#but then add and in memory of their parents?
lilac-rose-writes · 13 hours
KINDERGARTEN 3: Questions + Crack Theories
(Some done with @charismabee in messages <3)
1. Where are the other kids?
THEORY 1: The correct one. Bob adopted them all. Grabbed as many kids as he could see and took off with them. Their home lives sucked before? That's okay! Now they have a Bob! Unfortunately, despite his large janitor arms, he could only carry six children at a time. And by the time he went back for the others, they had been signed up to a new school and carted off by their parents. How sad. :(
THEORY 2: The Kindergarten one. They've all been kidnapped. Uh oh! They're hanging out with the mysterious disappearing former principal somewhere. Jerome is crying. Lily is furiously looking for an escape. Billy is having a panic attack. Ted "Felix" is being "Felix". Buggs is hitting things. Ozzy is having a panic attack. Things are fun <3
THEORY 3: The silly one! They're in the library. Regis looked at the troublemakers who have killed/want to kill/look like they want to kill people and put them allll in study hall together. And then put Ozzy there too. For funsies! So now they're all being scolded for committing all the murders and/or being Ozzy. Carla finds out she wasn't invited to Murder Club and she is furious.
2. What's up with Felix/Ted??
THEORY 1: After going home on Tuesday, Ted somehow discovered Felix's plans to kill him. Maybe he found the contract, maybe Felix straight-up told him (he is such a terrible liar. The WORST. I will be going back to this point in theory 2). However it happened, Ted learnt Felix wanted to kill him, pulled a Cain's Not Able alt route, and got his own back. He's in his Theodore era now. No more silly expressions. He looks at the space Felix left behind, and slots into it seemingly perfectly.
THEORY 2: The better one. Felix is pretending to be Ted. Felix too was grouped into the intended Murder Club, but he wasn't going to spend all day in study hall. Ew. So, he does the logical thing, and has Teddy fill his place. Felix thinks he's completely inconspicuous- like a sneaky hawk, so to speak. The thing is, he keeps "teehee"-ing between words and doing a frankly terrible impersonation of Ted. Remember all of his smug gloating throughout Cain's Not Able (e.g. "heheh... you have the most important part", the stealing Monty's arm plot failing so badly that Monty somehow knew Felix wanted to steal something from him and that said something was an arm, etc)? Take that and multiply it tenfold. Even the kids he's never spoken to before can tell he's not "Teddy". Meanwhile, Ted is sitting in Murder Club and trying so hard to act like Felix, but the only preparation he's had is switching shirts and he keeps trying to kill Ozzy when no-one's looking.
THEORY 3: Cain's Not Able just carried over through loops. Stevie's bandaged up, we only have one twin. Once again, Theodore arc initiated.
3. Alice & Ms Lovelett are related
THEORY: This one is simply because they are both redheads & Alice is an amnesiac. It's probably not going to be canon considering the amount of staff members' (principals') kids we have so far, but it's interesting to think about! I think it could add a lot of depth & mystery towards Ms Lovelett as a character, as well as giving us something to unpick about Alice's lost memories.
4. What's up with Monty's legs?
THEORY 1: The popular "Monty has Penny's legs" idea- part I. He went down to the lab (bc hey! Secret Lab! That sounds AWESOME for science!) and he found a Penny. A very dead, very robotic Penny. With legs. So, fitting right in with the weird limb rules of this universe, he does what Nugget did with Stevie's arm and takes those legs for himself. After all, it's not like Penny needs 'em anymore. He's being eco-friendly and reducing, re-using & recycling. It sucks that the skirt was also robotic. He could potentially get it off if he tried hard enough but he really wants legs again now and if he did there would be nothing else covering his new legs.
THEORY 2: The popular "Monty has Penny's legs" idea- part II. He still has Penny's legs, but this time, it wasn't his idea. If Applegate can somehow rise from the dead, who's to say that the superior-minded Dr Danner can't? Wouldn't be surprised if he's made himself immortal or something. He sees legless alive specimen Monty and legful dead specimen Penny and goes "hey little boy, want to swap legs with this robot?". Doesn't really matter if Monty wants to or not. His own legs are chopped off & replaced with Penny legs. He's so embarrassed about it. This will 100% ruin his street cred and also he didn't want his one-day broken legs to be gotten rid of forever. Sigh.
5. Romeo & Juliet
THEORY: This one's more of a silly guess/prediction, really. Either "Ted"/Ted gets cast as Romeo or we as Kid do (I like to think Kid will be managing all the behind the scenes stuff instead though :]) and Cindy demands to be Juliet. Only problem is, they're horrendous at acting. Cindy is over-the-top and overdramatic (like the queen she is). "Ted" is and always has been the worst actor to ever act ever. Ted too is pretty terrible at it and completely unused to being in the spotlight for anything. At least one character has stage fright. I can see Ms Lovelett as one of those teachers who start out sweet and welcoming, reassuring them all that they'll have lots of fun and put on a great show. But this is, of course, Kindergarten, so things quickly take a turn for the worse. She quickly becomes overbearing towards the performance, trying to perfect every little thing and criticising everyone repeatedly. With each passing minute, she becomes more and more frazzled. Her love for theatre is "insatiable", and she can't be stopped. The performance ends with the actors of Romeo and Juliet actually dying. Someone is poisoned, someone is stabbed. Maybe Nugget stabs someone. Maybe Nugget poisons someone. He has before. Seriously WHO thought it was a good idea to give him a knife in this game-
6. Regis' Deal
THEORY: Piecing together what we have so far, I'd say it's almost definite that he's the one behind the former principal's disappearance. He's taken on the role of classic Evil Kindergarten Principal, making both drugs and goo, making not just children but adults disappear too (hey K1 principal, imagine only being able to kidnap one child. To be fair he's a pretty sneaky hawk child who likes to hide in places but still. Skill issue).
Nugget's playing in the green goo outside. At lunch, he claims that he's "feeling funny again!", and at the start of the day, he encourages Kid to eat it. Upon doing so, Kid seemingly goes to the principal's office, where he is then sent to the medical room, looking distinctly green himself with a goo globule implying his death inside his last apple. It's safe to presume that this goo is at least somewhat similar to that of the goo in Kindergarten 2. Agnes adores it and it significantly disoriented Bob, so we can infer that it could have addictive/drug-like properties. It can kill people, as shown by the janitor's closet in K2. We know that it mutated people, and sustained Penny. It's dangerous. And there's a great deal of it all over the place.
In fact, there are elements from both of the previous principals' research scattered throughout the trailer. We see:
Green goo in a pool the janitor is cleaning in the cafeteria, a little away from the taped-over "STAFF ONLY CLOSET" door. Who has closets? Janitors. Who's a powerful member of staff? Regis, the former janitor.
Green goo pouring out of some sort of pipe into a puddle right below three tinted windows
The nurse's green cigarette smoke. We can guess that she designed the nurse's office, and therefore the posters within it- including the one discouraging/banning smoking inside of the medical room. So why would she be smoking herself?
A darkened, red version of the door presumably leading to the classroom. Dark, greenish stains cover the entire wall, but especially by that door in particular
The hole Regis drops Kid into for some reason. It has blood streaked down it- has someone been crushed by the closing mechanism before? Was one of the bloodied bags deposited there? Or, of course, did someone before Kid just spray up blood with the same absurd propulsion as a particularly bouncy ball?
A brown monster with some sort of sword through its head
A bloody bag, perhaps containing the rest of the monster. It's leaked onto the floor, and bears a lot of resemblance to those seen in K1
A sword in a glass case, similar to the guns the principal had encased in K1
What does this all say? Well, I'd take it to mean that we have yet another shady principal/ murderous janitor on our hands. There's something behind those windows, something inside the staff-only closet, a reason why there are goo stains everywhere. Something happened to the former principal. Something's happened to the other kids. And Regis is the one behind it.
But other than that? Atm I've got nothing lol
I'd love to hear your own theories and thoughts on the trailer!! Maybe I'll add more to this tomorrow; the KG3 reveal has thrown me straight into analysis mode. No detail shall escape my scrutiny <3
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I was researching the middle name to put on nugget for Barlow's other parent route cos I have zero memory (can it be included on the middle name options or should it stay hidden?) and was also going to make them a copy of Barlow and there's no option for his hazel eyes, CC! The injustice is so big so sad there's blue for Green pleasee I need the resemblance to be as obvious as possible to make it funnier when Cherry inevitably points it out later after breaking the news and everything goes out well surely nothing goes wrong at all :'D
now that this very important request is made, gotta go play the update and get some tissues... btw for everyone that supported the kickstarter (and is on patreon I think) go check it out!!
🤣 Poor Cherry, you want to give her a heart attack.
That's a good question actually because you only know their name until you're deeper in the game. Maybe I will put a hint on the name page where all the names are used. Something like...
Cherry-Barlow's mother.
Clyde-Barlow's father.
Randall-Green's father.
And good catch for the Hazel eyes. I will add that. Thank you. 🥰
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sandcobangevent · 3 days
A Date in Pink
By @daemonbreath and @lilzezthenyan
At first, Sherlock wasn’t sure why the texts started arriving. The first time he’d met Carol Watson, he had been focusing on masking and not observing her, so he didn’t know much about the woman. He knew she was a widowed nurse, she had an undefined relationship with someone named Charlie, and that she was John’s mother. All in all, Sherlock had no idea why she was texting him, someone barely connected to her.
Think of the devil and she shall text.
[CW] Good morning Sherlock love! :)
[CW] Started listening to that one with the horse today and Lord is it exciting! You and Johnny are ever so lucky you got an inside scoop on that one :)
[SH] I agree. I admit I was reluctant at first, but it ended up being quite enjoyable.
[CW] Lovely to hear dear :)
[CW] Must have been nice staying in a little cabin with just Johnny for company hm? Nice and private out in the country
[SH] It was alright. I still much prefer London’s busyness, but staying somewhere rural was a nice change.
[CW] Nothing wrong with knowing what you like! :) But sometimes it’s nice taking a chance at something new 
Sherlock didn’t know how to reply to that, so he didn’t bother trying. That was another thing Carol did, besides texting him out of the blue— she would, without fail, bring up John at least once. He was her son, so it made a small amount of sense, but Sherlock still felt it was strange. Victor’s father had never done anything like that, and Sherlock’s own father certainly hadn’t. His father usually only talked about him or Mycroft if he was bragging to someone rich and important. Still, her eagerness to talk about her son helped add to Sherlock’s constantly growing pile of John Watson Facts.
His favourites included— but weren’t limited to— John was ambidextrous until his injury, but still retained some skill; he failed almost all of his history classes in elementary school; and that he had a collection of moles and freckles on his back that looked like the Cygnus constellation. Sherlock had to look it up as his knowledge of space was limited to their solar system and the North Star, but he quickly decided it was his favourite constellation. 
None of his new Facts became relevant until John kicked a smoke bomb away from them with a high amount of skill and precision— it came from all the years he spent playing football as a child and teenager.
“Ha ha! Get a load of that!” John cried, grinning. “John Watson has still got it! And by it, listeners, I mean everything I learned playing foot—”
“Playing football as a child, yes,” Sherlock said at the same time as John.
“—ball, yeah.” John squinted up at Sherlock. “How’d you know that?”
Sherlock froze for a second. Shit. Was it normal to be friends with your friend’s parents? Was it normal for the parent to talk up your friend? Would John think it was weird that Sherlock often exchanged texts with Carol Watson that usually revolved around him? Possibly. He could just make something up.
“Partially the way you talk about the matches on television,” Sherlock said, grasping for other memories to make his claims stronger. “It’s also not the first time I’ve seen you kick something— you tend to kick with the side of your foot, instead of the toe, which means it’s a habit you spent several years building. A habit you still have as an adult.” 
“Huh. Yeah, brilliant,” John smiled up at Sherlock, and he felt himself puff up a bit at the praise. Good. Another successful social interaction.
The rest of the case concluded without much fanfare— culprit tracked down, culprit chased, culprit arrested and handed off to the police, then Sherlock and John take the tube home. Once back at the flat, John made a beeline for the shower. He’d tackled their culprit and the pair of them had landed in a very muddy puddle,which left John rather filthy. Sherlock retreated to his room to change into more comfortable clothes, and check his phone for any notifications he may have missed. Somewhat unsurprisingly, he had a few texts from Carol.
[CW] Hello Sherlock love! :) How are you today?
[CW] Everything alright? 
[CW] Ah probably working I’ll leave you to it :)
[SH] Yes, we were out on a case.
[SH] Sorry for not replying. I usually keep my phone on silent while working so I don’t get distracted.
[CW] No worries love I understand! :)
[CW] Back home then? Any plans for the evening?
[SH] Back home, yes, and not currently. Why do you ask?
[CW] Well I met some girlfriends for brunch today and one of them told me about this lovely little restaurant in London that she went to
[CW] And I’d love to visit but they haven’t got a website so I don’t know if they have food I’d like
[CW] I’d be ever so grateful if you and Johnny could go and see what they have :)
What on Earth.
That was… new. Carol had made comments about John’s dating life in the past, but never something like that. It sounded like she was trying to set them up.
[SH] Carol.
[SH] Are you saying I should take your son on a date.
[CW] Perhaps ;)
[SH] Send me the address.
When John stepped out of the bathroom, he almost ran into Sherlock, who had a hand raised like he was about to knock on the door.
“Oh, good, you’re done,” Sherlock said, looking down at John. “We’re going out for dinner tonight. Change into something nice.”
“Since when have we had dinner plans?” John asked. He nudged Sherlock aside so he could go to his room to change— he’d learned that it was often better to just go along with what Sherlock said.
“Since about five minutes ago,” Sherlock called through John’s closed bedroom door. “And don’t wear blue jeans, wear the black ones in your dresser. Button down if you’re up for it, plain long sleeve shirt if not.”
John sighed, and put down the jeans and t-shirt he had picked out. Once dressed according to Sherlock’s suggestions, he styled his hair a bit, and almost added a spray of cologne when he paused. He was getting ready like this was a date. God, he hadn’t been on one of those in ages. Surely this wasn’t one, though. They usually went out to celebrate after finishing a case, and this was no different. No point in getting your hopes up, Watson, John told himself. Sure, he’d love to actually go on a date with Sherlock, make his feelings clear and all that, but Sherlock had never shown any interest in things like romance. John suspected there was once something between Sherlock and Victor, but neither of them had said anything, so suspicions were all John had.
The Uber ride to the venue was full of John trying and failing to guess where they were going. All John knew was that it wasn’t somewhere they’d been before, it wasn’t fast food, and that it was some kind of European. The place they arrived at looked both very posh and very cozy, with lots of plants at the front, large windows, and some exposed brickwork. 
“La Baie Rose,” John said, looking up at the sign. “The Pink Bay?”
“Yes.” Sherlock smiled at John. “I’ve heard good things about it, and wanted to give it a try.”
“Well, let’s hope it lives up to the expectations.”
Sherlock took John’s arm and led him into the restaurant. Sherlock had somehow been able to snag a reservation, and their waitress led them to a table in the corner somewhat obscured by a faux hedge. They were given menus, Sherlock picked out a wine and asked for a jug of water, and then they were left alone to peruse the options. The whole menu was in French, but Sherlock was more than willing to translate and explain what things were. He’d also promised to pay, so he and John happily picked out several courses— appetizers, soups, pastas, entrees, salads, vegetables, and desert.
Once their order was placed, the appetizers arrived surprisingly quickly. John hadn’t been able to pick between gougères and smoked salmon canapés, so they had gotten both. The gougères were little balls of soft pastry loaded with cheese, clearly fresh from the oven with how warm they were. Sherlock had gone for the salmon first, which was also great. The canapés were also warm, and both the salmon and fromage blanc seemed to melt in John’s mouth.
After that came the soup, consommé julienne, made of a broth so clean John could see the bottom of his bowl through the thinly sliced vegetables floating around. The soup was also the perfect temperature— not too hot, but not so cooled that it’d be cold before he finished it. Then came another dish John was excited for, which was gnocchi romaine. Unlike typical gnocchi, these were discs of cheesy dough that had been topped with more cheese and baked until golden. The texture was similar to potato gnocchi, but maybe a bit better, in John’s opinion. 
While conversation flowed as easily as the wine and sparkling water, there was something… off about the whole deal. John had noticed that Sherlock left his phone on the table as they ate, which wasn’t unusual— he complained about it pressing too hard against his leg, so John didn’t mind seeing it on the table. What was unusual was the fact that Sherlock seemed to be getting texts every five minutes or so, and would always reply to them. It wasn’t a case, that much was obvious, otherwise Sherlock would have dragged John out of the restaurant at the first text. John honestly had no idea who could be texting Sherlock that often, and he was burning with curiosity.
The opportunity to sate said curiosity came while they were waiting for their entrées. Sherlock excused himself to use the bathroom, and left his phone on the table. As John stared at it, he received another text. He knew he shouldn’t, but he couldn’t help himself. He picked up the phone and read the text.
[Carol Watson] Oh don’t worry love I’m sure Johnny is enjoying your date
What on Earth.
Had all the texts been from his mum? Why the hell was his mum texting Sherlock in the first place? And why had she called it a date? John put Sherlock’s phone back, well aware he’d probably notice it was moved.
Was this a date? John had assumed it was a normal end-of-case-dinner and hadn’t wanted to get his hopes up thinking otherwise. Then again… John glanced around the restaurant, trying to channel Sherlock’s methods of observation and deduction. Most of the tables were for two, which could suggest it was popular with couples. The tables were on the smaller side, meaning the guests would be closer together. They were also decorated with small candle and flower centrepieces, giving off a very romantic vibe. On another look around, John figured that pretty much all the other guests were in romantic relationships. 
There was also the fact that his own mother seemed to believe this was a date.
Damn. John was on a date with Sherlock Holmes and he had no idea.
John had enough time to conclude that he wasn’t upset by the fact that they were on a date, and then Sherlock was sitting back down. He smiled at John, then glanced at his phone. His eyes widened a bit, and his gaze snapped to John, his face now a blank mask. The tightness in his mouth and shoulders gave away his nerves, so John decided to just cut to the chase.
“Sherlock,” John said evenly, “has my mum been the one texting you this whole time?”
“Have they given us an update on the entrées yet?” Sherlock asked, not looking at John. “We’ve been waiting a while, I don’t think it should take this—”
“Sherlock. Please answer the question.”
Sherlock sighed, sinking down in his chair a bit. “Yes. Carol’s been texting me all night.”
“Does she text you a lot, then?”
“Yes. Every few days, we have a brief conversation. She brings you up a lot.”
“Is that how you know so much about my childhood? God, I hope she hasn’t told you anything embarrassing— No, no, I’m getting off-topic. I know you know I looked at the text she sent while you were in the bathroom. Why’d she call this a date?”
“Because… it is one?” Sherlock made a face. “It is a date. Carol has both implied and outright said this is a date, and I agree with her. I apologize for not making my intentions clear, and I also apologize if I’ve misread things between us and overstepped.”
“Definitely haven’t misread things,” John said, smiling. “This has been a great date so far, and I’m not mad. Yeah, would have liked to know it was a date when you asked, but I’ll let it slide this time.” 
“Ah, good. I’m glad that’s settled, then.” Sherlock relaxed and smiled back at John.
Now that they were both on the same page, the rest of the date was brilliant. John even made a few attempts at flirting that seemed to work, judging by the fact that Sherlock sometimes ended up speechless and a bit flustered. John was also happy to note that after Sherlock had replied to John’s mum, he hadn’t checked his phone again after that. 
Later, after Sherlock had paid and they were leaving the restaurant hand-in-hand, John pulled Sherlock to a stop.
“Hey, Sherlock?” he said, facing his partner.
“Yes, John?”
John leaned up to press a kiss to Sherlock’s cheek, grinning at the blush that darkened his face. “I’m planning our next date.”
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“Cornish Fishermen at Newlyn”
“To The Glory of God And In Memory of Their Parents”
Stain glass window at Truro Cathedral, Cornwall
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gideonthefirst · 2 years
i’m not going to pretend to be certain one way or another about what level of agency muir intends to give gideon in becoming kiriona/in aligning with john, because i think the level of uncertainty we’ve been given is both important and intentional, but i do think it’s specifically interesting how every other character we see be resurrected in some way and renamed by john it’s heavily implied that he also altered their memories and/or personalities; we see the renaming of titania and ulysses when he turns them into literal zombies entirely under his control and we see that the other lyctors, at some point, had different names and that their resurrection involves john altering them, and we see in some ways that kiriona falls right in the middle of those two - renamed like both of them, and still dead like titania and ulysses were and with her body having been altered by john and able to be “turned off” by ianthe at will, but also moving to some extent under her own power and retaining aspects of her personality (or her entire personality, depending on the reading - and i do think there are multiple legitimate, supported readings here)
and i think what’s specifically interesting here is that the set up of the original lyctors forces us to see them as complicit with john even though he does change and alter them - it is impossible to ignore the fact that m—- and a—- and g—- and c—- (and p—- and n—- and the nun and a—-‘s little brother!) stood with john through acquiring the first nuke, through killing hundreds of people, through necromantically piloting a world leader, etc. they’re fully complicit in the nuclear death of earth’s population even though most of them turned on him last minute, which translates over to being complicit in his empire, where we see the exact same pattern of them standing with him until eventually, later, individually deciding to betray him for whatever personal reasons they individually have. they are inarguably complicit, regardless of what alterations john made to them!
in contrast, titania and ulysses, at least prior to the resurrection, had no control, no ability to go against john at all, and so without knowing more about their resurrection and function as lyctors, it becomes almost impossible to say whether or not they had agency, ability to go against him, etc, and so all we know is that john used their bodies after their deaths in a way in which they could not resist against or do anything about
so by placing kiriona in this middle ground between the two, where we don’t know if she’s working with him entirely by gideon’s choice or if john altered her mind in some way, she’s in between total death and true resurrection, her wounds are still there but she isn’t rotting, the question becomes a question not of “is this her choice” but a question of “regardless of if this is her choice, how complicit is she?”
even if kiriona is mentally altered in some way, she’s only in this situation because she learned and embraced the cavalier role to such an extent that she died so that harrow could go lyctor. even if kiriona is mentally altered in some way, gideon was only in canaan house in the first place in order to earn the ability to “go free” and join the cohort. and, in contrast, even if she hasn’t been altered in some way mentally, she literally does not have physical control of her own body. kiriona isn’t a portrait of how people choose to align themselves with empire, but rather she’s the centerpoint of three books’ worth of themes about complicity, imperial corruption, death as something which the empire owns and corrupts, family, and memory. to say definitively that kiriona is only aligned with john because of trauma and her behavior is exactly how gideon always behaves in this situation or to say definitively that gideon would never act like this and so kiriona must have had her memory fucked with or her soul altered in some way i genuinely think is to miss the point - regardless of how much quote unquote agency gideon has in the way kiriona’s behaving and who she’s expressing loyalty to, she both has no power over herself (ianthe can and does shut her off!!! she spent her entire life obsessing over her body as a method of escape and now her body has been physically altered by john!!!) and is complicit, has been absorbed into the imperial seat of power and is being used as a weapon by that seat of power, etc.
additionally, this is a series heavily interested in themes of agency around death and how death is constantly being exploited by john and necromancers. it is important that gideon died on purpose (although obviously under. external pressures lol) and has been brought back in a manner which robs her of control over her own body, and i think being willing to engage with that and with what we’re told about the original lyctors and how john used them is important to a reading of kiriona
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goingbuggy · 3 months
I think you have best theories in the fandom about shanks. It’s like you see more than most of us. So that’s why to just have simple yes or no answer would be enough. I have this level of trust in you.
Do you believe makinos child is shanks or someone’s else?
I just can’t stop thinking about this, because for me I don’t see it, but it’s so popular I feel stupid or blinded by my other ships.
thank you for your kind words!! you probably shouldn't place this must trust in me though, LOL. i'm just reading and overthinking everything in the source material, like everyone else is.
is it possible that shanks has a child with makino? well.. yeah. to put it bluntly, the simplest answer is usually the right answer with oda. he's already established that makino and shanks are friendly from chapter one, and shanks is even seen dressed up for a wedding on one cover page, which oda sometimes uses to tell canon events that don't fit the flow of the current arc. (think of enel's journey to the moon, for example).
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me personally, though? i've got beef with this idea, and not for the reasons you might think. makino and shanks as a couple is fine to me; i don't find their relationship all that compelling, truthfully, but they fit the mold for most of oda's canon pairings.
when it comes to shanks' characterization, though, the idea of him having a child at this point in the story strikes me as both offputting and irrelevant. shanks is an emperor, and given his actions, his current responsibilities are clearly the priority. so the thought of shanks leaving makino alone to take care of their child is... strange? his status has the potential to endanger them. he is surely too preoccupied to be sailing back and forth to see them.
you could argue that this parallels roger and rouge, but i also think that's the worst possible way oda could have shanks mirror his old captain. at least in roger's case, oda had ace become a relevant part of luffy's story. what narrative purpose does this serve? is it to humanize shanks? i'm not quite sure what oda's angle is, here.
we also have to consider shanks' past. shanks left uta behind, so i don't think he is "above" leaving his newborn child, so to speak, but his reasoning in that situation was far more complex. here, though? this would be shanks ACTIVELY choosing to bring a child into this world, knowing full well he cannot take care of it until he sees his goals through. (SHANKS? patient, protective shanks, unable to wait to start a family? the boy who was an abandoned child himself? does he not believe that he will live long enough to wait? if so, why would he leave makino with that responsibility at all? characters can make selfish decisions, but i can't see any reasoning from shanks' perspective. this is a problem to me.)
so, in short, no, i'm not exactly a fan of this theory. i just don't see the merit of adding it to the story, when the implications seem to contradict what we know about his character. and again, what is the narrative benefit that outweighs the faulty logic? what do we gain as readers? what does this do for the story? to me, it feels like nothing at all.
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mejomonster · 1 year
things (i can mostly remember) fei du and luo wenzhou calling each other:
fei du calling luo wenzhou: old man (what a classic lmao), menopause sufferer (fei du loves equating luo wenzhou to the crypt keeper just to play himself later when he shows how into older people he is), daddy, shixiong (shixiong, i love you~), Lao Luo (a personal favorite)
luo wenzhou calling fei du: brat, punk, scoundrel, bastard, feizhir (i love this one), darling (a common pet name he uses but a classic and one he uses to comfort fei du), daddy (i believe they’ve both made sugar daddy jokes which is Extra funny give their general d/s shixiong/shidi dynamic)
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suffarustuffaru · 10 months
hi again i ranked every parent i could think of in rezero based on parenting skills + how much they give a shit
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#i forgot to add the dude thats now married to garf's mom but he would go in 'seems alright'!!#ALSO LIKE GARFS MOM... THE POOR WOMAN.... SHES LIVED SUCH A ROUGH LIFE LAJSLDFJ I HOPE SHE'LL BE OKAY... but also yeah um. rip fred and gar#bc their mom dipped. like to find garfs dad yeah but like. girl :((( but also the implications of How she had fred is. :((( honestly. maybe#for the best that that woman lost her memories.#fribal (theresias uncle) is only ranked that high bc he at least shows REGRET for his actions.... he apologizes to theresia as he dies..#the juukuliuses all seem like they were alright. rip daisy and klein though they died in that flood when julius was a kid ;-;;;#alviero is only present for like one scene in a side story but like. he seems alright. he def cares given he and his wife took in julius#after julius's parents died. and also alviero and maria have been taking care of joshua and julius... so they DO care but i dont think#alviero was perfect just judging off of. you know. how julius and joshua have turned out lajdslfjs. alviero is so gaslight gatekeep girlbos#and like overly concerned with how he comes off to others that you can see where joshua and julius got that shit from HAH.#heinkel is only up that high on the list bc felix's parents and roswaal exist. like its very hard to beat that LMAO T^T#and yeah rem and rams parents did not give a shit about either of them ngl.#rezero#WAIT I FORGOT TO COUNT RYUZU. SHOULD I HAVE COUNTED RYUZU?? PROBABLY RIGHT???
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shootingstarpilot · 1 year
melidaan: and so they tell stories
Just me thinking about Ben telling the other Young the story of Jaesh as they huddle in the sewers, the rhythm of his voice soothing the youngest among them as bombs rock the ground above them and rubble rains from the ceiling with every hit. Thinking about how that story would be remembered, and how it would be retold, over and over again, between the Young themselves and from them to their kids, a gift from a peacemaker and a missing friend. Thinking about how that story would shift and grow and change in the retelling of it, in a civilization where peace came about only by the work and willingness of everyone involved. Thinking about this story being told between soldiers and builders and farmers and healers, from new parents to new children as less of a memory and more of a promise:
Jaesh, his father asked, why do you stay? 
I must help them, Jaesh said. If I leave they will be crushed.
Why must you be the one who holds the sky? his father asked.
Will you help me hold the sky? Jaesh asked.
And his father said yes, you are my son and my heart, and so he shared the weight.
Jaesh, his mother asked, why do you stay? 
I must help them, Jaesh said. If I leave they will be crushed.
Why must you be the one who holds the sky? his mother asked.
Will you help me hold the sky? Jaesh asked.
And his mother said yes, you are my son and my duty, and so she shared the weight.
Jaesh, his brother asked, why do you stay? 
I must help them, Jaesh said. If I leave they will be crushed.
Why must you be the one who holds the sky? his brother asked.
Will you help me hold the sky? Jaesh asked.
And his brother said yes, the work here is not yet done, and so he shared the weight.
Jaesh, his sister asked, why do you stay? 
I must help them, Jaesh said. If I leave they will be crushed.
Why must you be the one who holds the sky? his sister asked.
Will you help me hold the sky? Jaesh asked.
And his sister said yes, I will not leave you alone, and so she shared the weight.
Jaesh, the people asked, why do you stay? 
I must help you, Jaesh said. If I leave you will be crushed.
Why are you the one who holds the sky? the people asked.
Will you help me hold the sky? Jaesh asked.
And the people said yes, because the burden you carry is not one of your making, because peace made for all must be made by all, because you chose to stay.
And so they shared the weight, and Jaesh rested at last.
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yuridovewing · 4 months
So since Cinderheart and Larksong are Cinderpelt's incarnations between herself and Nightheart, I'm trying to think about their roles in the story. I think Cinderheart is gonna be a much more tragic character than she is in canon cause she's the first reincarnation and unlike canon, she sorta falls into the same trap that Cinderpelt did and can't get out.
I'm thinking that Rock is the keeper of the tunnel spirits in a way- he's so in tune with them that he takes care of them I guess? Maybe he feeds them a cat or two? Idk. But to fulfill his role, he's been reincarnating for hundreds of years in different forms to take care of the tunnels and reside in there, his first incarnation being Fallen Leaves. And when Cinderpelt is cursed with the reincarnation spell, she is supposed to take his place because he's sick of the role and wants to rest already. (In fact I'm thinking there's foul play involved when she's testing out the tunnel's magic)
So when Cinderheart becomes 1 or 2 years old, her memories as Cinderpelt come back, and now she's got two lifetimes worth of wisdom. And she takes this to mean that her destiny does indeed lay with the tunnels, and during OotS, she leaves the clans to reside in there after Rock figures out how to undo his own curse and dies (without telling them how he did it of course. All they know is that he visited "an old friend"...) and shes adamant that this is her destiny and responsibility now. She becomes like an oracle in the tunnels, gaining it's magic. Though her family tries to get her to come home... her dear friend Hollyleaf is here. And this is enough to keep her there.
I'm thinking that she dies in Bramblestar's Storm or OotS, where she reincarnates as Larksong. Lark probably dies before or as he gets those memories back however. I think it's all the more horrifying for him when he doesn't go to StarClan, and instead wakes up moons and moons later in his son's skin.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 months
Okay, royals have one pro in the UK right now: its got all of us playing Cluedo right now with Kate's location and what her hospital visit was really about, with William being prime suspect.
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fuckthisshxt · 9 months
The split
The fall
The break-in
His small wreck
Imani (+continuing acts)
She died
Bad wreck
Fight between mom and dad and stuff after that
His wreck
He died
That Moment
nother fall
Family split
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almakfi · 11 months
the contradicting narrative about basim's father stems from basim's own conflicting feelings about the y'know gradual change from a father to an abuser, from person a to person b which understandably resonates with basim's experience and stirs his sympathy even though logically he cannot forgive him for the hurt he's caused—it was not only violence, or at least it wasn't violence from the start even though i imagine is'haq as a perfectionist who had always been very hard to please, but violence is what stuck and what basim remembers and it's difficult for him to reconcile these two fallacious perceptions of his father as one, whole man. as loki takes over basim becomes more indulgent, because excusing the change in his father helps him process the change in himself
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beastofwant · 1 year
now that I think about it, it was really weird that my reaction to seeing police from the time my parents adopted me was to start hyperventilating and shutting down because I genuinely feared for my life despite being trained that police were safe
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trashbatistrash · 1 year
#the only good to thing to come of this damned hyperfixation is that it helped me solidify a proper backstory for one of my characters#only because of my dumb brainrot about death and having to live with the consequences of that as someone who is no longer dead#I have this character that’s always been called Dead in all my iterations of them#she’s supposed to be the Frankenstein archetype of my supernatural slice of life thing I made when I was a teenager#and then I decided that oh I could take these characters and put them in a more high stakes action packed storyline#I decided to be predictable#as a trans person myself I found myself interested in Frankenstein monster allegories#and I pretty much used her to explore that one thing I’m always yapping about#parents of trans people mourning the previous iteration of them like they’re dead when when the individual is still there#specifically this#but like#Dead was literally brought back to life so now I’m worried it’s gonna muddy the waters a bit#she was already not going to be the same person they mourned. she doesn’t have her memories of them#just the base personality of their deceased child which has been tightly closeted for the previous iterations entire life#idk am I elevating transness to this pedestal if I explore it through the lens of rebirth and recreation?#then again I do have like a more mundane trans character in this cast too so maybe that balances it out?#like Dell is just there. and he didn’t have any family left alive when he transitioned so I didn’t think there was anything to add#I’m overthinking o(-(#OC stuff#OC brainrot#ramble
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shivroyslut · 1 year
my life would’ve been fixed if any educator or caretaker in my early childhood just looked at my behaviour and went hmm maybe this child should get tested for something
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