#but we all know sasuke would NEVER have been happy ever again and naruto KNEW this
aprito · 6 months
The way that Sakura is inspired after cherry blossoms with both her name and appearance, and the cherry blossoms symbolise the transience and impermanence of life due to their short life spans. Sasori fights against a girl who represents the fleeting nature of life which completely contrasts his obsession with immortality and skurhliexbkjgfswgblpeq
LOVE that Sakura clowns on Sasori's fuckass stupid beliefs not only with her skill set but also with her entire existence. He was untouchable until he wasn't, he was smart until he wasn't, he was apathetic until he wasn't in the span of like, an hour. The best part being that the thing that ultimatively makes her so strong (her humanity and affection and care towards Chiyo) is the one thing he can't have and would absolutely lose if he were to turn her into one of his liveless bum bitch puppets.
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She really is the ultimate troll. We love her.
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brighteuphony · 3 months
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Got a bunch of Sasuke-centric asks, so here we are!
Sakura has some complicated feelings about Sasuke.
In my AU, Sakura was born to civilian parents who didn't really want her to become shinobi, even though that had been her dream for as long as she could remember- and it was no secret in the Haruno household that they were hoping she'd drop out, or at the very most, be career genin.
So Sakura never really had anyone to believe in her and had to go into the academy (late!) as a civilian-born, meaning she was automatically behind in development (and status) compared to the clan kids. (I headcanon that until the Academy, Sakura didn't ever spar with anyone, versus clan kids who had probably learned how to wield kunai before they knew how to walk).
So Sakura worked hard and did her absolute best to get the barest minimum that clan kids were afforded by default. Unfortunately, her best, without the resources/opportunities, just wasn't good enough. And Sakura knew it. Academically, she was brilliant, but that's not enough to be a good shinobi. And somewhere deep down, Sakura (at the very least Inner Sakura) knew it.
It's why I headcanon that she developed such a violent temper. People who are secure in themselves don't have such explosive, uncontrolled outbursts- it's why she picked on people like Naruto, who was probably the only person below her in the pecking order (maybe Tenten? But they're equals I guess). It's why she's so quick to anger and usually has those responses OUT of combat- it's because that's the only place her violence is actually effective.
It's also why she's such a teacher's pet- she needs validation from others to try and fill the gaping void.
So when Sasuke appeared on the radar, and everyone wanted him, so did Sakura. Because if she got him, she would do something that no one else- clan-privileged and better- could do. In fact, she staked most of her identity (her hair, her diet, her clothing) on it.
None of this was conscious. She really did have a crush on Sasuke, but the seed of it was born from a very misguided desire to prove herself on an even playing field.
After all, she didn't have a clan upbringing/resources to teach her how to find self-worth and actualization through her skills (she went home, and her civilian parents praised her for things that absolutely didn't matter in shinobi reality, amazement that she could throw a kunai! how good her grades were! and how cool it was that she could jump high!)
(and Kakashi absolutely didn't help, lol), so she defaulted to what she knew- which was being a regular girl with a regular crush.
Now, as an ~adult, she's come to the painful realization that her love for Sasuke was just a goalpost. Ironically, she set her sights on someone who would inadvertently feed into all of those insecurities, and because Sakura didn't love/believe in herself, she accepted Sasuke's abuse.
She also understands that she ran into the Chidori/Rasengan deathmatch of her own stupidity, but she just can't forgive Sasuke for leaving. For never owning up. 'Cause that's just coward behavior..
Basically, Sasuke's cruelty was just a reflection of her own self-loathing, and unfortunately, Sakura just wallowed in denial and ended up paying a hefty-ass price.
So if she ever sees Sasuke again? Honestly, she doesn't know whether she wants justice or revenge. It's complicated.
Whew- that was a text dump....
Once again, thank you so much to everyone for all the interest and asks! I'm so happy we can all share Naruto rotbrain together.
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riversimmone · 8 months
The Single Rose
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The Single Rose
He was everything she needed, everything she wanted: but she would never be enough for him. Love wasn't supposed to be this hard. Rated M just to be safe.
Cross-posted from fanfiction.net. If you don't like unhappy endings, don't read. Rated T. But borders on M. Please enjoy. :)
Come pick me red roses, And our love will survive And nothing you ever do Will drench the burning inside If I have learnt anything It's that we just need time Then one heart is broken And if not yours, then mine Your face shows your thoughts And when you smile, I cry So why must you leave me Why must you say goodbye?
Sakura remembered the cherry blossoms of the Sakura tree she had been named after, and of sitting under the tree that day with Sasuke Uchiha and holding hands. He was the boy she had fantasized about, the love she had hoped for, and the boyfriend she had had to sacrifice friendships to obtain.
Sasuke Uchiha.
That day, under the Sakura tree, he had given her what she had always wanted: his love. It had blossomed, he told her, and now we can be together. He would repeat this to her lovingly and she was happy. She had his hand in hers and his heart in hers. But it wasn't enough. Could he stay with her knowing he had given up his chance to kill his brother? These thoughts seemed to plague his mind, and yet he shared none of them. He would not smile unless to distract her from questioning him, and only held hands with her in private. Was he ashamed of her?
She watched him struggle to gain power, and push himself beyond his limits to attain what was ultimately unattainable. She had cried when he fought Naruto, and then in the aftermath, would not even speak to her. He left her feeling miserable, and wondering what he would do next. That night had been the beginning of the end, on that path out of Konoha, and she had seen it coming, and done nothing. It tore her apart to realise that nothing she said or did would have made any difference. There was nothing to do now. At least, that was what she told herself, awoken the next morning by Kotetsu and Izumo. Sasuke had knocked her unconscious to stop her from following, but also because he would otherwise have to kill her. She had threatened to scream. His hand on hers, his lips brushing her ear, and still the tender words he uttered did not make her feel important. What was she to him?
It was too tempting, to betray all that he knew, all that he supposedly loved, for a hope that his chance to kill his older brother could come sooner, with Orochimaru's help. He would not stay, he could not forget about his revenge.
Sasuke Uchiha.
And then so many years later, he found her bleeding on the battlefield, having been left for dead by the Akatsuki, the only survivor in her Anbu squad. Instead of killing her, or simply leaving her to die, he nursed her back to health. Once she had rested, she had given Sasuke that which she had been waiting to give him for years: her body. They had to be in love, right? But still he left her, again. He would not return to the village, and she could not leave Konoha.
A year later, having kept that day in the makeshift hut to herself, she encountered him again. He acted on instinct, and she let down her defences – in the rain, and in the woods, he had found her, given her what her body yearned for, only to leave her again. And again, she kept it quiet, no-one, not even Naruto had been there to stop her.
And there he was again, as if out of nowhere. She was on a solo mission and had just completed it in record time. She was all alone. Sasuke came to her, made love to her, and then left her all alone. But had it really been love? The Sakura tree had been so long ago. Could he still love her? Was a member of Akatsuki capable of love?
Sasuke Uchiha.
And now, only months on since the last time he had taken her body, but never given his heart, he had come back to defile her again. What was he planning now that he has his revenge on Konoha, what could possibly excuse what he had done? She felt dirty, and weak and pathetic. How could she have let this go on for so long? If she had just stopped him, if she had taken advantage of his lulled state, of that moment after achieving his eagerness where he lay back in satisfied pleasure, would they both be in this predicament now?
He was beneath her, inside her, and his eyes told her he was thinking about their first time. He had chosen to take her, knowing the consequences, then again, and again. It was a brutal cycle. Fate had reunited them, only to shatter her innocence, to torment her, and then finally to destroy her future. Now, on the forest floor, outside the borders of Konoha, she had chased him down, only to find herself in his arms once again. But it was too late. There was no point in reminiscing on the past, the violent, broken moments in which she would give herself wholly and completely to a man that had no intention of going back to the beginning. That was his choice.
'And now I must make mine,' she thought, gritting her teeth.
She held his life in her hands. Looking into those red eyes, those killer eyes, she hesitated. He had hesitated to kill her – that was why she was still alive. But Sasuke Uchiha was a killer. So he had loved her once. So she had loved him as well. But now, the killing had to stop, they both had to be free. The red rose flitted about her mind's eye. He had originally given her a cherry blossom, the light pink flowers that reminded him of her hair. After she'd told him she preferred roses, it had been nothing else since. But there was one rose, a single stem he'd given her that stood out from the rest. Waking up on a park bench in the cold of the early morning, she'd found it in her hair.
'A single rose to say goodbye.'
A single rose, that had withered in a day. It had always been that way with him. Nothing he gave her ever lasted. He was a true Uchiha, in every sense of the word.
Sasuke Uchiha.
Sakura shifted as Sasuke continued to hold her. Her kunai had gone to his throat every time they met in some remote place. She would always press it against his skin as he slid inside her, as though it were her defence against his lips. This time had been no different. They had not kissed each other since before he'd left Konoha. It was not his mouth, but his intense desire that she needed to defend against. And it was what she couldn't defend against.
Her body wracked with pleasure, she could only remember those moments where Sasuke Uchiha had both loved and hurt her. They were the moments that would give her the strength she needed. She gripped the kunai tighter as they neared the end of this incursion.
She did not call out as he peaked, preferring not to show him how much he still excited her. Instead, she whispered lovingly. 'I'm sorry.'
He opened his mouth to ask why, but gagged instead. Sakura pushed the blade of her kunai deep into his throat, having lowered her eyes to avoid that Sharingan. But she needn't have bothered. Stunned by her attack, he fell away from her, grasping desperately at his throat. His life's blood spilled out, and in the moments before all he saw was black, she knelt down beside him, to whisper in his ear. Her voice was laced with anger and shaking with fear:
'I am carrying your child.'
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mayskalih · 1 year
A rant about SasuSaku -
I'm happy some people share a similar sentiment regarding the SasuSaku ship. Kishimoto himself stated that Sakura was addicted to Sasuke using the word 中毒 (which has negative connotations as it's linked to poison) in an old interview. So from the get-go, he knew that this dynamic was unhealthy. While I adore the current SasuSaku relationship now, this was done by somebody else, not by Kishimoto. He might have approved the light novel but it's hard to determine whether or not he truly cared about it. The times he did write adult SasuSaku, he went out of his way to make Sasuke an absent father for 10 years (but he had time to visit Naruto several times?), and he made Sakura forget whether or not Sasuke wore glasses (BS - how could she forget?).
Making Sasuke/Sakura canon was a big mistake. It promoted a harmful message to his readers, particularly young girls, that being burned consistently is part of finding true love. And that they should stick by them to the very end because they will eventually get their happily ever after. Like Sakura. Kishimoto could have portrayed this broken/hurt relationship better.
I also dislike how it seemed like Naruto and Sasuke had to accept Hinata and Sakura's affections despite not displaying mutual feelings throughout the series. Naruto from the start stated that he fell for Sakura's smile (this was retconned to Naruto wanting to steal Sakura from Sasuke as part of their competition). Naruto was also stated to be a loner until Iruka came along (retconned to Hinata always being there for him). And you get Sasuke saying "I have no reason to be loved by you" to Sakura, attempting to stab her numerous times, whilst being in love with her.
Naruto only got with Hinata because Sakura put it in his head that he was in love with her when he couldn't even comprehend it himself. Sasuke only got with Sakura because..... I don't even know. If he wanted to revive his clan, Karin would have been a better option because of her bloodline. And since Kishi went out of his way to bait us into thinking that she was Sarada's mother, then I don't see why he didn't go down this route. Why does Sarada have glasses again??
Naruto was better off with Sakura (vice versa), because their pairing like ShikaTema actually made sense. Sasuke was better off alone in his redemption arc, dying with the burden of bearing the blood of the Uchiha (tragic but fitting). Hinata was better off focusing on becoming an adequate heir of the Hyuuga clan, like she said she would (but all we got was hearsay). Or even better, Naruto should have ended at 699 when Naruto gave Sasuke his headband back. That encapsulated the ethos of Naruto better because Shippuden was basically Naruto and Sasuke's story, anyways. We didn't need their satanic spawns, called Boruto.
Let's not forget how Kishimoto baited everyone by saying that Naruto resembled him, Sakura resembled his wife, and Sasuke resembled his brother. Yet in the end, Naruto didn't end up with Sakura. Apparently, his wife ignored him for days after the 700th chapter of Naruto came out, hahah. I don't blame her.
Sorry for the long rant but seeing mentions of SasuSaku compelled me.
I agree with a lot what is written here. I might be biased, since I never liked Sasuke from very beginning, so I wasn't happy when chapter 700 came out. Sakura being a single mom for 10y with alive father is just so so wrong... So I just pretend it didn't happen and happily live in my headcanons. The only 'official' couple I'm happy for is Shikamaru/Temari, this one you could feel coming and I love their bickering.
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itachisloverlol · 2 years
I have another one you can take your time no pressure
Where Itachi and Yn has some kind of arrange relationship and yn is always distant with Itachi and barely speaks to him and one day she even snaps at Itachi?!? How would he handle the situation? I mean Itachi was trying to make her happy and all that stuff?!?
Your suggestions are really good but I struggle to not love Itachi here once again haha. Thank you!
And what is my obsession with Itachi making breakfast for the reader?!
I was lazy to proofread, sorry
TW: just a slight mention of sex, they are not doing it.
Story: Reader has to marry rich to help her mother who is ill and Uchihas want to have as much offsprings as possible. Uchiha massacre happened, the only survivers are Itachi, Sasuke, their parents and Shisui
It was just another normal day, you went for your job early in the morning after skipping breakfast. You know its bad but you always wake up late and never learn your lesson. Lady Tsunade is waiting for you with a lot of paperwork. You go to your office and start working.
Your mind is wondering away and one moment later, you have a full-blown daydreaming session how you are having a picnic under the beautiful sky with your friends. You didn't have a lot of them but you loved spending time with those girls. You didn't have any chakra and you are not good in Taijutsu, so the only job for you left is an office job. Friends are the only thing keeping you alive at this point. Sakura was a bit overwhelming sometimes, because she always talks about how it would be so romantic if instead of us it was Sasuke with her. We all knew, including Sasuke, how deeply in love she was with him, but Sasuke never talked to her properly. We always tried to pair them up, but nothing works.
"Hey, y/n" you hear, you open your eyes, scared, how much time did you spend daydreaming? "Hey, Naruto, what is up with you, scaring me like that?" You said, realising it was Naruto. "Were you slacking of again?" He chuckled. You looked away, a bit embarrassed. He was the only other friend you had, other than girls, but he was always so busy and you don't even try to invite him to the picnics and stuff. "Be careful, Lady Tsunade is in a bad mood today. Anyway, I'm throwing a party for Sasuke since he is back to town after a year of traveling, do you wanna come? Maybe you can meet a good guy there" he smirked, he always tried to set you up with random guys he thought looked hot. "Naruto, when will you stop? No one ever liked me so what will change today?" You looked at him. "Idk, Itachi will be there" he said jokingly. He knows you don't like him, more than that, you hated him. He was always so smug and always looked down on everyone. He was so cold to anyone other than Sasuke and Shisui. "Shut up, Naruto. I'll try, I need to ask my parents first" you said. You knew you didn't want to but you could not just tell him that.
You didn't want to go because you were tired from working, but, when have you not been tired from this everyday routine?
The work hours have thankfully ended and you got back home. Your home was normal, not too glamorous and not too bad. But your parents were struggling, your mum was ill and your dad was barely able to work. He was a shinobi once but lost his leg to the fight with Madara. (Haha yes we are guy's child somehow) Konoha was paying him monthly for his services but it was not enough to treat your mother. That's why you had to work and that's why you could not just walk away. Suddenly you hear a knock on the door, it's Sakura, you already know why she got here. "Please" she said. "Sakura, I'm tired" You whined. "Please, I want to see Sasuke and I can't go there alone, Hinata, Tenten and Ino are busy and... and... please, y/n" she started begging. Your mum overheard it and called you. You went to her room and stared. "Go, believe me, your dad has to tell you an important thing tomorrow and you'll regret not going" she seemed sad. "What? How can I regret not going to the party that much?" You were so confused. "What is this thing he wants to tell me? Are you okay mum?" You rushed to her to check her vitals. "I'm good as always sweets, go go, your friend wants to see her boyfriend right? Go with her" she smirks. She knows how Sakura is and she knows how the word "boyfriend" makes her feel butterflies in her stomach. You love your mum, more than anything, more than your dad and you wanted her to see happy. You stepped out of the room and looked at Sakura. "Alright, let me change first." She was so happy to hear that, she started to jump up and down and clap hands in anticipation.
You were already outside Naruto's house. "Are we early?" You ask looking over at your friend and than glancing over the empty house which was visible through windows. "Lets go in" she blushes.
There were only few people yet to come, not even the person this party was for was here. You went to get a drink for you and Sakura and you saw Naruto in the kitchen. He looked nervous. "What is up with you, Naruto?" You ask. "Nothing, what? Nothing." He anxiously answered. You then see your dad leaving the bathroom. When he saw you, he looked like he saw a ghost. "Guys what is happening? Is there a big zit on my face or what? You said jokingly. "Nothing baby, i have to get home to your mum" he kissed your forehead and left.
People started to come but Sasuke was not one of them. Sakura started to feel sad and hopeless. "I know he wouldn't come, he hates parties" as she says this, someone opens a door in an aggressive manner and you already know who that is. It's one and only, Sasuke Uchiha. Everyone started cheering and Sakura's face lit up. Two people followed him to the house. It was Shisui and Itachi. Shisui was not that bad as the brothers. As you were thinking that, he finally found you with his eyes and glared at you, he had written confusion and disbelief on his face, then he smiled and waved. Shisui never acknowledged you so you were weirded out and thought it was for someone else. Itachi saw all of this but he was as stoic as always. This man. Why he had to be so smug.
You wanted to get another drink to forget how everyone looks at you weirdly today. You went to the kitchen and started pouring some cheap wine into your paper cup. "Oh naruto, you are so bad at this" you murmured. Suddenly you hear someone walking in. You turned around and saw Itachi. "Hey, are you?? Hm, y/n" he says in a monotonic voice and then smirks. "And who are you?" You ask, knowing who he was and knowing he also is aware that you are not serious. How can someone not know this legendary man? But you tried your best to humble him. "How are you?" Your face changed so fast. "What?" "Do you not know what how are you means?" He made a confused face. "I'm good" "Will you not ask me?" He smiled. "To be honest, I don't care" you felt this weird feeling after saying this. Was it the fear? You feared that he can kill you with one look if he wanted to. He can torture you for days in his tsukuyomi. You had to be nice... you had to. "What, you don't like me?" "I'm sorry, I'm just tired and..." he didn't let you finish as he said "So were you tired when Shisui greeted you and you ignored him?" He said angrily. "I didn't think he was waving at me, I'll go and greet him right now" and you started to walk away as Itachi grabbed you with your forearm. "Ahh" it was painful, even though the skin on his hand was like velvet. "I am not finished talking to you, sweetie" he said. "I am not your sweetie, you weird man" you freed yourself and walked away, you found Sakura as soon as possible and told her that you're leaving. "Has something happened?" She asked and suddenly you feel Naruto's hand grabbing yours and telling you to follow him. His grip was not tight, he is not like those filthy Uchiha brothers.
"Where are we going?" "Shhhh, we should find a quiet room to talk" he said. You got up to the second floor and went in to the spare bedroom that he had. There were only some chairs and an old bed. He sat down on the bed and motioned you to sit down next to him. You knew it was nothing sexual but you still felt scared. But not scared of him, scared of what he might have to tell you. "Y/n, it's not my place to tell you, but I saw Itachi grabbing you, so I could not ignore it" he said with a sad look on his face. You got shy, you were shy because someone just grabbed you without your consent and you did nothing. "That's okay, Naruto, you are strong but I am not. I can't do anything about it. Don't worry" you said. "No, it's not only that, not only today... you should... step up for yourself, because..." and he started to look at you with those big blue eyes and you saw one tear coming down on his cheek. "Stop scaring me" you said as you nervously laughed. He is not the one to joke like that so you knew something bad was about to come out of his mouth. "Your dad was here today" "I know, I saw him" you smiled. "Yeah yeah, right. So, he told me to introduce you to Itachi" he said. "Did you drag mu father into your set-me-up game somehow?" You asked, once again, trying to lighten up the conversation. "He told me.. to... that... Itachi, he.." he really tried to find the right words. "Itachi wants to marry you. No, no, I think his father wants him to.. I don't know.. maybe they both want to..." he started to nervously blabber. "What?" You froze. "Yes, your father and Itachi's father talked and .... I think Itachi had no say in being married but, as I understood, he chose you" his eyes were stuck to his hands now, he played with them nervously. "Oh, alright. So this is the news my mum told me about. What a surprise, the guy I hate the most wants to marry me" "you can say no, you know... you can come live with me here and I'll support your parents with how much I can.. " he told you. You hugged him so tightly that he could suffocate and you started crying. He rubbed your back to comfort you and you were like this for a while.
You got home crying. Sakura was so confused but Naruto made up some lie and told her not to follow you. You went to your mother's room. "I will do it" she looked confused. "Did you not go to party? I thought you went..." she said. "No, no, I don't mean that.. I mean.. the marriage" you murmured the last two words. "Hod do you know about that" her eyes started to glow from the tears forming in there. "Does it matter? I will do whatever to make you happy, I will do whatever to save you, mum" you hugger her, kissed her cheek and ran up to your room. You were crying all night. Itachi was so rough with you today, you can't imagine how he would be as a husband. Why did he choose you? Why? But you had to do it, for your mum...
you heard birds chirping and realized you have not slept. Does it matter if you go to your work? You didn't care about anything right now, but still got out of bed. Still yesterday's clothes on you. You took a shower and headed out to work.
You were almost there when you heard someone calling your name from above. "Itachi" you said as you looked up. He got down with ease and stoop right before you, you were shorter than him and you had to look up to look him in the eyes. "Hello" he said. "Hi" you said, quietly. "So how are you, or did you forget what that means again?" "I'm good, you?" You asked. He smirked and looked down at your left hand. He took it and kissed you. "I'm sorry for yesterday, I hope you can forgive me" he said and looked up again at your eyes. He was bowed down to reach your hand so his head was right before yours and you could hear his breath. You got scared, freed your hand from his soft grip and took a step back. He stood up straight and looked.. sad? What was that emotion? You thought to yourself. "Are you running away again? I saw you leave the house after talking to Naruto in the bedroom!" He emphasises the word bedroom. "Did you do anything with him? Should I kill him? Why were you crying?" You were confused, was he jealous of Naruto? "No, he just told me your grand plan to.. marry me... was that true?" You knew it was, but you wanted it to hear from him. "Are you not happy that you are the only woman who will have my children? Everyone likes me, y/n" he took a step towards you and places a hand on your cheek and then grabbed your chin to look up at him. He was gentle but scary at the same time. "You know that everyone here will be jealous of you, y/n. You can kiss me here and now and everyone in this village will be talking about it. Do you not wanna be mine" and as he said this, hi freed your chin and started to play with your hair. "I love your h/c hair" he said as you were frozen. He lowered his head and his lips came close to your ears. "It will look good on my kids" he whispered. You once again freed yourself from his intoxicating touch and ran as fast as possible. Did you like this just now? What was it? Noo, you could not, he is a cold blood murderer and you hated him. Itachi gave up and let you go to your work, but all of this? All of this was not over, you were his already, he claimed you with his touch. He was happy to see you flustered and he wanted to make you the happiest girl on earth.
Why was he talking about children so much? And it clicked. He wanted to revive his clan. Or maybe not and maybe inly his father did. But anyway, you hated him.
The wedding day came, you have not seen Itachi before that day, it was a month since he touched you and you were still not sure if you hated him or not. But you knew that he was just playing nice to get you to bear his children, he didn't care about you. He chose you, because everyone knew how powerless you were because you could not fight. He knew he could control you however he could. The wedding preparation was fast, everyone talked about how fast we fell in love with each other. Only Naruto, Itachi's family and my family knew the truth.
You dolled yourself up for him and girls were so happy about you. "I would never think in a million years you would fall in love with Itachi" said Hinata. She was too sweet and innocent to even consider me not loving him. "Well, Sakura is even happier than you, she expects that y/n will invite her over to dinner someday and she will make Sasuke fall in love with her" said Tenten and everyone laughed except Sakura. He was sure she could do it snd didn't understand what we we laughing about. What a silly girl she is but you love her wholeheartedly.
The wedding was normal, you danced with girls and everyone was happy for you all. This was the last day of your freedom, the last day you lived at your house. After the wedding, Itachi and you went to his house and you both didn’t speak for the whole time. He opened the door and guided you to the bedroom. “I will prepare the bath for you, my love. You can take any of my clothes and if you’re not comfortable, I can sleep on the couch” “That’s okay” you could not force yourself to say more words. You bathed, put on his t-shirt and went to bed. Your stuff are packed at your house so you only have essentials with you. His shirt smelt divine, but you should not get distracted, he didn’t love you, he uses you. Since you said it’s okay, because you didn’t want to get in trouble, he laid down next to you. “Should we talk?” he asked. “About what exactly? Use me right now, I know you want to, I will bear your children, I have no choice, we don’t have to talk” you said, emotionlessly. He looked at you with a disappointing look “I don’t want anything from you. I liked you, that’s why I chose you, you could say no, so don’t be a brat and let me hug you. I don’t need your body. We will have children when we both want to, my love, do you understand?” and as he finished saying this, he kissed your cheek. You turned the other way, secretly wishing it was true and secretly wishing he would hug you with love. He did spoon you and you were like that for the whole night.
Your morning alarm rang and you felt that other side of the bad was cold to touch. You got up and went down to kitchen. “Why are you up my love” He looked up from a book. “Don’t you know? I have to work!” you said aggressively. “No way. You are my wife and I have more than enough. You want shopping? We can do that. You want nice restaurant? We can do that. Don’t bother yourself with working, I am here to take care of you.” You ignored him and went back upstairs. You knew that it was no use to start a fight. “Where are you going?" You looked at him and ignored him once again. You turned around and suddenly you flinched. It was none other than Itachi himself. He was one step higher so you were looking exactly at his abs which were visible, because he was wearing a very tight t-shirt. "I asked- where are you going, my love? He asked through his teeth. You heard him ask from downstairs, then this should be the clone, huh? suddenly the clone just turned into flying bats and real Itachi was already behind you lifting you up like you had no weight and brought you to the table. "Sit down, I don't want my wife to starve, we should eat breakfast" "Okay, I'm sorry, what do you want? I don't know much I'll try" you said and he bursts out laughing. "You are silly" he said as he kissed your forehead and went to the fridge. He made the breakfast as you said in silence, wondering why were you feeling this way? Why was it so nice to feel cared for?
"Here" he said as he placed a plate in front of you. "Eat up, I need you as strong as possible" he smirked. What does he mean by that? You were virgin but you knew stuff from your friends and also books. Was he implying that?? Was he planning to strengthen you so that he can be as rough as possible? "What? Why do you have such disgust on your face, don't you like eggs?" He asked nervously. "No, I love them, sorry" "stop saying sorry" he said, but this time, his voice was cold. "I told you, I will not do anything to harm you. You are my wife. You are mine to protect, love" every time he called you love, you felt this weird tingles in your stomach that you have never felt before.
You ate in silence and then you suggested that you had to go back home and get your stuff. "Let me change so that I can come with you, love" "No, I can do it alone" you said angrily. "Why, I can help you." He seemed confused. You were full of his games so you snapped. "Leave me alone" you yelled and then realised that you are still scared of this man but you can not control yourself. "I can do it on my own, I don't need big strong Uchiha's help" you said in sarcastic voice. You ran towards the door but as you were about to touch the handle, Itachi grabbed you. His hands were around you, just below your boobs. You started to move your limbs uncontrollably so that he would lose control but he was too strong. He turned around and placed you in the couch. "My love..." he started, but now, it was not that sweet voice, it was that familiar voice, which talked to you like you were nothing at the party. "For the hundredth time, you are my wife, I won't harm you, but that doesn't mean you can do anything you want. You are mine and that's it, like it or not, you are mine, I did everything to show you that I love you already so much, I am willing to do anything for you..." he said. You were sat down and he was standing right in front of you. He lowered himself to line up his lips with yours. "...Anything.. but I will not stand you being a brat." He kissed your lips. He was so soft. His lips were just as soft as his skin? Who is this man? He let go of your lips and said "You can't lie to me that you don't like it. I know you do".
Hey guys, if you like it, maybe I'll try to write nsfw next time me. Lmk
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ammaterasu · 2 years
Regarding your post: I feel like Naruto always knew how messed up his situation was which is why he didn’t want Sasuke to go through the same thing of being the sole bearer of hatred. Because he knew what it was like. And unlike Sasuke, who had Naruto to convince him that there are things and burdens that can’t be dealt with all by yourself, nobody ever really told Naruto that he didn’t have to be the savior of the world, right? I think this is why he takes it upon himself to give Sasuke a little relief. Because not only was nobody else going to do it, but because he understands and loves him and would rather die than see him become a forever alone miserable figure of judgement.
I also think Naruto doesn’t really look at himself because he doesn’t exactly know how to (after all he was convinced that he had to earn being treated like a human being instead of ever being told that the hatred the villagers had for him wasn’t his fault at all), so he thinks of his life as being for others instead of for himself. Which is probably why he thinks of sacrifice as an act of love, maybe? His parents, Sasuke, Iruka, Neji, all sacrificed themselves for him.
Hopefully I got my point across hehe
I like how you painted this picture that Naruto is giving out all this love and support to sasuke because really he wants someone to say that to himself. He wants someone to tell him 'you don't have to do this alone' and be an equal he can stand beside. The good news is that sasuke reciprocates this fully when he says
"The us that quarrelled over the smallest things… are now able to share the pain in each other's hearts."
But I do want to note that this isn't the first time someone has tried to 'ease naruto's burdens'.
During kage summit arc, sai remarks to sakura how unfair the burden they are placing on Naruto is, especially following the pein attack and.. well we saw how sakura tried to lift that lol. And it would be disingenuous of me to ignore how the rest of the konoha 12, his sensei's etc. have helped Naruto. They taught him, they supported him through war arc...
In fact they tried to 'hide Naruto away' and take on the war by themselves. But ... the fact of the matter is, even the entire shinobi alliance is not at naruto's power level (sure, you can blame that on shonen protagonist privileges lol)
So it's not just about wanting to help Naruto, but it's about knowing how and their ability to. And it's in sasuke that naruto finds his match both physically but also emotionally, as it's sasuke who understood him better than anyone else (naruto's words not mine!). And sasuke again confirm it is something he reciprocates in sharing with him when he says
"Could it be that… just like how the hope and and pain from my father, mother and my brother, Itachi flowed into me… I'd understand your pain and hopes too, Naruto?"
On the topic of 'self-worth', you're right, it was through iruka, sasuke that naruto internalised that Love is to be in service to others. And in this way, Naruto encapsulates his namesake 'jinchuuriki' very well, as it translates to 'human sacrifice'.
Naruto coming to realise that his worth does not come from external validation would have been a complementary parallel to sasukes progression of accepting that bonds do not make you weak .
But having said that, it's insensitive to go to a touch starved child who spent his childhood being treated as the demon spawn and say 'u should find happiness in spite of your lonely circumstances. You should learn that you don't need anyones approval to be worthy".
I think that sort of story could work in different circumstances. but this story is about an orphan boy whose never been caressed, never been greeted home with a warm meal, never had a parent stay up by their bedside as they had a fever... So I can argue that it's ok kishi didn't take this route with naruto's character.. to many average ppl, saying 'loneliness scares me to death' is a flaw, but you have to understand that this is a fundamental aspect of narutos character and changing it too much I find would compromise what a complex and imperfect character he is.
But all this to say, I do still think there is a balance between Naruto and sasukes extremes and in the same way we saw sasuke change, it would have been interesting to see that with Naruto as well.
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captnjacksparrow · 2 years
Why do you think Kishimoto made Sasuke a boy when he has the traits of the heroine?
I mean, yay for the representation, but why? Maybe he just didn’t intend for Naruto to become as popular as it did and he’d be able to make it canon, but this is still SJ, a company with a heteronormative bias, so why would he make the literal best love story I’ve seen if he knew he couldn’t bring it all the way to the end?
If Sasuke was a girl, it would’ve been the best of both worlds, too. Sakura and Hinata wouldn’t need to exist, SS and NH wouldn’t exist, and if he’d still make a sequel story, he could show Sasuke and Naruto living as a happy couple like Minakushi would’ve been if they got the chance to raise their son. So I don’t know why he he made the decision he did.
You are mistaken about many things and let me clear you up. And I hope you don't take my response in an offensive way but in a Constructive way...
Why Kishimoto made Sasuke as a boy when he has the traits of the heroine?
It was never about Representation. Not one bit.
From viewers' perspective.... I, You and probably everyone of us are happy that 3 LGBT couples got represented in a mainstream media like Naruto. 
But from a Narrative perspective, it was never written by keeping Gay representation in the mind. It looks extremely personal and self-projective from the Author's side because of the way he handled their bond. SNS is the essence and foundation of this entire story unlike other Shonen media where the story was all about Worldly Affairs and Friendship.
If it was just about representation, then a Gay couple would've been made into a side pair just like they portray in every other mainstream media... 
Representation is all about appeasing the minorities and bring them to watch/read that particular media by giving those characters some minor roles in it. You won't be seeing them playing a Major Plot-Dependent role and definitely Not as A PROTAGONIST AND DEUTERAGONIST. 
Can you see Marvel will declare Captain America as a Gay??? Whereas they don’t mind making Loki as a Bisexual. because he is a Villain and not the MVP of Marvel Universe... 
Of Course, Broke Back Mountain kind of movies has explicit Gay Characters but it’s not a Mainstream movie, is it??? 
So, Yes... Naruto was never about Representation at all.
If only Sasuke were a Girl... Then we wouldn't be saying that this is the greatest love story of all time. Instead we would just consider it as just another love story.
The reason being, Love that was shown between 2 boys in a way that could always have a certain Tenderness, Fragility, Frustration, Confusion, Yearning, Hesitation.... And all of these feelings could never be shown with the same intensity in a Hetero Romance.
In the Land of the waves, When Sasuke was about to die in Naruto's lap, the way Naruto holds Sasuke's face has certain tenderness... A care... He holds Sasuke like a fragile little eggshell.
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Whereas after that Arc, they both pouts and can't even look at each other's eyes. They go back to play their rivalry games again.
If only Sasuke were a Girl... Romance would've been sealed by 35th chapter itself. Because some kind of confession happened between both of them, now they are feeling shy about it and that's enough to consolidate their Bond. 
Whereas N and S (as a boy) needed 698 chapters to reciprocate their feelings and resolve their conflicts.
This Long Cat and Mouse game of Verifying, Reconfirming, Repressing, Deflecting feelings are what it made into a Great Love Story. You won’t see these tropes in a Hetero Romance... At the very least, you have misunderstanding, angst and star-crossed lovers trope in Hetero Romance. Have you ever seen A Boy wondering “I wonder I am a Brother to you” to the girl he loved Romantically??? Or at least having some confused feelings???
These are the scenes you could never employ in a Straight Romance. All these are what made you tell, ‘It’s the best love story’
Even then, this Line you said in this Ask, Maybe he just didn’t intend for Naruto to become as popular as it did ...... It doesn’t make sense. Because, In this post, I talked about the Narrative decisions Kishimoto could’ve taken to make Naruto into a well-made Action Manga with best NH development right after the Pain Arc... And yet he refused to do it at every given chance.... Instead, he was mocking Hinata relentlessly.
Naruto was extremely popular around Pain Arc. Well, even before that, in 2002, the moment his Manga was approved for Anime rights, he knew that Naruto was starting to get popular Worldwide too. Kishi could’ve literally stopped his Gay Plot right around the time when Itachi came to the Village (Ch. 139). No one would’ve suspected anything, you know. But Instead of doing that, the show was getting more gayer and gayer.... He didn’t have to indulge the Audience starting from Chapter 3 till 699 even though he knew his manga was getting popular.
So, even after becoming Popular, that man never planned on to budge... Not even an Inch... 
The most important one...
“Why Kishimoto made Sasuke a boy when he has the traits of the heroine?” sounds wrong on some levels. Not accusing you, Anon.... because it may look like a harmless question from your side probably because you are unaware about the seriousness of this question.... 
You point is that “It’s a Love Story in a Ninja World... Love story can be told in many different ways... If Kishi knew SJ will never approve Gay Romance, why did he go for it???”
And If I put your question in this way like how you meant it to be... It might look okay.... 
But Let me put your question in another way... 
“You know that your parents would never approve of a Boy from a Lower Clan... Why did you fall in love with him in the first place??? Instead you could fall in love from your own clan, right??? It’s best of both worlds.”
Do you understand the misguided thought behind this Question even though I know it was totally unintentional from your side???
My point is, Is there any need to have a reason for that Girl to fall in love with a Boy other than the fact that she loved something about him??? Does she really have to consider all the Societal Hierarchies that was set up by some fucking Asshole with no brains, all for what, for liking a boy???
Apply this same logic for people who love someone they are not supposed to because their society deems them as undesirables.... And then the society will ask them “Why do you love that undesirable person despite knowing the fact that we would never accept it?”
Does Love knows this kind of man-made division called Gender, Race, Skin Color, Religion or Clan???? 
Kishimoto knew all too well that he could never make N and S to end up together in a conventional sense... He knew SJ would never accept that kind of Ending... And yet he wrote about it because he simply wanted to... Just like that Girl kept on loving that Boy despite knowing her Parents would never accept him....  Love knows no Gender or at least that’s how it should be. 
And also, this Question supports the idea that the Author did a mistake by not catering to the people who are Homophobic and instead of that, he could’ve took an Easy way... An Heteronormative Way.
The Author’s point is that, ‘I am going to write a Love Story between 2 Humans... And they are “between boys”. It’s up to the readers to accept it or reject it.. And I don’t give 2 dime about the readers’ opinions....’
So, Back to your question....
If Kishimoto couldn’t bring the story all the way to end.... Then Why did he do it???
Unpopular Answer... but supported by Canon.
Is there any need for all the Love stories that should have an Happy Ending by default???? Most of the best love stories ended up in a Bittersweet manner as well....
He clearly designed SNS as some Star-Crossed Lovers from the very beginning and it shows throughout the story... Like an Open Ending???
It’s not only with SNS... Any Good romance Kishi put his hands on, it always ends up being ill-fated. Like just when everything was going sooooo good.... that moron will find a way to split them in a dramatic fashion.
Starting from 
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They Lived together for so long and yet Haku never explicitly conveyed as to how he felt about Zabuza... And Zabuza acted like he only considered Haku as a tool but only in the verge of Death he conveyed about his true feelings.... 
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Just before this day, She kissed Dan’s Forehead... And then the very next day this happened.
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You have no idea... How I cried here... I know this scene doesn’t represent exactly an Ill-Fated Lovers’ trope... But it shows An Imagination of Kushina with her Husband and Child that never came to reality.
Aaaaaand they died together as well.
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They were together.... And they were about to realize their dream....
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Then they broke up.....
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Again they reached a common ground and got together....
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But then they ended up fighting.... Betrayed each other....
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Atlast they went to the Death Realm together.... 
Mario-Saori (From another Manga named Mario written by Kishimoto)
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They Hated each other....
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They Got together.....
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And then Mario died....
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Started out as a seeming Hate... (Not really)
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They got together.... They Became Friends......
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But they got split.... ((This panel is actually the Essence and Symbolism of SNS))...
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They always wanted to link their Hands Together as a ‘Seal of Reconciliation’.
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But even that very hands were blown away.... In the end, they couldn’t touch their hands like they always wanted... Instead the Statues does the Seal of Reconciliation for them... (Depressing).
Anyways, they got together...
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But then, they were made to get separated again....
And that’s why it’s very hard for me to believe if someone SERIOUSLY say that N and S should’ve ended up together but the Editors forced him to make an Hetero Ending. 
Well, No.
That would have never happened... Even if the Author were allowed to have an open ending, he was always planned on making them as Star-Crossed People who could never be together physically but their bond continues no matter the Distance.... Until Death unites them together. 
Even if you don’t want to take my words for it.... You could take the Author’s words, Right???
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This is Chapter 181 Cover (Sakura’s confession chapter). It says,
“The Sky and Ocean which cannot be mixed, the two hearts which cannot be reconciled. It may have been inevitable from the start”
This Poster description is very similar to what I’ve explained before. Isn’t it?? 
But the Author didn’t actually stop here.
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He went on to drop few hints about their bond in the Naruto First Artbook. What’s written here is literally the Author’s commentary on SNS.
It says,
“Here I intended to express, in one picture, the main theme of the story, that is the conflict between Sasuke and Naruto. Since they know each other very well, not even by pointing kunai at each other do they let hostility show through. They seem rather calm. I thought if I had given them an aggressive expression I would have betrayed the spirit of the manga. On the contrary I believe their apparent tranquility is more stunning. I put the sea silhouetted against the sky in the background to express the battle between the two and the differences between themselves. The green and the red—and the sea and the sky—represent what never mixes.“
“Never Mixes” is something he is enforcing repeatedly.
Especially the line, “I thought If I had given them an aggressive expression I would have betrayed the spirit of the Manga” says everything about SNS. It gels with this following panel about what The Author was saying here.... Doesn’t it???
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They don’t have aggressive expression because they never hated each other... Instead they were showing their painful faces... Which indicates that they always wanted to be next to each other but circumstances don’t allow them to be.
It’s an inevitable tragedy that the author hinted from the very beginning. And If he knew he will make a story where those 2 people will never get together because of circumstances... Then I totally get why the Author would go for a non-heteronormative route because they wouldn’t get together anyway. 
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lostinwoods · 2 years
We always keep on talking about Naruto's pain. His agony over losing Sasuke, his anger over not being able to get him back and his bone deep sorrow over losing him over and over again.
But we don't really get much to appreciate Sasuke's side of the story. I am a huge sucker for his pov. Though my greatest disappointment with Kishi is his decision to show only so many limited thoughts of Sasuke.
We need to appreciate more of how Sasuke had to leave the true happiness he had found with Naruto and fulfill his 'responsibilities towards his clan'.
Sasuke's pain everytime he saw the person who can bring him peace and give him happiness and know that he had to crush him with his own hands. Naruto I believe, represented a physical embodiment of happiness, hope, desire, love and friendship for Sasuke. So killing Naruto to him was synchronous to killing his heart, his emotions. Which in turn would have made me into a colder individual and he would not feel much pain submerging himself into mindless and hopeless pain.
Naruto was like an anchor to him, acting like a signpost (Itachi himself had mentioned this to Sasuke) and Sasuke who only knew his brother as a guiding figure and then gave that position upto Naruto must have felt really lost and aimless.
Sasuke's strong conviction towards killing Naruto was such a huge emotional turmoil to Sasuke that he, even after trying so many times had always stopped at the end (even after blowing Naruto's arm off he looked like he had lost half of himself).
It had also been mentioned once that seperating himself from Naruto was like cutting half of himself off. This is such a painful thing to go through.
And especially when the one you are trying to ruthlessly stop loving loves you back to death. I am honestly surprised Sasuke had not gone completely insane after going through all this.
Finding your perfect life and cutting yourself away from it is the hardest. Having to kill the one you love is the most painful and wanting to go through all this because you had been burdened by a destiny that you had not even wanted is the cruelest.
Sasuke did all the above and still some people hate him. I will never understand why. And all this is only a fraction of what he went through.
For me, Sasuke was the one who suffered the most. We think of Nart's side only because we had seen it. And honestly I don't think I would be mentally prepared to view Sas's side, ever.
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kakashifanrp · 3 years
Marks of the soulmates 1/2
Kakashi Hatake x reader
part 2 <- here
AN: Soulmate fics get to me. They are soo cute! Soo i decided to drabble down one. Most likely this is part 1.. 😅 most likely a oneshot or two shot. 
(a pic of the mark aswell, just because I liked this one mark)
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Soulmates, it had been a thing for ages. Almost everyone had a soulmate, finding it was another story. When the ancient shinobies of the past were able to make the mark of the soulmates it made the search easier for many. A mark would appear on the left wrist, a mark that would only be identical to your soulmates mark. Girls normally made sure to keep a eye out on their chruses wrist between 16 to 18 years of age, it was then the mark would normally appear.
Yours however came around when you were 17 and a half.. Right after you had became a jonin, and your best friend since childhood turned his back on everyone. It was not that you hadn't tried to stop him... Or even try to make him stop ignoring everyone that cared for him.. But after he joined the Anbu it was back and forth, before the sudden conntinuesly ignoring everyone. After days of watching it all go down, you followed him.. Knowing it didn't only hurt you, but also the rest of your friends.
"Kakashi.. Stop for a secound" You had been running after him for 5 minutes allready, after seeing the sad look on Gui's face yet again after Kakashi ignored him, and only gave a cold stare. It had been the boiling point, watching this for years allready. You caught up with him and stepped in front of him, but in normal Kakashi style he just walked around you. This made you clench your jaw as you stepped in front of him again, placing your hands on his chest making him stop by force. "I have tried to stop you for 5 minutes now" You looked up at him, only to be greeted by the cold stare of his.
"Why are you doing this? Do you even see how hurt your friends are? We are worried about you baka!" frustration had been building up over the years, seeing him act like a cold hearted brat. "You really are annoying" Kakashi muttered unimpressed and pushed your hands off him. "didn't you just become a jonin? Isn't it time to act like it?" There it was.. The vemon in his voice again.. Like he hated your gut. "My rank has nothing to do with this, and you know it. I don't know what has happend to you lately, but damn Kakashi.. Saying hi once in a while would not kill you" It was a desperate attempt to make him soften up a bit, and stop throwing away everyone that cared for him..
"You are just pathetic.. Can't belive they let babies become jonin theese days" he scoffed as he started to walk away. "Soo thats what you think of me huh?" His words hurt, it always did when he was in a mood like that.. "Can you be annoying somewhere else, some of us has actual things to do" He spat, not even looking back at you as he walked away.
You remembered that day too well.. It was the day you knew you lost your best friend, and it crushed you.. Not only did he look down on your abilities as a jonin.. But he seemed to had a distaste for you as a person too. As if that wasen't hard enough, your soulmate mark appeared later that day. That was suppose to be one of the happiest day of your life.. To finally get the mark you had dreamed of and start the hunt for your very own soulmate.. But after the talk with Kakashi earlier in the day it only made you sad..
You looked down at your wrist as you walked. The flame like mark were still there, and you had yet to start looking for the matching mark. Had it only been as easy for you as it was for Asuma and Kurenai it would have been great, but you truly had started to doubt if that was even what you wanted in life. "NARUTO!!" you heard the scream from behind you making you lift your head to see the blonde boy running away from the pink haired one yet again. "Y/N sama! Help me!" Naruto ran up and hid behind you which did not stop Sakura one bit as she chased after him.
"hey, I am not a shield!" Being dragged into their fighting was never fun, at least when you knew how hard that girl punched. "Wait until I get my hands on you Naruto!" they run around you, Naruto trying to dogde, while Sakura tried to punch. "Ey ey ey, Didn't you two just pass on a team togheter, teammates don't hit eachother, or use people as shields!" You facepalmed yourself as you watched them. "He tried to call me his soulmate!" Sakura shouted, red in face from the anger boiling. "But what if you are Sakura Chan?" Naruto carefully stood behind you with a nervous smile on his face.
"Guys, why even worry about that stuff now.. It is like 4 to 6 years before any of you get a mark, that is if you even get one?" This caught Naruto's attention, giving Sakura a opening to punch him in the head. "Still, I know my soulmate will be Sasuke, not a Baka like Naruto" She crossed her arms, looking offeded as usual. "ow ow ow" Naruto rubbed his head where he was hit and looked at the two of you. "I almost feel bad for the sensei you guys got.. With this being how you act thowards eachother." you let out a soft sigh. "Kakashi sensei don't seem to care" with narrow brows you looked at Sakura. "Hatake, Kakashi? Is he your sensei?"
"Yeah, He made us to that stupid bell test..what a scarecrow" Naruto mumbled. You had heard he became a jonin leader a while back, but he had not passed a team soo far. "Scarecrow? That was a new one" You raised your brow, knowing Naruto found all kinds of nicknames for people. "Y/N sama, do you have a soulmate mark?" Sakura looked at you, and you nodded. She grabbed your arm, making you gasp in suprise as she lifted the glove a bit to look at it. "wow! Have you found your match yet? When did you get yours? Did it just appear? Was it magical like they say?" You looked at the girl with wide eyes as she studied your mark.
"breath Sakura.. It is just a mark" You shrugged, making her thighten her hold on your arm. You winced at the sudden strenght the girl had when she got annoyed. "It is not just any mark!" She glared at you. "ok, i got it when I was 17 and a half.. And no I haven't found my soulmate.. And yes it just appeared" You muttered and noticed Naruto looking at it too. "hmm.. Soo thats how it looks like." He tilted his head before his eyes light up. "Thank you Y/N sama" He smirked and dragged Sakura with him, taking her by suprise as she looked ready to hit again. You just stood and looked at them walking away in confusion, wondering what he even thanked you for..
Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke had gotten themself a mission, and they were not gonna stop until it was settled. The past week they had been looking at peoples wrist to see if they found you a match, Sakura had been soo happy to finally see a real soulmate mark that she had memorized it in detail and made a a drawing the three of them used to compare with. After a week they sat down defeated at Ichuraka's. "We have looked everywhere! No matches" Naruto whines. "Did you really think that was gonna be easy?" Sasuke looked annoyed.
"I was hoping yeah! It has to be someone in this town" Naruto took another bite of his ramen. "why do you guys look soo down" Kakashi sat next to them with a raised brow. Normally his students didn't hang with their heads while eating ramen. "Baka, Naruto! It can be from another village too! The mark is on people from all villages" Sasuke frowned and scoffed. "Mark? What mark?" Finally it seemed that the three students had noticed their sensei. "soulmate marks, what else sensei?" Sakura frowned. "aren't you three a bit too young to be worrying about theese marks?"
"We are just trying to help a friend" Naruto looked at him. "a friend?" Kakashi looked at them even more confused. He remember wanting a mark when he was younger too, but after he got it he never really cared. "Is it a meeting here today?" Iruka walked in, ready to get his lunch that he had ordered. "Iruka sensei! Show me your wrist!" Naruto demanded making Iruka go pale. "ehh, what?" Sakura grabbed his arm and looked. "nope.. Not Iruka sensei either" She mumbled, as he retracted his arm. "ok what is going on?" He looked at the genin in front of him.
"We have been trying for a week now to find Y/N samas match" Sasuke shrugged, making it sound like it was the most obious thing ever. "we have checked as many in kohona as possible, but it is too many marks and no one matches the one she has!" Naruto almost screamed as he explained, clearly frustrated. "Y/N sama?" Kakashi looked at the three genin, not sure if he heard the name correctly. That name he had not heard in years. "ohh, I see.." Iruka rubbed the back of his neck. "your old classmate, Kakashi.. She helped out at the school from time to time"
"That joke was not funny Iruka sensei" Naruto side eyed him. "what joke?" Naruto looked at Kakashi, almost making the ninja uncomfortable. "I don't belive Y/N sama is that old" This made Kakashi almost shrink in his chair. "I am not even that old" He muttered, making Iruka laugh. "well, You guys should have good luck then" Iruka got the food and left as the genin finnished theirs. "Kakashi sensei, can you help us out on this mission?" Sakura pleaded, started to loose the hope. "Isn't that your mission to do?" He noticed the look in their eyes and sighed. At least they seemed to be working in a team, which made them stop bickering for once. "Ok, I help for today"
Sakura gave him the paper. "We need to find this mark!" She pointed at it, not noticing the wide eye on her sensei. "You sure this is the mark?" He frowned as he looked at the kids. "Yes! She showed it to me. Just remember she must not know about this" The young girl said sternly. Kakashi just nodded as he looked at the drawing, ignoring Naruto's stare. "We have not checked your arm sensei" He said suddenly as he grabbed the arm to look, taking Kakashi by suprise. "hmm" The blonde said as he looked between the paper and Kakashi's wrist.
"what are you doing?" Kakashi tried to retract his arm, but all three of them grabbed it to look. "it is a match?" Sakura looked up at Kakashi, before they let go of his arm. "But you are too old sensei.." The three genin frowned as they watched him, making him uncomfortable. "How old do you three really think I am?" He placed the paper down, eyeing the three kids. "Older than Y/N sama" Naruto said with a obious tone. "But you two are soo different.." Sakura voiced her thoughts before she started to go pale. "oh no, what If I get linked with that baka" She started to freak out, thinking about it. If kakashi sensei could have the same mark as Y/N, with how different they were... What if the was cursed with Naruto!?
"Y/N sama! Over here!" Naruto yelled, making Kakashi pull down his sleeve. You looked over and noticed Sakura's face. "whats going on.. You three looks like you have seen a ghost?" you walked over before noticing Kakashi. "I am doomed!" Sakura ran off making you look shocked. "Naruto, what did you do this time?" The blond glared at you before looking between you and Kakashi. "Nope, still don't belive it" He muttered, eyeing his sensei. This whole thing made you look at them all confused. "Do I even wanna know..."
"Are you as old as Kakashi sensei?" Naruto blurred out, still looking between you two. "Well yeah.. What about it?" This made Kakashi smile under his mask. "I told you, I am not that old" Naruto just shaked his head and started to leave. "Still don't belive it" You giggled a bit, only imagine the shock he must be in. "It could have been worse Y/N sama" Sauske gave your arm a soft pat before walking away. "Theese kids never stops to suprise me" You sighed and looked over at Kakashi. "Now I see what he meant with scarecrow" You mumbled as the expression on his face and hair could remind you of one.
"a what now?" He stood up and looked at you. "Naruto think you look like a scarecrow, I can kind of see it now" You smiled a bit. "You should have good luck with them, they can be a handful." You mumbled, remembering the last time you spoke with Him. "You don't have to say that twice.. They are gonna be the death of me, I allready know it" He sighed and put his hands in his pockets. "oh, you don't know anything yet" You smiled and started to walk away, knowing he was in for it. "Where are you going?"
"I have guard duty today, soo off to my shift" You turned and looked at him. You studies him carefully, not sure how to read him at all.. And still a bit shocked he could talk at all. "Which side of the village?" He asked. "East side, waiting for a scroll delivery" He nodded. "I tag along then" You narrowed your brows a bit. "You tag along? Never thought I would hear that from you again, Hatake" You smiled and started to walk, letting him catch up to you. "well, it is a first for everything isn't it?" He keept his gaze on your hand, knowing you used to talk with your hands before. Maybe he was able to see for himself.
"Soo what is the scroll about? Since they need guards to greet it?" He played it off as he opened his book to pretend to read. "Well, I am not sure, all I know it is a delivery to lord 3rd" you shrugged as you lifted your hands a bit. Kakashi noticed the mark on your wrist as he stopped a bit. "Are you ok?" You stopped and looked over at him. "I gotta go" With a poof of smoke he was gone, making you sigh. "some things never changes.."
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Kakashi Hatake- Cheeky
Hey author-chan how are you? Well I saw that your requests are open and I would like to know if you write to Naruto and if the answer is yes, could I get a Kakashi x f!reader imagine/oneshot with prompt #19, please?
I ended up asking her to choose a couple more prompts, aaannnd here they are!
#19- Hmm, who you tryna’ look sexy for babygirl?
#20- Don’t finish that sentence darling…it won’t end well for you
#27- I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day.
#30- Dance for me. I’ll sit right here and you put on a show, okay?
 #47- You’re too cheeky for you own good, kid.
warning.....I will fuck up your day. Might be OOC but almost all my shit kinda is imo lol Does anyone really care?....he spits in your mouth..... I am sorry for absolutely nothing.
“Watch it, Kid!”
“Why don’t you walk where you walk!” you caught the throwing star between your two fingers as it was hurled back at you. “You’re cutting into my training time.” you rolled your eyes.
“Damnit Y/N you could have taken my eye out.” Kakashi groaned. “Be careful with that thing!” 
“Like that would have been a bad thing.” you scoffed. “Get out of the way next time.” you rubbed your shoulder. “If you weren’t in my line of vision, you wouldn’t have almost got caught in the crossfire.”
“You know you love looking at me.”
“How can I when no one ever sees your face.” you burst out laughing. “What kinda mug you got under than mask, huh?” you challenged. 
“You’re too cheeky for your own good kid, someone outta bring you down a few notches.”
“And just whose gonna do that.” you rolled your eyes, turning away from him.
You ignored his answer and bent over, stretching to touch your toes. “My back.” you groaned. When you stood up straight again, he was staring at you. “You need something?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know.” he blinked(...or winked?) at you.
“I can’t tell if that was a wink or not...” you raised a brow.
“You’re a real-”
“ Don’t finish that sentence darling…it won’t end well for you “
He walked off, undoubtedly wearing a self-satisfactory look on his face.
“How does she put up with him?”
“Damn, I thought she was really gonna kill him for a minute.”
“You’d think those two liked each other with how much they argue backed and forth.”
“It’s not nice to gossip.” you called behind your back to your comrades. You shoved the throwing star back into your pouch and walked off. Kakashi Hatake and Y/N L/N were always the talk of the town. One was always getting on the nerves of the others.
You were relaxing in your house after a long day of training. It was good to work out your skills while nothing was going on. You never knew when something was gonna happen. You stretched your arms over your head as you walked into your kitchen. 
“God I’m starving.” you sighed. Before you could dig through your fridge, there was a knock at the door.
“I’m coming!” you called, knowing they could hear. As you neared the door, the knocking only got louder. “Geez Hold on-!” You yanked the door open to see Kakashi awkwardly standing there. He wore his authoritative demeanor.
“Y/N, may I come in?” he spoke. You almost peaked behind his shoulder, people were walking around outside. ‘We must talk.”
“Sure.” you made room for him to walk in. Just as you closed the door, you were pushed up against the door. He yanked down his mask to show that daring smirk. You felt his lips brush against yours. Kakashi wrapped his arms around your waist, hoisting you up and pushing you even further against the door.
“ I couldn’t stop thinking about you all day. “ he moaned against your lips. “Shit you drive me crazy.” he growled.  “I bet you thought your little show was cute.”
“Got your attention didn’t it?” you giggled through the friction. “If we’re gonna sneak around, might as well make it fun for me too.”
For the last several months you had been more than casual with Kakashi. He trailed his hand down your spine, resting at the base of your back. 
“I have half a mind to punish you.” he began kissing down your neck. “But I missed you so much.”
“So does that mean you can stay for the night or do you have to wrangle those three morons again?” you melted into his tough as the thoughts of the Three Stooges getting into trouble that required Kakashi to clean up....again. 
“I’ll stay if you want me to.” he began kissing your cheeks, forehead, nose and lips. He kept rotating around each area of your face. To answer his question, you helped him out of his jacket. “Hm, okay then.” he smirked. 
“I don’t need to tell you where my bedroom is do I?” you stepped away from him.
... (Two days later)
Training in the woods wasn’t so bad. But training while Kakashi dragged his students along was gonna drive you absolutely crazy.
“Y/N! Y/N!”
“Yes. Naruto.” you seethed. ‘What can I do for you.”
“I’m gonna be the best Ninja in the world! You just watch! I’ll be able to beat you one day!”
“That’s great buddy!” you tried to laugh. Cute. No one could compare to you when it came to throwing sharp things at a target. You walked by Kakashi sending him a harsh glare. You walked ahead of the group. No one could see it, but your annoyance made him smile a bit. You stopped in front of a three, pinning a target to it before walking a good 30 feet away from it. You went into your pouch and took out a throwing star.
With a single flick of the wrist you threw it, watching it slice through the air and hit the target right in the middle. You walked back another few feet and did it again. Good to know you hadn’t lost your touch.
“Wow. Miss Y/N sure knows what she’s doing.” Sakura whispered to Kakashi. “I can see why everyone raves about her,”
“Yes. She is very capable, Sakura. She has impeccable precision.” he commented. Although he was thinking something completely different. Everyone watched as you took out your annoyance on the bullseye target, When you had ran out of stars, you trudged back up to the tree and yanked each one out.
Later on, Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto were all napping. All had passed out at some point after some extreme training courtesy of Kakashi. As for you, you were sitting by the lake, getting some much needed recreation. You had just gone for a swim. The ice cold water felt perfect. 
You stood up against the tree facing away from everyone. You were prepared to get back into the water when Kakashi came up, slowly ridding himself of his shirt as he did.
“Going for a-” you were cut off as he pushed himself against you, claiming your mouth in a kiss. Not that you weren’t totally happy, but his students were literally napping less that 50 feet away from you both.
“W-wha are you-?”
“Shhh.” Kakashi pulled down his mask then got down on his knees as he fumbled with your panties. “If we’re gonna do this, you gotta be quiet.”
“You’ve had some pretty dumb ideas but-...fuh.” you cut yourself off as you felt him trail his hands up your thigh. He pressed small kisses down your thighs. You were still soaking wet from the water, so your skin was slippery. He pulled your panties down, placing small kisses along your heat.
You dared peek over your shoulder. Everyone was still sleeping, but you found it hard to focus. Kakashi gently drove his tongue into your slit, causing a sharp gasp to escape your lungs. Your legs shook as his tongue flicked against your clit.
“Kakashi~” you shuddered. You found yourself running your hands against his silvery white hair. He grabbed your leg and hooked it over his shoulder. “We could get caught!”
“Exciting isn’t it?” he giggled. “You just have to stay quiet.” you felt his fingers slither inside you. “ Come on Y/N... Dance for me. I’ll sit right here and you put on a show, okay? “ he moaned, sloppily dragging his tongue up your slit. “Shit- You’re so fucking good, Y/N. You’re soaking.” he laughed evilly. 
“Whose f-fault is that!”
He slapped your ass, making you gasp again. You could just picture that shit eating grin on his face. 
You were made to stand up straight as Kakashi rose to his feet. He hoisted you up, wrapping both of your legs around his torso. You hadn’t noticed that his pants had dropped around his ankles. You felt his painfully slowly slide himself inside. 
“They’re still sleeping.” he grunted, slowly thrusting into you. “Fuck I needed this.” he moaned. “I need you~” he coughed. “Kiss me.” 
He, in a hurry, sloppily kissed you. Your tongues clashed. You faced heated up from the lewd sounds your mouths made as they clashed together. Kakashi pushed your further against the tree. 
“Kakashi..” you were able to muster. 
“Open your fucking mouth.” he cut you off. “Now...” he growled. 
You obediently did as he asked, sticking out your tongue as Kakashi let a line of drool go from his tongue to yours. He claimed your mouth again while he dug his nails into your thighs. His cock twitched inside of you as his thrusts grew sloppy. 
You couldn’t even talk through his kisses. Your insides clenched around him, feeling yourself grow more and more sensitive at his touch. You didn’t care how loud you were anymore and he didn’t either. 
“I’m gonna- I’m gonna fucking cum. I’m gonna- ARGH-” 
You felt him practically bottom out inside of you, cumming inside your depths. To avoid making any sounds, he kissed you again. With one harsh thrust, you came too. You heard those lewd watery sounds as liquids dripped out of your pussy, down your legs. Poor plants. 
“Kakashi~” you moaned again.
“It feels good?” he talked down to you in a babyish voice. “You like my cum inside you don’t you.” he spilled the rest of himself into you tightness. “And they’re still sleeping.” he smirked. “You were worried about nothing.”
“Shut up.” you rolled your eyes. You whined as he slowly removed himself from you. 
“It’s running down your leg.” he laughed. “Shit, you’re so sexy.” he dragged his tongue down your neck. “Shit-”
“You’re lucky we didn’t get caught.” you shakily spoke. “And you call me the cheeky one.”
“Hm, don’t be like that, babe...or else I might not to easy on you this time.”
(This one was not so much hardcore, but it was something, so I’m all caught up with requests I think! Does anyone here fucks with Haikyuu?.....Can I- Can I write for Haikyuu?)
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lumisfiction · 3 years
Just For Tonight
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Kakashi x Black Reader
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Kishimoto, gif not mine found on the internet.
Warning: Black Reader Insert, fluff
Part 1
****Part Two*****
Y/n’s house was the most enchanting place in all the Hidden Leaf, four miles into a secluded forest lay a stone path with handcrafted lanterns along it. The forest that surrounded it was filled with every color of wild flower that Kakashi had ever seen. It was as if he was no longer in the village, like he’d stepped into another world, y/n’s world. A world of fireflies, sun flowers, moon flowers, roses of every color, and lilies. A pastel painting with a deep green undertone of the entire forest. All around him were arches, tall trees with branches that entwined with evening birds perched on them singing their evening hymn. The dim light of moon peaking through illuminating the walk way. If it hadn't been for Sasuke and Naruto he would have never found this place.
Tugging eagerly at his vest Naruto guided him farther until they came to a large clearing. The moon and stars were brighter as it reflected on the surface of the small pond in front of them. It seemed all matter of creatures came out tonight in celebration of y/n, the sounds around him growing louder. A pleasant loudness that blended with the atmosphere of the pond and on its surface glowing lotuses glided past. Naruto reached down and picked one up, crystal liquid pooling over his small fingers. Kakashi watches as its blue light dimly lights the boy's youthful face. He looked his age then, like a child who held the most precious thing in the world. “These are her favorite” cupping it delicately Naruto presented his hands to him. “I know you came last minute Kakashi sensei, you can bring this as a gift” Naruto grinned a mischievous glint in his eye. “A gift” Kakashi scratched the back of his neck, painfully aware of his unpreparedness. In his haste to cheer Naruto up he’d forgotten that he just returned from a mission. His clothes were dirty and his hair was grimy. “I think a gift is the least of my concern” Kakashi pulled at his filthy pants, he could fill the dirt under his fingernails. He thought about y/n then how pretty she would look and her face when she saw him. It would be their first official meeting and this is what she’ll see. Her first impressions forever skewered by his dirty attire. It made his hands tremble and he felt heat rush throughout his body, a nervousness swelling somewhere deep within him. Nervous to meet y/n, like a school boy who finally gets to spend time with his crush.
Sasuke looked behind him observing a riled up Kakashi. Even in the moonlight and a half exposed face he knew exactly what his tinted cheeks meant. “She shouldn’t be home yet, you can freshen up once we get there” his arms practically spilling over with an assortment of flowers. Kakashi looked over at Sasuke sighing, was he that easy to read? How long has it been since he was social? Was he so out of touch that he couldn't even manage to hide his emotions from a prepubescent boy.
His mind wandered off again as he began to contemplate his decision to attend. It was all too sudden, what if he made of a fool of himself? Or worse what if he isn't welcomed? Thoughts were spinning around and round his head so much so that a scowl returned to his face and his exposed brow scrunched. His inner conflict occupied all of his attention so much so he hadn't noticed Sasuke making kissing noises. Not until the boy began to tease him childishly.
"Kakashi and y/n sitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g" Sasuke relentlessly teased Kakashi with a child-like twinkle in his eyes. It was perplexing, the cool headed vengeful Sasuke was the polar opposite of his former self. Laughing and smiling as he bent down to pick even more flowers along the water. Stopping to look them over and disregard the flowers he no longer wanted.
It was so out of character for him that Kakashi hadn't noticed he was gawking. “He always brings her freshly picked flowers” Naruto came into view with a smug look on his face. Kakashi hadn’t noticed until tonight how different with her in their life they had become. How both of them practically morphed into children right before his eyes. Naruto was feather light and cheerful while Sasuke was playful, thoughtful, and happy. They look so innocent he almost forgot they were shinobi, genin who’d soon participate in the chunin exams. He recounted to himself a time when he looked like them. When he too was happy and innocent. Just a boy and his father.
All of them fell in a silent stride as they began walking again. Crossing over a small bridge that brought them to their destination at last. Willow trees and what seemed like a thousand fireflies greeted them. There at the foot of the path stood the most beautiful wooden arch with yellow flowers twisting around it's bark. Dangling loosely from it a chipped wooden sign that read "Happy Birthday y/n. “I made that” Naruto’s face gleamed with all the pride of a not so masterful craftsman as he pointed his finger in the direction of if. Sasuke scoffed as he remarked how tacky he thought it looked. With an ego as big as his competition he stated how much better his lanterns were in comparison. Naruto glared at Sasuke, his eyes sharp as he retaliated with an insult of his own. There was no end to it, both of them going on and on about what y/n liked best. It was driving Kakashi a little crazy, having to go on missions with their insistent contest was one thing, but this was a whole other sort of annoying. The kind that made him so irritated that all the cool level headed temperament in the world couldn’t prevent the annoyed look on his face. He thought about home and his warm recliner. The green hardback book that he so often read to indulge his perverted mind. The faint feeling of heat coursing throughout his slightly reddening cheeks. What he wouldn’t give to go back in time and stick to his original plan. A plan that didn't involve two rowdy brats.
The house was a deep oak red with hints of a darker brown. It was large with a stairway above it that led to a smaller house. It had flags and a large telescope pointing toward the eastern sky.
The entire estate was homely and welcoming, the yard embedded with an even more alluring green. Fresh cut grass and lanterns that spread about it illuminating everything in its path. Nothing could make this scene before him more stunning he thought to himself as he looked all around in awe.
She descended from the steps, the most beautiful sight of all, Y/n. Her raven coils shining in the moonlight and her skin glistening like the surface of a smooth diamond. She was most certainly magical, the tail of her white dress flowing behind her when she walked a smooth glide only a goddess would have.
"Y/n" as fast as their feet would carry them Naruto and Sasuke ran to her open arms ruining her pretty dress even though she didn't seem to mind. She embraced them with a hug that only a mother would give her beloved children. When they parted Sasuke was the first to present his gift, a bouquet of wild flowers "Happy Birthday y/n". Her face lit up as she leaned over to kiss his exposed forehead and his face become even more redder than before.
From the distance where Kakashi stood he saw the pearls her pretty teeth, her full lips lifting the bones of her cheeks. The way her breast sat prettily in her clothes and the playful glint in her almond eyes. She seemed to get prettier as he came closer and his eye drifted downward and then up again taking in her full form. All of his former reservations escaped him,his heart thudding in his chest as he made his way closer. Yes, Just for tonight he'll indulge himself.
Author Notes: Trying to decide if this should just be a three part or more series. Next chapter will be released soon and it will contain light smut. Thank you for all your support!
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narutogwriting · 3 years
Turning Page
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⋇✦ Pairing: Naruto Uzumaki x Reader
⋇✦ Genre: fluff; one shot
⋇✦ Synopsis: Naruto never would have dreamed that he would get this sort of happiness, but there you are
⋇✦ CW: none
⋇✦ Length: 1.4k+
⋇✦ Inspiration: Turning Page by Sleeping at Last + @naooseimaiss request
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I’ve waited a hundred years
I’d wait a million more for you
Had Naruto ever expected it? Had he ever even dared to dream about a day like this?
No. No he hadn’t.
Not in Naruto’s wildest dreams would he have let himself believe that someone would love him the way that you did. Someone who would support him, stand by his side through thick and thin. Through every win and especially every failure, every step of Naruto’s journey since he met you, you had been by his side, unwavering.
If I had only felt the warmth within your touch
If I had only seen how you smile when you blush
Or how you curl your lip when you concentrate enough
I would have known what I was living for all along
And Naruto loved you. He loved you so much more than he knew was possible. Naruto didn’t know just how boundless his love really was until he gave you his heart. Holding you for the first time was the greatest pleasure he had ever experienced. Having your smile aimed in his direction lit a fire in him that even the harshest rainstorms couldn’t put out.
He wished he could go back and tell himself, just whisper the words into his own ear those nights as a child he’d spent alone and lonely.
She’s coming. Don’t worry. I know it hurts now, but once she’s here, you’ll see. Every hurt, every pain, every harsh look. Your strangeness, your curse, your always feeling like an outsider. It all existed so you could belong here, with her. It’s all worth it.
The pain you’re feeling can’t compare to the joy that is coming.
What I’ve been living for
Naruto heard once that true love isn’t being willing to die for a person; it’s about who you would live for.
Every day for the rest of his life, Naruto would live for you.
Your love is my turning page
Where only the sweetest words remain
“It won’t go down!” Naruto complained, running a comb through his hair again and again. “I put so much gel on it! Why won’t it stay in place.” He threw the comb with a frustrated shout, observing himself in the mirror.
He’d done his best to comb his hair down into something presentable, but those unruly spikes wouldn’t stay all the way down. “I look like a mess! This is the best day of my life and I look like a mess!”
A light chuckle made him turn. Iruka was smiling at him from the couch, shaking his head. “‘Snot funny, Iruka-Sensei!” Naruto whined, crossing his arms.
Iruka got up, walking over to Naruto, still laughing softly as he stood in front of the blond, hands placed on his shoulders. “What!?” Naruto demanded as he glowered at his old sensei, bottom lip protruding out in a pout.
“It’s just…” Iruka stopped, shaking his head as he felt his throat tightening. “It’s just… I’m so proud of you, Naruto.”
Naruto stopped, taken off guard by the comment. He stared at Iruka, wide eyed before he laughed, giving that close-eyed, big grin he was known for.
“I never thought I’d be one of the people standing by you at your wedding, Naruto. It’s an honor. Truly.” He pulled the boy who was no longer a boy, but a man, into his arms. How long ago had it been that Naruto was just a kid, starved of love and attention, so small he’d barely come up to Iruka’s chest?
You hadn’t just been an answer to Naruto’s prayers, but Iruka’s as well.
Every touch is a cursive line
Every touch is a redefining page
“Quit bouncing, usuratonkachi” Sasuke whispered at Naruto’s side, but there was a lightness to his tone. He’d seen a lot of emotion in the blond over the years. He always thought that the day Naruto had become Hokage was the happiest day of Naruto’s life, but even that day didn’t compare to the utter joy that was on Naruto’s face now.
Naruto only grinned at Sasuke. It was time. Any moment now, you would appear, walking down that aisle wearing your uchikake, and Naruto knew you would look like an angel. He’d asked you not to wear the headdress brides usually did. He didn’t want to ‘hide your horns.’ He didn’t want submission from you.
You were Naruto’s partner; his better half. He loved every single part of your large and wild heart.
His heart was already leaping out of his chest; he didn’t think he would be able to contain himself once he saw you.
I surrender who I've been for who you are
For nothing makes me stronger than your fragile heart
And there you were. You appeared like a vision, ethereal and effervescent as you glided towards him. Naruto’s breath caught in his lungs. He wasn’t sure he’d ever really breathed before this moment, had never really lived until now.
Naruto was in awe of your beauty. His eyes were locked on yours, glistening with happiness and adoration.
He still couldn’t believe it. That you would look at him that way.
Naruto wanted to stare at you forever, wanted to exist always here, in this moment, but he had to close his eyes. He wasn’t sure when he started crying, but the tears were there, overflowing and blinding them. He smiled as he wiped them from his eyes.
He heard a familiar giggle and when he opened them, you were there, reflecting that same love and adoration.
He couldn’t help it, couldn’t wait.
Naruto kissed you fiercely, holding you close to him like he was afraid you would disappear at any moment. You returned the kiss with the same intensity, arms locking around his neck as you drank him in.
A cleared throat finally broke you too away as you both giggled, eyes never leaving each others.
“If you’d like to begin…” Kakashi laughed.
If I had only felt how it feels to be yours
Well, I would have known what I've been living for all along
What I've been living for
It was perfect. Every moment. You and Naruto had decided to forgo a lot of the wedding traditions, but you kept the nuptial cups. Naruto had suggested it because he wanted to surprise Iruka; have him be his parent that drinks from the cup like your parents would and seals the family together.
There wasn’t a dry eye in the house.
“I love every piece of you, Naruto. Every scratch, every scar. From the demon inside of you to the fire that burns around you. I always always meant to be here, to love you. And I will. Always and forever. Thank you for choosing me. I will never stop choosing you.”
“My whole life, I felt lost. Confused, and empty. And then I found people who were important to me, people that I had to care for and fight for. And I was happy; but sometimes, I still felt so lost and so lonely, and I never understood, because I was happier than ever. And then you appeared. It was like suddenly, the world made sense. Everything just suddenly fell into place. I was lost, and you found me. You taught me that I couldn’t just love others, but that I could also love myself; something I never realized. Thank you for changing my life. Thank you for teaching me things I never knew, and for being my best friend. Thank you for always finding me.”
“I’ll always find you, Naruto. In every world, in every lifetime. If I have to search a million life times, I will find you again.”
Though we're tethered to the story we must tell
When I saw you, well I knew we'd tell it well
With a whisper, we will tame the vicious seas
Like a feather, bringing kingdoms to their knees
It was the first day of the rest of your life. You had read something once: “To love someone was not what she had expected. It was like falling from somewhere high up and breaking in half, and only one person having the secret to the puzzle of putting her back together.”
You’d read that to Naruto, and he had smiled, because it was true. It did feel like that, and yet, it had never hurt. Because as soon as he had fallen, you’d been there, catching him and putting together all his pieces, just like he’d done for you.
There was something else.
“I wouldn't be surprised if that is the way things go after all - that all things end happy.”
You smiled as you kissed Naruto once more. For the first time in your life, thanks to the number one, hyperactive, knuckleheaded ninja, it was something you could believe.
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Silent Treatment
An Uchiha Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Sarada one shot
All he has to do whenever he comes back to Konoha is be with his wife and daughter. All he had to do is spend as much quality time with them and make memories, especially Sarada, he should know her more as much as she should know him more.
But no, he has the worst temper ever and the foolishness that he has decided to get mad to both of his girls.
He went home that early evening thinking the dinner he will get to share with his family after a long time, just great home-made food cooked by his wife and all the stories Sarada and Sakura will tell him, however when he went home Sarada is going out with bag on her shoulder as if she is going to sleep somewhere else.
“Sarada,” He called.
His precious daughter looked at him, her eyes slowly rounding in shock and her smile beaming as she ran towards him. Of course, he hugged her with his remaining arm and his one knee on the ground leveling his eyes to Sarada. He tucked the escaped hair to her ear.
“What’s with your bag?”
“I am having a sleepover at Chouji’s tonight, Papa.” She said, with an opened smile on her face.
“Did you tell Sakura?” On all means, he hoped that she didn’t so he has a reason not to let her yet she nodded with confidence.
His brows furrowed, “Are you sure?”
“Hm, Papa! Before I went home from the Academy I went to Mama’s work and I told her. She agreed,”
Sakura did?
“Though she had a lot of reminders.” She pouted.
Sakura knew he is scheduled to go home today, be that as it may that he told her it is morning and it is night now, nevertheless it still counts as today. She knew how much he wanted to spend time with Sarada as much as he stayed in Konoha following what happened the last time she tailed the Hokage to look for him.
It confuses him why Sakura let Sarada, knowing he will be home. And it is 6pm, she should be home by now. Does this happen often, Sarada alone under the dark skies to the comfort of their home? What if someone tries to kidnap her?
“You can’t go, Sarada.” He said, calmly.
The moment he saw the crease on her forehead, he instantly wants to take it back. His pride just won’t let him. He wants to be with Sarada, as he only will stay for a week this time. The sleepover can happen next week.
“P-Papa? Mama already said yes!”
“But I didn’t. Now, I am telling you that I don’t consent to this.” He tried to hold his daughter’s arm but she stepped backward.
“But we are planning this for weeks now, Papa. I did everything to make Mama agree.” Sarada’s face is in a whole frown, upset and angry.
I sighed, “Sarada, I said no.”
“No, Papa!” Sasuke almost held his chest in shock of Sarada, “I did so many things just to have Mama agree for this night, and you cannot just ruin that by coming home and disagreeing!”
Before Sasuke could react, Sarada was already out of the door. He didn’t fail to see the tears that she shed as she ran outside the house. His fist clenched. He just made her cry again, and just right after he met her for a long time again.
Sasuke is in despair, his elbows on both his knees as he buries his face to his palms. That is the scenario Sakura went home to. A smile is plastered unto her face seeing the figure on their home’s couch.
Slowly, Sasuke raised his head to look at his wife. He knew she was coming. He sensed her chakra, and so did she. Sakura walked to his direction in delight, completely not noticing Sasuke’s mood. Or perhaps, she thought he was just tired.
“Have you eaten? I’m sorry I was stuck in the hospital again, but I can buy some outside. It would only take a minute.” Sakura suggests.
Sasuke exhaled. Sakura leaned back, noticing now the odd behavior of her husband. No matter how tired Sasuke has been whenever he returns, he doesn’t fail to at least have physical contact with her. Be it his hand on her waist or shoulder, or mostly hugging.
“Anata, are you… okay?”
“Is this the time you normally go home?” Sasuke asked, his face unreadable and cold.
Sakura’s brows furrowed in confusion, “Mostly. Why?”
“And Sarada is alone?”
She gets it.
“Sasuke-kun, Sarada is a strong girl.” She softly coaxes him.
“What if someone- someone who wants to get revenge tries to get her?” Sasuke’s question is in slits.
“Sasuke-kun…” Sakura tries to touch his arm to calm him.
Sasuke stood up, avoiding her hand.
“And you let her sleep somewhere else when you know I will go home today? Sakura, what are you even thinking?” He spats every word.
Sakura stands up now, her happy expressions now long gone. She is serious as she gazes back at Sasuke's sharp glares.
“Now, she is mad at me because I told her not to go just because you allowed her!”
The missing suffix didn’t go unnoticed, making Sasuke shift on his feet.
“Sarada’s fine. I am also adamant about it but she assured me that she will be wary of her surroundings and considered that as her training too. I don’t go home at this hour everyday, just once in a while and Sarada knows what to do whenever that happens.”
Sakura sighed, “About that sleepover, I apologized. Sarada told me about that for a long time and ultimately gave her things to accomplish before I could let her. When I received your letter, I told Sarada not to go but she went on saying how am I not granting my promises to her. I just couldn’t break her trust and not trust my words anymore, so I let her. I’m sorry, Sasuke.”
Sasuke blinked. Sakura looked away with pure sadness and a hint of longingness in her green expressive eyes.
“I’ll be at Ino’s tonight.”
Before Sasuke could react, Sakura is past the door and nowhere to be found anywhere. Probably went to Yamanaka already. Sasuke badly wants to kick the couch but he knows it will infuriate Sakura more, though she demolished their entire house last time.
Sakura poured sake to her glass as she stared into nothingness. She feels hollow the longer the time she is here with Ino, and away from Sasuke who just arrived after months. However, their first conversation after a long time makes her upset. She can’t believe Sasuke just spats those words easily to her, he didn’t even give her time to tell him what happened.
“You know, if you’re going to be like this it will be better for you to go home and talk this out to him. The man went home after a long time to his family and the two of you left him alone there because he is an idiot, I’m sure he already contemplated his actions.” Her best friend, Ino Yamanaka, said.
Sakura eyed her, “I thought you said to let him suffer to teach him a lesson?”
“Oh well, my husband just told me something out there in the kitchen.” Ino pointed something in her back, where the kitchen and where her teammate is.
“I’m too upset to face him. I can’t believe he said those words to me. I feel so less as a wife to him and as a mother to Sarada.”
“Hey,” Ino held her hand, “You’re a great mother. You don’t want Sarada to not trust your words anymore, you only did what you think was right. I think Uchiha Sasuke is only sad because he wants to spend time with the two of you and you let her sleep somewhere else.”
“I know that, but it does not hurt me less. Do you think I am overreacting?”
“No, your feelings are valid. You just need to understand each other and communicate.”
Sakura’s thoughts went to her husband. He must have felt so alone and lonely right now, probably angry at himself. She knows him so well. Though there’s a chance he might go to Naruto to not be alone, a huge chance is he is tormenting himself at home.
“I think I will go home now. I’ll probably not just look or talk to him.” She said to Ino.
Ino smirked, “Well, goodluck to that. I hope it doesn’t make him less lonely knowing you’re doing silent treatment to him.”
Sakura smiled. She is sure it will frustrate him but her feelings should be pointed at a cross, and she thinks words are not enough to tell Sasuke that she is not only a wife to him but she is more of a mother to Sarada now and her feelings matter more to her. She will stand to her decision of letting Sarada go.
On the other hand, Sasuke went to Ichiraku to eat quickly. His stomach is rumbling like crazy and it infuriates him that he looks forward to the dinner but here he is, eating the dinner alone. He knows he is at fault as he thinks about the situation, and he blames his wife because the situation doesn’t favor him.
“Oh, Teme~” A voice suddenly appeared.
The owner gushed at his arrival, “Lord Seventh!”
Sasuke did not even look away from his food, determined to finish as soon as possible and go home. Sakura or Sarada might go home and he doesn’t want to waste time making it up to them. He needs to apologize, especially to Sakura. His heart aches with the mere thought of his wife mad at him.
Several customers also greeted the blond Hokage, and some tourists fangirls over him.
He felt a hand tapped him at the back.
“Dobe…” He acknowledges Naruto’s presence, but still does not spare him a glance.
“One of the usual…” Naruto told the owner before going back to the raven-haired man, “Why are you eating here? Did Sakura-chan kick you out?”
“That would be better.” Sasuke mumbled but enough for Naruto to hear.
“What? Do you mean you kick Sakura-chan out of the house? Why are you the one out of the house, then?” The Hokage questions, concerned.
“Idiot. She walked out.” Sasuke told him, then ate another slurp of the noodles.
Naruto scoffed, “What did you do, stupid? You must’ve done something big for her to walk out... Wait! You did not have another affair, don’t you? Because I swear I will break your other arm!”
Sasuke glared at his best friend. He could never do that. The mere presence of the Konoha 11 still shifts him in an uncomfortable feeling and the whole socializing gives him a headache. Sasuke could never even stand women, except of course his wife and slightly the women of Konoha 11. Besides, Sakura is someone he holds dearly with his life. He will choose to die for her. She is his salvation, his light, his irreplaceable partner and his wife.
“I’m not answering that stupid question, Dobe.”
“I know it’s out of you. I’m just teasing you.” Naruto snickered.
His order arrived and he slurped his way through his bowl and even before Sasuke could finish his bowl, Naruto was already on the way for his second. Hn, something never changed.
Sasuke stood up after his meal, “I’m going.”
“Yeah, apologize to Sakura-chan and I am sure she will forgive you. Well I think she already did.” Naruto shrugs.
“Hn,” Sasuke then jumped to the roof all the way to his house.
“Sasuke-san did not leave his payment so I assumed you will pay for him, Lord Seventh.” Ayame told Naruto, smiling.
The blond’s eyes widened, “Teme!”
Sasuke just arrived and settled on the couch to sharpen his kunai, when he felt his wife’s chakra signature on the way to their home. A nervous feeling aroused him but the thing he is sure is he will apologize and make up to her.
The door opened and Sasuke unknowingly stood up to welcome her but he was met with a cold stare before she walked past him going to their shared bedroom.
Is she…?
Sasuke slowly walked up the hallway leaving all his precious kunai to go to his wife. He did not try to hide his footsteps instead he wanted her to know he is on the way to her. Sasuke opened their bedroom as Sakura closed their bathroom’s door.
He is sure he could smell a faint of sake, and knew immediately she had a drink with her best friend. The thing is Sakura could hold her liquor more than anyone he knows, so he is not worried about her drinking but the reason why she drank in the first place which is him.
Sasuke contemplates deeply whether or not to go after her in the bathroom. She might feel invaded, though they are married and have seen more than their naked bodies but this is different. Sakura might want space, nonetheless Sasuke also told himself that he will not waste time and apologized to his wife.
Sakura could sense Sasuke outside the bathroom, the shower pouring into her back. She breathes deeply, trying to calm herself that she should understand her husband but her thoughts always go back to the moment Sasuke did not even try to ask her first before starting to throw those words at her. For her, it says something about their marriage.
Her head snapped when the knob turned all of a sudden.
Sasuke’s breath hitched when he realized that the door was locked. They never lock their bathroom. Whenever they are using it, the other is always welcomed to come inside no matter what the circumstances. There’s no reason for them to hide anything anyways.
Is she that mad…?
“Sa-kura…” Sasuke tried to call on her, but she heed no response.
He sighed, this is becoming more uncomfortable. He is not used to this. Sakura never got mad at him this way, it’s always words and he will listen but now she is silent and he needs to do the words. Those words really hurt her.
Sakura took her time to relax on the water and Sasuke, whatever it may be, will not leave their room and missed the chance of talking this out to her. He could accept any curses, words or punches but not this silence from his wife.
The bathroom door finally opened. Sasuke stood up from the edge of their bed, his hands fisted on his sides. Sakura, on her towel only, did not even try to look at him and went to her cabinet to get some clothes.
“Sakura,” Sasuke called. Should he close the space between him and her back figure, or what? No, he already concluded he will receive her punches just to stop this silent treatment. But the moment he stepped is when she walked to the bathroom again with her clothes.
She will change clothes in the bathroom? Since when did they do that?
It is a tormenting minute for him, when Sakura went out of the bathroom she did not waste time on anything or anyone. She went to her side of the bed and laid down, with her back on him.
Sasuke can only watch her, when he decided to shower himself to cuddle his wife after and maybe he could apologize. He can’t believe his first night at home after months of longing for it will be like this.
His daughter is in another house sleeping while mad at him, and his wife is not speaking to him.
When he went out of the bathroom and changed to his sleepwear, he slowly laid beside his wife. Although his wife’s back is on him and she is almost at the edge of their bed, it only takes an arm wide for him to reach her. He scooted closer to her, his hand already on her waist.
“Go to sleep, Sasuke.” Her cold voice has frozen him.
“I-I am.” He stuttered. Uchiha Sasuke stuttered!
“Then sleep on your side. I am tired.”
A familiar pain shoots at him. Tired? What kind of tiredness?
“I’m sorry… for everything.” He whispered, hoping to melt her coldness.
He is met with silence. Sasuke laid on his back and stared at the ceiling, with his heavy heart.
“You said we will never sleep if we are not okay.” He mumbled to himself feeling so dejected and hopeless. He made plans for his stay this time for her, and he is sure this is not one of them.
Sleep is far for Sasuke, he only shifts his look to the ceiling to his wife’s back. She must’ve been really tired with the hospital and instead of easing it out for her, he did the opposite. His eyes darted on their window, the sun almost peaking and rising.
Sasuke gives up his sleep and proceeds to the kitchen. Instead of moping he probably should make breakfast for her for once. His thoughts went to the time he isn’t here and Sakura needs to wake up early to pack lunch for Sarada while she is also tired from her hospital shifts.
I am taking her for granted again.
He decided to cook some eggs and something else available in their kitchen. He is so busy that when the door of their house opened, it made him jump. Who was it? It’s only 5:00am, who goes to their home without even knocking at this hour today?
Although all questions were answered when his daughter appeared. She has a solemn look on her face. Her hands were on her front clasped together. She’s looking away while she stands outside the kitchen but enough for him to fully see her.
“Sarada, you’re home.” Sasuke said, “Good morning. I cooked breakfast.”
“Papa,” She called. Sasuke gave her his full attention. “I’m sorry for walking out on you yesterday. I didn’t mean it but I am just so upset and I am sorry that I didn’t put it on your point of view. I know now that you only wanted to spend as much time with me now that you’re home. I’m so so-”
Sarada stopped when his father crouched down and using his only arm, he wrapped it around her and embraced her.
“No, Sarada. I’m sorry, for everything.”
Sarada frowned, “But Papa-”
“It’s okay.”
She embraced him back before she pulled away, “Papa, why do I smell something burning?”
The two were in the kitchen waiting for Sakura to wake up. Sasuke offers Sarada to eat first since she needs to go later for his morning training but his daughter insists on waiting for her Mama. He checked the time and it’s almost 6am and he knows that anytime Sakura will wake up.
“Papa, do you think Mama will talk to you after this breakfast?” Sarada asked him.
Sasuke took the burden of telling his daughter the situation he is in. Of course, his daughter understands her mother’s reaction to Papa, but she also knows her Papa’s side. All she wants is for the two to reconcile since her Papa will only be here for a week.
“I don’t know. She is stubborn, but I hope so.” He admits.
Sarada felt happy seeing his father agitated to her Mama. He looked so nervous because Mama was not talking to him. It felt nice to see him as a father in the house today.
To Sasuke, this is probably the most uncomfortable he ever felt inside this house. The house is where he is the most comfortable at, where he can freely express himself to his wife and daughter. However, since he acted like a jerk he knew he had all the right to be uncomfortable since Sakura rarely did not talk to him. They always reconcile at the end of the day. This is the first time in their marriage that he felt heavy sleeping at their home.
“Papa, calm down.”
“Hn,” But Sasuke can’t stop feeling nervous because he is. Sarada watched him, and if his eyes weren't playing to him he could see the amusement in it.
The door creaked open, making Sasuke abruptly stand up and turned the coffee maker on for her. He waited for her to appear and she did. She is all prepped up for her day at the hospital.
“Mama, good morning!” Sarada greeted her mother.
“Oh Sarada, you arrived early? Good morning.” Sakura smiled at her daughter. She still did not see his husband, but when she turned she saw him warily watching her. He is standing beside the island where a coffee is being brewed.
“Papa prepared breakfast for us today! Let’s eat all together, Mama.” Sarada cheerily said.
“Your Papa did?” Sakura looked from her daughter to his husband. Her eyes shift to the feast on their dining table. Sasuke prepared all this early? The one who loves to sleep in?
Sarada nodded with a grin, “He did. It looked so delicious, isn’t Mama?”
“It is. Have you eaten, Sarada?” Sakura asked. She slowly went to her place and sat at the chair in front of the feast.
“Not yet, Mama. I think we all should eat together since Papa is here!” Sarada seated beside her mother, “Papa, the coffee!”
Sasuke jumped and quickly got Sakura’s coffee, then put his own next. He placed the mug beside her. His eyes did not leave her.
“Your favorite.” He murmured.
“Thank you, Sasuke.” Her wife almost whispered the words. Sarada jumped out of her chair and went to the refrigerator, probably getting her milk.
“Your welcome, Anata.” Sasuke took the chance to be out of their daughter’s hearing, and said her endearment for him.
Sakura looked baffled. She looked at his husband.
“I’m sorry…” Sasuke whispered.
Sakura smiled. Her hand went on top of Sasuke’s hand on the table.
“You’re forgiven, Anata. Good morning.”
“Good morning, Sakura.” He mumbled. Sasuke looked at her daughter who’s back was at them, she’s taking her time on her milk huh?
Sasuke leaned forward and captured her wife’s lips on a quick but full mouthed kiss. Sakura smiled after and grinned.
“Are you really Sasuke-kun?” She teased.
Sasuke stands straight, “Tch, stop it.”
He went to get his coffee, but the moment he turned his back from his wife a smile played on his lips. Unfortunately, he caught his daughter’s smirking at him and he went back frowning.
“I love mornings like this, don’t you Mama?” Sarada said, going back to the table. Sasuke followed and joined his family on their breakfast as a family.
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sup-hoes-its-me · 3 years
Skinny Love II (Kakashi x Reader)
A/N: second part to skinny love. This is all angst. Very sad. I just watched the pain arc again and had to write something about Kakashi and what happens. Im guessing this could be tagged for spoilers but Naruto is old soooo. 
Word count: 5000
“I’m just saying, maybe the second novel is better than the first. You’re free to have your own opinion, that’s just what I think.”
“Well, you’re wrong.”
“Whatever you say,” Y/N laughed, rolling her eyes at the masked man sitting in front of her. She was sipping on a hot bowl of broth after coming home from her most recent mission. It was a nice day out, and she thought it would be a good idea to go out and get something to eat with her favorite shinobi. He was dangerously possessive over his romance novels, and felt immense embarrassment when Y/N decided to pick them up as well. 
For a week after finishing the series, she mocked him for liking the gushy, mushy romance that lied on the pages, not to mention the more inappropriate chapters that left nothing to the imagination. Master Jiraiya wasn’t kidding when he said he was doing “research” at the bath house.
“We should go out more often,” he commented, “It’s nice to relax with all this Akatsuki business going on.”
“Definitely. We used to go out like this all the time before you started training those kids,” she hummed. It was true. They had normal outings at that point in time, as the only thing they did was go on missions and then chill at home until the next outing. After Naruto and Sasuke revealed their unique personalities, and got themselves into some sticky situations, the times changed and they spent much more time apart than before. “Not to mention going out with you gives me an excuse to eat whatever I want.”
He nodded in reply, his eyes trailing down to his novel once again which he was skimming over. She didn’t mind him reading at the table. What was he supposed to do? Eat? There was no way he would take off the mask. He was content just giving her company. 
His reading gave Y/N an excuse to admire him. Her eyes would lift from the table every time he looked down at the pages, and she would take in all his features. She swore, he was one of the most handsome men she’d ever met, even with the mask. Without a mask, he probably resembled a god. It was nice to just watch as he relaxed into his novel, enjoying himself without any cares in the world. 
She liked to talk to him even more. He always knew the right thing to say to make her feel important and wanted, even on her worst of days, he was there to make it better. He was brave and strong, but kind and gentle when need be. His soft words in the late nights they hung out, or his concern when she injured herself, or the happiness the times she made him laugh. Each moment meant so much more to her than he realized. 
It was evident to everyone that she had an attachment to him. What kind exactly was the complicated part. While they had been friends for quite a long time, she felt like he was more than just a normal friend or even a best friend. He felt more like a partner than anything, whether it be partner-in-crime or partner-in-love. She loved him with every bone in her body, more than she loved her comrades or her friends, she cared for him like she would a lover.
Maybe it was because she was so shy that she couldn’t tell him how she felt after all this time. Maybe it was fear of rejection. Maybe it was fear of death. She wasn’t sure what held her back from confessing her love to him, spilling all those words she kept under lock and key. She wanted there to be something more, but he’d never let on that he cared for her that way, and surely he would have said something if he did feel that way. It just seemed impossible.
But not to the ordinary person. 
People had mentioned in passing to Kakashi that he acted like a lovesick teenager when he was around the woman. She was just so perfect, how could he do anything but adore her. To him, she was one of the only people that truly mattered as more than a fellow shinobi or comrade.
There was no reason to rush it though. If she truly wanted a relationship with him, she would tell him eventually. He wasn’t one to go around throwing out love confessions first. He would wait until she was comfortable and ready. Until then, he would admire her from a distance, through friendly touches and smiles, and dreamy looks when the other wasn’t watching. To him, that was enough. 
This lunch outing was the perfect time to waste some hours with her just talking and reading in the others company. The day almost felt too good to be true. 
And it was.
First there was the explosion, followed by the screams. Oh, those screams would haunt Y/N’s dreams. Villagers who she’d known growing up screaming in pain. Quickly, she jumped to her feet as did the copy nin.  Their eyes frantically looked through the doorway of the restaurant, but there wasn’t anything on their particular street, just dust from the explosion floating down in thick clouds. 
“Someone’s attacked the village. Shit,” he cursed under her breath. 
They would have to go out there and fight, they both knew that very well. Fight who, they didn’t know, but Y/N could sense that the same foreign chakra signature was coming at her from multiple directions in the village. That couldn’t be good. It was probably that Akatsuki member that everyone was talking about. Pain. Pain with the rinnegan. How could the leaf compete against something as strong as that dojutsu?
“Everybody out! You know the evacuation route,” Y/N called out to the civilians in the restaurant, as she swallowed her panic. She made a move to usher the people from the store so they could run in the direction of refuge.
This wasn’t a normal battle. These intruders were a completely different breed than the ones they were used to fighting. She could feel the impending doom start to blanket around her body, and she took a deep breath. How could this happen? Was Pain here to take Naruto? Naruto wasn’t even in the village, how could that be? Was it the Akatsuki making a big statement attacking one of the five great villages?
There was just something off. She could feel it. Today was going to be one of the worst days, worse than anything else they’d experienced.
“Y/N, let’s go.”
“Kakashi…” she trailed off, not taking a step forward just yet. Was there something she needed to get off her chest before they rushed into a battle with an outcome unknown? As she met his frantic, panicked eyes with her own, she wondered if she should just confess her feelings right then and there, just so he could know before they put their lives on the line. 
Never in her life did she think that her or Kakashi might die. It was never a thought that crossed her mind. She assumed she had all the time in the world to gather the courage to tell him. Now it felt like she had run out of time, and they might never get the chance to see each other again. The chakra signatures around them were just too strong to guarantee they would live against their blows. It felt like this was her final chance. 
She started again, “Kakashi, I need to tell you something.”
“What is it?” he asked, wanting to hurry this along. She could see plainly that this wasn’t the right time. He wasn’t in the right mind to hear her words, or comprehend the meaning behind them. Instead, she lowered her head and sighed. 
And so she kept that secret tightly bound deep in her heart. 
“Nevermind, it’s not important. Just be safe out there. Make it back to me in one piece, okay?”
“You know I can’t promise that,” he replied, and her heart sank in her chest. He was right. If he died, he died. If she died, she died. Nothing could stop fate from doing its dirty work.
“Just promise me. Give me some confidence before we jump into this mess. I-I can’t do this without you promising me you’ll live!” She cried, passion and fear dripping off her words. She had her eyes shut tightly at this point, just trying to keep herself from letting the potential tears gather in her eyes. Her fists clenched by her side as well. “Just say something!”
He nodded, thinking of the right words to say. “I promise I’ll make it back to you, Y/N. Now promise you’ll live. For me,” he demanded, lifting her head to face him. His fingers were strong against her cheek, firm when faced with danger. He wanted her to live, but knowing that Pain killed Jiraiya was enough to make him worry and plan for the worst. 
Why was he even asking? He knew that words meant nothing. That most promises were just bound to be empty. 
Just this one time, he prayed that she’d keep it.
“I promise.”
“Now let’s go. I’ll take this side, and you go that way. Sounds like explosions came from both directions.”
“Got it.”
There was no room for goodbyes.
After that, they went their separate ways. Y/N had to keep herself from losing control. Everything was going to be okay. She was worrying far too much. Kakashi was strong. Stronger than anyone else she knew really. He couldn’t be taken down by some terrorists. It wasn’t an option.
As long as she could sense his chakra lingering in the distance, she would know. 
It was painful, the wound that tore through her thigh. Blood dripped thickly from the cut, but she continued to fight. In this situation, there was nothing else to do, nothing more to fight for than the safety of the village and the people within it. Y/N has never seen a villain this bad, someone so dead set on killing and tormenting that it brought the shinobi of the village to their knees. Yet, here he was, this orange haired creature who popped up at multiple points of their city, each with a different signature move yet a similar chakra pattern.
Y/N knew she couldn’t break down just yet, not after seeing comrade after comrade fall to the ground and lose their lives to the cause. She had to keep going for them. For her friends and her family who died. She was never the most talented at fighting, she was more of a sensory type, stay on the inside and study type of kunoichi. But not today. No one had that luxury today.
Constantly, she could feel the loss of the ninja alongside her, their chakra signatures melting into nothing as blasts continued to ravage their village. The fire within their bodies burned for the last time, disappearing into the ashes.
It wasn’t until she was on her knees, face buried in the dirt and rubble did she really feel the pain this man was so desperate to bestow upon the villagers. Kakashi’s chakra had burned out. It was as if her body gave up after that. She couldn’t move, her bones were broken and she couldn’t afford to stand and fall back down once again, believe it that she tried over and over again. Nothing mattered at this point. How could it? She couldn’t feel her best friend’s chakra signature any longer. He was dead.
Her crying into the dirt was the only thing that signalled another shinobi to come and help her to the infirmary. Someone she barely knew had picked her up by the arm and hoisted it over his shoulder, dragging her by his side to the hospital where the medical nin were no doubt working harder than ever. Her whole body felt like it was caked in bloody crimson mud, dust up her nose and muk between her teeth. 
Everything just made her cry harder and harder until she felt she was gasping to breathe. 
The harsh lights in the building did nothing but sting her eyes, and the dozens of medical nin rushing around those lying on the floor overwhelmed her. 
Sakura stood at the front of all the mess, and her eyes immediately caught onto Y/N and her rescuer. “Y/N-sensei, what happened to you?” she cried, rushing over with her frantic hands hovering over the state of the broken woman as she scanned for the wounds. This only caused more sobbing.
“One second she was fine, the next she was lying in the dirt screaming. I don’t know,” the man said, handing her off to the pink haired girl. “She’s got broken legs, I know that.”
“Thank you for bringing her,” she mumbled as she brought her sensei over to an empty cot, sitting her down on the cloth and beginning the healing process on the worst part of her leg where the bone was exposed. She was shaking so badly it was almost hard to concentrate on her work. She’d never seen Y/N so hopeless and lost. She was strong, she never faltered in the face of danger. It worried Sakura, no doubt.
“Sensei, what happened?”
“It’s Kakashi,” the woman croaked between her harsh breaths. “I-I can’t feel his chakra anymore.” Tears ran down her cheeks furiously, dripping from her chin into her lap. She felt the hopelessness overtake her entire person, the only thing left being complete and utter fear. Her chest heaved, desperate for the next gulp of air into her lungs. 
Sakura nearly faltered at the words. Kakashi sensei, dead? How could that be? He was one of the strongest shinobi they knew. He would never fall victim to a villain, would he? From the sounds of Y/N’s heartbroken cries, the medical nin knew that it was over. That another life had been stolen from them. 
Kakashi was Y/N’s heart and soul. She loved him for years and planned to love him for many more. Everyone knew that. Kakashi and her may have never acknowledged their feelings before his death, but the skinny love lingered in the air every time they were around each other. 
The longing looks when they passed each other in the street. The pain they felt when the other was hurt. The smiles they shared when something good happened in their no-good shinobi lives. They were more than willing to lay their lives on the line for the other, more than just a comrade, more than a friend. 
Her passion for Kakashi was the only good thing she had to come home to after missions. His face was the one thing she wanted to see after a bad day. His stupid face as he read his perverted novels, that grin that she positively adored.
All of that was gone, and her heart couldn’t take it. The pain from her injuries sat in the back of her mind, the only thing she could focus on was the loss. Knowing she would never see him again, never hear his voice. If only she could hear him laugh one more time. It was impossible, but she wished to the heavens above for mercy.
Sadly, no one was there to listen. 
“Y/N, I’m sorry,” Sakura whispered, not knowing what else to say. What could she say? 
“I need him. I can’t do this without him,” she sobbed, her hands shaking by her side, having to clench her fists just to stop the tremors. “Sakura, it’s been 15 years. I...I don’t know a life without him.”
Her heart broke at the words. It was true. She didn’t know life anymore without Kakashi. They’d been friends and comrades for so long that it seemed like that was all she knew. How can you come back from that? Sakura didn’t know. She might be able to heal the woman’s legs, but there was no way she could begin to heal such a broken heart. 
“It’s okay. You have plenty of others. You have Gai and Kurenai and-”
“Fuck everyone else. You know they can’t replace him,” she snapped. “No one can replace him.”
Sakura could only nod solemnly. They could lie all day and pretend that Gai would somehow swoop in and make up for that gaping hole in her heart. They could lie and say that Kurenai and her child would fill Y/N with a happiness she felt with Kakashi. Yes, they could certainly lie about it all. 
At the end of the day though, her pain would be unrivalled. Losing the one man you’ve loved from the moon and back. It would take an entire army and then some to combat such a struggle. 
When Sakura was done healing the woman, she handed her a roll of bandages from her pocket. “I’ve got to tend to others. Wrap this around your calf and then stay here to rest. Please, just rest yourself, sensei. You’ll heal faster that way.” Y/N took the bandages and nodded her head weakly, shaky hands going to wrap her bare and burned calf with the medical bandages.
Her mind still centered around Kakashi. She found herself curling up into a ball on the little bench she was sat at, hugging her knees close to her chest. She just cried. Right now, she couldn’t do anything else. 
Just cry.
The village was in complete and utter ruin. Y/N lay painfully utop a mountain of rubble, blood oozing from the back of her head and from her already injured leg. Pain’s final attack, one that completely demolished the village...it spared her life.
How could things get any fucking worse? 
She felt like the Gods were being especially cruel to her on this day. Especially cruel to every single person in the village, but they kept Y/N alive for their own personal amusement, laughing at her loss and her pain and her  frustration. 
Despite Lady Tsunade sending out Katsuyu to protect the villagers, Y/N only seemed to be in worse shape than before. She could feel the slug on her shoulder slowly healing her, but it wasn’t much compared to the pain and the numerous injuries.
Y/N rolled onto her side and groaned, pain shooting up her spine and giving her a brain-shattering headache. When she went to cough on something thick and slimy in her throat, what splattered on the ground was red. Maybe she was just meant to die slow and painfully. 
It was better this way, she decided. Nothing could make this day worth it. Nothing. The pain was unbearable.
“Y/N? Is that you?” a feminine voice called from a little while away, and the woman cursed, spitting up more blood as she did so. Sakura climbed through some of the rubble to approach her. Her hands hovered over the woman’s broken body, scanning over all her wounds. 
Naruto was down there fighting Pain. Everything was going to be okay as long as they had faith in the Uzumaki. Sakura could focus a bit of her energy on healing her sensei. There was nothing else to do except watch the fight below them, in the center of the wasteland that used to be the Hidden Leaf.
She began the healing process, medical chakra flowing into the woman’s chest wounds, the most critical of all. “Sakura…”
“What is it, Y/N?”
“What’s happening? Is everyone dead?”
“No, everyone is alive. Lady Tsunade sent out Katsuyu to protect everyone. It seems that you were injured before your healing slug could get to you. Thankfully, you have both of us to fix you up,” she muttered. Y/N would have been blind to not notice the way Sakura stared past her deeper into the wreckage as she spoke. 
“What do you see?” she asked quietly, as loud as her body could muster.
“It’s Naruto. He’s out there fighting Pain alone,” she said, “He-he’s gotten so much stronger.”
The older woman smiled through her pain, shutting her eyes and letting a soft sigh leave her lips. She hadn’t anticipated Naruto to come saving the day, in fact, it seemed more likely that Pain would kill everyone and leave the village in ruin. Fortunately, Kakashi’s student, the one that people had underestimated for so long, was out there doing what the rest of them couldn’t. 
A hero. No matter if he won or not, these are the actions of a hero.
“It’s his destiny: to save this village,” she whispered. “Jiraiya once said so.”
“Let’s hope he was right.”
Together they lay there in the middle of ruin while Naruto battled Pain. They watched as the two men launched themselves away from the village into the woods, the nine tailed fox coming to life far away from where they huddled together. The village was safe from direct harm at this point and the two women let down their guard just a little bit. Down in the middle of the pit some of the students started to gather, including a heavily injured Hinata.
“Help me down there, Sakura. I need to see Gai,” she said, louder than before. After all that time healing, she found herself strong enough to prop up on her elbows and gaze into the destruction. 
Once down there, Sakura was quick to start healing Hinata, fearing that the girl had taken too much damage to handle. After all, she charged against Pain, the supposedly leader of this terrorist attack. All of that to help out young Naruto. Y/N felt like she was staring at an image of herself for a moment. A young woman ready to sacrifice it all for the sake of the man she loved. 
As her eyes moved around the area, she caught onto the bright green outfit of her long time friend. His eyes caught hers for a moment and quickly, he rushed over to her side. She collapsed onto her knees, wincing at the pain that ran through her body as she did so. She found herself still a bit too weak to stand. 
“Y/N, you’re alive,” he gasped. He knelt on the ground beside her and placed a firm hand on her shoulder, steadying her shaky form. “Your injuries-”
“Forget about that, Gai,” she mumbled. “Something terrible has happened.” He couldn’t imagine what she had to say could be any worse than the destruction of the entire village. But he nodded and sat there listening as she spoke her words carefully, painfully with each syllable that left her lips. “Kakashi is dead.”
He felt his heart drop in his chest. As he looked at the woman before him, he knew that she wanted nothing more to cry, yet there were no tears. He assumed that she had already cried her fill earlier and could only mourn at this point. He didn’t ask before wrapping her smaller form up in his arms and tugging her to his chest, burying his nose in her hair. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed her face into his shoulder, dry sobs causing her entire form to quiver.
In a moment like this one, he just remained still for her. Sit there and be there through this pain. He felt crushed at the thought of his best friend dead, his eternal rival somewhere out there in all that rubble fatally injured. Gai had lost a brother that day, and Y/N had lost her one and only lover.
He listened as she hopelessly bawled in the comfort of his arms, feeling every bit of her pain sink into his form. They had gone through battles together before, they grew up teammates and friends, how could they not. They had seen death and pain all their lives. This was on another level, incomprehensible to either of them. 
Pure misery. Every emotion seemed to burn in her chest. She wanted to curl up and die herself.
It felt like hours went by before the lives were returned. She hadn’t thought much of it when the elderly Toad woke up from his eternal slumber. For a moment, she thought it was just a fluke. That he had never really died in the first place, they just thought he did. But then, she watched as people above the trench started to stand from their resting places on the ground and in the rubble. 
That is when she realized that somehow, someway, the lives lost during this terrible battle had been reclaimed. It was only a matter of time before she found out if Kakashi had come back to life as well. She sat there, focusing all her energy into sensing nearby chakra, sorting through hundreds of people for the one she wanted. 
Gai had left to help out some of the others, so she just sat there waiting. Waiting for Kakashi to come back to her. Just like he promised.
After all this chaos, she couldn’t imagine keeping her love a secret from him any longer. He needed to know. She wouldn’t let this opportunity go wasted. Y/N was given a second chance at finding love in her friend, and she would be damned if she let that go to waste. 
After a while, she began to feel his chakra. At first it was very faint, like he was a mile away hidden underneath rocks and everything else you could imagine. But then it got stronger. 
He was alive.
When she saw his form climb down into the pit with the rest of them, his mask torn and only the bottom layer of his clothes still intact, she nearly cried once again. For hours before this, she was prepared to never see him alive again, never see that masked face look down upon hers once more. She had mourned the loss of Kakashi Hatake, only for him to be returned. 
It was as if the God’s had listened to her prayers.
“Kakashi!” she exclaimed as she struggled to get herself up from the ground. She knelt on one knee, pushing herself up with the other, desperate to walk over to him. Her body failed her of course, and she fell back onto her butt. He noticed her though, her tiny figure in the crowd of hundreds. She was the one person he wanted to find all along. 
He fell onto his knees beside her, his hands coming up to grasp her cheeks with his dusty, calloused hands. She relaxed into his rough fingers, sinking into the warmth that he was sharing. His thumbs slid along her lips and chin, trying to rub away the dirt that was caked in some places. She was a mess, messier than he was. He could only imagine the suffering that she went through as well, to have survived all of that without death as a retreat in the middle.
“Y/N, what happened to you?”
“Pain’s final blow caused some pretty bad wounds, but it’s fine. Sakura healed me enough that I’ll make it through,” she told him. Softly, she lifted her hands to place them over top his, her fingers slowly wrapping around his. “Kakashi, you broke your promise to me.”
“I know.”
She found that the words came out faster than she anticipated. Emotions and feelings being laid out in the open for him to see/ “I-I completely lost myself when I couldn’t feel your chakra anymore. I thought I’d lost you. I couldn’t stop crying, and I was angry at you for breaking your promise to me,” she rambled, “I didn’t know what I was gonna do without you.”
“It’s alright. I’m here now. Whatever Naruto has done saved my life,” he soothed, letting their hands fall into her lap. She wouldn’t let go of his hands even if he wanted them to himself. She was afraid. Afraid that if she let him go once more that he would be gone forever. “And I’m sorry I lied to you. I really shouldn’t have died like that. So irresponsible of me.”
There he was cracking a fucking joke about his own death. She wanted to smack him for being so dimwitted in a moment of vulnerability. Just the thought of being with him again made tears spring up in her eyes, and she shut her eyes to keep them from falling. Happy tears or not, she wasn’t going to cry again.
 “I need to tell you what I was too afraid to say before. What I wanted to say before we went our separate ways,” she confessed, her breaths coming out harsh and rushed. Once again, she gripped his hands tighter in hers. 
After taking a couple breaths, she lifted her eyes to meet his, mouth just agape. He really was all she could ever need. This moment wasn’t perfect, and it wasn’t ideal, but it was just right for what she needed to say. “I’ve always loved you, Kakashi.”
“Listen, I know it’s not exactly an appropriate time to be confessing my love to you and all, but I couldn’t risk another day going by without telling you.”
“I love you, too.”
And silence. 
There wasn’t anything else to say. The love was mutual, it had been all this time. They just took their time getting around to admitting it, to just hear those words leave the other’s lips for the first time. There were no butterflies in her stomach nor did her heart race in her chest at his confession. 
She could only feel comfort in the umbrella they’d created for themselves, the outside world lost to the both of them. 
In a flash, she lurched forward to wrap her arms tightly around his neck, burying her face deep into his neck. “Don’t die ever again, Hatake, or I’ll kick your ass,” she laughed, the sound of her laugh reaching his ear. He held her to his chest and sighed. 
“No promises.”
Despite what happened that day, he felt comfortable. For the first time, in a very long time, he felt relief wash over him. Everything was going to be okay.
Requests Are Open!
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ohhipstaplease · 3 years
Casualties of War
After the Infinite Tsukuyomi is lifted, and Naruto is being treated—and reprimanded—by Sakura, he finds comfort in being babied by none other than Hinata Hyuga.
For Naruhina week 2021 @nhweek | April 13: Battle Couple / “Sorry I just sort of fell asleep on your shoulder
Post-War | Canon-Compliant | Rated T+ | 1.2K+ Words | Ao3
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He was sure it was the loss of blood, there was no other possible explanation. But all he could think about at the moment was how soft Hinata was. He had never felt more comfortable than he did at that moment, his head on her shoulder, her hand intertwined in his. It was almost enough to make him drown out the sounds of Sakura’s yelling and the pain of his lost limb.
“You’re comfy.”
She blushed as she looked down at him, “Go to sleep, Naruto-Kun, you need to conserve your energy.”
“Not sleepy,” He muttered through half-lidded eyes. The weight of everything that had just happened was hitting him at once. Not mentally, no, that would come later. Physically, though, his body was shutting down.
“Yes you are.”
“I’m not.”
She brushed back his dirtied blonde hair as prying eyes watched them from all corners. Wondering if he was okay, wanting to know why it was Hinata that was caressing him in a manner far too familiar for the relationship they had remembered the pair having.
Sakura, and the remainder of the Konoha 11 for that matter, knew, though, from the moment Naruto and Hinata joined hands on the battlefield they were endgame. Now it just had to click for Naruto.
That moment wouldn’t come now, though. He was so doped up from the medicines Sakura managed to scrounge together that, quite frankly, everyone was amazed he was still sitting up and talking. The adrenaline had to have stopped pumping by now, in fact, Sasuke had already passed out next to him.
“Can you put your hand on my cheek again?”
Naruto lifted their interlocked fingers and roughly placed her palm to his sticky cheek, “Like this.”
“O-oh, I see.”
“You did it before, on the battlefield.”
“Yes, I did.”
Hinata knew he wouldn’t remember this conversation, still, she couldn’t choke out the words she had so bravely said to him before, “...Because.”
She couldn’t do it. She just didn’t have it in her to confess yet again when she knew full well he wasn’t in any kind of state to hear or even understand those words she uttered earlier. So instead she indulged herself and said something she never would have had he been fully conscious.
“You have cute cheeks,” she said playfully, pinching him gently.
He chuckled, “It’s the whiskers, right?”
“It’s definitely the whiskers,” She said, finally allowing herself to trace one with the very tip of her finger.
Naruto chuckled, catching her hand in his once more, “I like this Hinata.”
“W-what do you mean?”
“The old Hinata would never fight by my side. You’ve been such a badass lately, and you don’t get all stuttery around me either. Well, not that often anyway.”
“You think I’m a badass?”
He nodded and roughly pulled her closer, “Don’t tell Sasuke, but I think fighting beside you was so fucking cool,” He paused for a moment and looked into her eyes, “Fight by my side more often, yeah?”
She felt faint at hearing those words, but she tried to stop herself from showing it. She was a badass now, she couldn’t turn back after all the progress she had made.
“Yes, Naruto-Kun. Of course.”
He brought his forehead to hers, bright blue eyes studying her, looking into the depths of her soul.
She forced herself to look at him as well, as much as it pained her to see his right arm was now gone, the bruising around his face, the black eye that was swelling to double its size.
Still, through it all, he was grinning from ear to ear.
His gaze followed hers and he shrugged, “Casualty of war, you know? I guess I just won’t be able to feed myself for a little while.”
“That’s the only thing you’re concerned about?” Sakura mumbled under her breath as she began bandaging him up for transport. She had just finished up on Sasuke, he was snoring peacefully beside them.
Had it been any other moment in time, Hinata would’ve moved her face away from Naruto’s. Unwrapped her hand from his. It was inappropriate after all, considering they were nothing more than comrades at this point.
But she had forgotten there was anyone else around, couldn’t hear Sakura’s banter, didn’t acknowledge the looks or stares. And she told herself she was crazy if she thought they were only comrades.
She didn’t know what they were now, but comrades didn’t even begin to cover it.
When she heard Sakura get up and go over to gather more supplies, she leaned in closer to him, her nose slightly grazing his. She was just so grateful that he was alive. That they had made it. She didn’t care about anything else right now, only managed to say, was “I’ll feed you.”
“Y-yeah?” He mumbled.
“And help you with anything else you need.”
“You’re the best, Hinata,” He said, pressing his hand to her cheek this time.
“I’m just happy you’re alive,” She whispered.
He nodded, tracing the side of her face lightly, “I couldn’t stop thinking about you the whole time.”
“I just...wanted to keep you safe.”
“Just like you tried to keep me safe.”
She put her hand over his and squeezed, trying to ground herself in the moment. Had Sakura not been right behind them, she would’ve leaned in and closed the space between them. It was all she could do not to press her lips to his.
From the look on his face, it was like the same thought was crossing his mind. So when Hinata heard him say, “I think I’m going to pass out,” she was caught completely off guard.
“Shit, grab him!” Sakura yelled as she dashed towards them, trying to soften the blow.
Hinata managed to grab a hold of him, letting him lean on her once more.
“Is he really okay?” She whispered to Sakura.
The pink-hair kunoichi smiled knowingly as she ruffled Naruto’s hair, “It’s going to be a long road ahead of him, but with some help along the way I’m sure he’ll be good as new.”
He began snoring slightly, and then loudly. Hinata tried not to laugh, knowing she would rouse him if she did.
But, clearly, sleep was something Naruto just couldn’t seem to hold onto, as he awoke within a few minutes and guiltily looked up at her, “Sorry, I just sort of fell asleep on your shoulder.”
She squeezed his hand and whispered, “You need to rest. You’re safe now, Naruto-Kun. Just close your eyes, we’ll be leaving soon.”
“Will you stay with me?”
Hinata rested her cheek upon the top of his head and responded, “I won’t leave your side, Naruto-Kun. Not ever.”
“Okay, cool.”
She had to bite her lip to stop herself from laughing. In a day or two, when he was well-rested and conscious, he wouldn’t remember a thing.
But she would.
Until then, though, she’d protect him just as he protected the village. Just as Sakura said, it would be a long road ahead of him, ahead of all of them really. The casualties of war were more than those they saw on the surface.
She didn’t want to think of that though, not now. Not while she was holding his hand and feeling his heartbeat in time with hers.
They had survived, in the end, and that was all that mattered for now. She wouldn't dare think of those who hadn't. Not now.
Her heart wouldn't be able to bear it.
"Let's get Ichiraku when we get back," He mumbled as he curled into her side.
Hinata smiled and wrapped an arm around him, "I'd like nothing more, Naruto-Kun. I'd like nothing more."
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fallen-in-dreams · 3 years
Moving On
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Also on AO3. Pairing: Sasuke/Hinata. Summary: Everyone was lying to her. Killing her with kindness. Shielding her from the pain they all know is coming. But now it was time for some hard-hitting truths. And from the most unlikely source. SasuHina.Post-war. Prompt: Day 25: The Season of Grief. Rated: T. Words: 7,566. Status: Complete.
Author note: Angst and Hinata POV as she slowly comes to the realisation that she can’t have the life she’d been planning for. The Season of Grief = The Five Stages of Grief. The grief of losing the love she used to have.
Warnings/tags: One-sided SasuSaku. One-sided NaruHina. Naruto/OC. Angst with denial, pining, and romantic existential crisis. But with a happy ending.
Thank-you so much @sasuhinamonth​ for hosting this. I'm later than I’d planned, sorry. Hope that’s okay. :)
“There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn't even jump puddles for you.” – Unknown
Life was a series of choices.
For example, Hinata Hyuuga could choose to accept the arranged marriage her father had planned for her, or she could refuse to sign on the dotted line and hold out for love. She chose the latter. She was sure that fourth cousin her father had in mind for her was a nice man, but she wasn’t interested. And after surviving the war and learning to defend herself better emotionally, the last thing she wanted was to regress into the dutiful daughter who never complained. She was finally in control of her own life.
And she was still waiting on Naruto-kun.
Hinata was tired of the sad looks her clansmen would give her when she rebuffed their advances. Centuries of marrying their third or fourth cousins had instilled it too deeply in them that they couldn’t live any other way. Naruto had taught her she could do better, and she was determined to do so.
All of her choices to move forward were the reason Hanabi had been named Clan Heiress. She was already being prepped for it before the war, but their father’s insistence on an arranged marriage was the final straw. Hinata had been officially removed from the running. She would’ve been concerned about being branded with the Branch’s Curse Seal if Naruto hadn’t been so vocal in his disagreement about the practice. The Leaf hero’s words resonated with the village, and Lord Hokage started negotiations to prevent further sealings. Kakashi had also made motions to have those who currently bore the juinjutsu to be released from it. It would take a few more years to fully circumvent it, as the seal hadn’t been designed to be removed, but it was a step forward for the clan. A hope for a better future.
Everything Neji had wanted.
Hinata couldn’t be happier. She only wished to share in that future with Naruto. He was her hero. And the love of her life. She just needed to be more patient with him. But it was frustrating some days. She tried to talk to him and only succeeded when they were alone. Around friends and in crowds, he was so distracted by everyone. One-on-one he became fidgety, but she just chalked that up to him not being very good with girls. He’d stopped asking Sakura out, and the two were nothing more than friends, and he hadn’t asked anyone out. He was just shy.
Hinata already had a plan in place to ask him out herself. She just needed to work up for her own confidence to do so. Someone had to get this relationship going. In the meantime, she daydreamed about how it was going to go. But her days were lonely right now. Waiting. Patiently. And never quite making that important step forward. She had her family and friends and teammates but wanted more.
Her heart could only take so much.
“I just need to be brave.”
Hinata wasn’t brave, emotionally. In dire moments and with important things and people on the line, she knew how to be brave. Adrenaline and determination got her a long way. But in the aftermath, she found herself succumbing to the fear of rejection and crippling shyness.
“Yes, you do.”
She started, realising she’d said that out loud, in front of her sister. She’d been so lost in her thoughts and forgotten where she was for a moment. Hanabi was sitting across from her, the low serving table between them, ignoring the servants as they poured the tea for her before turning to her older sister. Hinata’s sister was clutching a half-finished kimono to her lap and lazily sewing at the hem of it. For such a skilled fighter, her movements were surprisingly delicate.
This was a weekly thing for them. Every Sunday at lunch, when their father was too busy with clan duties to interrupt or overhear them, they would talk to each other about anything or anyone, and when the Hyuuga servants left, even gossip sometimes. Hanabi had been carrying that kimono around all week, taking her time with building on it. Hinata knew her sister well enough to know it was a project with no defined outcome. She was just adding to it at her own leisure. Who knew what it would look like when she was finally done?
Hinata delicately sipped at her tea as Hanabi continued to ignore her own; her eyes narrowing as she focused intensely on the needle and thread. Her sister had developed a habit of people watching, since the war ended. And her insight was far sharper than anyone that Hinata knew. It made her feel insignificant.
“Spoken to Naruto lately?”
Hinata nodded. It was a silent lie. But she could’ve easily ran into him a few days ago if she wanted to so she didn’t see the point in saying otherwise. He was very busy with missions and handling Sasuke. The Uchiha’s release from jail had come as no surprise, given who was Hokage now. Kakashi had always had unwavering faith that he’d return. Just as Naruto did. Sakura… Hinata had seen her waver. But she was more confident now than ever about their team returning as family. Hinata only hoped that when she started dating Naruto herself, that it didn’t upset their dynamic.
“You’re grieving.”
Hinata raised an eyebrow at that. “What am I grieving?”
Her sister smiled. “Love.”
“I don’t understand.”
“Naruto-kun isn’t the smartest person,” Hanabi said. “And I think you know that.”
“He doesn’t have to be.”
Her sister smiled. Again. A knowing smile that Hinata didn’t appreciate. But she said nothing of it and returned to watching Hanabi’s expert hands as she weaved the thread in and out of the kimono. This was a hobby for the younger sister. They’d both learned how to sew traditional garments as well as fix them, when they were still barely able to fight. It was second nature to them both. But Hanabi found a kind of peace to the process that Hinata never could.
“Father wishes you to marry soon.”
“And you?”
Hanabi shook her head. “A few more years, perhaps. When I’m ready to begin training to take over the clan.”
She was still too young to learn everything. Given that Hiashi was nowhere near retiring, it didn’t serve any purpose to put her through those rigorous trials just yet. But Hinata was surprised their father wasn’t thinking about grandchildren yet. At least not from his heiress.
Hanabi put the kimono down and finally sipped at her tea. “How do you feel about Naruto-kun?”
“I love him?”
It was immediate and instinctive, but it sounded more like a question than a statement. Hanabi didn’t react to the questioning tone of her voice. She just gave her older sister a look that told her she was questioning her for more than just curiosity.
“Are you sure, Oneesan?”
She had convinced herself so thoroughly that it was going to happen. Hinata brushed at the hem of the sleeve of her Yukata. Was she? Did she?
She still loved Naruto-kun. Of course, she did. She’d gone through too much to just suddenly stop caring about him. He was in her heart. Just like Neji still was.
“I asked him out.”
“What did he say?”
“He said ‘let’s go to Ichiraku’.” He also said, “that bum Sasuke can pay for mine this time,” but she didn’t see how that was relevant. It was a date. And only two people could go on a date at the same time.
“Will the rest of Team Kakashi be there?”
Hinata opened her mouth to answer then shut it, her eye twitching in annoyance. She calmed herself and shook her head. “Of course not.”
She didn’t like the way this conversation was going. Hinata glanced at the clock on the wall. They normally took tea, and then lunch, all awhile talking of friends and goals. It was funny to her that they’d never done this until recently. What exactly was the point before now?
Hanabi placed her tea down, almost finished. “We should have the food brought in, before it gets cold.”
Hinata nodded mechanically and waited for the servants to finish setting the table before disappearing. They could not be overheard in this room by anyone who wasn’t already in it. The jutsu that allowed this privacy had been in place since long before either of them were born.
Hanabi started talking about a jutsu that their father wanted to teach them and Hinata calmly dug into her Udon noodles. Silence eventually fell until they were both done. After the servants retrieved the plates, Hanabi went right back to pressing and hemming the edges of the kimono in her hand.
“Sasuke-kun walked by the compound again this morning.”
“Hm?” Hinata sat up straighter at that.
“He’s been doing that a lot lately,” Hanabi mused. “But not last week when you were staying over Sakura’s.”
For Ino’s surprise party sleepover. Which was Sakura’s idea.
Hinata hadn’t slept in her own bed for two nights. It was a first for her, for a long time.
“Sasuke-kun looks in here too. Like he’s searching for something. It’s a barely noticeable glance, but I’ve been staking out the gates.”
“Do you like him?” Hinata was surprised at her sister as well as the strange clenching of her gut.
Hanabi scoffed. “No. But ever since I first saw him watching you training with your team after he got out of prison, I’ve been noticing he does that with you a lot.”
Hinata scoffed. “Don’t be silly.”
“Yeah, you’re right. He’s probably just plotting to kill you.” Hanabi ignored her sister’s worried expression. “Or wondering why you always look so sad these days.”
“I’m not sad.”
“Yes, you are.”
“I’m not.”
Hanabi set the unfinished kimono down and stared her sister straight in the eyes. “Do you love him?”
“Who?” Hinata hated how her voice rose a few octaves.
“Yes,” she said. “I love him.”
She would wait for Naruto. For him to come to terms with what had happened and realise they were meant to be together. Hinata would be the quiet voice he can’t block out because he loves her so much. No matter that he had already had numerous occasions to prove it to her. Even someone as clueless as him couldn’t not know how she felt. She just needed to give him a push in the right direction.
That’s what I have to do.
And she went right on back to pretending she didn’t see the pitying look on her sister’s face.
The restaurant was noisy by the time Hinata arrived, dressed up and twisting her fingers nervously. She looked up into the colourful lights that decorated the restaurant of choice. Night-time made this place come alive in a way that surprised patrons that saw it for the first time. This was also one of the newer restaurants that opened after the war. So many things had changed, and so fast and it felt like Konoha was quickly becoming a very different village. Kakashi had authorised integral changes and Hinata could see the village one day becoming as large as a city. She was kind of nervous about that. Their population was steadily growing too, even only a year out.
She sighed and stepped forward in the waiting line. Naruto had said he’d come about seven and it was only a few minutes before. Hinata had spent the last hour already dressed for this date. Her stomach had twisted, making her throw up twice, before that. The line moved again, and she found herself at the head of it faster than her nerves could handle.
It’s finally happening.
“May I help you?”
Hinata cleared her throat. “Party for two. Under the name Hinata Hyuuga.”
The server looked through her list and her eyes widened in surprise. “I’m sorry, we were told that was a party of four.”
“A-are you sure?”
The woman turned the clipboard to show her. When Hinata had asked Naruto to make the arrangement, because she’d been called away by her father, she’d assumed he had made it just for the two of them. It was supposed to be a date… right? When the venue was changed from Ichiraku to The Sannin Sushi House she assumed this was finally going to be more intimate.
Hinata swallowed heavily. “I-I, uh. He must’ve made a mistake.”
The server nodded her head in understanding. “Yes, but unfortunately, we can’t change your table. There aren’t any spare ones tonight.”
The sound of the other patrons hit her then, reminding her of how loud and full the restaurant was. She just nodded and Hinata went along with it, hiding her disappointment. They would just have to do with a larger table between them. A voice in the back of her head scoffed at her.
Who else is coming tonight?
Maybe Naruto had misheard her? She didn’t understand how he could have but it had to have been a mistake. She shook her head, chastising herself for worrying over something so trivial. She was stronger than this.
“Thank-you,” she bowed to the server. “Where is the table?”
Hinata followed the woman and settled into the chair that gave her the best view of the restaurant entrance. She was already on edge, with the change in her plans, and worried that something else might sneak up behind her if she wasn’t careful. All the courage she’d learned from Naruto-kun had boiled off and she needed to get a hold of herself.
“Dining alone, again?”
Hinata gave a start at the familiar voice. “Sasuke-kun,” she said softly.
Why is he here?
Did this mean Naruto had invited him too? No, that didn’t make any sense.
The Uchiha slid into the chair across from her. This was one of the non-self-serve restaurants that had popped up in Konoha in the last twelve months and as a result the space between them, under the table, was minimal. His foot accidentally brushed against hers and she started again.
“A-are you here–”
“Hm. Naruto said he’d pay this time if I turned up early.”
They got dinner together a lot, then? Hinata struggled not to lose the soft smile she’d plastered to her face. It was only natural that Naruto would make time for his former teammate who was also his best friend. This didn’t mean he was avoiding her.
Of course not. Why would I even think such a thing?
“W-where is Sakura-san?”
Sasuke picked up the menu in front of him and lazily perused it, not answering her question. He didn’t look over at her when she repeated the question and began tapping the table with the menu absentmindedly. She wondered what was going through his head. After a few minutes, she’d had enough.
“Why are you here?”
Now, he looked up at her. “There are no more free tables.”
Is he making fun of me?
She assumed he was a joking. He had to be. This was supposed to be just her and Naruto. Sasuke was ruining everything. She didn’t want to burst that out at him, but it did really feel like he was getting in the way deliberately. Hanabi’s words to her the other day about Sasuke following her around popped into her head, but that was ridiculous. Everyone knew he was dating Sakura, just like Hinata hoped to begin dating Naruto. Why else would Sakura be so adamant something was going to happen between them?
“He’s just shy, Hinata,” the pinkette had told her yesterday. “And we’re going out tomorrow night anyway.”
Tomorrow night is tonight, she reminded herself. So where is Sakura?
A waitress sidled up to their table, giving Sasuke a once over with her eyes before asking them for their orders.
“Pork Katsu Curry,” Sasuke said. “With a side of Kani Salad and Green Tea.”
“Certainly, handsome.” The waitress turned to Hinata. “And you, sweetie?”
Hinata felt very uncomfortable under the stare they were both giving her. It felt like she was on a date with Sasuke, not Naruto. She didn’t know how to handle this. It felt like the world had just tipped on its axis. When she was this uncomfortable, Hinata usually just caved to whatever was expected of her. But she didn’t want to keep doing that with the important things in her life. However, this was too public and sensitive a venue for her to start putting her foot down without repercussions. Saying anything about her disappointment and desire to get rid of them both would only make her regret it later.
She blinked heavily. Uh, right. They were still looking at her expectantly. Though Sasuke’s eyes were occasionally drifting off to the side like he was embarrassed, but he still looked more bored than anything.
“Miso Soup,” she said finally, going with something she knew well. Hinata wasn’t hungry enough for a side, but she didn’t want them to think she was angry with them. “And M-Moyashi Salad on the side.” She cleared her throat. “And just some water, please.”
The waitress read their orders back to them then winked. “That’ll be ready in a jiffy. You two lovebirds let me know if you need anything else, okay?”
Hinata’s skin flushed crimson and she lowered her gaze to the table, not daring to see Sasuke’s reaction to that.
“How long until Naruto-kun arrives, do you think?”
Sasuke glanced over at her and shrugged, then leaned forward to rest his chin on his hands, now staring at her. It was making her uncomfortable, so she looked back down again. They remained that way, in silence, for a while. Hinata entertained herself by counting the tassels on the edge of the tablecloth. Over and over again.
Hinata looked up quickly as Sasuke trailed off, the look on his face suddenly uncertain. Before she could ask him what he was going to say, the waitress returned with their orders. She felt herself turning beet red, realising they’d been sitting like this for at least ten minutes. The waitress was eyeing them curiously, like one would a couple of bugs under a microscope.
“Thank-you,” they both said at the same time.
Hinata sighed deeply as the waitress bowed to them. She was eerily silent this time and moved away quickly.
“I think we unnerve her,” she said softly.
Sasuke glanced at the woman’s retreating back before digging into his food. For him, it was digging in. Hinata had been in many group outings with Team Kakashi since the war ended and Sasuke was allowed free reign of the village. He ate like a nobleman; picky and proper. Not at all like Naruto.
She sighed again and picked up the bowl with her Miso Soup. If he wasn’t going to turn up, she might as well enjoy the night air and good food. They ate in silence and Hinata slowly settled her nerves, finding the quiet between them a comfortable surprise. The loud noises in the restaurant didn’t bother her anymore and she proceeded to escape into her own little world, just thinking about things.
Her father had been asking her about her future lately, instead of telling her what it would entail. She was finally having conversations with him in which taking part meant that she could approach the subject matter honestly. He’d even stopped asking her about her love life. (His attempt at a marriage of convenience notwithstanding.) Hinata put her bowl down and glanced over at Sasuke. It seemed nobody had a handle on their love life lately.
“Are you…” She hesitated when Sasuke put down his spoon and she suddenly had his full attention. “Um. I thought you were coming here with Sakura-san on a date.” He shook his head. “She, uh, said so yesterday.”
Was that a smirk? Whatever it was, it was gone a moment later.
“Sakura…” he cocked his head to the side. “She has different ideas on what an invitation out with friends means.”
Hinata understood what he meant but frowned softly. Everyone knew that Sakura was obsessed with Sasuke and saw any attention from him as evidence of their undying love. A simple invitation with Team Kakashi could set her off on a soliloquy about star-crossed love. But that didn’t explain why she wasn’t here. Her absence made even less sense than Naruto’s.
Sasuke sighed, obviously realising she wanted to know more. He sat back in his chair heavily.
“I… told her we were meeting at Ichiraku’s.”
He told Sakura the wrong place on purpose. He had no intention of being honest with her. Was it a trick? Or just him being a douche? Hinata narrowed her eyes at Sasuke. A familiar feeling of annoyance rose up inside her and if she’d been paying attention to why this bothered her so much, she’d have realised Sasuke was giving Sakura the same kind of brush off that Naruto had done to Hinata.
But she couldn’t bring herself to yell at him either. She ground her teeth. “Take it from me, Sasuke-kun, you wouldn’t like someone you care about doing that to you.”
“Don’t call me Sasuke-kun.”
He hated honorifics.
“You have no idea.” He said it like he’d come to some kind of existential realisation.
“About what?”
“You’re quiet and shy and sweet to everyone. Always putting yourself down and picking up everyone else.”
She didn’t know what to say to that. Sasuke continued, now leaning forward and pointing at her like he was her sensei, and she was a naughty genin who refused to listen.
“Despite having such a powerful dojutsu, you don’t even see what’s happening right in front of you. Naruto has obviously left you in the dirt, but you keep holding out hope he’ll come around.” She fidgeted as he continued to reprimand her. “Face it: he lied to you.”
“He was just trying to spare my feelings.” Her voice sounded hollow, even to her.
Sasuke scoffed. “By dragging the decision out.”
“What are you doing to S-Sakura-san?”
“That’s different,” he said, his eyes narrowing. “I’ve told her I’m not interested but she won’t take the hint.”
“He’s a dobe. And he isn’t going to date you, no matter what you think.”
“How can you call him your friend and speak of him like this? I thought you cared–”
“I never said I cared about him.”
“I suppose you expect me to believe that?”
“I’m not the only one running away from the truth.”
“No, you’re perfect,” she said, spitting out the last word.
He smiled at that. Genuinely. Her frustration seemed to amuse him.
“Why are you saying these things to me?” She asked, clenching her fists and glaring openly at him.
“Because no-one else will,” he said, matter-of-factly. “Least of all the one person who should.”
But why did he have to be so rude about it?
He levelled her with the most intense non-glare stare she’d ever seen from him. “Kindness doesn’t seem to work on you.”
Damn. She’d asked that question out loud. Hinata couldn’t get a handle on the emotions bubbling up inside her. It was too painful. She’s waited for years. Held herself up high and given every inch of herself. But Sasuke knew Naruto better than she did. He said the blond had no intention of doing anything with her. He said that he was just a dobe who wasn’t telling her what she needed to hear. She was so furious now that Hinata couldn’t hear anything other than her own blood rushing in her ears.
How dare he?
“You are a low life.” Hinata could hardly believe the words were out of her mouth as she stood up, her body shaking with anger. Sasuke just stared back at her, not surprised or offended one bit. “Sakura-san could do so much better than you.”
“Tell her that.”
She desperately wanted to throw her untouched water at him. But she reigned in that emotion, not wanting to cause a scene that could get back to her father. She’d already embarrassed herself enough. Instead, Hinata huffed, rifled in her purse and threw down just enough money to only pay for her own food. Naruto had apparently promised to pay for Sasuke, and he wasn’t here to do so. But that didn’t mean that she had to do it in his stead. Feeling quite unlike herself, she scowled at him before storming off.
Hinata didn’t see the genuine curiosity on his face at her actions. The small smile of interest she’d sparked. She could only see red. It would be hours before she could calm down enough to realise, he’d been right.
If only she’d been stronger. And more forceful, like Sakura, then none of this would’ve happened. Her life had spiralled out of control. Before that dinner with Sasuke, Hinata could just go along and pretend that one day Naruto would ask her out for real, or at least take her asking seriously. He wasn’t in a relationship of his own, though – to her chagrin – his fangirls were still as stubborn as ever. And that lack of a relationship had given her hope.
Now she had all kinds of thoughts about what was really going on. And the truth was, that Sasuke was right. Naruto-kun wasn’t interested in her like that. It was still hard to grasp since she’d held onto it for so long and it didn’t feel real. They’d shared a moment during the war, holding hands and promising to be there for each other. She’d taken it as a declaration of love while he’d been talking about friendship. Granted, the kid of friendship you kill and die for, but friendship all the same.
I’m as bad as Sakura.
Or maybe only almost as bad as Sakura, since the pinkette was still talking Sasuke up to everyone. He’d made a scene the day after that dinner date (and she could admit that, although accidental, it had been a date), which should’ve put Sakura in her place. Hinata hadn’t seen either of them since then, so she didn’t know if it worked. But she had bigger fish to fry.
Hinata needed to regain control of this chaos she’d created. Maybe she was still in denial though, and it would explain why she’d deliberately made her way to Ichiraku’s, knowing he’d be there. He always was at lunchtime. Everyone knew that Naruto got up at nine o’clock, had breakfast (sometimes in his apartment and sometimes at Ichiraku’s), headed over to the training grounds where he’d work out (and sometimes spar, if any of his former teammates were available), then practically skip to Ichiraku’s for lunch. He’d spend anywhere from half an hour to an hour there, depending on how hungry he was and how many fangirls slowed him down. Then Naruto would promptly return to the training grounds for a few hours before tracking down his former teammates to see who wasn’t busy and then bug them until they either kicked him out or he got bored. If the sun hadn’t set yet he’d wander through the village, waving at people, being waved at, and stopping to talk to other Konoha Eleven members.
Sometimes he spent the late afternoon with Konohamaru and his friends. Then he’d go back to the training grounds and use the dark to hone his sensory skills. Naruto would go at it until he dropped, then drag his arse back home, eat, bathe, and finally sleep until morning.
His schedule was a little different sometimes, depending on his mood and available friends (Kakashi didn’t send him on many missions because he was too overpowered for most of them) but the lunchtime and when he started night-time training were like clockwork.
When he would find time to do the things he’d always gone on about, she didn’t know. But Hinata knew his current schedule because she was a stalker. It was obvious to her now. Nobody else followed him around like this. She wondered if he’d ever taken the time to notice. She needed to get a hold of this before she wasted her life away.
But Hinata couldn’t stop wondering what could’ve been if she’d approached Naruto right after the war instead of waiting for him to get into a routine of ignoring her. Maybe she’d have shown him just how right they were for each other. And he’d finally listen.
This was why she was walking toward the Ichiraku Ramen stand. It was why she stopped next to a stall of flowers and pretended to be interested in them as she watched the ramen stand in her peripherals. And why she didn’t move away the moment she realised he was on a date. Her stomach clenched, but it was a milder pain than she expected. Even so, it still threatened to bring a fresh bout of tears to her eyes to watch him with this girl.
Naruto was the only member of Team Kakashi at the stall. He stood outside, laughing and joking with someone that Hinata didn’t recognise. The girl was really pretty. With short auburn hair and a petite figure that her clothes highlighted, and her makeup complimented. What made Hinata realise it was a date was not only how the girl was dressed to the nines (Naruto, too, for him anyway), but also how he reciprocated when she ran her hand along his arm. He was blushing and trying to pull of the cool guy act. If this was just another fangirl, he wouldn’t put that much work into it, surely.
They talked and laughed a few minutes more before clasping hands and ducking under the flap to take their respective stools in Ichiraku.
Definitely a date.
Hinata let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding and turned away from the flowers. The stall server was disappointed but quickly turned to another customer.
Story of my life.
A sudden flare of chakra had her spinning around and she found herself suddenly face to face with Sasuke Uchiha. Had he seen her stalking his friend? There was nothing but his usual aloof stare on his face as he silently appraised her. But she knew. He knew. And the shame of it made her body shake with both anger and humiliation. So, she did the only thing her body was willing to do in that moment.
Hinata ran away.
She took to the rooftops and pushed herself to her limit, trying to get away from Naruto. From Sasuke. Her tears dried on her face by the time she found herself at Team Eight’s old training ground. She wiped at them then found her favourite oak tree and sat down. Even under the shade, the sun was warm and comforting on her skin. She basked in it, closing her eyes.
This time, Hinata felt him arrive. But she didn’t feel childish enough to tell him to go away. She opened her bleary eyes and looked up at him, shielding her eyes from the sun. He looked radiant, with the curve of the blinding light almost silhouetting him. Sasuke moved forward to better block the rays and she lowered her arm.
“Why are you h-here?”
He moved out of the way of the sun and Hinata shaded her eyes quickly. Sasuke always did have a thing for being dramatic. She turned to look at him as he sat down on the grass next to her. He didn’t answer at first, staring up into the sun like it didn’t bother him at all. Nothing ever seemed to bother him. Finally, he sighed.
“I told you so.”
The floodgates opened. She broke down. Hinata couldn’t stop it. She pulled her legs up to her chest and hugged herself, her face in her knees as she cried. She wasn’t upset at him. Only herself. Hinata didn’t react when Sasuke shifted his bum to press his side against her and gave her a one-armed hug. Her head lolled to rest on his shoulder as he pulled her closer to himself, but she didn’t relent on the tears. His hand was large and warm against her, making Hinata cry even more.
Eventually, she stopped shaking and sniffled heavily.
She hated that he could get over their argument so easily and yet she was still plagued with doubts about how she’d acted. How rude he’d been. Hinata gave herself a few silent moments to compose herself before sliding out of his grip and wiping her face. Hinata rose shakily to her feet and gave him a slight bow.
“Thank-you Uchiha-san. I can see myself home now. Good day.”
He watched silently as she walked away solemnly.
She avoided every member of Team Kakashi for weeks. Hinata couldn’t avoid Kakashi forever however, as the Hokage called her in for a pep talk – his version, rather, which was to ask her if she wanted a mission outside of Konoha. “To get away for a while. You could treat it like a vacation.”
Did everyone know about her problems? Kakashi probably just knew because of the other members of his former team, but it felt like a spotlight was suddenly shining on her and the whole world had gathered to watch her humiliation. She understood his concern. Hinata would think less of him if he hadn’t been. But she couldn’t deal with being this exposed right now.
“No thank-you, Hokage-sama,” she’d said, bowing lower than usual. “I am expected to join father in a mission soon and it would be disrespectful of me to leave Konoha right now.”
He just stared back at her for a moment but eventually nodded his head slowly.
Naruto’s voice interrupted them, suddenly bouncing off the walls as if he was standing right there and making Hinata jumped. But the loud blond was actually just booming down the hall outside.
“Hang on,” Kakashi said, then stood and disappeared out of the room.
Hinata could hear them talking, and Naruto’s whining voice and something about Ichiraku. Naruto yelled out, “woo-hoo!”.
Lord Hokage is trying to get rid of him for me.
But it sounded like he was too excited to get the hint.
Hinata couldn’t stand the pity. The deep, painful feeling that churned in her gut and worked its way up through her body like acid reflux. Hinata stumbled slightly from the physical shock of it. Kakashi meant well and she understood this, but it just made her feel so small.
She couldn’t let people cover for her anymore. Hinata realised that was what people had been doing. Trying to help her by keeping them apart. But all that had done was blind her to the truth. She loved her friends, but this was not the way to moving on. She had to be braver than this. Steeling herself, Hinata pushed her shoulders back and pushed the doors open, leaving the Hokage's office. Kakashi looked surprised to see her come out. His former student went silent upon seeing her, then started fidgeting.
“Hinata…” Naruto trailed off, rubbing the back of his head.
But Hinata ignored him, her chin high and face resolutely forward. She would not give herself the opening to fall back into the comfort of lies. She would not regress. She was stronger than this, damnit! Nobody said anything else as she left the Hokage Tower. When she was out of sight, Hinata finally breathed, shaking her arms to release the tension. Fighting the tears that threatened to spill over.
“I need to go home,” she said to herself, shivering. A storm was on its way, and she didn’t want to walk home soaking wet. She picked up the pace and quickly entered the front gates of the Hyuuga compound. The rain started pelting down the moment they closed behind her, and she sighed deeply. The guards nodded to her, and she smiled at them with all the warmth she could muster.
The grounds of the Hyuuga compound were beautiful no matter what time of year it was. Even in the moist air they came alive. Hinata walked through the covered walkways between the houses, mulling over what she’d just done.
I ignored Naruto-kun.
She’d never done that before. And she had no idea how to deal with it. A part of her wanted to break down again. The other was feeling light as air. Free. Hinata could feel the emotion building up inside her again so hurried into her room and slid the door closed, before anyone could see her. She carefully placed her sandals on the shoe rack and pulled a coat from her wardrobe. The temperature had plummeted, so she sent out her chakra to get the attention of a servant and had them bring her a hot chocolate. Once she found herself alone, she sat on the window seat of her study and stared out through the glass window at the rain below her, hugging the hot chocolate to herself as she took tentative sips.
She was just daydreaming about figures dancing in the rain when she spotted something.
A figure walking in the rain. It was definitely male, his hands in his pockets and exuding chakra from his body to keep the rain at bay. She could sense it faintly, even from this distance. It reminded her of that mission so long ago when she’d been encased in crystal and would’ve died if she hadn’t expelled chakra from her chakra points. It was an easy thing for a Hyuuga to do, but this person wasn’t a Hyuuga.
They paused and looked up toward her. She couldn’t see his face clearly because of how hard the rain was coming down but Hinata was sure now: it was Sasuke. Hanabi was right. She kept watching as he slowly turned away and continued walking. Had he seen her? Did she want him to? Did it even matter?
Yes. Yes. And emphatic yes.
She had no idea why, but yes. Hinata wanted him to care enough to take the long way home that took him past the Hyuuga gates. He was the only one telling her the things she needed to hear. Even Hanabi’s questions weren’t as blunt as they should be. Sasuke was the only one not pitying her. She found she hated pity. She appreciated him so much in that moment. More than she’d appreciated him before.
Hinata swallowed heavily, palming her hand against the glass windowpane as his figure disappeared into the haze of the heavy rain.
All she felt now was exhaustion. She had just run a marathon and dragged herself through most of it, but eventually the energy would return. Her body would recover, and her mind would follow suit. She hoped. She had put so much of her energy into the life she’d imagined with Naruto.
Hinata was surprised she hadn’t snapped much earlier. Looking back, it was obvious this wasn’t going to happen.
He hadn’t left her for someone else. Because they’d never been an item. Her heart still wrenched at the thought of what might’ve been, but she was finally taking those steps to let him go. She had no business shoving him into her heart anyway. Hanabi told her, “You’re finally accepting your grief” when she told her and gave her the warmest hug she’d ever received. It almost made her break down again.
Then Hanabi asked her about Sasuke.
He looked up as she approached, seemingly surprised that she’d sought him out this time. Normally it was him hounding her. No, that wasn’t the right word. He didn’t hound her. He wasn’t some obsessed fanboy. She smiled at that. No, Sasuke was a good friend. She swallowed heavily at the weird sensation that sentence had induce in her gut.
The word didn’t sound right either.
So, she’d tracked him down, only to find him in the Uchiha compound graveyard. She almost turned around and left right then, to give him privacy, but figured if he could interrupt her when she was doing something important then she could do the same.
He didn’t complain as she knelt next to him and offered a prayer to the headstone he was sitting in front of. It had his parents name on it. She closed her eyes and silently wished them well in the afterlife, then opened her eyes and turned to look at him.
“I was looking for you.”
“Obviously. Why?”
She smiled. “Why not?”
He scoffed, but she didn’t lose her smile. He stared back at her before finally relenting and offering up his own light smile. They both turned back to the headstone and silence reigned for a while. It was comfortable and companionable.
“I’m leaving Konoha.”
She was surprised. “Where will you go?”
“I have a mission.”
Hinata frowned. “Lord Hokage is letting you on missions outside the village?”
He pulled a face and she almost giggled. “Kakashi has little choice.”
This told Hinata that the mission was international. She was suddenly burning with curiosity, but held back because, likely, it was top-secret. And she wasn’t in the know on top-secret missions. The inner circle of the Hokage was always a tight, handful of people and this Hokage was no different. She had no doubt that the rest of his former team knew what he was going to be doing.
“It’s just politics,” he offered, sitting back on his bum now and pulling mindlessly at the grass. “Nobody but I can do it, apparently.”
He didn’t look happy about it. Hinata was quite enjoying his openness right now.
“And it’s for an indefinite amount of time.”
She nodded but he wasn’t paying her any mind. It wasn’t personal so she didn’t take it to heart. She wondered how long he’d be gone. If Hinata was honest with herself, she was going to miss him. Before he got involved with her problems, she wouldn’t have really cared either way. But things were different now. Every day since that evening, she’d seen him in the rain, she’d sat at her window and watched him walk by. Every time he stopped and looked up at her, she swore she could feel his eyes on her. Like he knew she was watching him too.
“What’s the mission?”
Why did I just ask that?
She’d held back because it wasn’t her place. Was she really this desperate to know all about him?
Sasuke stood slowly and stared down at her. “Agree to come with me first.”
“What?” She scrambled to her feet.
“Agree to come with me and I’ll tell you all about it.”
He was serious. She frowned. “But Hokage-sama–”
“Kakashi already offered you an out. He won’t complain about you finally taking it.”
“I’m not approved for the mission.”
“You don’t have to be.” He stepped closer to her, and she felt rooted to the spot. His eyes were intense on hers and in the back of her mind she realised she was seeing a side to Sasuke that few ever did. It was intense. The way he looked at her would haunt her dreams if she said no.
She shivered. If I take too long to answer, will he beg?
His comment had a “they don’t have to know” vibe. Like they were runaways. Star-crossed lovers. She felt herself flush at the thought of that. The idea of going with him sounded exciting if not terrifying. But the idea of staying here, not knowing when she would see him again, was worse.
“You can return to Konoha anytime you want,” he added, stepping impossibly closer. “To whatever life you think you will have back here. Or you can come with me, do some good for the village without having to deal with all the shit you’ve been going through.”
Her eyes widened in surprise. His verbal acknowledgement of her problems seemed so out of character for him. But she was grateful and offered a small smile, which he quickly returned, also to her surprise.
Who is this man standing in front of me, asking me to basically run away with him?
It would be a huge undertaking and she had no idea what she was getting herself into. But suddenly, the rush of the unknown wasn’t so scary to her. It would be an adventure. One with purpose. And perhaps, she could find a little of herself out there. With him.
Hinata widened her smile and nodded. “Okay.”
He was full of surprises, because the next thing she knew, Sasuke’s hands were cupping her face. Her mouth opened slightly in shock, and he licked his lips before slowly moving in toward her. He was giving her time to pull away and change her mind. Hinata didn’t take it, closing her eyes as his mouth gently pressed against hers.
She should’ve seen this coming. This was why Sasuke had even bothered to give her the time of day. This was what all their little moments had been leading up to. This odd feeling of belonging was reciprocated.
I am so blind.
The taste of salt mixed in with the taste of him as she deepened the kiss. But for once, they were happy tears.
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