#but i just call it a roleswap au
mastema04 · 10 months
I had been kinda waiting for il siracusano before I did more with this au but now I'm like oh wow what to do (still bouncing around ideas in my skull like the DVD logo)
I'm cooking
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u3pxx · 9 months
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uh oh girlll, drawing more of the gomens swap au i'm in dangerrrr
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mikkokomori · 4 months
is omari basil still a delinquent
(and side note here id LOVE to hear you ramble all about your Omari au)
Ahem,,,, if it is alright with you then,,,,,, I will talk about my OMARI Basil then,,,,
To answer your question, he was planned to be the delinquent of the group (as per typical swap aus), though over time, I really began to sit down and think about it the more swap aus began to pop up around the fandom. I didn't really like the idea of being a carbon copy of various other omari aus in specific, so during the time I have been absent on here I began to slowly revamp the AU over time. I had to start over with what I originally had in the first place since a lot of the au things in my take on it also had contributions by followers as well!
For Basil, his first concept was initially a delinquent take... but the thing that caused a problem with that was the fact that I had planned for him to also play a sort of "detective" role in this universe, as I had written a short snippet on Basil having caught on to something suspicious going on between the older siblings and Sunny's sudden disappearance.......
Frankly, as much as a delinquent Basil is my darling concept of all concepts, I had to, unfortunately, push it to the side and alter his role in this AU to fit with the revamped look I was going for him... therefore fully integrating him into his "detective" role. In a way though, looking through Mari's perspective, he's sort of a clashing force with her and is equivalent to an antagonist in her own story (but! Keep in mind, Mari in this AU isn't the Mari who you should be sympathizing for.... an unreliable narrator who happens to be a wolf in sheeps clothing....).
As for the emotions, while a lot of people tend to view the emotions being assigned to the characters as their possible role in RW (the happy-go-lucky, the perfect student, the delinquent), for mine I ended up making it were each friend had 2 main emotions.... Basils would be anger and sorrow (Aubrey and Kel tend to have anger as their second emotion, though that is still up for debate! I still have a few things to work out :3). So, in a way you could say that in Headspace they were only ever seen as a one-dimensional character by Mari/Hikkiko, while in the real world, they had a even bigger "mess" of emotions that they all dealt with. In turn, Basil's concept strayed further away from the path of delinquent and more into a path which.... ehehe..... obsession as a concept is such a fun thing to play around with, don't you think?
Just as much as he plays the "investigator", he also is meant to be a parallel of what Mari/Hikkiko is. Obsession has always been a part of his character, and in doing so, you could say I played around with it until I found quite a nice concept with this. Mari/Hikkiko both have a need to keep Sunny around as the perfect brother and therefore paint his Headspace counterpart to their own liking.... while Basil in turn has, on some level, a need to imitate Sunny as closely as he can. Both are a form of obsessions I have given them, and in a way, the only reason Basils is a more "lighter" version of this is because Aubrey, Kel, Hero (sort of), Polly, his grandmother, and Faraway Town as a whole have been there to guide him on a better path. Though his obsession to keep Sunny's memory alive by becoming like him is still there, it's not to say that he doesn't have people to talk some sense into him-- meanwhile Mari does not have that type of support.
Obsession stems from love, at least, in their case. And in the end, it really depends on whether or not they have people who are willing to reel them back into a state of sanity. Basil was, at least in terms of my omari lore, viewed as a delinquent at one point, though he never acted out aggressively towards others unless provoked enough and only ever kept to himself.... eventually the town residents accepted the fact that this was just his way of grieving and treated him with patience and respect, especially with the fact he took it upon himself to go around town and helping around with the little things, though especially with gardening and photography.
it's not to say though, that he doesn't have some... worrying habits. That as in, most of his plants being replaced with tulips and most of the heads of certain plants being chopped off with garden shears, left to rot. While Basil mimics his best friends habits, he isn't exactly the best at fully hiding his feelings and emotions as Sunny was able to. No amount of masquerading will change the fact that once he's laid his sights on you, it'll only be a matter time before he seeks for your head on a silver platter.
#im sure i have much more to say and i probably ended up giving you more information than you can chew at a time but like...#listen..... i've been waiting for so#LONG for someone to ask something regarding the characters for the revamped version#in a way i will say that this omari au is a very personal thing with the way some characterizations come off#(some of the stuff in this au is based off real experiences lol)#and any time it comes to swap aus in general for any fandom#i always take them seriously#if anything. i WILL shit on someone in my head if their swap au doesnt have anything unique to it and its just a roleswap#its why the one swap au im actually paying much mind to is a friends au thats called CHICO#one things for certain; if your swap au doesnt have any creativity put into it i will cast upon shame on you your family your families dog-#jk but. swap aus have always been a passion project thing for me in every fandom i've ever been in and OMORI fandom is. well#lets just say that im the gordon ramsay of swap aus because theres BARELY ANY FUCKING GOOD FOOD AROUND HERE!!!!!!#OMARI AU#A Sisters Mourning AU#omori au#omori basil#omori spoilers#omori#anon asks#miko talks#mikkos ramblings#this also just goes in general for aus#ive always been picky and if theres something i dont like or something doesnt make sense well#im sorry to those who have to watch me get real bitchy with things#aus have always been a therapeutic thing to me and ik not everyone is gonna do what i want to see but even then#if your au is mostly for shipping (that has no relevance to the plot whatsoever) or blatant mischaracterization then you can leave!!#ik im sounding like a shen yuan rn but i have a lot of pent up rage and resentment#if you think you can get away with stuff like this in aus i will hunt you down and pour milk over your heads!!!!!
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whimsical-sonic · 1 year
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i have a little au floating around in my brain
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journey-to-the-attic · 10 months
Roleswap AU:
Since you mentioned the roleswap AU, a question popped out that i need to know the answers of. How does the newspaper club act in this AU? Since now they’re all angels for this AU, what are they’re roles here? Also is Mephisto still have some connection towards Dia and Barbatos? Since yk, his backstory is very deeply connected to them, is it still the same here as well?
- 🐧 Anon
ooh, good question! of course, they'd still be in their little unit, their polycule-that-isn't-a-polycule-bc-only-two-of-them-are-dating-but-it-has-those-vibes...
new thing invented - a celestial realm research institute! let's say diavolo sets it up as a way to accelerate the realm's development, which has been stunted by its old-fashioned high council up until now. this is where he invites solomon and ik to come contribute to developing magic for the future, forging connections, etc, etc
the newspaper club would essentially be a little team in the institute who share a magical lab. mephisto is technically their leader since he'd the one who did the application, but everyone knows wiz is the group's secret weapon when it comes to innovation... alecto serves as the muscle, astaroth does the damage control and statistics, and mephisto provides the Chaos that is essential to how they work as a group
now as for mephisto's backstory in particular... figuring out this role would require defining sonno's roleswap counterpart, and while i'm not sure what the original anon who proposed the au might have had in mind, here's my take-
early on i said that diavolo started this au's version of the celestial war and won - this would have meant overthrowing sonno, since his swapping of roles would basically make him god. iirc since ik takes the role of a angel-turned-demon, the reason diavolo rebels was because he was the one who had to exile her, which would've been under orders from his father - as heir to divinity, he's the one who has to do these Big Important High Council things
in similar fashion to jtta, barb and mephisto both served sonno, but barb generally attended to diavolo, while mephisto was more of an enforcer/secret weapon- going undercover to locate dissenters, extinguishing potential threats, etc. the difference would be that mephisto, rather than being forgotten about after sonno goes to sleep, actively chooses to rebel when diavolo does, and turns against sonno
so i guess in this au he'd be a lot more friendly with diavolo than in jtta! post-war, he's just relaxing and living his best life with his bestest friends (though he is of course still haunted by the sins of his past, you know the type)
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nonbinaryphantom · 1 year
roleswap danny’s arc hits very similar to a tragedy where he’s the tragic hero but due to his own hamartia he’s leading his own downfall he even has a revelation on his own self and his relationships which leads to him getting Worse. but unlike a lot of tragedies he’s. not a high status person or a great hero he’s just a kid who just got lucky/unlucky to become half-ghost and everything that comes with growing up snowballs
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simcardiac-arrested · 8 months
ummm... rainswap ns an nwb...
it’s a little funny how me and my friends have actually discussed a hypothetical nwb and ns swap a few times already before this whole thing … But it was more like a swap of circumstances ? iirc it would be that wayback doesn’t try at all and still gets everything done, and sep does a lot of stuff and tries so much but nothing ever works out for them. imagine with me
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ok i love akeshu roleswap and all this new content abt it is Great but i wanna vent bc. a lot of the time when i see swap aus they don't quite gel with how i think it should be and i go :/
like idk for example i think in a swap au goro's outfit as the pt leader should be black. bc like, the pt's are morally gray/on the wrong side of the law. his outfit is white in canon bc his idea of true morality is too perfect and idealistic. too childish. he hasn't reconciled that vision of justice with reality so he ends up with these two extremes. but in a swap au, he should be able to reconcile these extremes bc he no longer has the same hangups as he does in canon. his sense of justice is more singular instead of an oppositional contradictory dichotomy.
maybe the problem is i want the swap au to be too direct. too like, exact parallel to the game. but that's kind of what appeals me about it? that akira and goro are so similar that under different circumstances their roles could swap and the story would stay the same. but people change things too much and kinda undermine what appeals to me about it. or on the other hand, they keep too much from canon. goro shouldn't be as jaded as he is in canon in a roleswap. akira shouldn't be as open. their circumstances have shaped them into different people than canon and the au should reflect that.
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forecast-rain · 2 years
composition's hard.......
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arolesbianism · 3 months
Why must I only be capable of coming up with cool art ideas long past midnight
#rat rambles#Ive been thinking abt hypothetical olivia jackie very very loose roleswap au and its just more doomed toxic yuri#itd just be jackie rapidly spiraling and doing stupid shit behind olivias backas olivia becomes more and more emotionally distant#jackie has this fun habit called self sabotaging in such a way that savotages everyone around her as well but way worse#and olivia has this fun habit called not noticing growing jackie problems until its too late#so all in all we get a less terrible gravitas (key word less Im not going to give olivia That much credit) and a far more unstable jackie#and that's saying a lot lol#jackie on her way to become the worlds worst lebian incel unethical scientiwait no thats already canon jackie post cancelled#you see this is why canon jackie is doomed to be worse than any bullshit I could pull off in a swap au because canon jackie has power#but it still is interesting thinking abt how gravitas would differ if primarily ran by olivia instead of jackie#mainly the big thing is that I dont think olivia would do a great job at noticing any decline in employee health being more distant from it#not deliberately so like jackie like olivia would still Try to build a good work environment I just dont know if shed do that good a job#I also feel like shed be equally hard to talk down from a potentially problematic project as jackie if she believed in it enough#olivia is proud of the work that she does and while she has better morals than jackie they still arent exactly ironclad#she and jackie both being self righteous is smth they have in common it just happens that olivia is usually in the right#but that's with the two of them theres plenty of other situations where olivia could easily be on the other end of the argument#which is why director olivia facinates me as a concept because it begs the question of how well could she manage to maintain her morals#she obviously Wants to maintain good morals but when in a position of power where her word always goes through would that falter at all?#maybe without even realizing its happening#youve made hard decisions before. what makes this different from the rest? maybe at some point it wont even feel difficult anymore#and maybe this in turn makes it harder for her to see the blood jackie tries to hide#because if she let herself notice that itd be impossible to ignore the blood on her own hands#meanwhile jackie is just being like maybe shell text me back if I keep breaking her trust itll work this time trust me#and then she proceeds to explode her brain or smth and gets printing podded and explodes again because shes somehow manage it#I just would want all three aus to be olivia having serious identity crisies while jackie reenacts ashfur amvs in the background
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redcoralpot · 7 months
Stu!! I love seeing ppl love him. Would I be able to request some roleswap ish au, where reader is a slasher, and stu is the "final girl". He gets caught ofc, and reader unmasks, smut ensues (maybe stu had a crush or smth, maybe dubcon if u accept it).
Unrelated: Loved seeing Matthew lillard as william Afton, he did so good.
Ruined Man - Stu Macher X M!Reader
Summary: Stu Macher was a classic rich boy; arrogant, eccentric, and an asshole. He was known for playing cruel pranks on others, and earlier in the weak, he pranked Sidney by scaring her as the infamous Ghostface Killer. Maybe, just maybe, he deserved a taste of his own medicine. Trick or treat, right?
Warnings: NSFW, non-fatal violence, weapons.
Word Count: 2K
A/N: I don't write anything with SA, CNC, or dub-con; Stu plainly consents to the activities described. He has implied feelings for the Reader, and other implied activities as well... but I'll let you discover that part.
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Crickets chirped in the grass, the crescent moon high in the sky. Finally, the noise from the Macher’s Halloween party had died down, and most people had left already, causing a blanket of peace to float down on the street. Any stragglers were drunkenly slumped against the curb, blacked out or calling for a sober ride. Your mask stuck out from the shadows, exaggerated and white, as you watched the property slowly become empty. Well, empty except for the host, of course. Stu Macher.
You could see him through one of the many windows, lounging on the first floor’s living room couch, still moving. Your fingers fumbled against the phone’s dial– god, how do killers run in this shit– pulling the black fabric further up your arm to position the voice changer closer to your mouth. Now, you patiently waited for the other man to pick up, seeing him jolt out of his position. Stu rubbed his eyes, and stumbled to the kitchen.
Your lips curled into a nasty sneer, “Do you like scary movies, Stu?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“What’s your favorite?”
“Don’t make me choose, you know I’ve watched too many good ones!”
Huh? There was no way he knew your identity already. You’ll give him credit, he’s smart, but most definitely not that smart. Stu always visits the rental store Randy works at, and he always rented horror movies with Sidney’s boyfriend, Billy Loomis; that much you knew. He could not have seen you through the window before he ran into the kitchen, and even if he managed to, your mask was still securely strapped on.
“You still there? I haven’t dropped off Hellraiser yet, you could've just asked if you wanna watch it again.”
You hung up, breath quickening. Stu wasn’t scared, even though you were using the same voice changer as the loose, prank-calling murderer running around the streets of Woodsboro. You dumped the phone on the ground, hidden behind a bush. If he wasn’t scared by a little sound-a-like, that was fine, you came prepared. Stu’s garage door had been left open, and you jogged over. Frankly, it didn’t matter how much the rich boy had it coming, you were never doing this again. The costume’s long fringes caught on your feet, almost causing you to trip as you avoided the windows; less silent than you had hoped. Your shoes shuffled against the concrete, and you jiggled the handle of the only door, praying it would open. It creaked as you slipped inside, your shoes surely creasing when you tiptoed into the living room. From behind the couch, you could see that Stu was still in his kitchen, but he was looking around.
He grinned, cupping his hands around his mouth, “Nobody else’s here, Billy. You don’t gotta sneak into my house, you know that!”
 Sighing, you watch him leave the room to wander about the hallways, stopping by the door you had snuck through– and forgot to close. He squinted, looking at the mistake, and back at the living room. Your cheeks burned, adrenaline starting to pump in your veins as he took a few steps closer. 
“C’mon, you wanna have a movie marathon? It’s kinda late for that, but whatever. I have plenty of snacks left from the party, and a whole lot more puke!”
Stu turned away at the last second, choosing instead to sprint down into the bathroom. You could hear a muffled, “Gotcha… nope,” over rustling cloth as you crawled on your hands and knees into the kitchen. The freezing tile shocked any distraction from your system, and you stood up, settling into the darkest part of the kitchen. One of your hands held a dull knife, while the other held the little voice changer machine. However, your position left you without visuals on your victim. You were tempted to pull down your hood, but that would be too reckless, especially since he seemed to think you were his dearest friend. Oh, man, he didn’t know what was coming. 
“Y’know I love pranks, man, but time’s up,” He probed, leaning on the marbled island, just out of reach.
Stu visibly flinched as he turned around and found you staring at him, the mask’s empty eyes giving nothing away. It took him but a second to recover, yet, and a smile accompanied his wild eyes, “Billy!”
You tilted your head, slowly raising your left hand, “Incorrect.”
He didn’t have time to respond; you lunged. You gripped his collar in a fist and slammed him into the countertop– he winced. Stu tried pushing you back, but it was in vain, your knife already threatening to pierce his throat.
Your full weight was on the man, and he raised his hands in defeat. Stu’s chest rose and fell in hefty patterns; you snickered at his obedience. His head slumped back as you released his shirt, in favor of wrenching your mask off to face him.
“Surprise, Macher.”
Stu chuckled, chewing on his bottom lip, “Didn’t know you were in on it too.”
“In on what– aren’t you scared?” You growled, pressing the knife into the flesh of his neck, but not enough to draw blood.
“Dunno,” his back arched, causing a drop of blood to drip down his shirt, “I think you could’ve done better!”
You flipped him over, slicing a fringe off of your costume to tie his hands with. Your hips were in between his thighs, leaving him trapped, and the robe itself fell on the floor beside its mask. Stu giggled, hoisting up his torso with his elbows.
“It’s payback; you could use some.”
He winced as you pulled his hair, “Hngh, it was Billy’s idea.”
“Don’t act innocent.”
“And what’re you gonna do about it, tough guy?”
You rasped, moving to step back, “Nothing you don’t want; I think the prank’s done enough.”
Stu seemed to freeze, albeit briefly, but he wrapped his ankles around your hips– preventing you from running. Your hands brushed against them, tense, as his shoulders shook.
“I wanna.” A smile laced his tone.
“You sure?”
“I’m pose-itive,” he joked, “get it?”
You wrenched his mouth open, pressing down on his tongue with your thumb, “Shut it.”
He nodded, trying his best to close his lips around your finger. Your other hand trailed down his side, taking its sweet time, before landing on his waist. Saliva still connected your fingers to his mouth as you removed them, all in favor of lifting his hips. Underneath, you unzipped his jeans, taking extra care to avoid giving any friction. When you stepped back to slide them off of Stu, he whined, his hips still chasing your touch. His jeans were thrown aside, and you slid back in your place. You knew he could feel your breath on his neck.
Your crotch ground against his ass, a shiver spreading across his spine. Stu was audibly panting; his head was hanging low and he pushed his hips to meet your thrusts. You hummed, choosing to drag the knife in soft strokes down his back, the cool metal only just piercing his skin. Red oozed in thick droplets out of the wounds, some getting big enough to trickle down his back. The pain seemed to follow it down, as Stu made quite the pathetic noise. 
“We’ve barely even gotten started, Macher, and you’re this desperate already?” You teased.
“Mm, show me what ‘cha got!”
You chuckle and suck a bruise onto the back of his neck. From that position, you could hear a groan rumble in his throat, but it wasn’t strong enough to escape. Hm, you could change that. You sunk the edge of your teeth into a different spot, holding on for a second before soothing the bite with your tongue. If the bruise didn’t make what happened obvious, well, this would. Stu would just have to deal with it. Though, you doubt he’d mind.
The knife clattered onto the marble counter after you dropped it, Stu’s thighs twitching, “Where’s the lube?”
Stu didn’t answer, but only whined.
“Use your words, pretty boy.”
His voice shook, trying to form words past used lips, “Bathroom.”
“Louder, I didn’t hear you the first time.”
Stu wiggled against your weight, “C’mon, man– f-fuck, it’s in the bathroom, please!”
You tutted, a cruel grin on your face, “Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?”
You didn’t need directions, and as soon as you were out of his view, you practically ran there. Hell, you weren’t gonna miss out on this chance, were you? Stu, the eccentric boy that played downright evil pranks on anybody that breathed around him, reduced to a perverted degenerate. Perhaps he was already like that, and you wouldn’t be surprised. 
The lube was in a small, portable bottle that was half empty when you found it. Back in the kitchen, you poured the majority of what was left in your palm and fingers. Using just two, for the moment, you spread it over his hole; a finger may have dipped in every once and a while, in the process. 
“I wanna, I wanna do it already,” Stu shuddered, his fidgeting acting up again.
A finger eased its way inside, a little too easily, much to your surprise, “Not yet.”
“I really wanna.” Another, just as simply.
“That’s too bad;” you mused, “have you been fingering yourself?”
He bit down on his bottom lip, the taste of iron filling his mouth, “Uhuh, uhuh.”
“To what?”
“Y-you, and me.” 
You spread the final bit over your dick, before pressing your hand into the sides of his neck, “You little pervert. Bet you loved getting a glimpse of me in the locker room, yeah?”
“Yeah, yes, yes– oh, shit.” Stu’s little tangent was interrupted by you slamming inside; the sting melted in with pleasure as you brushed his prostate.
Only for a moment did you stop to let him adjust, before pulling out and thrusting again. You found a rhythm, and the counter rubbed against his cock as you continued, smearing precum over the wood. His hands, still bound, scrabbled for anything to hold onto, but in vain. His nails just slid off of the smooth stone, his drool making it even slippier. Stu squeezed his eyes shut, feeling a knot grow in his gut. 
He clenched around you, causing you to grunt, “‘M gonna cum, please let me cum, please, please… ah!”
“We’re not done yet,” you hissed, firmly slapping his thigh.
“I can’t hold it, man, I really can’t,” he sobbed out, eyelashes wet from unreleased tears.
A sharp pain on his shoulder burned through any restraint the guy had, the knot unraveling as quickly as it had formed. Stu thrashed, the fringe snapping, and his vision whited out. His brain was all fuzzy; the only thing he could focus on was gripping the edge of the counter. Stu’s face was smushed against the counter, crimson mixing with the white surface. He shivered, eyes heavy, feeling a little floaty when a thick liquid dripped down his thighs. You pulled out of him, rubbing his waist as you did so.
“Good job, Macher. That was one hell of a show you put on, ” you sighed.
His body was limp as you turned him over, using the oven towel to start to clean him up, “How’re you feeling?”
Stu finally opened his eyes, using all of his strength to grin up at you, “Dude… that was like, awesome.”
“Pfft, you sound out of it.”
“Eh, what makes you say that? I want a big glass of water!”
You cackled, leaving his side to shuffle through a cabinet full of fancy cups, finally choosing a sturdy looking mug. He grabbed it as soon as it was in arms reach, taking huge gulps from it, like he had been starved. Or, more so dying of thirst. 
When he finished, you softly said, “Do you need help getting into bed?”
Stu shrugged, so you took that as a yes. You heaved him over your shoulder, supporting him up the stairs as he giggled the whole way. As you tucked him in, you swore you could hear something from down in the kitchen.
A phone’s ring.
Taglist: @jaspeywasy89 , @cannabrisano , @fandomz-brainrot
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Can I just say I love your AU, I've binged it over the week and it is so amazing, one of the best AUs I've seen. You didn't just do a roleswap with White and Pink (which are fine, but this is better) you made a whole different story; it's incredible
I love how White Diamond's allignment is still up in the fence, like so far she seems neutral or neutral good-ish but it's still hard to tell, with the whole 'system reboot' thing and calling Steven an abomination; I can't wait to see what you do with her
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I have a lot of fun making this story, and using canon as a set of references instead of a roadmap has made it that much more enjoyable.
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jojo-schmo · 1 year
Curious, you got some bandee headcanons you’d like to share? (doesn’t matter if it’s in the roleswap au or not)
My sweet Bandana Boy! I love him SO MUCH! I'm happy to share some of my personal headcanons for him!
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First, I am a strong believer that Bandee is the same Dee from Kirby 64. I know there's evidence that both supports and denies this out there, but I choose to believe it!!
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So that's why I think his spear could be tipped with the crystal shard he's gifted at the end of the game!!
Yes, the spear point is the same shape as a crystal shard. But there's more to this! Hear me out!! :D
So Kirby, Meta Knight, and Dedede all have demonstrated some cool powers over the years that help them beat back some pretty fearsome foes! For lack of a better word right now I'm calling them "Cosmic Powers." Kirby is... Kirby. His powers are pretty much limitless. Dedede and Meta have had different elemental powers over the years too, like electricity, fire, wind, etc... (Meta could very well be a cosmic being like Kirby, and I have my own theory about Dedede's elemental abilities here).
The members of Team Kirby do great things together, but they're also very powerful on their own! So what's Bandee's thing? He is a humble Waddle Dee by birth! He hasn't demonstrated any extra "Cosmic Powers" that I can recall. Other than the cute hover jump- but most of Kirby's Helpers and Allies can do that too! And even back in Kirby 64, Waddle Dee helps Kirby out in very practical ways. Going down a river together in a log flume, operating a mine cart or sled... stuff like that.
Bandee's Spear moveset is also very practical and purely skill-based. It consists of intricate and powerful spear maneuvers. It's got to be a result of his diligent training that's been hinted at over the years!
But one of his moves always stuck out to me since it's not purely skill-based- his Spear Throw.
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How is he able to toss out an unlimited supply of spears and regenerate another in his hand immediately afterward?
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The Crystal Gun has an unlimited supply of ammo, so it makes sense to me that his spear could very well have that same property if it's part Crystal Shard!
A fun personal theory is that he forged the Crystal Shard he was gifted into a weapon after he made the decision to train and grow stronger to protect his loved ones. Probably in between the ending of Revenge of the King and the beginning of Return to Dreamland. And he's only gotten stronger over the years!
Using a spear made with a crystal that is shown to be one of the only weapons effective against Dark Matter is just so super cool to me!! It would definitely complement his great loyalty, courage, and personal strength. A wonderful tool to put him right up there alongside Dreamland's Defenders like he deserves to be!! <3
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rhondafromhr · 2 months
Max and Steph roleswap AU where Steph’s the school bully/self-proclaimed God of Hatchetfield High. She started dictating what everyone can and can’t do and who’s cool and who’s a nerd and whether Kyle can date Brenda (the answer’s still no, by the way!) to gain a sense of control. Solomon scrutinizes her every move and doesn’t let her do ANYTHING that might make him look remotely bad and affect his reelection prospects. Her mom dissapeared after winning the Honey Queen pageant (but as far as Steph knows she just up and left). She has absolutely no control in her home life and had to find it elsewhere.
Do you see my vision?? We’d get a sapphic Stephgrace version of Dirty Girl. We’d get Mariah as the villain. She’s the star QB. To impress the high school football obsessed voters, Solomon forced her to either do that or cheer. It turned out she was actually really good at it and she started getting praise and admiration for once (she also gets none of that at home). Between that and being the mayor’s daughter, nobody can stand up to her. Kyle and Jason are her lackeys. Kyle still gets punched in the face for calling Grace a two bagger. Max is around and he’s like “no, I agree with Steph, Grace is kinda cute” he gets decked in the face too because he BETTER not be thinking of asking her out (poor Jason has to carry them both out).
Max is still a jock, but he plays a sport nobody at Hatchetfield High really cares about (idk lacrosse maybe), so he’s more of a fringe cool kid. Not having the power over the school he has in canon, he had to find a different way to cope with his Whole Deal so became more apathetic and adopted a cool/tough guy persona instead. He usually manages to fly under the radar, but Steph does pick on him occasionally - she copes with Solomon constantly insulting her intelligence by doing the same thing to others and Max “I’m so fuckin’ scared of skele-uhns” Jägerman is an easy mark. Kyle usually joins in out of desperation for Steph’s approval. Jason will too, but only when the others pressure him into it.
Max needs to get his grades up or he’ll be kicked off the team, so he cheats off one of the nerds, gets caught and eventually asks them to tutor him. Doesn’t matter which one, pick your poison depending on which ship or friendship you want to be the Lautski of this universe. I’m gonna make it platonic and say Richie because I love their potential friendship dynamic, I love aroace Richie and I love treating friendships with the same narrative weight as romantic relationships. Steph says hell no, the Pasqualli’s incident happens and Grace convinces them all to plan the prank.
Of course, Steph wouldn’t fall for it like Max did. She realizes what they they’re up to almost immediately, but she’s still delighted. She finds it kind of funny and endearing that they thought they could scare her with cheap costumes and creepy music. She likes that they planned the prank to get her to change her ways because it means they still think she has the potential to be good. Then she falls and they do Grace’s bury the body plan, but this is the mayor’s daughter and the police can’t write it off like they do most disappearances in Hatchetfield so they’re hot on their trail.
Also, I’m losing it thinking about how powerful Solomon’s death would be. And how fucking scared Max would be during the summoning.
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sparklingsora · 3 months
Hi. I would like to know many things about your roleswap au bc I love it very much but I have no idea what to ask I just want to know many things bc my brain has been consumed already
uhhhhh I guess can you lore dump a little bit on backstories? Idk I just wanna know everything about this au
I will be back in your ask box for this au several times most likely
-Spaghetti Brain Anon
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK!!! i am SO glad that i could get this au to live in someone else's brain rent free too. all i could ever ask for in life tbh i guess i'll infodump about character backstories, dynamics, character arcs, all that juicy stuff putting it under cut because HO BOY THIS IS GONNA GET LONG
as a heads up, take the timeframes i give you with a grain of salt, because i still havent completely figured out the timeline so first of all, vox!! he's a sinner, died in the 1950s, as per canon. he's a businessman, but less stable than in canon. he's always jumping from job to job, business to business, which results in him having a lot of connections with various people around hell. soon after arriving in hell, he met and became friends with alastor. cut to, i'd say around 7-10 years before the events of the story? alastor disappears without a trace during an extermination and vox assumes him dead. having now been personally touched by the effects of the extermination, the idea to try and solve overpopulation another way is planted in his head, but wont come to fruition until much later. in the meantime he meets velvette - finds her bleeding out in an alleyway after getting too cocky and trying to fight back to an exorcist (bad idea). he nurses her back to health, they become friends and eventually start dating, yada yada yada. one day vox and velvette find a funky little cat (keekee). keekee takes a liking to them and leads them to the old ruins of a building up on the hill on the edge of pentagram city. they figure out that the cat turns into a keyblade that can be used to magically build shit (only the hotel though, as keekee is the spirit of the hotel or??? whatever the hell the canon lore is idk???) vox finally decides to realize his idea to try and solve overpopulation more humanely - through redeeming sinners! his reasoning is, if angels can fall (as proven by lute and charlie), then demons can surely ascend, right? though he's not as sure or idealistic about it as charlie is in canon. he simply thinks it has a chance of working, and opening up a hotel means a bigger sample size than if he were to just try and get into heaven himself or something like that. besides, he wouldnt wanna go to heaven, he likes it here. also, im not sure where this is situated in the timeline yet, but he was in a band with adam, lute and possibly eve at some point? the band is called brimstone eden, as mentioned in the comic i posted. im not sure yet whether he was in the band prior to eve's disappearance or after it (eve disappears 7 years before the story starts to mirror canon lilith). swap!vox, like his canon counterpart, is a very reactive person. he follows trends, he's extremely go-with-the-flow to a fault. he never really had any strong beliefs until the hotel - his character arc mainly involves him gaining something to believe in and learning to fight for that belief, 'ready for this' being more or less the culmination of his arc. jesus christ i cant believe i wrote that much JUST on vox. *slaps the top of his head* this boy can fit so much lore in him
now, velvette... she's how you'd expect her to be. same old brave, arrogant velvette. she's a fashion designer and seamstress and runs a moderately sized business which she promotes on sinstagram. she's mutuals with val there, which is how he finds out about the hotel. there's not much to write home about when it comes to val - it's insane how similar angel and him are. like literally barely anything changes when you swap them, it's very clean. he's a prn star, sold his soul to angel dust, yada yada. though a bit on his dynamic with vox - vox is very good at reading people, and doesn't like being lied to (he's a bit of a hypocrite in that regard - he puts on a facade all the time when in professional settings). he can clearly tell val isnt doing as good as he pretends he is, and wants to help him really badly, but val just sees it as vox pitying him and rejects his help (its what they fight about in ep 4, as a counterpart to the whole "charlie going to the studio" thing bc vox wouldnt do that) and now here's the fun part - ALASTOR! oh, alastor, you beautiful stuck up bitch! so turns out, he's not so dead after all! he ALMOST died in that fateful extermination, but husk found him and offered him a "give me your soul right now or bleed out in this alleyway" type deal. of course alastor chose the former, but boy he's not happy about it. he's extremely ashamed of how far he's fallen. so ashamed, in fact, that he hid from the world for those 7-10 years! yeah! he's only pulled out of hiding when husk summons him to be the bartender for the hotel. vox is of course, extremely bewildered and demands answers. alastor doesnt give them and avoids him instead. it takes a sincere conversation with valentino in ep 4 for alastor to finally talk to vox again and explain himself. alastor is basically in extremely deep denial of just how fucked his life is. he clings onto his radio demon persona like a lifeline bc its the last thing that can help him feel some semblance of control over his situation. his tension with valentino is twofold - first they butt heads because of opposing personalities, and second because they both see the other's bullshittery. it's a clusterfuck it eventually bubbles over in ep 4, they both admit how absolutely fucked they are and are friends now. wish i could say more on al & val bc i love them very much but it seems ive run out of eloquency for now. though i know i'll draw some comics of them eventually so maybe it'll come across better in comic form. anyway as mentioned above ive run out of eloquency and im honestly not sure how coherent this whole thing is so you'll have to come back for the other characters some other time, dear anon! until then, thank you so much for the ask once again, and have a nice day/night :)
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aaroleswapau · 1 year
Ah!!! These are So Cool!!!! Does- does Apollo still have the tag of his suit on(is he still broke ass in this au). Love that you didn't give daryan dildo hair. What's that card in klaviers chest pocket that shows up after kg:aa? Fan of the second kristoph drawing very handsome. What is the roleswap wright anything agency called?? Is Sebastian the 'little dare devil' Kay has on dail?
Hope that's not too many questions but I really like the details on this jsjfng
wah thank you, so glad you think so! <33
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swapollo isn't broke (lmao) in this au since he's pretty well off as a musician, it's klavier's turn to be a broke ass bitch pftt rip king im sorry that you still love clothes and fashion
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the thing on klavier's chest pocket after aa4 is constance's notebook. a reminder of her that he keeps close to his heart :'^)
the waa in the swap au is called...
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and the little daredevil kay has is actually little thief! but they're called little daredevil in the swap au since kay is a stuntwoman here and i thought that seemed like a fitting change :^P (i'll be honest, i haven't quite figured out how to fit in most of the aai cast in this au just because i keep forgetting what happens in the duology, wheezes)
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