#but that bitch would have been so into simon and garfunkel
daftmooncretin · 1 month
big bummer that lestat slept through the 60s… like rip king you should have fucked simon and garfunkel
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Couldn't post the "Paul losing his fertility" gifset without also making "Art is dying from an incurable disease," my beloved.
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uk4yy · 2 years
what kind of music do you think the face family listens to (individually) ?
for me i think matthew listens to a lot of kpop (he's a kpop stan okay... especially girl groups) but that's basically it <3
ive been waiting for the day that someone would ask this so here are (in no particular order) their top 6 albums
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arthur's music in my mind is probably the least diverse genre wise. lots of rock/alt/indie but you can also find artists like Mika, Kurt Vile, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Against Me! and The Pretenders. he's really interested in finger picking and bass/guitar interactions in music. basically he cant listen to anything he cant relate to lol
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francis is a mix of old and new school. he likes music with string/brass instruments, jazz influence, orchestral story telling albums and Beyonce lol he'll listen to his favourite operas like Pagliacci and La Bohème but other stuff you can find in his library are things like Rina Sawayama, Kimbra, and Rihanna.
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as a bonus i was thinking about what music francis and arthur would mutually like since their taste can be radically different. and because im a stupid bitch ive decided that they like these specific albums because of how gushy and romantic some of them are 🥺💕 arthur can appreciate most of his music (because he can appreciate any artist with thoughtful compositions and a good grasp on their craft and instruments) but francis cant stand most of his rock/punk (its too brutish but he gets why he likes it) but the two share a mutual love for fingerpickers like Haley Heynderickx, Simon and Garfunkel, and Lucius + fun alt/pop/new wave oldies like FUN, Modern Day English, Tears For Fears and The Cure.
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alfred's taste is fun, nothing too sad but not necessarily listening to pop bangers all the time. he also loves jazz/funk/r&b/soul and his musical diversity comes from his immense love for movie soundtracks so things like the Scott Pilgrim Soundtrack, Mamma Mia, Dream Girls, Inside Llewn Davis, disney soundtracks in general, etc. he LOVES bluegrass and folk like Johnny Cash, Woody Guthrie, John Denver, the Carolina Chocolate Drops and he'll FIGHT if you call that genre country. he'll basically listen to anything that sounds good or gets him grooving
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im inclined to believe you when you say matt likes girl groups but i dont know enough about it to really say 😔 but in my mind matt loves white boy rap, shoegaze and he's got a passion for 80s pop. his music taste is pretty diverse and other stuff you can find in his library are Sophie, Wednesday Campanella, Japanese Breakfast, Alt-J and Vampire Weekend.
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then for these losers they obviously have a shared love for air guitar/prague rock/hair metal, pop punk and weeb music. they know every single word to Fergalicious, Glamorous by Fergie, Aint No Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani and Promiscuous Girl by Nelly Furtado and any other 2000s pop hit banger.
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servin-up-surveys · 2 years
survey #071
Have you ever had a teacher you got really close with? Oh yes, many. I was honestly pretty much always the "teacher's pet," but not in the snobby/suck-up sorta way. I was genuinely just a good student. Why did you fall for the last person romantically? This fucker never, ever gave up on me. He has always, always believed in and wanted the best for me. Can you speak in a different language conversationally; if so, which language? I can speak very basic German. I'm a lot worse than I used to be, though; back in high school, I honestly think I could've gone to Germany and survived in all basic interactions, but now I would definitely struggle. I'm not awful, though. Do you ever fear of falling asleep? Yes, because of my nightmares. What kind of cookie is your favorite? Just basic gooey chocolate chip is perfect.
What type of underwear do you prefer your preferred sex to wear? No preference for guys really, but I'm not gonna bullshit NOBODY and fully confess I am an Ass bitch with women and thongs are fuckin fire lmao. Was your hair a different color when you were a baby than it is, now? Yes; I was dirty blonde as a baby/young kid. Do you plan on carving a pumpkin anytime soon? Yes! Girt and I are gonna do this super cute and simple cat face I found. You can have a milkshake right now. What flavor do you choose? I think I'm feelin' vanilla right now. Have you ever given someone flowers? My mom. I wanna get Girt some for his birthday since I couldn't on our anniversary. Are there any lamps on in the room that you’re currently in? Yeah. The little guitar lamp I have stays on, even though it's useless 'til it gets dark. Do you have any concerts coming up? CRIES it was apparently only a rumor that Rammstein were announcing more US tour dates this month so PROBABLY NOT Do you like group work? Absolutely not. I hated it so much and operated better alone so much that teachers that knew me well would occasionally just let me work alone. Do you listen to Nirvana? Nowhere near regularly. I do have like, four songs on my iPod, though. Have your friends ever not wanted you to be with someone? Yes. Ever suffer from amnesia? Yes, after I passed out and got my concussion. At first I barely remembered anything, and now even still today I don't remember hitting the floor, something I'm honestly grateful for. I just remember getting dizzy and trying to get out of the shower to sit down. Have you ever picked out a song to listen to on a juke box? I don't think so. When’s the last time you were genuinely freaked out? Last night; there was knocking and ringing of the doorbell past like, 9 PM. Thank god it was just my sister, I hadn't had a clue she was stopping by here. Does anyone in your house own a gun? No, that wouldn't be legal with me as a resident with my mental health history. Do you assign different ringtones to certain people? No. I never even have my phone off of vibrate. Favorite way to eat a potato? (i.e. french fries, mashed potatoes…) French fries. Are there any song covers that you think are better than the original? Three absolutely worth noting: Johnny Cash's "Hurt" cover (originally Nine Inch Nails), Disturbed's version of "The Sound of Silence" (originally Simon & Garfunkel), and Bad Wolves' rendition of "Zombie" (originally The Cranberries). Have you ever cried in a movie theater? Not sobbed, but yes. Have you ever had "a day at the spa?" Yeah, with Colleen. I don't like going though and only went to chill and chat as friends. I'd never go alone. Have you ever been told off for swearing at school/work? No. Has anyone let you down recently? Eh, yeah. Where was the last place you thought about having sex, other than your bed? I have no idea, I haven't thought about going that far not in a bed in an extremely long time. Do you own a skateboard? Nope. What are the initials of the last person you kissed? DM. What is something you want but can't afford to buy? A new, good phone is a big wish right now. Do you usually eat wheat bread or white bread, or are you gluten-free? Wheat. Was anyone rude to you today? No. Which lost friend do you most wish you could be friends with again? Megan. It's weird to say when she lied so much about herself that I barely know who she really is and what was a pity party disguise. What is your town known for? Crime, honestly. Its nickname literally has "Murder" in the name, for apt reasons. Literally recently an unhinged motherfucker stabbed an old woman he didn't even know with a machete close by here. Do you think you would be happier if you had more money? That is a motherfucking solid FACT. It wouldn't magically heal my depression I'm sure and I'd still deal with sadness, but I would ABSOLUTELY be in a better fucking position. What was the last thing you purchased off of Etsy? Girt's anniversary present template, called "Vitamin Me." It was a medicine container of adorable little pills that you open to reveal a little note you write yourself. He absolutely loved it and called it the nicest thing anyone's ever gotten him. ;_; <3 Is there a Target near you? Yeah, barely like two-ish minutes away. Where did your Christmas tree come from? Uh, good question. PROBABLY Wal-Mart. Have you ever been to Costco? No, I don't think they're around here. Do/did you have to wear a uniform to your high school? Nope; we only had uniforms in middle school. HATED it with a goddamn passion. How many video games do you own? Oh a whole lot, idk. We have a big ol' case of discs. Have you ever been to a casino? If so, which one(s)? Nope. Gambling is not something I ever plan on fucking with. Do you like the name Cindy for a girl? No, especially because I associate it with Colleen's bitch of a mother. How many sets of keys do you have for your house? Uh, I'm not sure. Mom obviously has one and so do I, my sisters have one... and probably Tobey, since she's the landlord. Maybe more. What brand is your laptop or computer? It's an Acer. Do you know anyone who has Parkinson’s disease? Not that I know of. Do you use Instagram? How often do you post there? Yeah, but I barely post anything. I'm THINKING of making a personal one, but idk. What’s your favourite place to get pizza? Domino's, IF it's not an absolute garlic fest. Sometimes it's just too much. How many times have you been to the beach? Idk, a lot, honestly. We used to go like, once a year or so for dance competitions at Myrtle Beach. Have you ever had a scary encounter with a wild animal? No. What’s the most expensive restaurant you’ve ever eaten at? To just be completely realistic considering the location and cuisine, it was probably the Italian place we went to for Sara's birthday when I was up there. My picky ass didn't like anything, ha ha, EXCEPT this lil lava cake-like dessert we had with a raspberry sauce, holy fuck that shit was incredible. Who will you be spending Christmas with this year? Same people as always: my family and my sister's in-laws. I definitely hope I get to see Girt and his family around that time, too. Did you go to high school with your current best friend? I sure did, even though it was only for one year because I was a freshman and he was a senior. Who is the person you dislike the most? Colleen, my sister's husband Nick, my disowned uncle, and I go back and forth with Sara... Do you take part in paying the bills for your household? No, because I don't have a source of income. Whenever I do though, I absolutely will. What is your favourite way to eat rice? I actually really like Mexican rice with the cheese sauce they use at the restaurants I've been to. I really enjoy pork fried rice, too. Do you watch YouTube videos often? Literally every day through most of the day. How do you usually celebrate New Years? Mom and I sometimes get some drinks, but not always. We didn't this year. Have you ever seen an emu in real life, whether in captivity or the wild? I don't believe I have, actually. What’s your father’s handwriting like? It looks very much like a man wrote it, ha ha. It's kinda like, blocky and all the letters are capitalized. Did you wash your hair last time you showered? I wash my hair every time I shower. It gets greasy too quickly not to. Have you ever waxed your eyebrows? Yeah, I used to get them waxed at my hairdresser's shop. I don't anymore. Do you listen to Guns 'N Roses? Not regularly, but I like a good chunk of songs. I think I want "Sweet Child O' Mine" by them to be my father/daughter dance. Have you ever been a bridesmaid? Yes, for my older sister. I was actually supposed to be one for my half-sister Misty's wedding too, but it wasn't something we could make it to because at that time my mother was receiving chemo. Do you think you have a “black sheep” in your family and who? Oh, that is absolutely me. What is your worst relationship quality? Probably that I'm too emotional. Do you like The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air? I watched and liked it as a kid. Are you always the banker when you play Monopoly? No, because I'm very bad with math and I can even make mistakes with very basic stuff. Who do you think is the most beautiful person in the world? Hm, idk. What’s the most expensive gift you’ve ever received? Probably when Jason got me a Sager gaming laptop. They're not fucking cheap. Would you ever want to be famous? I honestly wouldn't mind being a famous photographer, really just because I don't think SUPER famous photographers dealing with paparazzi and shit even exist. It'd be a subtle kind of fame, I think, which I could probably handle. When was the last time someone physically hurt you? It was just a super minor thing, but Oakley (my sister's chocolate lab) nicked my toe yesterday when Ryder got her riled up running back and forth through the house. She's a big dog and not even full grown. Do insects freak you out? Some do, yeah, but I want to put extreme emphasis on NONE of it is justified and insects are just as welcome on this earth as humans. They are vital. Do you like kiwi fruit? I love kiwi. Do you really hate losing? I really don't care. Everyone deserves their time in the limelight and I am just fine with my turn not being right then. Do you have a moustache? No. I get some dark hairs on my upper lip that I shave, but I definitely don't have a real moustache. Do you like going to museums? Yes, I love going! Well... not so much these days because all the walking would fuckin kill me, but otherwise yeah, art and science museums are especially bomb. Would you hate working in an office? No, an in-office job is one of the very few I could probably handle... if I didn't have to answer a phone. But you need fucking experience and a college education for anything like that. Can you run fast? I can't run. I was pretty average in speed as a child, though. Did you like Thomas the Tank Engine when you were a kid? I did, actually. When was the last time you were in a taxi? Never. What’s your vice? Soda. I don't drink much of it anymore thank god, but boy am I capable of drinking WAY too much. I also crave it a lot. Do you like the color yellow? Yellow is actually one of my least-favorite colors. You’re getting a custom-made hat. What do you want it to look like? Uhhhh probably a Silent Hill 2 dog ending reference; it's a running joke ending in the series that a shiba inu named Mira is sitting at a desk pushing levers and pushing buttons and shit controlling all that happens in the town, and James (the protagonist) finds her and exclaims in Japanese, "So it was all your work!" It's amazing, ha ha. It'd kinda just be a lil joke that she's controlling what's going on up there in my head, lol. I actually DO want a tattoo of her and the quote on the back of my neck one day, being just below my head. Who is the last person to call you "sweetheart?" Probably Girt. Are your eyebrows thick/thin/or basically nonexistent? I think they're pretty average, honestly. Are there any Disney celebrities that you actually don’t mind? Off the top of my head, Hilary Duff was always a well-behaved, good person. Ya nevrer heard a bad thing about her. The old, or the new Alice in Wonderland? Oh, absolutely Burton's version. What would you like on your taco? I hate tacos. Have you ever seen The Wizard of Oz? Oh, of course! My younger sister was obsessed. I didn't like it though because the witch scared me (I had a lot of nightmares about her), as did the tornado scene. What’s your mother’s favorite movie? Oh damn, I actually don't know. Why isn’t there any mentioning of dinosaurs in the Bible? Because the Bible is deranged bullshit written before dinosaurs were proven (emphasis on "proven") to exist. Where was the last place you worked? A Food Lion deli. When was the last time you crossed state lines? Where did you go and why did you go? Lake Gaston in Virginia to celebrate my niece's birthday a couple years ago. [TMI] When was the last time you had sex/did something sexual? How was it? "Stuff" happened like... a week ago? Whenever the last time Girt was here. I'm not going into graphic detail about my sex life but it was fine. What was the last color you dyed your hair? It's currently purple. It was supposed to be a light lilac, but my hair is a pain in the fucking ass to color. It SHOULD fade towards that, though. When did you last try something new (i.e., a new food, a new activity, picked up a new hobby, etc.)? I tried Pizza Hut's pan jalapeno pizza tonight. It was pretty good. Who was the last person you know to have something big happen to them (i.e., get engaged/married, have a baby, etc.)? A family I've taken pictures for since the couple were taking engagement shots is expecting another baby girl next year! I'm immensely thankful for them since they frequently had me take pictures for them for various events (even their wedding), so they were super supportive of my dreams. Do you ever do these surveys with your SO? No. What’s the most shocking thing you’ve ever found out about someone that you know personally? My dad did drugs pretty badly before he and Mom had kids. Something you were surprised to learn about your parent’s childhood? Ummm I don't know about "childhood." My mom was disowned and excommunicated from her church for getting pregnant out of wedlock, but she was an adult. Do you store any non-food items in the fridge? No. We do have rats in the freezer though for my snake; I am against live feeding of rodents to reptiles unless they LITERALLY just won't take it dead. Have you ever destroyed another person’s belongings out of anger? Absolutely not. Which pain killer do you use? Usually Ibuprofen. Have you ever borrowed underwear from a friend? What the fuck, no. That's disgusting, I don't care how many times they were washed. Have you ever really stayed up all night to do homework? Ugh, just about. Fucking ridiculous. Do any of your relatives not have home Internet? Yep, my sister. Everyone uses data. Something you taught yourself how to do? The first thing that came to mind was to edit videos in Sony Vegas pretty all right.
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gobbluthbutagirl · 2 years
so first of all it is 90 degrees today and yet somehow i was able to walk to work in a leather jacket and not perish. epic loss for “dry heat is worse than humid heat” truthers. second i got there and hr guy was smiling at me like this:
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so i knew something was up. and he was like, “hi holly…we have a spill we need you to clean up.” and i was like for the love of christ i’m not even clocked in yet. and then the spill turned out to be a half-full lemonade that some bastard had set down on the shelf which had then ASPLODED and damaged no fewer than 6 items. and then it turns out the lead who would have done my annual review that was supposed to be done 3 days ago isn’t even here today and won’t be here tomorrow either and then i won’t be here friday or saturday. and well let’s just say if you happen to see an extremely unfunny tiktok in the near future that involves bitches yelling “you’re my son!” “you’re my mother!” and was clearly filmed in a horrible target well that’s not just any horrible target. that’s MY horrible target specifically. and they did like 1000 takes. they were in there for like 2 hours. and we were not allowed to kick them out. and guests were asking me, “is it always like this in here?” and i was having to reply, “yes unfortunately.” and THEN guess what:
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that is neither simon nor garfunkel, who dedicated gobbluthbutagirl dot tumblr dot com readers may remember were previously the only two living handbaskets in our store. that is a third unnamed handbasket which we now have because some guy brought it back to us after his neighbor apparently stole it and threw it away in the trash at their apartment complex. so basically “what a shift, huh?” “lemon you’ve been here two hours”
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hunflowers · 4 years
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Word Count: 8k
Requested? Nope, but you always can here :)
Mood Board
A/N: Yay, 70s! Harry is here :D I love it and I hope you do too my loves. And quick note, the song Cecilia by Simon & Garfunkel is basically the anthem of this piece, (*ahem* note the title) so maybe give it a listen while reading or before or after, whatever works! *nose boops*
Murder is the biggest extreme anyone could ever commit. It’s crazy to ever want to kill someone, to wrap your hands around someone’s throat, to stab them in the heart or the back, or maybe put a bullet between their eyes.
It’s extreme.
Yet, Y/N had every urge to murder Harry.
Her night was going just fine. It was going exactly how she wanted, and it was going to end exactly how she wanted. Danny was a super nice guy, a super handsome guy, and was exactly who she wanted between her legs in just a few hours time.
Fleetwood Mac was blaring over the speakers of the crowded club and Y/N was enjoying her third beer of the night as Danny held himself against her, placing sloppy kisses up the side of her neck while she circled her bottom against his groin. 
It was going extremely well until Danny said he was going to get himself another drink. Then the moment one body left her, another soon joined. One, that wouldn’t leave her alone.
“Harry! Back off!” Y/N groaned, pushing his hands off her hips. She noticed him earlier in the night when she and Danny walked in but she quickly avoided any contact with him the moment her eyes laid on him, praying to herself that he never spots her.
Clearly, luck wasn’t on her side when the curly-haired, green-eyed nuisance looked down at her with that infamous smirk. “You should be happy to see me. I’m here to save y’life.”
“Save my life? By cock blocking me?” She huffed, trying to step around him but was stopped when he grabbed her by the waist and turned her back to his front. The button-front of his white shirt was held together by two buttons near the bottom, his revealed chest pressed to the skin of her back as his jeans rubbed friction against the soft material of her skirt.
“He could be a serial killer for all you know. Plus, I’m practically begging you to have my cock, so what do you need his for?” He murmured into her ear, slowly starting to sway themselves to the rhythm of the song playing. Y/N could feel the growing tent in his jeans as they rocked, her breath slightly hitching in her throat when she thought about all of their past… adventures with one another. But that’s all it was; their past.
Y/N saw Harry more often than not, but the last time they had sex was well over a month ago, and she figured he’d get the hint by this point that she wasn’t interested anymore. He’s made it obvious that he wasn’t done with her, but she doesn’t settle for too long and she needs a new taste every so often. And she’s young, she doesn’t have this desire to situate herself with one man no matter how desperate he acts. 
Licking her lips and turning her head to her right to meet his eyes, their noses slightly sweep together as their breaths mingle over one another. “You’re old news, H, get real,” she hissed, her eyes raking over his features as he looks past her and into the deep crowd of the dance floor ahead of them. When she moved to remove herself from his grip, he held her back, one of his hands coming up to the back of her head and pressing his mouth down onto hers in a heated kiss.
She almost got lost in it, and almost let him have his way as she could feel her panties dampen the moment his tongue slipped past her lips. But then she heard, “Y/N?” and her mind reeled her back into reality and she pushed away from Harry in a second, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand as she looked to Danny who held a confused look in his eyes before he scoffed and turned back around.
“Wait!” She called, quickly turning around to Harry and sneering at him, “You saw him there didn’t you? Leave me the fuck alone.” And without even thinking about it she poured the remainder of her beer over his pants, dropping the bottle at his feet before running off to try and amend what she could with Danny.
When she finally pushed past the final group of bodies and made it outside into the warm Spring night air, she spotted Danny storming over to his car at the end of the parking lot, ignoring her pleas to stop walking. He looked over his shoulder one final time and shook his head before getting into his burnt orange Cadillac Eldorado and speeding off and away from her. Y/N let out a whine, stomping her platform heel into the ground.
Ever since she saw him stroll into her sociology class at the beginning of the semester she knew she wanted him. Not for long, but at least for one memorable night. Every class she noticed the way his eyes raked up the length of her legs and landed on her chest beneath the fabric of her shirts, so it was obvious he wanted her just as bad. But she had a serious roach problem, and she was moments away from snapping completely and snapping his neck.
Marching over to the nearest payphone, she called her roommate to come pick her up with a series of pleas and bargains since it was nearly one in the morning, and unfortunately for her roommate, she has an early morning Friday class. She didn’t expect to be stranded at this hour and she didn’t bring enough cash for a cab ride home. It’s not like Sarah would say no to her, but she sure as hell wasn’t happy about it either.
Sitting herself down on the curb below her, Y/N stretched out her legs in front of her, pulling a cigarette from her purse and her yellow lighter, putting the stick between her lips and inhaling the nicotine as she drew the flame against the tip. She was getting real sick of Harry thinking he could swoop in whenever he deemed necessary. Where was all this affection when they first started seeing each other? He was the one who pushed her away and turned her into who she is. He was the one that told her college and her early adulthood was about indulging in as many people as she can before she had to settle her life away. And now he changed his mind? 
Well, tough shit.
She was tempted to storm back in there and curse him out and knee him where the sun doesn’t shine, but truth be told, she wouldn’t even handle seeing his face again without seeing red or breaking down. This wasn’t the first time he crashed a date of hers, and she just couldn’t understand why he was so insistent on chasing her down. She doesn’t even understand how he always knows where she is, and if he shows up again she’s filing for a restraining order.
They met last year, right around this time when Sarah’s boyfriend, Mitch brought him over to their apartment for a little party. And before he came crashing into her life, she had herself somewhat together, in a happy relationship with her boyfriend of a few months. People like Harry that sleep around with anyone they can were never anyone she interested herself in hanging around. Then he swooped her off her feet, coaxing her to break up with her uptight boyfriend to live her free life, and eventually into his bed. 
Y/N told herself that was going to be the only time, because Harry was bad news, and everyone knew that, and she knew better than to get caught up in his messy life. But, he’s one hell of a sweet talker and whenever he was near she just knew she’d end up right back in his bed after getting out of it that same morning. Then she wanted more and he didn’t. And for some odd reason, the roles have reversed and she couldn’t be bothered to be in a relationship anymore. Especially with him.
Sucking the last bit of her remaining cigarette into her mouth, she dropped it to the street, stomping on it with her heel, picturing it to be Harry’s face instead. She’d already been out here for about fifteen minutes, and she’s surprised he hasn’t come running after her with his drenched pants. She saw his familiar light pink Plymouth sitting across the street, images of them together in the backseat flashing across her eyes before she closes her eyes and shakes her head as if rattling her brain will cause the memories to fly from her skull.
Noticing Sarah at the red light down the road, Y/N stood up, brushing the debris off her skirt and legs, crossing her arms over her chest with a pout as she sulked in tonight’s failure. When Sarah pulled up to the curb, Y/N opened the door, and as if she wasn’t being punished already, she heard Sarah say, “Hi, Harry.”
Snapping her head over her shoulder to the entrance of the bar behind her, Harry was walking out, car keys in his hand as his other ruffled his short curls. Then a petite blonde trailed after him, tripping over her own feet as a giggle left her thin lips, her nails digging into the skin of his arm as she steadied herself. Y/N’s jaw snapped shut after she realized it had dropped open at the sight, her eyebrows furrowing as she imagined stomping on Harry’s foot just like she did with the cigarette butt.
“Oh, so you get to fuck someone, but I can’t?”
“Hey, I wouldn’t waste your time on him! It’s really small, and he lasts maybe two minutes tops before he passes out,” she called to the blonde who’s smile wiped from her face in an instant. She scoffed, pushing Harry away from her before leaving his side and heading back in the busy bar. Y/N’s sure she’ll find someone else better and more suiting.
Harry looked to Y/N in disbelief and then to the spot next to him that’s now vacant, and then to Sarah who was rapidly beeping her horn to get her roommate into the car. “What the fuck was that?”
“Karma’s a bitch, asshole,” Y/N sneers, hopping into the car and telling Sarah to step on it.
What goes around, simply comes around.
❊ ❊
A week had gone by and, this time Y/N, Sarah, Mitch, and a few more friends were out. It was a celebratory night that finals week had finally been completed, and a few of them were due for graduation. 
Unfortunately for Y/N, Harry had been strung along for the night as well, but this time around, they were both ignoring each other for the sake of not being thrown out of the bar. When she saw his face pull up outside in his oh so precious car, it took everything in her to not fake an illness and go home. 
There was something about his smug face greeting her friends that had her knocking back shots of tequila quicker than she could blink. They also have some unspoken challenge going on as they continuously flirted their way around the copious amounts of young men and women, eyeing the other to see if they were watching. 
Y/N had actually noticed Danny in the crowd on the dance floor, worming her way over to him to say hello and to see if he still hated her. When she saw him in sociology the last few classes he avoided her when she sat down a few seats from him, and she couldn’t help but feel a little hurt at his now evident rejection. But, with alcohol running in both of their systems she hoped he had changed his mind even just for the one night.
Danny looked to her with a bored expression, hardly listening to a thing she had to say before interrupting her little spiel with a scoff, “Y/N, he told me everything and I don’t want to hear it.”
She froze up at that, pulling her head back in confusion as her brows scrunched together. “What do you mean, told you everything?”
“Look, I’m not a rebound okay? If you wanted to have sex because you like me, cool, I’m down; but I’m not having sex with you just to make him jealous or some shit. I got better things to do, sorry,” and then he patted her on the shoulder before walking away and out of her sight. 
Completely dumbfounded and embarrassed to have been rejected so publicly, Y/N turned on her heel and walked back to the table that her friends were sat at, a puzzled looking face nestled on her features. But, when she made eye contact with Harry who had his eyes dead set on her over the brim of his beer bottle, a little smirk peaking out and taunting her, she stomped over and slammed her hands down on the table in front of him, jolting the whole table to look at her. Harry was hardly fazed, leaning back in his chair with his arms crossed over his chest. 
“What the fuck did you tell him?” She gritted out, leaning her face close to his. 
Again, he hardly had a reaction, jutting his tongue out to lick his lips. “Tell who, what?”
Huffing at his nonchalant attitude, she pulled on the collar of his printed shirt, their noses grazing. If she weren’t so angry, she’d say this was a pretty intimate moment as they kept their eyes locked on one another, their breaths mingling together as their mouths were only centimetres apart. In all honesty, they forgot they had friends just seats apart from them ogling the situation with worry.
To them, it looked like Y/N was about to twist his head in a full one-eighty. 
“Don’t play dumb with me, Styles! You’re not my father, stop trying to act like it,” she spat, pushing him back aggressively against his chair and storming away, again. If anything, she was more mad at the fact that she let him get under her skin again. She should just go up to any guy she chooses and kiss him hard on the lips to prove a point - but instead she’s biting her lip to refrain from screaming into the night and letting the pesky tears welling up in her eyes fall onto her skin. 
The bar wasn’t too far from her apartment this time, and she’d rather walk than ruin Sarah’s night anymore than she already did because of her dramatic ways. Not that she could really drive anyway since she was just knocking back tequila not even ten minutes ago. Maybe when she’s sober she’ll grow a tougher exterior and not let Harry get to her, but as she regains her balance after stumbling in her heels, she’ll sulk and cry the whole way home, and probably as she tucks herself into her sheets.
“Y/N!” Harry called after her, but she flipped him off over her shoulder as she continued her journey down the sidewalk.
Hearing the quickening pace of footsteps behind her, Y/N wiped at her eyes quickly to remove any traces of a broken heart. Feeling a tug on her bicep, she was whipped around to face his sorrowful face, his free hand immediately coming up to wipe the tears away from her eyes that seemed to betray her. “I... I’m sorry.”
She couldn’t help but let out a small pitiful laugh at that, looking away from him and watching the cars pass them by. “Just leave me alone, Harry.”
“Y/N, hey,” he paused, cupping his face in his large palms, trying to get her to look at him. “Baby, please look at me.”
“I’m not your baby,” she hissed, turning to look at him with a scowl.
“Got ya to look at me though, didn’t it?”
It was safe to say Y/N wasn’t amused, biting the inside of her cheek hard enough to draw blood. Harry nodded, realizing now wasn’t the time for joking, looking to his feet for a split second before bringing his eyes up to look at the crescent moon above them, letting out a puff of air before speaking up again. “Let’s split. Just you and me, let me make it up to you for being an ass.”
Y/N’s eyes widen in a fit of fury, her mouth dropping open in a gasp, “I’m not having sex with you! Are you ins-”
“No! M’fucking hungry and want a real meal, not the shit this joint serves. And we need to talk, so join me?” He clarifies, dropping his hands back down to his sides and propping them on his hips as he awaits her answer.
She sucks her bottom lip into her mouth as she contemplates her choices. She really doesn’t want to be alone with him, but she’s also starving and if he’s paying then there’s no use in turning down free food. Mulling it over for a few moments, she eventually nods her head in a soft agreeance, causing a bright smile to flash across his face.
“Alright, let’s go to Debby’s, her burgers always taste better late at night.” And with that, he was tossing his arm over her shoulders and tugging her to his side as they walked in sync to Debby’s Diner a few blocks over. They both had been drinking and figured it probably wasn’t safe to drive just yet, plus it was a really nice night, and the moon looked extra bright surrounded by its little star friends.
❊ ❊
It was insanely awkward. 
Probably more awkward then when they first had sex, and even that wasn’t this bad. Maybe it’s because they’ve never really had any heart-to-heart chats and this was new territory they weren’t exactly used to. 
“Cecilia” by Simon & Garfunkel flowed through the empty diner, filling the tense air that could be cut with a knife. Y/N mindlessly hummed along, sipping on her strawberry milkshake, looking anywhere but at the man in front of her. 
“You like this song?” Harry questioned, balling the paper straw wrapper before stretching it back out and then just squishing it again. 
Licking the whip cream from the tip of her nose, Y/N nodded her head, “It’s nice.”
“It describes us.”
She looked at him confused, “Excuse me?”
“I don’t like seeing you with anyone else,” he shrugged, leaning his elbows on the metal table, tossing his straw wrapper to the side. “I’ve never felt like this about anyone, ever, and I just get so tee’d off every time I see you out with someone that isn’t me.”
“That isn’t fair, Harry, and you know it,” she scoffs, leaning back into the booth, and crossing her arms over her chest. “Where was this months ago? When I wanted to be with you?
Poking his tongue at the inside of his cheek and swiping it across his bottom lip to reach the other side, Harry let out a sigh, running his hands over his face and through his hair. He can’t exactly pinpoint when he had a change of heart, or why for that matter, but he did and that’s all that’s important. He remembers her lying beside him, fingers dancing over the skin of his chest while her one leg was hitched over his waist as her exposed breasts were pressed flush against his side. She had asked him if they could be more than just fuck buddies and he easily turned her down in a way that wasn’t too aggressive but made it known he wasn’t one for girlfriends. 
At first Y/N was okay with that, not wanting to hop into a relationship so suddenly after just leaving one, but then she wanted more. There’s something about Harry, the way he presents himself to the world, not giving a shit about anything yet at the same time being so caring towards everyone. Whenever she saw him her heart would flutter, and heat would flood her body at the thought of getting to kiss him and hold him and have sex with him whenever she wants. But, he didn’t see it that way, at least not at first, and Y/N couldn’t put herself through the heartache anymore. So, she broadened her horizons, and put Harry in her past, making him just a friend.
Then his mysterious change of heart became evident, and he’s been hellbent on getting back into her good graces. It’s clear it was sparked by jealousy, but Harry wasn’t so sure that was the only reason anymore. Desire to have her as his, to make her smile all the time, to see her pretty face everyday of his life fueled his need for her. He loathed the idea of any other guy touching her, but he reveled in the idea of her touching him, whether it be sexually or just by holding hands. 
Harry didn’t realize it at first, but when she started pushing him away and going out with different guys from her classes, he knew he was starting to fall in love with her. He grew so used to the idea of Y/N being around and not hating him that without even noticing, he was falling in love with her.
So, if he needs to actually get on his knees to beg for her, then he will.
“I’m just asking for one more chance. Let me prove to ya I’m not so bad, pet,” he spoke softly reaching out to grab ahold of her hand but she pulled her hand away from his reach, biting down on her lower lip and thinking over his words.
“You made it near impossible for me to know anyone else for your own selfish purposes, and now, what, you want to go on a date with me? Why should I?” Y/N stressed, combing her fingers through the roots of her hair, tangling the makeshift curls she spent all day perfecting.
“I know, I know and I’m sorry. It started off as jealousy, I hated knowing other guys were putting their hands on you like I did, it just didn’t sit right with me-”
“But you were allowed to go out with Cindy? And Jenny? And Katherine? You have sex with me a few times and all of a sudden I’m only allowed to be with you even after you tell me you don’t want a relationship?” She spits, tilting her head slightly and glaring daggers into the side of his face as he looked off to the side to gather his thoughts.
Y/N wanted a better answer than jealousy. She wanted a better excuse than some pitiful jealousy that made her look like a pure whore in front of every date she had been on. Harry always swooped in when her date scurried off for a bathroom break or to get drinks or a refill on popcorn, holding her close and kissing her swiftly on the lips when he knew the date would catch them. It was his go-to plan every time, and each time before they left her ass, they would spit slander at her that had her stomach sinking and her eyes brimming with pesky tears. She wanted a better excuse than stupid jealousy that had her feeling like complete and utter shit whenever she ducked under her covers and cried away her pain.
She really liked Harry. She still does, even though he doesn’t deserve that. Whenever he did crash her outings, even though it pissed her off beyond belief, she knew he was jealous and jealousy stems from him caring about her and wanting her, and that excited her, as messed up as it seems. It’s not exactly the most stable mentality, but Y/N doesn’t care about stability, she just cares for honesty. “Be straightforward for once, please. You can’t say you don’t see yourself in a relationship with anyone, then hate seeing me with other people.”
He nodded his head and took a breath before beginning, “I don’t know how to properly express my feelings. I’ve had girlfriends but I always wind up breaking their hearts and they all end up hating me, so I think I’m better off without one. You don’t deserve for me to break your heart, baby, but I’m too selfish to let y’go. So, whaddya say, just one more chance, please?”
“Newsflash, I already do hate you, you prick,” Y/N rolled her eyes, leaning forward to take another sip of her half drunken milkshake. She was even bold enough to steal one of his fries and dip it into the sugar trap, happily munching on it as she processes what he just told her. 
Harry watched her as she looked deep in thought, biting on the tip of her straw as she sucked up the remains of her pink drink. He was nervous to what she was gonna say, because he knows he’s been an asshole and most definitely doesn’t deserve her kindness and rather deserves a slap to the face. When she poured her drink over his jeans, he was surprised she didn’t kick him in the nuts too. But, deep down he was praying that she would at least give him a try, and if she still wants to kick him in the nuts, he’ll let her.
Eating one more fry, Y/N refocuses her attention back on Harry, clearing her throat to say, “So you were jealous. What exactly was it that made you jealous? Was it the idea of them touching me? Kissing me? Or, how about them fuc-”
“Okay! That’s enough!” he scowled, taking the cherry from her shake and biting down on it, removing it from the stem. Y/N laughed, brushing the crumbs from the fries off of her fingers.
Then a brief moment of silence enveloped them, before she spoke up again, “Don’t make me regret this, okay?”
“So, that’s a yes?” He smiles, relief running through his veins as his body relaxes from all of the unknown tension he put on himself.
“It’s a yes.”
❊ ❊ 
Ever since Y/N agreed to giving Harry his chance at proving he’s not a total asshole, he hasn’t left her side. He’s been showing up to her apartment, serenading her to take a drive with him every morning to go to this park just outside of the city, showering her in flowers and breakfast foods to win her over.
And when she had to go to work, he offered to drop her off and pick her up, not wanting her to take the bus like she used to. “Too many looneys out in the world, pet.”
It was just past two weeks from their night at Debby’s Diner, and with time, Y/N was starting to warm back up to him. It was a process considering how they treated each other for months on end, but everyday without fail, Y/N was glad to see him. He wasn’t trying to make passes at her, no sexual innuendos or insinuations that they should sleep together, just two people building up a friendship that had been worn down.
It was a warm Friday night, and Harry insisted they go see a movie at the newly opened drive in a few towns over. They were showcasing The Godfather, a movie on both of their lists to watch, so he figured what better time and place to go see it. For the first half of the movie they sat in a comfortable silence, eating their snacks and popcorn and sipping on their sodas, but then Y/N grew restless with this whole no talking situation, shifting her body to look at Harry rather than Marlon Brando.
Harry paused in his chewing, turning his head to look at her confusedly as she just stared at him. He felt like he had done something wrong as he slowly swallowed his candy, muttering a “What?”
“Why haven’t you tried to kiss me?”
Harry’s eyes widen at the question, his lips rolling into his mouth as his eyes blink rapidly, wondering if he heard that correctly. “Sorry?”
“It’s been over two weeks and you’ve made no moves to kiss me or to have sex, and I’m just confused,” she states, her fingers twiddling in her lap as nerves struck her.
Y/N was just simply confused. Because she’s known Harry for a while, and she knows how he works either with her or with other women. His never ending libido and flirtatious attitude was one of the strongest assets of his personality, not that it was a bad thing, but when he wasn’t acting the way he normally does, Y/N grew more and more confused. Every time he came in on one of her dates, he would kiss her and hold her, and try to get her come home with him, but now as she sits on a date with him, he’s acting like the fucking virgin Mary.
This doesn’t mean she wants him to pounce on her and rip her clothes off every moment they’re together, but there’s this recurring anxious thought flashing through her mind that maybe he doesn’t see her like that anymore. It doesn’t make sense since he won’t leave her side, but she’s wondering if there’s something wrong with her for him to not act like he usually does.
“Is it me? Be straightforward, did I do something?” She murmured, tugging on the hem of her dress that had ridden up from her moving around on the leather seat. “Because, normally by this point you’d be trying to get your hand up my skirt.”
Harry sat and looked at her for a moment, bringing his hand up to pull at his bottom lip as he thought of something to say. Then he let out a giggle that had Y/N spiraling into more confusion as he shook his head mockingly.
“Do you want me to put my hand up your skirt?” He questioned, smacking his hand down on her thigh, giving the flesh of her skin a firm squeeze that had her yelp in response. On instinct, she pushed his prying fingers away, but immediately regretted it since his touch lit a fire stirring in her belly.
“Look, bunny, the thought of fucking you has been at the front of mind ever since you showed up in that tiny little number, but I’m trying to do this right. Need to prove that I don’t want you just for y’body,” he explained, this time resting his hand gently on her exposed thigh, to which she didn’t shove away.
Y/N nodded her head slowly in understanding, pursing her lips as her eyes glanced back at the movie being showcased ahead of them. “What’s going through that head of yours?” He asked, tucking back a piece of hair that had fallen from her ponytail.
Turning her head back to face him, their faces suddenly were only inches part, their noses barely brushing together. Y/N gulped at the proximity, her eyes going back forth between his sparkling green ones, before glancing down to his pink lips that she bets taste like the buttery popcorn he was just devouring.
Without so much of a second thought, she leaned forward pressing their mouths together in a soft kiss, sparks tingling her skin as he didn’t move to break them apart. Instead, he locked one of his hands to the side of her face, pulling her in closer, moving their lips in a slow manner, taking his time to appreciate the true softness of her skin that he had taken for granted whenever they shared heated kisses.
Y/N scooted herself on her knees across the bench, landing on his lap in a straddle, wrapping her arms around his neck and shoulders, deepening the intimacy of the moment. Nothing about this moment seemed rushed, and it was probably the most tame they had ever been with one another even if their hips began rocking together to gain friction in their cores.
They could’ve stayed like that for hours, completely engulfed in the other, tongues dancing together, trails of spit keeping them connected as they would part to catch their breaths before indulging in another round of making out. Harry’s hands kept themselves nestled nicely on the curves of her ass, his fingers digging into the flesh and most likely leaving bruises in his wake. Y/N lightly tugged at the roots of his hair, pulling his head back from her to trail sloppy kisses down the length of his neck. She even was bold enough to mark his skin with a decently sized hickey; It was only payback for the countless he’s left on her multiple times before and the few he sucked this night.
Departing from his mouth, she rested her forehead on his and took in a couple deep breaths, biting on her bottom lip as she let out a breathy laugh. “That was what was going through my head.”
“Fuck, you’re out of sight, Y/N.”
❊ ❊ 
They still haven’t had sex.
Y/N was overjoyed at first that he wanted to treat her like a proper gentleman, waiting until she was comfortable around him again to make any advances. But, after they shared that kiss from a month beforehand, she was definitely worried something was wrong with him. 
They had done other things, but every time they were just moments away from actual sex, he would pull away and say it wasn’t the right time or place. It was the most extreme case of blue balls, and she doesn’t even have balls. The weird part was that she could feel how hard he would get every time, but he always kept himself at bay.
It was nice at first, but now it’s just plain cruel.
Y/N didn’t want to act desperate, but he was being the ultimate tease and she didn’t know how much longer she could take this. She almost tempted him when they went to a festival and they were both high off their minds. Yet, even under the influence he had a stronghold and resisted the flirty bat of her eyelashes and the stellar handjob he got behind someone’s Volkswagen van.
Now as she sat in his lap, surrounded by friends in her apartment since Sarah and Mitch were having another one of their little parties, she was determined to have sex. Y/N finished off the remainder of her drink, purposefully rubbing her ass against Harry’s groin as she leaned forward to place her cup on the table in front of them. A little hiss could be heard leaving his lips as his fingers dug into her waist, giving her a silent warning to not do anything she’s gonna regret.
Little did he know, that was exactly what she wanted. At this point, she didn’t even care if they fucked in front of everyone, she just really wanted him. Looking over her shoulder, she sent him an innocent look before engaging in conversation with the boy almost completely passed out beside them. And again on purpose, she shifted her body against his thigh, which then in turn pressed her butt on his growing bulge.
While she was talking to Ben - she found out his name - Harry pulled her back against his chest, his mouth pressing against the shell of her ear, warm air fanning over her skin, chills shooting down her spine. “What’re y’trying to do, bunny?”
When she ignored his question, she felt him nip at her ear with his teeth, murmuring, “Act like a tease, gonna get fucked like one,” into her hair, groping at her exposed thigh.
Cursing to herself as Ben gets up to get another drink, she turns her face to look at Harry, bringing a hand up to push a few fallen curls off his forehead. Leaning close to him, she placed a chaste kiss to the corner of his lips replying back with, “Doubt it,” in a feisty tone, bringing her head back to smile at him before getting up from his lap and sauntering off to make conversation with anyone else.
Looking over her shoulder, she watched him spread his legs, elbows leaning on them as he lit a cigarette now between his lips. He cocked his head with a raise of his eyebrow, challenging her to try anything else. He couldn’t exactly blame her for acting the way she is, because like usual, he knows he’s been an asshole and not giving her what she wants. But, in his eyes, all of this built up frustration will only enhance the experience for both of them after not fucking for months.
“What the hell is going on between you two?” Sarah whispered in Y/N’s ear, casually following her eyes to see Harry looking at the little group on the opposite side of the room.
Y/N took the cigarette from her friend’s hands, inhaling deeply and giving it back, blowing the stream of smoke from her nose as she shrugged. “Nothing. Just putting him in his place.”
“I don’t think he got the memo,” she teased back, raising her eyebrows as a gesture that he was walking over. Then without fail, Y/N felt a tug on her upper arm and her back collided with a chest. 
“Mind if I steal my girl for a second?” He asked the group to which he got shrugs in return and one person to say Think it’ll be more than a second.
Sarah waved goodbye to Y/N as she was being pulled away, doing a sign of the cross and praying hands to say she was in her prayers. Y/N rolled her eyes but mouthed a thank you anyway. Before she could comprehend, she was tugged into the bathroom, the door slamming behind her as her back was shoved against it, Harry’s hands landing on either side of her head, his face mere centimetres from hers.
Y/N smirked up at him, gently brushing her nose against his, a sinister look dancing across her eyes. “Y’know, you could’ve just taken us to my bedroom,” she hummed, dragging her finger nail down the length of his exposed chest, stopping where the first button was closed just under his butterfly tattoo on his abdomen.
“What d’ya think is gonna happen, pet?” He murmured into the skin of her neck, peppering soft kisses up until he met her jawline then worked his way back down.
“You’re gonna stop being a tease and fuck me already,” she retorted in a gasp as his one hand came up to grope at her tit in her halter top. His head came back up to level with hers, green eyes boring into hers as he tilts his head in the same challenging manner from before.
“Is that so?”
“Well, if you’re not gonna do it then I’ll get someone who will.”
Then it was like a switch was flipped in his brain, and his eyes darkened, and a devilish smile painted his face before he took her face and smashed his mouth onto hers. His hands grabbed under her thighs and hoisted her up so her legs wrapped around his waist, his front grinding on her center feverishly, both of them letting out light moans at the contact.
“We both know you’re not gonna do that,” Harry muttered between kisses, his left hand leaving her thigh and cupping her throbbing heat over her panties, his palm pressing against her clit and his fingers tapping at the pool of wetness forming on the white fabric. Y/N’s jaw slacked open, her eyes fluttering shut at the slight relief he was giving her. “No one can give it to you like I can, baby.”
Before she could utter out a response, he pushed her underwear to the side before thrusting his middle finger into her fully lubricated hole. He pumped it in slowly, teasing her walls and ignoring her pleas for more, “Admit it, no one can treat you like I can.”
Then he added his ring finger, fastening his movements against her fluttering pussy. “None of those candyasses gave it to you like I did.”
“Every time you were with them you wished it was me. C’mon, Y/N, be straightforward,” he whispered in her ear, thrusting his fingers in at a brutal force, the heel of his palm rubbing harsh circles against her bundle of nerves that had her crying out in pure ecstasy.
“Fuck... O-only you can - shit, Harry please,” she cried out, her ankles locking behind his back and pulling him impossibly closer to her body, her head knocking against the wooden door behind her.
Harry slowed his movements for a moment, bringing his other hand up to her mouth and trying to block the sounds she was emitting at an extremely high pitch. She whined into his hand, bucking her hips to build the friction back up, the familiar feeling of her high dissipating as he stilled himself. “Y/N, you’re gonna ‘ave to be quiet. Don’t want anyone hearing you. Those pretty moans are reserved for my ears only.”
Just to be sure she stayed quiet, instead of muffling her with his palm, he stuck his thumb between her lips, pressing down on her tongue and ordering her to suck. It took a lot of control to not push his jeans and briefs down his body and fuck into her the moment she started swirling her tongue around the tip of his thumb, gently sucking on it and looking at him with her innocent doe eyes. He was determined to get her to come undone now, desperate to see her face morph into one filled with pleasure as he curled his fingers against her sweet spot, thrusting against it continuously. He whispered dirty things into her ear, urging her to cum for him, saying everything she likes to hear that helps her reach her peak quicker.
Y/N’s mouth dropped open again, but this time her moans came out all gurgled and muffled as he kept his thumb right where it was. Her thighs clenched around him as she wanted to close them instinctively, her orgasm building up inside of her until he hit her g-spot one more time and then her body was shaking uncontrollably. Harry helped her to calm down, placing a kiss to her temple and slowly settling her back down on the floor, her legs wobbling a little bit before she regained her balance.
“Need to take you somewhere more private, need to hear you for what else I’m gonna do to you,” he stated before taking her hand and leading her out of the bathroom.
And that’s how they ended up in his car in a deserted parking lot, in his back seat, Y/N on all fours while he thrust into her from behind. The backseat was a bit of a tight fit for the position they were in, but neither of them really seemed to care as they were into a euphoric state of mind.
Harry’s sweaty chest was leaned over and pressing into her back, his face nestled into the crook of her neck as he tugged lightly on her hair in a makeshift ponytail wrapped around his fist. Neither of them were shy about their moans and groans, practically screaming them to the world and putting all pornstars to shame.
Aside from their sounds of pleasure, the steamy car was filled with the sound of his hips slapping against her ass and the squelch of their centers coming together. Harry also left the car radio on to ‘give a nice ambiance while I wreck your pretty little cunt.’
“What -shit, what was that you said about my dick being really small? Or me only lasting two minutes? Could you refresh my memory, bunny?” He snickered into her cheek, delivering a particularly hard thrust into her that had her knees shifting up the leather seat. 
“You’re s-so tight, squeezing down on my big cock just nice. Fit like a glove,” he egged on. He placed his left hand on the wall of his car, stabilizing his balance a little more as he wrapped his other hand around her throat and brought her to a kneel. Y/N’s own hands reached out to balance herself anywhere she could put them,
“D’ya wanna say it again?” he continued to tease, halting his movements, waiting for her to say something back.
Y/N shook her head feverishly, bringing her bottom down against his cock to continue what he paused. “N-no, m’sorry.”
Harry tsked, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth as he released his grip on her throat and flipped them around so she was straddling him now. “Why don’t you put some work in if you want it so bad. Use me, pet, know you can,” he stated with a smack to her bottom that echoed throughout the car.
Y/N never dropped herself down on someone quicker. In one go she sank down on him to the hilt, the tip of his bright red head hitting a spot so deep inside of her. She swiveled her hips in circles, before kneeling up again and then dropping down fully again feeling him at the very pit of her tummy. Her clit brushed against his pubic mound, the tuft of hair rubbing against her swell, urging her orgasm to arrive quicker.
And if that wasn’t enough, Harry leaned forward and took one of her nipples into his mouth, kitten licking it and gently nipping at it before sucking on it. He paid close attention to her pert tits, covering her once bare chest in various bites, all while kneading the flesh of her ass, assisting her in her movements and bringing her down on him harder and faster.
“I’m… oh, I’m so cl-close,” Y/N moaned, her head falling to the crevice of his shoulder as he pounded up into her to meet her thrusts.
“Me too, pet. Hold on a little longer f’me,” he spoke, now brutally fucking up into her to get himself to match where she is. Y/N tugged on his hair like he liked, scratching her nails into his skin and muttering words of encouragement like, “Prove to me how wrong I was… Only you can do this to me, baby.”
Then with a few more sloppy thrusts, they were both hitting their highs, cumming so hard that Harry fell limp against the seat and Y/N against him. The long wait for this was definitely worth it as both of them took in gulps of air, meeting their mouths in a lazy kiss in triumph. Despite the ache of her body, Y/N lifted herself off of Harry and landed next to him instead, her head falling against his shoulder again as her eyes fluttered close.
Now, only the hum of the radio could be heard around them, that same Simon & Garfunkel song on like it was at Debby’s all that time ago. Y/N can remember Harry saying it described them, and as she sits here, completely enamored from the man beside her, she could attest to that.
Without knowing it, Harry was looking down at Y/N, humming the tune of the song as he sat in awe of her figure completely worn out next to him.
Jubilation, she loves me again.
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tonystarkbingo · 3 years
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Title Prompt Game - Tags and Summaries
like a warm blanket - suggested by @rebelmeg
@somesortofitalianroast - fluff, snowed in, only one bed
@huntress79 - There's a reason Tony loves being in the workshop - but not the one most think it is. No, it's not that he knows the place blind, or that he loves (even craves) the attention the bots give him - no, it's because it's his safe harbor, the only place where he can really be him, and the one place that is to Tony what a warm blanket on a cold day is to other people.
@darthbloodorange - [Stony] - Steve never liked the cold, ever since he was little. But after the ice? He loathed it. It always brought up feelings and memories he'd rather keep buried. ~ Or the five times Steve struggled to find something to keep him warm at night, and the time he learned he could just use Tony.
@jamesbuckystark - Tony Stark has self-esteem issues. Only the closest of the closest of his friends know this. On his bad days, they cuddle up with him and whisper words of love and encouragement, comforting him like a warm blanket
@psychiccatpanda - [potential ironhusbands] Tony hadn’t worried when Rhodey’d fallen asleep on his shoulder during movie night.  His sour patch had been burning the candle at both ends lately splitting his time between DC and New York.  But then Rhodey had draped an arm over him and now he was stuck there unless he disturbed him.  On the other hand, it wasn’t that bad... it was cozy - like a warm blanket
@rebelmeg - self-esteem issues, sincere compliments, love confessions
@huntress79 - (WinterIron pre-Relationship) If there's one thing Bucky learned about Howard's boy in the first few weeks he was living in the Tower it was Tony's stubbornness, by times as worse as Steve's. So, of course, Bucky watched the genius. And was the first to notice something off - Tony was getting a cold, and he was fighting it. He just didn't expect the former Winter Soldier, of all people, to bring him chicken soup, warm blankets, a cot and a gazillion of other things into the workshop. Huh - who would have guessed that?
@lbibliophile-mcu - [recovering-bucky] Living with Steve was like being wrapped in a warm blanket. Nice on cold evenings, soft and comforting. But sometimes, it can also be confining, smothering. Sometimes, what he needs instead is the freedom of cold air.
Keep reading for more!
Cappuccino, extra shot - suggested by @somesortofitalianroast
@huntress79 - (Road to Stony XD) Despite working as a Barista in a coffee shop, Steve never really liked all the fancy coffees he made for the customers. Until one day, when torrential rain sweeps a new customer into the shop - hot, elegant, smart-mouthed and way above Steve's league. And pretty much the only guy in all of Manhattan to always order the same thing - Cappuccino, with an extra shot of (insert ingredient of choice)...
@darthbloodorange - [Stony] - Tony would never be seen dead walking into a coffee shop. Why would he go for overvalued, overcooked, too sweet coffee when he has the best beans imported and prepared by his very own live-in barista? He has access to the best coffee 24/7. But his barista goes on parental leave, and Tony finds that brewing his own coffee, isn't one of his many talents. So, if he is to get his daily fix, he has to go to a coffee shop. Tony is miserable about the whole situation, that is until he meets an art student called Steve working to pay his way through college.
@psychiccatpanda - (pre-WinterIron) It wasn’t a difficult drink to make.  So why was it that this guy never made his cappuccino right?  Tony frowned into the froth on top.  And part of the fun of going to a coffee shop and buying cappuccino was seeing what kind of foam design you’d get.  This guy - James, according to his name tag - apparently only knew how to make hearts.  Come on.  Tony walked back to the counter to complain again. Behind the counter, Bucky could feel Natasha’s eyes on him like a dagger between his shoulder blades.  He’d done it again, just to talk to his most gorgeous customer... who also thought he was an idiot.
@lbibliophile-mcu - "aw, coffee, no" Clint stares despondently at the paper takeaway cup in his hand, the scalding brown liquid running over his wrist to drip on the floor. When he ordered a cappuccino double shot, this was not what he meant. Another loud gunshot echoes in the street outside. Chugging the remaining elixir, he throws the ruined cup in a bin, wipes his hand on his pants, and grabs his bow. Looks like he has a coffee to avenge.
@rebelmeg -  tags: coffee shops, love at first sight, awkward flirting
Bitch boy - suggested by @phoenixmetaphor3000
@tehroserose - tags: BDSM, humiliation, consensual nonconsent
@somesortofitalianroast - [Tony/Bucky] : au: sex work, au: camboys, au: bdsm
@darthbloodorange - [Stony] - He was Tony Stark's bitch. Everything else didn't matter. Everything else was stripped away by his Master, his Sir. 100 odd years on this earth, and he finally found his place... and it was at his master's feet.
@summerpipedream - "Excuse you??" screeched Tony. He shoved his paper cup, somehow already devoid of the coffee poured in there 5 seconds ago, into Rhodey's hands before he launches himself at the asshole yellling at them. 5 times Tony was called a bitch and the one time he actually did something about it.
@tehroserose Winterironfalcon- Tony was his bitch. And that's the way he liked it. But, still, he was going to take care of his boy, in his way. And Tony had a fantasy. He wanted to be taken by a stranger, a stranger who didn't listen when he said no. Sam wasn't willing to give him to a stranger. But Bucky? Bucky looked at his bitch with longing. And Sam trusted Bucky. And Tony? Tony didn't need to trust Bucky to do anything other than to listen to Sam and his safeword. And Tony liked it that way. (Tag: Porn with feelings, It was just sex, (no it wasn't), established Sam/Tony, pre Sam/Tony/Bucky)
@huntress79 - (Stony secret relationship) Ever since they fought the Chitauri, everyone knows that Tony and Steve barely get along. Sure, they got a bit better after Tony's almost death, but yeah, it could be better. But then, one morning, the Avengers are shocked to hear Tony calling Steve "Bitch" and - even more shocking - Steve replying with "Jerk" What the heck is going on now? (the Bitch-Jerk exchange is borrowed from Supernatural XD)
@darthbloodorange - [Stony] - He hated Alphas so much. He hasn't ever met one that had a single good intention in their life. All they ever did was take and destroy. This he learned first hand when he was 15 in a back ally after saving Dorothy Elliott from a couple of Alphas. It didn't matter that he was an Alpha himself, he was small and Omega enough for them, a "Bitch Boy". Steve Rogers hated Alphas and was sure he always would. But then he met Tony Stark and his whole world changed... (Tags: Implied/Referenced R*pe, Alpha/Alpha Relationship, Hurt/Comfort, Tony Stark has a Heart, Falling in Love)
@psychiccatpanda - Tony had been called worse before - much worse.  He'd asked Natasha to be his date for the conference because the Avengers thought he needed a bodyguard for an International Energy Council conference.  At least she didn't look like a bodyguard. Justin Hammer had been trying to get his attention for a day and a half when he'd yelled it loud enough for a ballroom full of people to hear.  He saw red and turned to do something rash (like break Hammer's nose) when he felt a strong hand on his wrist.  Tony twisted around to snap at Nat when she pulled him in for a kiss.  Suddenly, swift and blinding vengeance didn't seem quite so important.
@darthbloodorange - [Stony] - Steve Rogers loses a bet with Tony, now he was at Tony's every beck and call. Steve and Tony's relationship is strained as it is, he's not sure it'll make it through this. Tony was milking it for what it was worth; making him wear the maid outfit, making him pick up things he dropped, fetching him drinks. Then Tony goes ahead and calls him "bitch boy" He expected to be fuming, insulted, angry, hurt... but Steve finds he actually likes it. Both are shocked. Maybe they'll make it through this feeling closer than ever before.
Make Thyme for what you Love - suggested by @darthbloodorange
@rebelmeg - pepperony, gardening, fluff
@tehroserose - (Steve and Tony friendship fic)- Steve had grown up with the song. A version of the song at least. His mother said it was the only thing the English had given worth a damn. When he heard Scarborough Fair by Simon and Garfunkel, he cried. Tony watched the tough soldier break down. And right then, he knew he was going to make the time to do something he had promised himself he would do. He was going to find a picture of Sarah Rogers.
@psychiccatpanda - (pre-Stuckony) - When he'd told Pepper why he had hired BarRo Gardening and Landscape Service to care for the plants in the Tower, she'd laughed so hard she'd almost fallen out of her desk chair. 'BarRo Gardening and Landscape Service: Lettuce take care of your plants!  Our prices and services can't be beet!  We also offer sage advice on selecting the best plants for any office environment.' "They offer sage advice, Pep!  How am I supposed to resist that?"
@somesortofitalianroast - Bruce wants to start a garden and put beehives on the top of Stark Tower. Tony reluctantly agrees. Bucky thinks it would be a good idea if he helps. The garden starts out small, mostly herbs and a few easier to care for plants, and grows as Bucky grows more confident in his gardening skills.
@huntress79 - (Stuckony modern AU) At first, Tony hadn't understood why both Steve and Bucky handed him a pot with what turned out to be a thyme plant right before shipping out to their last tour. Sure, it had a nice smell, and wasn't that hard to look after (JARVIS turned out to be as diligent as an auxiliary gardener as in everything else). But then, the plants become so much more - for Tony, it's a promise from "his" soldiers to come back to him. For Steve and Bucky, it's proof that Tony takes care of it - and of himself, despite their absence.
@darthbloodorange - [Stony] - Steve was sceptical when Bruce approached him with the idea of 'Therapeutic Gardening', but he trusted the man and went along with it. He admits it was nice to put aside some time for something that wasn't reports, training, team-building, or learning this new world. Something that wasn't work, something that didn't feel like this uphill battle that he had to fight alone. Unlike everything else in his schedule, he didn't have to work himself up to taking care of his plants. It became a thing after missions, for Steve to sit by his plants and water them, to confide in them. He slowly grows his collection over the months. But he starts to notice new plants in his collection, ones he didn't get himself, but he tends to them anyway. ~ Tony has been trying to look after the plants Bruce gave him, really. But will all the work on his plate he often forgets. But he tries. He notices some of his plants going missing. Plants that he was sure weren't dead the last time he checked on them, which might not be saying much... But he's sure someone has been stealing his plants. And he's going to find out who. ~ Bruce loves gardening, there were so many benefits it offered. It became a personal mission of his to get as many people into gardening as he could. However, he understands that maybe gardening wasn't everyone's thing. Bruce understands when Tony can't keep up with the maintenance of his plants. But he wasn't going to sit around and watch them suffer. So he gathers up those of Tony's plants that need a little more love and slips them into Steve's collection. ------------- (Tags: Accidental Matchmaking, Idiots in Love, Gardening, Team as Family)  
Speak of the Devil - suggested by @psychiccatpanda
@somesortofitalianroast - Lucifer crossover : Tony had heard the expression so many times, in multiple languages. “Speak of Devil and he shall appear.” He just never expected it to literally happen.
@rebelmeg - tags: hades and persephone au, greek mythology, merchant of death, unlikely lovers (i'm imagining it pepperony, but it could go a lot of ways)
@tehroserose - Tony was going to kill... well, when he figured out who had left that magical artifact behind, he was going to kill them. Because apparently, and why hadn't Thor been there earlier to tell them this?, the first dead person mentioned in front of the artifact came back. Temporarily, but who knew for how long? And guess what? Steve had mentioned Howard. Actually, Tony wanted to kill Steve for that, except he'd never breathed a word near Steve of what Howard was really like. He hadn't wanted to ruin Howard in Steve's eyes, for Steve's sake. Now Howard was going to ruin himself in those eyes. Tony braced himself as the mean, belittling words that he'd thought he wouldn't have to hear in that voice again came thundering into his ears.
@psychiccatpanda - Tony believed in science not all the hocus pocus the sorority sisters had been whispering about in not-so-hushed tones in the library while he and Rhodey had been trying to study. "I heard if you look in a mirror and say his name three times, he'll appear to kill your worst enemy." Pft - ridiculous.  He'd prove there wasn't anything to that stupid urban legend.
@darthbloodorange - [Pre-Stuckony] - Steve and Tony never talked about Howard. Ever. It was probably one of few things that keep their tenuous friendship moving along smoothly. but then Bucky came into the picture... and seemed to have a lot to say about Howard. Things started to click together, suddenly he was seeing the full picture. Howard always was an ass. Steve wasn't choosing not to talk about him out of respect for Tony, he didn't talk about Howard because the man was unpleasant to talk about. Tony listened, totally enthralled and vindicated, as Bucky regaled him with tailed of his father. About all the times Howard discredited Steve's intelligence in front of high-ranking Military figureheads, pressured him into testing, belittled Steve for his time in the USO, and ignored Bucky existence as he was just "Steve's tiresome tag-along pup" Turns out the three of them had a lot more in common than he'd initially thought. ------------- (Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Give Everyone A Damn Hug, Still Salty at Howard in that CA:FA Deleted Scene)
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e@gloriouszeta​ tagged me!! ily angel
1. Nickname: don’t have one :-\ some people call me rach, ratch, and very few say rae rae bc I hate it lol
2. Gender: female
3. Star sign: Taurus (sun), Scorpio (moon), Cancer (ascending)
4. Height: 5’8” (i’m a tall bitch)
5. Time: 8:22 PM
6. Birthday: April 23rd!!
7. Favorite bands: Margot and the Nuclear So and So’s, Simon & Garfunkel, Moody Blues, 
8. Favorite solo artist: Sufjan Stevens, John Denver, Bon Iver, Julien Baker, mitski, Jackson Browne, George Strait, Orville Peck
9. Song stuck in my head: I got so high that I saw Jesus by Noah Cyrus
10. Last movie: Red Dragon the Hannibal movie
11. Last show: Criminal Minds
12. When I made this blog: this blog was 2017 but I’ve been on tumblr since 2011? i think
13. What I post: pretty things!!!!
14. Last thing I googled: “brother lx 3125″ aka i wanted to know how to thread my new sewing machine 
15. Other blogs: @margotandthenukes (music blog), @brighteyesbyartgarfunkel (writing blog), @35films (film blog)
16. Do I get asks: once in a while!! i love when i do
17. What made you choose this blog name: its my favorite phrase from my favorite TS Eliot poem
18. Following: 366
19: followers: 699
20. Average hours of sleep: at least 7.5 otherwise I’m useless
21. Lucky number: 6!!!
22. Instruments: I play clarinet!! I want to learn piano, bass, and guitar at some point
23. What I’m wearing; this is such an obnoxious outfit LOL white collared shirt, black sweater vest, and black bike shorts
24. Dream job: I have it :~) English teacher! I would also love to be a linguistics professor at some point. Unrelated to English, i’d love to act
25. Dream trip: Greece, British Isles, Scandanavia 
26. Favorite food: pizza, sweet potato tempura
27. Nationality: American
28. Favorite song: the long prevailing song I listen to to boost my mood is Late for the Sky by Jackson Browne
29. Last book I read: The Sweet Hereafter by Russell Banks
30. Fictional universe id like to live in: Percy Jackson I’d want to be a demigod
Tagging @vawoolf @whatriverrunsdeeperthanthis @rarebritney @invalescere @eightbitwave @biresidentrepresentative @beetllejuice anyone else who wants to do this!
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On the Music artists names ask game: every single question (unless you don’t want to answer some for personal reasons)
ahhh omg okay
1. Led Zeppelin- 4 turn ons
honestly the only one i know for sure is long hair
2. The Doors- 2 places you’d like to visit
new york city and los angeles
3. Pink Floyd- What are some things that make you sad?
thinking about how time is passing by so quickly and as i look on to the future i think i’m forgetting to enjoy the present and that really makes me sad
4. The Rolling Stones- What’s better, a fling/one night stand or serious relationship?
in my opinion, a serious relationship
5. Jimi Hendrix- Name 8 things that make you happy
my friends, my car, my dog, music, food, summer weather, playing guitar, getting paid
6. The Runaways- Would you say that you are self confident?
kind of. i’m not super arrogant or anything but i don’t hate myself. my relationship with myself is like the one acquaintance you have that you say hi to them whenever you see them but you never actually talk to them
7. Metallica- Do you have any special talents?
my talents are insanely boring, i get very good grades because i can remember stuff easily and i want to be a journalist because i can write a pretty kickass research paper. i want to be a musician but i don’t have a lot of natural talent so it’s going to take a lot of hard work
8. The Ramones- Do you have any pets?
yes i have a dog named eddie, we’ve had him for about 11 years now. he is like my little brother i would do anything for him
9. Simon and Garfunkel- What songs help you get through the day?
at the moment, 5150 by van halen
10. The Beatles- Are you a flirt?
hell no
11. The Mamas and the Papas- Define yourself in 5 words
i think i will leave this one alone because i can’t even think of one word to define myself. plus i would like to be a mystery
12. Blondie- Are you a virgin?
yeah, i know it’s lame
13. Nirvana- Are you an artistic/creative person?
sort of. i think i have a lot of creative energy in my head but i don’t really have a medium to let it out
14. David Bowie- Are you a follower or a leader? 
probably more of a follower, i’ve never been a very good leader. i would rather just do my part and let everyone else do theirs
15. Red Hot Chili Peppers- Have you been to any concerts? Which ones?
NO I HAVENT BEEN TO ANY AND IT MAKES ME SAD EVERY DAY!!!! i do have tickets to see def leppard’s stadium tour this year and i want to go see kiss and david lee roth but nobody will go with me so i might not
16. Iron Maiden- Would you say you have a “sexy” figure?
i mean, i think my figure is okay, maybe not super sexy but at least kind of cute. i would probably be nicer looking if i actually exercised but no thanks
17. Guns n’ Roses- Do you do drugs?
no but not because i don’t want to!!!!! i want to try pot and maybe drop acid
18. Motörhead- Are you a totally badass motherfucker?
probably not. i wish though
19. Pat Benatar- Ever been in love?
nope not yet
20. The Who- 2 of your favorite foods and 2 foods you hate
i love mac and cheese and roasted potatoes, meanwhile i fucking hate onions and brussels sprouts
21. Pantera- Did you ever get into a fist fight?
no, the lord has given me strength to control myself so far
22. The Moody Blues- What is your favorite genre of music?
rock and roll!!!
23. Journey- What’s your favorite band?
i have to say van halen. i just love them so much
24. Genesis- Do you genuinely care about others, even strangers?
yes i do, irl i seem like a kind of a bitch but i actually do care about people
25. AC/DC- Name 7 things people do that piss you off
i think i’m a pretty easygoing person in general, but if you’re a bigot i do not fucking like you and i’ll be mean enough to you that you won’t like me either. i also hate when people get mad about shit that doesn’t matter or are mean to people who are just trying to do their job, like retail workers. basically just be nice and you really won’t have any problems with me
26. Paul Anka- Are you a romantic person?
i mean, in the sense of a “hopeless romantic,” kind of. one time at school this guy held the door open for me and i actually started liking him a little
27. The Kinks- 3 of your favorite blogs?
ummm, this is hard because there are so many to choose from! @k2e4 always has good posts, @just-the-left-light-up-skecher and @ginger-ale-official also always have amazing shitposts. all of my mutuals are kings though so even if i didn’t name you, your blog rocks
28. Suzi Quatro- What do you look like right now?
well right tf now, i’m sitting at my dining room table like a gremlin wearing sweatpants and a shirt from my school, i also recently got another haircut so i kind of look like a groupie from like 1977
28. Motley Crue- What are your favorite brands? (Define your sense of style)
i don’t really have a favorite brand, i just look around and wear whatever i like. my style is very basic, usually just a band t shirt with jeans and converse and cool earrings. i’m trying to have more hippie vibes though so i made a bunch of tie dyed shirts and i will definitely be wearing those once i finish them
29. Neil Young- Do you play any instruments?
yeah i play guitar, i’m pretty bad at it though. i’m working on getting better but my progress is really slow at the moment
30. Rainbow- What’s better, day or night?
i like night vibes a lot better, so night
31. Joan Jett- Sexual orientation?
demisexual, but also straight so idk
32. The Misfits- Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
i have 2 piercings in each earlobe and i might get one more. i’m not old enough to get tattoos yet but i definitely want to
33. Janis Joplin- In your opinion, what was the greatest time or era for music?
i think the best time was from like 1965 to 1990, which i know is pretty broad but there was so much good stuff going on in the music world.
34. Deep Purple- 3 of your greatest fears
failure, death of a loved one, and spiders
35. The Tragically Hip- 6 things you want to accomplish
omg i don’t even know if i have six, but i want to go on tour with my band someday. i would also love to release an album, hopefully several. graduating college is also very important to me so i want to do that. i would also love to work for a newspaper or a radio station someday as a journalist
36. Aerosmith- Favorite celebrity? Least favorite?
my favorite is probably either john mulaney or steve carell, they just seem so cool and actually nice. there are so many i don’t like but my least favorite is probably kid rock, he sucks
37. Johnny Cash- Are you a religious person?
not really. i was raised catholic but i don’t really vibe with christianity so i kind of just believe whatever. it’s honestly kind of hard for me to explain
38. The White Stripes- Are you close with your family?
kind of, i love my family but also they get on my damn nerves. i look forward to moving out when i can love them from a safe distance
39. Madonna- Describe your crush
i don’t even have a crush right now!!!!! the only people i like are eddie van halen and john paul jones, who are both over 50 years older than me
thanks for the ask anon
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adrenaline-roulette · 4 years
Is this just fantasy? Chapter 1
Pairing: Brian May x Reader
Warnings: None for this chapter.
Summary: Time travel reader fic (I know it’s been done before!)
"Want me to bring back some ice-cream, and you can bitch about how horrible you day was?”
The idea of ice-cream had never been more appealing. “I believe Ben and Jerry’s is on sale at the moment, I could really go from some chunky monkey.”
“I never understood why you like that one so much!”
“I try to convince myself that because it’s banana flavoured then it must be healthy.”
“As a dietitian in training, it is my duty to tell you, that that is not by any means true.”
“For a dietitian in training, you eat an awful lot of instant mac & cheese.”
“Whoa now, there is no such thing as too much mac & cheese!”
Chapter one: Wake up in the morning, see your sunrise loves to go down
Collapsing on your bed, you let out a deep sigh, feeling your muscles slowly relax against the soft mattress. It had been a long and draining week at work, not only had you been training up a new staff member, but you had had three staff quit unexpectedly leaving you and a few others to pick up the slack! You reach over to the nightstand, blindly searching for the remote for your stereo, smiling triumphantly as your fingers wrap around the thin black controller. After a few missed button mashing, you finally manage to turn on the stereo, your favourite station tuning in automatically, your housemate had never quite understood your obsession with the station, but you loved the fact that it played nothing but rock classics. You allowed yourself to fall into a peaceful state of mind, as the music washed over you, the hypnotic voice of Stevie Nicks singing Gold Dust woman beginning to lull you to sleep.
Just as you feel yourself nearing the brink of sleep, a sharp knock on your bedroom door throws you back into the present, and you blink your eyes open groggily. “Hey Y/N, sorry to wake you!” Your housemate calls from the other side of the door. “Mm, no that’s okay Sara. Come in.” The door handle twists before Sara enters your room, she smiles softly, and you can see how sorry she is for bothering you. “I’m just on my way to the shops quickly, want me to bring back some ice-cream, and you can bitch about how horrible you day was?” She grins, and honestly, the idea of ice-cream had never been more appealing. “I believe Ben and Jerry’s is on sale at the moment, I could really go from some chunky monkey.” There’s a brief look of disgust on her face, before her smile returns. “I never understood why you like that one so much!” You pause briefly before shrugging. “I try to convince myself that because it’s banana flavoured then it must be healthy.” You watch as Sara tries to conceal her laughter, shaking her head in mock disappointment. “As a dietician in training, it is my duty to tell you, that that is not by any means true.” A pout forms on your face as you look across at her, before grinning. “For a dietician in training, you eat an awful lot of instant mac & cheese.” “Whoa now, there is no such thing as too much mac & cheese!” She shakes her head, then turns on her heel to leave your room. “I’ll be back soon!” “See you in a little while.” You smile back, before flopping back into a more comfortable position, this time with your face pressed into your pile of pillows, and one-foot dangling off the side of the bed.
The last few beats of Rebel Rebel play through the speakers, before the radio announcer introduces the next song. “And now for 1970, we saw the Beatles disband, Simon & Garfunkel released their fifth and final album, Black Sabbath released their debut album, and of course Creedence Clearwater Revival released Pendulum. So, to celebrate this amazing year of music, here is Creedence Clearwater Revival, with Have you ever seen the rain. An amazing song released forty-nine years ago. The announcer slowly fades out, before the new song kicks in just as you begin to fall asleep.
Within minutes you’re dreaming, a dream you had experienced only a handful of times before. You were falling, forever falling down a narrow multicoloured tunnel which seemed to have no end in sight. Subconsciously you knew what it meant if you hit the ground, or at least what supposedly happened, but somehow this felt different. It almost seemed as if you could feel the harsh rush of wind against your skin as you fell, the warmth you had felt as you lay in your bedroom being replaced by a sharp cold, similar to pinpricks. After what felt like hours of falling, the ground suddenly comes rushing up out of nowhere, and you crash into solid earth, knocking the wind out of you. Before you have the opportunity to open your eyes, to assess what had just occurred, your vision goes black, and the world around you fades away.
Sara had arrived at the grocery store with only a short list of necessary items, including a few household essentials, some bread for lunch, and two pints of Ben and Jerry’s.  As she browsed through the aisles, she picked up a few snack items to bring back home for you, in an effort to cheer you up. Sara had no intention of being out for too long, and quickly gathered the remaining items on her list, before stopping in front of the freezer section, gazing at the wide selection of ice-cream. She took out a pint of chunky monkey, and half baked, placing them her shopping cart, then making her way to the self-serve check out. As if by a stroke of fate, the moment you hit the ground after your dream, Sara picked up the pint of chunky monkey, and scowled at it. “Why on Earth did I get this? I hate chunky monkey.” She mumbled, before turning to find the sales assistant. “Excuse me, sorry I didn’t mean to pick this one up.” “Oh, that’s ok, it happens all the time. I’ll take it back for you.” Sara smiled at the young assistant, as he took the ice-cream from her. “Thank you so much.”
As she left the store with two bags, she couldn’t shake the odd sensation that she was forgetting something, and how odd it had been for her to pick up a flavour of ice-cream she hated. Popping the boot to her car, she placed the bags inside, before heading for her apartment. Sara parked her car in the single sided garage, retrieved her bags and made her way up to her apartment. After placing the fridge and freezer items away in the kitchen, she took the remaining items into her room, passing by the spare bedroom on her way. “I really must get around to painting these walls. No one will want to rent with me if I keep them this colour.” She mused aloud, before heading into her room.
You have no idea how long you slept, and no way of telling, because the moment you open your eyes, you find yourself most certainly not in your bedroom, or any room for that matter. You sit bolt upright in a matter of seconds, your head just visible over the long grass you were surrounded by. “What the fuck?” You breathe out, looking around the vast expanse of nothing but grass around you. You’re in a field, one that you don’t recognise at all, not that you had a whole lot of experience with fields to start with. With a great deal of care, you push yourself up onto your feet, feeling you back crack slightly as you stand. You stretch your arms above your head, as the stiffness in your body slowly leaves you, all that remained now was the fog the was clouding your mind. You don’t remember having anything to drink last night, and certainly not enough to have you waking up in a bloody field with no one around! Your hands clench at your sides, before you make your way to the edge of the field, climbing over the fence that had you surrounded, there didn’t appear to be any cattle around, but you weren’t keen on being on private property, especially when you had no way of explaining how you got there in the first place.
As you walked further away from your respawn point, things only seemed to become stranger. The cars that drove past you were all vintage, the types you had watched your grandfather fix up in his garage when you were a child. They all looked practically brand new, and like nothing you had ever seen just driving around town before. The few people you saw on the streets were all dressed like they had walked straight out of Woodstock, which was both a bold and unusual fashion statement. Though the icing on the cake was when you passed and information kiosk, you made a beeline straight for it, and almost screamed. Right there, on the front of the kiosk was a sign reading, ‘What to see in London.’  Your heart was pounding in your chest, so hard you thought you were about to go into cardiac arrest. You can’t be London, that was physically impossible, you didn’t live anywhere near London, especially not close enough to have woken up in a field here! You fish out your phone from your back pocket, paying no mind the stitching that had appeared on the fabric, trying to keep your focus on one thing at a time.  It takes far too long for your phone to wake up, the screen remaining black for minutes rather than seconds. The moment your regular display appears on the screen, you scramble to type in your pin number. The first thing you see is the lack of bars you have; you have no reception whatsoever. “What?!” You cry out, causing a few people to glance at you curiously. This isn’t possible, there was no such thing as black spots with your phone, you could be at the bottom of a cave, thousands of feet below ground, and you would still be able to call someone.
You shove your phone back in your pocket, taking note that it felt as if your wallet was somehow in your other back pocket, despite it not having been there when you fell asleep. Looking around, you spot a newspaper vending machine near a pub, heading directly for it. You take out your wallet, and place a coin in the coin slot, the drawer opening as you grab out a paper. Scanning your eyes over the top of the headline, you find what you had been looking for, the date. “Get fucked. It is not 1970!” You hiss, clutching the paper between fisted fingers. You feel dizzy as you look around, desperately trying to make some sense of this situation. Not only were you now somehow in London, but to top it all off, you appeared to be forty-nine years in the past! “If this is a prank, it needs to end now.” You say aloud, keeping am eye out for anyone you recognise. Perhaps this was your housemate’s idea of cheering you up, if that was the case, then she could at least show herself!
The pub you were standing out the front of suddenly came to life, as a group of college aged students came barrelling down the stairs and onto the street. You could only pick up bits and pieces of their conversation, though it appeared to be along the lines of, which pub they should next visit, and where had the best music playing tonight. With a deep breathe, you follow along behind the group, making sure to stay back a few paces so to not draw attention to yourself. As you pass by a few shop windows, you take a moment to assess your outfit, immediately noticing how it had changed. You had fallen asleep wearing your favourite pair of ripped denim jeans, and a crimson long sleeved shirt, that was at least two sizes too large, but one of the most comfortable shirts you owned. You had noticed your clothing felt different the moment you had woken in the field, but only now did you finally see just what had changed. Your legs were now encased in a pale blue pair of denim bell bottoms, with the waist reaching your navel, and white embroider flowers decorating the back pockets. Your shirt remained the same colour, though now had a choker neckline, with a deep oval cut out over your chest. The material was skin-tight and was tucked into the waist of your jeans. Finally came the shoes, you had been barefoot since the moment you walked through your apartment door, but apparently some higher power deemed it necessary for you to have shoes while walking through 1970’s London. The black leather boots zipped halfway up your calf, and the heel gave you a whole extra four inches of height.
The group you were trailing behind finally stopped outside of a new pub, taking a moment to checkout the fliers which were displayed on the glass door. With a collective nod, they all entered, and you quickly followed them, taking no note of the fluorescent green poster advertising which band was performing late tonight. 
The moment you enter the pub, you head straight for the bar, desperate for some liquid courage, hoping that maybe it would help you understand just what was going on right now.  You settle down on one of the bar stools, taking a split second to enjoy the way the seat spun beneath you, none of the bars you lived near in your time had spinning barstools. There was only one bartender working from what you can see, but it appeared to only be early in the afternoon still, and you could only assume more staff would arrive as the afternoon progressed.
                                                                                                                        “Afternoon Miss, what can I get for you?” The bartender asks, a cheery grin plastered permanently on his face. He had a fatherly demeanour about him, and you could already tell that he had a larger than life personality. For the first time since you had woken up, you felt safe, and as if you knew exactly where you were, and were no longer lost in a year decades before you had been born, and in a city you were entirely unfamiliar with.
After a few moments of silence, the man clears his throat, though continues to smile down at you. You can only imagine how miserable you must look, as his eyes seem to soften as he takes in your appearance. “Just whatever lager you have on tap please.” He nods at your order, and goes to fill your glass, as you lean your forearms against the sticky wood of the bar. Nothing was making sense about this day, how could you fall asleep in one year, and wake up in an entirely other one. Time travel didn’t exist, in fact you seem to recall reading an article on Buzzfeed the other day, about a scientist who had proven the ability to travel forwards or backwards in time was impossible. “That’s the last time I trust Buzzfeed. Next I’ll find out they lied about what my spirit animal is.” You mutter to yourself, a small smirk tugging at your lips.
“What was that love?” The bartender quires as he places your foaming lager in front of you, lifting a bushy eyebrow down at your rambling.
You shake your head slowly, before smiling up at him. “Sorry, it’s just been an odd day.” Without thinking, you pull out your phone once again, placing it down on the counter. “You don’t happen to have a charger I could burrow, do you?”
The bartender lifts and eyebrow, his lips parting as if he were about to speak, before closing. “What do you mean, a charger? And what is that?” He asks, gesturing down to the slim phone that was waking up beside your glass. Hurriedly you slap your hand over the device, biting your bottom lip. Stupid, so bloody stupid! If this really is 1970, no one will have any idea what you’re talking about!
“Um, never mind. Thank you.” You sigh, before dropping your head down, pressing your forehead against the counter, not caring about what was currently sticking to the tip of your nose.
Across the pub, three men sat around a table for four, an overflowing ashtray positioned in the centre, as multiple glasses and bottles surrounded it, all in various states of emptiness. One of the men takes a long drag from his cigarette, the smoke curling through the air above the table. “Ten pounds says I can convince little miss single at the bar, to come home with me after the show.”
“Home or your van?” One of the other men smirks, rolling his eyes at the antics of his friend. This was hardly the first time Roger had put money on picking up a lone woman at the bar. But it was the first time he had said anything about taking her home, usually the furthest he got was into the back of his van.
The blonde man frowns, taking a large gulp of his beer, before placing the amber bottle down. “Don’t go getting all technical on me Tim, that’s not the point of a bet. The point is for me to win money.”
“I must ask Roger, are we single handedly funding your degree at the moment, through all of these pointless bets?”
Roger stands slowly from the table, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. “It’s not my fault you keep agreeing to my bets Brian!”
“I’m hoping one day you’ll raise the cost to one hundred pounds, and that will be the day you strike out.”
“As if I could ever strike out.”
Liked this chapter? Check out chapter two here! Or check out My Masterlist
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blackcatsims · 5 years
Get To Know Me Tag <3
I was tagged by @tabbyrhsims4simblr and @racingllama in a couple of different get to know me tag type games, so I decided to respond with this hybrid by racing llama <3 which includes all the questions I was asked! Thanks for the tags guys, they made my day!!
Name / Nickname : Alexandria/Alex
Height : It’s technically 170cm but I’m immature as fuck so I’m gonna go on record and say that it’s actally 169 eyyyyyyyy
Zodiac sign : *adore delano voice* I’m a fucking Libra
Hobbies : Singing, gaming, patting my dog, yelling about feminist theory and treading my slow descent into madness
Favourite colours : Burgundy, plum and brown.
Favourite books : Harry Potter by some terrible white lady, The Slightly True Story of Cedar B. Hartley by Martine Murray, A Prayer For Owen Meany by John Irving, Animorphs by K.A. Applegate (FIGHT ME), The Ancient Future by Traci Harding, the His Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman, anything by Jacqueline Wilson but especially The Dare Game and The Illustrated Mum, Chasing After The Wind by Dale Harcombe and Saving Francesca by Melina Marchetta.
Last song listened to : Monday, Monday by the Mamas & the Papas
Inspiration for muse : In the context of this blog, I think my #1 muse would have to be Nola from my Blood Legacy. She’s inspired, as many of you know, by my grandmother - also named Nola.
Dream job : I’d love to be successful enough as a musician to be able to support my family financially, but not successful enough that I became famous. I can hear my therapist’s heart palpitations from here. I’ve actually had a few different dreams in my life so I can keep going! I used to dream of being the owner of a sex shop called “The Love Shack”. I would also love to own a witch shop. Reading tarot cards, drinking tea and being surrounded by candles and incense all day sounds pretty much like heaven to me. I could plug my band in the shop too! It’s all coming together! Haha.
Meaning behind your URL : I’ve answered this one quite a few times before but I never get tired of it! My Mum and I started this blog together back in 20...10??? At the time, my username on the Sims website was BlackWeb6 (that username dates back to when I was an emo kid in high school circa 2005!) and my mum’s username was AliCats. So, naturally, when we decided to start a tumblr blog together for our simming adventures, we named it BlackCatSims!
Cats or dogs? Dog person 100%, but I can appreciate cats. They cute.
YouTube celebrities or normal celebrities? I kind of object to celebrity culture on principle but I must be a hypocrite because there’s heaps of famous musicians I borderline worship like Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse and Mama Cass. So I guess my answer is....normal celebrities? Mostly dead ones? With the exception of Hozier. He’s still alive last I checked. HE’S STILL ALIVE RIGHT?!?!?!
If you could live anywhere where would that be? Rarotonga.
Disney or DreamWorks? I guess I technically have to say Dreamworks since I’ve dedicated my heart and soul to She-Ra and the Princesses of Power??? I’ll have to take my anti-corporation rant elsewhere lest my hypocrisy continue to shine through.
Favorite childhood TV show? ALL ABOARD THE MAGIC SCHOOL BUS!!!
The movie you’re looking forward to most in 2020? What’s a movie?
Favorite book you read in 2019? Haha. Uhhh.....does reading Enya lyrics inside a CD insert count?
Marvel or DC? Which one do I hate more? Impossible to answer.
If you choose Marvel favorite member of the X-Men? If you choose DC favorite Justice League member? My fav Spice Girl was Feminism Ginger Spice
Night or Day? Day. I’m solar powered.
Favorite Pokémon? PONYTA FOREVER
Top bands: SO MANY AHHH I LOVE THIS QUESTION!!!! LET’S GO!!!!! *takes a deep breath* Crowded House, R.E.M., Stevie Nicks, Hozier, The Beatles, Nick Cave, Nick Drake, The Cranberries, Tracy Chapman, Eric Clapton, Janis Joplin, The Mamas & The Papas, The Seekers, Leonard Cohen (except his weird “put the pussy on a pedestal” shit like calm down suzanne), Simon & Garfunkel, David Bowie, Paul Kelly, Amy Winehouse, Evanescence (just slipping this one in here inconspicuously), Peter Paul & Mary, Ella Fitzgerald, Blondie (angry horny babe), Enya, Rasputina, Gin Wigmore, Snake River Conspiracy, Within Temptation, Nightwish (Tarja <3), Amy LaVere, t.A.T.u. (never forget the bitches who helped you realize your sexuality) and you know what they’re not real but I’m gonna end this list with one of my favourite bands of all time: JOSIE AND THE PUSSYCATS!!!!
Top movies: ^^^ Jerkin’! Tretorns are the new Adidas!
America or Europe? Well I’ve never been to America but I’ve seen pictures of that orange cheeto shit-stain ra(c/p)ist who has a lot of money and power for some reason so I’d like to stay as far away from that as possible because it makes me so scared to be alive that i have just decided I am definitely not going to talk about this here next question.
Tumblr or Twitter? Tumblr
Pro-choice or Pro-life? Pro-Choice because I’m not a misogynist or a large smelly poo.
Favorite YouTuber: definitely that band arty-rex they’re great
Favorite author? I dunno man. I haven’t read a book in a while. I like all the ones I listed earlier! I just haven’t read them in ... a while ....,,,,,
Tea or coffee? Both!!! Coffee when I really need to get moving and tea for every other occasion on the planet. Stubbed your toe? Cuppa tea! Found a penny on the street? Cuppa tea! Cuppa tea? Cuppa tea!
OTP? *takes long drag of cigarette* I haven’t heard that acronym in years....
22. Do you play an instrument/sing? Yep :) You can check out me and my Dad’s band on instagram or find us on youtube!
I hereby tag anybody who wants to do this, and @teekalu, @sulanisunrise, @kscriba, @kimmmygibbbler, @stretchskeleton, @ratboysims, @helloduckie, @pxelbeans aaaaaaand @onceuponasimblr <3 <3 <3
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alexandrasavior · 4 years
Tumblr media
Alexandra Savior AMA !!
Hi Alex! How much of the instrumentation was figured out before heading into the studio? Did you just bring in bare minimum demos and then fleshed them out in the studio? Or did you have most of it prepared and just recorded it? I really loved the album by the way!
Thank you! It was different for each track. A lot of the songs I had full fleshed demos that my band and I had recorded in Portland, and Sam Cohen and I worked around those. Some of the tracks like "But You" I had some Garage band demos I made on my own that we worked around, and some of the tracks like "Soft Currents" were just raw iPhone recordings of me playing and singing, and Sam and I worked out together in the studio.
Your music has some really interesting chord progressions and melodic phrases. To what extent do you consciously apply music theory to your songwriting, and how much just comes naturally from ear and instinct?
To no extent :/ I am not super skilled in music theory, I just play around until it seems like it makes sense to me
You described your desire for Belladonna of Sadness to sound "murderous", and I thought that darkness and dangerous feeling really shone through. What adjectives would you powerfully ascribe to your sophomore album? What tonal differences were important to you while recording?
I like this question! hmmmmmm. “honest"
I'm pretty new to your music, but, everyday I can't stop myself from liking it more. My two current favorite songs are “The Phantom” and “Bad Disease”. I've seen that many people prefer other songs from the album, so that made me think. What is your personal favorite song from your new album? Thanks!
“But You”!
Hypothetical: You’re making a new album and need to assemble your dream band. Anyone dead/alive. Who are you choosing?
My best friend Emma, my boyfriend, Mel, and like my therapist
Is there anything that you do in terms of practice when it comes to vocals/guitar/songwriting to improve yourself? Interested to hear
Try to play everyday
I'd love to know if you've got any cool, hidden talents that you haven't shown in public. Also I badly want to know who's done the cover for both “Saving Grace” and “Crying All the Time”.
ME! I painted them
What are your tips for marketing your music and getting more people to stream/buy your music?
I am lucky because I have a team that guides me through social posts, and a publicist. But don't post pics of your butt
Your music and music videos have so many cinematic elements to them. Does an affinity for film influence your music? If so, do you have some favorite films you can mention?
yes! Bonnie and Clyde, Rosemary's Baby, Don't Look Now, Fargo, Daisies
I've seen a few people comparing your latest work with Lana del Rey's. Do you listen to her? Was she really an inspiration for the record?
I like Lana she's talented, I understand the comparison in some ways , people tend to compare things naturally. But, no she wasn't my personal inspiration in any conscious way
Did you make a conscious effort to distance yourself from the sound of Belladonna of Sadness with this new album?
No, I have gotten mixed feedback some people say its the exact same sound, some say it is different, I just created what came naturally to me and used sounds that I am personally drawn to.
If you were to try to make someone a fan of your music, but could only show them three of your songs, what songs would you show them?
oooooh! hmmmmm. “But You”, “Audeline”, “Crying All The Time”.
Excuse me Ms. Savior - I fell in love with your duet "We're Just Making It Worse" many moons ago. What can you tell us about that song?
Thanks! Well my homie Cameron Avery wrote that tune, he just asked me to sing on it and I was glad to!
What do you think was the biggest difference between writing The Archer and Belladonna of Sadness?
i was alone
What advice would you give to up and coming musicians in the LA scene? Any Dos or Don’ts? Thank you :)
Don’t be gross and creepy! Don't worry about that hipsta shit. Do be nice and make your own shit!
What is the most unusual thing that you do to help you write or to help you get some inspiration?
Stalk all my exes’ new gfs on insta and then eat an entire chocolate cake
Will we ever get to hear your version of “Miracle Aligner”?
probs not
When does the vinyl for The Archer ship? I am hoping to get one of you drawings with mine!
First batch tomorrow 1/17/2020. Second batch Tuesday 1/21/2020. Thank You!
I saw a clip from a concert you gave recently. It was you with a couple of bandmates singing something acapella. What's that song? Is it yours? It was gooorgeous. Any chance you're coming to Barcelona?
"The Oak and The Ash", an old celtic song. I will be playing Sala Nau May 13th!!!!!!!!
Can you talk about the differences in recording your first album while signed to a major label and this album while signed to a indie label? I know you’ve spoken about why you left Columbia, but I was wondering how your personal process differed this time around, especially with different resources and personnel?
Yeah it was a lot less pressure making this record, I had more say and more freedom of expression.
You said in an interview that you wrote the songs for The Archer on piano or guitar and brought them to the studio recorded on your phone. Would you ever consider releasing these as bonus tracks? 
I might ya! They’re probably a lot less interesting than you think
Do you have any tips on how to overcome writers block/find new ways to approach writing ? I've been struggling a bit lately... Have you been reading lately? If so, what books would you recommend ? :)
Just be kind to yourself, do what is natural, don't beat yourself up. I just re-read "My Year of Rest and Relaxation" by Otessa Moshfegh, now I am ready " Conversations With Friends" by Sally Rooney. I would recommend any Joan Didion, also I enjoy Salingers "Nine Stories"
This album feels a lot more personal than the first one. How would you say it compares in relation to how you expressed yourself as an artist?
I was very insecure while writing my first record, and I was co-writing so I used a lot of techniques to shelter my own opinions and feelings, in The Archer it was just me, so it was more of a journal entry than a big fancy record
Which artists did you grow up admiring, and inspired your style? Also, do you have any poetry recommendations, seeing how all your lyrics are poems in their own right?
hmmmm. ok Hilary Duff, Elvis, The White Stripes, Billie Holiday. Poetry: I don’t read much poetry but I like Rimbaud and Sylvia Plath
How did you feel when you found out “Risk” played on True Detective?
I cried
On Belladonna, what inspired the lyrics and melody for “Till You're Mine”? That song is always on repeat in my household.
Thanks! I would say my own insecurities and jealousy towards a specific woman in my life
Do you write the melodies as well as the lyrics or is it a collaborative effort?
For this record I wrote the melodies, lyrics, and chords for every song aside from "The Phantom" which was a collaboration with Sam Cohen.
What inspired you to make this new album?
I just make songs, and each song was inspired by something different, but mostly I needed to show people I WRITE MY SONGS
Do you have plans to sell more merch? I would really love to get my hands on signed stuff or one of your drawings/crafts.
yes workin' on merch now! <3
As a budding songwriter and musician myself is there any advice or wisdom you could pass on when it comes to making a career out of it?
I think writing as much as you can and trying to write honestly is important. I was lucky in a strange string of events that started my career, and every dream is different, but I suppose just keep writing and releasing your songs wherever you can
Often when I listen to music I tend to relate the song to places I've been to or places I'm at while listening. Is it the same for you when you write your songs? Do you think about a specific place for each song?
Yeah totally!
Would you ever be interested in collaborating with another artist on their record?
Yeah! Depends on who, I have always wanted to sing on a rap song.
Collab with Weyes Blood coming anytime soon?
i wish brah
Any tips on staying sane with dating apps?
don’t do dating apps
Romance is a topic which you touch upon in both of your albums. Do you have any words or phrases that have helped you through a difficult time, both in dealing with or exploring relationships past or present, if so what are they? What is your favorite set of lyrics ever, i.e. phrases etc.
"fuck hem he's a deck", "Kathy's Song" Simon and Garfunkel, "I Remember" Molly Drake
Do you use more real life experience or do you use more imagination/creativity when writing lyrics?
Depends how boring my personal life is at the time haha
What's your favorite Beatle, favorite Beatle album and favorite Beatle song?
Georgie boy <333333333
Are there any plans to record/release that “political song” with the violin that you played at Homiefest last year? For a third album maybe? Thanks, loved you since 2015 when I first heard that “Risk” demo for True Detective. The Archer is a masterpiece no bullshit.
maybe! lol
Where is the love for Chicago? How come we haven't had any shows yet?
Give me a break homie I don't plan this stuff! Would love to come to Chicago! It all depends on timing and $$$$
What was the most challenging song to write on this record?
maybe bad disease
Will there be more music videos?
I dont think so :/
I noticed for both of your releases, theres been a decent amount of time.. between when they were recorded and released. Have you found this frustrating more than anything or is it nice to have time to sit with the album?
Well, sometimes it is hard to move on and write more, with so much time between the final touches of the record and the actual release.... But, it ebs and flows and its out now so its no difference to me now
Who are some artists/bands that you personally enjoy listening to?
Jessica Pratt, The Jhamels, Molly Drake
You also seem like a prolific painter, who would you point to as inspiration/muse? My best guess would be Picasso.
Alice Neel 100%
When you feel like you’re stuck when you’re writing a song, what do you do to get around it?
I stop writing for a while, don't force it. Everyone's process is different so I try not to beat myself up too much about it
When Kevin Parker hit reddit someone asked him about if he can upload a new song and he did so... Can we hear a new song ?
If Kevin Parker jumped off a bridge WOULD YOU ?!
Who's your dream musical collab? If you were to make a soundtrack what director would you work with?
dream collab: Snoop Dogg, director: Quentin
Can you say a little bit about the creation of the album art? It's understated but there is definitely a mood there!
my dear friend Dana Trippe took the photos, and my dear friend Aaron Mitchell did the fonts
Noticed your music has a very “old horror movie/spaghetti western” vibe to them. Any films/soundtracks that inform your sound you’d recommend?
ooooh Anything Coen Brothers or Wes Anderson
How much was growing up in Portland an influence on your music?
I would say the rain had a lot to do with my melancholy, but also the music scene in Portland has always been very DIY and rock-based so “ guess that influenced me in some way.
What’s your favorite song of your’s lyrically and your favorite song to perform?
fave lyrically: Bad Disease, fave to perform: But You or Mystery Girl
The whole record was amazing but “Soft Currents” keyboards are really something else, are you planning to write more on the piano?
thank you! yes been writing a lot on the ole ivories
I love how a lot of your songs sound very cinematic - would you like to get into movie music in some capacity? Either scoring or soundtrack?
Awh hell yeuh
Is there a particular song that you're most proud of?
But YOu!
What would you say is your favorite guitar that you own and what is your dream guitar to own?
I am not much of a gear-head though I would love and old nylon string
Do you think that “Risk” will ever be made available on Spotify and Apple Music?
Unfortunately, because it was released on T-Bone Brunette's label, there was a legal situation that made me unable to release it separately. :/
Will you be making more of those amazingly weird embroidered underwear for your new tour? Obvs need some Savior swag on this tush.
I wish! I don’t have a sewing machine anymore but I will be selling my lil boxes online soon
Any chance for a show in Toronto? I'm a big fan, and I introduced my mom to your music and she absolutely loves you (her words) so I'd love to take her to one of your shows
hahah awh <3 None planned at the moment :(
What song on The Archer was a struggle to finish? Or were they all easy?
easy peasy lemon squeezy
Don't want to take away from your latest release (because it is an amazing album) but was there a reason you decided to not work with Alex Turner or James Ford for any of the new songs, writing or producing?
Since both your albums have been about relationships mostly, would you ever consider making a political song/album? What is your stance on that old debate?
I write what comes naturally to me
What should I name my snail stuffed animal?
Why didn’t you get a proper promotional run from Columbia for Belladonna? It’s an amazing album but I just found out about you through The Archer (which is equally amazing).
I can't really say, but I don’t think I was ever gonna make the kind of $$$ Columbia wanted
Would you like to tour South America at some point in your career?
awh hell yeuh!
Is there any particular era/motive which inspires your music visuals (album covers, music videos)? All the best from Split, Croatia!
Based on your Spotify stats, what are the countries that listen to you the most?
IDK! France seems to be very supportive
Any artist that you like that you could recommend?
Jessica Pratt, Sudan Archives, Vagabon
What's your favorite thing to draw/paint?
Who is your favorite artist / what is your favorite album at the moment, and how would you say this impacted on how The Archer sounds? Also please come to the North of England 😂
I AM!!! CHECK MY TOUR SCHEDULE AND COME BB!! favorite album rn "The Colour Green" by Sibylle Baier
What’s playing in your head now?
the click clacking of a mac keyboard
How do you like your coffee?
a lil bit of almond milk
Will The Archer be getting a cd release?
no :(
That's all folks! Thank for all of the questions, and most of all thank you so much for listening to my songs, it is a dream come true <3 Come see me play at my upcoming shows ! Can't wait to see you there <33333 amour my homies
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imaginebeatles · 4 years
Thanks for tagging me @princessleiaqueen! I decided to do it right away so I wouldn’t forget about it :) 
Puckie (I don’t like it tho...), but @chut-je-dors calls me “bitch”, very lovingly, and “darling” 🥰
Real name?
Favourite artists?
The Beatles (obviously, what a shocker), and each of their solo stuff, and Wings, Simon and Garfunkel, Elton John, The Kinks, Fleetwood Mac, David Bowie, Donovan, Elvis Presley, Sufjan Stevens, Hozier, the Carpenters and more, just to name a few :) 
Favourite sports team?
I don’t watch sports 😂
Other blogs?
Got a more person one on which I dumb stuff that is not The Beatles, which you can find here, if you’re interested. 
Do you get asks?
Lately, yes a lot and I love it all, please keep them coming 🤗
How many blogs do you follow?
230 (I don’t know how many of them are active tho...)
Tumblr crushes?
There are some cool people on here :) 
Lucky number?
What are you wearing right now?
Black skinny jeans with a striped button down blouse. 
Dream vacation?
Scotland and Liverpool I love, but I also love city hopping, so I’d love to do that or do a road trip through Europe by car or by train. 
I would love to some day end up living in a nice, two bedroom flat with lots of light in a more historic building in a lovely city (I would love Edinburgh), where I’d live with my girlfriend or boyfriend and two dogs and a cat. We’d both do work that we love and go out in the evenings, visit museums and see plays and other stuff like it, or we’d stay in and cook together in our pajamas and sit on the floor to eat, wrapped in blankets while we listen to some records with the doors to our french balcony open. 
Dream car?
I’d love a mini :) But I could also live without one. 
Favourite food?
Berries (like any kind, I love berries. strawberries, raspberries, blue berries, black berries, just all the berries), but I also love cheesecake and garlic bread. 
Drink of choice?
Piano (though I haven’t been keeping it up.... I really should...), guitar, and ukulele.
Dutch, English, German (trying to learn some French)
Celebrity crushes?
Paul McCartney, Hugh Grant (especially from the 80s and 90s), Jane Asher, and Jude Law. I used to have more, but they’re kinda gone now, and I haven’t gotten any new ones to add... Other celebs that I used to have crushes on but less so nowadays, but I still think are honestly so pretty are Natalie Portman (though I still love her) Keira Knightley, Rachel McAdams, Jane Birkin, Anne Hathaway (especially in that photoshoot of her wearing suits, just 👌), and Audrey Hepburn  
Random fact?
I own three sgt pepper LPs :) 
I tag: @chut-je-dors, @smothermeinrelish, @shippingmclennon, @mccartneyvinyl, @flamingpie, @waveofahand. If anyone else wants to, you’re welcome to! 😊
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basmathgirl · 5 years
I got tagged by @some-thrilling-heroics. ♥  😊 Thank you so much, love! :D
RULES: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better
Nicknames: BMG, Fan, Small Mummy (to which the required response is: ‘who is this other bitch you call “Mummy”?!!’)
Zodiac sign:  Virgo
Height: 162 cm
Hogwarts house:  Ravenclaw, apparently, and everyone I know easily accepts that
Last thing I googled:  the website details of a company we deal with at work
Fave musicians:  I’ve loved the Beatles since I was 3 years old, so I’d better mention them (not that they would particularly care I found my treasured Beatles plate recently).  Others I normally include are Mike Oldfield, Rick Wakeman, Adele, Barbara Dickson, Coldplay and various golden oldies.
Song stuck in your head:  *thinks* my brain is too busy fighting off a migraine as I write this
Following:  I had to wait until I was on my laptop to check this [if anyone can tell me how to find such info on the android app I’d be ever so grateful] and it’s currently 630
Followers:  the latest figure is 1500 so I’ll miss all those porn bots when they unfollow me….
Do you get asks:  sometimes. Which reminds me that I have 3 4 fanfic prompt requests unfinished
Amount of sleep: too much. I’ve been having 2-hour naps when I get home lately, then sleeping for another 6-7 hours later when I go to bed
Lucky number:  I haven’t got one :(  Perhaps I should just pick a number at random and use that?
What are you wearing:  erm… should I admit I’m still in my nightdress as I type this? Oh well, why not
Dream job: I had it for years - it was being a personal tutor
Dream trip:  I always want to go back to Scotland
Instruments:  mainly woodwind but I recently bought a ukulele to attempt to play. I love learning new stuff when writing doesn’t grab me instead these days
Languages: English (and some godawful schoolgirl French)
10 favourite songs: (not so much as an order but as they occurred to me just now)
1.       Bee Gees - Tragedy
2.       James Blunt – Bonfire Heart
3.       Simon & Garfunkel – Bridge Over Troubled Water
4.       Barbara Dickson & Elaine Paige – I Know Him So Well
5.       Coldplay – Viva La Vida
6.       Adele – Someone Like You
7.       Phil Collins - Easy Lover
8.       Mick Jagger & David Bowie – Dancing In The Street
9.       Lamb - What Sound
10.   Ed Sheeran – Supermarket Flowers
Random fact: I know the length of a piece of string
My aesthetic: a nice cup of tea with a biscuit, in front of the television and my computer. Mmm, luxury!
Tagging: @myoxisbroken, @breval, @fuckyeahfredandginger, @dwarfnamedevily, @raywritesthings, @storamogul, @merganfm, @shadowolf17, @viviannightingales, @of--roses--and--words, @joi-in-the-tardis, @fracturedmind, @alaska-riversong, @badxwolfxrising, @antiantemeridian, @infectionofmind, @memsevpersonal, @noblegirl91, @mr-spock-92, @wouldyoulike-fries-withthat, & @thealiensupreme 
if you fancy a go, please do so, as I’d love to see your answers
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wincnas · 4 years
GM!!! I know I keep making impulsive character decisions but trust me u guys.... this one is here to stay. I’ve been playin frankie for so (so) long now she’s one of my favortie characters.... her pinterest is here!!! anyways shes a mess and will sleep with whoever so jot that down.
(CINDY KIMBERLY, CISFEMALE) - Have you seen FRANCINE VIGO? FRANKIE is in HER JUNIOR year. The THEATRE MAJOR is 21 years old & is a LEO. People say SHE is GREGARIOUS, CHARMING IMPETUOUS and CHILDISH. Rumors say they’re a member of KINCAID. I heard from the gossip blog that SHE'S BEEN DOING CAM WORK TO HELP PAY FOR COLLEGE. (Olive. immortal. est. she/her.)
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francine “frankie” prudence vigo. what a name. her parents were both hippies who raised her in brooklyn and “worked” as starving artists. well, not starving but close to it. they were very much flower children who had an open relationship so frankie had some questions early on about the strange men and women who were kissing her parents lol
her childhood was generally very happy for the first few years? picture a tiny frankie learning how to paint while eating organic granola and listening to her mom’s fleetwood mac records
was homeschooled for a while until her mom died suddenly in a car accident while her parents were driving upstate for vacation
her dad survived but he was never the same afterwards. he cut off all his hair and got a job waiting tabes at some fancy restaurant. he kind of did a complete 180 and just became a shell of a person who drank, went to work, watched tv and slept.
basically her dad’s way of dealing with the loss was to just… pretend frankie didn’t exists and ignore her presence. he only spoke to her when it was necessary
as she got to be a teen she tried basically anything to get his attention. getting drunk in the middle of a school day, smoking weed in her room with music blasting, bringing home strings of guys and girls to have loud sex with. none of it got him to look at her
when she was about sixteen she fell “in love” with her english teacher who had a wife and a kid. him being a massive creep, he started sleeping with frankie and telling her he loved her. he’d whisper lines from the great gatsby in her ear while he promised to never leave her
BIG SURPRISE! he did and frankie never told anyone about what happened between and still hasn’t to this day. it really fucked her up and has given her a lot of trauma and abandonment issues
she’s not really good at relationships if you can’t tell? she’s either a bit full on or just doesn’t care about you at all. there’s no in between, and if she likes you she would do anything for you
which definitely gets her into trouble as she can get manipulated easily
her dad didn’t want to pay for her to go to larnswick, but that english teacher? offered to pay for her college if she would never go to the police or his wife about what happened
so here she is. she loves to party and is studying drama, which is perfect for her personality
she loves paris hilton and early 2000′s fashion and idolizes cher. she has a gecko in her room named after that woman
is a Dumb Bitch so jot that down
The life of the party?? she always walks in at least three drinks in, cowboy boots on and ready for anything
her music taste is largely influence by her mom. she listens to a lot of  80′s indie rock, like belle and sebastian, simon and garfunkel, joy division, violent femmes, talking heads. she also really loves terrible pop music and will pop her pussy to britney any day
she’s kind of the caricature of spunk and energy with a smile and lots of puns that she hides her grief behind
is just always the person at the party making sure everyone’s having a good time
loves drinking especially drinking anything that tastes sweet and sugary
also loves sleeping around. she just left larnswick for a while to go on vacation with this married guy she’s been obsessed with for a year or so. she’s in love with him and is convinced he’s about to leave his wife
Umm has some risky behaviors when it comes to sex?? Like she’s absolutely been in an orgy before. Her method of self-destruction is to sleep with people no matter the consequences to her body or her mental state
OKAY so wanted plots time: i need a toxic relationship with someone who doesn’t actually care about her, an unrequited crush, flings, awkward hookups that on’t look at each other anymore, exes that ended on good terms and are super close now, childhood friends, family friends, and some wild, reckless friends that all party together skins style. hit me up.
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amanharwara · 4 years
Eminem - Music To Be Murdered By (Album Review)
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“Music To Be Murdered By” is the latest release from the legendary rapper, Eminem. This is his eleventh studio album. Eminem released the album on 17th January without any prior announcement, similar to his previous album Kamikaze.
As you might know, Eminem is one of the biggest-selling artists of the previous decades. Very few artists manage to touch his sales numbers. Even the two of his worst albums managed to put up numbers that for most rappers would be their highest. Needless to say, he is one of the biggest artists in the world with a huge global audience. A lot of his audience is very passionate, which is one of the reasons all of his albums seem to do so well.
The project is a double-album, including two labeled introductions and one labeled outro. For those of you who don’t know what a double-album is, it is composed of two different albums. This one, in particular, is split into two portions containing 10 songs each. The album features 12 artists across eight songs, including artists like Ed Sheeran, the late Juice WRLD, Royce, Black Thought and Q-Tip. The album title and cover have been inspired by one of the most influential and prominent directors and filmmakers of all time, Alfred Hitchcock and his album, “Music To Be Murdered By”. Multiple songs on the album reference him.
His previous two releases have been inadequate trash. Revival and Kamikaze are two of Eminem’s worst albums ever released. Although, don’t take my word for it. You might want to give them each a listen yourself to understand why I say that. My gripes with Revival were the bad production, absolutely cringe lyrics and some of the worst flows. Kamikaze continued that trend of bad lyricism mixed with bad flows, and also attacked new-age rap like a grumpy old man. Two consistently terrible records from someone whose music I enjoyed and adored for a long time is the reason I went into this album with very low expectations. And let me tell you, the album barely manages to exceed even those low expectations.
The album starts with the intro, titled “Premonition.” Em continues the attack on “mumble rap” that he started on Kamikaze. He also talks about his career on the track, from his years of being one of the undisputed rap legends to being bombarded by criticism for his previous few records. The track features a generic trap beat, instances of which can be found on quite a few other songs on the album. However, the one on this track is at least a bit bearable. The track contains its fair share of corny lyrics. At a point, he is boasting about being “as fly as your zipper.” I think the track sets us up perfectly for what the whole album is going to be.
Next up is the “Unaccommodating,” featuring Young M.A. The track contains one of the better trap beats on the record. Also, M.A.’s feature is one of the saving graces on the album. This is because she can flow well on the beat, unlike the certain another rapper on the track. Although, I’ve got to give credit where it’s due. Em is pretty good at this “fast rapping” game that white kids from the suburbs love. If rap was all about talking fast, then Em would be the GOAT, of course. But that’s not the case. One thing I found funny about this track is the line where Em says that his pupils have gotten cornier. Yeah Em, that’s because they’re learning from one of the corniest teachers ever, you. He comes up with some of the wackest lines, I swear. “Where’s Osama been? I been laden lately” This is a line from the chorus of the track. The track contains even more corny lines, peep:
“Cause I met your bitch on the internet now I’m getting head like a Pillow Pet”
“That’s why they call me Kamikaze, it’s plain suicide, yeah”
Em’s old friend and frequent collaborator, Royce da 5'9", joins him on the track “You Gon’ Learn” along with White Gold. White Gold comes in with the chorus, which sounds rather boring to me. Royce comes in with an amazing flow that fits well on the beat. Although, he did make me cringe hard at the colonoscopy line. Overall, his verse is very enjoyable to listen to. Em comes in with his verse containing some very corny lyrics. He has mastered the art of corniness at this point. At least, his flow is a bit better on the track. I couldn’t even be bothered to put up some of the corny lyrics here. I’d recommend you give the track a listen and find out yourself.
Ed Sheeran collaborates once more with Em on the track “Those Kinda Nights.” This is one of the most trash tracks I’ve heard on the album, with some horrendous lyrics. Also, the flow on this one is annoying and irritating. The chorus by Ed is bland and nothing special. I can’t put into words how much I dislike this track.
“In Too Deep” describes details of a toxic relationship that Em and his partner were involved in. I do like the slow and kinda punchy beat on this one. However, I can’t say the same about Em’s rapping. I mean, it’s not as terrible as the rapping on some other tracks, but it’s not any good either. On the chorus, he goes back to his Recovery style of singing which doesn’t sound too good. This is an average track, better than some of the worst tracks but nothing too good.
“Godzilla” starts with Em’s annoying staccato flow which then evolves into an amalgamation of the annoying staccato and the annoying fast rap. The beat on this is good, though, pretty fun to listen to. But that is the only good thing about the track. I was hoping when Juice WRLD (R.I.P) comes in, that it would be at least a bit more enjoyable to listen to. However, even that expectation of mine was deceived. I didn’t enjoy the track other than the beat.
The track “Darkness” interpolates “The Sound of Silence” by Simon & Garfunkel. I’ve gotta be honest with you, the track has grown on me at least a little bit since I first heard it. While the beat is a little bit generic, I do like it. It is slow and kinda melodic, sets the tone for the lyrical content. Speaking of which, the song is written from the perspective of the murderer responsible for the largest mass shooting in US history. It also brings to notice the gun control problem in the US. This is one of the tracks that I think is good and you should give this one a listen.
“Leaving Heaven” sees Em reflecting on his success and what turned him into the person that he is today. He raps about extreme resilience after having been put under very terrible circumstances by life. The beat sounds reminiscent of something that would be on MMLP2. When the Skylar Grey-sung chorus hit for the first time, it did interest me a tiny bit. But that interest waned off by the second time the chorus hit. Also, Em seems to fall back into his annoying staccato rhythm on the verses on the track. Another below-average song, which while not terrible, leaves a lot of room for improvement.
Next might be the only song on the album that I’ve enjoyed thoroughly. And that song is “Yah Yah,” with its amazing use of sampling. It samples Busta Rhymes’ “Woo Hah!! Got You All In Check,” which is a song that I enjoy a lot myself. Denaun went crazy with the beat on this one. The features list on this track is pretty amazing as well, featuring Royce, Q-Tip who you might know from “A Tribe Called Quest” and his solo work, and Black Thought who you might know because of his amazing rap prowess and his work with his group “The Roots.” While I would’ve loved a verse by Q-Tip, he is only featured on the chorus along with Royce. Royce’s verse is pretty good, followed by another good verse from Black Thought. It’s good that Em’s verse is at the end, which makes it easier to skip.
On the twelveth track of the album, “Stepdad” Em attacks his deadbeat dad for leaving him and his mother when he was still a toddler. I hate the chorus on this one. Em’s flow on this sounds similar to some of his older works like Relapse and The Eminem Show. While the flow can start sounding a little annoying at times, it isn’t as bad as the chorus. And the lyrics are pretty good and not much corny when compared to other songs on the album.
The latter half of the album falls flat on its face and is even annoying at points. Marsh is one hell of an annoying song. I can’t even sum up my hatred for it. I’m sorry but I don’t have anything to say about this garbage. Never Love Again sounds like something out of Revival. Little Engine has an interesting and fun beat to it, but the chorus is annoying and Em’s lyrics aren’t any good. Lock It Up’s Anderson Paak feature is alright, nowhere near what my expectations thought it would be. Farewell is another piece of garbage with extremely cringe lyrics and annoying delivery. No Regrets contains a feature from Don Toliver which I couldn’t really care about. It sounds like a very generic trap song. The final song I Will is a reunion of most of the members of Slaughterhouse. This is a bearable track with an alright chorus from Em and an alright beat.
Overall, the album is another disappointment in the Eminem catalog. However, it’s not as much of a colossal letdown that his previous two albums were. It is a huge improvement when compared to Revival and Kamikaze. One of the good things about the album is that Eminem finally collaborated some new artists from the “mumble rap” scene instead of acting like a grumpy old man waving his cane at the kids. While some of the songs sound like generic trap songs, there a few good songs here and there. Some songs are absolute garbage and some are tolerable. It’s a below-average album from someone who I still think is capable of bringing better music than this.
Rating: 4 / 10
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