#but it makes sense that things finally come together when hope and trust and belief and understanding play hand in hand
turtleblogatlast · 5 months
[ cw: death mention / ]
Y’know something I really like from the movie is how close Future Leo and Casey Jr are presented as being, even if not shown often or super obviously.
Like beyond Junior’s blatant idolization of “the world’s greatest ninja”, I want to highlight the beginning of the movie, with Junior trying so desperately to save Future Leo, Leo reassuring Junior despite his own acceptance of death, and, especially, I want to highlight the “have a slice” line.
Because…this is a line given to a kid raised in war. A line given at the tail end of what quite possibly is the most important task the resistance has ever undertaken. A line whose importance lies solely in the sentimental value of a child finally getting to experience something entirely good, and Leo knowing Junior will succeed to experience it because he believes in him.
I dunno, I think a lot of Future Leo giving Casey Jr the thing Leo himself always longed for: trust.
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stellarsagittarius · 1 year
Where you would meet your future husband / wife based on your Jupiter / Venus Persona Chart, Pt. 2
Masterlist: All my astrology posts at one place
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(If you are looking for a man, check your Jupiter Persona Chart. If you are looking for a woman, check your Venus Persona Chart)
(Disclaimer: Don't be fixed on this reading! Always have an open mind because the Universe works the best when you have trusted and let go of expectations! Also, the chart won't tell you the exact place or time or how you would feel about something, no one can do that. What it WILL tell is the theme that can be the most prevalent during that event, and how the event can play out.)
Asteroid 1585 is the Union asteroid. It will show how you can "meet" or "come together" with someone.
◇◇ Union through the Signs ◇◇
Union in Aries or Mars as the Ruler
The energy will be sudden, spontaneous and impulsive. Expect the unexpected. Aries energy is in a constant motion. Mars rules motion and drive. The situation could be very new to you, or you were totally unprepared when this happened. Aries is hot and fast so it could be associated with cars, driving, amusement parks, the color red, spices, fireworks, war, battlefields, etc. [I hope nobody meets their s/o in a battlefield! It's giving Fortnite/PubG, tho, if Union has 4th or 3rd house connection!] Regardless, the energy will be quick and sudden. Expect someone to overcome their doubts or finally make the move. It's all about courage, being bold, and stamina. The communication is expected to flow quite well. You can meet while at the gym or in traffic. Think of a situation where you have to exert labor or force. This energy is giving, "Getting out and grabbing something!" The meeting will be direct, and for achieving a certain purpose. The purpose can be anything, but the communication will take place to get to something.
Union in Taurus or Venus as the Ruler
Taurus rules earth, natural beauty, the five senses, stability, a long term focus, the material realm. So this meeting could take a little time to materialize. With Taurus, there is the need for patience, to build a stable thing one step at a time. Perhaps communication takes time in this relationship. Taurus rules earthy color tones. Taurus energy is slow moving, practical, stubborn, materialistic. Perhaps you meet around nature or around a very pleasant weather. Perhaps self care is a big focus around the time you meet them! You might have long terms plans that you are working on, at the time you meet them. It could be a quiet phase in your life where you are taking it day by day, building things for yourself and focusing on living a very grounded lifestyle. You could be naturally drawn to their beauty or they could be drawn to yours. You guys might talk about/bond over the matters of your possessions or shared values/beliefs. You can give each other a valuable something on the first meeting.
Union in Gemini or Mercury as the Ruler
Gemini is quick, but it's not quick in the mars way. Gemini is quick mentally. It rules your mind, logic, communication, young restless energy, curiousity and an energy of speaking your mind. There could be direct communication or sharing of information involved. Gemini rules early education, the hands, writing, speech, words, information, news, etc. Perhaps you meet them while gossiping! This is a classic social media indicator, as well. This could be a person with similar ideas as you, they could even be "around" you a lot before you actually notice them. Like a classmate or a cute waiter at the coffee shop you regularly visit to complete your homework, and you realise that they are interested in what you are studying. You both will bond over similar ideas and interests, and will be very talkative right from the beginning. Some places could be a library, bookstore, classrooms, newsrooms, news agencies etc. (I have this with 2 of my besties that I met in high school, in our class!)
Union in Cancer or Moon as the Ruler
Cancer rules your emotions, your gut instincts, the person you are at the deepest level, what's truly in your heart, your home and privacy. So think of being in your comfort when you meet them. This could indicate having quite some boundaries up, the inability to open up right away, and being protective over yourself. This meeting can also happen in a very emotional period your life, or a period where the "mother" archetype is pretty prevalent, whether it's you or someone else very close to you. This could be at home, or somewhere where you feel comfortable. A place/time without rush or aggression or a lot of movement. This person might look straight into what you had been feeling. Opening up to this person may take some time. You might meet at somebody else's home, if not yours, like your Grandma's or Aunt's. Cancer rules water bodies, crabs, the home, seafood, the color of the moon, etc. Perhaps it's around a time where there's a significant event going on with the moon, like a full moon or a lunar eclipse.
Union in Leo or Sun as the Ruler
When there is Leo energy present in a chart, expect bold moves. Expect confidence and a desire for self expression. Sun as as the ruler signifies that this is gonna be a situation where you are shining/or they are shining. This is related to charm and creativity. This energy would make a situation/person lively, dramatic and strong. Situations that remind me of Leo and the Sun energy, is a creative social media platform, theather, the stage, being a leader or an influential person, getting major recognition for something, etc. This is also a situation where you are the center of attention. You might be in a very important part of your life regarding fame and recognition. Expect to meet in the daytime, or during a warm sunny day! You could be focusing on becoming more confident. Or you could be simply having a lot of fun, and life is filled with something exciting!
Union in Virgo or Mercury as the Ruler
Virgo rules the practical side of mercury. While Gemini is quick in thoughts and restless which can cause them to be in a scattered energy, Virgo is analytical, practical and grounded. Details don't go unnoticed. Virgo is related to health care, everyday tasks, an eye for detail, problem solving, fixing things, etc. You might be super focused on your work and routines when this meeting happens, to the point you become lost in details. This can lead to a meeting where you are pretty skeptical of the person, or you would want to know every detail of who they are, why they texted you, etc. You will meet in a pretty regular/ordinary manner. Think of going to get your groceries and you guys' bump heads. Virgo is the energy of a busy-body, someone who gotta run errands, check off the list, etc. This will be a pretty regular meeting, nothing over the top, no effort that you have to make to have that meeting. Go with the flow of your daily life, focus on your wellbeing, and one fine regular morning you will bump into each other. Also, pay attention to the details you would normally ignore because there might be something important that you would be overlooking.
Union in Libra or Venus as the Ruler
Libra energy is all about harmony, balance, relationships, the art of being pleasant, beautiful aesthetics, etc. It's different from Taurus energy in the sense that Taurus is stubborn and focused on materials and practical things, it's the natural kind of beauty. While Libra is the sort of beauty that radiates attractiveness, a good-looking face/style/body, etc. Libra also rules harmonious relationships, it is a very social sign. Think of a very high class event, where everything is very plesant, the interactions are super elegant, the aesthetics are super pleasing to the eye. This could indicate meeting through someone else, or meeting in a social circle, through networking, etc. Your beauty/fashion could be a significant factor in the meeting. You could meet in places related to art, fame, beauty, fashion, a place where your "image" matters, a networking event, music festivals, etc. You both could be introduced to each other through someone who is in the art/fashion industry. You both could connect over similar interests related to beauty and fashion. Or when you meet this person, you might be in a pretty well balanced/harmonious stage of your life. They might approach you in a very friendly manner.
Union in Scorpio or Pluto as the Ruler
Scorpio rules secrets, depth, taboo, intense emotions, privacy, etc. If Cancer is private and homey, Scorpio is freakin closed off shell, and the definition of intense. So, there could be themes related to privacy or secrets. If this has 3rd house connections, it's giving meeting while gossiping. You could be at a point in life where you are self-evaluating, you could be going through many transformations, you could be at a point where you are reconsidering which people to keep in your life and which people to cut off. The meeting itself can be at dark or secret place. There could be themes of alcohol, cigarettes, weapons, night, abandoned places, conspiracies, scandals, etc. You can meet through something that is quite a topic that we don't talk about just with anyone. On your first meeting, you both could be distrustful of each other, or the communication could be very lowkey and mundane (to avoid letting each other see deeply). This also relates to private accounts. I honestly can't say much about this placement. But yeah, this person or you could see each other as quite intense or closed off.
Union in Sagittarius or Jupiter as the Ruler
Sagittarius rules travel, philosophy, expansion, foreign lands, long distance communication, a broad horizon, a bigger and open mind, higher education, etc. Wherever Sagittarius is placed, it will give an air of expansion to the native, whether it's physical or mental or emotional. You can meet this person through travel or through pursuing some sort of higher education. And since it also rules long distance communication, social media is a thing here, especially if there is a 1st, 3rd or 10th house connection, since it relates to "profiles and messaging another person". Sagittarius will give a sense of abundance to the native, so perhaps you or your s/o will see each other as pretty philosophical or open minded. Sagittarius is also associated with exploration and being curious to see what is out there, so you can literally meet while having some adventure or activities where you do something to gain spiritual insight. This kinda reminds me of Ayahuasca, because you gotta travel to gain that wisdom, so take it however it resonates, it's more prominent if Sagittarius is in 12th house! So yes, this meeting will have the theme of philosophy and discussions of topics that are very wide and requires a higher perspective.
Union in Capricorn or Saturn as the Ruler
Capricorn is the energy of building something, reaching a certain height focused on building things, whether it's for your career or your hobbies or your relationships. Capricorn energy gives a structure to whatever house it's placed it. So it can be perceived as formal and ambitious. Capricorn is associated with hard work, hustle, limits, the order and structure of things, etc. It also rules the bones in a human body. And this is a classic indication for work and career. So you can meet your s/o through your work or career. Capricorn reminds me of buildings, so think of a a company or an apartment complex (depending on which house Capricorn is in). The first meeting could very well be formal and about a problem that needs to be solved. Capricorn reminds me of the color grey, and naturally quite dull colors, so take it however it resonates. There will be themes related to ambition, work, problem solving, public image, achieving a goal, etc. The situation could be pretty slow moving, but there will be this sense of loyalty and responsibility with each other. This isn't a meeting where you would ditch each other for the next two months or ghost each other after a week of talking. The communication will be carried out with a sense of responsibility! You both can be a bit shy as well :)
Union in Aquarius or Uranus as the Ruler
Aquarius is all the energy that you can't put in the label of other zodiac signs or houses. It has everything that is not classified or unusual. Uranus rules unpredictability, out of the ordinary, innovations (only when they are new, because after some time they will become a part of the ordinary). Aquarius is otherworldly. But it also cares a lot about this world. So think of humanity, environment, activism, wanting change for a better world, etc. As a first meeting, it could be super unpredictable! While Aries is the energy of being unprepared, Aquarius is kind of the same, but also unpredictable. With Aries, once you know what you got yourself into, you may plan ahead. But with Aquarius you don't know what will happen next. You both may connect over humanitarian themes, or the communication might feel super detached and aloof. This meeting wouldn't have emotional intimacy in it, there will be an aura of detachment. With Aquarius, simply expect nothing. It will happen in a super unique manner. You may want to look at the house Union asteroid is in, since it will give this meeting a better context!
Union in Pisces or Neptune as the Ruler
Pisces rules mysticism, the imaginary, dreams, visions, creativity, intuition and anything that is from the unseen realm. It has much to do with the mind, than the material world. This meeting can really feel magical or you won't be able to focus on the details. As if it just woo you away into a dreamy inner world. This can feel very intuitive and emotional. Fishes, water and waterbodies can be involved somehow. You might even meet your s/o on a vacation. There is the energy of relaxation, honoring your inner world, feeling vulnerable, etc. The communication might be pretty deep or you might miss out on plenty of details because of the dreamy nature of this situation. You might dream of this person the night before you meet them. Perhaps this person is a bit shy or you aren't able to know things/information about them clearly, (due to Neptune almost blurring out important details). It will be more passive and receptive. The places associated with Pisces are aquariums, art museums, theaters, bookstores, art/literature schools, picture galleries, etc. Look at more details of the place, in part 1 of the series!
You can book an Astrology reading with me 🌙✨️!
Stay tuned for more Astrology content ✈️!!
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tired-biscuit · 2 years
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𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴: Kiba/fem!reader
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: 18+ mdni, modern AU // werewolf!kiba, monsterfucking, size kink, biting kink, breeding, unprotected sex, slight a/b/o themes [mf has a knot], pregnancy talk, mentions of blood. established relationship, they are very cute.
𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗰𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 10.5k
𝗵𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗲𝗻, 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗹𝗶𝗲𝘀. 𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲'𝘀 𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲 𝗺𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗳𝘂𝗰𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴!!
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𝗞𝗜𝗕𝗔 decides to share his secret with you on Halloween. 
He doesn’t know why he wants to tell you on October 31st, exactly. Perhaps it is that the matter at hand is rather fitting for the spooky season, or maybe because the last two functioning brain cells inside his head are telling him that you’ll be able to cope with it better this way – his peculiar way of thinking is something that nobody but him seems to make sense of.
So, it takes Kiba four years and three months to make the final decision. It may seem like a long time to some, but to him the years pass by swiftly. He spends them all by learning about how your mind functions and by gathering his wits. By hiding every full moon and ghosting you completely with zero explanation. By persuading himself that that same mind he is so very fond of picking apart and piecing back together, will be the one that will accept him for who – what – he is. 
And as spring turns to summer and autumn falls victim to the icy clutches of winter, Kiba stalls. Year after year, your relationship grows like a sturdy vine taking over the walls of an abandoned building with the change of the seasons. The cycle repeats itself for the second, third, fourth time around, and Kiba still keeps changing his mind. 
He almost tells you sooner than planned, but then he worries. Grows agitated because of said worrying. Stalls even more. Almost gives up, and thus nearly abandons you as a result at some point as well.
You don’t know anything about that, of course.
But no matter what he picks and chooses, something makes him stay put. Kiba can’t quite explain the reasoning as to why. It might be that he’s immensely loyal. Or the fact that he’s in love. Maybe you’re his person. Perhaps it’s in his blood. He doesn’t know what it is, but he lingers because of it. Wraps his arms around you and falls even deeper. So deep, in fact, that he can’t possibly find his way back to the surface and moral reasoning anymore. 
And because of it, he feels scared when the day he has to tell you his secret finally comes. Absolutely petrified. But he trusts you now, he’s positive about that. Nearly half a decade of being so close has done its job. 
And he hopes, nearly prays to a god he’s long since lost belief in, that after all of this is over, you’ll still trust him, too.
Much to Kiba’s misfortune, that doesn’t happen.
You don’t trust him anymore.
“Oh, my… You we-were actually being serious for once, huh?” The words are spoken barely above a whisper by someone who you think is you, despite that you swear you’re on the brink of screaming your lungs out. 
Everything is quiet chaos. Standing in the middle of your bedroom, it’s a struggle to breathe properly; you can’t even get an exhale out, much less a shout. The moment your boyfriend’s supposed prank turns out to be a truth so gruesome that it makes your jaw drop, you’re feeling like your legs are giving in. To say you were on the verge of fainting would be an understatement. 
You feel like you’re going to die.
It all happens exactly how he’s told you it would, but that doesn’t help. Staring at the thing that used to be your boyfriend just mere moments before the pale moonlight had seeped past the curtains, you still find yourself frozen into place from the shock and terror that begin to course your veins in fast, pulsating waves.
The movie you were watching together on your laptop is still playing. Background music and dialogue fills the tense air between you and is the only sound present besides his deep breathing and the ferocious pounding of your heart; which you swear you can feel climbing up your throat now. 
The movie is playing – time certainly hasn’t stopped. But you wish it did.
He’s just so big, after all. Huge in every aspect, he’s nothing like himself and you’re barely keeping pieces of your sanity sticking together because of the intimidating stature he possesses now. He’s broad, the slopes of his shoulders are potent and the curve of his biceps is so defined that you’d have trouble wrapping both hands around just one. There’s no way your fingers would touch whilst hugging it – you’re positive.
And goodness, he is heavy. So fucking heavy, in fact, that the mattress sinks below him, and the wooden framing of the bed gives a prolonged creak of protest because of the triggering weight when he picks himself up. 
Watching them stretch and relax repeatedly, you suppose you’re used to seeing the strong limbs and the rippling muscle, even if it currently hides underneath thick, coarse fur. And it may be just a hint of familiarity soothing you now, but panic still flashes through your very soul when he stumbles on his hind legs as soon as his feet land on your carpeted flooring. 
Standing at his full height, your boyfriend – or rather the thing that used to be your boyfriend – appears even taller now. Its enormous stature makes dread trickle down the back of your sweaty neck, because god-fucking-damn it; the top of its head is nearly touching the fucking ceiling. 
But it's still Kiba, or that’s at least what you keep telling yourself. This creature is still your lover, even if his clothes are torn and his entire body is sticking out like a sore thumb amongst the furniture of your bedroom that just appears toyish when compared to him. 
And now, his arms flail around in the same manner his tail does. Wagging from side to side, it’s a brief moment of alarm as he attempts to catch his balance like a toddler learning to walk for the first time. But he’s not a child; he isn’t even human. Every clumsy footstep he takes on the carpet is like a dull thud of thunder because of how hefty he is. It seems that even he, himself, isn't quite used to his new body just yet. And it’s almost cute in a way.
Still, cute or not, the entire situation makes your breath hitch and forces you to take a cautious step back when he turns towards you at long last and just looks at you. 
Staring right back at him, you’re not sure if you like having his attention on you all of a sudden. So you stand more firmly, lift your hands into a shield of sorts – as if that could fucking stop this monster of a wolfman if he ever did make the decision to tear you to shreds and swallow you whole – and just breathe.
You just can’t help it. Stepping back and causing more distance feels like a survival instinct, because he is just that – a monster. You don’t do it on purpose, it seems, but the reason for it is because of the more uncanny features he possesses. And those features frighten you right to the bone, whether you want them to or not.
The tail is on top of that list of reasons, of course. But it’s also the eerie height. How he stands and walks like a human, but isn’t one. The triangle-shaped ears atop his head and the set of honed claws on each broad, paw-like hand. The chestnut fur. How his eyes are now yellow instead of a golden brown. 
Speaking of his eyes: they glow in the silvery moonlight. The pupils inside dilate sideways whenever a shadow crosses them, and both are so sharp that they’d do a better job at piercing through you than the point of the sharpest blade ever could. 
The thought makes your skin pull taut and your heartbeat thump inside your mouth this time around. You can feel it rattling behind your teeth, which you’re clenching so hard that your entire jaw is beginning to hurt. Even the saliva that has gathered on top of your tongue is hard to swallow from how thick it’s become laced with fear now. 
Your entire body is shouting at you to run away.
But you can’t run. You’ve sprouted roots into the ground by giving him the promise of staying no matter what happens, and you simply can’t break it; can’t run. You’re here to stay, because perhaps you’re even more loyal than he is.
So it’s just you. 
And the werewolf.
The big bad werewolf.
“H-Hey,” you croak out feebly after what seems like ages, upper lip trembling in pure fear. He’s still staring at you; unmoving. Just breathing in and out, in and out, in and out. Other than the rise and fall of his shoulders, he’s so still that it’s making you feel on edge. “You–...” Your brow furrows as you try again, “You in there, Kiba?”
The sound of his name being spoken into the air makes him perk up. And it’s feeble relief that washes over you now as you finally release a shuddering breath. Like a sign that your boyfriend remembers at least some part of his human psyche, you watch as one of his ears twitches before he tilts his head to the side like your neighbour’s German Shepherd tends to do whenever it snows outside for the first time. 
It’s curiosity in its finest form, but despite him recognizing his name, you’re still worried. Especially because that curiosity makes him come closer. Makes his attention shift solely onto you ever so slowly; the only living, breathing thing left inside this house besides him.
You certainly hope it’ll stay that way by the end of the night. With both of you still breathing.
Because footstep after footstep, Kiba’s balance goes from inept to completely fine by the time he backs you up against the wall and just keeps staring at you. 
The yellow in his irises makes his eyes sublime. Shadows dance inside them as he approaches, turning them dark then light again. The size difference between you is so profound that he has to stoop down just to reach eye level with you. Practically looming over you, you feel like you’re about to start crying any second.
His pupils dilate immediately after eye contact is established and your own turn foggy from the tears that are beginning to gather at your waterline, threatening to spill. Black consumes the yellow; swallows it whole. Until you can nearly see yourself in the reflection of the void.
And even if he’s told you what to expect when he’s like this, even if you’ve nodded and laughed at the warnings he’s tried to get across because you couldn’t have possibly taken them seriously: as soon as you come face to face with this supernatural being, you’re simply terror-struck.
And you don’t trust this being. Don’t trust it at all.
But every moment is used for his benefit. He’s starting to learn about your mannerisms. You’re standing still as a statue, fear lacing your scent so profoundly that he feels the need to dip in and hide his face into the crook of your neck just so he can smell it better. 
So seconds pass: one, two, three. He breathes in your scent so that he can memorize it. Rests a paw on the curve of your hip as gently as he’s able, even though you can still feel its immense weight and the way the claws dig into your skin right through your t-shirt despite the mellow effort. He can’t retract them, but they’re still so sharp that you have no doubt he could tear right through the thin cotton in mere seconds if he wanted to, along with everything else underneath.
Your stomach twists because of it. If he scratches or cuts you by accident and smells your blood as a result, you have no clue what’ll happen. He’s never told you about that possibility. 
And perhaps it’s just a gut feeling, but something tells you he had good reason for it.
Eyes blown wide, shoulders shaking with the fast-paced, never-ending series of inhales and exhales that you can’t seem to slow down for the life of you, you’re letting out a quivering whimper that makes your entire face twist in reluctant disturbance. He’s just too close, too unnatural. Too demanding to know you better, and thus too pushy.
So you try to push him away to cause more distance between your bodies because you can’t focus, can’t breathe. But holy fuck, every hair on your body prickles and stands up to attention when instead of having him take a step back, you just hear him growl in response.
He doesn’t like that; the snarl and the flash of big, sharp teeth tells you all you need to know as his upper lip curls and reveals the gleaming white underneath. Doesn’t appreciate you shoving him away like he’s unwanted and scary, when all he wants to do is to be close to you and just breathe you in. Just that, he isn’t even thinking about hurting you. 
But you don’t know that. Can’t understand him either.
Listening to the growl as it slowly dies down, it’s a quiet sort of sound that comes from the depths of his chest and rumbles in the back of his throat. Like the noise a dog makes before it’s about to go absolutely nuts at any given second, except that it’s deeper, more threatening; a warning to come from a provoked beast much larger than your poor self. The series of vibrations it sends through you makes your teeth rattle inside your skull and your skin pull even tighter over your bones from how deeply it fazes you.
And when you whimper out of fear again, the tears spilling over your hot cheeks, it makes him freeze. You’re scared – scared of him – so he pulls back, looks at your sweat-riddled face, as well as the fright it exhibits, and looses a freaking sigh now.  As if he’s upset by your reaction, perhaps even disappointed, the low grumble to follow right afterwards only adds to the discontent he feels for you.
And you; you’re staring up at him, sniffling and trying to blink away the blur in your eyes now whilst your entire body is literally shaking. 
He’s the one that’s displeased? After scaring the literal shit out of you and making you cry, he is the one that gets to grumble about it like some senile, old grandpa whenever his grandkids get caught doing something naughty? You can’t believe the nerve of this man. Wolf. Wolfman? Werewolf.
It seems that Kiba remains a crabby douche no matter what form he’s in. And it is him; your grouchy boyfriend is actually still somewhere in there – looking at you worryingly through pupils that remind you of a cat’s, and owning a body so powerful that it could turn your entire house to rubble if it went on a rampage.
“I-I’m sorry,” you choke out at the thought, carefully reaching out to place your hand on his chest again, but this time to appease him instead of shoving him away and provoking him again. “I just–... I wasn’t expecting this, ‘kay? Try and understand how I feel about this.”
Just breathe. Breathe, breathe, breathe – in and out. He’s less scary already. 
He perks up at your words again, his paw covering your hand entirely when he presses it more closely to his heart so that you can feel the rhythm of his pulse better. The knuckles are nearly human, as well as the digits that bend and curl over your own now; just covered in fur and equipped with those menacing claws you’re still continuously flicking a wary eye towards every few seconds.
Fingers tangling into rough chestnut fur, his heartbeat is so strong and other-wordly that it makes you sick in a way. It beats faster than any human heart – rhythm quick and potent enough that it kisses the pads of your fingers every time it hits.
It’s like the damn muscle is jumping and bouncing off the sides of his ribcage as he grumbles once more in answer, this time more in agitation than anything else. He can’t even speak proper English with you, or any other human language whatsoever, and yet you’re starting to understand him perfectly just from the faces he’s making and the noises of irritation coming from the back of his throat every once in a while.
“What,” you whisper, feeling dizzy from the heat his body gives off, “what is it?” It’s as if his very blood has come to a boil, is starting to sizzle like oil on a frying pan underneath all of that muscle and skin. He’s practically burning up, warming your entire bedroom by merely existing. It’s making your vision spin before your very eyes.
So he clutches your hand harder when you look like you’re about to faint; pushes it even closer to his heart. And when you look more stable, like the touch grounds you in a way, he circles his free paw around his face – that uncanny, strange face – and presses it to your own chest. To your own heart.
“What?” His hand, if you could call it that, is so big that it covers the entirety of your ribcage. Thumb to pinky; he’s touching you from one end to the other. You have trouble breathing at the realization of his immense size. “Is there so-something wrong with my heart?”
He shakes his head in answer. Repeats the action of circling his face, but then he stops and pauses for a moment. Contemplates. Pointing to his twitching ear this time around, he does it a few times before pressing the paw to your heart again.
Puzzled, you blink at him, attempting to understand what he’s miming to you as he starts pointing to his ear again. “Are you… Are you saying that you can hear my heart?”
He nods feverishly now, tapping his digits against the middle of your chest a couple of times in the exact same rhythm your heart beats inside your ears, paying heed that he doesn’t strike you with his claws by accident.
“It’s fast, yeah,” you mumble hesitantly. “Nothing like yours, though.”
And now, much to your surprise, he whines in reply; sounding like a little puppy when it yawns with that squeal-ish sort of sound. As if he’s not happy at all with your statement.
Your brow quirks because of it. “You don’t like that it’s fast?”
Kiba shakes his head again.
You frown when he just points to his face again and drops his eyes to the floor. He taps you over your heart only once this time; gently. Like he’s afraid he might break you in two if he uses any more force, the click of his claws only gives you more proof that he could. 
And it’s sort of soothing – him caring enough to be this cautious. It calms you, coaxing you to warily place your hand upon his own and say, “I’m not scared of you anymore, Kiba.”
You mean it. Even if your body is still stiff as a board; you mean it.
But all he does is grumble again. Incoherent, rumbling sounds that make you chuckle almost as his tail drops limp between his legs. Your lips are twitching as you speak again, “I’m serious, my heart is beating so fast only ‘cause I love you so much, and ‘cause I’m worried about you. I mean, baby, you have a tail, for Christ’s sake. Come to think of it… Does it hurt when it grows out?”
What a lucky girl you are, your statement makes him growl for a third time as his paw drops from your chest and rests on the curve of your hip instead. If he weren’t so big and unpredictable, you’d bash his head in for being so fussy. “Stop making that noise, y-you’ve gotta cut me some slack! At least I didn’t run away and called the cops! Or, ya know… Animal control, since you’re… Well… Yeah.”
The look he gives you now just spells that sarcastic ‘Funny.’ even though he really is more animal than human. He’s nearly slouching, curving his broad back just to remain face to face with you, and when you’re about to open your mouth to retaliate, because being witty is just how you’ve decided to cope and be comfortable around him, nothing but a squeak pushes past your lips instead.
Because now, Kiba lifts you up – so swiftly and effortlessly that you’re amazed in a way, even if it’s nothing surprising if you take his sheer size into consideration. Paws wrapping around your hips, you can feel his claws dig into the plush fabric of your pyjama shorts, but never tearing, as he tosses you over his shoulder and just keeps you there. 
Like you’re some damsel in distress, hell like he’s Bowser and you’re Princess Peach; he carries you across the room as if you’re light as a feather.
You squeak out this high-pitched sort of noise when he throws you onto the bed. Squirming around, you try to back up against the headboard, but he grabs you by the ankle and just pulls you closer as he falls onto the mattress himself.
Nearly cringing at the second creek of protest the wooden framing gives to his weight, your own objections are stifled as his arms wrap around you like armor and he attempts to make himself seem smaller – badly. One paw-like hand rests on your middle now, giving you a single push until you’re firmly pressed against his chest. You can feel his heartbeat thumping right against your spine now. It nearly makes the discs rattle from how strong it is.
And even his tail is wrapping around your hip in almost a protective manner now; warming you up with the heat of his body and the thickness of his fur. You’re sweating after mere seconds, the coat of salt thickening the glaze that’s already there as he nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck and just starts breathing in your scent again.
It’s like he’s addicted to the way you smell. Even with the initial tension gone, every grunt that reverberates down your spine is still chill-inducing despite the heat.
Laying next to him in the dark, the rational part of your consciousness screams at you to run and never look back. How you should feel scared; caged in from the way he wraps himself around you and holds you in place. But you don’t. Goddammit, you just don’t. You’ve known him for too long, and he’s just too sweet, even if he looks equally as bitter.
However, when you attempt to turn around to look at him again, he just growls once more. The same as the first time, it’s a warning, but it doesn’t scare you like it did the first time.
Your voice is calm because of it now, “You don’t want me to see you anymore?”
Paw leaving your middle for the briefest moment, you exhale a sigh at how cool his lack of touch feels now as he points at the laptop that’s still laying open on your bed. His body temperature is so high that it makes you burn all over when he touches the sliver of bare skin on your belly.
You swallow the thick saliva that’s gathered inside your mouth again. “The movie, right… Watching movies until you change back, or I fall asleep. Just like you’ve said.” 
Fuck, when he pats your stomach in approval and grunts, it just makes you sweat even more. You shouldn’t be thinking about this sort of thing, now should you? About how it’d feel if he were to stroke the naked skin, not just linger on it… If he were to lick it, too. His tongue is probably rougher than normal. It’d hurt, wouldn’t it? Or would it feel good? Oh, and how would it feel if he were to trace your skin with those claws just enough to make you antsy?
As the thoughts ensue, your toes are curling from embarrassment, expectation, arousal – you, yourself, don’t even know from what. This entire thing is so confusing. Are you seriously attracted to a fucking werewolf, or is the heat that’s pooling between your legs only there because this is something new and exciting, and it’s your boyfriend that’s the beast? 
The curiosity of humans truly is a wonder. It’s like you truly want to fuck everything that comes your way.
But it seems that Kiba knows what you’re feeling even if you don’t, or perhaps he can smell the change of hormones that lace your blood now. Because as soon as your dainty fingers lightly begin to trace his own thicker ones, seemingly all coy and innocent, he starts to stroke your naked skin in return, too. Gentle swipes that nevertheless make your breath hitch in the back of your throat, he’s sighing at the way your thighs squeeze together in response to his touches.
You’re slowly becoming drenched; he can smell the dopamine on you. The amount is big enough to make his thoughts fuzzy and his dick hard. God, he wants to suck the hormones right out of you.
So he lets his fingers travel higher. Lifts the hem of the shirt you’re wearing with one sharp claw and reaches just the underside of your breast as he strokes even more tenderly. Same movements, different pace and intensity, because he needs to be careful if he wishes to keep you intact and whole.
Minutes pass. He’s stupid, so he’s somehow ended up with both of your tits in his hands; squeezing the fat and flicking the cute nubs ever so gently. Making you squirm. Listening to your quick, little breaths. You’re so needy that it’s amusing in a way.
However, he grunts the moment you roll your hips against his own. Your smell turns him insatiable – you just smell so fucking good, it’s not fair – so he bucks his hips forward and ruts into you once, twice, but then stops immediately when you mewl something delightfully submissive in response and arch your back to feel him even better over your flimsy shorts.
Shit. That sounded so good that it made his ears perk up.
But he’s so big when he’s like this and you’re so small. The ridge of his semi-hard cock that presses against your clothed cunt is already so massive that there is no way your tiny human body would be able to take him in – it is quite literally impossible, no matter how badly you want it to happen. Too enormous for your sweet little pussy, he’d ruin you completely with just one pump if he was to become completely turned on. And you don’t even have a clue about the knot.
Holy fuck, the knot – how could he forget. His heart is racing now at the thought of you taking it willingly, it’s insane how fast it is as he releases you and points towards the laptop again with somewhat shaky digits. 
It’s better to stop early. He’s not sure how much sanity he has to spare, the fact that you’re accepting him for who he is; that you are getting fucking aroused by what he thought of as an ugly secret until now is making drool ooze down his sharp teeth. Is making him yearn to push your face into the pillow so that he can just take you doggy style, because it’s, well… Fitting.
He wants to do it painfully slow and rough. Like an animal, the instinct to breed you until you’re his little mate is so acute that it hurts him. Christ, you’ve mentioned wanting kids, now that you’re both in your mid-twenties. Have begun talking more and more about moving in together and starting a family. 
And Kiba wants it, too, he truly does. He wants kids, marriage. The chance of coming back to a warm home every single day, and spending the rest of those days with you, now that you know what he is. He’s never been happier because of the fact that you still want him just as badly as he wants you, but how the fuck is he supposed to give you all of that and grant you all of your wishes when he’s a monster?
During the course of your relationship, he’d been nothing but excuses as a result, even if he didn’t want to be. Stalling whenever you had suggested sharing a household. Completely disappearing roughly once a month whenever there was a full moon, even though – much to his luck – you’ve never managed to make the connection. Telling you, ‘Yes, I want kids.’ even though he’d started pulling out the moment you had told him that you got off your birth control.
Seeing the disappointment cross your face each time was hard. He wants kids, fuck, he wants them so bad – it’s in his blood to give you as many as you’ll be willing to have with him, for fuck’s sake. But all of this is complicated. Him feeling scared to give you babies because they’d almost surely be different from the ones you gush over whenever your friends swing by is completely justified.
But now, after you’ve seen him for what he is and have clearly accepted him, just imagining you still wanting kids with him makes his fucking tail want to wag. The way you'd whine and then beg him to cum inside you as your tiny pussy sucks him in, in, in. How you'd spread your legs and let him grab you by the hips until they'd be littered with scratches. How you'd squeal when he'd bite you to keep you still for long enough to make you pregnant with his offspring.
There’d be more than one in this form; he’s sure of it. Sadly, he’s just too big to fit. Perhaps, if you’re willing, you could try when he’s back to normal again.
“But Kiba, I–” Your lips clamp shut the moment he points to the screen again, this time sternly, and exhales this deep, fed-up breath through his nose that tickles your neck and just makes you buzz all over.
He’s even drawn his hips away from you whilst thinking of slamming them in instead. No more rutting – you’re not fucking a monster no matter how bad his need is and how nicely you’ve accepted him. He wants you alive and whole, after all.
And that means: end of discussion.
Even in his werewolf form, your boyfriend is as stubborn as ever.
You finish the movie with a frown etched upon your lips that he promptly seems to ignore for your sake. As soon as the credits roll, he makes you watch another one. 
Hours pass; fading away into the night, and you feel him growing lighter. Smaller. More human. Changing or not, Kiba still doesn’t allow you to look at him during it. He’s told you that the transformation can be a bit unpleasant to see when you’re not used to seeing it, so you can’t do anything else but comply with his wishes. 
And just when you’re on the verge of sleep, consciousness nearly fluttering away into dreamland, do you at long last feel him move.
Thick fingers digging into your t-shirt, he presses himself against you after hours of nothing. “Babe?” He whispers right into your ear, nudging you with the tip of his nose, “You still awake, baby?”
He can speak again.
“Mhmm.” His body is still so warm that you can’t help but feel it lulling you to slumber. “I’m awake.” It’s a bother to stay that way, but you still force yourself to remain conscious by rubbing your cheek into the pillow tiredly. “Can I look at you now…? Please?”
A smile ghosts over Kiba’s lips at the plea you’ve surely been harboring for hours. He’s still not used to you knowing and liking this part of him. He doubts he’ll ever be. “I’m not fully back to normal just yet,” he says, and you can tell, because there’s still this coarse bite to his voice that makes him sound like his teeth are too big for his mouth. “But I think it’s safe enough to look… If you want.”
You don’t ask him if he’s absolutely sure, nor if he’s all right with it. Far too impatient to look at your boyfriend again, you’re swiftly flipping onto your other side to finally lay your eyes on him not even a second after the words of insecurity finish leaving his lips.
His appearance makes your heart start to pound all over again. Not out of fear, though. No, this time it’s thrill – the good kind.
He’s mid-stage, just like he’s said he’d be. Not human just yet, although not full-werewolf anymore either: he’s a being of something supernatural and in-between that you don’t know how to name for the life of you. 
He’s still big – bigger than usual – though nearly not as before. The fur is gone, but his hair is still overwhelmingly thick; partially hiding the pointy ears that remain sitting and twitching ever so slightly atop his head. His facial features are back to normal, even if his eyes aren’t. Still yellow, they glow in the dark with those slits for pupils that dilate sideways whenever they make eye contact with you. You can feel the tail as it curls around your hip once more, and can see the fangs when he parts his rosy lips to release a shuddering, anxious breath.
He looks like a hybrid. That’s the word!
“How long?” It’s the first thing that comes out of your mouth as you reach up to touch him. He’s completely naked underneath the thin duvet, you can see the pile of torn up clothes on the floor. It’s a good thing he’s brought an overnight bag with him.
“Huh?” Goddammit, he’s so insecure that he flinches when your fingers make contact with his warm, golden skin.
Your gaze turns soft as you trace his cheekbone and utter, “How long have you been like this?”
“Uh,” he mumbles, brow furrowing despite that he tilts his head so that he can lean into your touch better, “ever since I can remember. I was born with the gene.”
“Just you?”
“It… It runs in the family.” 
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip. Chewing on the tender flesh, your voice is hushed, “And why haven’t you told me?”
He hates admitting his vulnerability to anyone – even you – but he has to if he wants this relationship to work and for the bond to strengthen. So he sighs, voice equally as quiet as he says, “I was scared you’d be disappointed.” 
He pauses for a bit now, letting the beat of silence pass. Avoiding eye contact whilst those peculiar yellow eyes flick across your entire room, he seems almost jittery in a way, despite that you’re the harmless human in this situation. God, he hates feeling insecure like this.
You can’t stay still, silent. It’s eating you alive, so you cut into the quiet, “What is it?”
“It’s…” Kiba inhales deeply, shaking his head with a groan that just provokes you further. You’re on the brink of jumping him and shaking him by the shoulders until he spits it out. Luckily for the both of you, you don’t have to do it because now he at long last looks you in the eye and says, “It’s hereditary.”
This time, your roles are reversed and the silence is far longer than the previous beat. A lot longer.
“Say something, sweetheart,” he mumbles, voice strained from nervosity.
“I see.” It’s all you give him and Kiba isn’t sure what the tone means. Either he’s dumb as fuck or he’s just incapable of reading it, it doesn’t matter how sensitive the ears atop his head are – he is still not getting it. 
So he asks, “You know what that means?”
Instead of answering, you ask a question of your own, “Is that the reason why you turned all weird when I got off the pill?”
He just nods before his chin dips down, lips pressed into a firm line and shoulders slumped. Oh, boy. Watching how guilty he looks, you almost feel the gears turning inside your head as all the puzzle pieces click and begin to paint the bigger picture you would have never solved on your own otherwise. 
And here you were; worrying like some idiot that he was refusing to settle only because he didn’t take you seriously enough. 
The entire thing seems so utterly stupid, now that you think about it.
“Is it, like,” your voice breaks before you swallow the saliva that’s gathered inside your mouth. “Is it definite? If we were to have–...”
His expression softens at the worry to glint inside your eyes. “There’s a chance.”
“A chance?”
“Yeah.” He sighs again. “It’s not, like, fully definite or anything like that... I mean, Hana isn’t like this, and we’re brother and sister. But there’s still a pretty big chance, ‘cause I’d be the dad and my genes are… Well, they’re more dominant, I guess.”
“They’re more likely to prevail?” you ask, quirking a brow as you place your hand on his warm chest. His heartbeat isn’t back to normal, per se, it just isn’t nearly as fast as it was before. “I think I’ve read that in an article somewhere before. Or a book I was reading… I can’t remember.”
“I don’t like that word; prevail,” he mumbles, the bridge of his nose scrunching in distaste. You can even see his ears flatten until they’re flushed against his head. “Our kiddos would have as much of you in ‘em as much as they’d have me.”
“Yeah, but if they’re like… This,” you trace his chest gently and jerk your chin upwards to make a point, “they’d have more of you in them than they’d have me, right?”
“They could still have your smile. Or your height. Hell, even your eye colour, which is so pretty by the way.” Kiba says, the corners of his lips twitching when you smile at the smooth compliment. “The yellow would only show when they’d turn once a month; and that's to say if they’d turn. I mean, yeah, it’d play a huge part in their lives, being like this, and it would be hard at times… But that side isn’t everything that'd define them, ya know? They’d still be people. Human.”
You’re surprised how mature he is about this – speaking about it as if he’s practiced it in front of the mirror a dozen times before, albeit still sounding just as genuine. Normally, you’d expect him to be unreasonable whilst attempting to shove his head through the wall, but that’s not the case this time around. And thinking about said case; he’s right. 
Even if he turns into something unnatural every full moon, he’s still Kiba, no matter the form. He’s still your boyfriend who likes to poke fun at you every chance he gets, who likes to scream with joy at the TV whenever his favourite team scores a point, who always picks chocolate ice cream over vanilla, who’s terrible at making the fitted bed sheet actually fit over the mattress – all of that. Those quirks make him human, and he is just that. He’s a person, just like you.
Though, he’s just proved to you that he’d be a wonderful dad, too.
“I don’t see it as a bad thing, baby,” you say, blushing at the thought whilst cupping his face delicately. “I still love you, even if you look like you’ve just graduated from Monster High.” It’s no wonder he was so good at being a jock, both through high school and college. Always so agile and fast by instinct.
He snorts, rolling his eyes. “Hilarious.”
You giggle at your own jab. Sigh in content at the kiss he presses to your cheek a moment later. “I still wanna try, you know.”
He stills, warm mouth lingering right next to your temple. “Like… Right now?”
“Yeah.” Your voice is nothing but a whisper as your fingers tangle into his hair and trace the back of one pointy ear. Like a cat, you’re simply too curious to hold back. You can see them both flatten against his head in an instant as he stiffens above you and groans.
“Yeah.” He pauses to draw in a shaky breath. “Very.”
Well, fuck.
You’re growing hot again, almost feverish at how responsive he is to mere strokes. “Should I not touch them?”
“You can. I’ve just never–... Nnh.” He turns into putty that you hold in your hands the moment you scratch his scalp and trace the shape of both triangles after hearing his approval. They’re surprisingly delicate underneath the pads of your fingers; almost silken to the touch and twitching every time you land contact. “Never had anyone touch ‘em before. It’s different than anything else I’ve ever felt.”
His brain might just burst if you actually take his knot.
“Okay,” you whisper. “I’ll be gentle.”
He’s toying with your shirt, claw tugging at the hem whilst attempting to focus. “You seriously wanna try for a baby now?” Turned on so easily and still yearning because of the teasing you gave him before, he can’t think straight.
“Yes,” your answer is confident. Honest. “As long as it’s safe for the both of us, I don’t care if our baby ends up being like you. I’ll still love it, just like I love you.”
God, he could cry at this point. “It’s safe, just a little different... Might hurt a bit ‘cause I’m still pretty big, but I’d never put you in harm's way, you know that, baby.”
Your heart is racing. “How much would it hurt?”
“We’d–...” Goodness, he’s so flustered. “We’d be stuck for a while after we’d be done, like for half an hour… Maybe an hour. It can get a bit uncomfortable.”
He blinks. “Why would it be uncomfortable?”
“No, like why would we get stuck?”
“Oh.” Heat sears Kiba’s face at your question. He’s looking down at you with a furrowed brow and nearly a frown now. You just look so perfect, hair all messy over the pillow and skin dewy, and here he is about to explain the most humiliating thing ever. 
“I, uh… God, this is so embarrassing, but I have a knot, okay? It’s meant for, mm… Basically, it makes me unable to pull out, because it literally hurts us both if I try. And uh–...” He’s nearly scowling now, the poor man. “It just gives us a better chance at having a kid, okay? That’s all you need to know.”
“Wow.” Your eyes grow wide at the crude explanation he’s given like he’s some damn caveman. Pure wooden clubs and unga bunga language, like the definition of Fred Flintstone. “So it’s just like in those fanfics I’ve read as a teen?”
“C’mon, baby, I don’t read that shit.” The pointed look he gives you with those sharp pupils tells you everything you need to know. Nearly makes you laugh. “And you shouldn’t have either, ‘cause listen to the crap you’re spouting while we’re talking about our goddamn future… I mean, seriously.”
“Hah!” The chuckle slips out. “I’m so sorry, Ki. I’ll be good, I promise.” 
He rolls his eyes in faux-annoyance. “Aha.”
“C’mon, I wanna try!” The smile that’s forcing itself on your lips is so big. “I want to have a kid, and move in together; all of that… So, do you wanna do it for real this time?”
Something is fluttering inside his chest and stomach at your proposal. Something that makes him light-headed as he looks you dead in the eye and says, “Well, it depends… Are you gonna take my knot?”
Oh, he’s serious now. All intense, his eyes are burning like a forge.
“Yeah,” you whisper, the air suddenly solemn. He doesn’t want you to joke about this. “I will.”
“Yeah?” he whispers back. “Even if it hurts a little? You’ll still take it?”
You wonder what ‘a little’ means to him. No matter. “Mhmm.”
Studying your features for any hint of deceit, he’s breathing hard just thinking about it. “Okay.”
As are you. “Okay.”
Moments pass, and the silence is intimate. However, you start to laugh again the moment his tail starts to wag. He’s just so goddamn red, so adorable. “You excited?”
“Yeah, m’sorry,” he mumbles bashfully. “It has a mind of its own sometimes. Especially when I’m happy.”
“You’re happy ‘cause I’ll take your knot?”
“That’s cute. Like you’re a good boy, or somethin’.” Heat is crawling up your neck as you look at him underneath your lashes and mumble, “So… How do you want me?”
Fuck, that flusters him even further. Especially because the communication is good and you start touching his ears again. Good boy, good boy, good boy – he really is a good boy. “I, uh… Just lemme…”
But instead of finishing his sentence, Kiba just manhandles you into position. He’s as gentle as he can be, perhaps even respectful, though you still feel heat overtake your body the moment he flips you onto your stomach with complete ease and hovers above you by pinning both arms on either side of you.
He’s still so big; strong. His body covers your own, warmth and that musky scent fogging your senses completely. That alone is enough to make you shove your face into the pillow and push your ass up as high into the air as it’ll go. Like a proper little mate.
You smell so sweet with dopamine that it makes his voice sound rough from how dry it makes his throat as he watches you squirm into position, “I–... I gotta undress you first.”
“Just tear it off.” Your eyes are glazed over when you turn your head to the side to look at him. “It’ll be faster that way.”
The drool he forces down is thick. “You want it that bad?”
“I need it, love. Need all of you.” Even the werewolf side.
“Shit… O-Okay.” Goddammit, you’ve even got his voice to quiver as he does what you ask of him. The collar of your top chokes you for a brief moment as he tugs on the back of it, fingers so eager whilst the cotton starts biting into your neck, but then he releases you the moment the noise of shredding fabric fills the room. 
Kiba trails his eyes over your exposed back now. At the way goosebumps cover the smooth skin the moment he traces your spine with the tip of one claw. He can see the sides of your tits as they press against the mattress; all plush-like. It just makes his mouth water all the more. “What about the shorts?”
“Same as the shirt,” you mumble, lifting and wiggling your hips again.
His pupils are overtaking his entire irises. “Underwear, too?”
His tail is wagging again, you can hear the dull thump, thump, thump against the mattress. “Tell me what I ever did to deserve you… For real.”
You could tease him. But this moment is tender, intimate, so you decide against it and just say, “Shush.”
You’re naked in mere seconds after that; he’s slicing through the fabric like it’s butter. And that excites you, especially as he inhales so, so deep and says, “Fuck, baby… What’re you doin’ to me?” 
“Nothin’...?” you trail off playfully, smiling into the pillow as you feel your toes curl. His voice is just so coarse; so fueled with passion. You’re dripping just because of the dazed tone alone.
“You smell so fuckin’ good, that’s what you’re doing,” he mumbles, kissing your bare shoulder blade as he tops you. “It’s driving me insane.”
Your eyelids flutter shut at the kisses he keeps peppering all over. “Is your sense of smell better than usual?”
“Yeah.” The tip of his nose presses against your spine, making you giggle when the ends of his hair brush your skin. “I can smell how turned on you are. All that dopamine, fuck… I’m so lucky.”
You chuckle now, “I’m surprised you even know what dopamine is.”
“Tsch. Full of fuckin’ surprises today, aren’t I?” He’s got a smile of his own gracing his features, all charm and pointy fangs. “You need foreplay? I’ve put on lube just now.”
“No,” you utter. “I think I’ll be fine.”
“It’ll still hurt… Even with the lube.” Another kiss to your shoulder, his hips are already meeting yours so that he can align himself with your dripping cunt despite the warning. He’s so impatient to get inside you, after all. “I’m, mm… I’m bigger than usual.”
He says it like it’s a bad thing.
But you’re already buzzing with anticipation; heart racing and fingers gripping the pillow as you feel his cockhead prod at your sopping hole. He’s leaking pre-cum, throbbing and pushing against you and spreading gooey lube everywhere. Waiting for you to say the magic words. “I-I can take it.” I think.
“Good enough for me.”
And it’s true: you can take it. Although just barely.
Every inch that he sinks into you now gives you a stretch that is almost unbearable to endure. His cock is big; fat – it makes you cry. Girthy and thick, you can feel the vein on its underside throbbing inside you as he keeps pushing, pushing, pushing. Slowly and cautiously, his ears are pressing flat against his head again and his tail goes limp from how hard he’s concentrating to make you comfortable and to not go fucking berserk.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck… Baby,” he whines. Your pussy is literally drooling. Sucking him in, despite that he’s overtaking your capacity so very fast. “You feel s’good, baby. We-... We’ve still got a bit left but we’re almost there.”
Almost? It feels like he’s in your throat already. Like he’s fucking impaled you on his dick, you’re already salivating onto your pillow, with your eyes crossed and your brain numb. You’re breathing hard; panting underneath him. Sweat oozes out of every pore on your body from the effort you’re both putting into making this work. You’re still so small underneath him, so fragile that it makes him nervous. Doesn’t make him stop, of course, but the nerves are enough to make him chew on his lip. 
“Goddammit,” you whisper, screwing your eyes shut. His size is gruelling – it’s literally rearranging your insides. “Y-You’re so big, Ki.”
“I’m sorry.” Genuine.
“Too big, baby.” Your breath jumps and stammers as he bottoms out and groans at the wet smack! The mewl you let out right after makes his ears twitch.
“Ah, I’m so sorry.”
He’s apologetic, sweetly kissing your shoulder and the side of your sweaty neck from how bad he feels for making you hurt. But he can still smell the absurd amounts of dopamine coursing your blood. Can smell the merest hints of oxytocin as well. You’re into this as much as he is.
Your bodies are pressing against one another to become one; your back is arching and his hips are dipping in just to be as close as is humanly possible. Limbs entwine, mouths open and close in needy gasps. Even your skin is tightening and hardening as he starts to throb inside your fucking womb.
“I took you in,” you mumble dazedly. “Took you in… All the way.”
“You’re such a good lil’ mate, baby,” he whispers in reply. “Gonna breed you so good as a reward, okay?”
You’re looking at each other the moment your head whips to the side. The eye contact is so intense that it makes your pussy clench around his goddamn monster cock. “Y-Yeah?”
“Mhmm, yeah.” He sucks in a sharp breath at the sensation; hissing through his teeth, making you glance at the sharp incisors. “Gonna give you so many pups... I can’t wait to hold ‘em. Our babies.”
His words warm your soul, not just your heart. You’re a hot mess; all sloppy from the drool and tears he’s making you spill, but it feels so good. Your boyfriend fills you up in a way nobody else ever could, because they’re just people and he’s a species of his own. 
A species that stretches your velvet walls to make room for even more cock. That makes you spurt milky slick and gush all over that same dick as it starts to thrust in and out of your warmth, forcing you to moan out the sickest of profanities. 
Fuck, you can feel every drag of his girth. Can feel him in your gut whenever he sinks back in, in, in. 
Time turns non-existent as he screws you, and not once does he exit you completely. He’s relentless at staying inside you for eons at a time, yes, even when his pace picks up and turns so harsh that you feel like he’ll snap you into two. Even as you start to literally sob into the pillow, and he repeatedly keeps kissing your cervix with that fat cockhead of his in answer. Even when your moans turn into sounds only a fucked-out slut could produce. 
He’s fucking you like an animal, even if it’s slow and passionate instead of violent and rough.
“Gonna–...” Your voice is so high-pitched that it makes his ears slant, “Soon, gonna cum real soon…!”
“Yeah, I can smell it,” he grunts, panting quick and hard. “You’re all oxytocin, baby. C’mon, gush.”
“Tryin’-!” Jaw slack, your mouth hangs open as he hits the sweetspot and makes you squeal mid-sentence instead.
“That’s it, pretty. Spill.” He just can’t stop, the way you clamp down on him is too good for words. “Fuck yourself on my dick, c’mon… Just. Like. That.”
You have no clue how he does it, but he somehow manages to make you cum twice in a row. Reaching one peak before heading right towards the other; everything feels so sensitive and tender, raw. You’re on the verge of fainting, or on the cusp of crying – you, yourself, don’t even know which one it is at this point.
And in the midst of all of that, his claws dig into your hips. His teeth find home in your neck and taste blood. Fangs dipped in crimson, he goes absolutely berserk as he brands you. His hand is covering the entire side of your face as he forces you to look at him. To really look at him.
“You’re mine,” he says, voice so deep that it turns you breathless. “All mine. No other man will ever be able to have you, d’you get that?”
You’re nodding fervently, looking like a doll; like a stupid fucking bimbo. “Y-Yeah, I-I got it.”
And he’s absolutely feral; possessive. All messy and wild, his dark hair is sticking to his forehead from all the sweat. He’s staring at you so deeply that your soul is branded with the same yellow as his eyes are before he slams his mouth against your own and kisses you like he’ll never get another chance to do so again. 
You can taste the iron on his tongue; cut your own on one of his fangs, and make him all the more hot and bothered as red spills all over his mouth cavity.
He’ll break you like this. The smell and taste of your blood are to blame, no wonder he didn’t say anything.
Your eyes are closed as you kiss, and so are his. You’re both attempting to focus better on the intensifying sensations whilst your tongues twirl around each other and the strings of saliva break and connect. Every time your lips brush, it sparks electricity in your core. He’s literally twitching inside you; all warm and big. And ready. So ready.
“You’re gonna take my knot and make me a daddy, right?” His whisper sends a chill through you as he grabs you and pulls you even closer. Your body is covered in markings of his teeth and claws; you’re going to ache all over in the morning. But it’s worth it when he licks the shell of your ear and hushes, “Gonna keep being a good lil’ mate for me, yeah?”
So this is how he gets when he wants to breed you for real. You can’t believe he’s had the self-control to pull out every single time you’ve had sex for nearly seven months, when he fucks like this. “Yeah,” you answer breathlessly. “Go-Gonna be a good mate, Kiba…! Gonna take your knot.”
Shit, hearing his name during sex is his weak spot. It makes him want to fuck you into the goddamn mattress until there’s nothing left of you to fuck – as if he isn’t doing that already. “Say it again.”
“Gonna take your knot, Ki-... I-I promise!” You’re struggling to breathe properly, holy fuck. “Gonna be a good mate…!”
“Gotta turn you around… Lemme see ‘em heart eyes.” He’s so close. It needs to happen now; his dick is starting to throb and you need to settle into a position that’s more comfortable before it’s too late.
Still, you whine when he pulls out, and you swear that you can feel him getting stuck between your walls for just the briefest moment before that lewd, squelching noise of his dick parting with your pussy sounds out. And then he’s manhandling you into position again; forcing you into something more decent and vanilla with such ease that you’d think he’s mulled this scenario over in his head a million times before.
And then you’re sobbing his name out when he fills you back up in one ruthless swing again and coaxes the third orgasm out of you. As he just stretches you to the brink of pain again and makes you take it with clenched teeth and teary eyes.
“Fuck, fi-fill me up…! Fill me up, please, please, please…”
Your belly is bulging with his dick, and you’re all oxytocin – delicious, mouth-watering oxytocin – as you begin gushing; leaking warm juices of pleasure until your head is lolling back into the pillow and you’re nearly incoherent. 
He’s licking the sweat from your neck, biting on your skin and kissing you sloppily as he just keeps rutting, fucking, screwing. Your pussy is sucking him in no matter how much he bullies it. It’s as if it can’t get enough of him and that big dick of his. Just keeps on demanding that wet, rough pat, pat, pat!
He can nearly feel its fucking heartbeat on his dick.
“Fu-Fuck, baby… God-fucking-damn.” Kiba is stuttering – fucking stuttering as your fingers find his ears and begin to stroke whilst tugging on his hair. As lightning surges through his veins and he sinks into place and just spills everything he’s got the moment you cry out his name. As he gets stuck inside you and the knot is forced into place. 
The fucking knot. He can feel you clenching around it; walls fluttering like the goddamn butterflies in his stomach as he paints them white with his warm seed. It’s better than anything he’s imagined. He’s fucked you so many times before, but taking you while he’s in this form is not just a delight, but a dream come true. He’s the luckiest man to ever walk the face of the earth. Utterly blessed.
Not even a droplet of cum is leaking out of you; you’re fused together that tightly.
It takes you both long moments to compose yourselves. You spend the passing minutes just bathing in the sticky afterglow and listening to each other’s hearts. You’ve never felt closer to each other. As if your very souls have mended and become one, the feeling is inexplicable.
“Oh, my,” you mumble through shallow breaths at some point, scrubbing both hands over your face. You’re simply exhausted, he’s hit you like a tidal wave. Has taken away the ground beneath your feet, leading you to a higher place. You just can’t seem to bring yourself back, no matter how hard you try. Especially because he’s still inside you. And because of the fact that he’s going to stay like that for a long while. “That was–... A lot.”
“I know,” he says, resting his forehead against your shoulder. His ear flutters the moment your sharp exhale brushes it when you chuckle. “Fuck, I’m sorry; I was so rough… I tried not to be, but some part of me just–...” He pauses, looking up at you underneath thick lashes. “I’m sorry, baby, okay? I’ll answer any questions you have now, since we, well… Have the time, hah.”
“It’s okay, we’ll do that in the morning when I can think straight again.” You’re pleasantly surprised at how tender and protective he is over you already. Nearly purring above you whilst drinking up your approval and inhaling your scent, he reminds you more of a kitty than a wolf. “I do have one question, though.”
“Is all of this,” you gesture all over him, “the reason why you like doggy so much?”
The stare he gives you in answer is so deadpan that it’s hard not to laugh.
“Whaaat?” Caressing his face, you squish both of his cheeks until his lips purse. “What’re you so grumpy for, huh? T’was just a question…”
He’s fighting back a smile of his own as he says, “I wanna break up.”
“Hah!” You snort, the sound derisive. “Turning me into a single mother already?”
A beat of silence passes between you again as he presses his chin to your chest.
“I really hope it’ll stick.” The competitive glint that appears in his eyes when he looks up at you just screams Kiba now. “I wanna give you a mini-me first try.”
“Oh?” You smile, all naughty-like whilst wiggling your brows. “Whatever happened to the kid inheriting my half of the gene pool as well?”
“Well, if it’s a boy, he can have my good looks and your bad taste in music,” he mumbles, chuckling. “And if it’s a girl, she can be a badass like me, and have your shitty cooking skills.”
“Idiot, shitty cooking skills aren’t even hereditary! And it’s not like you’re Gordon Ramsay, or anything…” You’re laughing now, flicking his ear as punishment. “If we weren’t stuck together, I would have beaten your ass by now.”
“You can try it in about,” he says, checking the alarm clock on your nightstand, “an hour, or so. And just so you know, I’ll fold you. Pregnant or not.”
“Yeah?” The smirk that ghosts over your lips is so pretty that it makes his heart jump. “You gonna bite me all over again?”
“You bet.” He’s kissing you right on the mouth as he whispers, “But only ‘cause I love you so much.”
“You know… It’s a good thing you’re a furry and not something nasty, like a zombie or someth– Ouch!” You flinch when he sinks his teeth into your shoulder as punishment, “Okay, okay; I’m sorry for calling you a furry! I won’t do it anymore, promise!”
Kiba is all eye rolls and exasperated sighs at your endless jabs.
“Call me that shit again, and I’ll bite your nose off.”
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findmeinasunshower · 2 years
𝐵𝑜𝑔𝒶𝓃𝑜 𝒟𝒶𝓌𝓃𝓈: 𝒞𝒶𝓁 𝒦𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓈
word-count: 1.1k
one-shot, fluff
warnings: sleep issues
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Sitting in the grass on Bogano, you can’t bring yourself to open your eyes. The shift in the light beyond your eyelids tells you that the sun is rising, but the feeling of delicate blades of grass brushing your arms and the sound of boglings playing in the crisp early morning light is enough stimulation for you at the moment.
You still don’t open your eyes even when the sound of footsteps on the ramp meets your ears. Or when you hear boots walking toward you through the grass, and sense a warm body settle down next to you.
Cal doesn’t speak, but you feel his support even without seeing him. That feeling is what finally makes you open your eyes.
You expect to be met with the harsh light of the newly risen sun in front of you, and are surprised to see that it’s still below the horizon. The sky is painted a deep purple, with streaks of gold indicating the oncoming sun. And the grass dances in the breeze like a swaying sea, with the white stone of the ruins glowing purple in the semi-darkness.
Finally, you look at Cal. He’s staring straight ahead at the incoming dawn, completely relaxed with one arm propped up on his knee. For once, BD-1 isn’t accompanying him on his shoulder.
You open your mouth to greet him, but Cal beats you to it:
“It was always raining on Bracca,” he says. Even though you were expecting it, the sound of his voice jars you slightly. A small smile turns up the corner of his mouth. “I’m still getting used to not being wet all the time. And the sight of a sun. And the feel of wind that doesn’t immediately make me freezing.”
“And boglings playing in the field,” you add playfully.
Cal chuckles and turns his head to look at you. His gaze sobers. “Couldn’t sleep?”
Your eyes drop from his as your smile fades. “No.”
“You haven’t been sleeping well lately at all,” he observes. Your surprise must show on your face because Cal smiles innocently and shrugs. “Jedi, remember?”
You breathe out a cautious laugh. “Yeah.”
“So why do you come out here?”
His question makes you think. If you’re being honest, you’ve never really thought about why you venture out here when you can’t sleep. Maybe it’s a reason you don’t want to think about. But, you trust Cal. More than anyone or anything.
You look back toward the horizon; the sky is magenta now. “I’ve never seen a dawn,” you admit. “My planet was lucky in the Outer Rim. I used to sleep in, not look outside until the sun had risen. But then when the Empire found us, everything changed.
“I’ve only remembered recently that my mother would go out and watch every dawn. Every goddamn one. So even when I come out here and I can’t sleep, I can’t bring myself to watch a dawn. I just close my eyes and I...I feel it, and I just feel...peace, you know?”
A long pause passes between you before Cal responds.
“You know, now that I think about it...I’ve never seen a sunrise either.”
You look at him skeptically. “Really?”
Cal does that adorable little shrug again. “Master Tapal liked to get me up early for training, but we were on a ship. When I looked out a window, it was nothing but black and stars.” He smiles softly and gently bumps you with his shoulder. “How about we watch this one together?”
Despite your heavy heart, you can’t help the bashful smile that spreads across your cheeks. “I’d love that.”
Cal grins and when he looks back ahead, you take a moment to observe him.
You’ve seen this boy angry. You’ve seen him cocky. You’ve seen him lose hope after clawing his way out of whatever pit he’s been dropped in. But you’ve never seen him as content as he is now, lounging next to you in the Bogano mud.
Even facing away from you, you can still see the weight behind his green eyes. Cal’s been through so much, even more than you, and yet most of the time he’s the one reassuring you when things go sideways. Despite everything, after backsliding into hopelessness and hatred, he consistently sticks to his own beliefs. And even when it’s you comforting him, when it seems like the entire galaxy is trying to beat him down, he never truly gives up.
That takes a monumental amount of energy for anyone, let alone a Psychometric Jedi who’s experienced as much trauma as he has.
Your eyes travel down to the long scar across his nose, then to the one lining his jaw. "Hey Cal?”
You reach out and trace your finger gently across his jawbone. “How did you get this?”
“The scar? A blaster during the Purge.”
You tap your nose gently and point at him. “What about this one?”
Cal laughs. “A rigging job on Bracca. A cable came back and snapped me across the face. Hurt like a mother, but it comes with the territory.”
“Bullshit, ‘It comes with the territory,’” you laugh. “You’re just too reckless for your own damn good.”
Cal smiles smugly and lays back in the grass. “I prefer the word ‘tenacious.’”
You roll your eyes and lay down next to him, propping yourself on your elbow. “Oh, please.” You lean in closer for a better look at his perfect imperfections. “What about this one?” you ask, feathering your fingers below his right ear.”
“Prauf got me with his Blow Burner.”
“Yikes. Is that where the one hidden in your hair came from too?”
Cal laughs. “Oh yeah. I was half-hairless for weeks, it was awful.”
“Yeah, I’m sure none of the ladies wanted you.” You let your hand wander to his neck. “What about—”
You gasp quietly when Cal’s hand reaches up and traps yours against his chest. His eyes are unreadable as he curls his fingers around yours, unintentionally pulling you in closer. “(y/n)...am I misreading this situation?”
You bite your lip thoughtfully and lean in close enough that you can feel the heat radiating off of him. “I don’t think so,” you whisper. “Am I?”
You think you hear him breathe out a “no” before he lifts up and closes the distance between you. He stops for just a moment before brushing his lips against yours hesitantly, and you let out a soft whimper before kissing him back, drawing a nearly inaudible groan out of him. You feel his heart racing beneath your joined hands.
You don’t know how long you stay there, draped across Cal’s chest kissing him unhurriedly, but at some point through the haze of content, Cal pulls away. “(y/n).”
He smiles against your lips. “The sun has risen.”
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mad4turtles · 1 year
I'm not sure if you're still doing writing requests, but I really loved your oneshot about Leo coming out to Splinter - it brought a few tears to my eyes thinking about my own coming out experience :') if you want, could you maybe do something about Mikey giving Usagi "The Shovel Talk"? It doesn't have to be serious, I just thought it'd be funny if Mikey went all Dr. Delicate Touch while Leo tries not to die in the background. Hope you have a good day/night! :D
I'm so sorry this took FOREVER to get out, I went through several drafts before I finally had to say it was fine XD Hope you enjoy :3
First Impressions (Part 2)
Miyamoto Usagi has become a regular guest in the Hamato household.
After introductions went about as smoothly as one could expect—Splinter warring between outrage and panic and glee that his Baby Blue was dating, and the rest of the family stunned that Leo actually has game (or maybe Usagi is just as dumb as he is)—the clan don't go long without seeing him wandering the lair, usually side by side with Leo.
In hindsight, that makes the death glares Donnie drills into the back of the rabbit's head make much more sense, but that's another issue.
Apparently, they'd been together three weeks before the introductions, and Mikey believes it. Just yesterday, he'd caught them through the crack of Leo's open bedroom door sitting together on the bed, sharing a pair of earbuds as Leo shuffled through his Spotify playlist, letting Usagi in on his atrocious taste in music.
“Hey, glam-rock is the shit,” Leo nudged Usagi's shoulder. “And you can't talk when all you listen to is J and K Pop, classical, country and Lofi.”
“Shut up, baka kappa,” Usagi nudged him back, grinning wide and showing off the buck front teeth that Leo found adorable. “Classical is thought-provoking, good for meditation. And I'll have you know Lofi is calming, something you never are about anything ever.” 
“Okay, I will allow that just this once but you cannot defend country or K Pop—”
“Contrary to popular belief, not all of your western music is about human Christian values, tractors or drinking—in fact, give me your phone, I'll show you my jazz playlist—”
“No!” Leo pulled his arm up, holding his phone out of Usagi's reaching paws even as the rabbit clambered over him. “Knowing you it'll be some awful jazz-lofi remix or somehow have Catholicism involved, people are getting creative in converting the masses—ow! No, get away from me—!”
“Your music sucks! You must be properly educated! Jazz is soothing for the soul!”
“But Queen! David Bowie! Prince!”
“All of the Hidden City knows you're gay, Leonardo, you don't have to blast it on speaker, too!”
“You attack me?! I let you into my house! I trusted you!”
 “Gankona baka! Kōfuku shite horobiro!”
  “Conejito idiota! ¡Fuera de mi trasero!”
They'd tousled for a bit before falling over on the bed and giving into giggles, barely any space between them. Leo's cheeks were flushed, his eyes bright and his grin a wide, dopey thing. Usagi called him a fool and nuzzled his nose against Leo's, earning a delighted chirp from the slider, and it was the happiest Mikey had seen him in months.
He's so in love it's gross. Mikey means that in the best way.
And Usagi seems like a nice guy. A really nice guy.
But they've been fooled by a pretty face and flowery words before. Last time, Leo had to bail them out. This time, Leo is too high up on cloud nine; he won't notice the danger until it's too late, and the fallout will be devastating.
Leo is strong, the strongest of them all as far as Mikey's concerned, in little ways they've never noticed until he'd showed them all by locking himself in hell with a demon. He's faced bigger, scarier things than any teenager—any person—ever should. But relationships? Dating? Being vulnerable with another person, opening your heart and trusting that person to take care of it, and in turn care for theirs? That's a beast of a different calibre.
Heartbreak happens to everyone; it's just how life is, and ignoring the ugly truth of it serves no one. Leo had barely survived his physical body breaking under metal fists driven by hatred and mindless bloodlust. Mikey doubts even he, with all that strength he possesses in spades that have carried him through some of the worst moments of their lives, would last long with a wound that deep.
Mikey loves him too much to let that happen.
(That, and he really doesn't want to kill Usagi, bail costs a lot, and not even Donnie has that much in his many wired accounts.)
So the trio meet up in Donnie's lab late one night and make a plan.
Miyamoto Usagi is gonna learn what'll happen if he messes with the Hamato clan.
A week later, Mikey corners Usagi at the front door.
The samurai in training doesn't startle when he drops from the ceiling or flinch at the smile that would have his brothers running for the hills. He smiles back, adjusting the duffle bag on his shoulder.
“Hello, Michelangelo. Nice of you to drop in,” he says, completely straight, and Mikey kind of wants to die. Leo did say they've been dating for a while. More than enough time for him to be a horrible influence on the otherwise straight (ha) laced samurai.
“Hey, Usagi! Here to see Leo?” Mikey asks like it's not obvious.
Still, Usagi nods. “That I am. We'd talked about some traditional Japanese snacks he hasn't tried before, so I bought some from the marketplace near my home.” He unzips his bag to let Mikey peek inside. “I'd be happy to share some with you and your brothers. I may have over-purchased.”
Mikey is dazzled by the array of absolutely delicious-looking snacks—including mango-flavoured mochi, oh be still his heart—but he shakes his head. Focus. Leo's heart and Usagi's continued existence depend on it. “That's great, Usagi, but I'm good for now. Actually, we gotta talk with you real quick before you see your boy. May I take your bag?”
Usagi blinks at him. “Oh. Um. Certainly?” He zips the bag up and shrugs it off, handing it to Mikey, and damn, he wasn't kidding. Did he buy out the whole store?
Mikey shoulders the bag and smiles. “Perfect! Now, stay still so Donnie doesn't accidentally knock you out.”
“Okay—wait, what—?”
Donnie drops from the ceiling and shoves a pillowcase over Usagi's head. 
And as Mikey expects, Usagi doesn't immediately struggle or fight: he freezes, an innate rabbit instinct kinda like how Mikey retreats into his shell. He almost feels bad for exploiting that weakness. Almost, because it gives Raph enough time to grab him in his massive arms, pick him up and carry him off to the atrium. Mikey and Donnie follow behind, the latter wearing an unsettling grin that tells Mikey he's enjoying this far more than he should. 
Blindfolded and trapped in Raph's solid grip. Usagi doesn't panic. Though his voice carries a twinge of worry when he says, “Is this a game? Am I being kidnapped? Did Leonardo put you up to this?”
“All will be revealed in good time,” Donnie says with a chuckle meant to sound ominous but it comes off as dorky. “Just relax, don't ask any questions and everything shall run smoothly and without the removal of a thing attached to another thing, like your head from your neck.”
“Alright?” Usagi says. Mikey bumps his hip against Donnie's and scowls. Donnie rolls his eyes.
They reach the living room, Dad's chair thankfully unoccupied, and Raph drops Usagi into it. Mikey sets the duffle bag down and quickly zips to his room to grab the sweater, glasses and pants, shrugging into them. When he returns, Donnie has just finished duct-taping Usagi's arms to the chair—
“What?” Donnie has the gall to look offended. “This was your idea!”
“Not to tie him up!”
“Who's to say he won't run, hm? He's a rabbit and they're fast as frick, we'd never catch him before Leo gets back, and then our whole plan is ruined. Also, no teenager is comfortable talking about 'feelings', so I'm just taking extra precautions—”
“I can still hear you, you know,” Usagi says, the pillowcase still over his head. He doesn't seem bothered about this whole situation, which both amuses and concerns Mikey a little.
“You shush, or I'll bring out the chainsaw,” Donnie says.
Mikey looks at Raph. “You didn't think to stop him?”
Raph folds his arms and shrugs. “I'm just the muscle here, big man. This is your show.”
Dr Feelings appreciates the level of trust and respect Raph has for Mikey that's been a slow-growing thing these last few years. Dr Delicate Touch wants to strangle his oldest brother for being a wise ass.
He rolls his eyes instead and gets in position while Donnie sets up the projector. He nods to Raph, and the snapper pulls off the pillowcase.
Usagi blinks, adjusting to the brightness and looking around. “You blindfolded me to take me to the living room? Where I've been multiple times?”
“Shush,” Donnie hisses, “second warning. We'll be doing the talking here, bunny boy.”
“Don, chill,” Raph says, looking seconds from bursting out laughing. “We're just here to have a nice, friendly chat.”
Usagi arches a brow, pointedly dipping his chin down at his taped arms.
Raph's smile twitches, a drop of sweat trickling down his brow. “... I'm just the muscle?”
Mikey clears his throat loudly, snapping their attention back to him. He smiles and rolls his shoulders back, relaxing into the role that's become a blessing these last few months than the curse it was two years ago (at least to his brothers).
“Good evening! I'm Dr Feelings, and welcome to my newest seminar—!”
He clicks the button for the next slide on the PowerPoint, a photo of the three turtles glaring down at the camera from a high angle, a shovel in Mikey's hands. Underneath, the title reads in comically bright, bubblegum pink letters--
“—Shovel Talks!”
Usagi stares at the slide and then at each of the present turtles. Mikey keeps his smile bright while his brothers (mostly Donnie) no longer hide the touch of sadistic glee in theirs.
“... ah,” he says carefully. “I see the position I'm in now.”
“See, I don't think you do,” Donnie drawls on Usagi's right, Raph looming over on the left. “So we are going to educate you, and do not interrupt or talk until you are spoken to as we have much to go through and very little time before our dearly devoted dum-dum returns from April and Splinter's distraction outing. Dr Feelings,” Donnie turns to Mikey and gestures grandly, “Proceed with your first slide.”
“Thank you! Let's start off by asking our patient some simple questions. Question one!” Mikey flips to the next slide titled 'Spill The Tea' with a doodle of a teacup underneath it. Under that is a photo of Leo flashing a peace sign at the camera with a goofy grin. “What are your intentions towards one Hamato Leonardo?”
Usagi blinks. “... I would think my intentions were obvious? We're dating, are we not?”
“Sigh, yes, we can see as much given how you two are all but attached at the hip whenever you're so much as in the same vicinity,” Donnie mutters before getting right up in Usagi's face with a glare, fisting the front of his blue hoodie and shaking him once. “What we don't know is why you are dating Leonardo! Were you dared to by compatriots or colleagues of similar age or older for a cruel joke? Or are you a spy sent from a yet unknown enemy seeking to destroy us from the inside, integrating yourself into our inner circle by seducing our resident feeble-minded little gay only to turn on us at the last second, surrendering us to your evil leader and shattering the heart of the boy who fell in love with a person that never truly existed?! Speak, heathen!!”
Usagi stares at Donnie with wide, mildly disturbed eyes. Donnie glares at Usagi, right eye twitching.
“Jeezy heckin' creezy, Don,” Raph squeaks after a beat. “How long've you been holding that in?”
Donnie whirls on Raph with a half-crazed grin without releasing Usagi's hoodie. “The whole dub, baby!” he says.
Raph facepalms.
Mikey gathers himself quickly and clears his throat again. “Donald, if you would please let go of our patient—”
“Prisoner, guilty until proven innocent—”
“—patient, so we can hear his clear and honest answer? Don't you test the waters of my patience, boy, I will bring out Dr Delicate Touch on your ass.”
“Language,” Raph sighs, working Donnie's grip from Usagi's hoodie and bodily lifting him up and away from the rabbit. Donnie goes without a fight, but not without a spitting glare aimed at Usagi. Ignoring him, Raph offers Usagi a smile, cementing his role as the Good Cop. “Sorry about him. Just answer the question so we can get this over with.”
“And we'll know if you're lying!” Donnie adds. “I have lie detectors under the seat that'll fry your cotton ass six ways to Sunday—!”
“There are no lie detectors.”
“Raaaaph, you're ruining it, I'm trying to instil fear—!”
“Yer doin' enough of that to me right now! We were worried about Dad goin' all 'Daddy with a shotgun' on him when we really should've been watchin' the 'Overprotective Twin with his Middle Child Nonsense'—!”
“May I speak, now?”
Usagi's tone cuts through the idiocy as neat as the katana he wields, and the boys fall silent. Raph sets Donnie down, and Donnie steps back, his glare fading to make way for open confusion and surprise.
Mikey, who'd been on the cusp of dropping the act and wringing his brothers' necks, takes in Usagi's expression—purposefully neutral, the way he shuts his eyes as he takes a breath, his fingers drumming the armrests he's tied to while the heel of one foot bounces on the floor—and wonders if they've crossed a line here.
Then Usagi sighs, slow and measured, and opens his eyes. “I understand why you're concerned,” he says. “Leonardo has been through... a lot, to put it mildly. You all have, which is why you're so protective of one another. I admire and respect that; you hold true to the ancient belief that founded your clan centuries ago. Anata wa hitori janai, I believe. Leonardo told me about it. About the Shredder, the invasion... and the prison dimension.”
A shudder runs through the brothers. Mikey sees Donnie's jaw lock, Raph's fingers curling into fists. Mikey pulls at his fingers and bites his lip. “... he told you?” he asks in a smaller voice than he intends.
Usagi's gaze softens minutely, and he nods. “Not everything, but yes. I never prompted, but... he saw me fit enough to know.” His brows furrow, his frown deep and angry as he glares at his lap. “It sickens me to hear what that creature put you through—what he did to Leonardo. And it frightens me to think of how you'd come so close to losing him... how I'd come so close to never meeting him at all.”
Oh, Mikey thinks, almost floored. Oh wow.
Usagi takes another breath and raises his head, meeting each of their gazes. “... So yes, I understand your fears regarding our relationship and your hesitance to trust me. Leonardo's well-being will always be your top priority. He's precious to you.” Then Usagi smiles. It's small but bright, warm and quietly delighted, proud and certain. “He's precious to me, too.”
This time Mikey is floored. Oh. Wow.
“To answer your question, Dr Feelings,” Usagi continues, heedless of the turtle's altering perception of reality, “my intentions towards Hamato Leonardo are simple: I want to protect him. I know he's more than capable, and knowing him, he'll never ask me for help outright. But when he does, I want to be there—no, I will be there, because I care about him. Very much. We haven't known each other long, but my life is brighter and better with him in it, and I'll do whatever I must to keep it that way.
“I want to make him as happy as he's made me because he deserves that much. He deserves every good thing in this world.” He shrugs, flashing a bashful, buck-toothed smile. “For now, I hope he can settle for just me.”
Mikey stares. Donnie stares. Raph stares.
Oh. Wow. 
Either he's the greatest liar ever, or they've had him pegged so wrong. But then, not even Big Mama, the Queen Bee Bitch of lies, could fake that kind of devotion.
No, Usagi really is just a good guy. A great guy.
“Dammit!” Donnie cries, throwing his hands up. “I can't even fully hate you ironically anymore, what the hell!” He hangs his head with a sigh. “I suppose I shall have to settle for 'jealous older twin suffering from attention withdrawal from the younger twin' until further notice. Also, you get to live another day. Congrats.”
Usagi smirks. “Thank you, I think?”
Raph rolls his eyes, but he's grinning from ear to ear, slicing away the tape binding Usagi to the chair and helping him to his feet without prompting. He drops a heavy hand on Usagi's shoulder, his grin widening when the rabbit doesn't buckle under his strength. “What I think Donnie means to say is... well. We're glad you have Leo's back. And we're sorry for thinkin' the worst of you when we're all still gettin' to know each other. I mean, we've seen how happy you two are together, and we just—well, we wanted to—”
Usagi huffs a laugh, patting Raph's massive bicep. “As I said, I understand. My sensei often warns me against jumping to conclusions, but it's different for family. Especially younger siblings. I should know, I have a little sister.”
“Right?! You get it! My little brothers are literal demons even the devil's too scared to look at, but you get it—!”
Mikey shoves his way between them and barrels into Usagi for a hug, squeezing him tight. The rabbit squeaks in surprise and possibly pain, but his arms carefully come around Mikey's shell a heartbeat later, a chuckle running through him. “I suppose this means I have the youngest's seal of approval?”
Mikey nods against his chest, raising his head to beam up at the rabbit. “You do. Welcome to the family!”
“Thank you. I'm honoured to—”
“But we didn't finish the slide show, so I'll run a tee-ell-dee-arr for you. Hurt Leo and you die.”
“... ah.”
“They'll never find your body,” Donnie adds, “because I will reduce it to atoms. I have a ray in the works, I can show you the blueprints.”
“And if that fails, Raph will break every bone in your body and dump you in the Hudson!” Raph says brightly. “Ever swim there? Pretty deep. You find all kinds'a weird stuff. A rabbit yokai won't stand out much.”
“... I understand. I'll definitely deserve one of those fates.”
“Oh, you will,” Mikey chimes. “Thank you for understanding, and thanks for coming to our TED talk!”
“Pretty sure I did most of the talking.”
“I will yeet your ass across this house—”
“Are you chuckleheads done harassing my boyfriend, or can I have him back now?” drawls a familiar voice that has them leaping a foot out of their shells. They turn to find Leo leaning against the back of the couch with one arm, the other hand propped on his popped hip. He arches a brow at their stares.
Mikey jumps back from Usagi to wildly point at his immediate older brother. “How long have you been standing there?!”
“About a minute,” Leo says. “I've been behind the couch the whole time, though.”
“What?! When'd you get back from hanging with Dad and April?!” Raph cries.
“Never left,” Leo pushes off the couch and swings his arm around Usagi's shoulders upon approach like its second nature. Usagi leans into him likewise, one arm curling around his waist. “I kinda figured this whole 'shovel talk' thing was gonna happen sooner or later, so the minute April and Splinter tried to drag me out for a 'father-son-daughter thing' the same day Usagi said he'd come over, I knew you assholes were scheming and told 'em I wasn't leaving.” His eyes narrow a little, and Mikey almost shrinks back. “Didn't think you'd tie him up, though, or that Raph would just let it happen.”
“I'm just the muscle!”
“And I am hurt and offended that you all thought so little of my absolutely innocent Bunny Boo! You look at this face—” He unwraps his arm to squish Usagi's cheeks between both hands—“and tell me there's a single bad thought behind those beautiful pink eyes!”
“Weonawdo,” Usagi mutters, fur tinted pink with embarrassment.
Quick as a whip, Donnie says, “There's not a thought whatsoever if he's dating you.”
“You're a thot.”
“Different words and spelling. And it takes one to know one.”
“You first.”
“Both of you knock it off,” Raph sighs, pinching his brow the way he's done since he first knew the pains of being the eldest. It's a miracle there's not a permanent mark between his eyes. He turns to the rabbit. “Sorry, could we borrow Leo for a sec? Then I swear you two can finally go hang out and... do whatever two teenage boys do when they're head over heels for each other but still in their parent's house so they gotta keep it PG, 'kay?” 
“Um, wow?” Leo scowls, dropping Usagi's face to plant his hands on his hips. “Who do you take me for, a horny teen with no self-control around my significant other?”
“That is exactly what we take you for,” Donnie says.
“I don't!” Mikey says, raising his hand. “You're just a dumb gay hoppin' mad for your bunny boo!”
Leo's eye twitches. “Gee. Thanks.”
Usagi snickers, taking Leo's hands, and Leo instantly melts like putty. “It's fine, Leonardo. I'll wait in your room and get the snacks sorted,” he says, then he leans in to kiss the corner of Leo's mouth. Right in front of everyone. 
It's not something he's done before—being openly affectionate with Leo when his siblings or fathers were around—but then Mikey isn't surprised.
Maybe this whole 'hesitance' and 'mistrust' thing hasn't been as one-sided as he'd thought.
Mikey never knew a slider could turn pink, but Leo manages it, steam funnelling out of his ears as the rabbit walks away, grabbing his duffle bag as he goes. There's a pep in his step, and Mikey wonders if the kiss or their acceptance put it there.
Once he's gone, Donnie breaks the silence, staring in the direction Usagi had left in—“Should I get the tranquillizer?”
“You've done enough today.” Raph puts a massive hand over Donnie's face and shoves him onto the couch, ignoring his indignant squawking as he faces Leo. The slider collects himself quickly and crosses his arms, flashing that devil-may-care grin that irritates and amuses Mikey.
“So? You gonna tie me to the chair and subject me to the horrors of dating life via Dr Feelings?” Leo drawls, “Or are you finally gonna admit that you were wrong about my totally amazing and hot boyfriend?” 
Raph sighs. “Yes, we may have taken it too far—and in Donnie's case, we were overly paranoid, even by my standards, but we learned our lesson about jumping the gun. Again. And you were right.” He smiles, broad and warm. “Your boy is cool with me, little brother. You got yourself a keeper.”
Leo blinks, his smirk falling. “... wait, wait—for real?”
“Did you not hear his heartfelt speech not even two pages ago? It was rather dramatic and moving,” Donnie says absently from the couch, eyes now on his phone to avoid looking anyone in the eye, but Mikey knows what's up. They all do, but they're nice enough not to say anything. “And if I'm being honest—which isn't saying much because I can't lie for shit and you can clock one with an accuracy that borders on mystical—I don't actually think your new beau is inherently evil. I cannot say that I like him... but I approve. For now. My earlier threats still stand, though, so please try to keep him in line, or I will turn him into a hat.”
Leo falters again in the face of sincerity, however masked, from his twin. “...oh. Um. Wow. That's—uh, cool. That's cool, Dee, I, um... thanks...”
And finally, Mikey steps forward, shrugging off the sweater, glasses and pants. “What? You really think it's that odd that we're lookin' out for you? It's like Usagi said, you're precious to us, bro! And he was damn right sayin' you deserve every good thing. You deserve to be happy with someone who cares about you as much as we do.” 
He darts forward again even before Leo's eyes take on a misty sheen, bundling his brother in his arms as much as he can and squeezing. “And if Usagi makes you happy, we're happy too.”
“... you guys,” Leo whines, his voice thick as he holds Mikey impossibly close. Donnie tosses his phone aside to hop up and join the hug, cheek resting on Leo's shoulder. Raph lumbers over and plucks them off the floor, nuzzling the top of Leo's head with a low grumble from deep in his chest.
Later, with mostly dry eyes and a megawatt smile, Leo jogs off to find Usagi. Mikey stands with his eldest brothers and folds his arms. “Our work here is done, gentlemen.”
“But we didn't really do anything,” Donnie says.
Mikey swishes his cape and departs.
“Where the hell did you get that cape?!”
The following week, Mikey corners Usagi at the front door and tackles him with a hug. Usagi laughs and returns it freely.
In the living room, Donnie's eyes are glued to his laptop, fingers typing away. He lifts one fist, Usagi wordlessly bumping it as he sits on the couch with Raph. Setting his comic book aside, Raph reaches out to ruffle his white bangs and chuckles when Usagi's paw bats him away.
Leo enters from the kitchen and immediately brightens when he spots Usagi, leaping over the top of the couch to bounce in the open space beside the bunny. “Hey!"
“Hey, yourself,” Usagi snickers. "You couldn't possibly have missed me that much to come running as soon as I walk in."
Leo swings an arm over the top of the couch, the other pressing a hand to his forehead in a dramatic swoon. "Parting is such sweet sorrow," he bemoans, batting his eyelids at Usagi, "that I shall say good night till it be morrow!"
Mikey laughs so hard he gives himself hiccups. Raph chokes on his soda. Donnie whirls on Leo, looking downright mutinous. "You did not just quote Shakespear so you could flirt with your boyfriend!"
Leo gestures to a madly grinning Usagi trying to hide behind his hands. "It worked, though! You guys hate it when I use the cheap pickup lines off Google, so I consulted the world's finest wordsmith instead."
"You are abusing and defiling William's good name! Thou crusty batch of nature!"
Leo rolls his eyes. "Whatever. You're just jelly 'cause I've officially got more game than you."
"Or Usagi has terrible taste in men."
Leo opens his mouth to say something he'll probably regret, but Usagi swiftly intercepts with a kiss on the cheek that stops him cold. "I thought it was creative," he says, "Much better than your awful pickup lines."
At that, Leo forgets Donnie completely, leaning in with a dumb grin to peck Usagi on the lips. Raph shakes his head with a secret smile, and Mikey giggles as he lays across Raph's thighs, Switch in hand.
Donnie gags. “Get a room.”
“But keep the door open!” Splinter calls from—somewhere. 
Usagi tugs an ear over his face, flushed and embarrassed. Leo throws his head back and laughs.
Mikey grins, basking in the glow as he plugs into his game. He can get used to this.
Reblogs are appreciated :3
Feel free to send more requests <3
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royrockstone · 3 months
Some of these ig :)
Roman + 😃 , 🐈 , 🎡 , 🎭
Kendall + 📿 , 🧡
Shiv + 🐈 , 😨 , 🌘
I hope I'm doing this right, I usually don't do these hc/ask game things but I just finished honesty and it was delicious so...
(also sorry for making you think about roman being happy)
hc + 😃 for a happiness-themed headcanon
omg this is tough... ty for apologizing bc this is a hardship...
i think roman thought of logan as the font of all happiness. i think, after logan's gone-- it's not that roman stops being able to feel happy or that the world has gone grey or whatever-- it's more that he can no longer trust the feeling of happiness, if it doesn't come from logan. i think logans death so subtly but completely unmoored him that happiness would start to feel wrong or traitorous.
hc + 🐈 for a pet/animal-themed headcanon
i mean why write a hc in a tumblr post when could've had a dog exists.
buuut i think roman probably shouldn't have a pet because he is just not responsible. BUT he would be capable of lavishing tremendous love on one periodically, if there were one in his life. i could see him being in a semi-sham relationship with a woman where neither of them is at all happy, and delaying the breakup bc she has like. a cute cat.
i can also very clearly imagine roman being incredibly emotional and irrationally angry about his pets. like he told shiv to feed his fish while he was away at military school and then he gets back and he's like "you clearly didn't feed my fish every day they look all pale and sad this is why you'll be a terrible mother"
hc + 🎡 for a hobby-themed headcanon
i think he's mostly a passive hobby person. going to the movies, etc. i think active hobbies feel embarrassingly earnest and also middle class to him. i could see an older roman having some kind of rich person conspicuous-consumption based hobby (collecting amusingly ugly but expensive paintings, maybe?)
hc + 🎭 for an arts-/crafts-themed headcanon
i think a lot about the 'roman wrote a screenplay' throwaway line, and my final judgment is that roman probably has the capability to write cleverly, but lacks all the work ethic and compassion and interest in others that would make a good screenwriter. i am also a 'roman secretly wishes caroline had put him in ballet lessons' truther. i think that's for aesthetic reasons plus the vague sadomasochism of a ballet master with a troublesome student being very gerri-esque and appealing, and i don't think roman would have ever acted on that wish.
hc + 📿 for a faith-themed headcanon
im sure he had a TM phase, a Buddhist phase, maybe a Kabbalah phase back when that was a thing, but he also can't help but subordinate any belief he has to his larger belief in, like, The Market, and he lacks the commitment to stick to any one belief about the nature of the universe or his own spiritual practice.
he clearly believes in God, but not in any helpful or constructive way. he needs God in the sense that he needs the domineering presence of a belief in something overwhelmingly bigger than himself, which is why logan was able to be his godhead for a while. but he also clearly wants to believe that sins get punished and expunged, that he can have a clean slate and a clear conscience again, and he's yet to find any force that can really offer him that.
hc + 🧡 for a friendship-themed headcanon
kendall is the only sibling who lets people get somewhat close to him, for better or for worse, and that puts people like stewy close enough to see everything that's wrong but never close enough to help him (and maybe stewy just isn't interested enough to attempt to help anymore) when kendall tried to get stewy in bed with waystar, im sure every single one of stewy's instincts were like Do Not Do This and kendall was like "dude. name one good reason why you shouldn't be i the kenny business" and stewy was like "well you have half an eating disorder and an entire coke habit, and your rickety aging family business is held together with debt and duct tape"
(i kind of want to extend my kendall pov chapter from eat what's rotten into a full fic one day, because i like thinking about stewy's view of the roy dysfunction/the collective family ed.)
hc + 🐈 for a pet/animal-themed headcanon
im team shiv resents mondale. i think she doesnt even like the image of having a dog-- nothing appeals to her about the christmas card with a big, handsome purebred. i think she internally sentenced herself to doing something nice for tom because she felt bad about something or other and next thing she knew they had a dog. i think shes disgusted by them being dumb, and undiscriminating, and messy. see again couldve had a dog
hc + 😨 for a fear-themed headcanon
i think shiv is mostly afraid of germs and her father. there's a lot of talk in the show that infantalizes shiv-- the pretend post office story connor tells, 'she sees monsters from piles of laundry on the floor' or whatever, 'he built you a playground and you think it's the world'. and it feels like it's just rank misogyny, and in many ways it is, but also that language suggests something that is true. shiv has a polished adult exterior, and hides it all well, but she is, as much as her brothers, still a petrified child who perpetually thinks she's in trouble with daddy. and i dont think the people around her completely see or acknowledge that, but they are dimly aware of it.
hc + 🌘 for a night-themed headcanon
insomniac shiv is very close to my heart. i like the idea that she thinks shes stronger than other people because she functions with very little sleep. like she was that person in college who was like 'ive slept five hours in the past three days and im going to a party tonight and ill have my midterm turned in before that'
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nicromancytarot · 3 months
i (N) would like to know how things will go with (L) ? will he leave? what does he feels? thanks 🫶🏻🫶🏻
How will things go?
I see there may have been some struggle in the past with either of you, if not both of you in this connection, there was a theme of drama and deceit, it you guys managed to build something out of it. You guys may have tested each others beliefs in the beginning and even challenged each others morals.
I see one of you was very eager when you both met, and you both expressed a want for a future together. It seems like although both of you felt the same, one of you needed to take a step back to focus on what they wanted first, until they found everything and more of what they wanted was in the other person. This happened to challenge beliefs again, until finally you guys were at a point of mutual understanding and a relationship/connection began.
You’re both very willing to make this work, and you two are putting the effort that is needed into this. However, I do see one of you (probably you) is scared about the other betraying them in some way, and this makes them seem very defensive. I think the most important thing in this is to have hope, the more you worry about this issues, the less you trust the other person, and the less you trust them, the more unstable the connection becomes.
I think with your question of “will he leave?” is almost projecting into to reading, I’m not able to get a full detailed explanation on what could happen with the direction of this connection, because your insecurities are the thing that will end it. Have trust in this person, let them comfort you and reassure you when you need it, don’t allow your insecurities to overpower this connection, they do not define you.
How does he feel?
He feels very strongly towards you, he’s 100% ready to tackle any situation that comes up and he will be by your side whenever you need him. He can sense some instability in you and your feelings about this connection, but he has strength and a true belief that he will be able to help you get over it.
He sees this connection lasting for a while, and he is completely open to helping you understand that too. I see he tells his family and friends about you, he worships you as you are, and he sees you and this connection as something so perfect and all he’s ever desired.
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nicholerhe · 1 year
Not For Broadcast One-Shot - "The Routine"
Jenny knows two things for absolute certain:
She loves Jeremy Donaldson
She would be damned if she lost him again.
Jeremy Donaldson holds a similar belief about one Jennifer Hartley. It took the two of them awhile to settle into a routine they both liked, but finally – blessedly – they found the one.
The night starts with dinner, which is either made at home or at a classy restaurant. The latter typically happens on Fridays - but sometimes Saturday - or anytime a special occasion rolls around. The optimal location has fine wine and good music, typically recommended by a trusted friend. They both dress up, even if they have no intention of leaving the apartment. Jeremy in a dress shirt and tie, Jenny in a knitted jumper and skirt.
Once done with dinner, they discuss what movie they want to watch. This discussion could go on for a bit as Jenny and Jeremy both have their preferences and are stubborn enough to stand by them.
Jeremy loves how a strand of her hair comes loose mid-impassioned speech and how she intermittently tries to tuck the equally stubborn strand behind her ear. Jenny loses her train of thought as soon as she notices how adorable he is fumbling over his words during the eager debate.
Eventually, Jeremy concedes, Jenny making a promise that they will watch a historical drama tomorrow night. Jenny loads the VHS tape of her favorite suspense-horror film. As the opening credits play, they curl up on the couch together, so close that the warmth is unmistakable. A quarter of the way through the movie, a chunky Calico named Munch hops on the couch. Jenny scoops her up in her arms, scratching her at her favourite place, under her chin. A few minutes pass before Jenny asks to rewind the movie, since she was distracted. Jeremy is silently relieved as he missed the same part of the movie due to watching Jenny interact with Munch.
Inevitably, Jenny would go to the bathroom and return to an endearing scene of Jeremy playing with Munch. She watches from a distance for a time, head resting against the wall, before making her presence known. Jenny taking her spot on the couch, with Jeremy welcoming her by putting an arm around her. They resume the movie and watch it to completion. The credits roll, but neither wants to move quite yet, so they sit and talk. 
Sometimes they would talk about the many eventful dates Jenny went on while Jeremy was in Betterment or on the run. She recounted all the pricks, the gits, and the alright blokes with a certain vividness and clarity.
Sometimes Jenny would ask about his time on the run. He tells her what little bit he can remember. Talking about his time in Betterment proved much more difficult. Sometimes the two of them would sit in silence, Jenny holding tightly to his hand, relishing in comfortable silence to hide the painful memories.
They could talk about anything and everything. Hopes, dreams, fears. All of that cheesy bullshit, but it made sense to talk about with each other. At some point, Jeremy mentions how much he missed her when they were apart. Jenny responds with something about having so many minutes to make up.
When Jenny and Jeremy finish talking, they head to bed. Jenny loved Jeremy, and Jeremy loved Jenny, which made this the most beautiful time. It was comfortable and natural, like two puzzle pieces fitting together. At the end of the night, they lie in bed, in each other’s arms, talking. Talking until their eyelids became heavy and their mouths were too exhausted to form any more words, allowing them to drift into peaceful slumber.
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ramblersaccount · 6 months
Tumblr media
The first half of 2022 brought about one of the most challenging periods I've experienced in the last four years. In August 2021, I got into a relationship with my current boyfriend, John, without any prior notification to my family. They hadn't met or heard of him before we got together. I didn’t think of this as a big deal as I had never been one to talk about my crushes or who I liked—things like that—with my family. They were uneasy about me having a boyfriend and were concerned about lifestyle changes. Specifically, they were concerned about me going out more often. Despite their worries about partying, our activities were quite regular—eating out, watching movies, and going bowling. At this point, I still was expected to ask for my parent's permission to go out, despite being an adult, and my 8 pm curfew added an extra layer of difficulty. With my job ending at 6 pm, time with John was limited, but we managed to make it work. In February, my mom discovered that John and I had become intimate, and she was incredibly upset with me. She had asked me about it before, and I had consistently denied it. Even when we did actually become sexually active, I hesitated to share this information, given my mom's belief that once we had sex and I finally “gave him what he wanted,” he would be done with me. By the time of this interaction, we had been together for 6 months. My mother considered this too soon, and I didn't. I think this might’ve been due to our generational gap. I understood that she was upset with me for lying to her about whether I was active or not, but I felt that her reasonings beyond that didn't make sense. Moreover, I was almost 20 years old, and I believed detailed discussions about my sex life were not only uncomfortable but unnecessary, considering I knew how to establish boundaries and practice safe and healthy habits. My mother's hurt was expressed through anger, marking the beginning of months filled with snide comments and probing questions. She called me derogatory names, insinuated that I was constantly promiscuous, and asked if I had lost my virginity in the back of a car. After my revelation, tensions lingered at home, making things uncomfortable for everyone. Despite explaining my choices fully and insisting that they were made responsibly, the air stayed tense. The gap between our views on personal boundaries and my autonomy seemed too big. Though I respected her concerns, I felt unfairly judged and labeled. As time went on, I found myself caught between trying to assert my independence and keeping the peace within the family. Balancing my personal life with family expectations became difficult, and I struggled to rebuild trust. For months I worked towards bridging the gap between us, relying on the hope that time and honest conversations could fix it. Fortunately, progress was made, but the honest conversation my mother wanted to have wasn’t with me but with John. It was summer by then, and I had been experiencing the cold shoulder for months. She sat down with him, and they had a talk. I personally don't know what was said, but the positive outcome was evident as she began encouraging me to invite him over more frequently, wanting to familiarize herself with the man in my life. I was just happy that someone in my house actually wanted to get to know him and that she had also started talking to me again. To this day, my mother has never apologized for all the hurtful things she said to me during those months regarding my character and body. She even denies having said any of those things. John and I have now been together for a little over 2 years now. She calls him her son-in-law and has even gotten him Christmas presents. All in all, the emotional scars from that time still linger, but being able to see the people I care about come together has been a source of happiness for me. In the grand scheme of things, this story is not one of perfection but of progress. As we move forward, the hope is for continued growth, open communication, and a deeper understanding of each other.
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Mental Health Journey: The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. 
The feeling of the internal mental pain that hits emotionally and physically, with no idea "why"  the feeling keeps occurring, holding yourself back. it is painful, especially when the demands and responsibilities of life require your full attention and energy. it makes sense why people in poverty would rely on criminal activity to survive in an environment that is cruel and unfair. why the feeling of hopelessness is felt every day in the thought process of people from as early as childhood. poverty is complex and painful not just physically but emotionally and mentally.  the bravest and hardest thing a person can do is although the odds are against him/her the person believes in hope and doing the right thing to break the cycle of poverty. bullied mentally and emotionally, financial hardship, depression, anxiety, ADHD and to make it worse the actions my own, reinforced the thought process. I tried but I fail, I tried again but I failed. the hardest thing is knowing education is the only way out to break the cycle of poverty, yet is the most challenging. After 11 years of trying and finally, I realized that I was holding back my own potential. despite the circumstances I have at this moment, trust me I had multiple reasons to just find a regular job and stop pursuing my dream. I decided to continue with my dream, to keep fighting for my dream. trust me i am struggling mentally, emotionally, and financially, with personal problems that pop up, and juggling fatherhood. I love my life and the challenges I was given, which just makes it even better once I realize my dream of becoming a doctor. I can just feel the emotions of happiness, gratitude, love, and hope of looking back and despite the struggle and pain I felt internally, I decided to keep moving forward. A story of Hope and perseverance and I am just getting started, my actions will speak for me and I can't give up and won't give up, I will manage around the obstacles when they come, control what I can control and what I cannot control leave it up to god. one thins is for sure, I pushed through the pain, trauma, setbacks, failures, uncertainty, fear, molded together from a young age. 11 years later I finally started to break from the limit potential I put myself into. this is my story, my journey of pushing through pain, darkness, fear, anger, and uncertainty. the source of my energy is my belief in myself and the power of love and god as my guidance. mentally, and physically I may be down but my spirit will never break.  the heart of a lion, protector of people in need. I am a LEO, most important I am me, myself, and humble with compassion and empathy for all humanity.
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jolie-goes-downton · 2 years
Why I have concerns about the wisdom of Thomas Barrow’s choice to go with Guy Dexter at the end of Downton Abbey: A New Era
Disclaimer first: I was asked to put this meta together by someone who ships Thomas/Guy, but said they were trying to understand in good faith where the sceptics got their doubts from.
If you (general you - whoever reads this) are happy with Thomas’ choice and dissenting opinions on this are likely to upset you, DO NOT READ THIS META. I mean it. Back off now. I won’t be taking any complaints about me ruining your fun or spreading negativity if you read beyond this point in spite of a clear warning.
Likewise, my prompter and I are making a serious attempt at having a civil discussion that is respectful of the opposing view both in tone and in content. You’re welcome to add comments of your own that either agree or disagree, but if you don’t manage to disagree without being judgy, without policing (or ridiculing) other people’s preferences or emotions, without provoking or insulting the other side, or without badmouthing any of the characters or actors involved, you’re out.
The following statements are also MY PERSONAL OPINION. They are CONCERNS about what MIGHT go wrong. That’s not the same as saying THINGS WILL or MUST go wrong. (If you have trouble making that distinction, maybe you should click that back button now, too.)
Ready? Good.
Numbered for easy reference, not to reflect a ranking.
1. Thomas’ backstory / JF’s storytelling choices
I get the feeling that Thomas’ choice to go with Guy is being sold to us as “Thomas finally takes control of his fate”, but actually, JF has given Thomas a terrible track record when it comes to proactively “taking control of his life”. Yes, he’s always fallen on his feet somehow, but only at a terrible price. Volunteering to go to war rather than being fired (survived but paid for with PTSD) - Blighty wound (survived but paid for with mortal fear/permanent disfigurement/possible disability) - Black market scheme (survived but paid for with loss of savings and a good deal of self-respect) - Jimmy kiss disaster (survived but paid for with horrible verbal abuse from Carson and being beaten bloody at the Thirsk fair) - CYOP “therapy” (survived but paid for with physical illness and increased depression), leaving Downton for new butler job (survived but paid for with painful farewells, loneliness and isolation) … every time Thomas tried to better his life, he’s survived but been whumped for it beyond belief, both physically and emotionally. And that’s not a law of nature or Thomas’ fault - it’s just the way JF writes him. After DA1, many of us thought JF had finally allowed Thomas to break that pattern, especially after it transpired that the new big disappointment JF had planned for the ending of DA1 (Richard turning out to be married) got scrapped in favour of a more hopeful, upbeat ending. But in DA2, Thomas just gets whumped again (Barris breakup) to make room for a new development. I honestly don’t trust JF as far as I could kick him at this point that he won’t just pull the same trick again if the franchise should go on, just for the sake of drama. If you feel certain that THIS is the one time when JF will say goodbye to the pattern he’s been sticking to for 12 years now, good for you, but I don’t see where the certainty comes from, given JF’s track record.
2. Guy Dexter as a character
I agree that they went out of their way to make Guy Dexter a generally likeable character. He’s modest and hasn’t forgotten that he started small, he has self-doubts, he’s also easygoing, and he doesn’t give a damn for the rigid class system and social barriers. So I, too, see no indication that there’s anything in the core of his personality that could be considered a red flag in the sense of “uh oh, better stay away from this man”. It’s not completely outlandish to assume that he may have unpleasant or difficult personality traits as well (who hasn’t), but they’re clearly not supposed to come into the story (so far). Guy does one thing though that continues not to sit well with me, and that’s his behaviour in the pantry scene. He walks in on Thomas uninvited in a quiet moment late at night (Thomas is off duty, few people are still around), into the only personal safe space Thomas has at Downton (apart from his attic bedroom, presumably), where even the members of the upstairs family don’t go without apologising profusely. He catches Thomas off guard, symbolised (I felt rather clumsily/transparently) by having his coat off. He closes the door, which I feel can be read as cornering Thomas. Thomas struggles to put his coat (i. e. armour) back on, clearly caught on the wrong foot, and expresses his discomfort by pointing out (twice!) that this is a very irregular situation. (To me, his discomfort is real at this point, not just used to tease or play hard to get.) Guy, however, doesn’t apologise or give Thomas space, he just says HE doesn’t care. Thomas relents then and lets the conversation continue, but does he relent because he’s starting to feel comfortable with the situation after all, or is it because he just doesn’t know how to say ‘no’ to an upstairs person without hurting himself? Thomas has been a servant all his adult life (with one short interruption of following orders of another kind, i. e. in the military), probably even since his teenage days, so he knows that if a servant rubs an upstairs person up the wrong way, it’s always the servant who pays the price. Would he even have the choice to take back control of or end this irregular situation? And what about Guy, is he even aware that Thomas is literally trapped? His background suggests that he didn’t grow up in a house full of (male) servants, nor was he ever a servant himself. So he probably doesn’t even realise that they’re not meeting on equal terms, and unfortunately his attitude (“I don’t care about these things”) suggests that he might not bother looking into the matter even if he was told that it could be an issue. Then Guy proceeds to make his offer in barely veiled terms, and - under the guise of helping Thomas straighten his coat - touches him in a way for which there is, IMO, no platonic explanation, startling Thomas quite a lot. All of this comes across to me as rather intrusive. Not predatory or even terribly threatening in itself, but curiously tone-deaf to the dynamics that underlay any upstairs/downstairs interaction in that day and age, and also unwilling (“I don’t care”) to acknowledge that they might be an issue for the other person involved. It might be simple for Guy to ignore rules that don’t suit him, but it’s definitely not simple for Thomas, and I’m not impressed that Guy either doesn’t realise that or brushes it aside. To me, this doesn’t bode well for how successful Guy will be understanding Thomas’ past struggles and trauma.
If you think this scene is peak romance for that precise reason, Prince Charming coming to lift Cinderella from the ashes into a better life, where she can heal from the trauma of having been a downtrodden servant all her life, good for you. But I would have much preferred it if Prince Charming had first asked Cinderella what SHE wanted from life, on neutral ground, and keeping his hands to himself while he did it, too.
And this impression I get, I’m afraid, is not healed by Guy’s later qualification that his offer can mean “as much or as little as you want”. If I was an employee and a customer walked into my break room after closing time, uninvited, and touched my boobs without asking my permission, I’d hit him on the nose, no matter whether he said later that it was up to me to interpret that gesture as meaningless if I so preferred.
3. Power imbalance
This leads us to my next point, the much-cited power imbalance between the two of them. Guy may not “care”, but it’s of course there when they first meet, and they’re clearly planning to continue it, if in a milder form. They won’t just be pretending that Thomas is Guy’s PA (I use this as shorthand for his future job in LA). He WILL be Guy’s PA. Now I don’t want to badmouth anyone working as a PA, but I have trouble seeing it as the pinnacle of his career as Thomas has always wanted it. He used to be ambitious - he wanted either to get out of service or to at least come out on top in that career. If he’s now changed his mind (and people sometimes do, especially when they approach middle age and start wondering what really matters in life) - that change comes kinda out of nowhere. A single line could have established that (“Success in your job isn’t everything, right?”), but since there’s nothing of the sort in DA2, to me Thomas now just has the worst of both worlds, job-wise - he’s still a servant, not his own man, and he’s not even in surroundings where he’s known and respected and at the top of the pecking order.
I also have concerns about the job offer and the romantic partner offer being a package. Sure, some people get together with/marry their boss and still keep working for them. Or a couple may decide to start a business or take up jobs at the same company where one gives the orders and the other follows them. Both can turn out well. But it’s an extra pain to untangle if the romantic side of things goes wrong. Definitely an added complication. All the more so since Thomas is the one moving to the other side of the world where he knows no one except Guy. Thomas is the one making all the sacrifices here. For him, everything changes. For Guy, not so much, he’ll continue as before, just with the added bonus of a lovely man who’ll “make him comfortable”, no risks involved, no chances taken. If things go wrong between them, Guy just goes back to what he had before, but Thomas will be stranded, friendless, in a foreign country. “I gave up everything I had to be with you” may strike some people as peak romance, too, but it just sets my teeth on edge. There’s no way that isn’t going to rear its ugly head again if there’s ever trouble in paradise. So Guy’s offer creates a triple dependence of Thomas on him - economically/financially (as employee), emotionally (as lover) AND socially (Guy being Thomas’ door opener into the LA film and gay scene). So Thomas’ investment into this relationship strikes me as totally out of proportion compared to Guy’s own minimal one, and that would trouble me on behalf of anyone. But Thomas especially always seemed to resent dependence and value whatever autonomy he had or tried to achieve, so it grates for him especially.
4. Mental Health
I’ve said it before, I’d really like to hear a mental health professional’s take on this: Is it advisable for a person with a history of depression, and who attempted suicide when he was overwhelmed by loneliness and job insecurity (as well as society’s repressive attitudes towards his sexuality), to give up everything he has in terms of job stability and social contacts, and move away halfway across the globe, staking his future job satisfaction, his romantic needs AND his opportunities for social interaction on ONE person only? Whom he met only a month or two ago, and mostly interacted with on a professional level? Burning your bridges can be cathartic, sure, but it’s also damn dangerous IMO if you have a history like Thomas. Again, I’m so keen on hearing an MH pro’s take on this.
Connected to this, other people are far more well-read than I am in the history of Hollywood, but it doesn’t sound like the ideal place to me for a person who’s already struggling with MH issues, nor for a person with apparently extremely high standards of being “openly” and “honestly” yourself. (Wouldn’t Guy, as a celebrity and a world-renowned heartthrob, be extra pressured to present a heteronormative front to the world?)
I would feel better about this aspect if Thomas had taken it slowly. Maybe kept up a correspondence with Guy at first, got to know him better and vice versa. Or got a free trial, with the option to return to his home country and old job any time. (Yeah, not possible in a 2 hr ensemble cast movie, I know I know - but then maybe don’t put storylines into a 2 hr ensemble cast movie that simply don’t work in that format!) As it is now, there’s just no plan B. Thomas/Guy is doomed to succeed. That doesn’t feel particularly safe or reassuring to me.
5. The Rebound Aspect
We have no exact timeline on how the Barris breakup played out. Had they been discussing the marriage issue for months and the letter Thomas mentions to Mrs H was just the final nail in the coffin? Or did it come totally out of the blue as a very new, sudden rejection? How far had their relationship even developed? Had they met again, gone further than a kiss, or had they just corresponded? We don’t know. I do feel that Thomas’ disappointment (when he talks to Mrs H) is very real and palpable though. He’s quiet, his voice almost toneless, but I read that as deep despair/defeat, not as a lack of emotional investment. At any rate, he doesn’t seem to be past that at all, he’s not done, it seems very raw and fresh. Again, my question to the relationship counsellor: Is this a good time to make the utterly life-changing decision to bind yourself to a person you’ve only known for a month or so in every future respect of your life (job, romance and social contacts) and follow them to the other side of the world to live henceforth according to their rules?
Guy seems rather tone-deaf to that aspect, too. He’s not pushing Thomas towards his decision against Thomas’ will, but he’s definitely encouraging it (literally hanging around outside the door while Thomas hands in his resignation, and praising him for having done well when Thomas comes out). Thomas may not have told him about Richard at all, of course, or not been honest about the extent of his disappointment, in which case this isn’t Guy’s fault. But if he does know, that doesn’t impress me as a particular sensitive or unselfish attitude either.
JF could not have pleased me with any variation of a Barris breakup, obviously, but I would worry less about the wisdom of Thomas’ decision if Barris had been explicitly retconned as never having taken off in any meaningful way to start with (because Richard was already married and Thomas instantly backed off when he heard it, for example). That would at least have removed the rebound concern.
So that’s, in a nutshell (an admittedly very big nutshell), why I’d find it really hard to embrace Thomas/Guy as being absolutely destined for a happy ending, even if I hadn’t given my heart elsewhere already. The catches are just too many and too big for me.
Oh and please nobody waste your breath sending me comments like “If you can’t accept Thomas is finally happy, you clearly don’t truly love him!” Obviously, if I didn’t love him, I just wouldn’t give a fuck.
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aquanova99 · 3 years
Playing with Fire (Demetri x Reader)
Part 1
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A/N: Wow another mini series in the works, who do I think I am. Thank you so much for the idea @artaxerxesthegreat! I hope it started out okay, if you have anything you want to see please let me know
A/N: Thank you to anyone who takes the time to read this. I appreciate you!! As always requests are open!
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You heard knocking at your door. You checked your phone, two in the morning?? How had you stayed up so late? And who the hell was visiting you at this hour?
You headed to the door. Whoever was knocking was becoming impatient. Anywhere beyond the reservation and opening the door without question could end up badly. You were surprised to find Leah there.
“Y/n. We need your help.”
Nope. Absolutely not. Sam wasn’t ready to have another girl in the pack. Leah had proved to be one too many. At least in his mind. Leah was still head over heels for Sam and made effort to try and stick up for you. No one else had met you, and honestly in the end it had been a good thing. You hadn’t needed to phase since the confrontation with the two. You’d learned control with out them, you owed them nothing.
“Y/n please. Theres a war coming. We need as many people to testify for the Cullens.”
“Not my problem. I’m not part of the pack. Either one.”
“You heard about Jacob?”
“You forget Paul’s imprint was one of my closest friends. Until Sam found out about that too. Apparently, everyones buddy buddy with the Cullens now.”
“The leeches helped us get rid of some of their own kind to protect the reservation. Well—they needed to protect Bella and we all worked together in the end. Whatever, anyways. There are trained vampires to destroy Jacobs imprint. He needs us to be there if a fight breaks out. The blonde one is convinced we just have to be there to testify shes only half leech.”
Half vampire? Your hand reached for the doorknob. No. This wasn’t your fight.
“Leah, shes useless to us anyway shes never been in a fight.” Who was that? Doesn’t matter, now you definitely weren’t helping.
“Jacob for once in your life, shut up. We need everyone we can get. She had more control than even you when she first phased. If she had the same training we had, she’d be helpful.”
“You two need to leave.” You said through the door. You remembered why you left in the first place. For the most part the pack had this belief that they could do no wrong. Typical misogynistic assholes. Leah still had hope Sam would come to his senses, even if she had finally left the damage had been done.
After hearing very hushed whispering you heard Jacob come to the door. “Look, I’m sorry. I really need to protect my imprint.”
“The child? The very underage child? I am not getting into that. This whole imprinting thing…it’s weird. They choose what you are to them right? Yet, none of you accept that they aren’t into you. Sam didn’t stop chasing Emily, and you wont stop chasing whatever her name is.”
“Her name is Renesme.” You could practically hear his teeth gritting together, “If she chooses someone else, then so be it.”
“Yeah, okay. I’ve heard about all the kids shifting. You don’t need me. I’m not dying for people who would never do the same. Tell little Robitussin sorry on my behalf.” You marched back up to your room. You didn’t allow yourself to relax until the two were out of sight. It didn’t take long for them to disturb you again. This time you couldn’t escape. It was both Sams and Jacobs pack this time.
“I’m sorry did I not make myself clear last night?”
“Y/n, I need to apologize. Even if you decide that you don’t help. I shouldn’t have been so quick to dismiss you. You can still be part of the pack. You always had that right.”
You rolled your eyes, “Gee, thanks. Why do you guys need me at all? You have plenty of people to make yourselves scary to any vampire.”
“We’d like to leave some more experienced people on the reservation in case things get bad. They shouldn’t, but still.”
“You don’t trust the younger ones.” Their silence answered your question, “I have no experience to give you.”
“Cut the crap, y/n. I was on patrol when you got that bloodsucker near Seattle.” Everyone froze, apparently this was new information. It was news to you. You’d been so focused on getting rid of that vampire you hadn’t heard anyones thoughts.
“What about it?”
“You phased quick enough to kill them and then phased out as soon as you were finished. We may need you.” Sam continued
“Is—is that even possible?” Someone youd never met asked, he noticed you staring, “I’m Embry by the way. I’m sorry for what happened.” He said that very clearly aimed at Sam and Leah, maybe not everyone had agreed with what happened to you. You shook yourself out of those thoughts, it doesn’t matter, you told yourself.
“Look, before you say anything, if we don’t scare these guys. They will kill all of us. Apparently, they have leeches that can stop you just by looking at you. There are other werewolves that killed people and they were all destroyed. If we don’t stand up to them everyone we care about will be killed.”
“Well, lucky for me all I have is me myself and I.” you crossed your arms
“You’ve been alone this whole time?!?” Embry asked again, he seemed furious
“For the last almost ten years. My parents were never around much, and the last time I saw them was three years ago. They stopped by for a night.”
“And you—”
“Embry. Relax.” Ooh alpha voice, must be nice to be able to have people have to listen to you. “Y/n you will fight with us.”
Was he seriously trying it with you? You laughed. “Seriously?”
“Worth a shot.”
“Whatever you say alpha.”
“You shouldn’t be able to say no to us.” Jacob said.
“You shouldn’t be able to talk at all, but here we are.” You turned to look at the rest of the tribe, they looked anxious. “you guys must be desperate if you are still here.”
“They are.” One of the bigger guys said, “You don’t have to help us, but wed really appreciate if you did. Like Sam there isn’t supposed to be a fight.”
“You’re expecting one though. Otherwise you wouldn’t be so worried about the res.”
“Paul’s right y/n. Please, its just in case. But if what Sam remembers you’d really be helping us out.” Leah said
You sighed, realistically they wouldn’t stop until you said yes, “I’m telling you now. If I feel like theres no hope I’m out. I’m not risking my life for you or any imprint. That includes little ringtone.”
Jacob tensed up. You waved at him and headed to your car. You needed to take a breather. “Let me know when and where.” You closed the door behind you and started your car up. You didn’t even need to go anywhere yet, you just wanted to get away.
The snow had begun sticking to the ground. The battle would be coming up soon. A few of the pack members had actually tried to be nice to you. Apparently they had been ona ‘do not ask questions, do not engage order.’ Not that it really mattered. You’d kept your distance as much as possible. Sam tried to tell you to do patrols once, he wasn’t happy when he found you watching movies at home. The message went through, he didn’t want to be undermined again anyway. You never met Jacob’s imprint, the less involved you were the better.
There was no avoiding it the morning of the confrontation. You couldn’t believe this many vampires and werewolves were ready to die for this child. Well, the pack had no choice but still. The mass of cloaked vampires entered your view. These people had eons of training, there was no way your side would win. Not without major casualties. The ginger vampire glanced your way and snarled at you. Watch it, you thought, before I take out someone on your side and let you lose. His lips formed a tight line and he turned back. Sam looked at you and asked if you were serious. Honestly, yeah probably, something rubbed you the wrong way about the red head. Sam actually agreed with you and you both refocused on the conversations.
Jacob, the kid and her parents went up to talk to whoever the guy in charge was. You looked at the ones closer to him. They would be the most dangerous you figured. The tall one would probably be the biggest problem if you ran into him, your eyes landed on the two kids next. They could maybe, maybe pass as teenagers. Your heart hurt at the thought of having to kill kids, even if they were immortal kids. You froze at the next person your eyes landed on.
There was no way. No freaking way. This shouldn’t even be possible. You imprinted. You just freaking imprinted. And on a vampire no less. You took a step back. He hadn’t even looked at you yet. Theres no way he’d want anything to do with a wolf. Let alone one that was supposed to fight you. You looked at Sam. You had to get out of there. He hung his head down.
“what is it?”
“We cant fight. We aren’t allowed to mess with imprints.”
“I’m not officially part of the pack, you stay if you want.” You could say that all you wanted, with the mind link he knew how desperately you wanted to avoid fighting anymore.
“Y/n, if we stay we cant promise we wont hurt him.” He sighed, “We have to back down.” You would never doubt sam again. You thought to yourself, you didn’t care how many patrols you had to run.
“I’ll hold you to that.” He joked before he tried to get Jacobs attention. You were already getting a hard time from the pack. They all realized how hard it was to try and avoid feelings for your imprint. You would never stop being grateful to them. I bet they wished they hadn’t made me come out now. A chorus of disagreement came from them You felt tears prick your eyes.
The pack started heading out. Jacob and Sam argued for a minute before he realized it was pointless. The pack had given the Cullens an equalizer. You felt bad but you already felt the urge to protect your imprint. What the hell was happening to you? As the pack started backing away your eyes finally locked with him. You should have just kept walking. You didn’t wait to see his reaction, you turned and ran.
Taglist: @adaydreamaway08 @aunt-pipie @avyannadawn @imtoanonymousforyou @lacychick @minghao3o @quarthly @volturiwolf
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 years
If you’re looking for Omegaverse asks, I’ve got one for ya. What is the difference between yandere Alpha America and yandere Omega America? I would image some similarities but since their trait is different would anything really change?
❤️Love this ask! ❤️
This one airs on more lowkey-n$fw simply because of how... this AU is so you have been w@rned. Not for sensitive audiences.
Anyways America is totally different in demeanor and personality-wise between being an Alpha or Omega.
There are fewer things Omega Alfred can get away with depending on what category his darling falls in.
If they’re an Alpha and his super Yandere tendencies come out he’s bound to get into a ton of trouble. If not an outright outcast from society or something worse. If they’re a beta he might just get scolded or beaten but nothing more than that. If it’s another Omega he’s after then he can be like his normal self and have them.
If it’s Alpha America it’s all about dominance and he will get whatever darling he wants. Even if it’s an Alpha darling he will break her.
💝 Yandere Omega Alfred💝
💝Man’s is down bad for you. He’ll stalk his beloved intended mate from afar and dream of their life together if only said darling wasn’t so stubborn. And being in a rut will be unbearable for him if his mate is an Alpha that outright just doesn’t like how he is as an Omega. He’ll have to be at home hungry, tired, and h0rny beyond belief so he’ll just have to lie there in his apartment in agony.
💝He would try to the court said Alpha or Beta constantly and would just somehow always be around when they’re going to work, out on the town, etc. He’s going to be a persistent Yandere that won’t leave you alone. He will definitely operate under the belief “Bringing them food will make them love me.”He’ll do his best to lure you into bed so that he can have a chance at becoming pregnant with your offspring. Overall Omega America is way less dangerous and much more of a pest since he ranks way lower in this AU if he’s an Omega.
“Y/N! Y/N! I have food for you don’t you want to come and eat and spend time with me!” He’ll say gleefully and he knocks you over at full force hoping you can smell his raging hormones and it might make you reconsider denying him.
❤️‍🔥Yandere Alpha America❤️‍🔥
❤️‍🔥Yeah, darling is screwed if they don’t entertain America’s desires for them. When America is Alpha in this AU he’s dominant in every sense of the word. Even if you’re an Alpha, Beta, or Omega: HE. WILL. HUNT. YOU. DOWN. So he can pipe you and fill you to the brim with his seed and feed you so your body can withstand the amount of pressure he’s putting into it so his love can be pregnant and bear his children. And a lot of them.
❤️‍🔥In this AU he’s likely to be a CEO of some kind or a powerful political figure that runs the government. And if he states that he wants you publicly trust me other Alphas will bring you to him. And this doesn’t give you much time say maybe 24 hours and you’d be chained up to his massive king-sized bed waiting for him to arrive home. Once he does he will waltz into the room happy he can finally have his way with his darling.
His leather shoes echo through the room and stop at the bed as he gazes with hungry blue eyes that have just seen a massive feast. Your body is reacting to his powerful musk and preparing itself. He undoes the tight tie that was around his neck as he slips off his black leather loafers. His weight is introduced to the bed and you know the next few hours with your new mate are going to be intense.
“Oh, Y/N your scent has been driving me wild since I first caught a whiff and a glimpse of you while you were at the supermarket and from then I knew you’d be mine.”
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Your riven imagine was amazing! Could write about the reactions of the winx and people in school, with a light fairy from earth being with him, please? Anyways, hope you're ok :)
Come back to me (part 1)
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Pairing: Riven x reader
Ever since Rosalind officially took over Alfea, Y/N had felt her hope dwindling. She’s a light fairy, she thrives surrounded by good. The darkness surrounding her is exhausting, bleeding her dry of all positive emotions.
Belief is when there is no reason to hope, when despair sets in, and yet you hold fast to a certainty that it is worth seeking the light, even if you have never seen it.
“I’m not an asshole without a cause. Trust in me.”
Riven is what Y/N believes in. Despite her better judgement, she can’t help it - she does trust in him. Even though he’s gone down a darker path than she could have imagined.
Seeing Riven as Rosalind’s private guard had been tearing her apart, more so when she saw him locking lips with Beatrix.
‘We’re just friends’, she told herself in order to not hate him for his choices. She told herself all of this is for a reason. 
“Ugh, why are you staring at those two freaks”, Stella makes a fake gagging sound, drawing attention of Riven.
He glances at Stella, but his eyes are drawn to Y/N. Swallowing thickly, Riven felt his heart sink at the hurt flickering in her eyes. Exhaling through his nose, he locked eyes with Stella again, unable to bear the heaviness of Y/N’s gaze.
“What are you looking at?” Stella narrows her eyes, making Riven roll his eyes.
“I was about to ask you the same. You do know that beauty isn’t transmittable, right? Staring won’t help fix your face.”
Beatrix snickers at Riven’s snarky remark, enjoying the way Stella’s nostrils flare in rage she’s trying to contain. Y/N shakes her head, disappointed by his behavior.
Is there really any of the old Riven left inside that empty shell of his? He barely looks like the Riven she knew let alone anything else. 
“Really, Y/N? This is who you swore is the kindest guy you’ve ever known?” Bloom buts in, glaring at Riven.
“I can introduce you to someone so much better”, Aisha adds only making Y/N’s heart ache. 
She doesn’t want anyone else. She wants Riven. She wants the guy who’d hold her hand and tell her everything would be alright. She wants the guy who’d written her love notes and called her Sunshine. She wants the guy who made her smile with a single look, but that’s no longer possible. She sees that now.
Blinking fast, her teeth sink into the soft flesh of her bottom lip before she turns around, rushing off to find a moment alone. She needs a place where she can heave, let out the panic of her realization pass through before she loses control and blinds half the school. 
She can feel her heartbeat in her throat as tears rush to her eyes. She was his Sunshine, a ray of light capable of shining through the darkness. She doesn’t feel very light and bright anymore. She feels empty and she feels angry and hopeless and bitter about losing him.
After the storms the sunshine returns, and crying is much the same, so she lets it out, she lets it go. She must.
“Sunshine?” A breathless voice freezes her in place with her hand on her chest.
Looking over her shoulder, she finds the perpetrator of her deepest pain.
“There was hope before. Just a tiny flicker.” Wiping her tears with the back of her hand, she sniffles. “Who are you now?” 
“I’m still me. I’m still your Riv.” He steps closer but Y/N recoils.
“You’re not the Riv I know. And you’re certainly not mine.” She can still see his hands all over Beatrix and the flashback makes her sick to her stomach. 
“I’ve always been yours, Sunshine.” Riven’s voice breaks and Y/N holds her breath with the sound cracking her sanity.
“How is it you see the suffering and choose to make it all the worse?” Sitting down, she covers her quivering lips.
“I’m not trying to make it worse, I swear”, Riven falls to his knees before her, reluctant to touch her. If he saw her recoil from his touch once again, it would kill him. They were never more than friends, but they were more together than couples who actually dated.
“Trust me”, Riven pleads, his fingers shaking as they make contact with her knees. He lets out a relieved sigh once she allows his hands to rest there.
“Trust goes both ways, Riv”, Y/N looks down to his hands, aching to take them in hers yet she can’t. She’s been itching to hold his hands for a long time now, but that would only give way for more heartbreak.
“I’m the inside man”, Riv admits and Y/N’s eyes widen. “I’m trying to find a way to take them down and get Silva out of prison. Sky knows this. Only Sky.” Shaking his head, Riv sighs, “And now you. No one else can be included, Sunshine.”
“Why didn’t you tell me from the start?” She leans in, her breath tickling his lips as their foreheads meet and they close their eyes. The intensity of the moment set them aflame for they’ve never allowed each other the luxury of such intimate touches. Not in a sexual manner, although Riven wanted her in every way, but in a way where the sound of her voice was enough to make his heart flutter. And he never had his heart flutter.
“I told you to trust me.” Riv defends, making her smile.
“You’re an asshole”, she whispers. She can’t help but wonder if he’ll kiss her, finally. The anticipation is mirrored in her shaky lips and she knows she’s so unprepared, but she longs for him. 
“I’m your asshole”, Riven’s nose brushes hers and her heart skips at the notion.
Riven’s hand found the back of her neck, quickly pulling her closer until their lips touched and the words ceased. The kiss barely lasted, managing to take their breaths away in an instant. Y/N surrendered to his touch, losing her senses as his lips brought her heartbeat to the speed of light. Her lips tingled, electricity sparking up throughout her body and her hands clutched to his shirt with all their might as if he could slip through her fingers like sand. He’d been wondering how her rosy lips would taste, never quite sure if it would make any impact on him but from the way his hands tremble with her face in them tucked away safely, he knew he has been bested.
“I wish I didn’t have to leave”, he whispers against her lips before pecking them again, drunk on adrenaline her lips caused.
“Don’t leave then”, she cups his face, holding him close. The simple thought of letting him go pains her. “When you’re gone, I’m stuck in darkness.”
Drawing a deep breath, Riven inches away. Using his hands, he brings her hands down from his face, clinging to the softness of her palms for a moment longer. “Even when I’m with you, I’m darkness that’s consuming you. Sunshine, no matter what happens, I’ll always be bad for you.”
Scoffing, she narrows her eyes ever so slightly, “That should be my choice and I choose you.”
“If you cling to me, I’ll snuff out your light. It’s who I am. I’m the darkness to your light, the night to your day. These kinds of loves don’t have happy endings.” Pressing a kiss to her palm, Riven leaves Y/N in deep thought.
Is it true? Is he her darkness? How much light had he taken already? Because even with that in mind, she wished to be consumed by him entirely. 
People say the darkness presses in, but that’s not true. The darkness kisses up to your skin closer than a lover’s lips and whispers excitement into your ears. The darkness becomes your best friend, a second skin that’s flattering and cool. The darkness becomes your favorite thing right up until your exits are blocked, then it has no reason to hide.
If it was easy to spot darkness there wouldn’t be a problem, now would it?
How often do you confuse day and night?
“Riven is my darkness”, she realizes and yet she doesn’t care. She’s light enough for both of them. If he is her darkness, she is his light and while the sun and the moon failed to make it work, Y/N decided to prove everyone wrong, Riven included.
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ootahime · 3 years
analyzing every gojohime moment in the manga p2
part 1 is here :3
this post includes more excruciatingly long paragraphs so grab urself something and enjoy LOL
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chapter 40 
i know they’re not interacting in this panel but i still want to bring it up.  i’m gonna give some context to this scene in case someone needs to jog their memory.  so basically, mei’s ability to command crows is what allows the staff to observe the students from afar.  however, gojo notices that there’s lack of footage where yuuji is and asks mei why that’s so.  she tells him that they’re animals at the end of the day so she can’t control what they look at.  he doesn’t believe her so he asks her whose side she’s on (for yuuji’s execution vs against yuuji’s execution) to which she responds with, “whose side?  i’m on the side with money, of course.  there’s no value in something that can’t be bought since you can’t exchange that for money.”  in other words, she’ll always choose the side that offers her more money because she doesn’t care about how morally “correct” or “incorrect” something is.  it’s not worth fighting for a cause that doesn’t benefit her in the long run which is why she views things that are unable to be bought (friendships, relationships, favors) as useless - they can’t be exchanged for money.  it’s clear that gojo knows she’s not on his side because he replies with, “spoken from experience!” or “i wonder how much!” (translation varies).  he says it out loud to perhaps let gakuganji know that he’s onto him.  i find it interesting how utahime is in the panel as well with a “?” to express her confusion at his words.  let’s overthink dissect that.  why is she there in the first place? if the message was to let gakuganji know that gojo is aware of his ulterior motives then a panel with gakuganji and gojo would have sufficed.  why add utahime with a question mark? 
here’s a personal headcanon of mine that makes no absolute sense, but who cares? it makes me happy LOL.  so let’s examine the panel.  gojo’s face is more simplified and cartoonish with a grey background on top and some sort of white bubble surrounding the three characters.  gakuganji is staring at utahime and gojo.  in the official viz translation, he replies to mei with, “i wonder how much!”  
normal and logical explanation: shading the principal by asking out loud how much mei was paid by him to avoid monitoring yuuji.
gojohime brainrot explanation: 
mei: “there’s no value in something that can’t be bought since you can’t exchange that for money”
gojo: (in response) i wonder how much utahime’s love would cost if it did have a price.
utahime: ?
you’re probably thinking i’m delulu (true) BUT HEAR ME OUT.  IT WOULD SOMEWHAT MAKE SENSE IN THIS CONTEXT...
mei’s saying seems to be what she lives by.  relationships, love, friendships, etc. do not matter to her as this is evident when she ultimately abandons everyone in shibuya to escape to malaysia, selling all her stocks before japan’s economy goes down.  she doesn’t care about anyone else.  she even takes advantage of ui ui’s adoration for her.  she contrasts utahime.  utahime is loved by her students.  children, especially teenagers, are picky when it comes to choosing the adults they admire and respect.  while everyone trusts gojo, they do not respect him because of his childishness and overall absurdity.  it’s refreshing to see how they always call him an idiot or have a -_- face when he’s around.  when akutami says everyone absolutely adores utahime-sensei, it says a lot.  we haven’t seen her interact with her students all that much, but she’s obviously close to them because she’s frequently arguing with momo.  even a closed off person like mechamaru wanted to keep her away from danger.  she most certainly expresses a lot of concern and care for her students, and gojo and her students can pick up on this. 
i’ve talked about this in every post LOLOL but there’s a reason why he went to utahime first to help him investigate.  utahime is a loyal person through and through.  she would never do something that harms the students even if she was offered everything in the world.  she values relationships above everything else.  besides her concern for the students, how else was i able to come to this conclusion about her character?  well, she got shoko to stop smoking because she was worried about how it might damage her friend’s health.  from these two details, it’s obvious that she’s the complete opposite of mei.  
maybe that’s why he calls her weak.  she’s too selfless and compassionate in a world where every sorcerer is for themselves.  the world is cruel as a sorcerer.  no matter how hard you try to fight, in the end, you’ll always die alone.  remember his talk with megumi after the baseball game?  after witnessing megumi pull a sacrificial bunt to help his teammates advance, gojo has a talk with megumi about his attitude and potential.  he says that being selfless and caring about others is not a bad thing, but in a world like this, where people always die alone, he is wasting his potential by being concerned with others.  it’s okay to be selfish.  this is why we see fierce independence in a lot of the sorcerers like mei, nanami, and gojo.  they each have their own reasons as to why they work alone, but it’s still a common characteristic.  i feel like utahime doesn’t have a selfish bone in her body.  i speculate that her selflessness is the exact reason why she is being held back.  during her mission to exorcise a grade 1 spirit by herself, the final task before being promoted to grade 1, she likely got distracted trying to help civilians out of danger and failed her mission.  he’s right when he says she doesn’t have the guts to be the traitor, utahime doesn’t have it in her to do something so boldly solely for her own benefit.  
after this long tangent, how does this relate to your headcanon, ootahime?  
as you know, love is not transactional.  you can’t pay someone to love you.  what if gojo is asking himself how much it would cost to buy her love.  hence, her confusion because she is oblivious to what he really means.  it could be probable because gakuganji is observing not only gojo, but utahime as well.  so what gojo says must involve her too, right?  
or she could just be confused because his words seem out of place because she is unaware of what gakuganji is doing behind everyone’s back.  that explanation makes sense for viz’s official translation but it doesn’t make sense when he says, “spoken from experience!” because his words make sense in that context.  he’s basically saying that mei’s beliefs must be based on her past experiences so he understands why she feels this way.  that’s an appropriate response to mei’s statement so i don’t see why utahime would be confused by this.  unless i’m interpreting this whole scene completely wrong.  in that case, whoopsies!  
let me know if you’re confused because i’m willing to clarify.  idk why but i found this really difficult to explain.  maybe because i’m reaching so hard haha
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chapter 40
he finds any way he can to tease her.  they seem like a married couple watching a movie or something.  does he take pride in being the only person she doesn’t get along with?  i mean, she says it herself so he is aware she thinks he’s annoying, but he keeps picking on her anyway.  he doesn’t even pick on his enemies this much LMAOOO i think the only other person he likes to make fun of is gakuganji but he does so because he doesn’t agree with his views.  with utahime it’s different.  he trusts her a lot and even looks out for her.  
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chapter 44
why are there two separate instances of gakuganji observing utahime and gojo’s interactions from afar?  nah i’m just playing.  he’s just looking because he’s concerned she’ll run into the semi-grade 1 curse he had for yuuji.  OKAY BUT I NOTICED SOMETHING KINDA CUTE?  whenever utahime says something suddenly, he always has those 3 little triangles near his head.  it’s like he’s thinking, “oh!  utahime is speaking, i must listen <3″  look at his face too.  he’s looking at her like :O
this is also an example of her showcasing her concern for the students in front of gojo.  i feel like he questions why she’s so caring because if it were him, he would have left the student to figure it out themselves.  i really wonder how she would react if he answered her truthfully when she asked what he’d do if she were the traitor.  
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chapter 45
there’s not much to say here...they’re just cute.  i know it’ll never happen but i’d like to see them fight side by side one day.  i’m aware that gojo works best alone but i just want to see how they’d work together, okay? 😔
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chapter 45
see the little triangles on his head again?  UGH SO CUTE.  
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chapter 45
IS THIS NOT INTENTIONAL???  they share the same thoughts.  he even finished her thought.  mannnnnnnnnnnnn what is akutami doing?  giving us false hope and stripping it away just for fun?  making them work so well together for what??
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chapter 52
cute how he looks out for her.  i have nothing more to say LOL
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chapter 53
notice how they’re sitting across from each other?  HEHE
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chapter 53
yet another instance of her caring for her students in front of gojo.  in the anime she has the cutest expression when she says she’s glad the students are safe.  i bet gojo saw that too.  i also bet that she looks prettier from his point of view.
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from the manga and light novels, gojo and utahime are the ones that talk about sports the most.  he most definitely chose baseball to cheer her up.  it’s not a coincidence people!  
i feel like i had a lot more to say but i completely lost my train of thought while writing this, especially with chapter 40. i’m once again writing this at 4 in the morning LOL........  please please please add on or share your thoughts!  thank you for reading and sorry for any mistakes.  
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henryobsessed · 3 years
The Veterinarian and the Werewolf - Chapter 8
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Word Count: 1879
Warning: trigger - hunting, and demeaning verbal abuse.
A/N thanks again to my beautiful @sillyrabbit81 for your editing and @amberangel112 for your encouragement.
Chapter 8
Henry could not understand why Jessie was still considering going out with this jerk. He huffed at Joe’s words and was pleasantly surprised at Tom’s reaction. Pleased to have someone in his corner, he nuzzled into the young man’s arms. It felt nice, an odd feeling of loss and regret pulled at his soul. He hadn’t seen his nephew in five years, he would be fifteen years old now four years younger than Tom. Memories of their last time together flooded his mind, the feel of his hands running through his fur. Even then he had refused to change, sadly his nephew had never known him in Human form.
The packhouse was large, made of local stone it would be considered menacing to outsiders. But for those invited in, it was a house filled with love. They had found Henry and his nephew Adam just outside their forest line, half-starved, dehydrated and desperate for care. The pack doctor had tended to Henry whilst one of the pack's mothers had shared her milk with the little pup. Adam had captured the mother’s heart and at Henry’s approval had adopted him into the pack. Henry had grieved the loss of his only kin but been so grateful to them. He knew he could not look after the little one, not with his heartbroken in pieces.
Over the next ten years, he had come and gone from the house checking up on Adam, watched as he grew strong, not only physically, but emotionally he had developed into a beautiful soul. Their last time together they had sat just like he was now with Tom. He had curled up next to Adam, his head in his lap, Adams fingers running through his fur. “I wish you could change for me Uncle, I see all the other dads and sons playing together and I love the idea that when I change next year we can run together. Then I can finally talk to you and hear your voice back. But I want to know what you look like, to be able to hug you like I see that others hug their dads.” His face had added to Henry’s grief looking so heartbroken and longingly at him. He had tried at that moment, had attempted to honour his request but his human side was so lost, hidden in pain. He had left the house that day, knowing even if it broke his heart, he needed to let his nephew grow with his new pack and not be held back by him.
Now nestled against Tom he regretted that decision. He heard a chuckle soft and happy. “Well look at you two. I would never have guessed Wolfy could be so comfortable with another human. I haven’t seen him like that with anyone except with me. What’s your secret Tom?” Her bright eyes landed on Tom who had continued to scratch behind Henry’s ears.
“I don’t know Miss Jessie, but I have always loved wolves, well any kind of animal really but especially wolves.”
She seemed thoughtful as she eyed them both making Henry wonder what she had planned. “Tom, are you free tonight? I have a date and I really don’t want to leave Wolfy alone again.” Henry felt Tom stiffen. Wondering what was wrong with the request, he moved his head to look up at the boy.
A brief look of disapproval flashed in his eyes before they softened as he looked down and saw Henry watching him. “Yes, Miss Jessie. I would love to spend more time with this beautiful boy.” Internally he chuckled at Tom’s words, if only he knew he was twelve years older than him.
That afternoon Henry, Jessie and Tom spent out in the garden. Tom seemed to fit beautifully into their friendship group kneeling beside Jessie as they planted new flowers and shrubs where they had pulled up the weeds. Together, Henry dug the holes, Tom placed the plants and held them in place whilst Jessie filled the soil around them. Henry enjoyed hearing the light conversation between his Mate and his new friend until it became heavier. “So, Tom, when did you begin to love wolves? I know your father traps them, so I’m interested as to why you don’t follow his belief.”
Tom continued to work, as a gentle hum was heard working up from his throat. “I know why Dad does it, although I don’t think he is correct. He blames the wolves for his loss of cattle, but I haven’t seen that many around. The wild dogs are more to blame but he won't listen. They have a group that meet purely to discuss the wolf problem, but in my whole life, the only large group I have seen was back when I was four. It’s the first and last time Dad allowed me to come to a hunting party. Mom was horrified that he was taking me, but I wanted so much to be with Dad, and he wanted me to be just like him.”
Henry shuddered as the boy spoke as if by some force of nature, he knew that he was about to hear what had happened that day. He also sensed the grief radiating off the boy, wanting to calm him he pushed his body into Tom’s side. Nuzzling his head as if to say, “It's ok, I’m here for you.” Tom let out a heavy chuckle as if he had heard Henry’s voice.
He sat back looking down at Henry as he spoke, “Thanks Wolfy, you would think that I would not remember something that happened that long ago, but it's imprinted in my mind. They had been tracking a pack that had only just entered the area, convinced the rest of the ranchers that they were a risk to our lively hood, that we couldn’t let them nest here. So, the best of their marksman left, when we found them all, sitting around a tree, curled up sleeping, all I wanted to do was go play with the cuddly animals. Dad kept pulling me back holding me still and quiet. I didn’t understand until the loud bangs began.”
Tom’s voice wobbled at this point and Jessie who had been silent up till this time also came closer. She pulled him into her side, her arm encasing his thin body as his shoulders began to shake. “I started screaming as I saw a single wolf with a baby on its back running away, Dad aimed for it but I managed to push the barrel up making him miss. I got the thrashing of my life that night. I couldn’t sit for a week, but it was worth it. I was never allowed to come again after that, not that I wanted to. It took a while, but Dad eventually began to trust me enough to check the traps. I am glad too because it meant I could help this fella.”
Jessie held the boy as his sobs subsided. Henry was trying to hold his anger in, these were the people who had destroyed his family. And yet this one boy had not only saved him once but twice, his gratitude was the only thing stopping him from wanting to go rip the throats out of the group. Ignorance and fear were the driving forces that ended his family, if only they knew the wolves would only ever take a sick animal, and sometimes the young, never the strength of the herd. They would never kill without need. But the wild dogs he had seen were giving us a bad name.
Jessie's voice interrupted his thoughts, the softness not hiding the grief in her own. “Was that near here Tom?” How did Jessie know?
“Yes, Miss Jessie, by the tall tree in the middle of the forest.”
She silently picked up the tools, both animal and human watching her, wondering what she was thinking. Sighing she stood up, “Come, it’s getting dark and I need to get ready for this date.” She walked silently back into the house. The boy and the wolf looked at each other before both followed.
Jessie fixed dinner for Tom and Henry then left to dress, leaving the pair to their own devices. Tom seemed quiet after revealing his early childhood trauma and Henry was eager to help calm the boy. After eating, he plodded into the living room, jumped up on the couch and yipped in Tom’s direction. Chuckling, Tom responded, “You want to watch some TV boy?” Nuzzling the remote, he yipped eagerly hoping to distract the boy from his thoughts.
Tom settled next to him and picked up the remote, they settled on watching a rerun of M.A.S.H before they both heard the clicking of heels and the rapping of knuckles on the front door. Open-mouthed both Henry and Tom sat dumbstruck as Jessie walked down the stairs in a light yellow sundress her dark hair flowing softly twisted into waves. “Wow Miss Jessie, you look amazing” got in first before Henry followed with his eager Yip. Giggling Jessie smiled softly at them both, “Ok I won't be out late, but even so, don’t get up to any mischief”
This caused both Henry and Tom to laugh, one sounding more like a series of yips. The door opened and closed and Jessie was gone. Together the two sat, watched movies and shared some popcorn that Tom had found in the pantry. Just as the end of a Witcher episode finished they heard yelling coming from outside. “I don’t give a dam Boyd, you had no right to hit that poor man, It was an accident.” The front door opened as Jessie stormed inside, the front of her dress had a brown stain down the side of her skirt.
Next Boyd came crashing into the room his face red as he reached out to grab Jessie's arm, this caused Henry to jump into action his snarl reaching the ears of the big man before he saw the wolf racing towards him. Jumping back almost stumbling over the kitchen chair Boyd’s face grew hotter, “Keep that mutt controlled Jessie otherwise I’ll control him for you with my shot Gun.”
The air went still as Henry felt Jessies and Tom's hands on him, “That is enough Boyd Hatfield, you are no longer welcome in this home. Get. Out!” Surprise filled Boyd’s face as he not only recognised Tom but registered his marching orders. Menace replaced the look of surprise, “Listen here little girl, you better watch that attitude of yours. I’ll allow you to cool off but we are not finished talking, and if you value the life of that mutt you will do as your told.” Punctuating the statement with a nod of his head he turned and strolled out the door.
Heart pounding he turned looking up at Jessie who seemed to have lost her speech, her face pale and her hands shaking. Tom moved swiftly pulling her into his arms as she began to cry, frustrated that it wasn’t his arms holding her, Henry pushed his body against her to show he was there, but inside he was furious. That man had threatened not just himself but Jessie, but he had to focus on her right now, she was more important no matter how much he wanted to go after him.
Chapter 9
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