#c!ranboo crit
cquackity · 2 years
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Stop this madness andcrawl back into your minecraftless hole you miserable wretch
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transbeeduo · 1 year
Every time I think about the “canon” C!Ranboo ending for too long, I get SO sad actually.
I know I should be happy that him and Michael survived and are together and stuff right? But for Ranboo, is it really “living”? Is it living to be isolated in an environment that you aren’t built for, that you aren’t accustomed to? To know that almost everyone you know and love is either dead, doesn’t remember you, or exists somewhere where you’ll never see them again? To live, knowing that those people could’ve been saved, just as they had, but the only reason he’s alive is because a god decided that they should live, forcing him into a life that he really didn’t have a choice in. And what about Michael, who will grow up never really knowing his other father? Ranboo and The Nether will be all he ever knows, there’s no way he’ll remember Tubbo or Snowchester.
I know CC!Ranboo was kind of backed into a corner with making a good ending, but I just wish it was a bit happier? I wish C!Ranboo could’ve had a happier ending, instead of being forced into a life that really seems miserable for him, if you really think about it.
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greenbeany · 7 months
Ok today I'm fully committing to being a Wilbu.rian and Love.njoyer because Rans fandom are seemingly all absolutely crazy wdym 'they have to start a wholeass charity to apologize'
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pusangkambing · 2 years
c!Ranboo's involvement made no sense????? Why was he there??? Like what was the point of that???? I genuinely dont understand
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awilddaydreamer · 1 year
I’m gonna be totally honest here, and maybe this is a hot take… but I’m actually really unsatisfied with the c!Ranboo ending. Specifically with how it was executed (a twitter thread). Like, I really don’t like it and I’ve been agonizing over it for the past few days, that that’s it. (To clarify, I mean the execution, not the contents. I like that c!Ranboo gets a soft happy ending)
The coolest part about c!Ranboo is being able to see in their mind, hear their monologues reflecting on their current situation, be able to pick apart their psychology. The most fun part of c!Ranboo is c!Ranboo. And I love the idea of the ending; c!Ranboo gets to live peacefully in the Nether with his son, and also he’s made of love. But it doesn’t feel earned. We don’t get to see him figure out his Enderwalk or come to terms with never figuring it out and realizing that’s ok. We don’t actually get to see them make the choice to save Michael. We don’t get to see them learn about their lineage, where they came from, what their other half was, or the many many many more mysteries that were being built up for c!Ranboo to solve. We don’t get to hear their thoughts on Sam putting them in prison and subsequently killing them, nor their reflection on their time in limbo. Nothing
I know we’re gonna be getting revelations through twitter threads via the Z account but it all just feels so… unsatisfactory. It doesn’t feel like closure. Through this entire story we’ve been watching c!Ranboo desperately try to piece together the puzzle that is their life, and we never get the satisfaction of seeing them finally put it together or put the puzzle pieces down and realize they can be happy without completing it.
I dunno.. I just feel like, since the thing that makes c!Ranboo’s story so interesting is seeing their story through their eyes, if the thread was written as if it was entries in c!Ranboo’s book after-the-fact reflecting on everything that happened, I’d be ok with that. Because at least then we’d get to see some of c!Ranboo’s thoughts on everything. But instead we got narration via a third-party character. There’s this disconnect that never was present before in c!Ranboo’s story.
Am I the only one who feels like this? It just feels so… bleh, after this journey we’ve gone through with c!Ranboo, we don’t even get to see what they think about everything.
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
*sighs* *cries a whole bunch because am in physical agony over what I am about to write*
nooooooooo. no, they are nooooooot. They're not and it makes me so ssaaaaad.
Their relationship is built on a shaky foundation of unintentionally using one another as a distraction for their issues. They've repeated exhibited a lack of respect for each other's boundaries, whether it be Ranboo's constant speaking for Tubbo when he's not around to give input, or Tubbo actively going against Ranboo's wishes and going behind his back to make decisions without his husband's consultation.
this has been an issue in their relationship from the start.
it began with cranboo not urging tubbo about tommy in NLM.
and now ctubbo has murdered someone over a house he doesn't live in anymore even though his husband's ghost is perfect fine with it.
they're unhealthy. their borderline or just straight up toxic. it makes me sad. it's not a good relationship. 2 teen boys cannot raise a child when they cannot even care for themselves. I'm so sad over it :(
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snailsnfriends · 2 years
dream smp lore discourse ask game!
originally created by oraclemilf!! I thought it would be fun to make another one.
♻️ - is c!dream redeemable?
�� - was c!niki joining the syndicate a good choice?
🎱 - is c!ranboo a mary sue?
💿 - should ccs take fan opinions into account when writing lore?
👑 - was c!wilbur a good leader?
🪓 - was c!dream going to war with l'manberg justified?
🧭 - was c!wilbur right in allowing c!tubbo and c!tommy to fight for l'manberg?
♟️ - was c!wilbur a dictator for trying to rig the vote?
🚫 - is lore crit good and fun?
🐏 - was c!schlatt a good president?
🩹 - should c!niki and c!wilbur beat the shit out of each other?
✂️ - if you could remove one character, who would you remove and why?
💤 - is c!george still friends with c!dream?
✏️ - what character's stories should've ended a while ago and why?
🚀 - which characters should wrap up their story soon?
👻 - should c!schlatt be revived?
💥 - should c!niki apologize to c!clingyduo?
🎭 - does c!tommy deserve an apology from c!jack and vice versa?
🗡️ - did c!phil deserve an apology from c!wilbur?
🐄 - will c!tommy ever apologize to c!wilbur?
🪦 - are certain characters functionally dead?
🐍 - is c!sam a sympathetic character?
🎀 - can c!tommy have a happy ending with c!dream alive?
🥇- was c!tubbo a good president?
❤️ - was c!tommy losing his final life a good story choice?
please don't kill each other. be normal.
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doodlebloo · 2 years
(Layout Credit)
The Dream SMP is a COLLABORATIVE ROLEPLAY STORY. I still enjoy many parts of the COLLABORATIVE story that OTHER PEOPLE wrote and acted out, which is perfectly achievable without supporting whatever Dream or Wilbur's current projects are. I care about the story that many other streamers who did nothing wrong poured their hearts into!!!
You are under 13 (I AM AN ADULT (21) so if you're a minor and that makes you uncomfortable feel free to block me! I will not take it personally at all, keep yourself safe!)
c!Dream apologists/You think c!Tommy "deserved" exile in any way
You read/write RPF (stories about the actual streamers and not their characters)
You are uncomfortable with /A c!beeduo
Any and all truthers, ''crit" bloggers, or whatever else. (Basically if you try and piece together streamers' personal lives/info from "clues" found on their socials)
Lastly, blanket statement: Transphobes, Exclusionists, Anti-Neopronouns DNI.
PSA: I am a Tubbling first and foremost. I also like Ranboo. Neither have to be your favorite but DNI if you genuinely despise either of them.
New ppl from Twitter read this immediately
=== Bloo = She/Her = 20 = Lesbian ===
Hello! I am doodlebloo. I've been here in the dsmp fandom since 2020, and before that I was a fan of SMPLive, SMPEarth etc, so I've been around for a while.
I wrote fics like "And Then You Fell In Love?", "Married Life" and "Wedding Bells", and used to frequently liveblog and post meta.
I'm not as active as I used to be due to IRL craziness (NOT due to lack of interest!) but I have the theoretical intention to finish my fics and I still love talking abt the dsmp + Tubbo in general.
Feel free to send asks about anything you like, I love getting them! :] <3
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apple-but-sour · 2 years
To this day "c!Ranboo is a Mary Sue" is probably the strangest Dream SMP crit I've encountered
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cupcraft · 2 years
to add to the conversation about meta and critical analysis and stuff i just want to say that critical analysis isnt bad in general. Hear me out though keep scrolling if you dont want to read a long discoursey kinda post but its not neg for reference /srs.
NOT A VAGUEPOST! I am commenting solely on trends of things in the fandom since my experience being here since 2020 writing meta since january 2021.
many people (like me for example) enjoy writing analysis that is through a critical lens even though we enjoy the narrative and character. Some people enjoy writing through that lens and they dont like that character or narrative. some people dont like the narrative or character at all and it would be critical. i think at least in all my experiences in fandoms is a really normal part of fandom analysis and enjoying a story and is fine! if you maintag you for sure should tag your crit and stuff but in general i think this on the whole isnt bad. Gen really weird cc neg is bad, and theres some other nuance of course but thats not the main pt of my post, but i dont think thats the majority of critical analysis in any fandom including this one we are in here. I just want to stress that people engage in this fandom in various different ways as they do in all fandoms.
I think what is really stressful is the vagueing that goes on. and for the record i am not vagueing anyone specifically by saying that and none of my mutual or people i follow or anyone at all, once again i am commenting on trends ive seen /srs! Like meta has become really difficult in my experience in fear of the neg that comes along with it or the thought that people "hate the dream smp/the content" or "hate cc's" etc because of it or even "cc's dont do lore because of posts like this". And i think that's something that needs to be addressed and talked about because it's something that we're all aware of existing and its definitely been a source of contention i think...
I think reblogging someones meta directly to discuss or add your own points (i always include a pls add on personally!) and or sending that person an ask if theyre willing to is also fine. I also think being inspired by meta to write your own points is quite fine too, those are all really enjoyable parts of fandom analysis.
and to use a personal example i know a lot of people who dont like c!ranboo or his narratives and after the ghostboo caimsey stream i remember there being a lot of discourse. I personally dont block crit analysis or anything bc i usually like to read it regardless, but i remember having a vastly different view of that stream and the narratives! So what i did was make meta about the lore from my perspective without vagueing anyone or have ties to what i read. I just was like "i really liked xyz and heres why" kinda posts. Its also crit analysis and all sorts of meta in general that have helped me change my views of characters or explore new narratives because of the different views i see about it.
What i'm trying to say is that like i think we can exist in a world where fandom crit and meta and noncrit meta and silly hcs and etc. can be enjoyable and cohesive together though i do realize there is some nuance to what i'm saying and this doesn't really handle all circumstances within this discussion.
And maybe youre a person who crit analysis stresses them out and it ruins your fandom experience. I think this is very valid but i think in fandom spaces we need to find ways to curate our own experiences. i'll admit some lore discourse has stressed me out too but i generally dont engage with it or i start ask games or hc games or i write unrelated meta or things just to avoid it. I dont have a lot of solutions for this other than: tag discourse and crit in maintagged posts, ask people you are mutuals with or follow if they can tag something (though there is no guarantee someone will and thats a okay!! you may need to block this person or their personalized blog tags for lore analysis), and or do what i do and write meta about how you did love a stream and why and start new discussions. Though i'm not sure of any other solutions off the top of my head, so i'm happy to hear more solutions.
The reason i'm writing this post is because of the crit analysis = you hate a cc and you just hate the narratives and you dont love the dsmp at all and you hold them at too high a standard etc etc etc kinda mindset i've seen since like late 2021. Because i don't hate cc's or the narratives. if i did i wouldn't be in this fandom, i woudn't write meta or engage with the content at all. and the vagueposting that i've seen is very discouraging to see at the very least especially as i've noticed how things have evolved since 2020 fandom.
I'm not sure if this is a good post, or if it adds to the discussion well. Tbh im afraid this will start discourse in itself which isnt really the point (though i tagged it that way for blacklisting...). This post is intended to help our fandom space be more cohesive to allow people the space to take narratives where they want (with nuance of course!) and for people to curate their fandom experience how they want too.
So as i always do with meta please add on, please send me asks about this. Reply. correct me even!! though i have turned off rbs because im kinda nervous for such a large discoursey style post being rb-ed around. All i ask is just dont vague me or sc this...like my anons are on i'm happy to discuss this and vagueing stresses me out which should be obvious from me writing this whole post.
because i want us to have a healthy fandom experience if we can and I see how stressed out its made me and many people on dsmp.blr during lore discourse days/analysis moments/etc.
let me know your thoughts <3!
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sadghostdyke · 2 years
ok intro post time
hi! you can call me alary, tommy, or al! i'm a c!tommy (and c!tubbo) kinnie, and this is my blog :) i use he/him, fae/faer, they/them, spark/sparks, fox/foxes, sun/suns, sword/swords, or ve/vir pronouns. any of them are fine! i'm a transmasc nonbinary butch lesbian (i have specific little microlabels i like that i may mention as well lmao). i'm 21 yrs old!
c!dream apologist people probably won't like it here. i don't tag crit posts, and i tend to be critical of doomsday trio. my favorite characters are wilbur, tommy, tubbo, quackity, ranboo, niki, and jack, and my favorite streamers/ccs are technoblade, tommy, quackity, ranboo, tubbo, aimsey, foolish, sneeg, and phil. i'm a fan of pretty much all duos concerning the above, and i interpret c!beeduo as romantic.
my ao3 is here! i'd really appreciate it if people read my fics :) my main tumblr, from which i follow, is @vriskadyke​
DNI: truthers, under thirteen, irl shippers, weirdos, WILBUR OR DREAM FANS (or people who are "neutral" on the allegations) or you speculate about cc's friendships or drama behind the scenes. 
i tag posts with #character, occasionally a duo or ship name (clingyduo, beeduo, crimeboys, etc), and, if it's about fandom content, the fandom. (ie, #osmp or #dsmp). my personal posts tend to be tagged #fae.txt.
:) thanks for reading :) 
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cquackity · 2 years
every time I think what we could have had with ctnt duo I just grit my teeth n have to walk for a bit. like it would have been a call back to c!quackity n c!tommy being the people who were able ti talk c!wilbur out of blowing up l’manberg (temporarily but whatever). instead we get c!ranboo in c!Quackity’s lore like ye cranboo is great but he basically has zero connection with cquackity.
my jaw is clenched so fucking hard over this lol. but yeah. i do think cq and cranboo had some interesting bits with the outpost disagreement, and in general its a dynamic i dont find to be total dogshit (and enjoy expanding on between latenightmining and casinoroyale, ferns an amazing roleplayer) but for canon it just doesnt make sense to me to have cranboo there for the finale. especially if ctubbo isnt there. especially if ctommy isnt there. hes just not important to las nevadas!
and imo thats by the ccs own writing choices, im genuinely surprised theyre letting him take part after the ho16 and prison stream multi cranboo timeline death fiascos. well and i'd love to know how did ranboo got time to do lore with quackity when wilbur was completely ignored lol. man how the hell did cranboo take priority. like you said, there are just far more important dynamics cquackity has. at this point my biggest nightmare is that the lore is going to turn into the cranboo show. a lot like the prison stream did. and never should have.
to clarify i don't hate ccranboo. at all. that'd be weirdchamp especially over minecraft roleplay if all things. but i do disagree with the direction his character has gone and how it's impacted the people he's been directly involved with. like wilbur. and i also have a lot of faith in ccquackity as a storyteller! im sure the stream will have a lot of good
honestly i've been really disappointed though with the direction the dsmp as a whole has gone as of late. i'm really not someone who's hard to please with the stories i enjoy. i'm really not someone who's often this critical of lore. but it's all felt so fucking rushed recently. i'm disappointed wilbur couldn't have waited a few days for quackity. i'm disappointed they're rushing themselves under this non-existent time constraint that nobody wants. i'm just disappointed. not everyone feels the same as me, but if i had to choose between waiting until the end of the year for cwilbur's conclusion and having it be NOT rushed and complete vs what we got. i would've happily waited.
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sajdd · 2 years
"they revived the guy who blew up a country before me"
1. who is "they". the only person that can revive is cdream and he did revival just to mess with ctommy. he was broken out of prison and doing god knows what away from everyone else, occassionally reappearing to torment ctommy
2. you seem quite eager to criticise cwilbur for blowing up a country as if you didnt go and live with the people who blew lmanberg down to bedrock
3. "our country" youve tried to imply lmanberg wasnt a good idea/place before, also pointing to my previous point, whats with the sudden lmanberg loyalty?
4. you literally were telling everyone how much you loved being dead before dissapearing for ages.
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astroninaaa · 3 years
people forget c!ranboo has free will. “c!wilbur made him set off the tnt and go against his morals” c!ranboo isn’t a mindless thing— he has free will. c!wilbur wasn’t pointing a crossbow at him for him to do it, wasn’t threatening c!ranboo or anything he loves. i get that c!wilbur has been manipulative before but c!ranboo has free will and did that on his own accord. “oh he wants to be in good terms with c!wilbur tho” okay? that’s still a choice that he’s making? he could just as easily decide he wants nothing to do with c!wilbur and leave it at that? i don’t even understand why this is a point of discussion why are people talking about that situation as if c!wilbur put a gun to his temple and forced him to set off the tnt—
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mourninglamby · 2 years
Ill be the one to say it. I don’t like Ranboo’s lore. It feels too much like a “My dnd character has a 500 page backstory, PLEASE ask me about my character’s backstory”
When, generally speaking, the DSMP is a lot more “yeah who cares about what my character was doing before they joined the server”
Basically it feels way too “personal” and not like its meant to include others
i actually disagree a lil bit :0 i think the communication issue in dsmp stretches throughout the entire server and not just ranboo, and he himself has expressed his irritation at not being able to do things because of a lack of planning/people just not getting back to him on shit. ranboos lore is definitely most interesting when it involves other people but thats also just how stories work.
i do think his current writing with ghostboo is annoying tho and im trying really really hard to trust him but as someone who got into dsmp thru one of my bestiepoos talking abt his character, it is a little discouraging to see how his story has just fizzled out recently into a plethora of plotholes, inconsistencies, and full on retcons. this is something im aware ranboo The Dude has also been upset about so im not gonna go into that.
that being said tho... ranboo The Dude hasnt really expressed any need to do lore which is where i get confused because he'll say something alluding to wanting to write and then taunt people for thinking critically about a story with very fragile themes that demand more careful examination. ranboos character used to be one of my favorites because of this and he was on his way to becoming one of my faves again after the burger van lore shit started, but then he fucking murdercores his stupid oc WITHOUT EVEN... LETTING WILBUR KNOW... so now two of my fave characters are seemingly at a narrative impasse and its making me rip my fucking hair out.
i still love c!ranboo. the version that exists in my head. the shit with dream and honestly his work with karl on tales is what made him so fucking cool to me. but lately ... idk. you all know my thoughts on ghostbur, and there isnt even a metaphor with this ghost that could possibly be squandered in exchange for cheap fandom woobification bait. so lets just say im a little. scared. for how hes gonna take this new development and somehow tie it back into the main story, and his characters arc.
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ilajue · 3 years
Bro someone needs to tell cranboo that trauma and past experiences can be explanations for peoples actions but in extreme cases should not be accepted as excuses.
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