#but when i think abt that its like...the lie that he ever rlly was a wife guy and how thats invented ad hoc by fans
homophyte · 1 year
watched the new john mulaney special and honestly it made me very happy. a lot of it is like deeply worrying shit ofc but i think its rlly clear that hes comfortable by how ridiculous it was and glad to be in a better place so thats nice. very much the same comedy and im glad for it bc hes earnestly rlly funny and i still enjoy it. i think society would improve more if we stopped paying attention to twitter,
#myposts#as a trans person yeah i have complicated thoughts abt the chapelle thing#but i dont necessarily see my enjoyment of his work as in tension or conflict w that yk?#mostly i dont worry about that kinda thing now and i feel better for it#but i do think its...a little funny how quick and absolute the 180 is? like now hes unfunny and ugly and smarmy or w/e#it cant just be 'this was politically bad' it has to dismantle him as a person w any kind of value in the first place and its just...silly#esp bc contrary to what ppl will say....they are VERY much holding the divorce thing against him.#like it is very much the first thing they bring up. and thats just so fucking stupid to me#like okay even assuming that he did cheat on his wife why am i supposed to care. thats not...positive proof hes a misogynist or smth#at most hes like. kinda interpersonally an asshole i dont actually think the moral judgement there is justified not that it usually is mind#but when i think abt that its like...the lie that he ever rlly was a wife guy and how thats invented ad hoc by fans#like trying to fit him into the box of type of guy for fandomization reasons#and also just how fucking stupid this recent trend of moralizing divorce is#seeing ppl talk abt crowders wife leaving and how mulaneys still an asshole for leaving his wife the same day. is. hm#i dont have a thesis there or anything its just so strange to see infidelity and divorce as inherently products of misogyny#far closer to both being products of MONOGAMY....but whatever i really just cannot bring myself to give a shit lol
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wheeboo · 5 months
eyes don't lie | jeon wonwoo
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SYNOPSIS. in which you and wonwoo have a late night conversation. PAIRING. jeon wonwoo x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, comfort, lil angst if you think about it, best friends to lovers WARNINGS. conversations abt death, just 2 'besties' having deep talks :') WORD COUNT. 1.5k
notes: idk rlly know what this is and idk where i was going with it but i hope you enjoy lmao
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"Do you think that when we die, we see black forever?"
You hear Wonwoo's phone shut off immediately at your question, and the silence that follows right after is almost suffocating, like you're holding your breath. You feel the bed dip right next to you𑁋probably from Wonwoo adjusting himself𑁋and then you feel the momentary contact of his arm against yours. He feels warm, like he always does.
Your brain is doing its runs, Wonwoo presumes, eyes gazing around your dimly-lit room before landing on you sprawled on the bed next to him, legs straight and eyes piercing up at the ceiling above. The only sounds he can hear is your synchronized breathing, the ticking of your clock on the wall, and the distant blare of car horns from the city outside.
You steal a glance at him, his silhouette barely visible in the moonlight filtering through the window. His forehead is creased, eyes shadowed in thought, nose crinkling for a brief second to rid of an itch. He's thinking about the question, and you swear you can visibly see the gears and cogs turning in his mind.
"Maybe," he finally says, voice barely a whisper. "Or maybe it's like that dreamless sleep we have at times. Nothingness, but not in a bad way. Just... a pause, I guess."
"A pause?" You lift a brow. "But wouldn't that be like... ceasing to exist?"
Wonwoo just shrugs, the movement barely discernible in the darkness. He shifts his body slightly, and maybe there's just a bit more space between you two because a sudden chill seems to course through you.
"Not exactly," he murmurs. "Think of it like a comma. It's not a full stop; it's a moment of quiet before the next chapter starts."
"The next chapter?"
He hesitates, then speaks cautiously, "It's... you know, like another life. We shed this skin, and become something else, somewhere else."
A hum leaves your lips, then a wave of silence washes over the room. It stretches for what feels like an eternity, and Wonwoo can't tell if you're lost in thought or waiting for him to elaborate. The moonlight pouring in from your bedroom window dances on the edges of the room, casting shadows that flicker like the thoughts swirling around you two.
"But... but don't get me wrong," Wonwoo adds, breaking the silence before it grows even longer. "It's not something to be scared of, I think. It's like... coming home. Finally understanding the story you've been living without even knowing the plot."
A quiet chuckle leaves your lips, soft as the rustle of leaves in a night breeze. It's a sound laced with both amusement and wonder, and it catches Wonwoo off-guard, sending a shiver down his spine, and maybe his heart to race a little faster too.
"What?" he asks, voice coming out a bit hoarse and deep.
"Just..." Your voice trails off, tracing patterns on your bedsheets below your fingers. "The way you put it. Coming home. It's comforting... somehow."
"Comforting?" he repeats, surprised. "Death usually doesn't get that label."
You snort, letting your body fully face him now. "I know. I just... I guess I'm a little scared. So I like to think that it's, um, different for everyone, you know? Like maybe... it's your favourite dream, or the most beautiful sunset you've ever seen, or a room with everyone you've ever loved. Or maybe..." You pause, unable to voice the thought twisting your gut. "...it's just nothing. Just darkness."
You watch as Wonwoo turns his body to face you fully, a soft, understanding smile playing on his lips. Your eyes drop down to his mouth for a second, a breath catching in your throat, before meeting his gaze. You've always admired how his eyes look, but there's something about it right now𑁋the way the lights catches them, like flecks of stardust scattered across the night sky𑁋that makes you feel so small.
Yet you also hate how it's so beautiful, like something you think you can look at forever, even though 'forever' is simply just a concept, isn't it?
So you really wish he can he can just freakin' close them𑁋
"Please don't look at me like that," You mutter aloud as you break the eye contact, feeling a sudden vulnerability run through you.
Wonwoo blinks, puzzled. "Huh? I'm just looking𑁋"
"You look at me like... like every𑁋actually, just forget about it." You suddenly sit up in bed, taking in a deep breath to calm your racing heart. "Forget everything I just said."
Your abrupt shift hangs heavy in the air, the unspoken words louder than any you'd spoken. Wonwoo's brows furrow as he sits himself up on your bed as well, a frown now etching across his features, his hand hovering in mid-air as if reaching out to you but unsure where to land.
"I... Did I say something wrong?" he asks, quietly and cautiously. Seriously, why does he have to exist? He's just looking at you, he's right, but the way he does it feels like he's seeing right through you, straight to the raw, exposed core of your fears and feelings. "I'm sorry if I did."
You shake your head. "No, you didn't. I-I'm sorry. I ruined the moment."
The air around you is thick with something unspoken, a lingering tension that hints at a conversation left unfinished. You can practically feel Wonwoo's gaze burning into the back of your neck, even though you can't bring yourself to look back at him. Your fingers play absentmindedly with the edge of your bedsheets, lips pursing together into a tight, straight line. You don't know where to go from here.
And then, Wonwoo takes a leap of faith. "Can you... tell me how I look at you?"
You feel yourself hesitate, the question catching you slightly off-guard, an unexpected flip of the script that leaves you momentarily speechless. It was like he'd plucked the very thought you wished he wouldn't voice: the one that made your throat constrict and your stomach flip. When you turn back to him, he's already looking at you, and you feel that vulnerable feeling again.
"It's like... I-I don't know. You just..." You begin, searching for the right words to say. "You look at me like you're telling me that everything's okay."
There's a dance of emotions that flicker on his face at your words, like he's trying to process everything and nothing at once.
"Oh," is all he mutters out, the single word hanging heavy in the air between you.
"Yeah, and I really hate you for that," You say heartedly, attempting to lighten the mood.
Wonwoo giggles nervously. "I'm sorry."
"You're sorry?"
"For... um, looking at you like𑁋"
"No, I'm sorry for falling for you," You confess, a half-smile playing on your lips. "I tried not to, but... I did."
For a moment, the only sound is the rhythmic click of the clock on your wall. You watch him closely, heart hammering against your ribs, waiting for some reaction, any reaction. You almost wish you could take it back, swallow it whole and pretend it never happened.
"And I guess that's why I'm scared," You continue on, knowing there's no going back now. "scared to lose this, to lose you, that something as inevitable as... you know, death, will take it all away."
"You're not going to lose me," Wonwoo reassures. "I'm right here."
A small, appreciative smile tugs at the corners of your lips. "You say that like you can control everything."
"I know I can't," he admits with a gentle chuckle. "but I can promise to be here for as long as possible."
A heartbeat passes, then another. Wonwoo swallows, his throat suddenly feeling dry from your locked gazes. There's that look in his eyes again, the one that sends butterflies to your stomach and makes your heart flutter so clumsily. You feel the heat crawling up your cheeks, because dammit you really could push him off the bed right now.
You let out a cough, face feeling hot. "Anyway, can you reject me so I can move on?"
A playful grin stretches across his face. It starts small, perhaps a hesitant curve at the corner of his lips, but it blossoms quickly like a sunrise chasing away the night.
"Reject you?" he questions in disbelief, peering at you as if you were crazy. "Why on earth would I do that?"
"Well," You start. "because it's the only way for me to get over you, obviously. Oh, and so I can stop tripping over my own feet every time you're around and move on."
Wonwoo throws his head back and laughs, the sounds coming deep within his chest. You would never get tired of his laugh. "And who said I wanted to reject you?"
It's your turn for the smile to your face to fade just slightly, mouth agape as if you're about to say something, but nothing comes out.
Wonwoo scoffs. "I like you too, you know. I was just waiting for you to figure it out."
Now it's your turn to blink in disbelief.
"You... like me?"
He just shrugs, but the curve to his lips remains.
"Maybe that's why I look at you the way I do," he tells you, the tips of his fingers brushing against yours on the bed. "because you make everything feel okay."
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo @mark-geolli @caramyisabitchforsvtandbts @aaniag @wootify @carlesscat-thinklogic23 @phenomenalgirl9
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memospacexx · 7 months
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Forgot to out my thing on MY BAD u can now send requests i think yayaayayay
Disclaimer!! This MIGHT be OOC cause we dont really know much about mammon as of now, when we get more on him i will be updating my general headcanons for him!!!
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- initially he js thought you were the one who brought the most money thats why you stood out to him(sure)
- in this scenario I’ll make it so you work under him, managing his sales and making the advertisments n shit or whatever but its up to you wholeheartedly
- a succubus????did u seduce him???😞
- he genuinely started to get hissy whenever anyone talks to you…not that anyone really knew-
-you did not know he saw that. YOU DIDNT KNOW HE EVEN ACKNOWLEDGED YOU
-tbh if he ever put his ego aside and actually asked you out it would be like this:
“Eyyy if it isnt my favorite Succubus!”
favorite?you have NEVER SPOKEN TO HIM BEFORE
“Hello Sir-“
“Drop the sir sweetheart, anyways, i was wonderin if you would accompany me to this fine new restaurant?to discus the..urm sales of course!”
Lie buzzer sound
You thought it was lies but like…u cant really say that to a sin-
“Oh, of course sir it would be an honor” was he fr is this rlly abt that
-Do people know? NO cant risk that-
-However Fizz did find out- walked into you two laughing together, and to fizz, THATS WEIRD…Mammon??being nice??making someone actually laugh without insulting them?? Time to tell ozzie(before he quit)
-also you and fizz get along. I js wanted to point that out, you managed the sales of his robo-self, thats how he found you, he thinks your funny, and when he found out you and mammon were an item he was like
“Are you alright”
-yeahhh…Ozzie does threaten him with it, like blackmail, but he wouldn’t actually leak that info unless it was an actual must, he knows how it feels 🤷‍♀️
-you two cant exactlyy go on dates, cos of the public, usually you two just watch a movie in his abode🫶🫶🫶
No he wont share popcorn. Get ur own (he will whine if u dont share yours cos he finished his)
If he were to buy gifts he asks his underlings to buy it. They dont question him (he will throw a hissy fit and probably kill them if they ask ngl😭)
Speeking of underlings they hate u lmaoo
They dont like the special treatment u get smh
But they arent mean to you( mammon will kill them💀)
And they refuse to tell anyone cause the fear they have for the sin of greed is INSANE
He made it clear if they gossiped he will indeed set everything they love on fire 😋
-you mention this new dress? Woah its on your (shared) bed
-scrolling thru ur phone and you linger on a specific item? Damn how did that get on your desk
-Favorite food? Say less(he ate it and had to get another but its okay)
But imma explain your job- basically you managed the sales and in-charge of the the advertisement,making sure it reaches the…right audience
And how you met(you didnt meet him when you got the job, someone else was handling it)
How he noticed you was all on accident
(You tripped infront of him . He thought it was the funniest thing for a day then he couldn’t get you out his head for a week)
He bought you VERY high heels as a joke bc of it😭😭😭
Tho a downside of his, in any relationship, doesn’t matter how much he gives and gives, it always feels like he’s taking too. You always have to be there, but not as a lover at times since your relationship isnt public. You have to always be there when hes out, he promoted you so you could be his “secretary “ so he had an excuse to keep you on a tight leash , he might try to isolate you tbh, hes greedy, he wants you all to himself, after arguing w him abt it he doesnt, thankfully, but hes just painfully possesive, but doesnt isolate you from anyone, just demands most of your time is on him
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I hope this is to your likingg🫶🫶🫶
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sadie-bug345 · 2 months
i lost the request but this was by another anon btw😟😭
gang w/ a down bad alt!reader🧌
probably surprised when you just kept tagging along w him everywhere he went
as the youngest child however, this guy does love the attention you give him
he says he likes your rings? they’re his immediately
its honestly super cute
cause he likes you a bunch too
as we know johnny don’t get a lot of attention at home
so, like pony, he is a little taken aback when he finds out how whipped you are for him
its an ego boost that my boy needs though
cause i think he grew up being seen as a total burden and a bother by his family
but then you spawn in and you’re like “uh no babes you’re like my world”
you two are just rlly sweet to each other😭❤️
he was surprised how down bad you were for him
cause he is the EXACT same way but for you
he thinks your style is like the best
you two are just obsessing over each other
its like the either person can do no wrong
but when you guys do slip up the other person is understanding
yall totally turn heads in the best way.
you offer to help him with like ANYTHING around the house
jus cause you love him sm😭🥰
and at first he’s like “uh…what?” cause he’s used to living with slacker kid brothers🧍‍♀️
but he really appreciates you and all you do for him
he’ll get you concert tickets to your favorite bands
darrys definitely the type to repay you if you ever do something extra to help him out
like you make dinner one day? next morning he’ll take you shopping
you help pony study for a test? the list goes on.
bro is used to everyone around him as a kid just looking out for themselves
so naturally he looks out for himself
but when you guys start dating and you’re so sweet to him he’s like 🫢 “i like this”
like darry he’ll treat you
one time you helped dally just totally revamp his spare room at bucks and then he surprised you with concert tickets
well not tickets, you two just kinda snuck in
cause now you two look out for each other🥰
you crack up SO MUCH at his jokes
like even his dumb ones that he doesn’t expect anyone to laugh at
youre there like a laugh track in a sitcom
its so sweet cause he’s like she fr has my EXACT sense of humor yk?
yall just wreak havoc on tulsa i can’t lie
and you go along with it cause you think he’s the coolest.
bro at this point is probably used to just being sodas sidekick
or known just as sodas sidekick at least
but when he noticed you actually paid attention to his complaints or when he’s rambling abt cars
hes like “oh so this is the coolest person ever” LMAO
he really likes you and is honestly just as down bad🫢🤫
ANYWAYS thanks for requesting!! my inbox is open🥰🫶
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desudog · 4 months
wait you HATED sweet pool omg. its my least fave out of the n+c releases ive read so far mainly for how flat the characters felt to me and how clumsy a lot of the plot felt but i rlly loved the aesthetic/general vibe it had so thats rlly interesting to me,if ur up for it id love to know what didnt click for u ^_^
when i judge how bad a VN is with my brother (avid VN reader as well) we use Sweet Pool as a basically "zero" on the scale of professional, large VNs.
Sweet Pool's writing was WEIRD. I can do some weird, thats fine. Weird ass-birth stillborn meatslugs? ... okay, ill... look past that. ok i wont lie, the constant ass-birth was hard for me. i really did try to not judge it on that but like, there was almost constant buttbirth going on. ive made peace with this by now, kinda making a link to myself about the connections of it to being an unintentional trans narrative in many ways and all but like. it was WEIRD. and kinda hard to read. it didnt strike me as horror, it struck me as "weird fetish i have to sit through. oh my god is he licking tha- PUT IT DOWN Z-DAWG. Ok christ."
The characters were also weird. I laughed out loud in surprise at how stupid the "i saved you from being raped <3 SO I CAN RAPE YOU, PSYCH!" scene was. like wtf was that??????
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(I hope you werent planning on USING that butthole, mister!)
i did not enjoy the art style, i think its the ugliest N+C art style yet and since. not my thing. many angles and proportions look weird. the CGs looked stiff and uninspired. it NEVER grew on me. no shade to people who liked it or the artist it just.. wasnt my thing. not unbearable but just. not. as good as it could have been and def took away from the experience.
i didnt like any of the endings. it wasnt scary it was weird. the pacing was weird. for being a BL, it had very little love just... wtf. and im so sad abt what they did to mikoto bc i liked him before uuuUuUuUu yandere plot twwwwist. bleh.... dollar store keisuke! they would FORCE the true end so you maybe go, "maybe the true end is satisfying and good an-" no. its not. fuck yoU!
sweet pool was painful. i dont know how else to put my experience. i 100%d it because i 100% everything when i can, and i was literally pushing through like a hiker in a snow storm to finish it. every 3 seconds was secondhand embarrassment. the "jerking off in the classroom" scene comes to mind. i got up and took a break for that one because it was just unbearable. idk how anyone could slap one out to this vn. im not sure if anyone ever has. which makes the sex weird. actually, i dont think there was a single consensual ero scene unless u count the true end fusion scene.
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(proof god does not love us)
the aesthetic/vibe was... ehhh... not super unique IMO. school setting immediately put me off, a more gritty and cool toned, dark palate made things interesting but, its still a "weird thing happens in high school" story. kinda bored to death of HS settings in VNs.
i did like the protag tho! he was interesting and it was nice having a chronically ill protag even if it was just a plot device to make him be able to miss school while going on a... dark apartment birth marathon.
sweet pool felt like a bizarre, amateur fanfiction for a fetish i dont have.
the soundtrack is very memorable as well as the opening pre-game sequence, i liked the concept of the choice button meanings, but they were very rough in actual use.
this is my favorite CG i appreciate the aquarium set up instead of a fish bowl (though he could do better...)
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(shame about them turning into meat popcorn tho...)
i liked the iguana lol
i didnt care about these guys so much i dont even remember their names most of the time. except zenya. i liked him cus hes so cute and batshit crazy and has intersex swag.
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(does this shade match my festering flesheye?)
all in all?
i give sweet pool a 2/10 butt babies.
--------- CONS:
no shortage of buttbirth stuff
seems to have lost the "love" in "BL".
some characters arent even original... FROM THEIR OWN STUDIO.
boring, hard to follow story
character focus on a character who has no personality. this guy is the gijinka of the hair that gathers at the drain of your shower.
designs that just are not very memorable or unique, without the personality to work with
story has routes but none of them were thought much of, should have just been a kinetic
confusing choice buttons
WAY too many choices for a VN with 3 candidates. makes 100%ing a drag.
predictable story
no shortage of buttbirth stuff, i mean, if youre into that
a soundtrack that makes up for the lack of good ero because this OST FUCKS
still a better love story than twilight
note: i read it in offical ENG, so i was no doubt getting a lower quality version. i dont think the original text would have helped getting it more than a single grade higher.
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strawberrycircuits · 11 months
thoughts on groose 🎤
GDOOSE YEAH UEHA GROOSS MY FIRNEND GOROSOOSS !!!! takes the microphone and eats it. i love groose oh my god !!!! character of all time. hes set up at a one note bully character to act as the antagonist for the tutorial levels when everything is, like, low stakes and part of the player getting used to things, and once the plot kicks in you kind of Forget about it, yk? he was just a bully and he served his purpose in the narrative bc now we arent dealing with stakes as low as "my loftwing is gone! and the prom wing ceremony is tomorrowww!!!" we're dealing with centuries long prophecy and zelda being gone and the fate of the world blah blah blah.
and then the best scene in the series happens and its like no! nope! sorry bud but we r making this guy plot relevant!!!!! and then they made it the best thing theyve ever done.
groose starts out being actively antagonistic towards link and weirdly objectifying of zelda and its like okay. ok. you have seen this character a billion times you know what this is and where this is going. zelda falls from skyloft and groose is so devastated he stays in his room up until The Scene happens, and when you talk to him a few things are abundanty clear; he blames link for what happened, he desperately misses zelda (but believes shes alive), and he thinks he can do... something. hes not sure what, but If Anyone Is Going To Save Zelda, Its Going To Be Groose. bc hes just some kid! he doesnt know about the fuckinf. implications of hylia and demise and destiny n all that all he knows is the little shit he hates won a ceremony which allowed him to go flying with zelda, and now zeldas gone and maybe it wouldnt have happened if HE had won instead-- if HED been there for her instead of link. and then hes the only character to be like Hey. Why is link gone all the time. Whats up with the massive pillars of light in the cloud barrier and why does link keep going into them. so he figures out link is up to something and hes like fuck that i want in!!!! and he follows. and he rightfully freaks the fuck out abt the surface lmao that scene specifically is excellent.
and sksw links interactions with him are so... interesting? like hes obviously sort of annoyed with him at times (or even angry when it comes to groose stealing his bird :[ ) but every scene i see him in hes either just like :o :/ :I or hes, like, genuinely amused or happy. and hes overwhelmingly understanding towards him or seems to just be like "uhh. ok" when groose is trying to instigate something. like he just doesnt care and when he does he seems to genuinely want to be nice to groose. and groose spends the first bits of the game thinking link is like. everything wrong with the world lmao. which is funny bc his hatred towards link is primarily fueled by 1. jealously about zelda (which. ill get to how he treats zelda.) and 2. this like? general anger about how well links life is going despite the fact he doesnt, like... try in life, at that things are going well for him regardless. and link just doesnt rlly care and still finds reason to be kind to him at times (which is so funny when u pay attention to sksw links character. that guy will lie and say some random concerned persons friend died for the comedy of it but will offer understanding to his fuckinf high school bully. what is wrong with him im obsessed!!!). and then hes told that, for one, zelda is part of something WAAAAY bigger than him, and that link is literally sacrificing everything to save her as was ordained centuries before he was born and hes like. omg. fuck that. this guy?? are u KIDDING. and it takes him watching link fight the imprisoned for him to be like ok. i think ive been an asshole. youve got this shit link im sorry.
so he stays behind and he helps the old lady in the temple take care of herself and keeps her company, and he starts tinkering with machines and he finds a purpose down there. and that purpose isnt "find zelda to spite link' its "help link find zelda." and that weird objectifying crush he has on zelda transforms into a genuine care for her safety more than anything else, to the point i cant even rlly decipher if he still thinks he loves her or if he knows whats best for her, and for him, and for link in the end and hes just content seeing her happy-- whatever it is that brings that. in ghirahims final battle, he catches zelda as shes dying and yells at link to finish this for them all, and that he'll make sure zeldas safe, and you can TELL its bc he wants her to be okay and wants link to be okay and not bc hes like. oh yeah smooching time or whatever HE GROWS !!!!! HE MATURES SO MUCH IN THIS STORY AND BECOMES A MUCH KINDER MORE GENUINE PERSON AND ITS SO ?????!!!! also he gets a cannon called the groosenator and its genuinely vital to fighting the imprisoned later on iirc. HE HAS A ROLE TO PLAY IN THIS SHIT JUST LIKE HE WANTED! JUST LIKE HE CAME DOWN HERE FOR!!!!!! ITS JUST UNDER MUCH MORE NOBLE CIRCUMSTANCES THAN HE ORIGINALLY INTENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ik this is contentious theory with a lot of holes but i like the idea that groose got wrapped up in demise's curse, but less for like. trying to consolidate this games stupid lore and more for the thematic implications of it. bc thats, like... essentially admitting he played such a massive part in helping link and zelda that even fucking DEMISE had to admit he did and had to make sure he paid for seeing through with his death. groose, the character who was told to sit back and let the hero deal with it bc hes not a part of hylias plan, who said "no, im doing *something* here, even if its only to help," had a GOD admit he was crucial to his death as much as the chosen hero and the fucking goddess reborn.
i love groose. holy shit.
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hamausagi · 19 days
What is your nickname?
i don't really have one these days, but i suppose jake or august are still two of my favorite names i go by ^^
When is your birthday?
10/21/03 <3
What was your longest relationship?
1 year and 2 months (ended) (thank god)
What is your favorite book?
six of crows - leigh bardugo !
What is something you're insecure about?
the way i speak LMAO i cringe so much hearing my own voice or hearing the things i say. i feel like im so socially awkward and i hate it so bad 😭😭😭
5 Male celebrity crushes
uhhhhhh i dont rlly keep up with celebs like at all anymore but i used to be literally head over heels for chris pine when i was younger HELP
5 Female celebrity crushes
ZENDAYA and maybe saorise ronan ???? (help me i dont rlly care abt celebs)
What is your dream job?
concept/character artist for a game company !!!! (and to make my own games) (which i am currently working on)
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?
finding out about my dream college last september after literally never knowing about it prior (besides a friend making an offhand comment abt it in like. 2017 that i forgot abt), finishing a portfolio in less than 2 months, and getting accepted LMAO
What is a fact about you that nobody would believe?
i used to play indoor and outdoor soccer year round, my indoor team competed in a lot of big brackets for the state (i now play no sports and i can barely go up more than 2 flights of stairs or run more than a few meters without dying) (thank you asthma and anemia 💪)
What were your highs and lows for this last month?
highs: FINSHED MY FRESHMAN YEAR OF COLLEGE WAHOOOO passed all my classes 🔥 made some new friends :D (and regained some old)
lows: uhhhhh mental health struggles mostly
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit?
i reeeeeaaalllyyyy really wanna go to japan so bad. im literally japanese and ive never been there, and i have family there ive never met that i want to see
How do you de-stress?
sleeping, drawing, playing some games, bothering the bf, gams with friends (unless its helldivers) (then i am stressed more)
What are your favorite apps besides tumblr?
pinterest my beloved <3
Describe yourself in one sentence.
good intentions, but poor execution
What do you think makes you attractive?
uhhhhh i have big eyes, smallish waist ???? i really try and prioritize other people (help i rlly dont know how to answer this)
What is something you're really good at?
drawing :3
What is something you're really bad at?
cooking LOL (im trying to get better)
A time that you told a lie.
telling the kid in my prj group that it was okay after he apologized for being literally the worst group member i have ever worked with (he literally did NOTHING and almost cost us the project several times)
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know?
bearded dragons can puff their eyes out along with puffing their chins when they get scared or feel threatened (thanks to ron for scaring the absolute shit out of me one day) (i thought he was dying)
Who knows you the best?
either my bf or my irl best friend :3
What is your most prized possession?
a wooden box my dad mae me a really really long time ago. that or this little sterling silver flip flop necklace my grandpa gave me a few years before he died when i was a kid
What is your longest friendship?
with my irl bsf, been friends 13 years now
When did you first feel like an adult?
either when my dad finally started actually swearing when talking to me or when i changed my car's oil myself for the first time
Do you/ Have you played any sports?
played soccer for like 11 years and did archery for 5 :3
How are you feeling right now?
im really tired and my cramps are killing me 👍 but im chillin
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
night owl even tho i rlly wish i was an early bird so bad. no matter when i go to bed or how many hrs of sleep i get its so hard to wake up before 9 am bro
Do you believe in love at first sight?
for ocs? yes. irl? absolutely not
Favorite song lyrics right now?
literally loving all the lyrics in a feeling - whxami but more specifically i am thinking abt waiting room - phoebe bridgers "if you were a teacher, i would fail your class take it over and over til you noticed me if you were a waiting room, i would never see a doctor i would sit there with my first aid kit and bleed"
also saw a robin edit to espresso - sabrina carpenter and now my brain is IM WORKING LAAAAATEEEE CAUSE IM A SINGERRRRRRR
What does self care look like for you?
taking showers and making myself food. i hate actually taking showers but the post shower untainted clean feeling is so unmatched bro its the best
Describe yourself with 3 singers.
RONEN, wave to earth, and two door cinema club
What makes you nervous?
meeting friends of friends (meeting new people is fine but its scarier if someone i know is introducing me), going to people's houses that i don't know very well
What’s a pet peeve you have?
trying to talk to someone but getting dry ass responses or no response at all
What will always make you cry?
bro. those tiktoks that are like. "if you know yourself which one are you picking". oh my god. those destroy me so bad
What kind of first impression do you think you make on people?
i honestly have zero idea bro 😭😭 if im meeting people at school im probably a little overwhelming (im loud asf at school) but if like. im meeting my friends parents or my bfs friends. i am a ghost
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insert-neologism · 2 months
maybe by flower face - notes
Im sorry abt the blocks of text in the middle omg it was NOT supposed to be this long but im citing ppl! very exciting.
STILL WITH COLOURS but now its harder to explain bc its not pov; theyre being talked to. so im gonna just keep the original colours from the planning doc (wich is mostly who is shown rn)
jackie blue, shauna red
You cut so deep but
she cuts herself. p obvious i think. but its not only physical (more or less) but also jackies words (in the context of the whole scene)
I’ve always loved you deeper
1we know cannibalism is a sign of love (at least i think everyone whos found my edits does. idk the fanom rlly apart from tumblr). shauna has always loved jackie (even though she doesnt know it), through the years of feeling inferior to jackie (until the end). 2jackie cuts herself to give to shauna but its like more outer layer ig? anyways shauna eats like. her whole or at least not 5 cm flesh
Those voices in your hallway, if you let her in,
sort of resembles a hallway//obvsly th hallucinations started before she ate the ear but it was like the start of the hungry thing
You’ve gotta keep her
love the eye thingy omg. same as above
who’ve you been talking to
more like 'what have u done' but u get the picture
What do they want you to do?
also like. obsvious i think
Baby, I’m afraid you’ve been reckless with my heart
NOW jackie is talking. no more 3rd person narrator.
anyways yeah i dont rlly know what to explain here. she tore the last connection jackie had to their friendship and uh @amygobrrr said it better than I could rn
bc "Shauna was supposed to be the one person who truly loved her. The one person who loved Jackie, not as a soccer captain (like the team did), or as just a girl (like her boyfriend did), or as the mirage of perfect daughter (like her parents did), but loved her as her, as Jackie. Shauna's journal reveals even that to be a lie. [...]
Jackie is hurt, not over Jeff—though he provides her with a convenient excuse to the others—but over what Shauna being willing to sleep with him says to her about how Shauna must view their friendship. Shauna has told her that love and friendship don't matter. The romantic love Jackie knew she didn't feel for Jeff, the romantic love she believed Shauna didn't feel for her, and the platonic love she believed Shauna did; none of them mattered, none of them ever existed. [...]
Jackie is, at this point [the arguing scene], totally convinced that no scrap even of the friendship she was so desperately clinging to really exists. Everything she feels for Shauna is unrequited—everything except, of course, the anger and the hurt."¹
anyways thats why she died
While i was sleeping you slipped in and burst apart
sleeping = death. thats my humor. bursting apart references the panic yk sorta
God knows i love you so, but i won’t be your ghost
(^ thats not wjat ure hungry for is sorta love to me. idk why but i always have to think of that. one day im gonna analyse that)
ghost/hallucination idk. jackie tells her 'what? actually, you dont know. [my death] was totally ur fault'. shes not formless, passive, not just like hanging there (obviously its more shaunas pov as shes the one imagining the whole thing. so its shauna making jackie reject her again? (nvm the 'but we were just children' rn) maybe bc its because thats the most prominent memory shauna has of jackie; being rejected constantly. bc of jeff, bc of her giving her attention to other ppl, by telling her what to wear etc and therefore directly rejecting a part of shauna herself.
in her hallucinations jackie is way more like sharp and mean sorta; thats how shauna remembers her. this is how she lives on in her memory; for shauna, jackie is saying: im not yours, i never was and i never will be, even after death. even when literally nobody else can see me (REGARDING THE LYRIC. NOT THE ACTUAL TEXT i should probably say this.) doesnt matter if that is how jackie really was/felt about shauna bc thats not what it is about. not anymore, not for a long time; its about how shauna sees jackie, and herself through jackie. jackie doestn exist anymore; shes a mere mirror through which shauna sees a distorted version of herself whcih she attributes to jackie. (i feel like i should make a post abt this (esp bc you can reverse the whole thing) if somebody is rreading this (hi) pls tell me if i shouldd)
You’re the one who’s in my body ripping at the seams
(still jackie talking like vo style) I LOVE THIS its about shauna living jackies life. she lives the normal, homecoming-queen, married-her-hs-sweetheart life, not the went-to-brown life. instead of jackie - bc she 'killed' jackie (for the sake of this symbolism). thats shes in her body is a bit more extreme than that shes just living her life but like i get it? she has assumed jackies role, she literally married jackies boyfriend. shes not living a live similar to the one jackie wouldve led, but literally living her life.
but its ripping. bc shauna is not jackie (but fundamentally different.) shes not the normal housewife; if its only bc she cheats or her violent tendencies (outright murder) or her past alone. stuff thats like bigger than jackies body? idk how to say that. rabbits dont symbolize that but they remind me of like innocence almost? childlike maan idk how to say that but stuff that shauna is decidedly not; stuff that jackie probably would be. to me, it shows the difference; shaunas assumed life vs her real self. shes keeping the ceramic rabbits, shes keeping them, shes trying but shes still sb else. its not her life, it was never supposed to be
You’re the one who’s crashing on the highways in my dreams
(now shauna is talking) the bridge has aways been symbolic with dreams for me. probably bc its night there idk anyways jackie is haunting shauna, similar to a nightmare. when she turns jackies gone; it becomes abundantly clear that its not real, its a dream but shes still dead
maybe i won’t, maybe i will
yeah. maybe shell stay outside, maybe shell come inside
haven’t slept so easy since you left me in the wild
rlly love this bc technically shauna left jackie outside, in the wild. and she didnt sleep that well out there (she died). BUT i love it more to interpret this as 'jackie went outside, jackie died and left shauna alone to spiral into madness or something close to.' also shauna hasnt slept that easy after tbh
I wish i could have loved you right
bet she does wish that. bc they loved each other! they really, obviously did. but they (here shauna) didnt know how to do it right;
but i was just a child
(which makes sense consiering their circumstances etc). and they were children and like its normal to make mistakes and idk its probably not that normal to cheat on ur bff with her boyfriend but the point is children make mistakes. only normally they dont die for it. and i dont think shauna was cheating on jeff for jeff but for jackie (which is like. wildly popular thought (?)(has to be bc ive heart of it lol) so i dont think i have to explain it much) (or at all rlly) bc she wanted jackie and the only way she could have her was by getting with her boyfriend (the only person with which she was physically sort of closer than shauna). smell jackie on him and pretend its her etcetc
maybe I won’t, maybe I will
she was with jeff, she is with jeff, but in the same way jackie was and is still with her.
Run back to you
always (shows the progression, jackies always there frfr)
There’s something dark inside me and i can’t get it out
violence etc; its obviously still in her adult years
My thoughts ring in your voice now and i can’t make a sound
like i said above. shauna projects her thoughts onto jackie
You loved me holy with your cross and your disease
eating=holy??maybe. cross stands for faith; technically christian faith but it says YOUR cross and its a heart so its their faith into each other. disease bc idk made sense in my mind
Did you feel that close to god when you had me on my knees?
actually not sure abt that one; either its jackie asking: shaunas finally standing her ground, being bigger than jackie, confronting her and jackie is subdued (on her knees)
OR its shauna asking (in the context of the argument) if jackie ever felt that close to god when she idk put shauna under herself?? how do i word this (in shaunas pov) and jackie responding 'what? no'
If you don’t love me now, well then we all go down
if shauna doesnt go outside to get jackie inside then theyll succumb to cannibalism. and jackie dies (which is what happens, bc shauna does not 'love her now'
I’m your sweetest parasite, you fill me up with pesticide
shauna still loves jackie. think thats clear somewhat. (=sweet) jackie basically nests herself in shaunas brain, wont let her go (=parasite). pesticide doesnt refer as much as like. 'go away fuck u parasite' but, U GUESSED IT, the words that jackie says. bc she doestn actually say them (bc shes dead); thats shaunas doing.
bleed me Baby, gemini, hurt me til you feel all right
she bleeds. she loves her. idk what else to do. she does tell her; twist: shauna still is very much not alright
and i won’t, no, i won’t
she wont
You got into my head and now i’ll never be the same
'parasite'; as we see the violent tendencies have carried on into the adult life. also I rlly like her look here I think it rlly captures the essence of what i was trying to say
My trigger finger twitches every time i hear your name
well she does look uneasy
And maybe I won’t, maybe I will
Run back to you
literally spends the rest of the song running back to her. BUT ITS NOT RLLY HER OMG
you can find the edit here
¹whole cited post
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qqueencowboy · 2 years
yea ok so uh
setting the hype aside,,,
larry w a THIQCCQQUE gworl,,,, like shes also really tall like 6’ around there, wears 4+ inch heels often
but is actually like super soft spoken and extremely just like
soft in general
uwu ty
SORRY I SEEN THIS JUST THIS MORNING BUT I HAD SCHOOL and i was literally thinking about it all day and was coming up with ideas and giggling to mysled hhehehehe cuz i was imagining me with her NOT GONNA LIE
i have like a whole idea of what she looks like and her style and she is so fine GIGGLING AAA
anywayz thx for being my first request!!!!
ok so
larry is 5'8 as a teenager and 6'1 as an adult, so u guys started dating in highschool and he RLLY LOVED HOW U WAS RLLY TALLER THAN HIM like he just loved it
he really likes that u wear big platforms and that ur not insecure abt ur height
he ALSO loves ur thick :wink::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: like if ur walking infront of him hes like blushing and giggling CUZ SAME
if ur ever insecure abt it hes always the first person u go to cuz hes always ur hypeman abt it
one time travis called u tall and small and he took ZEROOO offence and referred to you both as tall and small
he loves ur stretchmarks ;)))
whenever he notices u got new platforms he always pretend to scuff them
he is NOT ashamed of being shorter than u like at all he actually kind of prefers taller girls
and i think its so good that hes with a taller girl cuz hes used to being taller than everyone else
he isnt ashamed of looking
or you knowing hes looking
his confidence matches his third leg 🤫😲
hes always willing to RAG ur platforms off even if they smell a little from wearing them all day 🥺🥺🥺
once he got that little bit taller than you, u made it a MISSION to wear platforms everyday but you also kinda liked the fact he was now a little taller BUT U STILL WORE THOSE PLATFORMS
cuz domination to men xx
u dom..............TBH
when u guys r cuddling in bed he flops ontop of u likeeeeeAAAAAAAAAAAAAIWEHFOW
if ur sat on the sofa ur thighs r a pillow
if ur a shyer person then hes like ur little guard dog
u give him piggy back rides...... tbh.......
u give him forehead kisses a lot cuz girl if i was wearing platform shoes all day everyday and i was originally 6' i would not be leaning down just to give a MAN the pleasure of feeling MY LIPS ON HIS. (i would tbh just pretend i wouldnt)
one time he tried on ur biggest pair of platforms and he was surprisingly good at walking in them!!!
(until he started running)
he traces ur curves when ur asleep
lisa loves ur whole style and wishes she could pull it off
but mama u could!!!!!!!!!! (call me lisa x)
before u and larry started dating ash kind of had a little crush on u and it was a fight for attentuon between her and larry
ash always said to larry "first to ask her out" so ofc billy bigballs asked u out right there and then
ash was very ego hurt but rlly happy for u two
she mightve cried herself to sleep that night..............
OKKKKKK my brain is fried now exams r drainign BUT i rlly loved this idea and i will be saving myself for a girl of ur description xx
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enevera · 2 years
E F H U :-)
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
u ask this like ive completed a fic ever in my life hsabjdl
but yeah none of the fics ive completed are all that worthy of a sequel in my eyes ig, but i did have an idea for a sequel for aootd where quentin and eliot get back to their own timeline and have to just like figure out if the whole thing they just experienced happened at all. also is quentin alive? who knows, great question to ask someone not me hbjdfs
(dont watch the magicians dont do it if anyone looks at that fic summary and goes oh that looks interesting but i'll have to watch the show first stop right there dont do it its not worth it the suffering is not worth it literally DO NOT)
the rest is under the cut bc this got soooo long asbhjkd
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
jsdbnlkf okee taking this as a sign to talk abt my satoshouko convo thank u for enabling meee hehe >:D
“Stop that,” she says, frowning. “Don’t lie like that to me, it’s creepy.” “And you know all about creepy, huh?” he teases and feels the ground under his feet come a little closer. Unimportant conversation is an old comfort and he clings to the offer presented to him. “More than you,” she returns cooly. “Now get up. You’re coming back to my place.” She begins walking around the morgue collecting her own things. “I— What?” He stutters, all of him at once, fingers twitching and eyesight shaking. He’s still too many feet above the ground for this, it seems. “Why?” “You’re a mess,” Shouko explains, throwing a packet of cigarettes in her work purse; she has a nicer one that she brings out shopping and to cafés, he knows, that Utahime bought for her when they first started dating. The one she has for work is heavily worn and a dull brown; she’s had it since high school and they both pretend to forget where she’d gotten it from. “I don’t trust you by yourself and I don’t think you want to worry your kids, so you’re coming home with me.” “I’m fine, Shouko,” he tries to protest, but she shoots him a sternly unimpressed glare and walks back over to get in his face. “No you’re fucking not, don’t even try that right now. It won’t work. Besides…” she straightens up and turns away from him, tugging her bag’s strap up her shoulder. “You’re not the only one who needs some company tonight.”
okay on top of the brainrot writing this sparked in me my favorite favorite thing to write is characters with differing goals and they have very differing goals. i like when a character has already made a decision and i like writing characters disagreeing a bit. i just loveee when i get to write different motivations and i love them i love this convo and i like writing shouko mhm
H: How would you describe your style?
uhhh thats difficult lol but like i know i lean pretty hard into being very descriptive and i like a lottt of metaphors and imagery, but my main goal is always to get my mental picture across as much as i can, so i guess thats why. i like to keep dialogue on the sparser side, though. most of the time people dont monologue, so i try not to let the characters do it and i spent a lot of time rlly figuring out how ppl naturally speak so that i could do that ljsfdhb <33
U: Share three FOUR !! of your favourite fic writers and why you like them so much.
djhbsvjhdfbjv uhhhhhh shit lolol i dont usually read all that much by the same fic authors bc i jump fandoms p often (before jjk anyway, usually hyperfixations only last like 3-4 months for me, this has been like. eight or so; not counting dr who i come back to that a lot sbhjkd), but i will try my bestttt
yukiiiiii <33 obvi obvi echo's writing is so good that i read their bsd fic and i know like nothing abt bsd sfjbhd
biscaaniii!!! admittedly ive only read their jjk works but theyre so so so good highly recommend!!
krissssssss!!!! hi hi hi kris writes naruto stuff but u should read it everyone should read it her writing is soooo gooddddd!!!!!!!
also u habibi bc though i admittedly havent read all ur fics the ones i have read have been sooo good i love them v much i need to finish the miminana fic and read the rest dbjhf <333
ask game!!
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thoughts on the bcs 6B premiere!! spoilers under the cut. like major spoilers its not hiding anything
so holy shit .
this post is rlly just for me! idc if someone else reads it this is so i can discuss somewhere public without spoiling someone
so first off the music was genuinely perfect for every. single. scene. kim driving to gus' house was so good, every scene with lalo had music that suited him so well which is something the show has always been good at, the song when they bury howards body was... such a perfect piece to encapsulate the feelings his death evokes. its beautiful but it also has that touch of somberness to really show just how tragic it is we lost him. plus they buried him with his fuckign MURDERER.. THE WAY they were laying together was so interesting..idk if it was intentional but i loved how they looked
lalo was so intimidating and showed his smarts in this episode like always but fuck. he made possibly his first ever mistake in his ENTIRE run on the show which is incredible! lalo has been so calculated up until his final scene and thats so fitting for him. one smalllllll mistake lead to his demise
speaking of his demise. i loved his death scene. also super fitting
i feel kinda fucked up considering hes responsible for like all my fav characters deaths (even nachos to an extent) but im so sad to see lalo go. im one of those ppl who always hoped he would survive in the end lol. i really really loved his death. i saw someone call it boring but tbh i think there wasnt a better way to send him off. in silence, in the dark, choking on his own blood and with a shit eating grin on his face. he was smug even as he was bested by someone for the smallest mistake on his part. i think some part of him was proud of gus. he recognizes hes won this. THE WINNER TAKES IT ALLLLL
oh and the spotlight on his shoes. for all the girlies who love his dumb fucking shoes YOU GOT FAN SERVICE
love how the episode took place all in one night! also everyone on this GOD DAMN CAST AND CREW better get their well deserved emmys.
i feel like i have more to say but idk.
lalos vlog channel is fucking amazing
i liked how when jimmy knocks the chair over him and howard are in a yin and yang position. theres both good and evil in the both of them, its just that each leans more towards another.
love how lyle was singing a los pollos hermanos version of la cucaracha after lalos death scene! amazing way to both call back to LALO calling jimmy a cockroach and to remind us that jimmy survives every single thing that comes his way, somehow. love mike using his "thats all i know" lie for the first time. love that kim and jimmys twisted fucking lie abt howard currently using cocaine is now going to haunt them for life. they have to paint his final moments as an unhinged addict who killed himself shortly after harrassing them for Totally Doing Nothing Officer!!!! /s they are fucked up and they can never and SHOULD never forgive themselves.
not fully sure who will take that villain role now! first it was the kettlemans, then nacho in a WAY (but we always had sympathy imo) then hector, then lalo and now... who next? maybe its that new character theyve talked abt but its gonna be hard to fill lalos turquoise shoes.
starting to think the south wall was a red herring! maybe it isnt but thats my thoughts because lalo put so much emphasis on it and now hes gone. dead without the one question he couldnt answer lingering in his mind. he saw the lab and still didnt know what the south wall was for. maybe it really is for nothing.
itll be so fucked to watch brba now and know theyre walking over the rotted corpses of lalo and howard, people who will be lost to time and soon forgotten by the masses. i think the final plotline will be watching hhm collapse without its h and m
okay i think thats all my thoughts. have a wonderful night friends!
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goldenhypen · 3 months
1. i was around 12? and i gave a reason abt wanting to focus on school (which was a lie bc back then i was acing my tests with or without having gigs.) in reality, i didn't feel appreciation and also no vocal lessons/exercises so of course i'm not going to sound as desirable as people wanted
2. oh i think i know one member? was he on boys planet? and if i'm correct, he has a twin🤔
3. okay, just how i described my vocal colors (or lack thereof) that is how i talk abt a bias, let's say. i used to write on fancafe but haven't for months now. i used to get the thrill of my letter being read by a bias. you can type out your letter but me being me, i designed and handwrote letters just to take a picture and post it there. i tend to get.. poetic?
4. i work an office job. calling (up) clients, verifying documents, doing statistics (my least favorite math subject and something i would rather not do bc it tends to get exhausting counting and counting. i don't have anything against it, it just is not something for me. and it's no fun when your coworkers treat you like you'll fail after every given task or 0.02 seconds after you are given a task and you might not ever be seen as your friendly neighborhood sweetheart (no hard feelings) but i don't mind coming off as mysterious or rebellious to them
ah i see. that’s understandable
haha yes i think you’re talking about kamden haha but i believe 2 or more of them were on boys planet (ik there’s brian too) but kamden was def the most popular hahaha
ahhh i get that. no but that’s rlly cool tho i honestly love that
awww :( even tho i’m not in the exact same situation i can def relate to you on that on some level. like im doing web design rn and there’s aspects of it i like but parts of it are so technical that it doesn’t allow me to be fully creative yk? like i enjoy it but its not exactly my favourite or my dream job like how i thought it would be. also your coworkers treating you like that 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 omg that’s so rude i hate that sm. honestly hoping you get better coworkers soon ugh i feel that tho cuz sometimes im discriminated against,, not cuz im a woman, not cuz of my race, but cuz of my age :/ which ig i can understand their perspective but i just wish they’d give me a chance sometimes yk?? also coming off as mysterious/rebellious to them haha i honestly love that. you dont have to be nice to them or reveal all your cards. ESP when they treat you like that omg
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almightyhamslice · 7 months
Tumblr media
Insektober day 25: Fairytale
Pinocchio but with bugs! Or. More bugs I guess since it already has one. The drawing's modeled after the Guillermo Del Toro version cuz its the one I saw most recently (tho I didn't finish it... and I rlly should cuz it was good...) so Itchy's Pinocchio & they're completely sculpted outta wood! their whiskers grow when they lie! Synapse is Gepetto because he is their father (realistically I think Makabris would technically fit the role better since he CONSTRUCTED Itchy n Synapse would actually be the blue fairy since he brought them to life, but the roles are flipped since Synapse is much more fatherly), and Niff is the talking cricket since he can teach Itchy abt the outside world!
If youre wondering why I havent drawn Itchy in ages... I dont rlly know why tbh they're one of my favorite ocs! (istg I say this abt every Insektors OC of mine except like,,, Brukhidius LOL. I dont care much for him haha) I suppose I coulda drawn them alongside my other NB bugs, Zarojo and Moritz, for TDOV; but I felt it would be inappropriate since Itchy's nonbinary but not trans-- they were "born" (built) genderless and they're satisfied with that. So... tbh I've kinda just been rotating them in my mind ever since I last drew them lol???
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transalfredpennyworth · 10 months
🤥 for enigma AND 🙊 for micah AND UH 🔫 for k??? if you would be so kind and noble???? batting my eyelashes i wanna hear even MORE abt these goobers
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
i mean. it kinda depends? hes not really a good liar but he can lie. sometimes. if he tries super hard. he'll like freeze up and go all silent bc stressful situations make his brain shut down and overload, which is hard enough to deal with but having to come up with a convincing story on top of that??? the struggle is real.
i dont think his stay in the compound made him any more capable. i find that trauma tends to make me less capable and more panicky and frazzled and unable to function? crazy how that works. i wish it gave me super manipulator powers though. honestly, k is probably capable of manipulation, his circumstances lead to that being more useful and necessary. did i get off topic i cant even tell. whatever
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
definitely his vulnerable side. hes very good at compartmentalizing stuff, kinda part of the job, but its different when other people bring stuff up. somehow that just reactivates the emotions. he lashes out with anger in those moments because anger is a practiced, easy emotion. safe to use. its a shield. it hides his other emotions from view.
hes very dissociated from his actions, i think, he has nightmares that he doesnt remember. he'll wake up sweaty and panicking and not know why. theres something small and vulnerable in his chest, that maybe not even he knows of, sadness and guilt and grief and fear. i dont think hes ever trusted someone with that part of himself willingly. he spent so long protecting it that he forgot what hes even trying to protect. its just muscle memory at this point
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
ABSOLUTELY NOT. they work at the compound
i cant tell which context this is in so ill answer for both: a( would he turn his back to someone in need?: i mean yea. probably. it kind of depends. like if there was a compound mikey begging for k to save him k would leave the situation as quickly as physically possible and just let ty handle it. he feels less guilty if hes not the one holding the gun, yk? if it were an iteration of him he'd probably help them, directly or indirectly. self preservation extends to iterations, most of the time b( how easily would they turn their back to someone (as in: trusting them)?: again it depends on who it is. he trusts micah not to kill enigma and to protect him, with the understanding that micah would probably rough enigma up a bit but probably keep him alive. he trusts ty as far as he could throw him (not very far), if k had any business regarding iterations of himself he would attempt to keep it as far from ty as possible and deal with it all himself if at all possible. he especially doesnt trust ty with any iterations of himself, but he cant rlly do much about the ones already in the compound. rip compound enigmas
i mean. Yeah he probably has been. i cant point to a specific moment or time but im sure he has been
ABSOLUTELY. IMMEDIATELY. NO HESITATION. self preservation is a bitch
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scamoosh · 3 years
oh PLEASE tell me about the persona 5 megamind au
everyone who sends me asks abt the nonsense i post abt ....... i have feelings 4 u
OKAY SO its a bit unorganized bc i never rlly sat down and worked out the details, its mostly just 4 fun bc i like the movie and i thought itd b funny LOL
-obviously goro akechi is megamind.,,, tho instead of being blue he is just goro akechi (maybe w loki's horns or smth to make him look more alien) and when hes disguised as 'bernard' he just looks like his disguise from the jazz club where u ruffle up his hair n put glasses on him LOL. also he still uses the name bernard bc i think thats funny
-akira is roxanne :3c ambitious reporter who v much enjoys the banter between them every time he gets kidnapped hehe and is sooo enamored w bernard bc hes the only other person who seems so invested in the cruel detective prince despite his Villainous Tendencies
-ryuji is hal (ryuji baby im so sorry) but not in like a 'nice guy' kinda way just in that hes the lazy bro whos always hangin around akira.,, but i love ryuji so rather than going mad w power after getting rejected like some kind of dweeb its more of a persona 4 situation where his concern for akiras safety and his jealousy of he and goros (or bernards as far he knows) relationship - it all combines and his shadow self takes over, so instead of being consciously a douche he is just consumed by forces beyond his control 😔😔 and obv snaps out of it after they beat his ass LOL
-souji is metro man lmaoo i think it fits that hed b like a role model n an inspiration to the p5 characters but also opt out of the fighting b4 it can consume him and become his entire life bc soujis character already struggles w feeling like hes living his entire life for other ppl and not for himself :/
-im not entirely sure abt minion.,, i feel like sumire fits better but i didnt play royal n havent watched the entire playthrough so idk her that well ..,, so in my heart minion is ann <33 i rlly like the hc that goro and ann are friends Anyway n i feel like the petty catty megamind/minion dynamic suits them well hehehe
so basically the gist of it is that akira is repeatedly kidnapped by Villainous Detective Prince Goro Akechi and rescued every time by local hunk and hero souji seta, who fakes his own death to get out of the public eye. in the aftermath of that akechi takes over the city but quickly grows bored w the lack of challenge.,, he and his assistant ann decide that ryuji (while kind of boneheaded) has potential to b strong and should b crafted into his New Rival !! but that backfires, as trying to motivate him through the promise of earning akiras interest only drives his jealousy to the point of being all consuming (this is when his shadow self takes the reigns).
akechi accidentally bumps into akira just like in the movie where he panics and disguises himself ( tho i think rather than freezedrying some poor dude its a magic thing idk bc i think its funny if that why his disguise sucks so hard its just bc he was flustered and in a hurry not to b caught so all he could manage was no horns messier hair big glasses) and akira talks 2 him abt how awful it is that soujis gone and that he never even Disliked akechi in fact hed grown rather fond of him after all their flirty rapport and bernard (akechi) has 2 b like mmhmm yeah that guy sucks. and hes caught between sounding indignant bc his pride is wounded and sounding all too genuine in talking abt how much he hates goro akechi LOL😖
ummm they get closer over time trying 2 pinpoint where akechis Evil Lair might be and then they 100% still have that sad restaurant scene where akechis disguise gets all fucked up (i like to think its bc he got so flustered by being kissed that his brain short circuited and the spell dropped for a sec) and akira does the whole 'wtf why did you lie to me why did u string me along was this all to humiliate me?? or worse was this all genuine to you? did u ever think i could love someone like you??' and walks home in the rain especially sad bc hed confessed that hed had feelings for akechi prior to soujis death so now it just feels like its being thrown back in his face Twice smh
akira still gets snatched up by shadow ryuji and cant do anything abt it but not bc its helpless its bc he doesnt wanna hurt his best friend ): he knows thats not him!!! but tldr goro shows up and ryuji gets bonked around bc akira comes 2 goros aid just 2 subdue him not 2 actually injure him! and then he comes back 2 himself and is so sorry and its ok they r besties again :) and goro and akira kiss on the mouth maybe
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smallcrystals · 2 years
fimfiction recommendations?
i'll be honest, i'm barely on fimfic since the community is.. EHHH BUT HERE ARE SOME
(the only ongoing one is the second one! everything else is compete)
obviously i must be ill or smth if i don't recommend the exes club first
empathy for the devil; I WILL ALWAYS RECOMMEND THIS no matter what, if i don't assume i'm dead
the incredible gravitational pull of canterlot donut shops, sunburst x soarin, a pairing i didn't think of but i loved this so much, it was so so cute
crimson lips, i read it offline when i was moving so i didn't have any distractions reading it! very gripping read, loved raritwi and i definitely think this sucked me into this ship the most
the choices we make, really loved pinkie's characterisation here, just honestly anything by monochromatic, she's wonderful
the sunlight project & the sunlight theory; i'd be a fool to not recommend these
the memories we share, this fic is an example of what i mean when i say i love reading how people can make flashset work. the way i see them isn't how everyone else sees them and i acknowledge that! this one was rlly great
coffee with adagio, fueled my mentor-mentee hc of adagio & flash!!
a trip down memory lane, so fucking cute, i love these dorks
sunset shimmer's guide to pissing off your in-laws, gave me so much second-hand embarrassment but sciset were so cute im so sad
three chords and the truth, i love stories that talk abt flashset's breakup bc SOME PEOPLE *eyes hasbro* ignored that completely
adagio undefeated, really really interesting read, deserved 1st i won't lie
in your corner, sunset and rainbow are an interesting pair to focus on actually and i love reading abt any relationship any of the girls have with each other; i feel like that gives more insight into their characters and such
contagious, another fic abt flashset rehashing and actually talking shit out !!!!! we love to see it
it hurts to cry, sciflash!! while the author did say some things abt timber that i heavily disagree on for multiple reasons, they did say timber wasn't entirely in the wrong in this fic so that made it a little easier to read. still wish there were sciflash fics where timber is actually portrayed like he is in canon (a fucking sweetheart w flaws like every human ever)
losing sunlight and its sequel a universe between us! they’re marvelandponder fics ofc i have to recommend them <3
and last but not least, a recent favourite, running off the rails! while my english lit days are over, my writing days aren’t and there was so much in this that i adored. the comments made me enjoy this fic even more too
but yeah!! those are all my recs so far! they’re literally majority eqg haha sorry 😭 hope u enjoy them though!!
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