ectoplasm on the body.
When Maddie and Jack had the misfortune to become one of those couples experiencing recurrent pregnancy loss, they immediately suspected that the ectoplasm in their lab contributed to their reproductive difficulty. Put simply, death didn’t go with life.
They may not always have followed the lab’s safety rules perfectly, but is that why one of their first works will be exposing a teratogenic effect of ectoplasm? What if they’ve lost their only chance to be biological parents?
What a cruel price to pay for the work of life. Jack and Maddie so dreamed of their little happiness. Do they have to forget about it?
No, the Fentons don’t give up that easily!
They may have to spend a few years doing only theoretical work, but they’ll try again.
Ectoplasm is toxic. Tests, hopes…and a few miscarriages too.
Jazz was a miracle. Fenton family literally didn’t get out of hospitals to look after her health.
Danny was an even bigger miracle, because they didn’t have any hope of having a second child. Maddie and Jack didn’t even plan this pregnancy. Danny was born premature, with signs of hypoxia... but alive. His potential twin was not so lucky. Single intrauterine fetal death (sIUFD).
Right. Death still followed them. Of course, parents didn’t tell Jazz and Danny that they might have had another brother. It was their grief. Children had no reason to know about it.
"You filthy ghost!" Maddie stopped to rest after a chase for elder Phantom.
"Exhausted?" Dan was flying at a safe distance from her. "Maybe it’s time to retire, Maddie? A little exercise never stopped you before." The ghost was clearly making fun of her.
"Not going to happen, I’ll do it until I die if Amity Park need it. And my son will be here to stop you instead of me after me or Jack."
The smile on Ghost’s face faded immediately. "I hope he die first." The ghost whispered in a hoarse voice."It's best for everyone."
"What did you say?" Maddie rose up in anger, pointing her weapon at it.
"Has any thought crossed your mind about what happens to your children if anything happens to you? Go out every day and yell like idiots, attracting all the ghosts around." An ectoblast is blowing right up against her temple and crashing into the wall. The ghost frowned and turned away. "Did you ever think that Danny wouldn’t want to live without you? Did you think that he would be hurt if he had to lose you? No! Is it always about your stupid desires and ambitions, Mom."
For a moment Maddie thought he it was looking at her like it had seen a ghost, which was obviously just ridiculous. Maddie wanted to laugh about it, but somehow she couldn’t. Why would the ghost trying to fake human emotion care to hide the tears that gather in the corners of its eyes?
Maddie tried to get it out of her head. Anyway, it’s not that important. Phantoms have always been atypical. She’ll come home, take a warm shower, and tell Danny how much she loves him.
Maddie: My son is a strong boy and Dan: He’s weak! He’s a freak! He can’t handle it, Mom!
Maddie had long pondered this theory since the day Jack admitted that Phantom had misspoke during the fight and called him his father but she had never experienced it before. Or maybe she wasn’t paying attention.
Maddie: Hey, Phantom, just a question, how old are you? Dan: Why are you changing the subject? Twenty-four, twenty-five… Hell, I don’t remember. Stopped counting after 17, nobody cares anyway. And her first months dating Jack were 24 years ago. Right. The eyebrows, the shape of eyes and the height is all from Jack. The waist and the side eye from her. Theoretically. Still need more proof.
Dan: Is this all your frail human form can do?
Maddie walked past the Casper High playground when she saw a ghost flying around. It was one of the new ones. The Phantom’s full-grown specimen. More dangerous. And totally unpredictable. Maddie squeezed the gun harder. Her theories are just theories and she can’t have such a dangerous spirit near the school, near her children.
Danny: Shut up and give me my bottle of water, asshole.
This voice. Maddie stopped in shock. What’s her boy doing so close to a ghost? He’s always so terrified of them.
Dan: No pull-ups, no water. You need muscles. Without them you’re gonna look like a worm if you’re gonna grow up to be taller than Jack as I am.
Danny: Just so you know, you’re a terrible big brother and I hate you.
Dan: Well, that just means I’m doing a good job.
Danny: When Mom asks who destroyed the furniture in Vlad’s house I’m pointing at you. A little run around town will be good for you. And as they say, Older siblings are like your parents' personal science fair. They're a bunch of experiments.
Dan: ...Just so you know, it sounded completely insane. Terrible. Good job, but don’t go near Dani with those jokes. Jazz will kill us both for setting a bad example. Danny: Bad example? Since when has a good sense of humor become a bad example? Dan: Shut up. Drink water and go to the shower. Jazz is gonna kick my ass if you die of overheating.
Danny: Huh, afraid of one know-it-all? When dad chased you with a bazooka, you didn’t seem scared.
Dan: Сome on, dad has a lot of strengths, yeah, but the ability to aim isn't one of them. And not
Dani: driving a car?
Danny: Right. Wait, how long have you been eavesdropping? Dani: Long enough to blackmail you both. Сomputer’s mine for the rest of the week. Dan and Danny: Shit.
The Invisobill. or Phantom. Ha. Danny Fenton…Danny Phantom. Weston boy said crazy things. Yeah. But what if he was only partially wrong? Everything except the color of its eyes and hair is so much like Danny's. If this were typical manipulation from a ghost hoping to shake the desire of ghost hunters to chase a creature similar to their child, he would have had to give it up months ago. But phantom did not change his disguise. This is his true form. What about ghost girl and older ghost? They are also so young.
Maddie could not sleep. In her head struggled scientist and woman weighed down by feelings of guilt and shame. She was tormented by philosophical problems and religious issues. No, Maddie, not even a neural tube is formed at that time. It was just a collection of cells. It’s not a person. It doesn’t feel pain. And ghosts do not too. Right? Is it even acceptable to compare such things? Is it possible that a ghost is not the remnant of negative human emotions and memories? What is responsible for its formation then? What is the purpose of such a ghost? And more importantly, how long have these ghosts been near and they did not notice? Has the portal become a source of energy necessary for their existence in the physical plane? Or is it only they who have not seen them?
So painful. It’s so unpleasant to think about what monsters they look like to their dear Danny and Jazz. Ghosts or not, she threatened creatures who might have been part of their family in front of her babies. God, naive teens must think that three Phantoms are their siblings or something. Of course! That explains the disappearance of fenton thermos and the way the Phantoms sneak into the portal and Danny’s always somewhere in trouble and…Oh my God, they could be in so much danger! How long has this been going on? No, the real question is..Hm, if this is going on for so long, why haven’t the ghosts done anything…evil? If their nature is in the destruction then why didn’t anything happen? Jack and she would never have missed something that would hurt their children.
The fight between the Skulker and Invisobill was particularly fierce this time. Maddie was unlucky to be in one of the damaged buildings. But who is she if not a scientist? She will find a way to benefit in such a situation.
Unnecessary risk, completely unprofessional. But… The debris of the wall does not lie on her very tightly and the weapon still with Maddie. Yeah. She has to test her theory. She has to. She can get up and leave if she needs to. Right? A little dizziness never killed anyone. She just feels cold and sounds are strange. Maddie: Help. Help! Someone! M-Maddie? An insecure voice with an echo sounds. Yes, it's near. Maddie: Help! I can’t.. I can’t get up. T-Hard to breathe. Danny: Mum! Mama, hold on, I’m coming.
Phantom checks her pupillary reflex. Who taught him that? Jazz? The touch of his hand, so cold and shaky. Now Maddie really doesn't feel so good. It’s good that the ghost is her boy. She doesn’t have to worry about anything happening to people around. Neither he nor Danny know how to lie. She can breathe. Just cover her eyes for a moment and… Just a few seconds. Phantom:Jazz, Jazz! Call an ambulance. I don’t know what to do. I..I can’t just make mum intangible. What if she has a crush syndrome and I make it worse or… Her boy. Why is Danny so scared? Danny: Tucker, she is bleeding and she’s not responding to me and… Sshh, my little star, is all right. Mom just needs to lie down and rest a little.
Maddie could not believe that she had actually passed out. But the time spent in the hospital gave her enough time to think about everything.
Maddie: Jack, we need to talk. I know this is gonna sound crazy but I think Phantom, the ghost boy, is actually our son. And I’m sure Danny and Jazz know about it too.
Jack: Honey, are you sure we don’t need to double-check if you have a concussion?
Maddie and Jack decide to watch surveillance videos for the first time. After all, it concerns the safety of their children, they have the right to know what happens in the house in their absence. Especially when the ghosts are nearby. Children *live in their own sitcom*:
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They have seen enough. Maddie decides to check chats on Jazz’s phone. It’s for their safety, only. She’s a good mother but what if the ghosts are up to something?
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The chat was so..Teenage? And Chaotic. Normal? No, definitely not. How many times have they punished Danny unfairly? Did Jazz learn to lie and they didn’t even notice? And what the hell, why were they joking about dissection. It’s just awful. They need to talk immediately. No, it will look suspicious. They need to try to make contact with ghosts. And then they’ll all be grounded. All five.
Oh, and she thought two kids were a lot of work. How are they gonna handle three more with the bizarre biology ectology? Do they have hobbies, interests? They are definitely more complicated than theblob-ghosts. Was she wrong? Do they have emotions, a need for socialization? Can she trust her emotions in this matter?
"What the hell happened to freak’s neck?!"
Danny: Um, excuse me, ma'am, he’s been doing Hatha yoga in India for years. Practice opens up amazing flexibility in the joints! Right, brother?
Dan: Fuck off.
Ma'am: Don’t take me for an idiot! What about his skin color then? Jack: You have something against my son’s tan? Dan: I told you going shopping with me was a bad idea. Dani: If you didn’t scare everyone around, it wouldn’t be so bad.
Dan:...I didn’t even try to do it this time. Why is she meddling?!
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Dan: Why am I only third? Dani: Because I have successfully stabbed Danny in the back when he did not expect it. With you he is always waiting for a trick. This makes me much more successful than you :)
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bmodiwrites · 1 year
ooooh, #4 for that found family list looks interesting!
So, this is so insanely late (I reblogged that meme forever again) but I finally have something for you. Thanks for the prompt, @thefreakandthehair! I hope I did the thing justice. You can read it on AO3, too, if that's more your style. Here are the prompts if you'd like to send more.
4. Everyone always asks if we're related, and we always say no, but I always want to say yes, because you're the closest thing I have to family.
Many moons before Steve starts dating Eddie, Wayne Munson enters his life.
The day is a usual one for Steve. After reaching his social peak at sixteen and tumbling down from grace ever since, time moved by in such a way that made Steve feel as if he’s standing in syrup. Everything around him goes by but his own life is slow and stilted, barely shifting and changing despite seconds and minutes and days passing him by.
He’s out early in the morning, contemplating the failure that he is while he tries to run his melancholy away. His shirtless skin is the only thing that makes him visible in the vivid darkness that surrounds 2AM, so Steve isn’t all that surprised when he turns a corner and is lightly clipped by a truck rolling through a stop sign.
The impact his body takes is the most Steve’s felt since a Demogorgon first walked into his life. It’s so jolting and otherwise exciting that Steve can’t find it in himself to be upset. He knows right away that nothing is wrong with him at all – his long legs might be a little sore from the pathetic attempt to catch himself, but that’s a small price to pay. By the time he’s rolled over his shoulder a couple of times, Steve is invigorated.
“Holy shit! I’m so sorry, kid,” Steve’s accidental attacker says. He’s out of his car, looking all around with a panicked expression overtaking his face the second he spots Steve laid out on the ground.
With a blink, Steve does his best to reassure the man – after all, that’s what he’s known for, what he’s good at. As long as everyone else is okay with the situation, Steve is okay, too. “Don’t worry about it. I was obviously in your way.”
The look on the older stranger’s face twists into something that Steve can’t quite place. It makes his stomach knot up and turn, kind of like the times in his youth when his mom screamed his name with distaste from the kitchen. And though he doesn’t get a wallop like his mom always dished out, Steve is certain the man is thinking about the lecture he so desperately wants to give. Instead, he settles on this –
“What are you doing out this early in the morning? You can’t be any older than my nephew, which means you should be at home… tucked into bed, safe and sound.”
Steve can’t help but laugh – it’s hard to remember the last time he’s felt safe… let alone sound or at peace.
“Early morning is the best time of the day for a run. The streets are usually clear, with tonight being an obvious exception,” Steve says, hoping his tone comes off as joking instead of petulant like he’s feeling.
For a second, Steve waits for some sort of fall out, though none comes. The older man shifts on his feet, looking uncomfortable. “What’s your name, kid?”
“Steve. I’m Steve – “
Without thought, Steve sticks out his hand between them, leaving it in the air awkwardly. He’s not all that certain what makes him do such a thing but he’s compelled to, truly unable to stop himself. For whatever reason, Steve feels like he needs this guy’s approval, like it’s important for him to make an impression that isn’t in the shape of his body along the side of the stranger’s truck. Maybe his brains are rattled, or maybe, just maybe, the world is working in his favor for once.
The older man only hesitates for a second before grabbing onto Steve’s hand, shaking it briefly. “Wayne. It’s nice to meet ya.” He waits a beat, then gestures over at his truck with the barest flick of his head. “Why don’t you hop in? I’ll take you to get some breakfast. It’s the least that I can do.”
Steve doesn’t argue or question, he doesn’t worry about the fact that he doesn’t have a shirt or that his knee is cut up to bits from the fall. He simply nods without question and climbs into the passenger side of Wayne’s car. Out of all the outcomes that might’ve come his way, Steve supposes a free plate of pancakes isn’t the worst.
Come to find out, Wayne’s presence in Steve’s life is far from over.
Since that morning, Steve’s taken it upon himself to go back to the diner that Wayne took him to for their amazing bacon whenever he can. He’s not totally sure what makes it so good but it’s absolutely worth the ten minute drive out of town to get it.
Never mind the fact that leaving Hawkins, even if just for a little while, feels like the perfect break from a life that’s still dull and dreary.
Wayne, it seems, holds the same opinion about the diner’s food (and the distance from Hawkins, though it takes Steve years to find that truth out).
They run into each other several mornings over a course of weeks. At first, Wayne pretends he doesn’t even know Steve, that he didn’t run him over or bribe him with breakfast foods. The wave Steve sends his way is resolutely ignored. For two more trips, Steve tries to get his attention to no avail. Yet, the moment Steve steels himself against the disappointment of another adult letting him down, Wayne actually steps up.
He finally invites Steve to join him one Saturday morning, cementing their routine.
From that point on, Steve dedicates the first morning of every weekend to his time with Wayne. As the Saturdays pass, the old man’s frozen exterior thaws into something that’s soft and squishy on the inside and easily pliable when Steve comes from the right angle. In the matter of weeks, Steve knows that Wayne is a factory worker with an adopted nephew and little to no social skills. Throughout all of their conversations, Steve realizes, despite the quiet gruffness, that Wayne is a good person who’s willing to give someone like the former ‘king’ a chance.
They get asked, pretty frequently, if they are father and son. The wait staff is never the same so Steve’s presence in Wayne’s booth is always an exciting topic for whomever takes their order. One ballsy waitress even sounds off, making them both laugh – “it’s so sweet of you to spend time with your dad. Warms my heart.”
Despite the potential for awkwardness, neither Steve nor Wayne worry about correcting the mistake. For what it’s worth, Steve is positive that Wayne’s done more for Steve in their short relationship than his own father throughout the entirety of Steve’s life. DNA doesn’t tie them together but the relationship they nurse is a strong one, one that’s born from communication and Steve’s need to have someone see him.
Things get a little interesting when Eddie comes into his life. At first, Steve isn’t even aware that Eddie is Wayne’s nephew. With everything that’s going on with the Upside Down, it’s an easy mistake to make. When Nancy talks about her interview with a man named Wayne, Steve makes the connection, almost stopping dead in his tracks. All of the sudden, Eddie’s innocence (and what that means for the person he cares so much about) becomes Steve’s mission – it’s vital that Wayne gets to keep the important people in his life.
Steve doesn’t realize that feelings crept into the picture along the way until Eddie is wrapped up in bandages, tucked tightly into the sheets of a cookie-cutter hospital bed. He’s fighting for his life with Wayne by his side. His chest heaves up and down as air fills into his lungs and supplies the rest of his body. It’s a normal thing for a person recovering from near fatal wounds but to Steve, it’s everything.
He's still trying to push away the sight of Eddie’s skin torn to bits. Steve’s heart slams against his chest when the inkling that Eddie still might not make it out on the other side arises. Upon reflection, Steve comes to understand that apprehension as real worry, as gut churning anxiety as the minutes pass and Eddie’s eyes don’t open.
Eventually, Eddie comes back to them. He’s stubborn like his uncle and not at all ready to leave this Earth behind. It’s a relief, both for Wayne and Steve, to see Eddie up and around and very much living.
In fact, it’s such a breath of fresh air that Steve doesn’t waste any time. His usual courtships are done with smoothly spoken words and fancy dates used to impress. Steve is the master of his game, yet shockingly poor at actually feeling the things alive and well in his heart. Maybe that’s because no one ever made him feel so right in his skin. Or maybe, Steve’s just now at the point where he’s recovered from Nancy and ready to genuinely love again.
Unsurprisingly, it takes them no time at all to fall into each other. Eddie is so much like Wayne (with the added bonus of being drop dead gorgeous and cuttingly funny) that Steve is immediately enamored. While there are no fatherly feelings between Steve and Eddie, the familiarity of being around someone he already feels a kinship with is kind of nice.
So nice that dating quickly turns into something very serious. The sort of serious that makes Steve and Eddie get an apartment together long before they’re ready. Struggling to make ends meet isn’t what Steve pictured for his life but he’s living like a pig in shit – happy as can be, despite the fifty hour weeks split between two jobs. Every day he gets to come home to his best guy who greets him with a smile on his face and their next adventure together waiting for them. Even if that’s cooking shitty spaghetti and doing the dishes before they pass out for the night. It’s hard most days but Steve isn’t about to wish his reality away, either. Happiness, he’s found, is worth the price paid.
Years go by and as they do, things get better. Eddie gets a job that he loves (and pays well, too) while Steve continues to crush it at the factory with Wayne. Manual labor is exactly what Steve needs to keep his mind occupied. The added bonus of getting to be with his surrogate father and probable best friend is yummy icing on the cake. Steve’s family, the one he found and put together himself, is flourishing. With a little nourishment, Steve knows they’re only going to get better.
Then, the law catches up and eventually allows them to make things official – Steve and Eddie, unsurprisingly, are first in line to do exactly that. They run away to Maine with Wayne and Robin in tow. They sign some papers and exchange rings and become something in the eyes of the law they’ve been since they first decided to commit to each other. Eddie is Steve’s husband. They finally share the same last name.
So the next time that Steve and Wayne are mistaken for father and son about a year later, Steve gets to joyfully nod his head and proudly say yes to the nosy woman asking. He smiles widely when Wayne wraps an arm around his shoulders and adds his positive confirmation, too.
And despite always feeling like Wayne’s family, like someone who belongs to the Munson name, Steve feels truly complete for the first time… maybe ever. Not only does he have this amazing man that’s excited to love him and make a life together, but Steve’s lucky enough to have a dad who cares about him, too.
Getting hit by Wayne’s truck is the best thing to happen to Steve – he reminds both his dad and husband of that as often as possible. Without that little clip of a Ford’s bumper, Steve might not have the life he loves with his whole heart. Though it’s a running joke to poke fun at Steve’s sappy admission, neither Eddie nor Wayne ever take the truth of the matter for granted.
Fate brought them together.
Their love for each other makes them a family.
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stillsolo · 3 months
GET TO KNOW THE MUN. respond to the prompts out of character !
what made you pick up the current muse(s) you have? oh, where do i even begin?  well, i suppose i should start with how long sw has been in my life.  ANH was the first movie my mother ever saw when she visited the USA; she saw it with my grandmother ( and subsequently developed a massive crush on harrison, so indiana jones became a huge part of my childhood too lol ).  for this reason, my mother introduced my brother and I to sw when we were actual babies.  then, when the prequels came out, it’s all me and my brother consumed.  from the movies themselves to the original clone wars cartoon to the PS2 games to the novels/book series.  we watched it on a tiny portable player for every trip, and every time my relatives needed us to go away to let the adults talk lol.  it also helped our comprehension of english so much. i can’t recall a time in which sw hasn’t been present in my life! before i joined the tumblr swrpc, i kept to myself in the prequels community, wrote fanfic, and rped anakin on skype.  he’s always been a character that hit a little too close to home in one too many ways.  the main parallel i have with him (that doesn’t relate to his mental issues haha) is his love/devotion/attachment to his mother.  it’s difficult for me to explain without getting into the aspects of my culture (孝順 / filial piety), but in short, i am cantonese; if my mother asked me for my thumb tomorrow, i would give her my arm today.  anakin’s love for his mother, his determination to free her from slavery at an early age, was very touching.  EPII has been memed to oblivion, yes, but the pain i feel when anakin doesn’t get to hear his mother tell him she loves him one last time before she dies, and knowing that it haunts him for the rest of his life (eu), makes me want to throw myself out a window lmao  i have an extremely close relationship with my parents; this sort of pain is absolutely gutting for someone like me. anyway, when i joined the tumblr swrpc, writing han solo was never the plan.  i originally wanted to write luke but ended up changing my mind at the last second.  I’d written well over a dozen fics with han at that point, but was nowhere near confident, so i thought of it as more of an experiment. guess that doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, because if you really think about it, since the day i started writing him in fics, he hasn’t stopped butting into my brain.  in fact, he’s been harassing me ever since—to the point that i even switched from writing luke to him… lol given my upbringing and my mother’s love for him, han has always been my childhood hero, as well as my brother’s.  our dad was our han solo.  the nostalgic and familial associations run so deep, it’s difficult to articulate.  we share many traits, right down to his universally agreed-upon zodiac sign (sagittarius); i know han solo like the back of my hand—and it’s probably because i wanted to be just like him when i grew up.
is there anything you don’t like to write? character death.  if i have to say another, it’s when people conflate harrison with the character he plays and then decides to address that in a thread.  harrison was a ladies man back in the 80s, and that’s fine, but that doesn’t mean the same for han.  i hate seeing the conflation between the two.  not sure if this happens as often anymore, but there was a time when fics/threads/even han rpers would lean into it, by default, thus totally destroying his character in my eyes.  i mean, write it as a storyline, that’s cool and fine, but infidelity has never been inherently part of his character.  i will die on this fucking hill.
is there anything you really enjoy writing? most unpopular opinion ever: action sequences.  critical situations, fast paced action, thriller scenes featuring immediate, life-threatening circumstances.  i love writing that which exhibits a sense of urgency and tension, with sprinklings of emotional depth and contemplative introspective moments.  scenes with internal conflict combined with aforementioned external events.  even evading enemy forces, sustaining minor/major injuries, dressing wounds.  dunno why those are always the most fun to me.  aside from that?  romance/romantic angst.  i’ve had many writing partners over the years, and each one thought they could outdo me in writing romantic angst.  sometimes, the psychosomatic pain of heartbreak isn’t far from feeling like you’ve lost a limb in battle.
how do you come up with headcanons? by being the most annoying, meticulous person ever.  i’m extremely detail oriented; when i see incongruities in my own work, i perish.  so, when i come up with headcanons, i have to consider all factors that may affect the outcome of whatever question i’ve posed in my mind and feel the need to justify my choices, for whatever reason, by tying it back to XYZ.  my headcanons must align with my muse’s personality, their environment from childhood to adulthood, their current circumstances, and if it’s an AU, how it mirrors canon events.  canon/eu is everything imo, because they are their own choices; it’s what shaped them into the character we know them as.  ofc, this is my process and opinion, so make of that what you will.
do you write in silence or do you play music? no music, no tv.  sometimes people talking is too much for me.  i have adhd and my medication only helps so much.  i will absolutely start writing down the conversation or lyrics playing in the background lol
do you plan your replies or wing them? plotting vs planning replies is different to me.  plotting gives me a foundation, but it can’t be too confining.  to plan a reply is to block out each moment.  if you trap me, i will always deviate; so i wing everything, even when i have a foundation.
do you enjoy shipping? yes, absolutely!  i’m not sure why people tend to assume otherwise, but i’m more open to it than people think.  i’ve never cared about who you write, if they’re in the sw franchise, or even what era of sw etc etc  never given a shit about what people think; if our muses click, they click.  honestly, some of the best ships i’ve had with han, as in the most enjoyable and enlightening of his character, have been ‘crack ships’.
what’s your alias/name? vin, vince, vincent.  vincent van hoe.  trash bin vin.
age? 27!
birthday? dec 2!
favorite color? silver.  if that’s not a color to you, then blue.
favorite song? you can’t expect me to… well, ‘in your eyes’ by the weeknd has been up there for a long time.
last movie you watched? star wars: the clone wars (2008)
last show you watched? … the clone wars lol
last song you listened to? billie jean - MJ.
favorite food? my mother’s 番茄炒蛋 ( egg and tomato stir fry ), unagi, freshly baked breads, fresh fruit …
favorite season? i get mostly tropical weather, but i love a cold winter.
do you have a tumblr best friend? unfortunately, so many people have left the site over the years, but i'm grateful to call these people some of the closest friends i have in the rpc: @techniiciian @desiccation @vibraea @rcvanchist @sgterso @voxcrystallis
tagged : @debelltio thank you for thinking of me!! tagging : if you're still reading this, i tag you!
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cljprompts · 5 months
Happy New Year! The CLJ prompt meme is open and ready for business. It's finally time to submit your prompts and get creating!
Q: What is a prompt meme?
A prompt meme is a challenge where fans can submit one or more fanwork prompts that creators can choose to fill.
Have an idea for a fic/art you’d love to see executed by someone from the fandom? Now is your chance to submit your ideas to the prompt meme!
Q: How long is this running?
Basically... forever! I believe AO3 requires an "end date" to make collections like this searchable, but it won't actually be closed until I close it manually. I will keep it open indefinitely... so in theory you could fill a prompt 10 years from now if you wanted!
Q: How many prompts can I submit?
The max amount AO3 allows per user is 50, so that's what I will set the challenge to allow as well.
Q: Are my prompts anonymous?
Prompts are anonymous by default, but you can choose to de-anon them.
Q: Do I need an AO3 account to submit prompts?
You need an AO3 account to submit prompts. Please contact the mod if you don’t have an AO3 account and we can work something out.
Q: How many prompts can I claim?
As many as you would like!
Q: Are claims anonymous?
Claims are not anonymous.
Q: Can multiple people fill the same prompt?
By all means! The more, the merrier.
Q: What if I can’t fill a prompt I claimed?
Don’t worry about it! This is a casual event, so if you can’t complete something, it’s fine to drop the claim.
Q: I’m not an artist/fic writer, can I still post a prompt?
Q: I’m an artist. Can I claim prompts?
You sure can! Prompts are not limited to fic writers. All art is accepted, from illustration to gifsets to videos, and more! If you have an AO3 account, you can claim and post prompt fills to your heart’s content.
Q: What kind of prompts are accepted?
Any ideas featuring CLJ/LBFAD characters and canon are accepted! It can feature any pairing, setting, or concept. Prompts can be set in alternate universes or the canon universe.
Prompts can be NSFW (not safe for work) or SFW (safe for work). Fills can be NSFW or SFW. Please indicate in your prompt if you have a preference for the rating of the work.
Q: Is dead dove content accepted?
Dead dove content is accepted, for both prompts and fills, but make sure it’s appropriately tagged and warned (“Choose Not to Give Warnings” is an acceptable warning).
Q: Are crossovers accepted?
Crossover prompts are accepted, but the focus of the prompt should be the characters from CLJ/LBFAD.
Q: How do I submit a prompt?
Hit “join” on the collection. Then, hit “sign up” to submit prompts.
In the text box of the prompt submission, please summarize the idea you would like to see represented in the fanwork. You can be as detailed or vague as you like. In this same text box, please also indicate if there is anything you would not want to see when your prompt is filled with a list of DNWs (do not wants). Please be specific with your DNWs.
You can also select additional tags, warnings, and ratings, that the claimant could use when filling the prompt.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to send this tumblr an ask! I can't wait to see what you all do 🥰
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nextstopwonderland · 11 months
Masterlist of BCC fannish content
Giving this its own masterlist
BCC/bryanmox audiovisual content here
BryanNigel content here
BryanWheeler content here
Just Bryan content here
Mix & accompanying graphic:
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(Original post)
Farmers Market AU
Original collage/concept (link):
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Official graphic/not-fic summary (link):
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Cover art for just to drown in you (future fic epilogue, 2.5k, T, original post):
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Misc graphics:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Series - known to cross lines
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Fic: special unspoken without sound
Accompanying mix:
Sequels: just hold your breath & waiting for a light to come on & everyone has seen the signs
(Updated masterpost)
Fic: the doors you open I just can’t close (links to graphic and fic)
Prompt ficlet: I’ll show you a place
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Series - hiking au verse (aka hit me like a ray of sun)
Fic: Jumpstart My Heart (links to graphic, main story and two sequels/timestamps)
Mix and more cover art
Series - coffee shop au (aka Fallen quite hard over you)
Fic: The paths your eyes wander down (includes cover art and link to main story & sequel)
Series - Listen to your heart
Fic: Voices that want to be heard (includes cover art and link to main story and timestamp sequel)
More Bryanwheeler graphics:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Series: like Ancient Rome
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Fic: the plotted lines, the faulty map (4.6k, E, prompt fill)
Sequel: caught between the twisted stars (2k, E)
(Original post)
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Fic: Crave a different kind of buzz (5.1k, M, stripper au romcom meet-cute; links to story & graphic)
Graphics: and my diary’s filled with your name on every page | in my head I do everything right | because I dropped your hand while dancing | baby I just wanna dance | now I’m being another
Mix: but you’re not what you thought you were (includes cover art)
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(Original post)
Series: Our World
Main Fic: Always Changing (2.7k, au, friends to lovers holiday fluff, links to graphic, main story and sequel: Love Can Open Your Eyes)
Series: Before we get too old
Main fic: these things will never change for us at all (4.5k, roh era, 5+1 times, links to graphic, story and the sequel: if I just lay here
Fic: feel the tones that tremble down your spine (2.8k, au, yoga, links to graphic & story)
Prompt ficlet: got an itch to scratch (E, 340 words, breeding kink)
Series: gotta have faith
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Fic: waited for you all those years (10ks, 5 + 1 times, canon compliant; links to main story, both graphics, and timestamp sequel: the words you could not say)
Ficlet prompt fill in same verse
Misc graphics:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
Fanvid: 🎶before this river becomes an ocean🎶
Fanvid: Headspace
Music/interview compilations: 1 | 2
Mixes/graphics based on meme asks:
A Bryan playlist
Dragonslaying: a Bryan/Danny playlist
Bryan/Yuta: the story playlist
Bryan & Danny + Red & Gold moodboard
The b-day bash masterlist
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daedalusdavinci · 1 year
Meaningful gestures 30. "Wow, you really did your research, huh? That's amazing..." is eating my brain because of college!Bruharvey. Like, this doesn’t have to be a prompt but just picture Harv/2-F’s reaction to seeing Bruce do research just to help them.
(I can’t decide what would be better, Harv or 2-F fronting in the moment they find out.)
god my requests are closed because ive had such a hard time writing recently but youre right. youre right youre absolutely right. i had to take a shot at it. i went with harv just bc i think 2fs realization is more of a gradual thing of like, hes engaging with me, hes asking questions about this, hes been talking to harvey, hes researching this. whereas for harvey hes the king of denial and repression and its just going to hit him all at once bonus: ive got bundle of joy from the inside out soundtrack looping as i play this and i think it adds to the devastation
heres the prompt meme
The stack of books on Bruce's desk feels like an impossible tower, its shadow looming over Harvey the way his father used to during those late nights, clothes disheveled and beer still in hand.
Except, it's not like that at all. It's huge and overwhelming, terrifying in its size, but its scary because of what it represents- not what it might do. The hit comes before Harvey ever knows he has to brace for it, finding an unguarded place in his ribs and striking straight through to his heart. The air leaves his lungs. His steps stagger. His hands feel shaky and his knees are untrustworthy, at risk of giving out beneath him at any minute.
They're just books. They're just books. It's what Bruce does. He inhales knowledge like his life depends on it, drawn to every bit of esoterica he can get his hands on. It shouldn't matter.
But it does.
Harvey half expects the books to vanish when he reaches for them, but the spines are cracked and worn, the pages soft and bending under his thumb. Sticky notes feather the edges and a journal is wedged somewhere in the stack, the telltale leather a sign that Bruce has been taking notes. It's the kind of journal he uses for things he wants to remember, too- the things that really matter, and not just the stuff the teachers drone on about in lecture. The words choke in Harvey's throat and they come out too small, but he says, "You really did your research."
"Of course," Bruce says, like he's surprised there was ever even any doubt that he would, like he never even considered that there was another option available to him. "It's a part of you. I should know about it."
Except no one has ever wanted to know about it before. No one ever...
Harvey's mother loved him more than anything, but it was always beyond her. She sent him to therapy and she tried her best, but she never understood it. She didn't ask questions. It was her way of trying not to make him feel any stranger than he already did, but sometimes it just felt like she hoped he would be as normal as they pretended he was. Few people outside of her ever knew. Fewer of them were understanding. None of them ever asked beyond what was immediately strange or interesting, and it didn't really matter to them- not really. He was just an alien experience in their otherwise normal lives.
"Harv." Bruce's face is suddenly the only thing Harvey can see. His eyebrows are furrowed, the scar on his forehead pulling with it. His frown is perfect- a soft, pink pout that Harvey wants to trace with his thumb. A calloused palm cups Harvey's cheek, the edge of Bruce's thumb sweeping under his eye. It feels wet. "Hey."
It's too much. It feels like Harvey's rib cage is caving in around his heart and there's no space left for air. When he falls, Bruce is warm and solid and there, strong arms wrapping around Harvey's back and squeezing him close. Harvey's arms loop around his shoulders and his fingers grasp at the back of Bruce's shirt, and the way he jams his face into Bruce's neck, he's sure he's getting tears and snot on Bruce's collar, and it probably sucks, but Bruce doesn't complain for a second. Bruce holds him and it just feels safe.
Harvey had thought there was nothing more terrifying than telling Bruce he had DID. It'd felt like the ultimate plunge, plummeting off a cliff and just trusting that he'd hit the water right, cutting through the waves instead of splattering against the surface. But to be loved like this- to be stripped bare and step into the light, and to have someone place their hands on his scars and press promises into his skin, to not just accept him, but embrace him- it feels like drowning. It's dark and overwhelming and it burns, it burns to think that someone could look at the parts of himself he holds so much shame in and still love him, because it means maybe he deserved that much this whole time.
But when he breathes again, it's like breaking through the waves. It's the relief of being alive, the giddiness of adrenaline, and the warmth of the sun on his face again. It's the kiss Bruce presses into his hair.
It's being madly, madly in love.
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kuwdora · 4 months
January 20 - i don't think this is even remotely on your active WIP list (or mine) but i think about it all the time: share something about the Witchyr app! (or puppetskier if you don't have anything you haven't talked about already) @littlestsnicket
Ahhhha, you are correct. The the modern Witchyr AU is not on my active WIP list. I have too many WIPs…For those who missed it, I wrote over here what it would look like if witchers and sorceresses were living in a modern gig economy and had a bullshit app platform and late stage capitalism awfulness. Lots of character details and how witcher signs would get adapted in a modern context, things about Triss and Regis. How I might do Ciri and Emhyr in a mdoern context. I wish I had a Witchyr snippet for you, mayoho, but alas I think everything that I had is already on that post. I didn't work on this mostly because I'd been more interested in working on my yennskier and geraskefer stuff and wrestling my Ciri feelings into a fic.
As for the puppetskier story Coin Operated Boy. I can’t recall if I mentioned this... But at one point when Shani was with Jaskier at the Department of Supernatural Phenomena, I almost went off on a tangent about an item Shani finds on a a shelf. Something that is the equivalent of Big Mouth Billy Bass....which I don't know if this is an American novelty toy that people have heard of.... but it's That Talking/Singing Fishhead. I would've given it some kind of Oxenfurt spin since they're right next to the ocean and all. Be an item that Mortimer confiscated from previous students who used it to troll other students and/or maybe cheat on exams. Maybe it could record messages. I started thinking how maybe Shani would repurpose it as a study tool lol. @sassaffrassa listened to me go nuts over an unimportant detail like that. It did not make into the story because I needed that chapter to end sooner rather than later, ahah.
January posting meme + claim a date - prompt me.
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alixlives · 2 years
Time for Sleep
day 1 of my Lee Tommy week; sleepy tickles!
link for the prompts for lee tommy week: https://fizzthelee.tumblr.com/post/690344255616663552/ah-why-ello-there-what-is-this-a-lee-tommy-week
Lee!Tommy, Ler!Phil, CC’s
platonic!! dont tag as ship!! if u do then u will be hunted and killed/hj
Tommy lied in the bed of Phil & Kristin’s spare bedroom. It was 1 in the morning, and the kid was sitting there on facetime with Ranboo! What is it with these two and staying up late?
They’d ended up sending eachother memes and funny videos back and forth even though on facetime, and Tommy was trying so hard not to laugh so he wouldn’t wake up Phil or Kristin. But Ranboo then sent him a video of a compilation of Schlatt reacting to his fans stealing things like street signs, traffic cones, shopping carts, etc, and Tommy burst out laughing. Ranboo did as well, Tommy’s laugh being highly contagious.
I guess things are a lot more funnier when its late at night.
Phil was woken up, but not Kristin. he sighed, planted a gentle kiss onto Kristin’s forehead, and got up to go check on Tommy.
“Dahahamnihihit, Rahanbohoo! You’re gohohonna gehet mehe in trohohouble!!” Tommy tried to whisper yell but at this point he wasn’t anywhere near quiet.
“Nohot my fahault you dehecihided toho stahay at Phihihil’s instead ohof my house!” Ranboo retorted. In fairness, Tommy was fully given the option to stay at a house where there was nobody around to complain about them being too loud at 1AM. But it’d been ages since he’s seen Phil!
“Oh fuhuck OHOHOHOFF- PHIL?” Tommy whipped his head around, a wide smile on his face. Phil had snuck behind Tommy and squeezed both his sides.
“Phihil! What the hell?” Tommy exclaimed, and Ranboo set his phone down with a fond smile, resting it against his pillow so he could see this go down.
“You need to be quieter Tommy, you’ll wake up Kristin,” Phil told him as he sat down next to him. “Why are you still awake? Its nearly 1:30 now.”
Tommy stayed silent for a bit, a little embarrassed now as Phil was being soft with him while he was still on call with Ranboo.
“Can’t sleep.. bored.. and I miss Ranboo…” He said the last sentence very quietly, but Ranboo and Phil both heard it.
“Tom I miss you too but you chose to stay there—“ Ranboo said with a smile, and Tommy promptly flipped him off.
“How about this, I will help you get to sleep, and me, you, and Kristin go visit Ranboo tomorrow?”
Tommy’s eyes lit up and his smiled, “yes!”
“Alright. Say bye to Ranboo, and we will see him tomorrow, alright mate?” Phil carded a hand through Tommy’s hair and Tommy turned to his phone.
“Bye Ranboo,, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Tommy mumbled, loud enough for Ranboo to hear though.
“Bye, Toms. I’ll see you tomorrow!” Ranboo exclaimed, allowing Tommy to be the one to hang up so it wouldn’t seem like he wanted to leave. He really didn’t, if he was being fully honest.
Tommy pressed the bright red hang up button, and turned back to Phil.
“So.. how do you plan on getting me to sleep?” Tommy queried, genuinely curious as to what Phil meant.
Phil didnt give a verbal resposne, instead, he gave a response of lightly wiggling his fingers at the boy with a fond smirk.
Tommy flinched and tensed at the sight, a wide smile immediately appeared. “Phihil-“
“You alright with it, mate? I’ll be gentle, I promise you.” Phil pulled Tommy into a genuine hug, and Tommy melted into the affection with a slight nod.
Phil smiled and began to lightly drag his fingers up and down Tommy’s sides, producing giggles sweeter than honey from the teen.
“Phihilll.. ihit tihihickles,,,” Tommy whined through his giggling and Phil’s soft smile turned into a grin.
“Aw, It’s supposed to, Tom,” Phil started wiggling his fingers, but not too much as he didnt want to overwhelm the boy. Tommy’s giggles picked up as he released himself from Phil’s hold and lied down on his stomach out of instinc.
“Sohohomewhehehere ehehehelse plehehehease..!” Phil complied immediately, switching to tracing shapes into Tommy’s back and deciding to give him head scratches along with it. Tommy practically melted into the bed.
Phil audibly cooed at the teen below him. Everyone knew that Tommy was a soft kid off camera, and that he loves physical affection no matter how much he’d deny it.
“Shuhut up Phihil,” Tommy giggled and tried to smack Phil’s arm, however it was pretty difficult as he could not reach far behind him.
Phil soon let up on the tickles as Tommy seemed pretty tired. “You alright, mate?”
“Mhmm.. tired..” Tommy flipped over to lay on his back, and Phil got up to leave.
“No.. stay, please..” Tommy reached out his arms and did grabby handd, Phil audibly cooed as he lied down next to the boy.
Tommy curled up against Phil, his head rested on his chest. “G’night Phil..”
“Goodnight, Toms,” Phil carded a hand through the teen’s blonde curls, and the two then fell asleep almost instantly.
Phil told Ranboo and Kristin about what had happened that night, and Tommy was screaming over them about how it didn’t happen.
Nobody believed Tommy.
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1mnobodywhoareyou · 4 months
no excuses writing meme. all of em. :)
god you're mean (joking. ish).
FIRST - the first two sentence of my current WIP
at the time of you sending this, i did not yet have two sentences of the fic I am currently working on so I'm going back one step to kinder devil
Carrie can’t help but notice how strangely her dad’s been acting since seeing the video of Julie’s band that afternoon. She tries to put it out of her mind and focus on her friend ex-friend’s performance and can’t help but be impressed by the end of their first song.
LAST - the most recently written two sentences of my current project
same as above
“What about the Luke things?” Julie glares at Flynn and chooses not to take the bait, opting instead to return to what she’d been working on in silence.
NEXT - the next line. meaning i will finish the sentence I’m on and write a new one, which you’ll get.
the WIP that shouldn't exist (tagging @jmrothwell because here's more for your curiosity - and also 👇 two more down)
They’d agreed that decisions like this needed to be unanimous but they don’t have to be happy about the results.
PROMPT: stevie and reggie sharing food - i’ll write three sentences based on that prompt, set in the same time/setting as my current project
Stevie only (theoretically) exists in one WIP universe right now and it's not part of the main story. But... Bex verse.
"So..." Reggie says hesitantly as he reaches out to grab a slice of pizza. It's been 16 years, 3 months, and 6 days since he'd last seen Stevie and he's not entirely sure how to navigate seeing him again after all this time. "How have you been?"
THE END - i’ll make up an ending, or post the ending if i’ve written it
Shit. I'm so mad at you right now 😅 (not actually. mostly). Ok so this WIP (that shouldn't exist) is actually @narcissusbrokenmirror's baby and I kidnapped it and we now have a coparenting agreement (most forgiving birthing parent in existence, I swear). So credit where credit is due. CW for snakes
Luke sighs as he takes in their wall of tanks, each housing a different pet that he’d somehow been talked into. “You say no to one dog,” he mutters under his breath. “How did this even happen?” he wonders, slightly louder than before and Julie manages to hear him and laughs as she walks over to stand beside him. “Peony loves her friends. And now she’s not lonely when we’re gone,” she tells him with a grin. “She’s a freaking snake,” Luke mumbles. “How lonely can she get?” Julie chuckles and pats him on the shoulder before handing him his guitar, “Well, think of it this way: now you have a built-in audience for rehearsals.” Luke groans as he slips the guitar strap over his head, “Fine.” “Could have just said yes to the dog!” Alex chimes in from his spot behind his drumkit and Luke glares at him. “But I do love Crush and Squirt, so thanks for that,” he grins at Luke and is met with another harsh glare.  “No more!” Luke insists as he settles in behind his microphone and nods his head toward Julie and Reggie to get themselves situated which they quickly do. “Yes, Dad!” Reggie giggles as he nods toward Alex who counts them in through laughter of his own.
BEFORE THE BEGINNING - three sentences (or more) about something that happened before the plot of my current project
I'm using Bex verse for this
"I just... I need a minute," Alex tells the guys, his throat tightening and the sure signs of panic setting in. He quickly walks out of the boardroom, down the stairs, and out the door to the street, bending over to put his hands on his knees and gasp in breaths. Yes, this is a good change but it's still a BIG change and his brain can only process the second half of that equation. The tightness in his throat starts to loosen and he stands up, looking down the street and deciding that he'll do a quick walk around the block before heading back upstairs to sign onto the rest of their lives.
POV - something that’s already happened, retold from another character’s perspective
THIS WAS SO FREAKING ME OUT BUT THEN I REMEMBERED Flynn overhears Carrie and Luke yelling at each other in Bex Verse so... Their POV:
They'd been yelling for a while and it was starting to get a bit concerning so Flynn decides that it's time someone intervenes and by the looks of everyone else within sightlines, it's not going to be them. “I want to throw you out the window!” Carrie's voice is bordering on hysteria and Flynn can't help the feeling of amusement that takes over her. Even in high school, Carrie never resorted to yelling to get her points across. “Do it, I dare you." Flynn's eyes widen at that and she quickens her steps. A sure death sentence for Luke, if there ever was one. Flynn reaches Carrie's office just as she lets out another scream and they school their face into a neutral expression as they stand in the doorway waiting to be noticed.
holy shit this was so hard but also a lot of fun so thank you? but also... you're a shithead (affectionate) 😅
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dickjayweek · 1 year
🌟Introducing the DickJay prompt meme🌟
What this is: it’s a place to post prompts to put up for adoption! If you have an idea that you want to see made, but you can’t/don’t have the time to do it, you can post the prompt to the collection prompt meme and hope someone picks it up!
Posting prompts does not guarantee that they will be filled, but it’s a great way to get your ideas out there and to inspire others.
Where do I post these prompts?
LINK to the form is here!! And Link to existing prompts. See under cut for instructions on how to use the form.
What are the rules?
This is happening in tandem with the week event, which means if you do end up creating for a prompt, I do ask you to please wait till the event starts to post. Other event rules are the same a DickJay week: top Dick/bottom Jason if explicit, but gen fics are welcome, as do poly ships where Dick/Jason play a big enough part.
Other than that, there are no rules regarding content restrictions. No need to sign up to participate (although you do need an AO3 account to post prompts and fills).
Interested in posting prompts or claim them? See under the cut for instructions!
WARNING: as this is an explicit event, some examples will be NSFW and/or dark in nature. Consider this “creator chose not to use archive warnings.“ Viewer discretion is advised.
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If you’ve ever joined an AO3-based exchange, this form is very similar - you tag the request the way you’d want the finished product to be tagged and write in the details. Please note that for all their similarities, this is not truly an exchange, which means if you get a filler, they are not bound to the prompts exactly, except your DNW(do-not-want)s.
Be warned that this entire page will have dark/NSFW prompts, so keep that in mind if you are browsing for ideas. Please take care.
Additional tags:
We have a tagset for additional tags. These are used to add details and inspiration for your prompts, but you can disregard them completely (and leave this part blank) if you want. They range anywhere from big AUs like Earth 3 to specific situations. WARNING: these tags do include NSFW as well as dark content.
Click “multi” if you are okay with poly ships. This does not guarantee that you will get poly fills, only tells the filler that you’re fine with multiple characters involved. If you only want monogamous ship for Dick/Jason, leave this unchecked.
Pick all the ratings that you are fine with. If the prompter picked only G and T, for example, the fill cannot go beyond that, and vice versa.
Archive Warnings:
Pick all the warnings that you are fine with. Things like Rape/Non-con and Underage are opt-in, which means fillers cannot make something that require these tags if prompter did not tick them.
Optional Tags:
These have to be canonized AO3 tags. You can use this section to add tropes or kinks that you like to guide the filler, but you can also leave it blank.
Anonymous option:
You can choose to post semi-anonymously. This choice isn’t 100% anonymous, because anyone can see all the names of people who signed up.
Please write your prompt in the text section, be as detailed as you want. You may add a list of DNW(do-not-want)s to your prompt.
DNW(do-not-want)s: This is the list of the absolute dealbreakers for you, things you absolutely do not want the filler to include. This does not include the four major warnings (because those are opt-ins only), but can include certain scenarios or personal dealbreakers. This can be personal triggers, specific tropes you dislike, kinks that squick you out, or fanon interpretations that you just don’t vibe with.
Claiming prompts
Use the “claim” button at the bottom right corner of each prompt to claim them. Multiple people can claim a single prompt, and they can be fulfilled at any time. Claiming a prompt does not mean you’re obligated to fill it. You can drop the prompt any time. You can find the prompts you claimed in the “claims” tag in both the collection and your own page. From there, you can either fulfill or drop the prompts you’ve claimed.
A word of caution
This is not meant to be a gift exchange by any means, but a way to exchange ideas and get inspired. General rules such as “do not be an asshole” apply, which means you can’t disregard someone’s DNWs or include a warning that wasn’t in the request. However, as this is the internet and fanwork is a free space, your prompt is a free-for-all as soon as you post it. This means that while someone can’t include your DNWs while fulfilling your claim through the “claim” function, they’re still allowed to get inspiration from your prompts and create something based on that.
Essentially, use this as a fun exercise to inspire and be inspired. If you are possessive about your ideas and only want them filled a certain way, then perhaps this isn’t for you.
What if I’m inspired by a prompt, but I want to include a warning that wasn’t asked, or make it into a multi, or my idea includes someone’s DNW?
You’re always allowed to get inspired by the prompts and create your own things, whether you post them to the collection or not. I’m not going to police who gets inspired by what, because I don’t believe in that. Just be aware that if you do in fact touch upon someone’s DNWs or a warning they didn’t opt into, post it by itself instead of using the “fulfill claim” feature. And be aware that the event still has its own rules (bottom Jason, etc.) for works posted to the collection. Basically, just don’t be a dick, but otherwise, have fun!
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Hello, lovelies! Tell Me Something Tuesday is a meme created by Rainy Day Ramblings and currently hosted by Because Reading Is Better Than Real Life, That's What I'm Talking About, For What It's Worth, Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell and Offbeat YA. It provides weekly discussion prompts on various book and blogging topics with optional participation. You can sign up for prompts here.
This week’s prompt is: What are some of your favourite indie/small pub authors/books?
I adore this prompt because I have SO many small/indie press books that I love that don't get enough attention. It's the saddest thing to love an incredible gem of a book and know it’s not getting the proper hype. I was going to try to narrow this list down to five (and then ten), but these all deserve my love and recognition, so here are ten indie/small press books you might not have heard of, and two you probably have (although if you've spent any amount of time on my blog, you’ve probably heard me screeching about all of them before).
The Art of Escaping by Erin Callahan (Amberjack Publishing) I could scream forever about Callahan's writing. She's easily one of my favorite small press authors, and I would read anything she ever published without question. A very well-done YA contemporary coming-of-age story about authenticity and friendship, with barely a hint of romance.
Dream Keeper by Amber R. Duell (The Parliament House) Why why why haven't more people read this book? It's A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) meets Rise of the Guardians (2012), complete with Sandman and Weaver, a sweet romance, and some truly spectacular world-building. I haven't stopped raving since I read it.
The Goblins of Bellwater by Molly Ringle (Central Avenue Publishing) There isn't enough goblin fiction out there, in my opinion (and I've looked), but this is easily my favorite of what I've read. It's a paranormal romance with complicated characters and a gorgeous setting, where goblins are pure and simply the villains-- no sexy goblin king here.
The Shadow Glass by Josh Winning (Titan Books) Speaking of sexy goblin kings. Hi, hello, have you heard me screaming about this book too? Fans of 80s nostalgia fantasy like The NeverEnding Story (1984) and Labyrinth (1986) will find so much to love about this. It’s basically a spiritual sequel to those films about what happens when we grow up and don't believe in magical worlds anymore--and how much we still need them, even as adults. Complete with talking puppets!
Daphne by B.C. Johnson (self-published) Technically, this is a horror novella set in the Deadgirl universe, but it's my favorite in the series, and I don't think readers unfamiliar with the other books will have trouble following it. If you need a violent, lesbian harpy in your life, with a blend of Greek/Norse mythology and a body count, this is for you. You had me at eat them alive.
Smoke and Key by Kelsey Sutton (Entangled Teen) Yet another book I can't believe more people haven't read. It's such a strange, gruesome little afterlife story with a dash of romance, like The Corpse Bride (2005) without the slapstick humor or the singing. Exactly my kind of weird.
The Chronology of Water by Lidia Yuknavitch (Hawthorne Books) A gut-wrenching and beautifully crafted memoir about what happens to women in particular when we don’t fit the labels our culture has made for us. Fans of Cheryl Strayed will adore it.
After Always by Barbara J. Hancock (Entangled Teen) Sometimes the blend of paranormal and romance hits exactly the right note, and this book nails it. I adore the haunted house setting and the lovely, atmospheric writing, but I stayed for the excellent character arc of Lydia both grieving her lost boyfriend and realizing he wasn't good for her.
Theories of Forgetting by Lance Olsen (Fiction Collective 2) If you like experimental fiction at all, you absolutely need to read some Olsen. While I feel it's not quite as thematically whole as Calendar of Regrets, it might be a bit more accessible. It's smart and easy to read if not to understand, since while there are a lot of big concepts in here, the writing itself isn't overly complicated (also assuming you can decide where to start, since both sides look like the back cover of the book-- good luck!).
We Told Six Lies by Victoria Scott (Entangled Teen) This is a weird, fucked up little thriller about a toxic relationship, so of course that's exactly why I love it. The characters are complex, codependent, and completely unaware of how badly they behave, and the plot is tense and mysterious. One of my favorite underrated YA thrillers.
Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee (Duet Books) We've reached the part of my list where you've probably heard of these books, but they're well-worth mentioning, especially for superhero fans. Great characters, fun world-building, and excellent queer representation across the board.
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic (self-published) You knew this was going to make the list, right? This book is so immensely popular on Tumblr that sometimes I forget it was a self-pub. I've read and reread it so many times, and the characters are so compelling, the story so immersive, that once I've started the first, I can't stop until I've finished the trilogy. Well-deserving of its hype.
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hermannsthumb · 2 years
The tanning+ beach!!
I imagine Newt looking very attractive with a light tan uwu🌟
Meanwhile, poor Hermann can't get a tan because his skin is too fair :p
7. Beach + 22. Tanning
from summer prompts meme here
AHH i've been wanting to write a beach fic for these boys for SO LONG, thjank u... entirely sfw but newt wishes it wasnt. also i will in fact plug my favorite beach trip fic i've read for the boys if you want a proper not-ficlet beach fic (the rush of the sea by rednights)
When they reach the top of the dune, Hermann pauses, shifting his tote bag in his hand and eyeing the ocean apprehensively. It’s a beautiful day, particularly for a beach trip, clear and breezy out—though looking at Hermann, you'd think otherwise. It’s hot as shit but it sure as hell beats sweating their asses off back in their little rental cottage. Newt should’ve known that anything being advertised as having a vintage chic aesthetic was actually code for no A/C but we’ll provide you with a single window fan that hasn’t worked right in twenty years, but it was cheap, and it was within the budget the PPDC set for them, and Newt already can’t believe they agreed to fund an actual vacation for the two of them, so he’ll take it over a cramped hotel room. Probably an apology present for making them stay in medical for observation for like, three weeks. You drift with a hivemind twice and people start acting like you might snap at any moment. Ridiculous.
Anyway, he understands how Hermann feels, at least. Oceans have been kind of a no-go for the last decade, between the giant aliens and the pollution from the giant aliens. He’s definitely still going to be annoying about it. “What, are you worried another Breach opened up in the Atlantic or something?” he says.
Hermann rolls his eyes, and Newt's heart soars a little. It feels good, like things are still exactly as they should be, to still be able to get a rise out of Hermann with bare minimum effort. “Hardly,” Hermann says. “I was merely taking in the—er—the pleasant scenery.”
Newt looks back at the ocean. Waves, a few seagulls, some long-haired hippie-looking dudes tackling the current with brightly colored surfboards. “You’re checking out the surfers, aren’t you?” he says. “I guess they’re pretttttty hot. Do you go for that thing? Do you want me to grow my hair out even more?” He runs his fingers through his own hair, left untrimmed in the months it’s been since the world didn’t end and slowly on its way to resembling the incredibly unstylish mullet he had when his band was still together. Part of him wants to let it reach that stage just to see what Hermann would do. Cut it off in his sleep? Drag him by the collar of his shirt to a barber shop? Then again, it’s not like Hermann is Dr. Expert Grooming Choices either. He might actually like it.
“Oh, don’t even joke,” Hermann says, though his eyes do trail after the tanned, toned abs of one of the surfers in particular. Newt relieves Hermann of his tote bag, tucking it over his shoulder with his own and their umbrella bag, and takes his hand with a grin.
“I’ll sign up for lessons,” he says. “C’mon, I wanna set up the umbrella before it gets any hotter.”
He helps Hermann navigate down the uneven dune, and then, once he spreads one of their beach blankets out in a nice secluded spot a little bit further down from the surfers, helps Hermann down onto that. Very very secluded. Not because he’s afraid of eye-candy competition or anything like that (he knows he’d demolish anyone who posed a challenge, obviously), but because he doesn’t want to get conked over the head and drown or whatever if one of the surfers loses control of their board. (Plus, Hermann gets shy about PDA, and Newt saw him brush his teeth before they left, which means he might get lucky and score some makeouts.) Then comes the arduous task of putting up the umbrella. First he’s got to dig the hole—then he’s got to twist and twist the sand grabber until he can’t go any deeper—then he’s got to put in the second half of the pole— Hermann watches him with an amused, smug-adjacent smile while Newt sweats and grunts and curses, practically posing on the beach blanket in the shade of his outrageous sunhat.
Hermann's picked a truly bizarre outfit to wear today, one that screams wine mom on a cruise, a complete incongruence with everything else Newt knows about the man. The sunhat compliments a pair of flowy linen pants, a matching linen shirt-blouse-thing, and a pair of transition lenses, on a chain, almost identical to his regular glasses. He’s swapped his Oxfords (thank God for that) with a pair of orthopedic sandals. Not a swimsuit in sight. When Newt asked him about why the hell he owned the ensemble in the first place back when they were getting ready in the rental, he just shook his head at Newt, and said, slowly and solemnly, “Skin cancer is no laughing matter, Newton.”
It's really kind of tragic. Newt would never admit this to anyone, of course, but one of the reasons he picked the beach as their vacation destination was so he could catch a glimpse of a little luminously pale Gottliebian skin. See what Hermann’s hiding under all those layers. Hermann’s reluctance to satiate his curiosity is doing nothing to dispel Newt’s suspicions that the guy might secretly be a vampire, though at least his shyness extends beyond broad sunlight—he’s only let Newt see him without an undershirt twice when they've fooled around together. Those memories sustain Newt now like water for a man dying of thirst. “Almost done,” he grunts, patting sand in a small mound over the base of the umbrella. Hermann makes a face at him when he leaps to his feet.
“Ugh. Newton, you’re getting it everywhere,” he says, and brushes off what must be no more than two grains of sand from the corner of his blanket. “What a mess.” Newt suppresses the urge to level a kick at the sand and really give Hermann a mess to complain about—no beach make-outs for assholes, he reminds himself. He really wants some beach make-outs. Even if Hermann is being a little bit of a princess over everything.
“Sorry, babe,” he says instead, and, after he gets the umbrella lifted up, falls down to his knees to brush off the rest of the pretend grains from the blanket. Though still mourning the lost opportunity of ogling Hermann’s sexy skin, he contents himself with grazing a hand up Hermann’s linen-clad calf and enjoying the little shudder it produces in him. He flutters his eyelashes. “Is that better?”
Hermann smiles and pats his head. Newt flushes, just a little. Hermann's payback for the calf-stroke. “Well done, thank you, Newton. Now,” he digs around in his tote bag and pulls out a comically large bottle of sunblock, the SPF the type you would use on a toddler. (Yet another point for Hermann=vampire.) “Would you like me to put sunscreen on you?” He opens the bottle and squirts a little out into his hand. The noise is unbearably unsexy, like the dregs of a half-empty ketchup bottle, but Hermann’s eyelids are at half-mast as he looks at Newt and rubs the lotion slowly between his palms, and it makes Newt feel kinda warm and shivery. Well. Warmer. He's already pretty sweaty.
“Um. I brought spray-on stuff,” Newt says.
“I’ll be much more thorough than that,” Hermann says. Newt shucks off his loose floral button-down quickly.
Unfortunately, it turns out Hermann isn’t speaking euphemistically. Rather than the slow, sexy back massage Newt had been expecting, maybe with a few kisses or two (if Hermann was feeling it), he gets a shit-ton of cold sunblock slapped haphazardly across his skin by Hermann’s equally cold hands, while Hermann himself gets increasingly grumpy at him for ‘moving too much’. “Keep still,” he snaps. “You’re worse than a bloody toddler. Look, you made me get some on my shirt, you horrid creature."
“I want to swiiiiiim,” Newt whines, wriggling in Hermann’s cold, lotiony grasp. “Are you almost done?”
He shuts up when Hermann reaches a hand around his front and rubs at his abdomen. For a second, at least: it becomes clear (when Hermann squeezes the life out of the lotion bottle again) that he’s not doing it for sexy reasons, but to make sure Newt’s stomach is SPF ten millioned up too. “There,” Hermann finally declares, and wipes his hands off on his linen pants. He does squeeze Newt's waist in parting, though, which feels nice. “You ought to wait fifteen minutes before you go swimming. It needs to set."
“Fifteen minutes,” Newt says. He hums, mock-thoughtful, and glances back at Hermann with a little smile. “What can we do for fifteen minutes?”
“You can put some on me,” Hermann says brightly.
A dutiful fifteen minutes later, Newt trudges into the ocean. It's pretty freezing, actually, a little too much so to be wholly refreshing, and Newt finds himself fighting the current before he’s even made it in up to his knees. Shivering, he calls back to Hermann, “You’re missing out, dude!”
“I’m perfectly content here,” Hermann responds. He looks like some sort of diva-movie star spread out on his little beach blanket, floppy sunhat and linen clothing flapping in the breeze. He flips a page of a book. Light reading, he told Newt earlier while hiding the cover with his hand, which either means it’s something wildly boring (some sort of astrophysics textbook, probably something out of date, because Hermann gets a weird kick out of correcting errors in stuff like that with red pen) or wildly filthy (like the stack of romance novels with shredded shirtless dudes embracing on the cover Newt saw piled up on his nightstand when he busted into Hermann’s bunk to borrow toothpaste one time). The thought of Hermann doing light reading, of relaxing for once, is actually kind of cute. If it’s something dirty, Newt kind of wants to ask him to read some aloud to him later. 
“Enjoying the view?” Newt calls again to be annoying. He flexes one bicep, then poses with both flexed, like some sort of big bodybuilder dude. “I know I’m irr—”
He gets knocked over by a wave. He reacts in time to snatch up his glasses before they get washed away entirely, at least, but it’s little consolation to put them back on when he re-emerges through the sea foam (soaked, dripping, and with sand in various uncomfortable places) and realizes Hermann’s doing a shitty job of hiding a massive grin behind his book. (Which Newt thinks is a romance novel after all.) What a total bitch. 
The sun is hot and high overhead, and Newt jumps waves for a little bit before the skin on his face goes from pleasantly warm to unpleasantly tingly. He doesn’t burn very easily—not as much as Hermann—but he can feel Hermann’s concern that he hasn’t left the water to reapply sunblock yet prickling at the back of his brain. (Drift leftovers, man, why can't they get any of the good stuff.) He’s overdue to annoy Hermann again, anyway, and so he takes great pleasure in dragging himself out of the water and plopping down directly in front of Hermann on the blanket.
“Hi, babe,” he says.
Hermann lowers his book with a smile. “Look at you,” he says. “Scarcely an hour, and you’re already tan as anything." He reaches out and brushes a slender finger across Newt's nose, and Newt wrinkles it at the touch. "Your freckles are quite adorable.”
“Aw, thanks,” Newt says. “You look really hot, you know.”
“Oh?” Hermann says. His smile widens, and he preens a little, straightening his hat and lowering his transition lenses so that Newt can see the crinkling corners of his eyes. “Thank you.”
“Suuuuuper hot,” Newt says. “Too hot, actually. Let me help with that.”
“Oh?” Hermann says. “Oh. No, Newton, don’t! Don’t you dare—” He bats at Newt with his novel, but grinning and undeterred, Newt worms two wet and freezing hands under Hermann’s billowy shirt and leans in to give him a big kiss, soaking his clothing with seawater immediately. “Newton,” Hermann scolds against his mouth, but he returns the kiss and lets Newt push him down onto his back happily and without complaint. The novel drops to the blanket, where Newt promptly drips all over it too. He plucks Hermann’s glasses off entirely and tosses them aside.  
“Much better,” Newt says. Drip, drip. Hermann's hair is wet with seawater.
“You’re a wretched little man,” Hermann says, but he presses a hand to the small of Newt’s back.
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how i met your mother fanfic prompt challenge
because i rewatched the entire show in 2 months and i’m obsessed with applying these various concepts to ships i like (whether i agree with them or not). the idea is that your story could explore these theories and whether or not they ring true for the characters. 
i’m surprised i didn’t see a specific prompt meme like this yet, it’s been a decade since the show ended, haha! 
“have you met x?”: the surefire way to set someone up is to just casually introduce them to the person they’re into. 
“the olive theory”: one character loves something the other hates, and they find a balance. 
“lemon law”: if the date hasn’t gone anywhere after five minutes, maybe it’s time to call it off early. 
“nothing good happens after 2am”: the decisions you make after 2am will be the wrong ones.
“pause/unpause”: if you don’t want to have an argument right now, just “pause” it and come back to it later. 
“the ‘oh’ moment”: the more you know about a person, the more you risk learning about that surefire dealbreaker for your relationship. do you want to put off getting to know this, or do you want to know it as soon as possible?
“slap bet”: if you lose this bet, the other person has the right to slap you a certain amount of times at whatever time they choose. 
“freeway theory”: there are a number of “exits” you can choose to end a relationship after -- a few hours in, a few weeks in, a few months in, a year and a half, eighteen years, or just wait until you die. 
“stuff”: if your ex gave you a present, is it fair to hold onto it when you enter a new relationship?
“revertigo”: when you’re around people from your past, you begin acting like them. 
“hot/crazy scale”: your partner should be “hotter” than they are “crazy.” 
“the chain of screaming”: once someone with higher authority puts you down, it’s inevitable that you’re going to scream at someone "lesser” than you to get that tension out, and the chain will continue from there. 
“walk of shame”: the embarrassing act of going home after doing something embarrassing, usually a bad hookup. and god forbid your friends notice you on the way home...
“the platinum rule”: never hook up with somebody you see everyday, especially not a coworker. 
“not a father’s day”: celebrating not getting someone pregnant.
“the perfect week”: an attempt to have one new sex partner for each day of the week. could also be extended into “the perfect month” for 31 days if you wanna get risky. also definitely a sign of some personal issues going on.
“rabbit-duck theory”: re-evaluating something (or someone!) you love may turn it into something you hate... and vice versa. 
“reacher-settler theory”: in every relationship, there’s someone reaching way out of their league, and someone settling below their league. the question is, who’s who?
“new relationship smugness”: the honeymoon phase during the first few months of a relationship. when do you stop believing you’re a “perfect couple”?
“relationship chicken”: both of you are unhappy in this relationship, but neither wants to be the first one to admit it. 
“bait”: get something cool to entice prospective lovers to come over to your place -- just make sure it isn’t cooler than you. 
“the hook”: one character spends a lot of time being affectionate with the other, but keeps insisting they can’t be together “right now.” but is that true, or are they simply exploiting the other person’s attraction to them?
“baggage”: everyone has some hangups or trauma that might make it harder to have a relationship going forward. 
“graduation goggles”: when you try to separate from something you once couldn’t stand, you see it in a much more nostalgic light, and suddenly you can’t leave it behind. 
“gaps”: everybody has something they should know at their age, but do not (i.e. how to use tools, mispronouncing a certain word). 
“truth voice”: saying your true feelings in a sarcastic voice to make it sound like a lie.
“the blitz”: it seems that, whenever this one character leaves the room, amazing things happen, and they never get back in time to see them. 
“the hate rule”: if one person in the friend group hates someone, everyone else has to hate them too. 
“the mermaid theory”: reportedly, if a man spends enough time with a woman, he’ll become attracted to her no matter what. 
“desperation day”: the day before valentine’s day when everyone’s desperate to hook up.
“noretta”: everyone ends up dating someone like their parents. 
“early relationship chicken”: both people in the relationship agrees to do incredibly weird and dangerous activities, because they both want to look open-minded and cool. 
“pregnancy brain”: being pregnant makes your mental faculties and judgment a lot worse. 
“lobster theory”: you want something more if you’re told you can’t have it (i.e. a lobster allergy making you crave lobster, or being rejected making you like the other person more).
“dobler-dahmer theory”: a big romantic gesture can be endearing if the feelings are requited, but if they aren’t, you just look really creepy. 
“overcorrection”: dating someone who’s the complete opposite of your recent ex. 
“eight or higher”: if you’re new parents, you usually don’t have time to listen to your friends’ problems... unless they’re really serious.
“the international date line”: the thin line that distinguishes whether you’re on a romantic date or just hanging out as friends. 
“no questions asked”: if someone calls you in to do a weird favor, and they insist you don’t ask why you need it, they owe you the same courtesy when you need a weird favor. 
you can add whatever other prompts i might have missed, i also didn’t put these in perfect episode order lol sorry
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kingsmas-2022 · 2 years
What are the rules?
The usual. No inc*st or pa*dophilia. Be kind to others and don’t be a wanker. Simples. 
How does it work?
Do a Kingsman Christmas thing. Add it to the collection on ao3. Drop the link here and we’ll post it!
Do I have to do all of the days?
No. You can do as many or as few as you like.
Where do I sign up?
You don’t. This is a low key, no pressure event. Just do what you can.
It’s only September. 
I know but if Woolworths can start putting Christmas stuff out now then so can I. Also want to give people ample time to get themselves together.
Is there a minimum word count?
Can I combine days?
I’ve written a Christmas-themed Kingsman fic that doesn’t quite fit any of the prompts. Can I still add it to the collection?
Yes please!
I wrote a thing for day 16. Can I post it on the 15th?
Yeah go on. It’s just a guide really.
Why do some days have three prompts?
Cos I felt like it.
I wrote a Kingsman fic last Christmas. Can I add that to the collection?
Shit. It’s already January 2023 and I forgot to post my fic. Can I add it to the collection?
You sure can!
I don’t like the way you’ve gone about this. You should have done xyz instead.
Probably. I’ve never done anything like this before so please go easy on me. You’re more than welcome to make your own Kingsman Christmas prompt meme thing. Drop me the link and I’ll promote it here.
I have a Kingsman Christmas prompt that doesn’t quite fit any of the days. Can I send it in?
Yes please! 
Nobody picked up my prompt :(
I’m sorry. I asked Santa for a horse for Christmas 1991 and I didn’t get one. In the words of the great English poet Mick Jagger, ‘you can’t always get what you want.’
What ships can I write for?
Any and all ships are welcome! I only tagged what I think are the most popular ships as a way of getting people’s attention. So long as there’s no inc*st or pa*dophilia then have at it!
Crossovers okay?
Why can’t I post my fic to the collection?
It won’t be open until 1st December, Down Under time (GMT+8).
Still got questions?
Ask box is open!
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faroreswinds · 2 years
A few Thoughts™ from chinese side of fandom (granted i’m not saying it’s all of it):
Everyone hated claude’s arc everywhere. They’re baffled by how insignificant shahid turned out to be and there are lots of jokes of “this is like a good tv series that turned to crap after they killed its villain too early and don’t know what to do so they just brainstorm ways to jump the shark”
Many people loved azure gleam’s story but are really sad that sensei isn’t around to share that story with the lions
Well they loved the “becoming a king” side of azure gleam but are absolutely taking the piss out of its ending
Soooo many “WHERE IS SENSEI” comments
A prominent chinese fanartist posted their disappointment and then deleted it but haven’t posted anything at all afterwards. It’s been like three days and more casual fans/fans who haven’t played and aren’t spoiled are taking this as the bad sign it is
NTR memes
Memes saying “wow i found the sequel guys it looks so cool!!!” and it’s mocking screenshots of feh
Everyone extremely pissed that sensei’s biggest appearance out of the incredibly crap arval rivalry plot thread is that apparently claude recruits them independently on scarlet blaze, and byleth catching on to edelgard’s bad intentions means they tip claude off and it’s what prompts him to backstab the kingdom army at aillel. Both then die after that chapter
Shez is fine. They’re just fine.
Arval is not.
They don’t like monica and find her simpering annoying and unpleasant, like the stereotype of the scheming court advisor who constantly kisses the emperor’s ass (and hubert is RIGHT there lol)
A lot of players, even more casual ones, are unnerved and feel like the game is mocking them for liking three houses (they cite leonie/jeralt/byleth’s paralogue, jeralt/byleth’s a support, sylvain’s retcon, miklan’s inclusion which pissed off soooo many people, azure gleam having a happier story for the lions compared to azure moon, the characters who can die if jeralt is killed, and how the game still doesn’t answer questions about the agarthans. Also that hubert and leonie are quite nice to shez but were/are hostile to byleth, byleth and jeralt dying)
I can’t find the comment but someone wrote like “i kinda feel like i paid a dealer to get me good drugs and this mfer had the audacity to take my money and spit in my eye”
Chinese fandom is also way more unrestrained than japanese fandom and insanely toxic in many regards. I’ve already seen a lot of comments saying they want to lynch the developers and other really extreme sentiments
Thanks for sharing, anon! I'm always curious about what other countries have to say about Foldan and the games!
Everyone hated claude’s arc everywhere. They’re baffled by how insignificant shahid turned out to be and there are lots of jokes of “this is like a good tv series that turned to crap after they killed its villain too early and don’t know what to do so they just brainstorm ways to jump the shark”
That's what it seems like to me. They wanted Claude to be part of Foldan's war but also wanted him to have an Almyran thing. They really should have just gone all in on the Almyra part, and only brush upon the Foldan war part.
Many people loved azure gleam’s story but are really sad that sensei isn’t around to share that story with the lions Soooo many “WHERE IS SENSEI” comments NTR memes Memes saying “wow i found the sequel guys it looks so cool!!!” and it’s mocking screenshots of feh Everyone extremely pissed that sensei’s biggest appearance out of the incredibly crap arval rivalry plot thread is that apparently claude recruits them independently on scarlet blaze, and byleth catching on to edelgard’s bad intentions means they tip claude off and it’s what prompts him to backstab the kingdom army at aillel. Both then die after that chapter
I can understand their sentiment, even though I personally feel no love loss overall. Kinda funny, though.
Although I do agree that Byleth's role in the end... was disappointing here. Especially since their appearances on a map are honestly kinda hype, with the music and the dread.
Well they loved the “becoming a king” side of azure gleam but are absolutely taking the piss out of its ending
What in particular are they unhappy about? That it doesn't really "end" or that Edelgard is... you know...?
A prominent chinese fanartist posted their disappointment and then deleted it but haven’t posted anything at all afterwards. It’s been like three days and more casual fans/fans who haven’t played and aren’t spoiled are taking this as the bad sign it is
I'm not sure I am following. Are you saying that because a super fan who is well known hasn't said much, that other fans are taking it as a bad sign
Shez is fine. They’re just fine Arval is not.
These are mostly my sentiments, although I've grown to like Arval. Just a little bit. Maybe I will like him more as time goes on. Or less.
But Shez is just "ok."
They don’t like monica and find her simpering annoying and unpleasant, like the stereotype of the scheming court advisor who constantly kisses the emperor’s ass (and hubert is RIGHT there lol)
I really don't see much love for Monica anywhere except like... on Reddit or twitter. And I agree with them. She is annoying, and unpleasant. I liked her better when she was dead.
I don't know how anyone could have thought Kroyna was acting out of character in Houses. She was practically perfect as Monica.
A lot of players, even more casual ones, are unnerved and feel like the game is mocking them for liking three houses (they cite leonie/jeralt/byleth’s paralogue, jeralt/byleth’s a support, sylvain’s retcon, miklan’s inclusion which pissed off soooo many people, azure gleam having a happier story for the lions compared to azure moon, the characters who can die if jeralt is killed, and how the game still doesn’t answer questions about the agarthans. Also that hubert and leonie are quite nice to shez but were/are hostile to byleth, byleth and jeralt dying)
Is... Sylvain a retcon? I haven't gotten that impression yet to be honest.
Hmmm. I can see why people might be complaining but... Well, some of these I'm not sure if I agree with. The Miklan thing is a little... off, yeah. But the game is supposed to not be the "best ending of all time" so characters dying isn't an issue.
But AG having a happier ending than AM I suppose I can understand... Still, an interesting point of view. I might agree more as I continue my gameplay.
I can’t find the comment but someone wrote like “i kinda feel like i paid a dealer to get me good drugs and this mfer had the audacity to take my money and spit in my eye”
Chinese fandom is also way more unrestrained than japanese fandom and insanely toxic in many regards. I’ve already seen a lot of comments saying they want to lynch the developers and other really extreme sentiments
Not surprised, really. But we shouldn't go after the devs. This is a solid game. It's the story that is eh.
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