#but the summary does seem kinda gay ngl
deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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aiyuu nation losing frrrrr
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washymylifeaway · 3 years
Haikyuu fanfic recs for ones I liked hehe
EDIT: I made a pt 2
Anyway, as the title suggests, I am recommending some fanfics for popular(ish) ships that I personally really enjoyed! I’m only doing one or two fics per ship (which in hindsight is KILLING me so I’m just putting the first fics I find and am like I really liked that one LOL) because I wanted to do a shorter fic rec list (tho watch this become super long LOL). I also may or may not be procrastinating finishing a couple other long posts, so there’s that hehe. For the (kinda but not really) public consensus for best fics per ship (by kudo count) check out some of my other posts. Also I’m putting some ships I don’t actually read much of (OOPS LOL) so if you think that there’s a fic that fits my type (if I even have a consistent type) better, pls tell me LOL. Otherwise, pls continue heh :)
As always, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for fics before reading to make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) and stay healthy!
The Loyalty of a Traitor by DeathBelle (E) 76.9k // ok so does me liking this fic make me basic cause I feel basic LOL. I really love mafia fics, and the way the story line developed was SO good, like IN LOVE with this story. This is a fic where you should read WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARY before diving in, but if the length scares you, don’t be. It’s so easy to fall in and get lost in the writing!
the courtship ritual of the hercules beetle by kittebasu (chanyeol) (T) 66.3k // again, basic? Probably LOL but it’s good so I have no shame ;) Again, pls don’t let the word count scare you (cause it scared me LOL), you get really into it after like 2 paragraphs, so just make sure you have enough time to finish hehe.
Thicker Than Blood by kylar (M) 91.4k // are you surprised that there is another mafia one? You really shouldn’t be LOL. Anyway, I’ll just be here pushing my mafia fanfic agenda while you read this monster of a fic hehe :) Definitely read WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARY because there is some very sensitive topics involved! I also adore the oibokuroo friendship headcannon, so more reasons to read, right?
Liked, Commented and Subscribed by Royal Society of Pandas (Abarcelos) (T) 45.7k // this fic is SO funny omg. I read it and I had to stop so many times just to laugh because I could not stop sometimes LOL. However, there IS angst towards the end, it gets resolved, but it’s still there... But honestly, it just adds such depth and flavor to the fic, so pls read it!
bang! now we're even by Authoress (M) 11.9k // so I’ll be honest, I don’t read a lot of BokuAka (...oops?) and so I wouldn’t consider myself as the best person to be recommending fics for this ship (in general too LOL).... ANyway, I love myself some good spy AUs (was gonna put that IwaOi spy AU but the LIMIT), and Akaashi in a dress? Like the tags might state, what more do you need? The characters are done beautifully, and the story development is SO good, so I give you all my humble BokuAka rec.
Crisis Converted by valiantarmor (M) 60k // man do I really love fighting in my fics LOL. This was super good and the plot itself kept me really engaged (what a twist omg). It does talk a bit about mental health issues, but it’s done so well, and they really did this AU justice!
How to Manage by SuggestiveScribe (E) 39.3k // ok so yea yea we established, I’m basic, BUT can you blame me? This might’ve been one of the first DaiSuga’s I’ve read and I have no regrets. Literally, this fic series is one of my favorites, so OF COURSE I had to add it somewhere :D Honestly, I don’t even think you need to read the first one to understand what’s going on, but I would just cause it has some funny DaiSuga moments too ;) This is explicit for PWP, so proceed with caution~~
Add New Contact by booksong (G) 8.5k // this one! It’s so cute and poor Daichi LOL. He really out here doing the most,,, Anyway, we love tech Suga, and a nice dash of snarky tsukki (LOL is he salt, yes yes he is). It’s very fluff and pine, so if you want to read Daichi having gay panic like 24/7, go right ahead LOL. 
Burden of Blame by DeathBelle (E) 91.2k // ummmm, haha what, another mafia AU? Me, predictable? Noooo, never..... Anyway, this one was so freakin’ good like, love it so much! It’s one of my favorite mafia AU fics, and I love the story line progression. Poor Atsumu being dragged into this mess, but it’s okay because THEY are IN LOVE. Honestly, this fic is Atsumu best boy like he is the best boy. BEST BOY.
Notte Stellata by awkwardedgeworth (T) 20.9k // I ignored all of the other fics I LOVE in this ship (like the pain I’m in rn), but I love this fic with my whole heart. Like I have reread this fic multiple multiple times because I love it so much (tho I might’ve skipped the angst a couple of times cause I didn’t want the pain okay?). I keep coming back, and the second fic in this series is SO funny and cute and I love it here. Please read it, it’s so FREAKING good, angst and ALL.
Team Mom by All_My_Characters_Are_Dead (T) 2.7k // so as I was going through this tag (because that’s what I do LOL), I remembered this fic and I love it. Like yes Yahaba is the fear factor and yes Kyoutani is the DAD. I really like the team dynamics in this one, and the first years make me laugh pls.
Camellias by kiyala (T) 1.9k // IK you’re all like, you’re missing such great fics, like no I’m not I just made myself hate myself by limiting fics to two per,,, I love this fic and when I starting looking for this ship, it was the first one I thought of hehe. I really love magic and their interactions are so cute and the PLANTS ARE DOING THE MOST. Pls read both in the series, cause domestic KyouHaba is best KyouHaba ngl LOL. I love the plants, and if you read the second one, someone tell the trees to stop bullying Yahaba.
This gets annoying fast, Makki by Ink_stained_quills (G) 2.3k // IM IN LOVE WITH THIS FIC PLS I COULD NOT STOP CRYING TEARS OF LAUGHTER. This AU needs more fics PLEASE. It was SO freakin’ funny and the other teams KILLED ME. Like how they all approached the problem differently and how some of them (KUROO) asked for help LOL. Please this is so freaking funny go read it.
boiled frogs by reginagalaxia (E) 91.5k // I told myself I was gonna put my most angsty fics on another post (which I will for my other favorite MatsuHana angst fic which I love), but this fic. Omg I saw it and I was like I have to. Literally I have to. I hate angst, but read it. It, the, plot, omg, I jjfnsfknalkjdnf ljksan. Like I’m not sure you understand. This fic. asjfjfsadnldjb. I never thought I could hate a character SO MUCH,,,, like SO MUCH. READ TAGS, WARNINGS, AND SUMMARIES because some serious stuff really goes down. Bless Iwa-chan.
Accidentally in Love by pancake_surprise (T) 19.6k // JOSE CUERVO strikes. I love this fic and all the chaos in it. The way they were supposed to be the responsible couple (of friends LOL),,, sike. This one is only a slight angst and it’s mostly love and fun :) Also technically this is no longer the first fic in the series, but I’m still putting this one cause the other one is SakuAtsu orientated hehe :)
Spring Secrets by DeathBelle (T) 3.8k // Seasons might be one of my favorite (as all things also seem to be) series of all times. I don’t like rerecommending fics I’ve already said to read, which is why I’m not yelling at you to go read a certain other fic (which is my life and blood). Anyway, this fic series is all fluff barely angst (maybe that’s why I like it) but it’s so freakin good pls read it all ahhhhhh.
Komori/Suna (what is their ship name):
I wish to live in a world by hatsuna (T) 24.8k // ok ngl this fic was so sad and relatable? Like I was like wtf why are you making me cry rn even though like I shouldn’t be? My heart? Pain. (Hotel? Trivago.) Technically, this is END GAME but the main pairing is kinda SakuAtsu???? Something of the sort, but also their relationship (Komori and Sakusa) is written so well and idk guys I think you need to read this fic rn.
Ah the two fic limit hurt me, but fear not I am making ship specific rec posts (LOL I’m so dramatic), so if you wanted more of a ship,,,, its a coming hehe. And yes I did say I’m making an angsty fic rec post, but we’ll see if it gets finished before I side-track with posts like these LOL.
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juneviews · 4 years
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axelle judges bl shows > My Day
shitty summary: Sky starts an internship at a baking company ran by Ace, a cold man who doesn’t seem to give him a break.
where to watch: youtube
grade: 8/10
- the chemistry was fire. you can really feel how much the actors worked on themselves to deliver it & for me it’s definitely the best thing about the show.
- I really liked the representation of the show. I feel like I’m repeating myself by now but I truly appreciate filipino bls actually giving us characters calling themselves gay (though I do feel some biphobia coming from certain shows ngl (not this one)) bc that’s something that almost never happens in bls from other asian countries. while most bls focus on the love story & often forego actual representation, filipino show us that yes two men falling in love does have to do with sexuality. I know, shocker.
- the acting was good! most of the time it was a little cringy & over-the-top ngl, but the actors did really shine during emotional scenes. in a way this reminds me of ossan’s love where most of the story is ridiculous but the actors still got to shine during the scenes that were meant to be taken seriously, aka the emotional ones. my favorite scene, probably of the whole show, is ace’s coming out to kim. both actors were amazing & I loved this whole dialogue.
- I looooove ace & sky, like... a whole lot. I loved how equal they were & seeing their relationship evolve was sooo beautiful. they’re truly what saved this show for me.
- this show is super entertaining. while the first couple of eps are kinda meh, the rest of them is full of drama & plotlines and frankly this almost felt like a soap opera bc it was so ridiculous... but in a good way.
- wayyyyyy too many dialogues, especially towards the end. don’t get me wrong, I love character development & good exposition dialogues, but here I feel like so much of the show were characters sitting down & talking about their feelings over & over again when they were already made clear by the acting. sometimes not speaking is the best way to show the characters’ feelings.
- moira getting a redemption storyline in ten minutes was the most bullshit thing ever. she almost commited murder & was a terrible person since ep 1 YET decided to apologize just when the show was ending, hummmmm................ & it’s the same for ace’s father, who is suddenly not homophobic when he HIT his son for being gay like a day prior... I just hate these kinds of forced redemption storylines when the show clearly hasn’t given enough time for these characters to change. even ace’s mother returning with her gf & him forgiving her was rushed af. ESPECIALLY considering there’s gonna be a season 2, meaning that they could’ve left a few storylines to develop in depth during that.
- I’m sorry but so much of the plot don’t make no sense. is aces of cake a bakery? a company that makes baking ingredients? why do they participate to a baking competition and decide to send a student in hotel & restaurant management???????? the fuck???? also the most infuriating thing is ace leaving sky in ep 11 bc he wants to settle things with his father AND THEN getting back with sky before he could fucking settle them. I enjoyed the laid back & fun vibes of this show but some things gotta make at least a little bit of sense.
would I rewatch it: probably
I understand that this show will not be for everyone bc it does contain a lot of mediocrity that drowns out the good things. But I’d say give it a try, I think you might enjoy it :)
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nyxravessnow · 3 years
Shin Tenimyu - Musical The New Prince of Tennis The First Stage  Report
I saw the stream of the first performance of the The New Prince of Tennis musical awhile back and I wanted to write some of my thoughts. But I didn’t really enjoy the show and as I love tenimyu with all my heart, as it is my favourite show, I find it much harder to be super negative about the show when talking specifically about the show scene by scene. But with the casting news for 4th I thought that I would finish this so anyone who hasn’t seen the show can know my thoughts. 
I tried to finish it, I really did. But I have no motivation to really talk in length about this show in a deep dive sort of way. I will keep what I did for the 1st half of the show but after that it will only be kinda a summary of my thoughts. 
I have only seen the first night and I do not intend to see anymore of this show. I was incredibly disappointed and didn’t not make me want to see the show again or really any of the shin tenimyu shows but I will still watch those as a bad first show doesn’t mean all of them will be bad but I don’t think shin tenimyu will ever really be my thing. 
I will say that Tokki, Raima and Maeda-chan are actors I love so I am a little biased towards them
Bare in mind that this was the first performance and while I am not taking that into consideration for my criticisms things could definitely improve before the final show, the one that will be on dvd. 
Overall the show was about a 4-6/10 for me. There was only really one scene that brought it to a 6 and without it it would be a 4. 
Music: 2/10.
Direction: 1.5/10.
Acting: 6/10
Spoilers under the cut
Imamaki Hikaru - Echizen Ryouma: All round a solid 6/10. He was cute and delivered his lines very well but still has far to go with his singing and the design on his hair really sticking out from the sides of his hat made him seem much younger which I was not a fan of. This was a problem I had with early Nichika of them making Echizen seem too young and innocent. Like of course he is 13 and is a child but he isn’t this cute adorable boy. He can be cocky and he isn’t all innocent so I hope they don’t keep making the Echizen’s appear super young in this way.
Yamada Kento - Tezuka Kunimitsu: 8/10. I don’t think I really have any issues with his Tezuka at all. He had a very good voice, really good acting. 
Houjuyama Shun - Momoshiro Takeshi: 6/10. He has a really good voice for Momo when speaking but his singing leaves a lot to be desired. He didn’t really do very much in the show so I can’t rate him higher than a 6 as I don’t remember very much that he did bar the Oni match.
Gaku - Tachibana Kippei: 7/10. Similarly to Shun I don’t really remember him but his singing was quite good so this is where he landed
Takahashi Ryouya - Atobe Keigo: I’m sorry 1/10. He is an excellent singer and performer but there was nothing about his performance that made me think of Atobe. His voice was quite high, he was not very confident (Blending into the background when it wasn’t his match), saying his lines softly, moving softly. If I couldn’t see the wig I would not have known he was Atobe. I really hope that he can gain some confidence to play Atobe or else I think he was the wrong actor for the role. 
Maeda Ryuutarou - Kirihara Akaya/Hiramatsu Raima - Tooyama Kintarou: 10/10. I put these two here together because what I want to say is the same for both. You could absolutely tell they had been in the show before. The two brought confidence not many others had to their roles. They controlled their stage and as soon as they stepped onto it they were their characters. Every movement and every line was exactly like the character. I am so happy that they are continuing in tenimyu and hope that they will help the cast get to their level by the end of this run or maybe in future shows.
Takemoto Yusuke - Shiraishi Kuranosuke: 9/10. By far my favourite of the new cast members. I know a lot of people were apprehensive that he might play Shiraishi as sexy too much but he didn’t at all. He was excellent. The only reason that he isn’t a five is there are still some tiny things he could polish but once those are polished he will be perfect.
Matsushima Hiroki - Chitose Senri: 7/10. Ngl I keep forgetting that he was in this show. His doubles with Tachibana was quite forgetful and he didn’t have any major moments but was also quite good and not many problems in his performance. 
Shintani David - Lilident Krauser: 10/10. Like Maeda-chan and Raima you could tell that he had been in the show before, albeit much less than they had. For anyone who doesn’t know, he was an understudy and doubled as the part of Lilident in vs Rikkai Nationals. Very solid performance
(Warning I know much less about the high schoolers so this will be more on their acting in general rather than whether they were good as that character)
Ono Kento - Tokugawa Kazuya: ?/10. He was barely in the show and I have no idea how I could rate his performance. Pretty solid.
Okamoto Yuuki - Oni Juujirou: 8/10. Solid performance. Good enough singing for the role.
Aiba Hiroki - Irie Kanata: He wasn’t in the show so I can’t write a judgement of his performance
Yasue Kazuaki - Irie Kanata: 9/10. He was so excellent. Singing, acting, everything was top notch. Similarly to Yusuke he’s only not 10 because he has some small things to polish.
Chanhe (dunno how to spell his name) - Nakagauchi Sotomichi: 6/10. No real comments, pretty solid. 
Matsushima Yuunosuke - Yamato Yudai: 6/10. Pretty good, singing okay. 
Suzuki Ryouhei - Miyako Shinobu: 6/10. Didn’t have many lines or do very much, pretty overshadowed by Tokki (Will cover him next). What he did do was good, singing could use some improvement.
Tauchi Tokihiro - Matsudaira Chikahiko: 10/10. Absolutely perfect. He brought so much energy and character to his performance that I don’t think any other new actor brought. He owned the stage, even competing with Maeda-chan for my attention when on stage. He had so much presence and would draw your eyes to him. He made everything seem so natural and not acted. Like the continuing actors he became his character on stage rather than acted them out.
Takahashi Shunichi - Suzuki Shun and Tsurimoto Minami - Washio Issa: 6/10. Didn’t do too much, pretty solid performance.
Murakami Kouhei - Kurobe Yukio/Izumi Shuhei - Saito Itaru: 6/10. Pretty standard for a coach. Singing was good.
Kishi Yuuji - Mifune Nyuudou: 10/10. Absolutely amazing. Everything about his performance was perfect. By FAR the best voice in the cast, incredible singing.
Direction and choreography
I am not a director so I cannot be too specific about details but I can say what I liked and didn’t. (Every comment is specifically about the direction not singing or acting). I have studied theatre though so I do have some insight from that angle Also, please don’t criticise what I classified as the same scene and what as different. 
Scene 1: Echizen in America, 1st song
Good beginning, very solid for a first show opening. 
Scene 2: High schoolers practicing while middle schoolers arrive, coach song
Felt very reminiscent of the vs Fudomine shows where Echizen first arrives at Seigaku, I really liked this.
Scene 3: Middle schoolers and high schoolers collecting dropped balls, middle schooler song
Was not a fan. I didn’t like how close everyone was but also randomly placed. I know it is inevitable with such a small cast of middle schoolers but I would have liked to see them more with their teammates in little clusters and slowly appear in front of Seigaku. Maybe even projecting images of other middle schoolers getting balls if none are to appear. 
I did like how Echizen arrives out of the back at the end though
Scene 4: Oni vs Momoshiro, Oni solo, Momo solo
Done pretty well, will talk in other section about stage design. Both actors were solid in their tennis, no missed moves that I saw. Built up Oni’s power well, showing him as a strong player. Showed Momo’s desperation well in the blocking.
Was not a fan of only having unknown high schoolers watching on. Makes sense in an anime or manga that has time to build up and unlimited cast but this show only has three hours to build up characters that may never return or become more important later. They did not need lines but would have been interesting to see them watching the match
Scene 5: Saito and Kurobe
Pretty simple scene, just the two talking. Pretty gay. 
Scene 6: Saito talking to the middle schoolers about elimination matches, Saito solo
I think the middle schoolers could do with being less clumped up around him as it makes the cast of characters seem small and does not give an indication of scale. Liked the stillness of the middle and high schoolers during his song. 
Scene 7: Echizen and Kinchan meet Tokugawa and Oni, Echizen vs Tokugawa, Echizen and Tokugawa duet 
I really love the way Oni and Tokugawa are tall and imposing and unmoving or slow moving on the outside of the stage where as Echizen and Kinchan are being active in the middle, shows contrast between the characters well. 
I really like there not being a net here reinforcing that Kinchan and Echizen just run off and do their own thing with no regard for officiality. 
Did not like the two random ensemble cast members appearing to watch and commentate, felt very weird and slightly meta. 
Scene 8: Elimination matches
I have EXTREMELY mixed feelings here. On the one hand I think the direction is excellent with the spotlight, the figures who lose falling and the single lines echoing. On the other hand, I hate that they didn’t have many of the matches and skipped over them completely, especially the lack of cast members (which I will touch on later). If they do the elimination matches in another show and this was building up to it then I take back my negative comments and I’ll be very happy about that. But if not I think this was not enough to cover them, especially since so many were missed out
Scene 9: Kinchan vs Oni, Kinchan and Oni duet
I really love this scene. A lot of, again, slow movements from Oni contrasting the never still form of Kinchan. Probably my favourite choreography from the show with Kinchan darting back under Oni’s legs. Doubles to show Oni’s maturity vs Kinchan’s childishness as well as showing Oni not taking Kinchan too seriously and letting him just run around aimlessly before he beats him.
Scene 10: Irie and Chitose talking
No real comments, they just stood and talked. 
Scene 11: Saito takes Kinchan and Echizen to the mountain
Liked them lying on the floor together, part of a series of things linking Kinchan and Echizen together. It was a bit weird seeing Tokugawa just watching them lie on the floor and catching their breath before giving them a message and leaving. Liked Saito picking them up by their collars, gives the impression that he doesn’t care that they are children. Which he doesn’t. Scene of climbing suffers from lack of actors as this could be a good place to add in comedy, which the show is lacking, but since they only have Momo, Echizen and Kinchan, none is created. 
Scene 12: Mifune solo (ft. Echizen and Kinchan )
Loved how he is sat in the beginning, instantly shows his character. Along with his heavy slow movements and slightly hunched back. Liked it showing the middle schoolers climbing in the background, showing that he is not caring about their effort or wellbeing in getting to him. Liked the breaks to show Echizen and Kinchan and the complete shift in tone, will talk more about later in song, but also in lighting and speed of movement.
Scene 13: Middle schoolers arrive at the camp, hs vs ms outside match
Love the distance between the high schoolers, creating a sense of scale. Despite looking down usually being a sign of strength from the person standing you got a sense of Mifune’s power as they are all looking down on him sipping his sake. 
Loved the lighting for the high schoolers vs middle schoolers match. Fluid movements of the hs vs the random movements of the middle schoolers. 
Scene 14: Training back at the main camp, ms getting their place on court 5
Really liked the running on a off stage but would have liked to see characters return to stage and run off again like a consistant training menu and would have liked to see the words detailing their training be on the screen for a tad longer. 
Liked the short matches between the ms and hs but would have liked to see the hs look a bit more helpless in their movements.
Scene 15: Coaches talking, court 5 and 3 meet, Irie and Tokugawa chat 
Coaches talking is pretty standard
Liked the ms entering from different sides vs court 3 entering from the same side. Gives the impression that court 3 is a team whereas 5 is a lot of good individual players thrown together. 
Chat again, pretty standard
Scene 16: Oni talking to his court, court 5 song
I like them being spread out. Like them walking around at the beginning of the song with only Oni spotlighted to show he is bringing them together. 
Scene 17: Yamato and Tezuka talk 
Like the distance between them, showing how far apart they had grown due to time and also in personality, contrasted later during their duet.
Scene 18: Lining up, Nakagauchi vs Liladent
Liked contrast between Oni being just behind court 5 whereas Tokugawa is behind the bench (?). Of course court 3 isn’t Tokugawa’s court but it reminded me of Oni actively helping his court vs Tokugawa sending Echizen away to improve.
Pretty standard tenimyu match with no songs. Liked the show of Nakagauchi’s power by showing him being thrown into a fence, like Taka-san one of the strongest middle schoolers was in Shiten, but being unaffected by this. Of course I know it was done in the original so they also had to do it but I like how the direction is similar in both cases. 
Scene 19: Shiraishi and Akaya vs Miyako and Matsudaira
BEST SCENE OF THE SHOW. If every scene was like this one the show would be 10/10. Without this scene the show would be a 4/10 or perhaps lower.
Miyako and Matsudaira’s song was great.
Shiraishi’s solo was so good.
Shiraishi and Akaya’s duet is by far and away the best song in the show. The only song that really felt like ‘tenimyu’ and reminded me of what I loved about tenimyu. 
Scene 20: Camp training, Mifune sends Echizen/Kinchan/Momo to get Sake, Mifune solo
Pretty solid, suffering from a lack of actors and it felt a bit flat. Mifune’s singing was amazing again, though I think he did slightly get too many songs bc Mifune isn’t as important to the plot as the musical seems to make out, as far as I’m aware. 
So, that’s the first half. 
This show might be one of my least favourite 2.5d shows I have ever seen. The dancing was okay, the singing wasn’t great, the show did not feel well thoughtout and it was just so disappointing. So, many of the actors were rather underwhelming and despite so much going on the show felt boring. 
I may have not read the shintenipuri manga but I have seen the anime and it is really funny. This show was barely funny, so many jokes were cut out seemingly for no reason other than the characters who made the jokes not being there. But I do not understand why there weren’t there. I get they couldn’t have every shintenipuri character there but there are quite a few I think they could have added that would have brought a lot, not just to fill the numbers as the stage did feel quite empty quite a few times. Sanada, for example, would have been a very good addition to the cast he speaks to a few of the people there, he rallies the middle schoolers going up the mountain and they already use him quite a bit through voice recording so I do not see why they couldn’t actually cast him.
The show was just lacking the heart that normal tenimyu has. Every tenimyu show before this, even the ones I haven’t enjoyed as much like Remarkable Match Fudomine or Seigaku vs Shitenhoji 2nd season, made me want to watch them again. They still drew me in and got me invested in the characters, partly because of excellent chemistry between the actors. Honestly, so few of these actors had good chemistry with one another. Raima and Maeda-chan quite honestly felt good with everyone. Tokki and Ryouhei were good as Miyako and Matsudaira, Kento and Yuunosuke weren’t bad as Yamato and Tezuka and Ryoya and Kazu were pretty okay. I didn’t feel a connection between almost anyone else. I don’t know if this was the actors not feeling comfortable with each other or the fast pace of the show that left no time for actors to develop in character chemistry but I am leaning towards the 2nd as the backstage photos would suggest they got on well.
This show felt like tenimyu’s attempt to make a Toho show. And it did not work. The show took itself way too seriously instead of in normal tenimyu where they seem to have a blast and it’s okay to understand that the show is ridiculous. I don’t know if this is at all what they were attempting but with the new attitude and the actors from Toho, especially Mifune’s actor who they gave a lot of solos to, it certainly felt like that to me. 
I am not just being negative about shin tenimyu because I wanted tenimyu to stay the same forever. I was very prepared for new things in shin tenimyu but I don’t think the approach of let’s keep virtually nothing from past tenimyu really appealed to me. I honestly did like some of the new stuff they tried but I think they should have kept more things the same and phased stuff out later down the line when people were more onboard with shintenimyu. I.e. not in their first show.
I will talk more about the issues I had with casting in my next post as I will finally talk about the casting of 11th Seigaku and 4th Fudomine.  
Okay, now I’ve gotten a lot of my negative thoughts out of the way.
Thanks for reading this half review, and I’m sorry it took so long. I personally wouldn’t recommened to anyone who is a massive tenimyu fan to check out this show but please don’t just take my word but see what other people think to.
Please continue to support my reviews and leave a like and maybe send me a message so we can chat about stuff.
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zghostreviews · 4 years
Review of Soul Eater(2008)
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Soul Eater is an anime/manga by Atsushi Okubo. The manga started in 2004 and ended in 2013 and the anime ran from 2008-2009 with a total of 51 episodes.
Summary(in my words): Soul Eater is anime that revolves around 7 students that go to DWMA, a school in Death City, Nevada, USA. DWMA is a school that weapons and meisters attend. Weapons are people that can turn into weapons (ie scythes, guns, swords) and meisters are those that can handle the weapon due to their soul wavelengths being compatible with each other. If a weapon devours the souls of 99 demons and one witch, they are able to become a Death Weapon, which proves proves to be difficult to achieve as we follow in the SE crew’s adventures.
Let’s get started with the review.
Ah,….2011…a time where it was just so, so, great to be a child. Everything was still so new around me, majority of sites hadn’t desolved into the clusterfucks they were yet. And YouTube wasn’t garbage yet. 9 yo me had just gotten their first laptop, which they’d gotten 2010 of Christmas day. I’d woken up very early in the cool morning and decided to just look around on YT a bit, there, I found it, the Soul Eater This Is Halloween AMV, and it was the original, and not one of the many reuploads that there are now. I watched it immediately fell in love just everything about it. I HAD to watch it. I searched up the show on YT and found episodes, some the entire episode, some divided the episode in parts. Wanna know what I felt?….
But 9 yo me had NO CLUE what a wild ride Soul Eater would be since this was their first time watching something they knew was anime, and not stuff I’d seen on TV like Dragon Ball, Yugioh, Beyblade, or Bakugan. Lemme just tell you it was indeed a wild ride, I became OBSESSED with Soul Eater. I memorized the OP Resonance, and my daily thing to do when I woke up? Go to the kitchen, grab a broom, go to dining room, start spinning broom around like Maka while yelling things like “Let’s go Soul Resonance!” or singing the opening theme…at 7 in the morning. I look back at that specific thing now and think, ‘wow my grandfather and uncle must have hated me for all that tbh’
Characters: 9/10 Probably would’ve been a 10/10 if I just didn’t despise Black Star as much as I did, looking back now, I think he was kinda okay as a character, I don’t him aaaaas much as I did as a kid.
But anyways here’s my reason for such a high score. The characters all had such distinct personalities, that just made them all seem so realistic, they act the way teenagers would in real life. There’s just something I love about that tbh.
Fanservice: The fanservice in this anime ngl made me realize I am very much gay. In the first episode, Blair had me like
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And characters like Misune in her human form, and Medusa and Arachne I-
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Listen y’all, I rewatched Soul Eater 3 times, and my thoughts are still the same. I had the biggest thing for these 4 characters as a kid, and I as a whole adult now, would probably simp for them despite 2 of the being literal scum of the earth.
Music: 10 outta fucking/10 Literally ALL of the music in this anime was a fucking BOP, like have y’all heard So Scandelous, or either of Death the Kid’s themes??? To this day it’s still so GREAT! It just fits the anime SO WELL!
Backstories: 8/10 The  backstories are pretty great, and some, pretty fucking depressing. HOWEVER, the anime does NOT delve into much of it at all since it ended before the manga finished. Plus we have the Gorgon sisters whose pasts are not all that touched upon living mysteries like “who the hell is Crona’s father” and “where were the Gorgons before now” to be asked
Ending: [Everyone Disliked That]/10 Just know that the last few episodes were fillers, they ran out of source material due the fact that the manga hadn’t gotten to it’s closure yet. Though that’s not the problem here. The problem was how they executed the ending as a whole. There was all this intense fighting against Asura only for it all to be ended simply with Maka just punching him square in the face. Nothing more than that, then boom, basically show ends right there, Asura, dies from the blow of the punch or some shit, and everyone goes on with their lives. 
Is the anime still worth watching regardless of the ending? Hard yes. Despite everything, the fillers actually served in making the series more enjoyable. I’d still recommend reading the manga as well since a lot more stuff happens and you’ll get the official closure which is MUCH better than the anime’s.
Quick Review:
Soul Eater NOT! (2014)
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Rating: 4/10
Th…There was no purpose to this. Nobody asked for this. I read the manga AND watched the anime in its entirety. I have absolutely no clue what the fuck this was supposed to be aside from a prequel to Soul Eater??? 
Basically it was just a yuri slice of life with some mediocre drama with a new gorgon sister that was never mentioned anywhere in the original series. The original kids from Soul Eater DO make an appearance but it’s not really at all significant…. The 3 main girls who I can’t really remember the name of except for one of them is named Meme are all mediocre, and were in some sort of love triangle(?) The only reason I even continued was through the pure power of gayness.  Everything was so….bland with this one….the characters seemed flat too….idk what happened but this definitely was NOT it….get it?? ahaha
This was genuinely a disappointment for everyone in the fandom. I remember the fandom started getting hyped over hearing about new Soul Eater stuff  but then this….turned out to be the result….
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ilovemygaydad · 5 years
A Wrinkle in Time AU
yes, i made a new au. yes, i’m planning to write this as a full au. sue me. i jump from thing to think like a squirrel, okay.
for now, it’s just a list of the characters and their traits (except the twins because they’re a super minor role, and i can’t bring myself to write it rn okay)
pairings: logicality, eventual prinxiety, platonic remileceit, familial LAMT
warnings: swearing, sympathetic deceit (as mx which), anger issues, lashing out, transphobia, queerphobia, homophobia, patton is called a whore one time, trans!male pregnancy, transitioning mentions, deadnaming, misgendering internalized aphobia, crying is mentioned, people are just mean as hell, mild sexism, mentioned abuse, broken families, rumors, mentions of cheating/running away with a woman (as a rumor), mentions of forcing sexuality onto others (as a rumor), mentions of disappearing, mentions of non-malicious lies, selective mutism, self hatred, internalized homophobia, and definitely more that will be added as the story progresses
summary: thirteen year old virgil murry is your typical delinquent, but throw in a dash of having two dads, one of whom is missing, a brainiac little brother who everyone thinks is an idiot, and only two normal family members. it’s a shock, really, that virgil acts the way he does, but it’s even more of a shock when three celestial beings come to take him on a journey to save his father with the help of thomas, the weird little brother, and roman o’keefe, the poster child for stable popular kid.
some random important information about this au:
it mixes up things from the book and the 2018 movie because i said so
exists in a time outside of our timeline (think ‘50s/’60s mixed with present day)
virgil, thomas, the mxs, patton, and (sort of) logan’s appearances all stem a lot from the 2018 movie’s definition of their characters with some other facts thrown in, so you can look those up to get a somewhat decent idea of what they look like
the warnings may seem like a lot, but a lot of them are just brief mentions that are repeatedly scattered throughout the story on occasion
a place for the au to go when i actually write it
everything is under the cut because this is about to get SPICY (aka really fucking long)
Virgil Murry (13 going on 14):
dark, coiled hair like his dad’s
kept short on the sides and longer on top
the longer bits are unruly and usually flop into his face and eyes
brown eyes that glitter gold and green in the right lighting
they don’t glitter often (or at all, really)
braces with purple rubber bands
a little shorter than he should be for his age
pretty normal physique--if a little bit thin
very worried about his family (and eventually roman, too) all of the god damn time
hot-headed and rash with his words
the most stubborn person ever
tends to be aggressive when he’s upset/worried
easily swaps between emotions (much to his and everyone else’s chagrin, it seems)
uses anger to protect himself from being hurt/his anxiety
defensive of his brother and dad
his jeans are always ripped
round, vintage-style glasses (look up 50s glasses frames and you’ll get it)
he’s ended up with his sneakers being composed of more patches than the original fabric 
his hoodie is equally as worn, and he’s barely allowed to wear it to school anymore because the teachers think it’s “un[professional/becoming/sightly]”
other info
hates his appearance and personality
very smart, but his tendency to use shortcuts in school upset his teachers and lead to bad grades
good at math but not creative stuff
accepts his dads but hates his own sexuality
really misses his father
Roman O’Keefe (14)
pale as hell with tons of freckles
flaming red hair
super tall and thin
baby blue eyes that are super pale and pretty
very conventionally attractive
very friendly
becomes protective and caring immediately
good at conversations and diplomacy
good with words
can be kind of awkward/overbearing at times
clean jeans and his school varsity jacket are his go-to outfit
nice basketball shoes
his clothes are always very clean and neat
he takes his clothes very seriously--doesn’t like messing them up
other info
third oldest of his many siblings
weird family life
really smart
skipped two grades
good at the creative stuff
very gay (unfortunately)
kinda maybe has always had a crush on virgil
never believed the rumors about the murry family
Thomas Murry (6)
dark brown eyes and hair
a bit short and small for his age
idk what you want me to say he’s a little boy 
doesn’t speak much when he’s outside of the house
difficult for everyone else to understand
his speech is highly elevated, but he doesn’t elaborate when he’s being confusing most of the time
sometimes arrogant and rude when people are stupid/unkind
an odd mixture of professional and casual clothing
often wears nerdy t-shirts and jeans with a blazer or slacks and a button up with a hoodie
always wears the same type of shoes (red tennis shoes with a yellow star)
other info
was adopted just before father disappeared
feels most connected with his dad and virgil
despite his high intelligence and love for learning, he didn’t start learning to read until he was actually in school because the other kids already disliked him enough as is
he tries not to go ahead in his studies for the same reason
easily frustrated by not knowing things
everyone in town thinks he’s dumb because of his not speaking much thing
ridiculously perceptive--possibly too much so
protective of virgil despite being a kid
Mx. Whatsit (Remy; age: old)
long hair of all sorts of colors
usually pulled into messy braids or elaborate updos
pale skin that shimmers rainbow colors in direct sunlight
unknown eye color
sharp features (almost inhuman looking)
sassy and blunt
doesn’t completely get social conventions and the idea of being subtle
highly protective of thomas
kind of a bitch sometimes ngl
never without a leather jacket and his aviator sunglasses
everything else is literally random
usually it’s flowy dresses made out of scarves/bedsheets/fabric scraps of all shapes and colors, but sometimes he wears colorful pants and blouse-like shirts
think big top tent meets aerial silks and that’s his aesthetic
other info
uses he/him pronouns
youngest of the mxs
apprehensive of virgil at first (like a lot)
best vocalizer and materializer of the mxs
often messes things up, but he always works to fix what happens
Mx. Who (Emile; age: even fuckin older)
youthful, but a bit older than whatsit
pink hair that’s always pulled into some manner of curly updo
bright blue eyes
brown skin with deep brown freckles
a lot more round features and chubbiness than the other mxs
looks just the tiniest bit off of what a human should look like, but otherwise they pass fine
only (or mostly) speaks in quotes, which makes them difficult to understand at times
very kind, gentle, and loving
enjoys being with the kids
doesn’t speak nearly as much as whatsit
purple crystal glasses with lavender lenses that are hooked to a chain around their neck
lots of very eccentric, patchwork-quilt-lookin clothing
despises shoes with a burning passion
likes wearing different colored ties on their wrists and ankles
other info
easily tired out by speaking freestyle (without quotes) and in full materialization for long periods of time
any pronouns
loves cartoons and visual medias of earth
age-wise in the middle of the mxs
Mx. Which (Deceit; age: too old)
dark brown skin with shimmering patches of scales scattered around his skin
the largest patch of scales covers the left side of his face
right eye is brown and left is yellow
the most inhuman looking of the mxs
tall compared to the other mxs
speaks mostly in lies (aka pretty much all the time)
difficult to understand most of the time
very proper sounding
vague and cryptic
always wearing some sort of hat
looks like a yellow flower most of the time because of his penchant for yellow
otherwise he’s wearing a lot of black
likes wearing formal clothing and bedazzled dresses (very avant garde)
other info
he/they pronouns
oldest of the mxs
very bad at vocalizing and materializing (aka they get tired so fast)
very wise
literally just a cryptid tbh
sounds snakey a lot of the time
Patton Murry (Dad)
very, very pretty
extremely elegant features with long lashes and full lips
similar hair to virgil’s but neater
big, brown eyes
warm, dark skin
kind of short
a bit stocky
manages to hide his upset feelings unless something is really bugging him (it’s usually about his husband, then)
incredibly kind
not extremely social due to the down’s actions towards him
loves his kids and husband so much
represses his bad emotions
hopeful (especially about logan coming back home)
wire-framed glasses
steel-toed boots or old sneakers
everything in his wardrobe basically falls in two categories:
nice clothes for going nice places (like dinner)
lab clothes
lab clothes make up the majority by a long shot and include
nerdy t-shirts
old cardigans
pajamas (bad etiquette, but highly convenient)
other info
(fully/mostly) transitioned (depending on how you look at it--he’d been pretty masc presenting for a while, but he got top surgery) pretty soon after virgil was born and decided he didn’t want to do that again so the other kids are adopted
often mistreated and misgendered by the townspeople
extremely smart, but people write him off as “dumb” (or a whore) because of his birth gender
loves being a doctor because people (sometimes) won’t refer to him as “mrs”
insists that logan will come home very soon (like he’s been saying for four years)
Logan Murry (Father)
neglected, long brown hair
usually clean shaven (if he remembers)
blue eyes with green and gold flecks
so many freckles
tall and thin with sharp features
looks like a huge nerd
very respectable and serious
overworks himself to keep his family safe and happy
a bit of a hot head and scary when angry (either he’s calm and cold or he’s gonna kick your ass to the next century)
super passionate about physics and the universe
seems cold sometimes but loves his family intensely
secretly a huge softie
doesn’t understand that there are clothes other than lab gear
practical shoes only
likes ties but doesn’t wear them because lab safety is key
only gets new clothes when patton forces him to
very thick glasses
other info
(a lot of this is both him and patton. idk how it got so long, but please just understand that i can’t stop myself from making logan the most badass character okay i just love him)
very coldly defensive of his husband
has punched queerphobes on more than one occasion
gets really angry when their mail deadnames patton or refers to him as anything other than “dr patton sanders”
he once literally marched into a company and screamed at the highest ranking official that his husband is to be referred to as “dr patton sanders” as it is his proper name and title, so why the hell does this letter say “dr logan sanders and mrs [deadname] sanders” on it?
never compares his and pat’s intelligence because they’re both equally smart and knowledgable in different areas, even if patton has fewer doctorates 
he might even argue that patton is smarter because he’s dedicated so much time to his fields of study exclusively, not to mention his emotional intelligence
very supportive of patton no matter what (do you sense a theme here)
was very glad that patton decided that they would adopt their younger kids because logan hated every second of the pregnancy from trying for a baby to birth
he loves virgil so damn much regardless of the emotional turmoil because the kid was such a good reward
came out as sex-repulsed asexual about three months after patton announced that he was pregnant, and patton was pissed that he hadn’t spoken up sooner so they could have tried something different to make logan more comfortable
he’ll never admit it, but hearing the kind, caring words come out of patton’s mouth made logan cry for hours because how the fuck did he find such an incredible, loving husband
disappeared four years ago and no one has heard from him since
it’s rumored that he ran away with another woman (as if there was a woman in his life to begin with)
stories also sometimes include that patton tricked him into being gay (even though he’s a “woman,” right??? people are fucking stupid), and logan ran away from that lifestyle finally
but why would dr. murry just up and leave when he had such a good family and important research to finish? things aren’t adding up, and there’s only one way to figure out what’s going on:
figure out what the actual hell thomas and the mxs are talking about
a place for the au to go when i actually write it
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