#by past experience I mean tubbo as l’manburg president
fr-likes-chocolate · 9 months
Cellbit, Cellbit, Cellbit, come down
Won't you get up off, get up off the roof?
You're scaring us and all of us, some of us love you
Cellbit, it's not much but there's proof
You crazy-assed cosmonaut, remember your virtue
Redemption lies plainly in truth
Just humor us, Cellbit, Cellbit, come down
Won't you get up off, get up off the roof?
Cellbit, Cellbit, Cellbit, come down
Won't you get up off, get up off the roof?
The self is not so weightless, nor whole and unbroken
Remember the pact of our youth
Where you go, I'm going, so jump and I'm jumping
Since there is no me without you
Soldier on, Cellbit, Cellbit, come down
Won't you get up off, get up off the roof?
Loathe the way they light candles in Rome
But love the sweet air of the votives
Hurt and grieve but don't suffer alone
Engage with the pain as a motive
Today, of all days, see
How the most dangerous thing is to love
How you will heal and you'll rise above
Forever, Forever, Forever, jump now
You are absent of cause or excuse
So self-indulgent and self-referential
No audience could ever want you
You crave the applause yet hate the attention
Then miss it, your act is a ruse
It is empty, Forever, so end it all now
It's a pointless resistance for you
Forever, Forever, just put down the bottle
Don't listen to what you've consumed
It's chaos, confusion and wholly unworthy
Of feeding and it's wholly untrue
You may feel no purpose nor a point for existing
It's all just conjecture and gloom
And there may not be meaning, so find one and seize it
Do not waste yourself on this roof
Hear those bells ring deep in the soul
Chiming away for a moment
Feel your breath course frankly below
And see life as a worthy opponent
Today, of all days, see
How the most dangerous thing is to love
How you will heal and you'll rise above
Crowned by an overture bold and beyond
Ah, it's more courageous to overcome
(Song: Achilles come down by gang of youths)
(In which Cellbit is comforted by his husband and others as he starts tear at the seams because of his double life
Tubbo meanwhile uses his past experiences to save Forever from himself)
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nervouspoetrycat · 3 years
I've been thinking a lot and I've decided to use this clip to provide evidence to the theory that Tubbo is spying on Quackity and Las Nevadas, and that Wilbur is aware of this. I also want to give my reasoning as to why Tubbo working for Quackity doesn't make much sense.
Wilbur looks at Quackity. Tubbo is looking at Wilbur. Q: (laughing) This is like, this is like L’Manburg all over again, isn’t it Tubbo? T: Yeah, I mean… Q: This is all a work in… this is all a work in progress, we’re makin, we’re making big things happen W: It’s giving me L’Manburg vibes. Q: (Mishearing him) Sorry? W: I said yes, I agree, it’s giving me L’Manburg vibes. Wilbur glances up at the camera, and moves to look directly at Tubbo, who is looking back. Q: (unintelligible) well, listen, all I’m gonna say, Wilbur, is.. You know. We’re doing our own thing, you’re doing your own thing, this is gonna be healthy competition. T: You know, may the best burgers win! As he says this, Tubbo nods at Wilbur. He then nods more fervently, multiple times, again in Wilbur’s direction. Wilbur smiles ever so slightly. Q: (Laughing) There you go! There you go! I agree with that. Yes!
First of all, Tubbo does not once break Wilbur’s gaze. He is staring him in the eyes here constantly. It’s a common thing to use eye contact to communicate a nonverbal, often secret, message with another person. Where Quackity is glancing away, Tubbo is staring Wilbur down.
Quackity brings up how himself and Tubbo once again working together reminds him of L’Manburg. Tubbo agrees with him, and after a second, Wilbur agrees, despite him being dead when Tubbo and Quackity worked alongside one another in L’Manburg. Clearly, Wilbur is thinking of a different time in L’Manburg than Quackity is. But which time period? Well.
We know from past experience that you can learn a lot and see a lot of the undertones of a situation by paying attention to Wilbur’s facecam. What does Wilbur do after stating that he is being reminded of L’Manburg? He shoots the camera a knowing glance and looks away from Quackity and to Tubbo, returning his gaze. Because yeah, this is exactly like L’Manburg. This is exactly like the time in L’Manburg (Manburg technically, though to Wilbur it was always L’manburg) when Tubbo was spying on Schlatt for Wilbur. Pretending to work against Wilbur.
At this point, Tubbo loudly states “May the best burgers win!”, though it's what he does after saying this that’s interesting. He nods in Wilbur’s direction. It’s another common thing in real life to gesture with your head, whether it's to indicate a place, person or thing. In this case, it seems like Tubbo is saying to Wilbur nonverbally “You will win” based on that gesture of his head. After that, Tubbo nods again at Wilbur, more fervently, and Wilbur smiles very slightly. It’s almost as though Tubbo is confirming some thoughts that may have formed in Wilbur’s head.
Basically, the way I interpret this clip is: Tubbo stares Wilbur down, as though trying to convey a message. Wilbur states that the situation has L’manburg vibes, definitely not meaning Tubbo's and Quackity’s time as President and VP, almost certainly being reminded of the time Tubbo spied for him. He glances at his facecam and looks to Tubbo, who then nonverbally confirms Wilbur’s suspicions of Tubbo once again taking up the mantle of spy.
Tubbo working for Quackity doesn’t make any sense
Tubbo is incredibly suspicious of Quackity and Las Nevadas, already enough of a motive to be a spy on its own, without Wilbur in the mix. Tubbo had previously even built the outpost for this exact reason; spying on Quackity.
Tubbo has shown himself to gravitate to what's familiar to him. He makes snowchester and becomes its leader because he rebuilt L’manburg and was its president. He was looking for a sense of purpose, familiarity and safety. He made the outpost because he had experience being a spy, and already had his suspicions of Quackity. Wouldn’t it make sense for him to once again take up the mantle of spy and go undercover in a place he is already very suspicious of?
Tubbo recently said he misses L’Manburg, and that without it he has no purpose (DSMP LORE) A Year Later https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1107218259?t=00h19m46s
L’Manburg is clearly directly tied to his sense of purpose. Now, he says he has a purpose again, and I don’t buy for a second that it's working in a fast food place. He has a purpose because he is once again fighting for something. He is once again a spy for Wilbur’s side, and even if L’manburg doesn’t exist anymore, Wilbur and Quackity said that this situation has “L’Manburg vibes”
Ranboo, one of Tubbo’s best friends, his husband, is on Wilbur’s side. I doubt Tubbo would be okay with working against Ranboo, working with the person who once proposed to execute Ranboo. His conversation with Ranboo in his own stream is very emotionally charged, and Tubbo basically fails to provide a reason for working against him. The logical conclusion is that Tubbo is not working against him, but can’t give reveal his true plan to protect Ranboo, protect himself and his position in Las Nevadas.
I’m sorry if this doesn’t make much sense, I’m mostly rambling. Basically, I don’t buy for one second that Tubbo is actually working for Quackity and against Wilbur and Ranboo. If you have anything to add, go ahead :D
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lucemferto · 3 years
WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT TECHNOBLADE (or A Narrative Analysis of the Dream SMP Doomsday Event) - Script
Heyo! Per request I am posting the script to my video of the same name here on tumblr. I must warn you that just reading the script will probably not give you the full experience, so I would encourage you to watch the video (linked above).
There might also still be a lot of grammatical errors in the text, because I don’t proofread.
Okay, so! I don’t want this to turn into a reaction channel OR a Dream SMP channel for that matter! I am planning on doing a big dumb, way too long analysis video on the Dream SMP which will – at my current pace – come out in five years. I am already way too late on this one.
Spoiler Alert for the Doomsday Event that took place on the 6th of January in the Dream SMP. Surely the worst thing to take place on the 6th of January 2021 … I’m sorry, what’s this about the Capitol?
In case you don’t watch the SMP and need context: The Dream SMP is a Minecraft Multiplayer Server, that, throughout the last year, has transformed from a normal Let’s Play to an ongoing new-media series streamed by multiple high-profile streamers such as Dream, TommyInnit or Technoblade. It comes complete with script – by which I mean loose bullet points – and story events. It has attracted a large fanbase specifically invested in the story and less so in the actual gameplay content. Like I said before, I will probably do a big video on the Dream SMP at some point in the future.
The storyline is long and complicated and trying to explain it all would take up the majority of the video and there are other channels who have already done a much better job than I could ever hope to do, so give them a watch. I’ll try to summarize all that is pertinent to what I will talk about in this video.
Okay, let’s speedrun this summary. Cue the music!
Major Players here are TommyInnit, a founder of the independent nation of L’Manburg, Technoblade, an anarchist who was deep in conflict with L’Manburg, Tubbo, Tommy’s best friend and current president of L’Manburg, and Dream, the ruler of the Kingdom of the Dream SMP (even though he is not the king, but we’re not going to get into that right now). Tommy had in the past been exiled by Tubbo for endangering L’Manburg’s shaky peace with the Dream SMP. Tommy had then teamed up with Technoblade, who was hellbent on destroying L’Manberg after some prior altercations – more on that later.
Tommy and Tubbo came into conflict during a festival set-up to celebrate the friendship between L’Manburg and the Dream SMP. After punching out their feelings, Tommy came to the realization that his friendship with Tubbo was more important than his vendetta against Dream and those who exiled him. Techno took that change of heart badly and teamed up with Dream to destroy L’Manburg … and that’s exactly what happened.
Techno and Dream, with little to no opposition, obliterated L’Manburg with no hope for recovery leaving its inhabitants stranded hopeless and alone.
… And that’s what you missed on Dream SMP!
Okay. So, usually I just put whatever thought slime drips out of my mouth hole into your subscription box. But then I asked myself: “Am I not taking this a largely improvised nonsense story from a bunch of 16–24-year-olds a little too seriously?”. And then I remembered. I’m a pretentious bitch. I made an 18-minute video explaining why the popular commentary YouTuber memeulous is secretly the time travelling Anti-Christ, REASON HAS NO SWAY OVER ME!
So, like the English Major drop-out that I am, I will present you with two theses, which I will then combine into one … supratheses! That word doesn’t exist, I just coined it, it’s mine! I am very smart!
[I know words, I have the best words!]
 Thesis #1: The Fandom focuses too much on Character Analysis in Favour of Narrative Analysis
The Dream SMP is truly something special. It is uniquely singular in how it tells a story of this scope through its chosen medium. While there is an overarching script that lays out the plot points of the future, each of the 30+ streamers on the SMP are their own cameraman, director, writer and actor. You cannot watch “the Dream SMP” – if you attempted that, you would be 80 by the time you caught up to the Doomsday Event. You have to choose whom to watch. You have to choose your focal point character.
Because by the way the story is told and consumed – aka in such a compartmentalized fashion; you watch one streamer and get one character’s perspective – it has sort-of unintentionally conditioned fans to look at the SMP and its characters less as one coherent story with messages and themes and more as sports teams they can root for. You’re Team Techno or Team Tubbo or Team Tommy or Team JackManifoldTV (formerly known as Thunder1408) and every other side is in the wrong! It’s like Twilight for a decade old children’s game about virtual Lego!
Okay, I’m exaggerating, but the amount of discourse perpetuated by and revolving around so-called “apologists” – a terrible term that unfortunately has caught on – is really not something that I think is good for how we interact with the story of the Dream SMP.
The Dream SMP is discussed a lot on character-based level, which is, like I said before, hugely advantaged by the way the story is consumed by its audience. With traditional, visual media such as film for example, the audience can be made more aware of what messages the narrative might try to communicate on a narrative level without the need for an explicit narrator to tell you the moral.
As an example, in a movie you could have a smash-cut from the Butcher Army’s discussions about neutralizing the danger Technoblade poses to Techno being nice around villagers or taking care of animals. This would communicate on an extradiegetic level, that the Butcher Army is in the wrong with their assumptions. Alternatively, you could contrast Techno’s declarations that power corrupts and that Tubbo’s administration is cruel with Tubbo choosing not to punish Ranboo for his association with Techno – thus the narrative would communicate that Techno’s view of Tubbo and by extension the government is one-sided and not true to reality.
Stuff like that helps the viewer understanding a story holistically and manages to communicate stuff like themes and morals without having to solely rely on in-character logic and argumentation, which, as Ghostbur put it so eloquently, is comprised of a bunch of unreliable narrators.
Character analysis is great if we want dive deep, if we really want to give a character flavour and understand their motivations. It helps make the universe feel like it is alive, like it’s real. But – and this might be a shocker for you – it’s not real. It’s written. It is construction – and as such, in its construction, it has messages and themes and morals, intentionally or unintentionally.
By being so focused on specific characters and their individual journeys, viewpoints and motivation we really run the risk of not looking at the bigger picture and fail to see what the overarching narrative is actually communicating. And we may also fail to understand how characters might or might not fit into the overarching narrative.
Speaking of which …
 Thesis #2: Technoblade experiences very little Meaningfultm Thematic Conflict
Okay, let’s talk about Technoblade. I’m sure I’m not going to get any hate for this one.
I want to preface by saying that I don’t watch Technoblade’s streams; I catch up though clip channels and summaries. I’m mainly watching Tommy, Tubbo and Quackity – which is honestly already more than I can handle – but I want to be clear that while I’ll try to be as even-handed as possible – like I explained previously – the way I consumed the storylines will undoubtedly leave me with some bias.
Also, needless to say, I’m talking about the character Technoblade, not the actual content creator, unless I specifically say so. That should be obvious.
Now, I’m not doing a Technoblade character analysis, because that would be hypocritical of me – seeing how I just bitched about the overwhelming amounts of character analyses in the fandom – but I’ll try my best to summarize what is necessary.
Technoblade’s interesting in that he is a very static character – at least inwardly – he doesn’t change much. He is very steadfast in his beliefs and ideals and has very little introspection. He doesn’t question himself; he doesn’t waver, he is never in a bind about whether what he’s doing is right or wrong. He is very much a parallel to early TommyInnit – who, of course, famously said “I’m always in the right”.
And I want to emphasize that I mean this in no way as a critique of Techno’s character. A static character provides a nice contrast to more dynamic characters and can balance them out. It can also be utilised by the writing as a character flaw – which is what I hope content creator Techno is going for.
Like Techno doesn’t have a lot of empathy in the sense that he is particularly skilled at or interested in trying to see the viewpoints of others. There is never an attempt to reconcile, for example, the goal of the Pogtopians to reclaim L’Manberg and install another administration with his desire for an anarchist society. This is also compounded with his overreliance on violence as the only tactic for conflict resolution – Techno has a whole thesis statement about violence being the only universal language. I’m sure you’ve heard the quote.
And lastly, what really drives this all over the edge, is his all-or-nothing approach when dealing with the enemy – he is not so much eye for an eye as he is – to use another biblical example – you make fun of me for being bald and I’ll sic two bears on you that maul and kill you and 41 other children.
There’s also the open and completely unacknowledged hypocrisy of a self-described anarchist working together with a man that installs and dethrones Kings with his every whim – someone who – and I cannot stress this enough – hits about every box when it comes to the definition of tyrant.
So, what I’m saying is that Technoblade is the Dream SMP equivalent of Dick Chenney. C’mon you know it’s true! He will bomb that freedom into your country whether you want him to or not. That’s some cogent political commentary in the year 2021.
Okay, so now that I’ve outlined his character, what kind of conflicts does Technoblade face. Well, it’s mostly physical or external. He fights a lot whether it’s against Quackity or Sapnap or bodying Karl Jacobs five times in a row. And – with the exception of maybe Sapnap – none of it is challenging. Technoblade is the best PvP-Player on the server – there really isn’t much tension to be had from a purely physical fight.
So, how are these fights supplemented emotionally. Well, internally there is not a lot going on. As I said before, Technoblade isn’t really an introspective character. Even during his shouting match with Tommy there’s not a sense that Technoblade is wavering or unsure of himself in the way that Tommy is. He exposits that one of the reasons, he acts like he does is that he feels dehumanized; that people only use him like a weapon and then discard or even try to neutralize him once he’s no longer useful.
But that is not something that Technoblade has to grapple with – it’s not conflict for him, it’s more conflict for Tommy. Technoblade is self-assured in that he’s a person and not a weapon – it’s almost like there was a character arc there, where Technoblade self-actualizes and breaks away from the people that want to use him. But we didn’t see any of it. Technoblade unleashes the withers; then he goes into retirement because he wants to be, I suppose, and then he returns to violence as a reaction to the Butcher Army. There is a story of vengeance here, but not any conflict about being used. There is never a point where we see Technoblade come to this realization or comes to assert himself.
In season 1 there’s never a push from Pogtopia where the narrative frames them as exploiting Technoblade. He fights with them of his own volition, he gives them weapons and armour of his own volition. Nobody pressured Techno into procuring their inventory for the fight. And in Season 2, he’s the one to approach Tommy about their potential partnership – he is in the position of power here, explicitly not Tommy.
Like, I’m sorry, if this ruffles some feathers, but I really don’t see this arc where Technoblade is being used. There’s a story of misunderstanding and maybe co-dependency – but not of dehumanization. This entire line of thought seems to solely reference that moment, where Tommy says to Sapnap “I have the blade” during one of their wars – which, to base an entire emotional arc around that without any further set-up, is, and I’m sorry to say that, incredibly flimsy.
Okay, so we covered physical and emotional conflict? But what about conflict on the narrative level? Well, that leads me to my suprathesis …
 Suprathesis: The Narrative is Unclear on how it treats Technoblade … and that’s Not Good.
Here’s a Hot Take: The narrative of Season 1 treats Technoblade way less sympathetically than that of season 2.
Let me explain. The narrative of Season 1 revolves mostly around Wilbur and Tommy. The emotional fulcrum of the overall narrative is Wilbur’s rise and fall from Grace – and Tommy succeeding him as symbol of L’Manberg’s “special”-ness. Now I will talk about all that more in detail, when I talk about Season 1 of the Dream SMP. So, you’ll just have to go with me on this one for now.
Technoblade, by contrast, doesn’t really have much going on thematically in Season 1. He mostly exists as a sort-of utilitarian character – he is an accessory to make story beats happen. Like him executing Tubbo doesn’t open up any sort of thematic conflict involving him – on a character level it sets up antipathy between him and Tommy and it grants us some insight into how he operates with his violence speech – but on a larger-scale narrative level it really just shows how far Wilbur and Tommy have drifted apart in how they react to the event.
His biggest contribution is during the Season 1 finale, but even there he plays second fiddle to Wilbur. Not just because Wilbur does way more destruction with his explosion than Techno does with his Withers, but also because Wilbur had an emotional and thematic climax to his arc and by extension the entire storyline. Like Techno’s is a cool moment and very epic visual but in terms of thematic relevance, his Theseus-speech is really more set-up for Season 2.
And Season 1 is very unambiguous about L’Manberg being good and Tommy’s ideals ultimately being morally justified – I mean, they have a whole speech about it in the end and it was built-up throughout the entire Season – Techno is cast in a … less than sympathetic light. He is, if not a villain, then definitely an antagonist.
But with Season 2 the narrative is either uninterested in or not very clear on exploring Technoblade’s flaws.
Like ask yourselves: is Technoblade’s character ever consciously challenged by the narrative? Are his actions ultimately shown to not be in the right? Are his beliefs about government and power ever called into question? Are the negative consequences that his actions cause ever shown to be larger than the “good” he does?
I think what exemplifies this the most is how the Butcher Army event played out on December 16th. Now, during that event, the Butcher Army, which was comprised of Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy and Ranboo, managed to apprehend Technoblade, who at that point was living the quiet retirement life, and tried to have him publicly executed – without trial.
Now, smarter people than me have pointed out that the Butcher Army had a bevy of in-character reasons that can justify or explain their actions. And that’s definitely interesting, but as I said before, I want to get away from that and look into how the Butcher Army is treated on a narrative level. Because this is one of the few instances where the otherwise grey-loving Season 2 has some very clear narrative intent when it comes to morality.
The Butcher Army is very deliberately framed as almost cartoonishly corrupt and violent. They very forcefully investigate Philza, mock him and then put him under house arrest – and there’s just no remorse in the script even from normally sympathetic characters like Tubbo.
Compare and contrast with the Tommy-exile scene, which is also an act of moral ambiguity and is treated as such. And things get even worse once the Army arrives at Technoblade’s abode and attack him after he softly tells them that he has left that live behind him. They then proceed to take his horse hostage, mock him and execute him without fair trial – and I haven’t seen it but from live commentary I gathered that Techno really played up the whole softie-schtick before the Butcher Army arrived. I mean, before the big Technoblade vs Quackity fight, Quackity had whole villain monologue for Christ’s sake.
And even afterwards, the Butcher Army really plays up the corrupt angle with Tubbo proposing a festival as a guise to publicly execute someone. And again, I know that on an intradiegetic there’s nuances and it’s not really comparable to the Red Festival, but in combination with what the audience has seen up until that point and with how much it feeds into the already established themes of history repeating itself and becoming like your predecessors, it really does not paint a pretty picture of the Tubbo administration.
You can feel the heavy hand of the script on your shoulder, which is a feat seeing how – as discussed before – that’s not something that can be easily accomplished in this medium.
And that is what I mean when I say that Technoblade is not really challenged by the script and is in this case even emboldened by it. Because after this whole ordeal the thought of Technoblade taking revenge by destroying L’Manberg doesn’t seem like such an extreme response to the viewer – even though in my opinion, it is.
As of right now it is too early to say how the narrative will judge Technoblade’s actions in the future. Will they be framed as extreme but ultimately justified or perpetuating a cycle of ever-escalating vengeance? Will we ever see a government that’s not just at best misguided and at worst completely awful?
Ultimately, I believe and hope that Technoblade will be challenged by the narrative, mostly because a character that cannot, believably, be physically challenged, who doesn’t have any meaningful internal conflict about what he’s doing; and who does come out on the other side having everything he always believed in be proven completely in the right by the narrative, would be incredibly boring. Not just to watch but also to play as.
As it stands now, if the destruction Techno, Phil and Dream inflicted upon L’Manburg is framed as ultimately in the right, I would find it personally a distasteful message to send. I would ultimately say that the “correct” way to counter corruption in government is to completely obliterate the entire country. Like we’re not talking simply disbanding the government – that’s not what Doomsday was – we’re talking complete and utter annihilation. And that would be cynical and depressing. Like, call me a big softie, but even bothsidesing this argument would be bad.
Like, I’m not calling for Technoblade to be transformed into or treated a monster like Dream. But I personally feel like the narrative needs to acknowledge that the Doomsday was something that was taken way too far and that it ultimately brought more harm than good. And Technoblade needs to held accountable by someone who is not a cartoonishly corrupt government-official or who is in conflict with him anyway, like Tommy.
I thought Philza or Ranboo could do that but seeing how their storylines are progressing I don’t believe that will be the case. But who knows, maybe Captain Puffy will come through for us. We stan a Queen.
So, yeah, I made this entire video just to air out my grievances with how one-sided the mode of analysis is in the fandom, because no person actually involved with the production of Dream SMP will ever see this.
But after everything I am cautiously optimistic, that content creator Technoblade knows what he’s doing. He has talked in the past about how his character is a bad guy and he loves his Greek myths. After all what’s more Greek myth than hybris being rewarded with punishment? [Technoblade never dies] That bodes well for him.
Also, this isn’t the video I promised at the end of the last one!
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soren1830 · 3 years
okokok... so I was randomly thinking about DSMP motivations in the shower, as one does and came to this conclusion. I am still rambling in my own head about this so I apologize for abhorrently this will be written. This will be biased due to my own understanding of the characters. If I don’t write about someone, it is because I do not understand/know their character enough.
C!’s I talk about: Dream, Tommy, TechnoBlade, Ranboo, Wilbur, Tubbo, Fundy (a little)
List of attachment/driving force.
Dream ---- At first: friends/stability, Now: Control. Ok, hear me out. Why did the disk war start? Because one of Dream’s friends was griefed. His friend. Not him. And why was he so hard against Tommy at the beginning? He was breaking the rules.... against Dream’s friends’. Dream went after Tommy’s disks in order to RESTORE stability. To go back to the status quo!!!! And if Tommy had left it there, it would never had escalated!!! (Most likely.... at least not as quickly...) The problem is that Tommy kept going against the status quo, threatening the stability, so Dream realized that to keep the status quo, he would need to CONTROL Tommy. This began to grow until he became obsessed with it, to the point where Dream forgot his earlier goal, which led to his downfall as there was no one to stand with him. It started as a selfless/neutral goal, and became a wholly selfish one.
Tommy --- Primary: People,  Secondary: Possessions (namely disks). I think this is pretty obvious. Wars have been started over Tommy’s disks and cow (RIP Henry). Despite his obvious attachment to the disks in particular, as soon as his people are threatened (Tubbo several times, Wilbur/L’manburg during the revolution.) This is why exile was so damaging to Tommy. His possession are destroyed near daily, and he is separated from his friends, and believes that his friends had abandoned him. Exile was to Tommy as Loosing the election was to Wilbur. (see the Wilbur section for the explanation on that). Something interesting to see is that post exile, Tommy TRIES to make his possessions his primary, but fails in every way possible, abandoning Techno to stand with Tubbo instead.
Techno --- Primary: Ideology (freedom)  Secondary: People/pets (Is harmed by the primary). Again, this one is very clear. Techno has alright stated his motivations at several times, this is even clear in when he leaves people. He was loyal to Tommy until Tommy threatened his ideology. You may notice that I put freedom as his ideology, rather than anarchy. The major reason for this is Techno’s (aborted) retirement. As long as Techno was left alone, as long as he kept the freedom to do whatever he wanted. As soon as that was threatened, he dipped into anarchy once more in order to protect his ideology. Now with the syndicate, he is being proactive in his defense of his ideology. Something more interesting is that Techno seems to be inherently... selfless... I admit I never considered this until I started writing all of this, but all of Techno’s actions are driven by his ideology, or his attachment to people/pets. Pogtopia: Attachment to Wilbur and Tommy (either his brothers or his best friend’s sons), with the bonus of furthering his ideology. And that is right, ideology was a bonus at least in his joining the revolution. Even when he went against Tommy, it was to further his ideology, and he was still loyal to Wilbur. Butcher army arc: Techno was found/caught due to his attachment to Philza and his horse, Carl.  Doomsday: Fighting for his ideology, and revenge for Philza. I can not think of a selfish motivator for any of Techno’s major cannon actions. Note: when I say freedom, I most closely mean the Libertaian ideal. In it, people do whatever. As proved from his retirement, he wants the freedom side of Anarchy. He does not seek the chaos caused from it (although he may enjoy it.) Hmmm Theory: Techno’s ideology may stem from the voices in his head. We know he is susceptible to peer pressor, and the voices (chat) are a strong factor in his blood lust. However unconscious, his desire for freedom from those pressures may be the driving force for his wider ideology.
Ranboo --- Primary: People  Secondary: Ideology (freedom.)(feeds into the primary). Again, one that is outright said. What is most interesting is here is Ranboo’s parallels to Techno as well as his growing ideology. Ranboo’s ideology is not always clear as it is heavily shadowed by his primary motivation of people (which in and off itself is a form of ideology). Hints, even early on, that Ranboo had a strong ideology is that he was running for president before Doomsday. I am not very sure what this ideology is, but looking at his present desires, it likely centers around well, people. This is rather repetitive, but Ranboo’s ideology is freedom, like Techno, but more focused on people. I almost wonder how similar a younger, less pessimistic Techno would be to Ranboo. Both have a ideology based in freedom. The major difference between the two, is their trust in people. Ranboo is much more willing to blindly trust. While neither are optimists, Ranboo has shown much more willing to trust in forgive, particularly as shown by his continued attachment to the L’manburg crew after his accusation by those living in L’manburg. RANBOO TRUSTS OTHERS MORE THAN HIMSELF. TECHNO TRUSTS HIMSELF MORE THAN OTHERS. And based on their experiences in the DSMP, both are justified. Honestly may make another post just about the similarities between Ranboo and Techno.
Wilbur --- Concepts. (the IDEA of L’manburg) Wilbur loved the idea behind L’manburg, the reality of it did not matter. He was willing to allow his people to be hurt, sacrifice, even die in chase of the concept of his nation. This attachment to the idea behind the country is most strongly seen in the election arc and the Pogtopia rebellion. In Wilbur’s idea of L’manburg, he is the head of a democratic nation. Which is why he NEEDED to be elected. He didn’t give a shit about other candidates, because in his idea of L’manburg, there is only one option. I think Wilbur would have spiraled, at least a little, as long as he lost, but then he not only lost, he lost in the worst way possible. Shlatt won, then exiled him. This shattered Wilbur’s view of L’manburg, eventually leading him to destroy what he had fought to hard to protect. Wilbur told Philza that he had died a while ago, and this reflects his view of L’manburg. To him it died as soon as he lost the election.
Tubbo --- Primary: people   Secondary: groups. (He tries to make groups his primary motivation, but he generally fails to at least emotionally. He is always trying to do what he thinks he should do, rather than what he wants to. In that way he is one of the most responsible people on the server(at least on this list). Tubbo joined Tommy in the early arcs, because Tommy was his friend. Tubbo spied because he is supposed to help Pogtopia/Wilbur (it is his responsibility) and because his friend (Tommy) needs his help. After he became president, is where the shift begins. Tubbo now has a major amount of responsibility. He is a TEENAGER in charge of a COUNTRY that had just gotten out of civil war, and had, not only this country and friends’ biggest enemy (Dream) watching his move, he also had no idea what the other biggest danger in the SMP (Techno) is doing. Techno is such a big threat, to Tubbo AND the country. He proved that he is willing and capable of mass murder and distraction. He proved to be uncontrollably. He is Tubbo’s killer. From Tubbo’s point of view, the Butcher army is the most clear solution to send a message to both of L’Manburg’s biggest enemies. Taking Techno’s first cannon life would be a clear message to to everyone on the server that L’manburg is safe and not to be threatened. I can even see reflections of this in Snowchester, with Michael in particular. As I am not completely caught up with all of Tubbo’s newer lore, I am not going to delve to far into it.
Fundy --- Groups/Ideas. Fundy gets heavily attached to groups and the idea behind it. This feeds into, and is driven by his desire for acknowledgment. I really liked scrawls’ analysis of his character, and I see this feeding into it. This also reflects his father’s attachment. They are both more connected to ideas than the material world/people.
I have some ideas for others, they are just not fleshed out.
Categories (in no particular order)
Material attachments (people count):  Tommy, Techno (secondary), Ranboo , Tubbo
Ideological attachments: Wilbur, Techno, Fundy, Dream,  Ranboo (secondary)
Inherently selfish/selfless desire (something selfless can be done fore selfish reasons and vice versa)
Selfish: Dream (present), Wilbur, Fundy
Selfless: Techno, Ranboo, Tubbo, Tommy (while he can be selfish, his tendency to choose others make him on the selfless ranking.) Arguably: Dream (past)
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arcticrxt · 3 years
Some dream smp mbtis and enneagrams bc I love it!!!
@dreamsclock here it is!!
Under the cut bc they’re kinda long. Keep in mind this is the characters and not the content creators :]
Personally for me I’d type c!wilbur as ENFJ which is interesting for a villainous character. When he spirals into madness, you can see his dominant function (Fe) become more unhealthy, leading to him being very manipulative. He shows Ti-grip when his Fe is left to burn out, becoming critical of others and their methods, preferring he do it instead (seen with tommy during their exile). Ni auxiliary is shown in his ambition and drive for his goal of L’manburg.
For his enneagram, i know wilbur said he based c!wilbur off of the song eight by sleeping at last, but hear me out,,, I was thinking maybe a 3w4. The 8 characteristics could be seen in a tritype of 368. Type three is named the achiever which in itself stands for his vision and ambition of L’manburg. 3w4s are often working towards personal growth and professional success. When unhealthy, 3s can get extremely competitive and prone to one-upping others. May reject their sense of self and develop intense mood swings. At worst they can backstab ruthlessly (tommy and the whole of L’manburg and pogtopia) and destroy others reputations solely for their benefit (“if i can’t have this no one can”). The tritype Im a bit if-y on but I’ll say 368 because it focuses on working hard, achieving personal best and developing a winning image. They will want to protect others from those they perceive as a target (dream, Schlatt), they will warn and caution others and seek “worthy” authorities they can respect.
GHOSTBUR His Si is incredibly high so imma say ISFJ. His main motive (id say) is wanting to collect stories of his past and the history of the nation he built, his “unfinished symphony”. Fe auxiliary is very strong as well as he shows a lot of compassion to others, offering them some blue in times of need and also not wanting anyone to feel sadness like he feels it. Ghostbur ignores his own feelings in order for others to feel safe. His Ti is shown through his need for gathering knowledge to understand alivebur and i could also see it through his internalised logic that the blue will help people. Not sure on inferior Ne, maybe through not wanting to see other possibilities in regards to his resurrection, however he was under a lot of stress since his home just got blown up, and friend died, so I can’t blame him.
He clearly doesn’t want conflict so I’ll say type 9. Needs peace and harmony (he gives out blue to help people). Soothing voice, and collected (except when Phil blew up L’manburg but that’s reasonable). He’s complacent, and humble, and will go the extra mile so long as to not rock the boat. Appreciative of the small things in life and enjoy simple pleasures.
TOMMY For Tommy I think ESFP which is probably one of the ones I’m up for more opinions on bc I’m not completely sure of his type. Se as dominant as he thrives on living in the moment but in an unhealthy way (unnecessary conflicts) He’s got a strong Fi auxiliary and you can see that through his personal morals and the way he usually makes decisions based off of emotions rather than objective facts and logical reasoning. He’s good at planning, but not at thinking out the longevity of it. Eg when heady exile and found technos house and lived under there, thinking techno would find him, this all shows Se-Te loop. He gradually develops an unhealthy Fi which leads to him disregarding external relationships (his friendship with tubbo) and commitments to maintain his internal love of the discs.
Enneagram wise, I’m definitely leaning towards 7w6. 7s are usually jumping from one thing to another and are constantly getting bored. The wing 6 brings loyalty and protectiveness. When unhealthy, sevens become narcissistic in their actions and presentation (see his confrontation with tubbo after tubbo thought he was dead, and the “the discs are worth more than you ever were” granted he quickly realises what he said but the mentality was still there).
DREAM I think he’s a fairly obvious stereotype unhealthy ENTJ. He has a very low Fi. When we see him driven by emotion (usually anger) it’s terrifying and we have no context about it at all except that it’s for a need of control. He knows how to manipulate people through his charisma and power in an ENTJ fashion. He lost attachment to his things very quickly (using Te and Ni to go forward logically while also showcasing his inferior Fi)
Dream is a very painfully obvious 8, probably an 8w7, but he is defined an 8. The eight has fiery passions and is usually stubborn and headstrong, they are serious about control over their environment. They are goal-oriented and self-competent. Eights are direct and aren’t shy when taking the lead and making tough decisions. They are often seen in leadership positions. The eight type is part of the “body based” triad and they often act impulsively. They crave respect and enjoy being likes by the group. When unhealthy, eights can become tyrannical and intimidating, scaring off others at first glance. They become addicted to the pursuit of power and will destroy anything blocking their path. Feelings and emotions become insignificant (spirit :’)) challengers become stone-cold and take an antagonist stand to anyone who questions them or their motives. This is the one I’m most most sure of out of every typing I’ve done bc it seems painfully obvious.
TUBBO I’d say probably an Fe dom so maybe ENFJ/ESFP but I’m leaning more to the ENFJ side. Tubbo realised after he thought tommy had died that, without tommy he was himself. Something Fe doms struggle with the most is self worth and personal identity. They’re caught up in wanting to help others that they don’t tend to their own needs. He’s careless and self sacrificing when it comes to the needs of others (him giving up his life so that tommy could have the discs and be happy) and bc he has such low self esteem he doesn’t realise that that’s not what tommy wants. The reason I’m more leaning to ENFJ is because of his inferior Ti. Though he didn’t want to due to dominant Fe, he was lead to believe exiling tommy was the best possible solution. You can see he regrets it after tommy and dream had left. When he was working under schlatt we saw his remorse and guilt even though he knew it had to be done. We see his dominant Fe during his time as president when others push him to do things and he usually agrees. He was manipulated through guilt by dream which is very unhealthy ENFJ.
(I wrote this before the ghostbur one so sorry for any repetitive language) For enneagram, type nine: the peacemaker. Type 9s are motivated by their need for peace and harmony (tubbo was manipulated into believing that getting rid of tommy would achieve this). They have a calm demeanour and are agreeable. They’re hardworking, friendly, and modest but also more serious and diligent than expected. (I’m not too sure on his enneagram which is why this is so short)
QUACKITY Estj imo. Like dream, he’s unhealthily obsessed with power, (unhealthy dominant Te). He abandoned L’manburg because schlatt wouldn’t let him have any say, and he was shoved to the side, despite it being a coalition government. He is very logical and controls others. He makes sure he comes out as the hero and that his hands are clean, learning it from past experiences (Si). He quickly finds ways to get out of situations through the use of tertiary Ne. Doesnt show a lot of Fi and he usually underestimates his opponents abilities and/or strength due to his overconfidence. He’s willing to kill anyone who goes against what he thinks and is stubborn and argumentative. He doesn’t like it when people are lazy and don’t contribute.
Also, similarly to dream, I’d type his enneagram as 8w7. The same with his obsession of power, and his strong/weak mindset where he thinks the world is made up of protectors and those who need to be protected (see him taking it upon himself to execute technoblade for the better of L’manburg) which is all very textbook 8. The opinions of others don’t have much effect on him. Eights are concerned with justice, combating oppression, and protecting the weak. He takes the lead in making tough decisions (he’s the butcher army leader). He becomes more antagonist and villainous with his actions against technoblade, believing he’s in the right. (I didn’t want to just copy out what I said for dream so this is a shortened version)
KARL Torn between ENFP and ESFP but leaning toward ENFP. He’s time travelling because he believes it’s the right the to do which is more so Fi, but could be Fe wanting to help others at his personal cost. But also the Fi-Te pair keeps him going and he won’t stop until it’s fulfilled (which is pretty Te imo). He is creative and good with imagination and ideas (Ne) (at the masquerade, although it was a comical excuse, he came up with minecraft streamer quickly, he was also able to answer billiams questions pretty quickly).
Even though it’s now canon he doesn’t choose when and where he travels to, which would have been a stronger argument for a type seven, he’s still enthusiastic at the times he travels to. He’s optimistic (with the mentality everything will go right for him because he believes it has to, even though he’s loosing a lot of memories atm). He’s got childlike energy and curious eyes. He wants to bounce from one place to another, he created two towns already, although one technically no one knows about gogtopia except for the founders and tommy who travelled through it. He’s well like and popular, which is often a 7 trait. The type 7 is part of the “heart-based” triad, and we can see him act through this with the way he seeks excitement as a means to distract himself from the darker, and more painful things in life. He ignores his fears in favour of positive experiences. For a wing, probably a 7w6 in favour of 7w8, the same as tommy. He’s loyal and a strong leader over being tough and more career-driven. If he was to turn unhealthy in the future, we might see him loose his groundedness, and start to live in a perpetual fantasy instead of reality.
Sorry for any typos or bad grammar :]
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sokayisaidiot · 3 years
Dream SMP Assumption #4
Today’s topic: Fatal Flaws and the things with it
Please DO NOT read if you’re uncomfortable with the themes of death, depression and suicide. It’s a very complicated theme. I did NOT study it and do NOT know some aspects of it. I just go off the things I saw in the smp and made my own theories about it. If you’re even slightly triggered by this, please stop and do NOT try to read it. Please do NOT put yourself in some kind of uncomfortable zone. 
Please do not. Thank you
(This is all assumptioning from the fictional world of dream smp)
(Heavy spoilers on the resent events)
(Mainly around the lmanburg way, sadly need to learn more about badlands ): )
(This Series is created by another person, that’s just too fuckin lazy to move her butt)
Trigger warning today:
gray morals
Own thoughts 
Good and bad. Black and white. Typical Cliche, right? Well on the dream smp, theres a lot more. The person we watch is normally the side we are thinking is right, right? Well, actually yes and no. We see from many people their goal and respective ideals. So what actually is a good side on everybody? What are they doing wrong? But what does it show for us to understand?
Good things about him
He’s one of the most complicated characters. Many see him as the hero of the story and there not completely wrong. But Tommy’s fatal flaw is loyalty and recklessness. Why loyalty? When his life is on his line, he does not stand back, no he will throw himself at the front lines of a war, to protect the things he love. His family, friends, belongings. Thats great isn't it? 
The things he does wrong
But well, when he fights for those things, he leaves a mess others have to clean up many times. When you see the disaster with the railway war, the battle of the lake, burning Georges house accidentally. He is also stubborn, which comes with his loyalty but makes it for him worse to admit he’s doing something wrong.
What should we understand about that
Why is Tommy acting like this and right now not really on the way to be better? Well, Tommy isn't in a good place to get better. With his stubbornness and putting people and other things before himself, he didn't had time and now, with the manifesting of many negative traits he can't get himself really out. He needs people to help him. His father. Who left him, coming to him only once (in the lore). His older Brother. The one who betrayed him and blowing the thing up, which Tommy sacrificed a lot more than Wilbur and then died. His mento/brother figure, who is against the thing he wants to protect so bad. And with the people who manipulate him and the ones who don't think he needs help, he isn't in a place to get better or get some kind of good help. Being the youngest brings such heavy things down more and should actually explain, why Tommy has actually problems dealing with his problems, feelings and flaws.
Good things about him
Whats his fatal flaw? Its temptation to deliberate. For the time in Dream SMP, while being part of L’Manburg, Tubbo always relied on careful choices, compromises, and hearing both sides of a debate. He was able to take the decisions that Tommy couldn't make because of his stubbornness.
The things he does wrong
When he comes to make his own decisions, he makes them rather rash or out of emotions, which is shown when he exiled Tommy. The time he makes the decisions for a while, people don't listen to him. People turn around and forget about his ability to know how to make the right choices, and when he loses his temper once, it immediately backfires. He uses his emotions 
What we should know out of it
Its his fatal flaw that brings in the negativity. While being the choice of reason, he never chose what he wanted. He never knew where he wanted to belong. He followed the choices of the others and when he wanted to do his own decisions, he gets compared to past people with terrible acts. He is one of the youngest in the world of dream smp and he just gets used as a puppet for other peoples wanting. People see him for a young boy with no actual thought of what kind of experience he had gone trough. They expect and expect without knowing how broken they made a young person.
What he did good
His fatal flaw is hubris. Deadly pride. He will stand for his own side/arguments/meaning even if it kills him. And well, his pride in his son, brother, family, country and friends shows his his big heart and helpful hand, getting people out of trouble and being there for others.
What he did wrong
Hubris being is deadly flaw really is shown. The way he stood his way until its been fulfilled and then wanting to die with it, shows how he has fallen. He had his pride and part of stubbornness that let him think he could just host this elections without consequences. But those have been giant. His pride to admit he's wrong and there are others, who can lead a country good.
What we should know
Wilbur feeling neglected from Philza (presumably Philza doing more things with Techno as he grew older) left a hole for attention. He tries to find reasonable ways but with his own mental state not really helping, he tried his best to lead a nation. And hey, it worked (with the timeline in the lore, which I really try to figure out) it probably has been some years for him being president. Of course would people not listen to him, but what else could he do. There where just a freshly build country out of war. But then being exiled with his younger brother, who doesn't really knows his way of exile and causes some trouble with his stubbornness he's left to die by his fathers hands, only being a ghost of his former self.
What he did good
Fatal flaw? Instinctive inability to resist a challenge and wrath. Techno not really being able to resist a fight gave him probably his fighting knowledge and skills. It makes him a great rival and mentor. Its also nice to have something to charge for and being really dedicated to do it.
What he did wrong
Its seeable that he thinks that the destruction of L’Manburg is the only way to stop the bad things that has happened here. And the challenge they gave him to not destroy it. He gives in to the voices and closing himself in. He doesn't want a family for the way, that he doesn't want to betray someone close to him. Looking at Wilbur and Philza. Letting his anger control him to destroy the things he is against.
What we should know
The Voices are one of the problems. Screaming at him for blood or making fun of him for not being able to do something make hims even more wanting to achieve and becoming the best at it. He doesn't really like conversations and him closing in the people around him, not letting other people in and unable to control himself from his wrath, being the main factors that he needs help to fight against his anger and loneliness.
What he did good
The best take on Philza’s Fatal flaw is hubris. Why hubris again? Its the most common flaw of all of them. He shows pride of how Tommy is getting so far and is stubborn in a good way. Taking pride in how good skilled Techno is with everything. And by Wilbur being proud of his talents of making music and the way he has around other people.
What he did wrong
Taking too much pride in Techno and forgetting his other sons. He was shocked when he found out what happened to Tommy, even when it was a while ago. He only visited Tommy once (storewide) and not noticing the state of Tommy. Being around Ghostbur after he had killed Wilbur and trying to fix what had gone wrong in the past.
What we should know
Presumably Philza was thrown in a father state, without much knowledge on how being one. Constantly being surprised what the bois are doing, despite one of them being a teenager boy, he has to learn while having his sons (lore wise). Philza is also one to not be wishy washy with the children and is rather upfront with them. Which brings the problems for the children to know more the rough sides and being more stubborn. 
What did she good
Kindness is the thing that describes Niki the best. giving everybody a chance and believing hard and much. Its her fatal flaw and also best way to go around in the SMP. Giving other people more chances and showing the good in people. Making things easier around and helping others.
What she did wrong
The way kindness is getting wrong, is following and believing in the wrong people. Niki trusted, followed and believed Wilbur, only to realize much later, that Wilbur sunk deep into insanity already. Her kindness searches people to follow and to make a point to give out kindness. As she still followed Wilbur and he blew up L’Manburg, Niki was ready to give it all up, following the sentence “Its all gone” (I think).
What we should know
Niki believing in kindness and the things to get better, makes her an easier target to get. Thinking people would be kind and then getting ambushed is compared by the battle of the lake, that she didn't thought they would take her as a hostage, using her, for her own advantage. She being kind makes it also harder to be the person other people turn around to, since people prefer people with adamant sides.
What he did good
When we think of his fatal flaw, then it should be hubris like his father. His has huge pride in the things he has done and will do other things when he sees his own way in it. He has his pride in his friendships and will defend them. Example with him defending Niki or visiting Tommy in his exile.
What he did wrong
Burning down the flag of the nation your father build for you isn't something to show your dad that you want him to respect you. His fatal flaw playing a role in it, is actually seeable. He had pride in the Manburg Flag he build and said that it looked good or when he choose to side with Manburg, seeing its ideals and seeing that it matched things he has taken with pride. Making Manburg a beautiful place or letting nature more happen.
What we should know
Lets just say, he was born in the nation thats destined to fall, you never really met your mum, your dad blew said nation up, your uncle and part uncle are really gone nuts nuts, your grandpa leaves you alone, your “father/mum”, that wanted to adopt you never showed up to your adoption and was also the one, who betrayed you in cold blood for a crown, your pets are brutally killed, the time your father was alive, he didn't take you seriously. Let that sink in. And you've already been in some wars at a pretty young age and you're getting harassed for being a fox. Fundy being neglected showed his negative emotions.
What he did good
Fatal Flaw: ambition, the desire for power. He did have good plans (regarding making more beautiful nature, said by Fundy). He was able to start with many people, working on the things he said, not leaving it on the side. He did trust other people in their decisions of power. Tubbo staying in his positions, letting Fundy having a rank, that his father never gave him because he was never seen serious.
What he did wrong
Letting the power go to his head, he believed he did all the decisions alone, not letting another person decide in it, giving himself all the power and executing a child to show you who's in place, was his downfall. In the end he wanted ultimate control.
What we should know
There isn't much to say there, but being left alone by your hole party and the people who followed you really leaves an bitter aftertaste. After people see you're not in power anymore, they stop following because they don't see anything in you. And lets just say, do you like getting betrayed after winning an election. I mean your worker, secretary of state, he did trust him at the start, leaving Tubbo open to his own ideas. But then getting betrayed by him to overthrow you? Well for you it aint so good.
What he did good
Its actually really easy to say what Dreams Fatal Flaws are: hubris and instinctive inability to resist a challenge. We see that Dream is open to challenges and likes to win like Technoblade. He sees in Technoblade a good challenge and he takes pride in his SMP, his plans and his own IQ
What he did wrong
The thing with Deadly pride is, that you believe in yourself and your ways. You get ignorant, thinking you're better and that you already won. But then you fall on your face, because there is another way your opponent beat you. Seeing this in Dreams try to control Tommy, since Tommy is really the only one who will not let himself be a puppet to Dream. In Exile, Dream thought, when Tommy was clinging to him, that he won and he had him under his hand but ignorant that his opponent is Tommy and the person who is the most stubborn in the server. 
What we should know
To see that Dream was actually more peaceful before L’Manburg or Tommy makes you think who is actually in the right. Well, its both sides and not. Dream letting himself getting tangled up in the shenanigans of Tommy and the rest to the end where he wants to have control over everybody, can either be: 1. Being controlled by an Demon or the egg! OR 2. He lost himself, and got angry for someone like Tommy to outplay him. He wanted a peaceful place but when the chaos came, he wasn't able to resist
Well... Does this make up to the other things that have happened on the server? No, defiantly not. But nobody is really right either. Everyone has flaws and the conflicts come from ignorance, pride, false understandings or just misunderstandings. It shows us who's side can be right and what brings the conflict to the levels.
Please, I really tried my best, give your own two cents to it....
And Im sorry my brain just brought it up :I
You know what, screw it. Everybody’s just in need of Therapy and I’m on everyones side kind of.
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Warning: this has opinions you may not agree with, like Tommy’s character not being as good as you think it is, Techno apologism with slightly good points and piles of balderdash.
SO! With the recent events in the dream SMP, you need to switch around the streams to get every bit of information, which I did at the end but watched most of Ranboo’s POV the whole battle (but only watched Technoblade for almost anything else if he was live), which means that………………….. drumroll please…………………… I’m doing a badly written character analysis and possible events that might connect to him. First off with the not very possible and far-fetched stuff to get out the way, I want him to somehow be connected to Dream banning the end because he’s half enderman, maybe with his newest “pick people not sides” character arc he will end up with a Technoblade kind of situation (I’ll explain this later in the badly written analysis). The start of Ranboo: I don’t know much about his start other than what I saw and people told me (+ animatics and animations, those helped a lot actually) for what I gathered, Ranboo joined the server by joking that he was going to become the president of L’Manburg if he joined, and surprisingly he did get invited and joined the server, I don’t know much of his first days other than the “being bad at first impressions” and “Technoblade interaction” but something that seemed important happened, and it was that if he won the next L’Manburg election (wich I doubt is going to happen with the whole L’Manburg being gone and just a hole now) he would give Tubbo the role of vice-president and if Tubbo won, he would be secretary of something something. Right off the bat, he becomes plot relevant again by helping Tommy burn down George’s house (which I would have made a whole thing about how Tubbo made a mistake in giving power to Tommy and caused other major events, and how if everyone found out what the badlands where doing of causing chaos it would be believable that they burnt down the house and blamed it on Tommy by saying it was them because Tommy would do that, but now it’s too late to talk about that) and helps Tommy the best he can when Tommy goes into trial and when Tommy is exiled is when he takes more of a secondary character role instead of a side character, he’s actively helping our protagonist (Which almost everyone agrees was Tommy and Tubbo) and putting himself into the story. When the community house was blown up and he woke up in what some of us call “The panic room” (honestly I don’t know if that’s a fan-name or the real name) he had a full breakdown of losing his memory book, in which, I didn’t mention this, he holds all his major memories and friends he has and people he has to help, I also didn’t mention this but Ranboo was there when a lot of the members got their character development moving on from past events and becoming better people especially the main characters Tommy and Tubbo. Ranboo wonders if he helped Tommy blow up the community house when he sees it blown up and this is where I found out that while Tommy and Tubbo might have the most experience in the main plotline and have a bit more risk from them being on their last life, Ranboo’s character is a bit overlooked (I overlooked him at the start, I know) and has better development than Tommy and Tubbo (but that’s just my opinion, further on in this point in my Technoblade/Tommy rant). With the “chose people not sides” arc it can end three ways, way number one, and the least possible to happen, it all ends well with everyone not choosing sides but friends that eventually bring dream’s dream of big happy family (supposedly) to reality and everyone’s happy. Way number two, possible but not as much, Ranboo will think that teams form sides and unless you’re alone and neutral you can’t not have a side, and he decides that his ideals are impossible and decides to give up on his ideals. Way number three and most likely in my opinion and how things are going with Ranboo, the thing I mentioned before, The Technoblade route of  his ideals making him a “bad guy” in the eyes of the protagonist because of a mistake he made, if you don’t believe Ranboo is going to end up like that because he brings you joy and happiness, why did you chose the character that’s connected to most characters? I legitimately want to know; all the relevant characters have suffered for at least the tinny amount of a whole arc, if you want a comfort character there’s Awsamdude right there, sure he doesn’t have much plot importance other than building the prison, but he has wholesome content and deserves more fans. So now that you have our new comfort character, I want you to stay for a bit longer so you can still watch Ranboo because he’s a good streamer and character. For now, I’ll list the actions that will most likely give him the Technoblade Route: 1. Ranboo burnt down George’s house with Tommy, 2. Ranboo might have possibly helped blown up the community house (he remembers TNT for some reason) 3. He had a fight with Fundy, and while he is trying to apologize, that never actually works out 4. Technoblade and Philza are his friends now, and he’s going to try and help them, because they’re his friends. Since most of the server is against Technoblade (which is just stupid, I’ll do another thing on that later) he’ll also be viewed as a bad guy with Technoblade.
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