#but like jojo is genuinely just gay
buggo-buggo · 5 months
Waow, they are “”homosexual’ 😍! So cool!. Love them.
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(Notice how Annasui is fully inside the rainbow)
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apersonwholikeslotus · 2 months
kdfjfdskjf jojo siwa is being accused of stealing karma and claiming it as her own and i'm losing it bc her rebuttal wasn't "i didn't steal it because i wrote it" her rebuttal was "there's no such thing as stealing in music" sweetheart, sing a taylor swift song and call it your own and see what happens.
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dashiellqvverty · 2 years
i just feel have not seen a single post/tweet/etc about taika waititi or love and thunder that has felt normal or like a reasonable/proportional response to the film. (this post got way too long and i feel embarrassed and cringe about it so its going under a cut)
i see a tweet criticizing him for poking fun at the cgi in a clip used as promo, and like, okay the phrasing of the tweet kind of exaggerates how cruel he is being (about a character that he literally plays), but the points being made about how vfx artists are overworked and underpaid is absolutely true. but the tweet is made by a zack snyder stan account positioning taika waititi himself as the poster boy of the MCU and the symbol of the companies treatment of vfx artists as a whole. which is weird. i think.
i see a post on here about the same clip, half the notes are diehard loki stans who already view taika as the devil incarnate because he “disrespected” their baby boy in ragnarok talking about how hes an asshole and they hate him because he has a huge ego etc etc. and more posts using these moments as the core basis to talk about the MCU and why its bad as a whole and i just. since when was he the face of the MCU?? i know he made the movie that most recently came out but i am just.
we KNOW that the directors barely play a role in these films we all reblogged that article about how half the movie is made - not just written, but literally the scenes have been created digitally etc - before the director even signs on and we KNOW ragnarok is an outlier (and from what i hear this film is more standard MCU fare, though i also hear it reads like a kind of parody of that, which i could absolutely believe, but i need to see it for myself ofc). but suddenly when its a guy we’ve decided needs to get taken down a peg its ONLY his fault?
 like obviously i like taika waititi a lot i have Feelings for him and also i like his work!!!! but the point of this post isnt to be like omg defending taika online isnt enough i need a sword im just like. why do i need to defend him?? what did he do??? he clearly doesnt give a shit about marvel like i think thats what it comes down to at the end of the day. marvel movies will never be truly good no matter who makes them so he made a(n apparently) bad movie and got his paycheck. obviously i don’t actually know him or his motivations etc etc and im not going to die on the hill of defending a fucking marvel director or whatever but the intensity of the backlash just feels. genuinely weird to me.
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absolutebl · 1 year
Genuine Question: Given how much people hate problematic topics in BL eg: kp, mame, love syndrome, etc. why is everyone so damn excited about Only Friends? Like we know nothing about the show. It's GMMTV so how sexy is it going to get? you know, like it's GMMTV. I like the cast as much as anyone and particularly FirstKhao but I don't see this 'sexiness' everyone is going so crazy over? Is it some bts thing like I know the director is jojo and he's gay. Is that why everyone so excited? Is it because we just haven't gotten anything really brilliant this year that gets the whole BL fandom together and that's why people are hoping this will, is that what's going on? I like everyone involved well enough but 'sexy', 'crazy', 'problematic', 'high heat'... I don't get it.
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Only Friends & Jojo
Genuine answer.
Okay so this question got me invested enough to get off the phone, over to the laptop, and onto hotel wifi, which means typos rather than dictation homophones, but there it is.
I guess what I am saying it...
mistakes will be made
From the tenor of your question methinks you have not watched Friend Zone? It's a 2 part series. Mostly messy hets but...
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Also a TON of broad spectrum queer rep (lesbian, bi, ace, demi). Real queers, not sanitized for straight consumption.
Because yeah, GMMTV will get messy and go into higher heat levels in a late night way (not in a KP way).
But actually what has most people excited about Only Friends is it being sourced in this man:
Jojo Tichakorn Phukhaotong
Jojo is a screenwriter (originals) and director, openly gay, multifaceted and a little experimental, naturally talented (on the job trained - he's an archaeologist originally), and he is behind:
The Warp Effect, Friend Zone and MOST importantly (IMHO)...
3 Will Be Free
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There are others too, but for the purposes of this post, those are the 3 that count. I think of him a little as the GMMTV director version of Ohm's acting.
Jojo specializes in:
ensemble pieces,
good chemistry (NOT necessarily high heat, so by this I mean actor chemistry with each other all around - couples, cast, team, production)
working with and finding actors within GMMTV's stable who work well together (even if that means busting up a pair),
a queer lens,
queer rep,
and often very messy story (as in he is not invested in the traditional beats of a romance, let alone a BL).
AND he can shoot action (this is a specific skill set for directors and it's NOT easy),
thus he will shoot his sex/intimacy & COMEDY scenes as if they WERE action sequences.
This makes his stuff particularly exciting to watch. It's dynamic, there's a lot of movement, the eye is caught and dragged places. He doesn't use dirty/peekaboo framing or central aperture or manga style (not with INTENT the way trained directors do). In fact he does none of those things I harp on about because I like the romance stuff.
He's not being clever with us. He's being honest, but still applying skill. His stuff not quite raw, but also not really directed. You can tell he gives his actors a script, throws them together and then instructs them to just BE THOSE CHARACTERS. He has a light touch, he trusts them. He's not fussy or nit-picky. He's not doing a million takes to get that sene exactly how he envisions it. His ensemble pieces are just that, group projects.
His eye is wide, even for intimacy, by which I mean: he controls and watches for multiple actors at once when there are a lot of them on screen together, without them feeling stiff.
His style is quite organic but not too gritty.
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Struggling to understand what I mean?
For example, watch a Jojo "group of friends chatting" scene where everyone is just standing around then watch the same thing in, say, SCOY. You'll see what I mean. SCOY is also a very queer ensemble piece, but it will feel quite stiff, unnatural, and "planned" (staged) by comparison.
For the giffers out there you might notice that Jojo's stuff is particularly difficult to gif cleanly? This is why.
I find him an exciting director. I didn't cover him in my directors overview because at the time he hadn't done much BL (and frankly, he still hasn't). It's not his focus.
I think Only Friends is actually not likely to be very BL. Queer = yes, BL = NO. He won't hit the tropes and there is no reason to assume it will end happily for all couples (if any). That's not Jojo's point of view.
He doesn't play our game. As a result, some of those excited by the idea of this show (or excited the general enthusiasm & anticipation around it), may be doomed to disappointment.
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It's one of the reasons you don't see me getting excited about it.
I'm a fan of specifically the fluffy side of BL, this will NOT be that. And I can appreciate a director without necessarily liking the stories he tells.
I am industry enough to acknowledge Jojo's skill (and I LOVE 3 Will Be Free - just not as a BL), but I don't always like his narratives. No matter how good he is, his stuff is not why I personally watch Thai BL.
It's GMMTV, so how sexy is it going to get?
Again, see Friend Zone. GMMTV has a late night pantheon, mostly for het, but they will get salacious. Lots of cheating and terrible decisions. There will be no archetypes. Characters will exist in grey areas, even the "good" characters. There will be no paladins in this show. No seme/uke.
To answer this frankly?
Only Friends will get soap opera or telenovella sexy but no more. So we will be in Midnight Chicken territory, not Bed Friends.
I think the words being bandied about:
'sexy', 'crazy', 'problematic', 'high heat'
are used here on tumblr (and in fandom) as an attempt to articulate expectations set up by Jojo's style.
Most viewers only react emotionally to the tenor of a director with this set of skills. That's fine, that's what the production company wants: A visceral emotional reaction.
But I hope I've managed to clarify from a film-critic perspective what's bringing this sensation about?
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But ALSO seeing a bunch of, essentially, lower heat pure BL pairs, have to push themselves into messy queer spaces? (Notice GMMTV only let the more established actors into this one? No JoongDunk, no GeminiFourth)
This is probably really what everyone is excited about.
They are gonna see their favorites cheat, sleep around, be gay (not BL gay, but actual gay). Some are legitimately excited about this, some are shipper excited, and the BL-stans who don't know Jojo are doomed to disappointment.
I'm mostly excited by how messy this is gonna make the fandom.
Su su na.
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vegasandhishedgehog · 8 months
Seeing a lot of upset posts about how the show ended with Boston and feeling like something really went over a few heads. Do I also believe Boston deserved better? Yes. But let's be realistic in the way Jojo and Ninew approached this.
Boston and his promiscuity have been the target of harsh judgements from episode one. And the writers have stated that he has a moral code, it's just very different from others. I was never expecting him to state it outright, that it would just be a thing worth paragraphs of speculative meta, but he does!
Boston stated his definition of boyfriend. If he wants to be exclusive, that's for all the emotional bonding that he desires with someone special, but does not deny him the ability to fulfill his physical desires with whomever he wishes. That's not just polyamory, it's a very specific kind!!! And it's entirely different from the traditional sort of relationship society has accepted. The thing is, he wouldn't have discovered that possibility without knowing Nick.
Boston did genuinely fall for Nick. But how could he have handled that properly when he has no experience being loved and has never learned how to love someone back? Moreover, how could he come to the conclusion that he likes being exclusive in one way but not another without absolutely fumbling the bag with someone who's on a different page? It's not exactly Nick's fault that he prefers physical affection to be exclusive as well, that's just how he is. There couldn't have been any discussion about this, it was a discovery in the making.
The truth is Boston would still have a hard time finding happiness in Thailand due to the political climate, especially with his father being a politician. He's gay and that alone makes achieving his dreams more difficult, but being as promiscuous as he is means even a majority of the queer community will shut him out. He's better off moving to the states where at least he has rights and better acceptance for who he is. And that's what happened.
Because having a sexual or romantic appetite outside of monogamy is still looked down on. I still see it in the BL fandom. I see it just in general. 3 Will Be Free is so often cited as a must-watch, but how many people stick to their comfort branded pairings?* How many people have made or heard jokes about the "Seattle polycule"? How many romantic aces and allosexual aros get othered and excluded and judged for their identity?
Jojo said there was no intended message, but that doesn't mean there isn't one to be found. Boston's arc is a prime example of how slutty queers get treated even by their own peers, even by people who care about them most. It's a cry from the cold and lonely dark that if we think these people deserve better, we need to change existing paradigms and find how we can give them that!
Nick wasn't prepared to do that because he is still hurting, and that's also okay. Not everyone has to change themselves to make the puzzle pieces fit. Boston and Nick's story centers around that so much. Nick being jealous and trying to copy Top, Boston trying to be what he thinks a boyfriend is - they only hurt each other because the parts that don't fit are digging in.
I hope we get a second season, but if not friends, remember Boston. He represents such a particular demographic that gets hated on and ignored constantly, and they deserve a chance. They're not easy, but that doesn't mean they're not worth it. Remember Nick too. We all have a Nick in some manner - someone that made us want to try, but no matter how much we cared for each other it just wasn't going to work. Family, friends, partners, whoever.
Instead of being outraged with the show, be outraged with society. Do something about it. Be kinder. Community is important, now more than ever. I cannot possibly overstate how much we need community, especially among minorities.
*this isn't meant to be judgmental toward fans who prefer branded pairings or aren't interested in that particular show. I know watching anything requires time and energy and scratching a certain itch at the right moment. It is, however, a concern that so many fans complained about numerous aspects of OF to the point where the creators went to the effort of explaining themselves on a weekly basis and editing certain parts to avoid backlash. I mentioned 3 Will Be Free because it's another example of Jojo's work. Many BL fans have heard of it, but only a small portion seem to have watched, and that can be an indicator of certain biases. This is not to imply anyone who hasn't seen it has said biases and is only intended to encourage reflection if needed.
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wen-kexing-apologist · 9 months
BL/QL Ask game : The Ugly, the Bad and the Worst
Alright, I was tagged in this game by @clara-maybe-ontheroad, so it's time to make some enemies.
Worst soundtrack / weirdest song choice in a BL
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I don’t really pay the most attention to this, I can’t recall anything that sticks out to me as particularly egregious even if it may be a tad odd. Weirdest song choice though is Jojo and Ninew letting First sing in Only Friends. I love the boy but we all have our flaws and his is being horrifically out of tune.
Most cringe-inducing line (cute)
“Then I am gay too,” Bee from Between Us. A show that I did actually enjoy despite many people grumbling. I hold that it’s cause I didn’t wait three years for it, and didn’t know Until We Meet Again existed when I started watching it. But regardless, Bee and Prince had like 5 minutes of screen time, max and they won my motherfucking heart.
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Most cringe-inducing line (actually bad)
Not a specific line, but literally any time that Nuea questions whether or not Hia Lian loves him in Cutie Pie 2 You. Bestie, you already agonized over that for far, far too long in Cutie Pie, by the time you ran out of the marriage proposal at your father in law’s birthday, I was already way past over the bullshit. And now you want to get back on the bullshit when you are planning your wedding? Come on…
Most stupid decision made by a character
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I agree with @bengiyo, Teh giving up his spot in school for Oh. Honestly, you know what, looking even further back the stupidest decision was Oh and Teh’s friends coming up to Teh AT FOUR O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING THE DAY HE WAS GOING TO GO COMMIT TO COLLEGE TO TELL HIM OH WAS GIVING UP. Y’all couldn’t have fucking waited like…one day? You know Teh is stupid motherfucker prone to grand gestures.
Worst plot line
“I’m going to kill your mother from third hand cigarette smoke and spend the last hour and a half of a genuinely otherwise beautifully crafted show making the world’s longest anti-smoking campaign” by New Siwaj in My Only 12%. What a way to ruin a show at the very last minute.
The most problematic show you've watched
Fish Upon the Sky, what in the racism, support of stalking, invasion of privacy, manipulation was that show?
A show people love but you find bad
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Enchante. I just hate Theo so goddamn much.
A show people find bad but you will defend
Also gonna agree with @bengiyo here and say Wedding Plan, I have seen so little conversation around that show since it aired and it was super adorable and very very outside of MAME’s typical taboos. Just fluff, lesbianism, and lavender marriages abound. But if you think La Pluie is bad, then I will fight you to an early grave.
A show that is just objectively bad but you enjoyed it
I wouldn’t say it is my favorite, but I didn’t mind Vice Versa, but maybe that’s cause I was paying attention to trying to predict the next episode’s colors and not to the plot?
A bad show that you kept watching because you were intrigued/fascinated
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Mine is the same as @waitmyturtles. It’s currently still airing, so it’s entirely possible I drop it, but, Dangerous Romance, I am so mad at how quickly it is brushing past interesting topics, but I am still watching it because I am curious where they intend to go with it. I don’t think they can salvage it, but I need to know what it is they want to say that made them think handling this show the way they are is better than exploring literally any of the class questions presented in the first couple episodes.
A bad show that you kept watching because you were horny
I don’t really watch shows because I am horny,  I watch shows because- Why R U? FighterTutor, only reason I watched that show, I skipped through most of the rest of it.
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A bad show that you kept watching because of that one character
Why R U? Because Fighter was such a compelling character and I thought Zee did a phenomenal job in the way he handled Fighter’s internalized homophobia. I wish they were giving Zee more complicated roles than Hia Lian because he’s a strong actor and I think his talent is wasted on Cutie Pie.
A bad show that you would still recommend
I don’t really recommend shows that I think are bad to people, so it is a case by case basis. I did not end up liking A Boss and a Babe, but I did recommend @emotionallychargedtowel watch at least some of it so she could get a better idea of Book’s acting ability.
The character that ruined a show the most
Nadia, My Ride. She’s such a self-entitled, incredibly judgemental bitch and I hate her, runner up is Toy for destroying Boss’ bookshelf.
Most awful character that you hated
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Tawan, KinnPorsche. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. I was glad when he died, and I must commend Na for his performance because he did such a good job playing an asshole that I still hate his face when I see it.
Most awful character that you loved
Korn from KinnPorsche, I am obsessed with how casually evil he is, and how he keeps his loyalty through faked compassion rather than abusive fear the way Gun does. He’s consistently winning, even when his lies are revealed. I think he does a superb job of flying under the radar as a visibly awful character. But he’s a terrible person.
A character that wasn't awful but that you just don't like
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Saifah, Why R U? It’s not his fault, but I just hate Jimmy’s face.
A hero that should have been a villain
Palm, Never Let Me Go, I had too many theories about the ways in which Palm could have betrayed Nuengdiao. Hell, I’d have settled for Chanon being a villain, but no, only loyalty :(
A morally bad character you're into
*ahem* *gestures to my username*
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Wen Kexing, Word of Honor who has done nothing wrong in his entire life.
A morally bad character you're not into and you wish people would stop being into
Theo, Enchante, I hate that motherfucker with a burning passion. I know that I said I think Book should be able to play more assholes cause he’s doing a great job with Mew’s revenge era, but Theo was a goddamn fucking major asshole who was not really presented as such.
The show that disappointed you the most
Again, it’s not done yet, so there is still time to maybe climb out of this hole, but I am very disappointed by Dangerous Romance at the moment.
The Worst Show of Them All Because of Your Own Reasons
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Enchante because how the fuck do you think it is okay to write a romance where one of the romantic interests both creates the most fucked up, convoluted lie to mess with your feelings, AND is so goddamn helpless that you GET FIRED FROM YOUR JOB FOR HELPING HIM, and not have either of those things be a wake up call or deal breaker?!
Tagging @ranchthoughts, @respectthepetty, @solitaryandwandering
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…ok, so you mentioned ‘tome of the Seussaverse’, and im immediately intrigued just by the name. What is/was that?
Tome of the Suessaverse was a thought experiment my boyfriend and I get into on and off
The original idea was "so many creators are so desperate to be cool and edgy and liked by Twitter brats that it almost feels like they make every bad call on purpose...so what if we did that for real”
So we took a property no self respecting person would genuinely want to edgyify-Dr. Suess's work-and went to work on Suessaverse: A shared universe multiarc fanfiction where every character, plot, and relationship idea is done the worst it could be done while still being Twitter desirable
Some features included:
-Onceler and Grinch being in an abusive "marriage story" type romance that's problematic elements are always brushed over because it's gay
-Cindy Lou Who being confirmed bi by flirting with Sally from Cat in the Hat exactly once, while also being hypersexualized (we're not total weirdos, there's no children in this it's a real Riverdale "were actually all 25 now")
-The Cat in the Hat kills the main characters of his books mom in an effort to combine the four fish (one fish two fish red fish blue fish) in the foxes sock to create the bat from the live action meme
-The lorax has magic tree powers for fighting and dies in the first arc. He appears as a force ghost pretty regularly
-Jojo from the speckworld in Horton escapes his abusive mayor father as he is the chosen one to wield the Tome of the Suessaverse
-Horton has a human form that he stays in the entire story. And is dating Cindy
-The boy from Cat in the Hat is also secretly Ted from the Lorax universe and he's been dimension hopping (speck hopping) before the events of the story
-The gang stops Yertle the Turtle from committing genocide and he becomes a soft old man member of the team
-Oobleck is venom from Spider-Man
And that's just scratching the surface
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apollos-olives · 6 months
I also had to cut ties with ofmd, it’s weird coz I love history, but I didn’t know that the real Stede Bonnet was a slave owner. I mean, we know all about Blackbeard, but Blackbeard is so common in pirate tales and adaptations that I didn’t think much into it but then I did my research and found out that both Stede and Edward Teach (Blackbeard) were slave owners and it made me feel icky as a black person, so I decided to pirate the show (no pun intended).
Then Taika signed the Zionist letter and I couldn’t watch the show anymore. I also found out that he may or may not have fired Guz Khan for… reasons ( Guz Khan was the only pro Palestine actor on his show) and then I also found out about him and Hitler (I didn’t watch JoJo Rabbit, never cared about it or knew about it until recently).
It seems as if Taika Waititi has some sort of kink for taking horrible historical characters and turning them into fun loving, comedic characters.
Hitler is now comedic, comedic enough to be played by a Jewish man! Stede Bonnet and Edward Teach may have been slave owners… but it’s okay because they’re funny and gay! I bet you in 5 years, he’ll make a lesbian version of Golda Meir just for shits and giggles.
Idk man. Taika Waititi and his black fishing wife can go fuck off.
you're so right in cutting off that show completely. like the whole real slave owners part was absolutely horrible, but that on top of taika being a zionist and playing a quirky silly hitler?? he's genuinely so out of touch it's not even funny. genuinely really disgusting. he needs to be cut off from the film making industry fr
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Round 1 - Side A
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Propaganda below ⬇️
Enrico propaganda
He grew up in the church and became a priest. so devoted to his faith he ended the UNIVERSE to achieve the perfect world aka heaven
Hes Catholic but also so gay for this one vampire that he ended the world for him
He is LITERALLY one big metaphor for the catholic church as a villain. He’s a guy who believes himself to be a martyr on a fundamentally altruistic quest that will better humanity and the world, but in truth hes a destructive force blind to his faults and hypocritical of the atrocities he commits. Even his altruisim is just a lie (that he does believe himself though) because it all just stems from a deep rooted desire he has to alliviate the guilt he feels. Also hes obsessed with ”the world to come” to the point that hes downright nihilistic towards the current world he actually lives in, as well as the other people in it. which i mean. lol. Ultimately hes an insane delusional queen and he should win this because he is just That catholic. also he is a catholic priest :)
his names pussy bc he served cunt (in a catholic god honoring way)
I want my bestie’s guy in bere
No one could feel guilt to this level if not catholic
Religious Allegory mostly woth how his power(white snake) is contradictory it has white to make you think of good things but it contrast with snake a creature that tempted adam and eve. Although he is a Man of faith his stand's design is far from it being incredibly intimidating and lined with the genetic of dna whihc is scientific compared to faith.
Bro tries to kill a child
serial killer priest bro
HE IS INSANE He spent his whole life believing in fate and when his world turned around Shakespeare tragedy style he made it his mission to bring 「HEAVEN TO EARTH」, which means TEARING AWAY THE FABRIC OF REALITY SO THAT EVERYONE IS AWARE OF THEIR OWN FATE. How does he get there? Simple! By using a half-baked horse to SPEED UP TIME UNTIL THE UNIVERSE RESETS AND LAUNCHES EVERYONE INTO A NEW WORLD. How did he GET this horse??? Oh, as one does - his (dead) best friend's toe bone grew into a baby made of leaves that vored him, but he survived and grew even more eyebrows than he already had. And that's without getting into the STUFF that makes him a phenomenal, S-tier, fine wine that EXPLODES and causes you to see VISIONS type of character. That's just the surface. But, ah, that's Catholics for ya. Vote Enrico Pucci for king of the Catholic tournament. 👍🏻
Flayn Propaganda
she's honestly so much more interesting than people give her credit for. like she often gets written off as "funny little girl who likes fish" but like,,, she is so strong?? after you save her in chapter 6 and seteths first instinct is to hide themselves away from the world again and shes like fuck that shit! she has so much more of a connection to humanity than the others of her kind and that shows in her solo ending vs her paired ending w seteth, wherein she emerges from hiding as soon as she can when on her own but she and seteth emerge to a fódlan thats changed a lot technologically, so far far later. and i love her supports with everyone and shes so genuine and sweet and kind. flayns great i love her.
Patron Saint of Fish 🐟
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do u have any sam rockwell films you'd recommend….
i've downloaded: moon (seen before) box of moonlight confessions of a dangerous mind everybody's fine galaxy quest (seen before) matchstick men (seen before) seven psychopaths (seen before) snow angels three billboards (seen before) mr right (looks so fucking silly i cant wait for this one)
trying very hard to download better living through chemistry and piccadilly jim but torrent sites r failing me
also i saw he's gonna be in another yet untitled martin mcdonagh film with oscar isaac and christopher walken… slay
i really liked mr right it was VERY silly but he and anna have such good chemistry in it
one i'd really recommend is Laggies! he plays a very tired very hot single dad and he and kiera knightly are extremely sexy together because they are sam rockwell and kiera knightly
The Way Way Back was cute, it's a coming of age film where babygirl plays a lifeguard at a water park who takes this kid under his wing for the summer and teaches him to give less of a fuck, he and maya rudolph flirt a lot and steve carell and toni collette are in it, also here are some choice reviews from letterboxd
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let's see ummmmm oh Jojo Rabbit was great! i know a lot of people hate it but they're wrong (if you don't like it you're so correct and valid in your opinion), sam's really really excellent in it and he's blind in one eye and i have a big thing for that (he does play a nazi (who's gay for alfie allen and i assume just gay in general but mostly for alfie allen) which i do not have a thing for)
he stars in Choke as a sex addict which is a novel by chuck palahniuk and in the film adaptation sam plays a sex addict, it is not a good movie but sam rockwell does play a sex addict in this, the sex addict movie in which sam rockwell stars
admittedly there are a lot i haven't seen, here are a few that are on my list but aren't on yours:
- Fosse/Verdon (actually a mini series) where he plays the titular bob fosse and gets to show off his very real dancing skills, i've heard michelle williams is also amazing in it
- The Green Mile, based off the stephen king novel, where he plays a murdering psychopath
- The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (I just know he's in it idk what he does)
- The Winning Season, it looks cute, he plays the coach of a girls basketball team
- Richard Jewell, which had one of my favorite trailers I've ever seen, I believe he plays Richard Jewell's lawyer
i genuinely cannot recommend Blue Iguana EXCEPT for sam rockwell being in it, it is a terrible film, however according to letterboxd he and ben schwartz are making another film together so fingers crossed for that
there's so many more things he's been in but he should be in more things in fact i have a contract right here that says 'sam rockwell will be in everything i watch' but i can't get him to sign it no matter how many times i ambush him or break into his home
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Another day, another ask, but this time, it's about what are some currently airing shows that you're watching and really enjoying and how would you describe what you like about them briefly?
For example, The Warp Effect: Wholesome and sex positive QL, with so much representation and topics brought up weekly. Nothing like what I was expecting - in the best way.
Happy (Belated) Valentine's Day @sliceduplife! I hope it was kind to you because my response is going to be just like me and my favorite characters - problematic and absolute basura!
To begin, I'm actually going to tell you what I'm rewatching instead of currently watching:
Great Men Academy - Much like 3 Will Be Free and The Warp Effect, Great Men Academy isn't a BL, but it doesn't stop it from being queer af. It has a unicorn that grants wishes, a magical lake that requires nudity to activate, a ghost, a school sanctioned Hunger Games, body swapping, and an Elite level moment:
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If you don't get the Elite reference, know that this lead-paint-level-toxic hottie, Cruz, delivered the best line ever uttered in the series:
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¡No soy gay! Ni bi. Ni tri. ¡Soy futbolista! (I'm not gay! Not bi. Not tri. I'm a footballer!) <- I say "¡Soy futbolista!" all of the time when people ask about my sexuality without clarification and leave them in their confusion.
*moving on to your actual ask*
The Warp Effect - I came for Joy, the cinematographer who also did KinnPorsche, and Jojo, the director who does everything else I love, but stayed to see all the ways people could come... to an understanding about their sexuality. Also, it's very queer.
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My Beautiful Man 2 - I do not condone stalking, but when it comes to my idol and his devoted worshiper, I'm trying to invent new ways of stalking, so Hira can always be within a 100 yards of Kiyoi. They should be more red flags than California during fire season, yet they are wholesome and adorable.
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Well...in a very kinky way, kinda like these two wild kids from Secretary
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Never Let Me Go - It has a teenager becoming the CEO of his family's multi-million dollar company and another teenager being his bodyguard falling in love! How could I not love it?! It's outrageous! And somehow the most unrealistic thing about this plot is there being a genuine good guy who openly talks about bitcoins, and I LOVE HIM! I did not have falling in love with a man who enjoys "investing" on my BINGO card, but then again, look at my very good boy. LOOK AT HIM!
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Hit Bite Love - It's so messy. It has stepbrothers in love, open discussions about condom sizes and lubricant, Kinks-R-Us, a bi Burger looking for his King, and so much more. This past episode hid a pivotal scene behind a paywall due to the two characters having sex in the school's locker room, so half of the plot was missing in the edited version. It made NO SENSE, but I didn't care. Give me all the mess, but I draw the line at taking off your sock and putting it in someone's mouth. BAD BOY! VERY BAD BOY!
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The End of the World with You - Japanese BLs stress me out. They give me a lot of an anxiety, and I'm constantly preparing for someone to die or for one of them to be a murderer. Even in the "happiest" Japanese BLs, there always exist this undercurrent of malice..and I'm attracted to it. >insert Ritsu aka El Diablo<
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Moonlight Chicken - Eff "More than Friends, Less than Lovers!" That's child's play. Give me my HussyVille Gang Gang! Give me the "we've been breaking beds and each other's backs since day one, but I'm not even sure what his name is, and if I'm being honest, I don't really need to know" squad. Then, on top of that, it's EarthMix doing the devil's boogie?! I waited for over a year for this, and I don't say this often when it comes to men, but the anticipation was worth it.
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HIStory 5: Love in the Future - I will always show up to a Taiwanese BL. They are like Rihanna at the Super Bowl. They do the bare minimum but are still very entertaining, include all the fan favorites (domestic bliss, high heat, office romances, good side couples, marriage equality), and pop out with a few surprises. Others may be disappointed, but I am ALWAYS pleased.
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My School President - Did you read the list before this? There is a common underlying theme. Even if the show isn't messy, I'm going to find the mess and fixate on it, and it doesn't get stranger than Por's obsession with the chinchilla. GMM better get on merchandising this critter ASAP because there is a gold mine behind this, capitalizers.
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Bed Friend - It hasn't started yet, but I'll be watching it. It has a Blue Boy and Red Rascal BUT they are not who would normally be coded that way, which means they are clearly going to have to resolve the reasons why they changed their behavior to cover up their obvious colors. Who hurt our Red Rascal that he turned into a nun? Who harmed our Blue Boy to make him the slutty slut he is? I cannot wait to find out!
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Chains of Heart - One word: Papi. Wait, sorry. Let me try again: Poppy. The show has a plot, and I care about it, but...Poppy. He is playing a bad guy, which I got a glimpse of in Love Mechanics, so I'm hoping it means we get to see more of him, and I don't mean screen time, although I wouldn't be opposed to that either. Obviously, I have to be interested in the actual plot since he is a supporting character...but POPPY! mmmm, papi!
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boimgfrog · 6 months
I think all johos characters live in a schrödinger's sexuality situation where they are all both gay and straight until proven otherwise. but the inky way to prove it to me is for Hitohiko Araki himself to walk onscreen and say "These characters are gay and attracted to eachother" or I wont pick up on it
I can't believe you watched all of jojos and never realized dio was gay until just now and I had 2 tell you. that's incredible. like I'm genuinely impressed.
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heretherebedork · 8 months
I’m not defending Mew I’m just saying it’s wrong that Boston hasn’t committed crimes. Plus everyone is gonna have their own interpretation of scenes in the show. For me, Boston isn’t really the least worst of them, that would probably be Sand. IMO Boston didn’t really take no for an answer bc he continued pushing Top on multiple occasions and he didn’t get consent before touching him multiple times, that’s pretty bad in my book. It might not be for other people but it is for me. That doesn’t mean I dislike Boston or that I am defending Mew, Boston is one of my favorite characters. But he’s also done some fucked up shit. I’d put it at worse than cocaine and not as bad as drunk driving. It doesn’t mean his friends aren’t also assholes too, it’s just a fact about him without bringing other people’s actions into it.
Okay? As I said. All toxic. Everyone is going to have their opinion and their own view.
So why are you trying to convince me?
Honestly, I sort of disagree. I think that Boston is still the least wrong. Sand deliberately used Ray in order to get revenge on Top as well as using his friendship with Nick to get the recording that is now haunting the entire friend group.
Boston is an ass and a selfish person but he's damn close to Sand levels for me. Because he also owns everything he does and doesn't push back against accusations unless they're genuinely untrue.
The other question of Boston's actions goes to an entire part of this that I am not an expert on which is discussing the gay sex scene and understanding in Thailand which is one reason I have been avoiding judging Boston for his and Top's moments because I have seen a lot of discourse about how many non-gay Asians misinterpreted those scenes though foreign eyes and I am not going to add my voice to the chorus of things I don't fully understand.
But at this point? I am a staunch Boston apologist because I feel like the show is setting him up to suffer more than the people doing this to him. As much as I want to trust Jojo, I don't know that I do trust him and GMMTV to actually handle Cheum seeing her own mistakes or owning up to them because her mistakes fit the morality they follow. Same for Mew.
Look, it's great that you feel different about Boston's actions and I'm very happy you do. Please... make a post about it! Share all your reasons with the world! Write some great meta! Go and do it!
But trying to convince me to change my mind is not gonna get the answer you want.
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alteredsilicone · 10 months
Ok, I'm gonna try to write a more coherent opinion post about Tennocon reveals, under the cut:
Looks beautiful, sounds beautiful. Gameplay seems a bit lacking in terms of how much you walk vs how much you actually do. The boss fight was interesting and atmospheric. The little turtle creatures are instant marketable mascot material, so good on that.
I really wonder how this will work as a live service online co-op game though. Everything about it just screams "single player exploration game", but alright, I'll trust Steve.
Whispers in the Wall:
Ok, first of all - Old Man Yaoi real, that surprised me the most. Now that I have that out of the way.
I am so happy that Warframe loves to be weird and unorthodox and I'm also blown away by the visuals and the new area and just... new enemies and the entire environment is your enemy. I am genuinely hyped for it. I just love the eldritch horror of the Void and I was really worried DE might drop the ball and do a generic "you team up with your buddies and fight god" but so far it sees they're doing it more intelligently.
Also seeing the lost islands of Duviri in the background is such a delicious touch.
Random comment only few will get - the murmur enemies and the weird atmosphere gives me Fear and Hunger vibes and I'm all here for it.
Warframe 1999:
Seeing real life technology feels sacrilegious in Warframe. I never played Dark Sector so I didn't feel a fake-nostalgia from this preview. It is cool because I'm biased and everything Warframe is cool, but I want to know how this fits into the wider Warframe narrative.
It might be a "rewriting timelines" thing or... maybe the Warframe universe really goes back that far.
Also random hot (?) take - Albrecht Entrati's Jojo getup is so goofy... My man you're gay where's the fashion sense!!! Let Loid dress you!!
Also I wonder if human!Loid's outfit looking like Limbo Prime is deliberate. Cuz we got a man named Arthur wearing Excalibur. DE is sneaky about lore but also they like to put a big red flag and then cover it with other red flags so you think it's a red herring.
So that's that.
Overall 9/10 Tennocon
Point deducted for the bullshit Heirloom collection. That shit is way too expensive and I hate whichever marketing ghoul invented it.
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absolutebl · 1 year
I love your Blog and love to read your takes in everything. So thank you so much for all your Posts and thoughts about the industry etc.
Here is my question: i came across one of your posts where you wrote "actually gay, not bl gay" (it was a Post about Jojo and Only Friends) and while I FELT that I TOTALLY understood what you meant and instantly was like "yes 100% clear" Id love to read and learn more about what this means exactly and why some bls feel quite heteronormative while some dont. Would you mind explain the take on "actually gay Not Bl gay" a little bit? And why some Shows feel just more queer than others (besides the unbelievable stupid "gay only for you" trope lol)
Thank you so much and I hope you will have a nice day!
actually gay, not bl gay
There's actually quite a discourse on this right now mostly originating with @waitmyturtles and @wen-kexing-apologist (Post @killiru references above is here.)
I tend to mostly talk about this in broad brush strokes as a queer lens.
But there's a great ven diagram (which of course I've lost the link to) that approaches the idea of and queer lens by tunneling into its approach and intent:
about queers
by queers
for queers
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How do different BLs intersect in different ways with these three elements?
When I said "actually gay, not BL gay" I was alluding to this discourse. Specifically the "about queers" category of BL.
There are characters in BL who read as genuinely gay (as in belonging to the queer family of this terrible reality we live in) and then there are those that seem more performative (to exist in a bubble of fantasy were sexual identity is almost unimportant, only the romance matters, everything is safe sweetness & light). For some queers this can read as manipulative or even exploitive (because it is inauthentic to most queer experiences). For me, it's fine... even desirable. I like the safe bubble. I enjoy the utter delusional escapism of it. Sometimes I will call this sanitized gay. (Since it is designed to make gay palatable to non-gay identified folks e.g. seme/uke.)
A sanitized gay BL may be unintentional but it is nested in origin yaoi and mm romance whose target market has never been the queer community, and whose authors have historically not been members of it, either.
Let's be frank, we queers are generally a terrible target market, we don't have enough spending power - especially not for a piece of pop culture as niched as BL. And as creators we really want our voices to be heard (obvs), which makes us produce content that those unsympathetic or uncaring find uncomfortable. (Yes, I know, fuck them, but also, they have all the money and the entertainment industry is a numbers game.)
So in the arena of office romances, just as an example:
actually gay = The New Employee
sanitized gay = Our Dating Sim
actual gay = Step By Step
sanitized gay = A Boss And a Babe
All of the above have the same tropes, archetypes, and premises. All of them are BL. Some are just... queerer feeling than others. And the characters in those shows (Step by Step and The New Employee) read as more "actually gay."
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This has nothing to do with the actors, chemsitry, or how much we may personally like the show (Our Dating Sim is one of my absolute favorite BLs). It has to do with how closely those CHARACTERS intersect with the reality of queerness as we inhabit it today. It will be lots of little touches given to the drama by director and script:
language use,
surrounding friendships (and friendship style),
mannerisms and physicality (specially body language around straights vs other queer characters),
makeup & wardrobe,
facial expressions,
surrounding queer-coded behaviors by side characters,
layers of story nuance that indicate a complicated queer-driven back story.
Markers of specifically a queer identity are given to the leads.
These kinds of BLs are satisfying the "about queers" category. ("By queers" can be difficult to extract because IRL outting is involved. "For queers" is the rarest kind of BL, because making something specifically for us often alienates the majority of the rest of viewership/market. I could be argued that SCOY did this.)
I'm sure I've missed things, but I hope that kinda makes sense?
By/For/About discourse from @wen-kexing-apologist here:
Parts 1
Part 2
Part 3
I'm indebted to them for the links!
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More Queer Stuff from Yours Truly
BL Linguistics & Queer Identity - I Am Gay versus I Like Men 
Will BL Get More Honestly Queer? 
Queer lens (from the director) and chemistry (from the actors) in BL (A Tale of Thousand Stars)
Touch & Daisy in Secret Crush On You - Queer Coded Language and 3rd Gender Identity
BL in Taiwan & Gay Marriage
Debating Queerbaiting in BL ( + Devil Judge... is it queerbaiting?) 
BL Actors and the Assumption of Queerness - outing actors, coming out, being out, more:  Is that BL actor actually queer?
So is it really fetishization? straight women loving bl 
Some BL fans are sasaengs, and it’s a problem in this fandom 
BLs That Highlight How Society Treats Queers
10 BLs That Are Honest to a Queer Experience 
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vegasandhishedgehog · 9 months
What does Mew having his heart flutter even look like? Because he says Top makes that happen for him, but even with the few instances where Top makes him smile, there's nothing that indicates a genuine "I like this man so much I've gotta shiver for a second."
And it could just be the demi-aro/ace vibes about him (lbr he is giving off a lot of those), but even if he is, aspecs can be overwhelmed by their feelings toward someone all the same. Where's the flustered, cartoonish, quadruple take after Top says something he finds incredibly cute? Where's the dumbstruck?
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Where is this? (I mean, I never expect TopMew to reach LITA levels of anything between them but this is just such a fantastic example!)
Idk, it just seems that for a gay man, Mew exhibits too little interest in Top to either truly feel that way toward him, or to be allo. And as an asexual I would find it understandable if I wasn't aware that for most of my life, gatekeeping my companionship both emotionally and physically was understood from a religious perspective until I realized why it was so easy to go along with. He hasn't been given any of that thus far.
Jojo has addressed how attempting to keep sexual purity as a sexual person can have its consequences, like in The Warp Effect. But the whole premise of that show was founded on Alex struggling to keep that promise of remaining a virgin until marriage and how his ignorance and irresponsibility affected his adult life. Again, Mew does not have the same struggle.
Do I dare make the call that we might see a nuanced sexuality in a Thai BL show? Not yet. Even if Jojo is aware of the ace/aro spectrum, that would be a lot to tackle in a show that much of the fan base is already failing to grasp. There's still a great deal that we don't know about Mew personally that isn't related to his other friends, especially Ray. And we have a lot of episodes left to discover about him.
But Jojo, I am thinking about that line and you better call back to it.
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