#but this is going to help my professional life tremendously
daechwitatamic · 2 years
Hiatus Announcement
Hi frens :(
So. As you've probably seen this week in my posts, I've mentioned that I'm starting my Masters program literally today, around my already extremely full-time job. I usually put in about 52 hours weekly, and now I'll be taking 6 credits at a time on top of that.
The truth is I don't know how this will affect my time here. Definitely, it will have to diminish. I don't know if that will be a lot or a little. I feel like some weeks will be better than others.
I still want to write. I still want to read and review. I still want to interact and shout in the tags and goof around with you all. I just truthfully don't know how it's going to look.
I take my academic success and my professional duties really seriously because capricorn. I also have to maintain a 3.5 gpa for financial aid. C's might get degrees, but they don't get tuition reimbursement.
I want things to stay the same here as much as I can and I'm going to try my best to make that happen. But please forgive me if I miss something of yours or if I stop posting new writing as frequently. I promise I'm not "gone", I promise I WANT to hear from you and interact with you so don't feel like you can't talk to me now, and I promise I want to be writing and posting - and I will whenever I can.
Love y'all.
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lunaa007 · 1 year
Astrology observations #1
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Welcome to my first astrology observations!
I’m in no way a professional astrologer, this is purely for fun. Take only what resonates with you! I'm happy to discuss these points further in the comments :)
♦️ Leo mars live for the praise. They love words of affirmation, especially in bed 😏 They call the attention effortlessly when exercising, dancing or other mars-related activities. But they might not always like this.
♦️ Chiron 1st house can be very insecure about their appearance if they don’t work to heal this. I know someone with this placement that hates mirrors as they never liked what they saw. But it gives great potential to heal and help others regarding these issues.
♦️ Sagittarius mars people could regularly need new experiences in their sexual life. They might be open to try everything once “just to see”, and they might lean less toward monogamy than other mars placements.
♦️ Moon in the 6th house might be more sensitive to anxiety as their emotions lie in the house of daily life and routine. So they might have to deal with their emotions on a daily basis. They might need regular physical movement and consistent routines to feel regulated and content.
♦️ Pluto conjunct MC might hate posting on social media as they could feel exposed and vulnerable if they do. They might have an intense need to keep their life private.
♦️Mercury conjunct/square/opposite Pluto might swear a lot, or at least more than what they were taught was okay. If their education was very strict they might swear only when surprised, like if they get hurt or forget something.
♦️Venus in 10th house or conjunct MC can work in the fashion or makeup industry and be known for their beauty and sense of aesthetics.
♦️Saturn in Aquarius could have interest or talents in Uranian fields such as astrology or technology. They might be motivated to work towards social causes. They also could have an emotionally distant outlook on life.
♦️Lilith conjunct Ascendant create strong reactions everywhere they go. They are provocative without trying. People can get easily obsessed with them as they exude tremendous sex appeal. But they can also get very aggressive and negative reactions towards them without any reason.
♦️Mars square pluto absolutely need to channel their energy and anger into exercise and breath work. Martial arts is the best for them. If they don't control this energy it can get dangerous for themselves and even for others in extreme cases. But if they learn to control this tremendous force, they can achieve incredible things.
♦️Venus square Saturn can have a lot of difficulties with their self-worth, which affects their relationships. If you have a low self-esteem you will settle for less than you deserve. Once they have sufficiently worked on themselves and on their self esteem, they can find great love. This doesn't mean it can't come early but it might be more challenging. However, Saturn delays but never denies. They are not doomed and will find love (this depends also on other placements and aspects).
♦️Moon in Taurus can have a very calming and healing aura. People feel at peace when with these natives, especially when hugging. They are very grounded and stable, which is felt by others and is very reassuring. However, they can be stubborn at times as Taurus is a fixed sign.
♦️Mars in the 12th house could be passive aggressive sometimes as they do not recognise their own anger and never really learn how to control it. They might have sudden outbursts which can take the people around them by surprise.
♦️Sun opposite Moon can have a difficult relationship with their mother. They can feel that their mother's personality is the complete opposite of them and that they are not understood by her. Other aspects to the moon can come accentuate this or make it easier.
♦️Pisces Mars often have a talent for dancing. One of my best friends has this placement and she is a professional contemporary dancer. Her movements are so graceful, it really looks like water moving. Mars at a pisces degree (12°, 24°) can have a gift for dancing also to a lesser extent.
♦️Pluto in the 9th house can bring transformations and soul evolutions when traveling overseas, studying a higher education or moving abroad.
Thank you for reading ❤️
© lunaa007
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issacballsac · 6 months
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Gender Neutral Reader
He is infatuated with you
Another one that can cook so expect to be well fed no matter your diet/preferences
He’s really smart so if you need any help with schoolwork he’s happy to help
He won’t actually do the assignment for you though(reference his bullying experiences)
Something tells me that Logan DECIMATES his eardrums with music
Strikes me as a Nicki fan, we can further discuss later
TREMENDOUSLY shy about physical affection, verbal too, just affection all around
Actually—not COMPLETELY
Professional hand holder🤝
Master of the art of side hugs🤸
When he gets tired(everyday since Savannah) he’ll cling onto you for dear life
Like if he doesn’t, he’ll fall over
Like he’ll curl up like a shrimp next to you
Near sighted(probably)
Either way he wears glasses so he can’t see shit without ‘em
So if you do that thing where you wear his glasses he’ll go blind for a HOT MINUTE
Has times where he rambled about things he’s passionate about
Gets super embarrassed afterwards
He doesn’t wear rings or bracelets often so he’ll buy you guys matching necklaces as an alternative
Would absolutely let you meet his parents
They’re hella sketchy ngl but good people(so far)
If you play any instruments he would love to listen!
Becomes a thing where you play while he studys
Free background noise; no ads‼️
He’s VERY observant and will notice the slightest change with you be it appearance or emotional
Animals love him
So if you have any pets they’re now his
Sharing is caring🤝
A genuine critic and if you ask for his opinion on something he’ll give an actual answer
But he’ll always follow it up with a meek “that’s just my opinion”
ONLY later into the relationship though
If you ask him like which outfit looks better on you he deadass won’t answer out of not wanting to anger/upset you
Another 10/10 partner
What’s not to love?
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stem-sister-scuffle · 2 months
Ema Skye (Ace Attorney) vs Ms Frizzle (The Magic School Bus)
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Ema Skye is a Forensic Scientist!
Ms. Frizzle is a Science Teacher!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Ema Skye:
"I love her a lot and she's very important to me. We get to see her story from being a high school student who's really into science, to becoming a detective, to then finally passing her forensics exam and becoming a forensic scientist like she always wanted. I cosplayed her before"
"Ema has been interested in forensics ever since she was a kid. She's extremely passionate about it. She works very hard and despite bumps along the way she does manage to achieve her dreams/career goal and get into forensic science. She is amazing and I love her enthusiasm and I love her :D When she was like 16 she personally had her own spray bottle(s) of luminol testing fluid, what a dork (in the best way!). Forensic science is practically her whole life. What an inspiration. The first thing on her wiki page is the quote "Yes! Isn't it amazing? Ah, the power of science. It's my life." Bless."
"this girl is so silly. Her favorite thing is luminol. You have an ace attorney pfp you know her. She is my favorite ever. She calls Klavier Gavin a "glimmerous fop" (accurate description). She wears a lab coat over her school uniform. She brings snacks to crime scenes.i love her your honor"
"shes like every enthusiastic autism girl with a science special interest who then gors to college and gets a job and is tired and a mean lesbian but still is a freak about forensics. i love her"
"SHE WORKED SO HARD TO GO INTO FORENSICS. SHE HELPS EVERYONE DO FORENSICS. SHE THEN FAILS WHEN IT COUNTS AND BECOMES BITTER BUT GETS OUT OF THOSE FEELINGS LATER ON. I love her dearly she's so silly and fun when she needs to be, and I think her failure is fascinating but I'm SOOOOO GLAD she was able to become a forensic scientist in the end :)"
"Showed up and gave Apollo random forensics supplies at just the right time. Not sure if this was authorized. Does not Mayte though she can do anything she wants. C’mon man you know her you know why she’s the best you get me right"
"She's fun and good at science and has pink lenses in her glasses and I like her a lot"
"She is so excited to be using her fun little toys to solve crimes."
"She’s a gosh darn professional in a house of fops. Is passionate about her work and was inspired partially by a murder case she was involved in as a witness. She’s really cute and really quirky, and ya girl knows how to snack. She accessorizes really well. I cosplayed as her once and found myself more and more impressed with her style choices as I was putting it together. We stan a fashionable yet practical STEM queen."
"she is literally everythingggg to me. she has wanted to be a forensic scientist since she was 16 y/o and introduces forensic investigation mechanics to the series like luminol and dusting for fingerprints. when she does not get her dream job, she becomes depressed and bitter, only cheering up when she talks about forensic science. later on, when she attains the job, she is much happier! science is her entire life and her career and she is tremendously autistic about it. also she's such a girlboss i love her <3 ema must go through btw. she is the ultimate woman in stem"
"Ema Skye has been interested in forensics for many years due to case that occurred when she was younger. Even though she didn't pass the test to become one at first she had still continued trying till she made it. She always lights up at the mention of anything revolving sciene. She gets so happy when she's able to work with her forensic tools and investigate the crime scene <33"
"Teaches Phoenix wright about forensics"
"she wears a cool lab coat and I don't really know what else to put here but she's neat"
"she is so autistic about forensic science. she goes against the police rules to take fingerprints. she infodumps to anyone who will listen about forensic science. ema is so special to me and I love her very much"
"Ema is a girlboss! She started using forensics and scientific investigation to help solve murders when she was just 15 years old. she autistic and bisexual bc I say so :)"
"Literally the only character in universe that uses hard evidence in trials."
"The skyentific detective…."
"Its literally her personality ok. Just listen to her theme(s). I just love her"
"She is literally me <33 I love her. I need to see her grow up happy and healthy and i need to tell my friends and family about her."
"Wants to be a scientific investigator and solve crimes scientifically, forced to be a cop. Goes from teen with a weird hobby to reluctant cop to everything she ever wanted and I am so proud"
"She’s just a little weirdo. And she keeps trying to be a forensic scientist, but she has to finish high school first. She solved the murder her sister was accused of "
"Forensic science fascinates her. She sure is a woman jn stem. I am sorry I am very tired i dn what to write"
"I need to actually finish AA but it’s her. You probably have more submissions with better reasoning but I like her vibes from what I did play."
"She's got all sorts of cool gadgets which utilize the DS touchscreen"
Ms. Frizzle:
"*gestures at entire magic school bus series*"
"Embodies the true spirit of scientific discovery: barely-contained chaos."
"She is very knowledgeable about a wide variety of sciences, and uses that knowledge to further the educations of many people. Teachers deserve the world; they do so much for so little in return. (shout out to Mrs. Goates)"
"She loves science and loves teaching kids about science. I love her. Idk I saw she only had one submission and that made me sad so now im here submitting her"
"She is an icon and has cool earrings"
"SHE'S SO COOL!!! She's so smart and so fun and genuinely just an icon. ALSO she has a little lizard on her shoulder. I saw an ask abt the submissions for Ms. Frizzle and the sender was the only person who submitted her.. I couldn't let this go. ALSO one of my professors irl called herself the irl Frizzle and she's a doctor of biology so make of that what you will"
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for the sprint challenge, trying to pick some fun random words! how about any of peanut, saxophone, kitty cat, or doorknob.
Oh these are creative ones! Thank you!
I didn't have peanut so I did a sprint with false confidence and added 232 words with it:
“Should’ve never shown the team that video,” Roy said.
“You're right. But that’s my fault too.”
Roy raised an eyebrow at him, “how the fuck do you see that?”
“I was stuck in my head that week. More stuck than that time my hand got stuck in the peanut butter jar. You ever got your hand stuck in one of those? It’s all sticky so you think you’d get unstuck but then you’re just stuck stuck. Shoot, I’ve said stuck too much now, you ever done that? Said a word too much now it lost all its meaning? Stuuuuuuuuuck. Stu-”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Ted. Get it together before I stick my head through a fucking wall.”
saxophone I also did not have, so I sprinted with Dear Leslie and added it (and wrote 378 new words):
“Okay, well let me use a different example then. Did you know before I played the bass I played saxophone?” Higgins asked.  “No, I wish I could play a saxophone. Or bass. Or anything really,” Keeley said.  “Turns out I could not play saxophone either. I was bad. Tremendously bad. But I played until my saxophone was run over by a car.” “Shit, Higgins, did you leave it in the drive, or it fell off a bus or something?” “No, my father threw it into the street and repeatedly ran it over with his car.”
(kitty) cat from that star in the sky who watches over you:
“You’re a 20-year-old professional footballer, so why do you look like someone kicked your cat?” “I don’t,” Jamie tries to defend, looking away from her.  Georgie gently grabs his face and forces him to look at her. She’s struck by how old he looks suddenly. Twenty years old and carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. She stares into his eyes, and that’s when she notices. Georgie can’t believe she didn’t notice it before, see it clearly, but she’d been caught up in the day.  “Jamie, why are you wearing concealer?” “What?” he says, pulling his face from her hand and taking a step back. “I’m not. That’s for fucking women.” “Women and people who are trying to hide bruises,” Georgie said, and she reached for her son again.
This fic is one I need to dive into edit mode with so it's not really sprintable. But I did sprint an AU I’m working on and added 148 words, here is a small snippet from the chapter I added to.
“Another problem,” Higgins said, grimacing. “We can cover these new additions for now but–”
“But we’re going to run out of money for next season.”
“Exactly. We haven’t been selling out even half of the tickets. Half the marketing department left with Rupert or should have never been hired to begin with.”
“So we need a new marketing agency,” Rebecca smiled. “Let me take care of that.”
I did have doorknob in old habits die screaming:
“Jamie, open the door,” Willis tried again.
He started picking up various rocks and potted plants, searching for a hidden key but couldn’t find one, even tried the doorknob in case Jamie hadn’t locked the door.
“Just go, Coach, please.”
The pleading tone made it clear how desperate he was for Beard to leave, but it only increased Beard’s need to get inside, or to at least lay eyes on Jamie and see for himself he was okay.
“Jamie, I’m not leaving until you open the door.”
And I added 355 words via sprint!
Beard sighed to himself. It was interesting now being in London, coaching without Ted. He had been an extension of Ted for so long, he hadn’t bothered making his own relationships with the team. Maybe he should have. Maybe he wouldn’t be sitting at Jamie’s bedside right now.
Ted always said be curious not judgemental. That was them, Ted was curious, Beard was judgemental. Ted had his own tragedy in his life, but Beard hadn’t had the luxury of being curious, so he was judgemental. It helped save his life in prison.
You can’t be curious in prison.
But he wasn’t in prison any longer.
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armoricaroyalty · 1 year
some dialogue tips
Okay, I expanded a bit on my thoughts from earlier and wrote...like 800 words? Here’s a collection of largely-unrelated thoughts about writing dialogue. I’m not an expert wordsmith by any means, but I’ve been doing simblr stories for about 2.5 years and writing creatively for much longer, so I hope some of this is helpful!
Read your dialogue out loud. In my opinion, the most important quality in dialogue is flow. Does the back-and-forth feel natural? Is the conversation stilted, or does it feel like something people might actually say? When you’re reading words on paper, it can be difficult to identify the rough patches. Your eyes are a different instrument than your ears and your brain processes speech and written text in different ways. If you’re stuck, read your dialogue out loud. The clunky phrases will jump out and be much easier to correct than if you left it on the page.
Different people talk differently. Dialogue is a tremendous vehicle for characterization, and I feel like I don’t see people discuss that point very often! What a character chooses to say and how they say it can tell us a lot about who a character is, where they come from, and what they value. You don’t need to strain yourself to come up with a completely unique voice for every single character, but if you remove dialogue tags and can’t tell whether a given line belongs to the 19-year-old stoner or their 65-year-old grandparent, you’ve missed an opportunity to imbue your characters with a lot of flavor and personality. Consider your characters’ personalities and ask yourself whether they’d use slang and profanity, whether they ramble or get straight to the point, whether they use complicated professional jargon or simpler and more accessible language, whether they hold back in conversation or say everything that pops into their head…
Most utterances are pretty short. In real life, it’s very rude to monologue or dominate a conversation without giving the other person a chance to reply. If one “line” of dialogue is more than one or two sentences long, the character will probably come across as if they’re delivering a monologue, not having a conversation. Break up longer lines of dialogue and include a bit of back-and-forth to keep the conversation flowing.
If a character is talking for a long time, spread the dialogue up across multiple screenshots. This is a personal preference thing, but if I’ve got a character who is talking for an extended period of time, I like to break the dialogue up across multiple screenshots. A screenshot with 4 lines of text is visually cluttered and makes it seem like the character is saying the whole thing in one breath. The same four lines of text distributed across 2-3 screenshots is visually neater and has a greater sense of pacing and rhythm.
Real speech is unpolished… There’s a joke among journalists that you can make anyone seem stupid by quoting them verbatim. In ordinary conversation, people often pause for thought, use filler words, and talk over one another. In my writing, I make heavy use of ellipses and em-dashes to try to give a sense of how the character is speaking, in addition to what they’re saying (perhaps I overuse them…) If you’re trying to represent ordinary conversations between ordinary people, including those kinds of verbal errors can bring a lot of life to your dialogue.
…but don’t strive for realism (strive for verisimilitude instead). Actual, real-life conversations are almost unlistenable (said the guy currently listening to a podcast). In real life, people often repeat themselves, interrupt one another, say the same things over and over, go on tangents, and say the same things multiple times in a redundant fashion. If you include too many of those kinds of markers in your written dialogue, your story can quickly become unreadable, even if it reflects a “realistic” manner of speech. In general, your dialogue doesn’t need to be realistic, it needs to feel real. (Verisimilitude basically means a sense of truthfulness [as opposed to realism] in fiction.)
People rarely address each other by name... This might be a unique-to-me issue, but when I reread my old writing, something that jumps out to me is how often I have characters use one another’s names in casual conversation. In real life, people very rarely use titles and names except in greetings and introductions. In general, if you have characters heavily using names mid-conversation, you should go back and eliminate a few.
...with some exceptions! In formal and workplace settings, using someone’s name or title is a verbal marker of respect. Characters in settings with formal hierarchies (militarizes, royal families) will be likelier to use titles and honorifics. Using a person’s name can also be a way to emphasize your point or express sincerity. You might also need to incorporate an occasional name or title in a heavy-handed way in order to deliver exposition or remind readers of the relationship between two characters. For example, I’ve got an upcoming scene where I have a character address their cousin as ‘Cousin’ in a very stilted way. I hate that it’s clunky, but I decided it was necessary because I thought readers would need the reminder that those two characters are related.
Conversations should build to something. In a back-and-forth, each new line of dialogue should move the conversation forward. Imagine this back-and-forth:    A: How are you doing?    B: Terrible! my car broke down.    A: It broke down? But you just took it to the shop!    B: I know, the mechanic lied to me about the repairs! The last line in that conversation has nothing to do with the first line in that conversation. If B had responded to A’s greeting by saying “the mechanic lied to me!” they’d seem slightly unhinged -- it’s an abrupt change of topic, but just two additional lines give it context and make it flow. When you’re writing these kinds of exchanges, you want to make sure that one character’s line makes sense as a response. If A had said “It’s good to see you!” instead of “How are you doing?” B’s reply would feel jarring, and you’d need to find a different way for them to introduce the subject of the broken-down car into the conversation.
I love to write guides. I should do that more, lmao.
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enoughyi · 6 hours
71 for the kiss prompt list 👀
#4: In A Position To Talk
Ship: Imelda Reyes x Poppy Sweeting (x f!MC (Julia Wright))
Summary: Poppy is always wary for each and either of them.
Prompt Number: 71. A Gentle “I Love You” Whispered After A Soft Kiss, Followed Immediately By A Stronger Kiss. [>>>link to the list]
Word count: 740. Rating: G.
A/N: It's brainrot-powered. Characters are in their 20's.
Hufflepuff pride? Yes. Also, a honourable mention of a certain Aesop Sharp.
Tags: @thriftstorebabayaga @espressoristretto-patronum @caramel-hufflepuff
Everything Poppy knew about Quidditch she learnt on accident.
And facts, details, trivia, let alone girlfriends' experiences, all left her with a petty realisation she'd loved to keep her beloved women away from this pernicious game. Imelda's father lost his ability to walk to it. Julia could loose what remained of her health; granted, she stopped playing after the school was over, yet Imelda insisted on broom races held all across and around British Isles.
Her sound reasoning didn't find understanding from Poppy, however.
They both wanted what would be best for everyone but wasn't there less trauma-inducing sport to choose to upkeep staying fit?.. But if Julia seemed to like the activity, then, maybe, she knows better? She only looked sickly, yet her spirits were lively as ever; were, most days.
Questioning Imelda's choices at some point in life felt like a lecture.
Imelda wasn't a person to take it lightly but somehow, whenever a slightest concerned would jump from Poppy's lips in to the room's quiet ambiance, Imelda's reaction at it wouldn't ever turn volatile.
Instead, she'd sigh and in a carefully-picked-words manner explain worst things could happen to the best of the best regardless the skill. If Julia was present, the brief shadow of her silent comment was irrevocable to appear. Any subtle hint of Sharp's tragic recollection of events lead to his career severely dwindled and washed him ashore near Hogwarts's loch was enough for either to say It Is What It Is.
Poppy would always find a way to digress and say either should pay utmost attention. They weren't Aurors to face dangers obligingly. If they could help, they shouldn't provoke it? Needless, those perils.
Poppy had never anything to answer to the query of was she the one to talk after saving quite a few beast and from as young as she was only ten. Lost and surrendering to a defeat, Poppy would still catch on the lingering feeling of wary, "Julie, Melly. I worry sick about you."
They always helped to ease the tension but never enough to have her anxiety fully let go of. Was it the aftermath still present in the air, even after so much time have passed since the Spring of 1892.; or was it something else entirely, creeping into crevasses of her usual very much collected and some could say, insouciant demeanor, from the recent events of her professional life. Nobody really knew, but a few well-planted, wontly kisses would be of tremendous help.
Once, after Julia kissed them goodnight and went upstairs, Imelda suddenly followed Poppy on her seemed-resolved ask, "So do we. Each of us managed to secure a niche that is nothing but a guess how to navigate, didn't us. Don't worry, we've been unsinkable so far".
"I, I think you're right," Poppy answered. "But that doesn't answer my question. Ten years ago we could afford to be menaces on Hogwarts' behalf." Noticed Imelda preferred to change seats, she shifted a tad. "But not now. I understand we are all compensated well for what we do. But it is, I, I don't know, Imelda. Longer we live, less we can risk."
"Wise words, for the ripe old age of twenty five or six."
Before Imelda uttered an apology in a low brogue, her hands held on Poppy's, firmly. "Not a single bad thing will happen to me or to Julia, I can promise you that. What will happen to Ravenclaw on her own fly, though. She'll tell you herself."
Dry and soft touch of her lips to wrist send shivers up Poppy's arm, stuck warmly between shoulder blades. She couldn't resist Imelda's embrace, either, quickly burying face in her flowery-scented jumper.
A lovely while later, Imelda pressed her chin upwards, so they could kiss. Imelda shyly ushered her agitation away, sighed, "Love you," that breezed through strands of her loose hair.
Cutthroat girl she was, sometimes she interpreted the woes of others a little wrongly. What was it made Imelda feel she needed to be coy?
Poppy wriggled in her arms, adjusting herself to then suffocated her in that kiss, no less; and note to herself: ten years may already had passed, ten more will, twenty, fifty, infinity, but Imelda will always squint at her as if ferocious and feverish kisses, intently impressive on the very memory, were a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw's prerogative.
It was not.
Has never been.
Will not ever become.
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shallyne · 1 month
The Diary of Feyre Archeron Ch 6
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CHAPTER 6!!!! EXCITING! This is now the time jump. Reminder: new names because new identities. Enjoy! Whole fic is on AO3
Words: 1.5k
TW: nightmares, mentions of death, mentions of guns
8 years later
November 20th
Dear Diary,
I am back! It's been a long time and a lot has happened but at the same time, not that much. There have been some rocky moments the past years but altogether life was pretty damn normal. Mara, Daisy and I all went to community college. Mara graduated with a degree in journalism and is now working at the Velaris Times while Daisy decided to work at a bakery that just opened in town after graduating with a psychology degree. I, myself, have started a zoology degree but I dropped out in the first year because it just wasn't possible time and money wise. Mara had just started working at the Velaris Times and Elain was in the midst of college so I decided to work instead of studying. Financially it was pretty tight during that time but we managed. We would manage again now that Mara and Daisy are working, I could go back to college but I am not sure if I should go back to zoology. It’s been amazing and incredibly interesting but it just wasn’t for me. There’s still the possibility of art school but I haven’t drawn anything since that day. I can’t paint anymore but the prospect of it is still lingering, hovering over me like the ghost of my old self. I’ll have to think about it but for now I am okay with my perfectly mid job.
Although our jobs haven’t been the only things in our lives that changed, Mara has met two girls who are now her friends, Emerie and Gwyn, with whom she now has a book club and Daisy met twins who she hangs out with all the time, doing her favorite things like gardening and baking. Their names are Nuala and Cerridwen and they work for some rich guy who just moved here.
I also made a friend, his name is Lucien. We met through my boyfriend, Tamlin. Lucien and I couldn’t really stand each other at first, he was such an asshole. Well, he still is but I grew to like it about him.
Tamlin and I met under different circumstances, he hit me with his car. It was just an accident because he was looking on his phone and when he helped me hobble out of the hospital, because he broke my foot, he asked me on a date and I agreed. He’s a perfectly nice gentleman. Of course he has his flaws but don’t we all? Rhysand didn’t. Especially my old friend who lied to me throughout our whole friendship.
Oh! I also tried to get Eras Tour tickets but they were quite expensive, unfortunately. Maybe someone will sell theirs or I’ll get some for a future tour.
Alright, time for dinner.
November 21st
N Mara brought a vacancy flyer home today for me. It’s for some fancy Lounge in downtown Velaris who’s looking for a waitress. I am absolutely underqualified for this position but she says I should try anyway because it pays well. We wrote an application together that sounded a little more professional than my previous ones, it is necessary if I want to work there.
Getting the job would help us tremendously, we could get a new couch AND afford the good toilet paper, wouldn’t that just be amazing? I can’t let myself daydream too far because chances are high I won’t get the job. Daisy said she’s sure I’ll get the job if they meet me but I’d need a job interview first so that is a big IF.I am trying to hope for the best but expect the worst.
We will drop the application off tomorrow and get a look at the Lounge. Pray that I won't freeze to death, it's COLD.
November 22nd
I haven't had nightmares for two years. I had a nightmare again. I just woke up, I have to write it down.
I was back at home and mom just died, we just got the news. Everyone was in shock, no one moved. It was so quiet.
The doorbell rang, I went to the door just like I did when they got dad. I opened it, I opened the door.
I shouldn't have opened the door.
But I did.
They stormed in, they held us at gunpoint.
I just told Rhys that he's dead to me
I wish he was here
Because I'm going to die. I was going to die, I knew it.
But he was there, I don't know how. I don't know how he did it but he was there suddenly. He would protect me, always. I knew that, I always knew that. I've just been angry. I know it wasn't his fault. He just wanted to protect me. I wished I could tell him, right then. But they killed him, right in front of my eyes. Because he wanted to protect me. He died because of me. It was my fault.
I tried to move, to protect my sisters. I needed to protect them, it was my fault that Rhys was dead. I have to protect them from the same fate but it's too late. I can still hear the gunshots ringing in my ears. One. Two. Elain, dead. Three. Four. Nesta, dead. I want to scream, I want to rush forward but I can't. I can't.
Then I was looking down the barrel of a gun.
Then I woke up.
I can barely breathe.
November 23rd
I was on a lunch date with Tamlin today, it was fine until a waiter spilled some water on the table and he went through the roof. It was only a little bit of spilled water, it hadn't even spilled on his clothes. It took me forever to calm him down. I hope the waitress is alright, I left her a bigger tip.
When we sat in the car and Tamlin finally calmed down he apologized. Then, which is very exciting, Nesta called me because a letter from the Lounge I applied to arrived just then and I told her to open it and tell me. The seconds she took to open the envelope and read felt like an eternity BUT they invited me to a job interview!!! Isn't that just so exciting? Never in a million years I would have thought they would even think about inviting me but they did! For TOMORROW. The reply and the job interview both went so fast, I can't wrap my mind around it. Tamlin seemed semi-interested in the news but I'm sure he will think differently tomorrow, he had somewhat of a bad day today.
I went home and instantly threw my good pants in the washer, they are drying now. I'm as excited as I am nervous, this job could change quite a lot for us.
I should really go to sleep, I don't want to seem tired during my interview.
I'm thanking the stars that they listened and answered!! Maybe fate DOES exist! (Okay, Feyre, calm down. You don't even have the job yet.)
November 24th
I've got the job.
Tamlin said I shouldn't take it and move in with him, that he could take care of me and my sisters. Nesta said she would rather stab out her eyes.
Although Tamlin and his proposal isn't what's worrying me right now, it's how I got the job.
Why I got the job.
Let's start from this morning.
I woke up at six AM because I've been so nervous. I prepared questions that could be asked and the answers, took a shower, ate breakfast, cleaned my room, put on some makeup and then got dressed and made my way downtown. My whole thoughts were about this interview, because it's important, for me, for Mara, for Daisy.
I was half an hour too early so I went and got a coffee. Unfortunately my nerves didn't let me sit still for more than two minutes so I walked up and down the street until it was finally time.
There was a nice lady, I don't remember her name, who led me to an office in the back because my interview was with the boss himself. The whole Lounge was so luxurious, even though I was wearing my best outfit it felt incredibly cheap in comparison but it was so tasteful, I kind of felt comfortable?
Then the lady knocked on the door and left, leaving me alone as I entered the office.
I knew instantly, right as I stepped into the office. It's been 8 years, we became adults, we grew up, but I knew before he looked up from his paperwork. I knew that a pair of almost-violet eyes would stare at me, a pair that was scribbled all over my old notebooks.
He did look at me, his eyes almost the same, but they seemed more dark and haunted now. But when he recognized me, he lit up.
But I was stuck there because-
What the fuck is Rhysand doing in Velaris????
Excerpt from a chat between Rhysand and Morrigan
Rhysand: I'm sending a car over, you need to come ASAP
Morrigan: What??? What happened?
Rhysand: I can't tell you over text, get in the car and come over here
Morrigan: Jeez, this better be good
Morrigan: I'm delaying my nail appointment for you
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Feysand Taglist:
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @starfall-spirit @rhysiedarling @corcracrow @sydney-fae25 @tothestarsandwhateverend @aayo-whatt @dreamlandreader
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lavendertales · 1 year
Silent night—Javier Peña x f!reader
summary: it’s Javier’s first time spending the holidays with his family back in Laredo, years after his mother’s passing, and it turns out to be a more difficult time to navigate than he would’ve thought. 
word count: 1.8k
A/N: this angst/comfort prompt is my @pedrostories​ Secret Santa gift for the lovely @pedrito-friskito​. Hope you like it and happy holidays! ❤️
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gif: @bestintheparsec 
Everyone who’s gotten the opportunity to be close enough to Javier knows that Christmas isn’t his favorite holiday. Not even by far.
It used to be; when he was a little boy, that is. He is no longer a boy though. Rather a man with questionable baggage and lots of scars.
However, he agreed to return to Laredo for Thanksgiving and leave a few days after New Year’s, only because his father Chucho insisted it was long overdue for spending the holiday season with the whole family. That meant a lot of food, noise, endless and incessant questions about his life, both professional and private, and Javier detested that.
As it turned out, his love for his father went beyond the irritation and pain the holiday season caused him. And Chucho wasn’t the sole reason for his visit.
You and Javier go a long way back. You’ve actually grown up together, but as life pushed you in separate directions, you’ve lost contact. Whenever he visited Chucho, you caught glimpses of him, the rugged and grumpy DEA agent that helped put an end to the Medellin and Cali cartels. You couldn’t even imagine the horrors he was seeing on a daily basis, and yet you couldn’t help but admire him from afar. Time had clearly been generous to him. But you never dared dreaming he’d ever be interested in little life you.
You never left Laredo. You were teaching kindergarten and you were so content with your life that actually being with Javier Peña never crossed your mind. He’s probably been with countless exotic beauties, and you had nothing on them.
But apparently, you were wrong.
Because now, six months later since Javier’s first and final arrival to Laredo, he and you were something of an item, going on actual dates and spending time together like a real couple, and it still managed to blow your mind. Mostly because Javier was a tough nut to crack.
You never pushed him to reveal anything he didn’t want to. You were patient and kind and curious, all at the same time, and Javier appreciated that tremendously. He was not a man of many words, but he showed you gratitude and care in plenty of other ways: buying you flowers, driving you home from work, and simply spending time with you. And you learned to know that was Javier’s love language, acts of service.
And of course, physical touch.
He didn’t hesitate in holding your hand, caressing your cheeks, holding your waist close to him and touching you in the softest, yet most surefire ways you could’ve ever imagined. Now, he respected your personal space and didn’t push you in his pursuit for intimacy, but he sure knew how to push all the right buttons and tease you just enough to have you craving more, curious as to how he would feel, how he would sound.
But it had to wait. You’ve never seen him gloomier and more distant than now.
It’s Christmas Eve, and all of his relatives are spread across the house, sharing stories, drinking eggnog or munching on food. But Javier sits by the window with his whiskey, eyes locked on the dark sky. You approach him carefully as if you were approaching a deer.
“Are you okay?” you ask, rubbing your hand gently across his back.
Javier takes another sip, still not looking at you.
“I know this is not your favorite holiday,” you coo.
“It used to be.”
“Then… what happened?”
You knew what happened. Everyone close to the Peñas knew what happened. But you still asked because you were unsure if that particular event had really impacted Javier that much to the extent of hating a holiday.
“I haven’t been home for the holidays since she died,” Javier coos, his tone grave and filled with pain.
And there is your answer.
“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it?” you ask sweetly.
Javier nods, finally facing you as he finishes his whiskey and pours himself more.
“I couldn’t come back here after she was gone,” he admits. “I’ve always had an excuse. College, work, avoiding death, you know.”
“Sure, sure.”
“Guess this was overdue though.”
“How are you feeling?”
You rub his back, watching his face closely. He is a tough nut to crack, but when you break through, there is no telling what you will find. More often than not, Javier has turned out to be a very sensitive person, but he’s been stuck in a longtime pattern of bad habits, all in order to survive.
“To be honest, it’s hitting a little harder than I thought,” he admits.
“Can I do anything to help?”
It’s then that Javier reaches for your hand, squeezing it at his chest and flashing a bittersweet smile.
“It’s enough having you here,” he says, leaning down to kiss your cheek.
The skin where his lips pressed turns red, and you try to hide it beneath your hair.
“Do you want to talk about her? About Christmas with your family when you were a kid?”
Javier falters. In the back of his mind, he doesn’t really want to. He never spoke about his mother with anyone. But he feels that the time he’s spent bottling up his emotions and intentions hasn’t done him much good. Perhaps a change would be good.
And who better to start with than with you, the most wonderful person he’s ever known?
“She always made dad dress up as Santa to share presents to all of us kids,” Javier chuckles, fondly reminiscing of all those chaotic Christmas morning with the grumpiest Santa Claus he’s ever seen. “He hated the beard and everything, but he still did it. Partially cause he was afraid of mom, I think.”
You smile.
“We open the gifts, gather around for breakfast… we asked for cookies and milk till they got tired of us and finally agreed we could all have one. Of course afterwards we’d sneak into the kitchen to have more and get caught. But mom never yelled or got upset. She was always—“
Javier stands there in silence, the images of his happy childhood so vivid before his very eyes that he might just tear up. Wouldn’t you know it, a couple of tears do sting his eyes, but they don’t roll down his stubbled cheeks.
“She was always the best,” he finishes, putting down his glass.
He finally allows the sadness that’s been simmering in his veins to tip over, thus filling his whole chest, and then his whole being. It overwhelms him, surrounds him in a cold, wet blanket almost that lies heavily on his shoulders.
You inch closer to him, enough for you to wrap your arms around his body and hug him tightly. Javier reciprocates instantly, his bigger arms around you like vines, his head on your shoulder. He’s never felt care quite like this, so sincere and pure in its very simplicity.
“Hey, if you need a break or want to go away for a little while, we can go for a walk or something,” you suggest, fingers curled in his hair.
Javier hums softly, clearly very comfortable in the hug. The thought alone makes you smile. Knowing you can bring some comfort to the inner turmoil that Javier has to go through on a daily basis is the best Christmas gift you can think of.
“I’m okay,” he tells you.
He smiles at you, forehead stuck to yours. For one moment in time, he feels like none of his relatives are around, like it’s just you and him there.
“I miss her a lot,” he adds, and you detect the pain in his voice.
“I know.”
“When she got sick, for months she’d beg me to take pictures of all the events in my life, of whatever had my interest so she could see them. I thought it was silly and told her I’d rather spend my time with her in that hospital room. Then she was gone, and there were no pictures. We didn’t even take a picture on our last Christmas together. Dad insisted, but I said no. Can’t even look at those anymore. Or take any.”
You don’t say anything to that. You simply hold him—or rather let him hold you, based on the difference in your bodies’ height and mass. You know Javier is a man fond of silence, so you grant him at least that on this tumultuous Christmas Eve.
“Thank you,” Javier says all of a sudden.
“For what?”
“For being here. Makes it all easier. More bearable.”
You smile, pecking his lips. “I’m glad I can be here for you.”
“Okay, gather ‘round, it’s picture time!”
The voice of Javier’s aunt Cecilia rings in your ears, and you look around panicked as everyone makes a fuss over picture time. You sneak a glance at Javier, noticing the change in his facial expression gone from fondness to discomfort, and you take his hand into yours, trying to grab him away.
“Where are we going?” he asks, dumbfounded.
“How about that walk?
Javier sports another bittersweet smile in your direction, guiding you back into the living room where everyone else is gathering.
“You said—“you begin.
“I know. But like I said, having you here makes it all bearable. And I think you’d look good in our family picture.”
Your heart flutters in your chest, your cheeks are flushed with the auburn scorch of flattery—and more.
You don’t tell him that, though. Not yet.
“What if we break up and then I’ll forever be in your family’s pictures?” you can’t help but ask.
“It’ll give me an excuse to look at our pictures. And what if we don’t break up?”
You chuckle, this time you being the one to squeeze his hand.
“Are you two ready?” Aunt Cecilia asks.
“I guess we are,” you concur.
“We are.”
Javier’s voice is confident, bulletproof, and it makes you even more secure in the knowledge that you are, in fact, in love with him.
But that’s for another time, when you can enjoy some privacy.
For now, you settle to pose for the Peña family photo, with Javier’s arm around your waist. At the very least, knowing you could help him come to terms with his mother’s absence on his favorite holiday and have a certain closure makes this moment all the more special.
It marks this as the first Christmas in Javier’s adult life.
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foxy-eva · 1 year
Soft & Sweet
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Summary: A confession between JJ and Tara leads to a night full of soft and sweet moments
Pairing: Jennifer Jareau x Tara Lewis
Category: Fluff, Smut
Content Warnings: (18+, minors DNI) drinking alcohol (responsibly), separation mention (Will & JJ), JJ struggles with her sexuality, implied homophobia, coming-out, kissing, fingering, oral
Author's Note: I wrote this for the Pride Writing Challenge hosted by @the-guilty-writer ! Happy Pride! I love women.
Word Count: 2.6k
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Girl's night with the BAU ladies was a very important tradition for JJ. They could all forget about their professional demeanor for at least a couple of hours and show one another a softer side. Moments of light-hearted laughter and gossip seemed so rare in their line of work.
To her surprise, JJ didn't find all of her friends' familiar faces when she entered Tara's living room. Once she learned that Emily and Penelope had to cancel at the last second, her heartbeat got much louder than she'd expected. 
"Guess it's just gonna be the two of us tonight," Tara told JJ while pouring her a glass of her favorite white wine. 
Little did Tara know how much the prospect of being alone with her both excited and terrified JJ tremendously. As they both sat down on the couch, it became even harder for the blonde woman to relax. 
Tara noticed that, too. She brushed it off as some initial awkwardness between friends who had only ever hung out with each other when other people were present. It was the first time the two of them were alone with one another outside of work.
Tara pointed at the glass in JJ's hand and chuckled, "You better take a sip of that, you seem awfully tense tonight."
"Sorry," JJ apologized. "I just have a lot on my mind." 
Tara's facial features softened at her friend's words. She knew how hard leaving a marriage could be but she couldn't even begin to imagine how much more difficult that was when children were involved. 
"Are the boys with Will tonight?" 
JJ nodded, a shy smile visible on her face when she said, "They'll probably play video games all night."
Tara then asked the question her friend usually dreaded, "How are you holding up?" 
To her own surprise, JJ didn't need to lie when she answered, "I'm alright."
Those past few months had been complicated and difficult but slowly JJ was settling into her new life without Will as her partner. 
"Apparently Will started dating again and I'm actually happy for him."
"What about you?" Tara wanted to know. "An attractive woman like you surely gets asked out a lot."
A rosy shade spread over JJ's cheeks at the compliment. She thought about it for a moment but quickly realized that no man had caught her attention in a while. She struggled to be honest with herself but there was no denying how much she longed for something – someone – else. 
Shaking her head, she snickered, "I don't really feel like going out with men right now." 
Secretly she hoped that Tara would catch onto how that sentence was worded but she just joined JJ in her laughter and said, "You deserve a little break. Enjoy life as a single woman!" 
It wasn't the first time JJ had managed to control herself enough to deceive the best profilers in the country but this time she really hoped that Tara would see right through her. She didn't, though. 
There was a lot of gossip shared between the two women as the night went on. JJ managed to lock her feelings away for just a little while longer. However, each time she brought her glass to her lips she couldn't help but think about how much she yearned to feel Tara's skin against them instead.
She was far from being drunk after the first glass of wine was empty but she still felt intoxicated by Tara's presence. JJ wondered how often she'd have to drop her sight to the other woman's lips until she would catch onto it. 
After placing her glass on the coffee table JJ realized that just looking at Tara wouldn't be enough anymore. She felt like her heart might burst any moment now if she didn't bring to action what she had been so desperate to do for weeks. In a moment of comfortable silence between the two of them, JJ leaned closer to Tara and whispered her name. 
Right before their lips could touch, JJ felt a light pressure against her shoulders. Tara's palms were gentle but firm at the same time, pushing her away and denying her the sweetness JJ longed for. 
"JJ–," Tara whispered but was quickly interrupted.
"Sorry!" The blonde woman said as she leaned back again, leaving more distance between them than necessary. "It's just… you look so beautiful and your lips look so soft and…"
Tara reached out her hand to touch JJ's arm in an attempt to soothe her. It didn't work. 
"It's okay, don't worry about it," Tara told her. "I really like you, JJ. It's just that I have learned the hard way that it's not a good idea to hook up with straight girls."
JJ's chest felt heavier with each word being spoken. She got up from her place beside Tara to walk a few steps away, her eyes fixated on the floor as she tried to hinder the tears from spilling over her lashes. 
"I'm sorry," Tara softly spoke as she walked over to her. "I didn't mean to upset you."
JJ carefully thought about her words, restructuring sentences in her mind to make sure what she was about to say was the right thing. She already felt vulnerable, almost as if Tara was able to take a glance inside her chest to see how JJ's heart was beating just for her. 
"I come from a very small town in the middle of nowhere," JJ began, unable to lock eyes with Tara. "Traditions were very important and I still clearly remember how they used to talk about the people in the city. Dating boys was my only option, anything else was just a foreign concept that would definitely never apply to me."
She finally found Tara's eyes, who showed her the softest look she had ever seen. It encouraged JJ to keep going. 
"I was still so young when I got together with Will. I never really had a chance to explore this side of me, so I desperately tried to lock away. And even when my friendship with Emily got confusing all those years ago… I still couldn't admit the truth about myself." 
She took several deep breaths until a timid smile appeared on her face. She realized how safe she felt in that moment. She knew that Tara was the right person to trust with what she would say next. 
"Now that Will and I are separated I finally want to accept and explore… my queer side," she admitted and reached out to find Tara's hand. "And I'm sorry about before but… you're just so beautiful, Tara." 
Tara knew that they didn't need to have all the answers tonight when she stepped closer to JJ until hardly any distance could be found between the two of them. Her fingertips made contact with JJ's cheek and she almost got lost in the ocean that were her eyes. 
It felt like it was the first time Tara truly saw JJ. There was no more need to hide anything from one another as they stared at each other with open chests and hearts longing to find their counterpart. There was no need for words to be spoken for them to hear each other anyway. 
I have wanted this for so long. 
I have wanted you for so long. 
When Tara leaned down no force in this world could have held back JJ from capturing her lips. She felt the taller woman smile into the kiss, even more so when JJ swung her arms around Tara's neck to keep her in place. The kiss was tender but wild at the same time, both women displayed a hunger for each they had rarely experienced before. 
Kissing Tara felt like tasting the first droplets of water after a lifelong drought. It was revitalizing and exhilarating for JJ to feel Tara’s lips move against her own. When Tara deepened the kiss there was no way for JJ to hold back the quiet sigh escaping her throat. 
While Tara still cupped JJ's face, the blonde woman's hands became curious, almost greedy. She let her fingertips wander over Tara's sides and hips, firmly gripping the fabric of her clothes in an attempt to hold herself upright when her knees suddenly became so, so weak. 
Without ever really breaking contact, they walked over to Tara's bedroom. It was then that JJ's brain caught up with what was happening. She pulled back to find comfort in the warmth of Tara's irises. She had already noticed JJ's hesitation.
"We can slow down," Tara offered. 
JJ shook her head. "No, I want this. I'm just a little nervous."
With a smug grin painted over her face, Tara purred, "Don't worry, I'll take good care of you."
There was not a single doubt in JJ's mind that Tara would keep that promise. They took their time to help each other shed each piece of clothing until they stood in front of each other in only their underwear. 
Gently, Tara pushed her lover on the bed only to take a moment to let her eyes wander over her body. They lingered on the places that still held evidence of battles of the past and the miracle of bringing life into the world. Instinctively JJ tried to cover one particular scar on her stomach with her hand but Tara didn't allow that. 
She sat down beside her on the mattress to carefully remove her hand again. "You don't have to hide from me," Tara whispered. 
Tara's gentle fingertips traced the patch of calloused skin for a second before she lay down beside JJ. Their lips made contact once more and forgotten was any cruelness the past held for either of them. At least for tonight everything that mattered was showing each other how sweet and soft life could be. 
When JJ felt Tara's lips tracing along her neck, the first moan fell from her mouth. Her skin felt like it was on fire and could only be soothed by Tara's touch. She became eager to feel her against every inch of her body, hurriedly reaching behind her own back to open her bra and remove the fabric. 
Tara was in no mood to tease her, too mesmerizing was learning each of JJ's reactions to her touch. Once her breasts were revealed, Tara didn't waste any time to caress them. But licking and nipping on the sensitive skin of her chest quickly wasn't enough for her anymore. 
Tara was getting impatient to taste the honeyed wetness JJ had to offer between her thighs. She kissed down her stomach until she reached the seam of her panties. JJ became pliable under her touch and opened her legs to make room for her. 
Tara sat up between her legs and once again took a moment to admire the beauty of the woman lying before her. Her pupils almost swallowed the blue of her eyes and the rosy shade on her cheeks seemed to become darker by the second. When Tara's eyes wandered further down JJ's body, she noticed that her arousal had already soaked through the fabric of her panties.
JJ was yearning for her lover's touch, sure that she would combust if Tara waited just a second longer.
"Please…" JJ breathed to bring Tara back from her reverie.
"Sorry," Tara chuckled as she hooked her fingers under the waistband of the lacey fabric. "It's easy to get distracted when you look so pretty for me."
Once the piece of clothing was removed, Tara kissed along JJ's legs before finding her core. She was glistening with desire and looked so ready to be tasted. As she felt Tara's tongue collect the sweet evidence of desire that had gathered between her thighs, JJ's entire body began trembling. 
She dared to look down at the woman between her legs and almost lost her mind at the sight of Tara’s face buried against her center. Closing her eyes and leaning back was the safer option for now, JJ decided. Everything was already overwhelming, Tara's touch somehow being too much and not enough at the same time. 
"More," JJ whimpered and Tara understood. 
She found no resistance from JJ's body when she carefully let two of her fingers enter her. Just a few more moments passed until JJ finally found relief, the sounds of her ecstasy falling from her lips while her body pulsated around Tara's fingers. Tara helped her through her high before finding her place beside JJ once more. 
Tara kissed her lover’s cheek, certain that she had never seen JJ looking more beautiful than in that exact moment. That innocent gesture wasn't enough for either of them, their lips quickly finding each other once more. 
"You're still wearing too many clothes," JJ snickered as she reached around Tara's back to undo her bra. 
The remaining pieces of fabric were soon dropped to the floor, giving JJ unlimited access to Tara’s skin. Without ever breaking their kiss, JJ let her hands wander over Tara's body, eager to explore every curve and dip within reach. The softness she felt under her fingertips was not unlike the warm and fuzzy feeling filling her chest. 
When her hand descended further down Tara's body, JJ felt her pulling back from the kiss. 
"Do you not want this?" JJ softly asked. 
"No, I do want this. I just need you to know that you don't have to."
JJ smiled at Tara's words and breathed, "I know, but I really want to. I have thought about it for weeks." 
Tara couldn't help but open her legs for JJ at her words. JJ gladly accepted the offer, her hand finally making contact with Tara's heat. When JJ felt the wetness practically dripping from her core, she couldn't help but moan. 
She took her time exploring the silken skin, almost as if she was trying to memorize each of Tara's reactions to her touch. Her folds felt so delicate against JJ's fingertips, a sensation she wouldn't be able to forget anytime soon. When JJ focussed her attention on the little bud, Tara began singing her praise in the form of moans and sighs escaping her throat. 
Tara's palm made contact with JJ's hand, leading it towards her entrance. Timidly she let one finger glide into her, any hesitation quickly forgotten once she was certain that Tara was ready for their bodies to connect like this. Adding a second finger, JJ moved her hand against Tara's core, focussing on the feeling of being enveloped by her. 
Tara felt herself becoming greedy once more, unable to wait to experience JJ in the same way. Her hand made contact with JJ thigh while she purred, "I need to feel you."
JJ adjusted her position to make space for Tara's hand, gasping when she made contact with her still sensitive folds. There was no time to be wasted when Tara let her fingers enter JJ's body. They worked their hands against each other's cores while fervently kissing one another. 
Each moan was caught by the other's lips, only ever separating when the need for air got too overwhelming. They felt as if they might melt into each other as they chased their sweet relief. Together they entered a state of pure bliss, Tara falling over the edge just a few moments before JJ fell apart for the second time that evening. 
They found their home inside each other's arms with heaving chests and mouths gasping for air. It was as if time stood still as long as they held each other close, the erratic drums inside the other’s chest impossible to ignore. With gentle fingertips JJ drew random shapes on Tara's skin, smiling to herself when they morphed into little hearts. 
And for the first time in what felt forever, JJ could finally indulge in the sweetness life had to offer. 
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If you liked this story you should check out my wlw Masterlist for more sapphic content!
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Taglist: @gspenc @samuel-de-champagne-problems @sanaz1dlol @luredwithpretzels @reidselle @gaelic-symphony @spencer-reid-wonderland @lovelyy-moonlight @rustyzebra @sweetannanas @dashneydanger @iameternallylonely @sapphicprentiss @storiesofsvu @multifandomlesbianic @lover-of-books-and-tea @emiliaserpe @thenerdthatwrites
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thegardenofbae · 3 months
What are some of the best things for dealing with difficulties, changing your life (making good changes), and loneliness?
Hi there 🤍
When I come across difficult times, I find that they’re usually surrounded by a lot of noise…so many different things are vying for my attention and make it so difficult for me to focus on that one challenge. So, I’d first say try a practice of mindfulness, just so you’re able to really hone in on the root of the issue.
You might not have an immediate circle to lean on since you mentioned loneliness, but the support of a 3rd party (like a trusted mental health professional) can help you work through some of your life challenges that might feel catastrophic and too large for you to tackle on your own.
As for making positive life improvements: cliché as it might sound, visualization helps tremendously. Being able to actualize the way you’d like to see your life and certain outcomes can lay a solid foundation of how you go about achieving those goals. I think a key to this is realizing you’ve got time to change, and not beating yourself up for not being 100% perfect in your adaptation. I also think it’s critical to your self growth not to compare yourself to others. Your improvement should first and foremost be for the betterment of your life.
And as for loneliness, I think it’s something a lot of people deal with now. The world is so disconnected and isolated. It’s easy to say, learn how to enjoy your own company (which you should) but it’s healthy and crucial for us as humans to interact with other humans. I think as you go about making those positive life changes, you’ll discover yourself more as an individual: your likes, different interests you want to pursue, etc… and through that, you’ll find people in those spaces. When you do, I don’t think you should meet them with any expectations of a great, life giving friendship. Appreciate it for a human interaction with someone of similar interests and let it grow from there. Community will come, and the best types of communities (in my opinion) are the ones that happen organically.
I hope this was of some help. It was long, but I pray you find something to apply to your life 🤍
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joshua-beeking · 2 years
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Celebrate Disability Pride Month by learning how to be a better ally featuring Minuamu from Dirge for Broken Men on #WEBTOONCANVAS!
I made a little project with @webtoon on Twitter and Instagram !
(go give a like/RT on their account if you can!)
It was a tremendous amount of fun to make and everyone has been so sweet when planning this! A very big thank you to them for this opportunity!
How to be a Disability Ally! Special Edition: Autoimmune Conditions by @joshua-beeking
The information found on this post is for educational purposes only, & is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
What is an autoimmune disease?
It occurs when a dysfunctional immune system mistakes the body's own cells for harmful invaders. It produces cells & antibodies that attack, & damage healthy cells, tissues, & organs.
This results in a wide spectrum of possible symptoms & severity. There are 80-100 known autoimmune diseases & many more conditions are autoimmune-related. Some autoimmune diseases are organ-specific while others are systemic.
Source: http://autoimmuneinstitute.org
A lot of these conditions are what you would call "Invisible." Their symptoms are often internal & not visible from the outside. Two examples are Crohn's Disease & Rheumatoid Arthritis!
"My creators have these conditions!" - Minamu, Dirge for Broken Men
Possible symptoms of Crohn's Disease include: fatigue, severe diarrhea or constipation, fever, weight loss, malnutrition, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding/blood in stool, mouth sores, anemia, Inflammation of the skin, eyes, joints, liver or bile ducts, kidney stones, delayed physical/sexual development.
Possible symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis include: fatigue, joint pain, morning stiffness, swelling of the joints, weight loss, fever, weakness, anemia, inflammation of the skin, eyes, lungs, heart or nerves loss of appetite, periodontitis, local osteoporosis.
It's worth noting that someone can have multiple autoimmune diseases at the same time!
Conditions that affect the digestive tract - Crohn's Disease, ulcerative colitis, or irritable bowel syndrome are often seen as the "black sheep" of awareness coverage for their "embarrassing symptoms."
This causes these conditions to receive poor coverage, support, & understanding caused by social stigmas. Being a better ally starts with gathering information. If a family member or a friend has an autoimmune condition, do your research! Learn as much about it as you can!
You can start to gain a better scope about how that illness affects their daily life. Not only will this help make you more prepared, it'll also help this person be more at ease around you w/out them feeling like they have to share things about their illness they'd rather not.
A lot of people with chronic illnesses are afraid to talk about their condition, or admit that they're in pain for fear of shame or feeling like they're "Bringing down the mood." Please refrain from giving unsolicited advice regarding the medical management of their illness.
Not only is most 'alternative medicine' not scientifically proven & their sources dubious at best, some can prove to be potentially dangerous mixed with other medications or lead to a sudden worsening of the condition or "Flare up."
The people dealing with those illnesses know what's best for them. Another important aspect of autoimmune diseases is symptoms management. Most autoimmune conditions have no definitive cure.
The goal of medical treatment is to reduce symptoms, manage inflammation, maintain remission and improve long-term prognosis by limiting complications.
Keep in mind that no single treatment works for everyone and a lot of people dealing with these conditions have met individuals with "Good intentions" forcefully advising them on how they should manage their illness.
[behaviour to avoid listed below]
[x] "If you were more positive the symptoms would improve!"
[x] "You just aren't trying hard enough to get better."
[x] "But you were fine yesterday!"
[x] "I had stomach pain yesterday and you don't see me cancelling plans for it."
Becoming a better ally means knowing such conditions aren't easy to deal with for the sufferer.
When planning an event, look up bathroom placement for friend with digestive ad and ask what diet restrictions they have.
For ad with movement impairment, plan outings with easy access, mobility assistance or rest areas.
Offer a helping hand with chores or an ear on days when symptoms flare up.
...However! Don't assume someone who appears to be struggling wants the help! Ask before assisting! Being a better ally also means not getting annoyed or angry when your assistance is refused.
While the intention is of course appreciated, some prefer their independence. The loss of autonomy is difficult to accept, and imposing help can be seen as pushy or selfish. In summary: the best thing you can do as an ally is listen, learn, and be understanding of our condition!
Enjoyed this? Take a look at @joshua-beeking webcomic "Dirge for broken men" available on WEBTOON!
You can also support the project on Patreon!
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leighlew3 · 7 months
How do you feel about the project you're working on right now? Work and/or personal
Feeling fairly good! On the personal front it’s… well, it is what it is, under the circumstances.
But professionally, things are going great!
Right now I have multiple balls in the air and 3 projects in particular are in motion. So I’m feeling blessed. Very excited and hopeful for 2024.
For one project, my cool lil action flick, we’ve made a switch to new producers who want to be in production ASAP. That deal is being hammered out as we speak. And I am EXCITED.
Secondly, a fictional podcast episode I wrote over the strike is being made by a cool company and that deal is being worked out as we speak. I’m very tickled for people to hear/enjoy this one.
Lastly (for now), a pilot I’ve co-created with a producer friend has been in an exhausting rewrite phase which has kept me crazy busy lately but we’re finally ‘there’ and it should be rolling onward soon to see if we can get it sold/made.
But also…
My team is tickled pink about a new high concept movie spec I wrote recently and they are looking forward to passing it around to some top actresses and working on it further in early 2024.
And I’m up for a couple really fun assignment gigs. TBD if those come through. 🤞
And there’s even more ahead beyond all that.
So, yeah, there’s a lot on my plate right now plus loads on the horizon, but it’s all only good and hopeful things, so — only up from here!
In my personal life… the grief comes in waves. But it feels a little less suffocating day by day. Unfortunately, another family member is still having major health issues/scares. Etc. But I’m trying to let myself find moments of relief and joy with the amazing things happening right now as a screenwriter/producer, and therapy has been going well and been tremendously helpful during these difficult times, so. I’m grateful. 🙏
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ratkingdad · 1 year
“If you were not fated by the hand of an author nor fated to suffer the endless times of shadow, how would you change your own story?”
“Once upon a time, there was a princess who decided to try speed dating.” Rosamund decides that she will learn what a spindle is and how to use one safely so she doesn’t prick herself at 18. When she encounters the wicked fairy on her 18th birthday, she meets her with expertise on spindles. The wicked fairy tries to stab her with it and Rosamund kicks her ass. Now she just has a cursed spindle and is otherwise an accomplished magical princess.
On an adventure with Gerard they come across a princess sleeping in a coffin. She smashes the glass coffin and performs CPR on Snow White. With no mouth mouth contact btw she uses all the like professional covers and shit. The apple isn’t even poison it’s just stuck in her throat. Rosamund lies and says it was poisoned. Snow White wakes up and doesn’t recognize them. Rosamund informs her that true love doesn’t exist. Snow White says that she likes all the dwarves, implying that she is now a polycule with the dwarves. Rock on.
Mother Goose
He is at home with Henry. He’s the guy in the village of Happily who is just always sitting in the shade who people can go to and ask question. He’s just a member of the community.
Jack in this world is a lightening fast messenger. He shows up one day and tells Henry he traded their cow for a jet black gander. The gander bashfully looks at Timothy. The gander tells Timothy that is he could have a wish, he would wish to wander with him. Henry builds a place on their property for the gander to live. The gander shakes off the will of its author and chooses to fly through the lands of fairy tale bearing a very wise witch on his back. Henry comes too btw. Jack is excited one of his schemes has panned out. Henry tells him sometimes his schemes are good and when they’re not, they’re just not. But he loves him both times.
Surprising similar to his last one. Minus the conditional aspect and the pressure of needing to change into a real boy and the idea that that can only happen under the pretense of being perfect. He makes similar mistakes, just never with the punishment or the reprimand or the taking away that he experienced. He makes mistakes and learns just like a real boy.
This continues until his 21st birthday, when with his maternal figure (the fairy with turquoise hair), and his father, he makes a cocktail of whiskey and bubblegum and is turned into a real 21 year old boy. He still has a tremendous amount of magic. He is a young warlock. Gepetto smiles at him and tells him that curses and magic are strange, sometimes you’re a real boy sometimes you are not, but you are always my son. Pinnochio replies that Gepetto is always his father in a very deep voice. Pinnochio goes on adventures with cricket. He also shuts down the donkey shit on toy island.
“Once upon a time there was a cat who already finished his journey.” He’s starting at the point of already having finished his old story. He lives a life where he doesn’t have to think so hard to get what he wants. He just sits there and fills his belly. But every few weeks he gets the Prince of Marianne to throw a big feast to see if anyone has any need of help from the trickster prince. He can choose his own adventures, he’s no longer desperate to have to regain something he lost.
At one of these banquets a beautiful older woman approaches and says she knows she is speaking to a true trickster. She’s trying to be different, and that often he has helped those who are confused and bewildered. She asks if he will consider helping someone who knew exactly what they wanted. It is the stepmother, Minerva. She asks for help getting her daughters married. He agrees. They go to a ball in Marriane. Minerva says that her stepdaughter is great, she got married all on her own. She introduces him to the Princess Cinderella. He goes off on another adventure.
Gerard is also going to pick up his story where his original story finished. “Once upon a time all the frog prince shit happened, then a bunch of other crazy shit happened, then on the way out of divorce court with his great friend/ex wife Elody Gerard suddenly transforms into a handsome prince with all the powers of a frog.” He plans on continuing to adventure and live the single life. Just a divorced man getting ripped. He works out with Tom Thumb (who now wakes up at 8 AM). He tries to keep in contact with everyone. Him and Rosamund constantly send letters back and forth about their terrible dates and talk shit about being single. He visits Timothy and his family, he visits Pinnochio for weekends at Toy Island, he plays gin rummy and curses with Ylfa, and he asks for Pib to help him get his kingdom back from his parents who were just kind of cool with him being a frog for so long which is fucked up.
The moral of her story was to obey authority figures. With her freedom, in classic teen fashion, she’s gonna redo her story so she’s a total little rebel. She’s straying all the time. She strays so deep in the woods that she meets and Baba Yaga and they get into shit together. Ylfa stays true to the things she loves about grandma culture: gin rummy and cursing. But now she doesn’t listen to authority at all. At some point Timothy comes to visit and sees that Ylfa and Baba Yaga are playing cards with a mannequin wearing the orange hat. As they should.
She meets some more friends and has a crush on a boy named Nochi. This is clearly Pinnochio. Pinnochio comes over to play gin rummy a lot. Years later when they are both twenty one they get together because why the fuck not. She seems the big bad wolf, wearing the orange hat, giving her a big thumbs up out the window as they kiss.
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white-cat-of-doom · 23 days
do you know how one would go about learning how to do the Cats makeup for cosplay and stuff
This is a good question, Anon, although I am not sure how best to answer as someone who has never done makeup in my life.
A first step would be to research the best brands of makeup that fit your budget and location to makeup sure you have a good starting point.
Obviously the best thing to do in actually trying makeup would be to reference photos of the character you are interested in and attempt to replicate them as best you can yourself.
It is going to take many practice attempts to get better (and faster) at applying the makeup, which is just like how performers in the show start out. They have some guidance from professional makeup artists and the official reference sheets as well, which would be tremendous help and assists them to reduce the learning curve.
In terms of a more step-by-step guide, many performers upload timelapse videos where they apply their makeup, however it can be hard to keep track of their movements as they are almost always sped up to fit an hour long process into a minute or two. There are a few videos where a performer takes their time and explains the general process, but these are fairly rare and uncommon.
If you wanted a specific character, please let me know and I can maybe direct you to the best resource I can think of off the top of my head. I have uploaded a fair amount of makeup process videos from the performers on my blog, so I suggest searching that term to find them if interested. I never tagged them specifically, so it is a bit of a mess going through that.
If you wanted an opinion from someone who does CATS cosplay, there are a handful of accounts that you could ask and I think they would be more than happy to answer!
I always wanted to try character makeup myself, but as I do not have any experience, I hesitate to spend money trying something I would only do for myself for a short time period. I do not own any of my own cosplay costumes either, so that holds me back as well.
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weltenwellen · 2 years
My line of work is similar to yours and I was wondering how you cope with the emotional and psychological impact it has on you? I struggle especially with my young patients, the children and teens, and as an abused person myself it's unbearable at times. I'm thinking if maybe I should stop this and find my way doing something else but my patients will still exist, everywhere, even if I'm not there, and their pain too. Removing myself won't help me because I keep them with me always anyway... Do you struggle with this?
Yeah, of course. Keeping a professional boundary/taking care of your mental and emotional health while also being caring and empathetic with my clients is constant work & does take a lot of energy. Where I feel it is mostly after work when I come home & stop physically moving for a second. Then it's hard to kind of center myself again and do things for myself at times if that makes sense. And I would agree with you on the difficulty to not taking clients' stories home with you when they're young teens... and especially if I see pieces of myself in them then it's really hard. But at the end of the day I can help them but I cannot fix them. I cannot make someone come to their appointments, I cannot make them stop lying to me, I cannot make them stay clean and not relapse etc. I can be myself, I can do my job to the best of my abilities and I can do the necessary things to evolve and learn such as reflecting with my co-workers about cases, reflection difficult cases during supervision, going to therapy myself, educating myself and reflection on certain things with my close friends in order to be the best version of myself that I can be but I cannot fix other people. I think I've learned that through my own history and through trying to fix certain people in my family and it has helped to keep a certain distance while I can be mindful and kind in my practices and interactions with clients.
That said, my story is not your story. Are you in therapy yourself or have the necessary coping strategies in place to keep certain boundaries in place? It worries me a little bit that it sounds like your own childhood trauma is getting triggered with some of your cases and you take cases home with you. I know I might come across as harsh when I say this but you're not responsible for making someone's pain go away. It's good that you seem to care a lot but it sounds like you're carrying the pain they experience in your own heart.
So when you say removing yourself won't help because you keep your clients with you, I'd argue against that. I think when we can't keep a professional distance we are not our own center anymore. Not our pain and our emotions are our own focus but someone else's are. We're not with ourselves. So I'd argue it would help tremendously not only you (but also your clients) if you find some distance from your work. Because when you're not with yourself and not attempting to be in tune with your own emotions but rather you find clients offloading on you and you cannot separate their emotions from yours at the end of the day or you come across difficult cases and you cannot keep a distance because you're getting triggered then it also gets harder to have a professional relationship with all your clients, your stress levels will go through the roof and your personal life/relationships will suffer. You're overall well-being will decline. You always have to be your own first priority. That's not selfishness, that's looking after yourself and taking care of yourself. That said please don't take it like I am talking you into fully quit but if it's possible, I would discuss these issues with your boss, co-workers and close friends before making a decision. All the best to you 🌻💛
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