#but it didn't and they're so cuute!!
moonfromearth · 1 year
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Feeling a little braver after the haunted house, Willow went out on a limb and invited Kari onto the Cuddle Carts.
Lucky for her, it seemed like the feeling was mutual, and the pair continued flirting even after the ride had ended.
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quilleth · 4 months
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>:3 commissioned @mrgabel for this adorable picture of my dnd character Vanora and her best friend Faolán as a treat and I love it! Let's just hope she can find/ save him in game :'D
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halt-kun · 6 months
My Hero Academia Chapter 410 - Farewell ! All For One
So, AFO is dying or dead
we might see more of him or just switch to Shigaraki soon
Bakugou might not be in condition to pursue the fight
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Oh no, another power up is in motion ?
Shigaraki is strong enough as it is
AFO, I'll be clear, your the unpleasant experience of a lot of people, being a lil' baby and losing once won't match up 9 holders of OFA that you pursued and horribly killed them and their loved ones
Tomura did suffer a lot too
but still, nobody wants to see you again, DISAPPEAR
just wanting to have a bigger impact on people is weird too
traumatic experiences actually tend to get forgotten even if they can arguably leave bigger impacts on the psyche and the life
it's dumb,
your horrible personality and opinions need to disappear
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I'm so happy to hate on him until the end because after that I'll have to try and be nice to Shigaraki if Deku manages to save him
someone protect bakugou, he's dying
I'm not getting a good vibe here
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Killua flashback in my head
don't think that, the baby needs to get below 14 weeks (french laws) so we can abort it
Actually in japan it's 22 weeks it seems
Legally will this count as murder if AFO goes below that point?? His cells will definitely not have the structures needed to be a person and legally, he would be a fetus ???
Well anyway
someone protect Bakugou and prevent the baby from crawling to Shigaraki
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I need Kirishima to help Bakugou, he definitely can't walk anymore and needs his unshakeable horse
(I was thinking that the page before, that thematically for Bakugou, it'd be quite bad to let his final fight end on an imperfect victory where he let AFO go and failed to save Deku)
(unless he could somehow help against Shigaraki which I doubt)
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Well regressing to a baby must really fuck up your consciousness and how you think,
say bye bye to the prefrontal cortex and a lot of other stuff too
Thank god Bakugou wasn't pierced by that spear
AFO is only relying on his mother quirk now
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most of them are dead though
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he managed to prevent that ?????
an ass till the end
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and powerful
too bad
we're all with IZUKU now
Good job, someone hug him and bring him to some safe place (looking at you Kirishima)
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but he'll manage to flee the arena
then Bakugou might turn into dust
(so happy to see Mirko and Tamaki)
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he might do that indeed
protect yourself too, nothing will be gained if you turn into dust
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Shigaraki wants to dig a hole then okay, but that's still only material destruction
it brings homelessness, destroys memories, costs a lot
but the people still have their own future left
so what's his plan after that, to attack a shelter ?
Another mom worrying
he should be fine but I get it
someone should hug them too
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Well he really wants to raze the map, blindless destruction and then nothingness
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You don't need to thank him, he caused you tremendous psychological trauma
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how did he cut them ???? With his arm ?
I don't like that "but"
he didn't touch him I hope
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Shit he stole danger sense
the one that managed to flee for that long
we're in danger *chuckle*
can Shigaraki even use the stolen quirk, their quirk factor must be quite tough to deal with and without OFA they're weak
Well, we'll see that next issue
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creatures-of-joy · 2 months
12th april 2024 !!
stuff seen today ! (biased list because i like to include stuff that i dont see all the time , sorry greylag geese and mallards,,,etc. i still love you though)
2x marsh harrier (male and female :D)
white stork (never seen before !! recently they were sighted near where i live and i was just like. no fucking way. BUT I SAW ONE !!)
sand martin (i saw soooooo many they're really awesome but i couldnt count because they were flying so fast hehe)
lapwing (only saw like 3 but they were really noisy hehe)
pochard (didnt expect to see any this time of year so that was pretty epic :3)
grey heron :] (this one was really active lol,, saw it roamin around and dive down 3 times but i didnt see it come up with anything :[ poor beastie )
lesser black-backed gull (big !! there were quite a few of these which is pretty cool) mallard duckling !!!(only saw one but thats the first ive seen this year so yayayayay :3)
huuuge swan nest with a few eggs (i could only see 2 eggs,, cute) great crested grebes (cute as usual :3)
red kite :D (itwas literally hovering in place without moving at all!! ive never seen that before with red kites it was pretty surreal hehe ,, also heard one calling in the distance ,, anyway :3 super awesome :3 )
buzzard!! (verrryyy high up , heard it calling with its adorable mewling noise)
deer!! (im not good at identifying deer but i overheard another guy saying he saw some water deer!! awesome. they were cuute and came reallyclose to the hide)
some robins chasing eachother because they're cool and awesome i loove robins (very cute)
stuff I Heard but i didn't seeee:
BITTERN!! (I've seen one before a few years ago but I never heard it boom ,, this was super awesome they're one of my favourite birds :3)
goldfinch (cute raindrop noise)
blackcap (tut tut tut tut)
chiffchaff (chiff chiff chiff chaff chiff chaff chaff etc . these are so so noisy and you can hear them everywhere i love them so much)
greenfinch (jubujubujubujubu dweeeeeez, I'm bad at spotting these but i hear them all the timeeee)
green woodpecker (always laughing at me hehehe)
cetti's warbler (they make such a cool noise)
pheasant (god this fucker is loud <3)
joy afterthoughts:
think i have some stuff i wanna talk about more in a follow up post hehe,, anyway today was very awesome,, the marsh harrier is my favourite bird of prey and I've only seen one before !! so getting to see two of them fly in and out of the reeds like that was awesome,, AND THEN A WHITE STORK SHOWED UP??? WHICH IS INSANE BECAUSE AUWHFJJ THEY'RE NOT NATIVE TO THIS COUNTRY and a bunch have been seen recently and their population is increasing and YEAH!! anyway it was like i imagined it.super cool. yeah. i hope i fill this blog up with more stuff over time . bye ! (also no egrets where i went today, which is suuuch a shame)
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peterpandiedtoday · 2 years
woke up this morning, saw the news, thought ok wow nothing matters and bought a front row cats ticket. so after three years and for only the second time ever i saw cats up Close again. was very me-phobic in terms of character interactions tho, especially between you know who
#personal Davy#anddd i saw yesterday already that my least fave gumbie was supposed to be on but the lord intervened and gave me dance cap jenny#plus og griz which i hadn't seen in a long while. it's so weird her voice is exceptional but she just doesn't get me as griz#despite the few interactions during the last few minutes tugger and mungo were cuute#like during misto mungo was sitting on the upper part on the bit that goes out into the audience and tugger saw him#and had to Jump to fistbump him. and during heaviside layer mungo was Clinging onto tuggers leg#and omgg today i saw literally thee best mungorumple double cartwheel outside of the video it was extreeeeme#and then cori had trouble keeping tanto up during their ball lift haha poor guy#also the way misto touched bill bailey's shoulder to guide him into the circle during the mating dance 😳😳 the vibe of it 😳#and munk made eye contact with bill bailey during the back lying bit in skimble and made an oooh face like when you coo at a baby haha#next two are self indulgent hehe. but tugger's ball fell off the stage (first time seeing it) and rolled between me and the guy next to me#it stayed there until the end of act 1 when the guy picked it up and put it on stage but no one took it back??#and i laughed at old deut getting backpain at the end of skimble especially since tugger was a bit later than usual to catch him#and tugger apparently saw and stopped turned his face and grinned at me before guiding old d away#i didn't make eye contact so it was a nice experience and it felt good to have someone notice me having fun? not necessarily me in particula#but i just neeed them to know that their work and all the little special things are appreciated and that they're brightening the world?#when i saw cats first row for the first time i noticed people next to me looking at the stage a bit grumpily while i couldn't help but smile#the entire time and it made me feel a lil sad that that's the faces they see first when looking out?#i guess in reality it's not that deep but i'm glad that for just a second i made someone smile at their workplace with my joy#also i laughed silently so it's not like i was drawing attention to me#now about there being essentially no tuggerstrap interaction. it almost felt like someone said sth and esp munk was trying to avoid it?#which again probs not that deep but he kept putting a distance between them and didn't even grab tuggers leg in the oven :(#time for a strongly worded card to munki boy lmao ponder to my wishes or i'll unfollow#no but i might write just mentioning that i like their interactions especially and that it's a v nice dynamic to watch or sth idkk
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zv5x · 2 years
My god I'm in ruin that scenario where Eddie catches u after u escape is TOOO CUUTE....and the fact that he gushes to his audience about us AAUUAAAUUEEEE TOO ADORWBLEEEE what kind of stuff does he tell his audience I wonder...I can imagine him saying stuff about how we like our drinks in the morning or specific brands of things we prefer over others...
"Special" Stream 💚 (Yan!Riddler : Scenero Headcanons)
This concept is so cute!!! Despite the actual horror of the situation lol tw // use of the yandere trope , violation of privacy , abusive relationships , stalking , gaslighting , forced normalization of a toxic environment
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❓ Edwards followers will adore you almost as much as he does when he's done, and many of outside watchers were able to predict such a fact. The way he spoke of you, as if you were the most perfect and precious angel to ever grace this land. He held up photos of you with such a proud look gleaming against his glasses, only holding up one before his adoration of your image gets the best of you, and his followers are soon gifted with entire photo albums worth of your physical appearance. They're shown your most intimate moments, in your eyes, but still not the most intimate moments Edward holds in more private albums. Still, they're proudly and without hesitation shown images of you resting, eating, watching television, and Edward is right there to explain the date and time he took those photos, with his chat completely in awe of such a person. How pure must they be? To gain the love of someone like the Riddler? You must be special. You have to be, and so they looked upon his collection with almost as much love as him
❔ And of course, with his chat more than willing to listen, he proceeded to tell as many facts as he could manage to let out without stopping to breathe. Whatever obscure fact about you the chat wished to know your thoughts on Edward was willing to either speculate or completely tell the reality of which. One viewer sends a 10 dollar donation with a question about your general body type (in case they ever need to quickly pick you up), and Edward is quick to recite your exact measurements. Your favorite foods and drinks as well? Oh, he knows that like it's his own name. Giggling to himself as he explains your preferences, he and his viewers revel in just how detailed and special you were under a glance, and now they were the only ones who could truly appreciate you and who you were
❓ As Edward is more of a hopeless romantic at heart, the discussion quickly becomes more close to that of a teenager girl laying on her bed kicking her feet rather than the words of an officially recognized and widely feared terrorist. Though, Edward is far more worried about how he potrays you in this moment rather then how desperate and lovestruck he may appear. Thankfully, his chat doesn't seem to mind, and Edward watches with a warm chest as they all explode with heart emoticons as soon as another photo of you is displayed on the screen with a trembling, gloved hand
❔ If viewers are especially generous with donations one night, or one of them comes out in order to give him helpful information they found about you online (that he didn't already know, of course), Edward is quick to reward with a special stream of a continuous onlookers view of your own bedroom. It didn't take him too long to figure out how to directly stream what was happening from the view of the microphone and camera set that he placed in your bedroom, but when he did, he was finally able to show to his followers a whole new level to your purity, one they themselves couldn't even begin to imagine. Of course, Edward follows up with his own discussion stream, commenting on the various posters and figures you have displayed throughout your room, detailing how you found the franchises such merchandise depicts as well as photos of the inside view of your closet, which happened to be closed for that stream, much to his viewer's collective dismay
❓ The stream was a smash hit, so much so that it made its way to the news - before the police alerted you, or identified you even. It was sickening, but not in the way your stalkers saw it. They saw it as appreceating your beauty for what it was, and they'd much rather hear those cute sleeping noises you would always make instead of the sobs that were born from your paranoia and insomnia. Media officials were quick to bring you on television to give their "condolences" and to nationalize your dilemma, while Riddler and his followers were also quick to respond with their hatred of the media for doing what they believed was unrightful and clear exploitation of your image.
❔ When the cops eventually do find you, Riddler is quick to brodcast footage of them terrorizing you from inside your home, asking you "questions" and giving you their "support". It was sickening, to him and his followers at least. And if your safety from the rats of this city is promised, they're all fine with holding hostage a few little piggy offsprings, just to make sure they never step foot near you again.
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my-misplaced-stew · 2 years
The mercs + Miss Pauling and what pets they would have
I was given this idea by my lovely friend who has no idea this blog is a tf2 x reader blog
TW: Ask to tag
A dog! Yes it's been said a million times but it's right! He's a very high energy guy and needs a pet that can keep up. I can imagine him with any kind of dog really, but if I were to specify I'd say a Boarder Collie. They are very high energy dogs who love to run around and I feel like he would love it. He would probably name it Spot or something along those lines.
Any kind of reptile but most likely a snake! Snakes love heat and would love Pyro, they would stick to him like a magnet. Pyro would probably pick a ball python because they're just so cuute! They love to snuggle up with their little snake after battle and watch them slither around. Pyro would totally name them Noodles because why would an animal look so much like a noodle? Its destiny!
He already has his raccoons but I think he would find a little baby skunk one day and add it to his army. Everyone is worried about it stinking up the base but Soldier reassures them that it will only spray those to un-American! That doesn't reassure anyone. But he keeps his word and surprisingly no one has been sprayed. The little guy's name is Sargent Nibbles! Because the little cutie just loves to chew on Soldiers fingers.
He would want something that didn't need attention 24/7. So he gets a black cat! He believes the myths surrounding black cats are just scary stories and the little kitties shouldn't be so hated. Heavy is very good at naming his guns but couldn't seem to think of a name that suited the little cat. So he just calls her Kitty. He loves it when he sits down to read a book then Kitty jumps up and immediately starts purring. Her fur is so soft he can't believe it! But every now and then he does get startled by a black mass with two glowing eyes staring at him in the middle of the night.
He doesn't have much time for a high maintenance pet, so he gets a hermit crab! He keeps the tank in his workshop since that's where he is most of the time. He makes sure the tank is up to par so the little guy can live comfortably. Sometimes he just sits in front of the tank to watch it scuttle around just to relax. He probably names it something normal like Dave or something really weird like Bike Pedal [B.P for short]. When it comes time for it to change shells he alwasy makes sure it has options that are big enough for it.
Demo loves aquatic creatures, so he gets a Fire-bellied toad. He wanted something that could keep him company while making his bombs or just relaxing. A main reason he got a toad is because it looked super cool and he had been wanting a pet for a while. Names the little guy Fireball because of his stomach is a bright fire red. When hes drunk hes alwasy mesmerized by Fireball's movements. It's just crazy how such a tiny little toad can jump around so much!
He already has his doves and he has his baboon if you count that as a pet. He doesn't exactly have the time to take care of a cat or a dog so he decides on a bunch of fish. Mainly exotic fish in a massive tank he has built into a wall. He cleans the tank on a regular basis, makes sure to feed then when necessary and decorates the tank with items that match their natural environment. He doesn't name all them because he believes it's unnecessary to name them.
I think he would have a bird. I'm not sure what kind of bird but he would have one. He loves the thing to death. I like to think hes terrible at naming stuff, especially pets, so he just called it Birdie. Often talks with Medic about how to care for birds because he knows the basics but needs some advice sometimes. If Birdie ever got hurt or sick Sniper would be running straight to Medic. He's hesitant about bringing Birdie to Medic but no one else really knows how to care for a bird so he just deals with it.
Everyone expects Spy to get a cat or maybe those dogs old women keep in their purse but he has a pair of rats. He finds the "rodents" adorable and surprisingly have simple care routine. He doesn't mind if they climb on him while he wears his suit, one of the few things he doesn't mind on his suit. He named them after his favorite flowers, Wisteria and Daffodil. He makes sure he spends lots of time with them and makes sure their cage is spacious with tons of enrichment for when hes not there.
Miss Pauling
I cant really imagine her with a pet. Even if she didn't work for the Administrator I dont think she would have a pet. But let's say she did have a pet. I feel like she would take excellent care of it, spend time and love the hell out of it. She would name it something like Blue despite the animal not even being blue.
[Sorry for Miss Paulings part being so short, I will try to write more for her next time]
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patovpran · 3 years
Thoughts on ep 7:
- BABY!!!! that's ahhhh
- I adore Pat and Pa's sibling representation
- Pran's mum being Patphobic yikes
- them holding hands gave added 1000 years to my life
- Ink is a queen and I'd give her absolutely anything she wants
- Pat freaking out after coming back from Pran's, that was hilarious and adorable, I love it
- their teacher being whipped by Pran too, so true
- that library scene...Pran you are so hot omg
- also since Pat's doll was at Pran's, did he sleep over again 👀 (we were robbed if yes)
- Wai stfu you manipulator, do your own responsibilities
- i died at Pat's "leg twitches"
- Pat taking every chance to take his shirt off to flirt, big jock energy
- the secret hand holding i will SCREAM
- feels like a fever dream honestly
- Pran's flirty eyes??? Bruh I'd fold
- the tension was CRISP and I love it
- Wai only being nice after noticing he ran into a pretty girl boy bye
- getting curved as you SHOULD
- honestly surprised Korn and Wai didn't throw some punches there
- Pa holding the sticks pls she looked so cuute let me kiss you baby
- also how the fuck the they have an instrument but not the sticks for it for an audition, is bring your own sticks a thing
- Pat's a talented king tho
- Ink and Pat's friendship YES
- their little jealousy games, they are so stupid I love them
- the og actor for the guy in the play reminds me of someone and I can't figure who and it's bothering me
- Pran putting the guy into place for not doing what he needs to ugh another hot moment wow
- I may be in love with Pran #PatMoment
- Pat noticing the switch in smiles and making sure to make Pran smile aka to cheer him up, poetic cinema
- the whole makeup removal scene and Pran making a heart shape and the teasing, god I love them
- Wai you fucking cockblocker MOVE
- he's annoying I'm sorry
- I thought the guitar thing would be more of a conflict
- Pran going from dark to light when Pat appears I SEE YOU P'AOF
- they are so endearing to me
- i love how casually they're portrayed and how fitting they are to them as a couple to use them to bicker
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atinysunbaby · 3 years
☀️The boyz getting flustered 1/2☀️
《 Pt. 1
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Choi Chanhee
Chanhee's body is just flawless, this cutie doesn't even realise how hot he is. So, you take it in your own hands to find a way and make him realise it. A few minutes ago he went to take you guys' order at the counter, you're watching him stand there.
With every passing seconds, you get more impatient. Wanting to tell him that he made the right choice today, by wearing those jeans. They fit him so well. His shirt tucked in, making his figure stand out.
The moment he turns around, he notices your eyes trailing down his body making his cheeks heat up. He walks to your table and sit opposite of you, not saying anything. You look him dead in the eyes, your actions making him gulp nervously.
He puts his hands between his tighs and gets more nervous with time passing. You take pity on him and finally tell him what's been on your mind. "Love.. you look fine asf, I mean look at you!"
His cheeks warm up even more if possible, he shyly hides behind his hands. You just chuckle at his reaction before sipping on your drink. He lifts his head when he finally feels a bit less flustered. He looks everywhere but at you because of nervousness. "T-thank you.."
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He turns to you after some time, wondering why you aren't saying a word. He catches you staring, grinning at you playfully.
Ji Changmin
He's talking with the boys, and the way he says Kevin's name makes your heart melt. You watch him for a few minutes, listening to the conversation they're having.
"What are you doing Y/N?" He asks teasingly while wiggling his eyebrows. You were looking at him for an unknown reason and he wants to get the answer out of you.
He didn't expect for you to be so blunt with it though, immediately telling him the truth. "You're just so cuute~ I love when you speak english, you should do it more often!"
He looks at you flustered, clearly not expecting his way of speaking to be the reason of your sudden show of attention.
But, he uses it against you. When he wants something, he knows how to make your resistance falther and makes you agree in less then a second.
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Especially when he cuddles you to warm you up, like right at this moment. You're in the living room with him, hanging out.
Ju Haknyeon
Haknyeon is always so sweet to you, he just feels the need to take care of you. So you let him do so, he just melts your heart every time.
He plays with your hair and it makes you sleepy, his breathing soothing you. Before you fall asleep, you turn around to face him. You maintain eye contact for a few seconds.
You surprise him by kissing his cheek, he looks at you blinking rapidly. You shyly look away, the both of you blushing.
Then you hear him chuckle, you lift your head confused. He pecks your nose and giggle making you laugh too.
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He keeps teasing you since you arrived at his dorm and it's getting annoying. So you're gonna get back at him by doing the exact same thing, just a bit more...flirty.
Kim Sunwoo
Sunwoo's a good actor for sure. What he doesn't know though, is that you're just as good. You never had to use that secret skill in front of him, but right now you want to.
He's now focused on his cellphone, playing a game and forgetting completely about your presence. It's making things a lot easier for you.
You put your leg on top of his while laying down, acting unbothered. Sunwoo's expression remains calm, but you can feel his thigh tense underneath yours making you smirk.
For a while you both stay like this. You moving a little too much for the poor boy's heart to take. He gulps nervously, side eyeing you every few seconds.
You end up laughing at him and say you were just playing around, not wanting him to get too flustered. His body relax and he grins at you.
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Eric suddenly turns towards you and starts talking, growing a bit uneasy about the silence. "Where do you wanna go after this? We could go to the river and-"
Eric Son
You and Eric are sitting on a bench, in a park. Both of you have ice cream in your hand, eating quietly and watching people walk around.
He stops talking when you lift your hand and bring it closer to his face. The look of shock on his face when you wipe the sweetness off the corner of his lips, is priceless.
But, not as much as when you lick your finger right after. His eyes are wide and he gulps to prevent the gasp to escape his throat.
You giggle seeing his reaction. Further trying to make him blush, you smirk saying. "Mmm~ I like yours better, way much tastier."
The wink you send him next, makes him feel butterflies in his stomach. He tries to say something, but nothing comes out. So he turns away and proceeds to eat, trying to ignore the new feeling you gave him.
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Asked the boys about what makes him shy, you even subtly asked him directly about what he prefers about girls.
Bonus : Heo Hyunjoon
You never are able to make this boy flustered, he always is the one to make you feel that way. But this time, you went all in.
Now you're all set, all you need to do is execute your plan. Hyunjoon is sitting on your couch, he's speaking on the phone with his friend. You sit on his lap, smiling at him innocently.
He watches you with a shocked expression, not believing what's happening. He would've never thought that you'd be bold enough to do that.
The person on the other side of the phone is repeatedly calling hyunjoon's name. It isn't until you get off him that he can finally come back to his senses.
You wink at him on your way to the kitchen, making him curse under his breath.
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juneviews · 4 years
Saifah Zon my soft babbiiiesss!! hmmm... I'm not actually 100% sure they're going to kiss (even if in that gif of saifahzon when they slowly aproche e/o is ssuuppeeerr cuute and would be a great moment to do so 👀) bc I think maybe later when they're in the bed, Sai is like drawn to kiss Zon bc he didn't kiss earlier (and i might be a pain in the a°° but if he sleeps BOY LET HIM SLEEP... we all remember TOL lol...)
my soft babies too tbh!!! I hadn't thought about that, I thought it would rather be Saifah tries to kiss Zon on his first night at his condo (remember he stays the whole weekend), the boner incident, they play music and have fun together and Saifah goes in to kiss Zon again over the guitar right after. but maybe it's gonna be what you thought, idk. only three days to wait for!!!
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bigbadredpanda · 5 years
God I love your blog 😍 you're like a bless to the fandom I'm not sure if you're still into mdzs but i live for what you post I went all the way down saw all the ask about mdzs it really explained a lot and point out to things I didn't notice and the trans for the extras they're so cuute I have nothing to ask just to say thank you for existing in this fam 😍❤️ it's helped a lot
Aaaaah! Thank you so much, that is incredibly sweet of you to say! 
I’ve been kind of drowning in work lately and will remain that way for quite a bit of the foreseeable future unfortunately (I’ve been terrible at replying to people, I’m deeply sorry for that...) But! I can assure you that my love for Mo Dao Zu Shi has not dwindled the slightest bit! I may be more in lurking mode for the time being but I’ll definitely keep sharing MDZS-related tidbits and Wangxian content whenever the occasion arises =D
I appreciate that you took the time to drop by and leave such a lovely message, you really brightened my week! May you have countless wonderful days ahead
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patovpran · 2 years
Thoughts on ep 12:
- 4??? years later...damn
- I'm guessing there's gonna be a flashback or sth then
- ofc Pran went abroad, also he looks so good
- no the memories...I'm gonna cry
- Pa's making a movie? You go queen!!
- so those two didn't end up together ig
- oh this hurts
- please their high school days I'm unwell
- let them interact!!
- and here comes Just friends
- their smiles at each other </3
- "we've all failed physics test" hdhdh felt
- I'm tearing up at them standing next to each other, this is pain
- they did trick us!! GOD BLESS I was hoping promo was just misleading
- Pat showing up at the wrong airport hfhdh
- I don't think I've ever been happier to hear the world boyfriend
- the throwback to intro
- "but we weren't exactly obedient kinds" LOVE THAT FOR YOU AND ME
- pls them bing like SIKE hfhfhf I'm not ok
- them secretly holding hands aaaaa
- they're holding hand in the photo that's so cuute omg
- this group <33 I LOVE THEM
- not the girl being like "You're not getting any but your dad is" this is so funny hfhfh
- this is so precious I love them so much
- Pat is so hdjdjfjf that's my boy
- Pat's dad is still being a bitch I see...try the damn alcohol
- exactly let them be
- glad their parents came to their senses
- the forehead kiss hfhhf
- "what do you want to do to me?" SIR
- "punish me" and "please make me beg for my life" ARE WE HEARING THIS
- they are so ridiculous hfhfhf my faves
- "Pran, it's not a porno" THE WAY TO END THE SERIES
- My #1 series ever definitely
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patovpran · 2 years
Thoughts on ep 11:
- we just started and I want to cry
- no she shouldn't forgive him, she should punch him
- I love them your honor
- Pat the "this one's for you" *misses* type of bf
- I love the "you think I don't know you?" bc ofc he didn't throw it away
- "being with you already feels like freedom" tears
- the while screaming thing, they are so cutee
- "it's like we're on honeymoon" precious (and they're gonna fuc-)
- of course they make up a competition (but I support)
- ummm? subs?? bestie don't do this to me, I didn't learn Thai in between pt 1 and pt 2
- alright 7h later we're back in action since I couldn't do it before
- "I'll tell you when you're older" and "it's a secret" mhmmm
- Junior and them <33 they are so precious
- not the kid owning them hdhdj
- Pat 🤝 my mum, not being able to handle spice
- "adults aren't always right" ain't that right
- listen I get the whole "mum wants the best for you even if you don't necessarily like it at that moment" but Patpran's relationship with parents is more complicated than that and I hate the "you need to forgive them since they are your parents" when your feelings are valid and you shouldn't sacrifice your happiness for theirs
- if they hurt you, it needs to be addressed and you're not bound to forgive them
- Pat is really set in his honeymoon agenda and I support
- half hour work and then beer, i see your vision Pat
- the beer scene hfhfhf
- the way Pat looks at Pran </3 he's so in love I'm gonna cry
- god I wish I knew how to world properly how I feel about the Pran wanting to reach out to his mum while Pat already committed to staying but my mind is just not cooperating I hate it here
- like Pat's dad's betrayal was bigger than Pran's mum's since the dad is responsible for causing the hatred but also the mum is at fault too since she forced all the expectations and rules and everything on Pran and hurt him and it's all so fucked up
- as I've said I don't want them to be forgiven this easily but also abandoning everything, not just the parents isn't the greatest solution either
- idk moving on maybe my brain comes up with something later
- I love you Pat but littering is NOT allowed
- ep 5 and ep 10 being parallels and ep 6 and ep 11 being parallels, I see you
- Pran said honeymoon now awwww
- "I can be anywhere as long as I have you" tearss
- Pat is horny™
- the whole "why do you like me?" scene, I LOVE THEM
- insults you (lovingly)
- "If other people heard that, they'd be squealing" can't believe they decided to attack me too
- Nanon and Ohm supremacy
- if we don't get more kisses like that from other shows, I don't want it
- @ god : when is it my turn to be happy?
- the cuddles and Pran's little kisses, I'm gonna cry I love them so much
- "was I good?" plus asking the ranking and then Pat giving him 10 (when I watched without subs I thought we were not talking about numbers)
- good for you kings!! good for you!!
- and Pran being smug about it hdhhffh
- again the little kisses it's so endearing I'm actually gonna cry because of all the love I have for these two
- Junior is so cuute!!! Babyyy
- this see-through shirt on Pran...suddenly I don't knows to breathe
- "be with you for a least another day" all I feel is pain
- "you never leave me" that ep 12 promo doesn't seem like that bestie
- if I just focus on rainbows chairs maybe I won't cry
- the whole speech and especially "I wrote this song for him" and I'm supposed to be ok???
- the song </3
- please im so emotionally attached to them, I can't do this
- this is giving very much finale vibes
- them imagining the ideal scenario and then walking into reality....
- listen I'm actually crying this time and I'm usually not a crier, you guys don't understand
- I just want them happy I can't
- "good luck, buddy" I'm jumping off of a cliff
- the promo...I'm too emotionally unstable for this
- "we broke up" no no haha this all a little jokey joke
- give me happy end or shoot me thank you
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