#butch deloria headcanons
Assuming you'd be willing to: How does Butch react/act when realizing he might be crushing on the Male!Lone Wanderer? Either while they're both still in the vault or after the Lone Wanderer returns from the Wastes
Butch's Reaction to Crushing on a M!Lone
➼ Word Count » 0.7k ➼ Warnings » Butch is mean ➼ Genre » Romantic
It pisses him off when he first starts to notice how he feels for you. I imagine he represses his romantic feelings for men like crazy and realizing that he’s slowly developing a crush on you, of all people, makes him want to punch a hole in the wall.
He’ll be even crueler to you now; spitting on you, jumping you in the Vault hallways, and threatening to carve his initials into your skin with his pocket knife. He hopes that it’ll force his desires away. Maybe if you hate him enough he’ll finally just let it go, but, to his dismay, it never happens.
It becomes obvious very quickly that something deeper within him is causing him to be like this. The other Tunnel Snakes will also start noticing how much he seems to like picking on you compared to anyone else in the Vault.
The day you leave is the day he shatters. Of course, you’re the one who has to leave. He’ll pretend to be happy about finally being rid of you, but deep down he’s worried you won’t make it. You’re smaller than him, weaker than him, and never had been one to fight back... how would you ever survive on the surface?
He can’t help the way his eyes light up when he spots you entering the Muddy Rudder. He doesn’t even bother hiding the smile that slowly tugs at his lips as he waves you over to the bar, praying you won't cringe at the sight of him and leave.
He’ll act as if you guys had been friends for years. He’ll toss his arm loosely around your shoulders and order you a drink, asking about your time in the wasteland. However, his friendly demeanor will shift once he sees how awkward you act around him.
He doesn’t bring up how he used to treat you - he doesn’t know if he can - but he’ll, at the very least, try to make an effort toward earning your trust.
He follows you whether you want him to or not. He may still be a tad naive about what exists in the wasteland, but he’s not naive enough to recognize the dangers. The last thing he wants is for you to die, especially if it happens before he can confess to you.
He’s gentler toward you now. Those few months after you’d set off to find your dad had killed him, and he wants to make an active effort to show how much he’s missed you and how much he wants to be around you.
He’ll slowly start to do things that boyfriends traditionally do. He’ll offer to carry some of your heavier items, open doors for you, and even pay for meals when you both find a settlement to eat out at.
He also becomes extremely protective over you. You can see the hatred and jealousy boiling in his eyes whenever he spots someone touching you or standing too close. It eats at him even more knowing he can’t say anything because you two aren’t officially together.
Some of his old habits still linger. Occasionally, he’ll grab your face to make you look at him or, stick his foot out and trip you while you walk. It’s just in his nature.
Although, he does try to make it up by offering to clean up your hair for you. Free of charge. Either because he’s noticed it’s been growing out or it’s gotten dirty during the days you’ve spent traveling. Besides, he likes being able to take care of you like this.
It kills him that he can’t seem to find it within himself to just tell you about how he’s feeling, or even just apologize for how he treated you while you both were in the Vault.
It’ll become more and more obvious that he’s interested in you, but he refuses to be the one to say it. You’ll have to make the first move in the relationship because his pride won’t let him be in love with another man. Especially, if there’s a chance he may be rejected.
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ghost-qwq · 3 months
Music I think Fallout characters would listen to
(Butch, Veronica, Benny, Boone, Vulpes, Deacon, Danse, Curie, MacCready)
Fo3 (Butch...)
Butch: okay do I need to say that he listens to rockabilly????? He just... He does. Idk he seems like he'd like the Koffin Kats or something. ,, idk Brian Setzer kind of dude,, Stray Cats too
FNV (Veronica, Benny, Boone, and Vulpes)
Veronica: oh if you gave this girl ANYTHING she'd listen to it... Ngl tho she feels like a metal and punk girl...
Benny: if you think he listens to anything other than 50s/60s you're wrong. He likes the classics and refuses to listen to anything else
Boone: like... dad rock... that's all I'm confident about
Vulpes: Imma be fr with you, I think this freak doesn't listen to music. If he DID it would be some indie band and he'd be so annoying about it
Fo4 (Deacon, Danse, Curie, and MacCready)
Deacon: I'm so fr he feels like he would listen to Weird Al,, like that's all I can think of. He's a Weird Al fan 100%
Danse: we already know he likes country and bluegrass!! He's a Marty Robbins fan probably,, idk he feels like a cowboy country kind of guy. Big fan of sad cowboy songs
Curie: she likes classical music but is so intrigued by all kinds of music, she'd listen to everything at least once
MacCready: he probably kinda likes Rockabilly because of Butch but he definitely prefers rock classics
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acroagoraphobe · 3 months
Butch HCs part 2? (Looks at you with my big ol eyes)
Of course, Gladly!
When him and lone stop at places to eat he usually doesn't get food for himself but he steals little bites of food from lone like some sort of begging dog.
Actually not very good in big crowds and tends to stand really close to lone like a anxious toddler. (In a totally manly way though.)
He will stop walking for a single cap that's on the ground to pick it up.
Gets chased off for loitering fairly often, so many stores know him by his face and when him and lone stop by those stores he's just standing there awkwardly like "oh.. hey again-"
If he wakes up in the middle of the night he will be at lone's doorway in the "Mom i frew up" pose, and if he's allowed into their room he just kinda sits on the floor at the foot of the bed because he "still has to be manly."
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azurdlywisterious · 1 month
I personally headcanon that Butch embroidered the emblem on the tunnel snakes jackets himself. Mostly because who else was gonna do it? Like the vaults having the programming to make leather jackets makes sense, but the snake? Nah.
And out of everyone he knows, the ones that would embroider don’t like him and the ones that do like him certainly wouldn’t embroider
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sealz888 · 5 months
Gage for the ask me anything! If you don’t do DLC characters then Nick Valentine please and Butch from FO3❤️
Thank you for requests! Another Anon sent me an ask with 2/3 of the characters and with Old Long Fellow so I'll post that soon for them. In the meanwhile, please enjoy. CW for Butch: Child abuse. Triggering content below the cut.
Nick Valentine
Ever since he was a young boy he's had a knack for investigating.
First got into introduction to it was family game night, where they had one of those fake investigation game thingies. He got it pretty fast, much to his families dismay. They got some more, and he only got better.
Started to watch detective and crime shows and movies and he'd often pick up on the culprit quickly. Listened to true crime radio shows too.
When he was 16, his neighbour hired to him to investigate if her husband was cheating on him. He found out and got photo evidence. The husband was cheating and he got paid handsomely for finding out.
Frequently corresponds with DiMA,  exchanging letters and parcels. He tries to visit at least once a year. DiMA still tries to convince him to stay. 
One time while they were staying, DiMA found  one of those investigation games. A whole bunch of Synthes and DiMA tried to figure it out, Nick sat there watching and helping whenever he could. He ending up bringing it back to the Commonwealth with him.
Pre-War Nick was pretty close with Jennifer's nephew, becoming an uncle figure. There bond only got got stronger after Jenny got murdered. Nick and Little Shaun now share this bond.
His internal fans speed up and get really loud when he's flustered of caught of guard. If it's really quiet and you get up nice and close you could almost hear a mechanical heartbeat.
Porter Gage
I haven't played or watched too much on Nuka-world, so forgive me if I have anything off.
Gouged out his own eye. He was dared to prove his courage, loyalty and balls.
His brother is Red-eye. They were both adopted into the same raider family. They also have sister and another younger brother who were birthed into the ranks. The Sister and brother died in one of the raids, but Red Eye and Gage made it to Nuka World.
Doesn't like the taste of Nuka-Cola, drinking it so much as made him miserable. He's so tired of using it to marinade meat. He's so tired of the same fizzy texture. He's so tired of the taste, the colour, everything.
Tends to help out with agriculture and farming considering his roots.
Is debating betraying the SoSu considering their status with the Minutemen, dissatisfied at the recent information. He's also planning a full scale invasion of the Commonwealth.
He also wanted Nuka World too himself as well, so he has Red-Eye spy on SoSu.
Butch DeLoria
Content Warnings for Child Abuse the cut.
His dad ran off to Vegas. Growing up his mother would warn him about gambling, Chems and alcohol. Also bares a striking resemblance to his father, his mother resents him for it.
When he was a young child, he'd often ""run away"" from their room and ask to sleep for the night. He'd end up frequently having sleep overs with other kids and spend more time at theirs than his'.
Was really hoping to get a mechanic on the G.O.A.T and absolutely hated being a barber at first. However, he really like doing his hair and got really good it, so he excelled in his training much to his dismay.
Opened his own barber shop in Rivet City and people from all over, and I mean all over come to see him and to get a haircut. His skills are insane.
Listens to a lot of Elvis and can do a few of his dance moves.
Big comic book nerd despite bullying a lot of kids in the vault about comics. He's a grognak kinda guy I reckon.
Helps MacCready out too and knew him as a kid. He often visits little Duncan and brings him lollies, sweets, sodas and comics. He'll read Duncan the letters MacCready sends him in silly voices to get him to laugh.
Big ol' softie, wants a wife and to settle down in a family but his past experiences and absent father makes him second guess himself. He has a dog though.
He got counselling from James to deal with his trauma. Also apologised to the LW and Amata too.
Happy to leave the vault and never come back!
Continued below cut
He'd run to the guards and overseer and tell them about everything, most of the guards wanted to help him and would let him stay around them. They did everything in their power to get him help.
but when the overseer confronted his mother about she denied everything and said that he was lying.
He was not. Could you hear it.
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atomicbird101 · 10 months
So when the Lone Wanderer first enters Little Lamplight with Butch, I feel like Butch would manage to get all the kids to call Lone "Nosebleed".
Bumble asks for a nickname they're called -> Butch interjects -> Bumble calls them "Nosebleed" when talking to MacCreedy -> MacCreedy thinks it's hilarious -> it just bounces around the entire cave like an echo.
Lone HATES it, but Butch considers it a crowning achievement.
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kyngsnake · 1 year
Do you have any hcs for any fallout characters :p
Oh fuck I have a lot. Let me think of a few. I’m just gonna choose random ones across any of the games.
Paladin Danse is more squeamish than most would take him for. His self-control extends to control over visceral reactions, so in the field this doesn’t really come up, ergo he can see someone sustain a lethal injury in combat and appear unphased. However, Danse is the kind of person who can’t look at a needle going in while receiving an injection. When there isn’t the obligation of duty keeping him together, blood and viscera really bother him.
Raul Tejada is excellent with animals and has a special fondness for horses, as his family had them on their ranch where he grew up. I like to think Raul at some point had a mule sleipnir. Maybe he still does and they were separated when Raul got stuck on Black Mountain.
The Stealth Suit Mk. II is capable of full sentience, however had restraints written into their code to bar them from full awareness. The suit is aware they’re being held back from independent thought. Most of the things they say are automated, but they are capable of limited problem solving and critical thinking. The suit asking do you like me? Is an example of this.
Butch DeLoria has a manageable but noticeable fear of the dark. He insists that he didn’t develop that fear until after leaving the vault.
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himidio · 1 year
Fallout Headcanon #1.
After Butch finally left the vault he definitely matured more. He spent most of his life in there without having to worry about anything other than his abusive mother. He didn't really have to grow up until he was truly in danger by leaving the vault. He never would've done that if he hadn't admired the lone wanderer for being so brave. He only bullied the LW because he saw something in them that he wish he had had, and by leaving the vault and finding them again, it helped him grow as a character. He eventually apologized after getting over his tough guy act and started making changes for the better. He grew close to them and truly felt guilt for the way he acted as they were growing up. He still acts like a little shit sometimes, but its just in his nature and the LW doesn't mind it. It helps them feel like a piece of home was following them around.
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m-u-n-c-h-y · 2 years
Since I’m back on my Butch DeLoria bullshit again, here’s some headcanons I came up with, and have continued to live rent free in my brain.
Despite it being so contrasting to the rowdy greaser image he projects,  Butch is surprisingly a neat and tidy person. It comes from years of cleaning up after his mom, who was generally a messy person. As well as his experience being a barber, and having it drilled into him that he needed to keep his space and tools clean to prevent any sanitary issues.
Speaking of his experience as a barber, out in the wasteland he could be considered a chemist. Knowing all the chemicals for dying and treating hair is just part of his job, but if he applied it outside of hairstyling, he’d actually be pretty good at it.
Butch has A LOT of issues with abandonment; he just hates the idea of being alone. A lot of this stems from his childhood, having to deal with Ellen’s parenting, and what ended up going down in the vault after the LW left.
Butch is, usually, really good with kids. He just has a way with speaking to them that they like and will listen to him. He says it’s because he talks to them, not at them, it ain’t that hard to understand.
Butch definitely had a crush on Paul Hannon Jr, he just never realized it until after Paulie died. It has severely fucked him up :)
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coltswael · 2 months
Realized Elvis used to call his milk butch....please don't tell me they named the vault bully after that...
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That's my reaction rn
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everydayyoulovemeless · 7 months
Fo3 Companions Living in Megaton With Lone
➼ Word Count » 0.6k ➼ Warnings » None ➼ Genre » Platonic/Romantic
Charon doesn't really have much of an opinion on the matter. If this is where you want to live, then this is where he'll follow you. Moira is always stopping by to ask if he could grab her something in a place that's just a bit too irradiated for her to do it herself, so he eventually refuses to answer the door for you. He'll gladly do anything else though, and he's not picky about the decor.
Clover doesn't mind, wherever you go, she'll go. She likes arranging things around the house and putting flowers in vases and whatnot. She does her best to keep the place as clean as possible and, although she covered him in graffiti, gets along decently well with Wadsworth. Moriarity will definitely try to manipulate her into some sort of contract so that he can have another "worker" alongside Nova, but other than having to keep an eye on her, she's easy to get along with.
Living in Megaton reminds Star Paladin Cross about when she escorted James here 19 years ago. It makes her feel slightly nostalgic being here again after all that time and seeing all the different changes that have been made. She doesn't mind how you decorate it and is happy with whatever as long as she's allowed to have a weapons workbench in one of the corners. She and Jericho might get into a few altercations from time to time, and she's always telling you about her gripes with Nathaniel, but she has enough manners and self-control to refrain from street fights. (more so for you're sake than hers).
Jericho is the trashiest roommate on this list, he doesn't even bother throwing things away. He'll just pile garbage into a corner until you decide you'll throw it out. The good news is, none of your neighbors are going to be trying anything with you since you're living with the town's local raider. Jericho also frequently gets into arguments with Wadsworth and eventually just locks him in a cage upstairs, so you can forget about having a butler helping you pick up all the junk he leaves around the place.
Butch will beg on bended knees for you to pay for the wasteland explorer theme for the house. Nothing would make him happier than having Moira wheel a motorcycle into the house. Overall, he's a decent roommate. He'll leave a mess in the living room and leaves his clothes everywhere, but other than the average frat boy shenanigans (expect there to be beer bottles everywhere), he's not so bad.
Besides him accidentally breaking things, Fawkes is probably the best to live with. He keeps the place relatively clean, keeps people out, and is just an overall joy to be around. He's sweet to all of your neighbors, even if they're open about not wanting him around. In all honesty, he's just happy to be out of that vault. He'd be happy anywhere and he especially loves having his own little nook for him to read and study. Soon enough you'll have a live-in doctor.
Every day, RL-3 will wake you up early so that you can begin your 5 a.m. workout routine. There is no resting when the possibility of communists lurking is high. He'll keep you and the other residents in line. Megaton will have a competent police force in no time, but the locals are gonna be upset with how demanding and loud he can get. Some (Jericho) might even try scrapping him for parts.
You'll get no complaints with Dogmeat. Everyone loves him and the kids that run around are always playing with him. Moira might try to train him to get her things, but other than that, you'll have no issues living with him.
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ghost-qwq · 3 months
Butch DeLoria Headcanons because i'm SOOO normal about him ( + some Lone things)
like.. he sings, and it's shockingly GOOD.
He would kill someone to learn how to play the guitar
MAYBE I'm projecting but I feel like he's got ADHD
This seems pretty agreed upon (that I've seen at least) but he's so bisexual...
he was 100% homophobic as a kid... bro was so shocked when he realized he liked men AND women 😭
He just thinks very lowly of himself,, that's why he acts like... that
There is no doubt in my mind that if Lone were ever to hit on him he'd be so shocked for a good few minutes
He's try to play it off like he's not but he's SO caught off guard
"Y... You what? Pfft, yeah, course you do! I'm the fuckin best!"
He's left handed, this is fact to me
I think it's a given that he'd like rockabilly but I think he's got a soft spot for cheesy romantic music
he'd rather die than admit that to anybody though
He absolutely lost his shit when Lone was abducted by aliens
It was a mix of "HOLY SHIT ALIENS ARE REAL???? THAT'S SO FUCKING COOL HAHA" and "Did. Did Lone just. oh my god what if they never come back holy shit wait no oh my god"
He's also like... so clingy? romanced or not, once you're in the wasteland with him he will not leave your side
mostly because he's scared you'll die or something,, or that HE'LL die
He's not like... gonna hold onto you or anything because that's "not manly"
but he'd follow you around like a lost puppy
If Lone ever had a breakdown I think he would be the WORST person to be there
kind of guy to yell when he get's stressed out...
so he just kinda ends up yelling at someone who's having a breakdown... which doesn't help so he gets more stressed 😭😭
that or he just sounds angry because he's confused and doesn't understand WHY they're freaking out
"Can you just calm down? Seriously, dude, the fuck is wrong with you???"
He's trying his best to help but oh my goddd he's so stupid
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edaworks · 2 years
Oh hey - some hep cats have arrived.
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-When I first designed my LW Ben, I didn’t see the Reeves resemblance with his beard/goatee/hair, but it’s definitely there and I feel like Butch would lose his mind in distress over this
-I’m picturing him chasing Ben through the amidships market in Rivet City every time Ben rolls back into town - wielding a razor and hair scissors and begging Ben to let him fix it, PLEASE until he runs out of AP and has to give up
-Nora finds Butch hilarious in the way I find watching my friends’ kids hilarious - they’re great, they come out with the funniest stuff, and bonus, I get to give them back when they get cranky
-I imagine they talk about pre-war movies a lot because Butch has watched every holo he can get his hands on. Certified movie buff
-I’m thinking he comes out with eye roll worthy film references at unhelpful times a la NCIS’s Tony Dinozzo/Warehouse 13’s Pete Lattimer
-He’s nowhere near as much of a jackass as he was as a teenager. Much more respectful and tentatively open about his insecurities, but still can be a total idiot
-I imagine Butch basically trips over himself to be useful to Nora - not because he has any romantic interest in her, but because he’s worried about how he’ll come off to someone who is both Ben’s colleague and RJ’s Important Person™️ and he doesn’t want to let either one of them down. The other two learned to tolerate him years ago (okay, Ben genuinely cares for him; RJ tolerates him) and he doesn’t really want to jeopardize that
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acroagoraphobe · 3 months
What are your opinions on hit Fallout 3 character Butch DeLoria? (And perhaps any headcanons if you have any!!) :)
I love butch!! (He's a pathetic wet dog of a man)
(He's my fav fallout 3 character) so heres some headcannons! (Outside of the vault HC's, as a Companion)
Complains a lot, but in a 'totally manly and not pathetic way' (Sarcasm, he pouts.)
Literally the least stealthy man in existence, he talks too much, walks too loud, etc.
Clumsy as hell I bet, like he is not aware of his surroundings.
Will try to fight people who WILL beat his shit in. Lone has to drag him to saftey and patch him up because he's bleeding a lot, and he definitely should not be.
Absolute faliure in the flirting department, 9/10 times he gets punched, one time he got shot in the foot he failed so bad.
Has to be supervised at all times because hes a fuckin idiot.
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stoat-party · 1 year
Canon/Headcanon ages for Fallout characters (potential spoilers)
I’m standardizing the ages to 2281, which is when New Vegas begins. (Fallout 3 is 2277 and 4 is 2287 but I haven’t played it yet). These are kind of estimations because obviously everyone doesn’t have the same birthday.
ED-E: 6. Literal toddler. Darling infant child baby.
Dogmeat (from Fallout 3): 12. (Not canon.) It’s on the elderly side for his breed (fanon pretty much agrees he’s a blue heeler), but I choose to believe that Fallout dogs have mutated to live longer. My version of Dogmeat either got too old or took too many hits by this point, so he’s retired to become Three Dog’s co-host.
Arthur Maxson: 14. I think it’s also canon that he became elder at 16, which I adore. Boy is way too young to look like that.
R.J. MacCready: 16. Mungo 😔
Follows-Chalk: 19. (Not canon.) Honestly, I’d be surprised if he weren’t a teenager. He’s very much finding himself and choosing who he wants to be, which you can still do at any age, but it’s a hallmark of your teen years. And he’s adorable.
Amata Almodovar: 23. (Pretty much canon.) Younger than the Lone Wanderer because she has no Pip-Boy when LW turns 10. Can’t be too many months apart, though, because they go to play with her when they’re 12 months.
Lone Wanderer: 23. They were born on July 13 and left the Vault at 19.
(my) Courier Six: Also 23. (Not canon.) I like having them be the same age. In terms of canon information, all we know is that they were well-established as a courier in 2277, so they probably wouldn’t be younger than about 21. It’s implied in one Lady Killer dialogue that they’re at least 36 (apparently had some sort of fling in Montana 18 years ago), but the dialogue is optional, so you can have them be whatever age you want.
Butch DeLoria: 24. (Not canon.) IDK where I got the idea that he’s a year older than the Lone Wanderer, because the only canon evidence I can find is that he already had his Pip-Boy at their 10th birthday, but I like it. Either he got held back a year, or Vault 101 combines classrooms due to low population.
Craig Boone: 26. Let the man be young pls.
Veronica Santangelo: 27. Older than she seems IMO.
Sarah Lyons: 27-28. Would be 30 if she were still alive.
Christine Royce: 28. (Not canon.) Because if you grew up with someone, I feel like it would be weird to date them if there had been a substantial age gap.
Nova: 29. A successful innkeeper living life and not being exploited, bless.
Charon: 30. (Extremely not canon.) I feel like most people would cast him as way older than that, but I’ve written his whole backstory and it requires him to not have been hanging out in Underworld for the past century. There’s no concrete information on this, so go wild.
Waking Cloud: 32. (Not canon.) Her third child is six, but she still seems pretty young. I imagine marriage age is a little lower in the tribes.
Vulpes Inculta: 34-38. (Canon is a passing shadow at this point.) Try as I might, I can’t figure out why people place the destruction of the Twisted Hairs as happening 25 years prior. Not only would Vulpes have to have been an adult then, he was a decanus before that. Which would put him in his fifties. He’s described in canon as a young man, though, and I’m also attached to this interpretation of him. It’s a mess, and I’m going with my gut.
Arcade Gannon: 35. Probably on the tail end of 35 since he says he’s in his late thirties. Happy birthday, Arcade, your prize is bandaging me up on our stupid adventures.
Daniel: 36. (Not canon.) In my timeline, he’s Joshua’s nephew, and he was a toddler when Josh left. I know that’s completely unsupported by canon, but I wanted to add personal drama to their ideological drama.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: 37. Which makes sense because her father was in Fallout 2.
Benny: 40. (Not canon.) I’m a Benny-in-his-forties truther. He’s led the tribe for seven years, and he really doesn’t strike me as young. It’s also just funny that cosplay is his literal whole personality when he’s edging into middle age.
Lucius: 43. (Not canon.) Appears to be graying, still quite capable in a very physical job. He’s considered old in the Legion, but since it’s a young nation, most men are taken from their tribes as children, and death comes early and violent, I think old is a relative term. Caesar purposefully isolates men from their families so they’ll focus any filial loyalty on him, so I feel like he must be significantly younger than Caesar.
Ulysses: 47-50. (Not canon.) I’m even comfortable with casting him a little older. He exudes knowledge and experience with everything he does. He seems to have been an adult when he entered the Legion — which, as discussed, gets placed 25 years ago but IDK why.
Gob: 51. (Not canon.) Acts very young (could just be learned helplessness), so I’ve got his age frozen at like 20. He’d been a slave for fifteen years as of 2277, so I gave him about 12 years of being happy in Underworld with Carol.
James: 51-52, depending when you got around to the main storyline. He would be 55, but… yeah.
Joshua Graham: 54. (Not canon.) He says he was “young” 35 years ago when the Legion began. 19 is the standard age for Mormon men to go on their mission trips, and it’s also an important age in my version of the Fallout universe (i.e. the age I ruin my characters’ lives). I also like the idea of Joshua being a little younger and more sheltered than Edward, it makes his path to darkness more interesting.
Edward Sallow: 55. Again, this guy was my little brother’s age when one day he just decided to take over the world.
Star Paladin Cross: 60. (Not canon.) She’s a cyborg, so I think her cybernetics kept her in fighting shape a little longer.
Lily Bowen: 203. They turned her into a nightkin at 75! :((((((
Rex: 209. Ultimate immortal doggie.
Fawkes: 227. (Not canon.) I’m basing this on the cut Sheldon Delacroix logs, which would imply he moved into Vault 87 as a married adult.
Carol: 230. There’s some debate on this because she claims to have been a little girl when the bombs fell, but from her perspective I imagine everyone is a little child.
(my) Sole Survivor: 233. (Not canon.) Nora is a lawyer, and most American lawyers are 25 or older when they pass the bar. She also probably didn’t get married or have a child during law school (if she did… queen), so she’d have to be at least 26 or 27 during the prologue. I have her at 29 to make her the same age as my other two protagonists. Besties!
Raul Tejada: 234. By his dialogue, I had assumed he was a teenager during the Great War, but it turns out he was about 30. Multigenerational households FTW. Which probably means his age is frozen somewhere in his thirties and he’s not actually elderly. (Not that ghoul lore is actually consistent. Also, I’m not going to be the one to tell him it’s all in his head.)
Robert House: 261. Bro was born in 2020. Why, why would you do that to yourself?
Some of these are completely unsubstantiated so feel free to correct me or give your own opinion. I’ll probably edit if I think of more.
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atomicbird101 · 9 months
Lone Wanderer: Wadsworth? Wadsworth: Yes, (Sir/Madam/etc.)? Lone: Call us Daddy. Wadsworth: ... I don't see a father in your contacts. Butch: [Uncontrollable laughter] Lone: Well, about that...
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