#but dumb asses and racists need a reality check
okurrroye · 3 years
Ok all I wanted was to laugh about John getting curb stomped but the Ayo tag is a fucking nightmare like wow
Disclaimer I have shit memory so if I say something that doesn’t add up fact wise let me know. But I’m pissed off so here we go-
(FYI all of your opinions should be kept to yourself, so don’t comment if you fail to read my entire post so thanks)
I know this has been discussed, but there are things that have been left out of the argument, or hasn’t even been considered when it comes to the big I speak no I see no I hear no evil scene y’all making it out to be of Ayo disarming Bucky. So gather around here’s the part where you hear me out without scrolling off regardless of your stance on the situation, because I’m here for all opinions afterwards.
First off I can’t even understand why this is controversial at all considering the history that led to this moment. Oh wait I lied it’s literally because either you have your head to far up Bucky’s ass or because he’s a man or because he’s white, or because *ding ding ding * all of the above. And now you’re mad because how dare this black bitch have the nerve-the audacity to do that to poor little old Bucky (now insert the part where you either scroll off, or put your two unwanted cents in before I finish). And this is where you all want to use the empty ass belief that ThE aRm Is A gIfT, or empty ass excuse tHaT’s HiS aRm. Also someone else pointed out well if they didn’t trust him than they shouldn’t have given it to him in the first place. Which yes all are true, but also not at the same time. *Gasp* yes somethings can not be one or other, because ✨ grey area ✨.
Now I don’t know what world you’re living in where you think a gift can not be taken back, and I use the term gift loosely because you can’t even call it that honestly. Because in reality the whole reason he has the arm in the first place is because he needed a new one for infinity war like duh, why have crap heap that’s easily damageable when they can make an indestructible one, to live or not to live like it’s not a hard choice. Then he disappeared for five years so it would be kinda difficult to get an arm back that doesn’t exist anymore. But by the time everyone came back I think an arm was at the bottom of their to do list, or not to mention the fact well it’s already been made, and you probably don’t know how to properly function without both arms yet and can’t afford a normal one yourself so why not just keep it instead of wasting all the time, effort, and resources of making it, but idk I guess that’s a stretch. But since people likes using the gift excuse guess what, a gift is just something you couldn’t afford to do yourself so someone else was kind enough to do it for you (^^^), but in every other since of the word it really belongs to them not you. So let’s give an example shall we, now your parent(s) gave you something you wanted (shit someone else may have bought it for you) but you fucked around and got in trouble and now you’re grounded. Now depending on your parent(s) you’ll either get your ass beat or your shit will get confiscated, or both if you fuck up enough. Now do you think you have any right to say what they can or can’t do? -Yeah I didn’t think so and if you thought otherwise well here comes round two of another ass whopping or the first one if you’re lucky. Or on rare occasions some (white) kids don’t get physically disciplined, but you’re still going to pay the price regardless.
So same situation (yes I know I can’t compare an amputees arm to an object, but I only say that because Bucky is more than that, more than just a arm) but also very much not because in Bucky’s and Ayo’s situation it is much-MUCH worse obviously, but apparently it’s not obvious considering that there’s a debate in the first place. Or in other words you think Bucky’s feelings-FEELINGS are more important then Ayo’s and Wakanda the truth. Which is you’re lucky that it was only his feelings that got hurt, because she (and Yama) could have killed him and everyone else in that room easily so let’s all thank Ayo (and Yama) for her kindness and mercy first and foremost, also for not taking back both the arm and the shield completely. Because that arm and shield is Wakandan property ok so let’s get that straight, so she had every right to take it if she wanted to-whenever or wherever (which also falls into the part where the Dora does has jurisdiction there, and almost anywhere else since most likely every country wants or have vibranium now, and because Wakanda could literally flatten the whole world so yeah they’re going to have a legal pass because who’s gonna want to fuck with them) but she didn’t key word didn’t which should’ve been a clue they would never take the arm or shield back because he is disabled considering even after what Bucky (& John) did.
Not only is it the property of Wakanda but it’s from the only place that was willing, and did help Bucky in every way a person could be helped literally saving this man physically, mentally, and emotionally- like please. Specifically the royal family themselves firsthand which need I remind you is related to the former King that was killed by the man that Bucky escaped from prison without discussing it with them first. That same King, family, and country that Ayo is from, loves, and is to serve and protect. That she will-IS sacrificing and dedicates her life to...she failed them all-failed herself when T’Chaka was murdered like bruh- like that should speak for it self like that is the ultimate betrayal like he literally spat in their fucking face, especially Ayo’s considering she’s the one who gave Bucky back his mind, his freedom and after all that after everything they did for him they still didn’t trust him, and betrayed him by not telling him he had a fail safe in his arm?! Yeah-no big sike, anyone with a brain knows prosthetics because here’s the real kicker ITS NOT HIS ARM thus it’s O M G...removable. Yes you read that correctly r-e-m-o-v-a-b-l-e. Now put that together with the fact that Ayo is highly skilled and an overall badass I don’t think it would be that hard for her to fucking figure out how to dislocate it with a few pressure points considering that’s literally the whole point of striking a pressure point (if he still had his arm then that hit would’ve stopped it from working, but since it’s fake that mf popped right off). Pressure points are used to disable someone, thus Ayo disabling a disabled by disarming his arm to deescalate the situation go figure. It wasn’t a fail safe it’s just skill and common sense that everyone failed to have in the moment and used as a last resort because oh no Bucky’s face, like boo fucking hoo he did it to himself by breaking their trust first, and defending that bitch. Instead of him waiting for the Dora to have Zemo in custody first, what did Bucky do instead? He had the fucking audacity (and that’s how you use the word) to use that same arm against Ayo, against Wakanda. That speaks volumes considering out of respect as a friend or whatever close bond they have (because they definitely have a connection after what they went through together) Ayo still gave him a warning, and time to do what he had to do before they came for Zemo’s ass. Let it be known she didn’t have to do that at all because her loyalty is to and should be to her country first but in those eight hours it wasn’t, it was in the trust of their friendship so therefore she literally was endangering her well being by giving Bucky just that courtesy, and I don’t think you all consider her position in that predicament and thanks to Bucky she could’ve gotten her status revoked, thrown in jail, or worse killed for disobeying orders because let’s not forget Chadwick unfortunately has passed away, and thus it’s a fact that T’Challa is no longer in charge since Marvel will respect that with tampering with his character, so I don’t want to hear she would’ve been just fine because we’ve seen how the royal counsel has a big say on what goes and doesn’t go considering they did not give a single fuck about their own next of kin, Erik who has every right as them, but would have easily killed him just because he was an ‘outsider’ if T’Challa didn’t speak up for him (I mean they abandoned him while leaving him to fend for himself, killed his father and covered it up so wouldn’t put it past them). So if you think when Ayo fucked up again about retrieving Zemo because she trusted, and helped this outsider over her own kind she definitely would’ve been considered a traitor and be punished for her actions.
Can you imagine the hurt, and betrayal they felt? No apparently not, because it’s all about how he’s disabled and how could she take his arm (like uh she literally left it, and the shield for them to keep, and it’s not like he would’ve died without it to begin with unlike Bucky who was willing to sacrifice Ayo’s entire livelihood) when the fact that disabled people say constantly for others to stop putting their disabilities before them, and how they’re just as capable as everyone else. “They are a someone with a disability, not someone who is disabled,” which is absolutely true, because they’re more than that but everyone seems to forget that all of sudden when Ayo detaches Bucky’s arm (I wonder why) and all of sudden he doesn’t have control of his own body like what- he literally used his entire body nonbrainwashed to stab them in the back like miss me with that bs. Him spending five seconds without his arm doesn’t compare especially since they forgave him without even at least an apology at that.
Detaching his arm was a warning that he needed to learn, because they were letting him know, and I emphasize that that arm does not belong to him so how he dare try to use it against the people who gave it to him after they fed, housed, and freed him when no one else could, or would when he’s done nothing in return while as a repayment was being a fucking ingrate. All the while facing no consequences, not even the need for a fucking bandaid *mic drop*.
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mindwideopen · 4 years
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Ok, have they invented this neutralizer yet?! For those of you not familiar with the movie men in Black, this gadget that tommy lee Jones is holding is a machine that when activated, causes you to immediately forget the last experience you had. And I can use this gadget in my life. Matter of fact, I’m in dire need of it. There are a lot of memories in my life, that I need to get rid of. Purge. Release. Let go. How?
So when you think of a memory, you reactivate the feeling you felt when it first occurred. So I pose this question, to myself; how do I forget, memories that hurt, and don’t serve me anymore? A huge conundrum. Because I haven’t been able to figure it out yet. I still get sucked into the same trap I always do: Victimization.
I, am a victim, of my own thoughts. My focus is ass sometimes, depending on my mood, and where I allow my mind to go with said mood. For example, this morning. I woke up, and wrote about how I’ve never felt included or that I belonged. The world of entertainment is exclusive only to certain people, and I am not accepted or one of them. They are on the inside, and they blocked, deleted, dismissed, and shut the door on me. The end. Ok, sure. Here’s the proof; unemployed, no friends to collaborate with, not famous or rich, and people are abondoning me like flies that fly away from shit after they’ve had their fill. Not a good thought tragectory for success. So all I see now, is the evidence of that of which I believe.
“My shit, is better than your shit! I get paid well, to produce my shit. I feel, that YOUR shit, is inferior shit, so I will block you, even though we were contemporaries at one point in our lives. You went your way, I went mine. My shit got noticed. My shit, got accolades and awards. And your shit? Still shit. Oh, and I no longer want to be associated with YOUR shit, cause your shit, again, is shit. So later, never.”
“Oh yeah? Well my shit, isn’t a sell out to the mediocre shit that is shit! And just because you’re recognized and praised publicly for your shit, doesn’t necessarily mean that the shit you produce, is good shit. I happen to believe that your good shit, isn’t. And I’m true to my shit. At least I’m into my own shit. Your shit you sell to someone else that has the same shit going on. And shit n the shit. Shit is as shit does. So there!”
And never the 2 shits shall mix again, in the shit pile, of life. These last 2 paragraphs? Are shit. They are the energy of this: fear. Let’s break it down: indignation, judgement, separatism, more judgement, non inclusion, rash generalization, labeling, even more judgement, hate, and then.... competition, jealously, bitterness, hurt, jadedness, anger, loathing, and yes, fear.
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Thank you, agent j...
On the flip side, maybe that wasn’t how we on both ends feel about one another after all, and we just believe it, due to our fears.
Agent J (played by the wonderful, will smith): ok you two, this is how this it’s now going to go down. Person being ridiculous and not in the love # 1, you say this:
“Well, i don’t think your shit is inferior to mine. I never thought that. I was rude about your shit because I felt attacked. I may not understand all your shit, and I’m usually so busy with my head up my ass looking at my own shit...”
Person not in the love being ridiculous #2, you say this:
“We all are.”
Ok, #1 say this:
“Yes, but I appreciate and value you as a person, and our opposition and shit, isn’t an issue for me anymore.”
#2 say this:
“Really? Cause I’ve always admired what you’ve done with your shit. I mean, you’ve gotten a big big platform for your shit, and that’s cool n shit. And I’m glad that we’re discussing this shit, and our collective shit, finally, cause years have gone by, and all this time I’ve been thinking that you hate me and my shit, cause I haven’t seen you in years, and we’re not in each other’s lives anymore.”
Person #1 say this:
“Really?! You don’t hate me for the success I’ve had with my shit?! I blocked you because I read your shit and I basically thought you were sour shit with your shit, kinda being shitty about me and the shit I’m all about.”
Person #2 say this:
“No, if I insulted you with my shit, I definitely didn’t mean it, and I’m glad we’re cool with the shit now.”
Both of your non loving dumb asses:
“Yeah. Shit. All this time wasted thinking shit about one another...”
Agent j. (Continued): Both, understood? Yes! Great! Go forth, in love!
Agent J, has got it down. Did you take notes? No need. All it is, is empathy, understanding, and communication it. In this case, that’s what love looks like.
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There are only 2 true emotions that all emotions end up breaking down to, and those are fear, and love. Anything that doesn’t come from a loving place, is fear. “You are NOT like me.” Fear. “What you do, is not ok with me.” Also fear. Fear comes in many packages, and not all of it is immediately recognizable. But if you stop to think about it, it is about the loveless behavior we exhibit, due to our basic need to be understood, and to belong.
“Why should I belong?! Why?! If they don’t accept me, fuck em!” Fear. “She’s a complete mook! She uses terms like mook, which I judge as a racist term, but in actuality the meaning is italian slang for someone who is an idiot. Fine, she’s not a racist, but she’s judging someone as an idiot! Still hate her...” also fear. Fear runs rampant in our society right now. Hate, is real, because people believe in it’s existence, and react to it because it’s real to them. Our beliefs, create our past, current, and future reality.
So, men in black. A great trilogy of movies. Very smart, very cool, and extremely ahead of the curve as far as human evolution is concerned. They have gadgets for the things that we have control over ourselves, with our focus, and our perceptions about certain subjects. And I would like to be neutralized now, for reactivating all of my past “shit” beliefs about others, and myself. Because I now feel, like shit, having thought about all the past shit that was shit.
So, I pose this question to myself; “if you have that neutralizer machine that allows you to forget what you have just experienced, would it work on the thoughts you remember about the times you felt like shit if you reactivate the shit, by remembering it?” My husband thinks it’s different, and it wouldn’t work. He maintains that you have dragged all of your new experiences to support the old ones with you to your present when you reactivate it. I believe that if the feeling is reactivated, it’s still the same effect, shit, so instead of going back in time, and deleting the actual moment, you should be able to reactivate the feeling within yourself, and eradicate it with the neutralizer. Well, who’s right? Actually I don’t know. Cause how much of your past does it delete? 3 minutes? 10 minutes? Months? Years? There must be a setting or something. Cause in the first movie it’s a few minutes, right?? Then in the 3rd movie at the big climax I won’t give away, it’s like years. Like 3 or 4 years. So he forgot the shit. I mean he forgot everything and everyone and all the shit in between. So, at what point do you remember, what you clearly forgot? And the jump cut would be serious. You’d be like, “holy shit! I was in the shower, and now I’m sitting there eating ice cream on a park bench with some old people in a park on a sunny day and I think I looked like I could be in a karaoke video cause they ALWAYS film shit like that, and why? Cause I need to see a scene of 3 birds molting while I’m screaming“painkiller” by Judas Priest the karaoke version where it sounds like a synthesizer orchestra instead of that good hard rock shit?? And no! Both they and I ARE NOT satan worshipers, & Were also not satan his or her self because We are damn good people... shiiiiit... but wait, I shouldn’t speak for other people, so just forget that I said ANY of that shit, ok? Ok, agent j?
Agent j: yeah? (Say it in the low eddie Murphy is voice, like when he’s reeeeaaal serious n shit.)
Kari: can you delete all the shit I just said up until the point right before this entire thing I just wrote?
Agent j: no. (Say it in Eddie Murphy’s looooow voice again, the one he uses when he reaaally doesn’t want to engage in conversation with you, cause he thinks you’re a crazy witch with semi good grammar, cause I had to fix the “you’re” in “you’re a crazy witch” because autocorrect likes to make me look like I don’t include people and shit. YOU ARE, ok autocorrect?! I know what I’m trying to say! Do you? No! You don’t! So don’t change my shit! I’ll let YOU know when I want my shit changed! You better recognize n shit, witch or some shit...)
Kari: ok, fine. I’ll continue then... (sighs. Hey I tried for ya, people. Don’t say I didn’t ever do anything for ya...)...It’s just NOT not a good subject. All I can say is I love love, and all of loves peoples, which is ALL people, ok?! Cause people think orange is a political party to me, and it’s not, ok?! It’s not! It’s people who choose to be mean and crap like, alright? Cause there’s good people everywhere and why focus on the people who rip on you 24/7, cause you’re worth more than that! So yeah! I endorse my “LOVE shit! Argue with that by yourself n shit, cause I’m gonna love your mean ass regardless, ok? Cause that’s what love dictates my ass to do! Ok?! Yeah! So none of this hate shit any of your asses, ok? Cause I can’t take the shit. Any. More.... and, I love you. I also love those who chose not too, whenever that is, cause no one is 💯 in hate all the time, people are a mixed bag of moods and energies. Take this monologue for example! Good luck with THIS apple, and I love apples, and I love all people who love and hate and are indifferent to apples, therefore I love and choose all people, I engage with all inclusive energy and behavior, I celebrate differences and similarities both, I relish in the love that can be possible when people take the time to check in first with themselves, take ownership of their feelings and energy, and lead from a place of love and empathy, I care about you, and I care about others, and I care about me, as a part of the whole, and I love people, period. Love is the way, anything else is hell on earth. (takes deep breath, cause if you’re performing this monologue, you also have to read what’s in the parentheses too... so I had to make it worth performing, oh! & you better take some voice lesson or learn how to do Netherlands exercises or breathe deep from your diaphragm if you have one in or not to get waaaay down there to say all this shit in one breath, the way it’s intended to be read, or performed, cause I’m like Shakespeare’s first folio where he has a specific way to write and have you perform it with built in inflection called, “iambic pentameter” but no, I’m not Shakespeare, I’m a person seriously fucking with you, but I mean all this shit, at least the love stuff), only I’m naked and wet, cause they zapped my shit in the shower, and planted me in the park as a joke. Well, that shits not funny! Ok?! Cause I’m in a park naked with some old people lookin at my taters and my tots and my non tots in my Netherlands, ok?! So no! Don’t do that shit! Ok? No!
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On second thought, we both are. Because our beliefs dictate what is real and true to us individually. So what he believes is true to him, and what I believe is true to me.
That poses another question; “how does one get on the same page with people who are not open to changing or adjusting their beliefs?” Some people are cool with not sharing the same opinions as others. “Oh well, I guess we can agree to disagree, cause I love your crazy ass regardless of our differences.” My ma and I are like that. She and I share different views on a lot of things, but we make it work, because we respect one another’s right to our beliefs, but come together, and choose to focus, on our similarities underneath it all. Do we both love? Yes. Do we both want the best for people? Yes. Do we both agree that love is a great thing to focus on? Yes. Great. Agreed. Love it is!
Love, is our neutralizer. Men in black is awesome, but in 2020, we’ve forgotten the basic principle of love. Love neutralizes the fear. Love brings us straight back together, where it feels better. Being right is great, and feeling indignation is satisfying for a few minutes, hours, months or years, but it never lasts. Love feels better. The reason why we choose to separate, is from a past hurt that we’ve experienced and have reactivated within us. I do it all the time. I find reasons to support my hypothesis that all people disrespect and disclude me. I find reasons, to stay in fear cause it feels safer not to engage.
I’m writing this for myself, as a reminder to stay open. But staying open to me, feels unsafe to people who take my openness and subsequent vulnerability for granted, and use it to their advantage. That’s another unhelpful belief I have. When you support yourself, and love you, you start to recognize that maybe people aren’t all that different from me after all. Maybe we all feel fear, and the need to protect ourselves. Makes sense. So, finding a common denominator (my son is doing math now, so I’m into that line of thought) is important not only for equations but for humanity’s interconnectedness as well. Finding common ground, and similarities, is important if you make it so. Feeling a safe place where we can agree, and all land not feeling taken, and trust is a first step to acceptance. And acceptance is a gateway to inclusion. And inclusion is a gateway to belonging. And belonging is a shared desire of all people. The feeling of love, when unrequited, hurts. So does the unrequited love we have for ourselves.
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Thanks again agent j. Continually redefining ourselves, and our definition of love is very important, because we only feel the love is unrequited, when we rely on others to fill us up.
Agent j: you now believe that you are love, and have enough within yourself, for yourself, and everyone else. Now, go forth (yet again, how many times do I have to tell you this..) and LOVE dammit!
Yes. Utilizing the ability to love within ourselves eradicates all of this mess. But the bravery it takes to step out of your comfort zone to do it, that’s up to you. What do you believe? Do believe love is hard, or is it easy? Our beliefs run the show. So let’s take a look at those beliefs for a minute. How do we feel about ourselves, our lives, others, their lives, their beliefs, on and on and on. When you choose love, all of that fades into the background.
We are vibrational beings. We feel first, then think, then compare and contrast, then act. You can feel when someone is loving or not. And what we believe also dictates their supposed intention. So it’s a 2 way street. If we pay attention to how we feel, and look for love, are open to love and understanding that aids in seeing it. If you can’t get there, then choosing the next most loving thought will eventually enable you to see the more loving results in your life. But, you have to stick with it in order to witness it. And sometimes you have to really try to look for it, cause in the current energy of the world today, what you see, is what you have already thought. Old energy shows up, even if we change our minds in the inside. That can feel like ass. “But I’m different, and I’m still experiencing the same crappy thing.” Looking for a solution from the old energy you are reactivating? Probably not going to yield a result you will be happy with. The solutions come, by not focusing on the problem, at least for a bit, until you can adjust.
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My son me a new term to me, “disjoint sets” the definition- they are sets that have no members in common. Basically, my old mindset. And then there’s the good ole Ven diagram, I love that one. The definition of a ven diagram is common elements brought together by circles of inclusion. My definition, probably different on google.
But the fact remains, life feels better, when we can share a common bond. Love is that bond. Love, is the underlying answer to all questions, to all comments, and all concerns. It’s a basic principle of life, that I’m still learning. I hope to be brave enough to ace it someday. Either that, or maybe some genius will invent the neutralizer for real. But maybe that’ll only be a temporary fix; kinda like reading the cliff notes. But cliff notes gloss over a lot of the good details. And I think by eliminating the love, I lose the opportunity to feel it.
Now let’s love with everyone, even those that differ from us, and really feel it. Cause you will benefit from it. Class dismissed.
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aclassiguy · 4 years
nobody’s gonna read this but i’m gonna rant a little as an ex-fundie kid with a perspective on unconscious bias re: thedas’ religions. (i’ll grant you i do not have encyclopedic knowledge of dragon age, so i’m commenting based off what 90% of people know - the games)
If we’re assuming that every interaction concerning the religions in Thedas is intentional, it’s genius. It represents real world religious dynamics so well. But that’s also assuming we’re going to be allowed to confront those religions; otherwise, it’s just a carbon copy with no purpose but to reflect reality. You’re duplicating problems, without offering avenues for solutions or even criticism.
I want to leave this uncut in case a piece of it actually caught someone’s eye for some reason, but I’d feel bad if I did that.
I’m actively agnostic. I have no problem with other people being religious. I react quite negatively to both active and passive attempts at conversion. I know a LOT about Christianity. I know some, though not as much, about other world religions.
We can pretend all we like that Thedas is a world completely separated from reality. “Lighten up, it’s just a game.” I can, however, point to direct parallels between game concepts and real world concepts that I find quite troubling (Blackwall’s plot, certain wartable missions, Descent DLC), I can expound on those at length as well. And of course it’s just a game, and you can stab people with no consequences and all that - that’s fine. Stabbing people in a game isn’t likely to make you think it’s OK to stab people IRL. But a game has the power to subtly reinforce existing biases which can cause real harm.
Christianity is a dominant world religion. In fundamentalist circles, one of the tenets is to spread it to as many people as possible, to save them from themselves. Even casual Christians adopt this attitude when they tell you how sad they are that you’re not Christian, because they think you’ll be happier as one and can’t fathom how you’d be happy without god. I can get REAL deep into Christian psychology, but I’ll spare you. The thing is, this is an insidious train of thought that has been beaten into the world by its victors. Monotheistic religions are treated more seriously than pantheons. The Bible is held as separate and more holy than “myths,” which are treated as little better than Harry Potter novels. Religions that encourage non-Western behaviors are treated as scary, deviant, and oppressive - to be obliterated before they dare to try converting precious Christians - DESPITE Christians actively trying to lure those believers away from their “scary” faith and into Christianity. They think their own religion is more normal, or their own culture is more normal. All of this leads to many, many Christians (as well as your average Westerner) holding really racist, xenophobic views they don’t perceive as racist or xenophobic.
SO LIKE - I’ll just make a bulletpoint list:
Andrastianism = Christianity (esp. Western brand)
Evanuris = Pantheistic religions
Qun = Eastern philosophies
The familiarity and diversity is fine. There’s pros and cons to each religion, just like real life. Thedas is fun because it takes aspects of discrimination like racism and sexuality and pretzels it to be same-but-different. No matter your background, you have the chance to get really involved in the ethical dilemmas provided, the visceral experience of being insulted and responding to insults with pride, and it’s fun to read something new and feel some kind of vindication if you had a suspicion before.
What irritates me currently about the religions is that every time I get a little taste of “Okay, finally, we’re acknowledging the damage a religion like this can do,” I get kicked right the fuck back. I spent so long hating the Chantry more and more because it started to become clear to me the intentional abuse being directed at literally anyone who wasn’t a non-mage human, and even then they abused their own followers to exert further control over mages for personal gain. (Seriously, FUCK the Chantry.) FINALLY, Exalted Plains acknowledged that the Chantry steamrolled over the elves in a brutal slaughter, where Sister Whatserface tried to blame the elves for being “too far from the Maker” but she was a good person for “showing them more mercy than they deserved.” Clear signals that Bioware intended it to be taken as it was - an unjust crusade. Then what do they throw in my face? Some documents intending to show that the elves were “also at fault.” Excuse me? I’m sorry, excuse me?!
Elves had already been the subject of extensive oppression at that point, and given the racist goddamn teachings of Sister Whatserface and ALL THE DIVINES, I can hardly blame the elves for being just a little testy with the humans sticking their noses into their lands trying to force them to convert to Andrastianism. “Equally to blame” my ass. This is a pebble against a boulder. And yet I’m supposed to treat it like some kind of shocking revelation. Ooo - should I turn these documents in to the Chantry to exploit the elves some more, or should I give them to the Dalish, who then react with shame? There’s no just option: have the Dalish explain why maybe elves would be just a little angry, and have my Inquisitor go “oh yeah, that makes sense. kbye”
Finishing up with the Dalish, we get told by some pride demon ass lying fucker that all the Dalish gods that these poor widdle uneducated primitive elves worship were essentially slavers. Hahah. WHAT. Sorry. WHAT. You’re going to make me play through a game with my character’s religion shat on or flat out ignored at literally every turn, and my vindication is to be told it’s all fake and my ancestors were idiots for ever believing? Canonically? Really? When do we get told that we checked the Fade and the Maker wasn’t there and don’t these humans look pretty dumb now?! Or is that too risque because Andrastianism is a little too close to Christianity?
Then there’s the reaction to the Qun. I have loved Qunari since Sten. I honestly think it’s a really cool concept and I would love to explore it more deeply. I also LOVE Sten. Sten seemed so calm and generally fairly accepting, although he had his own flaws. He also had hidden depths - push aside the fronting and you get his cookies and chocolate loving sweetness. (If people hate him, again, come see me after class so we can have a chat on why you stan Blackwall but not Sten?)
But it seems like the Qun is falling victim to the world needing a reliable villain. What was once a mysterious system of beliefs existing outside the concept of the Maker or Dalish gods is increasingly this Scary religion that oppresses women and mages in barbaric ways, and is treated as horrible for trying to spread their religion to other lands (allow me to remind you of Exalted Plains and why every person in the game seems to be Andrastian by default, or at least Andrastian-sympathetic). It’s essentially playing up the fears that makes people uncomfortable with Eastern religions, relying on xenophobia to make them hateable enough that you don’t accidentally end up with too many Qun sympathizers in the playerbase. Even though you can play as a Qunari in Inquisition (hell yeah), you aren’t allowed any kind of Qun background. It’s understandable in some ways, plot-wise, but baffling in others. How much cooler would it be to have access to Qun beliefs like the Dalish has access to the Evanuris?
And now they have the Qunari poised to be the result of doing horrible dragon-blood experiments on elves by MORE slavers, and their religion’s entire purpose is to limit their horrible dragony desires to murder people, but now they want to subjugate others to live under their rule of law to make a horrifying monotone culture. Aren’t these scary-looking Qunari even more scary? There’s a reason to hate them now, they’re canonically more violent, just like the dragons! (Do not get me started on how dragons are treated. Actually, do, I have a lot of thoughts on that too. lmao) REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Then you have the Tal-Vashoth, not only defectors who found fault with the philosophy who are then hunted relentlessly by the believers, but also twisting back on themselves to be crazy violent, therefore simultaneously a condemnation of the Qun and an affirmation of its necessity to keep Qunari from being violent. Where are the defectors from Andrastianism? Literally every ex-fundie Christian kid I know has had a sex and/or drug-fueled meltdown period after having their core beliefs and foundation obliterated. Why do we have all these pure innocent Chantry Virgins, but no defectors? The only atheist you get to meet is your own Inquisitor, and you have a HELL of a time through the whole game as a result of it. (Though I will say the payoff at the very end of the game is so very worth it.) Almost ALL of your companions nag you about why you don’t believe you’re Chosen. I have yet to play as a believer, but I haven’t seen any indications I would be criticized for it.
And so what of Andrastianism? Is it fakery? Lies? Canonically brought into existence to oppress people? The product of slavers?
Any criticism brought against Andrastianism is neatly and shortly thereafter countered, not by an untrustworthy member of the Chantry but by some word-of-god canon itself. The Maker stands, silent, valid, unchallenged.
There’s nothing wrong with presenting these complex scenarios, but if you don’t have the time, resources, or courage to REALLY plumb these depths, give everyone fair criticism (and it is not fair to ding the predominant world religion with the same criticisms as you level against a dying minority religion), don’t bother. You make the real world problems worse.
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Gormless Ch. 5 - Try to kill my boss? Haha you kids are alright!
A well-meaning friend gave me a book series that is hilariously bad. The first book was Souless and my riffs were entitled brainless. This second book is entitled Changless and these riff are then gormless.
I mean to say I have entitled them gormless! Not that my riffs are dumb, and the effort I spend on them stupid since I’m the only one who enjoys them. HAHA!
The story is SUPPOSED TO be about how a badass lady wearing a rad-looking carriage dress hits baddies with her umbrella and bangs her hot werewolf husband.  In reality it’s mostly poor attempts at being witty, flirty, and superior.
For the last book check out the brainless tag.
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If you want the TL;DR version but want to read these new riffs anyway?
This story is set in supernatural Victorian steampunk England.  Alexia is our NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS protag.  She is a soulless, which means she’s able to negate the abilities of vampires and werewolves by touching them. She’s recently married a big oaf, named Lord Connel Maccon.  He’s the manchild in charge of the supernatural police with a zillion dollars and he’s totes super hot too ok.  Their relationship is mostly arguments about how Maccon can’t tell her fucking anything.  Alexia has also recently become head of ~Soulless affairs~ in Queen Victoria’s government.  She has a dumb friend named Ivy, a gay vampire friend named Akeldama, a family who’s evil because they do the same shit as her but while being blonde, and most importantly Alexia is better than everyone cause…cause.
Last time on Gormless:
There’s some mysterious force that’s turning the Vampires and werewolves into humans. Alexia is in charge of figuring out that deal, and she is doing a bad job at it.  Her husband is in charge of the Supernatrual Police (BUR) so he’s going to Scotland about it.
There’s a hot werewolf guy into Alexia called Channing and he’s a big jerk.  Ivy is getting married to some rich slub, even though she’s in wub with Maccon’s servant Tunstell.  Alexia just met a hot lesbian named LeFoux and wants to take her to visit her smart Vampire gay bestie Akeldama.
Chapter 5 – Try to kill my boss? Haha you kids are alright!
This chapter opens up with her seeing Lord Akeldama.  Basically they start by inviting Madame LeFoux and just catching up.  Turns out Akeldama has not seen the humanization phenomenon before even though he hella old, but his scouts discovered a military ship called the Spanker had people from the Kingair clan aboard who were humanized. We got similar info before, but there’s an implication that the humanization is traveling directly with the people of the Spanker.  There’s the implication that it’s moving north, and it has to do with the dead alpha thing.  
Something also of slight interest is that Akeldama tried to ~recruit~ Channing back when Channing was human. That Channing, so they say, used to be a charming sculptor and vampires and werewolves were fighting over him. That he went into the military/werewolfism cause it was more ~romantic.~ I think that’s all there just to put Channing back on the table as a love rival.
On one hand they’re fleshing him out.  On another hand it reeks of Marty-Stuing and it is not convincing me he deserves another chance.
Well what would make him desirable to you Faps?  Put him in an oversized sweater, with glasses, and he’s petting a cat?  
Okay okay!  My kink is valid and so is the kink for a man-child meathead okay.  I just wish my kink was more main-stream gosh.
So Madam LeFoux shows up and there is a brief bit of sassing between Akledama and her before Akeldama has to show off his aethographor.  They spend a lot of fucking time on this.  I guess this is for the folks into the steampunk aspect but like…I don’t really understand this appeal.  It basically boil down to it’s a telegraph machine but it prints letters onto metal with caustic chemicals. It has to be manned at all times, and some old ones need specific ~ Crystalline valve frequensors~ to communicate to one another but Akeldama’s LATEST EDITION doesn’t need it. I am a history nerd and reading about old machines is fascinating because you get to see how the machines have impacted the culture. I also like reading about Sci-Fi technology because either it’s cool to see what people decades ago thought was going to happen, or speculative future possibilities. In theory speculative fiction about an alternate universe’s history could be cool but this machine is just not that far removed from a telegraph machine and sounds like it’s a pain in the ass. But perhaps I’m just so spoiled by the fact that I could get a snapchat of a strange person’s butthole from Australia instantaneously without having to operate a machine the size of a room 24/7.  You have not truly enjoyed a stranger from down under’s…down under until you’ve seen it with the leopard ear snapchat filter!
Anyway he gives Alexia a ~ Crystalline valve frequensor~ with his frequency just in case.  She puts it in a pocket on her umbrella and it’s like DAMN GIRL WHY DIDN’T YOU LEAD WITH THE FACT THE THING HAS POCKETS? THAT’S WAY COOLER! (Even if impractical for regular umbrellas.)
The three of them part ways, Alexia is planning on taking a dirigible to Scotland in order to face this humanization and save her dumb-fuck husband.
Here we switch point of views to look through Lyall’s eyes. He’s tailing Alexia for reasons and some vampires are sneaking around Lord Akeldama’s place while she was visiting. The vamps almost attack Alexia but Lyall stops them with some pow pow action.  The vampires say they were just going to ~test~ Alexia and Lyall is just like haha that’s fine, go home you kids!  Also Alexia did not notice any of this.
I mean I’m kinda glad we had a bit o’ action but this was dumb. Lyall just lets these two jackoffs go after they tried to maybe kill/kidnap/whatever his master’s wife.  Also he doesn’t tell Alexia she was nearly attacked? Cause drama later on I guess? Fuck this writing!  I take back the nice things I said about Lyall!  Lyall instead just argues that Alexia shouldn’t go to Scotland. Sure Maccon relies heavily on his superpowers for everything, but not letting him know his powers are going to be suddenly taken away by a mysterious force which maybe out of his blood will definitely be fine. I guess because it’s now Lyall’s policy to make sure everybody around him, whom he attempts to protect with his life, is unaware of the danger around them. Cool, cool.
At least this time when Alexia badgers somebody about something she’s going to do, she’s right that it makes no sense why she shouldn’t. However she unwittingly has to take along a merry batch of fuckers. You’ll hear about them in a bit.
Oh and there’s this inconsistent writing here where Alexia’s mother is passive aggressively racist toward werewolves and Scots. Yet at the same time there are lines about how pleased Alexia’s mother is that she married a Scottish werewolf.  There’s the direct line, “It was a constant source of amazement to Alexia that the only thing she had ever done in her entire life that pleased her mama was marry a werewolf.”  I think what the author is trying to say is that Alexia’s mom was happy that Alexia married a rich and powerful man, and LOOKS PAST the fact that he’s a werewolf but still kinda hates werewolves.  However they don’t bring up that her mom is impressed with all her money and power. They just keep saying WEREWOLF THIS and WEREWOLF THAT!  They made it unnecessarily muddled here and it’s confusing, annoying, and could have been easily fixed.
In Alexia mother’s defense the only thing I’ve seen Alexia do that’s pleased me, is hit that douche werewolf over the head a bunch.
So of course, Alexia’s mother won’t take no for an answer when it comes to her sister. Therefore Alexia is saddled with generic shallow, petty, bitch blonde sister #2.  Felicity, the blonde in question, agreed to this, despite hating her sister cause she knew her sister would be surrounded by hunky werewolves.  SHE GOTTA GET A HUSBAND NOW TOO! IT’S ALL US LADY FOLKS CARE ABOUT!  Due to English custom you can’t just leave your sister in your castle to have wild gangbangs with werewolves all day and night. But I mean, considering the amount of misogyny the 3rd in command is packing? Not leaving her alone there is probably a good idea. (Also I will puke blood if Felicity and Channing become an item.)
Ivy shows up at this time as well cause I mean…Ivy has always been sexually drawn to inconvenient timing.  Don’t kink-shame her!  When Ivy hears that Tunstell will be going on the Dirigible, she pouts until Alexia just let’s her go along too, cause HAHA WHY NOT AT THIS POINT!?
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(A gif of Hillary Clinton laughing and throwing her hands up.)
So she’s taking Angelique (to dress her), Felicity (to be obnoxious in the bitchy way), Ivy (to be obnoxious in the ditsy way), and Tunstell (cause this 90lb actor will protect them all.)
Say something nice Faps:
Dang I’m having a hard time saying nice things here that aren’t simply just, “Well at least X didn’t happen!”
She uhhh tried to steampunk?
I get a masochistic tickle when Alexia’s family is around.  I dislike Alexia so I like seeing her insulted, but the cartoonish villainy of her family is hilarious to me.  It’s just so spot-on, the archetypal “BASIC SHALLOW BLONDE BITCH-SLUT TO MAKE PROTAG LOOK BETTER THAN ALL OTHER GIRLS!”  However I have yet to see an author fail so spectacularly at differentiating the evil girls from the protag. “I can’t believe all my family cares about is how they look, their social standing, and men!” Huffs Alexia, as she ponders her own romantic dalliances to the king of the Universe, in her new blue carriage dress, which has SHOOK the London fashion world to its VERY CORE!
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akria23 · 6 years
This tag is almost as funny as twitter 😒
Y'all gonna sit here and pretend like Bay asking the meaning of words and how they effect his community is a bad thing...thats what those who don't know do...they ask.
The word N*gger and Midget has not been and never will be in the same level. While offensive, the word midget does not have the same history and has not been condensed down because it was so harmful and damaging and still damaging as a whole. Some of you seem confused cause you think drawfism is also a bad word and it's not it's a condition - this is why people ask questions.
Bay was obtaining information. She was asking the source. She was not being rude she was listening and taking what he was saying. JC then proceeds to say it's like the difference between N*gger and black. To which Bay said he can't say that word it's going too far.
He didn't have to say use the comparison at all he'd already compared gay vs faggot and she understood.
The word N*gger is condensed down for reason such as these, it's why the term N-word exist
The reason N-word is so acceptable is because the fact that non-blacks will use any and ever excuse to use the terms and 9/10 there's some underlying racist reason. There is a resistance from non-blacks when it comes to this reality. Let's be real clear there was NO reason or excuse for JC to say N*gger if he was really trying to have a conversation with her about knowledge and offensiveness and he damn sure doesn't knock her back and grow defensive when she the person who the word offended tries to enlighten him. She didn't become rude to him even though she was highly upset, and yet there was a problem? He couldn't give her the same courtesy she was trying to give him on being accepting and open to the person it affects perspective?
And y'all really out here trying it all! Bending over backwards to make up for his BS...
Maybe it's his accent - 😒 accent has nothing to do with the use of the word.
Maybe he didn't know - if he knew to compare the word to black then he knew.
Swaggy used the word - Swaggy ass is also black 😒 sorry that it makes you make but black people can use the term in all forms - with the a, we, the short version Nig, they can get low with it or scream it from the roof tops, they can be comfortable with someone in their circle using the variation or not.
Oh maybe he's just mad at here comment about wives in gay relationships - Thwn he should've checked her when she said it like she did him 👀. Also for you dumb fucks out that that does not make her homobobic, that means that she's constructed to a heteronormative perspective of relations (here's some tea for a good number of lgbqt are as well). It's because none of the sides were taught about gender and sex and such things and yes it's wrong because even if that's some people preference it's not all peoples and sonthe assumption is one she should eradicate.
And worse of all y'all are out here lying saying this woman said things she didn't say 😪 that type of action never helps any conversation.
So in all I'm peeping that some of y'all need some educating - this is as far as my lesson goes. I'm black and honestly I find I get more migraines from trying to explain to people who clearly don't care than is worth it.
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thephantomcasebook · 7 years
A Reality Check for the Reylo Fandom by the apparent Jim Hopper of the fam who doesn’t care about your Mirkwood Bullshit!
BIG FUCKING #1.) Who gives a shit what other people say? Do whatever “THE FUCK” You want to do! Stop whining like a bunch of piss babies, because some fangirl doped up on College Feminist Bullshit, says that they’re a *Bullshit Label* if you like Reylo. You know what that person is? It’s a random ass person on the internet that you don’t know, who doesn’t know you, with a dumb ass opinion. Who cares? Who “THE FUCK” cares that she thinks that? They’re not a good person for calling you *Random Bullshit Label*, and you’re equally not a good or bad person for shipping Reylo. It’s a fictional world, shipping is like playing with action figures, Fanfiction writing is for people who didn’t stop playing with action figures in their head. When you like a fandom, you automatically, mentally buy the whole collection of eight quarter inch figures. They’re your fucking toys, play with them how you want to, and don’t worry about anyone else’s rules but your own.
Stop fucking whining about what someone you don’t know said about something you like!
2.) Stop perpetuating this myth that all, or even most, Reylos are fangirls. They’re not, not even by long shots. Some of the most articulate, most passionate Reylos are fellow fanboys. Some of the most engaging, intriguing Reylo theories have come from long time Star Wars fanboys who were highly skeptical of a Star Wars without George Lucas but have latched onto the enormous potential of this beautiful mythical romance in a Sci-Fi Opera. So if you’re one of those assholes who think every Anti or “Anne” or whatever the fuck you call them these days, is some “Butt Hurt Fanboy” think again sewer pickle!
I guarantee you, you’ll never, NEVER, get the kind of vile hate and, frankly, dangerous accusations the male Reylo fans get from the biggest, craziest, cocksuckers on the web. I’m talking being accused of being a Rapist, of fantasizing about raping Rey, threats of warning Daisy Ridley’s management team of the potential of this person wanting to rape her. (Oh yeah, that shit happened to someone I know really well.) and other vile shit that you could probably image based on that line of examples. And all of it, because, a dude who builds Star Wars models with his kid brother thought Kylo Ren and Rey are gonna fall in love. So next time you want to take a sip from that tacky “Fanboy tears” mugs, because, you’re, like, a total “Badass” and just #Slay,  just remember some of us would take getting called “Fake fans” over being accused and threatened of being a potential rapist, just for having a dick and liking a fucking fictional romance.
3.) Nobody cares what Race/Ethnicity you are. I’m not gonna tell you mine, because, I just made a bet with someone right now to see how many ass sore college pricks are gonna accuse me of privilege (She says five BTW) … Okay, listen, just because you’re a fucking pygmy, who is black as shit, and eats only the meat of the animals of the forest that have the evilest souls in them … doesn’t fucking mean that you get extra points, because, the first fucking movie you saw when you escaped the island was TFA and you think that Poser Vader and shitty Hermione are in love.
If some Anti comes along and accuses you of being a Racist for liking Reylo, you have the right to ignore, to block, or to scoff at that person. They’re a shitty person for leveling a serious charge over something trivial like Star Wars. What you don’t have a right to do is bore me with the details of your fucking skin color. Nobodies cares, because, it’s the internet, everybody, thinks everybody is white, because, only fucking white people scream privilege at people who are probably not white. And if you’re someone who is not white screaming privilege, most likely you are the most privilege mother fucker on the planet, cause you got a computer, you got internet, and you’re fucking screaming on a Star Wars tag on the most privileged website on the entire internet beyond that place on the dark net where Russian mobsters and Rich Sheikhs buy sex slaves.
This isn’t Mississippi 1932, this isn’t “Scavenger’s Hoard”, you’re an individual, not a skin color … act like it.  
4.) Rey doesn’t know how to suck a dick, she doesn’t know what Sex is, she raised herself on a desert planet. She probably can’t even read.
5.) Kylo can’t even “girl” much less talk to one.
6.) Their first time having sex Kylo won’t even remember, because, Rey gave him a concussion when he put his finger inside her, because, she thought he was trying to seal one of her organs.
7.) She really needs to just watch the damn video …
8.) Finn did, Rose showed him that shit and he’s been grinning like an asshole for like two days already.
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scyre · 6 years
ayy its ya girl c! i’ve done up a little draft with the slight changes that were made now that we’re living in the moden au!! please read more for ... more.
monty might not love social media and technological advances but they changed his life. his family still sucked, always grasping for power and rejecting change, but at least he didn’t feel as alone... not when he could text his friends and get immediate answers back from them. not having the time to dwell and sink in self pity really helped him.
ya boy also didn’t have to live his life thinking something was wrong with him bc he wasn’t sexually attracted to people like he was supposed to. he had access to google, he learned what asexuality and the spectrum was, and he knew more about himself and didn’t have to just ... not know.  i think this made him sleep around less, get to know people a bit more, and while he’s still not an open kind of guy he didn’t really date much. it did however mean he stayed with laurel way longer than he should have... put up with way more crazy than he would have in the past.  
he has instagram but never posts. seriously, he has one post from a year ago. he does like things though and is always commenting on posts. sometimes nice, sometimes not. he doesn’t have facebook, twitter, youtube, or snapchat. he thinks the snapchat filters are dumb and ruin perfectly good pictures. he also hates selfies and thinks they’re dumb.  why does he even have insta? it’s probably the only way to stay up to date on hogwarts gossip. 
i do think because everything online can be so negative, and escalate so quickly, monty never would have came out and admitted that he was bisexual/demisexual except to the people he’s told in canon. it’s still something he plans on taking to his grave and obliviating out of anyone who knew.  the gay shame is real. get a grip boy.  
i think he’s definitely got the aesthetic of like... the guy with gauges in his ears, maybe he has his eyebrow pierced, and he definitely still has the nipple piercing. i think he probably has more tattoos, exclusively wears leather jackets, combat boots, and ripped jeans, and wears a lot of plain colored shirts or black shirts. he still loves black. he will always love black. he wears a lot of it. 
he hasn’t appropriated a lot of muggle culture into his day to day. i feel like he only got a phone in the last year and is awful at remembering to check it.  it’s probably an older model too because he didn’t care what they gave him and it’s slate grey with no case because he lives on the edge. yolo.  he doesn’t have any muggle cars or anything like that but he definitely has a netflix account and television because why not.  his favorite show would probably be something like the good place.
ya boy still flunked out of hogwarts because that’s just how his life goes. he’s repeating his final year and you bet ya ass people tweeted about THAT for awhile. we love vague tweeting.  
phoenix’s childhood is still relatively the same; he was adopted by the vasquez family. however, adopting wasn’t as easy as it had been back in the day because lycanthropy wasn’t as frowned upon in this decade as it would have been before. while people didn’t love it, it wasn’t something that meant no other family was interested, or other people weren’t willing to bend red tape.  which means nix didn’t move around as much as a kid because his parents were able to keep working at their jobs in the states!! they only moved to the UK when he was fifteen as his grandmother was sick.  so basically he moved to and started going to hogwarts in year 5 instead of year 1.  
personality wise, nix is very similar. he’s still very awkward, very quiet, and is a genuinely nice person to everyone he meets. he’s more often about his lycanthropy as his parents never begged him to keep it a secret and it’s not uncommon for him to be making werewolf jokes at his own expense. he thinks it’s funny. 
technology!! nix loves snapchat. he’s not huge on technology bc he’s kind of a hipster -- he still uses ballpoint pens and notebooks, doesn’t own a computer and only has a dinky phone that texts and calls. no data. he can only use snapchat when he’s near a wifi hotspot so you’ll sometimes see him getting frustrated with his phone when it starts buffering and flopping. he DOES borrow a friend’s computer to upload podcasts though because he’s a podcaster!!!  he has a podcast called ‘howlcast’ and he does reviews of mainstream media depictions of werewolves and compares them to the reality. he also interviews lycanthropy specialists, advocates, and famous lycanthropes to talk about the werewolf experience. he kind of loves it?? he puts out an episode a week and does a Q&A on twitter straight after the episode goes up for any fans of the podcast. 
nix doesn’t have a luxury broom or any of those fancy toys that the rich kids usually sport. he likes his regular ‘ol magical broomstick and doesn’t think a suped up car is something that he needs in his life. he good. 
modern 2018 phoenix also died his hair a bluey teal color! he thought it was fun and tbh he is living his best life.  
laurel’s family aspire to be the kardashians.  they have a b level reality show, think something on tlc so they have their little cult following that laurel  l o v e s.   she loves the attention and loves the perks that come with it.  
her aesthetic is probably like.. forever 21 / hipster / hippe chick.  she wears a lot of crop tops, high waisted skirts, floral prints, lace, etc. everything .. and i mean everything ... is accentuated with red lipstick. that’s her aesthetic x 100.  she has an iphone with a bedazzled phone case and probably drives a really compact car.  her broom would be luxury too and she’s definitely on tinder select looking for cute boys (or girls) to bring home with her.  
as for social media.. she has her hand in a lot of different platforms. she prefers facebook over most of the other ones. she also loves pinterest and is always pinning home decor ideas, cooking ideas, etc.  she’s a feminist and sjw when it comes to twitter. it’s not uncommon to see her beefing with someone on twitter because they’re trolling or being rude/racist/sexist/etc.  she loves tearing people a new asshole when they decide to spread their hate online. fuck off trolly boys. 
she’s been in two high profile relationships in her life. the first was with monty sayre and that was a fucking nightmare.  a lot of their relationship was caught on screen and its cringey whenever people tweet her pictures of monty and his new fiancee, or share photos of the two of them from when they were together.  she might have dumped him but that doesn’t mean that she wants to be reminded of it all the time 
she still works with dragons and they are frequently featured on her instagram, snapchat, and on the show.  some of them even have their own little cult followings. its weird but kind of beautiful, 
pippa being born in the 2000′s is the best thing that ever happened to her. truly. britney? christina? pink? oh my god she’s living. she loves pop music, loves concerts, and has a passion for professional cheerleading bc it's a legitimate sport now y’all! it’s her dream to be a professional cheerleader. maybe in the magical world if quidditch has them now?? we just dont know. 
her aesthetic is blair waldorf chic. maybe a little more revealing.  she definitely still wears heels, ignores dress codes, and always has her hair straightened perfectly.  she is very very good with makeup -- think contouring and all that jazz.  she looks like a million bucks literlly every day. it’s incredible. 
pippa has a luxury car. i’m thinking it’s probably an suv?? she definitely would want something bigger and not your typical girly girl car.  i’m thinking a black cadillac escalade. she doesn’t have a broom bc she still hates flying and heights. fuck that shit.  as for technology, she’s got it all -- snapchat, twitter, instagram, youtube, etc.  she also definitely has a youtube channel dedicated to beauty tutorials and has thousands of dedicated viewers. she’s done everything from contouring, costume make-up, etc.  her channel is especially popular around halloween as she does a special called ‘the twelve days of pippaween’ where she does different costume makeup every day for 12 days. her most popular to date is ursula from the little mermaid!  she also definitely has the latest iphone, macbook, etc, and it’s probably all rose gold. she’s a rose gold girl. 
currently in the middle of an instagram war with her ex boyfriend. they’re both shady as fuck with their vague posting on finstas and it’s mESSY.  we love a good mess!!!!!   (this good be a good wanted connection if someone wanted to be her messy ex for the AU!!) 
i feel like wizards having access to technology changed things significantly for rowle. he was able to track down his birth father’s parents much easier and probably moved back to the UK when he was much younger. he definitely learned more about the war and was drawn into anyone whose narrative reflected what he wanted to hear -- that his parents were martyrs and that the dark lord had been in the right the whole time. 
he definitely kept dueling. when his hand acted up, i think he would have been so desperate to fix it that he would have given into muggle medicines and treatments. he probably wears a splint on his wrist and his wandwork isn’t AS quick as it could be but he’s still one of the top duelists in the country. seriously, ya boy was good. him getting to continue being awesome might make him less of a douche. maybe.  he definitely competes bc glory and loves every minute of it. a rowle who is less grumpy and super cocky? we stan. 
he’s definitely a reddit troll. i feel like there’s a death eaters subreddit or something and he basically lives there and talks to other death eater sympathizers, former, or whatever, and slowly await the return of the ‘great days’.  think alt right but .. y’know magical.. ugly.
he still teaches dada bc initially he needed money to pay off some wicked crazy medical bills for all the specialists and acupuncture and weird shit he did to fix his hands.  even with the money he earns when he’s duelling, he’s in debt up to his ears.
i think he still has the scars that marr his face though bc as much as he will use splints or salves on his hands he is not gonna fucking undergo plastic surgery in the muggle world. he’d rather choke. 
ansem warbeck deserves social media. he is living his best life. he is definitely the guy who is constantly using ‘find my iphone’ bc he lost it, has a cracked screen because he forgot to buy the shatterproof screen protector, and changes his netflix password weekly bc he can never remember what it was. he’s also the snapchat king. i’d say he has 100+ streaks with as many people as he can convince to keep it up and he sends angry snaps when you ruin his streaks. they’re like his babies. one time he was running a fever and still managed to make streaks. there’s no excuse. 
he still works as a curse breaker but i feel like he’s really like... stepped up gringott’s social media game. i feel like he took it upon himself to get them an instagram and is always uploading picture of whatever ‘cool’ treasure they can find. griphook keeps telling him they’re going to get robbed if he doesn’t stop bragging but ansem never listens. 
the warbeck family is probably one of the few that have not acclimated to the technological changes at all. they won’t have anything to do with electricity, social media, or anything of the sort and look down on people that do.  so ansem with his luxury brooms and his waffle iron are basically sacreligious to his family and his mom always cries whenever he talks about these things. it’s a whole Thing and just reinforces that arson is the best and ansem is the Worst. 
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heatherchandler · 7 years
1-100. all of them.
1: is there a boy/girl in your life? sadly there is not :/
2: think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? Lmao no she can eat shit fuck her and her yaoi hands
3: what do you think of when you hear the word “meow?” cats?
4: what’s something you really want right now? To not have to go to school tomorrow man
5: are you afraid of falling in love? I’m afraid of losing after I fall in love I’m little and fragile
6: do you like the beach? In theory? yes. In reality? Not on my gay life.
7: have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? No and that sounds uncomfortable as hell
8: what’s the background on your cell? It’s from Heathers it’s the “Candy Store” number
9: name the last four beds you were sat on? Mine, my friend Skye’s, my parents’, my friend Rowynn’s
10: do you like your phone? It’s fine yeah
11: honestly, are things going the way you planned? Buddy I didn’t think I would still be alive right now and I didn’t plan to have this much anxiety so I’m gonna go with a hard no
12: who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? Her name is Kailey! We volunteered at a middle school dodgeball tournament together! Eighth graders take dodgeball way too seriously I got hit in the jaw with a fly ball and boy. Buddy. Also what a bunch of fucking cheaters but 
13: would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler? I think a rottweiler because it would be easier to groom
14: which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? Emotional I guess I haven’t really been in a lot of physical pain like ever so
15: would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? Last time I went to an art museum I got “shh”ed for humming quietly in an empty gallery and I’m still a little salty about it so I’m gonna say zoo 
16: are you tired? I have depression I’m always tired
17: how long have you known your 1st phone contact? Three years now 
18: are they a relative? No we don’t even talk anymore I yelled at him for being racist in 10th grade and we haven’t ever really talked since
19: would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? I don’t have any exes but I probably wouldn’t 
20: when did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? These virgin lips have never met another’s 
21: if you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? Bitch? No? I’m 18 years old I have no money, no formal education, no job. I haven’t even had the chance to be a hoe yet. Please.
22: would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Again. Null and Void
23: how many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? Just one. It was my grandma’s but somebody told me the other day that it looked gay and I feel like she rolled over in her grave.
24: is there a certain quote you live by? No I forget everything buddy I’m especially bad at quotes.
25: what’s on your mind? Himalayan rock salt lamps
26: do you have any tattoos? Nah
27: what is your favorite color? Purple right now 
28: next time you will kiss someone on the lips? Bitch idk
29: who are you texting? My friends? 
30: think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch? pbbht
31: have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? Probably yeah because I feel like a lot of bad things will happen all the time I was probably right a few times just because of how often I feel that way
32: do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? Yeah he’s like my brother
33: do you think anyone has feelings for you? Nah I’m kind of ugly
34: has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? No not that I remember they’re kind of plain.
35: say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you? Binch
36: were you single on valentines day? Forever and always 
37: are you friends with the last person you kissed? Bruh
38: what do your friends call you? Gay. Liss-Biss
39: has anyone upset you in the last week? I get upset over the tiniest things so we’re gonna go with a hard yes.
40: have you ever cried over a text? I cry over everything I’m soft and sensitive.
41: where’s your last bruise located? The last one I remember was on the palm of my hand like the little hand butt
42: what is it from? I went roller skating and fell on my ass a lot and just this one time I went down and tried to catch myself, and all of my weight went onto my hands. I got a really bad bruise on one hand and my bracelet dug into my other hand and like burst some vessels it was wild never take me skating
43: last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? I think last week
44: who was the last person you were on the phone with? Lmao my mom
45: do you have a favourite pair of shoes? Nah
46: do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day? No I usually just braid it and hope for the best
47: would you ever go bald if it was the style? No! Fuck! My head is gigantic I would look like a fucking egg! Anyway I love my hair
48: do you make supper for your family? Sometimes whenever I’m feeling it or we have chicken defrosted because I’m always a slut for pan seared chicken.
49: does your bedroom have a door? Yeah thank god
50: top 3 web-pages? idk netflix, here, and idk where else 
51: do you know anyone who hates shopping? Yes bitch me
52: does anything on your body hurt? My back! Always!
53: are goodbyes hard for you? The last hard goodbye I had was when my best friend moved to Florida and he stopped by my house to say goodbye and that was like two/three years ago now so generally no
54: what was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? Mtn. Dew
55: how is your hair? She’s fine thanks for asking. I have her wrapped in a towel she’s napping
56: what do you usually do first in the morning? Go back to sleep
57: do you think two people can last forever? If they try.
58: think back to january 2007, were you single? I was eight.
59: green or purple grapes? I’ve always been a red grape hoe
60: when’s the next time you will give someone a big hug? The next time somebody lets me I’m such a big hugger
61: do you wish you were somewhere else right now? The Everglades, lying face down in the swamp, not dead, just resting.
62: when will be the next time you text someone? Probably tomorrow I don’t usually text people late at night I’m small and tired
63: where will you be 5 hours from now? In bed, hopefully still asleep
64: what were you doing at 8 this morning. Sleeping because it’s Sunday and I don’t go to church and I can sleep in
65: this time last year, can you remember who you liked? I can’t really. I don’t think I ever really get crushes that last long enough for me to remember them. 
66: is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? There’s a few
67: did you kiss or hug anyone today? I hugged my parents
68: what was your last thought before you went to bed last night? “I hope none of my gay songs play because my dad is right in the gameroom and if he comes to check on me he’ll Know”
69: have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Lmao yes.
70: how many windows are open on your computer? Just one. I like to let him rest. 
71: how many fingers do you have? Ten
72: what is your ringtone? It’s one o the default iPhone tones i forget what it’s called
73: how old will you be in 5 months? 18 still
74: where is your mum right now? Downstairs on the couch probably sleeping.
75: why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love? He moved.
76: have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? Nope. 
77: are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago? Yeah for the most part. I’ve got some new ones though
78: do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7? It was probably like. Ryan Fitzpatrick or someone like him idfk I was young and dumb and I thought I was straight.
79: is there anyone you know with the name mike? My sister’s godparent’s son is named Michael they sometimes call him Mike.
80: have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? Does being a baby in my mother’s arms count because if it doesn’t then no
81: how many people have you liked in the past three months? Like. 0.5
82: has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days? Nope
83: will you talk to the person you like tonight? Nah 
84: you’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? KATIE 
85: if your bf/gf was into drugs would you care? I think so because I’m really. Not. Especially if it was hard drugs. 
86: what was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie? Nothing eventful really happens at the movies for me, I avoid kids movies to Lessen the Risk.
87: who was your last received call from? My mom
88: if someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you? What the fuck? what the fuck. 
89: what is something you wish you had more of? Money and admirers
90: have you ever trusted someone too much? Yeah 
91: do you sleep with your window open? No my dad will yell at me for “letting all the cold air out”
92: do you get along with girls? Yes?? 
93: are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? I don’t think so no
94: does sex mean love? Like for me? Idk it can be an act of love but really it can mean nothing too it’s not really black and white
95: you’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? Yes because I’ll be locked in a room alone how the fuck do I get out
96: have you ever kissed anyone with a lip ring? BOI
97: did you sleep alone this week? Every week
98: everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you? My mom, my cat, my friends, idk I guess art when my teacher doesn’t assign it. Making people feel nice! I’m such a huge proponent of nice anons I send so many and like. refresh the blogs of people I send them to so that I know they feel good. 
99: do you believe in love at first sight? Me? A hopeless romantic? An idealist? Yes. 
100: who was the last person that you pinky promise? I think it was my dad over something that probably didn’t require a pinky promise idk we do it a lot.
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lifeofwhysir · 7 years
A bunch of thoughts while watching the news that also rhyme
Different types of opportunities and all sorts of different options here as long as you don’t possess the melanin that upsets police officers Blood fills the streets so tell them the problem we’re facing: soon the red white and blue will just be red and blue caucasians We’re ICEing all the immigrants now In a country running on cake pumped overfull of false bravado sponsored by the kkk If your skin is brown or black they’ll hit you with a background check because they think youre here On the take over and now “they’re gonna take it back” Incabapable of table turning impalpable impact just into tuning into the cable news or “and friends” or “the factor” Not the type for quantification of the progress we made just last year Just the sheepish cynics stuck in ism’s Who didn’t vote about healthcare Price tags put on human life as if we arent talking about wealth here As if we don’t have a First Lady who won’t be deported because she married wealthier act like it’s all well it’s just a reality show as if what we need now is theatre While they round up your neighbors and put them in holes and camps understand your vote helped to lead them there Or your lack of a vote or apathetic response or posturing stances or political taunts Youve lost sight of the machine by watching the cogs, hating their color or movement, and trying to block them So far from a movie, man so far from awesome If you had any brownie points you sure as fuck lost them If the goal was Caucasian dominance you still don’t get the props man You have an orange Russian puppet as potus who over tweets and over talks and over sits and understands so very little of his platform he said that he grabs pussy your dumb ass wants to know where he got the cat from While the news ignores his mental state and asks where he gets his stats frm dead leaders turn in their graves as deeds done fill up the catacombs His comprehension stinks no use talking to him He now has nukes at fingertips You think he’s dying not to use them? Different types of opportunities and all sorts of different options here As long as you don’t possess the melanin that upsets the ones in charge I fear Blood is filling the streets so I tell you the problem we’re facing: soon the red white and blue Could be be blown up by a racist -Whysir
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Questions I received from a Hard-Core Liberal Socialist on Mon, Mar 7, 2016, 8:22 AM
Questions I received from a Hard-Core Liberal Socialist on Mon, Mar 7, 2016, 8:22 AM, I was in a group fighting for Education reform when my view hurt their feeling and they removed me, however, I'm still here and I'm still voting to #MAGA #Trump2020  
1.  Can you describe what it appealing about Trump to you?
Well, one thing I like it is he is his own man. He does not need someone telling him how to think, how to sleep when to take a piss he can’t be bought and sold like a two-bit whore like most of our politicians today.  
He is talking about the issues America faces today such as open “borders." And the illegal, crossing the border daily and not just from Mexico. That’s racist bullshit people are trying to say is nothing but the left's way of shutting people down because they fear being called a racist, and no other country allowed people just to walk in and collect a check, food stamps, social security, housing and other benefits that are paid for by the American people.
“A country without borders is not a country”
Furthermore, he talks about stopping the flow of  coming into this country, which is a hot topic for the Political Correct Left who used it as talking points as a way to scare the masses because a lot of people in this country can’t think for themselves and are programmed from the cradle to the grave to allow someone else to think for them.
They are a threat to the security of this country even when people don't have the backbone to admit it.
Actually, Trump has a great track record even with his failures he has not given up, he is a winner he has worked, created jobs, made deals and hired people, fired people run business started company's changes people lives, unlike our current administration.
The people on the right have not put up a good choice for president even though they put up a lot more than the Left but none who have the experience in running the country. Just a lot of talking points and backroom deals and business as usual signs in front of their names.
Then the left put’s up to three people one drop out before things even got started, the second a 69-year-old grandmother that has a history of lying, cheating and stealing and under FBI eyes and facing criminal charges and many other things I have a very long list if you like, that goes back before Watergate when she was kicked off and fired for lying her ass off lol. To the law firm and all that criminal activity.
Then they offer Bernie Sanders lol a socialist who never had a job until he was 40 and that was in government, and he has been there ever since like most of the freed loaders who are supposed to represent "We The People" have lost their ways in crooked deals, and now it’s more like a retirement home for criminals.    
2. What if Trump was not in the race then who would you be voting for instead?
That’s a good question because The Voting process is nothing to overlook or taken lightly it’s one of our basic rights and what makes us a great country and should not be taken lightly and since Cruz and Rubio is not electable due to their citizenship status because the US constitution is very clear on that, then due to the common core, and the dumbing down of our Education system, a lot of people are not sure of what their rights our anymore, and that’s just sad.  
3. What specific policies that different candidates run on are appealing to you?
The choices on the right are a joke, and they will do what the same crooks on the left want, they have proven this in our last two elections which the American people gave the right the house because Obama sucks and then the American people gave the right the Senate because Obama sucked even more and what did they do but craw in bed with the left and they both continue to screw the American people.
That’s why I want to give an outsider a chance to see if he can take the same attitude. he used to build a successful business and make America Great again.
4.  Everyone loathes Clinton,
She a joke she is a lying criminal, and she could not keep her own home in order, how is she supposed to make America better, she a thief, liar, a criminal, a traitor, and she could not even beat Osama Bin Lying, and he was a dope head college punk with a whore for a mother and a terrorist for a father? How is she supposed to make America great lol?
5.  What are your thoughts about Sanders and his policy proposals?
Sander is a wash up old man who never amounted to anything in his life and would not be on the ticket if the Democrats had picked someone besides Killary.
I know they have to have someone more electable than these two old clowns the policy he talks about tax the rich lol and once reality sets in, they could take all the wealth away from the 1% which includes every senator and house member, and they could not solve anything because they spend more than they take in.
If we want America to grow we have to go through everything and cut out the waste and abuse and fraud just look at the fraud from The Department of Education, we know firsthand what’s really going on behind closed doors were not aware of and x that by every government agency, there is a lot of waste. That where we can start to make America Great again and make life better for everyone.
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latestnews2018-blog · 6 years
We Don't Need 'Who Is America?' To Tell Us How Bad Things Are
New Post has been published on https://latestnews2018.com/we-dont-need-who-is-america-to-tell-us-how-bad-things-are/
We Don't Need 'Who Is America?' To Tell Us How Bad Things Are
His pants lowered to bare his buttocks, Georgia state Rep. Jason Spencer scuttled backward at his opponent, who was portraying an Islamic terrorist. “America!” Spencer bellowed. “I will turn you into a homosexual!” he tells the terrorist.
Welcome to the second episode of Sacha Baron Cohen’s Showtime comedy “Who Is America?” The premiere arrived last week on a wave of critical buzz, thanks to a torrent of outraged statements from conservative politicos who’d been fooled by the actor into advocating for the arming of small children.
But despite the anticipation, the debut ratings were dismal. Though the numbers edged up with encore and On Demand viewings, viewership was weak compared with the debuts of cable TV’s recent successful political comedies, like TBS’s “Full Frontal with Sam Bee” and HBO’s “Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.” Even Comedy Central’s “The Opposition with Jordan Klepper,” canceled thanks to abysmal ratings after one season, started stronger than Baron Cohen’s new vehicle.
Why is “Who Is America?” opening with more of a whimper than a bang? Perhaps we’re tired of political humor, or it’s been too long since Baron Cohen’s last hit. Or perhaps this particular brand of comedic exposé has lost its appeal. After all, it’s not like we really need it anymore to grasp how bad things are.
Not that Sunday night’s segment with Spencer wasn’t jaw-dropping. The Republican lawmaker believed he was taking part in anti-terrorism training with an Israeli former military officer, Erran Morad (Baron Cohen in heavy, rather obvious makeup). Morad put Spencer through his paces, having him participate in exercises in which he yelled racial slurs as a diversionary tactic, performed an offensive parody of a Chinese tourist, and took an upskirt photo of a person in a burka to check for weaponry. 
It was an astonishing display, even for a politician previously best known for threatening a former Democratic state rep — a black woman — that she might “go missing” in the swamp due to her public support for removing Confederate statues. Spencer, who in May’s GOP primary lost his bid for a fifth term, put out a statement before this embarrassing footage aired, saying, “It is clear the makers of this film intended to deceive me in an attempt to undermine the American conservative political movement.”
But meanwhile, the party’s leader, President Donald Trump, was in the midst of a rather typical evening of tweeting: referring to his long-ago opponent in the presidential election as “Crooked Hillary,” then sending an all-caps threat of military engagement to President Hassan Rouhani of Iran. 
Of course, no statement needed to be issued to explain how the president was tricked into this unhinged behavior. With Trump leading the way, conservatives have become more and more comfortable showing their own asses unprompted. 
Sure, it’s still quite alarming to see lobbyists and congressional representatives eagerly advocate arming kindergartners with stuffed animal guns. In the most successful sketch from the premiere, Morad peddles a program, “Kinder-Guardians,” intended to solve America’s school shooting epidemic by arming schoolchildren as young as four. As a work of entertainment, the segment is masterful ― and it takes the gun debate in a daring direction by pulling in the right-wing fascination with Israel and its military culture.
Gun rights advocate Philip Van Cleave participating in an fictional ad campaign for stuffed animal guns for children in the premiere of “Who Is America?”
The Republicans caught by the Kinder-Guardians trick are defensive and embarrassed, at least for now. Being fooled by a liberal comedian makes them look gullible. But then again, they really weren’t fooled into revealing much that didn’t already exist out in the open.
There was a moment, when “Da Ali G Show” and “The Daily Show” were in their prime, that comedy like this could be genuinely revealing. In the old-fashioned days of the aughts, seeing Baron Cohen or a “Daily Show” correspondent coax a shocking statement out of a public figure, or even a random person on the street, had the power to truly jolt us.  Comedy interviews stood to expose the depths of our fellow humans’ carefully hidden cravenness, bigotry, ignorance, extremism.
“Da Ali G Show” character Borat Sagdiyev, a Kazakh reporter also played by Baron Cohen, made a specialty of baiting subjects with his own professed anti-Semitism, racism and sexism. During a wine-tasting segment, he asked Norman Harris, the head of a Mississippi wine organization, whether the black waiter was “his slave.” Harris responded that slavery had been outlawed, which was a good thing. “For them,” he added. “For you, not so much!” Borat replied jovially. Harris agreed.
“That guy normally would never say that he thought it’s a shame that slavery doesn’t exist anymore,” Baron Cohen told The New York Times. “But because he’s in the room with somebody who’s totally naïve and seems to not mind that slavery existed, he was fully honest.”
By comfortably displaying racist views, a character like Borat made interviewees feel safe in revealing their own. In another interview, the comedian described the technique as “a dramatic demonstration of how racism feeds on dumb conformity as much as rabid bigotry.”
Now, 14 years later, that seems hard to dispute. We don’t even need to turn to edgy comedy for overt demonstrations of the phenomenon. Trump himself functions as an always-in-character version of what Baron Cohen pretends to be for a comedy show: a public figure who offers tacit encouragement for others to voice and enact bigotry by doing so himself.
Baron Cohen’s variety of comedic exposé was perfectly engineered for a time when the kind of middle-class white liberals who watched “Ali G” and “The Daily Show” weren’t confronted with the extremity of others’ views all the time. Back then, it was relatively easy to avoid people who think things were better before the Civil War or that, I don’t know, you should give high-powered weaponry to children on the cusp of learning to use a fork.
But we’re bathed in it now, in the ambient Pizzagate conspiracy theories and “build the wall” rants we face on every platform. We don’t need Borat to bust GOP officials and candidates when they’re recklessly posting racist memes to their own Facebook pages. 
As for random citizens, they easily can, and do, broadcast their own anti-Semitic, misogynistic, anti-gun control and racist views to Twitter ― no comedic sting required. During the second episode, NPR host Dr. Nira Cain-N’Degeocello, another Baron Cohen character, announces the construction of an enormous new community mosque to a meeting of Kingman, Arizona, residents. They respond with trembling outrage; one shouts that he identifies as “racist against Muslims,” and several more argue that they already tolerate black people, although they don’t like it. The scene felt gratuitously painful, an unfunny rehash of a racist debate we already know too well.
Then again, much of Baron Cohen’s shtick has always been a straightforward troll. In “Who Is America?,” he subjects Bernie Sanders to a mathematically incomprehensible presentation on how to move all of the 99 percent into the 1 percent while the senator, with a single-mindedness familiar to those who followed the 2016 Democratic primary, steered the conversation back to his stump speech. This showed nothing new about Sanders, but Baron Cohen didn’t seem to be aiming to.
“Bachelor” star Corinne Olympios poses as an aid worker who helped combat an ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone. She didn’t perform such service, and the scene for the second episode of “Who Is America?” was filmed in front of a green screen.
Aside from Morad’s interviews with conservative officials and activists, Baron Cohen’s antics seemed tame, even pointless, compared with the charged conversations we deal with daily in real life. Take the segment in which one-time “Bachelor” star Corinne Olympios, while endorsing a fake charity supposedly providing relief for an Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, blankly reads a script for an ad urging people to support child soldiers by providing them with training and equipment. Yes, yes, reality stars will do anything for attention; it’s hard to recall a time when such a revelation would have rocked anyone to their core.
In “Who Is America?,” Baron Cohen repeatedly whiffs on opportunities to illuminate what bizarre things people really would support. Why send an absurd parody of a lefty NPR host to the home of GOP local bigwigs? Without exactly giving a flattering read to the Trump-supporting couple, it does offer them an opportunity to politely condemn behavior that most on the left would also decry, like forcing a young girl to stand while urinating. The takeaway is muddled at best. Getting liberals to cosign those choices on camera ― that might be a coup.
Resurrecting his particular brand of stunt comedy journalism ― honed in a very different cultural and political context ― for a Trump era already awash in gleeful incompetence, extremism and trolling, might seem like a perfect fit for the times. Instead, it’s outdated. (Perhaps that’s partly due to the outdated writers’ room, which consists entirely of men, including one who lost his job on “Inside Amy Schumer” after publicly bragging about choking his ex and sending hordes of sexist trolls after female writers.)
We also must ask whether his approach could be as harmful as it is informative and entertaining. Baron Cohen’s provocations have always raised the question of whether the end of exposing prejudice justifies the means of recreating it, and the evidence is piling up that comic bigotry may only make people more comfortable with the real thing. Take the spillage of Reddit Nazism-for-lolz into genuine radicalization and violence. Take Trump himself.
GOP politicians certainly haven’t become less openly racist, anti-Semitic, anti-Islam and sexist than they were when Baron Cohen first started scamming them in the early aughts. And given how far-right shit-posting has likely helped accommodate the country to outright white nationalism, I found myself wondering uncomfortably whether the guns-for-kids stunt on “Who Is America?” might not also be absorbed into the political debate. Maybe irony can move the  Overton Window, too. 
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hooddichotomy-blog · 6 years
                                         Cynthia Shea                                                              7 months ago (edited)                                                                                          420 Patrock Hello Hy Hi High .How are ya ? How do we effectively correct this situations? Without killing a bunch of innocent people. It's not all Jews .   Just the ones that are in power. And it's not just the Jews , there's other people involved as well .             Just saying 🌿                                                                                                  15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      420PATROCK                                                              7 months ago                                                                                          I never said kill innocent people. Nasty troll's like you put word's in other's mouth's to get your kick's and drama. Repent sinner!                                                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cynthia Shea                                                              7 months ago                                                                                          420PATROCK   I'm not a troll I gave you my opinion. If someone doesn't agree with you there at troll . How old are you.  You sound like an immature child who has to get his way.  You are the one wishing death upon people.  What are you and Nazi .                                                                                                  2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      420PATROCK                                                              7 months ago                                                                                          Your opinion is made up heresay. I have never threatened a life of an innocent. You are a fucking troll making shit up like that. No I am not a National Zionist. They do kill innocent People. 88                                                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cynthia Shea                                                              7 months ago (edited)                                                                                          420PATROCK  you know nothing about me . It sounds like you just realize you are A slave.  I am the master of my reality.  No one else.  I forgive you for being ignorant.  For I to was once a FOOL . Butt really I wasn't as big a fool as YOU.                                                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      420PATROCK                                                              7 months ago                                                                                          But you know so much about me? I know your root's by your seed. You can't forgive me. Your still a Nimrod!                                                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cynthia Shea                                                              7 months ago                                                                                          420PATROCK    I didn't come from a seed you could look god right in the eye and you wouldn't even know it .  I never said you condoned killing innocent people .  What I said was how do we correct this problem without killing innocent people. How well do you know the English language. Oh boy  are you dumb. You take things out of context then you blowup and ATACK people. Your the only one you're hurting . so farewell to you my friend .I have much more productive things to do.                                                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      osearth esp                                                              6 months ago                                                                                          I believe most disagreements that are like the example of this thread in which I'm replying, are often simply caused by even just slight differing definitions or varying personal identity of WORDS. And in effect we are often saying the same thing (in different ways) when we argue, but we don't recognize it partially due to the impact stressful emotion has on confusion/logic/rational. I also wonder if someone hasn't engineered our language to seem more combative by using the word "YOU" to mean both the listener and the subject or protagonist when I complain or tell a story to someone, it sounds like i'm talking about them, unless we use the word 'ONE' in place of 'YOU' when describing something to a friend, which i think is more proper English anyway. We all seem to say "YOU" to often to one another, when the most used word in English is "I", that stat is from a 1980s primary school teacher & likely incorrect but I think I wanted to sound ironic after a "their co-opting our own language against us" rant. ;] Once me as a teen and my mother went for counselling now a lot of shlt can go down when you're raised by a single teen mother but I didn't see any need for counselling at least relating to her and my relationship. In the first 20 mins of the first session it was mentioned that often when ppl disagree (we argued maybe monthly at that time) they can really come off and even believe they feel really angry but it is actually us trying to protect ourselves from the real feeling we're having which truthfully deep down is feeling HURT (or possibly frustration, embarrassment etc). So once we heard this my mother and I started talking about that being such a great insight and how it applied directly to us in virtually every argument we'd ever had. So silly of us to be acting mad when we were not even angry at all we were HURTING but in denial. We continued to talk both amazed at this simple insight impacting so many pre-conceptions we had acquired of one another and others while essentially judging people often even having great love for them, judged them for not knowing they were hurt thus reacting in attempt to protect themselves. That session we basically walked out of halfway through changed our lives forever, monthly fights went extinct or more like to a decade basis. I was young enough that seeing fear and hurt when people would try to show anger and create fear made me a much more empathetic person and changed my life. For a long time i didn't even believe in anger as a real emotion, being that it's just "fear with teeth", because i could see no evolutionary advantage for anger, I now know human development can't be simplified that easily. But it's still an enlightening concept in any approach to conflict, especially in avoiding conflict. We're on the same side guys. Try not to be further divided if we all become further individualized then their conquering is basically completed. After us having done the 'heavy lifting' in the making possible our failed destiny as designed! We should try in as many ways possible to each day's every event, at least where we have a choice of our re/action, to stop furthering our own enslavement. The one way that each and every single person can do this everywhere is by at least starting to try to be more forgiving. Actively forgiving is really just a way to not have to carry stress and other baggage that's rightfully someone else's anyways. Posting before checking order/spelling/rereading atleast someone may possibly read & maybe didn't just waste precious life hour. Love+Respect=2u&4all! "Each one to teach one reach one." (2000) - MC Ryan Butler                                                                                                  4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      420PATROCK                                                              6 months ago                                                                                          A serpent is a serpent. You either believe the Messiah was Yeshua Yahamashia.. Jesus. Or you don't. So kill off the elite and guess what, more serpents will fill their shoes.                                                                                                  2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cynthia Shea                                                              6 months ago                                                                                          420PATROCK        You are an idiot. You put words in your own mouth. Someone must’ve droped you on your  head or something.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          420PATROCK                                                              6 months ago                                                                                          I'd rateher be called an idiot who knows not the truth than a Nimrod.                                                                                                  2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cynthia Shea                                                              6 months ago (edited)                                                                                          420PATROCK     So you admit to.being an Idiot. Al l your false knowledge is from your misinterpretation of the Bible.you believe in 🧚‍♀️ fairytale’s🧚‍♂️                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          420PATROCK                                                              6 months ago                                                                                          Your the one dwelling in an unconscious delusion known as cognitive dissonance.                                                                                                  2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cynthia Shea                                                              6 months ago                                                                                          420PATROCK   You again?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          420PATROCK                                                              6 months ago                                                                                          You are a vile hypocrite living in cognitive dissonance and apparently suffer from Stockholm syndrome as well. I would never kill an innocent Person but there are millions I have no problem killing that are guilty! I will go before GOD on judgement day with honor! I actually look forward to dieing for what is right because life is a gift from GOD as a test. Will you pass it?                                                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Cynthia Shea                                                              6 months ago (edited)                                                                                          420PATROCK what do you mean by that ?  Your not killing anyone with those  CHICKEN  ARMS .   Stick your guitar we’re the sun DONT SHINE .  You   PU- -y boy. Back in the DAY  when I went to PARIS ISLAND 🌴 We would have Delt with you Harshly . Maybe leave you in the gas chamber over night . You insignificant PUKE 🤢 🤮 DONT YOU EVER THREATEN ME AGAIN . Even the Devil knows better than to FUCK with ME . YOU DUMB ASS .  Lookup  MARINE CORPS M 40 &  8541 See what comes up you   C - - T you have no Respect for anyone or any thing .  No one of any importance will miss you when your gone  .  Dry up and blow away .     P.S. How do you sleep at night ? You must eat hands full of sleeping pills .      Will you pass it ? What kind of question is that ? Life is a test?  You don’t know what your talking about .  Shit Head                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          420PATROCK                                                              6 months ago                                                                                          Learn to read and think. It's an amazing thing intelligent People do.                                                                                                  1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Fuckinsurance                                                              5 months ago                                                                                          SHIT, Hitler did fake his death and go to Argintina! That nigga speak better English now tho. I just can't believe he left Eva Braun and got with a black woman. Of course Hitler did believe that black people were the real Jews! And that the white ones were evil imposters who stole their culture and ran them out of Isreal! U think I'm crazy? Naw. Hitler believed that shit more than modern day Afrocentrics do! Matter of fact I found those Hitler quotes on a racist black guys YouTube channel claiming whites were inferior, while he was using Hitler's belief in that as his evidence! Real Nigga SHIT!                                                                                                  2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Fuckinsurance                                                              5 months ago                                                                                          Before u respond like a libtarded SJW beta bitch boi, do the research and discredit that if u can!                                                                                                  2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      sponge head                                                              2 months ago                                                                                          Cynthia Shea Who believes in fairy tales? I'd say believing you came from a monkey is a bigger fairly tale than believing in God! Also believing that DNA just formed all by itself in a mud puddle. I guess you missed it when the scientists at Harvard found messages in our DNA, and the top layer message from our DNA says God eternal within the body! Also maybe you haven't heard of Ron Wyatt? You should look up what he found in the 70's and 80's. To me believing in evolution with absolutely no proof, not even one transitional fossil when the museums should be full of them is not only delusional but definitely believing in fairy tales!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          alchemistking dickinson                                                              1 month ago                                                                                          The ones foaming at the mouth pointing fingers and screaming to kill are demons; unclean; sinners and this murderous spirit is going to implode on itself as the false will~~~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Drew High                                                              2 weeks ago                                                                                          osearth esp your words are full of treasures.You've given us  heart filled tools to find Gems of compassion. all that read your words are lucky. Your a awsome person. thanks for sharing. i wish you and your mother manny blessings.    
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discreetslave-blog · 6 years
Democrats Are Burning 2008
Aquarian Weekly 31908 REALITY CHECK THE DEMOCRATS ARE BURNING The unabated immolation of the Democratic Party, ceremoniously sparked with extreme prejudice by the Clinton Machine two weeks ago, has now officially become a raging firestorm. From prostitution rings to racist blather and return salvos of monster, the flames of remorse will soon swallow up everything in its path. Before the first cherry blossoms bloom in Washington DC, whatever is left of this rancid collection of rogues, creeps, felons, and dumb asses will likely be the better part of cinder. Ah, poor Eliot Spitzer. He needs it rough, and not just hair-pulling, ass-slapping rough. Its games the governor needs. Adult games, chaired by professionals utilizing tools of the trade, the varied sort one cannot transport on a post-911 flight anymore. And the girls are harder to come by these days too. The really discreet ones with the bravest hearts have to be purchased and shuffled across state lines via railway on the tax-payer tab, laundered from several bogus companies and check-listed by text-message. It is high times for a man of lawful pursuits, full of zest to clean things up and set right the ways of the universe. Vices dont come cheap for crusaders. We have come a long way from the honorable Horatio Seymour or Samuel J. Tilden, who likely entertained fantasies of being tied up in baby bonnets and slapped around like the dirty little maggots they truly were, but apparently were fortunate enough not to be cursed
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