#but like……. them kissing and riding into the sunset is so clearly not the move here
airshipvalentine · 2 years
ok i like reaching for gay subtext as much as the next person but i feel like i am watching a completely different show than the st fans who are 100% convinced that mike/will is gonna be canon + the fact that they didn’t get together is queerbaiting
like yeah will’s scenes were heartbreaking. but that’s not “crossing a line” sometimes bad things happen to characters for the sake of story. the fact that you are feeling emotions about this is proof that the writers have done their fucking job.
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 8 months
The Sun and The Moon: 2
Chapter warnings: Kate slut shames Stiles
Note: this is my first attempt at writing smut, it's largely nongraphic but still. Also consent is so sexy
@atiny-angel @taechnology777 @greek-freak101 @axelwolf8109 @thebejeweledwatercat
Stiles sat down with a wince, horse riding combined with Derek was hurting him beyond comprehension. Despite this, he was actually treated kindly by his husband, Derek always asked for his consent with his broken word of "No?"
The one time Stiles said no because of the pain, Derek had nodded and simply held Stiles as they slept.
It was terrifying that the Khal cared more about his well-being more than his aunt. "You're so lucky you knew" Lydia, Stiles' personal maiden, gently wrapped his hands. "I've never seen the Khal so... gentle, he is almost like a cub with you"
"I wish he would be gentle when we....sleep together. He asks for my permission but it always hurts" Lydia hummed. "I could show you how to tame him in that matter, what's the point of pleasure if there's pain?"
Stiles nodded shakily, Lydia gently laid him down and positioned herself on top of him. "Oh gods" He said. Lydia laughed gently and moved her hips. "You'll want to make it clear you want to pleasure him this time, he'll be curious"
Stiles nodded again, grabbing her back. "He might grab it lower"
He swallowed. Lydia traced down his chest. "You'll need to worship him, act like he's the last man you'll ever see"
Stiles nodded once more, his throat feeling dry. Lydia helped him sit up and finished bandaging his hands
Derek entered their tent so late the moon was starting to rise, normally he was back by sunset but clearly he had too much to do.
"Yes" Stiles said immediately, his husband cocked his head in confusion. "I want to go into your eyes tonight" Stiles said in broken Dothraki, Derek's eye softened and he cupped Stiles' cheeks
"I've been practicing" Stiles laughed softly, laying him down, loosening the strings on his pants, taking them off. Derek laid back, eyes full of lust.
Stiles took a deep breath and gently positioned himself over Derek, the Khal held his hips in place.
Derek watched Stiles close his eyes and beginning to move his hips the way Lydia had. Derek barely suppressed a groan before shooting up and holding Stiles close, grinding on him.
"My dragon" He said, kissing his neck, almost sucking on it. Stiles held his head close, moaning. "My wolf" He whispered, the pair fell back onto the bed of furs, Derek completely taking Stiles, the moon shined brightly, the rest of the Dothraki pretending they weren't hearing anything.
Kate looked absolutely furious. "He's supposed to meet with me, not be with my whore of a nephew"
"Say anything about the Khaleesi again, I will cut out your tongue, shove it down your throat and watch you choke on it" Jackson said warningly, one of the twins grinned and hung on his arm.
Kate stormed off, Allison, one of Derek's soldiers watched after her with a glare, heading back to the camp
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lurkingshan · 10 months
My Ride: Sunshine Forever
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A round of applause for Mork, Tawan, and this show for giving us such a sweet, satisfying ending for our two sunshine boys. I loved Mork’s quest to reach Tawan, I loved his simple cliffside confession, I loved their sweet kiss, and I loved the glimpses we got of their lovely, mutually supportive relationship both when they got back to Bangkok and when they settled in Chiang Rai four years later. I have no doubt they will be very happy together and I felt so much joy watching them ride off into the sunset together. (I’m going to just continue to ignore the side romances in this show, which I memory-holed after my first watch and fully intend to do again).
What I liked most about the final conflict between the two of them was how grounded it felt by the events of the previous episodes. Because the show built such a clear arc for Mork and Tawan, we understood immediately what was happening—Mork was comforting his ex, who was obviously trying to come crawling back, because he is a kind person who can’t hold a grudge to save his life (let me help you, Mork, my hateration could power a small nation). And he was not ashamed when Tawan interrupted them because he was not doing anything wrong, and he was just happy to see Tawan as always. Tawan knows him well enough that he should have been able to perceive all that, but his confidence has been so shaken by that asshole Por that he doubts what he already knows about Mork’s feelings. And so Mork has to go on his final quest to make his feelings crystal clear (while conquering his own fear of heights) and finally make it official.
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And if you know me, you know I have to end by pointing out how very similar the structure of this final conflict, and the finale as a whole, was to La Pluie. Everything, from the pacing and sequencing—resolving all the side plots first before moving to the main—and the beats—big public confession, followed by quiet get together, followed by a quest and a big emotional climax, then a happy epilogue—to the major themes—clear communication is a necessary condition for a happy relationship—were the same in both show’s finales. The characters and the details are different, but it’s clearly the same DNA underlying both stories. I loved revisiting My Ride having seen this writing team’s next project and it was fun to track the evolution of their storytelling. I will be seated for whatever they decide to make next.
(Thanks for watching along @bengiyo @neuroticbookworm @kayatoasted @troubled-mind @blmpff @rocketturtle4 @sparklyeyedhimbo @negrowhat @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle @wen-kexing-apologist @callipigio @gabrielokun @chickenstrangers @manogirl, it was so fun to revisit this show together!)
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squeakygeeky · 10 months
My Ride Episode 10 Drama vs. Novel
I'll actually start with Nadia. I was kind of disappointed by the way it took a really bad date to make Nadia finally go for Mayom, although it was a pretty funny terrible date. I'm also disappointed how the show needed to make Mayom the Most Specialist Barista Influencer to justify them getting together. Book Mayom does disappear for a bit, leaving Nadia upset, but he was just taking a management training course and a latte art class (because he does want to improve himself to be a better match, but he is a perfectly normal barista). Mayom gives him a latte with a heart (less impressive than a detailed portrait, but still very cute), and their story wraps up with them happily together.
Meanwhile everything with Mork and Tawan in the show just...did not happen at all in the book. But I understand that they needed something exciting to end the series. I hate the cliche of the ex coming back and causing a misunderstanding, and I hate that Tawan was apparently ready to quit his residency over a boy. But I do love that as a mototaxi driver Mork got to have a big dramatic moment on a bike, and a sunset kiss on a mountainside is a romantic cliche I need more of so 10/10 for setting, although I'm not sure we needed the mototaxi guys watching (what were they even doing there for any of this?)
The book has a much simpler and quieter confession scene, with Mork meeting Tawan at the end of a difficult shift in order to bring him more 'hearty' hainanese chicken rice. Tawan had been worrying a little bit about risking losing a friend but at that gesture he goes ahead and confesses to Mork that he likes him, and this is the thing from the end that I wish they'd kept for the show. TAWAN GETS THE CONFESSION. Technically Mork is the one that officially asks Tawan to be his boyfriend, but only after Tawan is forced to repeat himself several times so Mork can get his thoughts together. Also Tawan has to tell Mork to stop calling him Doctor and use his name now that they're boyfriends.
@bengiyo I'm kind of laughing at myself right now because the book doesn't even have a real kiss, when the show has 3. Literally Mork just kisses Tawan's hand and then the hug for a while. But to be fair I'm pretty sure this is all taking place at the entrance to the hospital still and also Mork is telling this story to P'Fueang as a flashback so it's not like he was going to include anything racier.
There's a flash-forward scene in both, but the book's scene is not quite as far ahead in time, it's 2 years. Mork just graduated with his high vocational certificate and is just about to start studying engineering and Tawan is about to start even more training, in cardiology. They celebrate with the mototaxi guys and I really like that Ms. Ai the teacher is there too. There's some joking re: Tawan being the 'wife' clearly related to him being the bottom which its just as well that didn't make it to the show, but maybe this was what made think there had been something vaguely spicy in the novel when there absolutely was not. Anway, Mork asks Tawan to move in with him and Tawan agrees, but only on the condition that Mork meets his father first so we're left with that as a semi-cliffhanger.
The show gives a little more closure, but I kind of prefer seeing Tawan becoming part of the mototaxi tribe. There's a lot in the book about Mork working to better himself, and that's a good thing, but it's nice to see that Tawan also becomes part of Mork's world, it's not all about Mork becoming good enough to be able to date a doctor.
I'm sad to be saying goodbye to Mork and Tawan again. Rewatching the series without the Boss and Toy scenes drastically improved the experience, and this remains one of my favorite BLs, and the only change I'm really mad about is Nadia because otherwise it was a very close adaptation. I do think there were different vibes, with something about the book feeling a little more real. Maybe just because it was in first person able to be introspective, in a way that I don't think you can translate to screen.
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charcubed · 9 months
Hey so honest question. Do you think they will actually make Lokius canon? Or do you think they will stick with Sylki? Idk I want to believe that lokius will be canon but idk I feel like there’s not a chance.
Check back with me when we're at least halfway into season 2 👁
Lmao I'm kidding. But also I'm not!
Honest answer is that I don't know. There's no real way to know – anyone who says otherwise is lying to you – but certainly not before we see what season 2 is doing and if it continues all the things that season 1 seemingly laid down.
Here is some of what I know about what the story has given us so far:
When it comes to "love is a dagger"... Loki always had 2 daggers. (Which we see Mobius hand him at one point.)
Loki's already explicitly canonically bisexual.
Loki wants a "real" love / relationship at the end of his "crusade." As of right now, a relationship with Sylvie has been defined as being "fiction" in so many words, and we've also seen her represent "love is an imaginary dagger" specifically because she played him and hurt him.
Loki needed to learn to trust others and how to be trustworthy. The only person he had that mutual trust with was Mobius.
Loki no longer thinks he "deserves to be alone." If they follow that through, then he can't/shouldn't end the show by being alone. Now, who will he be with in the end, romantically or otherwise? Who is to say! Not me! But it's much to think about!
Can any of this change? Sure. It's not out of the realm of possibility that they could try to turn Sylvie into the "real" love for Loki now, as he's probably going to have to teach her how to trust while proving to her that he can be trusted. He is now clearly the superior Loki, and he will likely now be her mentor instead as the example for her to follow (if she's receptive).
I just think them trying to create a romance between them now is... the least likely case? I've endlessly said this before at length in other places when I've written meta, so forgive me for repeating myself, but the 2 themes of this story have always been self-love and love/trust for others. Narratively speaking, Sylvie represented the former and Mobius represented the latter. And I simply think it would be truly bizarre for them to try to overhaul that now. They could! I'm sure they could. But I'd be surprised by it!
(And I'm also the rare deranged lunatic on the internet who thinks Sylki was never actually framed as a romance, misleading kiss of betrayal notwithstanding, and that people have misread everything going on with them. But I digress.)
Does any of the above guarantee canon Lokius? No lol. Secret third thing is also always possible, aka classic Disney no homo move. I'm not an idiot on that front. But the low bar I'm setting for myself and my hopes is Loki and Mobius doing a (perhaps literal, on a jet ski) ride off into the sunset together ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ That's all I want and all I expect realistically speaking.
Anything else (👀) will be a bonus.
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wonderwomanfantasy · 2 years
under the stars together (part ten)
part one/ part two/ part three/ part four/ part five/ part six/ part seven/ part eight/ part nine/ part ten(smut)/ part eleven& epilogue.(smut)
werewolf!OC x Fem!Reader
warnings: Daddy issues AND Mommy issues, mentions of illness and surgery, acts of violence, mentions of blood & gore, smut, werewolf smut,
word count: 1,600 (about)
summary: the sun is hot on your face as you ride into the unknown. home is to your back and you don't know what the future holds. Just how you like it. You've run here all on your own, and there's nothing tying you down, It would be so easy to pick up and start running again. It's freeing, It's terrifying. You could run, but you're choosing to stay.
You rested against Cole’s chest, half asleep half paying attention to the show on tv. He ran his fingers over your arm thoughtlessly. His touch had become comfortable after just a few weeks of being together. You checked your phone and groaned when you saw the time. 
“Time to go?” Cole asked, clearly as disappointed as you were. 
“Yes,” you sighed. Your mother had been thrilled when you told her you were seeing Cole, but now whenever you went out with him he waited up for you, no matter how late you stayed out and no matter how many times you told her not to. She hadn’t issued a curfew exactly, but you still resolved to be home at a reasonable hour, for her sake. 
You detangled yourself from him and stood. Cole followed you out and placed his hands on your bike. 
“Can I see you tomorrow?” you asked, Cole, smiled. 
“Full moon tomorrow night. We can do dinner after work if you want, but before the sunsets,” he explained. 
“Oh,” you said, You remembered what Cole had told you, he would be ruled by instinct during the full moon.
“Right, you said it could be dangerous,” you said, thoughtfully. 
“Dangerous to most people, not to you,” he corrected. You looked at him, confused. 
“Why not to me?”
“You’re my mate,” he reminded, “My instincts are different when it comes to you, Normally I hunt, not humans, but if they interrupt my hunt then it’s dangerous, but I wouldn’t want to hunt if you were there for me,” Cole’s voice was a low purr when he finished his sentence, your face burned as you caught on to his meaning. 
“You’re bad,” you choked out, and Cole laughed. 
“I’m sorry Spitfire, I didn’t mean to tease you, just warning,” he assured,
“And what if I don’t mind playing with fire a little bit?” you asked. Cole’s eyes gleamed darkly. 
“Then, yes, you can see me tomorrow,”
You couldn’t tell if you were nervous or excited, you were electric as you pulled into Cole’s driveway, the moon full and high above you. He didn’t come open the door for you, even though you knew he heard you coming, so you let yourself in. 
Cole stood and moved to you quickly as you closed the door behind yourself
“Hey-” Cole cut you off before you could speak, he pulled you into a tight embrace and kissed you, slipping his tongue past your lips and stealing your breath. He pushed you back and you felt the door press against you. You wound your fingers through his long dark hair and heard him moan when you tugged. He moved his lips from your mouth to your neck and started kissing
“Missed you,” Cole groaned, before sinking his teeth into the side of your throat. You cried out in surprise, you caught your breath and found you could speak, 
“It’s only been a few hours,” you protested. Cole’s crooked a finger into one of the loops on your jeans and tugged your hips forward, crashing your groin against him. He nestled a knee between your legs forcing them open. 
“My mate,” he snarled against your neck biting you again, his voice was lower than you were used to, almost as deep as it was when he had shifted for you. It wasn’t Cole talking, it was the wolf. 
“I’m going to knot you, I’m going to breed you, my mate,”  Cole growled, his eyes were wild and dark with lust. Cole forced himself back from you,
“Can I fuck you?” he rasped.
“Yes,” you agreed and pulled him back to you. Cole moved you from the door and the two of you messily fell to the floor. He gripped your shirt in both of his large hands and ripped the fabric clean from you. 
He busied himself kissing your chest, occasionally surprising you with a bite or a harsh sucking, your toes curled every time his mouth passed over your breasts, his tongue lashed out to taste your skin and ran over your hardened nipples. His hands dug into your waist and hips, and he pulled you up and down his thigh, forcing you to grind down on his leg. You moaned and writhed under him and tugged at his hair. 
“I can smell it,” he growled his tongue lashing at your stomach, kissing your waist and snipping at the skin just above the waistband of your jeans. “I can smell how wet you are for me, my pretty mate,” 
You pitched your hips up and he tugged your pants off, leaving you naked. Cole picked up one of your legs and braised it on his shoulders. He looked at you as he started kissing your ankle, then your calf, then your thigh. He was being gentle now, not gentle, teasing. 
“Do you want me, too?” he asked his breath hot on your body. “I want to,” he added. 
“Yes,” you confirmed. Cole didn’t hesitate, he settled between your spread legs. He tasted you with long flat licks, against your cunt, he sucked on your clit and kissed your weeping cunt. Your shuddering legs clamped around his head, Cole wrestled your legs off of him and pinned them to the floor. Cole was so much stronger than you it was useless to struggle. 
Your hands wound into his hair again and you held him against your sex, bucking your hips up against his mouth, he didn’t stop you as you fucked his face, he let you use his mouth how you wanted. The stubble on his chin and jaw burned as it scratched the inside of your legs, but you could ignore the ache you were so close, so close to cumming that nothing else mattered. 
“Fuck, Cole I’m- fuck,” you keened. Cole growled and dug his hands into the flesh of your thighs and buried his face deeper into your folds as you came. Cold didn’t pull away from you until you pushed at his head, even then it felt more like his idea than yours. 
Cole picked you up off the floor and started carrying you through the house to his bedroom, the two of you collapsing on his bed. His mouth was on yours again, letting you taste your cum on his lips. Cole discarded his clothes with as much disregard as he’d given yours. 
“I want you,” you whimpered, scratching down his back, making him grunt. 
“You have me,” he assured you. Cole rolled you onto your stomach and you righted yourself on your hands and knees. He touched you with his large hands, massaging your ass and thighs, and groaning at the way you felt. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this,” Cole grunted, and you shuddered, Imaging him touching himself every full moon, wishing it was you. 
“Show me, what you imagined,” you breathed. Cole eased himself into you, pausing when you inhaled sharply, he was big and he stretched your walls pleasantly. You were still sensitive from your last orgasm, and this added stimulation made your body thrum with energy. 
“I’m trying to go easy on you,” Cole rasped into your ear “But you’re just so damn tempting,”
“Please Cole, fuck me,”
He didn’t need any more persuasion, he pulled his hips back, before thrusting into you again. Cole pressed his chest and stomach against your back, fucking himself deeper into you. He leaned down and bit at your neck and your shoulders. Cole grabbed your hips and moved you back and forth on his length all while his hips pistoned back and forth. All the while, he murmured in your ear how good you felt, how pretty you looked taking his dick. 
Cole pulled out and flipped you over, he took both of your wrists in one of his hands, hooked your legs around his shoulders, and pushed back into you. 
“Mine,” he growled against your mouth as he kissed you. You writhed against him and he squeezed down on your wrists, pushing you further down into the mattress. 
“You look so pretty when you’re about to cum,” Cole growled he let go of your wrists and used his hand to cup your face as he kissed you again. You cried out against his mouth as you came again, Cole used this as an opportunity to push his tongue in his mouth. 
You were dizzy with pleasure When Cole pushed this cock even further into you and you felt something else enter your cunt, then his hot cum was flooding you. You felt your stoumach bludge with the influx. Cole let out a purr-like noise and laid himself out on the bed beside you without pulling out. He nuzzled your neck and breathed in deeply. 
“I wasn’t too rough was I?” he asked his voice back to normal. 
“Just the right amount of rough,” you assured, you tried to move but you were caught, Cole grunted. 
“Easy, It’ll work, the knot itself out,” he said. Knot. 
“Oh, you weren’t joking about that?” you asked Cole laughed and kissed your neck again, you gasped, feeling suddenly more sensitive your skin was already starting to bruise over
“No darling I wasn’t joking, I wasn’t joking about wanting to breed you either,” he growled into your ear. He slipped his hand down and rubbed your lower stomach. “You’re pretty cunt is so full of my cum and I’m going to keep it that way,” 
“I’m sensitive,” you warned, you didn’t think you could take it if he started fucking you again. 
“Don’t worry darling, I’m sated, for now,” he said, moving his hand away from your stomach, and started stroking your arm. 
“Your instincts are satisfied?” you asked, trying to lighten the hot and heavy mood.
"not satisfied exactly, just my priorities have shifted. I want you safe and happy in my arms more than I want you screaming my name and begging me to fuck you,” he said, his cock throbbing inside of you. 
“And will your priorities shift back?” you asked 
“Most likely.”
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years
Here is a little something for one of my regulars, @snochicka ❤️‍🔥
If you're into Cardinal Copia having some fun with his S/O after a ride on a motorcycle then this one is for you 😁
Thanks ghestie for your support!!!
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Open Road
Also available here on A03!
Definitely NSFW below the cut
I took a breath of the crisp night air, feeling the coolness of the Autumn twilight filling my lungs. It was a beautiful night, the neon colors of the sunset painted across the horizon, as I waited for Copia in the drive. I'd been anticipating this for weeks now and any moment it would be here. The opportunity for a ride on the open road.
It had been a long time since I'd rode a motorcycle. I longed for the feeling of the wind blowing through my dark hair and that sense of peace only the road could provide. Sister Imperator wasn't fond of them, so when I arrived at the Abbey a few years back, my prized Triumph was stripped away. A habit and a world of new responsibilities taking its place. A bit cliche, but the bike made me feel free. More like myself than I felt any other time in my life. Well that was until recently, when I caught the attention of a certain Cardinal.
Copia was so sweet, his adorably shy and kind-hearted demeanor, obvious from the get-go. I'd seen him many times in the Abbey, all of us siblings of sin unable to keep from becoming familiar with one another, but we'd never talked. It wasn't until recently that I had caught him staring at me during Black Mass. I looked up to see his eyes, wandering my way as Primo carried on about sin and penance. All of which, honestly, I'd stopped listening to ages ago.
He noticed me, noticing him. A blush filling his cheeks and I'm sure mine too, as we pretended to listen to the sermon. It was still a few days later before he finally struck up enough nerve to talk to me.
"Sorella, I hope you are doing well." He said, holding his biretta in his hands.
"Yes, I am well Cardinal thank you." I replied, placing the ball back in his court. He smiled shyly, scratching the back of his head and clearly blanking on what he wanted to say next. I fiddled with the hem of my veil, waiting for him to make the first move. Each passing second felt like hours and eventually I couldn't wait any longer, deciding to take things into my own hands.
"Cardinal, would you like to come to lunch with me?" I asked him. I could see the smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Such a sweet and kind smile it was, one that has every day since filled my heart with joy.
"Sí sorella, nothing would make me happier." He said, taking my hand in his. The two of us have been inseparable ever since. Sharing hopes and dreams. I told him all about my love for bikes and how much I missed them. Copia taking everything in and making note of it, committing all that made me, me to memory.
It shouldn't have come as a surprise when he pulled me to the side after Mass last night. His arms around my waist and kissing me gently on the lips. We had slowly become more intimate, however only skirting at the precipice of something more. Nevertheless he purred into my ear with a tease and a promise of more to come, telling me he had something special planned. He had found a pair of bikes, the ghouls instructed to pick them up for us that following evening.
"Sweet Lucifer, are you serious Cope? And Sister doesn't mind?" I asked, barely able to contain my excitement. Feeling the pain in my cheeks from my smile.
"Well...how she feels about it doesn't matter sorella, what matters is you." He smiled. I threw my arms around him. Hugging him ever so tightly as my heart pounded away inside my chest. My love for him, only growing.
Now here we are, the following evening and I wait with bated breath for the ghouls to arrive, bikes in tow. "Still not here yet, eh?" Copia asked me as he closed up the large wooden door of the narthex behind. I sat on the steps, turning to nod to him as he sat down beside me.
"Not yet, I'm afraid…you're sure they're still coming?" I asked, Copia laughing at me as he wrapped his arm over my shoulders.
"They are coming amore, don't worry." He promised as I leaned my head onto his shoulder. He smelled so good, his body so warm against mine. It was at that moment, I debated about abandoning it all. Instead, opting to escalate things between us, imagining him ravishing me in his office—but I was so close.
Then I heard it, faint at first but then unmistakable. The roaring of engines as the ghouls approached the Abbey. Copia squeezed me in his grip, bracing me as I felt like I might burst from excitement. The two of us got to our feet as Dew and Aether appeared from around the corner driving up towards us. Both ghouls, looking badass on their respective bikes.
Seeing them before me, the metal glistening in the evening light, made my heart soar. I was so excited for Copia and I to ride together. "Oh guys thank you all so much! I'm so excited for us to take turns riding together. Copia you're so wonderful." I beamed, both Aether and Dew sending each other a discerning look. I felt my heart sink, something was wrong.
Dew and Aether dismounted the bikes and stood beside us while we figured out all the logistics. "Amore…I thought that you and the ghouls could take turns…I am not familiar with this sort of thing." Copia explained. I could tell without him having to say a word—he was nervous to ride.
"That's it Cope, put this on and come with me." I demanded, handing him a helmet and a Bluetooth com from Dew, knowing that even though he was apprehensive—he would indulge me.
"Oh…ok." He said, meekly as he put on the headgear. I put on my own gear and swung my leg over the bike, straddling it. Copia, reluctantly climbing on behind me still feeling very unsure.
"Copia you'll be fine, we'll talk through the coms and you just hold on to me, ok? No worries." I assured him. My sweet and definitely terrified Cardinal gave me a forced smile as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Well here goes nothing." He muttered, Dew and Aether hopping on the remaining bike. The four of us took off down the drive. I started off slow, allowing Copia to adjust, but the biker in me couldn't help it. I gave it a bit more gas, passing the ghouls and relishing the open road as we rode past the vast fields and vineyards.
I was my whole self once more, my lover at my back and friends as my side. Pure magic, I thought as I made the twists and turns of the road. Leaning into them with ease, as if it hadn’t been years since I’d done it. I felt Copia gripping me tighter. He hadn't said much at that point, but his grumbling and a distinctive budge at my back side told me that the vibrations were getting to him.
"Ah…amore…" he began over the com. I allowed a smile to creep across my face. I was feeling it too, the sweet vibrations making me wet as he drove on.
"I know Cope, I feel it too. Oh fuck it's so good." I moaned, beginning to ache for more. I felt his hand slide over my hip and between my legs, rubbing me through the fabric of my panties as I rode. I could hear him moaning through the com as he met with my wet cunt, throbbing and begging to be touched more completely.
"Sorella, amore…I need you to pull over—now." Copia whined. His sweet, needy groaning intensified as the ghouls overtook us. I told them we’d meet up with them in a bit. The ghouls knew exactly what was happening, chuckling to themselves as they sped off.
I found us a spot along the side of the road, next to a stone wall and a large field. The perfect place for consummation. It was beautiful, surrounded by the golds and oranges of the season and the leaves cascading down and dancing in the wind.
The sun had almost completely set at that point. Me, laughing at Copia as he rushed off the bike almost before I could park it. Tearing off his helmet and releasing his heavy cock from the confines of his pants. My mouth fell open, eyes widening at the sight.
Fuck, he looked so incredible. His thick endowment proudly on display as he waited for me to remove my helmet. I stood before him, Copia stroking the shaft in his hand. The obvious sheen from his precum dripping from the swollen head.
"Amore, remove your panties. I need to be inside you." Copia said, breathy and wanton. I did as I was told, watching the lust grow in his eyes as he looked at me. Copia pressed his lips into mine, his cock brushing up against me as he dropped it to run his fingers up under my habit. His other hand through my hair, holding his hand against my brunette locks as he kissed me deeply.
I felt myself coming undone. This was it, the moment I had been waiting for. I couldn’t think of it happening in a more perfect way. He finally reached my soaked folds. Copia, moaning as he slid past them. As soon as his fingers met with my cunt, I had melted.
He carefully slid his fingers deep inside me. I held on tight to his shoulders as he began kissing along my neck, curling and pumping rhythmically in and out. I felt my hips rock to meet with him, begging for more friction. I brought my hand down between us, rubbing my clit as he continued to fuck me with his hand.
Copia reveled in my moans, I could feel his cock twitching as I came closer to climax. "Amore, cum for me…cum on my fingers. Let me feel how much you want me to fuck you." He groaned, his cock aching to be touched once again.
"Ah fuck Cope, please…please make me cum for you!" I begged. Copia lifted up my leg, anchoring it over his arm, as he buried his fingers deep inside. He relentlessly pressed into the spot that made me see Lucifer himself. I glided my pussy along his fingers, fucking myself on them as I began to tremble. My cum, rolling over my lover's hand as he climaxed.
"Amore come with me to the wall and I will give you a ride that that bike never could." Copia growled, licking his fingers clean of my juices. Hearing the words leave his lips made me throb once more, the cum from my previous orgasm blissfully leaking along my inner thigh.
He sat there waiting, his cock at full attention and pulsing. He stroked himself as I gathered up my habit in front of me. "I want you so much." I moaned, ready for him to take me right there. I lined myself up and sank down slowly on the length of his cock.
I couldn't help but mewl as I felt the sweet girth spreading me out from inside. I squeezed as I met with the hilt of him. Copia groaned and bit my neck as I bottomed out. I began to move, rising and falling on his cock as he met me over and over again with the thrust of his hips.
"Fuck your cock is so big…ah…mmm…you feel so good!" I cry as he fills me, so thick and long I'm sure I can taste him. I have never felt so deliciously full as he pounds harder up into me.
"Take me amore, all of me. Make me cum for you." Copia hissed, biting his lip. I could tell he was getting close, his movements stiffening. I buckled down, rolling over and pressing down on his cock. Squeezing tightly around him as I moved, feeling his grip on my hips intensify.
“I'm cumming! I’m cumming!” I moaned, feeling myself explode inside. The heat from my pleasure, washing over me as I came. I felt his hard cock begin to kick and all at once his hot cum filled me up deep inside. The fluid spilling out and down around him as he continued to thrust until he was completely spent.
“Bellissima.” Copia whispered against the skin on my neck. I leaned back to kiss him, the change in position causing his spent cock to slip from inside me. We both moaned, mourning the loss of each other. I had never felt so alive, the two of us together as one.
“So,” I laughed, “Did you actually enjoy the ride?” curious to see if he might share my interests.
“More than anything, we should go again.” He purred, kissing my neck. I laughed harder, both of us drunk in each other’s affections.
“I meant on the bike.” I chuckled, turning to face him more. Copia smirked, raising an eyebrow at me as he trailed his hand between my thighs.
“Oh yes…that too.”
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fangirlwriting-stories · 10 months
They Say You Can't Fight Fate (I Say Fucking Watch Me)
Chapter One
Author’s Note: Okay, the story finished with chapter eight, so this one will get fully published after all, but for now enjoy chapter five!
Chapter Five:
Logan was a frequent customer, and Remus grew to like him over time.  He was apparently a rich boy starting his first year at college, and had just moved here from across the country, paid for entirely by his parents.  He also clearly had a lot of anger issues, to the point that Janus had apparently tried to talk to him a couple times about how rage rooms weren’t a good replacement for therapy.
That’s where Remus had to disagree with him, however.  Personally he thought breaking stuff in anger was a very cool and sexy replacement for therapy.  It’s not like actual mental health professionals were ever any good at their jobs or had the slightest clue what the hell they were doing.  Logan was just smart enough to not fall for their bullshit.
When Remus said all of this to Roman, however, Roman just got quiet, so Remus didn’t bring it up again.  Who knows what the hell his deal was.
The point actually being, Logan was smart and sexy and since Remus already had a soulmate now he wanted to kiss Logan’s face off.
The first person to actually warn him against this, however, was surprisingly not “worry about everything” Virgil, but instead “fuck society” Janus, which confused the heck out of him.
“Didn’t take you as the normie type when it comes to romance,” Remus said, hesitantly, because his limits on this topic had gotten slightly better but he was still going to pay militant attention to his comfort levels.
“I’m not,” Janus said, giving him a look.  “You know I’m not.  Logan is, Remus.”
“Oh,” Remus said, scrunching up his nose.  “Really?  Thought he was smarter than that.”
“I thought so too,” Janus said, holding up his hands.  “Granted, I don’t think he wants to meet them so they can ride off into the sunset.  But he has talked about being excited to meet his soulmate before.”
Remus blew a raspberry.  “Boooo.”
“I hear you,” Janus said, patting him on the shoulder.
Remus, glad for the change from the topic of his eternally doomed love life, turned to Janus with a grin.  “Oh do you now?  You’re telling me you and Virgil have haven’t already hid out in the break room and—”
Janus, as a testament to how little he knew Remus, shoved his hand over his mouth to stop him.  A second later he jerked back in disgust and Remus grinned at him, still sticking his tongue out of his mouth.
Janus grabbed a kleenex and wiped his hand off, then dropped it in the trash can with a sigh.  “Virgil wants to meet his soulmate,” he said, squeezing some hand sanitizer on his hands and rubbing it in.
Remus gave Janus a baffled look.  “Virgil wants to meet his soulmate?  The person who is totally chill never even mentioning the subject to me and Roman?  He wants to meet his soulmate?”
Janus sighed and rested his chin on his hand.  “He’s anxious about it,” Janus said.  “I don’t think he knows what he wants.”
Remus snorts.  “Now that I believe,” he said.  “Maybe you should kiss him about it.”
Janus gave him a look and Remus cackled.
“Fine,” he said a second later with an overdramatic sigh as the bell over the door jingled.  “I shall be doomed to pine from a distance.  Never pursuing, only dreaming.  Never saying a word.”
“Never saying a word about what?” came Logan’s sudden voice, and Remus glanced up to see him approaching the counter.
“How badly I want to kiss you,” Remus said plainly, leaning on the counter and grinning up at Logan.  “You wanna meet up here outside of work hours sometime and break shit together?  Or we could go rollerskating.  Or dinner and a movie, if you want to be boring about it.”
Janus sighed and shook his head, muttering something about “why do I even bother” which Remus had no way to answer for him, it was really a bad move on his part.
“I appreciate the offer, Remus, but I am waiting for my soulmate,” Logan said, pulling out his credit card.
“Boring,” Remus said, but shoved the liability waiver that he was now allowed to handle since turning eighteen across the counter (not that he hadn’t handled them before, but now no one could yell at him even if they found out).
Janus turned back to Logan as he signed the papers and leaned across the counter, as apparently it was his turn.
“It seems like it’s time for me to remind you that this is the third time you’ve come here in two weeks,” Janus said.  “And you should really consider talking to someone, Logan.  This isn’t a replacement for professional help if you need it.”
“Aw, don’t listen to him, Logan, keep fighting the man,” Remus said, waving his hand dismissively and ignoring Janus’ glare at him.  “Why pay for some idiot to tell you that you had a hard childhood when instead you can slam a bat through a TV?  One of those sounds redundant, and the other sounds way more fun.”
“Remus,” Janus snapped, crossing his arms.
“Yes, I’ll be sure to take all of that into account,” Logan said with a sigh.  “May we get going now?”
“Sure thing!” Remus said before Janus could say anything, and he grabbed Logan by the arm to lead him towards the back, chatting happily and casually about stuff that was going on as they walked.
“And Roman is trying out for a play!” Remus said happily as Logan looked among the bats for his favorite.  “An actual paying one this time!  I think he’s got a shot, seeing as he’s obviously the greatest actor to have ever lived.”
“Yes, that sounds lovely, Remus,” Logan said.  “If that’s all, I’ll be heading in now.”
“Hell yeah, you break that shit, Logan!” Remus called.  “Have fun, see you in an hour!”
Remus headed back to the front desk, whistling as he walked, only to find Janus waiting, not looking happy.
“What?” Remus asked, sliding up in his spot next to him and hopping up to sit on the counter.
“Remus,” Janus said.  “It really isn’t a good idea for someone to use this as an alternative to therapy.  I would appreciate you not talking over me next time.”
“What, Logan’s fine,” Remus said, rolling his eyes as he leaned back.
“He comes here too often to be fine,” Remus,” Janus said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“So what?  It’s not your job to help him.”
“No, but I am concerned for him as someone I know and care about,” Janus said.  “I’m surprised you’re not too.”
Remus glared at Janus through narrowed eyes.  “A therapist isn’t going to help, idiot,” he snapped, and Janus’ eyes widened slightly in surprise.  “They never help.  They never listen to you.”
Janus didn’t say anything for a moment, just looked back at Remus like he was trying to understand him, which was a fruitless effort.
“Obviously,” Janus said finally.  “Not every experience is perfect, but—”
Remus snorted and hopped off the counter.  “Whatever, you don’t know anything,” he grumbled.  “I’m taking my break now.”
“Hang on a second Remus,” Janus said, but Remus just kept walking.
Remus knew Janus, though.  He was stubborn, and he wasn’t going to leave it there.  Because for how much Remus admired Janus and his general attitudes towards things, he was apparently a bootlicker in the worst area possible.  He tired to bring it up to Remus more than once across the next couple weeks, but unfortunately for Janus, Remus was just as goddamn stubborn, and he wasn’t going to let Janus win.
But unfortunately for Remus, it seemed, Janus used way more underhanded methods than Remus expected him to, which in this case meant he brought it up to Remus’ brother.
He walked in on them after his break having a close and apparently rather tense conversation.
“I’m telling you, don’t push it,” Roman was saying.  “Obviously eventually he’s gonna have to— look, he just needs time, okay?”
“Who needs time?” Remus asked curiously.
Both Janus and Roman cried out in surprise and spun around, looking like deer caught in headlights.
“…okay,” Remus said.  “So clearly you were talking about me.  What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Roman said, in a fast and firm and conversation-ending way, with a glare at Janus.
“Oh fuck no,” Remus said.  “You are not gonna talk about me in an obviously negative way behind my back and then not tell me what you were saying.  Out with it.”
“We weren’t talking about you,” Roman said, holding his hands up.  “Or— or not at first.”
“Oh, much better,” Remus said, rolling his eyes.  “What were you talking about?”
“Nothing,” Roman said.
Janus gave Roman a look, and Roman glared at him right back.
“Roman,” Remus snapped, and Roman winced.
“Remus, seriously, please drop it, okay?” Roman said.
“Fuck no.”
“I don’t want to make you upset,” Roman said, looking almost pleadingly back at him.
“Right, right, the fragile delicate flower that I am who gets upset at the slightest of things,” Remus snapped, crossing his arms.
Janus laughed a little, clearly thinking Remus was making a joke, but Remus just glared him into surprised silence.
“You know that’s not what I mean, Remus,” Roman said, and Janus glanced curiously over at him.
“Then what?  What were you talking about and why was it not about me and also about me?  Out with it, asshole.”
Roman sighed, tensed up like he knew this was going to go bad, and said, “I was asking Janus if he knows a good therapist nearby.”
Remus’ heart dropped into the pit of his stomach.  “What?  No.”
“See this is why I didn’t say anything!” Roman exclaimed, burying his head in his hands before pulling up to look at him again.  “Remus—”
“No.  That’s not— why?  What on earth could possibly make that a good idea?”
“Remus,” Janus started.
“No,” Roman snapped, turning to him.  “You, shut up.  You,” he turned back to Remus and softened.  He moved forward and took Remus by the arm, pulling them away from Janus and into the break room.  Then he turned to face Remus again.
“Just listen,” Roman said gently.
“No,” Remus said, shaking his head.  He moved forward and took Roman’s hands, trying to squeeze his desperation across.  “No, Roman.  I’m not gonna let them do that to you.”
“No one’s going to do anything to me,” Roman said quietly, squeezing Remus’ hands back.  “I’d be going voluntarily.  I could stop whenever I wanted.”
“You don’t know that,” Remus said, shaking his head.  “You don’t know that, what if they make something up, what if they try and trap you, I can’t see you go through what happened to me, Roman, please.”
“Re,” Roman said, reaching out and pulling Remus into a hug.  “I’ve wanted to talk to someone since middle school.  You know that.”
Remus shook his head against Roman’s shoulder.  “No, but you grew out of that I thought,” he said.  “You grew out of it when you realized what it was actually like, didn’t you?  You realized it was all bullshit.”
Roman pulled back and took Remus gently by the shoulders.  “I don’t think it is, Re,” he said quietly.  “I’ve been doing research for a long time, you know.  What happened with you, that’s— that’s not how it’s supposed to work.”
“It doesn’t matter how it’s supposed to work, it happened,” Remus insisted, grabbing Roman’s hands.  “I’m not going to let that happen to you, Roman.  I’m not.  You’re my brother.”
“I’m not in danger, Remus,” Roman said gently.  “You don’t need to protect me from this.  I want to do it.”
“Why?  You’re fine.”
Roman flinched.  “Please don’t say that,” he whispered, pulling back.
“What are you talking about?” Remus asked, reaching out for Roman again, but stopping when Roman pulled away.  “Why— why not?”
Roman looked up at him, looking scared and angry— though Remus didn’t think it was directed at him.
“That’s what Mom and Dad said to me every time I asked them for help,” Roman said.  “Because they couldn’t wrap their tiny fucking brains around the idea that my life wasn’t perfect.  Because I had such a perfect soulmark.  I was just supposed to be fine, all the time, and they wouldn’t believe me if I told them that—” he stopped suddenly, and looked away.
Remus dropped his hand back to his side, trying to push past the overwhelming fear welling up in his chest and focus on what Roman was saying.
He… he’d known Roman wasn’t okay, really.  Roman had told him before that he felt worthless and small and like no one would ever want him other than Remus, that he’d never be enough no matter how hard he tried.  And Remus had tried to help him with that.  But Roman was saying he wasn’t enough.  So what, Roman was saying he’d failed at the one thing he’d actually been able to try to do, locked up in that fucking place because no would believed him when he said he was—
Remus looked up at Roman.  “Fuck,” he whispered.  “Fuck, I’m sorry, I—”
He took a shaky breath, wrapped his arms around himself and squeezed.  “Okay,” he whispered.  “Okay, I— I believe you, Roman.  I— I’m sorry.  You shouldn’t ever have to hear that crap from me.”
Roman looked up at him, and Remus met his gaze.
“I’m still scared,” Remus whispered.
“That’s okay,” Roman said, nodding lightly.
“I still don’t think this is gonna help,” Remus said, shaking his head.  “I— I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“Maybe,” Roman said slowly, hesitantly.  “You can come with me?  Not for the therapy, you could— I don’t know.  Interrogate them?  Sit in for the first time?”
Remus considered that for a long moment.  Finally, he nodded.  “Okay,” he said.
Something like relief fell over Roman’s face, and Remus’ chest cracked just a little bit, because he knew that look, and Roman should never have to feel scared that Remus wouldn’t hear him.  He reached out and pulled Roman into another hug again, and this time Roman hugged tightly back, breathing out a shaky sigh.
“I’m sorry,” Remus said into his shoulder.  “You— I’m sorry.”
“S’okay,” Roman mumbled.  “It’s not your fault.”
“No, but I should be helping,” Remus said.  “You always helped me.”
“It’s okay,” Roman said.  “S’just… all bullshit.”
Remus laughed a little.  “Yeah,” he agreed, holding Roman closer.
They both stayed there for a long moment, not saying anything.
“Roman, if you ever need me to believe you about something, just tell me,” Remus said.  “Tell me and I will, I promise.”
“What, you’re just gonna decide to?”
“Fuck yes I am.  You tell me your shit, and I’ll believe you.  It’s your shit.”
Roman laughed a little.  “Okay,” he said, and they were both quiet for a minute.
“You think I’m gonna need to talk to someone,” Remus said dully, and Roman tensed again.  “That’s what you were talking about with Janus, right?  That’s how it got around to me.”
“I think… it wouldn’t be the worst idea,” Roman said hesitantly.  “But only once you’re ready.”
“I can’t do that,” Remus said, shaking his head.  “I’m never going back there.”
“It doesn’t have to be the same,” Roman said softly.  “You wouldn’t have to be an in-patient at all.”
“No, Roman, you don’t understand,” Remus said.  “I can’t just let them win.”
Roman pulled back and gave him a sad look.  “That’s not what it is, Remus,” he said.  “That’s not what it would be.”
“Yes it is.  They weren’t right to not believe me and they weren’t right to throw me in there and they weren’t right to judge my entire life based on this stupid sentence,” he waved his wrist wildly around in front of Roman.  “I can’t let them be right.”
Roman shook his head, looking firm and determined.  “They will never be right, Remus.  Those can be two different things.”
Remus crossed his arms and looked away.  “What makes you so sure?”
“Because they did it to you,” Roman said.  “It’s their fault.  That makes them not right.”
“It’s that simple, huh?” Remus asked, looking up.
“Probably not,” Roman admitted.  “But so what?  Fuck them.”
Remus smiled just a little.  “I don’t think that would really help matters.”
“Gross,” Roman groaned, in the tone of voice that meant he’d known it was coming as soon as he said it.  Remus cackled.
“Come on,” he said, nudging Roman’s side with his arm as he started towards the door.  “We’ve got a shift to finish.  And I’ve got a Janus to yell at.”
Chapter Six
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yuichi-ro · 2 years
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     minors - blank/ageless - blogs - DNI
draken x fem!Reader cw: fem!Reader, fluff, unedited wc: 986
“I apologies, you meet my eyes. Yeah, it's simple and it goes like this.”
With clammy hands Draken once more wiped them on his work trousers, tongue darting over his bottom lip before pursing them together with a pinched brow and all his concentration on the one thing before him, “Just- A little bit- I SAID A LITTLE BIT!”
“I barely touched it!” You swatted at his hand the very second he intended to peel your fingers off the handle bar for the umpteenth time, “You said this was supposed to be fun!” 
“It is fun!” 
“Nothing is fun when you’re acting like a cranky broody chicken!” 
“Cranky- Chicken- I- Excuse me!?” Draken stepped back from his hobby bike, hands going right to his hips as he looked on at you like you’d stepped in dog shit and tracked it through the entire shop, “You’ll run it through the garage door!”
“Then why don’t we do this outside!” You shot an impatient look in his direction and did the opposite of him by crossing your arms over your chest, “You know, where I would technically drive a bike?”
One more step back this time Draken paired it with a slow breath. Meant to calm his nerves but the man was realizing you on a bike was causing him so many more nerves than he’d originally planned, “Fine.” He nodded and agreed, “We can go out to the alley.”
Something happened that teetered on magic in the narrow alleyway to the left of D&D motors. Wasn’t the reason they picked to lease the place in the first place. That was purely because of the apartments above, cheap rent and good location. But during the end of the summer months when the day came on ever so slightly quicker, the buildings surrounding the motorbike shop framed the sunset. Leaving orange light to cascade down the alleyway. Something you liked to call the golden hour. And Draken called it the rat's dinner time. Your nickname was much nicer to say.
“Ok,” You kicked the stand up just like before in the shop. Stable with both legs on the ground and crotch snug on the seat where Draken insisted was the perfect place to sit behind the fuel tank without being too far away from the handle bars. Arms out but relaxed and shoulders as he told you with no trigger happy fingers on the throttle even. You looked yourself over to know he couldn’t critique that at least before moving on. That seemed in order so when you looked up to ask him for his mighty wisdom of motorbikes you were surprised to see him staring at you in a way that you couldn’t quite decipher, “...um, Draken?”
Whatever gloss that took over his gaze was blinked away in a couple of seconds. Drawing his stare up to immediately meet your eyes. No matter how tall the buildings were surrounding the shop, the sun came crashing down to kiss the skin on your face just perfectly. It really wasn’t the golden hour for him unless you were out here too.
“...I’m sorry.” He began.
“I’m sorry.” Draken reiterated even though he spoke clearly before, “I’m sorry I just- I get nervous. Not nervous- Worried.” He cracked the worst excuse for a smile. Knowing that he proceeded to wipe his palms on his work pants again and tried to laugh, “I love riding and I love-”
Something flew above the tiny crack of the alleyway above you both. Causing you both to look up at the sudden shadow interrupting the beautiful golden glow. Surely a greedy crow angry they were in the alleyway during dinner time for the scavengers of the city. Just as quickly as it had passed the softness of the setting sun was back to bask over the both of you. Making it all that much softer when you both looked back. Your eyes meeting his own. 
Draken cracked a giant sheepish grin as he stepped forward and put his hand on yours against the handle bar, “I’m in love with you so I always worry. But I love riding too. I wanna ride together.”
Finally being able to crack your own little smile. You didn’t move his hand off your own. Instead reaching across the bike to reach up and cup his face. Warm from the summer sunset. It wasn’t on purpose that you snickered but it didn’t stop you, “Don’t fuck it up you muppet. Just teach me how to ride already.”
He laughed. How could he not when you talked like that. Draken squeezed your hand on the handle bar and leaned down to ask for a kiss. One that was reciprocated happily in the glare of the setting sun. Another bird flying over to yell at the two of you for taking your sweet time. He took that as his hint to get on with it. 
Slinging his leg over the back of the bike seat. Coming to rest behind you as you put both your hands on the handlebars and did just as he’d shown you to do for years now. Draken bared his weight against your back and bumped his temple against yours before pointing at the throttle and letting you know to start slow with a roll as he kept it stable. 
“Pretty simple.” You looked back at him as the two of you rolled to the end of the alleyway before it turned to the sidewalk. 
“Keep your eyes forward for fucksake.” Draken still his same old self. In that instance he felt you looking at him with that same know it all grin that forced him to roll his eyes, “I apologize.”
You revved the engine as the two of you sat on the same old bike he’d been working the past five years on. Getting an eye roll from him followed by a kiss when you leaned back and he leaned forward, “Good thing I’m in love with you.” 
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oriley42 · 1 year
Can you tell us more about Wilson's POV from realizing he's in love with House and deciding to arrange a whole fake wedding and House pushing him away when Wilson tries to kiss him and saying he won't come running and the confession scene when he puts his cards on the table? I know you had Wilson discuss it in Chapter 6 and I loved it so much but I'm greedy for more because oh my godddd that's insane (affectionate)
Hi anon, absolutely! Putting it under a read-more bc it got kinda long 😅
His first move, as we saw, was to cling to a beautiful damsel in distress and Repress™ literal seconds after having an earth shattering Oh God He's The One moment--we can skip past that, to him looking at engagement rings and thinking "oh ho, and once I'm engaged again, I can stroll right into House's office and he can't turn me away!" and then. I imagine him just sitting right down on the concrete curb. and going. "hmm. am I more excited to manipulate House into seeing me than I am to get engaged to my lovely girlfriend?" and realizing that despite all the layers of forced ignorance of his own feelings that yes, that is the case.
Cue going home to Julie, attempting to hash this out with her ("it's not that I don't love you...I just am also in love with my deranged pet wedding planner.") Julie, sensibly, is not moved by this, and leaves. Wilson finds he's relieved, which confirms that this was--despite being extremely scary and counter his usual instincts--the right call. Now, Wilson has time to Ponder. He wishes he could talk to someone like Cuddy about this, but then it would get back to Stacy and inevitably House, and Wilson knows he has to approach this Just Right, because he's on his last chance. He can't blow it by just talking to House about it--now that would be insanity. House would be halfway to California before Wilson got through "I love you"! Not to mention it wouldn't be Romantic. It Must Be Romantic, and Big, and Extra, or it wouldn't be worthy of the big extra romantic messed up thing he and House have.
Which is when he realizes: hey, the engagement idea? Still has merit! No actual fiancée required! (Would Wilson have made these Choices if he'd talked about his plans with literally anyone? If absolutely any other human being had heard his Scheme and been able to offer feedback on its, how to put it, loopiness? Who's to say….) So, he gathers up his courage, and blusters into House's office. And it works! He tells House to his face "I'm in love and this time, I'm not letting anything get in my way" and sure, maybe House doesn't get it yet, but he will!
And just as Wilson hoped, they're quickly spending sooo much time together, and it's romantic. They're drunk and babbling about invitation typography and Wilson has just gotta kiss him, this is it, House will kiss him back and Wilson can pop the "I'm single xoxo" surprise and they can ride off into the sunset--
And then House pushes him away. And Wilson's really scared because he thought he was on his last chance but it's actually worse, he's past that. He's on chance negative-one. He can't just pull out the "haha Julie's long gone, actually! also i'm in love with you and maybe always have been, how about you and I get hitched since we're on the topic." Not now. House is cold. He needs to be softened up. He needs to remember how good they were together. He needs to be able to imagine their future together. He needs to know that Wilson isn't just reaching for him because he's lonely, he's committed to House this time, he's choosing him. And what better way to do that, then to keep planning a wedding--their wedding?
So, they do all the wedding things, and Wilson makes sure at every turn that this is about them, for them. House says he hates weddings, but he clearly doesn't hate this, and Wilson knows if he could just get House to slow down and see marriage not as a prison but a promise, he would want it. It would make him happy, Wilson knows it (Wilson Knows Best), because House is needy and selfish and terrified of abandonment and if he could just believe that marriage would fix all that, then it could, because Wilson would give it all to him, forever...
And House is his friend again, but it's getting close to the wedding date, and House shows no signs of cracking or figuring it out. Wilson leaves it as late as he can, but now it's the night before and House still hasn't said anything (would it kill the guy to express a shred of feeling? well. yes.) so fine, Wilson is done playing games (for now), he goes to House's place and waits for him to turn up. And House falls right into his arms and oh fuck, why did Wilson wait so long, but it's delicious to taste all that pent up furious raging desire so really it's all working out. And this--this is the proof. House wants him back. Now all Wilson has to do is get down on one knee and whip out the ring, and sure, House will say no at first and maybe flip out a little and Wilson might have to sit on him to keep him from bolting away, but that's okay, because House loves him too Wilson can tell and that's all Wilson needed to be 100% confident in his absolutely ridiculous plan. House loves him, and so tomorrow, they are going to get married. The End.
Wilson definitely kept telling himself that this is The Only Way, happily ignoring the many other ways that exist. And that is why he and House are perfect for each other, because their broken worldviews slot together and complement each other so messily yet perfectly. Also, because absurd and hurtful deception is literally their foreplay.
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anemia-rp · 3 months
"And I will make sure that I will always keep your heart safe, I promise." The young mob smiles and places a tender kiss onto his lover's forehead. Xuan was romantic and a passionate man, his primary love language being giving words of affirmation to his partner, making sure they'd feel wanted and loved no matter what. But just as much as he could be intense and wild, Xuan could as well be soft and caring, like right now. There wasn't anything sexual in that forehead kiss, but it was so meaningful and deep that Teru could tell too that his boyfriend truly loved him, that their connection was a strong one.
"But love, as much as I'd love that, if you rip your clothes off of you, how are we going to disembark the plane once we reach our destination? Your beautiful body is a sight that's only reserved to my eyes, so I can't allow for anyone else to take a peak at what's mine." Xuan murmurs against Teru's skin, with a grin, and then gives the man a playful bite to his neck, one that was sure to leave a mark. How could he not adore seeing such impatience coming from his boyfriend? Teru's strong desire marking its intensity through the incubus's devilish traits was something that never ceased to turn Xuan on and stroke his ego. "I love how crazy you are about me, that's something I'd never want to change about you!~" A soft groan, followed close by by a whispered curse word escape the Chinese man's soft lips, as Teru's warm walls fully took in Xuan's length, Xuan then proceeding to start moving his hips un and down, in rhythm with the way in which the younger was riding him, making sure that he would also guide Teru's hips for the best results. And so, while they indulged into that sweet sweet love making, the warm golden hues of the sunset washed over them, engulfing the two men into this beautiful soft light, as the plane had raised into the sky and finally began its journey. It was both romantic and sensual, a magical atmosphere that was like an erotic fantasy come true. Looking up at Teru, to admire his pleasure painted features, Xuan smiled in delight at him. "You are so beautiful love! So perfect that it almost feels like a dream!~" The man then sighs in contentment and pulls his boyfriend in for a passionate kiss.
"Oh daaamn, you think far ahead already! That's why I need Master so much!" He nodded and there was something sweet in his words and face, but his eyes glinted with hunger already. Hunger and impatience. "/One/ example of why I need Master so much. Oh fuck." He groaned hoarsely, being distracted by the bite for his neck for now so he left his clothes alone instead of ripping them. "Uhhh heck yeah!" His eyes were glassy when he opened them again, yet his smirk was crooked and somewhat fierce once he rode the other's dick. You could say he was drunk in the very best way, and while the sun illuminated the scene he moved as skillfully and passionately as he did on stage, his head tilting back while he let his voice hear with every thrust. Just like when he created music he was fully lost in the moment, living in the second, not thinking about anything else. He loved it. He just felt. There was no way he could truly respond to Xuan's words. His brain had been gone so he looked at the other in a befuddled way, mouth hanging open, all while he felt how close he already was, shaking all over and stiffening more and more as his moves became faster and harder as he took what he needed. The kiss whereas fueled his arousal even further, so it wasn't that much of a surprise when he started to whine in an urgent tone and held tighter onto Xuan as if he needed to do that in order to prevent losing ground. When he came it was hard, Teru downright throatily screaming in his pleasure, his moves losing rhythm. When the orgasm started to fade he grinned at Xuan, clearly like a drunkard would do, however he didn't stop moving, wanting to bring his beloved over the edge just as well. All while looking into his eyes in a challenging way, his hands meanwhile cupping Xuan's head.
0 notes
eclecticseer-blog · 1 year
Streamlines and Velocity Potentials
When I find myself as a stream, carried along down the cool mountain glaciers through rivers of life – my river of dreams – I know what it is like to love. Passing the sunsets of royal purple and pure gold, past the pastures and canyons through which wind carries its gentle humming tune. The gravity of my life rushes me forward and downward and onward in its neverending race, with its ultimate aim unknown to me. I can only guess.
 The most incredible of my blessings comes in the forms of the streams that surround me on all sides. In the eddies and river banks where I relax, even if for the most fleeting of moments, there are always soft variations between my and my constitutions that make me flow with joy. Leaving the comfort of the secure and solemn ports we race on again, into the fray. Here there and everywhere we play and dance about, always moving ahead and never ceasing in our low rumbling laughter. It’s nice to carry on with the gentle breeze riding us, and our niceness has the pleasure of intensifying as we approach the natural, loved challenges before us. Soft ripples rise and give way to higher rapids, concealing beneath them the rocks and strainers that would have us trapped, bound up where we are and stopped in our places. Through our momentum and choices we continue further down into life. My neighbors come and go, we sometimes split and are split apart forever. This I mind yet understand; I cannot control their paths, and hell I can hardly control mine. I just wish we had more time to be in each other’s company, and feel each other’s warmth against our smooth complexions. But alas, river forks and flood waters work to separate some of us. I shan’t fret this, as it’s opportunity and chance in disguise! Every neighbor lost makes way for another neighbor gained, and for this I’m grateful. Even when I reflect on what appears to be lost – the smooth crevasses of her hand in mine, the way she looks down and appears to close her eyes as our faces close on each other, the very specific and intimate and lovely way in which her stomach curves in towards her belly button -   . It’s hard to remember to move on when I can still feel her so strongly next to me. No matter how much I logically know it isn’t meant to work out, or how clearly I can see the signs she’s leaving, my vision melts with tears of the most solemn joy when I simply imagine her head, atopped with the softest of Carhart beanies, placed gently on my resting thigh. No equation in the world is enough to deny my heart its most passionate direction: hope. My eternal, optimistic hope that we can be one. That those travelling about my life would make the choice to join within my life, even if only for a moment. I’m not, I try not to be desperate, and I try to let them make their choices for themselves. I only ask that it’s genuine, and that they let me place a tender kiss upon their soft foreheads. Romantic and platonic love has thus far managed to elude my life, preferring to remain as a shadow eternally around the nearest corner. While their shadows play together where the lights are dim, mine remains in an endless chase around and around the streetlamps and ponderosa pines, hoping to catch a glimpse of the residual heat of the touch. Hey, at least my family loves me and I try to try my best.
But let’s digress back into the stream of life.
 Ever downhill and round new corners we pass, always jostling for position amongst the features of the Earth. Excitement fills me as I witness the jagged pebbles our flows smooth underfoot. Don’t we all want to see the fruits of our trees? Tumbling down we follow the railroads and interstate highways, and carry wary travelers upon our skyward boundary layers. I love the way we pass through boulders in our streams, thrown about yet always throwing ourselves onward. We ripple into whitewater, foam at our mouths for the chance at a challenge. It is when we feel the most contempt for ourselves and flows of constant mass, bounded by streamline of constant values, that we feel the most love for our smooth liquidations. Seeing my companions, new old or permanent, flinging themselves into the air to hang upon a gentle breeze, a create the courage to pray to God:
 Holy Father, our Creator, thanks. Thanks for the way in which we are jostled and tested, pushed and pulled. I humbly ask that you allow us to remain at our easiest, incompressible states, so that we can continue down our lives with the easiest governing equations. We love the challenge, but it remains nice to ride the gentle wave.
 I know Your presence in my holy friends: soaring within the breeze, if only for a moment. The warm sunlight reflecting off their smooth surface. The minor variations of color and composition from point to point in their body that give them such incredible richness and depth. Their white outlines, their silhouettes painted black upon the red rock landscape, the way their focused light darkens my shoulders and makes skin peel from exposure. These are the very ways in which I know You, God. The details, the souls of the very things the are and become.
 Thanks, God, for my life and all the wonders that flow within it.
 I don’t know where gravity will pull me next, but I know it will be further down this hill. Towards the ocean, where my streamness will end and we’ll all have the chance mix together as one in the cesspool of saltwater and sunscreen rubbed off the baked skin of America’s greatest export: mechanized tourists. I can’t say where I or my companions will end up, but I do have some preferences if it matters to anyone. If I were to make my way into an irrigation duct, to be sprayed out of some industrial metal tubing onto a farm of sorts, I hope that farm is in Palisade, and I am placed on the ripest of this season’s peaches. I hope my peach finds its way into a burlap sack in the back of an old manual pickup truck, taken into a small town, and sold at a market by someone who’s in this country ‘illegally’, who’s doing their best to survive and thrive in this world. That’s the most holy way my raging river can end: being passed from a callused farm hand into one belonging to the most innocent of children, and that being the end of me. If I make it all the way to the ocean, where I can mingle with the other streams for the rest of our collective eternity, never knowing the release of death, I just pray that they keep it exciting. Hopefully one of those tourists – God bless their hearts – has a spare car battery or two that they just fucking chuck straight into our body of water. Whether they know better or not it doesn’t matter, I just enjoy the irony of some dumbass destroying our makeup and desecrating our good names for some reason that really has no damn value. God bless ‘em. If these don’t come true, and I evaporate before I’m able to make it to any destination of sorts, I hope I’m assumed into the greatest, grayest of billowing rainclouds. I may simply be a single drop of rain, but I will remain.
Dedicated to a rose I once held
in an alley of my past
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Peeping through the stacks
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Jason todd x reader
Valentine’s fic
Warning: smut
I recommend the book I mentioned if you like the classics.
“I have a proposition,” Jason said and your eyebrows rose. “Not that kind. We separate. I grab you a book and you get me one. And we meet up afterwards to go to dinner to see what we got. No cheating. No following each other around. Whoever gives the better gift, wins and gets to control the rest of the night.”
“Sounds like plan. Just know Todd,” you said moving up in his space standing on your tiptoe to talk in his ear. “I’m going to crush you.”
“Only if you win, baby. Only if you win,” he said with a smirk. He opened the door to the largest used bookstore in Gotham. 3 stories with a section of just records and another of old comics, it was heaven. They even had a coffee shop in the back of the second story. You went left and he went right.
You went straight for the classics. Jason would pour over old novels for hours and his favorite were clearly dog eared. You thought about replacing them but, while he’s appreciate it, it wasn’t exactly exciting. You milled around the area, looking at books that were nice but not it. As you moved to leave the area, a section caught your eyes.
If you love the classics but need a book written in the last 50 years:
This is what you needed. A careful list of books that you like next to new books was perfect. Jason had been reading his copy of Moby Dick and talking about the hubris of man recently, heavily alluding to Bruce. You grabbed the recommended book: In the Heart of the Sea.
Now to find Jason. You had agreed to no cheating but it wasn’t really cheating to just watch him if you had already picked. He was probably in your favorite area and you walked upstairs to watch down low.
Jason was holding two books in hand and looking between them both. You felt a thrill to watch him. He almost always caught you quickly but the store with multiple patrons and levels must have thrown him off a little. He finally grabbed a book and looked directly up at you with a smirk. You threw your fist playfully. He’s certainly caught you. You came downstairs with a grin.
“I knew you were watching me. That’s cheating,” he said. You held the book behind your back as you kissed his cheek.
“It’s not cheating if I didn’t change my book,” you protested and he kissed your forehead.
“Tell yourself that. Let’s check out and then I can win,” he said, wrapping an arm over your shoulder and walking to the counter. You both laid them down, face down because you’re competitive, and paid. You carried two separate bags and held hands as you walked down to a little cafe on the corner.
The place had the coolest vibes. Fresh coffee day and night, records and music memorabilia on the wall, and a band of musician played on a tiny stage every night. Valentine’s was no exception. You found a table in the back and promptly ordered your favorites from the menu.
“Okay. Show me yours and I’ll show you mine,” you said with a grin.
“I thought we’d wait until tonight to do that,” Jason said with a roguish wink. “Oh, you mean the books. Yeah, let’s swap.”
You gave him his bag and he yours. It almost looked like a drug deal if it wasn’t books. You pulled out the book. A continuation of a series you loved but had a hard time finding the next parts. Jason pulled out his and read the back.
“Okay, you won,” you said with a teasing scrunch of your face. “This is really great.”
“This looks great. But you did cheat too...” he said pretending to take his time deciding. “I guess I’ll take the win. But it was pretty close, I’m not going to lie.”
“Don’t rub it in.”
“Seriously, I can’t wait to bore you with more whaling facts.”
“I’m taking it back,” you said and he laughed. “I can’t learn anymore. I’m not kidding.” Jason’s eyes smiled too and you loved the sight. He looked happy. You food arrived and a folk band started playing.
As your food dwindled and it was fully dark outside, Jason’s gaze lingered on your body. His hand sat on your knee as you talked.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said randomly and you exhaled quickly with a shy smile as you looked away. “Let’s get out of here.”
“Okay,” you said, letting him pull you from the cafe and a few blocks down. Jason pulled you close and rubbed his nose against your cheek. You turned your head up to close the space between your lips. It started as soft, gentle, cute. But Jason gripped your hips and pulled you closer and you wrapped your arms around his neck and before you knew it, you were being pushed against a wall as he kissed down your throat. You made soft sounds as he nipped and kissed the sensitive skin.
“Jason,” you said breathlessly. He hummed against your skin. “Take me home. Take me home.”
You ran your hands along the muscles under his shirt as you rode behind him on the motorcycle. Jason insisted on helmets and you wished you could kiss at the back of his neck. Probably best. Your hands on his stomach were distracting enough.
Jason barely drove the bike into the parking garage of his building before pulling off his helmet and turning towards you. You did the same. Neither of you climbed off as you made out. His tongue slid in your mouth as his hands held the back of your skull in place. He reached behind him to turn it off as you kissed.
“Upstairs,” you breathed. He nodded before getting up and picking you up. You wrapped your legs around his waist and kissed his neck as you walked towards the elevator. The knee high slit in your skirt had scooted up to expose most of your thigh. Luck was on your side as no one was around to watch but security must have gotten a great show with the pair of you aggressively kissing. Jason pressed your back against the wall in the elevator as you rode up to his floor.
He carried you down the hall. You were less lucky as your elderly neighbor was sitting in the end of the hallway as she always did everyday. She’d watch the sunset and people watch everyone coming home from work or school. She giggled and looked away. Jason put you down the second you both realized and you flushed with embarrassment.
“Don’t worry sweetie, I was married once. Happy Valentine’s,” she said with a big smile looking out the window. Jason quickly pulled you in the apartment.
“I forgot about her,” he said. “Gross part is that she’s probably thinking about her dead husband and all the times he used to rail her.”
You glared at Jason. “That’s.... so gross. Why? Like you ruined it. Your dirty mouth.”
“I can get it a little dirtier,” he said with a wink but ruined by bursting into laughter. “Like do old people blow each other? Can their hips bend that much? I know their knees are bad. What age did they have to give them up?”
“Shut the fuck up. That’s so gross,” you said putting you hand over his mouth and he laughed before pulling you close.
“You look really pretty tonight. I forgot to tell you because I kept staring at you,” he said with a soft look. He bent and kissed you sweetly. Not rushed or hard like earlier. He slowly pulled you to the bedroom. You pulled each other’s clothing off as you walked. Shirt here. Pants there.
“Thank you. You look good too,” you said as you pulled the bedroom door closed. Jason rolled his eyes. He never agreed with you but had given up on arguing.
Jason pulled you on top of him in bed. His nose ran up your throat until his lips met yours. He was slow and deliberate in his movement. His hands roamed your body as you moved your legs to straddle him. You didn’t bother teasing either of you but instead sunk down on him.
“Princess,” he breathed with closed eyes. You sat for just a moment, get used to him, before starting to move. You bent at the waist to give him long deep sloppy kisses. “Baby,” he pleaded before you started moving.
“Remember, I won,” Jason said.
“Yeah,” you asked with a grin. “What do you want, Jaybird?”
“This. Keep riding me. You look so good,” he said breathlessly. His hands gripped your hips as you bounced. He grimaced as you swirled your hips. “Fuck!”
“Oh we like that,” you commented. He chuckled distractedly. Jason pulled you down to where he could kiss and nip at your chest. You whined as he took your nipple in his mouth. He let go with a loud smack.
“Mmm someone seems to like that,” he quipped. You pressed yourself back towards his face and he chuckled against your skin before giving your breasts the attention you wanted.
“I love your Valentine’s gift. You’re so thoughtful,” you said breathlessly. Jason looked up at you confused.
“Yeah no problem. Is now the time?” He asked with his eyes half closed and mouth open as he breathed heavily. His hips jumped to meet yours and he reached a hand down to rub circles on your clit. You moaned loudly and he smiled as he watched you come undone. He thrust your faster to finish with you. You both moved together jumpily as you buried your head in his neck. You breathed for a few second before softly kissing his lips.
“I seriously loved today,” you said.
“Yeah, I’m glad. Me too. Surprised that no one call-“ Jason started before his phone rang and he sighed. “At least we finished. I’ve got to take this,” he said and you rolled off and curled in the blanket. He answered the phone as he threw on boxer briefs. He looked at you wistfully as he talked. It sounded important.
“My source said Black Mask is getting a shipment early this morning so I’ve got to go. We can’t have those guns on the street,” Jason said after hanging up. He leaned over to give you a dizzying kiss. “I’ve got to go but here is your book and a glass of water. Don’t stay up. I don’t know how long I’ll be.”
“Be safe,” you said before he climbed out the window.
“Aren’t I always,” he said and you just knew he was grinning under the helmet before jumping from a 6 story window. No, you thought, no you aren’t.
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goldentournesol · 4 years
Be Careful What You Wish For
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(Spencer Reid x Reader)
The one where Spencer gets exactly what he wished for, but it isn’t necessarily for the best.
Length: 5k 
A/N: this is based off of maybe one of the best requests i have ever received, thank you so much anon, your request really got my creative juices going! also i combined this request with another one, too <3 (angst, just straight up, with happy ending tho)
The sun was shining against the glass windows of the car. The sunset was so beautiful with its melting and merging colors, Y/N wished it lasted longer so she could watch it. It’d been feeling like beautiful moments were few and far between lately. 
No one ever said being in a relationship was easy, but she’d never expected to drift this far from Spencer. She couldn’t exactly place the moment at which the descent of their relationship began, if she was being honest. One day, they’d be happy, smiling, full of love and life. And then the next, waves of darkness and despair would appear. They weren’t even the kinds of waves that would disappear with the shining sun. No, they were there to stay and fuel the storm that continues to rage on. 
Today was one of those days. To be fair, the whole team was struggling, but Spencer had taken Morgan’s departure a little harder than everyone else. It was understandable, of course. Derek was a staple in Spencer’s life for so long. However, for a man who’s seen and been through so many losses, he sure was terrible at dealing with them. Spencer’s tendency to keep things bottled up had definitely been affecting the overall health of their relationship. In fact, it has been the root of a lot of their arguments lately. Y/N just wanted him to let her in, let her help him and she was willing to wait however long it takes. Spencer on the other hand grew more and more snappy, irritable, and private with each passing day.
When they were at work, they tried their best to avoid each other so as to not get on each other’s nerves. Their fights usually didn’t turn into screaming matches, but they both had a track record of saying things they don’t mean. Hurtful things. Turns out profilers are fantastic at rubbing salt into open wounds. 
Ever since they began dating, Spencer took the subway less, opting for car rides with Y/N. Sometimes she’d drop him off, other times they’d spend the rest of the day at each other’s houses. She enjoyed driving him around, at first he was never too picky with the music she played, but later on, his music began to overtake hers. It never bothered her, in fact, she took it as a sign of him being vulnerable and sharing parts of himself.
The days where car rides once filled with joyous singing and laughter were coming to a shocking halt. The silence nowadays was almost always louder than the music they used to play. Even small talk felt like too much of a burden sometimes.
“Should I just drop you off at your place? Or do you wanna come over to mine? I still have some of that lasagna you liked in the fridge.” She asked softly as they slowed down into traffic. Rush hour in DC was never fun.
“No, it’s fine. I’ll just have whatever’s at my place.” Spencer was being curt with his responses. Thus, the warning signs began flashing in her head.
“Are you sure? We can even pick something up from that one grocery store on our way home, something that goes well with the lasagna. I don’t mind cooking today.” She offered, hoping he wouldn’t shut her out like he usually did.
He shook his head, keeping his voice eerily level and his gaze was set on the road in front of him, “I just really wanna be home, Y/N.”
She nodded and whispered, “Okay.”
A short silence ensued as traffic began to thin out. Cars that were stuck bumper to bumper were beginning to move.
“Is this about Derek leaving?” She asked tentatively. He sighed and pursed his lips in response so she continued, “You know he said he was always a phone call away.”
“I don’t want to talk about that.” Spencer said shortly, gazing out the window.
“You never want to talk about anything.” She said defeatedly, the car beginning to move freely on the road.
“Yeah, well maybe that’s true. Or maybe I just don’t want to talk to you.” Spencer spat, clearly growing impatient.
“Fine, don’t talk to me then. But talk to someone, anyone! Hell, talk to Derek himself. Tell him you hate him for leaving or whatever you’re feeling, but don’t take out your anger and unresolved feelings out on me, okay? I don’t deserve that! Everyday I try to get you to talk to me, but it seems like with every little step I take forward, you take two steps back. And it’s exhausting. It is fucking exhausting, Spencer.” She frowned, tears welling up in her eyes but she refused to let them fall.
“I didn’t ask you for that! I didn’t ask for you to be my personal therapist. If I wanted to see a therapist, I would have gone to see one!” Spencer gestured wildly with his hands as he spoke.
“Spencer, in a relationship, we’re supposed to confide in one another. It’s supposed to be comforting. I don’t want to be your therapist, I just want you to talk to me!” She unconsciously began to press on the pedal, perhaps in an attempt to reach a destination quicker. He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Relationship? You call this a relationship? We can barely stand to be in the same room together, Y/N.”
“And that’s why we talk it out. No relationship is ever perfect! You should know that, Spencer!” She shrieked, gripping the steering wheel in frustration.
“That’s not true. What I had with Maeve was perfect until it was ruined.” He uttered.
“Maeve?!” She squealed incredulously, “Really?! What you had with Maeve was perfect?! Spencer, what you had wasn’t real like us! You spoke to her over the phone once a week! You wrote to her in letters, where you have time to-to think and to respond! It isn’t like real life, it isn’t like you and me! What we have is real! I-I’ve lived with you, I’ve seen you torn to pieces, I’ve seen you laugh until you cry. That’s the you I fell in love with, not some fantasy I created of you over the phone!” She spoke but the words were garbled between incoming sobs that she was frantically wiping the remnants of off her cheeks. The same sobs she’d tried so hard to suppress. She was barely aware of the words that came out of her mouth.
“If what I had with Maeve wasn’t real, then why do I wish she were the one here with me instead of you?!” Spencer defended, unaware of how sharp his words were or how deeply they’d wounded her.
Her breath hitched in her throat, taking her already blurry vision off of the road in front of her to face him, “What?” She whispered brokenhearted, but the utterance was immediately swallowed by the unmistakable, earsplitting sound of metal clashing violently against metal. They had no choice but to succumb to the inundating darkness that rapidly overtook them both.
Spencer woke with a violent start and sat up in his own bed. He sighed in relief when he realized it was just a dream and it was morning again. Turning his head to look at the left side of the bed where she usually slept, he expected to find her there and was taken by surprise when she wasn’t. He rubbed at his face and eyes vigorously before hearing some clattering in the kitchen. With long strides he saw a blurry figure in the kitchen making coffee and walked towards it. 
He sighed in relief, “Hey, there you are. I just had the worst dream.” He huffed as he wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face in her neck in his half-asleep state.
“Hey, good morning, lovebug.” She smiled and turned around to hug him tightly.
Something felt off. Something wasn’t right.
He’d heard that voice before. He pulled back from the hug and was met by…
It wasn’t Y/N. It was Maeve.
Spencer could barely control his expression as complete bone-stilling shock washed over his entire being, “M-Maeve?”
“Yeah, what’s wrong, honey? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” She said, a kind smile resting upon her features. If Spencer wasn’t so shocked, he’d probably have laughed at the absurd truth of that statement. Maeve brought her hand up to his forehead, “Are you feeling okay?”
He didn’t even have time to be confused before he jerked back quickly at the touch of her hand, “I-uh, uh...I’m not feeling too g-good. Um...what’s happening?” He mumbled, rubbing at his eyes again, almost like they’d be polished and he’d see more clearly. But when he opened his eyes again, she was still there. Right in front of him. There was no light emitting from behind her, she was totally opaque. It was eerily real.
Her face was full of color and life and she was dressed in one of his cardigans over her own set of matching pajamas. She was moving and...alive. And speaking to him. What is happening right now?
“But y-you’re...how are you here right now? Am I still dreaming? Am I...Maeve, am I dead?” Spencer shook his head in an attempt to wake back up.
She began to laugh and pulled out a chair for him to sit on, and so he did, still staring up at her in disbelief, “No, baby, you’re very much alive. You’re probably just still confused from whatever nightmare you had. Here, have some water.”
“Y-yeah, yeah, confused. Um, what day is it?” Spencer began to pat on his chest to make sure he was solid and alive. 
She looked at him curiously at his strange behavior, “It’s April 5th, 2016.”
April 5th? Derek left the BAU near the end of March. A light bulb went off in his head. 
The BAU! 
They’d have all the answers. He shot up from his seat immediately, “I uh, have to get to work.” Spencer rushed to his bedroom to get dressed. 
As he’s dressing, he spots a picture frame on his bedside table. He knows the picture by heart, it was of him and Y/N in the pumpkin patch last year. He’d had his arms tightly wound around her shoulders and was kissing her cheek. The leaves were the most colorful they’d ever been. He picked it up and almost dropped it immediately like it had burned his skin. It was the same picture. 
But Y/N was nowhere to be seen. In her place was Maeve.
No, no, no. This isn’t right. 
Spencer began to panic as he buttoned up his shirt, he threw on his cardigan and practically flew out the door. In the distance, he could hear Maeve in the background calling out for him to drink his coffee before leaving.
The train ride to work was truly a test of his patience. He couldn’t keep his knee still and checked his watch religiously. After the train stopped, was the first one off and ran as fast as his poor feet could take him. He stopped running when he got to the FBI Headquarters as to not alarm anyone, but raced to the sixth floor anyway.
As he opened the glass doors he searched frantically for any familiar face, “Garcia!” He yelled as he spotted her bright yellow clad figure across the bullpen. He pushed through tired agents and messy desks to get to her. Everything else was the same, the office was just as he remembered it.
“Good morning, boy wonder! How are you today?” She smiled graciously, holding a few files in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.
“Have you seen Y/N?” He asked impatiently. She pulled her brows together.
“Do you mean Y/N...Y/L/N?” She asked slowly, as if trying to recall her name.
“Yes, of course I mean Y/N Y/L/N. Who else would I be talking about?” Spencer asked, once again losing more of his patience.
“No, I haven’t seen her, to be honest. I don’t see much of the White-Collar Crime division up here unless Hotch asks for them. Why do you need Y/N? Is she okay?” Garcia casually answered, as if her answer hadn’t turned his world--this world--whatever the hell he was experiencing upside down.
“White-Collar crime? No, that can’t be right.” Spencer muttered to himself as his brain raced a million miles a second.
“Reid, is everything alright? Is there a possible case? Should I tell Hotch?” Garcia asked, but Spencer was barely listening.
 He was on his way back to the elevators again, leaving an extremely confused Penelope in his wake. He raced down to the fourth floor, to the White-Collar crime division. As the elevator doors opened, his eyes scanned the crowded floor for her.
“Dr. Reid! It’s nice to see you down here. What can I do for you?” An agent, Agent Seymour, he’s met perhaps once before asked him.
“Hi, yes, I’m um..looking for one of your agents. Agent Y/L/N.” Spencer stuttered, it was weird saying her name so formally. But he had to see it with his own eyes.
“Yes, of course, right this way. I think she just came in.” The agent led him to a desk in the middle of the bullpen and left him, saying that she was probably getting coffee and should be back an second. Spencer looked over her desk and compared it with how her desk at the BAU looked like. Gone were the trinkets and books he’d given her. Gone was the candle she never lit, but kept anyway because she said it smelled like him. It was like staring at a stranger’s desk, so desolate, so...un-special.
“Jeremy, stop. I almost spilled my coffee!” She giggled from behind him. He’d recognize her voice anywhere. He turned to see her and his lungs filled with relief as he spotted her familiar face across the bullpen. There she was, in all her glory. Looking as beautiful as ever. His Y/N. But the relief was ripped away all too suddenly as he watched on. She had her coffee in one hand and the other was swatting a very sheepish looking Jeremy, he assumed.
“I’m sorry, baby. I just missed you.” He spoke, wrapping his arms around her waist and pressing a kiss to her lips. 
She blushed immediately and shied away, “Jeremy, we’re in the office!” She giggled again and pulled away from him, glancing around the office as if to check if anyone saw the moment of affection. Spencer’s blood boiled before he realized.
She looked so happy. 
So much happier than she ever looked when she was with him. His heart sank to his feet and he felt like he was incapable of lifting it back up to its rightful place in his chest. He wondered if this was the universe’s cruel, cruel way of letting him know just how shitty of a boyfriend he’s really been. Fire of envy festered in the place where his heart used to reside. He wasn’t sure if it was jealousy, resentment, or guilt. 
It all felt so strange. It felt like there was suddenly way too much pressure in his head. Before he could begin to compute the events unfolding before him, he realized she had spotted him at her desk and was now making her way across the bullpen, separating from her Jeremy. Before he could freak out, she was speaking to him. And all he could focus on was the shape of her lips and the faint memory of how they felt pushing against his.
“Dr. Reid! To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here?” She asked politely, but Spencer could tell that she was immeasurably confused by his presence, “Does Agent Hotchner need something from the White Collar crimes archives?”
Spencer panicked, “Yes! Um, he does...and um he asked me to ask you s-specifically. That’s why I’m here, heh.” He stammered like the nervous wreck he was and wiped his sweaty palms on the inside of his pockets.
“Okay, that’s no problem. Just tell me the number of the file and I’ll get it for you.” She smiled slightly, setting her cup of coffee down on her desk. At least her coffee order was still the same as it was. 
She disappeared for a few moments after he gave her a random sequence of numbers. Spencer wasn’t even sure how his legs were still capable of holding himself up. When she came back and he got a whiff of her perfume, his body completely stilled. He knows that scent like the back of his hand, he’d given it to her for their first anniversary. The fresh scent nearly sent him into anaphylactic shock. He’d accepted the file and scurried back to the sixth floor without another word, once again leaving a confused woman in his wake.
Spencer collapsed at his desk and rubbed his head like it would somehow fix this. Whatever this was. Everyone around him operated so normally and went about their day while he was seconds away from losing his mind. 
Was he having a schizophrenic scare? Did his symptoms bleed into his 30’s even though they weren’t supposed to? What was this alternate universe where he’d lost the one good thing he’s ever known? How was he supposed to get back? Did he want to go back? What would happen if he did? Would it be fair for Y/N to stick with him when he knew she would be so much happier with someone else? Would he try harder for her? Would he stop shutting her out? Would the woman he loved so dearly ever love him back?
He must not have ever been deserving of her love and the universe was punishing him in the worst way possible. To have her be within arm’s reach but to never be able to hold her. 
Once upon a time, he would have given up anything and everything to be with Maeve, but that was before Y/N. Before she gave him a new life, one he wanted to live. One where waking up wasn’t such a task. One where seeing her smile at him was enough to make him forget about all his worries. But now Y/N looked at him with barely a sliver of recognition. There was no affection or adoration behind those eyes and maybe he deserved that.
But how was this universe expecting him to go on like everything is fine? Like he hadn’t just lost the love of his life? No one else in this warped version of Spencer’s reality was feeling as dejected as Spencer was.
“Reid, are you feeling alright?” The voice of none other than Aaron Hotchner brought him out of his stupor. Spencer had unknowingly been sobbing into his hands for the past few minutes. Hotch was taken aback at the extent of Spencer’s disheveled state.
“H-Hotch, I need to go home. I can’t be here. I’m sorry.” Spencer packed his things and ran out the building before he realized he had nowhere to go. Home wasn’t his home anymore. He couldn’t exactly go back and see his dead girlfriend wandering around his apartment. He couldn’t be at work where Y/N was, so blissfully unaware of the crisis Spencer was in the middle of.
He wandered the streets of DC aimlessly as he tried to reorganize the events in his head and somehow make sense of them. Just a few days ago, he and Y/N had been holding one another on his couch. Sure, they’d been in a rut recently, but they still loved each other. At least that’s what he thought.
He walked and walked, miles on end, keeping his gaze on his feet as he tried to piece bits together. An IQ of 187 and he had absolutely no idea how whatever was happening to him happened. Even the multiple universes theory didn’t have his back. If he was ‘here’, where has ‘here’s’ Spencer gone? 
His feet had taken him to the local park, where he and Y/N used to sit under the stars. He found himself reminiscing the times they were together. He saw himself and Y/N in every couple that passed him by. Exhausted, Spencer took a seat on a patch of grass. He buried his face into his hands and tried to relieve himself of the headache he’d developed. 
“Hey, mister! Watch out!!” He heard a child yell way too loudly.
Groaning at the volume, he looked up to see the vague shape of a spinning baseball increasing in size as it moved closer….closer. Spencer had no time to react before he was knocked out cold by the baseball.
The first thing she’d heard was the incessant beeping of...something next to her. After that, she’d heard faint chatter. The voices sounded familiar but she just couldn’t put her finger on it. She whimpered in pain which caught the attention of everyone in the room. The chatter ceased. 
“Y/N? Honey, it’s Pen, can you hear me?” A voice called. She fought to open her eyes.
Why was it so hard to open her eyes? It was like they were glued shut. Why did everything hurt? What is that smell?
She made a small noise of agreement to the voice that called, but could not coordinate herself enough to speak or open her eyes.
“Y/N, darling, you’re in the hospital, okay? You were in a car accident.” She spoke softly. 
But the words weren’t soft at all. Her words had opened up a Pandora’s box of previously suppressed memories. Suddenly it was hard to breathe. It was hard to breathe as she tried to remember the last moments before the fog. She remembered seeing him so angry, eyes so wild. Who is he? So...so close. She whimpered in pain as she fought the fog away. 
So much blood. 
So much pain.
The others watched as she began to writhe against the hospital bed in discomfort. Her eyes snapped open the second she saw his face in her mind, frantically searching the room for him.
“Sp-Sp--” She began, but couldn’t formulate the rest of the word. Exhausted and defeated by the lack of his presence, she lay back on the bed.
“Hey, hey, calm down. Spencer’s...Spencer’s fine, alright? You can’t see him right now, but you will be able to.” Those words were the last thing she heard before she slipped off into a silent slumber.
Hours later, she awoke again. But this time with enough strength to open her eyes immediately. Her limbs felt like they weighed tons, she could barely lift a finger. The room was empty besides a single chair with a blurry figure seated in it.
“Spencer?” She uttered almost inaudibly and the figure moved.
“Hey there. Sorry, I’m not Spencer.” The figure moved closer and she recognized the blonde sheen.
“JJ.” Y/N croaked with relief, happy to see a friend. JJ promptly gave her some water in a cup and adjusted the bed so that she would be able to swallow it.
“How are you feeling?” She asked, taking the cup from Y/N’s trembling hands.
Y/N shook her head imperceptibly, “Is...Spence--is he?” Y/N barely got to finish her thought before the tears settled in.
“No, gosh, no. He’s alive. Thankfully, you both made it out alive.” JJ said with relief, leaning her elbows against the side of her bed. Y/N felt her breathing get easier as she learned of the news. She blinked hard, trying to control the tears, but they just flowed out.
“It’s my fault, JJ.” she paused to take a deep breath and JJ took one of her hands in hers, “I was the one driving. I should have been more careful. I-I was so mad.” She sobbed, the tears escaping.
“Hey, no, it’s alright now. Okay, you’ve both made it out alive, that’s what’s important.” JJ rubbed Y/N’s knuckles.
“W-where is he? I need to see him.” Y/N attempted to sit up but winced from the sharp pain in her side.
“Um..yeah, about that. You can’t really get up yet. You’ve got three broken ribs, a broken leg, and a severe concussion.” JJ delivered the news and Y/N’s tears seemed to flow even harder.
Before she could respond, Hotch, Penelope, and a nurse walked into the room, “Oh, sunshine! It’s so good to see you awake!” Penelope squealed and kissed her wet cheek gently before wiping away her tears. The nurse checked all her vitals and gave her some extra information before she left. Y/N forced a smile and sat back, but something in the room felt heavy.
“What’s going on? What aren’t you guys telling me?” Y/N frowned, staring at her friends. She saw them all exchange a look and Hotch being the most straightforward man she knows decided to deliver the news.
“It’s Spencer. Unfortunately, Spencer’s brain has swelled significantly and doctors don’t know when he’ll wake. It’s already been almost 42 hours since the accident.” Hotch frowned, watching Y/N’s expression turn from a hopeful one into one of the most unbearable expressions of grief.
“Wh--what, what does that mean? Does that mean he’s--is he ever going to wake up?” She began to panic, her heart rate audibly increasing. She squeezed JJ’s hand as hard as she could.
“We can’t be sure yet, the swelling has to go down before doctors can make any claims. It’s still too early to say he’s in a coma, which is a good sign. He’s also been showing steady signs of improvement.” Hotch said and Y/N covered her face to shield herself away from the embarrassment of openly sobbing.
JJ and Penelope both looked at the bruised and broken girl on the bed with tears brimming their eyes, unsure of what to do.
“I have to see him. Please. Please, JJ.” Y/N sobbed, pleading at the woman beside her. JJ looked towards Hotch for guidance.
“I’ll speak with the Doctor and see what I can do.” Hotch nodded once and left the room. Aaron Hotchner was simply a man you couldn’t say no to. Thankfully, this extended to doctors as well. The next time someone came in, they entered with a wheelchair. After many screams and with the help of three nurses and a doctor, they managed to get Y/N into the wheelchair. They rolled her off into Spencer’s room where he lay motionless on a bed just like hers. The sight of him so frail with so many tubes going in and out of his orifices should have overwhelmed her, but she was just so happy to see him breathing. Once again she could barely control her tears as she weakly gripped at the hand that was closest to her. She pressed sloppy, uncoordinated kisses to the back of his hand and pleaded for him to wake.
The sight was overwhelming, even for Hotch. It was difficult to see their two youngest agents fight for their lives.
And for the next two days, this is how it went. Y/N would wake from her slumber, request to see Spencer and would not leave his side unless her Doctor absolutely required her to. She didn’t care about what he’d said to her before the crash, she didn’t care. It didn’t matter. She just wanted him here. She wanted to hear his voice again. What a luxury that was.
Slowly, Spencer began improving. He’d begin to open his eyes but shut them immediately afterwards. He’d make noises, even though they were very garbled, they were very welcome. Y/N would read to him, she’d have any one of their friends bring over his favorite books and she’d pass the time reading to him. It was difficult at first, but she’d improved too.
On the fifth day, he was awake and fully conscious before she even got to his room.
He heard his teammates speaking around him again and what a relief it had been to wake in a hospital bed rather than his own bed. He let out a heavy sigh of relief as they updated him of what happened in the recent days. 
It wasn’t real. 
None of it was.
Maeve wasn’t there, Y/N was his, no one else’s.
He’d been sure of it when they’d rolled her into his room and near his bed, eyes lit with hope surrounded by healing scrapes and bruises.
“Spence? Spencer!” She exclaimed, “Oh thank God you’re awake.” She whispered trying her hardest to lean towards him on the bed.
Spencer fought to raise his arm to touch her arm, “Y/N? A-are you really here?” He whispered back.
“I’m here baby, I’m here. I’m never leaving you.” She sobbed, leaning her face into his awaiting palm. Spencer’s chest filled with immense relief as his thumbs caught her fallen tears.
“Y/N, wait--Y/N, I’m so sorry...I’m so sorry about what I said. I remember. I didn’t mean it. You’re the one for me. Life is perfect with you.” Spencer frowned as tears of his own raced down his cheeks.
Y/N shook her head, “It’s okay, I don’t care about that anymore. I could have lost you. I-if I had lost you, I would have lost myself Spencer. I love you so much. I love you so much.” She repeated as she kissed the palm of his hand. 
“I love you so much, Y/N.”
How could he have ever wished to live without this? Without her?
The universe had taught him his lesson and boy was he glad he had learned it.
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sanghyukstattoos · 3 years
Summary: located in a cabin, just off the intersection between empty land, an unlawful village and vast, unchecked mountains, two people are stuck there for a week at most and plenty of resources
Genre: fluff-fluff; smut-smut-smut
Characters: optional bias x reader
A/N: Just to keep you occupied
You frolic on the bed, scampering off the edges and laying back flat on the mattress. A cabin foxes you and him in, almost in the middle of nowhere. You have a few days. And nobody is around before you have to leave. So you resolve whatever you have to say in this period of time. When is it better to say it if not now?
He chuckles when he enters the room. Your arms are outstretched, the small shirt you are wearing rides up. It is barely buttoned, just the first two are on and the rest separates as you raise your arms. He can not hitch, that happened the first time around. That was a step which was now avoided, not deliberately. His reactions are now automatic.
No steps to something. He throws his clothes in the corner and sits beside you, prompting a smile. He is in his jeans and t-shirt- the latter which he takes off first, revealing his lean, well-built structure. No words are exchanged. He traces your stomach to your navel, heating up your core along the way.
Your hands stay up, out of habit. Wrists together, you hold them up despite the slight ache. He leans to your stomach, prompting a giggle from you. Within reason. He touches his nose to your stomach, sniffing the way you smell. Like a baby. How he is accustomed to always smell this same one, always reason it with you. You smell like a baby, he can never forget that.
He finds that cute. And he makes it a point to make fun of you for it. No reason, he finds love in being teasing towards you. The way you smile and shy away, hitting his arm and trying to think of something to tease him about. His hands are on either side of your belly, inching him downwards.
Your panties are of lace, skimpy. From behind they barely cover your buttocks. It stirred his groin when he saw you like this. You gasp, fingers tightening over the sheets. Through your panties, his nose briefly touches your sex. It is fleeting but enough. He growls, hooking his fingers into your underwear. Slowly, slowly, he pulls them off your legs, watching every movement they make.
He is pushed over the edge. Every encounter with you feels like a solid memory. You had suggested that you spend this time purposefully. He agreed and now it was happening. His cock hardens, constricted within his underwear and second layer of jeans. Your eyes twinkle mischievously from your spot. You do not move.
He bites his lower lip, tugging it as his fingers touch your sex. He feels a sigh escape him, leaving his lower lip so that it settles. You are warm, a little bit sticky. It is enough for him. You let out a whimper when he stimulates your clitoris, coating his fingers in the liquid. Your legs tremble a little bit. He is working up your second release, presumably of this hour.
Your sounds let him know that he is doing well. A collective sigh is embraced once again just like how you get used to this feeling. He eases a finger in. You feel the tightness, like an ache but only pleasurable. You furrow your eyebrows, you aren't sure how to describe it. He removes his fingers, invoking a raise of the eyebrows.
Alarm. What was he doing?, you think. Somewhere, your panties lay discarded but your bra and shirt is still on. He makes a mental note to remove those later, with care of course. Anticipation. So much of it. He waits for a spell, a beat, a tick of the clock. Your smile grows bigger.
He comes up to your sex, eliciting a jump from you. A little jerk. His nose had made contact with your sex. Unexpected to you, it had been on his mind. He leans and licks a stripe, experimentally, flicking his eyes up to see the expression on your face. He continues after he can clearly make it out: the haziness, mouth wide open from surges of arousal.
He grasps your legs, keeping them open after you threaten to clench them. He loves your responses. You gasp, breath hitched. His mouth drives sensual sensations into your body, teasing you to the best of his ability. Clenching your fists around the sheets, there's a still moment where you furrow your eyebrows, not in the same way as before.
Sweat lines your temples. Your body is heated up. You release, around his fingers pumping in and out of you, filling you again and again. It's pleasurable. You slump from your tense posture, sighing in relief and in a moment, you meet his smiling eyes and fingers leaving your sex.
He gently grasps your hands in his, placing kisses on your sex, your belly, chest that rises and lips, hovering above you. The sunset colours the room, leaving the two of you out of sight but with enough light so that you can see each other. You are equally satisfied with that.
''You sound so beautiful.'' he whispers, rolling a condom and leisurely, very steadily, he sinks into you.
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alessabriel · 3 years
Moments like those were unique with characters from tokyo revengers.
I'm really loving the Tokyo Revengers manga and I couldn't help but write about some characters, when I go later in the manga I will write about even more characters and I hoped to get it right. Take good care of yourselves, drink water and eat well, it is important to.
Anyway Byebye ✨
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➡️Draken | Ken Ryuuguuji
The sun filtered through the window with lilac curtains giving the room a slight glow illuminating the scene within it; a tall young man with blond hair sat on the floor on the black carpet with a noticeably smaller girl behind him.
There was no one else with whom he could let his guard down like this.
Draken despite the cold shower, knowing that he has rested well and that he should not be sleepy, your soft hands combing him make him drowsy, lethargic and with heavy eyelids, he could hardly see your reflection in the mirror in front of him. He, concentrated on his braid and there was nothing better in the world than you being so close that he could feel your warmth, your soft caresses.
With care and gentleness you manage each blonde strand between your fingers, intertwining little by little. You did not see the mirror, they only saw blonde locks that slipped between your fingers, he had beautiful and well-groomed hair. Almost finalizing the braid was when you directed your gaze towards the mirror in front of you; Draken seemed to be nowhere near falling asleep again from the way he nodded slightly.
"Are you sleepy Ryu?"
A denial was the answer clearly but you only laughed at the obviousness of his lie, he was so cute when he was so helpless and vulnerable with you. They were unique moments and by how he snuggled between your legs he said that he only wanted to spend a few more minutes like that, together.
In the morning when even their paths did not separate, Ken Ryuuguuji could allow himself moments of vulnerability where you would cradle him carefully, smiling at all times and he did not need to have his eyes open to know that your face only showed love, he had already gone through a long stage of doubts, denial and self-inflicted pain that knowing who you are, his partner, that you are by his side and that you do not have any doubt in loving him as he is, with everything included only makes him feel more secure. Draken didn't doubt his love for you, he never could.
"I just want to stay like this for a few minutes"
"All you wish Ryuu"
The "I love you" were in the air and were received by both, they knew that love was mutual ...
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➡️Mikey | Sano Manjiro.
The days you left school were naturally late thanks to the extra classes, the club, and other activities. It was normal to walk through the hallways of the school meeting only a few students from grades above who gave tired greetings, it must be difficult to be anywhere from leaving you assumed.
The silence was comforting as something cold.
Once with your outdoor shoes on, you left school seeing how your boyfriend was on his motorcycle with his cell phone in hand distracted, a clumsy idea emerged from the depths of your head and you executed it without thinking twice; you covered his eyes with your hands feeling the seconds how his hands touched yours, it was difficult to hold the laughter.
Mikey only limited himself to smiling without you seeing him, from the moment he felt your warm presence he knew it was you and only as confirmation the sweet aroma of your perfume invaded the air making it comforting, you were warmth, affection and home. You were so smiling, sweet, attentive and funny that sometimes he thought how you had noticed him.
As if you had a detector for his pessimism, you kissed your boyfriend on the cheek when you discovered his eyes showing your remarkable pout openly.
"You are bad guessing love" you accused fun catching your partner's face in your hands, you held between your little hands a mysterious, beautiful and so enigmatic world called Sano Manjiro "It will be that I am very good and I take you by surprise. What if? "
Mikey could only smile and let himself be carried away by your beautiful voice, you seemed to have a sixth sense for when he was just getting into negative thoughts about his relationship and he felt grateful for it, you were so special and irreplaceable.
"Aha, of course" accepted the blond amused, receiving another kiss with pleasure but this time on the lips. Mikey loved the feel of your smooth lips against his own, he could taste the taste of your gloss directly from your lips and it was the best feeling in the universe. "Come on I'll take you home."
The words died from the moment you got on the motorcycle behind your boyfriend, clinging with both arms to his waist and hiding your face from the wind that you knew would impact on your face that you still did not get used to. The soft roar of the motorcycle lulled you, the aroma of fabric softener, sun and sweets coming from your boyfriend only made you feel even more comfortable that it was inevitable not to rub your cheeks against his back, love overflowed from your heart .
"I love you Manji" you whispered softly, without the intention of making you listen but because of a red light one of Mikey's hands was caressing yours, you knew that he had heard you.
"I love you even more S / o-chan"
The green light on the traffic light sealed the rest of the trip in a pleasant and sweet silence, where they knew they were safe.
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➡️Hanagaki Takemichi
It was late when they finally managed to get out of the game room, both laughing at monumental losses in silly games but with a more than happy smile on their lips. Takemichi couldn't help but smile and feel the constant pounding on his chest as your fingers were intertwined with his own, it felt good.
"I had a lot of fun today Michi" you said once you were both waiting for the train at the station, your gaze fixed to the front and then looking at your side hoping to find him looking elsewhere but you met his unmistakable bright eyes that made you blush "We should go out like this more often, I say if you don't have more meetings with Touman "
"I think the same! We won't have any meetings at the moment so you will put up with me longer, ”Takemichi joked laughing.
"I like spending time with Takemichi-kun so it wouldn't be to put up with it, it would be spending quality time with my boyfriend"
You refuted by giggling when you heard that he was choking on his own saliva, so you let go of his hand to gently hit his back helping him out of his stupor. Takemichi could only try to stop coughing and when he did he felt you closer, one of your arms behind his back surrounding him and how you leaned against his. It was instinct and perhaps the feelings of him speaking for him since he left a kiss on your head, he could smell the fruity aroma of your shampoo and the unmistakable essence of your perfume.
Little did you know that your Takemichi could only think of a way to save you, never to lose your smile and treasure each new memory.
You were his first and only love ...
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➡️Atsushi Sendo | Akkun
The journey from his school to your school was about half an hour, but it was worth every tiny second for Atsushi who, like every Friday, had separated from his other friends to pass by you. Even though they had been going out as boyfriends for more than two and a half years, he still felt the nerves all over his body and the butterflies flying in his stomach that multiplied when he saw him leave the main doors laughing at something that your friends said, you looked beautiful with the glow of the sunset making you the center of their world. It was ridiculous how just by seeing you could make him fall in love more. Trying to regulate his nerves I wait for you when he saw you say goodbye to your friends and jog the rest of the way towards him. Was it even allowed to look this good and attractive in a school uniform? He did not know.
"Did you take too long Atsu?" you questioned your boyfriend smiling.
The other people ceased to exist the moment you approached him, the moment he could see your bright eyes and catch the sweet aroma of your perfume in the air.
"Not at all I just arrived a few minutes ago, how was school?"
With a remarkable pout you started with your remarkable anecdote of this day without even knowing that Atsushi was looking at you as if you were hanging the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky. Akkun only listened and commented from time to time, until it was his turn to tell about his day at school. Neither of them noticed when their hands clasped, it was natural.
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➡️Tachibana Hinata
The dark sky above their heads only gave more seriousness and intimacy at the moment, with her nerves on the surface Hinata could only see how the wind moved your hair and carried in it, the scent of your shampoo or perhaps your perfume. perfume that I gave you on your birthday a year ago?
"The moon is beautiful tonight" you said to the air.
Hinata did not take long to detect the message behind your prayer, endless nights watching k-dramas, anime and watching movies xianxia by your side made her understand the references, she loved how you expressed yourself so casually by dropping messages of your unconditional love.
"If the moon is beautiful S / o"
When Hinata thought that silence would fill the air, your voice was heard again but this time in front of her. Hinata could only swallow hard to see you standing in front of her, so she could see the difference in heights between the two and how the elegant beauty accentuated your being, you were so pretty and attractive that it could not cross her mind that you corresponded her feelings but there they were; in the park late at night on a romantic getaway that consisted of a motorcycle ride and talking in a park where they had confessed.
"But I can't help but think that I'm lucky to be able to call you my girlfriend Nat."
"It is not worth it! You always know what to say and you leave me like a fool in love looking at you. You're unfair S / o-chan! "
Before her words continued Hinata felt your lips brush against hers, your kisses were so soft and gentle that she felt so fragile in your arms, so loved and desired.
"I love you so much Nat"
The kisses continued gentle, soft and in order to communicate love, one more memory that the couple would engrave in her memory.
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✨ Here is the end, comments are welcome and if not has in the same way thanks ✨
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