#but i am thinking that she is perhaps irresistible
eyelessfog · 7 months
important question, dont answer if you dont know who this is
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sirfrogsworth · 1 month
Let's talk about vintage lenses.
Here is your cool samurai show with modern lenses.
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Here is your cool samurai show with vintage lenses.
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Hollywood is no stranger to fads.
We are currently in the middle of a "make everything too dark" fad. But that fad is starting to overlap with "let's use really old lenses on ridiculously high resolution cameras."
This is Zack Snyder with a Red Monstro 8K camera.
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He is using a "rehoused" vintage 50mm f/0.95 Canon "Dream Lens" which was first manufactured in 1961.
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This old lens is put inside a fancy new body that can fit onto modern cameras.
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Which means Zack is getting nowhere near 8K worth of detail. These lenses are not even close to being sharp. Which is fine. I think the obsession with detail can get a bit silly and sometimes things can be "too sharp."
But it is a funny juxtaposition.
The dream lens is a cool lens. It has character. It has certain aberrations and defects that can actually be beneficial to making a cool photograph. It's a bit like vinyl records for photography.
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[ Peter Thoeny ]
It has vignetting and distortion and a very strange swirly background blur.
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[ Gabriel Binder ]
Optical engineers have been spending the last 60 years trying to eliminate these defects. And I sometimes wonder if they are confused by this fad.
And whether you prefer to work with a perfect optic or a vintage one... it is a valid aesthetic decision either way. I think vintage glass can really suit candid natural light photography. You can almost get abstract with these lenses.
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[ Peter Theony ]
Personally I like to start with as close to perfect as possible and then add the character in later. That way I can dial in the effect and tweak how much of it I want. But even with modern image editing tools, some of these aberrations are difficult to recreate authentically.
That said, it can be very easy for the "character" of these lenses to become distracting. And just like when someone first finds the lens flares in Photoshop, it can be easy for people to overdo things.
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Zack Snyder decided to be his own cameraman and used only vintage glass in his recent movies and it has led to some complaints about the imagery.
I mean, Zack Snyder overdoing something? I can't even imagine it.
Non camera people felt Army of the Dead was blurry and a bit weird but they couldn't quite explain why it felt that way.
The dream lens has a very wide aperture and it lets in a lot of light. But it also has a very very shallow depth of field. Which means it is very difficult to nail focus.
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[ Peter Thoeny ]
Her near eye is in focus and her far eye is soft. You literally can't get an entire face in focus.
There is no reason you have to use the dream lens at f/0.95 at all times. But just like those irresistible lens flares, Zack couldn't help himself.
Here is a blueprint that you can't really see.
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Extreme close ups of faces without autofocus at f/0.95 is nearly impossible to pull critical focus on.
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Looks like Zack nailed the area just above the eyebrow here.
Let's try to find the point of focus in this one.
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Ummmm... she is just... blurry. Missed focus completely.
But Zack isn't the only one going vintage. I've been seeing this a lot recently.
Shogun is a beautiful show. And for the most part, I really enjoyed the cinematography. But they went the vintage lens route and it kept going from gorgeous to "I can't not see it" distracting. And perhaps because I am familiar with these lens defects I am more prone to noticing. But I do think it hurt the imagery in a few spots.
Vingetting is a darkening of the corners of the frame.
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Light rays in the corners are much harder to control. A lot of modern lenses still have this problem, but they create software corrections to eliminate the issue. Some cameras do it automatically as you are recording the image.
Vintage lenses were built before lens corrections where a thing—before software was a thing. So you either have to live with them, try to remove them with VFX, or crop into your image and lose some resolution.
It's possible this is the aesthetic they wanted. They felt the vignetting added something to the image. But I just found my eyes darting to the corners and not focusing on the composition.
And then you have distortion.
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In this case, barrel distortion.
This is mostly prominent in wide angle lenses. In order to get that wider field of view the lens has to accept light from some very steep angles. And that can be quite difficult to correct. So you kind have to sacrifice any straight lines.
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And sometimes this was a positive contribution to the image.
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I thought the curved lines matched the way they were sitting here.
But most of the time I just felt like I was looking at feudal Japan through a fish's eye.
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It's a bit more tolerable as a still, but when all of these verticals are bowing in motion, I start to feel like I am developing tunnel vision.
I love that this is a tool that is available. Rehousing lenses is a really neat process and I'm glad this old glass is getting new life.
This documentary shows how lens rehousing is done and is quite fascinating if you are in to that sort of thing.
But I think we are in a "too much of a good thing" phase when it comes to these lenses. I think a balance between old and new can be found.
And I also think maybe Zack should see what f/2.8 looks like. He might like having more than an eyebrow in focus.
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myouicieloz · 9 months
As you dance
Huh Yunjin x itzy6thmember!reader
Synopsis: Yunjin didn’t know you knew how to dance. That was, until she saw you wasted at an after party, laughing and moving your body along with the neon lights.
Warnings: nsfw, …? Idk what else. drinking, perhaps. smut. sub!yunjin x dom!reader.
Word count: 5.8 k.
Notes: I AM BACK ONCE AGAIN! And Idk what I did here. It just kept going. I think I’m getting better at writing smut, though! This was way more comfortable to write than my previous one (which I’m working on part 2 already!!). I did check for spelling errors and everything in general (yay!), but if there’s anything that makes you uncomfortable lmk so I can change it. that’s it enjoy!! muah kisses ily my loves. ps: Yn is part of itzy but I think I’ve made it general enough you can imagine any gg you’d like, kind of. But itzy rocks.
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Yunjin stared shamelessly as you danced around with your bandmates at the secret afterparty you were all attending. She watched as you swayed your hips along with the rhythm of the music and twirled your friends around, laughing when one of them lost balance and almost fell to the ground. To her, the way you moved around was completely indecent, for God’s sake. It made everyone stare at you, in awe. She hated that— so many eyes on you. She should be the only one.
Yunjin doesn’t know why she assumed you weren’t good at it. maybe by the way you talked about yourself, always saying how you hated to dance and were always behind your bandmates in choreography, looking too out of place to blend in. She should’ve known you were, as always, just insecure.
She had seen you dance before, of course. You were good with the choreography you were given, even if it wasn’t always your style. But to see you dance so freely… It was truly a sight.
To others, however, you were enjoying yourself and having fun with your friends, but Yunjin knew better— knew you better. It was a clear challenge, she could tell by the way your hands ventured to your chest, mostly exposed by your top’s neckline. The subtle looks she’d send you across the room, every time your hands touched your best friends’, the one your stupid fans were always shipping you with, waist, were meant to defy her; provoke her.
It had made Yunjin so horny it hurt. She clenched her thighs, hoping for some kind of relief, but it did nothing to ease the burning sensation building up in her core.
Thankfully, the next set of songs were ones you disliked, so you excused yourself from your friends and neared the bar, taking a break. Yunjin didn’t waste any time following you, sending hard glances to the people who motioned to greet you before she was by your side. As if she’d ever let them steal your attention from her.
"I didn't know you could dance," Yunjin casually told you, leaning against the balcony. Her tone was light, making it seem like a simple observation, attempting to mask the fact that simply watching you dance had made her incredibly turned on.
Your moves were experienced, almost obscene. And the micro skirt you wore had you looking irresistible, shining like a beacon in the middle of the damn dance floor. It made her want to snatch you up and fuck you right in the restrooms, for everybody to hear you screaming her name, simply to get rid of that smug smile on your face.
You weren’t hers, though. The two of you were merely friends, so her actions were resumed to her wettest, dirtiest dreams.
"You assumed that, unnie,” you replied, after catching your breath for a few seconds. Your cheeks were flustered from the alcohol, and the dance had messed your hair up even more, making the curls run towards all places. You looked wild, free. Alive. Yunjin would definitely write about you once she went home. She could already plot the verses in her head. "I said I didn't like it, and I don't," you continued, picking up the drink the waiter had handed you and thanking him with a bow and a small smile. "But it's fun, sometimes. I did ballet for quite a while, remember? I know a few things."
A few things.
You turned to her, taking a step so you’d be closer. Her eyes were beautiful, all bright and expressive, and you so hoped to get to be someone special in her life. You’d grown used to talking to her over the last weeks, after you asked for her number at an award ceremony. You two texted all the time, and told each other just about everything: she had told you about the hard time she had at produce 48, then the frustration when she decided to give up the trainee life and go to college; the insecurity she faced after finally living her dream, constantly wondering if she was enough, if she was worthy of all of this wonder. You, on the other hand, shared about your family; how your mother and grandmother, mostly, coerced you into dancing, specially ballet, and how you absolutely loathed it. You told her that you tried out for JYP with one of your best friends at the time, who you admired so much and was such an inspiration to you. Yunjin was the only one who knew how surprised you were when you got in, and she didn’t. And how her coldness and rudeness towards you broke your heart. You two knew so many profound things about each other, but it was so awkward to stare at her personally. Yunjin, who knew the raw version of you, who knew each and every one of your nightmares, and still wanted to be friends.
To you, it was embarrassing how much you knew about her. Each time you spoke, you took an effort not to reveal anything she hadn’t told you yet. About her hobbies, her sister… you knew it all. And you so desperately wanted her to notice you. To truly see you much you desired her.
Oblivious, the two of you. Both playing a game of hide and seek with your feelings, afraid you’d scare each other and make one run away.
She was taken by surprise by your movements, but quickly recovered and took a step towards you herself. She grabbed a strand of your hair, admiring the way the curls fell so graciously into place, adorning your delicate face.
“You look beautiful today.” She thought better, frowning slightly. “Every day, actually.”
You smiled at her, not thinking much of it, but before you could thank her, Kazuha showed up, jumping up and down.
“Yunjin unnie! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” She stopped to acknowledge you, still moving frantically. “Hello Yn! You look so, so pretty!”
“So I’ve told her,” Yunjin mumbled, as you nudged her and thanked Kazuha, this time.
“Thank you, Zuha. Did you take too many Red Bulls again?” She nodded, as if the ground was sending electric waves into her body.
“Only two, Yn-ah!” She did the number 2 with her fingers before turning to Yunjin. “Chaewon unnie says we have to go. We have rehearsals tomorrow morning, remember? We can’t be tired.” Kazuha explained, gripping the girl’s arm as she tried to drag her towards the rest of the bandmates. Yunjin stood frozen, though. There was no possibility she’d leave you here, not when everyone was staring at you like they were just waiting for an opportunity to snatch you and take you home.
They wouldn’t dare. Taking you from her was not a possibility.
“I can’t go, Zuha.” Yunjin said, looking at you sneakily so the ballerina would, hopefully, get the hint. Kazuha furrowed her brows, confused.
“Why not, unnie?” She kept looking at you, then at yunjin, trying to understand.
“I can’t.”
You felt like you were intruding, but you couldn’t let Yunjin go, either. You put your hands on her other arm, asking her softly, “Is everything ok? You look a bit pale. I can go if you'd like, the girls are probably looking for me anyw—“
“No!” Both girls exclaimed, making you take your arms off the older girl, taken aback by their intensity. Yunjin eyed Kazuha before turning back to you, annoyed to not have your full attention anymore. Her thoughts were racing, and you’d given her the perfect cue: she wasn’t going to waste it. Clinging onto you, she grabbed your tiny waist, burying her face in your neck since you knew she was a terrible liar. Yunjin was tall herself, so she was constantly towering over people, but you were two, maybe three inches taller than her, which had always pleased her.
“Actually, I don’t think I feel so good, Yn. Perhaps you could come with us to the dorm? The girls sleep like rocks, and I’m afraid I’ll start to get nauseous, and I’ll be all alone because they never wake up.” She pleaded, making her voice crack so it would look real. Yunjin did feel a little bad for lying so bluntly to you, but she wouldn’t leave you alone at the club for everyone to have you.
She felt cold hands being pressed on her neck and her forehead, making her shiver. She could only think how it would feel to have those same hands pressing slightly into her pulse point, as she was pounded by behind—
“You really are a bit hot,” she heard you say, and it took all of her strength not to laugh. “And shivering. Why did you come? You should’ve gone straight home.”
To see you.
“Yes! Please come with us, Yn! Yunjin is always talking about how you take such good care of your bandmates when they drink too much! You should care of unnie, too.” Zuha said, picking up on her friend’s act. She shamelessly winked at the girl, but you didn’t even notice, too busy staring at your feet at the thought of Yunjin talking about you to her friends.
“Apparently, not so much,” You frowned, realizing your bandmates were no longer on the dance floor. They often drank over their heads, and you were always worrying they wouldn’t pass out in a chair or do something reckless. “Yeji is probably up to something somewhere, and Lia’s too sweet when she’s drunk. Now I’ve lost them.” You mumbled, truly thorn between the pretty girl in your arms and your bandmates. Sensing your hesitation, Yunjin gave your waist a reassuring squeeze, which you pretended not to be affected by.
“We’ll find them and ask about it, ok? I’ll survive on my own if they’re too bad themselves.” She assured you, making you feel lighter. You nodded, and soon the trio started searching for your friends through the club.
Turns out you were right, after all. Yeji was as red as a tomato, laughing at Chaeryoung who had just tripped over the chair. Lia was flirting with someone you couldn’t see clearly in the dark, and Yuna looked in her own world besides Ryujin, downing shots by herself. Surprisingly, Ryujin was cool, watching the whole scene with a small smile as she sipped on her drink. She frowned at the sight of Yunjin clinging to you and Kazuha jumping on your other side, but her smile quickly became malicious as she noticed the older girl’s hands on your waist. You shook your head, mouthing her to stop.
Yunjin simply didn’t see you like this, no matter how much you wanted her to.
“We were looking for you,” she said, over the music, as soon as you were near enough to hear. Yeji had taken Kazuha for a dance, and now they were both in a jumping contest, apparently. Yunjin didn’t catch the way your friend’s voice dropped an octave, but you certainly did, “But you were busy, I see.”
“Yunjin is not feeling so good,” You clarified, giving her your best, stop trying to suggest things that didn’t happen stare. Ryujin new about your crush and how you and Yunjin texted all the time, and had always tried to convince you that the girl liked you as much as you liked her.
“I asked her to go home with us, to take care of me.” Yunjin explained, squeezing your waist again. She liked the way you tensed around her hands when she first did it, momentarily closing your eyes to regain your focus, “Because she always takes such good care of you, when you guys are not feeling so good. But she was wary of leaving you here alone.”
“Nonsense! We were actually looking for you to go home, too. It’s getting late anyway. You should take care of Yunjin-sunbaenim.” Ryujin approved, giggling. She motioned to the girls, pushing the two of you. “Get better! Rest well.” She wished Yunjin, and you wanted to kill her for laughing. Yunjin, who was having the time of her life clinging onto you, sighed as she saw Kazuha’s energy. She motioned to let go of you to get her friend, but you tightened your grip, instead and reaching for the ballerina yourself.
You said goodbye to the rest of your bandmates, explaining them you’d spend the night at Lesserafim’s dorm, and they promptly wished Yunjin a speed recovery, clearly too drunk to think much of it. In a few minutes, you were in a van with the rest of Yunjin and Kazuha’s members. They were such dears, and you already knew so much about them because of Yunjin, so thankfully the atmosphere was calm, with all the girls tired from the busy day and the party.
“It’s so cool that you’re sleeping over, Yn-unnie! Yunjin unnie talks about you all the time.” Eunchae had excitedly said, making everyone laugh. Yunjin stared at the window, muttering that the maknae was lying, but the blush in her face was proof enough.
“Yn will be busy taking care of Yunjin, though, Manchae,” Chaewon said, knowing exactly what her friend was up to. “Yunjin might even puke.” She joked, earning a general ‘ewwww!’ from the girls, and a laugh from you.
You saw that Yunjin was still with her head on the window, so you poked her to get the girl’s attention.
“You shouldn’t be looking at the window so much if you’re dizzy,” you gently pushed her head to rest on your shoulder, which she did. “I did that once after drinking and puked in our dorm’s parking lot.” You frowned, remembering how you didn’t even drink too much that day, but still ended up sick.
“That’s gross.” She said, laughing and focusing on your lap, instead. She grabbed your hands, playing with your fingers to distract herself from the fact that you had really accepted to take care of her.
Yunjin kept reminding herself she was your friend, nothing else. She couldn’t risk making a move on you and having to handle your rejection. She wouldn’t dare. Friends.
The van stopped to drop Sakura and Eunchae at their dorm, and Sakura smiled at you before leaving.
“Take care of her, Yn. Yunjin gets really whiny when she’s not feeling good.” She said, with playful eyes. Yunjin looked like she was at a staring contest with the oldest, but let her go with a sigh.
“Goodnight to you too, unnie.” She mumbled, a pout on her lips.
Soon, you were in Chaewon, Kazuha and Yunjin’s dorm, and you took a good look at it before going to Yunjin’s room. It was spacious, neat and very light, just like the girls. Chaewon and Kazuha bid you goodnight before retreating to their rooms, after giving Yunjin a hug.
When you entered her bedroom, she was riffling through her drawers, looking for something. You examined her room, too, as you’ve never been to her dorm before. There were plenty of posters on her walls, and a collage of polaroids hanging just beside her full-length mirror. You smiled, spotting the one you took at Music Bank, when you stumbled briefly across each other as you were running late— both of you looking flustered but with big smiles.
“It’s one of my favorites.” You’ve heard her say, behind you. “I just wished we had more pictures together.”
You turned to see her in a big T-shirt and small shorts, another set of clothes in her hands. You took it from her and quickly undressed from your sparkly skirt and black top, not bothering to go to the bathroom — you were friends, after all.
“We could go out more and take pictures, if you weren’t so busy all the time.” You whined, as she shook her head and threw herself in her bed, making sure to leave space for you.
“As if you weren’t busy yourself.” She answered, although her tone was still playful.
You left her room to get her a set of water and some painkillers — for if she had a headache from the drinks, and quickly came back. You wished she was in your room instead, so you could dote on her better.
“Do you have painkillers? And snacks?” You asked, standing still as she grabbed your arms to pull you to bed. You let her have her way, eventually, but scoffed as she hugged you close. “I’m supposed to be taking care of you, unnie.” You reminded her, making the older girl giggle.
“You are taking care of me just by being here, Yn.” She said, sniffling your perfume. Seeing your glare, she sat on the bed, reaching out to her nightstand, “See? I’ve got the painkillers already, and there are some more in the bathroom. I’ve got some for nausea, too, but I don’t think I’ll take them. I think what was getting me all messed up were the lights and the loud music after having a full day of recording and rehearsing.” and seeing all of those people wanting you. Yunjin wanted to say.
She wouldn’t, though. She didn't intend to scare you away.
Yunjin finally relaxed, lying against her headboard as she closed her eyes and sighed. She didn’t fully lie to you when she said she didn’t feel so good back at the club. The group was going on a rollercoaster of rehearsals, promotions, photoshoots, and the anxiety of whether people were going to accept them or not. She was always feeling like she wasn’t good enough, and her exhaustion — both physical and mental — was starting to get her.
You embraced her, kissing her hair as you ran your fingers through the way you knew she liked it. The touch soothed her, and you slowly felt her relaxing.
“You’ll do great, Jen. All of you.” You told her, holding her a little bit tighter to reassure her of it. “You’re more than worthy, too. You’re talented, kind, and beautiful in all the ways that are possible. There’s simply no possibility of your fans not falling in love with you, with what you’ll inspire them with.” like I have.
It pained you that she didn’t believe in her herself, the years of training and not being chosen making her insecure. You wished she could see herself like you see her.
You two stayed like that for a while, with Yunjin tracing circles in your shirt and you running your hands through her hair and her upper-back, as if you’ve been doing this forever. You noticed her desk, all messy with empty cups and a pile of crumpled papers that also filled the small trash can on its side.
“You’ve been writing again.” You commented, feeling her tense for a second before she stared at the desk, too. She’d always told you about her songs, and you loved listening to her talk about their meaning for hours when you were facetiming. It did upset you a little that she hadn’t shown you any of her latest works, but you understood: with both of you so busy, it was hard to share stuff like that in such little time.
Forcing herself to relax, Yunjin tried to sound careless as she shrugged. “They’re not finished yet, not even the first chorus. I just have the melody and a few words that don’t make sense at all. I’ll show them to you when it’s not… you know, a total mess.”
I can’t show you the lyrics because they are all about you.
You mumbled an “okay”, happy to be included in her life.
“Are you feeling better?” Yunjin nodded, and you continued, “We should watch a movie. The girls and I always watch something to sleep when we’re drunk, but not too drunk to simply pass out in our beds.” You explained, and she grabbed her laptop to abide to your wishes.
“Good idea.” She smiled, typing her password. “Disney movies?” You loved those, so you smiled brightly at her.
“Disney movies.”
You did try to watch the movie, but you’d never sleep while Yunjin was by your side. You could feel her breath hovering and the subtle glances she’d send you while she thought you were focused on the movie. It was too much, to be around her so close and still not be able to truly touch her like you wanted to, and the feeling of not having her for yourself started to suffocate you. You paused “The emperor’s new groove”, hearing her protests as you shut the notebook down.
“Do you feel better?” Your polite tone didn’t quite reach your eyes, and you cut her before she even had the chance to answer, “Because I think I should go. We also have a tight schedule tomorrow and I don’t want to intrude your dorm either, so maybe it’s best if I—“
“Wait!” Yunjin said, exasperated. She took a deep breath before speaking, clutching her hands. “No, I don’t feel better. I need something.”
And she kissed you.
Her touch was hungry and intense, as she gathered her hands to your face, scared you’d push her away and tell her you hated her, or that you didn’t like her like that. However, her worries subsided when you immediately corresponded, starved for her touch yourself. Yunjin only pulled away when there was no air anymore, and rested her forehead on yours.
“Please, please don’t go.” She pleaded, pecking your lips delicately, almost unsure. You melted, surrendering to her as you’ve only dreamed of doing.
“I won’t.” You promised, finally kissing her back. “I’ll do whatever you want, Jen.” And you truly would, if she such as whispered for you to.
You pushed her back onto the bed, sitting on top of her without placing your whole weight on her abdomen. Your fingers toyed with her shirt as you occupied yourself with sucking her lips, ravishing her taste. Yunjin tasted like cherries, such as her perfume and her favorite lip-gloss— the one you’ve taken so much effort not to stare at whenever she applied it around you, not wanting to make it obvious.
“Are you really good, though?” You murmured, searching for any signs of drunkness or discomfort in her eyes as you’ve distanced yourself to take a proper look at her: beautifully settled on her bed, with messy hair from the making out and her mouth slightly bruised, marked in a deep crimson that also adorned her cheeks. She was so beautiful, like a painting.
You never wanted to forget such a sight.
Yunjin took your hands, her touch strong and decided as she stared at you with her big eyes, her tone nothing but serious.
“I’m perfectly fine, Yn.” She giggled a little when she realized she was caught in her lie, but her expression quickly went serious again. “I want you. I think I’ve wanted you for a while, actually…” she was shy, tracing circles in the palm of your hands as she took another big breath to steady herself. “I like you. I really, really like you. And it’s ok if you don’t like me back, either. I’m sorry I kissed you so suddenly but I jus—“
You silenced her with another kiss, laughing it through to shake the urge to cry from relief. You truly couldn’t believe she felt that way towards you, not when you’ve been trying so hard to be her friend, worried to fuck it all up.
“I like you too.” You answered, trailing kisses down her face as you made your way to her exposed neck, “I’ve wanted you since the first time we talked, at that stupid music award.” She was moaning under you, as wet as the kisses you placed on her fair skin, and you couldn’t get enough of her. “God, I’ve wanted you for so long.”
You licked her neck, sucking and marking it to your liking as you felt Yunjin’s fingers grab your hair, pushing you down with urgency. You laughed, stopping completely to admire her desperate face.
“Do you want me down here, baby?” You murmured in her ear, cupping her cunt through her shorts and feeling how wet she was. It pleased you to get those sensations from her body, and her whines aroused you even more; you could feel yourself so wet from simply kissing her, too.
“Please, Yn.” She pleaded, humping herself against your hand to try to have more friction, anything against her pussy to have her relief. “Please f-fuck me.”
You wanted to have her completely at your mercy, a mess of whimpers and begs until she was crying out your name so loud for all the neighbors to hear. But she looked so exasperated— almost in pain, when you weren’t touching her, so you quickly decided to give her whatever she wanted you to. To adore her body as much as you adored her soul.
“Very well, then.” You quickly got rid of her clothes, lowering yourself where she needed you the most, but Yunjin got up before you could move, placing her hands on your shoulders.
You shot her a glare, stopping to see if she wanted for you to cease completely, but she clumsily tried to take out your shirt instead, her neediness making you smile. You intercepted her, locking her wrists gently in front of her before kissing her jaw. “Try again, princess? Talk to me, this time.”
She looked away from your stare, embarrassed by how the nickname aroused her and how hot you looked, towering over her frame as you corrected her. She tried again, this time, tone unsure as her long fingers plucked the ends of your shirt.
“Take yours off too, please?” You smiled at her gentleness, stripping for her as you made her lie down once again.
“Good job, babe.” You placed yourself between her thighs, loving to see how she shivered at every deep breath you took, the breeze reaching her aching pussy as she clenched her muscles to try to get some relief.
You gathered her slick from her slit and used it to rub on her clit softly, with barely enough pressure, but it was enough for her to moan loudly, closing her eyes to maximize the feeling. It encouraged you to keep going, tracing faster circles in her clit as you kissed and sucked on her thighs as you wished.
“Fuck, Jen. You’re so beautiful like this.” You murmured, watching her lost in pleasure as you entered her with one finger. She lost her air, and you let your hands hover through her body before giving her your thumb to suck on, which she gladly did.
Having her displayed like that, bare and so responsive to your touch, was heavenly, so special. It was greater than you’d ever imagined it.
You added a second finger in her soaked entrance, but she was still whining as she stared at you with her hazel eyes.
“What do you want, love?” You asked, taking your hand from her mouth. “Say it, and it’s yours.” You didn’t ease your rhythm, still going in and out as you touched her clit now slowly, wanting to build the pleasure rather from taking it from her so fast.
It was difficult for Yunjin to think: her whole body was on fire, and you kept talking so sweetly her head was a mess of nothing and everything and the way you touched her was just so good, making her so full, but at the same time, she needed more.
“Just take a deep breath and the words will come up, babe.” She was reminded by you, as your hands gripped her thighs in the gentlest way you could, grounding her back.
She did as told, taking a couple seconds to gather herself.
“I-fuck” She let out a loud pitch she so wished Kazuha hadn’t heard as you curled your fingers inside her, reaching a spot that made her see little starts in her ceiling. “I n-need your mouth.” Yunjin frowned when you didn’t comply with her immediately, vaguely annoyed before she remembered, “Please, Yn. I want y-you down.”
You smiled against her cunt, giving it a long lick as you watched her shake strongly.
“You’re learning, Jen. We’ll get you all obedient soon enough.” You murmured, and Yunjin wanted to ask you further about it, but your mouth finally made contact with her cunt, your tongue entering her hole along with your fingers, making her curl her toes, drunk in pleasure.
Yunjin’s moans were delicious to hear, now more than ever, as she had given up on being silent for the girls not to hear. Surely, they expected it. She’d make up to them later, buy Kazuha a new plushie and Chaewon that purse she was whining so much to get all week. For now, the only thing that mattered was your mouth and fingers on her, making her so full and loved it hurt.
Your mouth let her slit to give attention to her clit, licking it fast as you alternated it with moving your tongue in zigzag to maximize her pleasure. You had Yunjin feel her pleasure come to her in a strong wave, clenching furiously as you gripped her hips to hold her into place. With a high cry, she came, and you kept fingering her until she came down from her high, her bare chest going up and down fast to steady her heartbeats.
“That was strong.” You murmured, taking your hands off her pussy to lie down next to her. “Are you okay?” You asked, cupping her cheek as she gave you a small nod. You tucked a strand of her hair behind her ears, to keep it away from her face. Yunjin’s face was adorned with a thin coat of sweat, and she reached for you to taste herself.
“I’m okay. So okay, thank you.” She hugged you, now clingier than ever, and you embraced her tightly as she relaxed, kissing you slowly as she ravished her own salty taste in your mouth.
You thought she’d sleep, too worn out from the whole day, but you felt her fingers teasing your thighs soon enough, brushing at your cunt gently.
“Jen, you don’t have to—“ You stood half-up to look her in the eyes, protesting.
She wasn’t looking at your face, though. Her eyes were focused on your body, drinking every inch of it with lust. Only after a minute she stared back at you, with a pout.
“I want to touch you, too. You’ve made me feel so good, Yn.” She said, giving you her best puppy eyes. “Let me make you feel good, please?”
Never denying her anything, you positioned yourself between her thighs, so she could have better access to your pussy. You couldn’t resist touching her, even though she was the one giving you pleasure, so you’ve placed quick kisses on her chest, making your way to her hardened nipple as you sucked on it.
She moaned loudly at the feeling of your hot mouth against her skin, her fingers losing rhythm on your clit as she tried to wriggle out of your touch. You placed both of your hands on her hips, gently forcing her into place.
“It’s not fair, Yn-ah.” Yunjin complained, as you laughed. You guided her hand back to your cunt before lowering yourself against her again, as she got her focus back on you.
“You’re a smart girl, Jen. You can keep your focus.” You smirked, sucking as your other hand left her hips to squeeze her other breast. “That’s it, baby. You’re—fuck, you’re doing so good. You’re so good with your fingers.” You praised her as Yunjin glowed at it, gaining rhythm as her thumb applied pressure on your hardened bud each time she thrusted in your pussy.
She was skilled with her fingers, the ones you’ve daydreamed to have knuckles deep in you so many times before, when she played for you through your FaceTime calls, and you were quick to have your pleasure building up on your lower abdomen, already so aroused from her reactions to your touches and just the sight of her at all.
“Fuck, baby, I’m gonna c-cum.” You sucked harder, both of you moaning together as you arched your back, reaching your high. She pulled you towards herself, kissing you passionately as you corresponded with equal fervor, grabbing her closer until there wasn’t a single molecule between you.
“I can’t get enough of you.” Yunjin told you, kissing your cheeks, your nose, your neck. She made herself busy there, making sure to mark you as you’ve done to her. So everyone would know who you belonged to.
“Lucky for you, Huh Yunjin.” You said, feeling fully loved and complete by being by her side. “I can’t seem to get enough of you, either.”
Now, every time you danced, Yunjin wouldn’t be bitter anymore: she knew where you’d be looking. Your eyes would always be on her.
“Unnie, why do you have such a thick scarf on? It’s barely autumn yet.” Eunchae was the first to speak as Yunjin entered the van, late as they were making their way to the company for rehearsals.
“And the glasses, too. There’s no sun, unnie.” Kazuha motioned to her face, trying to mask her laugh, as Eunchae got even more riled up, babbling about the weather and her worries towards her unnie.
Yunjin only shushed the younger girl, brushing her hand in her mouth to make her stop talking so loudly.
“Quiet, Manchae. Unnie is sick, remember? I think I drank too much last night. I’m hangover.” She managed to say it seriously, making the maknae finally tone herself down. The girls were laughing freely now, but Yunjin only glared at them in hopes they’d stop teasing, too tired to argue it out.
“You guys are ridiculous.” She muttered, ignoring the kissing sounds they were making, like 5th graders.
Yunjin couldn’t help but smile, though. And to think about you. Her songs were definitely going to be finished as soon as she got home again.
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jessource · 2 months
prompts: random quotes + excerpts.
“ you are so vulnerably haunting; your eeriness is terrifying irresistible. ” “ we’re not that different, you and i. ” “ you are a child of the cosmos, a ruler of the skies. ” “ you’re just becoming more of what you’ve always been. ” “ i’m not changing, none of us are changing. everything is fine. lets have a picnic. ” “ my father had the kind of anger all fathers do – loud and terrible. it lingers for your whole life. ” “ girlhood rots between my teeth, a sickness so sweet it aches. ” “ i wished so badly to have my own life, but you wouldn’t let me. ” “ parts of me died in the house i grew up in and i visit them in dreams. ” “ today i heard your name and my hands started shaking. please make it stop, make it stop. ” “ i wasn’t even allowed to cry over any of it, anyway! i wish the only thing that i spilled in my life was milk. ” “ this is not fun! it’s just scary! ” “ but if i hadn't fallen, i wouldn't have met you. ” “ have you let go of the ails that anchor you yet? ” “ have you let this marvelous spinning earth pull you into its arms and sweep you off your feet yet? ” “ i dream, i dream, i keep dreaming. one word in my mouth crystallises like sugar: hope. ” “ the nights get heavy like they always do. ” “ heavy wind, cold rain, and yes the stars. ” “ drifting apart always seems to hurt more as it happens. ” “ i am trying to say: look at me. ‘i am weightless. you make my heart grow light.’ ” “ right now, everything without you is almost sticky-sweet. it tastes like nectar. ” “ can you accept help or are you the eldest daughter? ” “ i swallow a bee for each ill deed done. i am a hive walking. i strain to hear you over the regret. ” “ i knew that it was cruel to be so optimistic, but, in my solitude, i couldn't resist the urge and spent entire days basking in idiotic fantasies, sometime verging on prayer. ” “ grief is not a feeling, but a neighbourhood. this is where i come from. everyone i love still lives there. ” “ there is a certain clinical satisfaction in seeing just how bad things can get. ” “ i was once very close to getting out of here. ” “ there is no moving on. only running away. ” “ i don’t love anyone. well, maybe my sister. ” “ i am infatuated with the private life, and with anonymity; perhaps even invisibility. ” “ sometimes you just need someone to tell you you're not as terrible as you think you are. ” “ i opened my mouth, almost said something. almost. the rest of my life might have turned out differently if i had. but i didn't. ” “ she is still inside of me. i carry her with me wherever i go. ” “ being a confessional human being for me is like a defense mechanism. if i can tell you the flaw before you see the flaw, then maybe it's okay. ” “ being a person didn't come naturally to me the way it seemed to for others. people who were sure of themselves awed me. i studied them and tried to mimic their ease. ” “look back at the mess you've made. try your best to pick up the pieces. ” “ not only had my brother disappeared, but– and bear with me here–a part of my very being had gone with him. ” “ i kinda wish i was buried six feet under ground. but oh god i also wish i was buried in your arms. ” “ we tell our stories differently, don’t we, you and i? ” “ you poor thing. sweet, mourning lamb. there’s nothing you can do. ” “ a golden cage is still just a cage. ” “ although i may not be yours. i can never be another’s. ” “ my mother didn't foresee what was going to become of us as a result of witnessing her despair. ”
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theblueseassoul · 5 months
So’lek x Na’vi!reader
GN reader. No use of Y/N. Read in the second person
Yawne - beloved / loved one
Ma’yawntu - my beloved / my loved one
Nìhona - endearingly sweet
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It was a calm day, a rare occasion. You were usually always busy, taking down RDA facilities, hunting, helping out the Aranahe hometree, helping the humans and na’vi back at resistance base. You never got a moment of peace and perhaps it helped because you had no idea what to do with yourself now that no one was asking for you. You had first gone to Priya, who always had something to ask or an idea to share, however the purple haired woman smiled sweetly and shook her head “Nothing today! Go and relax!” and dismissed you. You visited a few more people, along with your siblings who had woken up from the cryo sleep with you. You asked Nor if he wanted to practice his bow and arrow skills with you, however he shrugged and told you “I have to leave soon yawne.” You then asked Teylan, who usually asked you to gather more human computer bits or to teach him. Teylan placed a hand on your arm briefly, “Why don’t you relax today? You’re always working.” You got the same from Ri’nela.
At the end, you’d given up, and left HQ. You greeted your Ikran, coo’ing her name “Hello, my gorgeous.” You adored your ikran, and she felt the same. You two were bonded for life, after all. When she’d chosen you, you felt nothing but lucky. You pet her head, scratching all the right places before pressing a swift kiss to the heart on her nose. It was your favorite part of her pattern, the fact she had a little heart, it was almost irresistible to place a kiss there. “Sarentu.” A familiar voice called, making you turn. You were face to face with So’lek, and you couldn’t help but smile slightly. You two had become close after he’d saved you from Mercer. He started to come with you on hunts and missions more often. Once he told you that you should experience the forest yourself, the fails and the successes. To realize the dangers. However now he came with you whenever he could, it was nice but you were unsure why he did. Perhaps he thought you were ready, comfortable in the forest.
“I have a name.” You told him with a chuckle. He just smirked, and crossed his arms as he looked at your Ikran, and then you once more. “You look bored.” He ignored your previous statement and stepped closer. You nodded, sighing as you turned back to your Ikran as she nuzzled her nose into your hand “No one has anything for me. I am tempted to ask the Aranahe, but I have a feeling they won’t have anything either. Today feels…” you paused, thinking of the right word to use. So’lek simply listened, waiting for you to keep speaking, observing you with his diligent eyes. You finally settled on a word, “quiet.”
So’lek hummed in response “it’s good to have.. quiet days. You work yourself down to the bone. Though it’s admirable,” he offered a gentle smile before continuing “you should remember to take care of yourself.” You shrugged once more and returned your gaze to your Ikran, who was nudging at the pack against your waist filled with treats for them. It drew out a soft chuckle and you pulled out a smaller bag, and let her eat the sticky sweet honey combs from it. He stood in silence with you, and you spoke after your Ikran had finished her small treat “I just don’t know what to do with myself. I’m always busy, this feels wrong.” You laughed at yourself airily and looked over at So’lek.
“I have something to show you.” So’lek suddenly said, after a moment of pondering. You furrowed your brows in confusion but nodded, following him as he walked away. He lead you through the meadow and river next to HQ, climbed part of the mountain with you and settled at the top of it. The grass moved like water, the multicolored plants beautiful in day just as they are in night. They sang to you words of home, serenity. Peace. So’lek looked at you, watched your expression shift and change into something soft, and sweet. He would never say aloud that this was one of his favorite expressions of yours. The only one to know that would be him, and him alone.
He gently guided you to sit down underneath the singular tree near you, it’s branches swaying with the wind as if in a never ending dance. As you lived on Pandora you learned how to pay attention to the small things in nature. Just as you noticed So’lek had scooted closer to you as he spoke “sit with me here for a while. Admire everything around you. It’s good for your health, or so the humans say.” You chuckled with him, and nodded as you pulled your legs into a loose criss cross style. So’lek stretched his legs out in-front of him and leaned in slightly closer to you, it almost made you want to lean into him completely. You almost did, but you had talked yourself out of it anyways.
You admired the world with him. You took note of the changing colors across the plane, listened to the sound of the waterfall crashing below you. Ikran and other animals flew through the sky with such grace you almost wished you could do so, perhaps you would see all there was to see if you could fly. Being on the ground wasn’t so bad though you thought, as he shifted closer, arm resting closer, his fingertips ghosting yours. Most silences felt awkward, needed to be filled but this one left you feeling content. Silence was alright with certain company, you supposed while you looked over at So’lek. His eyes met yours and they widened slightly in surprise, as if you’d caught him staring. And you felt like you had. It made your cheeks flare with heat.
“Do you know how to make a crown?” You suddenly asked, blurted out as you looked down at the wolf flowers dancing against your legs. He raised a brow in question “hm?” You plucked a flower from the soil and said “a flower crown. My sister taught me.” He seemed interested, leaning in, his chin hovering just above your shoulder and so close to you that you could hear his breathing. Soft and controlled. You continued “Aha'ri. She’d like it here. She taught me how to braid my own queue too, because I had so much trouble doing it alone.” He watched your hands carefully weave together stems of the flowers and some grass too into a slow but sure crown. He listened to you ramble, and he himself spoke of his own stories, resting his head against your shoulder and you subconsciously leaned into him, head against his. This went on for a while, sometimes it would be quiet, and other times he would ask you questions or you would ask him some of your own.
You would call this one of your favorite memories, some day. Probably tomorrow. You smiled softly and shifted, making him lean away, and you almost immediately missed the warmth. “Here,” you placed it atop his head, and it almost fit perfectly. Perhaps a little too small but it wasn’t too noticeable, you did well. Your chest welled with warmth and something bubbly as a smile spread across his lips, his hand going to the crown, and very hesitantly to your face. You leaned into it, had to, or he would’ve stopped. Then he did something unexpected but.. he always did.
So’lek leaned in, and pressed a sweet kiss to the flat of your nose, and leaned his forehead against yours in silence before he murmured “thank you, nìhona.” You giggled softly at the name. “Nìhona?” You asked. He smiled at your amusement and nodded against your forehead, his hand moving to rest against your nape “it suits you. You are sweet in nature, and it’s..” he paused. A pause that made the entire world stop spinning, the wind even held its breath as it listened in, the sounds of the water and bugs and animals quieted as if to make it easier to hear the words he spoke for you, for you to hear, and only you.
“One of my many favorite traits of yours.” He breathed. You rested your hand on the back of his neck as he was doing to yours, and spoke, soft enough for him to hear “you have so many that are my favorite that it’s hard to list them all.” He laughed. You laughed. His hand tightened only slightly as if to keep you there for a while longer but he didn’t need to. You wanted to stay there forever. “Quiet days aren’t so bad, are they ma’yawntu?” He spoke with a certain fondness in his voice that it made your heart skip a beat. Or three.
You shook your head, eyes shifting to his lips for just a moment, wondering what it would be like to press yours there. “No. Not too bad.” You murmured, “but I suppose the company helps.” He hummed in amusement and he must’ve seen where your eyes strayed because at some point, you two had shared a kiss. He tasted sweet, like the berries you so often found him eating. The kiss was soft and genuine, it was time stopping and innocent. The first of what you hoped would be many. When you pulled away he couldn’t help but leave one last quick peck against your lips before letting you go. Not too far, his hand still gently holding you close. “Thank you.” So’lek muttered.
“For what, the crown, or the kiss?” You joked and he rolled his eyes in feign annoyance before letting you go. You laughed together and you would wonder if you would have more quiet days like these. You hoped.
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romancingstars · 4 months
So hold me down and never let me go.
rockstar!bassist!remus lupin x reader
warnings: established relationship , heavy flirting , kissing , living together , remus being a huge tease
to all you Remus Lupin super fans you’re probably thinking: ‘Hey! This looks familiar?’ and you’d be right! this is a repost, i’ve moved accounts and i want everything i’m proud of in the same place. so, i hope you enjoy reading, or perhaps rereading this little drabble.
960 words or smthn
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“Cute skirt.” Rem complimented, leaning on the kitchen counter. You rolled your eyes in response, walking towards him. “Seriously, love, looks dead nice. Is it new?” he said, looking you up and down. He had done that a couple of times, however you decided not to comment on it. It was best not to feed the fire.
“It is new, got it the other day. With, uh, what’s your little wizard friend called. The one with funky hair.”
“Marlene? And it’s very rockstar girlfriend.”
“Yes, Marlene. She’s lovely. Also, you’re not a rockstar, Rem. You’re getting full of yourself.” you replied, sarcastically. As you giggled, he gave you a look of feigned offence.
“I’m the bassist in a rock band, dove, I am the definition of a rockstar.” he said, once again looking you up and down. You were struggling to resist the temptation of basking in his gaze. If you were religious, Remus Lupin would be the devil.
“You haven’t quite mastered the ‘star’ bit yet.” you joked, attempting to get your revenge. See, Remus always seemed to have the upper hand, when it came to you. He knew exactly what to do and what to say, when it came to you. So, it was a rare luxury to have something to hold over him.
“Ahaha. How many copies did our album sell?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
“Three?” you responded. Looking up at him innocently, it was taking a lot not to burst into a fit of laughter.
“Fuck off.” he stated, shaking his head. Even though he was faking annoyance at your comments, it didn’t take long for Remus to gravitate towards you. He moved away from the counter he was leaning on and towards the sink, where his mission began. Not paying attention, you started work on making cups of tea for the two of you. You had only just finished filling the kettle, when he decided this was the perfect opportunity to snake his arms around your waist and rest his head in the crook of your neck.
“Hiya, Rem.” you whispered, giggling quietly to yourself. You tried to continue with your rather mundane task but, you knew you’d succumb to his enticement - eventually.
“Hiya, love. You’re ignoring me.” he mumbled into your neck. Feeling his warm breath, the hairs beneath his touch stood up on end. You were almost certain you would never get used to Remus acting like this.
“Am not! Let me finish what I’m doing for once, pleasee.“ you complained with frustration thick in your voice. All your efforts were futile -which you had previously predicted- as Remus dropped his hands to your hips and spun you round. Now you were face to face (what was as close as you could get to face to face) you couldn’t deny him anything. Remus was so very tall; it was impossible not to look up to him. His honey brown eyes were burning into your soul and the sensation was irresistible. Melting like putty in his touch, you were completely compliant to his every wish and desire. For the most part anyway, but if he wanted you to jump off of a bridge you’d probably have to think about it.
“There we go. C’mon you’ve been out all week, missed you.” he whined back. You found it a little funny how someone so desperate could have such a tough exterior, but decided now wasn’t the right time to comment on it.
“I’ve seen you every day, Rem, we live togeth-.”
“It’s not enough.” he cut you off, not maliciously. Even if it were, any malicious intent would be cancelled out by the sweetest action that followed. Your lips met. Soft, sweet and somewhat addictive. Far better than any ex, that was for sure. In fact, Remus was far better than anyone else you’d ever met. He moved in sync with you. One scarred hand gripped your hips and the other crept up to the side of your head, burying itself to your hair. Your own attached themselves to his sandy brown locks, tugging lightly at the strands. Feeling like your mind was about to explode, his kisses would always send your emotions into overdrive. You simply couldn’t contain yourself with him and that’s exactly what he wanted.
Breathe. You had to remind yourself to breathe as he pulled away. Resting his forehead against your own, Remus looked at you with what could only be described as love-sickness in his eyes. Cautiously, you peered up at him through your eyelashes, trying not to trigger another outburst; you just wanted to make your tea. However, you would never admit how much you enjoyed Remus when he was like this because after all nothing is fun without a game.
“Much better.” he said, simply. His eyes never left you and you had to admit you couldn’t look away either. Fuck. “Okay, you can go make your tea now.” he added as a sly smirk crept onto his face. Fuck.
“Remus! You’re such a prick- oi. Come back.” uoi whined, frowning at him as he walked away. In response all he did was shrug his shoulders.
Then, he said “Sorry, dove. Got rehearsals with my rock band see you later though. Love you.”. He grabbed his jacket from the hooks beside the door and gave you one final kiss goodbye. It was short and anything but sweet. It was horrifically mean. And just like that, he was gone.
You were left standing in your kitchen starstruck. Unable to think, do or see anything other than him, you found yourself rendered incapable. Somehow, his temptation always had this affect. You just had to pray he’d be in a good mood later, a less teasing mood perhaps.
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Just thinking about Yandere Erasermic on their knees, trying to console a very upset toddler reader.
Baby Y/n has fat tears rolling down her cheeks because here dads said "No" to her, quite firmly. And while they usually would never say no to almost anything you want, they really did have to put their foot down this time. All they did was take you to the park to play, and youd found some children to befriend.
When they told you it was time to leave, you nodded but asked for something that they just couldnt give you.
"Can we take him home?" You said, pointing to a kid that you'd just been playing with.
"No." Aizawa said, and you tried giving him your irresistible puppy eyes but it didn't work on him today. So you immediately turned Hizashi, who was much more weak to your puppy eyes, but even he said no this time.
So now came the waterworks.
"Honey, come on. We can't take him home. He has a home of his own!" Hizashi said, wiping your tears but they just kept on pouring.
Aizawa picked you up and bounced you a bit. "Yes. His parents will be sad without him. Do you want to make them sad?" He asked softly, watching your pout wobble.
"B-but-" you hiccuped. "-he's my husband. We live together? Like you and papa?"
"Yes. We just got married. Look!"You sniffled, showing him your "ring" which was just a ringpop but perhaps the brightest diamond to you since its candy.
"No." Aizawa said. "You're not married."
"I am! How would you know?"
"I am your dad. I know everything."
"Really? What am I thinking of right now?" You said, crossing your arms across your chest.
"Chicken Katsu." You gasped, he was right. Hizashi giggled. You were always thinking about Chicken Katsu, its your favourite dish.
"That was easy! What is 6 plus 9?"
"15." Aizawa sighed, watching you count your fingers and gasping as you realised he was right again.
"How do you know everything?!"
"I told you. I am your dad. I know everything, and I know what's good for you. Now, do you want to eat papa's Chicken Katsu or-"
"PAPA'S CHICKEN KATSU-!" You proceeded to chant it as Aizawa carried you towards the car, Hizashi chuckling at how quickly you'd forgotten about the kid you were crying for just a few minutes ago.
You're so gullible that's how easy it was to kidnap you abd convince you that they were your real parents and that your biological parents were some notorious villains he loves you❤️
By the time Hizashi got to his car, Aizawa had already buckled you up. "'Zashi, you turn the car around. I forgot something back there." Aizawa said as he returned to the playground to pick your water bottle, which the little kid was holding.
"Give it back. Its not yours." He said.
"Its not yours, either, old man!"
Aizawa narrowed his eyes. "Its my daughter's-"
"My wife!"
Aizawa lips pressed into a thin line as he snatched the bottle from the kid. "Now listen here. She is not your wife. Shes not your friend either. You will forget about her. There's plenty of other fish in the sea."
The little kid remained silent as he processed what Aizawa had said to him before his face turned to rage.
"Katsuki! Stop fucking cursing!" His mother yelled before running over and grabbing her child, giving a quick apology to Aizawa before dragging her devil spawn away.
Aizawa was too stunned to speak.
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cositapreciosa · 23 days
I love your narcos fic so much.i read all of them and i wanna say thank you for writing so many masterpiece and sharing with us 🙏🏻🙏🏻💖💖💖can you write some short fic about Pacho Herrera x gn/reader? pls 🥺🥺🥺
Colombian gold
Pacho Herrera x gn!reader, (nothing very bad, the usual for the show) 2512 words "you have a date? how much did you pay them?" by @novelbear
a/n : thank you !! <3333 enjoy this maybe not short fic of his
As always it's the fictional, not the real deal, enjoy xx
Tagging the narcos fam @narcolini @drabbles-mc @anunhealthydoseofangst @hausofmamadas @ashlingnarcos
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Pacho doesn’t really know why he is here. Sure, maybe it is Miguel's birthday party and he was invited, maybe it might also be about the bigger picture, that Miguel fucked up with the US government, fucked up with their shipments, this event a good occasion to make sure Miguel knows who he is working for. This could be a phone call, he could have sent someone else, but why keep himself away when he could come to Mexico, enjoy the drinks, the food, your company.
He likes to think he is bigger than this, those events, the gluttony of it all, bigger than the jealousy that pierces his chest when he sees you across the pool, someone’s arm wrapped around your own. This jealousy is hot, burning through his chest in a way he has never felt before. It overpowers him, but he can only watch and clap with everyone else as fireworks boom and light up the sky. He catches eyes with Miguel a few meters away from you, he is sulking, as usual. Oh, Pacho thinks, what wouldn’t he endure to get what he really wants.
He is almost grateful when he exits the chapel. The air is refreshing, he needs a new drink, and there is an extra stride in his steps when he eventually notices you, leaning against the bar, alone. He feels it again, hot, burning, tearing him apart. The cold glass counter soothes the burn as he props himself next to you.
‘’ You have a date? ‘’ He starts. ‘’ How much did you pay him? ‘’
You turn to him. There is a pink tint to your cheeks, something glossy about your lips, a few drinks perhaps, something irresistible. Your eyes shine from the lights above you, they twinkle as you recognize him.
‘’ I don’t pay for dates, I’ll let you know. I usually turn down offers. ‘’
‘’ Hmm. ‘’
Pacho knows you don’t have to pay for them. Of course, you don’t, not when the silk covering your body fits you like a glove, not when the gold wrapped around your neck makes your skin glow.
He remembers meeting you for the first time, a few steps behind Miguel at all times. Pacho didn’t know your name back then, but he noticed your sharp thinking, the clues and pieces of puzzles you picked up that others would never have seen. You were the smart one he had quickly realized, out of the bunch, those that would only follow, monkeys.
He remembers when the lines had started to blur, when his hand would press the small of your back to direct you to your seat, to his apartment. He would call you on occasion, pretexting work, shipments, and anything in between. Pacho knew you could see through it all, the small gestures, the gifts, you had to, how could you not?
Pacho hated how the Plaza could not see your potential in the same light he would. Greed and jealousy run the world, and it certainly motivated your colleagues too. He had tried to make you see through it, how little they thought of you, how you could do so much more if you left them, joined someone else, him.
‘’ I can’t. I owe Miguel everything, you know that. ‘’
‘’ Loyalty is what will get you killed, they will betray you if they have to. ‘’
‘’ You don’t know that. ‘’
‘’ Are you willing to wait and find out? ‘’
Pacho knew you weren’t, he knew there was something in you that was meant for better, greater things.
‘’ Did Miguel tell you coming to his birthday party alone was forbidden? ‘’ He continues, digging for more information.
‘’ Well, Maria sure does tell me every day how sorry she is for me that I am single. ‘’ Your eyes squint, taking him in, ‘’ But I see that you didn’t get influenced by the backhanded comments. ‘’
‘’ Well, I thought my favourite Mexican would be single for the night, that would have fixed the problem, don’t you think? ‘’
He can see the red that colours your cheeks now, a nice blush. Your eyes burn into his with intrigue.
‘’ Chapo is indeed single. I knew you liked them short and moreno. ‘’
He laughs with you on that one, maybe, he thinks, but he does like you better. More his type, more everything, addicting.
‘’ So, ‘’ the ice inside your drink clinks as you swirl the liquid around, ‘’ What brings you to this part of the world, colombiano? ‘’
‘’ You. ‘’
He could have thought this through a little bit better and made it seem like he was coming for business anyway, that this was just such a happy coincidence, but he couldn’t, not after how you had left last time. It always started like it usually did, music, wine, deep conversations over the balcony, but it also always finished the same, accusing fingers, your clothes back in your suitcase, the betrayed look on your face when he would mention how he can’t believe you are letting them walk over you once more.
There is no point in walking around it because he knows now why you plague his mind, you have got to know too, you have to. Maybe he has had one too many drinks.
‘’ I think you know why I always come back, why I come to waste my time en ese campo with those half-assed associates of yours. ‘’
‘’ Pacho. ‘’
A warning maybe. Do not say such words it means, not now, but he can’t seem to care. At home or overseas, he is a king, untouched. He is so close to you he can see the dots of gold in your eyes better now, raise his hand and feel your forearm with the inside of his palm as you let him. He could kiss you, he thinks, right now, in front of everyone and feel no shame. It would show them, he thinks, payasos.
‘’ Don’t kiss me, ‘’ you plead, eyes glued to his, ‘’ Not here. I can’t, I- ‘’
More fireworks set off in the distance, and another whiskey is pushed toward him by the bartender, but just when he thinks that everything is okay, that this could still be your moment, even when all the noise comes back, even after everyone starts moving again in your peripheral vision, your date puts his arm around your waist.
He doesn’t like how you tense, caught off guard. There is a ringing in his ears, a call for fury, anger, of knives and guns, whatever he can get his hand on. His fingers tighten around his glass, he doesn’t know this one, whoever you decided was fit enough to join your side for a few hours, and he doesn’t care to.
‘’ I suggest you bring your business elsewhere tonight. ‘’
‘’ Pacho, please- ‘’ You pitch up, trying to stop him, the threats, the powertrip, but it is useless.
‘’ I won’t ask twice. ‘’ He continues.
Pacho knows his gun is easily visible tucked into his pants, and quick eyes up and down from your date tell him he saw it too. It does not take much for him to leave after that, after Pacho makes a show of sipping his whiskey and leaning back to display the loaded pistol. You nod to the poor man to go, freeing him from the spectacle.
‘’ Now you are just being mean. ‘’ You tsk.
Pacho’s eyes are still following the man’s back into the crowd until he is but a speck of colour in his sight.
‘’ I didn’t see you try to get him to stay either. ‘’
You bring the last sip of your drink to your mouth.
‘’ What is it Pacho, what do you want? ‘’
Your empty glass is pushed to the side as you lean toward him, your eyes serious.
‘’ And don’t say me, don’t say any other business chingaderas. I want the truth. ‘’
Pacho catches the bartender’s attention and he orders you another glass, something sweet, exactly how you like it. Too much sugar will kill you. Maybe, but I’m pretty sure smoking will get to you first. Mostly it is to kill time and take this moment to think about how to say it, if he should at all. What has been bothering him for a long time, what he knows now since the chapel. Pacho lets you take a sip first, and you let him pay without fighting for the bill.
‘’ Miguel is not being honest with me, I know he is planning something, but I am not sure why. ‘’ He clears his throat. ‘’ I’d like you to listen and, if you want, report anything concerning to me. ‘’
Your reaction is instantaneous, like you have been stung by his words, your body reacting in disbelief. He knows how hard this must be for you, as it is for him too. He loathes how political your relationship has been lately, that you are just a piece of the puzzle being tossed around between them, always trying to win, to triumph. Your laugh is dry, void of emotion.
‘’ You’ve gone insane. ‘’ You shake your head. ‘’ And here I thought for a second you liked me. ‘’
‘’ You know how I feel about you, when has it ever been a secret? ‘’
Your eyes trail off elsewhere, in the crowd, the tiger in the cage. Pacho takes a step closer, approaching again when you let him. His hand moves up, thumb touching your chin, fingers pressing on your jaw, gently bringing your gaze his way.
‘’ Only if you want. Think about it, ‘’ About everything, about what we could do together. ‘’ I won’t hold it against you if you don’t. ‘’
His thumb caresses your bottom lip, a touch for the road, a touch to remember. He smiles, softly, trying to smooth out the tension in your body.
‘’ Enjoy the party, okay? ‘’
He means it. Your tongue rolls around in your mouth, biting back words as you shake him off you. And then he leaves, simply because there is nothing else he can do, he walks to the car, drives to the hotel, home and then he waits. However long it would take.
One morning the phone rings, the one he keeps with him at all times, the one he reserves for your number only, no one else's. It feels heavy in his hand, burning through the skin, through his heart, he hadn’t heard from you for weeks now. It takes him a few seconds before he reacts, pressing the button and bringing the phone to his ear.
‘’ Pacho. ‘’
He hears the crackle of your voice over the receiver, flat, his name an acknowledgement, barely a hello. You had only called once after the party, mostly to yell at him, drunk and incoherent. A time when he could do nothing but listen and send a car to your house to make sure you didn’t accidentally hurt yourself. Something he still hadn’t received a thank-you card for, no apologetic phone call, just a deafening silence in return, no more late-night conversations, your side of the bed still cold.
He had thought you wouldn’t call again after that, not when you had been so angry, how you had told him that this must have been all a trick from the beginning. Like a snake, you had spit at him through the phone, trying to break the ranks, the long-earned trust.
Letting you plant doubt into my head at Miguel’s birthday was a mistake.
‘’ Are you there? ‘’
I am. He is, holding onto the satellite phone like his life depends on it.
‘’ I want you to listen very carefully, ‘’ You begin, ‘’ I’ll only say this once. ‘’
This call is moving too fast. Pacho knows this isn’t an apology, and frankly, he doesn’t expect one, but he had hoped you would have been a bit more forgiving, less strategic, less straight to the point. He hears you move around, doors closing and opening, probably at home from what has been reported to him lately.
‘’ Miguel will talk to Don Juan in Matamoros before your meeting. This is what you wanted, right? Information like this? Because this is the last time, I’m done, I’m leaving Mexico. ‘’
He feels like he has been stabbed, straight through the heart and pulled.
‘’ Why? Where are you going? ‘’
Come to me, he wants to say, I’ll fly you in, I’ll protect you.
‘’ Listen, I know you can one-up his deal. ‘’ Hair brushes against the receiver. ‘’ Miguel will know I ratted out the second he gets to your meeting, use it wisely. ‘’
‘’ Don’t hang up. Talk to me. ‘’
He calls your name through the phone, pleading, he knows how desperate his voice might sound, he knows he is. Tell me what happened, and I’ll take care of it. Pacho knows running away is your next step, hang up and disappear, leave and hide, but he won’t allow it, not when he can take you in and make sure you are safe.
In his arms forever at last.
‘’ Miguel wants Guerra to get into the cocaine business, if it works he’ll have leverage, and if the Caribbean corridor closes you’ll- ‘’
‘’ No. ‘’ He has to take a deep breath, remind himself to stay focused on the task at hand. ‘’ No, not that. What happened? ‘’
Why are you leaving? What did they do?
‘’ I- Pacho, I can’t stay on the phone much longer- ‘’
He holds the phone in a tight grip, sweaty fingers, gold rings crushing the plastic.
‘’ I am sending someone to pick you up. Don’t leave your house. ‘’
He can feel your hesitation over the phone, all the planning that would have to be thrown out the window, what it would mean to be seen by his side. This is not just business anymore to him, it hasn’t been for a long time.
‘’ I owe you that. Let me. ‘’
He had longed for this, a phone call, a letter, news of your well-being. A chance to save you, steal you away.
‘’ Okay. ‘’ You sound small, resigned. You know better than to refuse, ‘’ I’ll wait. ‘’
The second you hang up, Pacho is on the move, snapping fingers left and right, setting up cars, planes, whatever it will take to get you out. It scares him to death, the idea of you alone in Mexico, waiting for the other shoe to drop, waiting for someone to figure out something is wrong, to see if Miguel would act on it.
He has a different feeling this time, nothing hot or burning like before. It spreads through him, a searing pain. It isn’t jealousy anymore, fear perhaps.
Maybe it is, he realizes.
Letting you plant doubt into my head at Miguel’s birthday was a mistake.
Maybe it was.
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thiswasneverthat · 10 months
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ㅡ seven masterlist
❅ chan x fem!reader
❅ smut, fluff (I think), a little bit of jealousy issue, praising
❅ wc: 1.2k
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A few days ago, your boyfriend decided to create an Instagram account on a whim, also perhaps sparked by sheer curiosity.
Despite not being one to value social interactions beyond family and closest friends, you found yourself amused by his impulsive decision. Nonetheless, you offered Chris your undivided support. You even helped him to pick a profile picture and username.
And it was no surprise for you to see many of his coworkers and college friends follow him on Instagram cause he had always been a popular guy, even in the past.
When he uploaded his very first post, which was some pictures from your holiday together a month ago, a lot of his friends left some nice commentsㅡ complimenting how stunning he looked in the pictures that you took.
"I see you're getting even more popular on Instagram," you teased him when he just got home from work.
"Can you blame me? I have been told so many times that I am irresistible," Chris answered with a smirk, which immediately had you rolling your eyes at him.
"Just go take a shower, Your Highness. You reek of rotten narcissism."
Chris only laughed at your snide comments before he leaned closer and pecked your lips. "I will be right back, milady."
While waiting for Chris to finish his business under the shower, you seized a can of beer from the fridge and sat down on the couch in the living room. You then turned on the TV and immediately scrolled through the screen to pick a movie.
As you both had planned since the morning, the two of you would be indulged in binge-watching while cuddling. You both even made a pact to switch off your phones so you wouldn't be disturbed for the entire night. 
However, a few moments later, Chris' phone which was placed on top of the drawer beside the couch flickered several times.
"Whoops, sorry but he is mine tonight," you murmured to yourself as you reached for the phone with the intention to turn it offㅡ before you instantly changed your mind the moment you saw the screen.
There were Instagram direct message notifications from someone with a name that was not familiar to you.
sent a photo.
sent a photo.
Are you busy? Do you want to hit the gym together?
And maybe we can also hang out at my place tonight?
Your heart dropped to your stomach after you read the messages.
Well.. maybe it was a little exaggerated to say that your heart dropped to your stomach because it was not physically possible, but the point was, you were simply shocked. 
Not because another girl just sent your boyfriend direct messages on Instagram, but because of the extremely straightforward audacity to flirt with Chris.
So, without thinking twice, you launched the Instagram app to see the pictures that she sent.
"Holy shit," you then hissed harshly, eyes as wide as a saucer.
Displayed on the screen were two pictures of a girl with long hair. She seemed to be in a gym studio and she was only wearing a sports bra that flaunt her cleavage and a biker short that accentuated her plump ass.
And as if your hands had minds on their own, you zoomed in the pictures to see her face clearly.
"Damn, she is so stunning," the words slipped out of your mouth without you realizing.
She was devilishly luscious. She had a demure yet alluring smile etched on her face, while the glint in her gaze seemed to possess a spellbinding intensity that left you momentarily speechless.
Your very teeny-weeny jealousy that was previously ignited by her messages then was quickly replaced by your insecurities. 
As much as it pained you to admit, but if Chris was to cheat on you with herㅡ which you highly doubted, you would still understand his decision. Hell, even if you were a man yourself, you would love to date her.
"Damn, I definitely should start working out again," you said to yourself while still staring at her pictures.
"Why? Why do you want to work out again?" Chris asked from the doorway. He frowned at you while drying his hair with a towel.
"Uh, it's because.."
"Hm? Because of what?"
You thought for a moment as your pursed your lips. You knew he wouldn't be mad at you just because you read his messages, but you couldn't help to feel bad because it was also a part of his personal space.
 "Well.. I didn't mean to, but I accidentally read your DM from Instagram and.."
"And what?" Chris asked casually, he didn't even react when you said you read his messages.
"Come here then. You need to see this."
Once Chris sat next to you on the couch, you handed him the phone and observed his face for his reaction.
"Oh, she is a coworker and she had always tried to approach me at the office but I never gave her any response that was beyond a professional relationship between coworkers," Chris clarified with a shrug, still couldn't grasp what you were trying to convey. 
"No, that's not what I mean, babe. I know you wouldn't do that."
"Then what?"
"Look at the pictures she sent you," you pointed to the screen with your finger. "Isn't she gorgeous? Look at her ass.. and even her boobs. I really need to work out again, I swear."
"Baby.." Chris was visibly stunned for a moment as he raised an eyebrow at you. "Have you seen yourself? At least in the mirror?"
"Tell me you are joking," he shook his head before he put his phone on the table and cupped your face with both of his hands. "Please, tell me you are joking."
"No, I am not," you answered seriouslyㅡ which caused Chris to break into a very wide smile.
"She got nothing on you, baby. You are unrivaled, don't you know that?"
"Liar," you snorted and rolled your eyes. You thought he only said that to make you feel better.
"Oh, you silly," still with a wide smile on his face, Chris leaned forward to playfully nibble on your lips. "But, I can help though if you want to work out."
Shortly after he had finished kissing, nibbling, and biting your lips, Chris carried you to the bed and pinned you underneath him. He trailed feathery kisses along the column of your neck to your shoulders.
"I have just the perfect workout routine for you," he whispered next to your ear as he caressed your tits through your shirt.
And.. Long gone was your insecurity.
When he started to undress you, all you could think about was him.
"You are so beautiful and my heart is aching," Chris said against your skin before he latched his mouth on your nipple. He took his time to suck and lick your tits, leaving reddish marks all over your chest.
"You are the prettiest and you are mine," he continued with a smirk as he buried his face between your legs. He teasingly nuzzled the bridge of his nose against your folds before he spoiled your dripping cunt with wet kisses and delicate touches of his skillful fingers.
"I love you, baby. So, so fucking much," those words escaped his mouth as he glanced up to lock his eyes with you while rubbing your swollen clit with his thumb. "The only workout you need is this. Got it?" 
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mizu-chin · 21 days
Yes My Lord "Draft"
*English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes.*
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In the vastness of the silent corridors of the Phantomhive mansion, where shadows danced to the rhythm of the crackling fireplaces, a new presence was felt. S/n, a woman skilled in hand-to-hand combat, swordsmanship, and dagger handling, had been hired by the young master Ciel Phantomhive for a specific and mysterious mission. Her long, wavy hair swayed gently as she walked, her keen eyes absorbing every detail around her.
It didn't take long for her to encounter Sebastian Michaelis, Ciel's loyal butler. With his impeccable demeanor and aura of confidence, Sebastian was an imposing figure. Most people were enchanted by his supernatural charm, but not S/n. She immediately noticed something strange about the butler; there was an air of mystery and danger she couldn't ignore.
"Good afternoon, Miss S/n," said Sebastian, his voice smooth and melodious. "The young master awaits you in the study."
S/n kept her gaze steady on his, showing no trace of fascination or fear. "Thank you, Sebastian," she replied with a nod. "I'll meet him now."
As she passed by, Sebastian watched her with growing interest. It was rare to find someone who didn't fall for his manipulations or charms. This made S/n an intriguing and irresistible anomaly to him.
Days passed, and S/n performed her tasks with her characteristic efficiency and precision. However, her suspicion of Sebastian only grew. There was something about the way he moved, the ease with which he seemed to know everything before it happened, that kept her on alert.
One night, while she was training in the mansion's garden, the truth was revealed. Sebastian watched her from the shadows, fascinated by her grace and skill. But S/n, always alert, sensed his presence.
"You can come out of the shadows, Sebastian. I know you're there," she said without interrupting her training.
Sebastian emerged from the darkness, an enigmatic smile on his lips. "You are truly impressive, Miss S/n. Few humans would notice my presence."
She stopped and faced him, her eyes shining with determination. "You're not human, are you?"
Sebastian tilted his head, his smile widening. "You are more perceptive than most. Yes, I am a demon."
S/n did not flinch or show fear. "I knew there was something off about you."
"Interesting," murmured Sebastian, approaching. "You are not afraid of me, nor are you charmed by my enchantments. What makes you so different, S/n?"
She shrugged, sheathing her daggers. "Maybe I've faced worse things than you."
Sebastian became even more fascinated by S/n after that night. Her resistance to his demonic charm and her combat skills were rare traits. He began to observe her more closely, not just out of curiosity, but out of growing respect.
S/n, in turn, started to notice that despite Sebastian being a demon, he seemed genuinely loyal to Ciel. This made her reconsider her initial distrust, but not enough to lower her guard.
One day, the mansion was attacked by a gang of mercenaries hired by Ciel's enemies. S/n and Sebastian found themselves fighting side by side to protect the young master. She wielded her swords with dexterity, while he, with his superhuman strength, dispatched the attackers with ease.
In the heat of the battle, Sebastian couldn't help but admire S/n's skill. She was more than a warrior; she was a force of nature.
"You fight with admirable passion, S/n," he commented as he dispatched the last mercenary.
She smiled, breathless but triumphant. "And you are a formidable ally, Sebastian, despite being a demon."
He laughed, a low and melodious sound. "Perhaps we are more alike than you think."
After the battle, S/n and Sebastian began to develop a silent understanding. Although their origins were drastically different, there was a growing mutual respect. S/n not only tolerated Sebastian's presence but began to appreciate it. He, in turn, found in her an enigma he was eager to unravel.
One night, while they were alone in the mansion's library, Sebastian broke the silence. "S/n, what really brought you here? You don't seem to be just an ordinary bodyguard."
She sighed, her eyes fixing on a distant point. "Revenge," she finally said. "Someone very close to me was murdered by forces I still don't fully understand. I am here because I believe Ciel can help me find answers."
Sebastian nodded, understanding. "Revenge is a powerful motivation. Perhaps more powerful than most human emotions."
She looked at him, surprised by his empathy. "And you, Sebastian? What truly motivates you?"
He smiled, that ever-enigmatic smile. "Serving my master. And, perhaps, curiosity. You, S/n, are an enigma worth deciphering."
She laughed softly. "I don't know if I should feel flattered or worried."
He took a step forward, his eyes shining with unusual intensity. "Perhaps a bit of both. But know, S/n, that as long as you are here, you have an ally in me."
She faced him, finally acknowledging the truth in his words. "And I in you, Sebastian."
Over the following months, S/n and Sebastian became a formidable team, their skills perfectly complementing each other. She not only gained an ally but also an unexpected friend. Sebastian, in turn, found in S/n something he never expected: a genuine connection, not based on spells or contracts, but on mutual respect and understanding.
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anewe9 · 10 months
My black mage is too cute... (and a carboncopy, too)
If you like Spy x Family (SxF) you might find this somewhat interesting. A plus if you are a wee bit familiar with Harry Potter (HP)
If not, skip this.
Warning: Chapter 1 Spoilers for My Black Mage is too Cute under the cut. Long post, too.
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Yes, the above is official. It is not fanmade. The chap above is a student actually saying "I will kill you" whilst thinking "I like you". The pink-haired girl is a classmate, shocked as SHE CAN READ HIS MIND.
So... what can I say? The boy looks suspiciously like a teen SxF Damian, and the kawaii girl looks like a teen SxF Anya. Browse the damianya tag and you will see how similar they are.
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Other than being students in a magical school (hi, Hogwarts), and girl is a prefect (hi again, Hogwarts) the rest does look like an AU Damianya to me... sans the Damianya/SxF charm.
My Black Mage is too Cute (such an unimaginative title but on par with other shoujo titling standards) launched in the August 2023 Hana to Yume issue 17/2023.
The premise is quite damianya simple: Tsundere boy, named Jade, with a rather obscure family, is hiding romantic feelings for your standard bubbly, chirpy pink haired shoujo heroine, named Aria Popwell. She is a senior (third year) to him (first year), and prefect at their School of Magic.
-Aria, the female lead-
Seriously, "Aria"? Nothing to connect with certain Anya, right?
Anyway, chapter starts with introducing Aria, the female lead. She is a prefect (whatever this means) at Hogwarts Hardy Quartz Magic Academy, "where apprentice magicians attend classes" We don't know where this Academy is (Japan, I suppose)
Aria is in her third year (no sure if this is a grade, and in fact, how many grades there are if any). She also teaches other junior students (perhaps for being a prefect, this is not confirmed) Her first words are to let us know that Kafugori are big bad wolfs that are very dangerous and how to face them. This is important to the plot (more on this later) It also sets some expectations. To me, I am led to believe that Aria is proficient and competent in whatever she does as a magician or at least, as a student in a Magic Academy.
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Yes, let's have a closer look at our heroine... Yep the ^_^ shoujo trope.
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Oh no no... that is not a damian jade-shoujo-filter yet. This is how WE are meant to see her. The shoujo flowers are absolutely necessary to help you understand that she is the cutest, loveliest creature on Earth. Unfortunately, we have seen the same face, same flowers and same cheerful shoujo attitude hundreds of times.
-Jade, the male lead-
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Yes, this is Jade. Probably if Damian's puberty makes him... agonisingly emo teenager whilst keeping his mysterious and irresistible good looks. Or else. And Yes, Anya Aria just read his thoughts for the first time, much to her shock. Apparently until now, she did not know she can read thoughts when she touches people.
-Giving Tsundere a bad name...-
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In case the first time's insults (pushy bitch) were not clear, he escalates his attitude. (Note: I appreciate that the fan translation might not be that harsh, so probably bitch is not what the original Japanese intended to sound) As he is such a cute and charming misunderstood black magician, he has to make sure his prefect is well aware that he is not only terrible at throwing unimaginative insults... he is also proud to announce he will kill her. Why? I do not know.
If you are a hopeless 13-year-old romantic teen that finds that charming, I hope you grow up out of this as soon as possible. If not, please stay away from handsome, dark, mysterious boys/men who might feel the opposite when they say "I'll kill you" Good looks are not worth it and I bet you do not have mind-reading abilities.
There is a kind of cute tsundere (Damian himself, though he is just a young boy), this is not one. There is absolutely nothing sexy, romantic, attractive or remotely interesting in a guy that pretends to hate you, says he will kill you, when they actually like you. Insulting is no praise either and I detest this trope.
Some tsundere fail to recognise or deny (again, Damian, he is too young); some are a bit embarrassed and these pass soon. Insulting and threatening is not charming.
-No, we don't need to see your fantasies (part I)-
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Is he really fantasising / wishing to be kissed by her???
Yep, he is. What a creep.
It is bad enough that this guy thinks Aria is cute/hot/pretty and admits (to himself) that he likes her, when in actuality he is insulting her (a charmer). Wait, why would she kiss him? Because she is flattered she is called pushy bitch? Slow poke? Because she likes to receive death threats?
I was truly hoping Jade wanted her to kiss him to destroy that stupid crush. Only an idiot would kiss such a jerk. That would be his eye opener, at least, to realise he cannot possibly like someone so daft. Otherwise, this is ridiculous.
-She is adorably clumsy... NO. She is not.-
Moving on, good news is that the story goes to the point, way too much. Does not waste time with world-setting, simple when/where/why/how/what...
No, we meet cheerful Aria, and dark Jade like that. Other characters do not have any names, and do not really matter. Simple and lazy storytelling.
As Aria is completely shocked she reads minds, she has some little insights/flashbacks about this newly (and conveniently) found ability. No creativity, no build-up, no surprise, nothing. It just happens. Maybe this will be developed later, but it is just dumped like that.
Next panels are a few random examples of him pretending not to care about her, but actually saving this clumsy Aria girl. Too fast and again, no time to digest anything.
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First time Jade stops a magic lab accident by destroying a hazardous chemical aimed to that foolish girl.
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Second time, he appears to be shoving Aria off his way when in reality, he was saving her from being poisoned.
Why is she even a prefect???? How come she is not aware of the hazards around school??? Why are there hazards like those in a school no matter how magical this is???
Frankly, instead of being charmed by Jade's apparent indifference (yet saving her arse), to me this is a disservice to the girl that started the story being introduced as a prefect. We meet this shoujo heroine explaining useful tips as to how to defend yourself from big bad magical wolves. Sets a bar, you expect some proficiency even if you are not (yet) explained her merits or how she got the prefect status. By being this dumb, requiring the hero to save her, we have to lower our standards. At some point, even Jade himself wonders how she even became a prefect in the first place...
Back to the story, as now Jade inadvertently picked Aria's interest after saving her, we have Aria determined to know him better because, and I quote "Is Jade actually a really good kid who's easily misunderstood?"
So she joins him for lunch. Basically now she is trying to connect with him which only makes him complain and insult again. Now I have to agree with Jade, and I hope these attempts to connect with him help him realise his crush is as dumb as Aria.
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How many times have we seen the kawaii heroine with that exactly same pose??? Eye wink + finger + cute smile + shoujo flowers. This is supposed to charm boy who (for no reason) is already charmed by this standard shoujo/magical girl trope.
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The highlight of the chapter is when dark boy saves clumsy useless girl from being eaten by a Kafugori. Yep, the same beast she started the chapter talking about. Too bad, I would have appreciated getting rid of this ridiculous FL.
Why is a prefect unable to defend herself when chapter started with this lady mentoring others? I've no idea.
Why is the first year student able to save her? Other than a convenient plot device, I suppose we are led to believe that (1) he is powerful (more than her, but this is not a high bar at this point) (2) as he is a dark mage or comes from a family of dark mages, then his abilities are better. Or both.
She is again pushy, wants to understand why he saved her again (and yes, we want to know too) The pacing and rhythm are confusing, he declares he does not want her around because he is dark magician and would stain her reputation. There is a flashback when they meet, on his first day at school, and apparently, how he started his crush on her.
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Again, the same shoujo-face, with shoujo-flowers, with naive shoujo-girl that smiles at sad kid declaring she does not care about his dark magic nature.
-No, we don't need to see your fantasies (part II)-
After the flashback to understand (?) why he seems to like her so much, Aria insists she will help clarify that he is actually a nice kid so that everyone knows.
Then she touches him again, and so she reads his mind.
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My face mirrors Aria's. D:
Why does he have such ridiculous fantasies about her?? Marry her??? WHY??? Even poor Damian, being six years old, did not even fantasise about marrying Anya (and it is overkill, yet so appropriate for the comedic tone of SxF) With panels like this one, I wonder if this is actually a parody of shoujo fantasies, inspired by damianya doujins, or the author is really serious about this romantic trope.
To be honest, there are damianya doujins that are ridiculously charming, and follow the comedic style that SxF has and it is so refreshing. Here, those fantasies seem so serious I am inclined to believe it is just feeding shoujo readers.
Yes, there are fics and doujins that do a much better job at using the crazy and hillarous setting of a tsundere boy crushing on a mind-reader... A tsundere's worst nightmare.
However, this story has not earned that tone yet. It feeds from the premise of Hogwarts with a teen damianya... but both worlds (HP and SxF) are set and well-constructed. This one not yet.
This is a confusing setting instead, I am reading this as a (serious) romantic story (shoujo) with some supernatural/magic environment and bits of comedy. But also, perhaps it is just a comedic shoujo with a HP/damianya parody; a parody of both shoujo and HP/damianya ship; an homage to SxF damianya... Or simply a confusing combination of shoujo tropes with zero creativity (nothing we are presented tries to be original) The humour/comedic tone is just not good either.
Speaking of... and considering that Damian and Any are in primary school and are just little kids, these two have so much charm. She can read minds, yes, but she is young (it is implied she is 4 or 5 and not 6 like Damian and the rest of her little classmates) Therefore, Anya cannot identify that Damian has a crush on her, and Damian, as a little boy, does not know how to deal with a crush. The insults are not cruel, they compete with each other and they also care for each other in a naive, adorable way. But here... Aria just unlocked this mind-reading ability, so maybe it would have been more interesting to see her confused by his feelings towards her, as a first time mind-reader, making the comedy more intriguing. But no, she clearly reads him and concludes he is misunderstood and wants to help him (?)
The fantasies he has (kiss, carrying her bridal-style) are so disconnected... Even with the lame flashback, we have no reason to understand why he seems so infatuated other than Aria being pretty and choosing to ignore his dark reputation. He does not even know her (ok a boy crushing on a pretty girl does not need more) And when Jade gets to know her just a bit, it is to realise she is useless. And the crush seems to be at least the same or worse (wedding!!!) But again, I cannot help to remember how Damian started his crush: it was earned. We see him noticing Anya at the student ceremony and smugly believes she is the one crushing on him. Such a conceited brat. Then she punches that very smug face (priceless!) and you cheer for Anya. And then she tearfully apologises for punching him. Damian realises he does like her, we are shown his now celebrated damian-shoujo-filter... and we have to adore this kid. Poor Damian runs away embarrassed and disgusted (he is a child) And then their friendship develops, with comedy and nice moments that do progress their connection (keeping it in line with their age) Anya does not take advantage of Damian's feelings for her, as she is clueless about these.
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But with Jade and Aria, I found no chemistry, nothing to really empathise with Jade's feelings towards her other than she smiles too much and has the standard kawaii looks. Compare that to how badass Anya is, she stood her ground, yet she was such a sweetie when she genuinely felt sorry for punching him. She is not necessarily pretty all the time, but Damian's shoujo-filter sees her as such a cute girl. I insist: the crush is earned. I would have crushed on Anya, too. With Jade? Not really.
Conversely, I also struggled to understand why would Aria care for such a jerk, no matter how pure his actual feelings are. Yeah, we need to wait for him to realise, and publicly accept he is not actually a killer and he has this heroic streak blah blah. But I am not even intrigued by this potential either. Moreover, I mentioned that Anya did not take advantage of Damian's feelings as she is not aware of these. Aria declares this mind-reading ability will make her "feel guilty" and "she will not touch anyone again"... yet she definitely touches Jade, and does use his secret to approach him. How noble.
Regarding this mind-reading ability, with Anya, we don't know much (yet) other that she was experimented on since birth (or was she born with the ability?) With Aria, we are shown a simple flashback of her Mum mentioning this ability as "high level magic only used by some bloodlines with excellent magic manipulation skills" and that some Popwells have the ability. Being so useless, Aria is not in the Sue category yet... but I hope being such a special snowflake with such great blood and the cute shoujo clumsiness does not make her one.
Probably this Story has not found its place yet, and I am definitely not the target group. But I would have never considered myself the target group for the crush of a 1st grader like Damian, and here I am. I will read the next chapters until I confirm my suspicion, but this is definitely not my cup of tea.
If you like this, it is okay, too. It is simple (very, very simple), easy to read, and does not seem to deceive anyone: Aria will eventually fall for the misunderstood tsundere with a secret heart of gold, and probably more shoujo tropes will be added to the story (boy saves girl, exes, competitors, jealousy, his family of evil magicians...)
1/5 only 1 for some decent artstyle. Zero/few backgrounds making the art super amateur and lazy (only faces and people) And lack of originality.
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divine-donna · 1 year
diamond of the season
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the best ideas i have come late into the evening (3:00 to 5:00 am to be precise). i was going to do a modern wedding post (which i might do later). but i have been contemplating rewatching bridgerton s2 and this came into mind. so have a collection of bridgerton-esque regency era headcanons for the hotd cast!
again, there are social rules implemented within these worlds. for inclusivity reasons, we are again forgoing this. “diamond” is a gender neutral term in the context of this post.
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ser criston cole
ser criston is not a man who originates from money. nor does he have an estate. but what he is is a man of noble heart with many decorations of war from the targaryen dynasty themselves. you may set your sights on marrying a prince or princess, but it is ser criston that truly steals your heart. he fights for your honor with tenacity. you and your family have plenty of money to spare, so it is not an issue when you decide to wed ser criston.
“i hope i have done you justice, (y/n). that fiend will never think to approach you or your family again.”
daemon targaryen
daemon targaryen is known as the prince who was snubbed. many people believe he should have been crowned as viserys’s heir. but he rather prefers the princely lifestyle. after all, the man is known to not settle down. an eternal bachelor, if you will. and he sets his sights on you, the diamond of the season, as his next conquest. you don’t give in so easily and he finds that while the chase is thrilling, nothing is as thrilling as being with you alone in the garden where you playfully critique his method of seduction. he loves it. and he loves you. and perhaps the eternal bachelor prince has finally settled down (much to the relief of his brother).
“you wound me (y/n). for i think i am quite irresistible. what are the secrets to your witchcraft that somehow make you immune to my charms?”
rhaenyra targaryen
the crowned heir to the targaryen dynasty. princess rhaenyra is expected to wed someone. anyone for that matter. her father just needs her to wed. so what better person than you, the diamond of the season? you’ve been crowned by her father. surely there is no one better? so she proposes a deal with you. you both pretend you are in courtship with one another so you may find your match and her father may get off of her back while she pursues someone else. it’s a fine deal to make with the princess, for sure. but what she did not expect so suddenly was for her to really fall for you. perhaps being wed to you was what she really wanted. and you did not expect her hungry kiss to land on your lips when you visited her amidst the late hours, but you accepted it. you gave into your true affections.
“i expected this to go nowhere. but i soon found myself looking forward to seeing you every day and talking and exploring the gardens with you. perhaps i was a fool for not choosing you seriously.”
alicent hightower
the lady alicent has a reputation to uphold, for herself and for her family. so her father saw fit to introduce you two and propose a courtship to his daughter to your parents. they accepted with glee. you were...less than enthusiastic considering you would prefer to choose someone than have your parents choose. but you both had a duty to uphold with your sudden engagement. arranged marriages, you would come to find, were not so bad. there was common ground for you and alicent and soon she found herself looking forward to spending time with you. she forged a bond with you like no other and the two of you made love work.
“rhaenyra thinks marriage is a death sentence. i find marriage to be quite freeing actually. there is no one i have been able to be vulnerable with outside of you.”
aegon targaryen
to the disappointment of your sister, you were chosen as the diamond of the season. and immediately after, you were pulled aside by the queen herself where she proposed an offer to you: marry her son aegon. the proposal seemed...iffy at best and you understood how much your sister desired prince aegon. she wanted to marry him. however, refusing the queen’s proposal would make you a social pariah. out of courtesy, you accepted. neither of you two were happy to be in this arrangement. aegon in particular would make spending any time with him harder. he was always drunk, loud, vulgar. but never in front of your sister, thank heavens. you hoped by introducing your sister to him that he would just cheat on you so you may have a way out. but to your surprise, the infidelity never came. and aegon started sobering up. his arguments were clearer and he spoke with intent. but you found a sober aegon a lot more appealing and before you knew it, you felt strangely about him. you hated him. but at the same time, maybe you loved him. your devotion to your sister came first. and yet, aegon told you that maybe it was time to put your desires first.
“your self proclaimed righteousness is infuriating! you do nothing but look down upon me. but i see what lies beneath that stern gaze of yours, (y/n). tell me, am i the bane of your existence or the object of all your desires?”
aemond targaryen
an honorable man is aemond targaryen. he has seen many things, travelled the world and it has been a year since he returned. everyone wants aemond. they find him to be a much better match than his brother, aegon. it is, to your surprise, that he approaches you first with the offer of a courtship. the most desired man in all of the kingdom and he picks...you? well, it seems quite obvious at first as the diamond of the season. but as you talk to him more, you realize that your history with the prince goes further back than you expected. and among that includes saving him from drowning. he’s been in love with you ever since.
“i have travelled the world, (y/n). seen things no one else has seen. but regardless of where i went, i always aspired to come home. because even during my travels, my thoughts were of you and you alone.”
helaena targaryen
to be chosen as the diamond of the season was an honor. but you would not let other people dictate your fate, nor who you would want to wed. many people claimed helaena targaryen, the princess, was someone to avoid. many proclaimed her a spinster already. so she was genuinely surprised when you approached her in the garden, away from the ball. you told her you couldn’t breath and much preferred the solitude of the garden walls and fresh air. she smiled and told you how she liked the company of bugs. bugs were gentle creatures, particularly spiders. amidst your garden rendezvous, the two of you ended up close. it was quite a scandal, especially since someone (a suitor of yours that just kept persisting despite your clear lack of interest in marrying them) walked in on the two of you. they proclaimed helaena’s virtue tarnished when nothing happened. so you took responsibility by courting her and entering an arrangement for marriage.
“people can be fickle. but you, my love, are more like a spider. you are loyal and kind and good for the soul. no one would have risked their reputation like you have for me.”
jacaerys velaryon
despite his perceived illegitimacy, the prince jacaerys is still a prominent figure in court. many people aspire to reach him but he’s rather solitary. the world of nobility is stuffy and can be cruel to him, so he escapes elsewhere where bloodlines don’t matter. a concerned party, you follow him one night to walk into an unexpected boxing match with him. he comes out victorious and you being a very concerned person, decide to help patch him up. he’s surprised to see you, the diamond of the season. but he’s even more surprised that you keep his secrets and in fact, go with him. place a few bets every now and then. he finds you a lovely presence and soon realizes that if you are with him, then maybe he can deal with the stuffiness of the nobility.
“support for me does not come often. you understand what they say about me. they may be rumors but they have become my reputation. and yet, you do not care. perhaps that is love.”
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izvmimi · 1 year
cw: questionable reader, infidelity, reader is engaged to izuku, fem!reader. mention of alcohol and smoking. violence and deceit. brief smut with dubious consent. minors dni. 
summary: reader looks for excitement and gets more than she bargained for.
a/n: this is... something lmfao. heed the warnings.
you’re greedy. 
here you are, with a pricey ring on your finger, in a posh little apartment that is decorated head to toe with the things you like and never had to pay for, and with a lease you’ve never seen nor signed, looking directly at a framed photo of your eventually-husband on the wall. it’s the cover page from an old shoot of izuku’s that you’ve always thought was particularly sexy and encouraged him to make for you. 
it doesn’t have the same effect, you realize. 
not because you don’t find your fiancé attractive anymore - that’s far from the truth - but because you’ve decided that all of this is... too easy.
izuku loves you too much. he’s sweet. he’s kind. he makes time for you even though he’s often busy. you are the moon and the stars to him and would do anything to make you happy. 
something about that is... boring, you think. 
turning over on your bed, you scroll through your social media on a burner account you hold - the one that lets you creep on all the pro heroes that you’ve ever considered. pro hero cellophane seems to be dating a new girl these days that he thinks is probably too good for him but who he’s definitely too good for, chargebolt and mindjack appear to be going strong as usual, and ingenium remains happily married to pro hero uravity. 
you continue to scroll, and then you see him. pro hero dynamight.
foul-tempered despite having a good heart, and with a scowl to contend with your partner’s classic winning smile, you can’t conceal your own smile creeping to your lips as you click on his handle and go through his pictures.
you’ve always wondered what it would be like... if it were him instead of izuku. after all, if there was such a long childhood rivalry, it must be for a reason, right? katsuki bakugou - the name rolls off your tongue as you lay in bed, and you append it to yours instead of midoriya. it sounds better, you think. he is better for you, perhaps. 
your mouth twists as you look at the your engagement ring. it catches the light as your hand moves. 
perhaps. if you’ve caught one’s eye, perhaps you can catch the other you’ve always thought. 
after all, you run into katsuki at the store today, and for once, just once, he smiled at you. 
izuku has been overseas for a month by now. the video calls and text messages have remained the same level of consistent, every day and twice on sunday, and he’s sent you postcards, many of which apologize for not being there and others making it very clear that he would want nothing more than to hold you close. you’re most fond of the presents - expensive shoes and clothing, makeup, anything that you ask for to keep yourself looking well-maintained - although you still do appreciate how sweet he is when he calls you in the middle of the night, and how that rapidly shifts to a more hungry, dominant tone in the early am.
but you’ve realized you like bakugou’s voice better.
“you come around here often?” he says in a low tone, as he catches you on your daily run through the park down the street from your highrise. you laugh, coyly as you stop and thank the heavens that you picked this particular outfit that accentuates your best assets.
“you know i live here, don’t you?”
he grins, and you’re blinded by white teeth in the early morning sun.
“yeah, i’m well aware midoriya moved you in here.”
you scrunch your face. it’s that classic rude behavior that stings but perhaps can soften over time. maybe you’ll be more partial to it when he’s fucking you.
“he did so kindly move me here, but i have my own money, you know,” you say, sweetly. bakugou tilts his head to the side, and you keep your smile even, batting your eyelashes ever so slightly. it’s irresistible and you watch his eyes glide over you carefully before he catches himself.
“can i continue my run, mr. dynamight?” you ask, skirting past him. accidentally bumping into him, you apologize, but you deliberately hold onto his bicep. it’s a trained move. you’ve done it on midoriya enough times to know that it works. 
you don’t say anything else to each other -  bakugou makes some noncommittal sound and decides he’s no longer interested in the conversation - but you figure some progress has been made as you run off, making sure he has a good view of you from the back.
bakugou is hard to break, but he leaves just enough hints that you can crack him. after all, since you’ve met in the neighborhood, he seems to pop up everywhere you are, to the point that you’ve teased him about potentially stalking you.
“i don’t think izuku would like how much time you’re spending around me,” you finally tease. you are sipping from a martini at a bar, again not too far from your highrise, enough that you can stumble back home together and make a very serious mistake (or not). bakugou’s drink is surprisingly sweet - an amaretto stone sour - and you tease him endlessly for it.
“it’s good,” he replies, gruffly, not looking at you. he downs it quickly, and you think perhaps a couple more of those will get him drunk and honest.
"midoriya doesn’t care about much other than hero work,” bakugou says. 
you raise an eyebrow slightly at the implication that your fiancé does not care where you go or what you do. and yet here you are, on a friday evening with #2, hoping that perhaps he will look at you the same way your partner does.
“like you do?” you joke, laughing. the tilt of bakugou’s head is just teasing enough at this angle and you remember that he is quite charming despite all of his supposed faults. 
“i’m here with you tonight, aren’t i?”
you don’t have a comeback for that. instead, you shift, and then you move in a little, and he moves in too, and your lips meet.
when clothes come off and your phone turns off, for a minute, you consider just how wrong this is. after all your partner hasn’t done anything wrong except be himself, and now you’ll probably miss his calls to sleep with his friend. 
and yet when katsuki stuffs himself inside you and his fingers intertwine with yours, it’s very hard to imagine that anything else matters. what matters is this moment, right now, where katsuki has also noticed you, and also dreamt of pleasuring you, and doesn’t care about risking his reputation or his friendship for your sake... it feels like something you don’t want to wake up from.
katsuki gives you round after round, and by the final time you’ve tipped over the edge, you have a single second of clarity. 
your phone hasn’t rung the entire night. there’s an odd feeling in the pit of your stomach once you realize this, stress exuding from your body like the fluid (cum and all) seeping out of your legs. 
when you turn, katsuki is lighting a cigarette, something that surprises you. no pro hero you’ve ever met does this, and especially not so casually, given that they usually make sure to keep their bodies in tip-top shape.
or at least look like they’re doing so.
“you... smoke?”
he almost looks shocked you asked. you blink, pulling your bedsheets to cover your chest instinctively, but continue laying on your side. katsuki crosses his legs at the ankle and lays comfortably. he glances at the picture of izuku across the room, and you look at his face carefully for any type of remorse. there is none. rather than remorse, there’s more a curiosity. 
“does he treat you well?” katsuki asks. 
you swallow hard. considering katsuki’s lips were just closed around your nipple a few minutes ago it’s an extremely odd question.
“...” you can’t bring yourself to say no, but you also don’t think saying yes is appropriate given the circumstances. so instead you say nothing. 
katsuki pulls you closer to lay against his body, still staring at the picture dispassionately. you squirm a little against him, but he’s warm. he feels somewhat safe. somewhat. 
perhaps this feeling will change with time. after all, you’ve been with izuku for years. it’s bound to feel different having a different man in your bed.
you remain hopeful, and you fall asleep.
pro hero dynamight is not beside you in the morning, but before you can panic and consider yourself used, you hear tinkering outside the room, and the thought occurs to you that perhaps he needed to use the bathroom, or even better, was kind enough to make breakfast.
thinking about the incredible sex you had from last night brings warmth to your cheeks, but when you look up and see izuku’s picture, you quickly avert your eyes to check your phone on the end table.
no missed calls. no texts.
for a moment you wonder if something may have happened to him, if perhaps some karmic curse meant injury befell him and that’s why he hasn’t called you, but you quickly shake that thought from your head. you are by no means superstitious. you are allowed to fall out of love with someone.
perhaps not in this particular way, but izuku will get over it. someday.
you still feel like you should check in, however. sitting up, you wonder how logistically you can call him - should you wait for katsuki to leave or text him now and risk him calling you? 
while you are contemplating, you get a phone call... 
from katsuki.
not the fake number he’s been using to contact you all this time, but his actual one, the one you and izuku both have.
furrowing your eyebrows, you pick up the phone, and it really is him, his voice, and you wonder why he hasn’t just walked back in to talk to you. 
“hey ____, deku got caught up with something and the nerd wants me to make sure you’re safe-”
you cut him off in confusion.
“wait, what are you talking about? aren’t you just in the kitchen?”
katsuki pauses and the pit you had in your stomach earlier seems to double in size. you can faintly hear the water still running in the kitchen and footsteps shuffling around.
“... what the hell are you on about?” he asks. 
your heart starts to pound.
“babe, don’t be silly we just made love.”
there’s a very pregnant pause on the phone, and then katsuki clears his throat.
he doesn’t ask why you called him babe, and you try desperately to come up with an explanation for the extremely impartial tone he has on the phone. your throat is going dry the entire time, blood running cold from your fingertips to your toes.
“what the fuck are you talking about? why would i ever...?” 
“s-so you haven’t been here?”
“are you fucking insane? i just came back from osaka last night.” he replies, incredulous. 
a sound comes out of you that sounds like a whimper and it’s fear. bakugou is still ranting at the other end of the line but you catch only some of it. 
“hold on, i’m just gonna ask midoriya to call you because i have no idea who the fuck you’re calling babe but i’d rather stay out of it.”
the pit in your stomach triples and you start calculations in your head.
if that’s not katsuki, then who is-
the footsteps are approaching now and you quickly hang up, pushing your phone into the cabinet, smiling sweetly at not-katsuki who’s finally returned. 
“did you sleep well?” he asks. now that you look again, his red irises don’t look right, flat and soulless compared to bakugou’s natural vitality.
what’s more concerning is not-katsuki’s hands are behind his back.
you’re unable to conceal your sudden terror, and tremble as you answer:
not-katsuki has finally realized that you’ve picked up that he’s not who he says he is. a smile unfurls, and then the disguise melts away slowly as whoever the fuck you just fucked reveals knives sharpened to a point and a hole lot of rope.
you’re too terrified to scream.
“i didn’t think this disguise would work,” he chuckles as he approaches. “i always thought the pro heroes were the best of friends.”
frozen in place, you think of a way to escape, but nothing comes to mind. instead you are naked, vulnerable, confused and trapped in a web of your own making. 
your phone starts to ring, the vibration reverberating through the wood in the cabinet.
the villain smiles, and his teeth are no longer perfect and white, and your future is suddenly uncertain.
“good thing, you’re a dirty little whore.”
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baileys-3 · 5 months
The secret dating Era - Chapter 30 online on AO3
So, I think you may perhaps like this chapter :D :D :D ... perhaps ...
Thanks to you @himynameiscookies. You made it soooo much better with your little and big changes :D Always doing such a great job.
And "sushi" I mentioned for this chapter ... I totally forgot that it makes it appearance in the next chapter. They are eating sushi we learned after their last interview and somehow it has to begin. You see in the next chapter :)
Sneak Peak:
He takes a deep breath. Inhales her scent. The scent that calms him in its own special way. The scent that still lingers ever so slightly in his sheets. Since she slept in his bed. And which has surrounded him every night since then as he falls asleep.
His hand strokes her back. The other is on the back of her head. He presses her against him. He closes his eyes, trying to process what she has said. The one after "It sucks" and before "We need to learn". The one in between. It's so much. So unbelievably much. Almost too much for him.
She wants him. Only him. That's what she said. It's another one of those moments when his brain can't process all the information. When it's so unbelievably surreal for him that she wants him the way he wants her. Completely. Always.
Why is he always so incapable of expressing his feelings in words? Why can't he just tell her how he feels? Like she can.
"You want some sushi?"
Yes, excellent use of words. Good job, Bradford. He was able to express his feelings perfectly in just one sentence. It's as if he struck the core of the matter with precision. He can't help but mentally smack himself on the back of the head in frustration.
She pushes away from him a little with her hands on his chest and looks him in the eye.
"Really? Here I am, pouring my heart out and you ask me if I want to eat sushi?"
Well, she's one hundred percent right. Which doesn't make it any better or any easier.
"I also have some wine." He says bashfully, one eyebrow arching, a question evident in his expression.
Bradford, you really are the master of words right now. But a smile plays around Lucy's lips. She knows he's making a complete idiot of himself. And she sees right through him, as always.
"Mm-Hmm. Wine too?"
"Yes, I've got a sweet one." The corners of his mouth twitch, while his eyes maintain a serious expression.
She understands exactly what he means, and they're back to their usual banter—a safe space where they can say things that are otherwise challenging. No, he corrects himself. Where he can say things that are otherwise difficult for him.
"Yes, I think it’s sweet. And delightful. Almost a little irresistible."
"Just a little?"
"No." He takes her face between his hands and strokes her cheeks with his thumbs. "Absolutely irresistible." He murmurs a s his lips find hers. The kiss feels like reuniting with someone you've been missing and longed for, expressing the emotions that words can't capture.
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mightymizora · 7 months
you know im about to ask about my FAVE the portrait!!!!!!! difficult to choose a single passage but i want to hear details about this from the end, the dawning horror mixed with sudden inspiration is so haunting!!!!!
Her eyes meet his, and she smiles. He is frozen in place, lost in those eyes. How to capture that look? How to find the ways to paint behind the soft colours into what seems to be lurking beneath in her stare, a pit of something that draws him further and further down? He feels like he may fall into her, carried away into something that is… that seems not quite real.
As if she is not a person at all.
“You need to look closer,” comes Lord Gortash’s voice from the canvas. “I thought better of you, young Guy. Come here, and look at your work.”
Ahh thank you! I am still very proud of how it turned out, I'm glad people liked it.
Answering this director's cut question... about my fics!
So I've always been quite interested in the idea of The Dark Urge not actually being of the race which they're born into. Unlike Bhaalspawn born of Bhaal's mortal time on earth, The Dark Urge is purely of him and sort of divinely shaped into their mortal form, and I find that so interesting. A cuckoo in the nest. (going under the cut for more fic specific thoughts!)
Gortash sees it, and is very turned on by it because of course he is. A living weapon, a divine spark of malice turned into flesh? Irresistible. In this reading he is obsessed with the idea of trying to capture it somehow, to place it within his reach, and that in part is his reason for getting the portrait painted, so that he may own the only image of her in the world. That's very key to their dynamic, I think. He wants to capture the creature that is The Dark Urge inside glass, wants it to live even if it would die in captivity. She wants to consume him, his mind and his words and his charm and the softness in his eyes when he looks at her, but also could not bear a life without him by her side. There's some to-and-fro between him and Manva earlier, where she agrees to indulge his whims but is also furious at him and herself for pushing against her iconoclast tendencies. She's superstitious, thinking that a painting steals a part of somebody's soul, and in a non-literal sense she is right. Gortash owning this is taking something of her and placing it squarely in his world.
He is hopeful that a man with the talent of Guy will be able to do it justice, because he sees in Guy a shimmer of himself, of his own curiosities and passions. And he's not wrong to see it! We don't have a lot of time with him, but I hope it comes across that Guy is not so perfect. He's ambitious, he's so driven by his need to be the greatest that he takes ridiculous risks. He is envious of those who are not so driven, who have enough talent to get by and no great obsessive need to be the best, like Litton and to a lesser extent Darcus. He is driven to be the best because unlike either of them he cannot afford not to be, much like Gortash. If circumstances had been different, perhaps he would have been a darling protégée, but as it is there was only one way it could end.
Last point - the line of him needing to look closer is mirroring a statement at the top of the fic, when Guy asks Gortash how he wants to capture the subject, where he states he only wants him to capture her as she is. He's looking for an artist who can see the monster that lurks beneath, and is as intrigued and turned on by it as he is. And he finds him in Guy, who spends what is left of his time desperately trying to capture it as his great work.
Edit: okay not quite last point because I also wanted to point out that the final part is intended to be erotic for all parties too. He finds a strange enticing beauty in the ugliness within Manva, he finds himself drawn to Gortash at the Banite gathering, and they are all three in the throws of their individual passions at the end; power, blood, and beauty.
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little-tyrant-gortash · 5 months
Pairing: fem!Tav x Enver Gortash, fem!Tav/Astarion
Tags: Emotional Manipulation, Manipulation, Manipulative Relationship, Paladin Tav (Baldur's Gate), Vaginal Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Drunk Sex, Unrequited Love, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Scars, Blood and Injury, Injury, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Pregnancy, Unplanned Pregnancy, Miscarriage, Torture, Psychological Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture
Word count: 1,905
Ao3 here.
Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19. ⬇
Chapter 20.
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Chapter 19: The Test
As Astarion had left the ball while they were out in the balcony, Tav could somewhat relax a little for the rest of the evening. She still hadn't left Gortash's side as he was talking to the nobles, going through future plans of making Baldur's Gate better, listening in on the deals he made with them. It all seemed normal, and very, very boring for her.
Nevertheless, the finger food the servants served was great, and the wine also helped her to get past the panic Astarion caused. She took a particular liking to cheese and sweet wine, smiling at Gortash whenever he looked at her to check if she was alright. Her hand remained on his arm for most of the night, though.
Wrapping up the event and getting away at last was a bit of fresh air. As they walked down the corridor and started to climb up the stairs, Tav tripped and nearly fell. As Gortash steadied her with his hands, she giggled out loud.
"I think I had a bit too much wine", she admitted, feeling rather tipsy now that she had to walk back to his chambers with him.
"Indeed, darling", Gortash confirmed with a smile as they stopped walking.
He was careful not to consume too much from the stronger sort - he personally wanted to make sure she was safe -, but he said nothing when he saw that she did. After all, she needed it for her nerves, and it seemed it truly helped. He wished that their night went pleasantly; had he known about Astarion being so important to her, he would've removed him from the guest list.
"Do we need to bathe?" She asked, then hiccupped, then covered her mouth with her free hand. "Whoops." Another giggle, another hiccup. "Oh no", another hiccup.
Even drunk, she remained irresistible for him. He hoped against hope Bane wouldn't notice how his heart stirred for her, how he would've done the unthinkable if she wanted him to.
"No, we needn't bathe now. We'll do it in the morning."
"Oh thank you", she rested her head on his shoulder with a huge smile. And hiccupped. "Your Grace- how very merciful of you-"
"Can you walk back to our chambers, or should I carry you instead?"
"Our chambers?" She giggled as she got a hold of his arm, pulling it a little as she swayed on her feet. "I don't remember moving in~"
"Perhaps you should", Gortash half smiled, then reached under her legs and lifted her up in his arms, bridal style.
"Oh- but I don't have fancy clothes-"
"We'll have tailors make some", he cocked a brow as he glanced down at her, walking up the stairs.
"Yeah. You'd love to spend a fortune on me, aren't you?"
"The Chosen of Bane who's taking everything – would give things to me? For free?" She murmured, moving his coat in a way that the golden sculptures on it wouldn't poke her face.
"Your company is enough compensation for me, my dear."
"Is that all I have to give? Myself?"
"Curious, isn't it?" He looked forward as he continued his way down a corridor. He felt her fumbling with the shirt over his heart. "If I know you're near, all is well and good."
"You sound like you love me", she purred, tickling him under his chin. Gortash nearly stopped walking, but instead, he just swallowed and tried to ignore what she just said. "Awww, you're blushing~"
"Tav", he warned her quietly.
"Hmm?" She fumbled with the cord on his shirt again. Working it open. "Am I in trouble?"
"Take a guess."
"Take another guess."
She giggled just when they reached his chambers. He used his elbow to open the door, then as soon as they were inside the dark room, he used his foot to shut it behind them. He walked over to his bed, then placed her down on it gently. By then, she removed the cord from his shirt and when he leaned over her, she placed it just under his nose.
"Mustache you a question", she giggled again, making him purse his lips.
"Tav", he murmured, grabbing her wrists gently and pinning them above her head. "I had no clue the wine would make you behave like this."
"You don't like it?"
"I didn't say that."
"Good. Because I'm not planning to change anything for anyone."
"Why, were you asked to change by others before?"
Tav bit her lower lip as she moved her legs, wrapping them loosely around his waist.
"Plenty of times. I'm never good enough for anyone, I suppose."
"You're good enough for me."
"You'll always be good enough, Tav."
"With all of my flaws and mistakes?"
"Especially with all of your flaws and mistakes."
He leaned down to kiss her, and she reciprocated as a memory bubbled up in her mind. On that night, she was also drunk, and her partner advanced just like Gortash did now; but no matter how she complained that she wanted to go to sleep instead because she was tired and wasn't in the mood, he didn't listen.
Now as she was thinking about it, she wanted to test if Gortash would be the same. Until now, they had slight… problems keeping themselves away from each other whenever they were near each other, but the more she thought about it, the more important it became for her. She had to know if she could trust him in that regard. That if it ever came to it, in a more serious situation, he'd stop if she told him to.
The mere thought that there was a possibility that he wouldn't, made tears gather in her eyes. Her hands found his shoulders as soon as he released them to cup her face, and she pushed – just a little was enough, he pulled away instantly. She didn't even need to say anything. She didn't need to turn her head away. Her throat tightened when she saw his questioning look.
"Is something wrong?" He furrowed his brows when he saw her expression. At first, he couldn't depict what it was. Fear? Relief? Confusion? A mixture of all three? "Are you alright?"
"I'd… rather not…" Tav whispered, biting her lower lip, looking away. "Not… not now, if that's alright."
A heartbeat of unbearable tension building higher and higher within her chest – until he let out a soft, quiet ah, pecked her lips one last time, and moved away.
"Alright. I can understand", he half smiled at her when she looked after him, "I'm tired, too. Maybe tonight we should just go to sleep, hmm?"
Tav sat up as she watched him remove his belt and coat, her arms wrapped around herself in silence. She couldn't recall if they ever went to bed without devouring each other first, but Gortash didn't look like he'd mind not having sex at all. He demanded no explanation, he didn't require reasons and begging, he just… stopped. It was so easy. Natural.
It should've brought her relief and comfort, but instead, it brought her immense sadness. Sadness and pity, for herself. How each and every soul she met was telling her that he was bad, bad news, and how he straight failed to act like a monster with her. He did get under her skin in many, many ways, but never like that.
Never as others did.
She tried to keep silent as he got up on his feet to hang up his coat near the door, and could manage to silently sob, her shoulders shaking, her eyes shut tight; but it did not take long for his arms to wrap her in an embrace again.
"Alright, what's the matter?" Gortash murmured in her ear. She got a hold of his shirt on his chest and grabbed, hard, as she sobbed in his shoulder. "What happened? Just a few minutes ago you were acting silly and I thought… Tav, what is it?"
"Nothin', nothin', just… just that you… didn't act like you didn't hear me…"
Now, he pulled away, with a completely different look on his face. He cupped her cheeks and rubbed her tears away with his thumbs.
"Why would I do that? Why would I ignore anything you say?"
His heart rapidly beat against his ribs as he slowly realised. He hurt me, she told him earlier.
"He didn't do the same for you, did he?"
Tav's eyes darted away. Gortash focused on every little clue she gave, the way she trembled in his hold, the way she refused to maintain eye contact.
"Not him", she whispered, touching his hands which were still on her face. "Others."
She was lying, and he knew.
"I see", Enver whispered back, then held her close again. "It's alright, okay? You can say no to me, Tav. I promise. You can always say no."
She glanced back at him, uncertain.
Gortash closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers.
"Because I know how that feels", he whispered, just as he did when he showed her his scars on his back.
Later that night, when he had her tucked in, holding her close and she fell asleep in his arms, he was staring at the ceiling as he was thinking about his next steps. Astarion can not be allowed to be in her presence again – except for one last time, when Gortash severed their contact at last. Astarion did not need to die; he was a powerful ally with resources Gortash could use, and, of course, he had a tadpole in his head that would make him an obedient thrall.
If he did not travel with Tav anymore… he wondered how he had resisted the voice of the Absolute, but he thought little of such small details. What mattered was that Astarion was a thorn in his side and a shadow in her past that still kept her in terror; she couldn't be his formidable warrior if such a man could send her shivering into his arms.
Astarion needed one firm shove that put him back in his place, which would make him forget Tav and would stop him from pursuing anything with her in the future.
And there was but one thing Gortash could do to make it happen.
It'd be risky; Tav will surely hate it, she might as well turn against him if he went through with that plan, but the risk was worth it to him. He glanced down at her; she had her head tilted up slightly, as if she had been looking at his face before she fell asleep. He thought of the horrors she went through and how she still could find peace with him; how she, even infected, with her free will, chose him over everyone else she knew. There were so many who were better than him in so many regards; how could he even deserve her?
The thought drowned in his mind as fast as it came to the surface. Of course he deserved her. Of course she was his and his alone. After all, he was a Banite; he deserved the best of the best of everything. And he knew he'd be the best for her, too. Both of them suffered enough until now; they deserved each other.
And if anyone wanted to step between them, well… the Black Hand of Bane would crush them.
End notes: Did you know that if you fail a persuasion check, the narrator says that Astarion hears you when you tell him to stop biting you, but he doesn't, because he's past the point to care? Yeah. I had that in mind.
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