#but in a way their improvement as leaders of the new director and head of research positions
velvetjune · 2 months
I don’t know what happened but I’m suddenly invested in trench/darling and can’t stop thinking about them
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discluded · 2 years
KinnPorsche is my first view into BL fandom. Every time BOC announces something the comments from many fans are all about what they want instead and how the announcement is bad for the artists they have. Wtf? This level of entitlement from fans who have no insight into the actual business or plans is so disheartening. Is this normal? Like they announced a tour date for HK and people are like why another tour date, we need a series, we need the artist to be actors etc. Do they think making a series costs nothing? Do they not recall we got 14 WHOLE amazing episodes? It all breaks my heart.
Hey, I don't usually talk about fandom drama but sure I'll bite since time it's about business and I guess there's going to be new people coming in once in a while (hopefully!) wondering about why the fandom is so messed up.
Anyone who doesn't want to hear about the merry-go-round of drama from the last 6 months, should probably bow out.
So it's a bit of a multi-fold problem.
(1) You're right about the entitlement, but part of it is because many fans are coming from a background of engagement set by kpop where there is so much contentification of the idols' lives and their work schedule is really unsustainable and harmful.
Fans will hear that and go "boohoo the company is abusing them!" and then turn around and demand an insane level of content/access and not put two and two together... In fact, some fans named kpop agencies as better talent management companies when they headed to KPWT Seoul like many of those agencies aren't notorious for working their idols/trainees to the bone. It's inheriting a set of expectations from a toxic industry where the core content also is smaller/more bite size (songs vs. whole series).
(2) BOC is an extremely young company and are facing growing pains. Some things they've done from the KPWT promotion and talent management side are genuine missteps that need to be corrected. For example, they announced a KPWT date in Vietnam and then later had to cancel the date after it was apparent the scheduling was too tight. In the cancelation of the date, they also misspelt the name of the city (HCMC), which was named after a revered leader in Vietnam. Fans had already started booking travel/hotels around that date so it was already a cause of inconvenience and fans felt even more upset because BOC refused to apologize for the misspelling. Some of it now is genuinely fans being overreactive, but a not-small part is friction that was built up from missteps BOC made earlier, and thus is now leading to fans feeling sensitive whenever they feel that they are being slighted.
A lot of fans already decided they dislike BOC so there's no incremental improvement BOC can make at this point to win them back. But there genuinely was a lack of comms/PR leadership and planning by the company in the middle of this year.
Somewhere in the middle of these two - fans feeling like BOC does not take care of their artists and the lack of socmed/PR/comms leadership is the Daemi problem. feel free to search "kinnporsche daemi" on YouTube to learn about that. I know at least one person made an explainer video and I'm not also interested in talking about it.
(3) BOC is also competing within the Thai BL industry with GMMTV, which produces the majority of BLs that air in Thailand. Again, this is a problem of expectation setting. GMMTV is a well-oiled machine that consistently turns out bad to mediocre to acceptable products like clockwork. BOC served a single Michellin-star quality feast, but fans are looking at GMMTV and going "They're going to McD's five times a week" as though those two experiences are comparable.
(And a horrible machine in some ways -- it was recently exposed that an assistant director was using his powers to predate and he was arrested so like, fans really need to ... not hold GMMTV as the standard).
I'm not saying fans' expectations are valid. They are not. But a lot off fans were on BOC's side during the airing KPTS and had been rooting for them, and there is an explanation for why some fans now have unfavorable feelings towards them. The fact that they dug their heels in and refused to apologize / openly acknowledge improvements are needed when they made obvious missteps made a lot of people who generally feel neutral about them like myself not that inclined to stand up for them in other instances. Combined with toxic industry standards coming from other fandom (kpop) and industry (Thai BL) angles, it's not really surprising to me that this is where we got to.
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damn-stevens · 2 years
GdT’s Cabinet of Curiosities - The Outside commentary (Spoilers)
I think most people will miss the complexity of this story and simply side with Keith, who keeps insisting to Stacey that she is "perfect just the way she is" because HE is satisfied with their life. But Stacey's life is clearly not perfect in the beginning of the story. She's unhappy, deeply insecure, depressed, socially isolated, and riddled with anxiety. Keith tries to solve her problems by taking a parental role in their relationship and insisting that it's all "just in her head", as if that means that her issues are insignificant. Stacey gives him a lot of power, but it doesn't do anything to alleviate her depression and self-loathing.
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It's also hard to know how to feel about Stacey's transformation. On the one hand, it's clearly an insidious process to try to become something horrible that she shouldn't aspire to be. But we love to see someone work hard to improve their life. Stacey is taking control over her own life for a change and tries to be happy instead of being defeatist. We love that kind of thing. It's the theme of many reality tv shows related to the health/beauty industry, even if those shows often feel shallow, cruel, and self-destructive underneath their inspirational surface.
When Stacey finally goes "all the way" it's horrific and yet, there's a subtle feeling of "Good for her!" about the conclusion. Perhaps it's because Stacey finally has self-confidence and obtains attractiveness with very little actual physical transformation. She's clearly completely insane and it will all end in a sensationalist news headline about how she murdered and stuffed her husband over Alo Glo, but we still want to applaud someone who obtains full self-actualization, which Stacey unfortunately has (especially for Keith).
Whether or not it's all objectively real is irrelevant. It's real to Stacey and her pov is everything in this story, so I don’t think it’s something worth trying to find evidence for one way or another. A lot of what is “real” is beside the point in horror.
I think Dan Stevens deserves special mention for his excellent work as the Alo Glo guy, especially the inspired, nebulous accent he came up with for the character.
Extra: some great quotes about Dan Stevens from a Netflix Tudum artlcle
Director Ana Lily Amirpour previously worked with Stevens when he starred in Legion. She came up with the look for the Alo Glo Man, which required the actor to dye his hair platinum blond — a process that took six hours at a hair salon.
“Dan has a really big presence, and I worshiped him on Legion,” Amirpour tells Tudum. “I feel like he can really go anywhere and do anything. He can be the good guy, he can be the villain, he can be a dreamboat, he can be the monster. With the Alo Glo Man, he’s somewhere between a cult leader and an evangelist.”
Stevens dresses in a dazzling white suit and sits in a bright set, which provides a sharp visual contrast to Stacy’s cozy living room, giving her a glimpse of a very different life.
“Dan is the perfect guy to play this because he’s an incredible actor and he’s very, very beautiful and enticing,” Micucci says. “You see those blue eyes and you’re like, ‘What do you want me to buy?’ ”
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profutured · 2 years
Okay, so! Team Star HCs bc I have the brainrot:
Eri is a dog enjoyer. She has a Lucario of her own that she babies like there's no tomorrow, and she especially loves the more strong-looking dogs. Think Maschiff, Granbull, or Poochyena. That's not to say she won't adore a Fidough or Yamper, however! She loves all puppies.
She never felt confident in herself before Team Star. Though she was never bullied before her time in Uva Academy, she always preferred to keep to the sidelines and mind her business. Her transition into 'Infernal Eri', a permanent adoption of her wrestling moniker and luchador mask, came because it was the only way she could find the courage to defend herself. If she saw her bullies as just another opponent to beat, rather than as classmates and people she'd hoped would be her friend, it made it much easier to push back against their efforts and stand up to them when necessary.
Her popularity among the Caph Squad comes because she's... genuinely sweet. She's a kind leader and is always ready to throw herself into battle rather than let her girlies take the hit for her, and she's easily the most forgiving of the Team Star bosses. She instantly forgave Carmen, the girl who started off her bullying to begin with, and welcomed her into Team Star once the students turned on her instead. The two are best friends.
Eri loves to teach, and thinks she might want to become some sort of sports instructor some day. The Caph base is often hosting some sort of event, be it makeup or hairstyling parties, or intense, hours-long sessions on how to battle, wrestle, or spar with an opponent.
She's a huge fan of Alola's Masked Royal. Eri hopes she can battle him one day.
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Atticus' real name is Henzo Shūmei. His family are from Johto originally, and Atticus spent some time training under the Elite Four's Koga before he left for Paldea. It's here that he got his Poison-type talent and knowledge, as well as a more in-depth education on what it meant to have ninja ancestors and how to actually fight like one.
He always planned to quit battling and study fashion once he finished his core education, specifically historical fashion and how to design his own inspired pieces. However, he was nervous about how his parents would take the news, especially after all the trouble they'd gone through to secure him a place as one of Koga's students, and he never ended up telling them before he left.
His decision to leave behind his 'real' name was a way to cut himself free of these worries and focus on being true to himself. It's also why he covers most of his face and speaks in deliberately old-fashioned ways - it's an attempt at anonymity and presenting as someone new. He's not Henzo anymore, he's Atticus!
Though his role as the Navi Camp's boss means that he devotes a lot of himself to improving his battles, it's still not his primary passion. He's much happier as the designer for Team Star's custom outfits, and frequently takes on requests for new variations and matching accessories. He took inspiration from Galar's Dynamax phenomenon and made Penny an even fluffier G-Max Eevee backpack, though he's yet to actually give it to her.
Once the game's events have occurred and they start returning to classes, Atticus works closely with Director Clavell to design an appropriate uniform head covering. He understands he can't turn up in his full poison-themed outfit, no matter how much he might want to, but he's not stepping foot in a classroom until he can keep at least a little of his anonymity safe.
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
On the 1962 Reorganization of the Unification Church as a Political Tool of Japan, South Korea, and USA
The following is an excerpt from Privatising' Covert Action: The Case of the Unification Church by Jeffrey M. Bale and sheds some light on the alleged 1961-1962 reorganization of the Unification Church for the sake of it becoming a political tool of the Republic of Korea (ROK, or South Korea). As a political tool of post-war ROK, this meant their national goals and strategies had to be in line with the United States of America as well as the nearby Japan,  a USA ally (as of 1960) and their former colonizer who they continued to have a tense relationship with. Kim Jong Pil, head of Korean intelligence, decided to more deeply intervene in the Unification Church’s organization and activities as Park Chung Hee came to power. At this time, the the Unification Church substantially became a tool to not just the Korean government, but the U.S. and Japanese government. 
Park Chung Hee’s personal opinion on the Unification Church is hard to discern, and his relationship with the church was in no way progressively positive, but Park did not have a personal bias against the “new religion” controversy around the Unification Church, as he was mentored by the leader of the “Eternal Life Church," Choi Tae-min, who claimed to to be the Maitreya. The man who assassinated shot Park, KCIA Director Kim Jae-gyu, admitted after his arrest that one of his motives for the killing was Park’s inability to rid himself of Choi Tae-min’s influence. 
As one of Park’s closest aides, Kim Jong Pil headed the negotiations with Japan on normalizing bilateral diplomatic relations in order to help the economic reconstruction of South Korea. Kim Jong Pil continued to use Bo Hi Pak as a KCIA-CIA liaison in the DC area, and in 1962 made trips to the U.S. with KCIA agents and staff that were also Unification Church members. During this trip he also visited the Unification Church in San Francisco. Members from all over the region gathered for this meeting. The following passage outlines some of the events and figures that helped make this happen. You can read the full article here on the HWDYKYM blog. 
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▲ Pictured: Kim Jong Pil, left, and Masayoshi Ohira meet in Tokyo in 1962
The fall of Rhee thus represented a turning point in ROK-Japan interaction. The short-lived democratic government that succeeded him made overtures towards normalization of relations with Japan, an approach also adopted by the Park regime following the 1961 coup. Park and other junta leaders had good economic and political reasons for promoting normalization: they needed Japanese capital to help modernize their country's economy and hoped to stablilize their strategic position by yielding to American pressure to reestablish better relations with Japan. The Japanese government headed by Kishi likewise sought to improve Japan's investment opportunities and strategic position.  These official views were to a great extent catalyzed and reinforced by powerful business leaders in both countries, specifically the Korean Businessmen's Association founded in 1961 by a dozen big businessmen and the 'Korea Lobby' in Japan, which included '15 top capitalists' who had established the Japan- ROK Economic Cooperation Organization. It was these latter who financed 'key factional bosses' in the LDP, and their political allies included Prime Minister Kishi and Dietman Bamboku Ono, among others - the very same rightist politicians supported behind the scenes by Kodama and Sasagama, who themselves had economic interests in South Korea.
Of equal significance for our topic, the envoy selected by Park to open 'informal channels' with these pro-normalization elements in Japan was none other than Jong-Pil Kim, who travelled to Japan in October of 1962 - immediately prior to his visit to the U.S., during which he promised Moonies in San Francisco that he would secretly support the UC - to meet with various Japanese leaders, including Kodama's ally Ono. As a result of this visit and a second in November 1962, which Kim undertook on his way home from America, an important step in the normalization process was taken with the formulation of the 'Kim-Ohira Memorandum . If all of this were not suggestive enough, Kodama himself was 'reputed to have been close to former ROK intelligence chief Kim-Chong-p'il and ha[d] been an important channel from Kim to the LDP and Japanese government'. Indeed, according to Japanese journalist Eisuke Otsuka, 'Kodama arranged a meeting inviting Korean representative Kim Chong-p’il and Kishi, Bamboku Ono, and Ichiro Kono and made them disentangle the trouble [regarding normalization] that had lasted for Jour years in short order'. Kim, Ono and Kodama were all later implicated in financial scandals involving both countries.
However, one should not assume that the motives for these contacts were strictly economic. Both Kim and the Japanese kuromaku were concerned with countering communist expansionism, and all three sought to create rightist federations to facilitate this. I have already noted that Kim, Kodama and Sasagawa had worked to strengthen domestic anti-communist forces, and have also discussed some of Kim's operations abroad. It remains only to show that the latter two men were also actively involved in creating and supporting regional or worldwide groupings like APACL and WACL, and that one of the instruments they made us of - probably at Kim's urging - was Moon's UC.
On Kim Jong Pil’s meetings with the CIA, Bo Hi Pak, and California Moonies, excerpted from Gifts of Deceit: Sun Myung Moon, Tongsun Park and the Korean scandal by Robert Boettcher with Gordon L. Freedman:
Kim Jong-Pil made a two-week official visit to the United States as KCIA director in the fall of 1962. Included in his entourage was Steve Kim as interpreter. The Korean Embassy mobilized for the occasion, and the Kennedy administration rolled out the red carpet. Lieutenant Colonel Bo Hi Pak was the Embassy’s officer in charge for Kim’s meetings with CIA Director John McCone, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, and Defense Intelligence Agency head Lieutenant General J. E. Carroll.
En route home, Kim Jong-Pil met secretly in his room at the St. Francis Hotel in San Francisco with a small group of Moon’s early activists, who had been sent to proselytize on the West Coast, and some American converts. Kim Young-Oon, beginning in Eugene, Oregon, in 1959, had moved to Berkeley, California. Choi Sang-Ik [Papasan Choi], having established the church in Japan, had moved to San Francisco. Kim told them he sympathized with Moon’s goals and promised to help the Unification Church with political support from inside the government. He said he could not afford to do so openly, however, which fit Moon’s plans perfectly.
Kim Jong-Pil had learned from Moon’s followers in the KCIA that Moon was a zealous anti-Communist. That could be useful to the government. He was also aware of Moon’s ambition to build influence in Korea and beyond. That could create problems for the government if the influence were not properly channeled. Moon was anxious to increase church membership in cities and villages throughout the country. Fine, thought Kim, just as long as they don’t get out of bounds. The KCIA must be the one calling the shots. He decided the Unification Church should be organized satisfactorily to be utilized as a political tool whenever he and the KCIA needed it. Organizing and utilizing the Unification Church would be a simple matter anyhow. After the military coup overthrew the elected government in 1961, all organizations in Korea were required to apply for reregistration with the government.
John Lofland discusses the visit in Doomsday Cult: A Study of Conversion, Proselytization, and Maintenance of Faith (1966, 1977). HWDYKYM identified the aliases Lofland used. The book was a study of the Unification Church group led by Young Oon Kim in San Francisco in the early 60s. 
The most spectacular of these visits supported the feeling that UC political control of Korea was imminent. In November 1962, the mass media reported the official United States visit of a Korean political figure known as the “Director” [KCIA Director, Kim Jong-pil]. A feature story on Korea and the Director’s visit appearing in a national news magazine said he was the mastermind behind the then current Korean military junta [of Park Chung-hee]. He “provides the ideas, the drive, the plans. By his own immodest but unchallenged statement, [he] is the dominant figure of … [the] ‘revolution.’ ” After talks with high level officials in Washington, the Director spent two days in San Francisco before returning to Korea. He stayed in a luxurious hotel that flew the Korean flag over its main entrance in order to honor his presence.
The day of his arrival, Miss Kim received a phone call from the Director’s aide and interpreter, a Korean army colonel and UC member. He told her that he had arranged an audience with the Director for Miss Kim and her followers. Miss Kim and five core converts appeared at the hotel the next afternoon, where they met another of the Director’s aides, who had only recently converted to the UC. Before entering the Director’s suite, the Koreans conversed excitedly in their native tongue, while American members stood around and giggled with joy. The audience with the Director himself consisted of Miss Kim telling him of her work for the UC in America, after which each local member gave a brief testimony to the UC/Divine Principle’s wonders and how it had changed their lives. The interpreter translated for the converts and for the Director, who continually smiled, nodded, and chain smoked. There were soft drinks, and toward the end of the hour the Director said that he was not a religious man but had great sympathy with UC. He could not help them publicly in Korea, but he would secretly give them a hand whenever possible.
After the audience, the members assembled in the interpreter’s room, where pictures were taken and an air of family festivity reigned.
Dinner talk back in the UC Center focussed on the audience. Miss Kim emphasized that such a meeting was unique and had occurred only because the Director had high regard for his two aides who were UC members. Note was made of the recently converted Colonel being related by marriage to the junta head and thus having direct access to him. The Director’s interpreter, Miss Kim reported, was also his speech writer. When assigned to write a speech, he always got help from a top-ranking person in Moon’s movement in order to give the speeches a Divine Principle slant. Church members had a strong suspicion that the two aides would eventually convert the Director, Kim Jong-pil.
Since Sun Myung Moon was to control the world by 1967, control of his home base [Korea] would certainly come before that time. Although UC members in America were obscure and ignored, even the most skeptical had to agree that, for some months in 1962 at least, Korean control was not a fantasy. Members had access to the people whose conversion could have given them power, if only in a short-lived coup. In any event, after their meeting with the KCIA Director, Kim Jong-pil, members possessed an important sense of being secretly near the center of power in Korea. Was this not testimony to the Unification Church member’s truth [the Divine Principle]?”
Michael Mickler on Kim Jong Pil’s visit to San Francisco, excerpted from A History Of The Unification Church In America, 1959–74 - Emergence of a National Movement:
Chairman of the newly emerged Supreme Council for National Reconstruction (SCNR) in Korea, Jong Pil Kim journeyed to the United States in November, 1961, for talks with American leaders and a meeting with President John Kennedy. After the talks, he spent two days in San Francisco before returning to Korea. During his stay in the Bay Area, Miss Kim received a call from a Colonel Han, a church member and one of Jong Pil Kim's aides and interpreters. He had arranged for Miss Kim and five American members not only to attend a reception but also to have an audience with the chairman.
At the reception, members met another aide who had recently joined the church, and in the private audience Miss Kim spoke of her work in America. In addition, each American member gave a brief testimony of their experiences with the church. While the meeting was relatively routine, its significance was enormous for a community which was struggling with obscurity and rejection.
On Kim Jong Pil’s visit, excerpted from the 1978 Report Of The Subcommittee on International Organizations Of The Committee On International Relations U.S. House of Representatives:
While in San Francisco, Kim Jong Pil stayed at the St. Francis Hotel. There he met secretly with a small group of UC members, who were among Moon's earliest followers in the United States. The subcommittee staff spoke to a person present at the meeting between the UC members and Kim Jong Pil, who recalled that Kim told UC members he would give their movement political support in Korea, though he could not afford to do so openly. A former U.S. official who accompanied Kim during his stay in San Francisco corroborated the story about the private meeting.
Note: Mickler says November 1961. Lofland and Boettcher/Freedman say Novemeber 1962. 
“Moon’s Law: God Is Phasing Out Democracy”
Robert Parry’s investigations into Sun Myung Moon
The Political Setup of Moon’s Organization  – a 1977 Report. Kishi Nobusuke and Park Chung-hee are mentioned
In order to rule the world, Sun Myung Moon had to start with Korea.
“Moon used to play golf regularly with Kim Jong-pil”
Fraser Committee Report on Moon org.:  “these violations were related to the overall goals of gaining temporal power.”
Sun Myung Moon’s One-World Theocracy
The Moon Organization and the KCIA – ‘Privatizing’ covert action
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hoodie-prince-kid · 2 years
Inside Job (2021 TV series)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Inside Job is an American adult animated science fiction workplace comedy television series created by Shion Takeuchi, which premiered on October 22, 2021, on Netflix. Shion Takeuchi, a former Gravity Falls writer, acts as showrunner and is an executive producer alongside Gravity Falls creator Alex Hirsch and BoJack Horseman director Mike Hollingsworth. The series received generally positive reviews from critics, who praised the animation, voice acting and social commentary, though its humor polarized critics. The series was renewed for a second season in June 2022.
Premise Inside Job is a workplace comedy set in a world where many conspiracy theories are real. It is centered on an American shadow government organization Cognito, Inc., which attempts to control the world and keep the conspiracies secret. The series follows a team led by a tech genius and her new partner as they work in the organization alongside reptilian shapeshifters, a human–dolphin hybrid, and a sapient mushroom from hollow Earth.
Cast Lizzy Caplan as Reagan Ridley; a brilliant yet socially awkward robotics engineer who works at Cognito Inc. and believes that society itself can be improved, managing her irresponsible coworkers while seeking out a coveted promotion along the way. Takeuchi described Reagan as a leader who "wants to make the world a better place." It is frequently suggested by her friends, family and co-workers that she has Asperger's, which she in turn denies.
Christian Slater as Randall "Rand" Ridley; Reagan's father, and Tamiko's ex-husband. The paranoid former CEO and co-founder of Cognito Inc who was fired after nearly exposing the Deep State and trying to blow up the sun as his "solution" to cure skin cancer. He lives with his daughter Reagan, drinking copious amounts of alcohol and plotting revenge against his former employers while finding time to engage in flame wars with Richard Dawkins. He is reinstated as Cognito CEO by the Shadow Board at the end of season 1 as he holds the most shares in the company.
Clark Duke as Brett Hand; a yes-man from Washington, D.C. who has a front as a fratboy but is actually a sensitive and caring person who wants his peers to follow in his footsteps and strives to bring out the best in his friends and colleagues. It is implied that he was hired partly because his generic appearance made him undetectable to facial recognition software.
Tisha Campbell as Gigi Thompson; a public relations officer, she is the fast-talking Head of Media Manipulation and Subliminal Messages at Cognito, and who is also the queen of office gossip. She is also a big flirt who goes after Brett and is constantly remarking on her looks.
Andy Daly as J.R. Scheimpough; the current CEO of Cognito, a crafty conversationalist who can talk his way out of potentially compromising predicaments. He is sent to "Shadow Prison X" via tube at the end of season 1 after attempting to embezzle the company pension fund to purchase a volcano island lair.
Chris Diamantopoulos as ROBOTUS, the robotic replacement of the President of the United States. Reagan keeps him locked up in Cognito's basement, bribing him with Friends episodes so that he will help her with various schemes. He evolves into the ultimate AI with the goal of destroying humanity.
John DiMaggio as Glenn Dolphman; a human-dolphin hybrid super soldier who oversees Cognito's weapons and arsenal.
Bobby Lee as Dr. Andre Lee; a free-spirited yet anxious biochemist who experiments with a range of unusual narcotics, and is also addicted to some of the very same drugs he creates.
Brett Gelman as Magic Myc; a psychic mushroom-like organism from a hive mind deep inside Hollow Earth with a dry, sarcastic demeanor and the ability to read peoples' minds. The show's opening sequence implies that his species inadvertently brought about the evolution of humanity when their spores were consumed by ancient apes. Myc also provides pure bio sorbitrate, a chemical the company uses for their memory eraser guns, which they have to literally milk him for.
Suzy Nakamura as Tamiko Ridley, Reagan's author mother and Rand's ex-wife.
Alex Hirsch as Grassy Noel Atkinson, the real JFK assassin. Ron Funches as Elliot Mothman, head of the HR Department and a literal Mothman. Josh Robert Thompson as Agent Rafe Masters, a character who is a stand-in for James Bond.
i n f o r m a t i o n
wait isnt alex hirsch the. the gravity falls guy
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jcmarchi · 1 month
President Mokgweetsi Masisi of Botswana visits the Legatum Center at MIT
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/president-mokgweetsi-masisi-of-botswana-visits-the-legatum-center-at-mit/
President Mokgweetsi Masisi of Botswana visits the Legatum Center at MIT
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President Mokgweetsi Masisi of Botswana visited the Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship at MIT on Tuesday, delivering a speech on the value of entrepreneurship in growing economies and affirming an interest in working with the center on spurring innovation in his own country.
“Innovation is … not a privilege for the few, but a powerful tool that should be accessible for all,” Masisi said during a speech at the Legatum Center’s “Innovation in Global Growth Markets: Prosperity Through Entrepreneurship” conference, marking the center’s 15th anniversary.
Botswana, Masisi said, should undertake a “deliberate effort to deliver a vibrant innovation ecosystem by increasing investment in science, technology, and innovation, thus creating space for our current and future generations … to thrive and ensure an improved quality of life” in the country.
MIT President Sally A. Kornbluth also spoke at the event, highlighting the ways that the Legatum Center — which is part of the MIT Sloan School of Management — enables innovation-driven economic growth.
The goal, Kornbluth said, is to “help advance innovative ideas that have the potential for real impact and require long-term investment to succeeed; help connect promising entrpreneurs with investors, mentors, and advisors; and provide the resources that are needed to develop, scale, and deploy their solutions.”
Kornbluth also highlighted MIT’s new effort to combat climate change, the Climate Project at MIT. She noted that more than a quarter of MIT faculty have already been working on climate issues but that the new Institute-wide effort can produce “ways to have talented people do more together than they can do alone, so that we can help direct that collective power to deliver climate solutions to the world, in time.”
Georgia Perakis, the John C Head III Dean (Interim) of MIT Sloan, also delivered remarks at the conference, noting that MIT Sloan and the Legatum Center are committed to “educating principled innovation leaders and entrepreneurs who will make a difference and have an impact in the world.” She added, “And I know with the support of everybody here, this is what we are accomplishing.”
In addition to his appearance at the conference, Masisi, along with a delegation of government leaders from Botswana, met directly with Kornbluth, as well as with Dina H. Sherif, executive director of the Legatum Center, and other MIT administrators and faculty members.
In opening remarks at the conference, Sherif observed, “The majority of the world’s growth now comes from what has historically been referred to as the developing world. It is time for us to start recognizing that our time is now. We are not rising. We are here, we are strong, and it is up to us to create the prosperity that we need.”
Sherif added: “Long heralded as a regional reference for good governance and stability, Botswana is now uniquely positioned to become more influential globally and set an example for a rapid transition to a knowledge economy, leading the path for the rest of Africa.”
Masisi has been president of Botswana since 2018. He served as the country’s vice president from 2014 through 2018 and as a member of parliament from 2009 through 2018. The son of a longtime Botswana politican, Edison Masisi, he has a BA from the University of Botswana and an MA from Florida State University.
Botswana has one of the highest per-capita incomes in Africa. The country gained independence from Britain in 1966 and has been a democracy ever since. However, leaders are continuing to examine ways of diversifying the country’s economy.
As such, Botswana and the Legatum Center issued a memorandum of understanding to explore new ways to enhance innovation-driven growth in the country. Elements of the memorandum include establishing a fellowship for African innovation-driven entrepreneurs and student fellows in the mode of the Legatum Center’s fellowships, accelerating the country’s digitalization through uses of artificial intelligence, building an MIT Sandbox program to encourage entrepreneurship within Botswana, participation in the MIT Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program, and possibly other joint activities.
For its part, the Legatum Center also issued a report summarizing its 15 years of impact in global growth markets. The center was initially housed in the MIT School of Architecture and Planning, during which it supported graduate students from all five schools at MIT. It then became part of the MIT Sloan School of Management in 2014.
The Legatum Center’s Student Fellowship supplies MIT students with curriculum, tuition support, advisor networks, and experiential learning opportunities to help drive their venture ideas ahead. So far, the center has provided over $10 million in fellowship funding to 326 fellows. In turn, those Legatum Fellows have created 282 ventures, about three-quarters of which still exist, raising over $1 billion in funding and creating over 17,000 jobs by themselves.
Among the center’s core aspirations has been to “create a home for immensely talented and promising young entrepreneurs,” said Legatum Group CEO Mark Stoleson, during an interview with MIT News between conference panel sessions.
In turn, Stoleson added, those Legatum Fellows will then “hopefully go back to the countries they came from and start businesses, create jobs, and be leaders within the ecosystem of entrepeneurship and prosperity within their countries.”
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systemtek · 5 months
UK Business and tech heavyweights to boost productivity through AI
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Members of the UK’s first AI Opportunity Forum have been appointed today (Thursday 25th January 2024) – with a clear mission to boost the adoption of AI in the private sector. Overseen by the Technology Secretary and the Prime Minister’s Special Adviser on Business and Investment, pioneering AI companies will join forces with business leaders to bring their expertise to bear on encouraging adoption of AI across the private sector to boost productivity, fuel innovation, and deliver growth in all areas of the economy.    The Forum will particularly focus on the AI culture and skills of organisations in the UK, how they manage governance, awareness, and risks of the technology, and the availability of data which they can tap into – a crucial component in the use and development of AI.   Despite the importance of AI for businesses being almost universally recognised, only one-in-ten organisations are currently fully prepared to roll out the technology. The Forum will tackle this problem head-on sharing best practice and identifying measures which organisations can adopt to improve their AI readiness. It builds on the Prime Minister’s AI Safety Summit held at Bletchley Park which set a path for building a global approach to ensuring safe and responsible AI, such as the UK’s trailblazing launch of a new AI Safety Institute. The UK’s continued international collaboration efforts through the AI Safety Institute and fora such as the G7 Hiroshima AI Process, Global Partnership on AI (GPAI), the G20, and the UN will continue to advance this conversation, ensuring the entire global community can safely realise the benefits of AI adoption.   Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said:   We stand on the cusp of a productivity revolution – one which has the potential to grow the economy in a way we’ve never seen before. So, it’s important we get it right. This forum builds on the AI Safety Summit – putting the UK at the vanguard of AI innovation to help us safely embrace AI in a way that delivers for British people. Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan, said:   We want to see organisations across the UK tapping into the transformative power of AI to boost their productivity, unlock new opportunities, and drive growth.    The AI Opportunity Forum brings together our brightest minds from the worlds of AI and business to drive forward that effort.   AI develops at an incredible pace, and we’re acting in lockstep to ensure businesses and employees in every sector of our economy can take advantage of this generation-defining technology. Members of the Forum who have been unveiled today represent a who’s who of both industry and AI expertise. Co-chaired by Secretary of State Michelle Donelan and the Prime Minister’s Business Adviser Franck Petitgas, the Forum will also feature Microsoft and Google, as well as representatives of Quantexa, KPMG, Arm, Barclays, Vodafone, Universal Music Group, and GSK.    The UK’s AI sector already contributes £3.7 billion to the UK economy and employs 50,000 people across the country with these figures set to grow. As we’ve seen over the past century, our economy and jobs market evolve with technology, with changes in technology creating new industries and new jobs. CEO of Microsoft UK, Clare Barclay, said: Speed of AI adoption, backed by robust industry skilling programmes, will determine just how successfully the UK embraces this generational shift in how we live and work. The AI Opportunity Forum will help accelerate the private sector transformation we need to compete and lead in the global economy. Managing Director of Google UK, Debbie Weinstein, said: We’re looking forward to working alongside the government to ensure that British businesses are well equipped to harness the benefits of AI.  Google’s UK Economic Impact Report highlighted the scale of this opportunity, with forecasts showing that AI-powered innovation could create over £400 billion in economic value for the UK economy by 2030.  Initiatives like the Government’s AI Opportunity Forum are key for unlocking the transformative potential of a technology which has the potential to boost productivity, fuel creativity and drive tech-led growth across a variety of sectors up and down the country. Chief Executive Officer of GSK, Emma Walmsley, said: We’re very optimistic about the opportunities for positive impact from AI, not just for GSK but for the UK’s short and long-term economic growth, innovation and skills development. The UK has the potential and talent to exploit these transformative technologies, but faster adoption is key. This new forum brings together businesses large and small with AI developers to develop practical ideas and support and we look forward to contributing. Quantexa CEO, Vishal Marria, said: As an AI first technology company, Quantexa is thrilled to be involved in the AI Opportunity Forum, and proud to be part of this investment in UK-based innovation that positions the UK at the forefront of AI on the world stage. We have been investing in AI since our inception, and it lies at the heart of Quantexa technology. But what we have seen over the last 12 months – is its adoption and impact accelerate. We see AI as the biggest technological breakthrough for generations and are ramping our investment in AI because we know this is going to transform how organisations make decisions. Understandably, there are concerns around the associated risks of AI. But, with the safe and ethical adoption of AI technology, there are huge opportunities for UK businesses across industry sectors to accelerate productivity and growth. Chief Executive Officer of Sage, Steve Hare, said: At Sage, we’ve been using AI to bring practical time saving solutions to small and medium-sized businesses for some time.  AI has the potential to improve the UK’s productivity and simplify everyday tasks like invoicing, managing late payments, and handling tax and cash flow issues. To make AI more effective and trustworthy, there is a need for more collaboration between the government and the tech sector to nurture the digital economy and ensure SMBs are adopting digital tools to reap the benefits of AI. The AI Opportunity Forum is a step towards this goal, aiming to bring real AI solutions to real businesses. The government is also stepping up its plans to accelerate the rollout of AI across the public sector. Earlier this month, the Central Digital and Data Office published a new framework which will implement principles for government departments on the responsible use of Generative AI. Written in collaboration with industry, the framework also looks to upskill civil servants through free generative AI courses to ensure public servants have a robust set of skills when working with AI.  The Forum will now gather for its first meeting in February, with further meetings taking place bi-monthly.   Read the full article
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prismmediawire · 7 months
Singlepoint Inc. Reports Third Quarter 2023 Results
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Phoenix, AZ, November 15, 2023 - SinglePoint Inc., (OTCQB: SING), a leader in solar energy and air purification solutions, reported Gross Revenue of $6,914,934 for the quarterly period ending September 30, 2023.
Wil Ralston, CEO of Singlepoint, said: "We are proud of the third quarter and YTD revenue results of almost $21 Million, which is a record-breaking year to date. Our strategic collaboration with the team at Boston Solar continues to deliver revenue growth in a challenging higher interest rate environment. We are excited about the recent addition of Michael Ricci as the Director of Commercial Solar Division at Boston Solar. We are seeing significant growth opportunities in commercial solar in the New England area and the addition of Mike Ricci on the Commercial business gives us another dynamic experienced professional to leverage the success of Boston Solar Residential business, which is led by our Director of Residential Operations, Stephan MacPhee. This combination, along with the rest of the leadership team, has Boston Solar positioned to continue increasing revenue and grabbing market share as the solar provider of choice in the Boston metro area, the state of Massachusetts and throughout New England as we continue to expand our regional business footprint.”
Ralston continued, “We are finishing off the current year strong and heading into the new year with several installed commercial projects and a growing multi-million-dollar backlog of contracted projects in 2024. Boston Solar is focused on creating free cash flow in addition to delivering annual revenue growth in 2024. The dedication to delivering superior customer service has fortified our reputation, positioning Boston Solar for continued success. Moreover, our team's remarkable achievements in driving multiple commercial projects forward have resulted in major milestone achievements.”
Ralston concluded, “We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our stakeholders for their invaluable support and patience as we build the business foundation for continued growth, both organically and through strategic acquisitions. As we witness the fruition of our projects, we eagerly anticipate sharing the exciting progress achieved throughout the year and the upcoming projects we have been developing. There has been a significant shift in the M&A market, which we believe will be to our favor, and that our growth through acquisition strategy will not only continue but accelerate as we accomplish our goal of becoming a listed on a major exchange.”
Key Financial Highlights:
1. Increased Revenue: We achieved a substantial revenue increase for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, reaching $20,783,784, compared to $12,675,450 for the same period in 2022. This 81% growth is primarily attributed to the full incorporation of Boston Solar revenues. Our Quarter over Quarter revenue also increased with the three months ended September 30, 2023, revenue of $6,914,934 as compared to $6,589,227 for the three months ended September 30, 2022.
2. Decreased Expenses: Our focused cost management strategies have led to a significant decrease in Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses (SG&A) for the three months ended September 30, 2023. SG&A expenses reduced to $3,175,559 from $3,689,463 for the same period in 2022, demonstrating our commitment to operational efficiency and cost control. We will continually look for effective ways to decrease expenses and become profitable at all subsidiary levels.
3. Improved Net Income/Loss Position: The Company's net loss for the three months ended September 30, 2023, was $1,270,860, an improvement from the net loss of $1,604,848 for the same period in 2022. This reduction in net loss is primarily due to higher revenues and lower operating expenses. As we continue to scale operations, we benefit from spreading   certain fixed costs over a higher revenue base. We expect to see substantial gains leading up to 2024 and through the upcoming year.
Growth Potential in Solar Energy Market:
Singlepoint is strategically positioned to capitalize on the burgeoning growth potential of the solar energy market. The global shift towards renewable energy sources has significantly amplified the demand for both commercial and residential solar solutions. With favorable government policies and increasing public awareness about the environmental impacts of traditional energy sources, the solar energy market is projected to witness substantial expansion. Singlepoint is primed to leverage these market dynamics, offering cutting-edge, sustainable solar solutions that cater to the growing needs of both commercial and residential sectors. Boston Solar was our initial acquisition, and we continue to identify other businesses to contribute to Singlepoint becoming a leading operator and consolidator of residential and commercial solar, battery storage, and service solutions within the solar industry. Our roll up strategy is focused on acquiring and growing leading local and regional solar, storage, and energy services companies nationwide giving us the opportunity to vertically introduce and integrate innovative products and services to our customers.
About SinglePoint Inc. (OTCQB: SING)
Singlepoint is a sustainable lifestyle Company in the solar energy and air purification markets. The Company plans to build the largest renewable energy solutions network and modernize the traditional solar energy and energy storage business model. Singlepoint continues to execute its acquisition strategy by exploring future growth opportunities in air purification, electric vehicle charging, solar as a subscription service, and additional energy efficiencies and appliances that enhance sustainability and healthier life. For more information, visit the Company's websites: www.singlepoint.com, www.bostonsolar.us, and www.boxpureair.com.
Forward-Looking Statements:
Certain statements in this news release may contain forward-looking information within Rule 175 under the Securities Act of 1933 and Rule 3b-6 under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and are subject to the safe harbor created by those rules. All statements, besides statements of fact included in this release, including, without limitation, statements regarding revenue projections, financing opportunities, potential plans and objectives of the Company, anticipated growth, and future expansion, are forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.
Technical and other complications, which may arise, could prevent the prompt implementation of any strategically significant plan(s) outlined above. The Company undertakes no duty to revise or update any forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this release.
Investor Contact:
Tra-Digital IR
(212) 389 - 9782 ext. 107
SOURCE:  SinglePoint Inc.
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siirm · 7 months
Fms MBA Colleges In Jaipur
MBA means ‘Experts in Business Organization'. In the current work market having an MBA degree is almost certainly considered to have accomplished a definitive degree of business schooling. Today MBA is viewed as a rewarding vocation choice. As per a study it has been observed that this degree is truly significant for the people who need to accomplish top administration positions in global organizations around the world. It is truly significant to pursue the direction of the worldwide economy which has it's tended towards a more corporate and administration-situated economy.
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All the more exactly a business is generally shown to be the capable capacity of an MBA graduate. However, at times the hopefuls are left with disarray or uncertainty about what to pick between accomplishing an MBA degree or participating in a work of some kind or another. However, the shrewd choice is generally to go for MBA as it will remunerate through and through long periods of concentration by giving oneself decent work regarding administration and compensation.
By and large an MBA is a long-term program where at the underlying year the organization centers in showing essential business methodologies frequently expected by a business supervisor including corporate money, financial matters, key preparation, promoting, bookkeeping and so forth. Toward the finish of first year an understudy can pick their subject important to do their MBA. In a word doing a MBA gives with a decent future as well as a good place that each hopeful long for in their life.
Choosing a profession in Promoting is an extraordinary decision. Predominantly the work liability incorporates satisfaction of specific business focuses inside the guessed timeframe. Those graduating with promoting have a few business positions like showcasing director, brand supervisor, statistical surveying examiner, item chief and a few others. Notwithstanding that there are a few different positions accessible including team lead, publicizing supervisor, PR chief, showcasing interchanges director and so forth. Its in today as well as consistently there is a mass necessity of promoting graduates in the fields of publicizing, direct showcasing and specialization in correspondence. In some cases the organizations employ promoting MBA's as planner, new item engineers and experts in client division.
In a MBA profession way choosing the right establishment is dependably a question of worry as it at long last adds to the worth of one's certificate. A few foundations are accessible overall which gives this vocation opportunity. In any case, the circumstances are not same for all as some can't go for full time courses and for them thorough courses are accessible which is useful to go on for understudies as well as working leaders. Indeed, even with the approach of Web, online MBA promoting courses are accessible which one can benefit and learn at the solace of one's good time. The compensation is steady however it improves with the long periods of involvement with administration.
Coming to the place of qualification, an alumni with 60% imprints in graduation is qualified for MBA in showcasing. By and large the head establishments direct entry level tests for admission to the said program.
Today a few MBA universities are coming up each constantly yet not many proposition great quality training and foundation and in this regard
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ailtrahq · 8 months
The city welcomed over 4,000 fintech professionals worldwide for the event at the City of Dreams Integrated Resort in Limassol, Cyprus, from September 19 to 21, 2023. Running for more than 10 years, iFX EXPO International gives C-suite executives a common platform to connect, collaborate, and build a community that leads the financial space into a transformative future. iFX EXPO International 2023 commenced with a vibrant opening party at a prime seafront location, sponsored by leading financial institution BDSwiss. The theme for the event was to share “big ideas from industry pioneers”, paving the way for inspirational conversations before the main event. Then, over the next 2 days, visitors in their thousands attended the exhibition at the luxurious City of Dreams Integrated Resort venue to network, discover exciting new business opportunities, and participate in insightful speaker sessions. The Official Night Party, sponsored by ZuluTrade, wrapped up a successful and very productive Day 1. Culminating this year’s show was the prestigious UF AWARDS Global 2023 Ceremony, followed by the Official Closing Party.  Sponsored by leading fintech brands  The event could not have succeeded without the support of its various sponsors, including the Official Global Partner – ATFX, Elite Sponsor – Fxview, and Regional Sponsor – Match-Prime Liquidity. Additionally, B2Broker, Equiti Capital, and Zotapay joined the lineup as Diamond Sponsors. Sponsors came from all finance verticals, including fintech, retail & institutional trading, liquidity providers, digital assets and blockchain, payments, banking, regulation, marketing, and others. From the Juice Bar organized by Cricpayz to the amazing Cocktail Bar sponsored by ATFX, every aspect of the event was taken care of meticulously for an unparalleled experience. Syntellicore and Capital Wallet kept attendees engaged with their Photo Booth and Beer Bar, respectively, making the occasion memorable for all participants. The events’ media partners were keen to capture the 2.5-day expo, sharing it with their worldwide audiences by tweeting, sharing, posting, liking, and Instagramming across their online platforms! Renowned speakers and thought leaders iFX EXPO International 2023 welcomed over 100 esteemed speakers, covering diverse topics, such as leveraging intelligent technologies, empowering brokerages by elevating payments, enabling improved risk management, innovation, and community building in the fintech industry. Each panelist offered immensely meaningful insights into their domain of expertise. Every speaker gave unique and visionary perspectives on how brokerages, fintech firms, banks, and other players in the industry must prepare for the year ahead. Dr. George Theocharides of CySEC emphasized ensuring compliance in financial operations. Speakers in the “Crypto at the Crossroads: Role in the Financial Landscape” segment explored digital currencies’ viability amidst economic challenges, moderated by Tom Higgins, Gold-i’s Founder & CEO, discussing innovative security solutions and building user confidence. Two days of dynamic Speaker Hall sessions and Idea Hub discussions were truly memorable, featuring a lineup of distinguished speakers, including:- Dr. Stella Mourouzidou Damtsa – Manager Segments and Propositions at Bank of Cyprus Alex Phillips – Senior Vice President & Fintech Leader FINPRO at Marsh  Sarvjeet Singh Virk – Co-founder & Chief Managing Director at Finvasia Dr. Dimitrios Patsos – Sr. Specialist, Security at Microsoft Marios Tannousis – CEO at Invest Cyprus Elif Kundakci – CEO at Swissquote Capital Markets Alex Chessé – Head of Sales France, Middle East, Africa at Fireblocks Fedor Balashko – Head of Sales at TikTok Christophoros P. Anayiotos – Board Member, Deal Advisory at KPMG  Panos Bollas – Sector Lead, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria & Malta at Google Michael Ioannides – Visa Country Manager Cyprus at Visa Europe And the winner is… The exhibition concluded with the UF
AWARDS Global 2023 Ceremony, the most coveted award in the finance sector, representing the pinnacle of achievement in the fintech and financial services industry. The UF AWARDS recognizes and celebrates the torchbearers of exemplary leadership, innovation, and customer service, revolutionizing the finance landscape across both B2C and B2B spaces. The awards establish the standards that guide the best practices of businesses in the industry. Missed this one?  If you missed the iFX EXPO International 2023, connect with the event’s Facebook or Instagram accounts to get a peek into all that went down. Stay tuned for official photos and videos across social media channels, too. And get ready for the next one! Be part of the future-ready global financial ecosystem as a sponsor or exhibitor for the next event, scheduled for January 16 to 18, 2024, in Dubai, UAE. The next event is expected to offer a plethora of opportunities to forge partnerships, showcase your offerings, and gain valuable insights into the dynamic and rapidly evolving industry. Click here to learn more or email [email protected].
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f1 · 10 months
Dave Robson explains how new Team Principal Vowles has 'refreshed' atmosphere at Williams
James Vowles only started work as Williams Team Principal in March, but according to the team’s Head of Vehicle Performance, Dave Robson, he has already created a whole “new” and “refreshed” atmosphere at the Grove outfit. After finishing at the bottom of the standings in 2022, Williams made the decision to part ways with Team Principal Jost Capito – along with Technical Director FX Demaison – with Vowles later announced as his replacement. HALF TERM REPORT: Williams – Can they continue their 2023 progress after some encouraging signs? Vowles came from Mercedes where he had been a part of eight world championship victories serving as their Strategy Director. He had also worked in engineering and strategy roles for the 2009 world champions Brawn GP, as well as Honda and BAR. And speaking in Hungary last month, Robson – who has been at Williams since 2015 – was asked about Vowles’ impact on the team since coming onboard. He responded: “James has brought a wealth of experience and knowledge. “And also, I think, a whole new approach which is really starting to spread around the factory. I think that’s probably gone hand in hand with Alex [Albon] maturing and becoming quite calm and consistent, level-headed and James brings something similar. Robson says Volwes has brought a new atmosphere to Williams since joining the team “He obviously also brings clear knowledge of, as we talked about, what Andrew [Shovlin] and his colleagues have got at MGP. And so, it really feels like we've now got a clear plan for the next few years. “That's very much rooted in recent top-level experience, and now we're just going to put that into action. But in the short term, yeah, the whole atmosphere is new, and it's refreshed. READ MORE: Robson highlights areas 'very skilful' Albon has improved upon this season “It's helped by some of the on-track results, but I think that whole thing is a little bit chicken and egg, and James has definitely played his part in that.” Sat next to Robson was Mercedes’ Engineering Director Andrew Shovlin, who up until this season, had worked with Vowles throughout his entire 21-year stint in Formula 1. And he also gave insight into what it was like working with Williams leader. Shovlin (L) also spoke of his 20-year stint working with Vowles (R) “All my good memories from races… I was sat next to James on the pit wall for 20 years or whatever it was,” said Shovlin. "He's left us with a really impressive strategy group. So, Rosie [Wait] is running that now and that's working very well. BEYOND THE GRID: James Vowles on his time as Williams Team Principal, Alex Albon, Lewis Hamilton and much more “But partly because James was trying to put the group in place that could follow him. But his ambitions were always more than just doing the strategy. “But it's great to see him enjoying the role at Williams and having a positive effect there because we knew that he would be a loss to our team. But yeah, nice that he’s enjoying success.” via Formula 1 News https://www.formula1.com
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Chalco Guangxi held a special working meeting on science and technology in June
On June 21, Chinalco Guangxi Branch and Pingguo Aluminum Co., Ltd. held a June science and technology special work meeting. Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Guangxi Branch, Chairman of Guangxi Hualei New Materials Co., Ltd. Huang Weiping, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Guangxi Branch, Chairman of the Labor Union, Deputy General Manager of Guangxi Hualei Xiong Lin, Chief Financial Officer of Guangxi Branch, Executive of Pingguo Aluminum Director Zheng Lihai, Deputy General Managers of Guangxi Branch He Haibo and Shi Jinjun, General Manager of Pingguo Aluminum Zhou Sports, Assistant General Manager of Guangxi Branch Zhang Zhongyun, Zhong Sheng, Chinalco Red Mud Comprehensive Utilization Technology Center and Guangxi Branch, Pingguo The heads of secondary units of the aluminum industry and relevant functional departments attended the meeting.
At the meeting, the Production Technology Department of Guangxi Branch summarized the development of scientific and technological work and the achievements of Guangxi Branch and Pingguo Aluminum since May, pointed out the existing problems and deficiencies, and reported the implementation plan of technological innovation, and proposed the next step Work plans and measures. The participants raised the difficulties and problems that need to be solved by the company's coordination, and made supplementary explanations on related matters.
The leaders attending the meeting focused on the overall coordination of scientific and technological work, determined the direction of scientific research work, increased the cultivation of scientific and technological personnel, prepared for next year's project declaration in advance, further optimized the work process and improved work efficiency, improved the intelligent construction project plan, and accelerated the scientific and technological project. Specific work requirements were put forward in terms of implementation progress, replication and promotion of good practices and experience.
Huang Weiping pointed out that scientific and technological work is an important way for enterprises to improve competitiveness, promote cost reduction and increase efficiency, improve employee working conditions, and improve labor productivity and management level. At present, the company has great potential to promote scientific and technological progress, and it is also very urgent. The main leaders of each unit must take the lead, and the leaders in charge must earnestly implement specific tasks.
Huang Weiping emphasized that, first, scientific research should be carried out in accordance with the project management method. It is necessary to set up a research group to implement batch and classified management, implement a project responsibility system, carry out classified evaluation and assessment, and grasp the scientific research work in a more detailed, deeper, and tighter manner. The second is to do a good job in the benefit accounting and evaluation of scientific research projects to ensure that the results of scientific research are objective and fair. The third is to prepare for the annual scientific and technological work conference. It is necessary to carefully summarize scientific and technological work, arrange and deploy the next step of work, commend and reward advanced individuals in scientific and technological work, and create a good atmosphere and work orientation for scientific and technological innovation. The fourth is to persist in scientific research with a scientific spirit. We must be serious, seek truth from facts, follow objective laws, respect science and talents, and guide specific scientific research activities with a scientific spirit; we must treat scientific research work with a tolerant attitude, protect the enthusiasm of scientific and technological workers, and encourage everyone to dare to think, do, and innovate; All units must maintain a good momentum, continue to do a good job in scientific and technological work, and make greater contributions to reducing costs and increasing efficiency for enterprises.
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kammartinez · 1 year
By Troy Closson
As New York embarks on an ambitious plan to overhaul how children in the nation’s largest school system are taught to read, schools leaders face a significant obstacle: educators’ skepticism.
Dozens of cities and states have sought to transform reading instruction in recent years, driven by decades of research known as the “science of reading.” But the success of their efforts has hinged in part on whether school leaders are willing to embrace a seismic shift in their philosophy about how children learn.
Already in New York City, the rollout has frustrated principals. The schools chancellor, David C. Banks, is forcing schools to abandon strategies he says are a top reason half of students in grades three to eight are not proficient in reading.
But principals will lose control over selecting reading programs at their schools, and their union has criticized the speed of change. And many educators still believe in “balanced literacy,” a popular approach that aims to foster a love of books through independent reading time but that experts and the chancellor say lacks enough focus on foundational skills.
Whether schools ultimately embrace — or resist — the city’s push will help shape the legacy of the chancellor’s campaign: Will New York’s plan fall victim to the pendulum swings that come with every new administration? Or will it become a watershed moment in the reading wars?
“The linchpin is the principal and the assistant principal,” said Wiley Blevins, an early reading specialist who has helped train local teachers. “Them understanding what’s happening, being properly trained and having buy-in.”
He added: “If you don’t have that, it’s going to fail.”
The tensions in New York mirror those that other cities have confronted as they push toward adopting the science of reading. Leaders across the nation have learned that they must balance acting with urgency to address a national reading crisis with taking time to persuade principals and teachers to rethink entrenched convictions.
“You are fundamentally asking people to change their identity,” said Aaron Bouie III, who oversees elementary curriculum in a suburban district in Ohio that has been overhauling reading instruction for the last three years.
Still, Mr. Bouie’s district and others across the nation have proven that early frustrations can be overcome.
Districts that previously overhauled reading instruction detailed their rationale for change, but also limited expectations of rapid progress, leaders said. They got veteran teachers on board early and relied on their influence to convince others. And they said they painstakingly crafted messages to principals, teachers and families.
“I always say that my first two years were P.R.,” said Kymyona Burk, the former state literacy director in Mississippi, where reading scores have risen from among the nation’s worst to the most improved.
“It’s all about transparency,” she said, “even when you don’t have all of the answers.”
In New York City, nearly all elementary schools will adopt one of three reading curriculums chosen by superintendents of the local districts over the next two years. For some school leaders in New York, the way they first learned of the plan — at times on districtwide Zoom calls — has been a sticking point.
A principals’ union survey last month found that three of four school leaders are disappointed with the rollout.
“How you build that trust now?” said Henry Rubio, the head of the union. “I don’t know.”
When the city required all elementary schools to select a phonics program last fall, Nina Demos, the principal of P.S. 503 in Sunset Park, said she “really appreciated” the decision and the rollout’s balance of “autonomy, agency and cohesion.”
The school taught phonics alongside a popular balanced literacy curriculum that the city will no longer allow. Now that she is being asked to adopt a new program, Into Reading, Ms. Demos said she still has too little information.
“I’m just left wondering: ‘Where is the data-driven proof that this is the best option?’” Ms. Demos said, adding that she has learned only that Into Reading received high marks from one national curriculum review group.
Ms. Demos has also been frustrated by the early turbulence of the rollout: She was told in March that schools would be allowed to keep the writing units it was using, she said. But last week, she was told Into Reading’s writing components must be adopted instead.
“Every time I begin planning,” she said, “what I’m planning for is changing.”
Mr. Banks, a Bronx principal himself in the 2000s, said that he empathizes with the frustrations.
“I understand it. But I also look at the data,” Mr. Banks said, adding, “The system has provided a level of autonomy already — and it hasn’t worked.”
About half of all districts will adopt new curriculums in September. Teachers began virtual professional development this month, while training is expected to ramp up in the summer. All schools will be offered at least 26 days of programming for educators, officials said.
In districts where the transition will be more significant, and there may be more opposition — such as Manhattan’s District 2, which includes TriBeCa, Chelsea and the Upper East Side — the department has allowed an additional year for the change to take place.
Kevyn Bowles, the principal at P.S. 532 in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, which uses a balanced literacy approach that includes 45 minutes of phonics each day, said there has been too little transparency in the process by which the city chose its three curriculum options.
Principals in his district expect they will be asked to adopt Into Reading in two years. But Mr. Bowles is worried that the program is already used in some nearby schools where many children struggle.
“How can this be made better?” he asked, adding, “I’m not confident. But it will really be dependent on superintendents and other district leaders to meaningfully engage.”
Not everyone will need to be persuaded.
Many teachers in New York have said they need better classroom materials and have called for a more centralized approach to curriculum. Crucially, their union also supports the move. And many local parents — particularly those whose children have dyslexia — have been outspoken about the need for change.
Some principals, like Joanna Cohen, had already rethought their approaches.
She used to be “almost evangelical about balanced literacy,” she said, as someone who had a passion for reading and writing as a child. But in 2019, “her foundation was rocked” when she first read about how popular reading strategies diverged from scientific research.
Since becoming the principal at P.S. 107 in Park Slope, a balanced literacy school, she has pushed more teachers to be trained in the science of reading. It hasn’t always been easy.
Since scores were generally high — nearly 80 percent of students pass state tests — “we had just become accustomed” to some students not reading proficiently, Ms. Cohen said. But “the momentum built,” she said. “And at this point, I don’t feel any resistance.”
Even after educators are persuaded, other obstacles can hinder progress.
Many colleges of education still teach flawed strategies like encouraging children to guess words using picture cues. And teachers often worry over the quality of training in the new approaches that outside organizations offer.
The city will also have to monitor schools’ progress in adopting the new curriculums.
“You don’t want to turn classrooms into a surveillance state, but neither do you want to end up in a situation where books are sitting on the shelf and not used,” said Morgan Polikoff, a curriculum expert who has studied New York’s approach.
Some states like Colorado and Arkansas have taken strict — and at times unpopular — approaches to oversight with more robust plans for enforcement. Others have relied on looser incentives and encouragements.
But even when overall support may be high, school buy-in is crucial in shaping whether individual classrooms eventually make substantial changes.
“There are quite a few principals I know who are saying, ‘I’m doing what I’ve come to believe in all these years. Period,’” Lucy Calkins, a balanced literacy leader, told educators at a Teachers College event in March. “You can say no. And people all over the country are doing so.”
Still, she added: “If your children are not growing, you need to change your teaching.”
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kamreadsandrecs · 1 year
By Troy Closson
As New York embarks on an ambitious plan to overhaul how children in the nation’s largest school system are taught to read, schools leaders face a significant obstacle: educators’ skepticism.
Dozens of cities and states have sought to transform reading instruction in recent years, driven by decades of research known as the “science of reading.” But the success of their efforts has hinged in part on whether school leaders are willing to embrace a seismic shift in their philosophy about how children learn.
Already in New York City, the rollout has frustrated principals. The schools chancellor, David C. Banks, is forcing schools to abandon strategies he says are a top reason half of students in grades three to eight are not proficient in reading.
But principals will lose control over selecting reading programs at their schools, and their union has criticized the speed of change. And many educators still believe in “balanced literacy,” a popular approach that aims to foster a love of books through independent reading time but that experts and the chancellor say lacks enough focus on foundational skills.
Whether schools ultimately embrace — or resist — the city’s push will help shape the legacy of the chancellor’s campaign: Will New York’s plan fall victim to the pendulum swings that come with every new administration? Or will it become a watershed moment in the reading wars?
“The linchpin is the principal and the assistant principal,” said Wiley Blevins, an early reading specialist who has helped train local teachers. “Them understanding what’s happening, being properly trained and having buy-in.”
He added: “If you don’t have that, it’s going to fail.”
The tensions in New York mirror those that other cities have confronted as they push toward adopting the science of reading. Leaders across the nation have learned that they must balance acting with urgency to address a national reading crisis with taking time to persuade principals and teachers to rethink entrenched convictions.
“You are fundamentally asking people to change their identity,” said Aaron Bouie III, who oversees elementary curriculum in a suburban district in Ohio that has been overhauling reading instruction for the last three years.
Still, Mr. Bouie’s district and others across the nation have proven that early frustrations can be overcome.
Districts that previously overhauled reading instruction detailed their rationale for change, but also limited expectations of rapid progress, leaders said.They got veteran teachers on board early and relied on their influence to convince others. And they said they painstakingly crafted messages to principals, teachers and families.
“I always say that my first two years were P.R.,” said Kymyona Burk, the former state literacy director in Mississippi, where reading scores have risen from among the nation’s worst to the most improved.
“It’s all about transparency,” she said, “even when you don’t have all of the answers.”
In New York City, nearly all elementary schools will adopt one of three reading curriculums chosen by superintendents of the local districts over the next two years. For some school leaders in New York, the way they first learned of the plan — at times on districtwide Zoom calls — has been a sticking point.
A principals’ union survey last month found that three of four school leaders are disappointed with the rollout.
“How you build that trust now?” said Henry Rubio, the head of the union. “I don’t know.”
When the city required all elementary schools to select a phonics program last fall, Nina Demos, the principal of P.S. 503 in Sunset Park, said she “really appreciated” the decision and the rollout’s balance of “autonomy, agency and cohesion.”
The school taught phonics alongside a popular balanced literacy curriculum that the city will no longer allow. Now that she is being asked to adopt a new program, Into Reading, Ms. Demos said she still has too little information.
“I’m just left wondering: ‘Where is the data-driven proof that this is the best option?’” Ms. Demos said, adding that she has learned only that Into Reading received high marks from one national curriculum review group.
Ms. Demos has also been frustrated by the early turbulence of the rollout: She was told in March that schools would be allowed to keep the writing units it was using, she said. But last week, she was told Into Reading’s writing components must be adopted instead.
“Every time I begin planning,” she said, “what I’m planning for is changing.”
Mr. Banks, a Bronx principal himself in the 2000s, said that he empathizes with the frustrations.
“I understand it. But I also look at the data,” Mr. Banks said, adding, “The system has provided a level of autonomy already — and it hasn’t worked.”
About half of all districts will adopt new curriculums in September. Teachers began virtual professional development this month, while training is expected to ramp up in the summer. All schools will be offered at least 26 days of programming for educators, officials said.
In districts where the transition will be more significant, and there may be more opposition — such as Manhattan’s District 2, which includes TriBeCa, Chelsea and the Upper East Side — the department has allowed an additional year for the change to take place.
Kevyn Bowles, the principal at P.S. 532 in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, which uses a balanced literacy approach that includes 45 minutes of phonics each day, said there has been too little transparency in the process by which the city chose its three curriculum options.
Principals in his district expect they will be asked to adopt Into Reading in two years. But Mr. Bowles is worried that the program is already used in some nearby schools where many children struggle.
“How can this be made better?” he asked, adding, “I’m not confident. But it will really be dependent on superintendents and other district leaders tomeaningfully engage.”
Not everyone will need to be persuaded.
Many teachers in New York have said they need better classroom materials and have called for a more centralized approach to curriculum. Crucially, their union also supports the move. And many local parents — particularly those whose children have dyslexia — have been outspoken about the need for change.
Some principals, like Joanna Cohen, had already rethought their approaches.
She used to be “almost evangelical about balanced literacy,” she said, as someone who had a passion for reading and writing as a child. But in 2019, “her foundation was rocked” when she first read about how popular reading strategies diverged from scientific research.
Since becoming the principal at P.S. 107 in Park Slope, a balanced literacy school, she has pushed more teachers to be trained in the science of reading. It hasn’t always been easy.
Since scores were generally high — nearly 80 percent of students pass state tests — “we had just become accustomed” to some students not reading proficiently, Ms. Cohen said. But “the momentum built,” she said. “And at this point, I don’t feel any resistance.”
Even after educators are persuaded, other obstacles can hinder progress.
Many colleges of education still teach flawed strategies like encouraging children to guess words using picture cues. And teachers often worry over the quality of training in the new approaches that outside organizations offer.
The city will also have to monitor schools’ progress in adopting the new curriculums.
“You don’t want to turn classrooms into a surveillance state, but neither do you want to end up in a situation where books are sitting on the shelf and not used,” said Morgan Polikoff, a curriculum expert who has studied New York’s approach.
Some states like Colorado and Arkansas have taken strict — and at times unpopular — approaches to oversight with more robust plans for enforcement. Others have relied on looser incentives and encouragements.
But even when overall support may be high, school buy-in is crucial in shaping whether individual classrooms eventually make substantial changes.
“There are quite a few principals I know who are saying, ‘I’m doing what I’ve come to believe in all these years. Period,’” Lucy Calkins, a balanced literacy leader, told educators at a Teachers College event in March. “You can say no. And people all over the country are doing so.”
Still, she added: “If your children are not growing, you need to change your teaching.”

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cloudoc2022 · 1 year
CQC Announces Delays to New Adult Care Assessments
The Care Quality Commission released 'Our revised plan and approach for transformation,' a news post on December 21st, detailing changes to their New Assessment Approach and delays in the rollout of new Adult Care Assessments. ClouDoc will let you know how these changes might affect your care business this year in our January 2023 blog post.
Changes to Inspections
In November 2022, the CQC published an article about how their plans would affect their daily operations. These changes have the most significant effect on their inspection processes & the structure of their operational teams.
A dedicated director will supersede the CQC's deputy chief inspectors, who currently head up the operational teams. An officer will now administer the teams in a more specialised role. The aim is to provide objective oversight of the inspectors and more effective management.
The structure of the operations teams will change significantly. The current specialist sector teams, split across adult social care, primary medical services, and hospitals, will be combined into a single operations group. It will allow for greater integration of standards and practices and lessons learned throughout the CQC's activities in these diverse sectors.
While specialist teams are being consolidated to facilitate communication, consistency and mutual improvement, the CQC will divide the operations groups geographically to establish local teams for more accurate and tailored inspections suited to the strengths and needs identified in each local area. It will allow the CQC to be more responsive to systemic shortcomings in an area's or region's care provision and attain a more granular and accurate view of care in local areas.
These local teams will now be administered within four regional 'networks'; Northern England, Midlands, London and East of England, and South England. The local team will comprise some roles:
Assessors (Establish an ongoing overview of local care activities, using evidence both on- & off-site)
Inspectors (Lead enforcement activity & inspections, collecting on-site evidence)
Regulatory co-ordinators (Lead engagement with local providers & community stakeholders)
Regulatory officers (Support & administrative duties such as inspection planning)
Local team leaders & Regional Network directors can scale & configure these teams depending on the service types, infrastructure/ pre-existing assets, and unique challenges or issues in each local area. The CQC hopes this will result in a more inclusive, multifaceted way of assessing care services that are more aware of local area needs.
A Last-Minute Change of Plans
Although the Care Quality Commission intended to introduce their new assessment approach this month, January 2023, they've now stated that this will be pushed back and provided an open-ended estimate that this will be completed "later in 2023." To ensure their new systems and to change professional relationships have no adverse effect on partner agencies, care recipients, and how provider inspections are conducted, the CQC will introduce changes gradually, in stages.
The CQC's new online portal will be the most noticeable change for most care providers. Scheduled for a first-wave release in the summer of 2023, it will allow providers to submit statutory notifications, make changes to their registration, and perform other functions more easily with less impact on the CQC's time and resources.
Strengthening Stakeholder Partnerships
One reason for the delay in the CQC's update is that they have taken additional time to partner with stakeholders. Like the care businesses they regulate, the CQC would be ineffectual alone. By granting stakeholders and partners additional time to provide input and feedback on new and changing systems, they can ensure that other agencies they rely on to regulate the care sector are prepared and able to integrate the latest best practices into their work.
As such, when a trial run of some of the proposed systemic changes commenced in early 2022 and found that the changes had an adverse effect on the affected assessment teams, this gave the CQC incentive to pause and reassess the pace of implementation to better consider their partners and care providers.
The review led to the development of this new approach, which identified the importance of ensuring that all buyers, providers, and stakeholders in health and social care stay on the same page as a critical priority. Since the new regulatory approach strongly emphasises the integration of professionals from different care and healthcare sectors, the CQC's new systems and processes must facilitate effective communication and information-sharing across the organisation.
To hinder the existing relationships and partnerships that underpin the CQC's regulatory activities would be to beleaguers operations in a care environment that the CQC itself has described as "gridlocked." Before its new approach is completely implemented, the CQC must be confident. In the meantime, providers can only wait for further communication while strengthening their knowledge, and operational practises, as well as supporting documents such as policies and statements of purpose, to ensure they are compliant and ready to work with the CQC in the coming months.
At ClouDoc, we can provide your business with high-quality policies and documents designed to keep your business on track and CQC-compliant. All of our care home policies and procedures are up-to-date and comprehensive. Our online document management system allows you to edit and download policies in popular file formats like .doc and .pdf. Find out how ClouDoc's list of policies and procedures in health and social care can take the worry out of maintaining a great suite of operational documents by calling the team today at 0330 808 0050!
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