#but pulling off allnighters is painful enough
linipik · 3 months
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some sketches of Mina Le
I really enjoy her outfits and her channel has kept me company while working for the last month <3
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svtgg · 1 year
Star Gazing
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Jun and Chae go on an incredibly late night walk.
pairing: chae x jun
genre: hurt/comfort, just a smidge angst
word count: 1k, short and sweet
warnings: alludes to Yun grieving, a stress breakdown of sorts
On most stressful days, Chae was usually tired enough to pass out after laying in bed. But with Yun on hiatus (and rightfully so, she would never be upset with her about that), and the rest of the members stressed out, trying to fill in the missing pieces of their comeback, Chae had grown restless.
It was maybe around 2 in the morning when Chae shoved her covers off of her, grabbed her phone, some headphones, and a hoodie, before leaving her shared room with Jeonghan as quietly as possible. 
Chae sighed to herself, struggling to put on her converse. She reached over to the wall to try to balance herself but misjudged how far she would have to extend her arm and ended up tripping over her own feet, landing on the mat by their front door. She winced at the brief moment of pain but went back to the task at hand.
Seventeen had many nightowls, so it wasn’t uncommon for someone to pull an allnighter. Jun, however, was one of their best sleepers, and was the last person Chae expected to be silently watching her putting her converse on from the kitchen. 
“How long have you just been standing there?”
Jun shrugs.
“You’ve been watching me the entire time?” Chae exasperatedly asks. “What are you even up for? Go to bed.”
Jun wishes that he was in bed, but for whatever reason, Seungkwan and Dino were both still up, watching youtube videos together and laughing their asses off. He had gotten up to grab a glass of water and was sipping on it when Chae walked past the kitchen. He could tell she was annoyed by how fast she was trying to get out the door but was still trying to decide if he should interrupt her moment or leave the kitchen without her noticing. 
He sets down his glass and walks over to Chae, “Couldn’t sleep. Where are you going?”
Chae yawns and she rubs her hands against her face before responding, “On a walk, I guess? Just want to clear my head.”
Jun nods understandingly and grabs a random jacket that was thrown on a nearby chair, “Cool, I’ll come with.”
“Jun, you really don’t have to.”
“I know. But I like making sure you’re safe and could probably use the walk myself, so we go together.”
The first ten minutes of their walk is in complete silence. Chae opts to not put on her headphones, instead enjoying the quietness of being outside when no one else was. There is a slight breeze blowing through her hair, not strong enough to make her feel chilly but it was still refreshing. She can tell that Jun was enjoying himself too, occasionally kicking a rock that is on their path or slowing down when he catches himself walking a little faster than Chae. 
Neither of them knew where they were going, but enjoyed the simplicity in just walking. They eventually end up in a park and sit at a bench facing a playground. 
“I’m glad-” Jun jumps in his seat at the suddenness of Chae’s voice interrupting their silence and Chae laughs at him.
“I’m glad you came with me.”
“Yea.” Jun looks over at Chae, she is sitting with her head leaned back so that she’s looking at the sky and her butt is at the edge of the bench. “I like looking at the stars with you.” The gentleness in her voice is endearing to Jun and he can’t help but copy her position and gaze at the stars as well.
Chae lifts her arm and points at what Jun can only assume is a star.
“That’s you.” She says before moving her finger over a little bit, “And that's Myungho. And Nix. And Edyth, and Seungkwan, and Wonwoo, and Dk, and Cheol, and Dino, and Yun, and Mingyu, and Woozi, and Hoshi, and Jeonghan, and Vernon, and Josh.”
Her hand drops, but Jun is quick to grab it and pointing it at a very specific star, “And that's you. You're our North Star, Chae. You tell us where to go when we get lost. You light the way.”
Chae pulls her hand away from Jun and sits up. Jun once again mirrors her, and realizes that Chae is now crying softly. She uses her hands to cover her face and doesn’t let Jun pull them away. Instead, he tosses an arm over her shoulder and pulls her until she’s leaning into him.
“What if,” Chae sniffles, “What if I don’t know where to go anymore? What if I don’t know how to help?”
Jun uses the hand that isn’t wrapped around Chae to smooth out her hair. “You don’t need to know how to help all of the time, Chae. Sometimes, just knowing that you are there with us, offering comfort, is enough. You are more than enough.”
Chae cries a little bit harder and Jun hugs her a little bit tighter.
“Don’t forget that you’re a star like the rest of us, okay? And we want to help you too.” Jun feels Chae nod her head against his shoulder. 
The two go back to enjoying each other's presence in silence. Until Jun notices that Chae is starting to fall asleep on top of him. He nudges her a little bit and Chae jerks awake.
“We should head back.” Jun says.
Chae nods in agreement. She lets Jun hold her hand and pull her away from the bench. He holds her hand the entire walk back to the dorms and even helps her untie her shoelaces when they make it back.
Before entering her room, Chae glances at Jun, who is watching her from his own door to his room. 
She leans in his direction and whispers, “Thanks, Jun.”
He leans toward her too, “No problem, Chae.”
The two smile at each other one last time before entering their rooms and going to sleep.
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amasiusblog · 1 year
Lucifer Can't Catch A Break
brain was doing a thing it reminded me that it needed stimulation to do anything bc of the tism so i thought "what if lucifer is like that too omg twinning!!" honestly i just wanted an excuse to write abt him
This man is busybusyBUSY 24/7 365 and barely has enough time to eat or sleep. He definitely doesn't have enough time to take a real break (and he acts like he doesn't want or need it) so that means he doesn't have time for silly stuff like watching shows or reading, right?
No being mortal or immortal can get through that much paperwork without having some background entertainment. There's no way you expect him to get through that with nothing in his ears, right?? He spends all of his time doing work and I know for a fact that he does his tasks while a trashy drama or a podcast is playing in the background. At first his brain spaces out and he accidentally messes up a few forms by writing down what he hears but he adapts quickly and can ease the pain of paperwork with as much daytime television he wants. Keeping up with the Kardashians? He's binged a few seasons while pulling back to back allnighters. He's tired and can't find it in him to finish a particularly daunting pile of forms? 90 day fiance gets him awake and motivated so he can finish everything so he can get to the human realm to collect a few souls. He's watched every Ghibli movie in existence and one time Barbatos found him nodding off at his desk with a Barbie movie playing on his phone. Diavolo founds out about this (bc of course he does) and offers to give Lucifer more time off to relax and enjoy his shows. When he refuses Diavolo just gifts him a pair of noise cancelling headphones.
Sometimes when he's working his brothers will peek over his shoulder to see what he's watching and there's now a daily bingo card in the House of Lamentation for what movie genre he's watching.
One time Mammon saw him staring at his screen, paperwork forgotten as he devours a new episode of Ruri-chan.
Mammon: WHAAA-- This is definitely blackmail material. Oi, pay me 1M grimm or else I'm telling everyone.
Lucifer: You can tell them.
Mammon: What?! Why?
Lucifer: Because no one will ever believe you.
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flipnegg · 3 years
Under the Lights [Modern AU/Fake Dating AU] 02
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Pairing: Itachi x Kousuke [OC]
Words: 2,118
Warnings: None
“Do you have everything you need?” Itachi asked as he loaded the last bag Kousuke gave him into the trunk of his black SUV. He sounded so much like a mom that it made Kousuke want to laugh.
“Pretty sure,” Kousuke hummed tiredly, rubbing his eyes.
When Itachi came to pick Kousuke up at his dorm, it was so early that the sun hadn’t risen yet. That night, or should I say this morning, Kousuke stayed up late enough that he reasoned there was no need to fall asleep and that he would fall asleep in the car. The sight of Kousuke walking out of the dorm exit in his pajamas while carrying his packed bags and pillow was certainly a sight for Itachi to witness.
Itachi told him earlier that the car ride would be long, so he would pick him up in the early morning. He also mentioned that they would probably arrive at his parent’s house around dinner time. Hearing that Itachi would be driving all day concerned Kousuke, and when he offered to drive so Itachi could rest, he just smiled and said he was fine with it.
Soon enough the two of them get in the car, Kousuke grabbing his pillow, while Itachi begins to drive off.
After a few minutes, Kousuke’s soft, quiet snores filled the car. Itachi took his eyes off the road for a split second, taking a look at the white-haired boy that sat next to him. He couldn’t help the smile that crept onto his lips and was grateful that Kousuke agreed to help him. Eventually, Itachi turned on the radio while driving down an empty highway. He listened to the music softly, careful not to wake his passenger up.
Kousuke stirred when he felt the car slow to a stop. Opening his eyes, he saw the sun was up and then his stomach grumbled, indicating it had to be around lunchtime. He let out a pitiful groan as he stretched, causing Itachi to let out a small snort before getting out of the parked car.
Getting out as well, Kousuke saw that they were at a rest stop of sorts after looking around. They had some fast food restaurants, travel aids to help with directions, and bathrooms. Speaking of bathrooms, Kousuke had to use the bathroom badly. That woke him up immediately.
Before closing the car door, Kousuke grabbed a duffle bag that contained a nice change of clothes to replace his baggy pajamas. He flashed Itachi a grin when he gave him a questioning look at the bag.
“Gotta look nice for your folks,” Kousuke laughed. “Unless you want me to show up like this.” He gestured to his ungraceful appearance.
“It’s probably for the best,” mused Itachi. He was sure his father would throw a fit seeing them like that. He quickly locked the car before the two of them headed off to the entrance.
Kousuke looked around as the two of them walked inside. The rest stop was clean and simple. It had a few scattered families that were travelling for the holidays, some walking their dogs or hurrying to get their kids to the bathrooms, where Itachi and Kousuke were headed towards. They relieve themselves quickly, and Itachi let’s Kousuke know that he was going to pick up some food while Kousuke changes.
After Itachi left to get the food, Kousuke quickly changed into his other set of clothes. He put on a nice pair of tan khakis and a dark blue sweater then changed from his slippers, yes slippers, to his black converse. The final touch was his jean jacket to protect him from the chilly, winter breeze outside.
Once Kousuke stepped out of the bathroom stall after changing, he took in his appearance in the mirror. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to laugh or cry because of how messy his hair was. White strands were sticking up in multiple directions except for the right side of his head. The side that had been pressed against his pillow for the whole car ride had been sticking up and matted against the side of his head.
Quickly, he turned on the sink, running his now wet hands through his hair. He prayed that gravity would take mercy on him. At the end of his efforts, his hair was wet but stayed down and lay flatter than normal.
Looking around the bathroom, he made sure no one was looking before he began to use one of the hand dryers to dry his hair as quickly as possible. He looked ridiculous with his head shoved beneath the loud air blower, but Kousuke didn’t think twice about it. He already looked crazy enough walking into the rest stop with his pjs and baggy clothes, hair sticking up in ways that defied the laws of physics. This was a piece of cake.
At least, that’s what he thought before Itachi walked into the bathroom and made direct eye contact with him while his head was underneath the hand dryer. Kousuke jumped, gracefully banging the back of his head against the bottom of the drying machine. The loud bang echoed throughout the, thankfully empty, bathroom, taunting Kousuke for his horrible decisions.
“I got the food.” Itachi said holding up the bag, not commenting on whatever he walked in on Kousuke doing.
Kousuke thanked the gods above for not shaming him any further, but that didn’t stop his face from burning red. He gingerly rubbed the forming bump on the back of his head. Grabbing his duffle bag full of his dirty clothes and slippers from where he left them on the sink, he walked past Itachi, too embarrassed to say anything.
“Your hair looks better,” Itachi said once he started following him out of the rest stop, the bag of food in hand. From position, he could see the tips of Kousuke’s ears turn a bright red, but didn’t point it out and kept walking towards the car.
What Kousuke didn’t know was that Itachi thought he looked nice before and after changing. There was something domestic and endearing about seeing Kousuke in such a relaxed state around him. Throughout the past few years of university, the two of them had a few classes together and only talked here and there. Itachi only saw him in those professional environments, so it was a nice change of pace to see Kousuke walk out of his dorm in his pajamas.
A faint smile fell upon Itachi’s lips when he watched Kousuke fumble with the car door handle before finally opening the door.
He hoped his parents would like Kousuke because he sure did.
They drove for a few more hours, taking stops here and there to let Itachi walk around and stretch his legs. While driving, they played music, talked about their finals and Itachi’s family, eventually got dinner, and when things fell silent, Kousuke dozed off. The lull of the car helped him fall asleep quicker, getting the rest he needs because of all the allnighters he pulled in the past week due to finals.
The next time Kousuke woke up, the sun was setting. He figured that they were almost to their destination and felt the butterflies in his stomach flutter once again. Fake dating or not, Kousuke was meeting Itachi’s family and that was a nerve wracking thought. He was positive that he’ll mess up at least once. With Kousuke’s luck, he’ll probably mess up his own name or worse, Itachi’s parent’s names. Oh no. What if he did mess up their names?
As if sensing his distress, Itachi gave him a quick pat on the knee to catch his attention. He gave him a small smile before returning his eyes to the road ahead of them.
“You’ll do fine.” Itachi tried to reassure him, and Kousuke felt a little better. His shoulders felt less tense. “Even if you do mess up it just shows you’re human, and there’s nothing wrong with that.” And the weight is back on his shoulders.
The displeased look on Kousuke’s face made Itachi laugh. “Thanks, I feel loads better.” The sarcasm practically dripped off of his words. The white-haired boy turned to look out the window, pouting, which resulted in another laugh from Itachi.
“Hey, my pain isn’t for your entertainment,” Kousuke muttered through his pout, but he couldn’t help the twitch of his lips.
Soon enough, Itachi took an exit off the highway, stating that they were almost there to his parents house. Kousuke fiddled with his hands, a habit of his, soon feeling them become damp with his nervous sweat. Itachi paid no mind with Kousuke’s nervous antics, letting him be as he made the familiar turn into his neighborhood.
As they drove through Itachi’s neighborhood, Kousuke couldn’t help but gawk at how gorgeous the houses were. Some were decorated with simple Christmas lights, while others had a classic look to them, perfectly lit with spotlights and wreaths hung on doors and windows. He was pretty sure Itachi’s family was rich. They had to be to live in a neighborhood this nice.
Itachi let out a soft sigh once he pulled up to his parent’s house, feeling relaxed as ever. Although, he couldn’t say the same for his passenger. Turning off the ignition to his care, Itachi looked over at his companion. The Uchiha took in the stiff posture of Kousuke and slowly grew concerned.
“You sure you’re up for this?” Itachi asked, pulling Kousuke out of his thoughts. It’s not like he could back out anyways. They were already there and his parents were expecting them to knock on the front door any minute now.
Kousuke nodded before looking at Itachi in the eyes. With a shaky exhale he spoke. “Yeah.. um yeah. Let’s go.”
It’ll be fine, Kousuke thought to himself. Itachi and you went over this before. You know his family. This is no sweat.
Itachi unlocked the car door before they both stepped out into the chilly night air. “I’ll introduce you to my family first and we can unpack everything after.”
The two walked up the Uchiha’s driveway and that’s when Kousuke got a good look at his companions house. It was large with a nice yard and clean landscaping. If Kousuke looked closer, he probably wouldn’t be able to see a single blade of grass out of place. They had some decorations for the holiday on their front porch and a classic wreath on the front door. He wished he grew up in a house like this.
Once they both made it to the front door, Itachi grabbed his hand. Kousuke’s brain stuttered for a second. Fake dating. Gotta act like a couple. Kousuke thought back to their conversation earlier in the day during their drive.
“I don’t want you to be uncomfortable, so we can stick to simple things like holding hands and hugs,” Itachi responded when Kousuke asked about what was expected of him for this fake dating ploy to work out. “I won’t make you kiss me or anything beyond that, so don’t worry. I’m prioritizing your comfort over anything else.”
Kousuke was relieved. Holding hands was probably the best he could do. He just hoped Itachi would look over the fact that Kousuke gets nervous sweats in the palms of his hands. In the past, he’s heard that it’s pretty gross from girls he’s “dated.” So you can add that to the long list of insecurities Kousuke has.
“If my parents ask about the lack of affection or skinship, I’ll say that we prefer to keep it private.” Itachi really thought this through.
Kousuke hummed softly. “Do we have nicknames for each other? You can call me anything except for Babe or Bae.” Kousuke said before pointing a finger at Itachi, suddenly turning serious. “If you do, I will jump out of this moving car right now.”
Itachi let out a laugh. “I’ll just call you Kou, and you can call me what ever you want. I’m not really one for nicknames and all that, so I’ll probably use it sparingly.”
Kousuke felt a little better knowing that Itachi wasn’t expecting much. At least things wouldn’t change too much. Just two friends who hold hands. He could do it.
Kousuke gripped Itachi’s hand tighter before Itachi knocked on the front door. He tried to focus more on the man’s soft hands instead. They were warm which contrasted the biting cold from the winter air. His nerves were still getting the best of him, but the black haired man gave Kousuke a small, reassuring smile, telling him that it’ll be okay.
That’s right. Kousuke told himself. It’ll be okay.
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spaceskam · 5 years
inspired by a fic that i cannot find and therefore i feel I hallucinated. also apparently ballsy enough to post this when notifications are in hell 
Summary: Different things that happen within the year after Max died. 
warning: a lot of sad. happy ending though
Alex left Roswell two days after Max died.
“Please, please don’t leave,” Michael had begged him, “We need you. Maria and Liz–they need you. I need you.”
Alex had grabbed his cheeks and smiled all sad and beautiful. He’d kissed him and it felt like a goodbye. Michael didn’t try to stop the sob that cracked through his chest and left him aching.
“Is it because I kissed Maria? It wasn’t anything, I swear, I was just–”
“Michael,” Alex said softly, but stern. Michael whimpered at the sound of his name, rolling his forehead against Alex’s collarbone. “This is something I have to do to keep you and your family safe. I’m not angry at you.”
“I don’t want to be safe without you,” Michael whispered, crying harder and clutching tighter.
“You don’t mean that.”
“Alex,” Michael whined one last time, “I need you to stay with me. I can’t do this without you.”
“I’ll come home, I promise.”
Alex didn’t give him an answer.
Isobel left Roswell one week after Max died.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Michael yelled, glaring with a level of anger he’d never been able to find for Isobel before.
“I need to get out of this hell hole, Michael!” she screamed back, face red with rage.
“Max is fucking dead! You’re just going to leave me to pick up the fucking pieces?! You’re not going to help?!” Michael followed her out to her car, still shouting at her regardless of what sort of scene they might’ve been causing. Fuck this. Absolutely fuck it.
“My husband was an abusive serial killer and my brother is dead! I need to get away from it!” she told him, slamming the door to the backseat.
“Are you gonna come back and help me?! Are you expecting me to just fucking fix shit?!”
“This isn’t about you, Michael!” she spat, shaking her head, “I’ll come back eventually, I need to get away from this!”
“When are you coming back then, huh?! When are you going to help?!”
“I don’t know!”
She drove off without saying goodbye.
Maria separated herself two weeks after Max died.
“Maria, forget about me and everything, Liz needs you right now.”
“And where was she when I needed her?”
Michael gulped and bowed his head. His hands were shaking, desperate to hold onto someone that he still could. Maria couldn’t run away from Roswell like the rest. He thought that meant he had a chance to try. Yet, even she was done.
“She’s sorry about that, we both are,” Michael insisted, “We’re sorry about everything.”
“You all lied to me about everything, Guerin, for decades,” she said. It wasn’t even bitchy, so he couldn’t even find the right words to defend himself. And, when he tried, she didn’t even let him get past opening his mouth. “Withholding the truth is the same as lying when it comes to this.”
“I know,” he sighed, slumping down further, “It’s just, Liz needs someone.”
“And she has you,” Maria said. When he got up the courage to look at her, he tried to look even more pathetic than he felt. He already felt pretty pathetic.
“You really gonna cut us off completely?”
Maria held her head up high.
“I have to do what’s right for me.”
She kept her word.
Kyle… tried.
“I can, uh, bring that heart monitor over when I get off, but I get off at five in the morning,” Kyle said, his voice muffled. There was something horrifically annoying about a man who worked 80 hours a week.
“Nah, it’s whatever,” Michael grumbled, shuffling the grocery bags from one hand to the other as he tried to make sure he had what he needed. He and Liz were pulling an allnighter in the cave again. “It’s not like we’re doing anything important or anything.”
“Hey, I’m trying,” Kyle argued. Which, he was. But trying was hearing from him maybe once a week. “Also, I’m flying out to search shit with Alex on my day off this weekend, I’ll let you know if we find anything.”
“You still talk to Alex?” Michael asked, feeling his heart ache all over again.
“Yeah, dude.”
“Cool, glad the resurrection of my brother is less important than anything else.”
“It wouldn’t be if he wasn’t such a jackass.”
Kyle kept in touch when he could. He helped when he could. It just wasn’t enough.
Liz showed up at the airstream at three AM two months after Max died.
Michael opened his eyes and looked up to the crying girl that had come to him in the middle of the night. It wasn’t too out of the ordinary for them to spend nights together, usually falling asleep in bunkers or labs after going 48 hours on nothing but energy drinks. They no longer had anyone to police them, leaving it to just be them two against the world.
Only, tonight was a little different.
Liz hadn’t cried since Max died. He wasn’t sure if it was denial or anger or what, but he’d liked that she was the only one who hadn’t fled. He didn’t like seeing her cry though, so he opened his arms and let her crawl up against him. It only made sense when she told him she was pregnant.
Michael considered breaking down then, considered screaming and cursing a God he didn’t believe in about why the hell they were being thrown another fucking curveball. Why, after everything, was this happening to them? He wanted to let himself break.
However, crying hadn’t made Alex stay. Anger hadn’t made Isobel come home. Guilt-tripping didn’t make Maria stick around. Being passive-aggressive didn’t make Kyle help. None of those would work now.
Instead, he chose to be strong. That seemed like the only option left. Nothing else worked and, at this point, they were all they had. So Michael didn’t cry. He held her close and stroked her hair and promised her that they would figure it out. They had this.
Michael held her as she cried and he held her when she slept. He held her when she profusely apologized for being so dramatic and he held her for a little while longer after that. They didn’t really budge for at least 24 hours. It was the most either of them had slept in months.
“Have you thought about what you want to do?” Michael asked her at some point the following night. It was so dark he couldn’t see her face, but he could feel her breathing against his shoulder.
“I’m weighing my options,” Liz admitted, her voice softer than it had ever been before. “On one hand, this is the actual worst time to have a baby. On the other hand, it… it’s Max’s. It’s what I have of Max. It feels wrong to terminate given the circumstances. And, and I know he’d be so, so angry when he woke up.”
“Yeah, he probably would be,” Micahel agreed. He tried to steer away from politics when it came to Max, but he could assume the way he felt about that.
“But then I remembered it’s my fucking body,” Liz said in a way that sounded a lot more Liz than she had since she came to him the night prior. He smiled.
“Also very true.”
“And then I’m left with the thought that I have no idea what the difference between a human embryo and an alien embryo looks like. What if it’s noticeably different? What if I go to get an abortion and they get freaked out and then I get turned into a science experiment?” Liz rambled quietly. He rubbed her arm and tried not to think about how terrifying that was. It would be scary at any point in time, but it was particularly scary when she was the only thing keeping him alive.
“We could get Kyle to do an ultrasound,” Michael suggested, “See if the difference is. And you’re, what, eight weeks along? You have a little bit of time to decide.”
“Yeah,” Liz sighed, nodding her head, “I just know I can’t give it up for adoption. I can’t put another child who might have powers, might not, into a situation like that.” Michael didn’t say ‘thank you’ but he thought about it.
“Whatever you do decide on, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere.”
“Thank you, Mikey.”
Liz decided to go through with it three months after Max died.
Michael watched her like a hawk.
Kyle did what he could to watch her, but it was mostly Michael. His focus pretty quickly shifted from reviving Max to making sure Liz was okay. As she crossed over into her second trimester, things began to get a little more worrisome. While the baby looked like a normal fetus and seemed to be growing like one, it was affecting Liz worse than it should’ve.
Normal pregnancy cravings became something intolerable. She couldn’t ever figure out what she wanted so badly and Michael had it in the back of his head that maybe it was nothing she could find on Earth. For a week or two, she became really attracted to the smell of acetone and Michael almost had a heart attack. The cravings would bother her, distract her, and some days she would sit in the corner of the bunker and just cry her frustrations out. Neither of them got much done on those days.
Even then, that felt like the easy part. She would get dizzy multiple times a day and she would get sick even more than that. While they tried to convince themselves it was normal, there was still the fact that it never seemed to stop. Worst of all, it was paired with pains. Liz had originally compared them to period cramps, but they progressively got more and more vicious with time. Some days she couldn’t get out of bed. At some point, she was unable to get out of bed anymore at all.
Michael moved in with her at that stage of things. They got a tiny one-bedroom apartment and slept in the same bed. She would wake him when she needed him and he never minded. She was what he had left and she was ill. He was going to do what she needed.
Each day, she looked worse. She stopped gaining any weight once she hit her third trimester, rather appearing to almost lose it instead. Her face was pale and she would sweat all day and night, consumed with hot flashes that left her a shaking and sweating mess. She was weak and she was in pain and she was hardly even Liz anymore.
“We need to do something,” Michael said, his voice leaving no room for argument. Kyle was coming by to do his weekly checkup and even he was struggling to hide his worry on how bad she was doing. “This isn’t okay, this is going to kill her.”
When Kyle didn’t deny that, it made things ungodly worse.
“What is making her sick, Kyle? What do we need to do?” Michael demanded, “Is the baby even still alive? Is it, like, infecting her or something?”
“Michael, I don’t know what-”
“Well, you need to know!” he snapped, “Liz needs to survive. You’re going to figure out what is happening and if you can’t, then I’m risking bringing her to an actual fucking doctor.”
He went back into the room to find Liz already asleep, her face almost as white as the sheets. It made him feel sick. He crawled up behind her and pulled her hair away from her neck and face, balling it up at the top of her head. He laid with her and tried his best to will her survival into existence.
At this point in time, he had decided he didn’t need anyone but Liz to survive. She was the only one that wasn’t going to leave and he wasn’t going to leave her. And that meant making sure she was okay.
Kyle returned a few days later and said a C-section was the best option.
Ileana Paloma Rosa Ortecho-Evans was born seven and a half months after Max died.
She was tiny.
Michael didn’t really know how to process just how tiny she was. She was the perfect size to fit in his palms and that’s all that was needed. He felt almost unworthy to hold her. Yet, he was the first one outside of Kyle who was allowed to.
He had looked her over extensively and, somehow, she was fine. He’d explained that usually babies born that early had issues breathing at the least, especially when they were that small, but she seemed to be fine. Because they didn’t want any other doctor or nurse looking at her too hard just in case, he gave Michael the assignment to watch her and alert him if he noticed any issues at all. He took it like it was the most important job in the world. And, honestly, it was.
She fit in the crook of his arm perfectly‒it helped that she wasn’t even the length of his forearm. He moved slowly back into the hospital room where Liz was still sound asleep. Already, she looked better. Color was coming back to her cheeks. Arturto sat beside her.
“I bet she’s excited to go back to work once she heals,” Artutro said. He didn’t ask to see the baby and Michael wondered if it was because he was just so focused on making sure his baby was alright.
“Yeah,” Michael confirmed, “She is.”
“And you’re going to help her?” he asked.
“Absolutely,” Michael said without hesitation, gulping softly as the baby in his arm wrapped her hand around his finger. She held on tight. “I’m not going anywhere, I swear.” He wasn’t like everyone else.
Arturo nodded and kissed the back of Liz’ hand. “Thank you.”
When Liz woke up and got the first glimpse at her daughter, they both smiled for the first time in a long time. She was still weak from her surgery, but she managed to sit up a little and he sat beside her as she held her baby. It looked right.
“She’s so little,” Liz gushed, sniffling as tears brimmed her eyes. It didn’t even phase Michael anymore. He’d seen her cry so many times now that it was almost just apart of things.
“I know,” Michael said, smiling over her shoulder at Iliana. Her head was a little big and her eyes were even bigger and her skin wasn’t exactly a pleasing color, but, fuck, she was theirs. He couldn’t call her cute, but it took no time to fall in love with her.
Liz leaned into him and relaxed, breathing slow and steady. They both just stared at her for awhile. She was hard not to look at. All Liz’s suffering had ended in a person. It seemed unreal. Well, then again, everything in the last few months had seemed unreal.
“I wish Max was here,” Liz whispered to him a little bit later. Michael chewed on his lip.
“I know,” he said. What he didn’t say was ‘I do too’ or ‘I wish Alex was here’ or ‘I wonder if Isobel would want to meet her niece’ or ‘do you think Maria knows you had a baby?’ because none of those felt like comforting statements. They weren’t comforting statements. They were the ones he thought about non-stop though.
His body ached for the people he’d lost, but he hoped one day he wouldn’t care anymore.
Days passed, though, and things just went back to the way they were. Well, not really. They had a baby now. Iliana slept in a bassinet less than a foot away from Liz’s side of the bed, perfect reaching distance for her even on the nights that Michael was on baby duty.
Occasionally, Michael would lay in bed and wonder if he was doing the right thing. That dark little voice in his head said that he was too happy on some days and that he had forgotten about Max and that he had merely stepped into his shoes. However, then he’d look over to Liz’s determined face and he’d feel like he was going to be alright. Liz was his lifeline.
And, with time, Liz got back to her old self. She was walking around and holding conversations and outsmarting him. It felt like she’d finally come home and he couldn’t have been more thankful. Kyle slowly began to withdraw again once he was no longer needed, but it was alright. They had each other and a baby to focus on.
They were too busy with working and adjusting to parenthood that they couldn’t focus on reviving Max, but, somehow, they were remembering how to be happy.
“Ay dios mio, Mikey, look at that face, she is mean-mugging you,” Liz said as she held the month old baby while Michael shook up her bottle. He laughed at the little glare on her face that seemed to resemble the Ortecho sisters more and more each day, pressing a kiss to her head before handing Liz the bottle.
“You’re going back to work tomorrow,” he pointed out, watching her features morph into a broad smile, “You excited?”
“Listen, I love this, I love her, and I love spending all my time with you,” Liz promised, following it up with a sigh, “But I am so ready. Even if it is just imaging at the hospital, I’m here for it. I need something to do. Also I’m tired of living off a mechanics salary, no offense.”
Michael snorted, “None taken.”
“And you,” Liz prodded, kicking him lightly, “How are you?”
“I’m good.”
“Are you?” she asked, eyeing him, “Have you talked to Alex or Isobel recently?” Liz knew everything, every last detail about basically everything that had ever happened. She knew how he felt about Alex and she knew how badly he missed Isobel. However, she also told him he shouldn’t have taken a step away from Alex whenever he felt like he was crashing. She’d told him that was what scared her about her feelings for Max, but it turns out all she needed to do was to give in.
And Michael really was ready to give in.
“Nah, but it’s okay, they made their choice,” Michael said, brushing it off. He wasn’t angry at Alex‒Alex had left for a good cause and his lack of keeping in touch made sense. He was, however, unimaginably pissed at Isobel for dropping off the face of the earth.
“Okay,” Liz said, “You know you can vent to me if you need to.”
“I know, Lizzie.”
She smiled and scrunched up her nose adorably at him.
They went to bed shockingly early that night. Iliana went down at 8 and they were dead asleep before the clock hit 8:30. Michael had taken off the following day so that Liz could enjoy her first day at work without stressing which meant he was also on baby duty, so it meant he couldn’t bring himself to regret going to bed so early.
However, he still had to be kicked awake when Iliana woke up a few minutes shy of midnight.
“Mikey,” Liz groaned, kicking him not too unlike a child, “Your turn.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he breathed, dragging himself out of bed and going to pick up Iliana and take her into the living room to get her a bottle.
He shushed her softly as he held her to his bare chest with one hand, rubbing his eye with the other one. He flicked the lightswitch on and that seemed to assure her even more that she was going to be fed and she slowly quieted down more. He used his telekinesis to make her bottle which Liz had been vocally jealous of even if he used it to help her all the time.
“You know, you’re really lucky you have Uncle Mikey instead of your daddy on nights like this,” Michael said between a yawn, “‘Cause he used to lose it when I woke him up. Now, he’d probably be a whole lot nicer to you, but I’m just saying.”
He’d barely finished making her bottle whenever there was a knock on the door.
He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at the clock, seeing it glaring a bright green 12:04 on it. There was actually no reason for anyone to be at their door this last. Michael did his best to keep his heartbeat still as he walked towards the door and looked through the peephole.
Alex returned to Roswell nine months after Max died.
Michael felt like he was hallucinating.
He opened the door carefully, regulating his breathing and trying not to jump to conclusions about what exactly was happening. Still, when the door was open, it was really Alex. His hair was longer and he was dressed in a way that screamed Alex. He had a nose ring again‒this time it was a stud on the side rather than septum, but still. He looked phenomenal. It took everything in him not to attack him in kisses.
“Hi,” Michael said softly. It took him a few seconds to realize that Alex’s eyes were trained on the baby he was feeding and then it took a couple seconds more to put together that he was probably jumping to conclusions. He left Michael when he was a mess and he returned to see him shirtless with a baby.
“Should I g‒”
“She’s Liz’s,” Micahel clarified. Alex’s eyes got impossibly wide.
“You and Liz‒”
“No! No,” he laughed, his hands shaking enough to get milk on Iliana’s cheek, “Max.”
Alex’s eyes formed sad realization and nodded. Then they just stared at each other for a minute. This didn’t feel real. Michael had been adjusting to a life with no one except for Liz and Iliana and it was weird to welcome someone home. But, god, it felt good to see Alex.
“Come in,” Michael said after a moment. Alex smiled and walked in, looking around.
“When Kyle said you got an apartment, I was impressed,” Alex said, “But now that I see you’re just staying with Liz it makes more sense.”
“Well, we live together, like, permanently,” Michael explained, sitting on the couch and adjusting the bottle in Iliana’s mouth.
“Oh?” Alex asked, sitting on the other side. Michael nodded and then gestured towards the baby. “Is she showing any signs of getting alien abilities or anything?”
“Not yet,” Michael said, eyes drifting off of Alex and down to the baby in his arms. She was still so small. “But Liz had a really horrible pregnancy and I think it was because she’s not completely human. I was reading, like, a ton of research on pregnancies and stuff and I think that her body was registering the baby as, like, a parasite and was sending antibodies to try and kill it which, then, made Liz extremely sick. We don’t know for sure or anything, but that’s the only thing that makes sense.”
“Fuck, that’s horrible,” Alex said, “She’s okay now though, right?”
“Yeah,” Michael confirmed, looking up to him with a smile, “She’s asleep though. She goes back to work tomorrow, though. Hope everyone’s ready for Iliana spending a whole lot more time with Papi Arturo.”
“Oh, I didn’t even think about that, how did he take everything with Max?” Alex asked, voice hushed. Everyone in Roswell was under the assumption that Max had just up and left. Arturo wasn’t any different.
“Fine, not like Liz really gave him an option to feel any other way. She basically just went up to him and was like ‘I’m pregnant and I’m keeping it and that’s all I have to say on the matter’. He hasn’t mentioned Max.”
“Man, it’s gonna real suck for him if you guys bring him back,” Alex laughed.
Things fell silent again as they just stared. It only broke when Michael propped Iliana on his shoulder to burp her and Alex seemed to remember he had other stuff to talk about. There was a million things to talk about. Michael didn’t even know where to start.
“So, uh, how is everyone? Isobel, Maria, Kyle, I guess,” Alex laughed. Michael couldn’t even manage a smile.
“I don’t know,” he answered honestly, “Isobel left not long after you and hasn’t kept in touch, Maria cut everyone off, and Kyle is just off being Kyle, I guess. It’s basically just been me and Liz.”
Alex frowned, “I didn’t know that.”
“You missed a lot,” Michael said softly.
“I missed you,” Alex blurted out and Michael couldn’t take his eyes away, “Seriously, I missed you so much it hurt. I didn’t know I could ever miss you as much as I did when I was at literal war, but, fuck, I did. If you weren’t holding a baby right now, I would probably kiss you until I couldn’t breathe.” Michael smiled wildly, his cheeks heating up and his heart thudding. It was the best thing he’d ever fucking heard. “Sorry if that was too straight forward, but I’m so tired of wasting time. I miss you.”
“I missed you too,” Michael agreed, suddenly extremely eager to go put Iliana back to bed and make Liz take over, “But you probably shouldn’t make me want to put the baby down. She doesn’t really accept not being held until she’s asleep.”
Alex chuckled, “You guys don’t just let her cry?”
“Fuck no,” Michael said, “I don’t want her to ever think we’re not there.” Alex nodded with the same big smile.
“What’s her name?” he asked, leaning closer to get a look at her, “God, she looks like Liz.” Michael could smell his cologne.
“Iliana,” he answered, nodding his agreement.
“That’s really pretty.”
“I know.”
“Can I hold you?” Alex asked her in a baby voice that Michael had never heard. It struck him to his core and he suddenly felt lightheaded. Michael slowly passed her into his arms.
Alex looked good with a baby. It was annoyingly attractive and Michael wondered if he even would’ve noticed that before Iliana was born. He didn’t remember ever finding someone’s maternal or paternal skills inherently attractive before, but seeing Alex rock her to sleep felt like the sexiest thing that had ever happened.
“Have you guys been working on bringing Max back?” he asked. Michael felt that attraction immediately bleed into guilt.
“Not recently. We’ve been just so focused on her.”
“That makes sense.”
Once she was asleep, Michael promised Alex that he’d be right back out. He placed Iliana on his side of the bed and created a pillow wall around her. He spared a look at Liz too and saw her out like a light. He wondered if she would be happy to see Alex in the morning. He hoped so.
When Michael came back out of the room, he found Alex only a few steps away. He looked serious and his face was illuminated by the bright kitchen lights. Michael hesitantly stepped closer.
“Are you home for good?” he asked. Alex touched him first, grabbing his arms and pulling him in close.
“Yes,” he said, “I’m home for good and I want us to work. I’ve missed you so fucking much, Michael. You don’t know.”
“We need to talk.”
“We will.”
Alex closed the space completely, kissing him like he was coming up for air. Michael kissed him back just as feverently, leading him back to the couch. He was reminded that, while he could survive with only Liz, he was never really living until he had Alex.
Maria listened to them ten months after Max died.
Liz and Michael had both gone to her bar before they opened and decided no wasn’t an answer. Except it made it a lot easier whenever Maria smile at the sight of them.
“Long time no see,” she mused. They both look at each other like they were waiting for the catch. “Look, I can’t hold a grudge that long. Well, I can, but it’s not healthy. I was just waiting for you guys to come see me. I gotta admit, I’m a little annoyed it’s taken so long but I’m glad to see you.”
“I know it’s not really an excuse, but I had a baby and I really lost track of time,” Liz said. Maria’s whole face transformed and she was on the other side of the bar in an instant.
“What? Oh my god, I didn’t know,” she gushed, hugging Liz. Liz folded into her the way Michael had seen her do with Alex a month prior. He always seemed to forget that they were basically inseparable at one point.
“Before you guys delve into the Iliana talk, I wanted to apologize,” Michael said. Maria looked over Liz’s head at him, still not letting go. “I should’ve been completely honest with you and I also should’ve told you what was going on with Liz. I couldn’t do anything about everyone else separating from us, but I could’ve reached out to you. I fucked up multiple times and I’m sorry.”
Maria breathed slow and steady and smiled. “You’re forgiven.”
“That easy?”
“Well, you both are going to have to pull, like, a lot of the friendship weight for a little bit just so I know you’re serious, but I think we’ll be able to get back to good.” Maria assured. Michael closed his eyes in relief.
And he smiled.
Isobel came back to Roswell eleven months after Max died.
Michael just stared at her. He had never felt so much negativity towards Isobel in his life. Unlike with Alex and Maria, he didn’t feel that urge to hug her and ignore the problem. Because she was the problem. Michael had always gone out of his way to be there for her and, when they needed her, she was gone. He knew she had her own things to deal with, but she should’ve come to him. They could’ve healed together. Instead she was a new level of selfish.
“How did you get my address?” Michael asked. Isobel flinched at his tone.
“Michael, I‒” She paused for a moment and then sighed. “I got it from Alex.”
Michael turned up his nose. He was going to have to talk to Alex about that. It’d been two months of being back together and they were doing good, but clearly he didn’t know when to keep his address a secret.
“What do you want?”
“To apologize,” she said, “I shouldn’t have left.”
“Damn right you shouldn’t have left,” he spat, “We needed you.”
“I know and I’m sorry! I just… I needed to escape,” she said. Michael scoffed, shaking his head. Like clockwork, Iliana started crying and left Michael having to deal with his sister wondering why there was a baby crying.
“None of your business,” he said, closing the door a little bit so she couldn’t investigate, “You didn’t want anything to do with me or anyone else, so it’s none of your business.”
“Michael, I told you I was going to come back, I just needed some time,” Isobel sighed, “You don’t know what I was going through.”
“Yeah, and you didn’t even give me a chance to try. I have always been there for you, Isobel, and you just treated me like shit. I didn’t deserve that from you,” Michael said erestly, shifting from foot to foot as he tried to tune out Iliana’s crying. He hated that sound. He just wanted to hold her all the time so she never cried. But he also didn’t want to give Isobel the gift of seeing her.
“No, you didn’t and I’m sorry. I will be paying that price for the rest of my life,” she said sternly. He almost believed her. “Why is there a baby crying? Did you get Maria pregnant?”
“None of your business.”
“Michael, please. Will you just give me a chance to make it up to you?” she begged. He huffed a laugh.
“Yeah, I might’ve if you would’ve come home after a couple of days. You’ve been gone almost an entire year. Fuck that. I don’t need this.”
“Michael! Listen to me,” Isobel said, tears in her eyes as she put her hand on the door. For a moment, she looked like his sister and not the girl who abandoned him. “I think I know how to bring Max back.”
He froze.
“I have spent the last year trying to get stronger and I have. I think I know how we can do this,” she said and his stomach turned. He wanted to turn her away, to tell her no, to say he didn’t need her help.
But the fact of the matter was there was a baby in the next room who might have a chance to know her father if Isobel was being honest.
“I’m listening.”
The next month was full of trying to work with Isobel and not scream about how angry he was. Alex helped. Every time he felt like he was going to explode, he would soothe him. Liz was the best at it though. She also wasn’t too happy with Isobel, but she had mastered the art of being completely passive aggressive and bitchy while also accepting help. It was fun to watch.
However, Isobel really did have a point. She had honed her powers in a way that even Michael hadn’t. She could do all sorts of stuff and she didn’t struggle too much. She helped Michael got to the point he could heal. And, one day, he actually hugged her goodbye.
“Are you gonna forgive her?” Liz asked as they climbed into bed that night. Michael sighed and shrugged.
“I don’t know,” he admitted honestly, “It feels like she’s really trying and it seems like she put her time away to good use, I just… There’s no reason why she couldn’t keep in touch.”
“I know, Mikey,” Liz said, patting his chest, “I support whatever decision you make.”
Michael stared at the ceiling for a long while, weighing all of the options that he had. It’d been one hell of a year and he was eager for a break, but it still seemed like there was major fuckery in the future. It didn’t seem like anything would ever end.
“Liz?” he asked in the darkness. He didn’t really expect an answer, but he got one anyway.
“If we do figure out how to bring Max back, what does that mean for us?” It wasn’t a secret that, if they were successful, there was no way they’d be able to continue on like they had been. They’d shared a bed for seven months now. Even now that Alex was home, Michael spent at least six nights a week in bed with Liz and Iliana. That wasn’t an option once Max was home. None of this was an option once Max came home.
That made him feel empty.
“I don’t know,” Liz replied honestly, scooting a little closer. She put her head on his arm and he just pulled her in all the way.
“I know she’s not my baby,” Michael whispered, “But I don’t want to go back to not taking care of her everyday. I don’t want to go back to not seeing you every day.”
Liz was quiet for a moment, her long eyelashes brushing against his shoulder each time she blinked.
“Maybe we can get like a three bedroom house,” Liz suggested softly, “One for me and Max, one for Illy, one for you and Alex. That could work, right?”
Michael huffed at the idea. “It’d have to be a big house to get either of them to agree.”
“True, but four paychecks‒we could do it.”
Michael sighed and nodded. He hoped they could do it.
And that hope extended to something greater whenever they stepped into the cave during the thunderstorm. Both Michael and Isobel were vibrating with a power-strengthening serum Liz had managed to concoct and they were about to try their hardest to get shit back to normal. Or, at least, normal for Roswell.
Alex kissed him good luck and Isobel gave a reassuring look. He decided he would give it a shot, even if they failed. He looked up to Liz last and saw her give him the biggest smile in the world. She believed in him. If no one else did, she did.
That seemed like the most important thing he’d ever had.
A year after Max Evans died, he took his first breath of life again.
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chigiriki · 5 years
just a little ficlet thing, since im trying to get back into writing
rottmnt donatello&leonardo sibling shenanigans, donnie has the worst eating habits and leo is a responsible bro and annoys him until he eats
"Have you eaten anything?"
Donatello startled at his brother's voice coming from the doorway, too engrossed in his invention to notice that someone had entered the lab.
Even now, as he put up his goggles and turned to squint at Leonardo, his mind wasn't focusing; it was still counting the math, theorizing about the next necessary step to progress, and he completely missed what Leo said next. He could hear his voice and see his mouth moving, but his brain treated the noise as unintelligible gibberish, refusing to process it as words.
"Whuh?" was his elegant reply and Leo rolled his eyes.
".. you didn't catch any of that, huh?"
While Leo crossed the distance between the door and work station, Donnie rubbed at his eyes. He was trying to pull his attention to his brother and the conversation that was apparently happening. He couldn't help but feel a bit annoyed at the inconvenience though - sometimes it took a while for him to really get into the zone and getting interrupted in the middle of it ruined the momentum.
"What do you want, Leo?" he asked bluntly, turning in his chair to regard his brother.
Leo didn't reply straight away, eyes scanning the energy drink cans and coffee mugs littering the sides of the work station, a few empty flavored meal replacement shake containers amid them. Sometimes Leo really did wonder how his brother's heart hadn't given up and just stopped, what with the caffeine binges he went on to substitute a healthy sleep pattern. It was a heart attack waiting to happen.
He brushed most of the trash off the table and on the floor to an indignant "Hey!" from Donnie, and hopped to sit on the edge of it.
"Dad wanted to know if you've eaten anything since breakfast", he said, his legs idly swinging back and forth. "He says he hasn't heard you exit the lab in hours", he reached one leg over, using it to push Donnie's shoulder repeatedly, Donnie swaying back and forth with the motion. The softshell made another peeved noise, slapping at the offending appendage before pushing it off him.
"Stop it, get your dirty feet off me" he complained, Leo's amused grin making Donnie reach out and attempt to punch his shoulder. Leo leaned out of his reach with ease, grin only widening.
After a few more futile swings, Donnie gave up with an irritated glance at the ceiling, opting to let it go. Leon was a thorn in his side, truly.
Speaking of pain... He was slowly becoming aware of how tense his muscles were. He got up from the chair, figuring he might as well use this break to stretch them and get blood flowing again.
He rolled his shoulders and put his arms above his head, stretching long and good with a sigh. He didn't always wear the battleshell in the safety of their lair, but wearing a heavy piece of equipment like that and hunching over while working on the daily did a number on his back.
It hadn't escaped Leo's notice that Donnie was avoiding replying to his fairly straightforward question.
"Yeah, yeah", Donnie huffed. Despite how irritating it was to have Leon on his back about it, a very quiet and small part of Donnie was always a bit touched that his family paid enough attention to him to notice when he skipped meals or pulled allnighters.
It was a bit unusual for their dad to be the one to notice the former, though. It was usually Raph who sent one of his brothers or himself to needle him until Donnie got himself something to eat or went to bed. It was mildly surprising.
"I ate like a few hours ago", he replied and Leo cocked an eyebrow ridge. "Meal replacements don't count as a meal, Dee. Have you eaten actual food? It's like 7pm", he said, slouching casually on the table and poking at Donnie's bust of himself.
"That's not all I've eaten", the purple one grumbled a little bit petulantly, moving closer to pull the bust out of Leo's reach. He was avoiding actually answering; he hated being called out like this. Liquid food was just so convenient, coming in easy packets and always ready for fast consumption.
And sometimes food just... grossed him out, holding too much texture and taste for him to eat when he was tired or stressed, hypersensitivity buzzing on his skin and making him pull into his lab for peace and quiet until the static became background noise and there was just him and his machines.
"Coffee also doesn't count as a meal, and neither does energy drinks", Leo countered easily, glancing at his brother and his disgruntled expression. "C'mon, I think there's some pizza still left and pops went topside with Raph. We can watch tv while we eat"
Donnie pursed his lips, thinking it over. He honestly didn't feel like eating, having gone without proper food, sustained by sugar and coffee, long enough that hunger had become just a distant hum that his body wasn't even registering as hunger anymore.
But Leo was looking at him expectantly and Donnie was slowly realizing the headache tightening around his temples, his eyes sore from focusing on tiny parts for extended period of time, so he folded.
"Fine. I get to pick the channel though", he said as Leo hopped off the work station the second he agreed. "Works for me, as long as it's not one of those boring science ones" he grinned, patting Donnie's back as he walked past him, touch familiar and warm against his bare shell.
Donnie sighed, following his brother and flicking off the lights as he went.
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S2 Ep 26-27: Marik Also Tries Mind-Crushing, Except Literal and With A Very Large Storage Unit
Ah, Yugioh, where two children are possessed by ghosts and two other children are possessed by just some guy named Marik.
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He’s still pretty sure he has a plan. To be honest, at this point it just seems like he’s desperate, but I have to hand it to Marik, that he’s doing more than just relying on a spooky golden maraca thing he keeps in the side pocket of his cargo pants. Something that a lot of shows do really wrong with villains (pointing fingers directly at My Hero Academia while I’m typing this) is that they rely too much on their fancy looking superpowers to show they’re a bad guy. It’s fine to have super powers but you gotta back it up with making sure you’re throwing your heroes into a psychological nightmare--at least once.
At least once, MHA, it is Season 3. Please. You have such a huge budget and the best animators in the world. Please. I beg of you.
Yugioh, on the other hand is like...when WON’T we be in a psychological nightmare?
And so Marik has decided, after the bandsaw murder clown incident, the blown up skyscraper 100 story fall to your death incident, and the spooky mime incident, that he was ready to just really go to town on effed up villain stuff today. It’s time to pull all the stops. He’s got Yugi’s BFF’s all ready to turn on Yugi, he’s got an abandoned shipyard...for some reason...
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All in all, as much as I rat on Marik, I very much appreciate that he didn’t monologue in some Mahjong bar for twelve episodes about all the reasons he wants to do evil stuff, he just goes out and does it. Let me rephrase, he just goes out and makes other people do it, but at least someone is doing something in every episode. Can’t say that about all the TV I watch.
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You do have to hand it to him he never does the same plan twice.
(read more after the cut)
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So, spotting Joey from afar, Kaiba lands his helicopter dangerously close to him, and just walks out unarmed, his smallest brother standing next to him. Mokuba is still taking everything in from last episode apparently and he’s just really confused most of the time as Joey starts going off about himself in the third person to Yugi.
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And Seto decides to just watch? He doesn’t call for help, he doesn’t use his crazy amount of leverage, and he doesn’t do the smart thing which would be to run the hell away, he just kinda soaks this all in and has decided that he lives here now.
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So, Marik, who can do a lot of the dark magic stuff Pegasus and Bakura have showed us, decides to instead go old school and forgo magic for most of this fight (other than some possession of course.)
Like I said before, if you’re gonna write a villain, they gotta get in your hero’s head a bit. It’s villain 101. Should it ever go as far as a Yugioh villain on kid’s TV? I mean proooobably not necessary? But something this episode does is show that a villain does not need superpowers. All they need, is to test your hero’s greatest insecurities to the breaking point, which is something Marik does really well, and surprisingly a lot of shows I don’t need to mention, because I already have, don’t do. They kinda rely on “well he’s got evil powers, so he’s evil and they punch a lot” while not understanding that it was never the powers that gives a show that tension that villains bring.
Like, Yugioh does a lot of things wrong, but surprisingly, they know how to write a clearly evil villain who’s just overheard that Yugi’s big thing is this bond of friendship--which is really childish--but he goes with it anyway. So he makes this bizarre Joker-like card game scenario that is based on breaking those friendship connections. But leave it to Yugioh to have something really pure in theory but in practice turn into this screwball nightmare. Yugioh is kind of like a really simple chocolate cake but there’s a tire on it and it’s on fire.
I will say, it is odd that Seto got dragged here into the friendship battle, as he is the worst friend. So now he also gets to go through friend torture with some school mates he occasionally has class with. TBH, I don’t think Seto has even realized yet that he has also been 100% abducted since the moment he walked off that helicopter. Seto lives in a nice denial place.
So lets go over Marik’s Big Plan #7.
First, off you gotta put on these shackles, seen here:
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I feel like Shackles are this seasons Maze Labyrinth. I mean I guess Yugi’s shackled to his destiny? Or at least the destiny of the ghost he’s attached to? Anyway, so many shackles this season.
And then these shackles and chains are connected to Joey as well as this anchor we see here:
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What nice symbolism to illustrate that Yugi’s friendship will drag everyone he knows along with him--as it has for the past 2 seasons. Not really a big spoiler for everyone involved in this battle.
And then this was a thing Marik added just for kicks, which can be symbolic, too, but I don’t feel like diving into it:
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I actually never thought these two would actually cancel a game. Mokuba decided against blowing his whistle at it though, he decided it was probably too late for that. Aaaaaand it was:
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Yo, how do you sneak up on people with a 70 ft crane?
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Honestly I was surprised that Seto cared enough about Tea to not move, but I guess he couldn’t kill Tea in front of Mokuba. And I dunno, Seto and Tea never really talk to eachother, so I guess I’ve never noticed that he thinks she’s decent enough to continue existing. He might like her better than anyone else on this show other than Mokuba. And I’m not saying that to ship them, although I’m sure it’s a fine ship sailing around out there, I’m just saying that it is notable when Kaiba accepts that someone else besides a Kaiba deserves to live.
And then one last touch:
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I guess no one told Marik that Tea and Yugi aren’t actually dating? I mean how much would it suck to go on one date with a guy and then all of a sudden you’re dealing with all of his villains?
Accurate, actually, that is exactly how dating works. You go one date and then you casually run into him in an elevator and then all of a sudden he’s like “So my ex fiance took me to court over the engagement ring and it’s so unfair that I can’t get that money back when she’s gonna marry this other guy she’s only known for a month anyway.” and it’s like “You were engaged?”
But, for his credit, 2 weeks later I needed a date, called him up, and he was like “Sorry, I’m in the hospital because I got an ulcer removed because apparently there’s too much stress in my life pulling these allnighters for my classes, and my car died and it’s gonna cost 2k to fix it, and then my ex fiance visited me in the hospital which was hella weird because my Dad is here. Anyway I got a tube down my pee hole and it was the worst pain I’ve felt in my life including the ulcer they removed from my gut. But I dunno. When’s the date?” and I just assumed he was pranking me but turns out, the next day, my teacher confirmed the kid was in the hospital and as high as balls.
Anyway, Pharaoh isn’t the worst person in the world to date, I guess.
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It’s nice that Yugi was able to find all of his accessories in blue leather and silver rivets.
The duel begins, everyone cries, except for Tea who’s just screaming from the sidelines that Joey needs to remember how much he loves Yugi. She reminds him to think of the experiences they’ve shared and it was like oh boy maybe skip the part where you bullied Yugi to to hell and then he got cursed with a ghost that lives in his body.
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TBH, I feel like it would be bad to introduce Serenity to the fray? Like if I were Marik I’d be like “woah get Joey’s sister out of here, that’s gonna snap him out of it.” but it’s not like Marik gets the whole family love thing anyway, living with Ishizu.
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In case you were wondering, yes Mokuba actually tried to explain to Tea what was going on, so the show went over what the hell was going on I want to say like 3 times. Which is something you kinda have to do when you’ve turned your card game into Mousetrap.
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And so this is where the episode ended, and I was capping along and felt like this could be a two parter post for this weekend, so why not? Lets continue.
Ah, and it starts out with Marik on a boat.
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That boat gets mysteriously bigger and bigger every time it shows up. How many Rare Hunters are there? Like 10? And do they have to rent an apartment on this boat, like how does this all work? And if they do rent an apartment on the boat, who’s cooking? Like Marik, obviously is not a cook since he’s a living disaster, but I want to know more about boat life. Did Bandit Keith ever make them a crunchwrap supreme? Is one of the Rare Hunters always playing Wonderwall? Do they tan on the bow? Why would this boat ever need to be this big?
And I know this isn’t any of the Yugioh spinoff shows, but if I were to write one it would absolutely be Marik’s Boat Life. That would be the name.
Anyway, Yugi decides to fly over Pharaoh’s shoulder like a little angel. It’s been kind of a while.
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So like it’s foreshadowed pretty strongly that Yugi’s decided “why even bother, Pharaoh, we don’t need your card talent today. At least my life will end as I lived, short and very awkward”
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On the other side of town, Tristan has to go up a group of these Rare Hunters, and from everything we know about Tristan, this shouldn’t be so difficult? Like he punched out Bakura and threw Double Spike Mullet over his shoulder at one point, but unfortunately, punches don’t seem to work. But do you know what does?
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I completely forgot Duke Devlin was a character in this show. Surprised he’s not in this competition, but apparently his game he’s making alongside Pegasus is really panning out--which is kind of effed up because Pegasus is a murderer. But youknow...I guess that everyone in the show decided to overlook that?
Whatever, I spent an entire episode trying to understand that, lets get back to the friendship plot line. Yugi decided to play a card that lets Joey take a card from Yugi’s hand, which gives him an opportunity to show Joey’s dragon. But will Joey overcome Marik and take this very good card to use on Yugi? (bro just corrected me and told me this card is actually not good but wtv)
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He takes a different card. Friendship triumphs over...this card that I should know more about but I don’t watch the card games so I’m just gonna wing it here.
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And then Yugi plays it anyway, and the music swells and it’s meaningful again.
Because the Red Eyes is connected with his heart now. Not sure when that happened exactly but it apparently happened at some point.
Seriously, when did this happen? I ask a lot of questions rhetorically but feel free to answer that one. Did I miss something? S1 this card was just kinda there.
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Pharaoh, sensing that Yugi has very well lost his mind and will be absolutely hit by a fireball, decides to take over. Remember that the last time Yugi got hit with a fireball, he passed out pretty much before it hit him. And then he died. Yugi died last time a fireball hit him (I’m pretty sure that was a fireball in the Pegasus fight? It feels like years ago). Mind, that was a shadow duel, but apparently that doesn't matter this season because all the cards are real and no one cares that this is a very big problem.
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Pharaohs legs are either three times the size of his torso OR they’re wearing extremely high waisted pants. Both scenarios are good.
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And he gets hit in the face with a fireball.
And doesn’t pass out. Good for him. He is about 15% alive though, Yugi is basically going to die if he gets hit with another fireball. Like his lifepoints still say 1000 but it takes him like ten minutes to walk all the way around this pier and give Joey this:
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Luckily, Marik as Joey plays cards so slowly, that the ten minute walk was still shorter than a single turn in Yugioh.
Also this is a thing? Just anyone can put that on?
so this whole time anyone could have been wearing the ring to Mordor? Just anyone? OK then.
Anyway, next week, on Yugioh:
Does Marik have any lag on that superpower of his, because I feel like it would make this show make some more sense on his part? Did the mime just walk home? If they all did die this way--not saying the will or won’t because they’ve died so many times now, but if they DID--weirdest way to die, amiright?
And if you’ve stumbled onto this blog which is halfway through S2, let me direct you to this handy link, which gives you all the recaps in chronological order from S1
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jjinomu · 7 years
I'm sad that the apocalypse is over but thank you for doing it!! It was super fun to see how it went. I have to ask, do you have any hc's for the vocaloids? Like how they act and stuff...? I don't mind which ones you do if you do any at all.
oh pshh don't worry about the wedding apocalypse it's still going to carry on, i just kinda "postponed it" in a way due to my net problems ehehehe but im glad ur liking the turn out it is really fun!!!
ANYWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY THE QUESTION I HAVE BEEN WAITING TO ANSWER MY WHOLE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! BLESS U i love talking about headcannons SO MUCh this might take a while lmao bc yes i have LOTS OF lil weird hc's for the vocaloids hehe 
i'll talk about my HC for the crypton 5 (and if they were like a family living together in a house bc thats how i see it) also SUPER LONG BC oBViously
MEIKO:- meiko iS SUPER COOL!!! she is like SUPER COOL and charismatic and super reserved and i love meiko and she'll protect the crypton fam with her life- she's a lil quiet too but doesnt mind chipping in a few snarkly lil remarks at ppl who are doing the wrong thing (she’s also a shorty)- she's pretty stern and the tsukkomi of the whole crew and she can get super cynical when she thinks about things- when she gets flustered she gets really "what?? no way??? pft nO what"- like kuudere type but also super tsuntsun yknow wat i mean- for some reason i also hc her to watch a lot of romcom anime or read a lot of shoujo when there's noone around or she has nothing to do idk y- she doesnt know how to cook properly but ppl let her cook bc it makes her happy - when she drinks, her personality goes from reserved to more open and happy and she'll engage in a lot of skinship and bouts of affection- probably plays really good acoustic guitar (a genetic trait shared with her mother meiko haigo)
KAITO- kaito's a lil dorky and a lil silly, he's quite naive but also kinda clever about random shit like "the top of the eiffel tower is six inches shorter in the winter”- he's always happy and glad to help out and he's super charming- he can be a little embarassing due to his naivety- he's also super easygoing and friendly- except he doesnt really do much around the house bc noone gives him anything to do be they're scared he'll wreck the place by accident- he's a LOud man likes 2 cheer likes 2 be a proud dad- he probably doesnt work with technology he says its too much for him even though he is 100% a robot- so he sits and weeps and reads a lot of recipes so he can teach meiko when he has the balls to tell her she's not that gr8 at cooking- a neat cook - if kaito and meiko had a yt channel it'd be a family vlog channel lbr
MIKU- super clumsy??? she's really clumsy but she's also super lovable like noone can hate her (but noone can give her chores either bc she’ll break everything)- she does her absolute best all the time- if she had a yt channel it'd be for her music i mean wat do u expect- she feels sad if she reads a hateful comment about one of my fam on a video of hers and she'll do her best to cheer them up (e.g. if she sees a hateful comment about meiko, she'll make meiko some breakfast in bed even tho meiko is totally 100% cool with shit)- miku respects (and idolises) meiko and kaito a lot for setting out the carpet and allowing her to walk on it and supporting her 100% of the time so she wants them to always be happy and always be proud- miku also super respects luka and aspires to be as pretty and mature as luka- meiko sometimes lets miku join in her romcom weeb sesh for no reason (and only miku she doesnt trust anyone else w her big secret)- she prefers action a lil more so she watches with rin as well - meeks is like a super happy doggo 
RIN- super super cute but also ironically arrogant??? like she makes arrogant and insulting jokes for fun- she's a lil sarcastic and screams a lot for no reason- probably a huge weeb- she loves action type movies/shows/anime anything with fighting she's like HECK YEAH PAIN (she often pulls allnighters bingewatching so she's often joined with meeks and len and sometimes luka or she gets scolded by meiko)- she respects kaito a lot for just purely existing and being able to still exist and coming back from his time as a labelled "failure" (albiet she still makes insulting jokes towards him bc she thinks its funny)- she (and luka) are in charge of groceries bc rin knows her fruits and luka knows her fish - she pulls a lot of pranks on the rest of the family like if she had a yt channel it'd be for pranks- mostly on len poor len he suffers
LEN- suffering constantly at everyone's hand- he says he "dislikes" kaito and kinda talks down on him and denies kaito's presence and influence in his life, he considers kaito kind of embarassing and wonder why and how the rest can put up with him sometimes (but he still- even tho he wont admit it, kaito is his #1 nii-chan)- kaito always tries to be the best big bro and len appreciates that even though kaito usually stuffs up big bro stuff like teaching len how to sport (because sport is a concept kaito probably doesnt understand)- len's the cleaner of the house, he doesnt mind tidying up the places bc sometimes rin demolishes shit and she always blames him and he gets in trouble- he's also pretty reserved especially around his older sisters like meiko and luka and even miku, mostly because he respects them a lot - sometimes he can get pretty flustered if he's alone with one of the older girls because he doesnt really know what to do or say and he's too prideful of a person to ask kaito for assistance (he’s also the youngest, so aside from rin he’s pretty awkward with everyone)- rin and len as a power duo are a crazed frenzy though, if one pisses off the other it can be constant shouting for days until kaito or meiko break it up- they probably pull eachother's hair and scream about who can have the remote
LUKA- the most Quiet of them all- she's elegant she's beauty she's GRACE let her sit on my face- she’s super mature and helps meiko cook most of the time (which is y food is at least 50% better tasting if meiko were to cook alone)- despite that, she’s a totally closeted pervert w/ a thing for her mei-nee-san and lil imoutos miku and rin- she’s totally not allowed in laundry for that purpose- she’s a super good listener too, when meiko and luka go out to drink together it can get pretty deep- she kinda just appears?? in random places??? and people don’t really know how she got there- but she’s always so Cool i love luka bye
the end i was gna go on and on but that’s enough brief for now lbr
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A Little Personal
Jack was feeling the strain, he’d been at this job now for a Decade, it was getting time to hand this whole business off to younger members. Noticing grey in his hair, and lines on his face only made this more apparent every day. He dropped the papers on his desk, and decided to take a break, he’d earned it. After an allnighter and a desk nap he felt maybe some of these reports could wait. Not like they were going anywhere.
A hop and a skip and he’d ended up in the kitchen. Well more like break room, he glanced around the mostly empty room eyes settling on the rather bulky man hunched over a glass and a bottle. Whiskey? Looked like it, honestly it was only 1 in the afternoon. He furrowed his brow. George had never really been on any of his teams, Jack’d been Army, and George was a Seal. Completely different worlds honestly, he’d heard a few stories second hand about the man’s kill count...and not all of them were Omnics. War wasn’t limited to humans and machines, sometimes men had to duke it out with each other he guessed. If he recalled George was a bit older than him, not by too much. He only really knew the man by his code name, or rather...his other half. Hephaestus...and damned was that guy good at collateral damage. Lucky they only tended to drop him in places already mostly destroyed. What the hell, he might as well sit down with the man, no one should drink alone. Anyway they were both midwestern country kids, maybe that meant they had something in common there. As the commander sat down with his frankly molten microwave food tray George looked up and raised a brow. “Yello, commander;” he greeted with a brief sort of smile. “I think I’m off duty, but don’t tell anyone, call me Jack;” “All due respect, I dunno you well enough for Jack, hows about we go with Morrison, eh?” George replied, god that was thicker accent than the commander had expected. “I honestly forget for a moment where you came from, I betcha I could guess,” Jack mused giving the mush that was macaroni a try. Too hot, and kind of awful. “Oh I suppose,” George accepted. “Michigan, Upper Peninsula,” came the wager. “Alright, ya got me, guess I owe you somethin, eh?” the giant of a man reached into his pants pocket. “Hows about a penny? This ones real shiny.” “Where the hell did you get a penny in this day and age?” “Collect em, found a whole jar of em up north, when my mom passed on; she’d willed me the property,” he said and took a swig as Jack examined the coin.
Morrison watched as the glass drained, curious how much of the bottle had disappeared from this sitting. “No missions coming up?” Jack asked, he couldn’t recall if he’d put together any teams with George in them. “One, but it doesn’t matter how much I drink, don’t get drunk...at this point it’s more for the taste. I pretend it’s doing something,” mused the man. “Sides folks aren’t really sending me out, the big guys who ya want.” He poured a bit more into the glass and took a sip. “Well I mean…” “Look no need to tell me different, without the big guy I’m a washed up spec-ops nobody, with a bum leg and metal arm to boot,” George mused with a dry laugh. “I’m glad, being here anyway…” Jack raised a brow and stopped eating for a moment curiously expecting George to elaborate. Morrison was getting rather tired of being here if he was honest. Though he couldn’t bring himself to hand the reigns over and retire from it all. The big man seemed to pick up that Jack wanted further explanation. “Well, I woulda been out of the field for good; they discharged me with some damned purple heart, just like that...good bye. That mistake at the hospital saved my life, if I’m honest,” he said as he scratched the fuzz onf his chin. “I lost pretty much everything when I came home. Wasn’t really much left to live for.” The commander wasn’t sure what to say to that. “I’m...sorry to hear that…” He cleared his throat. “I...uh…” “You don’t have to apologize, had quite a few years to figure that all on my own,” George said holding up a big hand. It was weird to Jack, sure they’d both served, but from 18 through to now he’d never really known anything else. From what he knew of George’s past he’d lived more of a life than Morrison had. “I guess I just don’t know anything about that...I’ve only ever done...this I guess,” he said with a cough. He didn’t want anymore of this tasteless microwave dinner. George leaned back and cross his arms over his broad chest. Everything about the man had a largeness to it. He wasn’t quite as tall as Reinhardt, but seemed like he’d give him a run in the sheer bulk department. “Nobody’s every walkin the same road, Morrison; my father died in the line of duty, my uncle got off with a shattered hand; how it goes, y’know?” He shrugged.
Jack furrowed his brow and nodded slowly. “I...suppose.” He wasn’t sure what else to say to that, it was correct. Him and George walked vastly different paths, just odd to meet someone who seemed at peace with what might come. “You a religious man George?”
“God fearing, at the very least I like how the end works with the classic Christian bible…” there was a pause as he considered for a moment. “I wouldn’t exactly call myself a man of the church, just someone who’d like to believe, y’know?” “Yeah, my parents were the same way, you remind me of my dad…” Morrison mused. “Not that it’s a bad thing.”
George gave a dry laugh. “Maybe it’s cause I’m a father myself, always was a dream of mine, have kids, settle down...things didn’t work out exactly as I planned…” he said with a sigh as he fondled the glass a bit. He took a long swig, draining most of the glass before he set it back down. Seemed the subject was soar. He put his hand in his pocket again, pulling out a beat up leather wallet. He further dug in that and then place a pair of photos on the table. “I’ve got them backed up and saved to a few different places...so I never lose them, but I like having something to touch.” Morrison slid them over and examined them, a much younger George, with a pair of young children, one was just a baby. The other looked about 4. “Cute, what’re their names?” “My little girls named for her great aunt, Kathryn, and the other is named for my grandfather, Thomas. I’d call my girl Kitty Kat, and Thomas was always Tommy;” the man replied, a distant smile on his face, like he was recalling a better time. The way he talked about it made it sound like they weren’t around anymore. Jack didn’t want to assume anything. “Must be in their 20s now, you keep in touch?” he decided to hazard, that seemed safe, though the lack of pictures of them at an older age made him wonder. George’s brow knit into something like pain. “Naw, their mom took them away, had me sanctioned...said I uh...I’d hurt them. Guess it’s not hard to believe I could but...never. They were all that was left after I was discharged, I guess she didn’t really care for me when I was around all the time...I tried not to fight too much,” he murmured. “Just do what she said to, pretend everything was alright…” He cleared his throat. “Sorry this is a bit too personal, didn’t mean to ruin your lunch.” “Eh, not so hungry anyway,” Jack replied and tried to figure out something else to say, what did that pain feel like? He wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to imagine. Never thought of having kids himself, though he supposed it’d happen...how old he was maybe it wouldn’t. “Sorry, George, I don’t know if I could even pretend to know what that’s like…” “No, don’t suppose you could, it was a long time ago, I was told I couldn’t see them and if I did while they were under legal age...then I’d be taken to jail,” George said and shrugged. “How it goes, her word against mine. I don’t blame the system for believing her. But then she took my kids to California, what was I supposed to do? I used my mom as a go between, she said she told them stories about me. Can’t imagine what she’s said, she just didn’t want them thinking I was some kind of monster…”
Jack nodded along, he wasn’t a therapist or a counselor and he should suggest George see one, but he supposed it was something of a man to man? He was the commander after all, he was basically sworn to confidentiality when it came to this kind of thing. “Well, never could keep in touch, but I marked every birthday; I liked to buy something, I wasn’t sure what they’d like when they got older, so I’d get a little of this little of that each time. Figure when I finally met them again they could pick and choose what they liked…” he smiled a bit at that. “Stupid…” The commander gave a snort and shook his head. “Nah, sounds nice; my weird aunt for 10 years straight gave me the same matchbox car, cause she knew I ‘liked race cars’ the last one I got at 25, already in the army, heading for the crisis and this little box shows up from crazy Aunt Harriot, and it’s the same damned car,” he explained and that got a chuckle out of George. “Middle of this war with omnics I get this damned package. I honestly started hollerin’ and almost crying. Nobody understood why it was so funny.” The man’s shoulders loosened up and he looked a bit more open than he had. “Reminds me of the care package I got from Uncle Todd, he’d sent a dime of Marijuana, and a travel bottle of shampoo. And that’s all that was in the package, now you might have thought I’d turn in the contraband and you’d be wrong;” George said looking around tapping his nose. “I tell you what after the 4th throat you start to lose an appetite, passed that around the tent, and I had 6 Seals asking whether it was Dawn or Dusk, because the fire was orange.” Jack looked aghast before he started chuckling along with George. “You didn’t…” “God as my witness, that’s the honest truth…” And Jack could do nothing but believe him. He felt so clean cut hearing that kind of story. “Best part was a tentful of Seals waking up naked because they thought that since it was dusk no one would see them drying their clothes.” “Why did they need to dry their clothes?” “They didn’t, but everyone started saying moist a lot…and I lose track of what happened after that.” Jack had his hand over his mouth as he laughed till his stomach hurt. “We should go out for drinks sometime George, I need to hear more about that…” he mused, happy to have diverted the man from his more painful past. “I can tell you more about weird Aunt Harriot.” “Love to hear about her, nothing like odd family from the Midwest…” “You’re damned right.”
There was a brief pause of quiet as their laughed burned out. Jack stood up and shook George’s hand which frankly seemed to engulf his. “Pleasure really meeting you George, good luck on your mission,” he mused.
“You too, Morrison, and thanks, I’m sure the big guy can handle it.”
“Take care of yourself, we’ll have to find time for drinks.”
“Free when you are, sir;”
And that was that, Jack left the man to the last of his bottle, and headed back for his desk. With all the resources at his disposal surely he could find a pair of civies. But...would that be the correct thing to do? He decided yes, it was. All the years George had given to this organization, he could give something back. Maybe when he arranged drinks, he’d arrange that. “Athena, George Pickford, we’ve got his file yeah?” “Of course, Commander, everything from his military service to his time at Overwatch.”
“I need you to look for a pair of names in our wider database, scan others if you can, Kathryn Pickford, Thomas Pickford;” “Right away, Commander;” Yeah that seemed the right thing to do indeed, Overwatch was about helping people, well this was him helping someone.
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