#but the one bright side about remembering this stuff is it makes me even prouder of myself for not committing suicide when I was younger
sapphosboy · 4 months
Having repressed memories unlocked very suddenly, is a really terrible experience by the way. Like did not need to see a video of an incredibly traumatizing moment show up on the family digital slideshow but thanks :)
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moonyswriting · 3 years
Happy Pride Month everyone! Whether you queer or questioning, closeted or out, I am so proud of you, you are valid and perfect! Remember that you never have to come out if you don’t want to. You’re not lying to anyone if you don’t. You don’t owe them to come out. Only do it if you want to. Also remember that labels can stay forever or can change and both is perfectly normal. You're fantastic the way you are. <3
So, I managed to write a pride fic for the first day of pride month! yay me. I hope you like it :)
Thank you for the idea @moonofthenight
Characters by @lumosinlove
When Pascal came into their living room it had never looked more colourful, but it had also not looked this messy in a long time. There was tape on all four sides of the table, paper and little paper cut outs all over the floor and in the middle of everything, all his four children, looking like deer in the headlights.
“What happened?”, he asked slowly. There would be a reasonable explanation for all of this, he was sure. Celeste had probably helped and they would clean everything back up in no time, leaving no trace of a mess before the team came over for dinner tonight.
Adele shuffled over looking at the floor. “Um,” she stared before glazing back at her siblings, who nodded at her encouragingly. “So, we decided to make some things for the others. You know, since you’re having that Pride Party tonight? We thought we’d make little gifts for the team.”
Oh, Pascal’s heart was already a puddle. “You-”, he stared, but couldn’t continue. He had questioned a lot if he should have raised his children differently, more open to the rainbow or attractions and genders (or lack thereof) that was out there, but this made him feel like he and Celeste had at least done some things right.
Pascal only realised he hadn’t properly said anything yet when Katie rushed towards him, hugging his hip. “Please don’t be mad. I promise, we’ll clean it all up. Mama said she’d help us!”, the big eyes of his youngest daughter stared up at him, guilty, but hopeful.
“I’m not mad, mon chou.”, picking her up, he turned towards the other three, still standing in front of him. “Not at any of you. This is an incredible idea! The team will love them. Thank you so much, it’s really thoughtful.” Leaning down, he placed a kiss on each of his childrens’ foreheads, including Katie’s before setting her down to get back to the others. Celeste walked through the door the next moment, flowers of all colours in her hand.
“You found our little pride squad then?”she asked, walking past him and into the kitchen, probably to cut off the ends of the stems. “Don’t worry, I’ll help them clean up and we’ll be done before any of your teammates even leave their houses.”
His wife knew him too well. He hated when other people visited them and their house was messy. Of course there had been times where he couldn’t really keep it clean with four toddlers running around, but he still always tried and his family knew that and helped him. It wasn’t really that it bothered him that visitors could see that they were possibly not clean people, it was just the principle. He thought it should that they were prepared and anticipated someone’s visit. He never wanted them to think it was a bad time to visit because he would eventually excuse the mess. He always wanted everyone to feel welcome.
And that’s what tonight would be about. Making his team feel always welcomed and loved and accepted.
Celeste returned back to their dining room without the flowers, kissing Pacal’s cheek and then turning towards their children. “Did you show him what you made already?” they shook their heads but quickly climbed up onto chairs and sorted through the things they had made. “They’re all really cute, I already saw some of them.” Celeste whispered giddily into his ear, as excitement bloomed in his chest and they walked over to look at the crafts.
“Here!” Katie waved a piece of paper in the air and Pascal walked around the table to look at what she had made. SHe beamed up at him as she explained, “This is for Tremzy! And Harzy and Knutty! It’s a card and I drew Lo, Leo and Finn on the front, see!” The man took the card in his hands. There were three stick figures on it, the smallest with brown hair, the next one with bright red hair and the last, taller than the other with yellow hair. In the back there were blue, red and black dots. “Why did you use those colours, ma petite?” He did have an idea, but with the many coloured pens on the table it could have just been a coincidence.
He could see Katie look over to Adele and Marc, before her eyes met his again. “Del and Marc said that those are the colours when you have more than one love and Logan has Finn and Leo, so they said I should use those. They look good together right?” Pascal could see that he wasn’t the only one close to tears after glazing over at Celeste smiling brightly. “Yes, Katie, it looks beautiful. Lo, Leo and Finn will love it! Adele, Marc, thank you for helping your sister. I know that this will mean a lot to Logan.” then as if he couldn’t help but to add, “I’m also very proud of you for looking up pride flag colours. I’m really happy you're informing yourself about these topics. They’re important.”
They all smiled at him. Pascal went over to Louis next. “I made two! This one is a card for Olli and Del and Marc also helped me with colours, so it's black, grey, white and this really nice purple that Katie gave me. It didn’t really match the photo, but I liked it better than the really dark one. Do you think he’ll mind?” The fact that his youngest son actually looked concerned staring down at his work had a tear spilling over. He let out a wet chuckle. “Non, je pense qu’il va l'adorer, c’est parfait. For who is the green one?” Louis pulled it out from under his other one and now Pascal could see it was not just green. There were black, grey, white and purple stripes on it too. “It’s for Reg! See, it’s got these stripes and then I drew this heart above it, cause even though he doesn’t want a boyfriend like Siri, he still gets all the love he needs from me and Siri and you and Re and the rest of the team!” Celeste came over and placed a kiss on his cheek, “He loves you too, mon lapinou. They look amazing.”
He walked over to his older son, he didn’t know if he could be any prouder of them. “ I made one for Kasey, Nat and Alex.” Marc stated as he handed his father one of the cards he had made. There were three heads on it, one with long blond hair and hoop earrings, one with light brown hair to the shoulders and one with dark red hair, freckles filling up more of his face than the light pink his son had used for all their skin tones. Pascal was about to compliment it, when Marc gave him another one. “This one is for Nado and Kuny. I made it full of hearts in pan and bi colours, because you mentioned that once and I really hope it’s right.” before Pascal could even think his next thought a stack of cards was placed in his hands. “And then for some of then we didn’t know, but we didn’t want them to feel left out or asume, so I made some rainbow ones for Pots, Talker, Sergei, Timmers, Cookie, Bluey, Ringer, Volley, Wrangler, Sunny and Foxy.”
Pascal was a bit shaken, not only that his son even remembered everyone of his teammates, without missing a single one, but at him having crafted every single one of them a rainbow card. “They will all love them, I’m sure. They look incredible.”
He saw Adele look down at her cards and moving them slightly out of view. Frowning, he walked over to her, “Did you also make something, ma colombe?” She nodded, pulling out one of her cards and holding it up for him to see. It was beautiful. She had glued blue magazine cut outs on the top of the cards, which got lighter til they reached a white in the middle and to green ones at the bottom. Over it there was a heart which read “Some hockey players marry their PT, get over it” He didn’t know how she had thought of that, but it was true and funny and so Adele, Pascal had no choice but to love it.
“These are all perfect. Thank you so, so much for making them, they’ll all love them I’m sure. We can tell them to all sit down in the living room so you can give them their cards later, sounds good?” They all nodded, seemingly happy with the idea. “Now let’s clean up before they come here and don’t recognize the place, eh?” All of them nodded as they got up, Celeste telling them where to start and how to clean it.
Pascal moved to the kitchen with the tray of now empty glasses Celeste had no doubt gotten them earlier, when he heard something behind him. Once he had carefully placed down everything he turned around to see Adele standing in the kitchen, arms behind her back. He waited for her to speak for only a moment until she did. “So, you saw that we made cards for everyone, because they’re all great and we should let them know we love and support them, right?” Pascal nodded, letting her continue, “But there’s one more card I made,” Pascal had counted before, his children hadn’t forgotten a single one of his teammates, he had no clue what that last card could be for. “because it’s important that they know they’re loved right?” she continued, “that’s a really important part of all of this. So,” she slowly pulled out a card from behind her back, “this one is for exactly that. Just because someone’s not queer or questioning, doesn’t mean they’re not important this month. It’s not the main focus of it, of course, but having allies is a big part of being able to be proud of who they are for some people. I wanted to thank you for that. I could have gotten some homophobic dad like some of my classmates, but I’m really, really glad I got you.”
She handed him the card she had made, similar to the collage of magazines but in black and white stripes with a rainbow A covering it. He couldn’t help the wetness that gathered in his eyes again. And here he had thought the emotional stuff wouldn’t be until the team arrived. He walked forward and hugged his oldest daughter. “Thank you so, so much,” he whispered, since he didn’t trust himself with anything else to come out anywhere close to evenly, “Thank you, ma petite. I am so proud to have you as my daughter. You’re the best children I could have ever asked for.”
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fuwafuwamedb · 3 years
Baking Cookies (Kid Gil, Archer Gil, Hakuno, Emiya)
It was late.
Later than one would want, but that wasn’t going to stop him. His feet pattered across the floors of the hallways, his hands pressing against the walls as he would reach one corner after another. His bright gaze took in new path after new path.
Today was a good day for this morning’s task.
For too long, he’d held off, opting to wait and think of a time and a day where the forces and the elements would be just right. It had not been until yesterday.
Gil opened the doors to the kitchen, taking a full moment to look around at the room. Its stainless steel gleamed proudly on the counters and around the room on furnishings. There was a collection of ingredients both showing from corners of the counters and from a couple open cabinets. The room’s usual occupants were gone, leaving him the space for the plans to come into action.
The flour was pulled and poured wildly into a large bowl. Then came the salt and the baking soda.
Just a smidge of each, he’d been warned.
He went to the drawers, pulling cups for measuring. He needed the two sugars: both brown and granulated. They were poured and dumped into another bowl and, from there, the young king opened the fridge and pulled a couple rectangles of butter.
Cream it, he’d been told. The rectangles smushed and squelched in the bowl poorly, leaving his nose wrinkling and his brow furrowing. He added the egg for good measure, but it still didn’t ease the process of creaming the sugar and butter mixture.
He looked at the ingredients, tapping the counter before a light went off in his head.
Extra sweetness.
The white haired faker used it often in his cooking. Glancing around, he began with the upper cabinets, pouring through the various labels until he could find the one he was looking for.
The little bottle just needed to be poured slightly into the bowl.
A few drops would be enough. The stuff was the essence of sweetness. Much like the recipient of this work was, this bottle’s contents was lethally sweet in high doses.
He stirred again, pouring the first bowl of flour in with the creamed mixture.
Ah, but they needed one last thing.
“This will set them apart from anything else,” Gil murmured, his fingers snapping to open the gates. His older selves would probably never notice. It wasn’t like they couldn’t get more of the fine quality chocolate that he let land on the counter.
A little slice and dice- then straight into the bowl.
And now to bake.
The oven was set, the mixed ingredients clumped onto pans properly.
He’d done it.
Despite how much Enkidu had teased him about being able to cook and despite the white haired faker saying that kings were probably too selfish to cook; he’d made a whole batch of cookies. Delicious smelling cookies at that, he thought, staring at the array of them as they soon began to fill the counters as they cooled off from the oven.
Great cooks deserved a break.
Besides that, it would probably be best to take a moment to go use the restroom.
He moved carefully, slipping out and down the hall. A small whistle now left his lips, smile prouder than ever as he pushed the bathroom door open.
It wasn’t until he returned when he felt the world come to a pause.
“You really made these?” Hakuno stared at the king nearby, munch on one of the cookies. Her body was perched on one of the remaining empty spaces on the counter.
“You may feel free to praise me properly, mongrel. Or do you intend to doubt me further?”
“They’re the best cookies I’ve ever had-“
“HEY!” The shout fell from his lips, his limbs trembling as he stared at the two. “I MADE THOSE!”
The archer nearby raised a brow, glancing to him. “Did you not hear her, child? She said I made them. Are you not a version of me?”
“That doesn’t matter!” Gil huffed, his foot stomping against the ground. “Hakuno!”
“They’re good,” she told him, mouth full of cookie.
“They’re for you. Don’t share with him!”
“Oh?” Gilgamesh Archer’s expression great only that much more smug, his hands moving towards the counter. “You think I want one of your meager sweets?”
“Don’t touch them!”
The man lifted one of the cookies, wiggling it in his hands before bringing it closer to his mouth.
It was moving so slowly towards his lips. The world was crawling through time, his body barely able to move before the whole scene began to unfold. And then he was left to stand with his eyes wide. The woman on the counter’s body was now moved, her mouth wrapped around part of Gilgamesh Archer’s hand and the cookie itself.
Her eyes looked up at Archer’s, the cookie practically crumbling in her mouth and in Gilgamesh’s hand.
“…Truly, mongrel?”
The woman hummed, eyes closing.
“It is not worthwhile for me to eat something that has already been partially eaten by someone else. I am not one for sloppy seconds.” The man pushed the cookie into her mouth, shaking his head. “You should get your own cookies, Hakuno. Your bad behavior will be remembered during training.”
“You make great cookies,” Hakuno repeated again, making the man roll his eyes.
“You’ve taken all the joys of harassing the boy meaningless. I will be in our chambers.”
Gil grunted as the man brushed passed, his arm swatting only to miss.
“Until next time, little pest.”
He hated him.
So very deeply to the very marrow of his bones, Gil hated that archer pest. He had no respect, no understanding. He took and he took; it was a wonder that Hakuno put up with him at all!
Speaking of the woman though-
Gil glanced to the woman still in the room, now picking up a couple more cookies.
“Do you mind? I’ve never had cookies this good before.”
“I made them for you,” Gil murmured.
Those honey-colored eyes widened, her smile broadening. “Really?”
“We’re friends, remember? That is what you told me. As my friend, you should be treated to finer things. You didn’t like the fabrics and the jewels, so I thought maybe food would be better.”
Hakuno’s face was simply radiant. Her eyes were soft, cheeks dusted a light pink. Her smile gave way to that all too nice pitter patter in his chest. She stood a little taller even, walking over to his side with his gifts for her in hand.
“I’m glad you like them,” he told her.
“I love them, Gil. Thank you.” Hakuno pressed her lips to his cheek. “I’m going to go check on Archer, but I’ll come back really soon for more cookies. They’re the best I’ve ever had.”
“I’ll box them up.” He had a great chest for them in his gates. He could wrap them in a nice fabric and place them in the box for her to indulge in as she saw fit.
“That would be great.”
Her soft perfume that was her natural scent lingered around him as she left. He watched the door, humming a little at her response.
She was all about sweets.
One way or another, he’d bake enough with his own two hands to steal her from Archer Gilgamesh. It was only a matter of time.
“It would seem someone made a mess of the kitchens.”
Gil froze, his eyes going to the white haired faker nearby.
“I do hope you have plans to clean these dishes and counters you’ve ruined. Otherwise, I will be showing our master your handiwork.”
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ficsandgiggles · 3 years
It’s Basic Dad Stuff
Happy Birthday to the lovely @babeyspidey​! I hope you’re having a wonderful day, and if not, I hope this cheers you up. Thank you for being such a great friend!
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Although everyone around him was more than happy to treat the kid like family, there were times when Peter felt alone in the world. He missed his parents and Uncle terribly and he remembered being teased constantly about not having a mum and dad growing up. It especially hurt when it came round to Mother's Day and Father's Day, where there were adverts everywhere to advertise gifts for parents.
Today in particular, Peter was feeling incredibly down about this, he felt himself getting more and more upset each time Morgan played with Tony, or basically done anything which happened in a happy father/daughter relationship. He ended up shutting himself in his room for the night. Although he was happy that Tony had a family, he couldn't help but feel jealous that they had something he could barely remember experiencing.
His head was in another place for the next few hours. He completely zoned out, wondering about what would have happened if his parents were still around today. The different scenarios made him more and more upset until his thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Kid? You still awake?" Tony asked as he opened the door, poking his head around to check on Peter, who sat up and forced a smile on his face.
"Hey Mr Stark. Yeah, come on in." He told Tony quietly as he sat up, moving over so Tony could sit next to him if he wanted to.
There were a few moments of silence between the two, but eventually Tony made the move by putting a hand on his shoulder. "So why did you come up here?" He asked the dreaded question right off the bat, making Peter sigh and put his head in his hands. There was no way he was going to say he was jealous of him and Morgan, that would probably be rude, but it was the truth.
"I just miss mom and dad." Peter admitted quietly, not noticing the ramble that was about to begin. "And Mr Stark, I'm really happy that you have such a sweet daughter and a loving wife, please don't think that I'm not but... it reminds me how I don't, and won't have anything like what you have, and it hurts to think about." He explained, tears brimming his eyes as he felt Tony wrap his arm around his shoulder, pulling him close.
"Pete, look at me." Tony told him, the bluntness in his tone immediately made Peter snap his head up to give Tony his full attention, so he continued. "Yes, I have the most precious family ever but guess what? You're a part of that family. I have always seen you as one of my kids I want us to have that father/son relationship as much as I want to have a father/daughter relationship with Morgan." He told Peter, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze as Peter gave him a confused look.
"So, no more of that 'Mr Stark' malarkey, okay? You're more than welcome to call me dad." Tony told him with a genuine smile after giving Peter's side a gentle poke, smiling to himself when he noticed him flinch a little.  
"Yeah, maybe... I'm just so used to calling you Mr Stark I guess." Peter replied, since that was all he could say due to feeling a little overwhelmed by what Tony had just said, also silently hoping that Tony didn't notice his flinch from the side poke.
Tony just smirked a little to himself edging closer to Peter as he slid his hand down to his side, nestling into there to get into position. "Well maybe you should try, because I'm gonna treat you like my kid even more now, starting with some simple fatherly tickles!" Tony announced before beginning to scribble into Peter's sides.
The unexpected Peter let out a shriek, he fell back onto the bed as he burst into hysterical giggles. His limbs flailed about everywhere in an attempt to stop the attack for a brief second. But that didn't stop Tony from slinging his leg over his waist to stop him from going anywhere.
"Come on kid, play along! This is basic dad stuff!" Tony teased, shaking his fingers into the kids tummy and smiling down at the care-free look on Peter's face. Despite his super-strength, the tickles easily weakened him into a childlike state, where all he could do was squirm around and lightly grip Tony's wrists. "I believe some dads' call themselves the tickle monster too, so I may as well go with that too." Tony grinned as he shot both his hands under the kids armpits.
"NOHOHOHO, MIHIHIHISTER STAHAHAHARK!" Peter yelped, arching his back as he screeched with laughter, not hearing Tony tut disapprovingly at his words.
"What did I tell you? It's either dad, or Tony." He replied, pinning Peter's arms up with one hand before drilling into his armpit with the other, smirking as he watched Peter laugh adorably and thrash around whilst attempting to pull his arms free. He shook his head helplessly since he was unable to respond.
"Also, Morgan loves these, maybe it's a Stark thing, shall we find out?" Tony asked casually as he pulled Peter's shirt up. He paused and looked at Peter a little sadly when he saw he looked genuinely confused. However, he chose not to say anything and just nuzzled his face into the kid's belly, blowing a huge raspberry on the super sensitive skin.
Peter screeched before breaking to a fit of laughter, he kicked and thrashed around as much as possible at the incredibly tickly feeling. It didn't help that Tony kept nuzzling his face in afterwards, the beard brushing into the skin to add to the sensation. He took in deep breaths when Tony sat up to give him a breather.
"Wow, sensitive one, huh?" He teased with a grin before burying his face back into his belly, blowing multiple raspberries until Peter's laughter went silent, when he stopped and let the kid go. Peter kept giggling for a good few minutes after that, he curled up on the bed with his head resting on Tony's lap without him realising. But Tony did notice, and smiled fondly at the kid he was happy to call his son.
"Thank you dad..." Peter mumbled sleepily, letting out a yawn and not even protesting when Tony shuffled him into the bed and tucked him in.
"You're very welcome kid, sleep well." Tony whispered with a bright, fond smile, he kissed him on the head, tears forming in his eyes as he crept out the room to let Peter sleep.
From then on, Tony was proud to say he had two adorable kids, and Peter was even prouder to call Tony his dad.
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goldandbluesmiles · 4 years
Bloody Courting
Summary: "There are two types of omegas that make it in our world and especially in Gotham. There are the ones like me that wrap Alphas, Betas and even other omegas around their finger, make them dance to their tune. You will not be that omega. You are too brash and forward to it. You will be the omega that goes ahead with the sheer force of will. They will respect you and if they do not, they will fear you,"
Jason had nodded, listening to him with rapt attention.
"And remember, if any of them think they are worth you, make them prove it no matter than their designation. Do not ever settle for less than what you want,"
These days he was really wishing that he hadn't driven the last point very hard. Because really the dead bodies were getting a bit ridiculous.
Note: This is part 1. You can read part 2 here.
TW: Mention of body parts. Nothing graphic. It’s Earth 3 so things are a little messed up.
Jason was the only pup that was truly his.
Not that the others weren't but he couldn't call any of them just his own, all of them having responsibilities elsewhere, having ties to someone else. Dick was an Alpha and they usually took toward their Alpha mentors. Dick had grown into Talon and was now one of the most vicious forces on this side of the globe. Bruce was proud, so proud but Dick would always be more Thomas then Bruce, no matter how much the young Alpha hated the older Wayne.
Damian Al Ghul and Helena Kyle-Wayne were his little miracle pups. Born as fraternal twins and sired by two different Alphas. However, Helena was, again, an Alpha. And while Selena was much more lenient than any other Alpha about Helena being with her omega bearer, Helena was an Alpha and would naturally gravitate toward her Alpha mother. Damian was an omega but he was the heir to the League, so really, Bruce was lucky that Talia had stood up to her father, otherwise, he might not have gotten to know the little pup at all.
Tim Drake was another little pup he had held close, much like Dick, except that Tim's loyalty was to his parents. He was the only omega child to an alpha father and a beta mother. There were many parents that chose to have heir child mentored by another person if their designation didn't match and the Drakes had chosen Bruce to mentor theirs. Tim would always come to Bruce first with his achievements and grievances but it wasn't the same.
Cassandra was already trained in a certain manner by her biological father, one that Bruce did not agree with but could not change. He supported her when he could and completely adored her but she was a flighty dancer and had come to him while she was already grown.
Stephanie, Harper, Cullen, Barbara, more protege than children and really that was how it was always going to be.
But Jason. Jason was all his. He was a crime alley omega which meant that none of the Alphas around would take him under their wing and no one in Bruce's circle wanted to 'taint' their blood with an omega mate from the alley. He was Bruce's to raise, to cherish and to hold close. Bruce's to teach and mould.
It was Bruce's job to make sure the omega pup made it to the top of the world and he would do a damn good job of it. Their world bowed to the powerful and strong and he would make sure that Jason was the best.
He has told Jason that much when he has taken the little pup in.
"There are two types of omegas that make it in our world and especially in Gotham. There are the ones like me that wrap Alphas, Betas and even other omegas around their finger, make them dance to their tune. You will not be that omega. You are too brash and forward to it. You will be the omega that goes ahead with the sheer force of will. They will respect you and if they do not, they will fear you,"
Jason had nodded, listening to him with rapt attention.
"And remember, if any of them think they are worth you, make them prove it no matter than their designation. Do not ever settle for less than what you want,"
These days he was really wishing that he hadn't driven the last point very hard.
Because really the dead bodies were getting a bit ridiculous.
The first sign of what was to come had come when someone had asked Jason to the Halloween dance in his sophomore year.
"Hey B," said Jason while expertly hitting every target with his blades, "I need a costume for the Halloween dance,"
"Huh," said Bruce, "Don't you already have one? The pirate one?"
"Oh yeah, but I got asked to the dance by this really cute alpha girl and we're matching so we're doing Zorro,"
Bruce grinned at the young omega, "So someone asked you huh? How? Did they present you with a gift?"
"Yeah," said Jason, throwing the last knife and heading to where Bruce was standing, "Wanna see?"
Jason took out a small wooden box. Inside, nestled in velvet was a small white ring. Bruce had to admit it looked quite nice, strong and well crafted, the light barely touching-
"Wait," he said, "Is that made of a human finger bone?"
"Yeah!" said Jason, "Cool isn't it. We were talking about people keeping trophies from their kills and I said making something pretty out of it would be the best insult since they're still serving you in death and she gave this to me today and asked,"
"Huh?" said Bruce, not knowing how to feel about the thing, "It's an interesting gift,"
"Right," said Jason, "Some other people asked me too but hey all gave boring gifts so I ignored them,"
"Boring?" wondered Bruce
"You know. Flowers. Candies and stuff," said Jason, "This is much cooler. Now about the costume,"
Bruce shrugged as Jason started listing supplies for his costume. It was just a bone ring. Nothing to worry about.
He really should have thought better.
There was a box at his doorstep.
And it was dripping blood.
That could not be anything good. Someone had actually gotten close to their door to leave this here and from all the blood the message could only be a threat.
Bruce carefully opened the box and-
-found a perfectly cut heart inside with a note.
'Be my valentine?'
Bruce sighed.
Jason came running down and grinned when he saw the box.
"Oh god, he actually did it,"
"Explain," said Bruce, having some idea where this was going.
Jason laughed, "He asked what it would take to get my heart and on a whim, I said 'a heart' and he actually did it,"
"Is the same person that asked you out with patches of tattoed skin?"
"Nope, new guy,"
"Of course," Bruce sighed
"Anyway Valentines tomorrow," said Jason, grabbing the box, "I have an outfit to get ready,"
"Watch for the blood!" he called out but Jason was already gone
"Human bone jewellery, tattoed skin patches, an actual bloody heart," muttered Bruce, "What's next? A severed head?"
He really shouldn't have asked.
There was a severed head in the box, eyes still open and tongue sticking out of their mouth.
The words 'Prom?' were carved into its forehead.
Bruce heaved a sigh and decided to take the box to Jason himself. He found the young boy sitting in the library, reading a book.
"You have an invite to prom," he told the omega
"If its another cake, I don't want it," said Jason, not even looking up from his book
"It's a severed head,"
That got his attention.
"Oh?" said Jason, "Who's is it?"
"See for yourself," said Bruce, handing his son the box
"Ah," said Jason, looking at the head, "Jeffery. He likes to mess with younger omegas. Or well 'liked' I guess,"
"Did he do anything to you," asked Bruce, the protective instinct rising inside of him
Jason snorted, "No. He wouldn't have had the balls to. Anyway, I like to deal with my problems on my own,"
"Right," said Bruce
Jason hummed and then looked at Bruce, "Do you think I could wear a dress to prom? I'm still pretty slim and it would look nice with my developing curves,"
Bruce looked from the head to the bright smile on Jason's face and resigned himself to seeing bloody gifts in the future.
"Sure Jay, you can wear a dress,"
Once Jason graduated high school, he got into Princeton and stayed there for the next four years, barely showing his face in Gotham. People started to wonder if he would ever come back.
Bruce knew better though. He'd seen his son's plans, the fire in his eyes and the blood behind his teeth.
Jason was a Gothamite, born and bred.
He would come back.
And come back he did.
Red X rose through the ranks of Gotham's underbelly with a viciousness that even surprised Bruce. The people of crime alley and the narrows worshipped him and those that opposed him feared him. He made everyone bow to him and his meetings with the rest of Gotham's big players, including the elite, were a sight to behold.
Really, Bruce couldn't have been prouder.
His son's newfound popularity also meant that there were a lot more people trying to gain his favours. And while Jason no longer lived with Bruce, he, however, did come to visit often.
And bring his gifts along.
"Look, Bruce! It's a torture wheel. Still has a bit of blood on it,"
"Here! Look! it was used to decapitate the rogue gang a couple of months ago. I think I might spend my heat with this one,"
"Another heart Bruce! You'd think I'd be over getting hearts by now but really, never gets old,"
"Dad! Dad! A skull!"
"Remember that Beta we were talking about, someone cut off his fingers for me. I think I'm gonna meet them,"
"Why can't he like normal gifts?" Bruce wailed, "I liked normal gifts,"
"I brought you stolen jewellery Lover," said Selina, running a hand through his hair
"And I brought you blades," said Talia, "There were flowers too but mostly weapons,"
"Still normal gifts!" insisted Bruce, "This one likes actual human hearts, and fingers and skulls!"
Talia laughed and gave him a kiss, "He's happy, Beloved. That's what you want for him, right?"
Bruce sighed. She was right of course. He wanted his son to be happy. He could put up with a few torture devices and clean body parts.
And then Roy fucking Harper happened.
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taka-oneokrock · 4 years
Hello my love,
do you remember the first time we met? We just randomly started to talk to each other. Even though the meeting was so randomly I instantly felt great around you. We didn't know each other one bit but it felt familiar talking to you. I felt like I've known you since forever. If love at first sight really exists, I'm sure it feels exactly like this.
Back then I was at my total breakpoint. I did a lot of stupid stuff, including trying to kill myself. I was ready to leave Hana behind. I was very stupid. And I told you everything right at the beginning. I thought "well, he won't talk to me ever again if he hears that. Fuck it. My life is already horrible. It doesn't matter."
And you know what? You didn't stop talking to me. You just looked at me, silently listening to what I told you. And in the end you invited me over to a little camping trip. You told me it was a great escape from real life for a while. To calm down. I was amazed by your words and I said yes.
Now I can tell you a secret. For a little moment I thought "maybe he's a serial killer and I'm his next victim." Well, obviously you're not a killer! You're the most amazing man in this world. And I knew it from the very beginning.
The camping trip was awesome. We talked, laughed and in the end we kissed.. a few days of knowing each other we already kissed. It was so intense, I could feel you already fell for me like I fell for you. It was magical. Thinking back now I guess you had this "love at first sight"-thing with me too, right? I still don't know how you could fall for me but I'm thankful you did.
You brought back so much light in my life. Hana already was my little ray of sunshine. I just was too blind to see. Maybe because the darkness in me was about to win. But you defeated it, completely. Little by little you blocked out that darkness in me. You are a real saint. Do you know that?
Our dates started very soon after this camping trip. I spent more time with Hana again. I valued every second with her again. And she enjoyed it. Hm.. maybe I should apologize to her properly. After her daddy left, her mom was about to leave too. I've put her into so much pain... and she is still so cheerful. We have such a strong daughter, you know that? But I really should apologize to her. She's in the age to understand it..
No matter how dark my days were you were right beside me and held me tight. You told me everything was going to be okay. You believed in me. You believed I was going to get rid of the demons inside me. Again you brightened up my life.
Hana accepted you immediately. I guess she is very smart. She knows what a great person you are. And maybe she understood you were doing me good. You were the healing potion I needed in my life.
Soon you became her daddy. After the marriage you adopted her. It made me so happy. You accepted me and Hana instantly. You willingly wanted to become her dad. Thank you so much!
And now look were we are now. We brought another little ray of sunshine in our life. Noemi-chan is such a happy little girl. Hana loves her a lot. And we are going to bring another little ray of sunshine in our lives. Do you know how much this means to me? You, Hana, Noemi, our little one, also Donald, Daisy, Mei and Jiji... you all mean the world to me. You all together are my bright and warm sun.
Thank you for existing. Thank you for being a part of my life. Thank you for being my sun. Just.. thank you for loving me..
I love you so much.. words can't ever describe how much.
Thank you, my savior.. my saint.. my king!
In love
Queen of my heart,
I know I’m not the best if it comes to expressing myself, but please believe me if I tell you that your letter truly touched me. I promise I will treasure this love letter forever and that I will re-read it from time to time. It touched me in a way I never thought was possible.
And I could never forget how we met and how our story began. It’s a love story that can only be written by real life. I’m not sure whether love at first sight is real or not, but I know we had an instant connection. This chemistry between us had something unique and seeing in that state in which you were, made me want to show you the beauty of live.
It felt only natural to invite you out to go camping with me. I was convinced that all you needed was someone to believe in you and stand by your side and to make you remember how beautiful life is. In your eyes I could see your true self that was trapped and maybe a bit like Sleeping Beauty I felt the need to kiss you awake. It may sound silly, but that was how I felt.
It didn’t take me long to figure out our feelings for each other were the same and that’s why the dates started rather fast after it. It was an honor to see you bloom step by step and leave your past behind. You found the strength again that had been in you from the start and I couldn’t be prouder.
And I also knew from the start that you and Hana were an unit. And she has so much of you in herself, that I started to love her like a father. I’m happy she did accept me as the new man at your side and I’m proud that I got to adopt her and make her my daughter for real.
And then the universe gifted us with our sweet little Noemi and we grew closer as a family. My three princesses are my world and I can’t wait to welcome another princess or prince in our lives. Having this little family on my own is the best that has ever happened to me, you’re the best that has ever happened to me. I hope you and our children are feeling loved every day.
I have to thank you for existing and showing me what a loving family looks like. Thank you for being my live partner, my soulmate. Thank you for simply being you and thank you for loving me and let me love you in return.
I love you just as much and the human language will never be enough to make me express my love for you properly.
Thank you my heartbeat, my queen and my personal angel.
In love
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Unforseen Chasm (part 37)
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Part 37 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 2041 Warnings: Language, fighting,sad moment, ANGST!!!!!! the angst gets me sad so you know its good lol song for this part: Better- Betty Who Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93​​ what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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As soon as Shannon’s parents left, you and Shannon head to the apartment. 
Once you’re there, memory lane hit you like a semi-truck. You took a look around the apartment you two purchased what seems like lifetimes ago. Your eyes traveled over pictures of you two graduating, the first day Shannon took a job with Stark, your first patent in physics… Pictures and paintings you two had bought together, that super comfy blanket you found at the mall… Every little item was a new memory. 
“Wow. I forgot just how good we were at decorating,” you said in a sort of amused, awe inspired tone. 
“Yeah, with your color palette and my great knack for finding unique items, this place really looked great,” she agreed. 
Next, you wanted to see your bedroom. You wondered if it would be exactly as you remembered it. 
When you opened the door, you were stunned to find it was. All the brainwashing and time away couldn’t even change that. The black and purple comforter was still on your bed. Your walls were covered with your favorite movie posters and whiteboards. The dresser was covered in papers and pictures of years past. 
“I had your bed sheets washed periodically,” Shannon suddenly said from behind you. You turned to face her.
“Ah, yeah, thank you.” You tucked your hair behind your ear and looked around. You went to your closet, surprised at how many bright colors were in there. Now, you mainly opted for black, red, green, and purple. “I don’t even know what to take… Actually…” an idea struck in your mind. “Shannon, you said that I could have this apartment, right?” 
“Of course, Y/N. There’s not much else I can do with it. I mean this is our home.” She waved her hands around the place. “I think it’d be more suited if you had it, it’s all paid off so no need to worry about much there.” She smiled knowing her friend would stay close to her even if it wasn’t a floor away. 
You chewed your lip, hoping this didn’t sound awful. “Well… instead of me taking stuff back to the cell -- because I’d really like to stay out of it, and making it feel like home feels awful -- what if… well what if you took some of your stuff back to the tower, with Tony? I mean, you’re engaged now, and Loki and I would like a place all to our own. I’m sure he’d want to go get some things… What do you think? I mean, I don’t wanna sound like I’m kicking you and your stuff out…” 
“Um… yeah sure I can probably get Stevie to help me pack my things and have it out in a few days,” she said trying not to sound hurt. “Well I guess I leave you to it then, I’ll be in my old room collecting my things.” 
Shannon walked out of the room slumping her shoulders a bit. She knew it was childish to feel hurt because she’s not living with her bestie/sister. But it hurt knowing she no longer had a place in their home. She entered her room and was flooded with emotions and memories of when it had been just the two of them here. Shooting a quick text to Steve, she got to work placing her things in her suitcases.  
Seeing your best friend this hurt made you feel worse than when you two were physically fighting in New York. You sighed and went into her room and sat on her bed.
“You know… you don’t have to just rip all your stuff out of here,” you said, looking up at her. You took the sweater she had in her hands from her gently. “What if… we did this? Loki and I will share a bedroom, we don’t need the second. You’re welcome to stay here any time, as long as you call ahead? Just to make sure you know… it’s a good time? This was your home for years, and I don’t want you to feel like I’m booting you out.” You reached over and gripped her hand, smiling up at her. 
Shannon had been concentrating on packing so she wouldn't let the little tear slip out. She looked up at the ceiling and then at you. “It’s okay, Y/N. I get it, you want a place to create new memories with Loki.” She stopped packing and sat down next to you. “I shouldn’t have assumed everything would be like before everything happened.” She went on to say how she understands that you’re both different people and that’s fine because you two are adults. 
The rest of the day was just you two talking and remembering things that were once forgotten and after eating dinner together and watching some movies like old times, Shannon excused herself for a moment.  She headed to her room and made a call to the tower.
“Hey babe, I’m still at the apartment with Y/N. I just wanted to let you know that we’ll be home soon and that she’s decided that she would like to live here in the apartment with Loki once he gets out too.”
“You had me worried for a moment. I thought you were going to say that you two will be staying the night there.” 
“And what if we had decided that huh? We’re adults plus I figured she wouldn’t want to sleep away from him.” She walked around looking at all the things she had left in her room. “I was wondering if you could have someone come help her redecorate the place to their liking?”
There was silence on the line. “If that’s what you really want then sure we can have that done once he gets out of the cell too.”
“I’ll see you at home soon enough.”
“See you here.”
With that Shannon went back to the living room. And they finished watching the last movie they had picked. 
You turned your head to Shannon lazily on the couch as the movie started to end. It was one both  of you had seen at least twenty times. “This has been the best possible day for me being released.”
“Yeah?” Shannon asked, happy to hear that.
“Of course. I became your maid of honor, we went wedding dress shopping, we went out to that great lunch spot, I got to see Lucky, and Diane and Tom… You and I got to spend the whole day together…” 
“Yeah, yeah it was nice, wasn’t it?” 
“Mhm. And I’m sorry about the whole apartment thing,” you apologized again. “It’s just…”
Shannon held up her hand. “I get it. You and Loki have never been alone. This is a place for you to start your lives together. Tony and I have the whole tower, and I have my old floor. If you and I need time away together, we can do it on my old floor.”
“You’re sure?” you asked, still worried you’d hurt her feelings.
“I’m positive, hun.”
At that, you smiled. As soon as the movie ended, the two of you picked up all the food and plates you’d accumulated during the day and cleaned the apartment. 
“Well, I better get back to Loki before he thinks I’ve abandoned him.” 
She laughed. “No, we wouldn’t want that.” 
Back at the tower, you and Shannon parted ways, bidding each other goodnight while she went upstairs to Tony and you ventured downstairs to Loki. 
As soon as your eyes landed on him, your chest filled with warmth, then a bit of chagrin when you remembered where you two were. You walked up to the cell door, put your hand on the scanner, and entered. 
“Hi, darling,” you greeted as you walked into the living room. It was odd, to say the least, having the freedom to come or go as you please in this place. “Happy to see me back?”
“I am,” he admitted to you. “How was your day out?” he asked, putting his book down.
“It was… a little overwhelming, but overall it was great.”
“Did they give you any stipulations or anything like that?” 
You got up and headed to the kitchen, readying to make some coffee for yourself. “Uh, actually, yeah. I have a parole officer. I have to report to him a few times a week, work with him… you know…” you said, dancing around the topic. 
“That sounds stressful.”
“Actually, my parole officer couldn’t be more laid back,” you assured. 
“Oh? Is that so? Well that’s good then.”
“He can have a bit of a temper,” you added with a bit of a smirk. 
“Well just stay on the right side of that,” he encouraged as he reached around you to grab a mug and pour himself some coffee. 
“Yeah, I think I can. We’ll be working in his lab. He wants me for my physics brain so…”
“Oh, he’s a scientist? I thought on Midgard they had officers dedicated to this sort of thing?” 
You slowly nodded. “Well.. Yeah, they do. But I’m sort of a special case. A normal cop can’t exactly control me if I get out of hand so--”
“Is your parole officer Bruce Banner?” he asked point blank suddenly, cutting you off.
You pressed your lips into a thin line and that was all the answer he needed. A man as clever and witty as Loki would of course see through the thin veil of truth you’d weaved.
“Yes… he is but--”
“Are you serious? They stuck you with that animal?” 
“Bruce is not an animal,” you calmly retorted.
“I beg to differ, or do you not remember the broken ribs and mangled face I acquired last time we met?” he demanded.
“I do, but… my love, we kind of… we brought that on ourselves, did we not?” 
“I want you to demand someone else,” he ordered. “I don’t want you working with him.”
You stared at him in disbelief. “Loki, I’m not going to do that. Bruce is highly respected in my field and if this goes well, he could really get me back in. A foot in the door doesn’t even begin to explain just how much working with him would fatten my resume. I could work for virtually any company.”
“I don’t care. You would be willing to work with the man who nearly killed me? Your career means more than my life?” 
A bitch face clouded your expression. “Now, Loki, that isn’t fair. I’m not choosing one or the other. As long as you don’t piss him off, he won’t do it again.”
“Ah, right, don’t raise his blood pressure or we could all die. It’s amazing to me how I’m the one in a cell when he’s the one that can’t be around loud noises or he could kill hundreds of people because he got shocked.” 
“He can’t help turning into a monster but--”
Loki stared at you. “But what, darling? Go ahead and finish that sentence. Let me guess: but I can? Is that where you were going with that?” 
You stared at him, your face even. “No,” was all you said to him. 
“This is amazing. You’re out of this cell for less than twenty-four hours and you’ve already turned on me.”
“Turned on you? I came back to you. I came back to this cell, which I fucking hate by the way, just to be with you, to spend the night with you.”
“Well who asked you to do that?” he asked with a cold smile. “Please, don’t let me burden you,” he coldly replied before walking into the bedroom and slamming the door behind him. 
On that note, you let out a huge sigh. Well, what to do now… 
You went into the office and tapped on the tablet, pulling up your only contact and calling it. After three rings she picked up. 
“Hey,” you greeted, not hiding your sadness.
“Hey, hun. What’s up?”
“Can I come up?” 
“Sure thing… I’ll meet you on my old floor, yeah?”
You nodded and ended the video call. Leaving the cell for the second time today, but no intention of returning in your mind this time.
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​ @weclassygirl​ @adefectivedetective​ @dontbetooobvious​
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you​ @winchester-writes​ @winchesterenthusiast​ @georgialouisea​ @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​   @sammysbuttcheek​ @misz-adrii​ @sandlee44​ @womanxofletters​ @natsuccs​ @childishhoebinoo​ @expecteddifferent​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @fanaticfanfiction​ @dakotapaigelove​ @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell​
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cleverbroadwayurl · 5 years
She Used to Be Mine (Jeremy Heere x Reader Pt 19)
Song: She Used to Be Mine from Waitress 
Need to Catch Up? tumblr has now officially takes things out of the tags that have lists. The link to every part and my masterlist is in my description for easy access! 
A/N: Oh my god I finally posted! I went on vacation and had so many exams the weeks before, and I had so much other work, so I’m sorry that this is so delayed! I should be back to regularly posting soon after next weekend (I have another event coming up)! 
Taglist: @retrogarden @be-more-heidi-hansen @catatonic-kuragin @scarsonthecuffsofyourjeans @bluhimaweirdo @stargirl-murphy 
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of an abusive boyfriend, mentions of character death, mentions of abuse, mentions of injuries, mentions of math, sad Jeremy, IF I MISSED ANYTHING LET ME KNOW
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He watches you walk away, off into the distance before realizing how creepy that probably is. Jeremy grabs his keys from his pocket, phone still situated where it had been before. He walks carefully back to his car, hoping, wishing, that this is the last date you’ll ever be on with your boyfriend.
Jeremy jammed his key into the lock, exhaustion seeping into his regular routine, the typical for Thursday afternoons after an hour and a half math recitation. His brain is a mess of grey matter, he can feel the dullness inside of his eyes, paler than usual skin, even though his day consisted mostly of sitting, he still felt the tiredness through his legs. His backpack weighed down on his shoulders more than it normally did as he opened the door and threw his keys back into his jean pocket. He opened the door to his and Michael’s dorm, his eyes scanning over the posters that had been hung there when the two had moved in, the two carpooling in Michael’s PT Cruiser while their parents drove themselves and the boy’s stuff in their separate cars.
He throws his backpack onto the left side of the room, trash only slightly littering his side—he didn’t have time to clean up before his Calculus I exam that day. Darkness enveloped him as you continued to step through his side of the large dorm room, Michael’s side untouched from this morning. His brain had instead been skimming over the extremely long related rates and optimization problems. As much as they logically made sense, the calculation of them always weighed him down, each answer ending up being some fraction or decimal he didn’t particularly appreciate. His brain went over the process once again, constantly refreshing and double checking his answer, worried that he’d made a minor error and messed the entire thing up. He toes off his shoes, leaving them askew for the moment—he’d clean them up and put them away later. His brain was too tired for any real coherent interaction for a while.
His eyes scan the room, stopping for a second on the TV and switch against the wall that perfectly split the room into 2. Of course, a gaming console was how the two thought it would be best to divide the room. Jeremy had been right at Red Robin all those months ago: the bean bags wouldn’t fit in here. As Jeremy turns to sit onto his bed, eyes scanning the white walls that consume him, his eyes fall onto the postcards, the posters, the notes that had been sent to him. Of course, almost monthly, Christine would send him a friendship letter, an update about how magical college was and all the friends she was making. She’d updated him a few times, telling him that she decided to go to counselling because the stress was too much sometimes, and he had never been prouder of her. His eyes continue circling around the room, taking note of the blue sweater that hung near his bed in case he got cold in the middle of the night or right before getting out of bed.
Jeremy swings his feet around and lays down on the bed, a little bummed that Michael isn’t there so he can vent to him about his answer that was a fraction his professor said it wouldn’t be a fraction but it was. So, laying down and taking in the glow in the dark stars that he’d transported from home and stuck onto his ceiling at school would have to do. Another 15 minutes or so pass, and Jeremy is still going over each pencil mark, each moment of erasing over and over again. It isn’t until he gets the same answer 4 or 5 times in his mind that he gives it a rest, deciding that it would be healthier to focus on something else for a little bit. The exam is over, 2 out of 4 done. With no other classes for the rest of the day, Jeremy also takes a second before deciding that homework could wait until his brain was more coherent that it currently was. That, and the only class he had the next day was calculus yet again. The only logical thing his brain can come up with is to watch something on Netflix while curled up under the covers until Michael gets back from his classes.
As Jeremy gets up and grabs his laptop, his phone vibrates. There’s a text from one of his newer friends on it, asking him how he thought the exam went. He supposed that the text was a good thing. He has friends—he was making friends, too. It wasn’t hard to once he’d kind of broken out of his shell and got more comfortable with himself. And that was of course after Jeremy realized that most of his peers felt the same things he did ever so often. Of course, he left out the part about the weird super computer that tried to take over the school; he assumed that wasn’t a universal experience.
But Jeremy ignored the text for the minute. His brain wasn’t ready to comprehend everything in a healthy way yet. He knew that he was going to obsess over that one problem up until the minute that the grade would be entered into Blackboard, which could be hours, days, even sometimes weeks. He sets his laptop onto his bed before crawling back into it, fingers gliding over the mousepad, searching for the one app and closing a certain web browser. He finds it easily, and the app launches. Two fingers glide over the mousepad once again, scrolling down and eyes skimming for something mindless, something that could easily take his mind off of the events of the day but not too mentally challenging. His eyes hit “Keep Watching” and he stops, looking into the subheading.
Finally, he feels okay enough to reply to the text.
Jeremy: I don’t even know, I got a fraction for the related rates thing. Didn’t she say that we were going to get a nicely worked out problem?
He sends the text before locking his phone and putting it on “Do Not Disturb” so that he couldn’t be distracted by the outside world for a little bit. His eyes go back to the Keep Watching subheading and the content in it when he freezes. Right there, in plain print, easy text, is the piece of media you and Jeremy had watched together all those months ago.
Fuck, he remembers that night instantly, his mind rewinding to you with that bright orange cup, head against his chest, eyes fluttered shut, calmness finally flowing in and out of you. It was the most relaxed he’d ever seen you. He knew that it probably wasn’t a wonderful slumber, given your entire situation that affected your entire life to the point that you couldn’t even keep it together, strong as you were. He can remember the way his stars glowed, the way his sweater draped around you and somewhat onto him. He can remember the way you’d shifted right before he’d fallen asleep, almost snuggling into him more than before, hands calmly gripping his body, reaching out for him like he was the only thing in the world that mattered to you.
With a shake of his head, Jeremy is brought back. It’s 3:43 on a Thursday, months after the event, you’re probably hundreds of miles away. His heart hurts inside of his chest, bad enough that he feels like with to sharp of an exhale, it would come tumbling from his lips. He has no idea what happened with you. He has no idea if you’re okay, no idea if you’d managed to get free, managed to get rid of the stupid, what his British Literature professor called, Separate Sphere ideology, the Angel of the Household falling into freedom. His brain replays the moments in the gazebo, the leaves clapping with gusto as the breeze passes through, the way you smiled at him, moments where he was able to actually help you instead of just guessing and praying that things were okay. The way you told him that you got lost in time when talking to him. The way your lips curled into a smile, the genuine laugh, the looks of desperation almost peering into freedom. They were things he couldn’t forget, things that stuck on his mind for hours at a time.
At least this was only a basic remembering, no sensory details completely throwing him for a loop, causing his stomach to work in tandem with his mind. Seeing you in social media posts made the memories worse, they stung with each second they passed through his mind as his limbs would tingle, hands shaking and gripping, waiting for the memories to pass. As much as he wanted to admit that he was okay with not knowing about you, letting you go, he wasn’t. Deep down, it was apparent to everyone. He would lie awake, toss and turn, dream about the good, the bad, and what he assumed happened to you. Of course, it was always the worst in his nightmares, something he didn’t wish to dwell on while the sun was up, and the best in his daydreams. You hadn’t posted about your boyfriend recently, but you didn’t really before either, especially after you’d started even talking to him, even less since the incident—which is what he called that one night in passing with others. The only people who really knew the details about the incident were his dad, Michael’s moms, and Michael himself. Everything was under lock and key—both you and the issues you had—he was really the only one who knew exactly how you were feeling, the things you had been, or maybe still were, going through. He can remember Michael’s surprise when he first told him about you, about your situation, about your strength, about your new life, how much you’d changed. From happy to struggling to understand what was reality and what was something that was gaslit and given to you on a counterfeit silver platter.
And you’d gone silent lately. You were almost completely off the grid, to him at least. It was painful, every breath sitting inside of him, heavier than any gravitational pull in the universe. His heart, his mind, couldn’t help but fill in the blanks. Had you died? Had you done something too rebellious and ended up worse than the last time he saw you? Did you need help to live? Did you need help to even survive?
He can remember the way your hand brushed against his, the way your breath evened in hugs, that very first night, the way his hands glided across your back and helped you clean up. He can remember how your hand felt in his, your head against him, soft calmness seeping from you and into him. He can remember you leaning against him and his entire body lit aflame as he helped you up and down the stairs of the gazebo, the way your smile felt against his lips—clumsy kisses that had managed to turn into something absolutely beautiful and worth craving nearly daily. He can remember that smile that was etched into your shining face as the sunlight created an aura around you, leaves fluttering in the background. Jeremy remembers your hand slipping from his, a final farewell, or something similar leaving your lips. He remembers watching you walk away—why didn’t he watch longer?
Jeremy reaches his hand out, shaking as he tries to move the cursor away from the piece of media. He stops. Sharply, quickly, he shuts his laptop and casts it aside. Rolling over, the tears that had been forming in his eyes now spill down his cheeks. He can feel his legs contracting, toes curling so hard that his muscles begin to hurt, hands gripping the blanket. You were okay. You had to be okay.
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Loss (angst day)
She asked me son, when I grow old, will you buy me a house of gold?
He thought about her, the smile he has seen on so many pictures. About the bubbling happiness he connects with her image. And he wants it back, just for a minute, just for a second. He wants her by his side, wants her to take his hand and tell him “It’s gonna be alright, little puff”.
And when your father turns to stone, will you take care of me?
He leaned against the cold stone, begging for the tears to stop streaming, for the pain to end. He wish he could talk to someone, someone who understood him. But the only ones that would were his father and his worst enemy. He couldn’t decide which the worse option was.  
I’ll make you queen of everything you see
I’ll put you on the map
I’ll cure you of disease
He would have done anything to get her back. It just wasn’t fair. Why was he alive and she was dead? Why did she go? What would she think now? She would probably hate him. With all right, she would. Even he hated himself.
But he still wished, she wouldn’t. That she would be proud of him.
He laughed bitterly. He should stop existing, not wishing some foolish stuff.
Let's say we up and left this town
And turned our future upside down We'll make pretend that you and me Lived ever after happily
When he was young, like really young, he remembers asking Fiona if it’s ever gonna stop hurting. He remembers her face, so shocked, so sad. Tears filled her eyes and she had hugged him, but she never answered. Now he knows why, because it doesn’t. It doesn’t stop. It never does.
And even now, when his mind was filled with bronze curls and a bright smile, filled with moles and warmth, he knew, he would never get a happy ending. Happily ever after wasn’t his destiny. How should it be? He had become a monster.
She asked me, "Son, when I grow old, will you buy me a house of gold?”
If his mother was here, he would do everything for her. Hand the moon again, if he needed to. Would rip his heart out, make her proud, prouder then anyone was ever before.
But she wasn’t here, and he was just a pathetic whimp, too scared to end his miserable existence.  
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keithjmurphy · 4 years
I Can't Believe I Said That # 1
It was the morning of the 7th of March 2013, me and Carla had arrived at the Coombe Maternity Hospital around 8am. Today Carla was getting induced and we were going to be parents for the first time. I worked nights so it was the first time I ever seen 8am on a clock, I was absolutely shattered. I kept saying how tired I was until Carla completely lost it and grabbed me saying "I'm about to push a human out of my vagina, I don't give a shit how tired you are".
At 9am they set us up in a delivery room where they plugged Carla into all these machines and checked her bloods and vitals. Then they checked on the baby, a big thumbs up from the nurse and everything was perfect.
They broke Carla's waters at 10:30am. Now call me optimistic, but I was expecting as soon as they broke her waters that the baby would come flying out on a surf board with a pair of sunglasses and a boombox on the shoulder listening to Thunderstruck. If you haven't had a baby yet, I'm sorry, as fecking cool as that sounds, that doesn't happen. What really happens is the clock starts ticking in slow motion, your stuck in this horrible white hospital room holding the hand of a woman who would love nothing more than to beat you to death with a shoe for putting her through this. And you can see how much discomfort this is for her so all you can do is put your head down and feel guilty as hell for doing this to her. And don't mistaken these nurses around you for the ones in a general hospital, because these nurses hate you just as much as your wife right now. And whatever you do, don't ask the nurse if she knows the score of the match while your wife is in the height of labour.
Carla decided weeks in advance that she wanted to have a natural birth, so when the nurse offered her the epidural she bravely declined. All around us you could hear new borns coming into the world. You could hear the nurses in other rooms screaming "push, go on push, great stuff, now one more big push", then followed by the soft cry of a new born baby. But then from the room next to us we heard something really disturbing, "Ahhhhh fucking hell. The fucking pain, I'm splitting in half. Please, please, ahhhhh, my fucking vagina, get me the fucking epidural". At this point Carla had gone completely white in the face, so I told her it's not too late for her to get the epidural and it's not going to make her any less brave if she does, so she decided it's best that she got it.
It was getting late in the evening now, and the contractions were getting painful. Carla had being stuck in the bed for nine hours now. The conversations can get very weird very quickly when your stuck in a delivery room that long. It started off great, we were talking about baby names, if it's a girl or boy, who the baby will look like. Then when the contractions get stronger it turns to "you should be lying here with a finger shoved up your c***". Then you got back to talking about how your going to decorate the baby room, the little football babygrow that you seen in the shops. Then another strong contraction kicks in and the chat turns to "I'm going to burn all your clothes in the wardrobe, then I'm going to burn those clothes your wearing, with you fucking in them".
At 8pm we had been in the delivery room for twelve hours. The nurse came in and asked Carla to lie on her side, that the baby keeps falling asleep and we need to keep it wake. I asked the nurse if she had any painkillers because the bright lights in the room was giving me a headache, she just pointed at my wife and said "are you for fucking real", then left the room. She never came back with the painkillers so she must have forgotten them.
The delivery ward was absolute carnage that night, it was during the height of the babyboom. The ratio of patients to nurses was about 9 to 1 on the ward, so they had these students brought in to sit in each room and to just keep an eye on things. At 8:35pm the student nurse said "I think its time, I'll go get the nurse".
Ten minutes later the student nurse came back in and said "The other nurses are busy, looks like we have to start without them". I grabbed Carla's hand and said "are you ready?", and she replied with a nervous nod. Then the student nurse said "okay dad, can you grab your wife's legs and hold them up", I turned and looked at her like a meerkat, "excuse me? I thought I was meant to hold her hand, stand by her side, staying up this end of the bed?". The nurse didn't bat an eyelid at me, "change of plan Dad, now grab those legs".
Now I'm not good when it comes to blood, sure I got a paper cut in school once and passed out, even on Halloween I couldn't stomach to dress up as a vampire, just couldn't do it. But here I am with Carla's legs up in the air, shes screaming in pain, the nurse is beside me saying "your doing great, push". I just kept my eyes on the ceiling, I picked a spot on the ceiling and I fucking stared at it until I was told to stop. The nurse was saying to me "look dad, shes crowning, theres babies head". I remember thinking "just get fucking babies head and body out then I'll look at it". My eyes eventually strayed onto the clock on the wall, it was four minutes to nine when the nurse said to Carla "come on one more big push", and Carla like the warrior she was gave one last big push, it was amazing, a beautiful baby born at exactly three minutes to nine.
Me and Carla had made a little deal with each other, if it's a boy then Carla names him, if it's a girl I name her. Then nurse looked at me and says "dad do you want to cut the umbilical cord" and completely running on adrenaline I said "not a hope in hell, you can do that", when she cut the umbilical cord the blood squirted up and hit the ceiling, I almost fainted, but then she said "it's a girl", and handed her to Carla. We were so emotional and overjoyed, just looking at this beautiful baby we created, this beautiful baby that literally just came out of Carla's body. Carla said to me it's a girl so you get to name her, I looked at Carla, then i looked at the blood on the ceiling and said "after all that, I think I'll leave the name to you".
The main nurse arrived into the room and said "congratulations mammy, shes gorgeous", she never even looked at me. Okay the baby is out you think that's it, nobody told us that you have to literally give birth to the afterbirth. A little baby cot was wheeled in and the baby went for a little clean down. The nurse told me "dad go get yourself a drink of water up the hall, mammy needs stitches", she didn't have to tell me twice.
I stood at the water cooler for ten minutes barely believing I was now a brand new father, it was a life changing experience. I remember saying to myself "that's it Keith, your now a man, you've got big responsibilities now and it's time to grow up. No more being selfish, you've got three mouths to feed now". I walked down the corridor with a new lease of life, my head was much higher and I walked prouder than ever. As I got to the door of the delivery room the nurse was coming out, "dad there is toast and tea in there", I looked in the door and seen it on the table, "no thanks I'm not that hungry", she looked back at me with fire in her eyes "it's not for you, it's for your wife you idiot", oh right, I knew that.
I got in and there they were sitting on the bed, Carla was holding the baby in her arms and they just looked beautiful. As I got to the bed Carla said "Look Emily, here comes daddy".
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only1jinyoung-blog · 7 years
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Grazia, September 2017 Issue
[Interview Cut]
Congratulations. On Hanteo’s Weekly chart, you ranked first. JB: Honestly, because it’s a unit that’s returning in 5 years, I paid a lot of attention to it. Rather than the results that are visible to the eyes, I am prouder to hear things like, “my heart is crying”, “the lyrics are good,” when people listen to the songs.
In this album, you’ve participated in the composition and/or lyric making of all tracks. JB: At first, it was merely the mindset that I/we have to work hard. But when we got down to actually doing it, the greed of “gotta make a good album” grew and as we went along preparations, I think we paid more attention to it. JY: There are many fans waiting for GOT7′s album but instead if we were to return with weird songs for a unit album, I would be apologetic. As GOT7′s representatives, we worked hard in order to make an album that does not cause harm or embarrass (the members). All these while, we’ve not participated in either the composition or the lyrics making of our title songs but in wanting to show that actually we are ‘people who can tell our own stories’, we worked together.
We met Mark last month and he strongly recommended JJ Project’s song. JB: Mark is currently JJ Project’s promoting king (laughs)
Listening to the album, I can feel that you’ve grown. I’m sure there has been a lot of changes in these 5 years? JB: I think I’ve been able to accept reality positively. In the past, I would insist on doing things my way but now I’ve been able to compromise to a certain extent?
You’ve become an adult.  JB: I’ve come to realize that not only my thoughts are the right ones. JY: I’ve become quieter compared to 5 years ago. Back then I spoke a lot but now I feel that it’s not necessary to talk a lot.
Is there any special reason behind that change? JY: Through various stuff, I’ve learn that ‘silence is the best medicine’. And unlike hyung, I’ve developed my own opinions. Back then, with an amateur mind, I was the type to accept others’ opinion but now I’ve realized the need to express my opinions too. As I developed my skills, slowly I began developing thing/traits of my own.
When do you feel ‘I’ve aged’? JB: Lately, as we head to music shows, there are many new (rookie) friends. When we look at their staged and we don’t go ‘wah so sauve’ but instead say ‘it’s really refreshing’. that’s when I realized I’ve grown older.
The trait that is unique to rookies is the overflowing passion, isn’t it? JB: I see that now. We too work hard when we stand on stage but I think the feeling is a little different. I thought that I did it with ease/in a relaxed manner when I was a rookie but to anyone else, that look alone was ‘Why is that kid doing it with so much force?” (laughs) JY: It’s the same for me too. When I see rookies stand on stage with their extremely bright selves, I feel the same way but on the other hand, I think ‘Ah these friends are going to regret this in 5 years.”
Why would they regret it (laughs) JY: After 5 years, those things will, in a way, be their shameful past*. No matter what you do, it looks a little overboard. Just like what we feel. *Shameful past meaning things that you would be embarrassed of when you look back on your past. 
At the same time of the album release, you opened an exhibition of the same name with the photos you took and the words you wrote. JB: I’ve always like reading and taking photos and when the company suggested it, I thought let’s try doing it. But still, I feel pressured. My skills are still not of a level adequate enough to be opening an exhibition.
Out of the captions that each of you wrote for the exhibition, is there any that left an impression? JY: There is one that hyung wrote that sounded like he was having a conversation with me; “Time passes really quickly huh, Jinyoung-ah?’. I got real shocked seeing that. I thought, ‘Hyung with this type of tone?” Haha.  JB: I was shocked seeing that caption too. It’s true that it is something I wrote but it was revised slightly. The original was “A time of 5 years have passed. Time passes by quickly Jinyoung-ah.”
The original is pretty open/direct. JY: Yes. But it transformed into a really sweet feel. JB: I too thought, “It’s the same meaning but why does this sound so sweet?” Because I decided to write (the captions) for the exhibition calmly. JY: The concept of this exhibition is ‘8th grade syndrome’*. So that everything can be taken lightly and enjoyably. JB: But I became a sweet guy overnight. Of course it means the same thing but there is a subtle (difference) in the nuance. *8th grade syndrome is the puberty stage where adolescents act out.
Therefore, which of Jinyoung’s caption left an impression on you? JB: In the scene/photo where I’m walking while looking at my phone, he wrote “There is a reason even if he’s looking at the ground.” I wasn’t looking at the ground but I was looking at my phone. I remember it because it didn’t fit the picture. JY: I wrote it like that on purpose. When people at their phone, they go around with their heads down. (The caption) meant that (the lowering heads) did not mean that there are was no energy/strength but everything has a reason to it. JB: The other one would be a picture of the sky and a barley field. He wrote “Sjy and barley, ah I’m thirsty” randomly. It was so funny hahaha.
Looks like not everything was written with an intention/meaning. JY: If everything was serious then there would be no fun in it. JB: We included random captions here and there. We wanted to share it enjoyably with the fans.
The title song for this album, ‘Tomorrow, Today’ is a song that talks about youth’s concern. What kind of concerns are the two of you having lately? JB: On which path to take, on how to be my own self- I think it’s always the same things. I also think of what to eat every day. A very light concern (laughs)
Don’t you have food that you like? JB: Of course I do. But I don’t experience things like I have to definitely eat a certain food, or craving for a certain food.
Alright, let’s now confirm that with Jinyoung who is always by his side. JY: This really... (looking at JB) Hyung, can I talk about this? I’m going to be honest about this (laughs). When we’re ordering food, hyung definitely say that he’s not eating. But just in case, I’ll order 2 servings and then he’ll come over and go “Is there food?”. There’s nothing that he would specifically like to eat but if we order, he will eat. Even if he says he’s not hungry. JB: Even if I do want to order, there are so many varieties on the menu. I honestly can’t choose. Since there’s nothing that I specifically want to eat. JY: Hyung has got to see it in real life in order to choose. JB: I can’t think of a menu (to eat) so I’ll say that I won’t eat but if I smell food. I get hungry. So I creep up. JY: Then I was naturally take out (his share). (laughs).
Looking at how long you spend overseas, don’t you get desperate for Korean food even if you don’t usually like it? JB: I eat Korean food even when I’m overseas (laughs). I’m a real Korean food mania so I must always have soup and jjigae (stew).
So what is Jinyoung’s concern as of late? JY: Although this may sound funny, I try my best to prevent my voice from cracking. There are many instances where we do rehearsals in the morning when our throats have not even warmed up. There are many singers watching so my greatest concern is in getting through that without cracking my voice.
That seems like a definite concern for singers. JY: Hyung has a great tone and he sings well but I have a rather low tone and I tend to strain my throat when singing high (notes) so it’s hard every morning. But because I stress about not cracking my voice in front of other people, it’s even harder.
Have you not been able to find a resolution for that? JY: There’s something. When I’m singing a high note, I pull my mic away as far as I can and pretend to sing. Hahaha
Can we include this is the interview (laughs) JY: It’s something I do only during rehearsals. I do well during the actual performance. JB: My voice cracks from time to time too. Even yesterday’s rehearsal too.. (laughs) JY: Hyung, you were really amazing yesterday.
Did something happen at rehearsals yesterday? JB: I sang a part and my voice cracked each time I sang it. JY: Hyung was so taken aback that when we ended, he said “Hello” instead of “Thank you for the hard work”. JB: Honestly, to singers, our throats is our most important instrument but even if we did the exact same thing at the same time, even if we sleep the same, our condition always differ. Therefore there are days when my voice cracks and there are days when it doesn’t. I used to get really stressed about it but now I just laugh it off. What can I do about something that has already happened? I just tell myself to do better next time. Thankfully I did well during the actual performance yesterday.
Is Jinyoung blood type A by any chance? JB: I’m type A. Jinyoung is O.
That’s unexpected. JB: For type A, we are unexpectedly optimistic when a huge accident/incident happens. But we keep worrying about the small things. JY: Cracking you voice in front of people is no small matter. JB: If I made an embarrassing mistake, I keep looking at it until I get used to it. And once I get used to it, I don’t want to be reminded of it again. So I put in effort in order not to make the same mistake.
What if you were faced with a choice? Are you the type to not have any regrets on the choice you did not make? JB: It differs depending on situation. And I think the feeling of regret is dependent on how important it is. Rather than saying I barely have any regrets, if my choice turns to be a mistake, I will just look back and say “let’s not make this kind of mistake again.” JY: For me, I’m the type to push forward with my choice and then turn back to have a look later on.
You’re the type to focus on your current choice, huh? JY: Because it’s something I already committed myself to and the ending is something I have to do/create. After that, I’ll ponder as to why I did it the way I did.
Is there a choice that you did you not make that left you with a lingering feeling? JB: I do think I should have worked a little harder back then, that it would have been great if I had this mind-set back when I was younger. JY: I’m the opposite of hyung. During trainee period, I came to Seoul and I didn’t have any friends so I practiced so much. I was not relaxed at all. It would have been nice if I took it easier and met up with friends. Back then I had a lot of concerns and because of the pressure to succeed. I didn’t close to my trainee friends.
The two of you have a history of being joint winners for the trainee open auditions with the same song. After that, you’ve been together for 8 years, is this fate? JB: There’s also another (type of) fate apart from that. Actually we were supposed to audition separately but the last contest in which we perform as a team, it was the company that paired us up. Ever since then we’ve been continuously together. JY: I spend my trainee period with hyung (in trying to see) who’s better and who’s superior. Then we did a drama together, debuted together, did GOT7 together. That’s how we spend the last 7-8 years.
 And I think that made your existence different (from others) to each other. JY: There’s trust. JB: Since we know what the other likes and dislikes, we don’t really collide into one another. We have a consideration for each other. JY: For me, in a relationship between people, I think the most important thing is not doing what the other person dislikes, rather than doing what that person likes. Because we already know what the other dislikes, we are considerate of each other.
What was your first impression of each other? JB: What should I say? Jinyoung was like this really clear, clean, pure water.
Is there any of that image left in him (laughs) JY: People change, it’s been 8 years. JB: No matter how clear the water is... (laughs) Rather than changing for the worst, I think he’s become a little more adept in keeping that image as it is.
How about Jaebeom’s first impression? JY: Really in the best sense of the word, I think he was like a ‘player’*. If I’m to compare to that time, he’s living more fiercely now but in the beginning he had this ease to him. *It means he had time/ freedom/ease in his life.
When do you think that the both of you match each other best? JB: We definitely match well in our usual times but we match really well when we’re working too. When we’re doing something together regardless of what it is, it gets done cleanly and efficiently.
What is something about the other person that hasn’t changed despite time passing? JY: From the first time I met hyung up till now, he has always like music. I’m saying that it’s time for you to change now (laughs). JB: Jinyoung has that feel of a man who lives right. It’s not that he has to live right deliberately. I think he’s just born like that.
When were you the most genuinely happy recently? JY: When JJ Project’s album were released. I received the album because I had to sign on them and the albums came out really well so I liked it. JB: Um... I’m not someone who feels great or happy well. Of course I felt great when the album were released though.
When what makes Jaebeom happy? JB: I don’t know. I just live life easily. I don’t live to feel happiness. I just think “Well life is just life”; I don’t think I’m someone who puts a huge meaning to it.
Again, we’ll need Jinyoung’s report. As someone who watches him by his side, when does Jaebeom seem happy? JY: When he’s watching funny videos on YouTube? Just yesterday he was laughing so much by himself; turns out he was watching videos of the rapper Desiigner and laughing so much. He sincerely looked happy at that time. 
Recently you asked GOT7 member Yugyeom for a one-liner comment on Verse 2. I’m asking the same question here. JB: A masterpiece. According to my standards, it is a masterpiece that was well produced. With the creation of every album, I work to make sure it turns out well but this album is a little more special. Compared to other albums, I participated a lot in this and as much as the hard work we put in, I like the track order and the album design as well. JY: I have no regrets. That feeling of putting my all in it. There was no relaxed (feeling) in making it together but it was a good time. I have no regrets. JB: Now when this (promotion) wraps up, we’ll have to work hard in making GOT7′s album too.
GGOONERR_ | haetbitmark
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