#but they have to have the right Vibe®
markscherz · 10 months
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Hot damn. Great question, I'd love to tell you.
High Fantasy
Look, this rainfrog is called Breviceps bagginsi, so I don't have a lot of choice, now do I?
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Also, I would go with them to the end. Into the very fires of Mordor.
Low Fantasy
Phyllomedusine hylids have a certain weird clown marionette vibe to them. Just look at these Pithecopus rohdei.
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The male Rhinoderma darwinii raises his tadpoles in his vocal sac.
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Gephyromantis pseudoasper sometimes wear handsome stripes—very Space Age™
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But more importantly, their calls evoke a battle with laser-blasters.
I filmed this calling male in 2017 at an obscene hour of the morning.
Trichobatrachus robustus, aka the Hairy Frog, has flanks and thighs covered in weird, hair-like outgrowths that increase oxygen exchange over its skin, and BREAKS ITS FINGERS TO STAB YOU WITH CLAWS MADE OF BONE
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Breviceps males physically glue themselves to the back-ends of females, and if that's not romance, I don't know what is.
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Nyctimantis arapapa are probably amongst the funniest-looking frogs out there.
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The 'poly' in Polypedates may be a double entendre
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Crime and Mystery
Calyptocephalella gayi is a Galaxy Brain frog.
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Myobatrachus gouldii is basically what would happen if you decided to try to build a turtle, but you only had frog pieces in the kit.
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This house is CRAZY! It looks like an Amazon corporate headquarters, has 6bds, 7.5ba, and is $2.990M. It's got several definite vibes, and I kinda like it. You have to see the inside.
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Check out the size of the entrance hall. Look at the distance between the front doors and the living area.
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We have arrived. Doesn't it look like an office building?
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From this perspective, it looks like a mall.
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Must be the family room here. It's gigantic.
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The other rooms branch off this huge main room. There're glass walls and mirrored walls.
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Have you ever seen a bath with a kitchenette? Plus, there's a sauna.
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I thought that this was the kitchen, but it's another kitchenette.
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This is the kitchen. Why would they put a skinny galley kitchen in a big house like this? Well, they say that galley kitchens are the most efficient b/c everything's within close access.
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At the entrance to the kitchen is the everyday dining area, or you can go out on the patio.
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This must be the dining room right outside the kitchen. They did a gorgeous "bring the outdoors in" thing here.
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Look at this.
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Walking along the walk and the little stream, you can stop by the kitchen window.
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I don't know if this is the living room. I guess it could be whatever you want.
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It's got another fireplace outside the indoor pool.
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A bedroom and en-suite. See that little door on the right?
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For some reason, that's the door to the closet. Why do you have to duck?
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I think that this is the entrance to the primary suite.
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The primary bedroom has a fireplace and I thought that was a bed, but I think it's a hot tub. This home has what looks like stage lighting on the upper walls.
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Look at the outdoor pools- they have a bridge to a little island.
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Gated property.
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The home comes with 26 acres of land.
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Looks like a repair garage at night. .
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erose-this-name · 2 months
Primer On Stylistic Elements Of Internet Speak (Zoomerese) (from what I've learned by being terminally online)
This is just text, like, normal fucking text. nothing special about this.
Because base English 🥱 only has support for shouting :O (!) questions🤨(?) and statements ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (.), and we wanted to add new registers of voice :P, (and keyboards limit the ability to add new symbols) :-( a lot of new features to the language have to be made out of other symbols or be made of stylistic elements instead of a dedicated symbol. And since there's no dedicated authority to teach people new abstract symbols, they had to be faces so they could be intuitive. ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡
This isn't sARcaSTIc at all, I mean come on, why would anyone EVER want to indicate SARCASM by OVEREXAGGERATING to compensate for """"English not having a sarcasm punctuation mark""""? Like, c'mon, it's not like "/s" or ".~" can also be used AS a sarcmark.~
Oh, yeah? "RanDOM CaPS mAKeS IT sOunD LIkE mOCkiNG" that's what you sound like.
This is TOTALLY post-irony OR meta-irony, where you just, like, SAY what you actually mean but IN A SARCASTIC WAY??? Uh, what is this, some kinda "gen z exclusive" comedy/slang feature?? Like, wow, I guess you would need to do that to "create some distance" between you and your beliefs by giving you the ability to say you were "JuST KiDDinG", or as a "joke" because ""zoomers"" are so oversaturated with content that normal single level sarcasm doesn't work anymore and they need to layer that shit up two or three times, or some bullshit like that.
I'm finna splain txt messg shorthand, aka sms language. its like faster 2 type & kinda gives u a valley grl vibe. itz actually a bit harder 2 learn than the rest of these and I'm not gud at it. kthnx
This. Is. Putting. A. Period. On. Every. Fucking. Word. This. Shit. Makes. It. Sound. Like. You. Motherfucker. Are. Very. FUCKING. Angry. And. Authoritative. (this prosody is also a new [and relatively rare] feature in spoken English as well.)
UwU, what's this? Nya, thiws iws uwu/owo voice! (UwU)! Iwt iws meant towo sowund wike a baby voice, vewy cute (hazawdouswy cute) (UwU!), awnd iws used excwusivewy by fuwwies awnd femboys awnd fuwwy femboys uwu awnd anyaone who uses iwt "iwonyacawwy" iws secwetewy owne nya of those pwobabwy uwu. use at youw own peril (you will wose bwaincewws awnd become gay) nya! RAWR XD
Dis ar teh LOLCAT, it be VRY OUTDATD MEME, but sum bits ov dis style ov brokd grammar an spellin' still appears on teh interwebs in TINY DOSES 2 mak it seem cutr an dumbr or leik a cat 4 ironic purposez, LIEK ONCE OR TWICE PER POST!!!1!1 DO NOT OVAR USE IT LIEK IM U WILL DYE!!!1!1!
uh all lowercase and without punctuation makes it seem childish/lazy which can be used for irony if what youre saying is actually very important or authoritative but you dont wanna sound that way because you are depressed or just wanna feel cute or maybe some other reason idk im just a boy
Exclamation marks (!) indicate excitement and energy! My Dad (ex-typographer) whose really really cool says that exclamation marks (!) mean you're SHOUTING and not to use them!!! And he's really cool, but that's not right anymore because SHOUTING IS INDICATED BY ALL UPPERCASE!!!!!
This is Capitalizing The First Letter In Every Word, which is done on Tumblr Dot Com but not much elsewhere. It brings to mind how Titles and Headlines also sometimes Capitalizing The First Letter In Every Word, and gives your post an aura of Authority and to Nounify Something.
Most other parts of the internet™®© do this where they spam copyright and trademark symbols®©™®©© to achieve the same effect as capitalizing the first letter in every word©©™.
>be me >go on 4Chan.org >dies immediately.exe >looks into posts >discovers entirely unique and interesting writing style called greentext >ask why its called that >Get called a "newf*g, desu" >it's mostly used by incels to gaslight fa/tg/uys and /b/***** (they wouldn't censor that) into reading stories they made up about themselves where they become a sex haver >literally no one believes that any greentext has ever actually happened >find incest greentext >ew.wav >read it anyways because ******** (utter self-loathing is important for authentic greentext) >it's just the plot of Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back >mfw
I learned 4Channerish so you don't have to. Seriously, don't.
(If I've missed anything please reblog to expand our VALUABLE COLLECTIVE EDUTRAINING ABILITIES)
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qqhoneydew · 1 year
Re: "She's just impulsive" "She wasn't thinking!"
This is an argument/response I see a lot regarding Tangle's action and honestly I kinda feel like it gives her less credit than she deserves. It's true, she's very ecstatic and peppy, especially when vibes are high and she's in the middle of action, but we've seen she is capable of turning it down when it's needed. In fact, she was the reason Whisper even opened up about her past in the mini-series and she took it all in very attentively and with care. So I don't believe this is something she would take lightly/or even forget. Hell she watched them die via Whisper's archive footage.
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I suppose it was impulsive in the sense that she didn't have a good read on Whisper's mood before she said it (Which can be attributed to Whisper not communicating with her currently). But I don't think naming the Diamond Cutters came completely out of nowhere, in fact, I personally believe it's something she's been thinking about for awhile.
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It's pretty clear that Tangle wants to be Whisper's partner (lol). She wants to help her with her goals and likely continue traveling and adventuring together. So my theory is that she sees them continuing on together as the new Diamond Cutters. And honestly I believe under normal circumstances, this is something Whisper would've appreciated too, but as we all know, she's not doing too hot right now. In my personal opinion, I dont think they NEED to be the Diamond Cutters, they are Tangle & Whisper®™ but we'll see where this goes.
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mx-lamour · 5 months
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Ezmerelda d'Avenir
Ezmerelda was our fated ally in the tarokka reading. Described as a lone traveler, Ezra couldn't help but feel a sort of kinship already.
When we finally met her, it was Ezmerelda who questioned Ezra about his potential link to the deity of the same name. We had just found Van Richten's tower and managed to get inside, when we heard a pack of wolves howling in the distance. They grew nearer with the stamping of hooves, and Ezmerelda came galloping on horseback out of the woods with werewolves on her heels. We opened the door for her, yelling, "Come on! We're friends!" In a very cinematic move, she leapt off her horse, still in motion, and ran into the tower.
We managed to defend the tower against the wolf pack and convince Ezmerelda that we actually were who we said we were. We learned a lot that night. (Not least of which were the contents of I, Strahd we unearthed.) And Ezmerelda shared a theory that there might only be one god in the Domains of Dread, either intentionally or through misattribution, going by many names. Ezra was just one of these. Some call them the Traveler.
Ezmerelda and Ezra have kind of a sibling-esque relationship regarding Van Richten. When Ezra and the guys first met the bitter old man, Ezra was immediately... petulant is probably the right word. Their vibes seemed to be just similar enough to clash horribly from the outset.
Ezra likes his rose-colored glasses, though. He's hopeful. He needs to believe things can get better. But Van Richten, for his own reasons, was unwilling to divulge too much information to our group of rather green adventurers. Ezra was indignant in the face of his withheld wealth of information.
Ezmerelda is more practical than Ezra in many ways. She doesn't get attached. But she agreed to join our cause, and that was the important part. The two of them can bitch about Van Richten together, which is kind of cathartic. In the time since that first encounter, Ezra has grown to understand Van Richten, but he still views him like the kind of father figure he doesn't want to become.
Our two other party members developed a pretty solid brotherly relationship with each other from square one, so it's nice that Ezra has someone else to relate to.
Or he would have, if he hadn't been so busy hovering around Ireena.
When Ireena was taken from us, Ezra sought out Van Richten. Asked him through a haze of shock if he knew any way to cure vampirism. Van Richten looked like he'd seen a ghost. He was softer than he'd ever been when he told Ezra the only way to cure a vampire was to kill it. (Ezra refused to accept this, of course.)
So, nowadays, we're making our way through a few of the other Dreadlands. And Ezra has a fresh opportunity to get to know Ezmerelda in the meantime.
. . .
↓ Link to my Hero Forge model of Ezmerelda d'Avenir! ↓
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nwbeerguide · 25 days
Releasing on their anniversary April 13th Bale Breaker Brewing mystifies your senses with "Crop Circles Hazy IPA".
Press Release Yakima, Wash … Bale Breaker Brewing Company, a brewery located on their family’s 4th generation hop farm in the beautiful Yakima Valley, is excited to announce their newest series of Hazy IPAs - the first in the 16oz series, Crop Circles Hazy IPA, is releasing on the brewery's 11th anniversary, April 13th.  "We wanted to have fun with this one," says brewery co-owner Meghann Quinn. "Our past 16oz series have been a little more serious and reflective of our family's legacy as 4th generation hop farmers, but this year, we just wanted to make a delicious beer with fun artwork and no deeper meaning." The brewery is leaning into the alien vibe on Saturday, April 13th at their 11th Anniversary Party in Yakima, turning "Field 41" into "Area 41". Customers can expect the release party to feature space vibes, live flash tattoos by Crave Ink, the season's first YOXI hard seltzer slushies, Seattle favorite Outsider BBQ serving up delicious food, and plenty of Crop Circles Hazy IPA flowing on tap. The beer will be available on Saturday, April 13 on draft and in cans at their Ballard taproom as well.  Crop Circles Hazy IPA will receive full distribution throughout Washington, Oregon, and Idaho the week of April 8th– find it using Bale Breaker’s online beer finder. Washington customers can also order their beer via their online store after launch. Crop Circles Hazy IPA 6.5% ABV Get ready to have your taste buds abducted with this new limited release beer, Crop Circles Hazy IPA. A bright, bold hazy featuring our homegrown Citra®, Mosaic®, and HBC 1019 hops, grown right here on Area 41 - er, we mean, Field 41. RELEASE DATE: SATURDAY 4/13 About Bale Breaker  Crafting fresh-off-the-farm brews from the middle of a hop field, Bale Breaker Brewing Company is a family-owned brewery located in the beautiful Yakima Valley. Backed by four generations of hop farming experience, Bale Breaker started in 2013, and has grown to become one of the largest independent craft breweries in Washington.  With a 30-barrel brewhouse at a 27,000 square foot facility, Bale Breaker crafts eight year-round canned beers, including the widely celebrated Topcutter IPA, and a diverse offering of seasonal beers in cans and on draft. They have two taprooms: one onsite at the Yakima brewery; and another in Seattle’s Ballard Brewing District. Bale Breaker beer can be found in retailers and bottleshops throughout Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. For more information, visit www.balebreaker.com or follow on Facebook and Instagram. from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/49lX9Ic
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altituderoofersz · 2 years
Top 5 Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Roofing Contractor
We hear this question constantly: Why get another rooftop?
A refreshed, strong rooftop safeguards your home and individuals who live there. roofing alvin tx It's a safeguard from the components — wind, downpour, snow and outrageous temperatures — however it likewise holds dampness back from crawling into your home and empowering mold and other possibly risky substances.
So what are the advantages of re-material? Furthermore, what will you get on the off chance that you make the speculation on another rooftop now as opposed to putting it off?
1. Exceptional yield ON INVESTMENT
One of the greatest advantages of another rooftop is the profit from speculation that accompanies this undertaking. As we've proactively referenced, you'll probably recover most — while perhaps not all — of the material expenses when you go to sell your home. Potential purchasers regularly favor homes that needn't bother with a ton of primary work, so another rooftop permits you to sell your home at a greater cost and makes your home more interesting to expected purchasers. The vast majority are drawn to a home that won't expect them to siphon huge load of cash into it following they move in.
Another rooftop can likewise show to potential purchasers that you have kept up with your home and safeguarded it from things like water harm. In a 2019 review from the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) and the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI), 33% of Realtors® found that another rooftop assisted them with bringing a deal to a close on a home.
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Wonderful home with finished yard
2. Further developed CURB APPEAL
Famous home stylistic layout magazines and home improvement shows may not invest a ton of energy looking at material plan, however don't let that fool you. Another rooftop goes far toward further developing a home's control claim.
A house's rooftop is quite possibly of its most noticeable element and makes up a critical level of a home's outside. An old rooftop with missing shingles and greenery developing on it makes a house look old and inadequately kept up with. Another rooftop, then again, is an incredible method for improving the vibe of any home to make it look new and energizing.
At the point when you work with a respectable material organization to plan and introduce another rooftop, they can assist you with choosing the right tone and style of shingles to supplement the variety and style of your home. The range of varieties, shapes and plans can truly resurrect a home. In a similar NAR-NARI overview, 65% of mortgage holders revealed feeling a more prominent craving to be home after their new rooftop was introduced. Almost 50% of those equivalent property holders (49%) likewise said that they appreciated being home all the more once their new rooftop was set up.
3. More prominent ENERGY EFFICIENCY
On the off chance that your rooftop is arriving at the finish of its life expectancy, it presumably isn't working effectively of getting heat far from your home. Other than being inclined to holes and where air can spill in, more established shingles weren't intended to repulse heat away from the house. They were bound to retain heat and carry it into the home.
The present shingles are intended to accomplish something other than keep your home dry. A few shingle choices available today are intended to repulse heat. By repulsing heat from the sun away from the house, the shingles on the rooftop keep overabundance heat from going into the house. The less intensity in the house, the less a home's HVAC framework needs to attempt to keep it at a cool, agreeable temperature. At the point when the HVAC framework doesn't need to fill in as hard, it doesn't use as much energy — and mortgage holders set aside cash.
Other than the innovation behind the present shingles, the variety and plan of another rooftop can likewise bring down energy costs. Hazier hued shingles retain more intensity than lighter shaded shingles. On the off chance that your ongoing rooftop has hazier shingles, supplanting them with a lighter, energy-effective choice can save you significantly more on energy costs.
4. Better HOME
One of the most concerning issues with more seasoned rooftops is that they don't necessarily repulse water away from the house, permitting water and dampness to crawl inside. Regardless of whether it's a sluggish break, water and dampness can develop after some time, making mold and buildup and causing potential medical issues for relatives. Indeed, even individuals who aren't susceptible to form can encounter issues with their eyes, nose, throat and lungs assuming mold is available in the home.
5. Security
Other than repulsing water, your home's rooftop is likewise intended to shield it from garbage, falling trees and wind. As a rooftop ages, it can turn out to be primarily shaky and incapable to endure everything it's intended to safeguard against. Regardless of whether you can't see proof of debilitating from an external perspective, a rooftop that is approaching the finish of its life expectancy is at risk for coming up short when you want it most. On the off chance that a more established rooftop is left ignored, it can become unsound and even breakdown. Being proactive and supplanting a maturing rooftop goes far toward keeping your home primarily sound and ready to endure the components, particularly on the off chance that you live in a space inclined to tempests or high breezes.
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racingliners · 2 years
Cosplay: ST ENT ‘Two Days and Two Nights’ dresses (Part 0)
A sewing post??? on my blog??? My creativity has finally returned!! 😭🙌
I’ve had this idea in the back of my mind since the first covid lockdown, and now that I’ve been in my part-time job for a good while, I’ve been able to finally put some money towards sewing projects!!!
And, I am finally getting to delve into cosplay, and I am so excited about it (which was a big reason why I ended up taking up sewing in the first place)
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I had planned on making an Enterprise uniform first, but after a bit of thought, I figured that making something that could pass as regular wear too (more value for money from buying the fabric). So I decided to bump up my version of Malcolm Reed (L) and Charles ‘Trip’ Tucker’s (R) outfits from the shore leave episode ‘Two Days and Two Nights’ from Series 1 of Star Trek Enterprise. I love all of the Enterprise main cast, but Malcolm and Trip are my absolute favourite characters, so of course I had to cosplay them in some way. 
I wanted to make dresses instead of a shirt and trousers since it’s what I’d be happier wearing, the dresses would be easy to either dress up for dress down, and the thought of making trousers kinda terrifies me 😅 (I will eventually be making jackets to go with the dresses, but that is for a later date)
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So, the fabric and patterns!!
I’m pretty sure I’ve had the New Look N6615 pattern since 2020, and I’ll be using version A for the Malcolm dress.
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I bounced ideas with my mates in the Enterprise Stans discord about what fabric I’d use for a fem!Malcolm dress, and we eventually landed on the idea of a small polka dot fabric. I bought two metres of this Rose & Hubble fabric in blue, and in real life it’s much closer to the steel/denim blue colour used for Malcolm’s shirt in the episode.
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For the Trip dress I knew straight away I wanted to use a plain fabric with a lace overlay to try and mimic the... busy fabric used for Trip’s shirt. I had planned on using version C from the New Look pattern for the Trip dress, but I didn’t really vibe with it. Then a couple of months ago my Mum was doing a clean up of some knitting magazines and found the Simple Sew pattern in amongst them! She gave it to me and after checked with my ENT pals again, we all felt it had major Trip vibes and would work perfectly for the Trip dress!
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I haven’t bought the lace yet since I’ll get that next payday, but here’s what the fabric will look like with the lace on top, I think it’s going to look so pretty!  The base cotton and lace is in New Lilac, from Minerva Crafts.
I got thread and interfacing from my local sewing shop, and have zips in the right colours coming in the post, but since I have everything for the Malcolm dress I’ll be starting that soon! I’ll be documenting everything here, and all my posts for both dresses will have the same tags on this post, in case anyone wants to follow along my progress 😅
As usual, if anyone has any sewing questions, or questions about projects, just drop me an ask or message!
UPDATE: I have the lace!!!
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I had enough to buy the lace for the overlay of the Trip dress and here it is!! This is the Chantilly Lace from Minerva Crafts, I went for this lace since the repeat of the pattern wasn’t too busy, meaning you’d still be able to see the cotton underneath, but the dress would still look interesting. 
I’ve actually started work on the Trip dress this week, progress posts to come soon!
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Thanks to Curieously for finding a restored 1894 Victorian in Stockton, California that's done right. 3bds, 3.5ba, $599K.
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Open the door and the little center hall is a pleasure to see. No modern white & gray or painted woodwork.
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Authentic right down to the furnishings.
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Even if you're not a Victorian fan, you have to appreciate their attention to detail.
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The 2nd sitting room is open to the 1st.
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The kitchen does have the Victorian vibe, but I don't know why, I just don't care for it.
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Off the kitchen is this cute little sitting room.
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Wow beautiful sink and toilet in the powder room.
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Then it flows into the dining room.
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To the side of the front hall are the stairs. What lovely millwork.
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Here we are on the landing to the 2nd fl.
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There's a sitting room outside the primary bedroom.
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A little rustic family room.
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It's wonderful to see a bath in a Victorian that's not contemporary.
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Lovely secondary bedroom.
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Another great little vintage bath.
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This is nice, the automatic gates work by solar power.
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The grounds are very pretty.
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Lovely patio.
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There's an adorable little cottage on top of the garage.
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It's tiny but it's so cute.
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bike-safety · 3 months
Navigating Cold Fronts: The Top 10 Snowmobile Suits for Extreme Winter Adventures
As a seasoned powersports rider who has tackled the most challenging winter conditions, I understand the importance of having the right gear, especially when it comes to snowmobile suits. Whether you're racing through snow-covered trails or exploring the backcountry, a reliable snowmobile suit is your first line of defense against the biting cold and harsh elements. In this guide, I'll navigate you through the top 10 snowmobile suits that stand out for extreme winter adventures, combining durability, insulation, and functionality to ensure a comfortable and thrilling ride.
FXR Racing Mission X Snowmobile Suit:
The FXR Racing Mission X Snowmobile Suit takes the top spot for its exceptional blend of durability and performance. Constructed with a rugged shell and insulated with Thinsulate™, this suit provides superior warmth without compromising mobility. The advanced ventilation system ensures optimal temperature control, making it ideal for riders tackling extreme winter conditions.
Klim Lochsa Snowmobile Suit:
Renowned for its high-quality gear, Klim delivers excellence with the Lochsa Snowmobile Suit. Featuring GORE-TEX® fabric, this suit offers unmatched waterproofing and breathability. The innovative design includes a removable liner and adjustable vents, allowing riders to adapt to changing weather conditions. With ample storage and reinforced panels, the Lochsa is a reliable choice for extreme adventures.
Castle X Platform G4 Snowmobile Suit:
The Castle X Platform G4 Snowmobile Suit is engineered for riders pushing the limits in challenging terrains. Built with durable materials and fortified seams, it provides exceptional protection against snow and wind. The suit's 3M™ Thinsulate™ insulation offers superior warmth, while the adjustable features ensure a customized fit for maximum comfort during extended rides.
TOBE Novo V3 Monosuit:
The TOBE Novo V3 Monosuit is a favorite among backcountry riders seeking top-tier performance. Designed with Sympatex® fabric, this suit delivers waterproofing and breathability in equal measure. The Cordura® construction enhances durability, making it resistant to abrasions and wear. With its functional design and optimal insulation, the Novo V3 is tailored for extreme winter adventures.
509 Range Insulated Monosuit:
The 509 Range Insulated Monosuit is crafted for riders who demand both style and functionality. With a 5TECH™ fabric construction and fully taped seams, this suit ensures protection against the elements. The insulation is strategically placed for maximum warmth, and the suit's design allows for unrestricted movement, making it an excellent choice for riders exploring diverse terrains.
Arctiva Vibe Monosuit:
Arctiva's Vibe Monosuit stands out for its sleek design and high-performance features. The 5TECH™ fabric and fully sealed seams offer reliable waterproofing, while the insulation provides exceptional warmth. The suit's flexibility and mobility make it a versatile option for riders who prioritize agility in extreme winter conditions.
Fly Racing Aurora Snowmobile Suit:
The Fly Racing Aurora Snowmobile Suit combines style with functionality, making it a popular choice among riders. Its DWR-coated shell and waterproof zippers provide reliable protection against snow and moisture. The 3M™ Thinsulate™ insulation ensures optimal warmth, while the suit's adjustable features allow for a customized fit, enhancing overall comfort during cold rides.
Motorfist Alpha Monosuit:
Engineered for extreme cold, the Motorfist Alpha Monosuit is a top-tier option for riders facing frigid temperatures. The Reissa® membrane guarantees waterproofing, and the 3M™ Thinsulate™ insulation offers exceptional warmth. With reinforced panels and a focus on durability, this monosuit is built to withstand the harshest winter conditions.
TOBE Capto Storm Monosuit:
The TOBE Capto Storm Monosuit is designed for backcountry enthusiasts who crave adventure in challenging environments. The Sympatex® membrane ensures waterproofing, and the Cordura® construction enhances durability. The suit's 3D design allows for unrestricted movement, making it a reliable choice for riders navigating diverse terrains in extreme winter conditions.
Choko Design Pro-1 Monosuit:
Closing our list is the Choko Design Pro-1 Monosuit, known for its superior insulation and rugged construction. The DWR-coated shell provides excellent protection against snow and moisture, while the 3M™ Thinsulate™ insulation ensures reliable warmth. With a focus on durability and attention to detail, the Choko Design Pro-1 is a trusted companion for riders taking on extreme winter adventures.
Navigating cold fronts and conquering extreme winter adventures requires gear that can withstand the elements and provide optimal comfort. The top 10 snowmobile suits mentioned above are not just pieces of clothing; they are the result of advanced technology, innovative design, and a commitment to meeting the unique needs of powersports riders. Whether you prioritize durability, insulation, or versatility, these suits offer a combination of features that make them stand out in the world of snowmobiling. So, gear up with confidence, choose the snowmobile suit that suits your riding style, and embark on an exhilarating journey through the winter wonderland. Stay warm, stay dry, and let the extreme winter adventures begin!
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schaeferlutz80 · 3 months
50+ Most Popular Hanging Chairs With Stand
Online reviewers found it snug and spacious — plus it's available in 4 stylish colors. Exuding a classy aesthetic, this hanging swing chair has a teardrop shape design and free-floating chair — a glance that will function a focal point of any yard space or room. Online reviewers rave about the look and quality of this pick, with many also noting it is comfy. Most hanging chairs can maintain anywhere from 250 to 550 pounds. That is quite a range, so make certain to examine the load capability before shopping for one. As talked about, kids' chairs can usually support up to a hundred and eighty pounds. To guarantee it could resist the weather in any climate, the model's Pod Hanging Chair has a powder-coated aluminum frame wrapped in fake resin wicker. The chair itself is handwoven by artisans, a time-intensive process that takes a full week to complete. The mild swaying movement of our new hanging chair will lull you right into a relaxed state as you watch the sunrise, sunset or compensate for your reading.
Beautifully crafted by expert wicker artisans, this iconic indoor chair will final for a few years. Theresa Holland is a contract commerce author and product tester. For this article, she interviewed a Decorist interior designer Linzie Merchant for suggestions and ideas for getting hanging chairs. After contemplating dozens of choices from various retailers, she in the end chosen snug, sturdy, and visually pleasing models which would possibly be easy to arrange. Made of anti-rust metal frame and all-weather PE rattan, this egg hanging chair can stay outside. Likewise, the trendy look additionally makes it fit your indoor ornament. If you employ it indoors, the anti-slip foot pads defend your flooring from scratching. While you may be sitting on this hanging chair, the protection strap, sturdy triangular structure and c-type base will maintain you safe. Furthermore, the strengthened metal hook holds up to 330 lbs. What’s more, the comfy cushions and ample house deliver optimal comfort so that you can loosen up. She covers furniture, residence decor, and organizational options. When searching hanging chairs, make certain to examine the weight capacity. Some extra-sturdy fashions can support as a lot as 550-pounds, while others may cap out round 250 pounds. Kids' swing seats often have a capacity of roughly a hundred and eighty pounds, in addition to a really helpful age vary. If you click on on hyperlinks we offer, we might obtain compensation.
Mistana™ Anner Porch Swing With Stand
However, it comes with a steel chain, ceiling bracket, bolts, and two carabiner clasps. You'll additionally get two strings of battery-powered LED lights for creating a vibe any teen will love. This budget-friendly hanging chair has a 330-pound weight capability.
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These are secured by a sequence, or rope, to a hook that is put in to a beam within the ceiling. There can additionally be a second class of hanging chair that does not require any such attachment to the ceiling. Both supply the liberty of full swing motion, with the latter including the convenience of with the ability to be re-positioned anyplace within the bedroom. If you are trying to invest in a striking outside chair, we're obsessive about this handwoven resin rattan choose from CB2. It could additionally be costly, however the open weave is weather resistant and the two plush cushions are sewn from a Sunbrella ® efficiency fabric — so, this design is constructed to final.
Wicker Hanging Chair With Stand
Handcrafted with rattan using a century-old methodology by bending the rattan into form. The Icons assortment options the timeless traces and sculptural artistry of an elite group of legendary European furnishings designers. Elegant and eye-catching, the stunning White Fabric Luna Acrylic Swing Bubble Accent Chair from Meridian Furniture is the perfect addition to any house. Comfortable, stylish picks to raise any area — inside or out. Keeping Merchant's insight in mind, we researched the comfiest, most aesthetically pleasing options for each style and elegance. We independently consider all beneficial services. It attaches to a hardened wood bar that connects to two anti-slip rings and a sturdy rope. You can set up it using the included ceiling bracket, hang it from a tree, or hook it to a stand. We love that the indoor/outdoor design can be connected to your ceiling or porch cowl with the included bracket or hung from a thick tree department. This particular mannequin would not come with a stand, nevertheless it'll work with pretty much any hammock chair stand. Christmas gift thought of, the Bulexyard Swing Egg is a superb selection with a very cheap price tag.
You can find more of her articles on Travel + Leisure, People, and Byrdie.
According to the model, this snug chair comes with an easy-to-understand set up handbook and all the tools and hardware needed for meeting.
Made of anti-rust metal body and all-weather PE rattan, this egg hanging chair can keep outside.
When it involves easy-breezy lounging, it doesn't get much better than a dangling chair.
Cushions also help hammock swings take a wider shape, which is comfier for sitting.
Each chair comes full with a sumptuous seat cushion and headrest for comfort, and a gentle sway to movement for stress-free impact. Solution-dyed 100 percent acrylic Sunbrella and Tempotest efficiency fabric cushions are handsewn by expert cushion manufacturers within the Carolinas. Theresa Holland is a contract commerce author and product reviewer specializing in residence items, group, and outdoor dwelling. The swinging movement of hanging chairs has been demonstrated to be mentally and physically soothing. Imagine going into your bed room in search of refuge from the stresses of work and home life. Like a comfy nest within a comfy tree, the hanging chair is ideal to rest, learn or just loosen up. With an ergonomic shape and their capability to softly swing and sway, hanging egg chairs are surprisingly comfortable. Since most egg chairs are meant for just one person, use one to build your individual studying nook or hang one within the entrance yard the place you probably can people-watch. We've also sprinkled in double hanging egg chairs, that are designed to carry two folks. This Luna chair features an acrylic egg-style seat topped with faux fur-covered cushions for supreme comfort. You can find extra of her articles on Travel + Leisure, People, and Byrdie. Of all the rooms in a home, none other implies comfort, personal type and privateness greater than the bed room. It is the place we sleep, the place we wind down, the place we go to suppose, where we go once we want to be alone. It is our personal personal safe haven throughout the bigger context of our home. The house could belong to your whole household, but your bedroom belongs to you. If you are not sure boho style aligns along with your taste, search for one thing with a simple frame and neutral hues that do not have a definite wicker look. The new grid design adds a contemporary and updated styling positive to deliver a new dimension to your home design. The pure rattan colour will either be the perfect mix or a welcome stand out as the focal point in your room. Choose from an array of trendy colours and whether or not or not you want a stand included. According to the model, this snug chair comes with an easy-to-understand installation guide and all the tools and hardware needed for assembly. Some hanging chairs include their own stands, but when not, most will attach to a bowed hammock swing stand with a protracted sufficient chain. We wish it got here in a few more colours, but the black stand, pure wicker hue, and off-white cushions make it exceptionally versatile. If the steep value doesn't scare you away, try the Crew Hanging Chair from Arhaus. Designed to resist the outdoor parts year-round, it features all-weather resin wicker wrapped around a rustproof aluminum body. A hanging chair will immediately add a touch of uniqueness to any decor. It can simply become a focal piece, excellent for establishing the tone of your bedroom’s type and look. You will feel so relaxed whether or not you select to hang this from a porch or a tree or choose to buy the stand which can also be out there. Made of aluminum frames you've just about no upkeep. Our mixed artificial materials is hand woven and appears so natural. The plush cushion is crammed with Dacron fiber and lined with solution dyed polyester cloth which will out last many fabrics for put on. This trendy bohemian-style egg swing is on the pricier side. Also, it could be uncomfortable with out the weather-resistant tufted cushion, which you'll have to purchase separately. It comes with a galvanized steel chain and hook however not a mounting bracket, as it's designed to provide the choice to connect it to a ceiling or a stand. The one that most individuals first envision when considering of hanging chairs is the free hanging model. For those with allergic reactions, it must be famous that the areas in a bed room where dust and allergens accumulate the most is precisely beneath conventional chairs, tables and mattress frames. Many people have misconceptions about how a hanging chair is put in. Some folks could wrongly imagine that a hanging chair wouldn’t be practical of their bed room. Perhaps the size of the room are too small, or the ceiling too low. AluRattan consists of a strong powder-coated aluminum frame with woven ArtFibre for 100 percent maintenance free out of doors use. If you are apprehensive your family will instantly steal your new egg chair, there's this spacious swing that comfortably suits a number of folks without delay.
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realtorjamier · 4 months
House Hunting: How to Find Your Perfect Match!
With Valentine’s Day behind us, it’s time to focus on another kind of match. If you’re on the search for a home, you’re undoubtedly hoping to find that special house that makes you weak in the knees. Maybe you’ve never been in love (with a house), or perhaps you’re a homeowner who has fallen out of love and is ready to move on. Here are some ideas on how to find your perfect match.
Keep in mind: crushing on a house is a heady feeling, but it’s important to remain somewhat pragmatic so you don’t find yourself living in a nightmare rather than a dream! To avoid heartbreak and disappointment, there are some things to keep your romance grounded in reality.
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When looking for love, first consider your vibe. Are you drawn to sleek, contemporary houses? Victorian or Craftsman style homes? This is a start when creating a “house dating profile!” 
Next, create a list of “must-haves.” Remember, these are needs, not just wants – must-haves, not just nice-to-haves.
This will be a highly personalized list, but here are 15 possible non-negotiable must-haves:
One-story living
Type of home (single family, townhome, condo)
Shorter commute
Safe area
Designated parking
Specific number of bedrooms
Plenty of storage space
Over 55 community
Fenced yard for children and/or pets
Green features
Hi-Tech wiring and security
Multigenerational home
Mother-in-law suite
Within Budget
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Next, choose your wish list of wants. Some of the must-haves listed above might actually fit better in this list, but here 15 other possibilities:
Chef’s kitchen
Smart home features
Open floor plan
Upstairs washer and dryer
Playground within walking distance
Gated/master-planned community
Hot tub
Media room
Wine storage
Workout room
Master bath spa
Outdoor kitchen
Covered patio
Luxury flooring
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Once you have come up with your must-have and wish lists, it’s time to share these with a real estate agent who has experience working within the geographic region you’re seeking. Although there are many good search engines online to help you filter appropriate home listings, a good REALTOR® has access to much more information than the ordinary consumer.
A C21Redwood.com agent will not only show you homes that are active on the market, under contract and recently sold — but will also alert you to homes that are COMING SOON! This behind-the-scenes insight boosts your advantage, particularly in a seller’s market.
Also, if you’d rather ease into homeownership, a rent-to-own plan may be right for you. CENTURY 21 Redwood has collaborated with Home Partners of America to create a tool to search for rent-to-own homes, allowing you to experience living in the home you think is your dream home before taking on all the obligations that come with home ownership. Each month’s rent becomes an investment in your future.
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Once you start visiting homes, remember that just like you should do on a first date, look for red flags. Even homes that seem to have all the bells and whistles might have underlying issues. Here are some tips.
Ask to see the attic.
Look for proper insulation since a house can lose a lot of heat/air conditioning from a poorly insulated roof.
Look to see if there is any kind of rodent infestation.
Look for leaks.
Check for old wiring.
Check out the basement.
Look for leaks (old, current or hidden):
Water stains on drywall, drop ceiling tiles or wood.
Peeling paint
Bulging or swelling walls
A chalky white substance (mineral deposits from the water)
Look for signs of mold. If the basement smells musty or “dank,” find out if there has ever been a mold issue. Mold growth can be a health concern as well as indicating a structural problem.
Signs of a faulty foundation may not always be in the basement. Look for:
Leaning chimneys
Doors and windows that are hard to open or close
Cracks on walls or floors
Sinking front porches
Buckling floors
Use your nose. 
If there is a strong perfumed smell suggesting scented spray, candles, or plugins everywhere, this might indicate a cover up. Did the previous owner have messy pets? Were they smokers? These odors can be really difficult to expel.
Other potential red flags:
Most issues will be found and noted by a good home inspector, but before you get to that point in the negotiations, take note of these possible issues:
Poor drainage (wet yard when no sprinkler system is utilized)
Overgrown yard
Parking problems
HOA fees, constraints, demands
Nearby railroad tracks, highways, heavy industry
Large trees too close to the house
The flip side of all this: don’t get too hung up on superficial blemishes. Paint color can be changed. Maybe beautiful hardwood floors are hiding under stained carpet. It’s the deeper issues that are sometimes harder to see but are problematic. Don’t be dazzled by cosmetic enhancements, and don’t be deterred by the lack of them. A real gem could be hiding and with proper budgeting can be polished to perfection.
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Just as it’s wise when dating to find out the sort of company your prospective partner keeps, it’s also important to check out a potential new home’s neighbors. But how can you do that without knocking on doors and scheduling coffee time with everyone? The truth is, you’ll be hard pressed to find out everything, but there are some tell-tale warning signs.
Use your intuition. Check out the people who are walking down the street. Look at the signs people post in their yards. Are they menacing or in bad taste?
Check out the adjacent properties. Are they derelict or poorly maintained? Are there an awful lot of cars parked at one house – or a lot of comings and goings there?
Are there many, many houses on the market in a given neighborhood? If so, you’ll need to do some investigating to find out why. Is there a crime problem? Is something coming to the community that is less-than-desirable to live near? Better to know now so that you can make an informed decision on whether to proceed with an offer.
Plan for the future. When possible – and if necessary, make sure there’s room to grow.
If your wish list includes an attached garage and the house you love has everything but that, don’t immediately exclude it as a possibility. Is the yard big enough to add one? Are the setbacks amenable to that addition? Would it be within your budget?
Your perfect match is out there somewhere, maybe it’s time to start looking! 
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nicsparkles · 10 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Madewell NWOT Broomfield Wash Paperbag Classic Straight High-Rise Jeans Size 27.
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eazy-group · 11 months
The Right Yoga Mat Can Make A HUGE Difference In Your Practice
New Post has been published on https://eazyfitness.net/the-right-yoga-mat-can-make-a-huge-difference-in-your-practice/
The Right Yoga Mat Can Make A HUGE Difference In Your Practice
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Prana is one of the very first yoga brands I fell in love with. Its clothes are totally built for a yogi lifestyle—they’re comfortable, lovely, and super-versatile. The Midtown Capri, in particular, is one of my staples for yoga flows and just everyday life. 
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7/8 Springs Leggings Outdoor Voices
7/8 Springs Leggings Outdoor Voices
You know all those really adorable pastel sports bra and legging sets you see all over Instagram? Well those are often from Outdoor Voices, and yes, they’re just as lovely IRL. Its leggings and tops come in a fun new mix of color combos every season, so you can find one that best suits your yogi vibe. Just one piece of advice: OV’s classic “Spring Leggings” are great for lighter yoga, but if you’re into sweatier vinyasa or hot yoga, opt for their “TechSweat” options instead.
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The Reversible Mat Lululemon
The Reversible Mat Lululemon
Before you shout “duh!” at your computer, hear me out! Sure, Lululemon built its brand around its iconic yoga pants, but actually, that’s not why they made my list. I’m a huge fan of many of Lulu’s yoga-centric products, including this Reversible Mat. It offers amazing cushion and support (which is clutch if you have sensitive knees, like me). Lululemon also makes great yoga bags, low-impact sports bras, and yes, high-quality leggings. 
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Goddess Leggings Alo Yoga
Goddess Leggings Alo Yoga
Alo Yoga is a fave (and not just because Halle Berry is obsessed with the brand). They make pretty, flowy tops, sweet matching sports bra-and-leggings sets, and stylish jackets to throw on top of your yogi outfit. I especially love Alo’s Goddess Leggings, which are essentially half tights, half form-fitting leg warmer. (What’s not to love?) 
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Spacedye Midi High Waist Leggings Beyond Yoga
Spacedye Midi High Waist Leggings Beyond Yoga
If you like to feel comfy, and I mean really comfy, during your yoga flow, look no further than Beyond Yoga’s workout clothes. Its leggings—especially any made with BY’s Spacedye performance fabric—feel equal parts silky and cozy on your skin. Plus, its high-waisted leggings are some of the best I’ve tried. They sit above your belly-button, but don’t feel too tight against your stomach—perfect for flowing from pose to pose with ease.
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Yogitoes® Yoga Towel Manduka
Yogitoes® Yoga Towel Manduka
Manduka makes a wide range of yoga-focused products—everything from apparel to yoga mats. I’ve tried and loved all of the above, and always get compliments on these leggings. But, as someone whose hands often sweat to the point of slippage during yoga, I’m a big fan of the brand’s yoga towels. They come in all kinds of colors and patterns, and give you great grip.
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Harmony Yoga Mat Jade Yoga
Harmony Yoga Mat Jade Yoga
Credit: Courtesy of Jade Yoga
Speaking of not slipping during a flow…Jade Yoga mats still go down in my book as the grippiest around. They come in various degrees of thickness, and lots of colors and styles—plus, each one offers the same impressive no-slip traction. Bonus: They’re made from eco-friendly, natural rubber. Jade Yoga also makes a number of other yoga props, including blocks, straps, and towels.
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A-C Hyper Focused Bra In Powervita™ Athleta
A-C Hyper Focused Bra In Powervita™ Athleta
Athleta makes super-reliable and high-quality workout clothes for everything from running to boxing. And its yoga selection is no exception. I especially love the brand’s sports bras, which offer just enough support for your flow. Plus, they often include cute details. like criss-crossed straps, that add a little something extra to a simple yoga outfit. Bonus: Many of their products are now made with recycled material.  
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High Rise Bike Short Onzie
High Rise Bike Short Onzie
Now 21% Off
If you’re looking for super-fun, vibrant yoga clothes—Onzie is your brand. From graphic patterns to leopard print and more, its offerings will help you express your fierce inner yogi. It also makes great, flowy tops like this twist back shirt (that I’ve worn more times than I can count), which pair perfectly with their funky sports bras. 
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I was introduced to this brand about four years ago, and I’ve been obsessed with its eco-friendly mats ever since. They are made with non-toxic material and are biodegradable. What makes them even cooler is they feature strategically placed lines that are designed to help you find proper alignment and body placement. Bonus: They come with a yoga mat bag to help you tote your planet-friendly mat with ease.  
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Botanical Yoga Mat La Vie Boheme
Botanical Yoga Mat La Vie Boheme
I was introduced to this brand about four years ago, and I’ve been obsessed with its gorgeous patterned mats ever since. While these mats aren’t the most technical ones around, I love that they offer a bit of extra cushion. Plus, you have something beautiful to look at throughout your flow. 
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If you’re looking for a more affordable yoga gear and clothing brand, Gaiam has you covered. This brand offers a solid yoga mat for less than $20, with countless patterns and colors to choose from. It also has plenty of yoga props, including blocks, bags, and straps. And if you’re in the market for a cute new yoga outfit that will cost you less than $100, check out some of its sweet sets. 
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Half Toe Grip Non-Slip Socks toesox
Half Toe Grip Non-Slip Socks toesox
Do your feet slip and slide around during your flow? Yeah, same, and it kinda disrupts the Zen. One solution: yoga socks. ToeSox makes all kinds of different options with grippy soles—including toeless pairs, full- or partial-coverage, and versions designed for specific activities in mind, including yoga. Bonus: The can double as barre or Pilates socks. 
Freelance Journalist
Kristine Thomason is a writer and editor with nearly a decade of experience creating content for print and digital publications. Previously, she was the health and fitness director at mindbodygreen, and the fitness and wellness editor at Women’s Health. Kristine’s work has appeared in Men’s Health, Travel + Leisure, Health, and Refinery29, among others. She holds a journalism degree from New York University, and is certified in personal training by the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM).
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