#but I'm an exclusionist for things like transabled
anti-transphobia · 2 years
You can not be radically inclusionist without hurting mentally ill people and disabled people
Radically inclusionist means being inclusive of everything. Including "transabled" people. Including "trace" (trans race) people. These communities actually do exist and aren't just a strawman. They consider race and disabilities to be similar to queer identities and function the same way as just identifying with them. To be radically inclusionist is to accept them too. There's no going around it. That's what it means to include everyone
"include everyone that ACTUALLY makes sense" - nope. By deciding that some people are bullshit bigots who don't belong and shouldn't be accepted, you're excluding them. That's exclusionist
My point being: inclusionist vs exclusionist labels are bullshit. If you truly do accept every idea with no critical thinking whatsoever you're a shit person who allows other people to be hurt, but hey, at least you can accurately claim the label! But if you're a person who actually uses their brain? Just be a nuanced person.
Don't worry about inclusionist vs exclusionist. Because there will be groups of people who will always call you an exclusionist for not accepting every little racist and ableist idea that comes your way. Let go of those labels. You can be an "inclusionist" for 5 different things and an "exclusionist" for 3 others. That's normal. It's called thinking. It's called having opinions. Don't worry about one overall label. All that'll do is make your fellow "inclusionists" turn against you for going "wait, that's not right"
#just like. no#it's not inclusionist vs exclusionist#it really really isn't#i am 'inclusionist' for a lot of things#ace and aro inclusionist#pan inclusionist#etc#but I'm an exclusionist for things like transabled#and endo shit#because one. they literally aren't queer identities despite treating them like such#and two it's fucked up#but that idea alone supposedly makes me overall exclusionist#suddenly i don't include other people because i can have nuanced takes#plus like in general it creates a fear that if you have a take that's a little too nuanced#you're ACTUALLY an exclusionist#even if you literally include people#for instance: all aces and aros are queer and belong in the community#however cishet aces/aros are still in fact cishet and are oppressors because of it#and as just one of many victims of cishet ace violence that they themselves would brag about and justify for being ace#we have to keep them in their place and not walk all over the people they oppress#but that's considered exclusionism. to say that they're still oppressors even though theyre ace/aro#it's Not. but 'inclusionists' are afraid of intersectionality and accountability#even though if we don't keep cis people in check#if we don't keep white people in check#if we don't keep abled people in check#they will hurt other members of the community!#intersectionality is important!#anyway basically the labels are bullshit and exist to keep you from thinking for yourself#sincerely someone who used to be hung up on those labels
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mistymeow69 · 3 months
This is your reminder that my account was created to share my "alternative" personal views. I will take little to no criticism, I will not change based off of what the majority tells me to, even if it's already a minority. I will always honor myself and what I believe in. This account is to talk about the things that normally wouldn't be socially acceptable to.
I'm getting attacked for my last post, but honestly idc lol. (Rant kinda)
if you wanna be a safe space for creeps, baits, and overall people who mock our community and diminish our struggles so they can use a label they don't understand, go ahead, but not everyone wants to be associated with that. Just proves what kind of person you are, someone who doesn't understand us at all.
Paralleling me to transmeds is crazy. Just because transgenderism and other transids are similar, doesn't mean they're not completely different in many other ways. Gender is a subjective thing. You can't be hypothetically disabled.
Things such as gender and race ARE social constructs, so you can interpret your identity with them as you please. It's not real, after all. Things such as transabled, however, are based off of real things that people struggle with daily. I'm not saying it's wrong to transition to it, but it's not something to be taken lightly. There's a very thin line between minimizing disabled peoples experiences and mocking them vs. actual transabled people who know what they're talking about, and I'm sick of people mixing them up and referring to them both as the same.
Disabilities are a VERY real thing. You can't just transition to it for the labels and an inner feeling that doesn't even match the transition like you can gender and race. There's literally no way to host an identity like that WITHOUT feeling at least a little dysphoria and wanting to transition, even if you can't. I don't care how much you ostracize me for this, we need to stop being a safe space for bad people. This is why the respectful radqueers still get judged so heavily.
Transharmed is one thing, it's your body so it's your choice as long as you know what you're talking about, doing, and respecting people who were born with it, but transharmful? I genuinely don't get it. Like transna/zi and transgro/omer? Do people seriously think these identities are okay? Identifying with ra/cism and eu/geni/cs and overall harming others goes COMPLETELY against the original rq ideology.
Call me a fake radqueer, call me a transmed, call me an exclusionist, but I will never ever support people who are harming anyone intentionally.
Transitioning to anything isn't something to be taken lightly. It's not a joke, it's not something fun, it's not aesthetic. It's a grueling, painful experience that, if any of us had the option to not have to go through it, we wouldn't. It hurts. So I wish people would stop pretending like our suffering is just something they can do for a week for fun.
We're a community that was built off of our unusual dysphoria and being ostracized out of our own communities. Please don't continue the cycle by ostracizing people who have their own views.
Anyway, because of all of this drama, and a lot of my personal ideologies and morals not fitting the standard radqueer ones, does anyone know of any similar labels? Should I make my own?
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exclamaquest · 2 years
what are ur thoughts on why radical inclusionism is harmful and/or do u have any resources on the subject? im interested in learning more about the pov
sorry for this taking so long! school has been taking a lot out of me. thank you for your patience! i've put my full response under a cut as to not clog dashes.
first off, i want to very clearly establish that i am not in any way talking about inclusion itself as a concept. being against radical inclusionism does not mean i'm for exclusionism as a blanket statement--again, i'm not against inclusionism itself, i'm against the very specific radinclus movement.
honestly, I totally understand why radinclus people think the way they do. it's a very easy rabbit hole to go down, and on a surface level, the concept of "including all good-faith identities" sounds fantastic. the problem comes when you look into what a lot of that really means.
defining it as "good-faith identities" means that if someone says they are identifying as something in good faith, you have no right to criticize them. i've seen it play out more than a few times--take people who are transabled or transrace, or identities that are inherently bigoted ("afab trans woman", for example). the very basic premise of radical inclusionism removes the suggestion of critical thought ("who is affected by this? is there harm coming from someone saying this?") and makes a person's inclusion in the community hinge on accepting everything told to them at face value.
this is not coming out of nowhere. i'm not going to block evade to get a few examples i'd like to because i'm not an asshole but the gist of it is "what right do we have to dictate anyone else's experience, just trust what people say they are". again, on the surface this sounds fine, but if you look a little deeper into some of the things that people who say this support, it becomes evident that there's a nasty correlation going on.
most evidently, it leaks into ableism. the venn diagram between radical inclusionists and people who treat mental illness like a fun game (aka endos, which is a whole other thing i'm not going to get into rn, and """transabled""" people*) is pretty much a circle, and it all connects (from what i've seen) to the single biggest problem with radinclusionism: it actively discourages critical thought. like i said above, radical inclusionism punishes those who dare to be "exclusionists" (criticize any part of any "good faith identity") with ostracization from their peers.
it also discourages looking at actual queer history or talking to people with experience to make your decisions. instead of asking for unbiased sources and talking to those around you, radical inclusionism shoves the idea of criticizing "good faith identities" being evil down your throat. if you ask for hard medical scientific sources when someone claims that they're a system without trauma so that you can review the evidence and make your own independent decision, you're discounting people's lived experiences. same goes for if you talk to someone affected outside of the group and ask how they feel about mspec lesbians or afab trans women and learn their opinion and then go back to the group and ask them to account for or respond to it.
they push the narrative that you're not using your resources and learning about science and history and figuring out your own stances through critical thought, you're perpetrating an exclusionist mindset and discounting "good faith identities".
not that you'd be able to see opinions outside the group's--it's a very, very tight echo chamber, with almost no chance of a dissuading opinion getting through in a way that isn't in the tone of a "get a load of this guy cam". who would want to interact with a nasty exclusionist, after all?
instead, i propose informed inclusionism. inclusionism that encourages critical thinking and discussion. inclusionism that advocates for talking to those around you as well as looking at historical and scientific sources as appropriate to make decisions. inclusionism that lets you take stock of the harm that some so-called "good faith identities" can cause, and that discourages you from turning a blind eye in the name of inclusionism when someone says how they are affected by said identities.
in order to become truly tolerant, you must be intolerant of intolerance. and, most importantly, you must know how to spot intolerance when it is disguised as tolerance. this requires critical thought that radinclus philosophy not only goes against, but actively punishes.
i hope this has helped you understand where i'm coming from better! again, thank you for your patience, this took a while to type out and edit and i've been very busy lately. if you have any questions, feel free to ask! i'll get to them as soon as i can.
note: this really doesn't seem to be an issue that a lot of people are talking about, which is interesting, and a reason there aren't more resources on this. i searched and searched, but couldn't really find much if anything that expressed this viewpoint. i honestly would have thought that there'd be more of a pushback against radinclus philosophy especially with how much tumblr tends to emphasize the need for critical thought, but i guess not. hopefully this can help create a space for dialogue + discussion in an area that sorely needs it! ^^ *i'm fully aware that biid is in and of itself a disability. someone being disabled in one form does not stop them from being ableist to those with another disability. if someone with biid identifies as transabled to being an amputee, that is ableist towards amputees. you cannot identify into a disability.
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chroniccoolness · 1 year
intro post
call me Beckett or Beck or "that guy", idc. He/him & it/its pronouns, bigender. acespec, arospec, & bi. MINOR. white.
i'm chronically ill, which is the subject of this blog. I'm looking into disabilities and for the time being just label myself as chronically ill and chronically fatigued. (I'm also autistic with OCD, among other things.) I'm just here to talk about my experiences and be part of a community, and while conversations can be difficult, i am willing to talk + answer questions to the best of my ability.
DNI: queer exclusionists, transabled/transracial (like "white to black" tumblr shit, not adoption)/transautism/etc, bigots of any kind, radfems of any kind, cop sympathizers, shipping discourse centered blogs, NSFW blogs or blogs that do not want to interact with minors.
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funnier-when-objectum · 11 months
by exclusionist do you mean just lgbt exclusionists or all exclusionists? is this a transid and endo safe space?
This is a good question, thanks so much for asking! I'm sorry that I wasn't clear enough in my DNI.
I've just googled what 'transid' means, and I'm getting conflicting results. On one hand, some people are saying it includes things like 'transracial' or 'transabled' individuals, which I do not agree with and will not make space for on my platform. On the other, some people are saying it includes therians and otherkin folk, which I absolutely do agree with, love, and appreciate. Until I learn for sure what the label 'transid' is supposed to mean, I won't make a blanket statement, sorry.
And as for endogenic systems, I personally don't feel comfortable making a statement on that. As a singlet, I find it important to listen to plural people, and I have been given points from both sides of the 'issue', as it were, by friends that I hold very dear, and I just don't think it's right for me to definitively state that I know more about someone's own mental health/community than they do. I'm really sorry for my non-answer, and I know that by 'not choosing a side' I am, effectively, choosing a side. For my own comfort on my blog, and for the comfort of my followers, I tend not to engage in this argument. I apologize for that.
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zootzcoinzthingz · 5 months
ᜊ.. Hi there! feel free to call me zootz! you might recognize that name, that's because this is a sideblog of @zootzbootz
Onto proper introductions now, I go by many names! like zootz as said previously. however, you can also call me drew, louis, ruyu, or lordy. I am a highly feminine transgender rosneoman with a shitton on xenos tacked on! my pronouns are rot/cae/rat/bro/he/cloud/slush/narc/star and nor/mal. orientation wise, I'm an orchidbisexual mainbi cupioromantic omniaesthetic queerplatonic vincian! I reclaim "fag" btw :3 ... oh, both myself and the body are of adult age!
I'm part of a system, though general I'm going to be the main one running this blog!
ᜊ; I made this blog because I find coining terms to be incredibly fun, and wanted a special place for my terms! so, what can you expect from me? primarily, gender and orientation coinings or things that align with such. I can also make name, pronoun, and title packs either for fun or per request. I might also coin other terms. such as things relating to plurality or alterhumanity!
quick side note: I enjoy some media lot of people consider to be "problematic" I consume my interests critically.
ʚ ideals! ɞ
instead of having a traditional dni, I've decided instead to opt for an "ideals" list. letting you all know what we believe in so you can choose to opt in or out based upon that.
we support the following
1. xenogenders and neopronouns
2. "contradictory" labels (mspec lesbians/gays, lesboys, turigirls, etc)
3. genderfucky, pnc, and gnc folk
4. all forms of systems and plurality
5. alterhumanity, otherheartedness, copinglinks, otherkin, constells, endels, transspecies in a non transid way, and new-age kinnies
6. movements like acab, blm, defund the police, stand with ukraine, free palistine, etc.
7. all those with mental health disorders. even/especially the demonized ones
8. objectum and posic identities
9. pro-kink (our blog will be sfw but we DO support y'all!)
10. religious/spiritual folk (who are pro-queer)
we don't support the following
1. pro-contact (harmful) paraphilias
2. alt-right stuff
3. radfems
4. radqueers
5. xenoids (due to the fact they are inherently anti xenogender)
6. capitalism
7. shielding bigotry with religion. (not exclusive to chritianity)
8. transid (transage, transabled, transrace/rcta)
9. narc abuse truthers
10. anything else that would oppose our ideals
ʚ want to send a request? make sure to follow my rules! ɞ
1. you cannot be against any of our ideals listed above!
2. do not request me to coin anything hateful or harmful.
3. send your request no more than one time.
4. be okay with the fact that there's a chance your request may not get made.
ʚ things I will and won't coin/post ɞ
- genders inspired by just about anything (minus a few fandoms)
- name/pronoun/title packs
- terms exclusive to conditions that we HAVE
- reclaim/remake/recoin terms made by exclusionists. (they will be given new names to avoid confusion and association)
- poc exclusive genders/terms (our body is either white or whitepassing so I'm not comfy with that ! it's not my place!)
- terms exclusive to conditions we DON'T have
- hateful/harmful terms
- terms based off of dsmp, killing stalking, or any other fanbases I end up declining (they're just not my thing and I need to feel some connection to what I'm coining. it has nothing to do with the "problematic nature" of the media. I'm literally a south park fan LMAO)
ᜊ! who can use my terms?
everyone! even if you don't fit my ideals. if one of my terms registers with you, feel free to use it. you simply can't request new ones, and I'd prefer it if you didn't interact with the blog itself, or me at all.
the only exception to the "everyone can use my terms! " thing is if it's exclusive to a certain group.
❥ about reposting our terms.
if you repost our terms on Pinterest, it MUST have a link back to the original coining post, and you must align with our ideals.
if you post our terms on any lgbt/queer/mogai, etc wikis you must assign proper credit to me ofc.
moreover I'd appreciate asking before reposting my terms anywhere, but it's not required as long as you follow my other conditions.
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fictionfreedom · 10 months
Heavy Christians
Homophobic, transphobic, sexist, racist, etc
Queer exclu groups (Battleaxe Bis, Longsword Lesbians, etc)
Supports heavily controversial people with no good reasoning (mostly politicians)
Think queer is a slur
Use Slurs you can't reclaim (ex: white person using n-word)
Queer exclus (anti-mspec lesbians and gays, etc)
Anti-Sex Work
Radfem, TERF, FART(lmao), TER, TEHM
Flag discourse on stupid stuff (ex: saying vincian flag is lesbophobic cuz it uses a similar line style like what-)
Police pronouns and labels
Pro-Trans X (If you use transabled I will kill you /hsrs That term hurts both trans people and people with BIID, learn to use the proper label.)
Pro-Contact harmful Para (maps, zoos, necros, and other seriously harmful shit)
Anti-Inclus/Anti-Critinclus (we aren't exclus for being against pro-contact/neu-contact pedophiles- we're decent beings omfg)
RadQueers (basically pro-harmful para, pro-ed, medpunk, and pro-trans x dipshits)
Medpunk (excluding BIID, basically shit like transabled, but excluding BIID, or other similar terms.)
"Safequeers" you aren't inclusionists, you're an exclusionist in sheep's clothing
Partake in cringe culture and/or on cringe subs
Xenosatanists (I've heard bad things, but I don't fully know what it is)
Police others trauma and coping mechanisms
Anti-Cishets (like.. I don't like most cishets, but c'mon..)
Misogynistic and Misandry
Against AMAB transmascs and AFAB transfems (they're transitioning to be MORE fem/masc, it doesn't hurt us)
Support AI "art" (Kind of, I'm iffy on the topic for a few small reasons, but generally don't without maybe DMing me to explain why first??)
Anti-Intersex or discriminate against intersex people
Xenomeds/Xenoscum (Peeps who believe you need dysphoria to be Xenogender like what.. eugh)
Supporters of the creator Fuboo/InvertedMindInc (Again, don't know much but have heard bad things)
BYF (Before You Follow)
Pro-mspec lesbians/gays
Pro-GNC lesbians/gays
Pro-PNC lesbians/gays
Support ALL good faith identities
Pro-NSFW artists
Pro-Xenos and Neopronouns
We support ALL systems! (No, that doesn't necessarily include endos and whatnot, though I do support educating them and helping them find out if they might have hidden trauma)
We don't censor queer
We use reclaimed slurs (rtard,fggot,dke)
We are a Critical Inclus (transx isn't trans, paras don't belong in queer community)
We understand the difference between harmful paraphilia and kink, please know the difference!! Don't rope us kinksters in with fucking pro-contact pedos/zoos/etc!!
Proud pro-fiction, pro-shipper, and com-shipper
We support non-contact paraphiliacs (if the paraphilia is harmful)
We have a few paraphiliac disorders (sadly necrophilia and zoophilia but we are strictly anti-contact and coping healthily)
We support paraphilias that are not harmful and the harmful ones that are strictly no-contact (unless there are ways to "act" on them that aren't actually harmful, such as CNC for ppl with rape-related paraphilias)
Pro-BLM, StopAsianHate, #MeToo, & Land Back Movement
We call ourselves a femboy occasionally. We understand its history, but we are not using it with malicious intent. We're a femboy. Deal with it.
We support transspecies used in their original way, as for alterhumans/therians/otherkins!
DI (Do Interact)
If you/you're:
Part of Creepypasta, ATSV/ITSV, Unrealities/Horror, Gore/Guro, Cannibalism, and Analog Horror Fandoms/fans!
Metal, Punk, Rock, or genuinely any other music genre fan
Use ANY xenogenders <3
Satanists or Astrotheologists
Followers of Lucifer and Lilith, or just any God in general who can talk to me about their worship (if they'll be respectful, obvi)
Like Sex Pistols
Kinky asexuals
Brandon Rogers fan
Radqueer, but not really?? If you support people like RCTA and others with harmful "identities" or labels, or are pro-contact for harmful paraphilias.
Etc Info on us:
We use plural personal pronouns for a few unlisted reasons, but very rarely unless on big posts like this
We are Otherkin, Therian, Fictionkin, Otherhearted, and Alterhuman. We support any labels of similar extent except for people claiming to be "transspecies"
We use a LOT of labels, and plenty of them contradict each other. We may make a post specifically to give the list I have of ALL labels we use/are comfortable using.
We use lots of pronouns but just use it/thou/AI for us.
We are a necrophile and zoophile, as well as having many generally harmful paraphilias. We are anti-contact for all of them and make sure to properly cope with them in ways that keep us from possibly harming others.
We LOVE guro/gore, and will repost things about it.
We sometimes struggle with tone indicators and putting tags on posts, please be patient with us!
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mx-t4t0-draws · 10 months
Hi! I'm Tato @mx-t4t0! This is my art blog! For my art!
I'm 19, I'm french, and I'm a self-taught digital artist :^
I go by any pronouns, with a preference for fae/he/it/star You can find the rest of my preferred pronouns on my pronouns page
You can also find all of my things on my linktree!
Reminder that liking art without reblogging it is completely useless on Tumblr. If you're not gonna reblog, I'd prefer you don't even interact with my art in the first place. It's not "a nice little treat for artists", not when we spend hours of work on our art. There's no algorithm here, so we rely on reblogs for people to see our work.
⮛ DNI below the cut ⮛
DNI: Racists, queerphobes, ableists, zoos, radqueers, transx (transrace, transabled, etc), proshippers, (NO)MAPs and other pedos, exclusionists of any kind, anti-kin, transandrophobes and transmisogynists, transmeds, anti-non traumagenic, fakeclaimers, fatphobes, "pro-lifers", pro ED/self-harm, techbros (cryptobros, nftbros, aibros* and the like go under that umbrella), people who treat all MCYT content as evil, Dream stans (if you're an ex-dreblr/dtblr member you're fine), Harry Potter fans** (i don't care if you don't support JKR. you fucking do dipshit)
*: This applies to people who want AI in everything, believe ai image generators in their current state are anything more than automated art theft, and act like chatGPT and the like hold infinite knowledge or whatever the fuck. **: If you so much as have your hogwarts house in your bio/pinned I will automatically assume you are a HP and JKR stan, no questions asked. I don't care if it's a hyperfixation or a special interest, neither of those absolve you of free will or compassion.
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carcinocommander · 2 years
Tumblr media
Hello, we are the HTML system! We do art and other fun stuff sometimes. We also use quirks sometimes, and if you even need a translation you can ask! You can also ask us to not use quirks when talking to you.
We have statcounter connected to this blog.
Please read the rest of the pinned post if you're new! It has important info.
Our spacehey is "HTMLSystem."
Transmed/Truscum/Think you need dysphoria to be trans
Exclusionist in any way, INCLUDING being against mspec lesbians
Are/support pro-ana
Endosystems/Transid (like transabled, transautistic, etc) + supporters of it
Proship/profic/anti-anti/comship whatever you people call yourself
You write/support rpf or headcanon content creators as queer
Support JK R0wling or H4rry P0tter
Support Dream or the DSMP
Believe in misandry (????? This is such a basic thing guys .)
LAST UPDATED: 5/10/2024
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This blog will grow more inactive because we are all making our own sideblogs. Follow the sideblogs so you can keep up to date with us and also see more post!!!
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For post about why we don't support the term tr4nsandr0ph0bia, they are here, here, and here. No, we will not debate you on this.
For post about why we support mspec lesbians, they are here and here.
For a post on why we don't support misandry, please read this.
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#ramble bamble - Our original post tag
#[name]< /p> - Our sign offs to show who wrote what posts.
#Art< /img>, formally #kk scribbles - Our art tag.
#encoded messages, formally #asks for kat - Ask sent to us.
#[character]core - A post that we relate to a character or headmates. That headmate might be reblogging it on our blog, or we'll reblog it for that headmate to reblog on their sideblog.
#fav - Post that are our favorite
#important - Post that we think are important
#reminders - Reminders for us
#campaign - A tag for those tumblr tournaments.
#Endless Expanse - Our partner system!! The lovely the baby the honneeyyyy.
We have tags for our mutuals ! They are:
#nanobyte neo (evilneo), #insectoid duelist (dualityflipped), #bone collector (graveyardharmony), #enjoyable eddie (playstation-lichenthrope), #blues clues (bluepuppiez), #creeper aw man (cpunkbubby), #twofold tordis (lemonngrass), #rainbow drinker (kanayatherainbowdrinker)
MUTUALS THAT NEED A TAG: stevensss, octobergothyc, luxtea-07, gt-starscream, alchemizedsapphic. I HOPE YALL LIKE THE COLORS I ADDED.
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diary-of-apathy · 2 years
about/byf/dni (+ thin ice)
Hello all! This post is going to be the pinned, and it will have all the information you need to know about me! If you have questions about something, and it's not here, please feel free to send an ask! Thanks!
Under the cut: before you follow (byf), do not interact (dni), you can follow but don't tell me about these things (thin ice), my pronouns.page.
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I have a bunch of names I use for myself, but you can call me Xander if you'd like! My pronouns are he/him, vam/vamp, fang/fang, and/or glam/glams. I have more that you can use if you want, I don't mind!
I am not a minor. I am a singlet. I am not diagnosed with autism, ADHD, or other diagnoses, although I have suspicions that I might have one or more. I am white, and abled.
This blog was created November 2021, when I was introduced to the MOGAI community. Since then, I've reblogged any genders that I like (even if I don't necessarily connect with them) and I've even coined a few myself.
Blog tags (even though Tumblr is broken):
#block tag <- for everything unpleasant
#kinda sad <- mildly sad things
#scream tw <- the movie "Scream" is gender to me, so here's the tag for that
#xander genders <- the genders I've coined are under this one!
#/pos <- all kinds of positive or positivity posts!
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This blog is:
safe for minors.
critical inclusive (i.e. good faith inclus).
pro-mspec lesbians/gays.
pro-endo systems.
pro-educated self-dx.
anti-"transracial." (y'all know the one.)
This list will change as needed.
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Harry Potter fans.
DSMP fans.
Pewdiepie fans.
kink or nsfw blogs.
13 Reasons Why fans.
thin ice.
Basically, you can follow me and interact, but please do not talk to me about these things/do not ask me about these things. Nothing against you! I'm personally uncomfy with these, but they are not inherently bad.
Euphoria fans.
Both of these lists will be updated as needed.
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