#but yeah can't believe we're in the final climax now
penrose-quinn · 2 years
If Wakui won't give BenWaka a backstory, then I will 😶
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midastouch-zaza · 1 month
Hello there! You never fail to fill our imaginations with these requests lately. I have one for you, let's lean on romance a bit. How about some celebratory sex with Momo because she found out that she's pregnant with OC's baby?
"We made it!", Momo shouted from the other part of the house. "Baby, we made it!", she repeated, running into the living room. You looked at her confused, but she just showed you the pregnancy test, while jumping around the room like an excited kid. "Oh my God, I can't believe it...", you murmured, covering your mouth, too happy to even react properly.
This time Momo jumped on you, launching herself between your arms. "It's fantastic, baby, we're gonna be parents", you finally cheered, pulling her in a passionate kiss, that made her melt, putting her arma around neck. "Thank you for my dream about having a family become true, jagi", she said against your lips, looking at you with all the love in the world.
"We should celebrate", you suggested, ready to go get some food. "Yeah, we should...", she nooded, smirking, before taking her shirt away, clearly having other ideas about the celebration. Now she was sitting on your crotch with her boobs exposed. "Take me, baby, fuck me as you did last time", she purred, caressing your face.
You lift up your upper body, going to suck her boobs, and in the rush pushing her on her back, reversing the situation. You quickly get naked, and she did the same, and now she was there laying and caressing her pussy, inviting you to take her and make her feel good as only you can do.
You slowly inserted your cock inside, making her softly moans and squirm. "So good, baby, I want to have sex with you forever", she moaned, closing her eyes, while you were moving rhythmically, penetrating her her pussy with deep thrusts.
You reprised to suck her boobs, her hands lightly pulling your hairs, while your friend down there was pounding your gf with strenght and love, showing her that even after years of dating, for you she was sexy and hot as the first time you saw her.
"Baby...ah...you make me so happy and your cock...ah...is fantastic", she commented, pushing her head back, because your shaft was hitting all the right spots inside her and now was ready to fill her once again, like the night you got her pregnant.
"Yes, baby, breed me...again...give me your cum", she desperately begged you, while her body was spasming because of her own climax. Momo body and moans were too hot to resist, her pussy was milking you so tightly, so you couldn't help to finally release your baby-making seed in her womb once again.
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bugsnaxaudio · 1 year
OOO what about everyone's voicelines for when/if they succumb to the bugsnax during the ending sequence? like the little tangents they go on as they return to the earth
I feel like I could make pretty much every post just me gushing about the acting skills of the V/As, but because I have common sense, I’ll restrain that for now.
I think the death lines are a really interesting insight into the characters, as they contrast with their character arc in the game (e.g. Chandlo being so willing to protect Snorpy that he risks his own health to do so, Gramble's desire for a loving family eventually leading to an unhealthy and codependent relationship with his Snax, etc.). It shows how much love and care was put into the writing.
Audio transcript under readmore due to spoilers.
[Image description: the save file icon of Snaxburg during the climax of the game. The sky is overcast and pink and the Journalist’s ship is of primary focus.]
Shelda: One is called. One must answer... One is devoted! One is wise! One is pure! The Bugsnax have no power over me!
Floofty: I cannot let this opportunity pass! I can feel it… The precipice! In Bugsnax, potential to understand the very nature of being. I would be a fool not to indulge!
Chandlo: Bro, I'm about to CARBO LOAD! I can't take 'em all… Gotta protect Snorpy. I'll never be strong enough… I gotta be more than me. I gotta be Bugsnax.
Snorpy: I'm losing control! Can't… Resist… THE SNAX! I see what you're doing, you delectable automatons — I know too much. I have to be destroyed. It's the only way to keep Chandlo safe. You win, Grumpinati. Your secrets die with me!
Beffica: I'm so grumping hungry! There's no point in going back with them. I don't have a life, or friends... nobody I can really trust, anyway. But Bugsnax... I can trust you to be delicious.
Cromdo: Outta my way, rubes! Gimmie them Snax! I ain't gonna get rich and famous if I listen to these suckers! They're just holdin' me back! Now's my chance! The Snax are mine! MINE! MIIIINE!
Gramble: Ohhh, my little ones need me! Papa's comin' for ya! There there, little one… I would never abandon you. We're a family now! And we're gonna be together forever...
Wiggle: I simply can't stand it anymore! I'm famished! They call me a faded star, but for just this moment I will burn bright again! This is my swan song...and I will devote my final ballad to Bugsnax!
Wambus: I'm starvin'! Git over here, ya varmints! I'm such a failure... I couldn't even control my hunger! No wonder nobody believed in me…
Triffany: No sense delayin' the inevitable! This is the end, yeah? I was gonna end up here one way or another. Not that it matters anyhow... The only thing that matters out here is Bugsnax.
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harrowharkwife · 2 years
"it should hopefully buy us a bit more time." 👀? this is not the first time (ha!) that the idea of 'buying time' has come up this season. just food for thought.
may bringing her boyfriend darius by as a surprise, her parents not knowing who to expect, thinking she was bringing a friend or a roommate but instead she brought her partner.
"no, this is all wrong. you've got Schipp International sitting next to ZenithPro. / the donors are seated exactly as you asked, sir. i wrote down all your instructions verbatim. / welp, you must have heard wrong. we all make mistakes, just put RevitaThon next to Post-Everest and we should be fine." schipp/ship, right by zenith? the seating charts being wrong and needing tweaking. revitathon- like, revived, revitalized, rescued, brought back, made new again next to POST-EVEREST. as in, just beyond the mountain peak. or, in storytelling terms, the climax. the ship (buddie) can't be at its zenith (peak, glory days, its brightest) just yet. just move the buddie comeback/revival to right after the big plot climax and we should be fine. Y'ALL. THIS IS IT. especially after that very loaded dialogue from karen in tomorrow, about the programmers "finding the exact right series of maneuvers to make the robots do exactly what we want them to do" and "we need to make sure every single piece of this mission is in perfect shape to give it the best chance of success."
"what are you waiting for? just fix it." us, lol!
"i fantasied about it so many times, you have no idea. but this time i think my subconscious actually made it happen." manifestingggggg
"i'm just saying, i thought we were past the whole keeping secrets phase."
"sometimes talking about your dreams makes it seem all too real. sometimes the fantasy is better than the reality." this paired with earlier lines from animal instincts, "probably knew it'd make for a good cover. smart kid" and "sometimes half the thrill is thinking you're getting away with it." y'all.
"no idea. he's not spilling, i don't feel like pushing."
"i can't believe we're doing this. i know. we're finally about to live our fantasy. this is gonna be so much better than a plane. everybody does a plane. this is legend." you Cannot tell me these lines aren't the writers getting hyped about being able to say they made buddie happen, how groundbreaking it would be. this happening, overhead but hidden and out of sight, while the firefam talks about first kisses? and secret crushes? and said first kisses making you realize you've been looking for love in all the wrong places, and ignoring the perfectly good option that was right under your nose, because you'd just never considered it before? yeah, no, this was loud. especially combined with a line from earlier this season that was something like "we've been working on this mission for five years now. if we don't do something big, we'll get left behind."
"that sounds traumatizing. / illuminating, actually. i realized i was kissing the wrong suarez. his sister martina was more my speed." just like how eddie was originally written for the girl buckley sibling, but the writers + jen realized her brother buck was more his speed?
"i don't know why i tell you guys anything."
"keep young people too distracted to see what's really there." i'm incredibly iffy/hesitant on including this one, considering who said it 😬😬😬😬😬 i highly doubt it's foreshadowing, and that scene/plot was about may & darius & athena, and important social commentary on incels, above all else. i only mention this line bc when i was going through the script it reminded me that there's been a general theme so far this season in terms of weird one-off dialogue lines referring to buying time, element of surprise, paying attention, distractions, secrets, etc. i don't think it's all a coincidence, not with this show. not when the season pilot was literally titled "let the games begin." nope.
"listen, may, fantasy or not, there's no room for error in these situations."
"great. so we lost the element of surprise, too." you guys i cannot begin to explain how much this made me go 👀🚨🛑🧨⁉️ ESPECIALLY after an earlier dialogue line this season where maddie said "you just learned how the element of surprise can shift a listeners focus and make them pay attention"
"he knows that his options are running out real soon."
"-roll cold. no lights, no sirens." secrecy, and element of surprise, AGAIN
"i understand. not everyone's built for my pace." not everyone's willing to stay tuned for this slow of a burn, and i think they get that, but they're not willing to compromise on their storytelling and rush things just to satisfy the audience. this is a good thing!
"so how long are we gonna be able to convince ourselves that this is a sustainable way to live? / as long as we need to. when the right dream house presents itself, we'll know. but in the meantime, this is a pretty great fantasy, too." LMFAO this one is pretty self explanatory. when the time comes, we'll know, but in the meantime this is still a good story. this is especially juicy paired with all the back and forth re: buck, and happiness, and when you're "truly at ease," you'll know.
"so how long do you plan on standing guard out here? just until they get inside."
"all those milestones start to seem like a stupid fantasy. / looks like that fantasy's turning into a reality. how's that feel? / pretty damn good." you guys. it's happening.
"bobby: with everything may and darius have been through, i don't mind waiting for dinner, but how much longer? (does this not sound like us, talking about buddie and the shooting and the will?) athena: i think they're almost done." (‼️‼️‼️)
"there is nothing quite like being young and in love. or just in love." we ended the episode on "in-love". and not young love, either- stable, mature, deep, true, adult love. hm.
all this, in one episode. y'all this ep was fucking loud.
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//I've seen continuous doubts about my theory, and for both Timeline Anon and others, this scene felt to them like the final nail in the coffin for that theory
//The fact that you're all immediately writing her off as dead when we're not even at the halfway point and there are so many unanswered questions is astounding.
//If she's gone, explain to me why there's still so many unanswered plot threads and interesting character details
Why is it that J was the one who brought up that secret? A secret that Arei herself admitted she overheard, which directly lead into that flashback scene with those two?
Why has J been going so ham on Arturo this entire time? Yes, one could easily say it's because she's sick of him and put two and two together, but honestly, it seems like a bit of a leap from "you told me you wished you had a brother like mine instead of a sister" to "your sister killed herself"
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//Again, I can totally understand her being vindictive over this, given all the shit Arturo's caused her and Eden. But from how Arturo was acting, honestly, I'm inclined to believe he didn't actually say anything like that
//But you know what makes perfect sense? The details that lead into my next point
3. We have an established time frame thanks to the alibis. We know that the scene with Arei and Eden took place not long after the playground breakdown.
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//That means that was a large window of time for the two of them to switch places. But why?
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//That's incredibly sweet, and we know she wants more friends. And we know that, at the same time, J has been dealing with Arturo. Arei just saw J pull a scalpel on Eden over his secret, so why wouldn't she want to immediately jump to the other person she likes in her own way?
//The person that's had to deal with him far longer than Eden. Why wouldn't she want to give J a hand after that?
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4. Again, we know that Arei knows that there's a murderer in the group, and even if the switch wasn't about that specifically, that probably means that she was likely trying to help with that. This means that, if the blackened of this case isn't the murderer, she had no idea who actually did it. Why reveal herself then? That would make her the most suspicious.
5. Maybe it's just me, but I can't shake the feeling that J has been acting weird these last few episodes. She's an aggressive person, and admitted in her intro that she's judgemental, but there's never been indication that she's been this vindictive. Even regarding her own secret, this feels especially harsh.
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6. This moment right here feels interesting to focus on
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//Of all things to say?
7. The biggest one for me right now is actually Charles and Whit. Clearly, those two know something's up. There may not be a conspiracy going on in this group like I initially thought, but Whit is another person who Arei clearly was close with last chapter. He was the one who cut off Teruko learning about the note at first, and then there's this bit after Eden's story
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//What are you two up to? What are you hiding?
//I'd almost be tempted to say they're suggesting Arei was actually lying, but that feels at odds with the ways they've acted and what they're saying. Not to mention Charles looks more embarrassed than concerned or angry
//Furthermore, there's the fact that there was so much attention drawn to Charles having a secret, including a CG and telling Teruko to reveal it during the trial...and then we got no follow-up on that. He was just like "Oh yeah, guess I didn't need to. It was Eden's."
//I don't buy it. There's clearly more going on here
8. Finally, the fact that they had an emotional scene like this? Not even halfway into the trial? If it was after the intermission or near the climax, if that was the last scene we got with Arei, I might've bought it. But putting it here? Not a chance. This has to be leading somewhere.
//Plus, you know who else was convinced their best friend was dead? Shuichi and Maki. And guess what? Them believing Kaito was dead was all part of the plan
//There's also the many, many unanswered questions throughout this chapter, from what it was Arei's crying reminded her of (again, still not followed up on), to Teruko's prosopagonsia (no, that isn't just here to set up something for a future case, I'm sure of it), to whatever the hell is going on with Nico, Hu, David and Ace, who are part of their own drama right now
//Yeah, sorry, I'm only increasingly convinced that I'm right about this. Admittedly, we keep getting thrown so many curveballs that it's getting harder to make sense of it all regarding the exact motive.
//But the fact that J has said things that it seems like only Arei would say and do, particularly being vindictive toward Arturo? And acted in weird ways, like being super concerned about Arei's well-being early on, saying things like "even if the person you tried to kill is still alive," all of it just odd to me
//I'm not in denial and I'm not saying this as copium, I mean that earnestly. There are so many weird writing moments and character bits, combined with hanging plot threads, that it leads me to believe that this is what they're building up to. It's really the only thing that makes sense to me right now
//Clearly they had a plan with Arei from the beginning, given that we got this huge emotional scene with her and Eden, but that can't be all there is to it. It's a sad and emotionally satisfying moment for her character to end on, but placing it here so early honestly leaves me convinced there's more to come
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I haven't seen it on your blog yet, but did you notice how the beginning of s2e1 parallels s2e6? Aziraphale wants to take responsibility of something concerning heaven (Gabriel/becoming an archangel to sort everything out), Crowley thinks it's too dangerous, there is a misunderstanding(your exactly and my exactly), Azzi doesn't try to convince him but just asks him to stay(I want you to help me/I need you), Crowley leaves, Azzi is upset and unhappily resolves to sort it out himself.
And then Crowley realises Aziraphale is in danger and comes back to help him.
I have high hopes for s3 xD
Hey Nonny!
Ah, I mention it briefly in my Good Omens Meta under the cut, that the two episodes suspiciously bookend each other, and that it's important because we are meant to compare/contrast the two episodes, though at the time of writing I didn't expand beyond that.
But you're SO right, Nonny: they are light mirrors of each other, and possibly foreshadows the events of S3 with what will happen in the instance that Aziraphale DOESN'T go with the plan... Now, I don't think that Azzie will deny them the Plan, because story-wise, that would be just reusing a story, but instead, I think that it's going to come back to remind Aziraphale what will happen if he doesn't go along with it, possibly be threatened with forgetting his entire existence with Crowley (because I do believe Crowley is the leverage that the Metatron will use against Azzie).
But YES, I think at the VERY end, when the Metatron tells Aziraphale what he needs him for, there's a musical indicator for the audience that lets us know that Aziraphale may know exactly what the Second Coming is, and he sideeyes Crowley, and I don't think that it's meant as a "they're in on it together" (as the Switch Theory implies), rather "oh no, I have to stop this to protect him, I'm not going to show him I'm worried at all, I'll show him that I can change their minds". And I think, unfortunately for Azzie, he's going to come to a sudden harsh realization that he CAN'T do it on his own, and this will be when he FINALLY gets a clue that Heaven and Hell are two sides of the same coin.
And yes, on that same meta, I mention that I also believe Crowley will come flying in to save Aziraphale, because no matter HOW pissed off he is with Aziraphale, he will always come for him. He's literally Azzie's guardian angel and I am SO here for a vengeful demonangel Crowley... they amped up his absurd protectiveness over Aziraphale-when-he's-not-looking to a ridiculous degree for a reason, and I think that's foreshadowing that he will throw hands next season, and the climax will be one of them seriously hurt.
At least that's my headcanon, anyway, LOL.
ANYWAY, I got very off track: YES, both Maggie/Nina and the Ineffable Bureaucracy are purposely there as foreshadowing of the Husbands. The episodes are bookended for a very good reason: to show how much they care about each other, and how much Crowley will never let any harm come to Aziraphale.
I dunno, I'm rambling now, but yeah, I'm super hopeful for S3, that we're getting our happy ending <3
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aviculor · 8 months
Okay, well, let me preface with this: it's not an easy task to make a sequel to a beloved, classic horror film. Horror sequels have a notoriously bad reputation to start with, but how do you follow up on something as sanctified as The Exorcist? Much like Evil Dead Rise and Candyman though, I think The Exorcist: Believer knocked it out of the park. I shit you not, I had tears rolling down my face during certain parts. I went in blind, only learning the most basic synopsis when I double-checked the showtime. There was actually a problem with the projector, so we had to be ushered to a different room. Still better than my usual experience at the theater since no one was loud and distracting. It was me, an older gentleman, and two elderly women who joined us after the room change. All fans of the original, I bet.
The effects were superb, The makeup on Angela and Katherine reminded me of Evil Dead Rise. The double-exorcism scene was a thing of beauty.
The story of Angela's parents was heart-wrenching. "We can't save both". I figured Victor's decision stood for itself when we cut to him as a single father raising a daughter, thinking it was leading towards a "you sacrificed your wife and now she's in Hell" sort of taunting from Pazuzu. So the reveal definitely threw me for a loop.
There were a lot of parallels to the original that I liked. I also really liked that when the priest finally came inside against the Vatican's orders as like the cavalry, he...uh, well, you know what? Go watch it yourself.
I think it's a little too self-congratulatory when a film literally tells us the moral lesson we're supposed to take away from it. But that's almost to be expected from a Blumhouse production at this point. Some serious Halloween Ends vibes with the ending. I'd say they made a strong enough case for the importance of community and belief in one another without the masturbatory soliloquizing. Especially considering what happened during the climax when someone violated that concept. I've said too much already.
I was not expecting Linda Blair to make a cameo as adult Regan.
SO uhh, yeah. I highly recommend it. One of the best horror films I've seen recently.
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torgawl · 8 months
Gojo being back in story made it so boring from a "What's gonna happen next?" perspective. I'm so happy that we're back to seeing what the students have been learning/how they're gonna get through this. That'll always be more interesting and important to me than anything that Gojo could've added to the story.
yeah, i agree so much!!! i think gojo being pushed away in a more definite way really made the cogs start spinning again and shone light that we're finally reaching a resolution point or climax of the story. not that things weren't making sense before but especially taking so long with post unboxing gojo kinda made everything a bit meh and less exciting, at least for me. but i do think it was necessary to build momentum. regardless of how gojo died or regardless if he comes back eventually (still can't shake the rebirth thing completely out of my mind, especially if jjk endgame ends up mirroring jjk 0 and hidden inventory but anyways) i really think this was necessary to push the plot forward. and it makes sense with jjk's themes that a character like gojo isn't the one bringing what's needed now. especially having in consideration everything that has been happening around the kids and other characters that was building up until now and that could only really shine in this sort of scenario. gojo being out of the picture really opens lots of possibilities for other characters and i'm really excited to see what's going to happen. i was always a believer that the kids' generation is the one bringing resolution to the story and i think that's what's going to happen. even if the ending isn't really a happy one, i think seeing the fruit of everyone's effort and journeys is gonna be like the cherry on top. so can't wait to see how everything will turn out :]
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bloo-kazoo · 2 years
ya'll can disagree all you want with me on this but jay's exit last night and him these 3 episodes in general made sense to me.
sure was his whole personality a 180, a little, but i think it was inevitable to happen. we've seen characters many times who get close to voight reach their breaking point, we see them lose themselves in trying to be who they aren't. . it's been shown time and time again, you want to emulate voight, there's a price to pay. we hear jay say it to voight in 9x09 "it's the price we pay for you"
i think after the s9a fallout and jay telling voight "you bring me in and we figure a way out" was the turning point for this change we see in jay in the first 3 episodes of s10, it wasn't obvious as it has been these last 3 eps, but it was there. he's getting close to voight because he's seen it destroy those he loves and he wants to protect others from that, mostly hailey. voight has no one in terms of family, however he needs someone in his corner so he doesn't completely fall off the deep end, and jay steps into that role because he feels like he has to, because he feels like it's the right thing. are the choices he's making in these 3 eps the right ones, no, because in him doing what he believed was the right thing, he lost who he truly is.
the climax of 10x03 snaps jay back into himself, "we're doing it again" and he can't handle the person he became because he wanted to keep voight in check. he lost himself in trying to protect those around him. so him quitting the cpd and rejoining the army in a special-ops is what he needed. he needs to see a clear picture of right and wrong again, he needs to find his moral compass again. and yeah it's massive blow for haliey and their marriage, but she understands that he needs this, he isn't himself and he needs to find that again, she wants that for him as much as he wants it for himself. she understands not only because she loves him but she too lost herself in the job, she says in 8x03 that going to nyc for a few weeks to work with the feds is "what i needed at the time", so she gets that this is what he needs now. the final upstead scene broke my heart, that emotion from jesse and tracy was palpable and damn that scene will always hurt
while i hate to see him go, it was done in a way i think was honorable to the 10 years jesse lee soffer dedicated to this show and his character. and hell if he is proud of the episode and his work, then i am too.
feel free to disagree with me, these are just my thoughts
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gloriabomfim · 9 months
Certainly! Here's a friendly and humorous transcript of a scene featuring Joey, Dee Dee, and Marky from "Oggy and The Cockroaches" crawling on the floor:
[Scene: The Cockroaches are in a cozy theater, engrossed in a movie. The room is dark, and they're munching on popcorn.]
Joey: [Whispering] Guys, this movie is epic! I can't believe the hero is a cockroach like us.
Dee Dee: [Whispering] Yeah, and he can eat ten times his weight in leftovers. Impressive!
Marky: [Whispering] Shh, you're going to miss the action scene!
[Just as the movie reaches a thrilling climax, the door bursts open, and Oggy enters the room. The bright light from the hallway fills the room, startling the trio.]
Joey: [Gasping] Oh no, it's Oggy!
Dee Dee: [Gasping] Quick, hide!
[Joey, Dee Dee, and Marky scramble to the floor and start crawling on hands and knees to avoid being seen by Oggy. Their exaggerated movements add humor to the scene.]
[Oggy, oblivious to their presence, walks past them.]
Joey: [Whispering] Phew, that was close!
Dee Dee: [Whispering] Good thing we're experts at stealth mode.
Marky: [Whispering] Let's find a comfy spot to continue watching the movie.
[As they crawl across the floor on hands and knees, they spot something on the ground that makes them cringe.]
Joey: [Disgusted] Eww, what's that?
Dee Dee: [Disgusted] I think it's a half-eaten sandwich.
Marky: [Disgusted] Gross! Let's get out of here.
[They quickly crawl away from the discarded food.]
[The scene transitions to a series of hilarious montages, showing Joey, Dee Dee, and Marky crawling across the floor in various comical situations. Each montage is accompanied by their playful banter.]
[Montage 1: The trio trying to cross a sticky spill on the floor, slipping and sliding.]
Joey: [Laughing] I think we invented cockroach ice skating!
[Montage 2: Joey, Dee Dee, and Marky using tiny brooms to clear crumbs in their path.]
Dee Dee: [Proudly] Cleanliness is next to cockroachliness!
[Montage 3: They crawl under a chair to avoid Oggy, who is now searching for them.]
Marky: [Whispering] Stealth level 100!
[Montage 4: The trio accidentally stumbling upon Oggy's collection of flyswatters.]
Joey: [Nervous] Oops, I hope he doesn't see us with these.
[Montage 5: Crawling through a maze of shoes.]
Dee Dee: [Confused] Left foot or right foot? I can't decide!
[Montage 6: Crawling through a maze of socks.]
Marky: [Holding a sock] Hey, I think I found your missing sock, Joey!
[Montage 7: Trying to squeeze through a narrow gap.]
Joey: [Struggling] I knew we should've gone on a diet!
[Montage 8: Hiding behind a popcorn bag.]
Dee Dee: [Whispering] If he finds us now, we're popcorn!
[Montage 9: Finally settling in a safe spot to watch the rest of the movie.]
Marky: [Content] Ah, this is the life!]
[The scene ends with Joey, Dee Dee, and Marky happily enjoying the movie from their hidden spot, safe from Oggy's prying eyes.]
And that's how Joey, Dee Dee, and Marky's adventure in the theater unfolded!
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Daddy | Charlie Puth
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it's not daddy kink this time
Charlie knelt and kissed your stomach. "Hey, there. Daddy's here." He placed a hand on your bump and splayed his fingers across it. "I can't believe there's another little angel inside my other angel."
He looked up at you. "Will they be okay if we...you know..."
You laughed. "Yes, the doctor said it's fine as long as we're not too rough."
He spoke to your stomach again. "Daddy's gonna make love to mommy now. You just sleep." He kissed it a final time and stood, wrapping his arms around you.
Eager for more intimacy, you stood on your toes to kiss him.
Soon you were on the bed underneath him, both of you bare. Charlie's chest heaved while he slid in and out of you and you grasped at his strong arms. His sweaty hair stood up at odd angles in some places and plastered to his forehead in others. You opened your legs as much as you could being eight months pregnant and regretted that you couldn't wrap them around him to draw him closer.
Charlie kissed on your neck, not leaving love bites, but just giving enough pressure to make you moan. Your core tightened until you felt like you'd explode. His kisses moved to your collarbone, making you wetter still.
Charlie reached between your legs to rub your clit while he continued thrusting. The perfect pressure from his middle finger caused you to clench on him. He rubbed your button in circles and thrust into your g-spot.
Your hands moved to his hair, letting the softness fall between your fingers. Right as your first orgasm hit, Charlie moved down more to kiss your boobs, teasing his tongue around your left nipple. Your whimpers urged him on and he took the nipple between his lips.
With your breasts being so sensitive it felt really good to have your husband suck on one while massaging the other. His thrusts had slowed to a gentler speed, but you didn't mind.
Charlie had pulled back right as you were climaxing again. "What's wrong?" you asked him.
He was laughing too hard to explain, but you saw a trickle of white from the corner of his mouth. You chuckled too when you realized what had happened. "Oh my god! Ew! That's disgusting!" you shrieked.
"It tastes pretty good. I was just surprised."
He bent back down as if to drink more and you pushed him away, giggling, "That's for the baby."
"The baby's not here yet. Don't waste it."
"Well that just killed the mood," you said.
Charlie looked down at his dick still inside you and still hard. "Did it, though?"
"You want to finish still?"
Charlie grabbed the headboard with one hand and pushed deeper.
"Well, yeah. You did."
"Can't believe you're still in the mood?"
"How can I not be in the mood with a goddess in my bed?"
He fucked you at a faster pace again to chase his own pleasure. His grunts were super hot and it turned you on again.
"Cum with me, babe," he begged. It surprised you that you were able to. Charlie laid down, sweat-covered, beside you.
"Did you have a good orgasm, princess?"
You laid your head on his chest with a contented sigh. "Yes, several." Overwhelming feelings of deep love, connection, and adoration flowed through you. You kissed his shoulder affectionately and nuzzled the tender skin just below.
The two of you caught your breath and then Charlie helped you both clean up the stickiness. You helped each other to dress in adorable matching onesies.
Charlie snuggled you to sleep, holding your round stomach and singing a lullaby for both you and your child.
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dazz-linglight · 3 years
Pairing: Werewolf!San x Werewolf!Reader
(should I make this a series?)
Genre: AU Fluff/Smut
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Every werewolf knew that when they completed 18 they were ready to find their respective mates. Mates are made for each other, chosen by the Moon to be their permanent love. San was already 21 and had yet to find his and thinks about her everyday, asking the goddess to bring his mate soon and his wish was finally granted on his first day of the second year in college. He was just walking in when a sudden new scent caught him off guard. A strong, sweet and powerful scent in its ability to tug at something deep and primal within him giving urges he had never truly felt until this moment.
You were walking through the campus with a friend when he got hit by the strong scent of cinnamon and coffee coming from you, making him dizzy and euphoric, his heart beating faster and even faster when your eyes met his. He couldn't contain the big smile that occupied his lips, instantly being full of love while you went through the same, falling hard for him and leaving your friend to follow the path until the two of you were just centimeters apart. His scent of honey embraced you all over when he reached to touch your face, wanting to know if you were real or if he was dreaming again.
"My Luna.." When you smiled at the nickname he wanted nothing more than to kiss you and he did exactly that, smooching your cheeks first and then going to your lips, hugging you by the waist while you brought him closer by the shoulders, getting on the tip of your toes to match his height. You separate after a minute to recover the air, keeping close to each other.
"Choi San." He finally presented himself.
"Ah.. I'm ________" You said laughing softly until remembering where you were. "Oh, I have to go to class! Here, give me your number.." You took out your phone and gave it to him, he immediately typed the number and saved it as My Sannie ❤️, soon giving it back to you.
"Can I take you there?" He asked biting his lower lip.
"No, you have class too, I don't want to make you get late. We can get lunch together?"
"Yes! Okay, then you better go, then I can see you sooner." He said pulling your hand to his lips, leaving a cute kiss on your skin and then letting you go.
"See you soon, San!" You said waving at him and going back to your friend, also a werewolf, who was closer watching the whole thing. The two of you went to into the Business building, telling her everything you felt finding your mate.
During class, San had saved your contact as My Mate ❤️ and sent messages to you, starting a game of questions to get to know you better and you got to know about him too, going back and forth with preferences, dislikes, food, family and friends and so on. At the end of classes, San told his friends and the alpha that he finally found his mate and they were happy for him, a few of them already found their mates and some of them not. On their way out of the campus, San kept looking around trying to find you but you found him first, coming from behind and covering his eyes and he smiled turning around to see you.
"Guys, this is my mate, _____." He said looking at his brothers proudly then back at you, burying his face on your neck to rub his scent on you and you waved at them.
"Hi.." You stand on his side to get a better look at his brothers, still holding San's hand and one of them laughed at San who hasn't stopped looking at you with his gold eyes.
"This is our Alpha Hongjoong, the taller ones are Yunho and Mingi, Seonghwa, Yeosang, Wooyoung and our youngest Jongho." The one who laughed was Wooyoung.
"It's funny to see hyung so whipped." Wooyoung was one of the the boys that didn't meet his mate yet, so he found funny how mates seemed hypnotized by each other.
"I bet you will be worse when you meet your mate, Wooyoung." Hongjoong said laughing at the thought, knowing Wooyoung was already clingy with the members of the pack and everybody agreed. You were happy to see that everyone in San's pack had a light spirit and good sense of humor.
"Well, let's eat? I'm starving." The youngest said between them.
"Chicken!" Yeosang smelled chicken from afar and started walking in front of them. San squeezed your hand and led you inside the restaurant.
Finishing lunch you pulled at the hem of San's shirt to get his attention and he immediately looked at you, passing a hand on your shoulder and bringing you to peck your cheek.
"San, will you come home with me?" You asked him quietly, wanting to have time alone with your new found mate, which quickly accepted.
"Guys, we'll be going first." San told them already getting up from his seat and pulling your bag on his shoulder, you following after saying your byes.
"Don't forget to use protection!" Yunho said before you two were far, receiving a slap from Hongjoong and making the others snicker.
San drove you to the other side of the city where your pack belong, holding your hand while you guided him. Your fellow friends were surprised to see you with company, but were quick noticed it was your mate by the way he held you and the cute smile on your faces. Getting inside the house, the two of you left shoes and bags at the door while your inner wolf was screaming for you to pounce on him.
"We have the next 3 or 4 hours to ourselves before the girls come back.. I want to confess something before we go to my room." You said nervously picking on your fingers and San frowned, petting your hair to try and calm you down.
"You can tell me anything, baby" You lay your hands on his chest looking up to his brown eyes.
"I have plushies in my bed.." You broke eye contact to look at his broad shoulders not for long until he held your chin up to look at him again.
"No need to be ashamed for that. Wanna know why?" You nodded at his questions and he brought his face closer to your neck, whispering the next words.
"I have plushies too." He smiled looking back at your surprised face.
"Really, I'll show them to you anytime or even bring them here so they can be friends." He showed his dimples and you smiled too, touching his cheeks with the tip of your fingers, happy to be surrounded by his warmth.
"I'm so glad that you're here.."
"Me too, I've been waiting for so long to find you." He rested his forehead on yours and closed his eyes.
"Please mark me.." You voiced your desire before being able to control your words, your inner wolf excited to finally get into action while San's wolf was also happy to oblige to his instincts, bringing you up to wrap your legs on his waist and followed your scent around the house to find your room. He placed you down in the middle of your bed and you pulled him for a heavy kiss, trying to cease any little distance and soon San was leaning down to kiss and bite your neck, all the clothes coming off one by one until you were both naked and exposed.
"You look so perfect, love.." San kissed down your throat, collarbones, chest and everywhere he could till reaching your core, inhaling your arousal and held your thighs apart, connecting his lips onto you. Every bit of self control he had until now we're thrown out the window as he eats you out, driven by your wetness, moans and the way you pulled on his hair so deliciously. His tongue moved fast and strong, giving you waves of pleasure and he felt delighted for making you feel good. You were almost there and tapped on his shoulder, making him look up.
"San please.. I want to cum with you.." Your legs twitched and he stopped, sitting up and lifted a hand to clean his lips, licking the wetness on his fingers at the same time he stroked his hard on, getting closer to you once more and positioning you in dog style and making himself comfortable behind you on your center. He pushed in slowly to not hurt you and when he finally got it in you listened to the deep growl coming from his chest as he bottomed out and soon his pace speeding up gradually, making you get louder and louder.
"Can I?" He whispered nuzzling under your ear and you knew he was talking about the mark, wanting to hear you say it again.
"Yes, make me yours." He let out a low groan, brushing your hair out of the way and planting his fangs in the space between your shoulder and neck, creating the mark only mates could to seal the bond. It gave you both a rush of adrenaline and happiness that caused you goosebumps, your scents getting mixed in the air, sharing the warmth and fondness of each other and it made you cum faster, squirming under his hold for a few seconds as he continued to thrust in and out until he reached his own climax, knotting you and having the two of you stuck together for the next minutes.Soon he laid you down in a spoon position and pulled you in for a kiss, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
"This is the best day of my life." He giggled a little breathless, his chest shaking against your back you smile at the feeling, scooting impossibly closer to him.
"I can't believe you're real."
"I'm very real." He squeezed your hip and you hide your face on your pillow with a laugh.
"Do you to go for a run later?" You asked curious to see his wolf form.
"Oh yeah, I bet you're the prettiest wolf ever."
"I bet it's you." You bicker playfully and San covers your face in kisses, tickling your sides.
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enchantedblackrose · 3 years
Summer Heat
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Original photos not mine, taken from Google Images. If you believe them to be yours and want credited or removed please lmk
Summer Heat
Description: Female reader imagines what being with some of Chicago's finest might look like. Kelly Severide. Jay Halstead. Antonio Dawson.
Warnings: 18+ only, oral sex (fem receiving), brief mention of spanking. Smut language?
If you read this and like it, please comment and reblog. Please.
Summer Heat
The Chicago summer air was heavy. Inside the 21st precinct was almost as stifling. Either the air conditioning can't keep up with the high temperature, or the outdated unit is on the fritz. You realize it quite possibly could be both. You suppose it doesn't matter as one point remains the same: there's no relief from the summer heat.
To make matters worse, things are unusually quiet for the Intelligence Unit. You and the team are stuck at your desks getting caught up on tedious paperwork.  Everyone is desperate for interruptions. 
Adam stands suddenly, volunteering to pick up lunch. Antonio tells him it's only nine and a disgruntled Adam sits back down in his chair.
The day drags on. So far you have attempted paperwork, rearranged the contents of your desk, made yourself appear busy without really doing anything, taken two bathroom breaks, and actually worked on your paperwork.
A sigh escapes you. You're bored and hot, itching for anything to break up the monotony of this day.
You catch a sudden movement from the corner of your eye and spot a familiar face.
Kelly Severide from Firehouse 51 is bouncing up the stairs. He nods in greeting to the others in the bullpen. Before you can get out the question as to what he's doing here, he shoots you a playful wink and heads straight into Voight's office, closing the door behind him.
Maybe it's the heat. Maybe it's due to boredom, but despite being at work you can't help but imagine Kelly giving you that same wink right before he brings his lips to your entrance planting a kiss right there. Then his mouth dips down, his tongue darts out licking at your folds. His stubble brushing against your sensitive skin and his tongue finding your sweetest spot, causing you to moan. Kelly wouldn't bother fighting back a chuckle. He'd slip a finger inside you and work it vigorously giving you immense pleasure. He'd continue to lick and suck at your clit, pausing only to say how good you taste. Another finger would slip inside you and Kelly wouldn't stop until you climaxed. He'd feel you start to shake and would encourage you to come with words and actions. Your hips would involuntarily buck against his mouth, but Kelly would be unbothered...
You cross your legs desperate to feel any friction. The door to the office swings open and you nearly jump. Kelly catches your eyes and you think you blush. 
"See ya around, y/n." He waves a hand bye to the others.
"Mhm," is all you manage to mumble before he disappears down the stairs.
Jay questionly looks at you from his desk. But you shake your head. You grab a hair tie from your wrist and grab your hair to put in a high ponytail desperate to keep it off your neck.
"You look like you could use this." You look to see Jay now standing at the side of your desk, offering you a cold bottle of water.
'Thanks," you smile as you reach for it. You place the bottle at the nape of your neck before cracking it open and taking a long sip.
Jay leans closer to you. Despite the heat, his hot breath tickles your skin. "Sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine,"  you lie. As Jay makes his way back to his desk your mind wanders again. This time to Jay.
His lips drop to the spot on your neck behind your ear as he presses a sensual kiss there. He's just told you how fucking beautiful you are and you can still feel his breath on your skin. His hands would roam your body. His calloused fingers feeling rough against your soft breasts but his touch would be gentle, cupping each one, massaging them and lightly pinching your nipples. A delighted moan would escape you and you would straddle him. You envision Jay helping you lower yourself onto him. As you adjust to his size, he sucks and nips at your neck and collarbone. Your hips would steadily rock against him. While you might be in control of the speed Jay would take advantage of the position. His hand and mouth are taking turns engulfing your breasts,fingers pinching your hardening nipples, tongue encircling the sensitive peaks. His actions eliciting more pleasurable moans from you. You would build a faster rhythm, almost aching with desire. His other hand makes its way to your ass, smacking it lightly. The stinging sensation would only turn you on more. Your hitched voice telling Jay you're about to cum would cause his light eyes to grow dark with lust. His hands urgently attach themselves to your hips as he helps you rock against him harder and faster until...
Antonio calls your name, pulling you out of your daydream. Your head whips in his direction. "What?"
A smirk plays at his lips as he carefully looks at you. Fearing that he can read your mind, you blush. Of course you're being ridiculous; there's no way he could know what you were just thinking about your colleague. Your eyes carefully dart to Jay, who has his head down in his paperwork. You look back at Antonio. You're not sure, but you think his smirk has grown.
"I asked you if you had an extra file folder." He stands at his desk, arms crossed and it's impossible for you not to notice how the stance emphasizes his perfectly chiseled arms.
"Uh..umm, yeah. It's right...Um, here," you answer, clearly distracted, pulling out your side desk drawer, rummaging through files until you come across an empty folder. Antonio's eyes never left you, but now you feel Jay's on you again. You glance at him, but seeing his bemused expression, you quickly look back in your drawer. Pulling out the folder, you extend your arm, finally offering it. "Sorry, Antonio." He takes it from you grinning, but doesn't say anything, which is for the best because once again you're preoccupied.
You can't help it. You really like how his name falls from your lips. An...ton...i..o… An...ton..i..o. Oh! You imagine calling out his name over and over. His large dick would fill you completely and he would expertly drive it in and out of you. Your moans of pleasure mixed with his name would only encourage him and you just know he'd be calling you mami or nena. And that would almost be enough to send you over the edge. One of your hands would grip his muscular shoulder, nails undoubtedly leaving marks as you dig into him, attempting to bring him impossibly closer. Your other fingers would lace themselves in his short hair and tug. His thrusts somehow manage to hit you deeper. Your back would arch further into the mattress and the slight change in position would cause your name to come out of Antonio, followed by a few swear words in Spanish. This would, of course, turn you on even more. Antonio would be able to tell by the way your eyes fluttered shut but not before you saw that smirk of his. He'd purr into your ear, telling you how good you felt and that he wasn't anywhere near done with you yet. His words would trigger your release, your walls clamping around him -
"Alright, all of you get outta here, we're done for the day," your sergeant's gruff voice interrupts you and you're embarrassed to admit you never even heard his office door open.
Upon Voight's dismissal, you all but jump from your seat more than ready to leave the precinct.
Jay easily catches up with you. "Hey, y/n, wait. Let's go to Molly's for a drink. You can tell me what's been on your mind all day."
"I just got a text from Gabby," Antonio's voice calls out from behind you as he slowly approaches the two of you. "Said she, Casey, and Severide are already there. Looks like everyone is wanting a cold one after this scorcher of a day. So, what do you say, y/n….you coming?"
Antonio's choice of words cause you to blush and you mentally curse yourself. Jay and Antonio watch you waiting for your response.
"Yeah, I'm coming- I mean, yes I'll go to Molly's." You quickly walk away, leaving the two men behind. You wonder just how long it will take for you to be able to look either of them in the eyes again. This was going to be a long night.
Stupid summer heat.
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sapphim · 2 years
not a cullen fan myself but doesn't he genuinely confront meredith during the templar route before the silly hawke cop-out one on both routes? iirc some mages surrender, meredith wants to kill them anyway, cullen actually i think finally stands up to her for some reason and says they shouldn't, and hawke has to side with one or the other? maybe that's what that user is referring to?
Looked this up bc I legitimately couldn't remember it from the, like, one time I played the templar ending all the way through, and yeah, Cullen does push back against Meredith and that probably is what op was referring to. And including literally anything like that in the mage ending probably would have made the absolutely narratively incoherent mage climax very slightly less absolutely incoherent. And they should have. I'll dump the dialogue exchange under the cut.
I have said in the past that the very least that Cullen should have done was object to committing genocide at literally any point prior to committing genocide. So like, I will give him the props he is due. He did object to committing genocide. Only during the ending in which you the player are gearing up to commit genocide, but whatever. Proud of him. <3 Centrist king.
Mage: Have mercy, we beg you! Mage: Do whatever you want with us, but let us live! Meredith: No. Meredith: This Circle is beyond redemption. Cullen: Knight-Commander, surely the Right of Annulment requires something more— Meredith: It requires my word, Cullen. Do as I've commanded. Mage: Champion! Will you not defend us? Must we all be slaughtered for the actions of a few? Hawke: (What does Cullen think?) I want to hear what the knight-captain has to say. Cullen: I... Cullen: The Right has always been a last resort, when every mage involved was beyond salvation. Cullen: The situation was far more dire in Ferelden's Circle, and yet many mages were saved. We could still do as much here. Cullen: When Ferelden's Circle was lost, the situation was far worse than this. I can't believe wholesale slaughter is the only answer. Meredith: Objection noted, Captain. Hawke: (Are they innocent?) Is there a way to tell if they're blood mages? Meredith: There is not. Cullen: But they haven't resorted to it, even to save their own lives. Perhaps, if we watched them carefully— Meredith: And if they hope to escape by playing innocent? Will you accept that responsibility, Cullen? Cullen: Yes. I believe that's what being a templar is about. Meredith: And I say we are here to protect the people. We must be judges, jailors, and even executioners. Hawke: (Can they tell us anything?) Maybe they can answer some questions. Mage: I think the first enchanter is still in the tower. He... said he had a plan, something that would stop you. Meredith: Demons? Or something worse? Mage: I don't know. We wanted nothing to do with it, so we ran. Mage: Please, help us! We've done nothing wrong! Blue Hawke: (Spare them.) We're here to prevent a crisis, not raze everything in our path. Purple Hawke: (Spare them.) They've already surrendered. Killing them now is just petty. Red Hawke: (Spare them.) Take them into custody. Cullen: Listen to the Champion. Meredith: >:[ Blue Hawke: (We do this Meredith's way.) Our hands are tied. Purple Hawke: (We do this Meredith's way.) There's no point in stopping now, is there? Red Hawke: (We do this Meredith's way.) The time for mercy is over. Cullen: Perhaps you're right. Cullen: Do as the Champion commands. Hawke: (It's not my decision.) I'm not the head of the templars. Meredith: Indeed. Since when do you look to the Champion for orders, Captain? Cullen: Carry out the sentence.
also, for the record, the random ambients in cullen's climax dialogue:
Cullen: I hope Meredith knows what she's doing.
Cullen: I will do what she commands of me, but... something about this isn't right.
Cullen: You must steel yourself for what is to come. We both must.
Cullen: The Right of Annulment was invoked on the Circle in Ferelden when I was younger. Cullen: There, it was justified—demons overran the whole tower. Here... it's much harder to tell who's in the wrong.
Cullen: I am not looking forward to this.
Cullen: Maybe with you on our side, we can resolve this quickly, and with little bloodshed.
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getitinbusan · 4 years
Show Me Your Room -
Jeongguk established relationship
Fluffy smut : Part of the GCU
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The studio sat abandoned, the call of dinner pulling everyone away for the evening. The last two cars in the parking lot, you presumed belonged to security. 
"I can't believe I forgot my airpods. I'll just run in and grab them."
Leaning over to the passenger side he kissed your cheek. "Sorry I'm cutting into our date time." 
"Can I come see?" 
"Yeah? You really want to?"
"Of course! You think I'm not interested in what you do all day?" 
The long halls of the warehouse were lined with huge doors but only one had the BTS logo across it. The bright yellow sign read, "CLOSED SET - credentials must be shown for entry."
"Am I going to get in trouble for being here?"
"I think it'll be okay, but you'd better stay close." he winked  reaching for your hand. 
"This is where the magic happens!" He pushed the door open for you to enter. "Welcome to my room."
It was amazing, it could have been in anyone with a teenage boys' house. Your jaw hung open in awe at the details.
"A Surfboard? Clothes, look at all these posters. This is seriously cool!"
He laughed at your excitement. 
"So is this what your room at home looked like?"
"Are you kidding, my mom would never let me be this messy."
He slid his arm around your waist kissing the top of your head.
"And, she'd kill me if I ever had a girl in my room." 
Pulling away you looked at him seriously. "Jeongguk? Are you telling me you never had a girl...over?" 
He shook his head, "never"
"We need to fix that, baby that's sad." 
"Yeah? I'll drive, it'll take a few hours and my parents might be suspicious as to why we just showed up…" He dangled his car keys playfully. "but let's go." 
You punched his shoulder, "I'm not kidding Guk, let's take care of it." You looked towards the bed, "right now."
His face was dumbfounded but it held an open mouth grin like he was processing the scenario. 
Gently taking the car keys from his hand you threw them on the wooden desk. 
"Now's your chance, you've got me here, we're alone, I want you to show me your moves." 
"You're such a wild girl."
You kissed his neck, "tell me you don't like it," you could feel him hard against you.
"I love it, I love you." 
Your mouths met halfway, hard and needy against each other. 
"What about security?" he got out breathily while pulling his shirt off. 
"I'm trying to fulfill a fantasy here Guk...isn't part of it the fear of getting caught?"
Grabbing for the waist of his jeans you tugged him around to the bed and pushed him back. 
A loud bang and a string of expletives filled the air as Jeongguk's head hit the steeply sloped ceiling.
"Oh my god! I'm so sorry are you okay?" 
You lay on his chest and pushed his hair back, "Want me to kiss it better?"
He nodded in full pout until your lips were almost touching his.  Quickly blocking you with his hand, he playfully pushed your head back laughing, "uh uh...lower."
Leaving trails of kisses down his abs you smiled, "You say it like it's a punishment."
It had only been a few weeks since you became a couple, but you couldn't see yourself ever getting tired of Jeongguk. 
He moaned as you reached into his boxers and wrapped your hand around him. The soft honey skin taught over his hard swollen shaft in beautiful juxtaposition always made you desperate for him. He looked down at you smiling, Your cheeks flushed with colour.
"Nobodies ever made me feel the way you do." 
"I guess I'll take that as a compliment since your cock's not even in my mouth yet."
"I'm serious." 
Your tongue ran around the outline of his tip, "so serious…" 
Sliding your lips down his shaft he groaned, "seriously in love with you."
Wetness grew inside your panties as your mouth worked him over. Your hand slid easily up and down his saliva covered cock.
"Have I told you how pretty your cock is Guk?" 
He grabbed the pillow and held it over his face, "Stop, you're not supposed to say things like that." It was muffled but you could tell he was smiling.
Sitting to straddle him your hands creeped under his down filled hiding place and lifted the corner.
"Why? It is pretty."
Pulling your shirt over your head you pressed yourself against his bare chest.
"What should I say instead? Should I tell you it's huge and manly and I love how it ravages me?" 
"YES!" he flipped you quickly onto your back, "That's exactly what I want to hear." 
His face was lingering above you and he wiggled his eyebrows, "We should probably hurry before my parents come home and catch us." 
He slid your panties to the side and let his fingertip linger at your entrance.
"Jeongguk, do you think if we met in high school you would have liked me?" 
He took a pause, "I think," he kissed you softly, " That we are destined for one another in every lifetime and no matter where or when we continue to meet I will immediately recognize you as my soul mate." 
Your eyes locked and he tilted his head cutely at you.
"yes baby?" he wiped away the tear that had snuck out to roll down your cheek. 
"I'm gonna need you to ravage me with that pretty cock now." 
He sat up and hooked his fingers into your panties. Sliding them down your legs and over your feet he tossed them across the room. 
Meeting back together you laced your fingers through his hair kissing him wildly as he entered you. Moaning in unison as he bottomed out you both giggled.
"Do we do that everytime?"
"Everytime," he worked his hips into you. "and I hope it never stops."
His lips slid over your neck sending every nerve ending into a frenzy that made your toes curl. He felt so good filling you that your brain turned off and all you could see was a kaleidoscope of colours behind your eyes.
"Jeongguk, I'm so close, don't stop, please don't stop…" 
You could feel yourself fluttering around him. In such a short time  he'd already figured your body out. No matter how excited he got for his own climax he always made sure to keep his pace steady until you cried out his name. 
Sweat soaked skin slapped together as lips and hips synchronized to the grand finale. 
"Jeongguk," you cried out as he spurted into you collapsing in exhaustion.
Laying together wrapped in the thin plaid blanket you held on to one another catching your breath. 
"That was amazing," he kissed the top of your head.
"You know what else is amazing?" 
"What's that?" he asked.
"Food. I think we can still make our reservation if we hurry." 
He squealed in delight and jumped out of the bed. 
"Girl of my dreams prioritizing sex and food." 
Almost dressed you could hear footsteps getting closer. The door pushed open and security tentatively approached your scrambling figures.
"Everything okay in here?" 
Laughing all the way to the car he wrapped his arms around you. 
"Jeongguk...I don't have my panties…" 
He kissed the back of your hand. "I'll find them when we come back to shoot tomorrow."
But he never did.
Months later you sat in living room as he hurried up the hall towards you."
"They just sent the finished Dynamite MV babe are you ready to watch?" 
Pressing play he stopped about 40 seconds in to point excitedly. There, beside the backpack on the floor, your panties peeked into the frame. 
The untrained eye would have no idea, but he spotted them just a little too quickly and with just a little too much glee for it to be a coincidence. 
"Jeongguk, did you leave those there on purpose?" 
Read the other Golden Closet Fics
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a-katsukitty · 3 years
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katsuki bakugo x reader
WARNING : ALL CHARACTHERS ARE AGED UP! oral [fem receiving] , alchool and cigaret.
A/N : Ohayoo , this is my first fanfic. I apologize for any mistakes [be gentle with me plz] hope you will like it!
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"Come on dude it will be fun!"
"I said no! How many fucking time do I need to tell you?" Katsuki glaces over Kaminari who's been trying to get his friend for his birthday. "Bakugo, you can't eat pizza playing games on your 20th birthday!" he says placing himself between the blond man and the tv.
"You're fucking annoying you know that" Bakugo paused his game putting down the controler. "My sister is mixing, I swear you will have fun!" looking down his face lights up as his friend nods running one hand in his blond hair. "Give me 1 hour! And don't make me wait or I blow your face , all of you!" he says getting up going up to his room not paying attention of kaminari thanking hima million times.
1 hour to shower and put on some decent clothes , nothing too fancy a pair of black jean, a white shirt thigh around his muscular shoulder and arms , carefully left three buttons open revealing his collarbone , three perfume pumps and he made his way downstairs.
Denki park in front of the nightclub. A huge neon writes Dimension. pressing his finger on his favorite contact on the digital dashboard. "Oh Kami! How you doing cutie" your voice resonates inside the car as your brother blushes "Ai! Don't call me like this I'm not alone!" Mina chuckles on the passenger side. "Oh so you friend decided to come! Wait, what is it again? Baki.. Bak-" you're cut by an angry katsuki "OI! IT'S BAKUGO" he says slamming his wrist on the seat in front of him making Kaminari jump. "Oh yeah Bakugo! Well it's my turn to mix cutie, put everything on me" and with this you hang up. "Okay let's go!"
Denki was used to come often to see you, having a drink always waiting sleeping at your house since you were living on top of the nightclub. His drink were free since they knew he was your brother. Everyone knows him. You started to work here two years ago, you loved everything about night life, you had fun , free drinks and a good salary.
They made their way inside as the music get louder but Denki knew you haven't start yet , it's not your style of music. They take a sit in the VIP lounge beside the scene. They ordered drinks after fighting to know who were going to sip on soda all night and Sero took the responsability.
You step on scene talking with the current dj , plugging your mixing board moving your hip to the music.
"Oh! Hey Bakugo are you listening?" Kirishima waves a hand in front of Katsuki's face who is staring at something in the distance making him come to his senses. "hm.. what?" he shakes his head "here" he said handing him his glass of whiskey. He takes a sip on his glass before leaning to talk to Denki "So this is your sister?" he asks pointing his glass in your direction as your wave to them "Yes, well actually it's my twin sister" he replied waving back.
Bakugo leaned back on the leathered couch watching you as you play your first music. He couldn't take his eyes off you, he couldn't believe how good you were looking, his eyes stopped on your hips shaking from side to side, how your boobies were bouncing evertime you were jumping to the beat. Your long blonde hair swiping on your ass made him bite on his lower lip.
He was never very interested in girls , never hanging out. There was no lack of opportunities but he always refused, stating that he had no time to start a relationship but there you were making him forget everything around him. He couldn't even think straigh everytime your were eyeing them flashing a smile to you brother.
2 hours passed as you finally step out the scene to take a break. "Ah she's finally coming" Kimi lifting his head up his phone, Mina were already up dancing with Sero that she begged to come and not leave her alone. Kirishima has already gone out to smoke a cigaret and Bakugo has waited all the time for you to come, he could see everything of you closer.
"Heyy~" You jump inside Denki's arm smiling wild. "it's been two weeks that you didn't come ,I missed your face so much" you says pinching his cheeks "Hey y/n , I-I missed y-you too" he replied escaping from your grip. You turn your gaze to his friend who was already giving you his full attention "Hi!" you turn around the table sitting behind him leaning closer speaking louder as the music drowned out the sound of your voice. Your perfume reachs his nostrils, it's sweet and flowery. Probably cherry blossoms, or lilac.
"So you are the birthday boy!" He only nods "Well happy birthday! I'm y/n Kaminari nice to meet you" you extend your hand to him which he gladly shakes. "I'm coming back!" You look up at your sibling showing you his cigaret and you nod before lifting your hand to the barman who knew exatly what you were taking. "Mina and Sero talked a lot about you!" You lean back looking at the blond boy sitting beside you. "What? You know them?" he looks at you blank "Well , yeah Denki is otfen coming with them and there is Eij' too" his eyes opens wide at the nickname , only his closes friends were calling him Eij' "How the fuck do I not know you yet if you know everyone"
"Because you never
back up sighing in relief and facing the man in front of you "I'm free tomorrow night." you look up try to catch his eyes as you pull you dress down your ass. "no." it's harsh and cold. He lift his eyes on yours. "I'm not waiting tomorrow, we're leaving now."
wants to move your fucking ass!" You glance up to see Kirishima's coming back with your glass and sitting on your side wrapping his arm around your shoulders. " Thanks Eij' " you sit on your drink moving your body against the couch giving an opportunity to Bakugo, he gets up and give you his hand "Wanna dance?" You finish your drink in one time and stand up poking at Kiri's cheek before taking Katsuki's hand as he head you on the dancefloor.
You turn your back to him getting closer to his chest , his hand resting on your hips as they swiped from side to side to the beat like when you were mixing. He pulls you even more close moving with you , your ass making friction against his crotch. "You're making me crazy.." he said in your ears making your shivers as his breath hits the back of your neck. You leans your head on his should smirking moving your ass harder making him growls.
You knew him from a long time, the first time you saw him was on Kimi's instagram and you couldn't get over how good looking he were. Hoping he would shows up sometimes but he never cames. You never made a big deal, it's wasn't the only good looking guy you saw, but he had something you couldn't get over.
Your head spins as he places soft kisses over your neck, tightening his grips around your waist. "Let's go" you turn around meeting his eyes before being pulled away from the crowd. In a minute you were pushed inside girl's toilet as he lock them behind both of you before smacking your lips together slidding his hand at the back of your neck , tongues fighting but you lose fast. His hand went down to grip your thigh "fuck- look at how short this fucking dress is!" he tugs at the hem of your red silky dress pulling away from the kiss "turn around" he orders and you obey instantly resting your hand on the wall.
He raises your dress up your ass kneeling in front of it pulling your dripping pantie to the side and sliding a fingers between your lips making a moans escape your mouth. "Look how wet you are! Is it for me?" you open your mouth to anwser as his slides a finger inside of you making you cry with pleasure, you jump when he slams his hand at your ass "Didn't I ask you something?" he adds a second finger "y-yes all f-for y-you..!" your eyes rolls to the back of your head as he curl his fingers inside you. "Do you wanna cum doll?" you couldn't hide it even if you wanted to, nobody never made you feel like this.
"y-yes p-please Bak-" he cuts you off "It's monsieur" he takes his fingers out replacing them by his tongue sucking hardly on your clit making you arches your back "cum" it tooks only a few second before reaching your climax cuming in his mouth "you taste so fucking good, I can wait to fuck this pretty pussy of yours" he gets on his feets. you can hear his belt undone and the zip of his jeans before feeling the tip of his cock tickeling your entrance making him all wet.
"P-please" you look behind you to meet his eyes, his hand grip your neck leaning to kiss you starving for your lips "please what?" he takes his hand away from your neck petting your hair "P-please just fuck me alr- aah" he makes you chocke on your words when he slams himself into you. "fuck!" he growls "S-so thigh" he pulls your hair back arching you going deeper and deeper inside of you. "You're taking my cock so well princess!" you whine as you well your second orgasme coming fast, tears forming on the corner of your eyes "cum over my cock, come on" you can't hold back anymore, you see white and your legs becomes weak as he hit your sensitive point making you cum all over him.
You can hear him moans your name loudly as he pull out plumping himself two;three time. Cums dripping down your ass to your tight he presses kissed down your back as you try to catch your breath. "wait don't move" he says taking some paper toilet and wipping all the mess you both made. You both freeze as you hear a familiar voice. "y/n ?" Mina calls you knocking on the doors "Y-yeah I am coming!" you reply fast and you hear the door closing back as she leave.
You pulls your pantie
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