#but it looks so cool overall w/ the grain…
http-sawposting · 6 months
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say goodbye and send me off with a kiss farewell
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1alchemistart · 2 months
AWW THANK YOU i wish you the bestest of luck!!!! there's a lotta good resources out there :D
iiii would not use myself as a good example of how to sketch to be quite honest bc sometimes my first sketches look like this
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but most of the time they look like this
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having ugly sketches is a very big part of anyone's art journey tho! gotta warm up before drawing smth cool and that always involves meh sketches
and imo having a crappy little gestural drawing as a base helps a lot JKSDFKSD esp if youre unsure of the details. get the gesture and overall silhouette down first!!! you can worry about other stuff later
look at this silly little man. ya gotta start somewhere w every drawing JKSFK
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i started drawing somewhere around 2013 while staring at mark crilley and art a la carte tutorials on youtube so it's been a while since i checked resources for beginners but channels like proko, sinix design and ergojosh have a lot of stuff to my knowledge so, might be worth giving those a look!! WISH YA THE BESTEST OF LUCK
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codeinetylenol · 8 days
just tested it and the ao3 video embedder is actually pretty decent looking. I was afraid it'd loop like tumblr, i.e. w a brief pause, but it seems rather seamless. it looks much better than the lossy pixellated gif
-> cut: messy draft/planner/notes on what I think I should be making with AE typed on my android
hopefully i give up while i'm ahead. I think it might be overly involved anyway when I look at it again, which would be fine, but only speaking of current hobby projects, I really ought to finish the writing + the basic illusts + probably ACDOW and such first.
-> file transferring to myself
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~65mb file for a ~30s video w/ animated grain/static, lyrics, and music <prev
- ch1 - Tom shirtless:
Quick enough:
-grain filter everything. Con: file size
- light bleed. Con: not that appropriate w downward scroll
-displacement map + chromab that shifts <-? But the image qual is blurry enough without 🤔
^add animated grain and displacement map chromab later. Maybe slight glitching.****
Cutting it up to be used as masks + animating content in masks?
Cons - may look tacky?
Montage video - > bump chapter count to 7. Ch1 is just the video, nothing else? 6x art speed run?
Pros - better than 2 vids in 1..
Cons - have to draw everything and text effects..
Proa: idea is cool. Theoretically
Cons: limited content minus text. Would have to be largely text animation based, maybe mograph.
VHS rewind?
Zoomed in: close up, Cambridge Tom, periphery, perhaps the trees?. Snap cut/flicker fx?, degree?. Snap cut, eye. Snap cut, mouth. <-maybe too many, look at how the comp seems after making.
Snap/flicker, more static, full Cambridge Tom. Picture curves/wobbles to old tv screen.
-> Zoom out: framed on both sides with TV. Tom's photo's frame also?
Zoom further: increasing wall of TV screen pop-ups? Not really thematic but it would look cool. It would also be really annoying to fill with different content. Think further about this.
Apply displacement map wavy distortion/screen fuzz. Stop. Old VHS tape style. Rewind effect > static. Some glitching and significant visual fuzz.
Flip through other scene drawings. Drawings probably in greyscale/b&w; shift to B&W entirely during the prior visual fuzz to make it easier. Possibly text animation. Possibly chromab sliding to the side in off-kilter ways.
Slow down.
(1) Maybe do a b&w rigged animation -- hair blowing, Harry looking at Tom & blinking? Rigging possibly easier than by hand for this... Hmm. L2d?
Look. Blink. Open mouth to say - (bubbles? Pop up? How else to draw speech less blatantly? Think on it).
- Are you—
-> cut. Tape scratch. Or maybe freeze frame on partially open mouth Harry, chromab shifting/possible slightly pixelated (via mask? Gradually applied?).
-> cut.
Tom's photograph, framed.
Cut. Harry's back, semi silhouette, head tilted up to look at Tom's face in the photograph, small against the looming photo. Flickering. Potentially see about inserting sped up version of ^above backwards scenes in the masked area within Tom's photograph frame as well.
Cut. Harry turning? I want this but I would have to animate it by hand and it'd be getting closer to like 20-25 seconds... Ugh. Or just standard slight turn and then -> cut to wide open eyes. Reuse prior animation at (1). Freeze slightly.
(if (1) reused, consider versatile angles...)
Tom, shirtless, mp4, flickering mp4 loop.
Click off (tv flicker screen off 🌟 -> * fx).
Text fx. Shill my fic.
Cons: timing?
Look + blink + speak rigged animation = probably at least 5 seconds
Overall runtime initial projection 15s...but with that and text animation... Who knows.
Cons: time consumption vs fic/inability to post fic.
Solution: it's kind of spoiler-y for a trailer-y montage effect, so maybe I'll put it after the epilogue. Then I can use any other art I've made too...
Cons^: still think it's best as 1st chapter considering the fic though.
Acquiescence: probably all doable within a week... Cambridge took a little long but I suppose ~1.5 weeks on writing and ~1.5 on illust/multimedia isn't the worst ever. Probably closer to 2 on writing to account for draft 2 after draft 1...depends. + need to give time to sit and see if I find it insufferable after. <- another 2 weeks? Puts me well into late may, a little dubious.
Plus extra time if prediction extends from 15s initial...
- 30s animation rough but frame by frame: ~1 week obsessively. 30s lyric still vids: 2-3 days? Half length but more painting... Editing itself probably 1-2 days. Painting time unk, depending on count/sketch #.
Cons: soundless is less emotionally moving
A) dig through CC licensed or royalty free music, permissible accr ao3 FAQ.
-> a-cons:
Intensely annoying
B) dick around on piano, record, and figure out how to use some mixing software?
-> b-cons:
- wtf does my classical music knowledge have to do with a heroin bender fanfic
- no idea how to use digital mixing software at all...some cruddy result off a tutorial is the best that can be achieved
- dubious sound quality
- Tom is more violin music coded than piano but I can't play the effing violin can I now. Nor can I write even simple limp dicked violin harmonies.
-> b solutions:
Find a classical song that fits the vibe somehow, learn, make minimal adjustments digitally...or something?
Pros: all that's needed is 15-20 seconds tops. Should be basically nothing...
Cons: visual glitching should be reflected in bgm = need to figure out that effing software
Coping to avoid fully animating
Acquiescence: almost
Cons -v cam zoom w Harry - annoying to add more alt versions. Transparent layering..?
Base: cam paint
> out: photo on wall <- smear sides lazily
-> out: transparent Harry's back head tilted up.
- cons - B&W sketching easier. Inconsistent
> fade to greyscale with static? Middle part greyed out? Indistinct and glitchy to not spoil. > 1st tom back in Blu photo colour
Editing... 1 day. Art Unk. Probably annoying to make resources...
Cons - consistency ? Hou'r countt? Too much multimedia no point. Distracting
- #6 Cambridge: zoom out to show? Wall and frame and...Harry?
Cons: many more hours to go if I need to add Harry
> silhouette lazily?
- too art heavy is extraneous to writing and perhaps counterproductive... Takes focus away.
-> format:
1-pic, 5-pic, 6 pic?
Cons: no river. Little uneven.
-> VHS backslide:
-could use silhouette sketches eg my AK animation
B&W or grey line. No features. Block-in style. Overall indistinct.maybe shot w Harry eye shot w tom? .. Eyes widening Harry?
^not many sketches... Under 2 per chapter at most o think. Rough concept blocks. Too many and I might as well be animating and I am simply not going to do that again Esp style here considered... <- blinks/hait motion easy w rigging? Rusty. 2h probably. But black hair solids are easy ish? L2d?
>time count:
Rusty ae - 1 day? Est 8hrs
Tom injecting heroin into his veins + background - 6-8hr
Portrait of Tom at Cambridge detailing - 3hr left? est 21h so far, -> inefficient beginning to architecture painting + rusty
+ Harry but silhouette - 1hr? + wall - 1hr?? Ideally low detail...
(Rigging? Sketches - Simple hair flow/eye blink w/o shadows...?)
Sketches #? - 2 to 4h?
Writing - 10 WPM/15 /-20k? > projected: +15k.
> 25 hours >en draft, 1.5. Pretty workable. Draft 1-~10-12k? About 3 days of fugue? Perhaps I overestimated last time.
Probably go through another revision for level...or else I'll spend almost more time painting this than writing it
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iressails · 2 years
Content creator 2021 wrapped tag game
Cut this into what works for you. Want to do only one instead of five? Do it. Tag 2 people? Do it. This game is not your mum or the Apple App store to tell you what to do. But there are a couple of rules:
RULE 1: Review your creations over 2021. Tag some gifmakers/creators, friends and strangers to get them to do the same.
RULE 2: Link to the content, commentary optional.
5 (or more!) creations from others that made you smash the reblog button hard, closely followed by your ‘insp’ tag or 'fave tag'. Link to sets that started conversations, outstanding composition, colouring, etc.
4 creations of which you’re proud. These are goals you scored. Nothing to do with notes.
3 creations others loved. Include the one that one that got most notes, great comments, or the classic ‘how dare you!’
2 creations that stretched you as a creator: style, colouring, blending, text, etc. include the one that should have got more notes.
1 creation of yours that you find most aesthetically pleasing to the eye and self AND 1 creation that broke and (maybe remade you) as a creator – we all have that one.
0 the creation that never was because nothing was working that day.
Overall comment on your creativity year 2021 ->
5 (or more!) creations from others that made you smash the reblog button hard, closely followed by your ‘insp’ tag or 'fave tag'.
In no particular order I tag:
@olincino's Middle Aged Husbands AU I love this one because it's so soft, and also really really clever.
@lmillers Ruth Wilson on talk show being ... Ruth, I guess! This set is so thirsty lol. The colouring and sharpness too.
@lordbelacqua I'm the best weapon you'll ever have I love this style. The last compilation one in black though, no words. (I love the ccss one, but this set wins by a hair!).
@robinsonjudy Isaac McAdoo. Content, style everything. He is a great character and this set highlights it so well.
@significanceofmoths with elf!Yibo. I love how nice it is the sparkle, and he is so cute. You get across so much with his personality with the last one.
@liquidsnvke with Finley and Sophie Dying gasp of s2 and fingers crossed. I love how clear and luminous this set is considering it is in the dark.
@roifernandez with El desorden que dejas kids. I love the first gif the b&w and the color with the portraits.
@elenas with that ghost one that everyone knows, so cool.
@lady-eleanor-vane with the Eleanor one so sharp and dark and textured you only get on a video editor!
@femadols Itzy Yeji the smooth movement in this one.
These really aren't in order just me fishing though my mass post editor on a laggy laptop.
4 creations of which you’re proud. These are goals you scored. It has nothing to do with notes.
Tess from The L Word in b&w. It really pays to fiddle with the colours on this adjustment to make it pop. It looked so much better in b&w compared to the original coloured one.
Brian Molko from Placebo. This was from a grainy youtube of a 90s music video. I changed colours, removed grain, and pushed it to the limit. I like it even if he looks a bit smooth and alien.
Tess in a shimmery silver top. I don't know if it's because of her or because of the colouring but I liked how I cropped this, except for one iffy one I didn't notice, haha. Will I change it? No. Flaws are okay.
Deran Cody being sad. I am not a text person so this one was a challenge, but the words are mine, and I think apt.
3 creations others loved. Include the one that one that got most notes, great comments, or the classic ‘how dare you!’
This one everyone loved of Tess pulling faces. I don't know why they liked it. I can see the colouring is off in some.
Patrick Kitten Braden on Breakfast on Pluto. These were nice gifs and I spent ages choosing the scenes. Movies do my head in seems more high stakes compared to TV.
The in-the-rain Tess/Shane kissing one. Lighting and the angles were terrible (thanks tlwgq) but I did my best with so many levels layers. Even a year ago I couldn't get it to look so nice and light.
2 creations that stretched you as a creator: style, colouring, blending, text, etc. maybe include the one that should have got more notes
Dexter New Blood where I tried doing monochrome with red, harder than I thought it would be. Results mixed but I wouldn't mind trying it again.
Hello cutie Tess again it was dire and yellow a good scene so I added a gradient map of blush pink. Based on one that an old fandom friend had gifted me. I felt like an embalmer here. Take colour out, put colour in. Probably one of my favourite sets ever.
1 creation that you find most aesthetically pleasing to the eye and self
Jules from Euphoria The cropping and colouring was nice warm and cool
1 creation that broke and (maybe remade you) as a person – we all have that one
The Haunting of Hill House. Twas an attempt to write an eng. lit essay via gif. Should have got more notes lol. But can see why it didn't, it's a lot happening. I did get a lot of comments 'this is insane' though, so yay.
0 the creation that never was because nothing was working that day. -> No link, but it was an Outlander Jamie with Black Jack Randall. Eff the red coat, and prison gloom lit with bilious dungeon yellow.
Overall comment for creativity year 2021 -> Didn't have time except for Tess from The L Word: Generation Q.
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1kook · 3 years
Ok im person who spilled the hasan tea: so basically when PA ended, i was following 2 journalism majors in ny who rt'd this thread by a brown girl who worked on the set of PA. she spoke about how she and several other woc were mistreated and not given the respect and salary and overall misogynistic experience which was really sad bc they too really thought hasan was different and he was someone they could trust to elevate woc instead of belittling them alongside other male crew members. I read 4-5 threads by different women reiterating the same thing. in the comments I saw someone saying how they were not surprised considering hasan doesn't even treat his wife w that respect. someone else asked them what they meant and they said people who worked w him knew he has cheated on beena. we should take that info w a grain of salt but I fully believe the young woc who said they were mistreated on PA set bc they really looked upto hasan and imo gain nothing by lying
Sorry if I upset everyone, I was also really upset bc I also thought hasan was different but its not point assuming any man, especially one in entertainment industry, has any good attributes :/
Omgggg receipts yup yup we love to see it, ok wow I’m rlly shocked :0 like they said, i woulda thought hasan wasn’t misogynistic bc of the way he carries himself on screen but hearing how he treated those women just -_- yeah…. We hate that!!! And like yeah totally about taking it w a grain of salt, but like u said like why would they lie about that…. Omg this just stinks, realizing a man i thought was ok is not in fact ok -_-
And also dw!!! So glad u let me know, bc honestly i would have just kept describing him as a super cool guy to everyone i know, but yeah this totally kills ugh
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bandsanitizer · 2 years
What exactly does everyone mean by sgfg isn't "cohesive"? Like I've seen this said so many times over the years and I just don't get what ppl mean. I'm starting to think that I have a different idea of what the word "cohesive" means bc the album sounds pretty cohesive to me. like do you guys mean sonically, thematically??? what criteria am I missing lol I feel stupid 😭😅
aw no please don’t feel stupid! it’s a pretty general term lmao
I’ve seen cohesion used in different ways and in the end it’s all subjective. but I think about how overall the album feels. it’s a very… internal thing. Like do all these songs fit together in one album? Is there an overarching idea to the album that the songs within the album all touch upon somehow?
Again this is all subjective and I tend to have some unique music perspective lmao so I hope this helps and if not, I’m very sorry and I would direct you to the many other 5sos fans (or critics’ articles on the album can be insightful too! like take it with a grain of salt but sometimes they’re cool to see what other people look for)
***also note: the last time I listened to sgfg in full in order was like last year so memory? no so good.
For me, SKH and Hey Everybody! and Permanent Vacation and The Girl Who Cried Wolf are weird ones on the album. The first three almost feel like leftovers from their debut album or their EPs from them. I wouldn’t be surprised given the little space between writing the two. Then you have songs where they can have playful little “caching!” or w/e and then there’s like Invisible
I also think a large part is their lyrics. I’m a big fan of album lyrics using motifs—something I can follow throughout the album that ties it all together. This isn’t necessary and from a sonic sense 5sos does this fairly well—they have a sound that is just 5SOS about their music and a large part of it is their abilities as live musicians, but 5sos doesn’t really do the best with lyrics. I think they have a handful of songs with really good lyrics—some notably featuring other artists known for lyricism (story of another us, as an example)—but overall… the sound and music tends to be their focus. Which, to each their own, but then you come to things like Fly Away and The Girl Who Cried Wolf which are on two different levels of story telling from being very… un-poetic to “ignored by gravity but in the end don’t ask why” like ??? am I just supposed to not ??? care about physics being broken??
I understand (sort of. that song is confusing af for me sometimes) what they’re trying to do and I know they make efforts to bettering the lyricism (and it has definitely improved over the years) but I think on SGFG they wanted to do so much—touch upon so many themes, try so many different things with said themes—that it wound up being a little too much.
Sorry if that doesn’t help much. For me, it’s a mix of really tangible things to being more or less about the vibes. I would say Youngblood is their most cohesive album (despite its eclecticism) and CALM imo is cohesive in halves (like split it down the middle and you could have two different albums almost) Regarding SGFG, I don’t think it’s not? cohesive—like I see how it can all fit—but I do think it could’ve been more so. Like I think a lot of what gives it cohesion is how the instruments sound/their approach to the genre enough that… it all sounds similar to some degree (maybe a production thing? idk). but I think there are songs that would be better not on the album/on a different album.
tbh cohesion is just something that 5sos, to me, doesn’t have the best grapple on yet and I do believe that their solo work and their time off will help them with having a clearer picture going in. but I can’t imagine meshing 4 people plus everyone else assisting, makes for easy putting together of ideas and thoughts and views and wants. so I just…. I think sgfg is a lot of them being ambitious, a lot of stories they want to write and tell, a lot of themes they wanted to cover, and in the end—with them likely being exhausted, rushing to get out a second album, and still trying to find their own sound and place in music—I think it might’ve been a little too much for then and resulted in putting out whatever they had. like I’ve never written an album but to be touring AND getting maybe a year? from your last album to write and recorded and finish a 17 track album? I’m not suprised sgfg is the way it is in terms of a mix of their best music and also tracks feel like question marks, at least contextually in the LP
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masteroftheblade · 3 years
What are your favorite and least favorite animes? Why do you like/dislike them?
oh god here we go lmao 🤠👍 prepare for an entire novel as always lol
my favorite animes atm are Naruto, Dragon Ball, Attack on Titan, and Claymore. Overall, my favorite genre of anime is shonen (and in case you dont know what that is, its basically shows that are marketed to young boys. it'll have shit like superpowers and poorly written female characters). My least favorite genre is Shoujo (marketed at young girls). I honestly don't hate the entire genre, I just hate how much romance is in there since im pretty romance-repulsed. If there were more Shoujo series like Claymore, I'd probably be in love w/ it. I'll start talking about these shows individually, starting w/ Naruto.
1. Naruto.
Honestly, the only reason I started watching Naruto was because my friends peer pressured me into doing it, and it actually differed from what I expected it to be story-wise. The beginning of the show started off amazing; it had excellent world building, magic systems, interesting characters, and it attempted to address how messed up the whole shinobi system is. But then Naruto got on the front page of Shonen Jump, and everything went down from there. It started to focus more on cool fight scenes than the actual plot. I wont get too much into that, because you can literally find entire blogs dedicated to dissecting that, but Naruto killed itself w/ its own popularity. That said, I love the characters and world building and I can look past most of its flaws anyway.
Would I recommend reading/watching it? Yes, but only to say you did it for bragging rights. Don't go into watching Naruto if you want deep looks into imperialism and militarized governments, because you will get the complete opposite of that :P Also the best way to watch it is to watch it with friends.
2. Dragon Ball.
I only started watching DB about a month ago, so take what I say with a grain of salt, but I think its a garbage series. The fight scenes have little to no weight to them, because no matter what, the protagonist of that episode will always succeed in some way. For example, when Goku (a 12 y/o boy) was fighting Giran (a 10ft tall godzilla man) and was getting his ass beat until Goku just... randomly grows back his tail that was cut off earlier and wins. We are never told why he grew back his tail, and i think he only gets it back so he can have a cool fight scene in a later episode. Goku can literally be battling genocidal gods and he will still always win. The show also goes out of its way to sexualize/show a female character being harrassed. Every. Fucking. Episode.
That said, it is a fun show, and I really enjoy watching it. Like Naruto, I really love the characters and the world they are in, I just hate the way it was handled, and its painfully obvious that DB was made by a bunch of old men in the 80s. Unlike Naruto, however, I really appreciate how simple it is. It doesn't force a narrative about space genocide or whatever being bad, and I'm very thankful because that kind of narrative would be absolutely botched in this kind of series. It's also nice to have a show that doesn't take itself too seriously. Shows like AOT are amazing and important, but those shows can be overwhelming with their heavy subject matter. I would only recommend watching DB if you want to see some really good art/character design. Don't take the show seriously, and you'll have a good time.
3.Attack On Titan.
This anime was actually the first I've ever seen! I saw the very first episode when it aired in 2014, so I'm definetely biased in that regard, but I still try to look at this show in the most objective way I can. This show does almost everything right. The pacing, the characters, the art, the plot, you name it. It takes a concept that looks silly on paper and turns it into this grueling story about war, politics, and the trauma of being a soldier. It never treats it's characters like they're only one-dimensional, or like they are there just for one purpose only. These characters feel human in a way Naruto and Dragon Ball could never be. But there is one thing that has me concerned about this show, and its about the weirdly anti-Semitic undertones it has.
You probably heard the controversy already, but it really effected the way people on the outside of the fandom view the series. The show is heavily inspired by European culture, specifically that of Germany, and there are an ethnic group of people called The Eldians in the show that are pretty anti-Semitic in this kind of setting. The Eldian people have the capability of turning into Titans, and the Titans are what divided the world and killed millions. As a result, another group of people started doing the shit the Nazis did to Jewish people, basically making the Eldians into this weird allegory for the holocaust??? Which was kind of a shock to me when I first realized that was the angle they were going for. I genuinely did not expect that considering what the series started off as. The foreshadowing is there and all, I just didn't think they'd use real-world events as inspiration.
Now, this actually has the complete opposite problem Naruto and DB had. Naruto and DB had amazing ideas and concepts that went to shit, AOT's whole holocaust narrative was trash from the beginning.
The show could have easily had a different kind of social/political commentary without even going near the holocaust narrative. It comes off as kind of a half assed idea that people put way too much effort in, so it's kind of in this weird grey-area between "modern anime masterpiece" and "what the fuck were they trying to get across with this show?". If you asked me what the moral of the show was, I wouldn't be able to tell you.
Now, because of the fact that the Eldians can literally turn into man-eating beasts, this makes the comparison of Jewish people and Eldians very racist, and it doesn't help that Japan is still full of legitimate Nazis, making the whole situation look even worse. Since I am not Jewish, I wont speak for other Jewish people. There is a very heated debate on whether the show is racist, and frankly I don't think it's within my right to say if it is or isn't. What I will say, is that I really loved the show and appreciated the social commentary it provided, and I think a lot of people would benefit from watching it, but I think it's also important to listen to Jewish people's views on the show. For this reason, I specifically avoid reblogging AOT stuff, but I do love that show and I wont hate on people who do reblog stuff from it. It's definitely not a light watch, but it does provide a lot of thinking material.
4. Claymore.
This. Show. Was. Amazing. But. Underrated.
First off, this is a shonen show that is led by a majority female cast and a female protagonist, and all of those women are badass swordwielding lesbians and I love it. Second, the art style is beautiful. Third, the story is really interesting from so many angles, so much so I am not even going to mention what its about because you dont need to know, you just need to watch it and see what happens. The first season was an absoloute ride of a show, and if you love shows like AOT or Berserk, you'll love Claymore. Honestly, this show was what AOT should have tried to be. It also has its fair share of militarized imperialist commentary, but this is the only show on this list that actually fucking critiques imperialist ideals and has a main character that actively refuses to participate in that kind of oppressive system, choosing to fight it all together.
But the show got fucking cancelled right before the first arc even finished. You can thank shows like Naruto for that 🙃🙃🙃
10/10 Would reccomend, but just be prepared to be left on a major cliffhanger. You can try reading the manga, but it's kind of hard to follow since all of the warrior girls look the same.
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foxsoulcourt · 5 years
hi cory! for the askbox meme - how about #14, 25, 37, 49, 76 if you want!
Dear wonderful  Anna, thank you for these great questions!
#14/If I can live anywhere in the world where would it be + why? OMG this sent me on a mulling, pondering, dreaming streak! It’s such a fascinating question. Interestingly, I thought my answer would be different at this stage in my life (happily married, kids mostly launched, only 1 living parent), but the more I got quiet + listened to my heart, the more I realized my answer is essentially the same it was when I was 27 + single, the last time I considered this question.
I was born in southern California. As a child when I wasn’t at home I was on the beach or a bike, in small boats, or at my Grama’s house + garden. I love the odd plants of that place + I swear part of my blood is salt water from the ocean. However...
The PNW US has been my home base for decades + I think it always will be. I LOVE how the state I live in (WA) has rain forests, wild ocean coastlands, some dense urban cities, vast rolling hills which grow grain, grapes + fruits, basalt formations along the rolling Columbia river which empties out into the Pacific ocean,  mountain trails to clamber on, places to ski + snowshoe, and all sorts of places where you can kayak + live on a boat! This sort of wonderland is perfect for a soul like mine which craves variety within safe enough, known boundaries.
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And yet…I love to travel + love the idea of living different places for bits of time!!! When I was 19 I lived in El Salvador for 3 months + that experience gave me a taste for similar experiences.  Mr FSC + I have started talking about WHAT’S NEXT?!?! + one idea we both like is going to different places in the world + the US + even our own state, doing work in exchange for lodging. I LOVE the idea of living somewhere for about 3 months + then returning home or to see our kids, and then doing it again.
So my final answer is: ALL OVER w/a home base in Seattle! 
#25/Still no socks! But today I’m wearing Birkenstocks.
#37/Fave books mostly answered here. There are soooooo many more great ones many to read. I’m a few chapters into On The Come Up + I like it very much. Cool to see how it’s similar + different than Thomas’ previous book. I hear the Green Creek + Red Rising series are good. I tried reading TRC series, but (much to @filteredred‘s disappointment) it just didn’t work for me. I’m eager for the sequel to Ari + Dante. My overall strategy is read a TON of fic, then something like Ijeoma Oluo’s So you want to talk about race, with enough fic books in between to keep me optimistic.
#49/ most recent compliment answered here - I love that this question is getting asked. Helps us celebrate ourselves.
#76/ Blues + purples look best on me; periwinkle is my favourite. Interestingly I have waaaay more of Andrew Minyard’s + Neil Josten’s fave colours in my closet + drawers than anything else. Here’s my current fave outfit which has a little bit of all of those.
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@annawrites tysm for playing! #14 has my head + heart dreaming. Ahhh….   
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heroes-hq-blog1 · 5 years
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The ability to connect an item to a concept as long as people believed in it. The stronger and more people believed in the concept, the stronger and more likely its impact would be. If someone is injured from a deep gash, he could take a bottle of water and announce that it was capable of healing the one who drank it no matter the wound. And said bottle of water would become capable of doing such an act. He could also state things such as how his sword can cut through anything, and it will be even capable of cutting through the thick walls of a building. As long as he explained ( through written or spoken words ) the concept before hand and had someone to believe in it, it shall do its job.
A versatile ability capable of creating any concept as long as people believed in it. He was capable of creating deadly weapons or unbelievable healing devices and more.
One way or the other, Byungjae will always believe in the concept. Due to that, the concept would always work because there was a believer.
The thing is, he was very much capable of performing any sort of concept. There wasn’t an actual limit onto what he could not do ( he could make a sword into Excalibur, water to have the same powers as the Fountain of Youth, end a life with a paper cut, heal someone by shooting them ). As long as he had an idea, it could happen. The potent of the concept was what mattered, though.
A sub category to his abilities was the fact he had a very strong mental fortitude, enough to have his mind be unable to be taken control over or to be read. This was due to the entity known as Enigma, who would prevent any interference to mess with its research on living.
It is an ability that relied on others. His own belief in his conceptual items could not power it to insane proportions. If he instilled the concept in a marble that made it capable of exploding like a bomb with the snap of his fingers, then it would do so. However, whether the bomb would be as weak as a single, mini firecracker or a nuke was dependent on how many and how strong their beliefs were..
There’s no element of surprise. Not with how he had to announce the concept for people to know so that they understood what his weapon would be capable of doing. If you keep him silent and away from any device that could help him convey the message of the decided concept, he is unable to do a thing.
He could only put a concept to an inanimate object, not living beings. He also must touch the object as he granted it the concept he decided to gift it with.
He could only activate a single concept at a time. Meaning if he had a sword that could cut through anything or a hammer that ignored any ‘buffs’, he had to choose one and use that only.
The more outlandish and complex a concept is, the harder it is to bring it into fruition. Mainly because it’s harder to believe and required more energy. That’s why his concepts tend to be quite grounded overall.
This was a power that excelled better when in the presence of many people. If he wanted to produce an item that could reach its peak potential, he must have as many as people know that, right in that moment, of what concept was instilled in his weapon. And, if majority believed in him, he was pretty much good to go. However, a one-on-one fight without any audience was pretty much considered his loss, more so if he didn’t prepare anything beforehand.
He constantly had a powerful being in his head asking him questions that deterred him from his current task. And always had a habit of being too insensitive. Whilst not completely bad, it could be quite the distraction.
Chapter I. The scent of saltwater flowing withing the wind, the yellow grains under his feet, sea splashing against him, and a hunt for seashells. Fish, squid, prawns, and more fill his stomach. This was home, close by the ocean that which shined under the rising sun, the only reason he woke up early so that he could watch the changing palettes of nature. A melodious voice would call him back, and he’d see his mother berate him from getting too far from her once again. She hid something behind her arm, but the child was oblivious. It’s only when she got close that she presented a figurine, one of the latest ones of his favorite hero that which she and her husband saved up. He would squawk with elation, chubby hands reaching out for the merchandise, giving the woman a kiss to the cheek. His father would then take a picture of the scene, cooing at how precious they were and how they inspired him so. In the city of Busan, this family of three rejoiced in their times of peace. Holding each others hands, they continued to talk about the little boy’s favorite topic. Of heroes and powers, and his strive to be on in the future. It’s only a pity that this bright soul didn’t have anything special to him. Chapter II. He was shy around new faces, wary of them and oh how he’d act with them. Even as a child, he was meek and more often than not, he ended up as a wallflower. He saw some classmates with cool powers or talents, and he quite envied them to be so blessed. He stumbled when he wanted to become something more, often drawing back in the end as he feared doing something wrong. Even with his heart wanting to do more, his thoughts ended with the idea of ‘even then, there’s someone else to do it anyway’. He wasn’t sure if he could ever be so amazing as the Avengers, or even those around him that aspired to be one and didn’t give up to do so. Looking down at his feet, the young boy wondered if he could ever shine as much as others. But oh, that’s a fool’s dream was it not? Chapter III. He’s in high school when he dropped the idea of being a hero. Instead, he decided to follow his father’s footsteps. A webtoon artist that could make stories that would attract the masses, he thought that would be nice to do. Plus, it was fun to draw, and even if his drawing was more simple, it did enough to convey most that he wanted to say. As he matured, he often found himself catching the eye of his peers. But even then, just because he had looks didn’t mean he captured anyone’s attention too long. There were others around him that were better, and showed more potential than he ever would. That was fine with him, though. He lived his life peacefully and contentedly. With loving parents, the world calm, this mundane life could be accepted. He respected the heroes to have keep this peace as long as they could, and that was enough for him to kindly accept that gift they gave to them even if no one told them to. Chapter IV. He had resigned himself to his fate with a smile. He didn’t expect much of anything to happen to him. After all, Goo Byungjae was just another civilian who dreams but was realistic. That was why, when he had strange dreams enter his mind at age 18, he thought nothing of it. No matter how his dreams never failed to connect to each other, of stardust and a cosmic being that which traveled around an odd world to help out others, he only opted to translate it into drawings. Admittedly, he never published those ones, and he didn’t think he ever wanted to. It was like a personal lifestory, but he didn’t care. It took two years for this series to end. At age twenty, Byungjae found himself waking up with cold sweat drenching him and everything in his mind clicking together. For there once was a being of great power, one that brought forth objects beyond anyone’s comprehension. It that saved many as well as condemned as much, centuries as a wanderer throughout the universe and having left its mark. But it grew empty as the years passed by, and the being could not even mourn for its own state. Its travels have brought it far and wide, and it had discovered the heart of living beings. What was it like to live? It had wondered. And with its powers, it decided to take a part of its essence, randomly sending it off to a being that which would inherit a piece of its power and life as long as they could. To teach it of a world intimately than just a director watching from afar. And with its job done, it proceeded to head to the core of the sun, hibernating until the being connected to it had its life end. In truth, Goo Byungjae was a small piece, just a bit, of something great. A neutral entity that had wished to learn to live and merged with the baby of his mother and father. Suddenly, he wasn’t just a somebody. And he wondered why it took so long for him to even recall any of this. “(*&#@*#@)$(@)(!)&W!@*#” Indescribable words rumbled in his mind, startling him greatly, and yet at the same time he could understand it clearly. “It’s because I wanted you to live, as much as we are connected and a merge of souls, I wanted to see you grow.” He gulped, wondering when things had suddenly become odd instead of normal. And understanding as well as hearing an enigmatic being in his mind did not help. However, he was patient and listened to it. “I understand of your wishes. It is such an odd thing you have, these dreams of your’s. Even now I could not properly comprehend this admiration you have and yet I feel it.” It continued on, and Byungjae just knew things were never going to be as peaceful as it used to be. Chapter V. The being, which he just dubbed as Enigma, had become quite the strange presence in his mind to get used to. Clinical and neutral, it was capable of watching him and completely tapping into his core to understand him as he continued on with his daily life. Strangely enough, he did like to call Enigma a friend. Its objective way of thinking had assisted him many times when he was indecisive or required advise. Obviously, it didn’t really work out sometimes as he had to explain the nature of humans in the end to it as something like “Just punch him in the face then.” wasn’t the right thing to do in this society. However, even with Enigma around, his life remained relatively mundane. He was fine with that, of course. Just because he had some powers from Enigma didn’t mean he could use it so carelessly. And it wasn’t even that necessary either. But then came the day where a villain came and fought a hero. The world around him was in chaos, and he could barely remember what’s going on but— He saw a child falling down a tall building, and no one around to save her. He remembered Enigma giving him instructions to save the child, and adrenaline in his veins. He remembered screaming “These were shoes that could help me jump high!” He remembered catching the girl and landing safely, and by then the hero had won. And finally, he remembered his insides burning and passing out. Chapter VI. When he woke up, he found that his life had changed. He was sent to a hospital to be healed, and it turns out his insides were somehow wounded greatly without any signs of physical wounds. Enigma explained that it gave him a boost, but his human body could not handle such power and ended up breaking down. Enigma told him he was only capable of using a certain branch of its ability which dealt with granting objects with a concept. Moreover, he was found out by a scout of Avengers Academy who noted his ability and what seemed to be a lack of control for it. Due to this, he was offered to join the school. And Goo Byungjae was a dreamer, he was someone who hoped and prayed for everything to go his way. Now, suddenly his dreams of becoming a hero and something more were becoming reality after years of accepting that it just never would be. But it had. And now he wondered whether he should— “Take it, it’s been your dream after all.” Enigma chimed in, and he had to try and not chuckle at the bluntness of the being. Byungjae spent a lot of time being a coward and thinking of others doing the job as hero instead of him. But with Enigma backing him up….perhaps it was possible. Too bad he had to drop out his current college, oh well. His parents would be proud at least. Oh shit, he hadn’t even told his parents anything. Chapter VII. Avengers Academy, honestly even with Enigma around, and him getting used to his own newfound powers, he found himself still unable to break out of his own shell. Also, starting a school with a class that seemed to know each other long ago wasn’t fun for him, who had always been socially awkward. Alas, he could only move on an try his best to improve. Enigma was also always pushing him to interact more considering his powers apparently required others believing in him lest he wanted a repeat of nearly dying thanks to Enigma giving him too much power. Overall, he thought that he’s doing pretty okay. His new goal this semester was to get out of that wallflower state ( hopefully… ).
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sun-kissed-star · 6 years
what are some newsies blogs i should check out because i am new here
@poorguysheadisdoingwhatnow has amazing headcanons and never fails to hurt my heart with her fabulous writing
@newsiesheadcanon also has awesome headcanons, even though they might make you cry
@your-brother-crutchie has made me cry with his writing, you’re in for a wild ride if you check out his blog
@ben-cook-can-cook is the greatest gal you can have in your life, she’s so funny and her posts/fics are legendary
@seizethegay1899 is one (1) amazing person I’ve been following for the longest time ever and they never fail to make me smile
@disney-princess-sized is the biggest Ravey Shipper™ around and she’s damn good at convincing you they’re meant to be, it’s her legacy
@elmers-half-a-cup is super nice and just a really great writer
@brooklynbadbois memes and smiles for days, I love her a lot
@tony-higgins is the bane of my existence because her fics are so good but she makes it a point to rip my heart out and stop on it with each one
@dank-crypitic i don’t know how to describe her, all i know is that I love her so, so much despite the teRRIFYING EDITS YOU SEND ME
 @who-is-the-king-of-new-york great writing and headcanons! I haven’t talked to her much but I’ve been following her for a long time. 
@newsies-fics I live for how much your friends mean to you. She also has a lot of reblogs of great content for our favorite dancing bois
@we-dont-sell-papes has a big heart and fights for her friends any day, I’d die for her
@racetrackcook is so nice, not to mention the queen of all things Ralbert. Between her and my Sprace trash, we’ll be unstoppable
@got-the-east-side amazing fics and AUs! super friendly! what’s there not to love?
@wetcoffeejpg I just really, really, really love her art, she’s an incredible artist
@races-erster an amazing person and so nice go give her the apPRECIATION SHE DESERVES thanks for your time
@notes-the-newsie a whole lotta reblogs and Good and Gay Content™
@the-supporting-character Very much lives up to her url because she’s so very supportive and leaves the nicest comments on stuff! Also a great writer and a just a very wholesome person
@bexlynne shoutout to this bean for editing my stories and helping me figure out storylines. She’s so nice and leaves asks wherever she goes and writes great angst for my boy Race 
@newsies-everlasting SUNNY I LOVE YOU she’s the person to go to with questions and asks, she’s easy to talk to and so nice!
@i-got-personality the fandom’s Crutchie, she’s got the poisonality we all need to get through a rough day and seeing her on my dash cheers me up no matter what mood I’m in
@shes-the-apex-predator can be summed up to FUSE NO but hey we all love her and this fandom wouldn’t be the same without her
@shes-a-plum a constant mood, lots of textposts that basically sum up the human condition. She’s wonderful and so kind. 
@sunshine-musicals-yea LOVE HER she always checks up on me, thank you for mom friending me and putting up with how annoying I am. An amazing writer, a great friend
@ridin-in-style hmmmMMMmm this person? endlessly loving and supporting her friends and reblogging all the newsies aesthetics and art she comes across? It’s more likely than you think.
@and-a-snip Just an overall great person to go to for endless support and reblogs of headcanons and fics!
@the-1992-newsies-is-better LAY I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! She scares me sometimes but she loves Racetrack Higgins almost as much as I do and she’s very soft, don’t let her fool you
@albertdasillva GREAT WRITING and also a great personality! Has all the gay newsies you’ll ever need. She holds a special place in my heart, love ya babe
@mush-mike-and-ike  Deserves all the appreciation in the world. Has lots of love for the rest of the fandom and some greats headcanons!
@daveys-pet-snake GAY NEWSIES ALL AROUND, LETS GO FELLAS also so nice and cares so much for her friends?? like what?? stop that?? you’re making me smile so much from the love that radiates from you??
@races-papes hilarious? makes me laugh? more great newsies content? sounds good to me.  
@voice-foundshoe-lost LISTEN I LOVE HER AND HER WRITING A WHOLE LOT very dedicated to our newspaper sons and I respect that. You go girl.
@thebiggestyamfan the sweetest ever, she pops up all over and honestly I’m living for it. 
@c0ronas great writing (as always!!), just constant references, and I, too, love Race, so she’s therefore counted as one of the many people I hold near and dear to my heart
@thestoryweneededtowrite AGH I love everything about this blog you have no idea. So creative, quality content, 11/10
@thatguylex STOP KILLING OFF MY BOYS GOSH DARN IT but yeah anyway I love him and I wanna give him a really big hug because he deserves it (unless you don’t want that, then a fistbump is cool too!)
@purenewsies Such a very pure person, just like the newsies. Stans my boy Elmer and writes some great stuff!
@jeremyjordan-am-i-right If you love Jeremy Jordan as much as I do then I have the blog for you, right here fellas, let’s all go appreciate this man 
@headcanons-making-headlines Has some awesome hcs that are totally canon, what are you talking about, and shitposts which is really all you need in life
@broadwaycantdie ITS ALL NEWSIES TRASH WHEREVER YOU LOOK AND I’M LIVING FOR IT. Go talk to this lovely person! Reblogs All The Headcanons and Fics (now there’s a headline even Elmer could sell)
@anotherday-anotherdestiny President of the Trans Racetrack Higgins movement. That’s all you need to know to know her blog is Valid™ 
@timesarehardfornewsies she’s a big mood for forever and a talented, amazing gal
@race-ace Quality indeed with all this happiness going around when I see this lovely person on my dash 
@thatfancyclam OWNS MY ENTIRE HEART, dubbed me the Queen of Sprace, she’s the light of my life with all the positivity and love that she throws out
@seizetheimagines very, very talented and creative. She has a big heart and a lot of passion. 
@soak-em So sweet! She’s Sparks’ second-in-command as Crutchie in my heart. 
@shes-the-king Has some really great Sprace stuff, but also just a lot of different ships in general! I haven’t talked to them, but they seem really nice from what I’ve seen. 
@gothemcityshipper Great hcs and super friendly, from what I’ve seen! (we should talk more, babe!) I’d 100% check her out if I was you.
@sqecs I feel like his posts are just such icons in the newsies fandom,,,, he’s made me fall off my bed from laughing so hard so his blog is pretty Great
@imjusttheoutgoingsidekick I LIVE FOR ALL THE HEADCANONS! Very accurate posts too, like I feel like you’re seeing into some minds to get this information.
@unofficialfansie Also has a lot of great headcanons! I haven’t been following her for very long but I stan her anyway, she’s just great that way. 
There’s probably so many more I missed agh, I love you all!! Not sure why you put up with me in this fandom because I feel like a grain of sand next to you legends. Love you guys
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f-nodragonart · 6 years
Did you see Arvalis' latest dragon anatomy picture?
HMMMM it’s certainly… an interesting take.
the idea of putting the wings in front of the front legs so that the wings have a greater range of motion is fair reasoning. I personally don’t think the front legs pose a HUGE problem to wing mobility if the wings are properly integrated behind the front legs, but it’s still a fair criticism either way. what I rly like abt the design is how the front leg shoulder setup is fused to the wing setup, b/c if u ARE gonna put the front legs behind the wings, the front leg shoulders aren’t gonna move all that much (which Arvalis acknowledges as a very real side-effect of this setup)
what I don’t find believable is the wing chest mass and muscular position. it’s a bit hard to explain, but despite the pains Arvalis went to to give the wing muscles room up front, the pecs/etc. are still forced into an awkward, front-facing position that doesn’t lend well to pulling the body UP into the air. and don’t get me wrong here, parts of the wing chest muscles of birds wrap over the front of the chest, but the problem is that there’s ONLY front-facing chest muscles here, with much of the important musculature leading under the ribcage completely missing. this missing musculature is critical to further support/lift the torso in-flight. I think, in trying to account for the range of shoulder motion in the wings, Arvalis forgot to consider the fact that the ribcage still needs a TON of muscular support in-flight
that’s why this depiction of Pegasi is still the ONLY design I can buy w/ wings in front of the front legs, b/c it deals w/ both the issue of wing shoulder motion AND chest-based musculature splendidly. like, Arvalis definitely goes in a similar direction, but doesn’t rly COMMIT to pushing the front legs far enough back to leave room for the wings, y’know?
the other thing I’m heavily side-eyeing is the cartilage rods in the webbing. as I’ve discussed in the past, webbed wings and feathered wings accomplish the same task on the upstroke– reducing surface area/friction– in different ways. bats reduce surface area by “crumpling” their wings via their many finger joints, while birds reduce surface area when their feathers swivel to allow air to pass by (and due to the specific layering of the remiges, this air is directed underneath the body, thus increasing lift). a wing with rods that can’t crumple, nor membrane that can ‘swivel’ open makes for a VERY difficult– if not impossible– flight. granted, the wings could still prolly collapse to some degree on the upstroke by simply folding the rods against the wing, but it rly doesn’t accomplish the same finesse required for something as energy-taxing as powered flight 
while the look of “web-feathers” is cool (I actually like them myself, like in FR Faes/Wildclaws/Imps for example), they’re VERY hard to get right if ur goin for realism. my best advice for them is to give these kind of wings fingers that end in flattened cartilage lobes, and possibly have the webbing between the lobes be a little deeper than that on a typical bat wing. this lets at least the first couple joints of the fingers crumple, and lets at least some air pass thru the deeper membrane edges between the lobes. it’s not full-proof, but it’s a start
also, I gotta say it, I HATE the shape of the cartilage rods themselves. I get that the shape is homage to classical dragon wing shapes, but if Arvalis is RLY trying to go the full nine yards for realism here, it just breaks everything the wings might have had goin’ for ‘em (and classical Ye Olde European dragons are HORRIBLE anatomical reference, honestly). sure, the wing shoulder placement and the malleability/collapse-ability of the rods are both elements that don’t rly lend to realism, but they’re not COMPLETELY game-breaking if they’re integrated in slightly different ways. but the cartilage rods + ‘finger’ bones curving FORWARDS, towards the direction of oncoming air currents? there’s no way to save that, those wings wouldn’t be able to fly. wings are designed w/ the flow of air currents in mind, thus they’re typically curved BACKWARDS from the leading edge. fingers/rods curved FORWARD would essentially ‘slap’ against air currents, rather than cut cleanly against them as is needed for flight
also, a minor detail, but the clavicle looks a bit small, leaving little room for innards (esophagus, trachea) to funnel through the opening between the clavicle and the spine. tho this is difficult to tell w/o innards drawn as reference, so take that w/ a grain of salt
overall, I like everything but the wings. I love the stout shape of the torso, I love the curvature of the neck, I love the frill/horn details, and I LOVE the fin-membrane extension along the length of the tail. the coloration is also rather nice, and if the wing spots are further homage to Ye Olde dragons, I like it
-Mod Spiral
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techcrunchappcom · 4 years
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New Post has been published on https://techcrunchapp.com/trumps-america-first-presidency-all-but-ended-us-global-leadership-the-world-was-outgrowing-it-anyway/
Trump's America First presidency all but ended US global leadership. The world was outgrowing it anyway
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But the global instruments Trump deserted haven’t crumbled, nor is the world crashing and burning with its long-time leader in the back seat. Strongman leaders may be emboldened, but they aren’t going entirely unchallenged. And old US allies have not fallen straight into the arms of China, as many analysts fear.
Instead, the world is adapting these agreements, it’s reshaping its institutions and, as for China, most countries are finding ways to balance their relations with Beijing as both a friend and foe.
This shift has been a long time coming. While US grand strategists who believe American world leadership is exceptional argue it could go on in its role indefinitely, most international relations experts agree that all unipolar models must come to an eventual end, as other powers rise and challenge its primacy.
After assuming the role of leader following World War II, the US proved its dominance with its victory in the Cold War, a consolidation of power that experts described as a “unipolar moment.” That moment has lasted 30 years. 
There have been clear signs over the past two decades, however, that Americans are tiring of taking on this role, while much of the world, equally, is cooling on the US as its hegemon, and is eager to step into its shoes.
Germany, for example, is pitching itself as a global health leader. Even before the pandemic, German Chancellor Angela Merkel had put global health on the agenda at G20 meetings for the first time as the Trump administration showed signs of retreat from international cooperation. Germany has boosted funding for health research and development, and was even able to treat patients from neighboring countries for Covid-19 early in the European outbreak, so well-resourced were its hospitals at a time of crisis.
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As the US attempted to lead reforms of the World Health Organization — despite its decision to abandon it — Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron proposed their own an alternative plan, after rejecting Washington’s, as Reuters reported.
Germany has pledged an extra 200 million euros ($234.1 million) to the WHO this year, making for a total of 500 million euros, to help plug the gap left by the US, traditionally the organization’s biggest donor. It’s not the only one. The UK announced last month it would boost its WHO funding by 30% over the next four years, which would make it the biggest donor, should the US follow through with its withdrawal.
China, under international pressure to resource the global response, has also pledged additional funding, as has France, Finland and Ireland, among others. It’s unclear whether they will be able to make up for the US’ shortfall in the years to come, but it’s at least a good start.
Merkel — often described as the world’s “anti-Trump” — said in May she wanted the European Union to take on more global responsibility for the pandemic and for the bloc to harness a more powerful voice overall on the values of “democracy, freedom and the protection of human dignity,” describing cooperation with the US as “more difficult that we’d like.”
Making comments in a speech ahead of Germany assuming the six-month presidency of the European Union, Merkel said she saw her country’s presidency as an opportunity to be an “anchor of stability” in the world that could shape change and assume responsibility for global peace and security.
“Itself a project between individual states, the European Union is inherently a supporter of rules‑based multilateral cooperation. This is truer than ever in the crisis,” Merkel said.
Macron too tried to pitch himself as the next leader of the free world in the earlier days of Trump’s presidency. His campaign lost steam, but he still often plays the democratic defender in the room where the US is missing, having confronted Russia’s Vladimir Putin on his country’s role in the Syrian conflict and on the deterioration of gay rights in Russia, and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman on the murder of his critic, Jamal Khashoggi, at a Saudi consulate in Turkey.
While EU leaders’ will to replace American leadership is strong, the lack of progress in the areas Macron has tried to address are a sobering reminder of the limited power the world has to uphold democratic values without the United States at the helm. 
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Putin had his wrist slapped, but the abuse of gay Russians continues, and Russia and its firepower has all but won the war for Syrian President Bashir al-Assad. Bin Salman has been forced to keep a lower profile, but Macron’s confrontation has done little to threaten his position of power.
The European Union is also losing its battle with the rise of autocracy in some of its eastern states, like Hungary and Poland, or countering Russian influence in that part of their bloc.
But they continue to try and their own alliances are strengthening. Take the E3. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson should be Merkel’s and Macron’s worst enemy, as tense Brexit trade talks crash out ahead of the UK’s December 31 withdrawal from the EU. Remarkably, the three are still chummy on topics other than Brexit. 
The E3’s whole raison d’etre has been to counter US foreign policy, coming together informally during the Iraq war and to engage Iran on nuclear proliferation where the US wouldn’t. But it has become tighter knit in the Trump era — the trio have openly opposed US sanctions on Iran and increasingly cooperate in areas like Beijing’s territorial expansionism in the South China Sea and the Syrian conflict as the US shows less interest in those security challenges.
Members of the trans-Atlantic defense alliance, NATO, have also had to adapt to a less present US. The alliance has had plans to boost funding since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, an audacious move that the Obama administration did little about. Trump’s aggressive criticism of member nations contributing below their commitments of 2% of GDP applied further pressure on several members to pay their share.
A long time coming
There may be no easy replacement for US leadership, but Scott Lucas, a professor of international politics at the University of Birmingham, points out that Washington hasn’t achieved many of its recent international security objectives, either. “Asia, the Middle East, Africa, in many parts, disorder continues to a great extent,” he said. 
The list of US failures in international security is long. The US hasn’t been able to build legitimate states in Iraq and Afghanistan, as it sought to. Israelis and Palestinians are no closer to peace deal. Both Iran and North Korea have developed nuclear weapons. The US hasn’t prevented Russia from exerting influence in Eastern Europe. It hasn’t convinced China to end its military aggressions in Asia. These were all true before Trump’s rise.
Lucas said that the Trump presidency hasn’t really been the turning point in this shift. President George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq was the “critical moment.”
“A lot of countries were discomforted, to say the least. They felt the war wasn’t justified — countries like France, Germany, Australia — that a unipolar America with the UK tagging along wasn’t working, especially when Iraq turned so horribly wrong, with so many people dying, and the instability that continues. So, the notion that the US leads and everyone follows was shot,” Lucas said.
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Some experts say China is the only real contender here, and that a bipolar world in which the US and China compete is inevitable. Like in the Cold War, other countries will be forced to choose sides.
China too is finding areas in which to assert its growing power on the world stage with an increasingly absent US. At the UN General Assembly in September, Chinese President Xi called for the world to “join hands to uphold the values of peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom shared by all of us.” In contrast, Trump devoted much of his speech to attacking China over its handling of the coronavirus, playing to his supporter base at home ahead of the November election.
Xi’s comments need to be taken with a grain of salt — Beijing has also taken elements of Trump’s presidency as an opportunity to vindicate its own heavy-handedness at home, in Hong Kong, for example, with its draconian national security law. But Xi does have a genuine appetite to be welcomed as a world leader, a role that will require him to conform somewhat to the rules-based order.
In the same speech in September, Xi made a pledge for China to become carbon neutral by 2060, an ambitious goal that has been met with both excitement and skepticism. Critics point out that China “off-shores” its carbon emissions, largely through its multi-trillion dollar Belt and Road Initiative, which includes development projects across more than 120 countries.
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But Beijing is looking at ways to make these development endeavors more sustainable, and Xi’s announcement at least shows that China, the world’s biggest carbon emitter, is willing to lead and engage with the world on this crucial issue, where the US, the second-largest emitter, is not.
Shaun Breslin, a professor of politics and international studies at the University of Warwick, disagrees that the long-term future is necessarily a bipolar one where countries must choose sides between a competing China and US. Instead, he thinks the transition from a unipolar world will be “messy” and more likely give way to clusters of power. 
“My problem with poles is we’re trying to use language from a different era and wedge the current era on that linguistic basis. What I think we’ll see is looser constellations of power and interests dependent on specific issue areas,” he said. 
The world will see countries continuing to engage China in areas like trade and technology, but not necessarily replacing Washington with Beijing on issues like security or moral leadership. In many ways, that shift has already happened. 
Democratic candidate Joe Biden is among those who believe the US should continue to lead. Though he has promised to rejoin institutions like the WHO and the Paris climate accord should he win on Tuesday, he won’t be able to reverse every foreign policy decision Trump has made. 
For instance, it will be difficult for Biden to invest the troops and weapons needed to regain the influence the US once had in Syria. He may also find the US’ former Kurdish allies unwilling to work with him, having for years fought alongside the US to defeat ISIS, only to be abandoned last year as Trump gave Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan the green light to invade their territory in a quick phone call.
Biden’s comments during a debate last week on North Korea also suggest he may have no policy that differs from Obama’s, which did little to deter the pariah state.
Regardless of who wins the vote, the US’ role in the world has changed profoundly. Returning to where it was four years ago won’t be easy. Returning to its post-Cold War primacy is near impossible.
0 notes
agentredfort · 7 years
ruby redfort fic masterlist
What is this- geek central?
welcome to the Ruby Redfort fic masterlist, where I do my very best to collect every single bit of fic that’s out there on the internet for your convenience!
I’m not listing these based on quality (and besides, there’s not exactly a lot out there so i can’t pick and choose) so there’s going to be a wide range of fics in this list. any fics that I especially like will be marked as [PERSONAL FAVORITE]. any fics that I’ve added in recently will be marked as [*NEW*]. ships will be tagged!
if there’s any fics that you’ve noticed I’ve missed- or if you’ve written something yourself!- either shoot me an ask or a message via Tumblr and I’ll add it straight away. 
A Guide To Love For A Bozo [wattpad] by TeamSpectrum [multichapter, ongoing] Ruby/Clancy
This is a cluby fan-fic written by Agent Baker. Take a look to find out what happens.
despite the sparse description, this is actually pretty good.
Always [ff.net] by mockingjay341 [Oneshot, complete!]
Ruby is suffering from nightmares, but Clancy will always be there to make her feel better.
hella sweet. ruby needs a hug
Aren’t We All a Bit of a Bozo? [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [oneshot, complete!] Hitch/OC 
Heather looked across at Lydia as they ate their morning toast. “LB reckons there is going to be a new coding agent today, some kid. You know, the one Hitch is looking after.”
interesting concept!! 
Bozo [wattpad] by Kaya_Tano [multichapter, ongoing] Clancy/Ruby
Ruby Redfort, a thirteen year old Spectrum Agent, is facing more than just trouble at work. Her hormones are raging and her best friend Clancy Crew has fallen for her, hard. But Ruby doesn't notice because she is too busy trying to solve her latest case at Spectrum, and how will she cope when one of her closest friends is killed by the notorious murderer The Count, who is supposed to be in a high security prison? And who is the mole at Spectrum who is leaking information to him?
 not bad. i’m not a big fan of the ‘spectrum pairs ruby up with a cute boy her age’ plot, but this seems to be decently-written.
Changed at Birth [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Twoshot, now complete!] Background Hitch/Blacker 
“They said mum should have killed me with iron,” whispers Ruby.
the folk tale au i never knew i wanted tbh. only halfway done at the moment but it’s such a cool concept and it fits really well??
Convincing LB [wattpad] by Jasmine3103 [Oneshot, complete!]
I really wanted to know what Hitch said in CYD to convince LB to give Ruby another chance. So here is my version.
this was a really good missing scene sorta fic! give it some love if you’ve got a chance, the author seems really lonely to me
Family Ain't Just Blood [ao3] [tumblr] by celestialskies [Oneshot, complete!] [*NEW*]
Ruby looked up, aware that she probably looked like someone had tried to rock her to sleep by dragging her through a hedge backwards several times. Six hours of sleep over three days can do that to a person.
"Couldn't sleep," she muttered. In her tired state, she barely noticed Hitch's expression shift from one of surprise surprise and mild amusement to one of concern.
Ruby can't sleep, and Hitch steps in.
goddamn, i’m always a sucker for unconventional family stories. i actually squealed when I saw this one, which should give you  a pretty good idea of how much i enjoyed it
Five times Clancy Crew chained his bikes to Ruby Redfort’s and one time he didn’t [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!]  [PERSONAL FAVORITE] 
The first time it was a mistake- honestly the chain accidentally went through the frame and well, it only held Ruby up temporarily.
this is really hecking cute and is just generally really great. it made me smile a lot. please check it out
Grains of Sand and Love [tumblr] by  blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!] Ruby/Clancy
Being sixteen suddenly brought the barbecues on the beach, adolescent drinking and all the drama that it comes with.
it’s no secret by now that I love this author, this is soft and lovely and good and you should really read it
High School Sweethearts [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!] [PERSONAL FAVORITE] Ruby/Del, Hitch/Blacker
There was no way you could look between Blacker and Hitch and think ‘brothers’.
short and oh so very sweet. i think i’m crying. this one is so good, my gay little heart is appeased
hold on tight [wattpad] by w0nderland-writing [multichapter, ongoing]
Ruby Redfort never gets a break, and in this story Ruby goes on an epic adventure in the Grand Canyon.
pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. a bit scattered but mostly coherent.
In which Ruby was right to worry [ao3] by Wolfiethepretzel [oneshot, Complete!] [*NEW*] [PERSONAL FAVORITE]
Froghorn was a constant nuisance in Ruby's life. But as soon as he disappeared she realized she'd rather him be about.
perfect Ruby characterization and some really hecking good bonding/character development. if you read nothing else on this list, at least check this one out.
Look Into His Eyes And Take Your Last Breath [wattpad] by WARNINGwhovian [very long, complete!] Clancy/Ruby, background LB/Baker [PERSONAL FAVORITE]
Meet Ruby Redfort, a super cool teenage wannabe spy. She's been through thick and thin and survived things from a giant sand timer to a legendary sea monster to invisible thieves to mythical wolves. She's already one of the most experienced agents in her agency, Spectrum, without even being an official one yet. She thinks she seen it all. But Ruby's entering a dangerous stage of life where she is vulnerable to many things, lots of things she knows nothing about. But Ruby is unduly worried about the years to come. She's a dauntless girl. But when things start to go wrong in her social life, her agent training in Spectrum and the return of an old foe start kicking off and suddenly, everything happens at once. And Ruby is faced with a choice. A dream job at a top secret spy agency with an astronomical pay, or a scrawny boy who doesn't believe in a dangerous life. Ruby Redfort, the choice is yours.
to my knowledge, the only completed longfic in the fandom so far. although it could do with a bit of editing, the quality is overall excellent and there’s some twists in there that even i wasn’t expecting. I especially loved the Ruby-Hitch dynamic and interactions in this one. If you’ve got a spare hour or two, I definitely recommend that you check it out!
Riding the Rails [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!] Crossover with Railhead 
“The Guardians want you, Ms Redfort,” says a station worker as Ruby stops her game of Rock paper scissors with Zen.
I can honestly say I’ve never heard of Railhead before, but was super cool nonetheless. it feels super surreal and the details were a+++- go check it out
Rosetta Redfort: Freefall [wattpad] by TeamSpectrum [multichapter, ongoing] background Clancy/Ruby
Ruby's daughter, Rosetta, discovers her secret-Spectrum.  A conspiracy to steal a gem that will lead to a collapsing mountain and a giant flood.  Will Rosetta crack like a diamond under pressure or will she stand strong?
an interesting take on a future-fic. might not be everyone’s cup of tea but i kind of liked it.
Love is blind, well Ruby is. [ao3]  [tumblr] by Neondragon54 [Oneshot, complete!] Blacker/Hitch
It's well known to the entirety of Spectrum not to go into the coding room after Hitch had returned from a mission. Everyone (Blacker) is distracted and more than once has an important agent (LB) walked in on two agents kissing.
Ruby doesn't know this rule.
Goddamnit, now I’m invested in this ship. this is also super good, read it.
Movie Night [tumblr] by goldstarsforall [Oneshot, complete!] [*NEW*] Blacker/Hitch
They got to the cinema a lot earlier than either of the men expected. It was a clear night, the air felt crisp and clean and if they hadn’t booked Hitch would have just wanted to sit in the park and talk.
heckin’ cute lil’ oneshot. a Good Ship. a Good Fic.
Ruby Redfort: Don't Look Around [wattpad] by maybeitsdella [multichapter, ongoing]
Welcome back Ruby Redfort: every smart kid's smart kid. 
After making Larva, Ruby Redfort's career in espionage is sending her off the ground running. There's no time to sit at home, with Clancy (who might just have a crush on her), sipping on banana milk, watching Crazy Cops. Not when the Count is still out there, and not when the Silent G is just sitting there waiting for her to fail (or die).
A promising start, this fic looks quite interesting. It’s only got a few chapters so far but I’m definitely going to be following it closely
Ruby's Rule 6 [ff.net] by mockingjay341 [Multi-chapter, ongoing!] [PERSONAL FAVORITE]
Ruby and Clancy have each other's backs - no matter what. So what will they do when they realise that sometimes our greatest strengths can also be our biggest weaknesses?
hell yeah, multi-chapter!! i really love how Ruby and Clancy bounce off each other so far, it feels super real. I’m honestly looking forward to reading more from this author. i haven’t felt this excited for a fic in a while
Silence Is Golden [tumblr] by blackers-donuts  [Oneshot, complete!] [PERSONAL FAVORITE]
There was a sharp knock at the door. Ruby was finally going to bury the hatchet with Froghorn by asking him for help. 
this is possibly the softest thing i’ve read in my entire hecking life. basically just the code team chilling around and bonding and honestly it’s just so sweet and good
Some kinda death wish [ff.net] by Bubbly Washing Machine [Oneshot, complete!]  [PERSONAL FAVORITE] 
They stood at the bottom of the stairs, in the dark, and argued. "Rube, don't go up there," said Clancy desperately, "just wait for the rest of the team." "Look bozo, someone's gotta take her out before she catches on and splits the scene." Clancy looked her in the eye, pleading. "Please. Wait for backup."
Beautiful little character study- cute and poignant.
Sweating Is Totally (not) Necessary [tumblr] by blackers-donuts [Oneshot, complete!] [*NEW*] [PERSONAL FAVORITE] Blacker/Hitch, Ruby/Del
The phone finally picked up, Ruby knew it was still Clancy’s first few weeks at the desk of Buzz and he was getting a grip with the phone system but it really should be quicker.
This wonderful person wrote this for my birthday, so of course I freaking love it. it’s a great character study and just generally all-round a Good Thing- there was a coding segment midway through that I particularly enjoyed!!
Other Things
The TeamSpectrum Collection on Wattpad- an assortment of short fics, competitions and discussions that’s been put together by a whole lot of users, including me! Definitely worth checking out. 
My own wide very small assortment of fanfiction, located over on this page! it’s not included here on the masterlist because- well, posting my own stuff is a tiny bit awkward- but i hope you read and enjoy my work all the same
My ongoing Social Media AU can be found here. 
LAST UPDATED: 14/08/2017
13 notes · View notes
centralparkpawsblog · 4 years
2020’s 6 Best Dog Foods for Urinary Care and Health
Top Pick: Hill’s U/D Urinary Care Formula
Hill’s Prescription Diet Urinary Care dog food is the best choice for dogs susceptible to UTIs or other urinary issues. It’ll balance your pup’s pee pH and help prevent kidney stones!
This excellence comes at a cost, though:
You need your vet’s approval to order a bag! Check out some of the other choices if you don’t want to jump through this hoop for your dog.
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Before I became a dog owner, I thought I had dog food pretty much figured out.
You looked for the brand you liked, bought the right food for how old your dog was, and walked out of the store.
No big deal.
Now I know it’s way more complicated than that.
Not every major brand will make food that’s right for your dog and you can buy food tailored to your dog’s medical needs.
People are often surprised when they find out there’s even food to help dogs with their urinary health.
Here’s everything you should know if you want to buy that kind of food for your dog and how it may help them prevent infections.
The Best Dog Foods for Urinary Health
Any dog food that’s supposed to help your dog with their urinary health should prevent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs).
These are some of the best non-prescription dog food for urinary health you can get to make sure your dog stays healthy and comfortable.
ProductVet Required?Grain-Free?RatingPrice Hill's U/D Urinary Care FormulaYesNo4.8$$$$ Check Price Firstmate's Australian Lamb FormulaNoYes3.3$$$$ Check Price Blue Buffalo W+U FormulaYesYes4.4$$$$ Check Price Royal Canin's SO Aging 7+ FormulaYesNoN/A$$$ Check Price Pristine's Salmon and Sweet Potato FormulaNoYes4.4$$$$$ Check Price HomemadeNoDependsN/A$
Overall Best Choice
Hill’s U/D Urinary Care Formula
The Hill’s pet food brand made a name for themselves by using science as their marketing tool.
Each formula is created by a team of veterinary scientists who piece together the best ingredients[1] for a dog’s specific health needs.
Their U/D Urinary Care Formula is one of the best you can buy if your dog needs dog food for UTI problems.
What I Liked
Hill’s stands out to me because they:
Pay attention to health needs first
Balance the mineral content to prevent kidney stones
Include urine pH-balancing nutrients
What I Didn’t Like
Some things I noticed that weren’t so great were:
Large kibble pieces that are harder for small breeds to chew
A more expensive price than traditional dog foods
A recent recall in March 2019[2]
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Budget Choice
Firstmate’s Australian Lamb Formula
You might feel panicked if your dog has a grain allergy and needs to switch foods to help their urinary health.
Firstmate’s Australian Lamb formula is something you should consider, since it’s urinary care dog food that won’t compromise on your dog’s allergies.
What I Liked
Firstmate is great because it’s food that includes:
Cranberry ingredients, which is a urinary tract superfood
Fiber that’s easy to digest
Protein that doesn’t come from gluten or grains
What I Didn’t Like
Some things to think about are:
It’s slightly pricey
It includes Burbank and Norkotah potatoes, which could upset some dogs’ stomachs
May require vegetable broth soaking to make it easier to chew at first
Check Price at Amazon
Check Price at Chewy.com
Upgrade Choice
Blue Buffalo W+U Weight Management and Urinary Care Formula
Blue Buffalo is already one of the leading dog food brands in the world, so it’s easy to trust that they also make great dog food for bladder stones and urinary tract infections.
Blue Buffalo W+U is widely available, but definitely an upgrade, since it will cost a bit more than other urinary care foods.
What I Liked
This formula could be a great option for your dog because it:
Limits the formation of calcium oxalate uroliths and struvite[3]
Comes in canned form for dogs who don’t drink enough water
Doesn’t include grains, fillers, or preservatives
What I Didn’t Like
You should consider the following before making your purchase:
It’s only for adult dogs
It will cause weight loss even if your dog doesn’t need it
It has higher levels of fiber, which could cause bathroom accidents
Check Price at Amazon
Check Price at Chewy.com
Best for Older Dogs
Royal Canin’s SO Aging 7+ Formula
Royal Canin is another dog food brand you may have bought from over the years if you’ve been a long time dog owner.
Their SO Aging 7+ formula was made specifically with older dogs in mind so they can get urinary health support without eating food with too many carbs.
It’s important that senior dogs get a specialized food for their age, since they will have slower metabolisms and shouldn’t have the high-protein and carb-focused diets that younger dogs will still need with urinary care food.
They have a version for all ages, as well. You can find a review here!
What I Liked
Some of the best things about this formula are:
The RSS methodology that prevents kidney stone formation[4]
The extra flavor for the common issue of decreased appetite in senior dogs
The nutrients and antioxidants that create a fully rounded meal
What I Didn’t Like
Remember that there are these other features that aren’t so great:
The cost is a bit higher than other brands
Small kibble bits may be a choking hazard for dogs who inhale their food
Larger portion sizes than what’s normally recommended for dogs over 50 pounds (4-5 cups per day compared to 2-3)
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Best Organic Option
Pristine’s Grain-Free Wild-Caught Salmon and Sweet Potato Formula
Plenty of people have become more aware of what’s in their food, so it makes sense you’d care about your dog’s food too.
If you’d prefer an organic bag of food for your dog, try Pristine’s Grain-Free Wild-Caught Salmon and Sweet Potato formula.
It’s easy to digest, great for dogs with allergies and made with only organic produce and fish.
What I Liked
Here are some of the best benefits of this organic option:
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which cleanse the urinary tract and keep it healthy after a UTI
Omega-3 fatty acids improve your dog’s skin and coat[5] as well
Contains real dehydrated sweet potato chunks instead of being entirely kibble
What I Didn’t Like
There are a few downsides to this brand for some dogs:
Comes in much smaller bags for the same prices as larger UTI food bags
The flaxseed and coconut oil may cause bathroom accidents for dogs new to the formula
Isn’t focused specifically on eliminating and preventing kidney stones
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Best Homemade Recipe
I’ve wondered before if it’d be better to make Maggie’s food right at home.
Other dog owners have thought the same thing, which is why you can find tons of homemade dog food recipes online.
Use this foundational meal as the base of your dog’s food and add in ingredients specifically for your dog’s UTI issues[6].
Basic Instructions
“Wot, me?”
Get the following ingredients together:
3 pounds ground turkey
½ cup of peas, frozen or canned
1 ½ cups brown rice, cooked
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 zucchini, shredded
2 carrots, shredded
3 cups of baby spinach, chopped
Cook the rice as you normally would, with three cups of water in a pot or in a rice cooker.
Brown the turkey on the stove and drain. Rinse in hot water for thirty seconds to clean the fat off and pat dry.
Add all the ingredients to a large skilled and fry until it’s heated through.
Cool completely before storing it in bags in your fridge or freezer.
It’s a low fat, high protein way to fuel your dog without ordering a bag of kibble.
UTI-Specific Ingredients
Once you put your dog’s portion in their bowl, add one of these ingredients to help fight their UTI symptoms or tendencies[7]:
1 tbs of apple cider vinegar per day
Can also go in their water bowl if they drink a lot of water. Reduce to 1 teaspoon per day for dogs under 50 pounds.
500mg of powdered Vitamin C
Buy an unflavored powder or crush an unflavored tablet, as the flavored ones may contain sweeteners indigestible to dogs.
½ cup of chopped cranberries or blueberries
They will help prevent UTIs, but the cranberries may mask the symptoms of an active UTI, so don’t start with this ingredient if your dog currently has an infection.
If you’re ever unsure of what to feed your dog and what would help their UTIs, talk with their vet.
They can recommend food or ingredients specific to your dog’s health needs, along with possible medication if their infection is severe.
Signs of Urinary Tract Infection in Dogs
Even when your dog starts eating food designed to treat and prevent UTIs, you need to be aware of the most common signs of a canine UTI[8].
You might see your dog:
Have sudden or frequent accidents even when housetrained
Shake while peeing
Drink more water or stop drinking water
Pee cloudy or bloody urine
If your dog shows any of these symptoms or other behavior you consider unusual, take them to the vet right away for testing.
An untreated UTI could cause a kidney infection.
Causes of Urinary Tract Health Problems
Dogs can get UTIs in very different ways than humans, but the root cause is the same.
“What do you mean this mud isn’t sterile?”
A urinary tract infection begins when bacteria enters the urethral opening.
A female dog might sit against a bacteria-covered surface like dirt or a male dog could clean himself after chewing on something covered in grime.
Once the bacteria enters the urinary tract, it settles and becomes infected when the dog’s immune system is weak due to a lack of nutrients.
E. coli is the most common bacteria that causes canine UTIs[9].
Breeds Prone to Urinary Tract Issues
Any dog has the ability to get a UTI.
No dog can protect themselves from all bacteria, but certain breeds are more prone to urinary tract issues than others.
Yorkshire Terriers, Shih Tzus, and Bichon Frises get UTIs most commonly because they’re closer to the ground and may have developed their urethra in a way that makes it more susceptible to bacteria.
It’s also important to note that female dogs are more likely to get UTIs than male dogs, no matter what their breed is.
They have a shorter urethra, so bacteria can access the urinary tract faster than in male dogs.
What to Look for in Food for a Dog with a UTI
Some owners may find it easy to pick a food for their dog once they know to look for a label that promises it will fight UTI symptoms, which is great.
It’s good to be aware that there’s food out there that will help your dog with their specific medical needs.
Other owners may want to know what in the food specifically prevents or treats UTIs.
Here’s what you should look for in food that’s meant to promote urinary health.
#1 – Ingredients That Balance Your Dog’s pH Levels
pH chart by OpenStax College (CC BY 3.0)
Bacteria throw off your dog’s system in more ways than one.
Once they enter the urinary tract, they attach themselves to the tract wall and begin to multiply.
Their presence raises the acidity of your dog’s urine, which is partly why it becomes painful to pee.
Urine is supposed to be mostly neutral (about a pH level of 6.3 to 6.6).
UTI food like Hill’s U/D Urinary Care Formula shows dog owners right on the front of the bag that their food is tested to balance a dog’s pH levels.
That should help make peeing more comfortable while your dog fights off the infection.
#2 – Ingredients That Prevent the Formation of Kidney Stones
The acidity of normal urine is strong enough to break down minerals and get rid of them when your dog pees.
A dog with a UTI has more acidic pee, which is when those minerals become extremely concentrated[10].
Concentrated minerals form stones that block the urinary tract or travel through the kidney. This causes immense amounts of pain, but not if they’re prevented.
Blue Buffalo’s WU Weight Management and Urinary Care formula specifically stops the formation of calcium oxalate and struvite uroliths, which are the main causes of kidney stones in dogs.
This is an important feature to include in your dog’s food if they experience UTIs for long periods at a time or frequently.
The buildup of minerals in their urine should be easily taken care of, if they have food that helps.
#3 – As Many All-Natural Ingredients as Possible
Formulated foods are great and can help in a variety of ways when it comes to canine UTIs.
Photo by Ruth Hartnup (CC BY 2.0)
Still, there are all-natural ingredients that can help manage UTI symptoms as your dog takes medication or otherwise fights the infection.
Humans are often advised to drink cranberry juice to relieve urination discomfort.
Because cranberries are an all-natural resource, dogs can enjoy them too.
Firstmate’s Australian Lamb Formula includes cranberries for this very reason.
It’s a healthy way for your dog to enjoy cranberries, rather than giving them a human supplement that might not be safe for canine consumption.
When it comes to your dog’s urinary health, you can trust any of these dog food brands to help with the specific needs.
I’d choose Hill’s U/D Urinary Care formula for Maggie, since it focused specifically on balancing the pH of a dog’s urine while preventing kidney stones.
Their history with the recent recall does make me wary, but as long as you keep an eye on the news, recalls should be avoidable.
Always consult your dog’s vet when you change your pup’s diet to accommodate their UTI issues.
They may have suggestions for food that’s stronger if your dog needs more active help or recognize that the food will help alongside any medication they prescribe.
Can Dog Food Cause Urinary Problems?
Yes, some dog food can cause urinary problems.
If a food is high in minerals, those minerals could build up in the urinary tract faster than your dog can flush them out, causing kidney stones.
What Do You Feed a Dog with Bladder Stones?
Always make sure a dog with bladder stones has access to plenty of water.
When it comes to food, feed them commercial therapeutic diets that balance the urine’s pH and reduce the likelihood of calcium oxalate stones with protein, phosphorus, or calcium[11].
You can switch them to home cooked food if you prefer, but it’s better to switch after the bladder stones are gone.
Can I Give My Dog Cranberry Juice for a Urinary Tract Infection?
It’s safer to keep your dog away from any cranberry juice meant for human consumption.
Those most likely have sweeteners or additives that dogs can’t digest.
Whole cranberries can be used as a supplement for pain management[12], but only alongside medication that will cure the infection.
What Can Cause Crystals in Dog’s Urine?
Low urinary pH or excess oxalic acid and calcium can cause crystals.
If your dog has urinary crystals, it indicates that there’s an infection.
The post 2020’s 6 Best Dog Foods for Urinary Care and Health appeared first on Central Park Paws.
from https://www.centralparkpaws.net/dog-food/best-dog-foods-for-urinary-health/
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businessliveme · 4 years
Interview with Mark Geilenkirchen, CEO, SOHAR Port and Freezone
SOHAR Port has completed 15 years of successful operations.  What accounts for its continual success? Successful projects all have one thing in common: They begin with a strong foundation. The foundation for SOHAR Port and Freezone was laid down by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos Bin Said when he envisioned a port and free zone in the North of Oman in the Al Batinah Region. This perfect location positions us just outside the Gulf but within proximity to global markets.  
Oman and Suhar offer several benefits for companies that operate here, such as the availability of natural gas, electricity, skilled manpower, land and more. In fact, we can meet every industrial requirement right here at SOHAR.  Moreover, our industrial area is connected to the sea and has superb transportation and logistics possibilities. We have also ensured ample room for downstream opportunities; Orpic refinery, for example, makes products that can be used by other industries.
Our presence in the city of Suhar has also positively influenced its growth and the growth of the entire region. This has, in turn, led to development in small and medium business throughout the region, especially with the demand for housing and amenities going up. We have been integral to the development of small business as the growth of SOHAR has created further demand for smaller industries right here in the governate.
We have always looked at SOHAR as a holistic business, one that is aligned with the goals of the nation, as well as our community. The reason for our success is that we continue to strike a balance so that we remain sustainable on the economic, environmental and people front.
Has SOHAR Port and Freezone positioned itself as a port of choice for East-West trade? That is an interesting question. We believe that we have not only positioned ourselves as a port of choice; but we continue to prove our worth every day. We have attracted some of the largest local and international partners to our port and free zone including Vale, Oiltanking and Orpic amongst others. While we do a lot of business in Oman, the larger percentage of what we do serves international markets.
Overall, the split would be 100 per cent imports from international markets, 95 per cent exports and five per cent serving the local market. Overall, we are an international company that is largely invested in supporting the Omani economy, primarily as an employer, and in positioning Oman as a favorable investment destination.
  How was SOHAR Port and Freezone’s performance in 2019?  2019 was a good year. Our growth is in line with that of the local and regional economies, and while growth has slowed, we are still experiencing success.  We see a number of projects coming to completion. These include the Liwa Plastics Industries Complex, which will open in 2020; SV Pittie Sohar Textiles that has opened the second phase of their cotton yarn factory recently; and Indsil, which is setting up a ferrochrome smelter; as well as Strategic & Precious Metals Processing’s (SPMP) antimony-gold processing facility, which is being set up. These new projects will bring in extra volumes, and we expect 2020 to be another record-breaking year for SOHAR Port.
In 2019, we also completed the first phase of the SOHAR Port South expansion project that has added around 50ha to the port, and by competition of the second phase we look forward to a 200ha expansion. In addition to this, we have also enhanced efficiencies offering faster turnaround times and improved inspections. SOHAR has not done this in isolation, but in partnership with the terminals, customers and the Royal Oman Police. Our cooperation with government entities is constantly improving to further enhance the experience of our customers.
How much of tonnage has SOHAR Port done in 2019?  Tonnage though SOHAR port has definitely increased when compared to 2018; however, the final figures are yet to be tabulated. While the volume going through a port is certainly an interesting measure, it is by no means the measure of success of the port as the products that bring volume – chip aggregates for example – do not always bring in the largest profits, in terms of margins or employment. More important measures of success include the number of shipping rounds, growth of the industry as a whole and throughput numbers.
Please give us a brief on the latest developments and major milestones in SOHAR Port and Freezone’s operations? We have a number of projects underway that will definitely add value to the port. We have identified space and especially space in close proximity to water as a major demand in our region, which is why we have two projects underway that will add around 19 per cent capacity to the port on completion. The first of these is SOHAR Port South – phase one is currently completed. The second of these is Terminal 2D, which boasts proximity to cool water and is the perfect space for minerals, metals and petrochemicals industries. We are currently leasing space at both of these locations; interest has been very positive and we have already entered a number of agreements in 2019. Of course, ours is an extremely long-term business; it can take one to two years to secure a partnership.
In addition to investing in our port’s capacity, we have also signed a number of interesting clients in the past year. We are welcoming new industries to SOHAR, including the first large-scale solar power plant in Oman. This is a key step in our mission to become a more sustainable port and free zone, and with this project we are gearing up towards our goal of providing around 1 GW solar power in the future. In addition to this, we continue to consider alternative energy sources such as hydrogen for various processes in our ports, which is far more environment friendly and it frees the available gas to be diverted for more remunerative use.
SOHAR has also entered into an agreement to build an LNG bunkering station at the port. Currently, LNG ships can bunker in Singapore or Rotterdam, hence this new station will open huge doors of opportunity for us in the GCC.
Like I said, ours is a long term business, so we have the benefit of foresight. We have a good idea of the agreements that we will enter into and projects that will begin/conclude in 2020; hence, we are able to make quite accurate business forecasts for the coming year.
How is SOHAR Port and Freezone’s vision aligning with the Sultanate of Oman’s National Logistics strategy? We are a significant cog in Oman’s logistics strategy and play a huge role in the imports and exports of the Sultanate. Our next goal is to become a redistribution centre for the Gulf and surrounding regions. A large part of our business is driven by re-exports, and we feel there is a significant gap for us to play an even more significant role with the countries surrounding us. Once the road to Riyadh opens, for example, it will bring in additional benefits such as direct connectivity to a significant market like Saudi Arabia where cargo can be offloaded at SOHAR Port and the transported to Riyadh via road.
SOHAR Port and Freezone is developing three major clusters food, petrochemicals and metals. How is this progressing? These are all extremely important industries for SOHAR, and all bring about ample upstream and downstream opportunities. The three planned clusters are moving ahead and are in various stages of development/operations.
We have aligned our food cluster and strategic direction with that of Oman’s food security strategy. Currently, there is a fully operational flourmill, as well as a world-class sugar refinery, a grain silo complex and an upcoming soya bean crushing facility. In the future, there is ample opportunity of the industrialized growth of food at SOHAR.
In terms of plastics, there is already a team working in close cooperation with Liwa plastics to scan the market and bring downstream industries to the free zone.
We have already witnessed successful upstream/downstream operations at SOHAR. MMEC Mannesmann and Acwa Power’s Sohar Calciner Plant, for example, will source petcoke from Orpic, calcify it to make anodes which will in turn be used in Sohar Aluminum. In Steel, we already have downstream industries such as ferrochrome, stainless steel, rebars and more.
What are the challenges facing SOHAR Port and Freezone? Our main challenge is the economy and high interest rate. Despite these, we are growing and at a good rate. I am optimistic about 2019 and foresee us recording a higher growth in 2020.
What is your future outlook? We are positive about 2020 and beyond. Currently our growth has slowed; in addition to the economic factors, we also didn’t have much capacity in terms of land, but with the development of SOHAR Port South, Terminal 2D and the second phase of SOHAR Freezone, we are once again in a good position to offer prime land to our partners and interest is positive. We are not only bringing exciting new industries to SOHAR, but also to Oman, which is incredibly exciting. We continue to put sustainability at the core of our operations to further enhance the port and free zone, reduce emissions and improve processes for our customers and the wider community.
The post Interview with Mark Geilenkirchen, CEO, SOHAR Port and Freezone appeared first on Businessliveme.com.
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arplis · 4 years
Arplis - News: Top 19 Hanging Racks
  Household Essentials 5009-1 Collapsible Portable Indoor Tripod Clothes Drying Rack for Hanging Laundry | Silver and BlueHousehold Essentials 5009-1 Collapsible Portable Indoor Tripod Clothes Drying Rack for Hanging Laundry | Silver and Blue - Newly redesigned arms for even more strength and stability. Measures 6457 inch h x 26 inch w x 26 inch d. Hangers fit through and on hanger slots for wrinkle free air drying. Folds and disassembles easily to store when not in use or use in guest room as a garment rack for visitors. The original indoor folding tripod clothes hanging rack for drying all of your laundry.   VDOMUS Shelf Pot Rack Wall Mounted Pan Hanging Racks 2 Tire (Silver)VDOMUS Shelf Pot Rack Wall Mounted Pan Hanging Racks 2 Tire (Silver) - Display this pot rack will also be a stunning addition to your kitchen it displays all your favorite cookwares and creates a ambiance of profession in your kitchen its simple yet attractive design will surely make kitchen a warm and cozy place. Large storage capacity 2 large grid shelf measuring 295″ by 137″ with 10 moveable hanging hooks, there is enough storage place for even the most enthusiastic culinary lovers, you could fit a lot of stuff on it. Solid construction thick wrought- iron will not get out of shape when holding heavy weight cookwares, advantage paint-coat ensures a 100% rustproof as well as resist daily scrapes. Easy installation comes with all needed accessories and instruction, you could start installation once you’ve received the package. Organize clear up some precious cabinet space while keeping all your cooking utensils within arms reach, no more digging through pots and pans looking for what you want, all is neatly organized in front of your eyes.   TLBTEK 17inch Pot Rack Wall Mounted,Pot and Pan Hanging Organizer Racks for the Kitchen,Wall Mounting Pot Lid Utensil Holder,Coffee Mug Wall Rack,Cup Hanger Bar with 10 Detachable S HooksTLBTEK 17inch Pot Rack Wall Mounted,Pot and Pan Hanging Organizer Racks for the Kitchen,Wall Mounting Pot Lid Utensil Holder,Coffee Mug Wall Rack,Cup Hanger Bar with 10 Detachable S Hooks - 【Enough long pot holders】tlbtek hanging pot racks total length size is 17 inch x 3inch x 17inch,it’s long enough to hang more cookware than you thinkpot rack hooks can keep your pots, pans,lids and utensils in an organized wayinstall it on your unused wall space and help you save space for the counter and kitchen. 【Multi purpose wall rack】 tlbtek wall mount pot hanging rail rack with 10 pack s hooks can be used for pots and pans organizer,coffee cup rack under cabinet,cooking utensils hanger for kitchen, pot rack rod can be also used for industrial towel hanging bar in your bathroom, in your garage to hang and organize your hardware,or in your closet for handbags, belts, umbrella and clothes hanging rack,or potted plants pot hangers. 【Wrought cast iron pot and pan hanging rack】-tlbtek pot lid holder are all made of high quality iron material which with strong hardness,sprayed with elegant black paint on the exposed parts to prevent rustit’s very durable and not easy to break. 【Easy assemble and life】 tlbtek heavy duty pot holders can easy mount on concrete/tile walls or other type wall pot hangers for kitchen have sturdy construction that will prevent the hooks from swaying or falling off easily. 【unique simple design】tlbtek black pot rack uses minimalist design which is conformity with easy aesthetic view and looks real cool ,retropot rack wall mounted can perfect match most popular trendy kitchen decoration styles.   Bextsware Expandable Double Rod Clothing Garment Racks On Wheels, Heavy Duty Hanging Clothes Organizer Stand Adjustable Rolling Rack, ChromeBextsware Expandable Double Rod Clothing Garment Racks On Wheels, Heavy Duty Hanging Clothes Organizer Stand Adjustable Rolling Rack, Chrome - 【Storage for small spaces】 middle rod height adjustable from 30″ to 37″, perfect for pants, sweaters and shirts expandable top horizontal rod from 305″ to 475″. 【Easy to assemble & collapsible】 dimension (305″-475″)l x 15″w x 65″h comes with assembly tools, numbered parts and illustrated instructions easy to put together or take down for compact storage. 【Sturdiness and durability】 this freestanding double rod garment rack is made of sturdy metal construction with chrome coating easily hold heavy winter jackets, work clothes, coats 100lbs weight capacity. 【Easily move and stay】 garment rack with 4 heavy duty wheels rolls smoothly across any flooring hanging rod with stoppers on each side prevents clothes from falling. 【double rod clothing rack】 bextsware double rod clothes rack with adjustable & expandable design is super functional to store all of your extra clothing and bags, also a commercial grade clothing rack in a boutique, showroom, bedroom, laundry or for a photoshoot.   Whitmor Portable Wardrobe Clothes Storage Organizer Closet with Hanging Rack – For Home, Dorm, Garage etc. – Grey Color – No-tool Assembly-Extra Strong & Durable -19.75 x 36 x 64 – Not for outside useWhitmor Portable Wardrobe Clothes Storage Organizer Closet with Hanging Rack – For Home, Dorm, Garage etc. – Grey Color – No-tool Assembly-Extra Strong & Durable -19.75 x 36 x 64 – Not for outside use - Keep your cloths safe & organized, this portable wardrobe closet storage is made of breathable fabric cover to keep your most treasured clothes fresh and protects them from mold, moist, dust, bugs, insects, and moisture, highly suitable in storing all types of clothes, from everyday home and office winter & summer clothing to costumes and special occasion garments and wardrobes. Easy assembling this closet organizer systems by whitmor requires no tools to assemble and disassemble so you can do it yourself within minutes by just following the instructions using a bungee cord system, very convenient especially during your move of your office or home. See-through window, the window on top of this clothing storage closet gives you more convenience by enabling you to see its hanging contents easily with clear visibility without needing to unzip the closet door. Portable, lightweight and moveable, this storage closet is just right for home use, office use, backstage theater use, dormitory use, you can move it from being a bedroom closet to a garage closet for raincoat, and motorcycle jacket storage, or move it to your attic to keep your classic old worn or seasonal garments organized. Durable and sturdy construction, this portable storage organizer features a, durable steel frame, a heavy-duty steel rod and a bungee cord system with plastic connectors so it can take on significant weight without bending, holds 50 pounds of clothes, coats, pants, jackets, suits, blouses, slacks, sweaters, dresses, and shoes.   Homissue 72 Inch Industrial Pipe Double Rail Hall Tree with Shoe Storage on Wheel, 2 Shelf Rolling Clothes Rack Organizer with 2 Hanging Rod for Garment Storage Display, Vintage BrownHomissue 72 Inch Industrial Pipe Double Rail Hall Tree with Shoe Storage on Wheel, 2 Shelf Rolling Clothes Rack Organizer with 2 Hanging Rod for Garment Storage Display, Vintage Brown - Rustic pipe construction for vintage look the frame is crafted from metal pipes, complete with cool industrial looking, while the shelf is crafted from mdf with wood grain details for a rustic appeal founded atop a four caster lockable wheels to easily moved about when you need extra space. Convenient closet solution it features double pipe bars for hanging clothes and coat that without taking extra time to iron out wrinkles from folds, while 2 shelf below is ideal for staking shoes and accessories. Easy assembly all installation hardware and instruction are included for quickly set up this stack design hall tree is a great rack to store all kinds of garments. Overall dimension 715″ h x 445″w x 107″d weight capacity per rod 100-lbs of garments without buckling or breaking depends on the thickness of clothing holds 35-60 hangers. Quick and easy set up all hardware and instruction are provided the assembly instructions are very easy to follow and no need for any special tools to use.   Whitmor Portable Wardrobe Clothes Storage Organizer Closet with Hanging Rack – Extra Wide -Black Color – No-tool Assembly – Extra Strong and Durable – 60″L x 19.5″W x 64″Whitmor Portable Wardrobe Clothes Storage Organizer Closet with Hanging Rack – Extra Wide -Black Color – No-tool Assembly – Extra Strong and Durable – 60″L x 19.5″W x 64″ - Durable and sturdy construction, this portablestorage organizer features a, durable steel frame, a heavy-duty steel rod and a bungee cord system with plastic connectors so it can take on significant weight without bending, holds 50 pounds of clothes, coats, pants, jackets, suits, blouses, slacks, sweaters, dresses, and shoes. Easy assembling this closet organizer systems by whitmor requires no tools to assemble and disassemble so you can do it yourself within minutes by just following the instructions using a bungee cord system. Portable and moveable, this storage closet is just right for home use, office use, backstage theater use, dormitory use, you can move it from being a bedroom closet to a garage closet for raincoat, and motorcycle jacket storage, or move it to your attic to keep your classic old worn or seasonal garments organized. Protect your cloths, this wardrobe closet storage is made of breathable fabric cover to keep your most treasured clothes fresh and protects them from mold, dust, bugs, insects, and moisture, highly suitable in storing all types of clothes, from everyday home and office winter & summer clothing to costumes and special occasion garments and wardrobes. 100% satisfaction guarantee, we know you’ll love this portable wardrobe closet as much as we do in fact, if for any reason, you’re not completely satisfied, just feel free to return your order within 30 days and we’ll issue a full refund.   Whitmor Portable Wardrobe Clothes Closet Storage Organizer with Hanging Rack – Black Color – No-tool Assembly – See Through Window – Washable Fabric Cover – Extra Strong & Durable – 19.75 x 36 x 64″Whitmor Portable Wardrobe Clothes Closet Storage Organizer with Hanging Rack – Black Color – No-tool Assembly – See Through Window – Washable Fabric Cover – Extra Strong & Durable – 19.75 x 36 x 64″ - Durable and sturdy construction, this portable storage organizer features a, durable steel frame, a heavy-duty steel rod and a bungee cord system with plastic connectors so it can take on significant weight without bending, holds 50 pounds of clothes, coats, pants, jackets, suits, blouses, slacks, sweaters, dresses, and shoes. Keep your cloths safe & organized, this portable wardrobe closet storage is made of breathable fabric cover to keep your most treasured clothes fresh and protects them from mold, moist, dust, bugs, insects, and moisture, highly suitable in storing all types of clothes, from everyday home and office winter & summer clothing to costumes and special occasion garments and wardrobes. See-through window, the window on top of this clothing storage closet gives you more convenience by enabling you to see its hanging contents easily with clear visibility without needing to unzip the closet door. Portable, lightweight and moveable, this storage closet is just right for home use, office use, backstage theater use, dormitory use, you can move it from being a bedroom closet to a garage closet for raincoat, and motorcycle jacket storage, or move it to your attic to keep your classic old worn or seasonal garments organized. Easy assembling this closet organizer systems by whitmor requires no tools to assemble and disassemble so you can do it yourself within minutes by just following the instructions using a bungee cord system, very convenient especially during your move of your office or home.   TLBTEK 20 inch Industrial Pipe Wall Mounted Clothes Rack,Heavy Duty Clothes Hanging T-Bar,Detachable Black Iron Garment Hanging Rack,Metal Clothing Towel Racks for Retail Display,Closet OrganizationTLBTEK 20 inch Industrial Pipe Wall Mounted Clothes Rack,Heavy Duty Clothes Hanging T-Bar,Detachable Black Iron Garment Hanging Rack,Metal Clothing Towel Racks for Retail Display,Closet Organization - 【High quality and durable materia】tlbtek premium finish clothes wall rack is made of study malleable iron with strong bearing capacitythe black painting surface can enhance corrosion protection and avoiding rust accumulation for a long term use of the our clothes hanging bar. 【Easy to install】tlbtek clothing hanging bar is screw in fixing installation. 【Multi-purpose wall mount clothes hanger】tlbtek industrial clothing rod can be used for retail store,home,garment display,closet organization,furniture,laundry room or balconyhanging clothes racks also can be used to display necklaces, scarves, or neckties in retail settingstlbtek industrial clothing rack is not only a clothes hanger holder, but also as a towel holder, roll paper holder and bathrobe holder. 【Clothes hanging shelves system】tlbtek industrial pipe wall mounted clothing rack is convenient for garment storagethe long clothes rack can hold enough clothes to organize and display your everyday clothes or seasonal outfits,keeping your garments and accessories always organized and tidy without wrinkles20inch hanging bar rack can add nearly 20 inches of clothes-hanging space for you. 【modern diy industrial aesthetic】tlbtek pipe wall mount clothes rack incorporates industrial vintage style into home decroconformity with easy aesthetic view of design looks real cool,retro and eye-catchingthe rustic farmhouse style of industrial inspired wall clothes hanging bar adds a modern diy appealyour family and friends will amazing this appeal that perfect blending french and contemporary countryside style.   TLBTEK 36inch Industrial Pipe Clothes Rack,Heavy Duty Rustic Clothes Hanging Shelves System,Wall Mounted Detachable Black Iron Metal Garment Bar for Retail Display,Closet OrganizationTLBTEK 36inch Industrial Pipe Clothes Rack,Heavy Duty Rustic Clothes Hanging Shelves System,Wall Mounted Detachable Black Iron Metal Garment Bar for Retail Display,Closet Organization - 【Easy to install】tlbtek clothing hanging bar is screw in fixing installation. 【36 inch clothes hanging shelves system】tlbtek industrial pipe wall mounted clothing rack is convenient for garment storagethe long clothes rack can hold enough clothes to organize and display your everyday clothes or seasonal outfits,keeping your garments and accessories always organized and tidy without wrinkles 36inch hanging bar rack can add nearly 36 inches of clothes-hanging space for you. 【High quality and durable material】tlbtek premium finish clothes wall rack is made of study malleable iron with strong bearing capacitythe black painting surface can enhance corrosion protection and avoiding rust accumulation for a long term use of the our clothes hanging bar. 【multi-purpose wall mount clothes hanger】tlbtek industrial clothing rod can be used for retail store,home,garment display,closet organization,furniture,laundry room or balconyhanging clothes racks also can be used to display necklaces, scarves, or neckties in retail settings. 【Modern diy industrial aesthetic】tlbtek pipe wall mount clothes rack incorporates industrial vintage style into home decorconformity with easy aesthetic view of design looks real cool,retro and eye-catchingthe rustic farmhouse style of industrial inspired wall clothes hanging bar adds a modern diy appealyour family and friends will amazing this appeal that perfect blending french and contemporary countryside style.   SUNPACE Clothing Garment Rack Adjustable Height Double Hanging Rail with Two-Tier Shelves SUN004SUNPACE Clothing Garment Rack Adjustable Height Double Hanging Rail with Two-Tier Shelves SUN004 - 4storage solution:designed with proper size, this rolling clothing rack a perfect solution to your seasonal clothing or accessories. 5 adjustable height you can adjust the clothing rack with shelves from 365 inches to 63 inches. 1 sturdy construction this rack is made of metal rail and premium abs marterial, and it can hold up to 60lb. 2large storage capacity2 wire shelves are ideal for towels, sockets, gloves or other small accessories. 3 convenient to move with four omnidirectional wheels, two of them without brakes and the other two with brakes, this double rail clothing rack is easy to move from one room to another.   Collections Etc Wooden Country Star Mount Quilt Hanging Rack with Keyhole Hooks on Back for Easy HangingCollections Etc Wooden Country Star Mount Quilt Hanging Rack with Keyhole Hooks on Back for Easy Hanging - This delightful hanger features a charming country star and heart design with a bar underneath to hold your quilt, blanket or throw. With a rich, dark brown finish, the wooden hanger mounts easily with two keyhole hooks on the back. Measures 28″l x 4″w x 10″h. Shop with confidence for over 50 years, collections etc has been bringing unique, whimsical, inspirational, and home solution products to customers all collections etc products come with a 60 day, easy return policy and 100% satisfaction guarantee. Easy assembly required.   Vdomus Square Grid Wall Mount Pot Rack, Kitchen Cookware Hanging Organizer with 15 Hooks,29.3 by13-inch (SIlver)Vdomus Square Grid Wall Mount Pot Rack, Kitchen Cookware Hanging Organizer with 15 Hooks,29.3 by13-inch (SIlver) - [Multi-purpose shelf organizer] great for any room in the house, install in kitchen, pantry, dining area for everyday cookware or bathroom to store drying towels and toiletries, also suitable for study, office- square grid does double duty and functions as shelf for books, baskets, toiletries, plants, and many other household items. [large size and capacity] measuring 293″ by 13″ with15 moveable hanging hooks, there is enough storage place for even the most enthusiastic culinary lovers, you could fit a lot of stuff on it. [Unique design] base on space-maximized guardrail design, the concept of stable triangular structure and double screw fixation are integrated it keeps cookware within easy reach and supports more than 80 pounds. [Superior quality] the pot rack made of thick cast iron, it’s durable, chrome and nickel plating surface, hand-made welding, specially treated and 100% rustproof. [Four installation methods] it comes with all needed accessories and a step by step instruction, so you could start installation once you have received the package with its special design, support four installation methods, either method allows you to organize the containers and utensils in the way you want.   Dseap Coat Rack Wall Mounted: 10-Hooks, 38-1/4″ Long, 16″ Hole to Hole, Wood Coat Hooks Wall Mounted, Hook Rack, Hook Rail, Hooks for Hanging Coats, White & BlackDseap Coat Rack Wall Mounted: 10-Hooks, 38-1/4″ Long, 16″ Hole to Hole, Wood Coat Hooks Wall Mounted, Hook Rack, Hook Rail, Hooks for Hanging Coats, White & Black - 2【etra long & heavy duty 】 l= 38-1/4 inches with 10 hooks for hanging coats, 06-inches wood thick. 3【anti-tear & anti-slidding】with projected arm and ball tips, the coat rack wall mounted pretects your hangings from tearing or slidding off. 1hole to hole 16 inches 3 mounting holes. 4hangs a lots the coat hooks wall mounted well organizes coats, hats, towel, purse, scarfs, robes for entryway, mudroom, bedroom, closet, kitchen, bathroom, and so on. 5wood + aluminum alloy white & black including 1 x hook rack rail, mounting hardware(improved).   Simple Houseware Portable Closet Hanging Clothing Garment Rack with WheelsSimple Houseware Portable Closet Hanging Clothing Garment Rack with Wheels - Build with heavy duty steel, elegant black paint and chrome finish. Simple solution for added garment storage. Patent pending. 348”l x 165”w x 64″h. Sturdy construction and easy assembly great for student dormitory.   Brabantia Hanging Drying Rack – Passion RedBrabantia Hanging Drying Rack – Passion Red - Ideal for all small in-between drying jobs or for flat drying of delicate laundry. Easy to adjust, smart ‘lock’ remembers last used settings, always ready for use. Stable horizontal attachment, cleverly designed adjustable arms for narrow doors and up to 43 inch thick walls. Less chance of damage to the door, balustrade, radiator etc, arms with soft protective material. Easy and compact storage, foldable arms.   Hanging Closet Organizer and Storage Heavy Duty Clothes Rack Sturdy Rod Garment Rack Large with Wire Shelving High Capacity Commercial Grade Metal Clothes Stand Rack for Bedroom Cloakroom,SilverHanging Closet Organizer and Storage Heavy Duty Clothes Rack Sturdy Rod Garment Rack Large with Wire Shelving High Capacity Commercial Grade Metal Clothes Stand Rack for Bedroom Cloakroom,Silver - √【Multifunctional】this garment rack can store clothing, shoes, socks, bags the closet organizer can be used as a cart to tidy the room this clothes rack is suitable for bedroom, cloakroom, laundry room and moregarment rack closet organizer clothes rack. √【easy to assemble】 the closet organizer is easy to assemble, all parts packaged for idiotsthis garment rack structure is very simple ,no tools required to assemble itthe clothes rack is simple to assemble,you only need to spend 15min to install itcloset organizer garment rack clothes rack. √【Large storage】 the clothes rack is very convenient for extra storage hanging rods support full-sized jackets as well as fabric shelf towersthis closet organizer provide an enormous amount of space and strong shelvesthe garment rack doesn’t occupy too much space,but it can create more additional space center hanging rod is removabledimensions 45″l x 19″w x 68″hclothes rack closet organizer garment rack. √【Sturdy and durable】this garment rack is sturdy, it does not sway or wobble nor fold under pressuremade of sturdy silver coated steel frame with durable resin connectors this clothes rack is strong, durable, and resistant to accumulation and corrosion of dirt the closet organzier total unit weight capacity is 110 lbs garment rack clothes rack closet organzier. √【100% satisfaction guarantee】 we guarantee you’ll love this closet organizer but if you’re not satisfied with this clothes rack , please get in touch with uscloset organizer clothes rack garment rack.   DUOFIRE Stainless Steel Clothes Drying Racks Laundry Drip Hanger Laundry Clothesline Hanging Rack Set of 36 Metal Clothespins Rectangle for Drying Clothes, Towels, Underwear, Lingerie, Socks (1 Pack)DUOFIRE Stainless Steel Clothes Drying Racks Laundry Drip Hanger Laundry Clothesline Hanging Rack Set of 36 Metal Clothespins Rectangle for Drying Clothes, Towels, Underwear, Lingerie, Socks (1 Pack) - ✓ Durable construction — sturdy stainless steel wire, 40mm in bold , durable, strong bearing and high strength against corrosion rust with superior quality welding designed to last a lifetime built strong with stainless steel wire to support a fully loaded rack will not break, sag or stretch under the weight of wet laundry. ✓ Tight sturdy stainless steel clips — durable clip and drip laundry hanger has high quality 36 pegs with long lasting spring one piece integrated spring mechanism’s tension is much stronger than weak wooden clothespins and guaranteed not to break or fall apart stainless steel leaves no rust marks on damp clothing and doesn’t leave “pinch marks” on the clothingfit all kinds of cloth, both for indoor and outdoor●in areas with high humidity or salt content,we recommend indoor use. ✓ space saver & multipurpose — hang up to 36 small items in 1 compact space for multipurpose drying or storage collapses flat when not in use for easy storage it is designed for both hand washing and machine washing items, such as delicates,baby clothing,sports bras,compression shorts,leggings,garters,socks,scarves,hat,ties,handkerchief,towel,glove,cloth diapers etc easy to hang it on closets,shower curtain rod,laundry room,outside clothesline etc. ✓ Integrated hanging hook — easy to use as a clothes hanger and 360 degree rotatable panel design of double line steel the large metal hook allows you to hang it anywhere-clothesline, shower curtain rod, garment rack or shelf hanging design saves valuable floor space while saving money on drying costs. ✓ 100% purchase guarantee (choose duofire , refund and replacement can be guaranteed) get the refund quickly or free replacement if you aren’t completely satisfied, please contact us first if you have any problem.   Sorbus Pots and Pan Rack – Decorative Wall Mounted Storage Hanging Rack – Multipurpose Wrought-Iron shelf Organizer for Kitchen Cookware, Utensils, Pans, Books, Bathroom (Wall Rack – Black)Sorbus Pots and Pan Rack – Decorative Wall Mounted Storage Hanging Rack – Multipurpose Wrought-Iron shelf Organizer for Kitchen Cookware, Utensils, Pans, Books, Bathroom (Wall Rack – Black) - Wall mount pot rack (black), mounts on wall to store, organize, and display your cookware collection in one compact space. Display & organize, specially designed to hold pots, pans, utensils, cookbooks, bakeware, plants, and other decorative pieces, a great way to showcase a stylish kitchen, upper shelf keeps kitchen pots and pans within easy reach on flat surface and hooks keep utensils and other cookware hanging vertical for customized organization, hooks can be repositioned to fit needs, great for everyday meal prep, hosting dinner parties, events, holiday gatherings, and more. Multi-purpose shelf, ideal for any room in the house, install in kitchen, pantry, dining area for everyday cookware or bathroom to store drying towels and toiletries, also suitable for study, office, or walk-in closet, sturdy center grid does double duty and functions as shelf for books, baskets, toiletries, plants, and many other household items. Easy to assemble, minimal assembly required with quick set-up, support brackets can be installed to support the rack from above or below, made of steel with powder-coated finish, decorative frame for stylish look, complements most light fixtures, appliances, cookware, and design interiors, package includes grid rack with 2 support brackets, 10 hanging hooks, and mounting hardware, measures approximately 2450″ l x 10″ w x 1050″ h. Efficient space saver, eliminates clutter, frees cabinet space, and protect against scratches, saves time and hassle of searching through cabinets and countertops, built-in shelf provides added cupboard space and plenty of room to store essentials, space-saving curved shape frame provides easy access for tight spaces and convenience for limited storage, great for condominiums, tiny apartments, studios, small kitchens, or anywhere with limited storage space. #Storage
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/top-19-hanging-racks-1
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