#but no seriously thats such a cool thing to say to your daughter
zickmonkey · 8 months
Decided I'm going to get worse
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Jade Harley, Roxy Lalonde
Act 6, page 6291-6297
JADE: excuse me but did you just "laugh your ass off" at me under your breath
ROXY: ummm
ROXY: yea
ROXY: maybe
JADE: :|
JADE: i fail to see what is so amusing
ROXY: u do
ROXY: seriously?
JADE: .....
JADE: ok i guess the situation is a little funny because of this absurd folder
JADE: and the fact that i woofed at you probably didnt help either
JADE: but im not here to share a good laugh over the old ladys sense of design or her penchant for scrapbooking!
JADE: i am here to make sure that you do as youre told
ROXY: ugh
JADE: now take the file and review your assignment
ROXY: i already looked at it
ROXY: its dumb and impossible and i aint cooperating w her regardless!
JADE: yes you will
ROXY: can we change the subject
JADE: no
ROXY: arent you jakes grandma
JADE: thats what he told me when we were pen pals
JADE: but i think its more accurate to say im his alternate universe biological daughter
ROXY: oh
ROXY: that clears that up then
JADE: yes, it does :p
JADE: now take the damn folder
ROXY: so alt grannydaughter english
ROXY: whyre u part dog + evil lookin
ROXY: what
JADE: my surname is harley not english
JADE: but you may refer to me as jade, or ma'am if you are feeling especially nervous and deferential
JADE: which as it turns out is the way you should be feeling about me, ALWAYS >:B
ROXY: jade i am in no way buying that ur normally this pompous and tyrannical
ROXY: the shtick rly doesnt suit you its so obvious
ROXY: why you doin the batterhags tacky bidding anyway
ROXY: she got you under an xtra terrestrial fish spell or
JADE: open the file
ROXY: mrphmmphumph
ROXY: fine :(
ROXY: ok i opened it
ROXY: hey look its the same shit as before
ROXY: im supposed to make this weird knobbly spike ball appear out of nothin
JADE: yes
ROXY: ok got it
ROXY: let me give it a shot then
ROXY: ...
ROXY: welp still impossible
ROXY: what now maam??
JADE: it is not impossible
ROXY: is 2
JADE: you are the rogue of void
JADE: dont you know what that means?
ROXY: i dunno
ROXY: means i can turn invisible and stuff?
ROXY: like the blonde in that crappy superhero quartet
JADE: it means a lot more than that
JADE: your true powers are more impressive than those of anyone else in your crappy quartet
JADE: in fact i would say they are almost as cool as mine >:)
ROXY: not sure the ability to make weird spikeballs outta nothin is all that cool tbh
JADE: not just spikeballs!
JADE: imagine that your title is roughly synonymous with "one who steals nothing"
JADE: what do you think it means to be able to steal nothing?
ROXY: it means
ROXY: im like a shitty cat burglar who sucks at her job?
JADE: it means just the opposite
JADE: it means you can steal the essence of nothingness from something
JADE: you can rob nothingness from an idea if you put your mind to it
JADE: effectively allowing you to conjure virtually anything out of thin air
ROXY: omg
ROXY: u cant be serious
ROXY: that is way too much superpower 4 a dork like me 2 have
JADE: grrrrr...
ROXY: oh no
ROXY: pls dont growl @ me dogjade
ROXY: is legit frightening :(
JADE: im sorry, but your remarks of self deprecation made me very angry
JADE: once i was even more of a dork than you
JADE: but now i am one of the most powerful beings who has ever existed
JADE: i dont want to hear any whining about what you think you cant do
JADE: you are hereby under strict orders from myself and her condescension to "clam up" and conjure that orb, do you understand?
ROXY: so im just supposed to
ROXY: sit here and think about this ugly ball
ROXY: and twiddle my fingers or somethin
JADE: you tell me
JADE: space is my racket, not void
ROXY: maybe it would help if i knew what the dang thing WAS
ROXY: how am i supposed to steal the nonexistence from a concept when the concept only exists in my mind as "ugly ball"
JADE: its called the matriorb
JADE: it is the key to resurrecting the troll race
JADE: once you create it the empress will hatch it on an uninhabited planet located beyond the reach of her cruel employer
JADE: there her people will have another chance to thrive without the ever looming threat of extinction that comes with his influence
JADE: so you see roxy, there is nothing noble about refusing to help
JADE: once an entire alien race went extinct because of a terrible monster, and you can help give them a second chance
JADE: dont you want that?
ROXY: um
ROXY: in theory sure i guess
ROXY: but ur basically asking me to bring a lot of people back to life so they can be slaves to that witch
ROXY: u want me to help make all these fresh new trolls but then just turn em over to her? like here you go have fun SNORKELBITCH MEGAHITLER
ROXY: i do not actually think i wanna do that??
JADE: yes fair enough, but heres the other thing...
JADE: if you dont i am going to kill you
ROXY: oh noes
JADE: oh yesses!
JADE: a literal plurality of yesses
JADE: seeing as you are a god tier it is very likely you will come back to life
JADE: so i can just keep killing you over and over a different way each time
JADE: maybe i will disembowel you a few times
JADE: i will not even need to use my sharp doggy teeth!
JADE: i will just snap my fingers and your delicious guts will teleport outside your body
ROXY: ew!
JADE: no way more like yum
JADE: i will just keep on killing you again and again
JADE: until you finally get tired of dying and follow your orders
ROXY: maaan
ROXY: evil jade is sucky jade
JADE: i believe you will find i am the suckiest jade there is
JADE: now we are going to be here in this cell for as long as it takes
JADE: i am not going anywhere until you try doing your voidey thing and make something appear
JADE: is that understood?
ROXY: blehhhh
ROXY: fine
ROXY: why u gotta be so awful jade
ROXY: really putting a cramp on us makin choice new friends w each other
ROXY: oh well here goes
ROXY: all twiddlin my fingers and such
ROXY: busting out tha MAJYYXXX! prayin up a storm to the holy wizardchrist they aint fake...
ROXY: alright check it
ROXY: one jank ass space egg coming up
ROXY: this is not a space egg
JADE: no, its not
ROXY: balls
ROXY: guess i effed up my void spell
ROXY: what is this thing
JADE: thats a perfectly generic object
ROXY: its perfectly generic?
JADE: yes
ROXY: dunno about that
ROXY: looks like a green cube to me
ROXY: with like
ROXY: slightly beveled corners
JADE: thats what a perfectly generic object is
ROXY: couldnt something theoretically be more generic than this
JADE: how
ROXY: um
ROXY: i dunno
JADE: exactly
ROXY: :\
JADE: if you want your powers to reach their full potential youre going to need to become more familiar with the fundamental building blocks of ideas and how they translate into more complicated thoughts and forms
JADE: then it becomes a simple matter of using your abilities to snatch those concepts from unreality
ROXY: sounds too hard
ROXY: better start killing me repeatedly and get it over with
JADE: we both know you dont think its too hard, you think it sounds like an interesting challenge
ROXY: dammit!
ROXY: (fucken jakes wily bitch ass grandma)
JADE: this is a very good start though
JADE: with a little practice im sure our empress will have her orb in no time
ROXY: well at least i know i can make a whole lot of these boring cubes if all else fails
ROXY: hey maybe ill build a sick fort outta them
ROXY: hehehe jade tell me that wouldnt be so baller
JADE: it would be fairly baller
ROXY: fyeah
JADE: keep trying for that orb though
JADE: i will return in a while to review your progress
JADE: and remember, dont get any funny ideas
ROXY: but p much all my ideas are funny
JADE: i mean dont try to escape!
JADE: even if you are invisible i will be able to track you down instantly
JADE: my sense of smell is very good
JADE: now if youll excuse me i have some business to attend to
ROXY: what business
JADE: i am still trying to locate my brother
JADE: but im having trouble picking up his scent
JADE: hes using his windy powers to obscure the trail and its giving me fits
ROXY: windy powers eh
ROXY: who is your bro?
JADE: woof!!!
JADE: i mean shoosh :x
JADE: that is enough questions from you
JADE: now i believe you have a space egg to conjure
ROXY: (mumble mumble egg mumble shove it grumble)
JADE: what?
ROXY: (mumble mutter my fat ass)
JADE: farewell roxy
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My Stadium Tour Experience
I finally saw the Stadium Tour after so long(I was 14 when I bought the tickets and I’m 17 next week so…). Anyway, here’s the quick summary
So I arrived like right when it started so I didn’t see Classless Act much, only one and half songs :/
Joan Jett
Ageless queen
Seriously she looks amazing for someone with her style and her age
And her voice….memorizing
I want to be Joan Jett when I get older
I sadly can’t recall the first song she played but the second one was Cherry Bomb and the stadium went wild
For an act that was 45 minutes it was so fun and I wish she had longer
So bands will play songs before they start to get the crowd hyped…they chose Welcome to the Jungle
Bret Michaels came run out onto the stage and went wild
I loved his energy so much
“Pretty Shiny boy Bret Michaels”-The ladies behind us
Y’all he had a harmonica solo and it went harder than it should have
C.C DeVille got his solo and the stadium was chanting his name
Did I know there was chance he would play Eruption and lead into Fallen Angel? Yes. Was I still prepared when it happened? Not at all
Every time you blink Bret Michaels has a different hat on
Something to Believe In *Mwah*
What was really cool was how Bret interacted with the fans. He let them touch his guitar and waved to them, and when he was driving back into the stadium, he stopped the golf cart and went and gave a few fans high fives
Mötley Crüe:
I saw tits
Okay yes I don’t like the Crüe much themselves but they know how to put on a show
That magic was kind of lost once the giant statues of women appeared and the focus was on the dancers….first portion was just pure rock and I loved that
There were two people dressed like 80’s rock stars, like, Party City kind of costumes and I thought it was funny
Nikki Sixx’s daughter was there and they showed him playing while engaging with her and yes, it was cute and every woman over forty went “awwww”
Nikki Sixx:* Talking to the crowd and has a towel* “Want this towel? Here, it’s like the one I gave your mom in 1986…that’s probably true actually*
Back to the tits, yes it was even Tommy was speaking and they were shown on the screen
“Three pairs of titties in Houston of all places…oh there we go.”
That was kind of funny because he looked like he had just been released into society after being locked up
In other news the guy next to us was a little too drunk….his friend were literally dragging him
I know Vince Neil can’t sing but…oh it was bad…The backing vocals and the crowd saved him
MICK MARS MY MAN! He was just rocking in his corner and I love him for that
Def Leppard
There was a timer and that was the longest ten minutes of my life
They started with Take What You Want and I would have sang along if I didn’t become paralyzed in awe and excitement
It never felt real. The whole thing was like the best dream of my life
Sav*does the thing* Me: HE DID THE THING
Joe Elliott I luv u 🥺
Sav wasn’t shown enough on the screens :(
They started playing Armageddon It and I went ballistic
*This Guitar* My mom: this is so good why haven’t you play me this song :(
I will mom I will I promise you
I did not expect Promises for some reason so I was shocked when they played it but it was BEAUTIFUL
Y’all Hysteria had clips of them ove the years and newspaper headings on how awesome they were and I got teary eye
Two Steps Behind>>> And when it was just Joe at the end oml he’s an Angel the lighting his voice amdbaldnalshwpdbd
They love each other so much it’s adorable I want that kind of bond and I hope I have it with my friends
Rick walking around with his little maraca ❤️❤️
“From my head to my…” I got that on video fyi
“Rick has something to say” “Gunter Glieben Glauchen Globen” *Chaotic screaming*
There were two drunk girls dancing in front of us and they weee just having the time of our life and it was cool to see
Did not expect them to end with Photograph…but it was an amazing ending
They could have gone on for hours and I would have enjoyed every single moment
They played Kings Of The World on the speakers when it was all over so it was a giant stadium just singing along…beautiful
I could go on and on but I won’t I might upload some photos and videos
In all, the best concert I’ve ever to. The crowd was much fun and you can tell everyone wanted to be there. I didn’t know if I wanted to be a rockstar or a middle age woman reliving her youth with her friends. Seeing Def Leppard was so surreal and unbelievable, and everyone was amazing(Vince…Vince tries. He tries).11/10 experience
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allamericansbitch · 2 years
random full collected thoughts on midnights
bejeweled immediately a fav just for the way she says shimmered. it satisfied my brain. also am a sucker for soft cutesy taylor songs i feel like she's gotten better at them!!! like stay stay stay is a target commercial song but gorgeous is camp. anyways
why does her face in that one teaser with the big hair and yellow dress look exactly like her face in the speak now era. and i was thinking about this and i saw her wear the speak now costume and my soul gravitated a lil bit
took me so long that the daughter girl from the anti-hero video was caroline from new girl!!! that was a great casting choice imo
speaking of anti-hero that line about her getting killed for the money in the will is just so funny to me. like did she just make it up and be like oh this is a good line plus it will be a good scene in a mv or did she actually have a dream like that and was like welp. time to write a song about this
cat eye sharp enough to kill a man one of the lyrics that actually made me laugh out loud (plus the dickhead lyric) it's so cringy and taylor that it's funny
actually a lot of lines on the album made me laugh out loud. her songwriting has progressed from really deep and poetic to really deep and poetic but also humor lol how fun
why is hits different a bonus track i need to put it on repeat right this second (i know WHY but like still. seriously. the 2000s romcom vibes are immaculate that's my favorite brand of movies)
not the 70's vibes i was expecting but still! slapped! (also more poppy than i thought but hey i'm not complaining)
i thought it was so interesting that there are parts of songs (samples???) that sound like her past songs! i like how TS10 is kind of like a culminating milestone album type thing idk words anymore
not a thought just 10 for TS10
sorry this was so long lmao i hope you have a wonderful day sarah!!!
best way is to respond in the same format:
it's like you can hear her smile when she says the word shimmer it's so cute i love it to
i think that speak now purple dress pic is for you're on your own kid mv when she's going through her career 1000%
i didnt know that i knew she looked familiar!!
the line basically means that she's afraid she's gonna have a bad relationship with her expended family in the future, and that they'll use her for their own fame and fortune and they dont actually care about her. idk if it's an actual dream she had and she just thought is summed it up well or thought about it while writing.
same that line is a little cringey it's giving 2013 tumblr but the rest of the song has good lines so it's forgivable.
same i love that this album deals with self-reflection but also really shows how trauma and humor can mix really well. karma is a cat. sexy baby. thats hilarious.
yess! i thought the same thing. very early 2000s rom com and i bet it'll be on streaming in like a week but i need it asap get on it swift earn your last name.
yeah a lot of people are mad at her for the aesthetic/sound disconnect but honestly i dont care she looks great and the album sounds good too so. a good photoshoot and vibe is something we have been starved of for so long lol.
yes i think thats so cool. i've seen so many people just forget teh whole concept of the album and are like?? why do these songs sound like other ones?? like it's because she's going back into her career and referencing songs from the times those moments happened helloooo.
10/10 like a goddamn acrobat
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canceramorem · 2 years
I'm going to skip ahead a little bit, because this next part is just too good to not tell the good people about. "The People", -my good friend Donny will laugh when he reads this. "The People" , means " The People" of the State of New York vs. Jey Pizzle , or in Donny's case, "the People vs Donald D***** III. Yes , as in an official indictment , arrest, attorneys,criminal justice, my least favorite thing Ever -JUDGES! the system, jail, trials , intent and four lawyers,Getting in trouble, got in trouble,and stayed out of trouble. (Donny gets out 2023 )
Now I am not trying to say that it's cool to get in trouble, FUCK NO!, I pray my daughter never gets in trouble. kids and adults- stay out of trouble, or as my favorite Aunt Nora ( she had the same name as my mom) would say - "Keep your nose clean". In other words, avoid police at all costs. Stay below the radar, don't go around and break laws, but if you accidentally do, then be good enough to NOT GET CAUGHT. And I don't know how many times I have to reiterate this-DO NOT SNITCH, DON'T SOCIALIZE WITH , HELP, OR EVEN SPEAK TO anyone that is a snitch! Breaking the law is one thing, but breaking the Law AND Snitching! No fucking way jack! if you get caught, just tell the truth , almost, or whatever you have to do. (DON'T do what, " Do-what-you-do, Duane-The KooK did, lying and snitching- the worst kind) . the main thing is, just be cool, even if you are traveling with kits or drugs and acting afool in different states. Like I said , don't go out being a criminal. But if you do get in trouble, keep your head up, and who knows, maybe you will be lucky enough to get locked up in a good jail. I've made some bad decisions in my life and I'm not proud of it, but I have 43 or 44 ar arrests on my record, criminal history, wrap sheet, or whatever you want to call it, Thats just arrests , NOT convictions. You see, that's how they get people, they twist the truth so it suits their needs. 44 arrests, but maybe only a dozen convictions, and they were all misdemeanors . I was never- EVER charged , arrested , or convicted of any sex offender type shit. Never! I was however, FALSELY ACCUSED, of a few things, including RAPE. I am not and never could be into rape. if a chick doesn't want to be with me, I'm not gonna go out and rape her. instead, I would just go out and pay or trade some shit for a sexual favor from a trick. A lot of being lonely isn't about sex alone, it's more like just being intimately close with a female.
It's kinda like how i met this " love of my life Marie". She knows exactly what I am talking about. I was raised decent, and it's just wrong morally and it's sick. I want somebody that wants me. get the fuck out of here if you thought for a split second, that Jey Pizzle is a fucking RAPE-O!!! ( That's what they call a rapist in New York).
So where were we now, oh yes , I got to the mobile home that Marie had worked so hard, and had come so far to get. With help from DSS of course. You know , the same people that help with food stamps and social stuff. like childcare, and medicaid. Back when I was a kid, they called it welfare. and at school , if you wanted to hurt someone'sfeelings, you would say " Your Mama's on welfare' , yeah, seriously, that would really hurt the kids back then, especially if your mom was on 'welfare' . Shit , in New York State, you have to be on welfare just to survive. It's so fucking expensive there, But anyhow, yeah , I was there. Freezing outside., it was just me and my love. oh , and a decent amount of shit for the two of us. So I did what any new resident to New York does, I applied for food stamps. Since her trailer was so far out in the country, I mailed the application in, and I still had my food stamp card from when I had been to Syracuse the two times before. New york gives you a really cool EBT card, it's got your picture on it and everything, so , I applied for food stamps and the next few days is where this love story turns into something more like a nightmare. But, my good folks, God Is real,and he does miracles everyday in our lives. God is great! Always remember keep your head up " -Excelsior"- Latin for"Ever upward", the New York State Motto.
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anxiouslittlepossum · 2 years
03 3 03 3 03 3
part 3
so why are these guys apart of fight club
i bet the guy flying the parachute plain is like “im so cool ive got bags in front of my face is the planet close yet?”
dooku why are you talking to nuns
yes i also want a croc duel wielding swords that will be cut in half by the jedi in ten seconds 10/10 idea
honestly though crocy gave me some vague greek mythology vibes but i cant  remember a myth applicable to him right now
spear guy just hops over the droid and suddenly the droid is spitting milk??? 
my dude you didn’t even do anything you just played leapfrog with a faulty hunk of metal quit acting like youre cool youre not
mister nun please go to the dentist your teeth are about to saw eachother out of your mouth
oh shit who's the grim reaper pretending to be the nun
megaman over here forgot to turn off friendly fire everyone point and laugh
my guy got his cupcake chopped and strait up died. whimp. loser. the ARCs would never.
yes take a bow queen take a bow
my guy just says no little girl your not sith and ascends 
tell him like it is bitch don’t let the 1% tell you what to do
nevermind, hes got tasers
ah yes kidnapping your new daughter after the first round of torture. and you wonder why Rael never calls you
ah yes throwing your kid in a lake and then criticizing them when they drown
hello palpapiss it is horrible to see you again
i guess the position of chancellor doesnt come with a good dental plan
did a jedi take away candy from you as a child what is your problem here supreme fucko
alright fine it looks cool i get it
im not ashamed to admit that kenobi fooled me. that was slick as hell
and now hes dead via metal sucker punch to everywhere
guy is still going with a laser sword through his chest like okay no need to flex we get it your awesome
why is he full of worms
of course hes still alive we didn’t get to see his face yet, nor his full power
honestly he is such a sore loser
motorcycle half way up the building fly the rest the troops dont even blink
theyre just staring like sir could you please be a little less dramatic thank you
commander is just like pls dont touch me sir
oh good these clowns again
and we descend like the theater nerds we are led by
boomerang lightsaber. alrighty then
shoot this whimp shoot him kill the banker
chads. legends. kings.
ive heard enough about anime to know where this is going
ew its slimy
he just snapped the table in half. dude. that was their toy train set. you ruined it
nooo the troopers 
and he just swallowed kenobi. thats gross.
yes commander ARC going in with the taser epic legendary dooku could never
and kenobi just made him burst. now his slime is everywhere couldn’t you have tried to keep it clean?
back to flying in space with a constipated anakin. yay.
why are we playing tag?
and why does anakins chin suddenly look like its three miles long
no need to be mean to the troops jeeze
yay fireworks
did that bb1 just wave that is so cute
i guess you could say this ship is a huge fan
seriously thats all it is who designed this thing
okay mr hero complex
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lepoppeta · 2 years
How about your Atlas and Jack for *whispers* alllll the questionnnns!! >:3c
i hope you dont mind but i ended up taking some of the questions/answers out simply because they were my answers were boring/irrelevent (and i was really starting to lose steam at the end there). i answered the rest of them with as much detail as i could, though.
what is each members love language?
atlas love language is definitely "physical touch", which is interesting because he comes across as extremely charismatic when he wants to be. i think, while he understands how useful words can be, he doesnt put much stock into them himself; ive said this before but hes very much a 'punch first, ask questions later' kind of guy. atlas is usually the one to initiate any sort of physical contact between him and anyone else.
jacks a little trickier, but id probably peg him as either "acts of service" or "quality time". if he likes a person, he makes a point to make himself useful to them. that, or he just… hangs around them and attempts to make conversation. how well that works depends on where his attention lies.
what would they describe as a perfect date?
neither of them are difficult to please. jacks standards for romance are rock-bottom; hes able to be swept away by just about anything. however, he doesnt care much for fancy dinners or anything expensive (in fact he considers that kind of thing to be rather thoughtless, and who can blame him?).
atlas is a little more specific but just as low-key. a glass of whiskey; a roll in the hay. he isnt particularly fussy.
i will say that neither of them (and this is more-so me projecting) are that into the idea of dating. they go about their daily lives, stealing kisses and loving fiercely, and thats more than enough for them both.
who made the first move?
atlas, and with dishonest intention. jack wasnt meant to be anything more than a pawn in raptures inevitable civil war; atlas was planning on buttering him up enough so that the common man would have at least one high-class idiot on their side. the fact that said high-class idiot just so happened to be "the prince of rapture" was just icing on the cake.
atlas took advantage of jacks listlessness and apathy and ended up falling for him like an absolute lovestruck moron. jack knows this, of course, but he doesnt blame atlas. after all, he might have done the same if it meant the possibility of a better future.
who is more sentimental?
initially i would say both, but ultimately i think atlas may be the bigger sap, if only for the immense guilt he carries.
jack, after regaining his memories and thinking atlas dead, resolved to finally find his sense of self as a savior and caretaker for his newly-adopted daughters, and had purpose to help him through his (unwarranted) grief. he has learnt how to persevere despite adversity and to not dwell too much on things he cannot change.
atlas, on the other hand, was stuck in persephone for a long while with nothing but his own thoughts for company, and thus had plenty of time to accumulate the biggest guilty conscious known to man. he knows that, had things not gone the way they did, both of them would probably be long dead, but he cant help but sometimes imagine what might have been if rapture wasnt as cruel as it was.
which one calls the other to kill the spiders?
these two have faced down super-powered zombies on crack. spiders are nothing.
who falls asleep first?
whoever couldnt sleep the night before.
who wakes up first?
whoever gets sick of their own thoughts the fastest, so atlas (usually).
who is more relaxed/carefree?
jack is generally a lot more chill (not necessarily forgiving); atlas has a much shorter fuse.
what is one way their personalities compliment each other (is it opposites attract or are they pretty similar)?
atlas is loud and aggressive and viscous while jack is cool and collected and frosty. jack is probably the only person on the planet that could insult atlas and have the latter take it seriously, because he knows how honest to a fault his boy is and much he means every word he says.
jack is so used to fending for his own emotional and physical satisfaction that it was initially overwhelming that someone wanted to provide, for once.
who is always cold?
they both run pretty warm! (summer with no ac is an actual sodding nightmare for these two).
which member is always trying to bring home stray animals and which member always has to say no?
this really isnt answering the question directly, but i can provide something similar -- jack is actually the "bad cop" parent. atlas is way easier for the girls to manipulate.
who worries more?
they both worry immensely about each other and their daughters and the future but since they dont want the other to worry even more than they already are (and because neither of them are great at communication) a lot of things get left unsaid out of consideration.
what are some non-sexual activities they do together?
sleep. they love sleeping together. after being so violently separated and after experiencing so much intense pain and grief, the only thing they can do to force themselves to remember the other and their surroundings are real is via physical touch. at this point its almost impossible for one to comfortably fall asleep without the other.
who would be able to talk their way out of a speeding ticket?
jack, probably. atlas would probably just get really pissed off and possibly get a second ticket for verbally berating an officer of the law.
who is the better cook?
theyre probably about the same, which is "passable, if youre close to starvation".
what are some things they dont agree on?
whos fault it was (newsflash: it was no-ones fault). they talk in circles about taking blame, and then as soon as they think theyve reached a conclusion the argument will start anew.
which member is more physically affectionate?
which member is more verbally affectionate?
theyre probably about the same.
how does each member feel about pda?
i mean this is the 1960s, so… theyve simply gotten used to saving that stuff for when theyre away from prying eyes.
whos the safer driver?
whats each members flirting style?
their styles violently switch between "shut up" / "make me" and approaching each other in an extremely gentle and genuine way. they know how to read a room well enough to figure out if its going to be one or the other.
which member steals borrows the other ones clothing?
uhhh atlas has probably stolen a couple of jacks sweaters once or twice, but i dont think its something they make a habit out of.
are they an introverted or an extroverted couple?
introverted by a huge margin.
who is the big/little spoon?
they take turns, although usually it ends up looking more like a crazy straw or a pretzel situation.
who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?
despite his short temper, atlas isnt stupid by any means. theyre both pretty well thought-out and reasonable in the grand scheme of things.
who is more likely to get jealous?
oh, atlas. 100%. and you can see it too, clear as day (hes very bad at hiding strong emotions). hell cross his arms and glare and and sulk while he struggles not to interrupt whatever conversation jack has going on and whisk him away to inevitably drive him up against a wall and make himself feel better.
what was the most surprising thing they found out about each other when they started seeing each more seriously?
atlas often forgets that jack was born into a much higher socio-economic class than he was. jack has a "rich boy" switch he very seldom uses (atlas saw it for the first time when they joined forces with sinclair and delta); he becomes cold and calulating and downright dangerous. atlas is both frightened and turned on a little by this.
jack was intrigued by just how soft atlas could get in comparison. atlas is a man made up of emotions, and compassion is absolutely one of them.
who stays up way too late and who drags them to bed?
atlas is the worse sleeper of the two.
whos messier?
honestly theyre both pretty untidy but jacks a bit better if he actually maks an effort to be. atlas just does not care.
who wanted / would want kids first?
given the events of the au that i use, neither of them had much of a choice concerning that. it wasnt like jack was going to leave the sisters behind, and atlas understood almost immediately that jack and the girls were now a packge deal.
who fell in love first?
jack did. jack fell hard, because he was so lonely. if he was going to spend the rest of his days living in someones shadow, then hed rather do so with someone who loved him back (or at least pretended to) than with someone who didnt care at all.
atlas was quick to follow though. he was unintentionally wooed by jacks earnest honesty and just by the fact that he loved him and loved him so deeply. atlas just couldnt help himself; how could he say no to that face?
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Just watched MSM Spiderman
The disney+ one that so many people hated and thought was the worst spiderman. Well I liked it, it had lots of potential and sorry I tried Ultimate y'know the [BEST] one ever but I just...physically can't. but yeah I could write some reviews so heres a quickie.
Overall when I watched some episodes thought it was over hated and some plots made me go "Le Gasp PLOT TWIST!" And ended up enjoying the writing.
But then there were parts that were cringe the "It's obviously its made for kids hence why it's agony to watch part." Or when it went hard at some points like peter not telling Harry he's Spiderman because his dad has a vendetta and didn't want to be put in the position of having Harry use Spiderman only to capture him because he'll have to choose between his best friend or his dad and Peter thought Harry would never choose him.
As I'm limited with the spidey content I watched with only the raimi/andrew Peter/osborn stories this cartoon actualy conceputilsed harry and Peters friendship because other versions just never hit that close and their issues etc.
But I understand why some people dislike it. Sure I like it, but yeah first season as it kept going I thought "Ah...I get it now."
They introduced Miles Morales near the beggining. Then he ghosted.
Oh no something explosed they need spiderman! Miles was RIGHT there!
And then the story was like Miles is missing!
What a surprise, it's as if the writers just remembered they have a SPIDERMAN v2 in there!
And I got bored becuase most of it was just filler like yeah thats what the guy in charge wanted. [I had the same idea with Ben 10 Omniverse, I liked that show too and didn' understand the hate and when a friend said should he watched it I was like "Oh sure here a ten episodes and thats pretty much it." him: Isn't there a hundred episodes? Me: Ah...I see the problem now]
But GOD the potential, I mean sure the Superior Spiderman ep 1 maybe I'm not giving it a chance and should skip a few and try again [I probably won't those noses? ugly I can't just it looks like a toenail]
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Like no I can't believe I live in a world where TOENAIL face is called superior over...
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This face at least it looks like they HAVE a nose! jeez
Anyway moving on, I admit it got to the point where spiderman only started feeling like spider-man in the last two episodes when his quips were actually funny and I thought. Yeah I'll end it at Season one. Given that they brought in black cat, dropped. Miles Morales spiderman? Dropped until convinient, Gwen Stacy turned her into a bug. Sandman "I did this for my daughter angst." Her daughter : I'm a sand person too! No thanks to you, deadbeat dad! Le gasp plot twist Daughter KILLS sandman! Oh my god did they just do that holy cow and THEN The sysbiote jumps in holy shit-
Daughter/sandman episode gets dropped. Symbiote episode: Spider-Man: The symbiote is awesome strong powerful amazing! People: No spider-man its making you evil. Spider-man: Your right! I need help getting it off!
And this happens twice, like again could've pushed it a lot harder, it's like introducing a cool concept and then just tripping on their feet at the finish line. Like c'mon. And Otto octavious voice felt so cartoonishly evil it was hard to take seriously since it sounded like robin from teen titans go. [I know it's the same voice actor I'm just saying I hate western cartoons currently coz I'm like wow I grew up with darker and harder villians like SLADE from teen titans meanwhile current villains are as scary as kittens its physically painful]
Anyway, say what you will about MSM but I actually loved how Norman Osborn was almost using cancel culture to claim that Spider-man was part of a spider army and things would happen like the jackal confirming it and if Norman actually manipulated events to make public opinion and his own son hate Spider-man and have it spiralling out of control?
I thought that was cool, and actually intersting of Norman instead of being goblin first, or a two bit villain used image/lack of context and painted him in a bad light. I just thought it was cool and wished more versions did that.
And the other things, love this episode with iron man [shut up I like the potential kay!]
This scene was cute like iron man is dealing with a threat is so used to lethal/suspicious/more dangerous foes. So seeing this nerdy fanboy just happy to see him? And then scans him to realise he's a kid? How he was first attacking then became impressed then even figured out his obvious identity [Peter can't lie for shit] and had some obvious interest that even Black Widow mentioned it? How they had a team up, and stark almost died because of his arc reactor - like ugh the angst and I wish there was more. Just more episodes like this...
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But then the symbiote scene wish again, cool since it was anti-tech but then the whole song and dance AGAIN of, symbiote good no you're right get it off!
Like idk I think they could've yknow what forget it. I'm a 90's kid who is so used to DARKER stuff that when this series just shaves the tip of the iceberg I'm like OOHHH the potential!
Such a shame...anyway thats what fanfictions are for.
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my-evil-brain · 6 months
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Ok this here reminds me of something, this was hilarious as a kid, and i stand by it being funny still. When i was around 15 my neighbors daughter was about 12. We rode the same bus. Hung out around the neighborhood played. Chill. She was totes naive and gullible, maybe even a bit ditzy(100%).
So onwards. We're on the bus and something in conversation brought up canada for something. My friend was all oooh aaaah canadaaaa. I look at her older sister, a twinkle in my eye and i proceed.
" Naw man, you think Canadas cool? Dude totally part of their big lie to the world. Dont tell me youve never heard of the Canadian Secret Mounted Police??? OH MAN ok so (seriously no humor) little known fact about Canada. The nice happy Canadian is a portrayed image. They want you to think that. Its so bad the citizens are generally terrified to walk around for breaking some law that counters their nice clean cut image. I was reading a Time mag. article n it said that around tourists n travelers youll never see them. But they are watching. Looking for impolite to outsiders canadians. If they spot one they very quietly n discreetly disappear that person ASAP. Never to be rude again. Some say prison camps n mines but who knows"
By now shes hooked. Not a doubt in her mind that im not telling the gods honest truth. Shes fallen for that b.s. story n thinking n wowing n... it was my stop to get off. "Byeeeee".
So I'm home its like 530, the phone rings. My dad answered.
"He what? Uh huh, yeah... sigh..(looks at me holding back laughter) okays, well you can assure her none of thats true n he's sorry for tricking her. Again"
He hangs up the phone. My moms all who was that n dad looks at me giggling n asks what it was i told her on the bus. I told him the true story of the Canadian Secret Mounted Police n oop my stop gotta go. Hes totally holding back busting out. My moms like WHYYYYY n im like it was... funny 🤷‍♂️👍. That girl was pissed at me the next day. Hehe. Good times. And remember, Don't fuck around in Canada, don't find out.
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Did yaaaaa notice my dad said the word "again" up there? So funny story. Same girl same bus. (SAME BAT TIME SAME BAT CHANNEL) This was around Halloweenish n we were talking spooky stuffs n local legends n haunts of the area. And without a beat i look at her n her sister and...
"So no problems in your house on Halloween?" (They ask why perplexed) I proceed to tell them that their civil war era house (true) was part of the underground railroad, back helping escaping slaves (also true) Now theyre both intrigued with this knowledgeable fact.
"Well good thing you dont go down the basement then. (Damn place was half finished floor half dirt. 1 lil slit window. 1 light. And the room had a vibe n absorbed light. It was never bright enough. Alway dark no matter flashlight or lantern with overhead bulb.) Cause ya knoooow thats where they burried the slaves who died on the railroad? Some... they just killed to get rid of the hassle of hiding them any longer. Those are the really angry ones. Hope they dont claw up out the dirt floor. Shudder the thought. Oh well should be fiiiine just keep the door closed no probs."
Now the older sister looks at me and mouths an , is that true. And when her sis looks away im like NOOOOO lol sssh. Oh look its my stop . I get home and not 30 minutes the phone rings n my mom gets it n shes like "get down here NOW. Did you tell her..." Yeah ha totally fell for it yeah was not the correct answer. I had to apologize n all blaaaaah. My dad gets home mom gives him the tell your father what you did. He looks at me all stern and i tell him. When i reach the angry undead slaves burried in the basement bit thats when hes all "awwww maaaannn why ya gotta do that? " then he busted out laughing. Moms all serious lookin n im all made to promise dont do it again. Quit scaring the girl. And i did just that that Canadian story was not horrifying, it was complete bullshit but not scary, I promised. 👍
Also, an amusing point about the house is that it was pre civil war built kinds of old. And used in the underground railroad as a way point. Also I never ever let on or told those girls their house was actually, actually haunted. But it was upstairs and in the attic, not the basement. Lil bit an unpleasant vibe also. At times going to play in the attic was " not a good feeling idea" and i never liked being upstairs, second floor after, or in the dark. Bad vibes closer, you got to attic.
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antiloreolympus · 2 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. Pretty much every LO critic is also Anti PJO lmao. Just because PJO fans also dislike LO doesn't mean its critics do too.
2. the creator of covenant literally went viral several times over her dynamic takes on harley quinn and poison ivy to where several big name media sources were praising it and saying DC should pick them for their own and yet DC would rather use their WT partnership to give RS a one shot to shit on the gods once again that was so insignificant even the DC wiki doesn't link to it, despite them doing it for every modern comic issue and anthology they have. someone make it make sense.
3. i just love RS' comment of she'd NEVER do a Norse mythology comic because it's "too popular". ya know, because when you think of unknown mythology you think GREEK MYTHOLOGY. she probably instead knows she doesnt have a popular ship in it to force her weird cishet fantasies onto so that's why she wouldn't touch it (though at the very least Baldur/Hel is a far more interesting dynamic with a looser mythology to make up whatever you want than than HxP does, but why would RS know that?)
4. I do not get why LO has SO MANY characters in it. I was looking at a tier list for it and it had over as 100 different characters (not that you could tell, some of them are copy pasted faces) but seriously, why do they need SO many? Even just limiting it to only the characters in the hymn + the olympians it would only be about maybe 20 characters, which is more than enough, yet Rachel keeps adding more and more, which ironically end up taking away from time that should be used for HxP!
5. superman is probably the only character that is required to have a massive barrel chest but of course rachel doesn't give him that for??? reasons?? and wonder woman is another doe eyed skinny teenager?? im not even touching "circe" thats literally just her friend from art school and im not joking you can check her twitter and see theyre exactly the same. how uncreative is this woman.
6. "why doesnt rachel do LO in black and white? it'd look so much better!" because she can't design characters to save her life so she needs the colors to tell anyone apart, that's why. go on, turn your laptop or phone's color to black and white and pull up a random LO episode and try and tell anyone apart when the colors are gone and see how it goes. I promise you it wouldn't be a fun exercise.
7. TBH I would be totally cool with Eris as Zeus and Hera's daughter in LO if it weren't for the fact she's randomly designed EXACTLY like Nyx is?? Like you can get where she's going with the designs then just yanks the wheel in a random direction and thinks she's clever for it. I don't get it??
8. I get it's a Webtoon thing to have the men be all muscled but the LO men just look uncomfortable, you know what I mean? Their bodies are way too big for their heads (where are my lanky and chubby kings) and I don't see how it's supposed to be attractive. I get the same way with the women being cartoonishly hourglass shaped with their backs broken into an S. It's like RS is trying to be "sexy" but is doing in a way that it looks like satire of oversexualization, but it's supposed to be serious 💀
9. do LO fans want us to critique PJO too? Because I know I certainly have a lot to say about it. Where to start, the racism? Making the Greek gods reject Greece for America? The cringey humor? Framing Ares as wrong for defending his daughter from sexual assault? The list goes on. If anything LO fans should love PJO, it has many of the same issues it does too that they love to defend.
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wiihtigo · 3 years
Could you talk more about sam and max being autistic idk I just like hearing your thoughts about it your doc was cool
you come to me on the day of my daughters wedding and ask me about sam and max autism headcanons, forcing me to open tumblr and start writing what ive been thinking recently about maxs autism in relation to him in 305
i talked about this in private a bit but i think 305 could be taken as an allegory for maxs giant autism and thinking you dont feel things the right way with ASD
-max turns into a giant horrible monster in 305, this could be taken as him literally seeing himself as a monster and the whole town, all their friends, see him as such and want him DEAD all except sam whos constantly vouching for max this entire episode. at the end when superego was like "wow! max is actually capable of self sacrifice! amazing!" sam says "told you so." very smug because he knew all along, he always knew max was capable of kindness and love because he sees it firsthand every day!
theyre partners and best friends, of course he knows him better than he knows himself. Literally in this case, where superego, personification of part of maxs brain, thinks hes not capable of feeling things in a normal, proper way, max doesnt think that about HIMSELF, superegos issue with max (maxs issue with himself lol) is that he thinks hes capable of more and max is just ignoring him he says specifically hes tried to push max towards the finer things in life and being more proper (max trying to push himself? talking about max and superego as separate when theyre essentially the same is so hard #HELP.) he thinks hes selfish and cruel and not capable of a selfless act.
theres even a line superego says to sam where he says "you of all people should be able to understand my frustration after years of being partnered with a creature driven by pure id" which is like. does max think sam gets frusterated with him and doesnt want him as a partner because of the way that he Is. max. this is a nice little parallel to sam just last episode having that thought "max is getting so powerful now soon he wont even need me :(" but thats getting away from my point a little. (veering into max depression discussion which is a whole can of worms on its own, but it is worth mentioning autism and depression often go hand in hand and some of maxs self worth issues can be attributed to feeling weird about his autism traits)
anyways of course max was capable of a selfless act, of course he would save sybil and her baby, he loves sybil and he loves babies and he has a lot of love in his little heart. so skipping ahead a bit to the biggest scene in sam and max that baffle and confuse millions, maxs reaction to coming back to sam.
a lot of people are confused by maxs nonchalance and casual retelling of the horrible events that apparently went down in his timeline where he had to kill his sam. (interestingly but a little off topic, he specifically says HE blew sam up, whereas in this tl, max killed HIMSELF, sam didnt do a thing. in fact he wouldve probably stayed trying to save him until they both blew up if superego hadnt convicned him itd be tooootally fine to leave. seriously sam its OK hes NOT going to blow up i promise. ok bye bye."
so max comes back, immediately tries to jump back into normalcy and jokes and feels unsure and uncomfortable when sam doesnt reciprocate. he looks confused when sam hugs him even. a lot of people are like "what the hell did he mean by this" but TBH as someone with ASD and lots of experience in the "getting bad news over the phone and then going to a funeral" pipeline i really felt a mind and soul connection with max there! this is mentioned somewhere int he sam and max bible for the cartoon but steve purcell writes something along the lines of "max sees things differently from anyone else" on the topic of his strange reactions to things. which is like. You have autism ->
theres an unskippable line in 305 right before you get to the endgame where sam says "why does max have tear ducts? i cant remember the last time ive seen max cry." and then immediately gets into maxs juxtaposed reaction to sams death to sams absolute MISERY over maxs. max might not feel grief in the way people would expect from a person. he might not even be sad. he might not feel things in the "proper" or "normal" way but that doesnt make him a 50 foot shambling eldritch monster, hes just wired differently. as someone with autism ive felt it too where i dont think i feel things in the right way. if something really sad and fucked up happens to me i dont feel sad and the only thing im immediately concerned with is feeling uncomfortable with watching the people around me crying which, as im typing this, makes me feel like a monster freak for being so cold and cruel, but thats the point im trying to get at, 305 could be read as an allegory for this exact feeling.. because at the end of the day max is just max and sam is happy to see him and accept him as he is. hes not a monster, hes just sams partner and best friend and its ok to be exactly the way he is without feeling the need to change
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vgfm · 4 years
Deltarune Theory: The True Identity and Importance of “Everyman”
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I’ve been away from the Undertale theory scene for a long time. It’s been so long that a whole new-fangled game got announced, and I’ve got some theories on it.
Are these theories about Gaster or Sans or whatever’s going on with Kris? Not exactly. At least, not yet. I’ve got a better character in mind.
Let’s start with Everyman: Undertale’s most obscure character and (I think) one of the most pivotal in Deltarune.
This is a two-part theory: the first part outlines who Everyman is and why I think he’ll be important in Deltarune. The second part? You’ll have to read and find out.
This is a long one and with loads of images, so strap yourselves in.
Part 1: Introduction to Everyman
Who is Everyman?
“So Everyman’s just an Easter egg, right?”
Everyman’s Importance
Why did Everyman appear in True Lab?
Why Everyman will have a bigger role in Deltarune
Part 2: Everyman is ???
What will Everyman’s role be?
Jevil’s Connection to Everyman
The Spade King’s clue
Additional Evidence
The Gaster connection
The “Strange Son”
Who made who?
“Seriously, who is Everyman?”
Closing Summary
Final Conclusions
Who is Everyman?
"Everyman” is a special attack that appears during the Reaper Bird amalgamate fight in True Lab.
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This same figure appears twice in Deltarune’s first chapter:
Once as graffiti in an alleyway in Hometown...
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...and again as a rare bullet attack during Jevil’s fight.
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The name “Everyman” only ever appears in-game next to his graffiti portrait in Hometown. Everyman’s sprites are simply titled “strangeman” in Undertale’s game files:
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[Image transcript: UTModTool is showing multiple highlighted sprite entries that begin with “spr_strangeman”. On the right is the file “spr_strangeman_walk” opened, showing a picture of Everyman. End image transcript]
Some time after Undertale’s release there was a since-deleted tweet from Toby with a picture of Reaper Bird’s attack that he titled “Everyman,” which is where fans first got the name.
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[Image transcript: A tweet from toby fox that says “Everyman”. The first reply says “Is that his name. please thell me thats his obj name.” Toby’s response repeats “Everyman.” The next reply says “everything i aspire to be.” Toby responds again with “’Everyman’ you aspire to be.” Toby then adds another tweet saying “Description. Just a good guy that shows up on occasion.” end image transcript.]
This is a web archive screenshot so the image of Everyman’s bullet sprite wasn’t preserved here. Special thanks to catcat for tracking this one down!
“So Everyman’s just an Easter egg, right?”
I don’t think so. I’d be more inclined to write off Everyman’s role in Deltarune as a mere cameo if he had only shown up once. But it’s odd that Toby felt the need to include Everyman twice in a single chapter. To me this seems less like a one-off cameo and more like foreshadowing for a greater role in the full game.
Let’s compare Everyman’s appearances to instances of character foreshadowing and one-off cameos from Undertale and Deltarune:
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[Image transcript: four Undertale screenshots arranged in a grid. In the top-left screenshot, the narration text box reads “(the machine isn’t working.)” as Frisk stares at Mettaton in Snowdin’s colored tile puzzle room. In the top-right screenshot, the narration textbox is reading a TV announcement in Papyrus’ house: “(It says ‘STAY TUNED FOR A NEW PROGRAM - MTT.’)”. In the bottom-left screenshot, Napstablook’s text box says “there’s a show i like to watch on it... sometimes...” as Frisk looks at their television. In the bottom-right screenshot, Undyne’s text box says “This oven is some top-of-the-line MTT thing.” as Frisk stares at her oven. End image transcript.]
Mettaton is foreshadowed multiple times before he makes his proper introduction in Alphys’ Lab. This includes a direct on-screen appearance of his rectangular form as part of Snowdin’s colored tile puzzle. What’s interesting is that half of these references (including the tile puzzle) only make sense in hindsight to a first-time player. For all we know there could be other, more-cryptic Everyman references already in Deltarune that we don’t have the full context to understand yet.
Rouxls Kaard
Despite his legendary introductory sequence catching many-a-player off-guard, Rouxls Kaard actually is foreshadowed a couple of times before his stunning debut.
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[Image transcript: four Deltarune screenshots arranged in a grid. In the top-left screenshot, Ralsei is reading a message from Rouxls Kaard: “It says... ‘Thoust fools, thou will NEVER figure it out now!’. This is continued in the top-right screenshot: “Then it, um, says, ‘PS - I make my own Rules. - RK’”. In the bottom-left screenshot, a puzzle-master says “ROUXLS KAARD... Lord of the Puzzles... Be careful...!” In the bottom-right screenshot, one of Clover’s heads says “RK came by... What a hunk!” End image transcript.]
I’ve noticed from watching Let’s Plays that many people don’t even realize that these lines were meant to foreshadow him (and I’m pretty sure I didn’t realize it either on my first playthrough).
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Now here’s something that’s an example of both a one-off cameo and proper foreshadowing! In Undertale, Ice-E is referenced exactly once in the entire game—as part of Sans’ Monster Kidz Word Search puzzle. No other character mentions Ice-E, Ice-E does not appear in-person, nor does the Ice-E’s restaurant appear... in Undertale. Deltarune is a completely different story.
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[image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. in the left screenshot, Kris looks under their sink and the narration text box says: “A can of Ice-E’s Cool Boys Body Spray ‘Spray For The Boys,’ Flamin’ Hot Pizza Flavor.” In the right screenshot, Kris reads a chart in the hospital. The narration text box says: “(It’s a classic 1-to-10 pain scale, using ICE-E as a model.)” End image transcript.]
In Deltarune chapter 1 we find numerous references and bits of foreshadowing for Ice-E and, lo and behold, we see that Ice-E’s restaurant exists in Hometown at the end of chapter 1. And notice how it’s multiple references and not just a one-off like last time.
In every example of foreshadowing listed above we’re given more than one hint of a character’s presence, and so far Everyman fits this same pattern. This makes me feel safe in assuming he will have a bigger role in the full game.
Everyman’s Importance
What’s interesting is that in Chapter 1, Everyman appears in both the light and dark worlds. So far Deltarune has kept the light and dark worlds largely separate from one another, with only Kris and Susie traveling between them (as far as we know).
Everyman’s presence in both worlds implies that either he can travel between both worlds as well, or at least that lightners and darkners are both familiar with him.
Based on what we know, I’d wager that Everyman is a lightner—specifically, a monster.  I say this for two reasons: 1.) so far we’ve only seen lightners (Kris and Susie) travel between both worlds, and 2.) this would explain Everyman’s appearance as one of Reaper Bird’s attacks in Undertale’s True Lab.
Why did Everyman appear in the True Lab?
The worlds of Undertale and Deltarune are connected. Toby has all-but-confirmed this himself.
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[Image transcript: A screenshot from the official Deltarune website’s question-and-answer page. The question says “So there’s no connections between the two games?”. The answer says “It’s a different world that might even have different rules. That doesn’t mean there will be no connections at all though.” End image transcript.]
One major connection between Undertale and Deltarune is their largely-shared cast of characters. Many major characters from Undertale make an appearance in Deltarune’s first chapter, and Toby has shown that at least some characters from Deltarune’s universe have counterparts in the Undertale universe as well.
The Undertale Alarm Clock App makes reference to Rudolph Holiday living in the Underground some time prior to the events of Undertale.
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[Image transcript: A dialogue box where Asgore says “Rudy... loved the holidays, you know.” End image transcript.]
This dialogue also strongly implies that Undertale’s universe has a counterpart for Noelle.
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[Image transcript: Another dialogue box from Asgore. He says: “With a warm slice of fruitcake on the table. His youngest daughter peeking shyly from around the corner...” End image transcript]
Depending on how one interprets the Clamgirl NPC’s dialogue, there may or may not be an Undertale version of Susie (aka “Suzy”) too.
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[Image transcript: Two Undertale screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, Clamgirl tells Frisk: “Synchronicity...? My neighbor’s daughter looks about your age.” In the right screenshot her dialogue continues: “Her name is ‘Suzy.’ I feel like you two should be friends.” End image transcript.]
I’d argue that Everyman also had a “counterpart” in Undertale’s universe who lived as a monster in the Underground. Much like Rudy, the Underground’s Everyman likely grew old and eventually “fell down”. But unlike Rudy, Everyman was sent to the True Lab for the royal scientist’s soul experiments and became part of the Reaper Bird amalgamate.
This would fit with the pattern that we see with most other amalgamates, namely that they each seem to be made up of one named/noteworthy monster combined with several other generic monsters. The formula goes like this:
Lemon Bread = Shyra (Shyren’s Sister) + Aaron + Moldbygg
Endogeny = Muttler + various dog enemies
Snowdrake Mother = Crystal (Snowdrake’s Mom) + Vegetoids(?)
Reaper Bird = Everyman + Astigmatism + Whimsalot + Final Froggit
The Memoryheads seem to not “fit” with the other amalgamates, perhaps intentionally, so I’ll leave them out for now.
Long story short: Everyman was most likely a monster since he was part of an amalgamate and (as far as we know) amalgamates can only be made of monsters.
Why Everyman will have a bigger role in Deltarune
We see in Deltarune that three of the monsters who became amalgamates in Undertale have since passed away. This fits a trend I’ve noticed of Toby trying to “explain” the absence of characters who are prominent in one of his games but not the other.
The examples I cited above of Rudy, Noelle, and (possibly) Susie existing in Undertale’s universe also serve as “excuses” for where those characters were and why they were absent from the events of Undertale’s story. Rudy was dead and Noelle and “Suzy” were living with their families (presumably) in parts of the Underground where Frisk never ventured.
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Shyra, Muttler, and Crystal are similarly “excused” from Deltarune’s story when the graveyard informs the player of their passing. Gerson is likewise excluded from Deltarune due to having passed away before the events of the game.
Conveniently, Everyman is not listed among the amalgamate monsters who have passed away in Hometown, and the alleyway graffiti implies he’s alive and well.
We know that Deltarune’s timeline and character ages don’t match up perfectly with Undertale’s—Deltarune Asriel is still alive and slightly older than Kris, who’s roughly the same age as DR Monster Kid. Conversely, Undertale Asriel died long before Frisk entered the Underground, yet Frisk is still seemingly in the same age bracket as UT Monster Kid (who’s barely younger than Asriel in Deltarune). Like Rudy, we can assume that Deltarune’s Everyman is younger than the Everyman who “fell down” in the Underground.
What will Everyman’s role be?
Remember when I said this was a two-part theory? Well, here’s the second half of my theory: Everyman is the Knight.
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[Image transcript: A text box that says “Yes, you read that correctly.” End image transcript.]
Yes, the same Knight mentioned by Seam, Jevil, and the King of Spades. The same Knight who’s pulling new dark fountains out of the earth and who’s implied to be a major antagonist in the full game.
I could hedge my bets by saying Everyman is merely “connected” to the Knight, but if the Knight is a character we already know of then I think Everyman is the most likely candidate.
Let’s start with the name: Everyman’s sprites are titled “strangeman” in Undertale’s files. The very first mention we get of the Knight in Deltarune is Seam describing a “strange knight” who appeared, complete with red font for emphasis.
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[Image transcript: Seam speaking inside of a shop, saying: “But, recently, a strange knight appeared... And three of the kings were locked away.” End image transcript.]
The word “strange” seems to be used selectively and very deliberately in Deltarune’s first chapter. Here’s a breakdown of all the times it’s used:
Seam referring to the knight
Seam referring to the Knight’s “strange son” (more on that later)
Telling Seam about Jevil (”Strange Prisoner”)
Seam referring to the “strange someone” that Jevil met
Seam mentioning the “strange words” Jevil said
Rouxls Kaard referring to Lancer (”a strange and irritating darling!”)
Narration before Kris seals the dark fountain (”You felt something strange.”)
Flavor text during the Jevil fight (”Kris gazed strangely”)
The Devilsknife/Jevilstail appearing in a “strange chest” outside of Jevil’s cell upon defeating him (this may be dummied out or only triggers if your inventory is full of weapons/armors and Jevil can’t give his item to you)
The description of the key to Jevil’s cell (”something feels strange about it”)
With the exception of the line from Rouxls Kaard, every instance of “strange” somehow connects to the Knight or Jevil. If the Knight is indeed the “strange someone” who Jevil met then the list tightens even further, to the point where all but one use of the word “strange” is associated with a single character and his handiwork—a very “strange man”, as it were. Speaking of Jevil...
Jevil’s connection to the Knight and Everyman
Jevil’s fight is one of two places where Everyman appears in Deltarune chapter 1. Not only that, but Everyman’s sprite only appears as a rare event during Jevil’s carousel attack, implying that his appearance is somehow significant.
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Interestingly enough, the other two sprites that appear during this attack are one with a head that vaguely resembles Mysteryman (believed to be Gaster) and another with the head of a horse, a.k.a. the same as a knight piece on a chess board. It’s also worth pointing out that it’s rarer for the Everyman sprite to appear than it is for either of the other two sprites to appear.
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We can also see the Everyman sprite represented in the official Chaos Revolving Keychain from Fangamer.
Jevil mentions the Knight once you defeat him, showing that he has knowledge of his existence.
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[Image transcript: Jevil saying “THE HAND OF THE KNIGHT IS DRIFTING FORWARD.” End image transcript.]
This is interesting since Seam’s dialogue implies that Jevil was imprisoned well before the Knight overthrew the three kings at Card Castle. I can think of three possible explanations for this seeming timeline discrepancy:
Jevil is somehow intrinsically “aware” of things that go on outside of his cell
The Knight or someone else visited Jevil in jail to tell him about what happened with the three kings
The Knight is the same “strange someone” that Jevil met before he was locked up
The first explanation is the least likely, imo, due to Jevil asking who Kris, Ralsei, and Susie are when he first meets them.
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[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, Jevil is talking to the fun gang and he says: “BUT LO, THREE VISITORS STANDING INSIDE?” This continues in the right screenshot, where Jevil says: “WHO ARE YOU FEW?” End image transcript.]
If Jevil was aware of the outside world then he’d surely know of the fun gang’s antics by that point.
The second explanation doesn’t seem very likely either. Seam is the only character who acknowledges Jevil’s existence and we never see Seam visit Card Castle, even after the Spade King has been overthrown.
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[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, Jack Person tells the fun gang: “By the by, I asked Seam to come here, but...” Continuing onto the right screenshot, where Jack Person finishes by saying “There wasn’t any interest.” End image transcript.]
Jevil’s cell doesn’t seem to have any guards and it’s kept on its own floor, so that would rule out Jevil hearing about the knight from other prisoners.
If someone in the castle brings food to Jevil then he may have overheard it from them, but even that is speculative. Does Jevil even need to eat? He says his body “cannot be killed,” after all.
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[Image transcript: Jevil saying “THIS BODY CANNOT BE KILLED!” End image transcript.]
And I’m not sure if the King of Spades would be so accommodating towards a dangerous prisoner.
That just leaves the third explanation, which seems the most likely to me. It’s also the tidiest explanation for how Jevil would be aware of both the Knight and Everyman—they’re the same person.
We can only speculate as to why the “strange someone” caused Jevil to run amok. If that strange someone was the Knight then I would assume that setting Jevil loose may have been his attempt to overthrow or destabilize Card Castle’s leadership. We know that the Knight eventually overthrew the three other kings himself, so that may have been his plan B after Jevil failed or he merely wished to remove Jevil as an obstacle. Either way, the Knight toppled the quadrumvirate and installed the Spade King as the protector of Card Castle’s dark fountain.
The Spade King’s clue
The Spade King is the closest ally of the Knight that we’ve seen so far. The exact nature of their relationship isn’t fully known, but the King’s words imply that he reveres and is loyal to the Knight.
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[Image description: Four Deltarune screenshots arranged in a grid. In the top-left, the King of Spades says “By the Knight’s will, I shall shatter your heart to pieces!”. In the top-right, the King says “For the KNIGHT has appeared.” In the bottom-left, the King says “The KNIGHT that pulls the Fountains from the Earth.” In the bottom-right, the King says “My KNIGHT... I shall not fail you...” End image transcript.]
Both characters share an interest in maintaining the existence of dark fountains, given that the Knight has been said to create new fountains by pulling them up from the Earth.
Unlike Jevil, the Spade King’s attacks never make explicit reference to Everyman’s visage, but he does give a possible nod that many players have overlooked. When the Spade King is defeated, he makes a curious gesture by letting his cloak fly away like a butterfly.
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While this may be a simple artistic flourish, I always found this moment to be odd and unfitting for a brutish character like the King. It’s also worth pointing out how the King’s cloak is clearly not a part of his body, unlike what’s implied with Lancer’s “clothes”.
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[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, the battle narration says: “You tell Lancer you can’t tell the difference between his clothes and his body.” The narration continues in the right screenshot, saying “He seems flattered... His ATTACK POWER went down!” End transcript.]
What if the King didn’t always have that butterfly-shaped cloak? Did someone give it to him? Think of where else we’ve seen butterfly motifs before.
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At first blush, this seems obvious—the Reaper Bird is clearly made from the Core mercenaries, including Whimsalot. Whimsalot attacks with butterfly bullets, so that’s where Reaper Bird got them from, right? Case closed. Well, not so fast.
It turns out there are two different sets of butterfly bullets in Undertale’s game files, and Reaper Bird’s are different from Whimsalot’s.
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[Image transcript: Two groups of butterfly bullet sprites. The left group is labeled “Whimsun / Whimsalot.” The right group is labeled “Reaper Bird”. End image transcript.]
Notice how Reaper Bird’s butterflies are smaller and have pointier, more symmetrical wings? While those differences could be chalked up to limited pixel resolution, it’s interesting how Toby went out of his way to create an entirely unique set of butterfly bullets for Reaper Bird when it arguably would have made more sense for him to recycle the Whimsun butterflies like he did for Whimsalot.
If you want to compare the sprites for yourself I suggest either looking at the game files directly or looking at an actual playthrough of Undertale. I’ve noticed that Spriter’s Resource mistakenly has Reaper Bird’s butterflies listed under Whimsun’s sprite sheet (which is a completely understandable mix-up).
To drive the point home, notice the string names that are used for these butterflies:
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[Image transcript: An UTModTool window showing multiple named strings. Highlighted in red are six strings that each contain “obj_strangeman_butterfly” in their names. End image transcript.]
They’re “strangeman” butterflies. Not “amalgamate” or “Reaper Bird” butterflies (despite Reaper Bird having its own share of dedicated strings and named sprites), and they’re not “Whimsalot” butterflies either. Toby clearly delineates them as belonging to strangeman, a.k.a. Everyman, meaning that Everyman is specifically associated with butterfly imagery. The Spade King also makes use of butterfly imagery immediately after he mentions the Knight in his final turn.
Between the King and Jevil, this makes two characters that can be linked to both Everyman and the Knight.
Additional Evidence
Let’s circle back to Reaper Bird for a second. It’s commonly known that this amalgamate is made from Astigmatism, Final Froggit, and Whimsalot. To wit:
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These enemies are part of the mercenary group that Mettaton hires to attack you in the Core. Have you ever noticed how out-of-place they seem? Almost every other set of enemies in the game is somehow themed around their environment — Snowdin enemies are ice creatures, Hotland enemies are fire/lava-themed, etc. These mercenaries are themed around medieval warfare and yet they show up in the Core, the most high-tech area in the entire Underground.
What’s even stranger is that this medieval theme seems to come out of nowhere. Astigmatism, Final Froggit, and Whimsalot act as “upgraded” versions of Loox, Froggit, and Whimsun, respectively. And yet their Ruins counterparts don’t have any medieval theming whatsoever—it was added purely for the mercenaries. For whatever reason they’re all dressed like a bunch of wizards and... knights.
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[Image transcript: Two Undertale screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, a Core NPC says “Why do I look like a black sausage and not a knight or a wizard?” This continues on the right, where it says “Well... Everyone has an angle they look best from.” End image transcript.]
That’s not my interpretation of their designs—the game outright calls them knights.
On the one hand, it’s true that Asgore’s royal guards also dress up like knights, but the Core mercenaries are explicitly not part of the royal guard—they’re mercenaries.
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[Image transcript: Battle flavor text that states “Mercenaries emerge from the shadows.” End image transcript.]
Assuming that Asgore has a dress code for his guards or is just old-fashioned in his sensibilities, there’s still no reason why fighters outside of the guard should follow their standard. Even some of the royal sentries don’t follow this theming, as seen with Doggo and Sans (who’s technically a sentry):
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With the abundance of knight-themed royal guard and sentry enemies that exist already, Toby could’ve easily designed the Core Mercenaries to more accurately fit with the Core’s futuristic theme. Doesn’t it seem a little too coincidental that Everyman would wind up as part of the same amalgamate as these otherwise out-of-place knights?
When we look at the other amalgamates, we can see that Lemon Bread (a.k.a. Shyren’s sister) is made up of Waterfall enemies. Endogeny is made up entirely of dog-based enemies. These two amalgamates each have a “theme” for their component monsters that fits the “main” named monster they’re each made of, and Reaper Bird has a clear theme of its own. Why would Everyman be paired with a bunch of knights if he was not connected to them in some way?
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Even the Undertale artbook groups Everyman’s concept art with the Core Mercenaries, specifically the ones that look the most like knights and wizards in-game. The book also repeats the name “Everyman” and Toby’s cryptic phrase of “Just a good guy who shows up on occasion.”
Perhaps Everyman knew the Core mercenaries when he was alive? Were they his fellow knights? Or did they work for him before he fell down and they had to then lend their services elsewhere?
“The Knight? Seriously?”
Some of you may be shaking your heads dismissively at the idea of Everyman being the Knight (or you more likely clicked over to another tab by now). I mean, just look at the guy:
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What part of this design makes you think “knight”, let alone THE Knight? Well, Seam does refer to the Knight as a “strange” knight, and Everyman certainly fits that bill. But more importantly, we haven’t seen an actual overworld sprite for Everyman yet—we’ve only seen some graffiti and a couple of magic bullet attacks, which are always abstract and simplified.
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Not pictured: Froggit, Migosp, Temmie, Moldbygg, Tsunderplane, Mettaton, or Endogeny.
Everyman’s “proper” design would almost certainly differ from his Pillsbury Doughboy-esque bullet sprite, especially if he’s wearing a cloak or a suit of armor. And even if his design doesn’t differ that much, so what? It’s not like this series has ever had an opponent that looks goofy or non-threatening, right?
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Another little tidbit I noticed: one of Reaper Bird’s attacks consists of Everyman repeatedly removing his own head.
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Or maybe it’s not his head? Perhaps it’s a helmet? Like one that a knight would wear? After all, it’s not unheard of for helmets to have beak-like protrusions.
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And this is a series where helmets can come in any shape or size to better fit the needs of the wearer.
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Just some food for thought.
The Gaster connection
It’s time to address the elephant in the room: “Isn’t Gaster supposed to be the Knight?” If you haven’t heard by now, this is one of the prevailing theories in the fandom. To be honest, if the Knight ends up not being Everyman then Gaster is the next-best candidate, imo, but these two theories don’t have to be mutually-exclusive. I think a case can be made that Everyman and Gaster are connected in some way.
Let me say up front that this section is highly speculative (unlike the previous sections, which clearly aren’t the least bit speculative). We’re dealing with two super-obscure characters who’ve yet to make a proper on-screen appearance in either game. It’s already hard enough to figure out how either of them connect to the broader Undertale universe, let alone to each other, but I’ll give it a shot.
For starters, we can affirm that both Gaster and Everyman are linked to the True Lab. There’s no shortage of fan theories and speculation on Gaster’s prior usage of the True Lab in his own experiments and I won’t get into all that here, but suffice it to say the True Lab has Gaster’s name written all over it.
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(Am I the only one who thinks the DT Extractor looks more like Everyman’s head than it does a Gaster Blaster? Forget I said anything.)
We’ve covered how Everyman appears as one of Reaper Bird’s attacks. Interestingly, the amalgamate Memoryhead has an attack that resembles the head of Mysteryman, the figure believed to be Gaster (which I’ll assume here for simplicity’s sake).
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If we follow the logic of my prior “Everyman is the named/important monster that makes up Reaper Bird, fitting the pattern of other amalgamates” argument, then Gaster (or pieces of him) could fill the same role for the Memoryheads.
Everyman and Gaster’s sprites both have the suffix of “man” in Undertale’s game files. Here are all the sprites that use this same naming scheme:
strangeman - Everyman
mysteryman - “Gaster”
snowman - gives you the snowman piece
riverman - a.k.a. River Person
darkman - the shadowy overworld sprites used for the Core Mercenaries
watchingman - The spoon-shaped amalgamate that tucks Frisk into bed
The snowman’s inclusion is a bit of a fluke, because what else would you call a snowman without using “man” in the name? If we exclude the snowman, each instance of “man” represents a mysterious figure that ties back to Everyman and/or Gaster.
We’ve already covered the connection between Everyman and the Core Mercenaries, and it’s easy to connect the “watchingman” amalgamate with the True Lab. River Person is also frequently linked to Gaster in fan theories (and they allude to “the man from the other world” and “the man who speaks in hands”), so what we’re left with is a close-knit community of strange, mysterious "man”s.
This naming scheme looks very intentional on Toby’s part, and he seems to be continuing it in Deltarune by referring to the secret unseen NPC who gives you the egg behind the tree in Scarlet Forest as simply “a man.”
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[Image transcript: Narration from the secret egg room. The text box states: “(Well, there is a man here.)” End image transcript]
The Knight’s “Strange Son”?
Remember when I said I’d get back to the Knight’s “strange son”? That’s now. I’m a little iffy on this topic because it involves stacking a whole ton of assumptions onto a single line of dialogue that’s phrased in an ambiguous way. But, if it means what I think it means, it could shed a ton of light on Everyman’s possible connection to Gaster and whether either of them are the Knight.
When you ask Seam about the “Kingdom”, Seam says this:
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[Image transcript: Three of Seam’s text boxes arranged vertically. In order, they read: “Historically, this land was ruled by the Four Kings, from CARD CASTLE to the East. But, recently, a strange knight appeared... And three of the kings were locked away. The remaining king put him and his strange son into power.” End image transcript]
Let’s focus on that last sentence. On my first playthrough I misread this line as “the knight put the king and his strange son into power” because that sounds a lot closer to the events that happened—the Spade King and his “strange son” Lancer are in power now because the three kings were locked away, presumably by the Knight.
But the actual text states the opposite—the remaining king (Spade King) put him (the Knight) and his strange son (i.e., the Knight’s son) into power. Or does it? The line could also read as—the remaining king (Spade King) put him (the Knight) and his (the King’s) strange son (Lancer) into power. The second way is  awkwardly-structured but technically valid. And this is assuming that Toby didn’t make any grammatical errors when he typed these lines, which he has done on occasion.
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[Image transcript: A dialogue box where Dr. Alphys says “I felt so guilty knowing I hadn’t do anything to stop you.” End image transcript.]
Not to be too hard on Toby, but even if Seam’s line is grammatically correct it’s still clunky and murky in its conception—at this point in the game we’ve only just been introduced to Lancer and the fact that his dad is the King, and now this line is potentially introducing yet another father/son duo that is closely connected with Lancer’s dad—is it any wonder that this line is often glossed over by fans?
The second reading, where Lancer is the “strange son,” is also awkward because the Spade King would have little need to put Lancer “into power”. Lancer was already a prince and, presumably, already wielded power in that role. Various NPCs make reference to Lancer bossing them around, and such a thing could’ve easily happened before the three kings were deposed.
If we take Seam’s line with the first reading (where the Knight has a “strange son”) and assume there were no grammatical errors, then this is the only time in chapter 1 that the Knight is ever referred to as having a son. It’s also the only time that the Knight is addressed with pronouns, implying that the Knight is male. If true, this would rule out the theory that Kris (or any potential alter ego that Kris has) is the knight, since Kris is neither male nor do they have a son. This would also rule out Susie, who’s never been a popular contender for being the Knight but is referred to as a “dark knight” on her stats page.
Who made who?
So then, who’s male, widely believed to be the Knight, and is often depicted as having one or more sons?
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This (alleged) guy!
“But wait,” you might ask, “isn’t your theory that Everyman is the Knight?” Well, the Knight and his “strange son” seem to be working as a duo in the scenario that Seam outlines, given that the Spade King put both of them “into power.”
Because of Everyman’s connections to the Knight that I’ve laid out, plus the more popular theory that Gaster is the Knight, it’s possible that one may be the Knight and the other may be the Knight’s “strange son.” The way I see it, it doesn’t make a huge difference which one is which.
Now, I don’t think that Gaster and Everyman would be father and son in the strict biological sense. There are a number of reasons for this, but for starters I’m not even sure if Everyman and Gaster are the same species. My inclination is that Everyman is a monster, while Gaster may be a darkner. The latter is mostly my own guess and springboards off of a popular theory that Sans is a darkner, but it’s a whole other can of worms that I won’t get into now.
More importantly, Gaster is strongly implied to have some sort of connection to Sans and Papyrus. All three of them are also connected with special fonts that they each use. As far as I can tell, there’s no widely-used font by the name of “Everyman”, so this would imply that Everyman is not a skeleton and therefore not biologically related to them. However, there’s more than one way to start a family.
Gaster was the royal scientist in Undertale’s universe and it’s not out of the realm of possibility that he (or his potential Deltarune counterpart) could find the means to create life forms artificially.
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[Image transcript: The vessel creation scene from Deltarune. The on-screen text says “YOU HAVE CREATED A WONDERFUL FORM.” End image transcript.]
Everyman could be a creation of Gaster’s and thus he’d be Gaster’s “son”.
There’s also another possibility: Everyman is Gaster’s creator. We know that the Knight is pulling new dark fountains out of the Earth. I think the Knight, regardless of who they are, must be able to survive without a dark fountain to give their body form, otherwise they wouldn’t be able to venture into areas where new fountains have yet to be pulled up. The Knight is almost certainly a lightner, and I’ve already detailed why I think Everyman is a lightner as well.
We don’t fully understand how dark fountains interact with darkners, but it’s stated multiple times that dark fountains “give form” to the Dark World.
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[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, Ralsei’s narration says “Today the FOUNTAIN OF DARKNESS-” and continues into the right screenshot, saying: “The geyser that gives this land form-” End image transcript.]
In the dummied-out manual pages, Ralsei also mentions how his dark fountain gives his body form.
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[Image transcript: Ralsei’s manual excerpt, whic says “Dedicated to The unending pillar of darkness that gives my body form.” End image transcript]
Darkners need dark fountains in order to maintain their forms. They may not even be able to survive at all without them. From this point of view, when the Knight creates new dark fountains he’s bringing new darkners to life. If Gaster is a darkner himself, then it’s not unthinkable to imagine that Everyman may have brought him to life in this way and could thus be called his “father”. Seam does refer to lightners as the “creators” of darkners, after all.
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[Image transcript: Seam’s dialogue box saying “They were like Gods to us. Our protectors. Our creators. Those who gave us purpose...” End image transcript.]
Ultimately the question of who’s the father and who’s the son is purely speculative. We don’t even know for sure if the Knight has a son, let alone whether it’s Everyman, Gaster, or someone else entirely. It’s very much a “the chicken or the egg?” kind of question.
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[Image transcript: Two images. The right is a screenshot of the egg room with narration stating “(You received an Egg)”. End image transcript.]
“Seriously, who is Everyman?”
Let’s bring this home with the question we started with: Who is Everyman? I’ve gone into evidence that he existed as an actual person in Undertale and will likely play a role in Deltarune, but this doesn’t tell us much about the kind of character he is. We don’t even know if “Everyman” is his real name.
If Everyman is indeed a prominent character in Deltarune then there are two possibilities: 1.) he’s a brand new character we’ve never met before, or 2.) he’s someone that we have met before. The first option, while a strong possibility, doesn’t leave us with much to talk about, so let’s look at the second.
Right out the gate I can confidently say that Everyman is not a character that we talked to or had significant interaction with in Undertale. The obvious reason is that he was busy being stuck inside Reaper Bird and he couldn’t have been in two places at once (as far as we know). This means that Everyman would have to be a character introduced in Deltarune chapter 1.
I’ve said before that I believe Everyman is a lightner, so this would rule out any dark world characters. That leaves us with the residents of Hometown who didn’t have direct counterparts in Undertale’s story.
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After careful consideration I’ve narrowed the field to two suspects:
Father Alvin
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Father Alvin has always struck me as an oddity. He seems like an important member of Hometown’s community, and yet none of the other residents ever talk about him. He’s also conspicuously absent from Undertale’s universe.
The most notable thing about Father Alvin is that his church seems to worship “the Angel”.
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[Image transcript: Father Alvin saying “Let the Angel’s power light your way.” End image transcript.]
Ralsei’s prophecy states that the three heroes must seal the dark fountains in order to banish the “Angel’s Heaven.”
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[Image transcript: Two Deltaunre screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, Ralsei’s narration says “Only they can seal the fountains.” The right screenshot continues, saying: “And banish the ANGEL’S HEAVEN.” End image transcript.]
This would put the heroes at odds with both the Knight (who’s creating fountains) and whoever is serving this Angel. We can only speculate on the Knight’s motives, but what if he’s acting in service to the Angel?
Something that isn’t brought up much in the fandom is the religious reverence that darkners give to their fountains. The King of Spades refers to the fountains that the Knight creates as “holy” fountains.
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[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, the King of Spades says “Holy Fountains, whose shadows are creating a new world...” The right screenshot continues, saying “OUR world.” End image transcript.]
The soundtrack that plays at the Fountain is called “The Holy.” Dark fountains can seemingly create life, so it’s easy to imagine the Knight viewing his own mission as some sort of holy rite.
As far as evidence goes for Alvin being Everyman/the Knight, the biggest clue is the drawing signed by Alvin that shows up in the supply closet at the end of chapter 1.
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Every other object in the closet represents a part of the dark world that Kris and Susie visited, and yet at no point do they encounter a dark world manifestation of this drawing. We know that the Knight visited Card Castle previously, so this drawing could be meant to represent the Knight’s presence in that part of the dark world.
It’s also worth noting how most of the closet’s toys are arranged from left to right in the order that Kris and Susie encountered them on their journey. Alvin’s drawing is on the far right, just past the open cabinet drawer (i.e., Card Castle), implying that Alvin’s drawing was either at the fountain or that it was effectively the “next” thing that Kris and Susie would’ve encountered if they had stayed.
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It’s hard to make out what the drawing could be beyond being a “poorly-drawn picture of a green turtle”, as the flavor text explains. Could it be Everyman? Or is it just a reference to Bold and Brash? Both? Neither? The world may never know. Or it may know when the full game comes out.
Can I also add how strange it is that Alvin’s drawing is in the closet to begin with? Alvin looks to be a pretty old dude, so why would his drawing still be in a school that he no longer attends? I don’t have an answer, I just think it’s weird.
Other clues that could point to Alvin being Everyman are that he is, scientifically speaking, old-looking, which would line up with my hypothesis of Undertale’s Everyman being an older monster who fell down before becoming Reaper Bird.
Alvin also vaguely resembles Everyman as far as their proportions are concerned.
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It’s by no means a perfect match, especially if we factor in Alvin’s shell, but both characters possess a round head with some sort of beak or proboscis.
If Everyman actually is Father Alvin, then the title “Everyman” could be a reference to The Summoning of Everyman, a 15th-century religious morality play. I won’t get into the specifics here, but the play focuses on a character named Everyman who must prepare for his inevitable death and judgment for his deeds in life. I don’t really know how much that would tie into Deltarune’s themes or if it’s even a deliberate reference to begin with, so make of it what you will.
Father Alvin was the first character that I suspected of being Everyman when I started writing this theory, but there’s one major sticking point that prevents me from fully embracing the idea: the fact that he lacks a character portrait for his dialogue boxes.
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This may seem like a minor nitpick, but dialogue portraits indicate when a character is important to the story, and it would be a pretty big oversight on Toby’s part if a (presumably) recurring antagonist wasn’t given a portrait. Even a three-scene wonder like Rouxls Kaard was given a portrait.
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It’s true that recurring characters like Napstablook and Monster Kid weren’t given portraits in Undertale...
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But Deltarune has greatly expanded the number of characters with portraits this time around, and we can already infer that Noelle (who had a portrait in chapter 1) will be an important character going forward:
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Given Alvin’s limited dialogue in chapter 1 and his lack of a portrait, I’m more inclined to believe that he’ll end up being a minor character, in which case he’d almost certainly not be the Knight (and therefore not Everyman). But who knows, maybe Toby will give him a portrait in the full game.
Thankfully, we have another candidate who might be Everyman:
The Ice-E’s Employees
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You think I’m joking? Trust me, you’ll know when I’m joking.
I didn’t initially make the connection between Ice-E’s and Everyman until I saw a post from @curioscurio​ that pointed me in that direction.
Let’s go back to the Everyman graffiti that appears in Hometown.
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Notice how the drawing right next to it resembles Ice-E’s head? I can’t believe this was staring me in the face the whole time and I never realized the connection.
Another point in favor of the Ice-E’s workers is that we don’t even know what two of them look like. We know that Burgerpants is one, and another is implied to be the Nice Cream Bunny that we met in Undertale.
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[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, the Ice-E’s employee says “Psst, can I tell you a mascot secret? I only started working here because...” The right screenshot continues, saying “The logo made me think it was an ice-cream shop...” End image transcript.]
But this still leaves the “purple guy” and “The Warrior”, who remain in full costume for chapter 1, meaning that one of them could resemble Everyman underneath their mask.
Speaking of The Warrior, he certainly fits the bill as being “strange.” His title wouldn’t be out of place among the likes of The Knight, and his dialogue refers to the hospital’s medical staff as “white wizards”, which fits with the medieval theming that’s associated with Everyman’s mercenary cohorts in Undertale.
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[Image transcript: Two Deltarune screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, the Warrior says “This castle’s WHITE WIZARDs relegated me to this HEALING CHAMBER...” The right screenshot continues, saying “But my BLOOD is BOILING FOR BATTLE!!!” End image transcript.]
Speaking of the Core Mercenaries, here’s an interesting tidbit:
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[Image transcript: Two Undertale screenshots side-by-side. In the left screenshot, a Core NPC says “As a youth, I would sneak out to play by this creepy flaming pit.” The right screenshot continues, saying “Since the CORE is always re-arranging, it was like a game trying to find it.” End image transcript.]
I used to assume that the Core Mercenaries were older monsters who fought in the human-monster war, which would explain their insistence on dressing up as old-timey knights and wizards. However, these lines of dialogue imply that the Mercenaries are far younger—young enough to visit the Core when they were kids.
So why would a bunch of younger monsters dress up like old-school knights and wizards? Simple: they’re LARPers. This would explain why their more casual overworld dialogue doesn’t match their overly-serious battle dialogue whatsoever—the battle is over and, thus, so is the act.
What does this have to do with Ice-E’s? Simple. The Warrior is also a LARPer. But he takes it a step further and never lets the act slip. According to Burgerpants, he terrorizes customers with war chants during his day job, and we see him keeping up the act while he’s injured in the hospital. It’s clear that he’s living in a fantasy world, and someone like that would have every reason to spend time in a strange dark world that “seems like” fantasy.
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[Image transcript: Lyrics from Deltarune’s credits theme. It says: “And the places that you know seem like fantasy”. End image transcript.]
Someone like him could grow attached to such a place and want to see it spread as far and wide as possible, with no regard for how it would affect the boring “real world”. All he’d need to do is create new dark fountains to sustain this fantasy world.
I also find it interesting that The Warrior is in the hospital during chapter 1. Burgerpants claims that this is the result of “pizza-related injuries.”
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[Image transcript: Two dialogue boxes from Burgerpants. Read from top to bottom, it says “The Warrior - Thankfully absent due to pizza-related injuries. Constantly terrorizing customers with war chants.” End image transcript.]
But what if there was another reason? We can see signs of “some kind of struggle” in the King of Spade’s throne room, complete with tattered wall banners.
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[Image transcript: Narration in the Spade King’s throne room. The text box says “(Wall banners. They seem to have been through some kind of struggle...)” End image transcript.]
What if the Knight sustained injuries when he overthrew the three kings and had to go to the hospital afterwards? A “struggle” implies that there was some resistance involved.
Another interesting coincidence is that the previews for Deltarune Chapter 2 strongly imply that it will take place in a dark world that forms in the hospital.
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Earlier previews have also implied that Noelle will have a larger role in Chapter 2, and she’d have every reason to be in the hospital visiting her father when things hit the fan.
It feels awfully convenient that a new dark world springs up right in the spot where the Warrior is. I wouldn’t be surprised if chapter 2 gives us our first glimpse of the Knight in person, and what better way than a surprise run-in with the Warrior?
Some of you may be asking why I’d suggest a minor character like The Warrior might be the Knight when he has a single line of dialogue and no dialogue portrait? Simple: characters tend not to have portraits when their face is hidden from view. We see this with Undyne in Undertale:
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She doesn’t gain a dialogue portrait until after she removes her helmet. This is also true of Burgerpants in Deltarune.
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So, unlike Father Alvin, The Warrior has an excuse for not having a dialogue portrait yet. While Father Alvin has some compelling evidence supporting him being the Knight/Everyman, The Warrior has no major counter-argument that I can think of (unlike Father “no portrait” Alvin), so I give The Warrior the edge as far as Everyman suspects go.
I’d also like point out that if Gaster ends up not being the Knight or the Knight’s “Strange Son,” then we could get a two-for-one deal of Father Alvin as the Knight and The Warrior as his strange son. Definitely not the most likely outcome, but technically possible! I’d imagine those two would have a hilariously awkward dynamic if they were related.
Closing Summary
Wow, this post went on for a while! Let’s summarize what we’ve learned today.
Everyman (in Undertale)
Was likely a monster who “fell down”
Became part of the Reaper Bird Amalgamate
Likely knew the Core Mercenaries
Is connected to butterfly imagery
Described as “strange”
May or may not have looked like his bullet sprite
May or may not have been connected to “mysteryman”/Gaster
May or may not have been connected to the River Person
Everyman (in Deltarune)
Is alive and active
Is known to both lightners and darkners
Can most likely travel between the light and dark worlds
Is known of by Jevil
May or may not resemble his Undertale bullet sprite
May or may not be connected to “mysteryman”/Gaster
May or may not be Father Alvin
May or may not be an Ice-E’s employee
May or may not be the Knight or the Knight’s “strange son”
The Knight
Described as “strange”
Is pulling up new dark fountains from the Earth
Has been to the dark world
Is possibly a lightner/monster
Is connected to the Spade King, who uses butterfly imagery
Overthrew the other three kings at Card Castle
Is known of by Jevil and Seam
May or may not be Everyman
May or may not be “mysteryman”/Gaster
May or may not be the “strange someone” who changed Jevil
Likely male
Likely has a “strange son”
Everyman and the Knight (similarities)
Both are likely monsters
Both are alive and active in Deltarune’s world
Both are (presumably) male
Both have a presence in the dark world
Both are known by Jevil and may have met him previously
Both are associated with butterfly imagery to some degree
Both are connected to knight imagery
Both are described as “strange”
Both may be connected to “mysteryman”/Gaster
Both are foreshadowed in Deltarune chapter 1
Final Conclusions
So what do I really think? I’m reminded of Undertale’s original Kickstarter demo and how much of the full game’s story was left out of it. Right now we’re in a similar situation with Deltarune. I can’t view any of my theories with certainty because at the end of the day I have no idea what Toby’s going to write for the full game, but I can guess.
If I had to put a number to it, I’d say the odds of Everyman making further appearances in Deltarune is 95% and the odds of him being the Knight is about 66%. There’s always the possibility that Gaster will usurp the title of Knight and leave Everyman as the Knight’s “strange son” or as the far less illustrious role of “no one particularly important”.
If Everyman is in the game, I’d give 50/50 odds that he’s one of the Ice-E’s employees, mainly due to the Warrior’s situation lining up well with Chapter 2′s (likely) setting. I’d then give a 25% chance it’s Father Alvin and the remaining 25% as “anyone else”.
Thanks for reading all of this (or skipping to the end). I’ve seen hardly anyone talk about our favorite strange little man and I just wanted to get the word about him out there. Even if you don’t agree with my conclusions, I’m happy to (hopefully) ignite further discussion over this often-overlooked character.
For now I’ve said all that I can say on the topic. All we can do is wait and see what happens. Fingers crossed.
Special thanks to @curioscurio​ for inspiring me to make this post in the first place.
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Date published: December 10th, 2020
918 notes · View notes
captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Okay so I know I’m far off my rocker with what I’m about to say but I have to say it otherwise I’ll forget or keep thinking about it like crazy.
It’s probably just me but I can’t help but feel like SNS aren’t straight. I can’t help but feel like Naruto could possibly be bi with women preference or don’t realize it. I can’t help but feel like Sasuke might be gay or bi. I don’t want to state it as a fact because we don’t know their sexualities canon wise plus I want to respect the author’s creation however I can’t see those two as straight, especially Sasuke. I understand that Sasuke puts his goals before romance and that may be the case for this. I know he wants to defeat his brother and restore his clan, thats his top priority in life. People say he doesn’t know how to express his emotions, yet I see it fine with Naruto. He seems to trust Naruto more than anything and wants to be with Naruto. He turns down girls, mainly Sakura when it comes to affection or flirtatiousness. Now it could be just that those girls see him as a trophy and Sakura doesn’t understand him or respect him, however even after Boruto when he “marries” Sakura, it seems he’s depressed and regrets the relationship. He visits Naruto’s family more than his own and I find it depressing and interesting because it shows he chooses Naruto over his own “wife”. Even with Karin, he cares about her as a comrade or friend yet I don’t feel romantic attraction on his side. Yet I feel a bit of that with him and Naruto. There was a rumor that the author or creator of Naruto that between Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura isn’t a love triangle but rather a circle like a fish biting its own tail. So Naruto —> Sakura —> Sasuke and Sasuke —> Naruto. Anyways, i know this show isn’t about their sexuality and I shouldn’t focus on that but I couldn’t help but notice something or rather feel it. Also, your post on SNS Sasukes pov, I remember you mentioning Sasuke being comfortable enough to show his vulnerability with Naruto and that had me thinking... is this Sasuke accepting his love for Naruto? Is this Sasuke allowing Naruto to open him and save him. It seems Naruto was the first and only person that made his way to his heart, even expanding it just a little.
That’s just me but I would love to hear what you have to say and correct me if I’m wrong. What do you think?
Nice ask @larrycherry04 😍😍
There was a rumor that the author or creator of Naruto that between Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura isn’t a love triangle but rather a circle like a fish biting its own tail. So Naruto —> Sakura —> Sasuke and Sasuke —> Naruto.
Again larry, there is no official proof for this interview. And if it is so, I don’t really believe any of his interviews, tbh. 
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These are the two different official interviews from Shounen Jump at different point of time with Kishimoto and two contradicting answers. 
So, when it comes to drawing Manga, Kishi was very truthful. But when it comes to interviews, he started to contradict his own answers. Which makes him a liar, in my opinion and I don’t blame him.
So, In short, Read the manga or Watch the Anime and see how you feel about it and come to a conclusion rather that believing his interviews.
But to answer whether it’s a love circle??? Nope. 
Sakura, like I said before, she is a pairing fodder for Sasuke, most of the time and for Naruto, a little bit. 
If it is a love circle, like, if Naruto truly loved Sakura, he never should’ve let Sasuke off the hook, for all the tantrums/outbursts he has shown towards Sakura not once or twice but multiple times.
Imagine you are Naruto, you love Sakura so much and values her a lot above everyone.
What would you do in the following scene?
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I seriously can’t stop laughing here. Here, a boy, your supposed rival, is mildly insulting your most valued person’s tears. What will you do?
You will speak on her behalf, Of course. Just like Naruto did.
But the moment your rival says something to you, you forget everything about Sakura and starts to think about your rival. Wellllll ... So weird!!!!! Which begs the question ‘Do you really love her in the first place???’.
In this scene, the moment he heard those words from Sasuke, Sakura was out of the picture. Important point to note, Naruto still had a crush on Sakura until this point. 
Moment 1
Sakura: I am going to stab Sasuke-Kun
Sasuke : Am gonna kill you too
**Naruto heroically saves her**
Naruto: Sasuke, Sakura was a member of Team 7.
Sasuke: I don’t give a fuck
Naruto: Anyways, I heard the truth about Itachi and what you’ve been doing so far, is understandable, (including trying to kill Sakura)
Sakura: **surprised pikachu face**
Moment 2
Sakura: I love you, Sasuke-Kun
Sasuke: Annoying!! I am gonna put her in a murdering Genjutsu
Naruto: Sasuke, you shouldn’t have put her in such a strong Genjutsu
Sasuke: If I didn’t , she will come in our way
Naruto: Ummm, that’s true. Let’s go fight!!!
This is the pattern of Team 7 dynamics even until the very end. And I don’t see a love circle at all. 
To put it bluntly,
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These words from Naruto is an admonition to Sakura, that is, ‘Whatever happens between us, do not meddle!!’
Sakura is just a third wheel to elevate the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke. Naruto likes her but not more than Sasuke. Naruto will die for Sasuke but not for Sakura. Sasuke will put his life on the line for Naruto but not for Sakura. 
He turns down girls, mainly Sakura when it comes to affection or flirtatiousness. Now it could be just that those girls see him as a trophy and Sakura doesn’t understand him or respect him, however even after Boruto when he “marries” Sakura, it seems he’s depressed and regrets the relationship. He visits Naruto’s family more than his own and I find it depressing and interesting because it shows he chooses Naruto over his own “wife”. Even with Karin, he cares about her as a comrade or friend yet I don’t feel romantic attraction on his side.
Sasuke closed all his walls in his heart to let anyone in, after the massacre. And even before that incident, it was never shown that he had any friends or rather he was frustrated with those boys revering him because of the ‘Uchiha’ name he bears. Uchiha is the powerful clan of Konoha and so everyone has high level of expectations. So, there is that. 
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Sasuke was thoroughly frustrated at this comment because nobody is seeing him as a boy named ‘Sasuke’ in his Academy. Even his homeroom teacher saw him as 'Itachi's little brother'. He was clearly facing an identity problem during this time, even in his home. Because Fugaku, Sasuke’s father completely ignored Sasuke and was showing his full attention towards his brother Itachi. When it comes to girls, I don’t have to say anything. They treated him like a trophy. Meaning, Everybody was expecting something from him but nobody was trying to befriend him unconditionally or approach him for who he was. 
This was explained nicely by Itachi in Itachi Shinden novel.
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I wish this scene were in the Anime series. Such a warm one.
He was turning down all those girls, because like you said, they just see him as a cool boy who can do anything. And Sakura was one among them. 
If Sasuke looked like Rock Lee, would Sakura have flirted with him??? Absolutely not. 
And to play romance, there should be certain effort from Sasuke’s side, like going for dates or whatever shit, which he was never ready for. Most of all, there should be a reason when you start a relationship. Sakura never tried to reach him in a deeper level and tried to understand his sufferings and hence there were no reason. This is the case even after their marriage. Does she know about Uchiha Clan massacre's reason? Or Itachi? If she had known, she should've educated her daughter and stopped wearing that fucking clan crest on their back. And most of all, what could Sasuke talk with her if she doesn't know a single thing about him?? Their relationship was built on Editorial pressure, regrets and shallowness. Of course, If I were Sasuke, I would avoid my family by staying in my office more.
With Karin, their relationship was purely business 'I use you, you use me' kind. He was very clear about that when he formed 'Team Hebi'.
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He helped Suigetsu to get Zabuza's sword and in turn Sasuke wants him to help with his goal. Same with Karin & Jugo. But it seems Sasuke respected her a lot in terms of her strength. Karin was similar to Sakura when it comes to flirting but when it comes to work she means business and can offer Sasuke a lot in terms of Chakra replenishment or sensing enemies plan while battling. That's why he treated her better than Sakura but that's all there is to it. It never went anywhere because Karin knows nothing about him. And Sasuke was not interested in forming a bond with any of Team Taka members either.
In other words, to evolve from a friendship to romance, it takes a massive effort from both sides in terms of understanding. Like I said before, Sasuke built a strong wall around his heart and he never let anyone in it as he saw it as a weakness. Sakura barely made a scratch on that wall. Just for becoming a friend takes a big effort to break that wall. How much effort do you think it takes for romance?? Instead of becoming his friend first, Sakura jumped straight into romance, which makes Sasuke uncomfortable most of the times. Hence the depressed reaction you see in Boruto.
Even with Karin, he cares about her as a comrade or friend yet I don’t feel romantic attraction on his side. Yet I feel a bit of that with him and Naruto.
Hmmm, I don't see Sasuke having a romantic attraction with Naruto. Romantic attraction leans towards sexual desire. But, Sasuke has more of a childlike attraction which leans towards purity and innocence, like more of a desire to be near Naruto, will never be bored even if it was for eternity and would like to look after his safety without expecting anything back.
I've seen this quite a few times.
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Sasuke is not competing here, otherwise he would have walked ahead Naruto. He just wants to walk along side him.
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This is that dream sequence after their fight. Sasuke, just like before, approaches Naruto by himself and listens to him intently. I am pretty sure he could do this for a whole day and still would not leave him.
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LOL. Sasuke, at this moment, doesn’t gives two shit about the world. Meaning he is not missing anyone from there. The person he really wants to be with is right next to him. He even convinces Naruto that Kakashi and Sakura will do something and he doesn’t have to worry. However the moment Naruto leaves, he worries and looks around for him. 
This is what I called, an innocent attraction and the desire to be around the person you feel warm and comfortable. 
But every possibility of changing this into romance is already there. Because Naruto broke his wall long back and has a high place in his heart. A strong friendship with an innocent attraction is all there. If someday Kishi comes out and said 'Sasuke loved Naruto', I won't be surprised at all.
Sasuke being comfortable enough to show his vulnerability with Naruto and that had me thinking... is this Sasuke accepting his love for Naruto? Is this Sasuke allowing Naruto to open him and save him. It seems Naruto was the first and only person that made his way to his heart, even expanding it just a little.
I think Sasuke started to like Naruto unknowingly ever since he started to watch him secretly. Because it always makes him feel warm and fuzzy. 
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But, the scars left by Itachi made Sasuke feel that having people around will always makes him weak. Meaning, The more people you love and when you lose them, you will feel weak. Hence, he was very hesitant to reach Naruto. Slowly but surely, Naruto was already making his way into Sasuke’s heart. And once they were put in the same team, he just loved Naruto unconditionally. That’s why he almost gave his life for him.
But Once Sasuke decided to leave the village, he severed all the ties with Konoha, including Kakashi and Sakura. The level of bond Sasuke had with them can be cut off by saying ‘Thank you’. But with Naruto, it takes more than that. Because for Sasuke, Naruto’s existence itself is making him weak by bringing back all the feelings he once had for him. Like Orochimaru said, Naruto has certain power to influence Sasuke’s heart. So Sasuke decided to kill him but in the end he simply couldn’t. 
Everytime Sasuke strays off the path, Naruto will always appear and remind him that he is his friend
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Every time Naruto appears and talks to him, Sasuke’s heart was changing but he simply doesn’t want that and he hates that feeling. Which was why he wants to destroy Naruto and whatever he represents. What Naruto represents is a powerful bond between Sasuke and Naruto.
In the final fight, he simply couldn’t cut that bond even though he had a chance to kill. These bipolar battles are what he was fighting all along internally. And finally accepts that he lost and was happy for it. Those words, ‘I lost’ meant he lost the fight physically and mentally he had with Naruto and was ready to totally embrace the feelings he already had.  
It’s not Naruto who was expanding Sasuke’s heart a little, Sasuke already gave a wide berth for Naruto and one day decided to close it. In the end, he couldn’t. 
I can’t help but feel like Naruto could possibly be bi with women preference or don’t realize it. I can’t help but feel like Sasuke might be gay or bi. I don’t want to state it as a fact because we don’t know their sexualities canon wise plus I want to respect the author’s creation however I can’t see those two as straight, especially Sasuke.
As for their sexualities, I seriously could not conclude anything. But from the way Naruto behaves, he certainly looks like a closeted bisexual just like Kishimoto. And Kishi was not hold his guns in this aspect at all, he went all out in the Manga chapter 347. 
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I mean it was evident from the way he casted Multiple Reverse Harem no jutsu before Kaguya without any reaction but when Konohamaru did the same Jutsu with Sai and Sasuke, he looked visibly disgusted.
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Why to react extremely when Konohamaru is doing the same as you? Probably he doesnt like Sasuke in this jutsu I guess. LOL.
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When asked about that ‘accidental’ kiss again, he reacts visibly disgusted but at the same time with a Nosebleed. This screams ‘Closet bisexual’ to me.
As for Sasuke, I simply see him as close to Asexual and possibly demisexual for Naruto.
Why Asexual?
Because Kishi purposefully made Sasuke to be in certain awkward scenes and on top of it, he painted an over sexualized aura all over him, in part II of the manga. It was evident from his bare chested costumes and the way characters like Karin behaves around him. In the same chapter 347, Kishi went all out for Sasuke too.
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I don’t even know why Kishi made this scene. But it certainly shows Sasuke wasn’t bothered by a naked man at all unlike Naruto who acted disgusted.
I simply cannot see Sasuke will be romantically attracted to someone if they cannot form a strong bond with him. And to form that kind of bond is not an easy task. But even for a demisexual, there will be a preference. and his preference were not any of those girls especially Sakura. So, I can safely say, if he ever wants to be romantic, all the possibilities points towards Naruto. Because of certain obsession he has towards Naruto throughout the War arc.  
Believe me, Obsession comes from two ways. You will be obsessed on someone whom you hate to your bone because of what they did to you. Most possibly, a hard betrayal. Or, You will be obsessed on someone who you love above yourself. 
Itachi falls under the first category (that’s why when Sasuke was told Itachi was good all along, he couldn’t accept the fact that he hated him for wrong reasons and he snapped and went onto a killing spree because of that obsession. Even though he was sane after losing his parents) and Naruto falls in the later.
Like he was basically saying ‘Naruto is my person. Only I can kill him, he is not yours’ to Obito when he was trying to kill Naruto. And where did these obsession comes from provided Naruto never betrayed him in any which ways? Because of all the past he had with him and he was already in love but was trying to deny it.
Anyways at the end of the day, I don’t mind their sexualities at all. What matters is how they prioritizes each other at any given situations without an ounce of regrets. Because, like I always say, their bond transcends way beyond Marriage, Children and Sex. 
Hope my answer helps :-)
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marauder-exe · 4 years
Fake Dating- Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Request:  Hi! Can you write a Stark!Reader x Peter Parker (Andrew please) were they’re fake dating because May was starting to catch onto the Spider-Man gig? They end up catching feelings and are scared to admit it? I hope this made sense! Thank you!
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N; id love some feedback on this! and let me know if youd like a part 2
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“So, let me get this straight” Peter nodded for you to continue “You want to fake date?” He nodded again. You gave him a questioning look. “Care to explain or no?”.
“Right, right. So, Aunt May is starting to catch on. The other day, I came home all dirty from helping people and she looked at me like I just killed someone. So, you know about the spiderman thing so that's not a problem. And since your my best friend” He gave a sweet smile “i figure, when she finds out we've been ‘dating’ she’ll think thats why Ive been acting strange.” He explained like it made absolute sense. It didn't. You were contemplating throwing him off of the roof you where stood on.
“righttttt...” You looked at him strangely. “How do you know it'll work?” you had a feeling this was gonna go very wrong.
“well, you know- you know, she's aunt May, shell believe it” There was also another problem.
“You know if my dad gets wind of this he will literally kill you right? Like he will 100 percent get all the avengers to murder you, and then he’ll bring you back to life, then re-kill you himself” You stated dramatically. He paled then gave you a look. That look. The look that he had given you for the last 5 years. The ‘im right just trust me on this one’ look. 9 times out of ten he wasn't right. But for the sake of both of you, you hoped this was the one time he was right.
“Fine fine, ill be your fake girlfriend or whatever” You groaned leaning into his shoulder.
“Wow, (Y/N) act more believable” He joked.
“Ah, Peter Parker, of course ill be your fake girlfriend!” You laughed loudly, shoving him.
“Shh, she might hear you!” He joined in, throwing his head back in laughter. After the laughter died down, you lay your head on Peters shoulder. You looked out into the sunset. It made you feel weird. Peter Parker's girlfriend. No. Peter Parker's fake girlfriend.
As the night was getting late, you decided to make your walk home, not before making your ‘relationship’ very clear to Aunt May. She was sat in the living room as Peter walked you to the door. As he opened the door for you, May looked your way, so you stood on your tiptoes and pressed a quick kiss to Peters lips before scurrying out the door. He lifted a finger to his lips and blushed. Obviously Aunt May, who’d known you for 5 years and had never seen you kiss Peter, had some questions.
“Peter? What was that about?” Her question pulled him out of his romantic state. Its just because she's your best friend, He told himself.
“uh-h” He awkwardly laughed. Why was he so hopeless. “She's my girlfriend, now, actually” He mumbled tentatively. Before he knew it, Aunt May had gotten up and swooped him into a hug.
“I always knew you two had something going on!” She cheered. He furrowed his brows but hugged back nonetheless. Why would she think that? He shrugged of the thought and told Aunt May he was going to bed.
“Hey Parker! Hows ‘the plan’ going?” You jogged up to him as he made is way through the school corridors, clutching his camera. “She believe it?”
“y-yeah she did” He noted as you fist pumped the air. He thought you looked amazingly beautiful today. As you two stepped outside, he spotted a cleared bench, he longed to take a photo of you.
“(Y/N)?” He asked getting your attention. “Stand righttttt there” He pointed towards the clear bench as you happily jogged over and stood on it. Peter had always taken photos of you, but today it felt different. For him at least.
“Like this?” You giggled as you struck a pose.
“Yeah yeah, exactly like that” he threw his head back in laughter as he snapped plenty of photos at your ridiculous poses.
“(Y/N)! Parker!” Your photography fun was immediately stopped by the dreaded voice of Flash Thompson, making his way over.
“uh oh” You whispered to Peter as he helped you jump from the bench.
“I hear she's your new girlfriend” Flash nodded towards you, grinning devilishly. You and Peter looked at each other.
“Yeah- Yeah she is” He was trying to be brave. It wasn't working very well.
“Lay off, Flash” You both turned your heads your Gwen Stacey, the girl Peter had been crushing on for a few weeks. Although, he didn't feel like that any more.
“Come on, Gwen. You cant seriously believe this can you. Little Peter Parker dating famous Tony Stark’s beautiful, intelligent daughter?” You felt disgusted at his comment, so did Gwen. “Does Daddy even know? Nah, he couldn't, Parker would be dead by now. Or has Daddy just lost his game? Not as strong as he used to be. You could feel that Peter was about to say something out of anger, so you quickly moved your hand to hold his, even though anger was coursing through your veins
“Listen, Flash Thompson” The group of students surrounding the scene got slowly bigger. “im not dating ‘little Peter Parker’ im dating Peter Parker, a guy who is 10 times more smart and intelligent and handsome as you'll ever be. So why don't you go listen to Mommy’ nodding towards Gwen. “And lay off. Oh wait! You don't have a Mommy” You made a mock sad face then giggled. The entire group was in shock, even Peter. Okay maybe it was a bit uncalled for, but he shouldn't have insulted your dad.
Flashs’ face turned magenta as he balled his fist and tried to throw a punch. You ducked under his fist. Your dad had taught you to fight once you could walk.
“Wow! You just tried to hit a girl” You smiled incredulously, while Flash was still bright red. “Thats fine, im all for feminism, ya know, equal rights equal fights” You said nonchalantly. “You shouldn't have punched Tony Starks daughter though” You added, right as your fist connected with his jaw and our foot connected with his nether regions. You grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back as the ever expanding group cheered. Just as you were about to stand on top him, Peter grabbed you and pulled you away.
“Okay, enough fighting, avengers style” He dragged you inside the hallway.
“He deserved it for what he was saying” You grumbled.
“Im sure he did but-” Peter paused as he saw the principle and two concerned looking teachers, making their way down the hallway. “Rain check?” He whispered.
“Yep!” You whispered back as you jumped onto his back and he sped of, out of the school.
“You have to admit, it was pretty cool” You grinned at Peter as he fixed up the cuts on your knuckles.
“It was cool. You knocked out Flash Thompson. ‘The’ Flash Thompson. But you got yourself hurt in the process” He whined.
“Wow, Mr ‘im-spiderman-and-i-risk-my-life-everyday Is telling me about danger, okay I see how it is” You joked.
“You know what I mean” He grinned. As he finished wrapping your hands, you heard footsteps coming upstairs. “Its Aunt May. What do we do?” Before you could think of anything, you instinctively brought his lips to yours and your hand fell into his hair. He kissed back passionately, like his entire life had been leading up to this moment. It sent a flurry of butterflies into your stomach. He felt the same thing. His lips tingled and his hand lay on your waist. You had officially caught feelings. And so had he. You heard the door open and kept your eyes tightly shut and lips moving.
“You got into a fi-” You furrowed your brows, that didn't sound like Aunt May. You moved away from Peters loving kiss to face the door. The second you saw who it was your face turned bright red, you were done for.
“Dad?!” You shrieked. Peter was drawn from his daze, dreaming of you beautiful lips, by your loud voice.
“Mr. Stark” He almost fell out of his chair at the sight of Tony Stark, Happy and Aunt May, all stood in the door in shock.
“Alright, Spiderling, hands off my daughter” Your dad hurried over and grasped your hand, gently shoving you out the room. Of course Tony Stark knew about him.
“s-see you later, Parker” You muttered. After Tony left, Aunt May shut the door awkwardly, returning to living room. And once, he was left alone with his thoughts. His thoughts about you.
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hey dils!! was listening to sunshine riptide and thought of u so i wanted to say i hope ur taking care and also ask if u have any favorite fob videos/interviews?? lately i have been obsessed w the promo video patrick did for the honda civic tour where he drove around LA and said the only reason they got the tour was because he already drove a civic ahsjdbd
first of all it is SO flattering that listening to sunshine riptide made you think of me 🥺
secondly i was molded out of clay to answer this question, 100% i have a lot that i think about like way too often
the one where petes giving a tour of his parents house where he lived at the time and was showing off his stuff and was particularly very excited about the fact that his band was turned into action figures and then half way through andy shows up and is like "were best friends forever!" and petes like "yeah andy comes over for sleepovers a lot, we hang out in my basement and make zines and stuff" and then at the end he gets all excited cuz he hears his moms car pull up and he goes out and shes coming out of the car and then patrick gets out of the car carrying groceries and petes like "here mom me and patrick can put the groceries away you finish the interview" and shes like "no- pete i just got home from work im a mess" and hes like "what? no! no mom you look great, you can finish the interview well take in the groceries" and then she did and the camera crew came back to the two of them messing around and putting groceries away.
"pete wentz is honestly the only way to describe pete wentz. hes the most complicated guy i know." [cut to] "if anyone can make a strike without touching the lane i will pay you $300" *throws bowling balls straight into the air* *runs down the lane*
ok but in all seriousness i love that interview not only for that iconic moment but because later the footage is like blaring i dont care and pete goes and grabs a stuffed giraffe out of the prize thingie and hes like "what do you mean :)? we bought this with our tickets!!" and the editors are very much trying to make it a bad boy rebel without a cause moment except if you looked the woman behind the counter had a smile on her face and was laughing and then afterwards he gave it back and said "we werent really gonna steal it" but it really seemed like she knew that already
and then at a different point a couple fans showed up and they were all shy and excited to meet him and he was just like "hey are you guys coming to the show later" and they were like "yeah" and he was like "cool! thanks for coming out :) do you want a picture?" and they took a picture and it seemed like he was still kinda excited that people were excited to meet him. marcus (their bodyguard) was like trailing behind him and smiling and laughing throughout most of these antics and i just think thats sweet.
later in this same interview once again as they were on the ride back to their hotel or whatever theyd brought back a fake moustache and patrick put it on and did a bunch of dumb impressions.
patrick: if i wasnt doing music i think id be like a music critic or music journalist or something
andy:...i thought you said youd work at walmart
theres this one srar era interview thats just joe and patrick riffing for like 15 minutes. like it looks like they just straight up forgot the interviewer was there its so funny theyre such good friends.
this one joe and pete interview where i dont even really remember what they were talking about but theres a moment where joes talking about music with this intense passion and pete just kinda looks at him with this level of brotherly pride that keeps me going
this one andy and pete interview where 1) there were waterfowl chillin behind them which was deeply fascinating to andy and 2) they took a moment to swivel their chairs and hug each other bc theyre besties
band superlatives, specifically the moment where theyre all separately like "technically marcus isnt in the band but like. its marcus." bc that was sweet, unofficial 5th member of fob. and also "whos the most talented" "patrick. patrick. its patrick, hands down." "hm. petes like a really good soccer player" like thats a moment out of a fucking sitcom
halloween asmr with pete wentz. the man cant act but god can he commit to a bit.
there was this like live text chat that they all were in with fans on some radio station website. there were a lot of very fun moments, including joe saying "this is very current technology." as a comment on how very dated the live chat was and andy being like "can we set an icon i wanna change mine to an XVX" and pete and joe being like "oh are you vegan straight edge? we had no idea." and then pete was like "actually i wanna change my icon to andy hurley" and andy was like "no pete im not gonna send you a picture of me" and he was like :( and then a minute later he changed it to andy and he was like, and i swear this is almost a direct quote "BOOM! i love my life haha" and andy was like "goddammit" like i have no idea where to find this but it was so good.
theres this one "this or that" interview with joe and andy wherein the interviewer was a woman and like she seemed pretty at ease around them and got to the last question and imo seemed kinda uncomfortable and kind of established (in a way that seemed like she didnt usually do that) that it was a gross question, which was "would you have sex with a super hot celebrity but shes just died" and both of them were like "hey. what the fuck. absolutely not." and shes like "oh thats a first" and they are both like "do people say yes to that????????" and shes like "youre literally the first people to say no haha" in a way that made it seem that she did not find it funny and i just find that to be an interesting moment and i hope shes doing well and has a better producer now.
theres this one interview w andy on a hardcore podcast where the interviewer asks andy "do you every wish fall out boy were more political?" and he said (paraphrasing) "fall out boy is political, in its own way. we may not be as explicit with our politics as my other stuff, but kids find fall out boy, and through me, with all my other bands, or through joe, since he does a lot of metal, find heavier stuff, and are introduced to this stuff and to being vegan straight edge or anarchist or just more radical politics, and i dont think that just because we arent being super political in our music we arent a political band" which was really something to me bc i had just been thinking about that as a concept i call "gateway punk"
theres this one interview i recently found of a very small chicago music news outlet where a young lady interviewed pete and asked far more interesting questions than any other interviewer id ever seen and one such question was how he felt about the legalization of marijuana in illinois and he said that it was cool that it was legal but everyone locked up for it right now should be released and i like that he got to be political
theres a moment on the badass jew podcast episode joe was on where the interviewer whomst i do not recall was espousing some veiled antiblack sentiments wrt some antisemitic comments some famous black people had made and joe just completely rebutted it immediately and pointed out that black people not only are not a monolith bht are at a greater disadvantage
and also he made a joke that i could never make and cant fully get bc im not jewish but it was very funny and i love hearing people make jokes that arent for me.
this one interview before patrick had kids where he was saying how everyone kept asking him and elisa when theyd have kids and he was like "you cant just make that happen yknow? how do you just do that?" and pete immediately grinned and leaned over and mock whispered "you have sex" and patrick punched the air and was like "i hate you so much"
that one interview about abap where pete was like "we actually got the guy who did the whistles on patience by guns n roses to do it on this" and then he looks over at patrick and patrick shakes his head and petes like "you couldnt let me have this?" and he was like "i was gonna but then you looked at me and i just couldnt."
"whats the most important thing to you right now?"
patrick: star wars
joe: my daughter.
patrick: ...my son?
the puppy interview. everyone involved including the puppies was having the time of their goddamn life.
i have to stop this is too much its been like an hour
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old-daemon-farts · 3 years
Daemonism Survey
I wanted to see if I could summarize my experience. I know I have long winded thoughts on many of these subjects. Figured others may enjoy reading my answers. Survey found at the bottom.
What is a dæmon to you? The subconscious speaking through inner monologues.
What makes a dæmon, a dæmon? A daemon provides a positive change in their person while also intrinsically being a part of who they are and their identity. You cannot have one without the other. I feel this being needs to be tied to the subconscious (or soul) and will use our inner monologue to communicate.
I am of the belief many different beings can play the role of a daemon. Tulpa, alters, other headmates, and spirits can match these qualifications. "Daemon" has always felt more like a job title or other very personal labels like pronouns or familial titles like "daughter" or "father". I think daemons can stem from too many things and how they connect within the mind to say for sure what is and is not a daemon.
What does dæmonism mean to you? Daemonism is cultivating our inner-self to be a companion who supports us, and in doing so we are learning how to support ourselves.
What is the purpose of dæmonism? To provide a healthy mindset. Can be focused on mental health or cognitive thinking. A healthy mindset for one may be self-improvement; for another it may be companionship and self-compassion; or perhaps they just need someone to help recall information. What daemonism is varies from person to person but to me the base line is you get into daemonism seeking something you feel is going to improve something about your life.
What is/are your dæmon(s) like? What is your dæmon's personality like? What are their likes and dislikes? This is the space for anything you want to share about how your dæmon behaves, thinks and feels! Thats a lot to put. So I will place what may make them different from other daemons. They are very self-focused on me. No matter their personality its always focused around what is best for me. What needs to be done for me. Their world revolves around me and they do not question nor hate it.
How did you meet your dæmon(s)? Inspired by His Dark Materials. Finished the 3rd book, tried to see my daemon, he laughed and the rest is history. I thought we were the only human/daemon pair at the time.
What is/are your dæmon(s)? Dæmons can be many things; a gateway to the subconscious, a personification of your conscience, the other half of your internal dialogue, a spiritual entity, or many other things besides. What is the nature of your dæmon? They are me. They are how I connect to my inner self/subconscious. At the moment they are a gateway rather than the full personification of my subconscious. Please see the answer for "how they are connected to me" for more examples.
What is/are your dæmon's gender(s), and how do they relate to and differ from your own? Mostly female. I use to think my daemons gender was my opposite, then I though I was the outcome of their genders, then I thought their gender supported my own. Now I think it just is another outcome of what my brain needed to be happy and healthy, and while my daemons genders never change future daemons may be influenced by the same factors.
How autonomous is/are your dæmon(s)? How independent and free-thinking is your dæmon; how much do they rely on you in order to exist and function? Autonomy is an illusion. Myself and my daemons will always be influenced by my subconscious and factors surrounding us. Their identities rely on my focus but who they are at the core and how they function is thoughtless. I can personify my heart and it can grow independent but as soon as I stop talking to my heart it doesn't stop beating. It just returns to what it was prior and continues its constant task of keeping the body going without needing any thought on the matter.
How is/are your dæmon(s) connected to you? Subconscious, inner monologues, and even intrusive thoughts. Anima/animus. ID/Ego/Super Ego/ Shadow, split-brain ... Basically if there is a term for connecting with any inner part of yourself or piece of our mind my daemons encompass or build upon that.
How do your dæmon(s) differ from you? They are very goal oriented and driven involving my life and health.
What are the similarities between you and your dæmon(s)? They reflect key parts of myself (good, bad, and desired). We all like and dislike similar things, look for similar things in life and friendship, share taste in fashion, food, and entertainment. Only time things vary are when my daemons reflect an extreme. Like Tess who loves physical activity. I'm not a fan of exercise or sports but I wish I was and so does my body and mind. So her favorite activities are not mine by choice but I know on a subconscious level I need to enjoy these more. There is always a connection so there will always be similarities.
How have your dæmon(s) changed since you first met them? They have changed as much as myself, as they grow the very same as I do effected by my surroundings and experiences. Cayde started just as childlike as myself and grew into an adult. My more recent daemons started based around emotions or specific traits and then grew to be far more complex. This is the nature of living, remaining static is nearly impossible.
Can your dæmon(s) front? Fronting: taking primary control of the physical body. I believe with practice they can but since they have very strong opinions about fronting will refrain from doing so. We have co-fronted to allow my daemon to speak louder and to use "mind-over-matter" to stop pain. But during co-fronting there is no physical control. It is only causing a shift in where my daemon lies on my consciousness.
What are your dæmon form(s)? They have many. Both animal and human.
What do your dæmon form(s) mean to you? Some represent who I am on a subconscious level, a deeply analyzed level, and a more surface level.
How did you find your dæmon form(s)? Some through created systems, others through daemon's choice, and one picked completely out of my or my daemon's control.
What do your dæmon form(s) say about your personality, if anything? One describes my behavior and how I interact with others. The other portrays how I am seen and my narrative in life.
How does your dæmon feel about their form(s)? They love all of them and the more meaning behind a form the prouder they are taking it.
What does it mean for a dæmon's form to be settled? Represents who I (or they) are for a set moment in time. Finding and being content with who we are and our identity.
What kind of forms has your dæmon taken in the past? A variety, mostly animals.
How did your dæmon(s) get their name(s)? Chosen together or they picked one they liked.
What do your dæmon(s) names mean to you? Not much. One of my daemons shares my name which is pretty cool but there is little meaning behind everyone's name.
Has your dæmon's name ever changed? If so, feel free to elaborate! Yes! My first daemon has gone through 3 name changed. First one didn't fit right, second lasted years but he got tired of seeing other people with it, so now he's on his third.
How did you first learn about dæmonism? I learned about daemons through His Dark Materials and daemonism through The Daemon Page.
What motivated you to try dæmonism? Loved the companionship daemons gave in the books
Has your experience of dæmonism changed since you first discovered it? If so, how? I take it far more seriously now as a tool for mental health and self-awareness. I just wanted a unique friend that was a talking animal in the beginning.  
How do your dæmon(s) affect and influence your everyday life? Hm, its so hard to say after living over half my life with one. But I'd say they influence my day just by helping me process everything?
How has dæmonism helped you? My daemons have taught me self-love, self-worth, pride, and acceptance.
What does the dæmian community mean to you? They are my home. Sometimes you leave home, and sometimes family upsets you, but you still feel drawn back no matter where you wander. The community is a family I have chosen and I will always feel a part of.
The survey this came from can be found here “ Daemon Survey “. If you are interested in sharing your thoughts please consider completing it, I know the creator would greatly appreciate it.
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