#but I just realize it goes even deeper than that hmmmm
sketch-shepherd · 1 year
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Right so there’s this two-tone brown colored heroine with blue eyes who befriends and is mentored by a shaggy old grey leaderly mage with supernatural powers who has to deal with the black and grey villain of the movie who’s an extreme radical traditionalist who hates change and resorts to violent behavior to prevent the clan from moving to a new home
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secret-engima · 4 years
How would it go if certain people (who is up to you) found out that Ardyn and Nox are from a future that went so completely to shit that there are no words to describe it, that Nox is actually Noctis, who's so happy and bubbly that they can't quite imagine what happened to make him like that. A few of Nox's traits and quirks would definitely make more sense though, as would some of Ardyn's.
Hmmmm hmmm ohhhhh this is- hmmmmm. Okay heads up NONE of this is considered canon atm for Nox but if anyone found out it would be Cid, Weskham, and like- Prompto (this may change, depending on how much I feel like making Nox suffer, but for now these are non-canon).
-For Cid- he’d find out that Nox was from the future when he accidentally walked in on Nox sharpening his Ultima Blade. Now- Cid might not be THE most observant person, but he knows his own handiwork like its a part of his soul and THAT SWORD, that sword that looks like its been dragged through the depths of the abyss and back, that sword that Nox cradles like its his child as he polishes and sharpens the blade-
-That is his handiwork. His blade. His tweaks and mods and balances and bits of flare to the point he could already tell you every step he went through to make it.
-He’s never seen that sword before in his life.
-Or ... not this life.
-Nox looks up at him with too-old eyes and a weary, frightened face, “I ... I can explain.”
-Cid stares, stares at the face of Reggie’s eldest and can hear the unspoken I really, really don’t want to and knows that what he is going to hear is going to break him even more than losing Mid and Melba.
-He’s right.
-Nox doesn’t tell him much, tries so HARD to keep the final pieces from clicking, but Cid is no fool and he can hear the gaps.
-The gaps that Nox is NOCTIS. Reggie’s little bright eyed boy. That Nox was the Chosen King and that everything went to the pyre when he was just a newly turned adult. That whatever happened between him and the Accursed (the way Nox uses the title only and no names makes Cid think of Ardyn’s own bitter declaration of past abuse toward his nephew and feel cold) ... broke him.
-Then Nox tells him, honest and quiet, that he died. Nox, this boy, this child Cid has helped raise and helped put back together (yet not a child at all, if what Nox is saying is true, and it is) went and died so that the world would be saved, even though there was so little left TO save at that point and then ... woke up. Younger and different and here.
-And he doesn’t want to believe it, except despite the inherent insanity of the story it MAKES SENSE. All of Nox’s odd “similarities” with Noctis, the secrets and the way Nox stares at Reggie like Reggie is a ghost come back to life.
-The blade that started this entire confrontation.
-Cid has no words to explain what he feels in that moment, looking at the fragile, sharp-edged remains of what could have been (hopefully will never again be) Noctis’s future. He just pulls the boy close and doesn’t let go for a long time.
-For Weskham, he puts the pieces together because he is both smart, openminded and ... something of an outside observer. He meets Noctis and Nox at the same time, with fewer preconceptions, and notices the oddities. The similarities that go deeper than “oh just like their father” or “what a coincidence” and instead go screaming off the edge into creepy.
-They like the same foods and hate the same foods, though Nox is better at being mature and eating it anyway. They have many of the same tells in the way they blink, or look away, or rub the backs of their necks. He hears of the marilith attack and through various accidental circumstances happens to see their scars.
-Nox and Noctis have identical scars on their backs, though Noctis’s far more faded and small, and Weskham has this- moment where he thinks of the identical scars and the story of how Nox heard “rumors” and rushed headlong to defend family he supposedly didn’t even know, from an attack that “just happened” to be identical to one he had suffered around Noctis’s age and something inside him goes OH.
-He watches for a long time and tells no one, and while he can’t fathom why he’s indulging the theory it ... makes sense. The tells, the similarities, the face shapes. He imagines Nox with short hair and almost creeps himself out with how identical Noctis and Nox would look if the elder did not have his long hair and earrings and was a few years younger.
-He already knows magic can do many impossible things. Both good and bad. So he keeps the impossible theory to himself, nursing it and compiling more and more little bits of evidence in his head, never intending to SAY anything until he stumbles across Nox during a Quiet Day, watching the world with too-old eyes and blurts, “How did it end?”
-Nox looks at him slowly, like Weskham’s only a dream, “What?”
-Weskham doesn’t like the dead look in Nox’s eyes, not when he mentally compares it to little, cheerful, bright-eyed Noctis and wonders what could have possibly destroyed him and remade him into Nox in just a few short years, “Whatever sent you back. How did it end?”
-Nox stares at him with knowledge old and terrible, then laughs, rusty and slightly unhinged, “Father died. Clarus died. Luna -the Oracle- died. Insomnia burned and the world soon followed. The night devoured the day and the daemons roamed unchecked, people died in droves while I SLEPT in Crystal and when I woke up all I could do was say goodbye to my brothers one last time and then let the Old Kings kill me so that whoever was left would at least have a dawn by which to rebuild the civilization of the world. And then I woke up.” Nox faltered, swallowed hard, “I woke up, and I’ve been wondering why ever since.”
-Weskham breathes past the knife-sharp feeling in his throat, the horrible memories of WAR he can see reflected in Nox’s eyes.
-He manages to walk away without stumbling by sheer dint of will. Collapses in his suite to shake in a chair and wish he had never noticed, never asked. Never known.
-For Prompto, the biggest clue was their first meeting. When he was crying over his camera and Nox was desperate to cheer him and babbled and called him “Prom” as warm and loving and familiar as if they were family and not a little crying boy and a nice stranger on the street.
-He never forgot that meeting. Never really believed Nox’s excuse of memorizing who Noctis’s classmates where.
-Nox is weird. Nox is ... really weird. Always has been. But that’s okay, because he’s Nox, he’s Noctis’s big brother and kinda Prompto’s big brother after Cor adopted him so ... so it’s okay.
-Except for the time it isn’t.
-Except for the time Prompto makes the mistake of binging way too many sci-fi shows in one sitting and then spots Nox and Noctis together and notices how similar their voices were now that Noctis wasn’t a little kid, how they wrinkle their nose in the same way when they’re baffled and- and-
-It’s a really dumb idea okay? He gets that, he KNOWS that. Except ... it makes a lot of sense too. The more he thinks about it, the harder he shoves the preconception of “of COURSE they’re two different people” in a little box, the more he realizes it MAKES TOO MUCH SENSE.
-Nox’s habits, his ticks, the way he KNOWS Noctis and Ignis and Gladio and Prompto. The way he looks at them sometimes like they’re fragile glass pictures that are going to shatter. The way Axis has said once that he wasn’t Nox’s FIRST Shield, but that Nox’s original Shield was gone-.
-Prompto maybe spends the next week hyperventilating in his room when no one is looking and trying very hard to NOT blurt out the question “are you a time traveller” whenever he sees Nox.
-Eventually he can’t resist, eventually he tests. Runs up and slaps Nox on the shoulder with a friendly, “Yo, Noctis!” when they’re both alone in a hallway of the Citadel and something in his stomach drops out when Nox doesn’t go “huh?” but instead just chuckles and goes, “Hi Prom,” before Nox FREEZES.
-Its the freeze that really sells it in Prompto’s mind, the look of confusion and devastation on Nox (NOCTIS’S) face that makes him instantly regret trying anything. Prompto babbles something about tongue slip and meaning Nox, OBVIOUSLY, because OBVIOUSLY they were two different people, being brothers and all and seven years apart and-
-And there is something so very sad in Nox’s eyes as he murmurs, “You always were a bad liar, Prom.”
-Oh. Oh dear. Prompto swallows and hunches in on himself without thinking, “So ... I was right then.”
-Nox nods slowly and the silence is ... awkward. Tense. Filled with something Prompto can’t name or describe and suddenly he’s apologizing. He’s apologizing and almost in tears and when Nox, baffled and alarmed, asks why-
-“I don’t remember you. You look at us and you remember, and we’re your brothers and we PROMISED ‘ever at your side’ but I don’t REMEMBER you and Iggy and Gladio don’t even know-.” He stops, he sniffles and another horrible thought comes to him and since today is the day for turning off his brain to mouth filter apparently he whispers, “Did we die? Is- is that why we didn’t come with you to the past?”
-Nox takes a shaky breath and runs it through his hair, “No-, no you all- you all lived. As far as I know. Up until the point I ... came back, you were all alive and ... well. Just a little banged up, but okay.” Nox (Noctis, a broken Noctis, a Noctis from a future that had to have been horrible because Prompto’s SEEN some of the scars and he doesn’t want to think about that-) blinks wet eyes and suddenly blurts, “Don’t tell anyone. Please? Especially not- especially not the others.”
-Prompto nods, because of course, he’s not an idiot and he doesn’t think they’d believe him anyway. Nox coughs awkwardly in his throat and starts to walk away with hunched shoulders and Prompto will never know why he opened his big mouth again or why, of all things, he chooses to say, “Yo, Nox?”
-Nox (not Noctis, because they ARE two different people now and Prompto prays it stays that way) blinks over his shoulder and Prompto musters up his biggest grin as he blurts, “Thanks, you know? For ... everything. You’ve really Walked Tall.” He doesn’t know what those words mean, or why he chose “walked tall” of all things but he knows in a second his words MEAN something more than he can ever comprehend because Nox’s eyes go wide-
-And suddenly Nox is hugging Prompto. Clinging to him like he’s an anchor in a storm and all Prompto can do is hug back as fiercely as he can while tears drip onto his shirt, and Nox shakes like he’s about to fall apart and somewhere in the harsh breathing of the time-traveler-brother-friend in his arms, Prompto could swear he hears Nox whisper, “I miss you so much, Prom- I can’t-,” but then Nox goes silent, and astrals Prompto’s crying too, because he always was a crybaby and something inside him hurts in a way that makes it hard to breathe (is this what Nox was feeling? Is this what he felt those days he looked at them with too-old eyes? No wonder he always left the room, Prompto wants to scream already and Nox has felt this for years-).
-Nox pulls away, rests his forehead on Prompto’s for just a second and it feels like a thank you.
-It feels like a goodbye. But not to him. It’s a goodbye to the weight falling off Prompto’s shoulders, like hands letting go as a shadow fades away.
-Nox retreats, disappears around the corner without a word and with a too-bright-too-old look that means Prompto’s set off a Quiet Day and Prompto-
-Prompto goes back to his room and hugs his old chocobo plush tight. He’s not in the mood to go play video games with the others right now.
-Days later Nox finds him again and wordlessly, gently, passes him a leather-bound book. A memento, Nox calls it sadly, I’ll want it back when you’re done, he murmurs before slinking away.
-Prompto hides it where even Cor wouldn’t think to look because he doesn’t dare put it in armiger (the armiger Noctis gave him, the armiger Noctis might find it in accidentally). He hides himself under his covers like he’s a little kid again, holds his flashlight tight in one hand and his chocobo plush under his other arm as he flips it open and sees-
-Photos. His photos. His style, with all of them (Ignis, Noctis, Gladio, himself) in them. He doesn’t know the context for them but- it’s a journey. It’s a roadtrip in film and Prompto spends hours carefully flipping through each page, staring at snapshots of battles not fought and fishing holes not visited and silly moments not laughed at anymore. It’s Nox’s life in a nutshell, Prompto thinks as he looks through photos taken in dark dungeons and sunlit deserts. Injuries and health, insomnia and energetic smiles. The last photo is of them, on a campground he recognizes. It’s the one just outside Insomnia, where you can see the bridge leading to the island and the lighting is usually amazing. This one is at night, and they all look older, thirty or more whereas in the others they are only twenty or so. Noctis- Nox, is in the center, smiling with the soft, sad eyes that Prompto remembers from that first meeting, Gladio looming behind him and Ignis at his side with a visor that doesn’t hide the scars on his face. In the middle, one arm slung over Ignis’s shoulders and the other over Nox’s like he can KEEP them there, forever safe and happy if he just holds on tight enough, is himself.
-There are no other photos.
-Prompto doesn’t need to be told why.
-He returns the book to Nox the next day, and refuses to acknowledge Noctis’s puzzled look when he hugs Nox tight and doesn’t mind when Nox hugs him back. Then Prompto smiles, because that’s his job in the group, to be the one who smiles when things are dark, and he drags Nox over to play Kings Knight with the four of them. And maybe things aren’t perfect, because now Prompto KNOWS and he can never un-know, but things are better. Because Nox is here, and Nox fixed things, and Nox is never going to let Noctis become him, so Prompto doesn’t have to worry about that and can instead focus on keeping both of his kings smiling and laughing and happy.
-He can hold on, and this time, no blood or road trip or daemon-infested future will be able to make him let go.
(hgfdhg congrats I just made myself cry. Everyone suffer with me. @wolfsrainrules @hamelin-born @ean-sovukau @rayearthdudette @sparklecryptid COME SUFFER WITH ME.)
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astrologysvt · 4 years
Chart First Impressions: Joshua
For more SVT astrology posts, follow my blog! Check out my masterlist to see all the readings I’ve done so far and what I’ve got coming up! 💫
This is just a very general reading of the member’s charts — the parts that popped out to me, things I personally liked, things I thought were interesting or contrary to the image I have of them. I’m not looking at anything in particular with each reading. Some of their readings may be more aspect focused, where some may just focus solely on their personal planets and their signs. If you have any questions on specific aspects or want to request a more specific reading, feel free to send me an ask!
damn, that moon.
that moon is roooough. 
lmao, this moon is a lot to unpack so it’s gonna take up this entire reading i’m sorry
with such an earthy and logical chart, it’s almost a good thing for him to have such an afflicted moon because otherwise the emotional and feeling part of himself would never be challenged or explored (unless imposed onto him externally) 
but based on his chart, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s had a hard time understanding himself emotionally.
also considering that capricorns have a rep for being prone to difficulties with processing emotions healthily and consistently, I’m sure this is an area he has struggled with in some way shape or form.
or, if anything, an area in his life he has often had to take into extra account.  
with so many hard aspects, confronting this part of his life is almost unavoidable if not the epicenter of his own personal development.
anyway, his moon square mercury & moon square uranus are constantly making him doubt his emotions. Not only does he struggle to understand them, but there is an inherent distrust of his emotions that he may struggle to overcome. 
there is a constant questioning on whether to trust the mind or the heart. 
inversely, his moon TRINE jupiter gives him a super bleeding and generous heart while his moon square neptune also makes him incredibly perceptive, sensitive, and intuitive. 
moon in hard aspect to neptune not only heightens the intensity of his emotional responses, but he may experience a sense of delusion. He may struggle to understand what he’s feeling vs. what is actually happening. furthering this sense of emotional distrust within him.
additionally, he reacts intensely and notices so much, but his first reaction may be to invalidate. 
his mind can’t trust his own intuition, while his intuition is skeptical of his mind’s pure logics. 
his moon is square venus which would make it hard for him to understand how to express his affection, as well as figure out how to get his need for affection met. 
this can manifest for a lot of people very differently. 
sometimes that’d mean they seldom express affection as there simply isn’t a path for these feelings to be released. 
with joshua, he may still express affection, it may just be a bit awkward, random, or forced sometimes. mainly because, again, it doesn’t just flow through him like it does for others and he may struggle in identifying when it’s needed. 
other more emotionally intuitive members like wonwoo and dk may find themselves moving to comfort without even realizing, simply because they’re so in tune with the others they are just drawn to where their attention is needed. 
more logical and practical members like joshua are still capable of offering this comfort, it just goes through a much more intellect driven filter. “is that person acting weird? why would they be upset? does that make sense? what could have happened? should i leave them alone? should i comfort them? hmmmm maybe I should ask. maybe i’m making it all up.”
and for joshua in particular, learning how to shorten that process is a mixture of getting to know the people he loves and studying their habits, as well as learning to trust his gut more and more. 
his moon square venus also creates a conflict between his own emotional needs, and the needs of others. this can make him a people pleaser, a yes-man, a serial romantic. 
he may struggle to identify when a situation is no longer serving him and when to step away. 
in different stages of his life he may struggle to leave or move on from relationships, and on the other side of the spectrum he may find himself being that “serial romantic.” this can greatly depend on how his other aspects manifest.
his taurus moon square capricorn mars also heightens his emotional responses and could potentially lead to boiling/explosive anger. 
this would simultaneously trigger his softer, sensitive, nurturing parts of himself that would hate those reactions while further fueling his self-distrust. 
we can also look at this in the more literal aspects of these planets. 
his desire to act (mars) is fighting for dominance with his emotions (moon), which can very unevenly distribute the emotionally-charged and turbulent energies that can arise in moments of discord. 
both his moon and mars are in earth signs which can mean he experiences long periods where he is totally fine and very reasonable. they’re both very stable, down-to-earth, and mellow signs and can often find areas of understanding and agreement with each other even though they’re in this hard aspect.
a taurus moon seeks comfort and familiarity which keeps his cap mars in a easy place where it isn’t challenged very often. 
the issue is, is that taurus can be much more easily provoked than a cap mars can. a cap mars can be cool and collected, even in moments of anger where as a taurus moon can 100% blow up if pushed too far, made too uncomfortable, or are challenged too much.
where taurus may decide “that’s enough i’ve had it” a capricorn may simply file it away to be attended to later and more strategically.
and with that, his cap mars HATES being at his taurus moon’s mercy when provoked. this is something that his cap influence would be very frustrated with as he’d much more comfortably depend on his own internal stability than external forces while his taurus moon can’t help but feel flustered by certain things. 
this is why the members consider him a TERRIFYING person to see angry. 
he is so calm and collected for so long thanks to both of these signs, but this aspect creates a tension where his capricorn mars tries to censor his taurus moon and which further activates his taurus moon’s super indignant and headstrong attitude/frustration. 
and once his cap mars decides he’s had enough i can see it playing out in one of two ways. 
1) he’s trigger happy, super frustrated and cannot hide it. either he becomes visually upset or he starts getting short with people over the smallest things
2) he continues to boil until one person steps out of line, and from there you get a perfectly compiled list of reasons why you shouldn’t have done that specific thing and also what everyone else is doing wrong. 
but to put it simply, i watched a lot of joshua angry videos and compilations and i didn’t see even a hint of ACTUAL joshua anger (at least what i’d expect from his chart)
he’s super controlled with it on the day to day and is incredibly composed, which is why he is such a scary guy if you piss him off. it’s so unexpected and sooooooo much more deeper and intense than you ever could have predicted. 
this can tend to be a very discouraging habit for him as he has two parts of his personality that intrinsically HATE when he has outbursts or even feeeeels anger to that degree. 
one being his earth and cap influences that hate the feeling of losing control. 
and two being his softer aspects i mentioned before like his moon trine jupiter and moon square neptune. 
because he has this super soft and empathetic side to him, he probably feels immense guilt in the aftermath of his outbursts and can create this series of events where he finally gets these things off his chest, and then immediately backs away from them because, once the negative feelings have been released, his resolve dramatically lessens. 
not only that, but his judgement on when and when not to act is inhibited due to this moon square mars so he may end up getting mad at the wrong people at the wrong time. 
and the unfortunate thing about all of this is that joshua really doesn’t have a clear path of expression in his chart when it comes to the more turbulent and moody aspects of our personalities thanks to this afflicted moon.
these emotions boil inside of him, both good and bad, and they go every which way to try and find some kind of release.
often times, especially when he was younger, he may have found that he wasn’t comfortable expressing them in any specific way so eventually they’d just explode one way or another. 
this may have made him appear much more unpredictable, impulsive, and hot-headed than he actually inherently is. 
so if you had told me he had a rebellious streak as a kid i’d totally believe you.
often times earth signs with this kind of energy end up doing some stupid things as kids simply to exert control over themselves to counterbalance the instability they may be experiencing internally. 
if you know someone similar who has mellowed out over the years, that’s because they had gotten to know themselves and found different ways of expressing their emotions and exerting control. 
but this is were i really really gotta put a huge disclaimer because i don’t know joshua, i can only look at his mannerisms, the things he says, and generally just try and read his energy through videos and how he acts in a group. 
i think these are fun things to consider but i would never treat this reading as fact unless he were to, for some wild reason, validate it. 
but lets wrap this up because this is getting long.
the funny thing with moon placements is they all kind of hint towards a strong influence on the part of a mother or a nurturing “motherly” figure in general. 
the nature of the influence can be determined based on if the relationship with this mother-figure is either good, bad, or absent (though we know it’s not absent and is pretty clearly a positive influence for him). 
if it’s bad, he may resent this part of himself that’s so hyper aware of his emotional shortcomings. 
if it’s good, then these aspects are far easier to deal with and — in certain situations — can be entirely nulled. 
but most importantly, if neither of those, he’d at least be able to find value in them.
obviously these things are more nuanced than that, but these are some of the few ways you can interpret such a strong emphasis on the moon. 
so many hard aspects in his moon have activated and created awareness of himself that may have remained dormant and unexplored.
i’m only using depression as an analogy (I don’t know joshua’s life) but it’s very similar to explaining your depression to someone who has had similar experiences before vs someone who hasn’t. 
sure, someone who hasn’t can understand the gist but they wont understand the severity and they wont understand the nuance. 
thanks to Joshua’s afflicted moon, after a lot of growth and time, he will inherently be able to understand the nuance of other people’s emotions as well as his own. 
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 4 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 96 Xs1) "Met Some Friends at A Rock Show"
@creatureofthen1ght-v3 @lovemythsworld @crystalbaby12 @mgkobsessed @5sosfam1dlover @backoftheroomandnotbelonging
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"WHAT. Are you guys DOOIN'??" Casie stands over top of Luna and Colson.
Her eyebrows are furrowed and lip is snarled as her hand sits cocked on her hip. Peering down at the two adults. They're still wrapped in each other from the night before. On the floor. Shocked but thankfully dressed.....
"Thank You, Period!!" Luna thinks in gratitude of Casie not finding them naked or fucking. "Thank Fuck I'm just off....." Terror suddenly striking. Luna never more appreciative of clothes.
Reaching his long arms out, Colson drags his daughter down with them. Bear hugging her inside of his body. "We liiiive here nooowww...." Colson growls as he tickles her.
Luna smiles as they remind her of the night on the hallway floor with Ashley and Dom.
"I don't wanna live on the floor!!!" Casie shouts as she grins and play fights with her crazy father.
"Tooooo baaaad...." Luna growls now as she joins in on the tickling of the little girl.
It's not long before The Three of them are wrestling, laughing and rolling all over each other and the floor. Only giving up when Casie gasps between giggles that she can't breathe.
Sprawled out across each other, they hold hands and slowly catch their breath together. Hearts and lungs syncing up. Talking about what they wanna do Today. Luna suggests they hit the pool in The Hilton before they head to LA. Colson and Casie are pumped about this idea. He pops into the group chat, telling everyone the plan. They're all game.
With Casie changed into her swimsuit and on the phone with Emma. Luna and Colson quickly getting stoned in the bathroom, amongst other things as they do the same.
Colson can't keep his hands off of Luna as she tries to slip on a black one piece. Playfully swatting at him as he grabs and pulls her in tight for a passionate kiss.
"I fucking love you." He tells her with that beautiful grin before unlocking the door and letting her be.
Colson's Eleven are insane. It doesn't matter where they are... They are so FUCKING loud and obnoxious, EVERYONE knows they're there. Whether they want to know it or not. Even with a kid amongst them, their group should still come with a Warning Sign.
However, Casie is having a blast along with them. So... In all honesty, who gives a FUCK. Swimming around freely, she squeals any time one of The Boys catches her. Sending her sailing into the air and splashing through the water.
Bullet watches from a lounge chair. The rest of the group wrestling and jumping all over each other as he sips on a Hurricane.
The Boys try to make Luna, Sam and Ashleigh their victims too as they dunk and toss The Girls around also. The Three of them fighting back playfully, splashing them furiously with fits of laughter when they fail.
Baze chucks Sam across the pool to her flying Fuck Yooouu. Colson and Benny play Luna Ball. It's kinda like Colson and Pete's Moon Pie... But worse. Throwing her whole body between the two of them for a moment before she manages to wiggle out of Colson's catch. Grabbing a false Rook as salvation, The Asshole dunks her to Benny and Colson's YEEEEAHS!! Luna spitting out a water filled I Hate Yous once she hits the surface. Slim and AJ both attack a terrified Ashleigh. Scooping her up for an equal toss.
The Girls come back fierce, sneaking up on each of The Boys individually. They all have such ADD as they joke and fuck around with each other, they don't see The Girls blatant plan. Using their three bodies together to dunk each one in retaliation. Benny being the hardest, barely going down. Casie and Bullet laugh at each one's surprise and The Girls's struggles.
Chicken is played between Colson&Luna V. Baze&Sam. It's a true battle. Baze is more solid than Colson, where Luna and Sam both know each other's weaknesses. The engaged couple's only advantage being, that this isn't her first time on his shoulders. They know how to move together smoothly. Taking Sam and Baze 2 outta 3.
Luna and Colson snake around each other triumphantly. Holding one another as they float around the pool together, kissing lightly. Rook yelling out CAW!! CAW!! to Luna's laughter and Colson's Shut The Fuck Up.
Climbing out after a bit, Luna sits on the edge of the pool with Ashleigh. Colson eventually swimming up to them. Resting his inked arms on Luna's tattooed thighs. Setting his chin on her wet knee, he beams up at them. Asking What 'Cha Talking About.
"The Roxy and what to do with Case..." Luna answers.
"I told you I'd take care of it." Colson says as he sucks water droplets off of her legs. "What are you doing tonight, Ash?" He asks with his teasing smirk.
Both girls erupting into laughter while shaking their heads. He really is an Asshole sometimes.
"Staying at the LA house with Case since Ashton is in Cleveland. We'll all stay there tonight but we gotta be out by 4P tomorrow for Denver on Saturday..." Ashleigh explains their schedule, always exaggerating their departure time to a notoriously late Colson.
It's Thursday.
"Fuck!!" Luna realizes... "What time is it??" She asks frantically hopping up.
It's 154P. Luna has a phone session at 2P.
Leaning down to kiss Colson. She grabs a robe, calling out Love Yoooouu before she disappears.
Everyone continues to goof off around and inside the pool. Being threatened that they'll be Thrown Out if They Don't Calm Down. Casie's single look being the ONLY thing that tames them.
Colson texts Luna asking what she wants for lunch as they order poolside. Making it back for her turkey BLT and fries just as it's being served.
Everyone eventually tires from the pool. Casie's cold and wants to change. After helping her, Colson redresses Luna's shoulder. He's surprisingly attentive when it comes to His Girls's needs.
Packing up their things. Colson's Eleven finally heads towards The Bus.
Most of them joining the tight burn circle outside of it, exhaling fierce billows of smoke around them. Not that she can't look out the window, but at least they don't HotBox The Bus with Casie in it.
It's a quick hour or so to LA, filled with munchies and stoned jokes. Ashleigh ordering multiple uber's on the way.
Parking up, Don agrees to meet up with them tomorrow. HERE. At 5PM. Okay, Don... He's so EyeRoll Stern. With that Colson's Eleven are on their way home for the night. Or kinda....
Walking through the door, Colson immediately drops his red LV bag. Letting out an exaggerated UUGGGHH with wide arms blocking the frame. Everyone else pushing against him with What The Fucks as they try to get in too. Finally moving, they all make their way inside. Happy to be off The Road. Even for a night.
Everyone bullshits around for a minute in the kitchen, Luna makes sure Hades&Persephone are alive. They are. Winning Colson a dozen sweet kisses. Ashleigh calling for Family Dinner as they begin to disperse.
"No ONE'S going out tonight until we all eat." She says firmly.
Yes Maaaaa's trail behind them. Even with chuckles, they're all thankful for her constant efforts.
"Fuuuuuuuckkk I missed this...." Colson moans.
Luna has him straddled. Taking a slow, smooth ride on his cock. Head back as her long hair tickles his thighs.
"Hm?" She asks as she lifts it to look at him, blue eyes sparkling.
"Your sweet pussy in my fucking bed." He asserts as he holds her hips.
Leaning forward, Luna grabs the side of his neck with her right hand. Left one reaching behind her as her fingers play with his balls. Dropping her hips down low into him, she dips her mouth into his ear as he groans in pleasure.
"Awwww... You didn't like fucking me in the park?" She coos as she begins to shift quicker. "Or the on The Bus floor?" She asks seductively.
Recounting the different places and ways they've fucked while on tour in Colson's ear. Luna slides him into her deeper. For each spot.
"Unnhh... Keep talken', Kitten!" Colson encourages her, feeling himself close.
"Mmmm... And what about The Alley?" She moans.
That's it. The intense memory flashes through his mind. Grabbing her waist, Colson flips Luna onto her back.
"Sorry, Baby." He mutters without thinking when she winces.
Throwing her legs over his shoulders, Colson drives into Luna. Both moaning in pleasure from his full strokes. She crosses her legs behind his neck. Wrapping them around his head, drawing him in further. Picking up his pace, Colson grabs Luna's right ankle. Stretching her leg into the air as he lifts up then, dooown. Dick strong and long. Controlling her pussy as he licks and kisses the inside of her heel, sloppy tongue dragging along the curve of her arch to the tip of the side of her red polished toe. Dick raging as he fucks her dirty little ass. Luna has to grab the headboard for support as Colson makes them both cum. Pussy drunk off of him.
"Hmmmm...." Luna purrs in satisfaction as Colson lets her legs go, falling inside of her.
Stroking his back, they talk about an array of things. The Roxy tonight, Luna's therapy session earlier, when Casie goes back to Cleveland, how this leg of the tour ends soon. Some wedding stuff even comes up as they snuggle together.
"You sure you wanna marry me?" Colson looks up with a teasing smile but slightly worried eyes.
"Two times." She reassures him with a grin and a kiss.
"Mmmm... Two times." He agrees huskily into her mouth.
Running his hands along her naked body and through her hair, he kisses her face and neck. This isn't their first Two Times. Colson taking his time as he fucks Luna again.
Dinner is loud and fun. Ashleigh sending Benny and Bullet to the store for the ingredients for chicken tacos.
With Colson's Eleven gathered around the kitchen table, they talk loudly as they pass cheese, lettuce and other sides around. Busting on each other as they make their tacos.
Casie calling for The Three Dinner Questions as they eat. Going around the table, they each answer The Best Part of Their Day, The Worst and One Thing They've Learned. The overall consensus being The Best is definitely being home for dinner. Thank you, Ashleigh. The other answers vary by the person.
Everyone takes part in cleaning up the kitchen. Except for Ashleigh. The general House Rule being... If You Cook. You DO NOT Clean.
Luna and Colson are upstairs getting dressed to meet up with Ashley and Dom. Fresh from a ShowerFuck.
Both still naked, Colson rolls a joint as Luna cuts out lines on a square mirror. Each having a different 3:1 ratio. Three Percs and an Add for Luna, the opposite for Colson.
"Race ya..." Luna says with a devious half smile, handing him a straw.
"You're SO fucked up!!! He laughs amused by her antics.
Dipping their faces down, on three, they snort their lines quickly. Luna popping up first. Laughing as she rubs her nose, she calls him an Old Man.
"I got your Old Man, Bitch!!" He complains as he power bombs her on to the bed.
Luna's body bounces as Colson attacks her with his mouth and hands. It's not long before he's back inside of her.
"Fuuuuuck, Bunny...." She sighs with a giggle. "Can we get dressed now?"
"Maybe." He grins as he kisses her again before finally firing up that joint.
"Looney!!! You're such a RockStar!!!" Casie exclaims once Luna comes downstairs.
Dressed in a black fishnet body stocking, she has on a tight, black leather skirt and a red Bikini Kill tank top over it. Thigh high black boots, heavy black eyes and a lip the same color as her small shirt to finish her off. Hair loose and wild.
"Doesn't she look like a RockStar, Ash?" Casie continues to squeal as she hops around Luna.
"Luna is definitely a RockStar!!" Ashleigh laughs.
She's always admired Luna's style. How it can jump from casual to wild in an instant. Kinda like Luna. One extreme to the next.
"You sure you guys will be okay?" Luna asks. "I can stay... We can have a Girls Night..." She offers to Ashleigh.
Colson comes bounding down the stairs in a white T, heavy jewelry, jeans and red Vans. Overhearing Luna.
"Fuck THAT. You're coming with me." He says as he bows down to peck her cheek before throwing on a gray jacket. "WE OUT!!!" He shouts before kissing Casie and Ashleigh GoodBye.
As The Boys head out the door, Ashleigh pushes Luna with them. A solid GO! coming along with it.
"Okay... Okay...!!" Luna laughs, grabbing her leather off the couch as she uncharacteristically follows directions.
Getting inside The Roxy is pure hell. Even through the back entrance. Benny and Bullet aren't prepared for this at all. Getting mobbed, Luna and Colson are separated from everyone else. He has her tucked under his arm as The Paparazzi are shouting at them. Lights flashing as they try to move through The Insanity.
"MGK!! MGK!!" One yells.
"WHEN'S THE ACTUAL WEDDING!??" Screams a third.
This one stops Luna cold, causing Colson to lose his grasp on her. Between her actual name being used and the context, she's completely caught off guard. Colson quickly grabbing her hand.
"BACK THE FUCK UP!!" He barks, making the shocked Paps take a pause.
Pulling her safely through The Madness with him, into the building. Even distracted, Luna's heart can't help but subconsciously jump and pussy swell. Colson ain't nothing to be fucked with.
Inside, they head towards the sticker and graffiti littered stairwell that leads up to BackStage. Still hand in hand.
"How the FUCK do they know my name!!?" Luna explodes on the landing, completely ignoring the Bleta situation.
Colson gives her a side eye. She really is ridiculous sometimes. Pulling her into him, he tries to comfort her.
"A lot of people know your name, Kitten..." He lightly chuckles.
"Fuck you, you know what I mean." She says with an attitude as she pushes off of him.
"I do.... But, you're not 18 or 19yrs old anymore. You're not just Patti Smith and Robert Mapplethorpe's granddaughter. You're THAT Brooklyn Bitch. They know you for YOU and your art. Not your grandparents." He gently explains.
Sighing, Luna burrows back into him. Knowing he's right. It doesn't make it any less stranger to hear her true name on the lips of The Paparazzi.
"I love you." Her muffled voice tells his strong chest.
Lifting her chin to kiss her, he tells her he loves her too. Holding her tightly for a moment.
"Now, come on.... We got places to be, Baby!!" He laughs at her rolling eyes.
Grabbing her hand again, Colson continues to lead Luna into their night.
Luna can tell Ashley's buzzed as they jump up and down inside a three way hug with Sam. All three giddy as they laugh and squeeze each other. They missed their friend too. So very fucking much.
"And I missed YOU, Mate!!" Dom exclaims, plunking a kiss onto Colson's laughing cheek as they embrace.
Dom does hugs. Not Daps. Extremely soul consuming, I've Got You Forever Hugs. Colson accepts this. Grabbing each other tightly. The two laugh as the comfort of their friendship wraps around them. Truly being The Loneliest Boy, Colson has always found solace in their hugs.
BackStage at The Roxy is a music filled, smoke laced, City of Angel's reunion with alcohol dripping everywhere. Luna and Colson are there with Sam and all The Boys. Ashley with Dom and Travis. Phem's floating around alongside Mod. While Gaggles of Girls are trying to entwine themselves around other random artists, hoping to grasp a handful of the Golden Gods.
Colson runs into Noah and her brother. Introducing them to Luna.
"Hi!! It's such a pleasure to finally meet you. Colson speaks so highly of you." Luna grins with a bright smile as she throws her arms open for them to embrace each other.
"You too!!" Noah exclaims after hugging her. "I've been waiting to meet the magical bitch that locked this crazy motherfucker down!" She laughs.
"She's definitely fucking magical." Colson smirks as he slides his arm around Luna, kissing the top of her head.
Sharing a bottle and a joint, they talk about the new album Noah's working on. Colson asking her if she's signed yet.
"Nah... I'm self producing this one." Noah responds with pride.
"That's fucking awesome." Luna compliments her.
"You know.... Luna's starting her own record lable..." Colson leads.
"Really?" Noah turns to her, eyes wide with interest.
"Yeah.... I'm almost set up. I just need a studio... I'm hoping to be up and running by September." Luna explains.
"Take my number!! I'm not gonna lie, I didn't know who you were before Kells and Nightmare... so I had to check out your stuff... BUT... I DID!!! AND... I'd fucking love to work with you!" Noah exclaims pulling her phone out.
Luna and Noah exchange numbers as Colson watches. He loves the way Luna interacts with people. Especially his friends.
"Yeah, I'm not with a lable because I can't stand these LA fucks." Noah complains.
"Preach, Bro. I was on an independent the last few years and they're still fucking cunts. You should know first and foremost, though. I'm not looking to make anyone famous or turn a profit. If you want to, we CAN...... BUUUT.... Seriously? My main goal is to create a home where we can do whatever the fuck we want artistically without anyone breathing down our fucking necks." Luna says adamantly with NY hands.
Noah understanding in that singular moment why Colson loves Luna. With one conversation, she's pretty sure she loves her too.
"That's so fucking rad, Dude!!!" Noah shouts as she grabs Luna for another hug.
"What's rad?" Ashley asks walking up on them with Sam.
Already knowing the brother and sister duo, Ashley introduces them to Sam. They greet each other kindly before Luna explains what they're talking about.
"If you wanna sign. Sign with Loons." Sam boosts her. "We've been together since the beginning..."
"Sam's my bestfriend drummer." Luna cuts her off to Noah's nod.
This makes Sam grin. She takes a certain pride in how long her and Luna have been friends.
"Bestfriend DRUMMER." Ashley teases Sam with her tongue out.
Ashley had met Sam at the same party she met Luna. Gaining two great friends in one night.
"Shut the fuck up." Sam laughs, giving Ashley a playful shove before turning back to Noah. "Nah, dude... Seriously though, she knows her shit, Man. I've never signed with anyone but if I DID. It'd be with Loons." Sam shoots Luna a smile with a light shrug.
"Cause MY BITCH be The Greeeatest!!" Colson chimes in, sounding like Tony the Tiger as he scoops Luna from around the waist.
The four girls laugh. Telling him to Shut The Fuck Up in unison. Making them laugh harder and Colson love and adore each one of them a little bit more.
Dom performing is the definition of a Live Wire. You look left. He's stage right. You go right, he's in the middle. Before your eyes can find him OnStage, he's gone. Being carried by the sea of hands in the crowd.
Ashley pops OnStage with him for 11 Minutes. Luna loves the song and they're great. Yet, even though it's the first time she's seen them perform together, Luna can tell there's something off....
With his set coming to an end, Dom struts his sweet ass across the stage. Pumping up his fans. Asking if they Want More to their screams.
Colson steps up to the mic as he plays the opening chords to I Think I'm Okay. The audience losing their SHIT. The whole building rumbling from their screams.
On the side of the stage Ashley slips her hand into Luna's. Turning to each other, they grin. They love this fucking song. There is something indescribable about watching music grow. Witnessing an embryo find it's fulfillment is a privilege they both appreciate. Hearts catching in each of their lungs as they continue to hold hands. Sam and Noah beside them, the four of them rock out like FanGirls. Jumping and bashing into each other as they sing and laugh through the whole song. Word for word.
Finishing up, Dom lays his sweaty head against Colson's shoulder as he laughs. They had talked earlier about what Colson's about to say. The Girl's having no idea.
"So, we got these girlfriends, right?" He asks to the room's roar. "You think they wit us tonight?"
The room roars louder.
"Ya GOD DAMN RIGHT they wit us!!" He grins as he continues. "Because they a FUCKING NIGHTMARE!!!!" Colson shouts.
Luna and Ashley look at each other. Thinking the same thing. THESE MOTHERFUCKERS.
"Can we get you out here, Kitten?" Colson asks, looking Luna directly in the eye.
"Yah, Baaabe!!! Cum oot!!!" Dom coaxes Ashley.
Noah and Sam laugh at the two artists. Sam pushing both her friends on to the stage. Going out together, they each instinctively throw up an arm with smiles on their faces as they head out.
It is a MAN'S WORLD. Both thinking their boyfriends and friends are fucking Assholes. The crowd ironically going wild at the sight of the two falsely smiling women.
"I fucking hate you." Luna whispers as Colson sets the electric around her neck.
Dom's band moves OffStage as Colson shouts for His Fucking Crew. Rook, AJ and Baze producing themselves quickly. Rook slams into the kit, playing a couple lines from Smells Like Teen Spirit as Dom grabs his own guitar and the other's tune up. This is gonna be an interesting showing.
With her mic in hand, Ashley counts off as they slam into their instruments. The powerful beat infiltrating everyone within ear shots soul.
🎼I!!!//Keep a record//Of their wreckage//And their lies🎶
Ashley belts out fiercely. Vocals strong and clear. Slamming through the opening chorus with Rook's drums as everyone inside The Roxy sings along with her. On her que, Luna steps up to her own mic stand. Ripping through the lyrics. Mind wild as she let's loose.
🎶I'm fucked up//And angry//So tonight//SCARED//Is what//You should be🎶
Changing the last lyrics out of anger towards Colson before Ashley comes in with her to snark about smiling. Dom flowing in with them, belting along with how We Don't Owe You A God Damn Thing. Luna singing through her frustration with Colson.
It's a one of a kind performance. Raw and spontaneous. A strong female anthem raging through THAT Brooklyn Bitch with Halsey, YungBlud, Machine Gun Kelly and his band.
It's a historical night for music to the naked eye and what SHOULD BE equality. If Luna didn't feel fucking controlled. The group of them are a musical force to reckoned with.... And it'd have been really fucking cool if The Boys had told The Girls beforehand. REALLY fucking cool. Their shove basically showcased the song's message. Dudes suck and think they can make Us do whatever the fuck they want. Fucking Dickheads.
Ashley starts to clap, involving everyone as the four of them blend together at the end. Ashley and Dom sharing a mic, going first. Harmonizing and clapping together.
🎶We're no sweet dream//But//We're a hell of a night🎶
Colson knowingly lifts Luna's guitar off her bad shoulder so she can clap. Colson and Luna come in together on que. Their voices are sweet together.
🎶No//We're no sweet dream//But//We're a hell of a night🎶
Until Luna grabs the mic and let's loose. Looking back directly at Colson with the Yellow Ring bursting in her blue eyes.
"SING IT WITH UUUSSSS!!!!" She shouts before sliding back to share the mic with him.
With everyone still clapping on beat, all four are belting together in harmony with their vast amount of friends. The entire venue singing with them. The audience. Their peoples, both Back and Side stage. The vendors. Everyone.
Still angry, Luna grabs her guitar and kicks in loud and unforgiving. Shouting "WHAT THE FUCK DO WE FUCKING DO!!!" Before slamming back into the meaningful chorus.
The entire FUCKING building ERUPTS. Singing along with her rage. Following her lead, they're one. Not individuals. ONE. Singing their same message.
Luna signals the end to Rook. Slamming them out as smoke explodes and the lights drop. It's a hell of an ending to a GREAT fucking show.
"You guys are FUCKING assholes." Luna complains, giving Colson an annoyed push.
"You loved it!!" He laughs, grabbing her tightly as he kisses her.
He's right. She did love it. Music and performing are in Luna's bones. She BELONGS on the stage. With her loves. Exactly like she was tonight. But with fucking notice. And more importantly, consent. Patti 2.0
"No." Luna refuses to submit as she kisses him back harshly.
"LUUUNNNAAAAAA!!!" A warm, familiar voice interrupting them.
Luna turns to find Billie gliding towards her. Having not seen her friend since The Tea Party or for what feels like forever beforehand, Luna sprints towards the human. Forgetting all about Colson's indiscretion.
Grasping each other hard in relief and comfort. Their souls feel a sensation of relief once their bodies touch.
Billie Is. Was. And Will Always Be. Luna's first friend in her adventure as Patti Smith's granddaughter. Meeting when they were 8yrs old, besides Jackson & Opie, Billie is the only one to beat out Sam in longevity. Ashley secretly hating them both. Being products of The Greats.... Billie understands Luna and what it's like to want to hide and not use their names. With their own merit, they had established their own professional identities. For a long time you had to REALLY dig in order to figure out who they're related.... Until Billie lost her mom and grandmom within days. Putting her on blast. Luna flying out of her mourning coma to sit with Billie. Days after she had found Justin. Being only one of the two reasons Luna had hit The Coast until recently. Luna had held her friend's hand as she quietly cried for both of them. Angry and scared for their lives ahead.
"FUUUUCK ME!!!!!" Luna shouts with a wide grin as her and Billie tightly embrace.
"Hi." They say in unison. "Jinx." They catch each other again, laughing at their synchronicity.
Luna and Billie squeeze each other's guts out. Both trying to fight back tears over the happiness of holding each other.
"Dude." Luna reels back grinning. "You're face is in my face!!!" She cheeses, kissing Billie's lips. "I missed your fucking faaace SO MUCH!!" She shouts in drunken happiness. "How the fuck is filming going.... No! Don't tell me! I don't wanna know ANYTHING!!" Luna laughs as she kisses Billie's cheek again.
"I'm not telling you SHIT!!! The last time I spilled anything you didn't talk to me for 3wks!!" Billie laughs.
Grabbing Luna again. They nuzzle into each other. Billie comforted by Luna's constant smell of weed smoke, coconut oil and Euphoria. Some things never change. Luna finding the same comforting touches of jasmine and lavender inside her friend. They've really have known each other too long.
Drunk and excited, Luna sees Austen, Billie's boyfriend and their friend Evan over Billie's shoulder as they hug. Luna finally letting her go for the first time. Greeting her two other friends with tight hugs and pecks on the cheek.
Austen was The Tea Party but Luna hasn't seen Evan for a while. Excited to catch up, they start to talk about their new projects.
"The wedding!?!" Billie asks pulling Luna back towards her.
Luna can only beam. She's so happy to see her friend. And honestly, she doesn't know which one she's talking about.
"Yes?" Luna beams as her arms wrap around Billie's waist again.
"When. Where...? Online says a fucking festival...." Billie gives Luna a firm eye. "I'm trying not to be pissed that TMZ knows more about you than I do right now..."
"I knooooowwwww....." Luna complains, hanging her head. "I'm SO fucking sorry.... It happened out of no where..."
Luna popping out her left hand as proof. Guitar string proudly wrapped around her finger."I'm an Asshole. I told P and Fran personally..... But in my defense.. I couldn't get ahold of you...." She tries her weak excuse.
Luna goes on to explain the small ceremony in Cleveland and.... What she can regarding EstFest, never being an attendee.
"WHY? NO... Never mind, I know why!!" Billie laughs. "I got a ticket to both. Right?" She asks with a cocked eyebrow.
"Yes. Duh.... I will make that shit happen...." Luna laughs as she grips her friend.
"You're getting fucking married....." Billie throws her arms out with tears in her eyes. "This is good...yes?" She asks Luna.
Feeling her friend's worry. Luna's moving faster than anyone would think....BUT..... Luna knows what she knows. In her heart, she fell in love with Colson upon sight. Almost 10yrs ago. Knowing his demons, she acknowledges them as her own. She Is His as He is Her's. It's that simple.
"Yes." Luna grins. "I truly fucking love him."
Billie squeezes her. Aware of Frannie's thoughts and Ashley's acceptance. They all know Luna will to do what EVER the fuck she wants. Regardless. It's all about being her friend through it.
"Oi! I don't... They cancelled, Mate!! Ova liqa!! When did alcohol become mo important than the music MATE!?!! I ASK YOU.... WHEN!!!"
Dom is complaining with a valid point to Colson about Utah's Camp Out cancellation. Being the alcoholic and drug addict that he is, Colson doesn't have much complaints.
"I didn't want to see FuckFace anyway...." Ashley slurs into Luna's ear.
Luna knows she's talking about G - FuckFace Extraordinaire I Think I'm Cool - McEeeeeZy.
Luna wouldn't mind seeing him. He had hurt Ashley so deeply and had acted so fucked up towards her afterwards, it called for the second trip to The Coast. Luna and Gerald's last exchange becoming beyond violent. Going straight to his house once she landed, Ashley and Luna caused a lot of separate damage that night. Ashley to his home and Luna to his body. Both keying his car after Luna fucked him up with a kitchen chair. Her steel pussy never being afraid to battle ANYONE. She's still patiently waiting until she catches that bitch on the low. With Ashley still hurting, Luna wants another piece of him.
"That's why it's cancelled..." Luna murmurs into her friends ear. "Cause he a bitch... Bitch." Luna laughs.
Wrapping herself around Ashley, Luna tries to remind her why she's here. They're both pretty drunk though. Ashley a bit more.
"He's young....." Ashley laughs as she complains.
"We're all young..." Luna battles, trying to hold on to her youth.
"No. He's baby young." Ashley states. Cocking her head, she questions Luna. "Kells wants you to have his babies, doesn't he???"
The question is almost indignant. Like a challenge.
"Uhhhmmm... I don't..." Luna side steps. "Dude. Who the fuck wants to bring a kid into this ShitHole?" She continues with a question.
"I DO!!!!!!" Ashley drunkenly shouts at her.
Her volume drawls attention to their conversation. Luna brushing any and all off. She takes a Ashley to the bathroom.
Word Limit (1 of 2)
To be continued.....
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isthemedia · 6 years
Ao3 Link
Chapter 1 NSFW
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 NSFW
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 NSFW
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 NSFW
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 NSFW
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 NSFW
Chapter 18
(I know it’s a bit early but since no ficlet this week cause I can’t manage my time >< here you go!)
This new life was just too good.
Too good...
Mic knows all good things come to an end.
                                                        Chapter 18
“Mind if we take a little detour?” the blonde asked Emi.
“Well since I’m not U.A bound, I guess,” she grinned. “What for?”
“Just wanted to pick the kids up something...like a snack.”
“Oh! Ice cream! It’s really humid and hot!”
“Hmmmm Girly and Shining Boy are lactose intolerant...and so am I,” Mic thought for a moment. “Though popsicles could be good.”
“Dude, you’re lactose intolerant!? You poor thing!”
Mic shrugged. “It’s not that bad.”
“If I couldn’t eat my mocha ice cream it’d be...udder chaos.”
The blonde choked as hands clamped over his mouth as he laughed.
Emi watched as the blonde meticulously looked at the back of several cartons of popsicles. “I don’t think any of those have milk in them.”
“Checking for artificial sweeteners,” Mic explained as he looked over to her. “ ‘parently they can fuck with Sugar Rush’s Quirk.”
The outburst hero giggled some. How sweet! He knew things like that about Shouta’s kids. The other hero managed to reel in a keeper.
“These should do,” Mic grinned.
“To the check-out!” Emi announced as she struck a dramatic pose, enjoying that the blonde seemed to have found it amusing. She might hurt Shouta if he left this guy, he WILLING laughs at her antics.
“So you do you just do volunteer work for that, ah Purrs and Paws place?”
Mic looked to her. “Hm? Ah nah, I help at Wings of Refuge, Open Doors Open Hearts, and Empty Shelves as well. I also pop in and out minor events too, like the health and support show, Board Walk of Life and such.”
Emi grinned. People like Mic are true heroes. Giving their all, and helping those that sadly heroes just can’t get to. She asked minor questions here and there as the approached the register; how long he’s been doing volunteer work, any interesting stories, things of those matters.
The blonde eagerly answered. It was so...refreshing to have somebody actually asking about these things. As if they wanted to know more about him for what he does as Yamada and not as Mic.  It was… a nice change.
When Mic set down the packages of popsicles he could already feel a wave a of discomfort. A young man was in front of them. Possibly earlier twenties at the oldest, with a little girl in his cart. Looking at the total displayed on the screen and back to the items he had at the counter. The blonde watched as little by little he moved things off to the side in hopes of bringing the total down.
Glancing past him, he saw that the little girl, who was being a lot quieter than what would have been expected. Green eyes widened some, as he took in the little girls flushed face and she was wrapped in two sweaters.
His eyes darted back to the register and saw the pile of items still being pushed aside. “How short is he? For all of it?”
The young man, cashier, and even Emi looked to him.
“A-about 1900 yen,” the cashier stated.
Mic looked to the young man who pulled up his hood on his sweater, in attempt to hide his face...the blonde bit his lip. They man was feeling, ashamed…”I got this.”
“No wait-you don’t--”
Mic held up his hand and gave a smile to the young man. “It’s alright, just, pass the good deed along...alright?”
The young man looked to him and nodded. Mic could see the wetness gathering in his eyes.
The cashier smiled and nodded.
Emi sighed  happily. Yep, it was official. If Shouta left him, Emi would probably take Mic in exchange then.
The man thanked Mic as he headed out of the store. Mic couldn’t help but to keep smiling as he stepped up next.
“You know that was probably just a scam,” a voice asked from behind.
Mic blinked, smile falling as he looked back. An older woman, well ok maybe she was about in her thirties as well but still. She was, decently dress, and had an arfull of items, and an annoyed look on her face. “E-exsqueeze me?” Mic asked.
“You probably just got scammed out of 2000 yen,” she stated.
Oh….oh! Heaven FORBID some poeple struggle, Mic inwardwadrly thought. OF COURSE people would just scam others for juice, crackers, and veggie mix. SURE!How could he have been so--
“AHAAH!!! Good one!” Emi was holding her stomach as she laughed. As she straightened herself up she looked to the woman...and blinked. “W-wait...you’re serious? You’re, ACTUALLY, being serious?”
The tone the outburst hero was using was enough to make the other woman flush and shift her stance slightly embarrassed. And Emi just kept staring at her, as Mic proceeded with his order. The longer Emi stared the deeper the flush grew; until the woman muttered a quick ‘excuse me’ and rushed back into one of the aisles.
“Let’s go,” Mic said in a tight voice.
The green haired woman nodded as they went out. She was a bit concerned for Mic...it almost felt like was was holdin--
As soon as they were out and around the corner Mic laughed. Laughed so loud Emi thought she could feel the ground shake as he curled forward arms wrapping around himself.
“Holy shit! AHahahhhha-h-holy--ehehehaha shit!” Mic tried to speak through his laughing, he could even feel his eyes watering. “T-that was--ahahah--that was fucking amazing!” He looked to her and grinned. “She was so embarrassed! I swear she was seconds from just, ehehahha, bursting into flames!”
Emi was laughing with him before she realized it. “I-it was, ahahaha, so stupid though! I thought--ahahahah, I though she HAD to of been joking!”
Mic nodded as his laughter finally died down to snickering and he stood up. He looked to Emi who was wiping a tear from her eye. He extended a hand to her. “Yamada.”
“Ah, what?” She looked at him confused.
“Just...call me Yamada, Mic is...ah--”
“Oh! OK!” she grinned and took his hand and shook. “Yamada it is!”
Mic grinned. “Thanks for this LaughRiot.”
The blonde smiled. “I give nicknames to people I like.”
Emi blinked before she grinned. “I like it!”
Mic waved as Emi headed off after she dropped him off at the dorms. Had to admit, he kinda felt bad for judging her so fast. She was actually are really good person. He sighed as headed in. As he made his way to the kitchen area, he saw gathered in the opened common area most of the kids.
Some studying, some watching tv, some playing a card game. Even some of the 1-B kids were there too, and that one GenEd student as well.
“Yama-san!” Uraraka looked up from her book. “Everything alright? You said there was an emergency.”
Mic smiled. “Everything’s good now, special guest at the shelter,” he explained as he pulled out one of the boxes from the bag and opened them.
“Special guest--oh!” Uraraka asked and jumped a bit as he tossed her a popsicle. “Ah! Thank you Yama-san!”
“Yeah, heard about the break in at the at Open View?”
“Ah yeah it was playing all morning, Midoriya nodded and caught a popsicle tossed his way.
Mic nodded, as he continued handing out the treats. “Turns out there was an otter that was lost, or stuck somewhere, and he needed to be held up somewhere.”
Uraraka and Ashido’s eyes widened and sparkled some. “YOU GOT TO PLAY WITH AN OTTER!?”
The blonde laughed. “Not really play, more like babysit...and teach the little brat how to swim...oi PunchGirl, SteelBoy, heads up.” He tossed a popsicle to Kendo and TetsuTetsu.
“Thanks Yama-san!” TetsuTetsu grinned.
“Thank-you so much!”
“Still!” Ashido grinned. “That sounds like it was so much fun!”
Mic chuckled. “Guess it kinda was... yo MindMelt, think fast,” he answered and tossed a popsicle to Shinso, who caught it. He headed into the kitchen to put the extras away before he grabbed himself one and headed back out.
On the TV a breaking story about Shionama played and Mic couldn’t hold back his scowl. Though that almost dropped instantly when he saw that the man was under investigation.
“For fucks sake finally,” Mic huffed as he leaned over the back of the couch.
“Ah, you don’t like Shionama-san?” Midoriya asked.
“The guys a fucking snake,” Mic huffed, not noticing Uraraka was pouting, and nodding in agreement with him.
“But he’s one of the highest donors to several of the largest charities in the city with the events he put on,” Tenya stated. “Not to mention he helped with the housing issues in the center of the city.”
The blonde scoffed. “Please, those high donations? Wanna know how much of those donations from those events ACTUALLY go to the charity?”
“What?! You mean it doesn’t all go!?” Kaminari asked.
“2%,” Mic snorted. “Two fucking percent goes.”
“...which means that less than 19000 yen, according to the numbers of the last event at least,” Shinso stated under his breath.  “If you wanna example, I mean.”
“That’s awful!” Kendo stated.
“Way unmanly!” Kirishima agreed.  
“Where the fuck does the other 98% goes then!?” Bakugou asked, taking everyone aback. It’s not like the two blondes didn’t get along...but it was the first time anyone seen the explosion user actually respond to the voice user.
“The hell do you think? His pocket to pay for the ‘expenses’ for putting on said events,” Mic stated.
“That’s bullshit,” the explosion used huffed and chomped a large piece of the popsicle off its stick.
“And those low income housings?” Mic continued. “Fucking...MY place had better upkeep. Shit, yeah sure, some areas were bad, and didn’t look pretty but at least all the windows actually fucking opened and I didn’t have to worry about exposed wires.”
“He also doesn’t pay his construction people fully,” Uraraka huffed.
The blonde blinked and looked down.
“Uraraka-san?” Midoriya frowned.
“Uraraka-kun!” Tenya exclaimed.
“He...he pays part of it, upfront like he should…” she frowned. “B-but then, when it comes to paying the second part when they’re all done…” she trailed off. Not needing to finish.
“Tch...as if I needed another reason to hate the fucker,” Mic grumbled.
It was silent, as the news played one.
“...so…” it was Bakugou who broke it. “You fucked with him before?”
Mic couldn’t stop the grin. “Hell yeah I did...drained his account three fucking times.”
“B-but that’s stealing!” Tenya stated.
“Relax Glasses, I drain it after an event.”
“That’s worse!”
“No it ain’t,” he huffed and looked at the engine user. “I make it as an anonymous donation to the actual fucking charity.”
Midoriya was muttering to himself. “They probably think it’s from Shionama-san still, since it seems that if they know his account is regularly hack, it would make sense to have it be done through another party. Probably don’t bother to look into where it’s being donated from...then again Yama-san more than likely covers his tracks so he can’t be traced...but if that’s the case it’s what makes Shionama-san look better than he is. But Shionama-san knows something going on but can’t denying it, and if that’s the case--”
Mic just stared at the boy. “Uhhh Mini-Might, yer doin’ that thing again.”
Midoriya jumped and looked around to see everyone staring at him. “I..ah...um…”
The blonde snickered a bit. “Well that would explain why people would still think this asshole is as great as he is,” Mic sighed. “Fuck, I shoulda thought of that in the first place.”
“Next time make it from U.A,” Shinso stated as he finished his popsicle.
Mic blinked before grinned. “ I FUCKING SHOULD!”
The kids laughed--
Then a clatter had them all jump, as the mood shifted form light…
To something on edge and tense.
Mic risked looking over his shoulder...eyes catching the faint wisps of what looked to be black smoke just outside the widow.
How the hell…
“You’ve been a thorn in our sides…” that voice said.
How the HELL?
“You should have been dealt with back during the first attempt.”
Mic ran down through the hall, urging the kids to try and find their own ways to safety. Find a teacher on duty--anything!
She waved for him to join her in a supply closest. Quickly he ducked in. When he caught his breath he was able to take in account who were all in there. Yaoyorozu, Uraraka, Tenya, Midoriya, and Todoroki.
Heavy footsteps rushed down the halls. “I saw him run this way!”
Him? So was it just him they were after, Mic thought to himself.
“What are we going to do?” the creation user asked.
“You five are going to get somewhere safe,” Mic stated with as much authority as he could muster in his voice.
“B-but Yama-san!” Uraraka cried.
“Grily, no…”
They all froze when they heard footsteps outside. “Shit where did he go!?”
“He can’t disappear!”
“Fucking find him!”
“We need something to distract them,” Tenya whispered.
“Flash Bombs,” Mic answered.
“Flash Bombs?” Uraraka repeated.
Mic nodded. “Should be enough to disorient them, and let us slip out…” he looked to the kids. “I need you to promise that you five will run away from me.”
“But, Yama-san,” Midoriya started.
“I mean it...this is serious. Don’t follow.”
They were all quiet...until Yaoyorozu spoke up. “Allow me to help.”
“Think you can make ‘em?”
Yaoyorozu nodded. “I know I can.”
“You sure that you want to do this?” Tenya asked.
“...it’s me they want. Not you.”
“Yama-san,” Uraraka whispered.
“I’ll be fine...I promise.”
This was bad. This was really REALLY bad. The supply closet door shut as quietly as possible. There were several villains gathered just outside. Midoriya looked over to Mic. Yaoyorozu was finishing up making the last of the Flash Bombs he requested.
“Promise me,” the blonde began. “You WON’T follow.”
Midoriya bit his lip. H-he knew he had to listen to him. But...but it felt wrong. It felt like, they were just going to leave him behind. It felt like Kaachan all over again!
“Mini-Might,” Mic called.
“...please kid. Just...just do this for me.”
He hesitated, and swallowed. “I...yes.”
Mic smiled some. “Thank you.”
They all took a steadying breath and prepared themselves. Mic nodded to Tenya, and the door was kicked open.
The villains all whipped their heads to the sound.
“Suprise mother fuckers!” Mic shouted and all the Flash Bombs were thrown in. The light was blinding. Mic laughed as he rushed out of the dorms, and as he hoped the villains trailed after.
They were after him.
They only WANTED him.
He ran to the school building. He had to think, had to come up with something. Lotsa room,s lotsa of floors. He had to keep on his toes. Just weave in and out. He knows he wouldn’t be able to loose them but he could at least slow them down.
Leaping down and rushing up stairwells we’re putting a toll on his body. He only had so much energy. Focus...focus...focus…
Keep calm. Keep--
“Fuck!” Mic caught himself on a slightly upturned tile. Mind too busy thinking on how to evade, he was unable to catch himself properly.
And footsteps were approaching faster.
Shit shit shit!
“I found him!”
Then there was a deafening sound...of a gun being fired.
“What the absolute fuck!?” Mic yelled and could just stare from his spot on the ground.
“Git up and git goin,” the homing hero said. “I’ll hold’em off,” Snipe insisted.
“But you--”
“Still don’t like ya...but, I’m not letting this go down like that again, alright? Now git!”
He wanted to argue but he decided against it. Without a second look back he ran off. He vaulted over the guard railing to the ground below. Tumbling to break his fall as he continued on his way, the villains following behind.
Shit shit fuck fuck! They’re REALLY after him. He was screwed!
The feeling of something wrapping around him had Mic freeze. It...it almost felt fami--
He didn’t get a chance to finish his thought because he suddenly felt himself getting pulled off his feet and thrown in the air.
Eraser! Aizawa!
He couldn’t help the laugh that left him.
His hero.
His hero...saved him.
When he felt those tight bonds release him while still airborne he twisted himself and landed. Alright, it was time to get--
“Careful now Mic,” that calm...childlike voice taunted. “We have eyes on you.”
There was a slight glint that caught Mic’s attention. Whipping his head to see what it was…
And all he could do, was just stare at the the lense that was pointed at him. Was it...was all this being broadcasted? What the hell?
“We have eyes on all of them, too,” Shigaraki said in that quiet calm voice. “They’re waiting...all you need to do is to come with us.”
Them? What? Who’s them?
“You seem to spend so much time at these places,” Mic scowled as he saw the young man scratch at his neck. The sound of it making his own skin crawl. “But do they know? About you I mean?”
Mic’s eyes widened. No…
“We could tell them...show them,” Shigaraki alluded. “Or...you come with us.”  
“Yama-san! Don’t do it!”Kirishima yelled.
Purrs and Paws...Open Doors, Open Hearts...Empty Shelves? Fuck Wings of Refuge couldn’t take another hit. It could be a lie though. But could he risk it? And what about U.A? What about the kids here? Now? Some are terrified because of what happened before. He saw Kaminari, Sero and Ashido doing their damndest to make sure Bakugou wasn’t taken again. Kirishima and TestuTestu were trying to shield Tsuyu with their bodies…
The press? Fucking--if word got out that U.A was housing villain...letting a villain NEAR these kids--Fuck their doors would be shut so fast!
Aizawa...he...he couldn’t let his hero--His Aizawa take anymore blame than what he has already.
Mic bit his lip and sighed as he raised his hands over his head. Too much..too much was at risk. Too much at stake. Too much. Too much. “Fine….I’ll fucking go.”
Shouta whipped around to the cry. He could...just only watch, as everything seemed to slow down, and his world narrow. It was like what happened at Wings of Refuge.  His entire focus shifted to the blonde.
Mic held up his hands and stepped closer to the villains.
Each step felt like an eternity to watch.
And Shouta...just couldn’t move.
His villain.
Shouta finally moved but it was too late, the warp closed. And Mic…
Mic was gone.
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fxralheart · 6 years
ship meme: all the even numbers
1.    - How’s their team work? Do they share well?  It depends on the task, really. Grimm and Jace are of very similar personalities, both stubborn to a Tand stuck in ways that they like to do things. They do well at dividing and conquering, divvying out theresponsibilities based on who’s more qualified to do one task overanother.  In that way, they work welltogether.  But focusing on a single tasktogether could get daunting depending on what it is.  
2.    - First impression of each other? Was it loveat first sight?   Grimm turns his nose up at the whole “love at first sight”stuff.  Calls it bullshit – it’ssomething that needs to be worked on, and that was definitely the case forthese two.  Really, when Grimm saw Jacefor the first time at the convenience store, Jace was the equivalent of a newshiny toy.  Jace was a pretty face, aquick fuck.  From what we’ve discussed,it was pretty much the same thing for Jace.
3.    - Any tasks that are always left to oneperson?  Sure. As mentioned before, they each have their own set of skills to bring tothe table.  Jace does a lot of thehousehold chores: cooking, cleaning, laundry. Honestly, he prefers to do it, especially the laundry, because he has aspecific way he likes it done.  Grimmdoes some of the more manual labor: fixing the broken things around the house,mowing their big ass yard, maintenance on the cars, some cleaning.  But they’ll dabble in each other’s chorestoo.  
4.    - What do the like best about their partner?  Grimm likes a lot of things, okay?  In terms of a physical attribute, he reallyloves Jace’s eyes, thinks they’re the most beautiful set of eyes in theworld.  But he also likes Jace’s smile,like his rare genuine smile that just brightens up his whole face.  And that laugh, his real laugh where he’s notholding anything back and he’s just genuinely happy.  All of it makes Grimm melt.
5.    - Who drives? Cooks? Does the handiwork?Cleans? Pays the bills? Handles the public? They both drive, butGrimm prefers too and Jace lets him because Grimm is an antsy passenger.  They both cook, but Jace is better at notburning food and getting creative with things, so Grimm lets him go at it.  Grimm generally does the handiwork, as hegenerally has an idea of what he’s doing whereas Jace generally has noidea.  They both clean, taking ondifferent tasks.  They both pay thebills, but Grimm hates it and only does it out of necessity.  He tries to pawn it off onto Jace as much aspossible since younger male is better with numbers anyway.  Jace does… Grimm’s an asshole.  Lol. But let’s be real – they prefer to stay to themselves, so theregenerally isn’t a whole lot that they have to deal with in terms of the public.
6.    - Is there a wedding? What was the proposallike? Any kind of honeymoon?  We’ve debated on this a few times, Ibelieve.  Jace wants a wedding for thesoul purpose of getting Grimm into a suit at least once during the time oftheir relationship.  And Grimm wantsnothing to do with a wedding because he thinks they’re stupid andpointless.  He just wants to walk intothe courthouse and do a quick signing of some papers and move onto moreimportant things.  Chances are that they’dprobably have some type of small reception, though, because Nel wouldn’t letthem hear the end of it if they just eloped without doing anything to celebratewith their family and friends.  As forthe proposal, I have no idea what it’s going to be like yet.  One of two ways.  It’s either going to be some kind of hugeelaborate scheme that Grimm will have taken forever to plan out.  Or, the more likely version, something verycasual and nonchalant that Jace probably didn’t even realize it was a proposalat first.  Heck yes, honeymoon.  Probably to a beach or something, since Jacelikes them.
7.    - Anything they both dread?  Other than long days apart from each other.  Mmmmm…. Nothing I can think of right now,though I’m sure there are going to be quite a few things as they get deeperinto the relationship.  Usually, what oneperson dreads, it seems, the other person doesn’t quite mind it.
8.    - Do they keep secrets? Lie? Cheat?  Yes and no.  It’s not thatthey keep secrets, it’s more like they don’t really talk about everything.  But they don’t actively try to keep secretsfrom each other, no.  When they lie, it’susually to try and deter the other from worrying about them.  So, like, lying about being alright when theyreally feel awful.  No, they don’t cheat.
9.    - What are their dates like? How long do/didthey date? Do they ever feel the need to take a break from each other?   Depends.  So, their datesare pretty simple: getting out of the house and doing something together inpublic like dinner, movies, shows, picnics, walks in the park, etc.  Honestly, their whole dating schedule iskinda fucked up.  Jace moves in withGrimm right around the time they start officially dating, so it’s really offand shouldn’t have worked out as well as it did, but meh.  Mmmmmm….. no. Not unless they are fighting.  
10.  – What does their home look like? Their room?  Minimalistic.  Neither ofthem are really much into decorations. Simple design, neutral colorings. Their room is pretty much the same. They will eventually end up moving to slightly bigger space, make itmore theirs instead of just inserting Jace into Grimm’s life and home.  Even then, though, everything is still prettyminimalistic.
11.  - Does their work ever interfere with therelationship?  No, not really.  If anything, Grimm keeps trying to get Jaceto come work with him, and Jace refuses because then they really wouldn’t everbe apart.  Now, when Jace goes back toschool, that does interfere a lot.  Jacegoes to school for as many credit hours as he can fit in with working part timeand it kind of sucks up a lot of their free time together.
12.  - Any doubts about the relationship?   Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.  All the fucking time, especially at thebeginning.  Grimm thinks he’s an awfulfucking person and is afraid that he’ll turn into his father, that therelationship would turn abusive, that he would turn abusive.  And Jace for the longest time feels like he’snot bringing anything to the relationship and that Grimm is too good forhim.  Really, both of them were a hot bedof issues, and I honestly feel like they probably went to some relationship counselingbecause fuck.
13.  - How do their friends feel about theirrelationship? Their families?  Jaec’s father hates it because he’s ahomophobic prick.  Grimm’s father is inprison and doesn’t know about the relationship, and Grimm doesn’t talk to hismother, so he doesn’t know how she feels about it.  Grimm’s sister thinks they’re fucked up, butloves them and wants them to be happy more than anything.  Grimm doesn’t really have any friends.  The few he does have don’t really think oneway or the other about the relationship, just that each individual is happy.
14.  - What are their vacations like?  It depends.  I imaginesplit between camping and getting a nice beach side shack to stay in forawhile.
15.  - Could they manage a long distancerelationship?   Hmmmm….. I don’t think so, honestly.  They are so physically dependent on eachother, Jace especially, I don’t think they’d do very well far apart for longperiods of time.  I don’t think therelationship would survive.
16.  - Do they ever get into trouble? Is itserious, or are they just mischievous?  Psh. Grimm, yes.  Jace has the fearinstilled by his father not to indulge in a lot of that behavior.  It takes Grimm quite some time to get Jace toallow himself some mischievous fun.
17.  - Do they have any pets?  Cats.  Grimm brings homeall the fucking strays.  Jace has to puta cap on the amount of animals Grimm is allowed to bring home.  
18.  – What’s their greatest strength as a couple?Their weakness?  Their greatest strength is theiropenness.  They are slow with doing it,but are very truthful and honest to each other when they do open up.  Their weakness is that they are honestlypretty codependent on each other, in some ways fairly unhealthily so.
19.  - What are they like in the bedroom? Anykinks/fetishes/turn-ons? Anything they won’t do?  I could go on for hours on this. They are very adventurous and definitely explore quite a few kinkstogether.  They won’t really do anythingtoo hardcore and it takes them awhile to get to that level, but once they do,it’s something they indulge in on a pretty frequent basis.
20.  - Any special memories? Do they have a specialplace they like to go to?  They like to take each other to places thatremind them of happy times during their lives. So Grimm likes to take Jace with him to the forests of Virginia and Jacelikes to take Grimm with him to the beach. They visit New York City too, since Grimm likes to escape in the noiseof the city and Jace likes to reconnect with people he knew from before hemoved.
21.  - Do they let each other get away with thingsthat would normally bother them?  Yeah, they do, to a certain extentanyway.  
22.  - Are the comfortable with each other?Anything they have to have their privacy for? They are extremely comfortable with eachother, enough to basically tell each other about the horrible lives they lived,so I really don’t see a whole lot being left as secrets.
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karihigada · 6 years
haha or talk about yakuza!AU?
I could attempt to write
uhhhh how about izaya still goes to normal school just like akane but the same as with her everyone
keeps their distance and is respectful out of fear
not shizuo thoug ;)
and its such a wild change for izaya that there is soneone who isnt afraid of his status
and of course izaya also isnt afraid of his stenght
that would be a very interesting change in their dynamic
That could work
that there would be a legit reason for shizuo to be wary of izaya but he still isnt
and maybe shiki/akabayashi dont like this brat boy disrespecting the heir and try to rough him up a
bit/send goons to rough him up
so its no longer izaya who sends gangs after shizuo
and maybe in this instance izaya is actually really afraid that the one person who isnt afraid of his
status would be taken away
so maybe he fights with shizuo against the thugs (the thugs of course dont know who he is and just
want to beat him up as well)
so at the end of the day both are bruised but victorious and sulk to shinra
and on the couch izaya explains that he didnt have anyhting to do with the thugs, that were all his
dad's underlings doing and he doesnt condone of it
and he lowkey says he is thankful that shizuo is at least one person in his life who is not afraid to
give him lip
and shizuo just kisses him to shut him up
"like i could ever be afraid of some little flea, no matter who your parents are"
and the next day izaya comes home and tells shiki, that punk brat you wanted to get rid of for
disrespecting us? im dating him. what are you gonna do about that now?
and shiki just exasperatedly shakes his head because he cant really say anythign to that. maybe just
a sarcastic 'use protection'
and then he goes drinking with akabayashi and laments his life coices and ungrateful brats xDD
If it wasn't high school but later, I think there could be more surprises
yeah, later in life it would be more serious because it would no longer be children fighting but an
adult getting on the wrong foot with the yakuza
maybe AU where awakusu tries to hire shizuo for his skills?
Like Shizuo being hired as a body guard or getting in trouble with Izaya
Like breaking something valuable
and shizuo really needs the money and maybe doesnt realize right away that its yakuza but has a
bad feeling. but really needs the money
Or beating up how men
*breaking something valuable* now i have ouran high school host club flash backs
Lol, same principle
Manipulating Shizuo
karihigada sent a GIF
but yeah, being hired as bodyguard and of course meeting izaya
and shizuo imediately dislikes his attitude but izaya is imediately hooked on the strong hunk xD
But I doubt he'd be willing to work for someone like Izaya
he wouldnt work directly for izaya, jsut the awakuzu
izaya is just a package deal that he has to deal with haha
or he gets into trouble with the yakuza as an outsider, like beating up men and izaya pretends to
want to help him but not disclosing that he is part of awakusu so he strings shizuo along
sorta like that other AU we had a while ago where shizuo and izaya get close in highschool but
izaya was just using him al along, remember?
haha i like this AU. so many possibilitys
I think another way for it to work would be if Shizuo fucks something up really bad punishable by
death, but Izaya doesn't want that so he makes a deal with Shizuo (this was all Izaya's plan from the
But Shizuo's debt just keeps going up
Because he has zero chill with izaya
'punishable by death' you mean something that would make the yakuza make him wear cement
Yeah or human trafficking
so izaya keeps him in his deabt but also safe from the yakuza
so shizuo is stuck with him because there is no way out
would also be an interesting exploration of consent and relationship dinamics because izaya clearly
has mre power here
would be an interesting take on their relationship
Until he dies or Izaya gets bored which will never happen
like yeah, of course shizuo always says he isnt afraid of the fallout were he to ever dock izaya one
but deep inside he is aware that maybe they would also go after kasuka or others
Yup go after his family
And they know about kasuka
And that stops Shizuo from fighting back
so would is just stay this fucked up their whole lifes or would izaya soften up?
Hmmmmmmm could get either worse if Izaya likes to watch him suffer or better if he likes him
Like he would want to turn him into a mobster
and mobster xD
Yeah lol, So maybe he would try to get him to kill people for him which doesn't work
for once i actually dont want to go the route of most suffering xD
i say let izaya soften up and them have a normal relationship haha
It could be really bad at first but then he softens up
but yes also keep telling me about izaya trying to get shizuo to kill
maybe izaya really nearly pushes shizuo to the breaking point
But Shizuo won't do it even if it means his death
and shizuo completely breaks down after beating some punk to near death with his bare heands
and izaya realizes that this is not what he wanted for shizuo after all (like in ACI)
and starts being nicer
and try to mend his past behavior
could also be a unique cahracter exploration for izaya
he relizes that he has complete control over another human being and how he treads him defines his
own worth as a human and he doesnt want to be a monster
so he realizes he should stop making shizuo into a monster because at the end of the day there
would only be one monster and thats him
Sounds yummy
i just realized we have very little fanfics who explore izayas humanity
even though thats also a core theme of the original drrr
but we also have very little fics who truly explore shizuo becoming a monster------
except one, hummmmmmm? *smiles coyly*
karihigada sent a GIF
no but god, this AU begins to sound amazing~~ <3
Glad to be of service
Yeah especially them getting away with law and murder
Like the environment makes it possible
i always think law is such a unique concept in drrr becuase its the REAL WORLD
And very likely
not some fantasy setting where you murder people for fun in the wilderness
thats one thing i really love about drrr, its setting in reallife
so how would shizuo come to care about izaya?
definitely not for a long time because izaya keeps trying to get him to use violence
so only after izaya softens up?
Gosh by then would he hate him soooo much XD
or maybe their relationship actually isnt so bad at the start, they snark at each other and whatnot but
nothing too bad, and only after izaya gets bored of that he tries to push shizuo to murder?
Yeah makes a plan
yeah thats the problem, if shizuo ust hates izaya from the beginging and then breaks down there is
no way he wuld come to care about him other than some twisted stockholm syndrome
so izaya first needs to make shizuo trust him
Toying with him
and that infvolves not being such a little shit all the time so that shizuo doesnt completely hate his
that would also be the only way he could manipulate shizuo into violence: through trust, not throgh
pressure of authority
Manipulation is his fine point
maybe shizuo nearly beats that punk to death to pretect izaya and izaya totally planned it that way
that would be the only reason shizuo would go that far
manipulating shizuo into violence like in ACI but focusing it onto another person instead of on
himself like in the control room in ACI
but by trying to win shizuos trust he of course has to play his freind and in turn shizuo treads him
like a freind so izaya realizes that it actually really hurts misusing trust like that :D
And Shizuo knows if something happens to Izaya something bad will happen to his family
so they come to trust/care about each other by izaya just 'pretending' to be his freind but slowly
actually feeling like that but he also doesnt want to let go of his original plan to turn shizuo into a
monster so he goes through with it anyway
Okay ? so Izaya works on building Shizuo's trust by faking being nice
while having doubts and pain but he tells himself that he can just throw shizuo away later
which he of course cant, he is already in too deep xD
Ok sounds good
maybe while shizuo beats that punk its actually izaya who shouts at him tostop because he after all
doesnt want shizuo to become a monster
instead izaya realizes he himself might be amonster for pushing his freind that far
And then when Shizuo actually begins to start to like Izaya for real Izaya maybe lets him off
you mean at the very end?
so now that shizuo is 'free' to go he maybe leaves for a few days/weeks and izaya is realyl miserable
and later shizuo comes back and tells him that he was thinking a lot and he decided to come back on
his own terms
Or maybe he doesn't go back to that life style but asks Izaya out
Like he doesn't want to come back under Izaya
But as his ally/lover
Or just someone there to stop him
And watch him
But Izaya understands
maxbe it would be a sober note "if youre ever really in trouble i will help you.... but dont expect me
to get deeper invoved with the yakuza than that anymore"
yeah it would be really somber, shzuo still wants izaya in his life but no longer that life so its kinda
hard to reconcile those two things
but he also cant realyl imagine life without izaya anymore
and izaya also realizes he needs someone outside this life to keep him human
that would be an interesting spin, izaya needing shizuo to keep him human
He wants to be better for Shizuo
and he is sorry he ever dragged shizuo into this life
just becuase shizuo is good at violence doesnt mean he is good in a life of violence
Yeah Shizuo isn't cut out for it even if he could be perfect if he used his strength
Sounds great
sounds amazing :DDDD
god its so fun~~
the perfect bedtime story~~~ haha
maybe an addendum for the earlier time: during the start when izaya tries to win shizuos trut by
pretending, you think he also tries sexual advances? or just try to be his freind?
would be even more heartbreaking if they are sorta 'together' while izaya tries to get shizuo to kill
It would be interesting
and would make sense in why he regrets it so much manipulating shizuo
maybe izaya comes onto him very heavily and shizuo tells him in his face he doesnt want to get into
trouble but izaya rebukes that it would be no trouble and noone would have a problem with it (as
long as shizuo is good ;) ) and izaya also tells him that he knows shizuo finds him atrractive, izaya
knows he is attractive and uses it as a weapon
so maybe shizuo would just shrug and go with it? spur of the moment thing? and then later shizuo
of course develops deeper feelings bcuase he things izaya is being geniune
or maybe he only gives in when izaya starts sounding more geniune about wanting to sleep with
him instead of just flaunting his good looks
shizuo wants to sleep with him becuase of affection, not jsut good looks
and he is very gentle :)
and izaya also didnt expect to be touched that gently :D
and when shiki hears that they sleep together he jsut gives a long and resinged sigh but knows he
cant do anythign about it
also, what about mairu and kururi?
and is akane a cousin?
shizuo would get along well with them and cant belive that the big brother is such a brat when the
little girls are so well beahved xD
Hmmm idk XD
Cousins I guess
Like maybe one of Izaya's parents is in the yakuza but since they always are gone, they just brought
them in
Izaya doesn't have to inherit but he's high in the family
i thought the AU was that izaya is the son of mikiya, the awakusu boss? so he is the 'heir'
i was just hinking about hos izayas childhood woudl have been
Maybe Mikiya is his grandfather??
probably largely the same as canon with fascination with humans and other children beign afraid of
him like with akane
Is Akane the heir?
and the reason he didnt get into legal trouble in middle school for 'stabbing' shinra is becuase of the
yakuza xD
such a fun AU
espcially with the part with also examining izayas humanity. we dont have that enough in fics
not that this is ever gonna be a fic
this would be alogn one
its funny because the artist of the pic wrote like "izaya as the darling yakuza heir. discuss" and we
sure as hell discussed but noone will ever see xD
and even this will disapear into the void in a few days because you would need to scrool up
but right now im having fun~~
10 notes · View notes
In Sickness and in Health
Okay Mark, what should you be working on?
Benefit of the Doubt, the long one you've been whittling at way too slowly?
The angsty chapters where actual things happen?
oh wait i know
All while writing this, I couldn't help but think, eat it, eat the soup. XD
A lot of betting goes on in this household. I should stop making people bet on things.
Previous works in chronological order: Hired, Lovestarved, Trial & Trust, Deeper Than Skin, A Small Solace
The Black Hat manor is very spacious. There are a few rooms in it that hardly ever see any use, maybe aside from storing random junk. 
Flug could only assume one of those places was where Black Hat disappeared to whenever he fell ill. It didn't happen often, mind you. Maybe four or five times a year, sometimes more. But whenever he did get sick, Dementia, Flug, and 5.0.5. would never see him. He'd always have disappeared, simply leaving them notes that usually read something along the lines of, "Ill. Expect me back within the week. PS: No slacking off while I'm gone!!!" This time was no different. 
"So why do you think he does it?"
"Does what? Hole himself away?" Flug questioned back, only half paying attention to the Dementia's chattering as he fastened some screws on a large, clunky-looking machine he'd been working on. "How am I supposed to know?" The lizard girl swung her legs back and forth in the air, fiddling around on some sort of handheld video game as she rambled. "Well, you've known him the longest. Are you saying you've never seen him sick, either?"
"Well, the Evil Flu aside, not really...." At his own words, he paused. He really hasn't seen Black Hat when he's this kind of sick, has he? Well, whatever this kind of sick even is..... "I'd bet twenty bucks being eldritch-sick gets really nasty-looking! Blood and guts spilling out everywhere, a total mess!" She emphasized the grotesque imagery with an exaggerated 'bleeeeh' kind of noise, sticking out her tongue in a twisted smirk. Flug didn't look amused. If anything, he was a little annoyed that her first thought would be something so horrible. "Oh come on." He said flatly, casting her a miffed glance as he tightened the next screw. "Don't be ridiculous. He probably just doesn't want to be bothered when he's already feeling like crap." "Then why's he so secretive about it, hmmmm?" Her smirk grew wider. "He could just order us not to bug him. But instead he's all elusive and vague. Why would he do that unless he was made super-weak and doesn't want to be seen that way? It's a conspiiiracyyyy!" Dementia wiggled her fingers at the scientist as she dragged out that last word, snickering, before cursing when she realized she messed up on her game and returning her full attention to that. Again, Flug paused. Dementia was obviously joking around, but... she kind of had a point. Black Hat's not usually so secretive....... Shaking it off for now, the doctor went back to his machine. ~~~~~~~~~ Flug always seems to forget how big this house is until he's awkwardly blundering through all the corridors in search for something. Or in this case, someone. He was sure Dementia was just grossly exaggerating something mild, and wasn't overly worried, but it wouldn't hurt to just check on him, right? That's what you do for the people you love, isn't it? Well, in any case, Flug would have to find him first. Naturally, he wasn't in any place that saw frequent use, nor was he in his office, so the doctor had to extend his search. The upper floors turned up empty, so all that was left to check was the basement areas, Flug peeking through every door he passed in search of his boss, but so far coming up dry still. These floors went further down than he thought. And yet the fancy rich-person-house aesthetic still carried through to the bottom floors, There were even those garish maroon-red carpets lining the halls, though they could use a cleaning, judging from those speckles of-- ...... Wait.... Is that....? The doctor knelt down to get a better look at the fabric, and his muscles tensed when his suspicion was confirmed. That's Black Hat's blood, alright. Just a few specs, but that dark green tint was unmistakable. ....... Okay.... Maybe he was getting a little worried.... Quickening his pace, the doctor sped through the hallways, keeping an eye out for any more blood while trying all the doors and still coming up empty. One, two, three more patches of blood droplets as he went.... the demon had to be down here somewhe- His hand fell on the knob of a locked door. He tried it a couple times, just to be sure, then swallowed nervously. ".... Black Hat?" Silence greeted him at first. Then a low voice from within responded. ".... Flug? What are you doing here? What-Whatever it is, can it not wait!?" Right off the bat Flug could tell something was really off. His boss's voice was... strange somehow, low as if speaking any louder might break something, and each word spoken in a sort of... forced meticulous precision. Like merely speaking was a struggle right now, but he didn't want to show it. "I-I, um.... w-wanted to see how you w-were doing..." With a worried frown, the doctor leaned in close to the door, trying to listen for any unusual sounds from inside. "A-Are you okay...?" Again, it took some moments before he got a response. And when he did, it came through in that overly rigid and precise manner. "Doctor... You are not... permitted to be ar-around h-he--" He cut himself off, and Flug could swear he heard a weak, irritated hiss from inside. "--around here right now." He forced himself to finish, voice shaking very slightly. Flug bit his tongue, frown deepening. "Sir, whatever it is, maybe I can help....? Just... let me--" "Go away, Flug." His voice was far raspier that time. And the scientist was sure he heard the demon trying to muffle a horrid cough, as well as some other ominous sound he couldn't really identify. Okay. Fine then. Plan B. Flug simply pulled a paperclip out of the pocket of his coat, bent it into the shape of a pick, and stuck it into the keyhole, working at the lock. "Are you picking the loc--!?" Black Hat couldn't even finish his shocked inquiry before breaking down into a fit of coughs, snarling curses under his breath in frustration. There was the sound of movement as the demon started for the door, but the next sound was surely of him stumbling and falling over. He could only resort to angry demands. "Don-Don't you DARE open that door, doctor..!!" The lock was quickly done with. Though, Flug was nervous of what awaited him inside, hesitating in opening the door. Maybe he should just go away as requested. He'll supposedly be better in a few days anyway, right? Was this really anything to worry about? ...... No. Black Hat's clearly suffering. He shouldn't have to do that alone. Without another second thought, the doctor pushed the door open. The sight that greeted him made his eyes go wide with shock and terror, withdrawing a sharp gasp. He owes Dementia twenty dollars.
It was something straight out of a horror movie. The walls and floors of this bare empty room were drenched with blood, some of the substance even splattered across the ceiling somehow. The demon looked even worse, trying to push himself up from where he had collapsed on the ground, body crawling with extra mouths and eyes, which wouldn't have been unusual had they not been spilling blood at every opening. There were sickly, otherworldy unidentifiable sounds coming from them too, no doubt a byproduct of this severely ill state. Black Hat stared in utter shock at how blatantly his order was ignored, or rather, in utter shock at Flug. "D-Doctor, I-I told you not to--" Again, his complaint was cut short as he had to stop talking to hack his lungs out, blood oozing from his main mouth as well and splattering across the floor as he choked. "Black Hat....!" Flug gasped in horror. He wasted no time in rushing to the eldritch's side, falling on his knees next to him and burbling in concerned fear. "Oh god, oh no no no....! W-What's happening to you...!?" "Oh, stop your fretting..." The demon muttered weakly, managing to at least push himself to his knees as well, one hand planted on the floor to hold himself up while the other held his aching head. "Didn't you read the damned note? I'll be--" He paused, visibly wincing as he forced himself to bite back another cough, "--I'll be fine within the week. I always have been, this is nothing new." Flug's worry for him was not alleviated. If anything, it was growing, and his boss could tell by his increased fidgeting. "Th-th-that d-doesn't answer my question....!" He squeaked, hesitantly placing a hand on Black Hat's shoulder. Blood was seeping through the coat- Hell, he was soaked with the stuff- and Flug's eyes scanned the demon up and down with distress. Shifting closer, he asked, "I-Is there anything I can do...!?" A very slight shiver coursed through the demon's body at the physical contact. He almost leaned into Flug's touch out of habit, but was quick to stop himself.  "N-No, Flug. You can--You can leave while I wait this out." Black Hat rasped, eyes narrowing. "And you are never to-- to speak of this ag--" He was cut off once more by a violent series of coughs, and his hand flew to his mouth in an attempt to muffle them and minimize the splatter of blood from it. Damn this fucking illness. Why couldn't Flug have just listened and stayed away!? One more order. One more, and that'll be his last warning. He opened his mouth to spit out some bitter threat, but no words came out. Instead, there came a garbled hiss of pain, the demon shrinking away from Flug and doubling over. His body felt like it was on fire, and he knew a convulsion was coming on soon. Dammit. Dammit. Not in front of him, for fuck's sake. He'll freak. "B-Black Hat...?" Ugh, his voice was already filled to the brim with worry. Better act fast. "F-Flug, l-listen to m-me." Black Hat choked, doing everything he could to hold himself together for as long as possible. Which, honestly, didn't feel like it would be very long at all. "Y-You really don't want to b-be here, okay?" He withdrew a shaky breath, but that only made him need to cough more and he winced. "J-Just l-leave, ok-kay..!? I'm ord-ordering you-!" He cut himself off, eyes widening slightly with surprise when Flug gently slipped an arm around his shoulders. "I-I'm not going anywhere. I-I won't..." Flug trailed off, flinching as he thought of how long this has been going on. How many years this has been happening right under everyone's nose. And for what? To protect his 'image'? Probably. The doctor shook his head. "... I won't leave you to just suffer all alone like this."
The demon gave him a dumbfounded stare, speechless. Did he not hear the order part of that sentence? "F-Flug, y-you d-d-don't--" Too late. Black Hat's entire body seized up, rigid for just a moment, before he completely spasmed. With a pained outcry, he doubled over again, blood-covered tentacles reactively bursting from his back with sporadic movements and more blood spurting from the extra mouths along his body as they also made strange, strangled noises of agony. Everything hurt. It hurt too much to bear. Every muscle, every atom in his body searing with a burning sting. Everything in his vision had blurred to the point of being indistinguishable, and all he could do was wait helplessly for control over himself to return. Which felt far too long. When he finally started to come to, his first wonder was why he hadn't collapsed. He usually found himself on the ground in a quaking mess after such a violent attack. Then he realized what kept him stable. The shaking doctor was... hugging him. Tightly. Holding him steady, not letting him fall over. And the demon was shocked to realize that, with what little control he did have over his limbs, he was weakly clinging to Flug in return. But, try as he might, he couldn't bring himself to let go. The doctor was shaking like a leaf, and Black Hat could swear he heard apologies muffled with held-back sobs coming from him. "W-Would you quit your blubbering...." Black Hat muttered weakly, "You're making a fuss over nothing--" "This is not nothing!!!" Flug exclaimed, startling the eldritch with his sudden outburst. He took in a trembling breath, gently stroking Black Hat's back and around the tentacles, and repeated more softly, "Th-This... is not nothing...." Black Hat grimaced, an annoyed sigh coming from him. "Flug--" Yet again his sentence could not be completed, interrupted by another fierce stab of pain ripping through his entire being, tentacles acting up again and crazily lashing to and fro. With a sharp gasp, the demon reactively pressed himself closer to Flug, eyes squeezing shut. His grip on the scientist tightened as the searing sting intensified, an uncharacteristically feeble, pathetic whimper slipping from his throat. Flug held on to him as firmly and carefully as he could, gently rubbing in-between his tentacles in some attempt to soothe him. "I-I-I'm right h-here f-for you...." He whispered, voice quivering. "I-It-It'll b-be ok-kay..." Black Hat hated this. He hated that he couldn't stifle the agonized sounds of pain falling from himself. He hated that Flug was seeing him this way. And most of all, he hated that the doctor's presence was so damn comforting. Fuck, he's not supposed to be grateful to him right now, he's supposed to be angry at him for being so disobedient! ....Euugh.... honestly though, too exhausted for anger right now.... and Flug is such a relieving contrast to the hurting.... With a begrudging sigh, Black Hat reluctantly allowed himself to lean further into the doctor's embrace. Flug continued to lightly rub the demon's back until the tentacles retracted and his shaking was under control. The doctor took a deep breath of relief. He pulled away just enough so that he could look at the other man's face and still hold him up, frowning. Carefully, he reached inside Black Hat's coat, pulling out a handkerchief he knew was kept there (pretty bloodstained as well, but better than nothing). With a soft, light touch, the scientist dabbed at the trickles of blood leaking from Black Hat's mouth. "You ready to tell me what's going on with you now...?" Flug asked, voice hesitant and quiet. "Tch...." Looking away, the demon muttered, "You're not even supposed to see this- to be here- and now you want me to just- just explain it to you?" He scoffed. "Yeah. Right." ".... W-Well, I'm here now." The doctor replied, not discouraged by his boss's bitter response. "And I'm n-not leaving you, s-so you might as well just tell me." A flicker of worry flashed through his eyes again, and his voice softened. "I-I only want to help...." Of course he did. Damn doctor, so bloody helpful... Black Hat glimpsed at his employee's concern-filled eyes for just a moment, just knowing he wouldn't let this go, then sighed and looked away again, shaking his head. "It's nothing you can help with, doctor. All there is to do is to wait--" The words hitched in his throat, Black Hat flinching as he bit back a cough, "--is to wait it out..." He finished weakly. "There's no point in you being here...." Flug sighed quietly in turn, rubbing the demon's back again at the held-back cough. With his other hand, he pushed up his bag slightly as to not get blood on it, and placed a gentle kiss on Black Hat's cheek. "I-I wouldn't say that.... E-even if I c-can't help with your ailment, I can at least try and make you as comfortable as possible, m-maybe I'll even be able to produce special painkillers or s-something.... W-Whatever it takes, I'll help you through this, sir." Somebody should really start a tally on the amount of times Black Hat's found himself just staring dumbfoundedly at the doctor, because it's really starting to add up. "....Hmph....." Again averting his eyes, he let out an annoyed sigh. "Persistent, aren't you...." "You know it." Flug agreed with a weak smile, pulling down his bag to its normal position. He stood up. "Can you stand...?" "Of course I can stand!" Black Hat snapped in return, as if that should've been sooo obvious. He started to push himself to his feet, to which his body immediately convulsed in protest, refusing to support his weight. Flug reacted quickly, catching him before he could fall. "A-Are you oka-!?" "Oh, shut up...." The demon grumbled, though his annoyance was mostly directed at himself rather than Flug at this point. Everything about this is so degrading. Biting his tongue, Flug carefully slung the grump's arm over his shoulder to better support him. Surprisingly easy- the doctor wasn't expecting him to be that limp, honestly..... Looking around the room, Flug frowned. Literally no furniture to seat him on. Or anything, for that matter. He didn't even know a room in this showboat-y mansion could look so blank. For now, Flug walked him over to a wall and leaned him against it, sitting down next to him. "Y-You still haven't told me what this is...." It's still none of your damn business. Or so he was tempted to say, at least. What came out instead was another one of those infuriatingly painful coughs, coupled with sickly, low groans from the writhing openings along his side. What bad timing. 
The demon covered his mouth again to minimize blood spray, and Flug reached for the handkerchief again to wipe away the new trails of the liquid dripping down his chin. Black Hat was too tired to protest. One more look at Flug's face told him that the scientist certainly wasn't going to drop this. But he knew that already at this point. With a harsh sigh like that of a child being forced to apologize to someone they hate, Black Hat finally conceded. "...It's........ hrrm, how do I put it..? .....Kind of like overexertion? I suppose? That's the closest comparison I can think of, anyway..." "Overexertion?" Flug repeated, head tilting in confusion. "I didn't know you could even get overexerted." "Like I said, not a perfect comparison..." Black Hat replied. His face twisted with a hint of demur as he contemplated how else to put it and how much detail he should go into. "It, erm... it's like...." An irritated frown fell onto his face. With great reluctance, he continued, "... like a 'fine' for existing without a summoner, I've gathered." "........ 'Without a summoner.'" Flug repeated again, curiosity very piqued. Now that was an interesting thing to say, especially with how little the scientist actually knew about his past. "So you--" The demon held up a hand, an indicator for Flug to shut up. With a deep breath, a very quick ramble of words came out. "All powers have limitations. Normally my kind's abilities are limited in that we are restricted to the wishes and commands of a summoner. Since I have lacked one, this has been the toll taken on me instead. That is all you need to know." ".... I-I see..." Judging from Black Hat's tone, he did not like this conversation one bit. So, not wanting to bother him further, Flug stopped prying. Maybe the demon would be more willing to talk about that some other time. So this is kind of like recoil damage. That sort of makes sense, Flug supposed.... Well anyways.... Maybe now's a good time to drop this subject and do something about that lack of furniture.... Flug got to his feet. "I-I'll be right back. Don't, uh, don't go anywhere?"
"You're kidding, right?" The eldritch replied flatly. Ahehe.... uh.... right........ Anyways..... Without further ado, the doctor was out the door. But he wasn't gone long.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "This is ridiculous." Black Hat looked hilarious all squatted on the couch and bundled up in the array of striped blankets Flug brought down from upstairs. And what would usually be an intimidating, very unimpressed scowl on his face only added to the hilarity in this case. "Y-You've got to admit though, i-it's better than just slumping on the f-floor all the time, r-right?" Flug responded, cracking a tiny grin. Shrink ray in one hand and gravitational-distortion ray in the other, Flug positioned the shrunken lab table he had floated down alongside the couch so that it stood a few feet across from Black Hat, then reversed the Shrink Ray's effects to return it to its original size. "And I brought my lab stuff to work on too, s-so you can't say I'm slacking off while I'm down here~" "Your persistence, while impressive I suppose, is very annoying." The demon's eyes narrowed. "You have one last chance to get out before I kick you out." "Oh, oooh, you're going to kick me out? In your condition? Oh really?" Flug scoffed as he faced the demon, straightening his back and crossing his arms. Apparently the doctor felt he was in a decent enough position to throw a little sass. "Oh, I'd love to see this. Go on, sir, kick me out." Black Hat's eyes narrowed further and he let out a bitter huff. A tentacle shakily extended from his back, reaching its way over to the waiting scientist, and....
..... fell limply to the floor a few feet away from him. "..... Smartass......" Black Hat muttered tiredly in defeat, letting the tentacle sluggishly retract. That's what I thought, Flug opted not to say out loud. With that, he turned away from the eldritch for a moment to set up some equipment on the table. "This is ridiculous!" Black Hat said again, fangs bared in annoyance. "I don't need a damn babysitter! I am not a child!" "Then don't act like one." The doctor commented absentmindedly as he laid out vials. "Excuse me?"
"N-Nothing!!!" Flug peeped with a startled jolt, realizing his mistake immediately. Yeesh, did he actually say that out loud!? Sass is getting out of hand.....
"...Tch...." Looking away, Black Hat let the comment slide, even if it was only out of a tiredness too debilitating to actually do anything about it.
Flug let out a silent breath of relief for still being alive, then felt a pang of pity for the eldritch, sneaking a glance at him as he tried to stifle his coughing. He started to walk over, but was signalled to stop with a quick wave of Black Hat's hand. With a sigh, Flug changed direction and placed himself in the small grey swivel seat at his desk, getting to work on something or other. Things were quiet for a few minutes. "..... You know what else this is? A waste of money." Black Hat muttered suddenly, breaking the silence. "All these things are all going to be bloodsoaked and useless." Glancing up from his work, Flug raised an eyebrow. Then a very small smile crept its way beneath his bag. "So I'll invent a 'clean-ray' or something. Problem solved." "A........ 'clean-ray'." The demon repeated, brow quirking in return. "That's not evil at all." "Au contraire!" The doctor flashed him a playful grin, mischief tinting in his eyes. "It'll be an evil clean-ray that only works on evil furniture and laundry, reserved for only the most dastardly of sanitizings!" He tapped his chin in feigned contemplation, grin widening. "Bidding starts at, let's saaay..... fifty grand." Try as he may to fight it, Black Hat couldn't help but crack a grin, a weak chuckle escaping him. "I don't know what's worse, you thinking that anybody in their right minds would pay that much for such garbage, or 'dastardly sanitizings'." Flug's face perked up instantly, the scientist very pleasantly surprised that he actually got a laugh out of that. "Hey, you would be surprised!" He quipped back, jauntily drumming his fingers along the desk. "Not everyone has a 5.0.5. to clean for them, and people can be preeeetty lazy!" Leaning forwards, he glanced back and forth before whispering as if their customers might hear, "Not to mention much of our clientele aren't in their right minds in the first place~" "Doctor!" Black Hat snickered again, "It would be terrible for business if our customers heard you saying such things!" "Well, am I wrong?" Flug smirked, now leaning back and folding his arms behind his head. "Snrrk. No, of course not." The demon grinned. Though his smile was short lived, looking down to avoid Flug's gaze and lifting the edge of a blanket to his mouth as he violently coughed up blood into them. He grimaced at the noise of his employee quickly rising from his chair. "Oh don't get up, I'm fine--" Unsurprisingly, his declaration of being 'fine' was cut off by an even worse series of coughs. Flug was swift in moving from the desk and to his side, seating himself next to him on the couch with those absolutely frustrating worry-filled eyes.
Black Hat continued to avoid eye contact, staring deadly at the floor. He could feel his muscles stiffening, and had to put every inch of focus into holding back a spasm as long as he could. As a result, his voice came out broken and stuttered. "Y-y-you really d-don't ha-have to-- h-have t-to b-be h-here, do-doctor...." "I want to be here." Flug said quietly. Slow and careful, he wrapped an arm around his boss's tense body, pulling him close so that he now leaned on the scientist. Voice a gentle murmur, he added, "Just let it happen, sir. D-Don't make this harder on yourself than it needs to be." A shiver went through his body as Flug's other arm slipped across his blanketed torso and rested a hand on his shoulder, but it was near indistinguishable from the awful shuddering his body was doing at this point. He tried to say something, but that cursed cough was all he could manage. Each wheezy breath was a fight for air, and it sounded like he was choking on his own blood with every inhale he tried to take, the coughing not letting up for even a moment. Not until the tentacles came out again. They ripped out of his back, movements even more sporadic and frenzy-like than before, tearing through the blankets and ripping a good chunk out of the couch. Flug tensed up when Black Hat failed to stifle a tortured outcry of pure agony when another unbearable wave of pain ravaged his nervous system. He pressed his face onto Flug's chest, eyes squeezing shut, and he mentally cursed himself for failing to stifle the next humiliating noise to escape him, a weak whine. Flug was starting to see why he hid himself so far down in the house. He placed a soft kiss on the man's top hat, delicately rubbing his back as gently as possible. It took some time before the stabbing pain subsided to a dull ache for now. Breaths heavy with exhaustion, an annoyed sigh left his mouth. "T-They're getting worse..." Flug whispered worriedly, caressing Black Hat's arm. "They get worse before they get better," was the tired mutter the demon replied with, looking away. "It's normal.... Don't sound so damn scared....." "... I-I'll t-try..." Flug responded, leaving another kiss on the hat. They were left in silence again for a few moments longer. Then the doctor got to his feet. "I-I'll get you some water!" He figured. "Maybe that will help! Just have to slip by 5.0.5. and Dementia again." He turned towards the door, but paused when his boss piped up. "Wait. Dementia's been left with no capable supervision, no idea where you disappeared to, probably bored out of her mind, basically alone." "Ah... yes...." "Do you remember what happened last time we did that?" Oh yes, Flug remembered it well. She had made the brilliant idea of prank-calling a large portion of clientele, specifically ones with grudges against each other, and scheduled meetings all on the same day. Not to mention the stuff in Flug's lab she 'accidentally' broke setting up booby traps for the 'event'. That was..... a chaotic day, to say the least. "......Uhh..... Good point....." "All the more reason for you to drop this dumb little mercy mission and leave me be down here." The demon smirked. "I am not leaving you alone like this down here." That much, Flug was insistent on. Black Hat merely rolled his eyes. "I-I'm sure she can survive on her own for a few days." Black Hat shook his head, burying his face in his hands with an irritated groan. No matter what way this ends up, it's going to be a headache. His secret was already out with one of his employees, so it's only a matter of time... Might as well just get it over with all of them. He gave a long, frustrated sigh before speaking again. ".... You know what, just.... forget it. Forget about sneaking by them. They'll have found out eventually." Well, it's not like this experience can get much worse. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..... Well..... this isn't so bad..... For one, Black Hat never thought he'd ever be enjoying the feeling of 5.0.5.'s soft, warm fur, but there he was, leaning against the comfy teddy bear like a giant pillow. The bear had curled up on the floor by the couch, as he was too heavy to sit on it without breaking it. Dementia took the couch, laying on her stomach and kicking her legs back and forth in the air. Even she had been providing adequate company. "And get this!" Dementia chirped, filling the demon in on the newest edition of Wickedness Weekly, "Y'know that dumb hero that's been givin' the Dapperman crew and a bunch of other villains such a hard time lately, 'Eclipse Extraordinaire'?" She flopped over the edge of the couch, tapping a finger on one of the visuals provided on the page, "Guess whose recently-installed Black Hat Org. security system put a stop to the pest?~" "Naturally." Black Hat crowed after looking over the picture of the hero's remains splattered across the ground,"I told Dapperman that he wouldn't be disappointed with his purchase. Now there's--" He had to pause, taking a moment to quickly bite back a horrible cough, "--there's some proof~" He finished, still with an edge of smug to his voice. "Bwar.....?" 5.0.5. lifted his head slightly, voice touched with confused concern. The bear must have felt Black's body seize up. "What?" Black Hat snapped, a strain in his tone that was getting harder to conceal. "I-'Im f-fine." Flug looked up from the small piece of machinery he'd been toying with at his desk when he took notice of the strain. He sounds like he's about to double over. "Okay, visiting hours are over!" Flug stated, rising from his chair. "Shoo, you two. He needs some peace and quiet for a while." "Awww, pooh." Dementia pouted in disappointment. The scientist hoisted her off the couch, 5.0.5. helping the demon sit there instead (while he muttered some offhand, not really true comment about being able to move himself, probably). As Flug escorted them to the door, Dementia flashed him a teasing smirk."Since when did you become such a mother hen?"
"Since our resident mother hen fell ill, of course." He quipped back. "DID YOU JUST CALL ME A MOTHER HEN!? I'D TURN YOU ALL INTO OMELETTES!!!" Oh great, he wouldn't last much longer if he kept up that shouting. "Okay really, shoo!" Flug repeated, shooing her out the door and 5.0.5. along with her. "I'll let you know when you can come back." That seemed to satisfy them, and they were soon on their way, Flug closing the door behind them. With them finally out of sight, Black Hat succumbed to the vicious coughing fit he broke down into, body curling up slightly from pain. As usual, Flug was quick to move to his side, holding out his arms in offering. A shaky sigh left Black Hat as he leaned into the embrace, knowing there was no point in pushing Flug away. The scientist went through what was quickly becoming routine, comfortingly stroking his boss's back as the violent convulsions took their toll, tentacles spasming and carelessly ripping through the couch's fabric and splattering blood everywhere, Black Hat doing everything he could to muffle the noises of agony falling from him all the while desperately clinging to Flug in his attempt to hold himself together. "'M-Mother hen'... bah...." Black Hat muttered when he gained control of his voice once more. He didn't actually sound annoyed though, more so it was just banter to distract himself from the stinging. "You're all a bunch of pests that can't even leave me alone for a few days...." "Aw admit it, you kinda liked their company." Flug said, offering a weak smile. "I saw how snug you were with 5.0.5., and I bet you missed hearing about which heroes have been offed by our merch." "Hmph. Maybe." The eldritch shifted slightly to more comfortably lean against Flug, wincing at the movement. When the doctor felt him shudder, he softly caressed Black Hat's arm, getting a weak, almost inaudible purr from the demon. This is almost over. He should be better soon. That's what he had to keep telling himself. Almost there. Almost. ~~~~~~~~~~ "Think you can fix it, 5.0.5.....?" Flug frowned as he and the bear looked over the damaged couch in contemplation. It had been returned to its original location in one of the spare rooms, but it certainly didn't go with the fancy, rich-person decor anymore, basically shredded along the back and utterly soaked in blood. Black Hat had ordered them to leave him alone for a while so he could compose himself, so Flug and the others had taken to fixing up the upstairs and returning everything to its proper place in the meantime. "Bwrr..." 5.0.5. frowned as well, tilting his head. He ran a paw along one of the rips, pulling at a loose shred of fabric and giving Flug a questioning look. "Brrwo?" "I think I can get you some similar fabric, yeah. So a deep-clean and a new covering and you think it'll be okay?" "Why not just get a new one?" Dementia piped up, watching them boredly from where she had been twiddling around a few feet away. "Waaay less effort." Flug was about to shoot back a reply, but they all stopped talking at the sound of clacking shoes entering the room. All attention turned to the door. Black Hat strode inside with his usual steady, confidence-filled gait, just finishing up pulling a glove over his right hand. He walked directly over to his three employees, cold eyes staring through each one of them. "Let me make something very clear." He began, voice low and very serious, "If any of you dare bring up the events of the past few days, you lose your tongues. If any of this is to ever come to the knowledge of anyone outside of us four...." Narrowing his eyes, he stepped forwards, leaning forwards until he was mere inches away from them. ".... you lose your lives." Stepping back again, he straightened his back, looking between the three. "Am I understood?" "Uh, duh!" Dementia replied rather bluntly. "We're not going to go spouting this to the public! C'mon B.H., we wouldn't do that to ya!" Flug and 5.0.5. both nodded in agreement. "Our lips are sealed, sir." Black Hat's expression was harsh and unreadable at first, taking a moment to consider their words, before giving a slow nod. ".... Good. Get back to work, then." With that, the trio dispersed, each trotting off to their respective posts, Black Hat watching them go. "...... Flug." He called just as the doctor was about to leave the room, the harshness in his voice from before seeming to whittle away. Flug paused, turning around and walking back to the demon with a puzzled tilt of the head. "Yes, sir?" Errgh.... How to say this..... "Erm... Well, it's..... ahem..." His eyes wandered around the room, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to formulate the words. Flug's expression softened with good humor. "I, er, just wanted to say.... ah...." The demon's stammering skidded to a halt when Flug leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "You're welcome, sir." The dumbstricken stare that stuck on the demon's face made Flug wish he had a camera. "Wh- That's- I didn't-" Trying to cover up how easily he was mindread, he spat bitterly, "Th-That's not-- I-I was going to order you never to do that again, that's all!" "Mhm. Whatever you say." The scientist grinned, clearly aware of his original intention. Black Hat let out an annoyed huff, trudging over to the door. "I mean it, doctor! Next time, do not do that again!" At that, he was off. Flug rolled his eyes, chuckling at the utter tsundere-ness of his boss. He pulled a pen out of the pocket of his labcoat, casually twirling it in his fingers as he made his way to the lab. He was totally going to do it again next time.
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fatesinthenight · 7 years
Dark's Heart (part 6)
Dark took you around the first floor. You go into the studio for Willford and Bim. You run around so excited looking the cameras, props, outfits, the set ,and even a stage for performances. While there you tell Willford if he still wanted to do that interview for fun.
"Yes!! My journalism skills will astound you." Willford winks at you and drags Bim to help him set thing up.
"Why did you have to humor him..." Dark pinches the bridge of his nose already hating this.
"Come on he asked. Besides it looks fun. And how about I do this and you can go off and do your work." You smile up a Dark. You did feel bad about keeping him from his work.
"I said it can wait. I don't want to leave you alone with him. Who knows what will do." Dark watches Bim set up two chairs and the lights and Willford curls his pink mustache at the ends to look good.
"Ok stay and suffer." You laugh. You go to sit at the chair that faces Willford ready for questions.
"Will please don't stab me at the end of this or shove a boom box in my face. I want to live to finish my shows." You give him your pinky.
Will takes it with his, "I promise for you. But the boom box is out of my hands." Will sits up and begins. "So (Y/N) you have become quite the internet sensation after the great boop. How are you handling your fame."
"Well I did have a run in with some not so happy people but other than that the community thought I was really funny and thought is was brave. I mean come on look at him." You look over at Dark. "He was asking for it." Dark rolls his eyes.
"True true he did. Speaking of that. What exactly is this thing going on between you two hmmmm?" Will raises an eyebrow and leans in.
"O that. Yea so Dark helped me out in a situation and now I owe him. So im here til the date has been done." You say smiling.
"Dark. That guy." Will looks at a brooding Dark. "Helped you? Well am I in an alternate universe now? Are still talking about the same man?"
"I know right? Yes sir that guy. But you know I own him now because of it so he so planed that. But you know while I got him here mind as well have some fun with the guy." You laugh.
"Ooooo your talking about the texting. I may have peeked at a few of those. Might I say the one about if he really is evil enough to steal candy from a baby was great." Willford saids smiling.
"He said you did that once." You look at Willford with a smirk.
"Hey that little brat took the last box of gummy bears. It was fair game." Willford tries to act innocent.
"Sure keep telling yourself that." You laugh.
"He does all the time." Bim saids holding the boom box.
"Hey hey Willford doesn't take shit from no one. But you get off because your so cute." Willford winks at you. Dark glares at Willford from that.
"Anyway moving on. You have been putting quite the charms are good old Darkiplier here." Willford tugs his suspenders.
"Really?" You look back at Dark smiling. "How so?"
"O he has toned down the evil. And I may or may not have seen a picture of you on his phone that the stares at from time to time." Willford wiggles his mustache.
"We are done here." Dark tugs you out of the seat. "Lets go."
You tug back. "Wait I want to hear more about this. its very interesting!" You tease Dark.
Dark picks you up and throws you over his shoulder. He gave no choice and takes you out of the studio. You yell back at Will and Bim that you had fun. Dark leads you to where the Googles take care of all the electronics and technology of the house. You go to Green, Red, and Yellow and ask who was the cutest out of the four. Green and Red said Yellow instantly and you laugh telling Yellow he was a sweet cinnamon roll. Dark takes you away again still over his shoulder to his office and only backs in for a peek and then takes you away. Then you look at Dr.Iplier's clinic to be greeted by him looking at you and Dark with a confused expression. He gives you a lollypop and you reach for it but Dark whisks you away before you could get it. You act like a kid and repeatedly smack his back saying no fair. He said he doesn't care and lets you continue to smack him, he smiles at your attempts to hurt him. He makes his way to the garage and you get a peek at the cars; one pink, another sleek black, a old truck, and a van. Next is the kitchen he only makes a walk around and you look around and then he heads upstairs.
"Hey are you going to put me down soon? Aren't you tired?" You ask.
"Are you questioning my strength?" Dark chuckles. "Please this is nothing. Although maybe you should consider losing a few pounds."
You smack him again. "Rude!!" Dark actually laughs. It takes you by surprise and it makes your heart skip a beat at the sound of him laughing softly. You smile happily to yourself.
Dark only walks around to show each ego's door to their room. The others poke their heads out of their rooms to see Dark walk down the hall with you over his shoulder. Host doesn't look out his room but can hear your voices pass his room and he opens the door to his room. "Host has the list that (Y/N) wanted for books... (Y/N) is in a states where they can not take anything at the moment however." Host holds the list to himself.
"Oooo I want it!! Please!!" You beg Dark to let you down. He does without question and you walk up to Host. He holds out the list and you take it carefully from his hands. "Thank you so much Host. I will read them all!!" You hug Host happily. He is taken back by it but he returns the hug shyly. You let him go and Dark drags you again. This time Ed pops his head out of his room with his calculations to prices for your games. You take it and hug him too and he bear hugs you. Dark growls at that and takes you again. You keep getting stopped by the others and you hug them all after talking to them. Dark finally had it and scoops you up again and takes you to his room.
His room is gray with all black modern style furniture. He has another smaller desk by a wall and beside it is a book shelf. A window that looks outside the front yard with a good view of the sun setting. He has a simple entertainment center with a flat screen T.V and the foot of his bed is facing it. Beside his bed is a small table with a lamp and his closet is open to show it is a walk in one.
"Fancy. Its so.. Dark." You say with a sophisticated tone.
"You actually went there." Dark groans. He puts you down infront of him. He didn't realize how close you were to him when he put you down. You were inches from each others faces. Your chest and his are practically against each other. Dark can feel your chest go out when you take a breath and he can clearly see the color of your eyes picking out every shade. You can see his eyes too, thinking they were black but then realize they have hints of brown to them. You both look at each other for a while then you turn your head and see music sheets on Dark's small desk.
"You write music?" You tilt your head. You walk to his desk and pick it up.
"I do at times. Helps me relax." Dark watches you looking through the paper.
"You relax? That's rare." You say still skimming through the paper. "Can I have a demo?" You look at Dark with a tilt head and soft smile.
The smile did it for him. That dam smile he thought. He takes your hand and pulls you into his void and your now in his office. You look around more. A large desk in the center of the room and a larger bookshelf off to the side filled with books and binders. then you notice the piano at the corner. You walk over to it, its so pretty and smooth and of course its black.
Dark sits on the bench and looks at you. "Well?" You sit beside him. He puts the sheet music up and puts his hands on the keys. His hands move so gracefully along the keys. The tone starts off heavy like a storm and then hits a high point. It goes deeper and deeper then suddenly stops and transitions to a lighter tone. You look up at Dark, his eyes are closed and he focuses on the keys. The sound is so sweet now and calming. It gives off a feeling of being content and at peace. It ends with a soft tone and Dark opens his eyes and looks down at the keys.
"Wow... that was amazing. Does it have a name?" You look at him curious.
Dark looks at you. "It doesn't. I don't usually name them."
"Well you should. Gives it good meaning." You smile up at him.
Dark studies you. You put your attention to the piano and play some keys randomly. He looks at your eyes, down to your hands on the keys, and then up to your lips. He just focuses on your lips remembering when he brushed his thumb over them as you slept. They felt so warm and soft, it felt different to him. He touched his own while you were distracted, more firm and cold. He had the sudden urge to test if he can warm his with yours. Dark faces you and leans in slowly his other hand beginning to reach your cheek to make you face him. But then your phone goes off making him back off.
"O shit its late!! I really should get going now." You look at Dark having no clue what he was trying to do. "Umm do you think you can just plop me back home?" 
Dark looks at you for a while longer before he answers. "If it gets you out of here sooner be my guest." He snaps his fingers and a void pops up. You sit up and walk to it nervous. "Im not going to send you to a different dimension if that what you are wondering."
"Somewhat disappointing but ok." You poke your head into it and are greeted with your bedroom. You come back out and face Dark. "Thanks for the tour. Your house is very lively. Got to end this last day with a bang right?"
Dark remembers the date is tomorrow. The last day he will see you. "If that's what you say then. Im just going to be glad to rid of you at this point."
"Awwww your so going to miss me. who else will send you all the texts and important phone calls." You laugh. "Goodnight Darkiplier. See you tomorrow for our date." You walk into the void and it disappears once you make it to your room. You get into pajamas and lay in bed. You start to think of all the fun you had and get sad. You don't want it to end. You think of Dark more and cuddle into your pillow more and blush thinking of his eyes.
Dark sits at his piano. He plays the soft part of the song he played for you slowly. He runs a hand through his hair frustrated. He thinks to himself why he almost tried to kiss you, why did he even think of it. Your date was it, your final day with him and he had been wanting to get it over with. Now he wants you to stay longer. To make an excuse to prolong it but he cant think of a good reason why. He begins to play a new tune he made on the spot. It sounds so soft and lovely. Comparing it to a feeling of longing and needing of you. It was a clear feeling of wanting you near him. Dark stops and takes out a pencil and writes down the notes.
Dark feels it again that thing in his chest thumping away. He clenches his chest, why does it do that the thinks. There it goes.
Thump Thump. He pictured your eyes.
Thump thump* He pictured your face.
Thump Thump* He sees your smile.
Thump Thump Thump* He thinks of how you feel so close to him.
Thump Thump Thump* Your lips so soft.
Thump Thump Thump Thump* The thought of his lips crushing into yours.
"(Y/N).... why do you do this to me..." Dark whispers.
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karij · 5 years
OCtober Writing Prompts Day 10 - In something they wouldn’t normally wear.
A memory from 10 years ago, when Karrigan was 23 years old.
“Are you sure it’s not a little too… revealing?”
Ma, Cadi, and Eleanore all turn and look at me simultaneously. They look at each-other and blink once, twice in unison, then look at me incredulously. Ma opens her mouth, closes it, and then finally replies.
“Karrigan, dearest. I will admit it’s a bit… daring. But I think 30 minutes before the ceremony might not be quite the right time to change your wardrobe.”
I purse my lips. She’s right I just didn’t realize how exposed I would feel now that I put it on. My arms and shoulders are bare and the front is cut deeper than I had realized. And the back… my shoulder blades are sticking out. And without sleeves my arms look so thin, like twigs. And it’s not like I have much to show from that deep neck but well… there’s the problem isn’t it. 
“You’re right ma. I just… I was really hoping to put on some more weight by now.” I fold my arms across my chest. “I look like a scarecrow. And everybody’s going to see it.”
“The healer did say that you might have difficulty filling back out, dear.” Ma sits down facing towards me, her smile patient but her eyes tired. This has been hard on her too. “It’s to be expected with your illness, especially after how much Peony took out of you.”
“Besides!” Cadi steps closer and puts her arm around me. “Who cares about the dress. You look beautiful Karri. You’d look beautiful in a flour sack.”
“That’s easy for you to say.” My voice is petulant. I hate it, but I can’t keep that tone out of my voice. I’ve never been good at hiding that I’m jealous of my sisters, even jealous of my mother. They’re all gorgeous. Fully grown, womanly. I look like a child playing dress-up next to them. 
“I mean it Karri.” Cadi steps behind me. “Stop looking at us, look at yourself!” She turns me towards a mirror. Ma bought it years back. It’s polished steel, but nearly as tall as I am. I look down but she takes my chin and guides my gaze upwards. I see myself. For better or worse.       
The first thing I see is what I expected. I’m thin. And not in the good way. The delivery took a lot out of me but the downtime afterwards was worse. I was so tired and so sick I could hardly move or even keep food down. I wasted away in less than two months. Years of work, gone.
My wrists and elbows stick out, and though I can’t see them in my reflection I’m sure my ankles do as well. My shoulders are narrow and boney. So are my hips. The back of my dress hides my stomach but shows the sides of my ribs. They stick out. Not enough to be concerning but enough to be noticeable. The deep neck makes my chest look flat as a washboard. Which it is. I look like I could be carried away by a strong wind. Honestly, I’m not sure I couldn’t be. I look weak.
This isn’t helping. I try to turn away again but Cadi holds me still. She didn’t use to be able to do that. I struggle for a moment but quickly give up. I’m too weak to break free. 
“Shhhh.” She wraps her arms around my shoulders in a hug. “Look up. Higher.”
I don’t want to, but she’s not going to let me go until I’ve convinced her that I feel better. I look above my skinny, boney little neck and see my face. Its thinner than I’m used to but after almost an hour of attention from ma and my sisters it looks almost… full? My cheeks have filled out, they’re not hollows like they were a few weeks ago. The same goes for my eyes. They’re still tired and, right now, blurry with tears, but they shine through. Bright and pretty and green, like emeralds. I’ve always liked my eyes. My hair looks nice also. I usually try to force it into waves but not today. It falls in rich red curls around my ears, wild and loose. My ears poke through, long and pointed and slender. Beautiful. 
“I… I guess I look okay.”
“You look more than okay. You look lovely. But… maybe there is something missing.”
I panic. My eyes go wide. “Something’s missing? What is it?” What did I forget? Oh Mother, what did I miss? My breathing starts to speed up. Shallow, rapid breaths. “What did I miss?”
“Oh, I, no. No, Karri, you didn’t miss anything.” She squeezes me tighter, “It’s ok. Calm down.”
I look up at her, cross. “Well why would you say something was missing if it wasn’t missing?”
“I was trying to lead into something. I’m sorry.” 
“... It’s okay. I’m sorry I snapped.”
“It’s alright.” Cadi turns to look at Eleanore, “Is Nia here yet?” 
“Yeah, she got here a few minutes ago.”
I perk up. “Nia’s here? Nia Gardner?” 
Eleanore blushes. Why is she blushing? “Um, y-yeah. She’s bringing something for me. Well, its for you but um, I asked her to bring it, I mean.”
I blink slowly, then look up at Cadi “Okay, what’s she blushing about?”
Cadi smirks. “Nia dear! Do come in.”
The door opens and Nia steps through. She’s a lightfoot and lovely as always, and wearing yellow. LOTS of yellow. Is she seeing somebody? She closes the door, then turns to Eleanore and puts her arms around her waist. Then she kisses her. Passionately. VERY passionately.
Oh. I see.
Nia pulls away after a long moment, smirking. Eleanore is covering her face and turning a very interesting shade of pink. Nia giggles. “Morning Elli.” Eleanore squeaks back a tiny, barely audible ‘good morning’ and Nia pats her cheek and turns towards me.
“Delivery for Mrs. Goodbarrel.” She steps forwards, pulling something from her bag. A circle of flowers. Daisies. Fresh and bright. She sets it on my head with a smile. 
“You look beautiful Karri. Alton is going to go crazy.”
I look down, shuffling my feet. “Thank you.”
“Of course dear. Now I’m off. Good luck!.”
She gives me a quick hug then moves to the door, pecking Eleanore on the lips on her way out and sending her blushing once again. Mother waves her a cheery goodbye, then goes to Eleanore and helps her into a chair to calm down. Some things never change.
Cadi looks over. “Ma, are you ready?” 
She looks at me and tilts her head. “Hmmmm. I think there might be one more thing.” She walks over to me and pulls something bright out of her pocket. She lifts my hair and reaches behind my neck, latching something tight. “There we are.” 
I look down. Dangling just above the hollow of my chest is a silver locket on a chain. Bright and shiny, engraved with a simple image of a daisy. I reach down and lift it, flipping it open, and gasp. Painted inside is… us. It’s my family. Me and Alton and Marigold and Peony, the loves of my life. The detail is amazing especially for such a small image. There they are, against my heart. Always and forever. I look up at ma, tears welling up in my eyes. 
“Mama, thank you.” I throw my arms around her, holding her as tight as I can. “Thank you.”
“I love you baby.” 
“I love you too mama.”
She holds me for a long moment. Then pulls back, smiling at me through tears of her own.
“Now lets dry those tears. It’s almost time.”
I nod and she wipes my eyes with a handkerchief before turning to the bed where the last piece is waiting. She lifts it up, holding it to her chest for a moment and then turning back to me. Her shawl. My shawl. My mother’s shawl. Light blue, faded and worn. But it’s ours. She pulls it snugly around my shoulders and pins it closed with my silver ring and pin. 
I don’t feel so exposed anymore. I’m warm and safe. I’m home.
Ma smiles at me, making one last adjustment to our shawl before stepping back.
“Are you ready Karri?”
“I’m ready.” and I am. 
“Then let’s go.”
And she takes me by the arm and leads me to the door. And we walk out together, arm in arm.    
0 notes
hotcocosharing · 7 years
Nasty Fall (OTBS SMUT public sex)
Fandom: Our Two Bedrooms Story Category: Smut Character:  Soryu Oh / Chiaki Yuasa Notes: Semi public sex, don’t take this too seriously
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
"Are you sure you don't want this?" He smiles gently as he pulls his fingers out, "You're quite wet for me, aren't you?"
Dropping his hips a bit, he frees his harden cock through his yukata and stands back up, thrusting deeply into her butthole. "No, wait!!" Her voice hitch a little when his moist fingers pinch her nipple firmly, "Ahh, we.. we.. shouldn't do it.. here." If it's a protest, it has failed miserably. She sounds rather aroused by the very situation, "Then I won't move." Playing with her needy clit with his thumb, he passionately licks her other nipple.
"Ahhh...Hmm...Ngh ..Uuhhh...!! Haaa..wait...I..." Unable to deny the pleasure, she gives in. "Don't..be.. mean.. please.. move.." She begs and squeezes down on his dick, "Well then I won't hold back." Her body immediately tense up at his words, clenching onto his cock tighter but that's not the only reason. The sound of sandals begin to draw closer towards their direction, "Wait!" She whisperers, if only she knows how turn on he is and how hard he's trying not to move.
He waits, watching her innocent face goes pale and holding the urge not to tease her further more. She holds her breath, every nerve focuses on the approaching footsteps and voices which sounds like a bunch of college students. As soon as the giggling and chatter walk past, he picks up his pace in no time. Thrusting in and out, half mischievously and half maliciously. Her perfect tight ass is more sensitive than expected and it feels so good contracting around him.
"I love being inside you." He leans in and hisses to her ear, staring at her flushed cheeks. "It feels even better when you're embarrassed."
"No...Uhh....Haa..haa..ahh..Ngh....uuhhh.." Unable to answer, he takes the opportunity and slams into her hard. "Haa...haa...Uhaaa.. ahhhhhh!" The moans she's desperately trying to strife are pouring endlessly from her cherry lips. The sounds she makes with his thrusts have a clear undertone of pleasure, her nipple under his fingers becomes hard too. "Told you it'll feel good, do you like it now?" 
"Hmmmm...ahhhhhhh...waii..... I'm...ahhh.. cl..close..Fuck...Ahhh....stop.... I'm..gonna..."
Cursing at him between whimper, half begging half moaning with her trembling voice as he pounds her ass fiercely. "Do you really want me to stop? I will if you want me to." He says, hands on her hips, pulling out to his tip and thrusts all the way back in.
"What....ahhhhhhh....ahhh..ahhh!!" She can hardly breath, let alone answers him. Her rectum and anus are wet and slippery with her own juice, making it even easier to fuck her ass raw. "Tell me, baby. Should I stop?" He teases, swirling his tongue over her ear.
"No, please don't stop! Ahhhhhhh..." Arching her head back and clenching onto his yukata, she cries. "Fuck me! Make me cum!"
Every time he plunges hard into her, her hazel eyes start to falter from the intense sensation and friction piercing her ass. His hips begin to shake from the sweet pressure of her walls, lifting her thigh higher to get better access, he pounds hard, hitting her spot in one stroke.
"Ahhhhhhh!!!! Ahhhhhhh....shhhhh!!!!"
Pumping his seeds relentlessly into her ass at his release as she twitches and squeezes more semen out of him. Her body relax as she comes down from her high, resting against the tree. The look on her face while she cum, taking in his dick from her ass that's now filled with his hot seeds, it's making him hard again.
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Just as her breathing begins to calm, he moves again. His half harden member has returned to its full firmness after two or three thrusts, "You are so sexy. Your face, your moan, your insides...you make me so hard." His hot breath all over her face, she slams her lips into his and overlaps their tongues. Tasting him, melting completely into him. Forgetting where she is, who she is and how wrong everything is.
"Do you like it baby?"
"Hmmmm....yessss..." She whimpers weakly.
"Do you want more?"
"Ahhhh... yes... Fuck me more..."
His semen dripping down her soft but bruised thighs, his fingers back to fucking her pussy too. "Ahhhhhhh...Fuck....Fuck...Fuck....."
As he moves his hips and mixes up the semen inside her, he slams in and out, intentionally trying to make more squishy sound. "Hmmm..." Covering her mouth with one hand as she can't keep it down, "You've been quite loud for a while now."
Staring at her as she blankly gazes back at him, face redder than ever. "Are you trying to make me harder? Or do you want a third round?" He thrusts faster before she'd react, "Haa.... hmmmm...ahhhh..uuhhh..God, uuhhh.. it feels soooo gooddd.. ahh your dick... deeep inside myyy ass...hmmmm"
Bucking her hips up for more friction and wanting to be joined even deeper. "Ahhhh oh goddd..... fuckkkk...hmmmm" Her face has lost all composure as she moves her hips to match his thrusts, she's trying to cum but given her position, she can't move very well. Her thighs begin to tremble as he is still toying with her pussy. "I'm..... cummmm...."
He locks eyes with hers although they are only half open, increasing both his pace from his fingers and below, slamming as fast and ruthless as possible. "Haaa..haaa....Ahhhh....uuhhh...ahhhhhhh!!"
Her body twitches and jumps, clenching hard against his cock. He however defying the pressure by pulling out so far then thrusts deep into her again. "Ahhhh..uuhhh.. Ahhhhhh!!!!!"
His seeds burst out and pumps into her rectum with his every stroke, her entire body is shaking as she's still moaning frantically, delirious with the after sensation. His semen oozing out from the slight gap between them, dripping down their steamy thighs and land on the grass.
"What happened?" Soryu rushes to her side and stares at the man whose hand is wrapped round her waist. He lets go, "She tripped and had a nasty fall." Regardless whether the mobster is buying his make up story is least of her worry, she seriously can't take another step after what they'd been doing in the bush. "Here's my card." He gives it to Soryu, "Chiaki Yuasa, editor at the..." Soryu's eyes darken and quickly opens the car door, "She won't be doing any interview."
Her heart leaps when she realizes he's a journalist but the door's closed and she watches him from the back window as Soryu drives away. "Oh I know but she'll tell me everything," Chiaki smirks with a hidden camera in his hand. "Mrs. Ichinomiya."
59 notes · View notes
fearofaherobrine · 7 years
Roleplay Server Log #146
“A Visit From Jeff, Kittybrine Returns”
[Jeff] After yelling at BEN to open a damn way in has stumbled onto the server on his butt at spawn- Stupid fucking asshole
[Smile] Perks up-
[liu] was that jeff?
[Smile] Barks and takes off running-
[liu] -is doing his best tp keep up with smile but is falling behind slightly-
[Smile] Spots Jeff at spawn and puts on another burst of speed, barreling into his owner-
[Jeff] - Oof, Smile!
[liu] -catches up huffing an puffing-
[Jeff] Is wrestling with Smile a bit-
[liu] hey jeff how have you been?
[Jeff] Scowls at Liu- None of your damn business
[liu] awe come on jeff I miss seeing you.
[Jeff] - Whatever, do you know where the fuck Splender is?
[liu] he should be at his house.
[Jeff] - Great, I have to go to that barf spectacle
[Doc] Notes Jeff re-entering the server and races for the spawn to make sure he didn't bring anyone else back in. Xe stays in hir human form and crouches behind a tree to watch them from afar.
[liu] I heard in chat ben had his kid.
[Jeff] - Wait, what?  How the fuck?
[liu] yea his mate had the baby
[Jeff] - Mate?  I think you're going crazy, BEN is a dork, who would ever want to be his mate?
[liu] have you never met aven and gem? aven is his mate.
[Doc] Allows hirself a little chuckle at Jeff's confusion
[Jeff] - THE FUCK?
[Doc] Pffft!
[liu] I think they said the baby was named hyrule.
[Jeff] - Whatever, I need to deliver a message to Splender and then take Smile out, the SCP is trying to hide somewgere in the woods, so we need Smile to sniff them out...  And Seriously?  Now I know you're bluffing
[liu] what no aven was pregnant for awhile.
[Jeff] - Yeah right, starts heading for Splender's place with Smile happily at his side
[Doc] Follows quietly-
[liu] -following- I bet splender will confirm it.
[Jeff] - Yeah right
[Splender] Is playing with Sally outside-
[Sally] - Jeff!- She runs for him and jumps into his arms as he picks her up
[liu] hey splendor didn't aven and ben have a baby?
[Jeff] - Hey kiddo
[Splender] - Of course, you saw, didn't you?
[Jeff] - Yeah, still not believing you
[liu] this is why I asked jeff doesn't believe me.
[Splender] - Well we can always go visit
[Jeff] - No time, Slendy sends his apologies about how long this is taking, but the SCP is being more tenacious than usual.  I was ordered to get Smile to sniff them out
[Splender] - I see, any estimate on how much longer this may take?
[aven] -is just coming to splendors house she is pushing the baby carriage with hyrule in it.-
[BEN] Is floating along beside them-
[Jeff] - No estimate yet, no
[Splender] - Hmmmm, Oh!  Aven!  Hello dear!
[aven] hello splendor I thought you would like to see hyrule because when he was born you couldn't stay.
[Splender] Squeals-
[Jeff] - No
[aven] -picks hyrule up out of the carriage and brings him over to splendor- isn't he just the cutest.
[Splender] - So adorable!
[Jeff] Rolls his eyes-
[Smile] Walks around Aven trying to sniff the baby-
[liu] I told you they had a baby
[BEN] - Jeff, dude!  Glad to see you made it through the portal
[Jeff] - Fuck you asshole
[aven] don't swear around hyrule.
[Jeff] - Fuck you too bitch
[aven] -makes a growl as her voice spills to hers and the second ben voice- do not test me do not swear in front of hyrule.
[Jeff] - Does it look like I fucking care?
[BEN] - Uh, Jeff?
[aven] -water for the ocean start to creep closer to jeff she want to drown him- do not test me
[Jeff] - Bitch I'm not scared of you
[aven] -water is now up to jeff's neck and is creeping closer to covering jeff's head- oh you should be.
[Jeff] Grins and darts forward making a small motion at Smile who barks loudly and snaps at Aven-
[aven] -water start to swell everywhere except around her and ben and rising fast she hasn't lost concentration she is just panicking now trying to defend her ben and hyrule from everything-
[BEN] Darts forwards to block Jeff, turning into his more adult form-
[aven] -the bubble the is surrounding ben is now surrounding jeff too but the water is rising the whole shore-
[Splender] Has teleported on top of his house with Sally-
[Smile] Is happily doggy paddling around-
[aven] -just the small area where everyone was standing is under serval blocks of water everywhere else is untouched including splendors house she can't make it any deeper-
[BEN] He and Jeff are tousling now-
[aven] -isn't even looking up she is holding hyrule carefully and watching him. it seems both sides of her are talking separately to hyrule despite how quite her ben half normally is.-
[BEN] Is being distracted by his fear of water- Uh, Aven?  Can we tone down the water?
[aven] -the bubble gets bigger around ben and a path opens between them she is not ready to let the water down she is still over worried for their safety-
[BEN] Ends up punching Jeff in the face-
[Jeff] - Fucker!
[BEN] - Dude, you're only making this worse!
[aven] -after hearing the curse tries to close the water on jeff but not hurt or get close to ben-
[BEN] Shrieks a little and darts away from the water-
[aven] -closes the water on jeff-
[Jeff] Holds his breath for as long as he can-
[aven] -is trying to force the water though is nose and into his lungs-
[BEN] - Um, Aven?  Could we, you know, not kill my best friend?
[aven] -reluctantly lets go of jeff-
[Jeff] Coughs and sputters for a bit-
[liu] -is out side the water farther in shore and talking to him self- what is going on over there.
[Smile] Trots over to Liu soaking wet-
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[liu] -pets smile dog-
[Smile] Shakes, spraying Liu with water-
[liu] -steps back covering his face laughing-
[Smile] Barks and whacks Liu with his tail-
[liu] -falls over still laughing- well now i'm all wet as well.
[BEN] Goes over and kisses Aven's cheek- Thank you for not killing my best friend
[aven] -uses one of her arms to pull ben closer and closes the tunnel between them and jeff her ben half is the only one who seems to talk- I do not trust him after his lack of respect to us trying to keep hyrule well and a good kid.
[BEN] Chuckles a little- Yes i know he's an ass, but he will help defend Hyrule. He just likes to cuss... A lot...
[aven] ben you do realize me and you do not get to talk often I am the ben that is part of aven she is a little panicked right now she told me to watch after you and hyrule.
[BEN] - There's no need for her to be panicked. I know my partner, and yes he's an asshole, but he will defend what he considered family, no matter what
[aven] I guess the suddenness of jeff and smile while she had hyrule was what panicked her she is calming down much more.
[BEN] - Yeah it takes awhile to get used to how he and Smile work together
[aven] -the water seems to be rapidly lowering-
[BEN] Relaxes more as the water goes away-
[aven] -the water is now gone and walks over to the carriage which she kept dry with a small bubble and puts hyrule in before falling on her butt out of over use of her powers-
[BEN] Darts forward to catch her-
[aven] -hugs ben- I think I need to rest once we get home
[BEN] - Absolutely. Do you want to go now?
[aven] that sound like a good idea.
[BEN] - Okay, climb onto my back, I'll push Hyrule
[aven] -smile and climbs on to bens back- your so good to me.
[liu] -is petting smile-
[Jeff] - Oi! I still need a way back to the manor!
[BEN] - Go ask CP!
[liu] shall we go see if we can find cp jeff?
[Jeff] - Fine, come on Smile
[Smile] Barks and trips up next to Jeff-
[liu] -is ready to follow- do you think he will be at his house?
[Jeff] -Who the fuck knows
[liu] well where are we going to check first? -pulls out a steak form his innovatory and starts eating since his food bars where low-
[Smile] Makes a beeline for Liu since he has the food-
[liu] -pulls out a second one for smile and hold it out for him-
[Smile] Eagerly grabs it and chews on it-
[Jeff] - How the hell should I know where to start looking?
[liu] well I would assume out of the place on the server doc's house because people gather there, the bar because it has food and drinks, and his house because it's his house.
[Jeff] - I tried burning that place down
[liu] of course you did so which one do you want to check first?
[Jeff] - Which one is closest?
[liu] doc's house but it's also the biggest.
[Jeff] Groans-
[liu] I guess you can say the farthest is the smallest and the closest one is the biggest.
[Smile] Nudges against Jeff-
[Jeff] - Oh well I'm an idiot... Smile, go sniff him out
[Smile] Yawns and lays down-
[Jeff] - You asshole
[liu] I have more steak if you sniff him out for us
[Smile] Seems to be considering it-
[liu] I have five steaks
[Smile] Tail thumps against the ground-
[liu] if you find us cp they are all for you.
[Smile] Whines as he debates if he wants to be an asshole or not-
[liu] I might even have some other meat on me like two rabbits and three pork.
[Smile] With a huff he stands up and starts sniffing the air-
[Jeff] - Seriously!? You'll listen to him but not me?!
[liu] the benefits of keeping food on me helps.
[Jeff] Growls in annoyance before following Smile-
[liu] -following jeff and smile-
[Smile] Is leading them around the village by Stevie's house-
[liu] -looks at the village as they pass-
[Smile] Becomes distracted by a chicken-
[liu] smile do you know where cp is yet?
[Smile] Is chasing the chicken-
[liu] I guess if we can't find cp i'll just have to eat all this meat.
[Smile] Looks back at the brothers-
[liu] hey jeff do you want any since we can't find cp?
[Jeff] - Shut up, I don't need your charity
[liu] -takes out a steak-
[Jeff] Scowls and keeps on walking, whistling for Smile to come-
[liu] -makes and upset groan because his plan failed while following-
-Lies house is coming into view-
[liu] It is a nice house isn't it jeff?
[Jeff] - It's a whores house
[liu] it would more be a party animal house with all the animals.
[Jeff] - Nope, CP's wife is a whore
[liu] since when?
[Jeff] - Since always
[liu] she doesn't seem like one at all though.
[willow] -seeing smile she gets closer to him-
[Smile] Barks loudly at Willow-
[willow] -falls over on her back from the loud bark-
[Jeff] Scouts in amusement before jumping aside to about Endrea as she lands- Oh, hey Endrea
[willow] -pats smile's leg with her little foot-
[Endrea] Looms over them- What are you doing here?
[liu] looking for cp.
[Endrea] - He is resting with his mate
[liu] jeff needs a way home and ben is busy with hyrule.
[Endrea] - I believe Splender knows how to open a way now as well...- She pulls Willow closer to herself
[willow] -tries to get back to smile-
[Jeff] - You have to be fucking kidding me...
[liu] wait didn't in chat splendor has to watch eyeless jack and sally?
[Endrea] - Currently? Yes
[liu] who else besides ben cp and splendor can take jeff back.
[Endrea] - Perhaps Silver?
[liu] talk about a wild goose chase
[Jeff] Groans- Now where do we have to go?
[liu] I am going to assume silver is at doc's because I have never seen a house for him.
[willow] -is trying to get past endrea to see jeff-
[Endrea] - Willow no
[willow] -makes little wines as she still tries to get to jeff-
[Smile] Is rolling in the mud-
[willow] -follows smile by rolling in the grass-
[Endrea] Can't help but laugh a little-
[willow] -is rolling back and forth in the grass-
[oak] -has managed to get to jeff's pants and is now gumming them-
[Endrea] - Oak!
[oak] -jump a little but keeps gumming-
-A pop sounds as mew appears and zooms around the group.
[willow] -tries to get to mew but can't keep up and ends up staying in place watching the mew-
[Mew] Mew? -glides around Willow before trying to land on Jeff's head-
[willow] -is now trying to get to mew so is leaning on jeff-
[Jeff] Being super angry, goes to kick Oak-
[Endrea] Lunges forwards and bites Jeff, breaking his leg-
[oak and willow] -wobbly scurries away from jeff not liking the sound of the broken bone-
[Jeff] - FUCK!
[liu] Jeff are you ok?!
[Jeff] - Does it look like I'm okay!? I have a dragon biting my leg!
[liu] we should get you to doc.
[Endrea] Has her wings protectively over Willow and Oak-
[Doc] Is pacing around on the porch outside of BENs old room talking on hir carrot phone. Xe closes it with a wet click and sighs heavily. Irritated because xe lost sight of Jeff at the very least.
[Mew] Mew! -glides off-
[Jeff] - Fuck Endrea! Let go!
[Doc] Xe flops down under the giant mushroom and leans back, watching two of the chomplies play in the eaves above hir
[liu] please let go of jeff endrea.
[Endrea] Growls and continues to bite until she is sure the babies are far enough away-
[willow and oak] -just scurry under endera's tail-
-Mew bonks off an object and lands on the ground by Doc-
[Doc] Oh, hello. Haven't seen you in a few days. I think I have a fish here... - pulls one out of hir inventory and offers it.
-Mew latches onto it and grabs Doc's hand, trying to pull them while nomming the fish-
[Doc] Whoah! Don't take my hand too! - Gets up
-Mew is persistent, to say the least-
[Jeff] manages to balance on one leg, scowling and gritting his teeth against the pain-
[Doc] Follows Mew curiously-
-Jeff's leg is currently rather mangled and bloody-
-Mew  is trying to lead Doc to Jeff-
[liu] -liu is completely worried and panicking slightly-
[Jeff] - Fucking dragon...
[Doc] Follows the Mew across the spawn - Where's your buddy anyway? I haven't seen Glitchy around in a while.
[Mew] Mewwww.... -Gives a vague gesture around-
[Doc] Smiles - I thought you were psychic? You don't want to talk to me? Technically I'm a trainer too. Though I've only got two pokemon. Three if you count the mama Gastly, but she just kinda lives wild in my castle.
[Jeff] Is wobbling-
[liu] -goes over to jeff and tries to help keep him up-
[Jeff] - I don't need your help...
[liu] I don't believe you.
[Doc] Comes up on Lie's house -
-liu is doing her best to keep jeff standing because of his mangled leg-
[Doc] Rushes over - Jeff?! What happened to your leg? And why in the Nether are you trying to stand on it? Liu! Help me lay him down.
[liu] endrea bit him I was going to help him get to your castle but it seems you came here.
[Endrea] - He tried to kick Oak
[Jeff] - I don't need your help asshole...
[liu] I know your a tough creepypasta and all but you still need help
[Doc] You dumb ass.... why would you ever kick a baby dragon? Doubly when the mom could easily eat you?
[Jeff] - It was trying to eat my pants!
[Doc] They don't have any teeth! The worst they could do is drool on you. - Tries to force Jeff down to the ground
[willow and oak] -start to wander to look for ashe-
[Ashe] Is reading in the shade of the house-
[Jeff] - Stop that!
[liu] you leg is very bad let doc help you.
[Jeff] - I don't need their help!
[Doc] No! Your bone is sticking out, even at this resolution I can see it's bad!
[willow and oak] -flop next to ashe-
[Ashe] His tail curls around his siblings-
[Jeff] - Fuck off!
[liu] -has a worried look on his face- jeff even though you don't believe I am you brother I am still very worried about you please let doc help you it looks really bad.
[Mew] -Pouts for a second before speaking- Just sit the fuck down and let them fix your leg you prick.
[Jeff] - Fuck off- He's not sure he can sit down
[Doc] Is stunned for a minute by the Mew but uses the distraction to strong -arm Jeff to the ground.
[Jeff] Yells in pain as his leg touches the ground-
[Doc] Passes a bottle to Liu- Make him drink it. I'll work on this
[liu] -takes the bottle then tries to have jeff drink it- jeff please drink this you need this
[Jeff] - Fuck no!
[liu] but it will heal you
-Mew scoots closer and grabs Jeff's face carefully-
[Doc] Is peeling the ragged edges of his pants from the wound -
[Jeff] - FUCK!!!
[liu] -puts the potion to jeff's lips- please just drink this.
[Doc] With deft fingers xe starts to bind the edges of the bones back together, melting the pixels like wax.
[Jeff] Turns his head away from the potion-
[liu] why won't you drink the potion?
[Mew] Drink it you pussy. -Turns Jeff's head back to the potion-
[Jeff] - Fuck off you flying hairless squirrel
[liu] please brother drink it. it will help heal you.
[Doc] Is just rolling hir eyes at the familiar argument. - You sound like Cp Jeff...
[Jeff] - Shut it!
[liu] oh jeff.
[Mew] Pissbaby.
[Doc] Snorts- Geeze- Xe's connecting sinew and tendons end to end with fine detail and laying the muscles back over them like a blanket
[liu] jeff why, why won't you drink the potion?
[Jeff] - Because I don't need it!
[liu] yes you do your hurt you can't go back to the real world hurt.
[Mew] He won't drink it because he's a baby. Bbbbaaaaabbbyyyy.
[liu] mew I don't think taunting him is helping.
[Jeff] - Besides, those things taste like shit
[Doc] They do not taste like shit! Only Cp's potions taste bad!
[Jeff] - Bullshit!
[Doc] Huffs- You won't know if you don't try!
[Jeff] - And your just trying to trick me!
[liu] -holds out the potion for jeff to take-
[Doc] Trust me, I have more important things to do then grief you. - xe is tidying up the upper layers of muscle
[Jeff] Grunts a little in discomfort as Doc works-
[liu] -shakes the potion in front of jeff a little to show it's still there-
[Doc] Snatches the bottle with a bit of irritation and splashes some of it over the remaining wound, it fizzes everywhere and xe hands the remaining half of the bottle back to Liu before closing over the last layer of skin
[liu] -put the rest of the potion in jeff's lap-
[Jeff] - Fuck!
[Doc] Ghosts over the surface, leaving it flawless. Xe looks at Jeff and shakes hir head before turning to fix his pants leg as well
[Jeff] Growls at Doc-
[Doc] Looks at him sideways as xe stitches his pants leg- Trust me, I've heard it all before.
[Mew] Mew. - leans back, floating there-
[Doc] So how are things at the manor? - Xe asks conversationally
[liu] I am glad your better now jeff.
[Jeff] Gumbles- Hectic...
[Doc] More then usual?
[Jeff] - No shit, Slendy wants me to bring Smile back so he can sniff out where some of the SCP is hiding in the woods
[Doc] They're still haslling you? I know time moves weidly in here, but it's been at least a week, hasn't it? Why doesn't Slender just move the house again?
[Jeff] - Because the woods move with the manor, at least, the deepest part of the woods do
[Doc] Oh. Well, we're in no hurry to turn out anyone who wants to hide here.
[Jeff] - Whatever fucktard
[Smile] Barks and runs around a bit-
[liu] -hugs jeff for a second before letting go-
[Doc] Growls a little- That's not a nice thing to say to someone who just stitched you up
[Jeff] His hand is immediately on his knife and it's already on a trajectory towards Liu's neck-
[Doc] Goes for the nut punch on Jeff-
[Jeff] The knife falls from his hand as he lets out a whimper and goes to cradle his balls- You fucker!
[liu] -cringes at the ball punch-
[Doc] Try that again and I'll shove the handle of your knife up your left nostril
[Jeff] - I hate you so much...
[Doc] Oh you're welcome? Thank you so much Jeff, that's very kind
[Doc] Is pretending to mishear what Jeff is saying-
[KB] -In his cat appearance, though he had seen what happened. He was a distance from where it all happened. His expression was rather confused and a face of disgust. He kept quiet, his tail lashing as he watched more for the time being.-
[Endrea] Feeling petty towards Jeff picks up a large mouthful of honesty blossoms and drops them on Jeff-
[Jeff] - WHAT THE FUCK!?
[Doc] See now Endrea is giving you flowers because she forgives you, how nice. [sarcasam]
[Ashe] - Mama?  What are those?
[Endrea] - Honesty blossoms
[KB] You kiddies having fun there? -He tilts his head, his expression going back to his normal blank and bored expression.-
[Doc]Kittybrine! I haven't seen you in a dogs age! And oh, yes. Patching up creepypastas is practically a hobby of mine
[KB] Oh, Hello there. Just thought I'd stop by. But clearly I see I picked a wrong time. -He wrapped his tail around his front paws, staying his distance.-
[Doc] No, no! It's okay. This kind of nonsense is normal.
[gem] -falls arms first into the ground she got distracted while flying the elytra and plummeted-
[Doc] It is a server full of Herobrines after all
[Jeff] - Fucker can I get up now?
[Doc] Sits back on hir heels. - You can, just go easy on yourself.
[Jeff] Practically jumps up to get away-
[Smile] Spots KB and goes into hunting mode, growling-
[KB] -He opened his mouth to speak, before quickly lunging up and jumping back, his tail fluffed up out of surprised of Gem's arrival. He flattened his ears, glaring towards the entity. Clearly not amused.-
[gem] -stands up rubing her arms- i'm ok what's going on here?
[Doc] Gets up and walks over to Gem- just the usual, creepypastas fighting.
[KB] -He shook his head, feathering out his fur before sitting down.- Hm. -He glanced over towards Smile, seeing the state he's in. Slowly quirking an eyebrow.- Oh nice. A puppy.
[Doc] He's as intelligent as a person, he's a creepypasta dog
[gem] i need to stop crashing with the elytra.
[Smile] Hunches down, ready to lunge at KB, he speaks in a way that KB can understand- I am not a puppy
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[KB] Quit acting like one then. -He raised his head up high, slowly waving his tail, his glare deepening.-
[Smile] Growls darkly and lunges forwards-
[KB] -He grunted as he lunged to the side quickly, unsheathing his claws, his fur fluffing up. His tail lashing angrily.-
[Smile] His jaws snap in KB's direction as he twists his body to stay facing the cat-
[KB] -He kept his eyebrow raised, smirking a bit.- Hostile already, I see? -He sat back down. His ears perked high.- Go ahead, puppy, do it. Lunge at me. I'm all yours.
[smile] Lunges again, his mouth open wide to bite down around KB's head-
[KB] -He grins, quickly vanishing, and reappearing again in his normal form. He stood high, glaring down.-
[Smile] Slams into KB's legs-
[Doc] Stifles a laugh-
[KB] -He lifts up his left leg, using his leg to nudge away Smile from him.- Rather not have your fur on my clothes, thank you very much.
[Smile] Still growling at KB, trying to figure out exactly what happened-
[KB] -He had his eyebrow raised, crossing his arms.- What's wrong, mutt?
[Smile] - That wasn't fair...
[gem] -makes a cat meow-
[Smile] Turns head and growls at Gem-
[KB] Oh? A lot of things in life aren't fair. Live with it. -He raised both of his arms behind him to straighten out his cloak. His head turned and his gaze went over to Gems, slightly confused.-
[Smile] Growls at KB again- Fuck you, you smelly cat
[gem] -floats a bit and then makes more cat meows-
[Doc] Liu could you maybe, I don't know, pet Smile or something? He seems agitated.
[liu] i can try to calm down smile?
[Smile] Is still growling-
[KB] -He "rolled" his eyes (not like you can see it bc his eyes are blank lmao)- Whatever you say. -He fell silent as he watched the interaction between the entities around him. Keeping quiet.-
[Smile] Reaches forwards to bite KB's leg-
[liu] smile hey -holds up four steaks-
[KB] -He didn't bother to move from his current spot, despite the dogs actions. Though he dislikes canines, he knows how to deal with them well. He kept watching.-
[Smile] Ignore the steaks as he bites KB's leg, hard-
[gem] -picks up smile using her four arms- ok doggy time for you to cool off
[Smiles] Squirms and bites at Gem-
[KB] -He let out a loud yowl, immediately reaching down towards his leg that smile bit, he growled lowly, trying to hold his temper.-
[Smile] Is a large angry ball of fur-
[gem] -avoids the bites and dumps smile in the pond- now cool down doggo
[Doc] Oh! Kittybrine. Let me see that.
[KB] -He slowly moved his hands away from the wound, he was irritated now. Tense as well. He wanted to keep calm. It was clear he was trying.-
[Smile] Darts out of the water- YOU FUCKING CAT!
[gem] -grabs him and flops him back in the water- this pond is your time out corner
[Doc] I'll fix it for you Kittybrine, just stay still a sec.
[KB] I'll try.
[Doc] Xe runs a hand over the bite, it's not deep, and they smooth the pixels back over the ring of bloody punctures. - I've got another potion, here, drink this. [It's fizzy and orange.]
[Smile] Squirming very hard-
[gem] -is not giving up easily she will keep at it till he calms down-
[KB] -He grabbed the potion from Doc's grip, hesitating before drinking it.-
[Doc] Nice to help someone who doesn't fight me or cuss at me. - is stitching the rip in his pants from where the teeth went in.
[Jeff] Whistles for Smile, immediately getting the dog's attention-
[Notch] comes outside and kind of jumps- what's going on out he-
[gem] -looks weirdly at notch not realizing he got hair-
[KB] -He finished, now holding the empty bottle in his right hand.- I see no reason to fight. -His words cut off as Notch walked in the environment they were in currently. Quickly growing tense.- Hm..
[Doc] It is a waste of energy most of the time, Hey Markus.
[gem] you got hair.
[Notch] Everyone okay out here? Wha? Oh yeah! Do you like it?
[KB] -He stared, not speaking.-
[gem] more confused about it but I think it good
[Notch] Suddenly notices the Herobrine with the tattered cape. - Oh did we get a new brine? Thank you?
[KB] -He was more confused on the hair part than anything else. He remained tense.-
[liu] jeff do you think you will come to visit?
[Jeff] - I don't have a reason to...
[Notch] Sticks out a hand with a friendly smile - I'm Markus.
[Doc] Watches them both careful as xe stands up.
[liu] you don't want to come see me?
[Jeff] - Why?  You're just a reminder... Of a mistake...
[KB] -He crosses his arms, refusing to shake his hand.- Yeah yeah, I know who you are.
[Notch] lets the hand fall - You do? Are you another brine that can go out into the real world? Like Cp?
[liu] but the mistake was my death which I forgive you for.
[Jeff] - But I can't forgive myself...- Slaps a hand over his mouth
[KB] Very often, yeah.
[Notch] Really?! Doc! I thought you said Cp was the only one.
[Doc] I didn't know. And that is very useful information
[liu] but your my brother and I know you care.
[Jeff] Backs away, muffled noises coming from behind his hand-
[KB] CP? Who is that? -He doesn't recall meeting this entity at all. Curious now.-
[Doc] I think you met him briefly, huge brine three blocks high with red hair? Is sometimes a little red cat?
[liu] -pulls his hands away- jeff I just want us to be brothers again
[Jeff] - Shut up...  I...  I...
[KB] Oh oh, yeah. Guess I'm a discount version of him then.
[liu] you what?
[Doc] Not at all. Being a cat is a punishment for him. It's how his wife keeps him contained when he loses his temper.
[KB] Oh? That's odd. I guess I'm different then.
[Doc] Yeah, he wouldn't have a second form if he hadn't been being such an asshole that TLOT forcibly transformed him.
[Jeff] Yanks his hands away from Liu and mutters something hurriedly under his breath as he starts to run off-
[gem] -trips jeff with her snake tail-
[Jeff] Falls flat on his face-
[KB] I see.
[Doc] I'm suprised the creepypastas didn't try to infect you if you can leave the game, they really value that ability.
[gem] -constricts her snake tail around jeff's waist and drags him back over to liu-
[Jeff] - The fuck are you doing!?
[KB] Infect me? Hm. Not much of a ability, it's just a normal thing to me.
[gem] be nice to you brother tell him how you feel you where lucky enough to get a second chance because you only get one family.
[Jeff] - I don't deserve it!
[liu] yes you do and even if you don't it's to late you already have forgiveness
[Jeff] - Shut up!  I don't!  You should hate me!
[Doc] There's an entity called Insanity that semi-controls them. It protects them but it also drives them to kill.
[Notch] It also attracts the attention of the SCP out there.
[liu] but I don't I still care for you your my brother and still love you as such I can't hate you if I already forgive you.
[Jeff] Can't find words-
[KB] Oh. I see. So none of them can leave this server then? Or? And oh. Nice. Can't escape the SCP Foundation anywhere, now can I?
[gem] -shoves them together so they can hug if they want-
[Jeff] Tries to scramble away-
[Doc] You mean the other brines? I can go out if Cp takes me. I can exist out there, I just don't know how to make portals yet. Lie can go out in a similar fashion. And several of the digital creepypastas can come and go without help.
[gem] -hasn't let go of his waist so he doesn't get far-
[Notch] I could go out, but I'm kinda grounded for now.
[KB] Oh. I see.
[Doc] You're not grounded Markus.
[Notch] Eh, might as well be. It's okay though, I do like it here.
[KB] Now, let me ask something. You mentioned scp, correct? What is that all about?
[liu] brother please can't we just forget that ever happened
[Jeff] - No...  I can't forget...
[liu] but it's in the past and is forgiven
[Jeff] - No, it's not...
[Notch] I don't know much, just that they're some kind of secret military operation that targets the creepypastas.
[Doc] we know they're a threat to everyone who lives in Slender's household and any digital enity that wanders into the real world. I'm guessing they're very into study, containment and dissection with no anesthesia. I had to kill a few of them myself, in self defense of course.
[liu] yes it is I forgive you and I will say it how ever many times it takes to show you how much I forgive you.
[Jeff] The pollen is beginning to wear off-
[gem] -takes out her honesty flowers and hits jeff over the head with them a few times trying to get more pollen on him-
[KB] I know what they are, I don't need an explain. Good luck with them. -He smirks, leaving his arms crossed.- I deal with them all the time. Rather close to them too.
[Doc] Narrows eyes - close how?
[gem] honesty flowers they  make you tell only the truth
[KB] I know the doctors well.
[gem] -points to the pile that was dumped on him- they are the same flowers endrea put on you
[Jeff] Growls angrily-
[gem] just make up with your brother
[Jeff] - I can't...
[Doc] I think I want to hear more about this. From everything I've heard they're hostile to our kind.
[gem] you are the only one who hasn't forgiven your self everyone else does
[Doc] Raises a hand - I still think he's an asshole
[Jeff] - Just let me go!
[gem] you not helping
[KB] Oh course they're hostile. We're not humans. We're just animals to them. The whole point of the Foundation is to capture abnormal objects.
[gem] I will lock you two in a room till you make up
[Doc] So did you escape from them or something? And I do have a human form, thank you.
[Notch] Is having an unhappy realization - They're going to be after me now too when I'm done here, aren't they?
[KB] -He quirks an eyebrow.- You know what I mean with the human thing. And yeah. Me and my human companion usually get caught up in their facility from time to time.
[Doc] I didn't know you had a human friend. And how do you manage to get away? Is their actual security lax or do you have someone on the inside?
[Jeff] - I've survived a month stuck with BEN and BEN only, that would be nothing
[gem] well I am willing to keep you there for as long as it takes if years if I have to I am sick of seeing you guys not as close as you can be
[Jeff] - It's none of your damn business
[liu] -hugs jeff again this time not letting go-
[Jeff] Tries his best to pull away-
[liu] -is giving jeff a bear hug so he is trying to hold on to jeff as hard as he can- I still care for you jeff I forgive you your my brother
[Jeff] - I...  I cant
[liu] you have to
[Jeff] - No, just leave me alone!
This message has been removed.
[liu] NO! I just want us to be brothers again!
[Jeff] - Fuck off!
[liu] -is tearing up- in wont your my brother and I worried about you and I miss you when your not here to hang out I miss when we where as close
[Jeff] Still struggling-
[liu] -tries to hug tighter- I want you to forgive yourself because I forgive you.
[Jeff] - Let go! I don't deserve it!
[KB] Yeah. I do. A close friend too. But aside, it's easily to escape. Agents are usually well distracted by everything.
[Doc] Then I wonder why Slender considers them such a threat? It seems like he personally can kill them easily too....
[Notch] Maybe just because they're humans? And they outnumber the creepypastas?
[Doc] Well then I'll tell you this Kittybrine, I have no opposition to making treaties with anyone, I just won't deal with Insanity.
[KB] They are a threat to us. But all I'm saying is, if you know how to handle them, they won't be as much as a threat. Especially the agents I know. And I'm aware.
[Doc] Is there anything you could give me as advice? I would rather not kill people out there if I can help it.
[KB] -He shrugs light, keeping his arms crossed.- They go after anything. Use mobs here to distract them if they come around. Most of them don't know how to defend themselves from the mobs here. It just isn't their instinct.
[Doc] Wait, they have a way to enter games? Do they have an alliance with some kind of AI's or is it because of the old but sentient computer that I was told runs the place?
[KB] Eh, kinda. I have habits of keeping portals open.
[Doc] Sweats- Please, please don't do that here. I work so hard to keep this place secure. I don't have time to go around after people closing doors.
[Notch] Especially since there's several NOTCH AI's that would love to get in here and kill the brines.
[KB] I didn't leave it open this time, don't worry.
[Doc] Thank you. Geeze... I don't want to fight a NOTCH inside the server. I can't decide which one would be worse. TLOT's is completely insane It would be like tangling with Godzilla in the middle of a cat 5 hurricane
[Notch] Jeff? What's wrong with you anyway? You're just getting hugged by your brother
[Jeff] - I...I don't...- Mumbles incoherently
[Doc] KB I had a thought, and if you have a friend in the SCP you might be able to make it happen. It's a small thing that likely won't get your operative in trouble for much more then screwing around at work. Do you think you could get someone to install a copy of Minecraft on their computer? It would keep the AI distracted and give any digital pasta they catch a way into a place they can hide until it's safe to escape into the null space between seeds and lose them.
[KB] My friend isn't apart of the foundation. She's just an scp, as I am as well. I just know the people who work there well is what I was trying to say. But to answer your other question, I could easily get get someone to download it for you, though.
[Doc] Wait... how can you be a member Kittybrine? I thought you said they considered us no better then animals?
[Jeff] - Everything they catch is considered an SCP
[Doc] OH. So it's just a filing thing. You had me quite confused there.
[KB] We are animals to them. But yeah.
[Doc] Pah. We're not the ones poisoning our worlds with pollution. Animals indeed.
[KB] Humans are odd, aren't they. -He chuckled slightly.-
[Doc] Yeah I think I like the 'humans' that spawn here a bit better. I'll hang with a Steve or an Alex any day. The kids we brought in from LJ's circus aren't too bad, but they're young. We can teach them better ways.
[KB] Oh. The Steve and Alex that I know, aren't likable to me.
[Doc] I'm sorry KB... I know some of them aren't keen on brines. But it can be relatively easy to bring them around, depending on temperment... While I'm thinking about it though, be aware that while the humans in the village already know to show proper respect for brines, if you go in your cat shape you may be mobbed by small children trying to pet you.
[Notch] If you don't mind my asking Kittybrine, what are they to you? Relatives? Or just other people on your seed?
[Jeff] - Will somebody get these two off of me?
[KB] Oh. Nice to know. And, Steve is my twin sibling. Alex is just his partner.
[Notch] Can he be a cat too?
[Doc] Well, if you ever want to bring them here, I'm sure I can bring them around so to speak. Reuniting families is also a local hobby - thumbs back at Liu hugging Jeff - Haha
[Doc] As far as Steve's and Alex's here... Father Steve loves everyone as long as they're nice to him and TLOT, Steffan is skittery and awkward, but friendly. And Cp's little brother Stevie will take one look at your eyes and ask if you have cool superpowers like his awesome big brother.
TLOT's Alex; Alexsezia, is a total cat person. You'll know her house by the incessent meowing, she's an expert potion maker and a damn fine musician. Her neighbor Alexis is in a bit of a funk, but she's friendly. And farther down in the purple house is Sweet Alex who will feed and/or hug you with very little provocation.
[liu] -hugs tighter and crying- I just want us to be close again.
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vgckwb · 5 years
Danganronpa: Away Chapter 3: Only Human (Part 4)
Everyone was shocked. We had all just received our deepest darkest secrets regarding our talents. And I was the first one up. Tomorrow at noon, everyone will know that I failed to convict the Ultimate Killer when I had the chance. Unless of course, I murder someone. But I’m not going to do that.
“Well, it seems like you have a lot to think about” Monokuma said. “I won’t get in your way. But remember: some of you have more time to think than others.” Monokuma disappeared.
“This is crazy!” May said. “If we all just reveal now, we won’t have any reason to put up with this bullshit!”
“Yeah, but what does a DJ have to not be proud of?” Buck lashed out. May’s face went white. Buck realized what just happened. “I’m sorry. It’s just, I’d rather not talk about mine. I’ll let it come out when it comes out, but I want to hold onto my illusions while I can.”
“No, it’s fine,” May said.
“Precisely” Cassy said. “We aren’t being forced to kill anyone like last time. I suggest that we do this rationally. Show of hands, who doesn’t want to tell anyone their secret.”
“Um, when you say ‘anyone’,” Andy asked, “does that mean in general, or literally ‘I will carry this with me to the grave’?”
“It could be either” Cassy said.”Did you need that distinction?”
“No, but I thought someone else might have” Andy said.
“Very well. On three” Cassy said. “One...Two...Three!” Everyone but me raised their hand. “Really? Everyone?”
“I didn’t” I said, nervously.
May sighed. “Well, it’s not like I want to tell people. But I will if I have to” she said. “And I have to now apparently…”
Cassy sighed. “I guess no one likes having their deepest darkest secret exposed. Still, we need a better system to work this all out. I don’t want to be suspicious of everyone here. Hiding in my room again.” I could really feel that. Cassy is really trying to break out of her shell. Under normal circumstances, she probably would be more open with us by now. However, these circumstances are anything but normal.
“Well, Justin didn’t raise his hand” Pierce said. Our attention was turned to him. “Why don’t we use him as ground zero to figure out what Monokuma wants out of this motive.”
“He wants us dead!” Andy shrieked.
“Besides that,” Pierce said. “Why this motive? Both of his previous motive put us in difficult positions before outside of the motive itself. We had to compromise to let our parents die in the first motive, and with the second motive, he had us thinking that maybe it’s a good idea to kill someone. He’s trying to push us to our limits. So, let’s see what those limits are. Maybe we can combat them.”
I smiled. “I take it that when it comes to verbal combat, you are also an expert in how to use words?”
Pierce smiled back. “It’s a good thing we’re on the same team. Otherwise, things might get messy.”
I stared at my monopad. I knew this had to come out. I wanted to tell people, but it was still so unclear to me. Monokuma was forcing my hand on this. However, I was also forcing his. Even if he didn’t know it. “My secret is that I failed to convict the Ultimate Killer when I had the chance.”
Everyone was shocked. “Wait, what do you mean?!” Duke asked.
“Yeah, when was this chance?!” Annabelle asked.
“Was it here? During one of these trials?” Elliot said, aghast.
“I don’t remember all of the details,” I said. “In fact, I didn’t even remember this until recently.”
Cassy looked at me confused. “What happened?”
“Well, this was a long time ago,” I said. “I was young and in a courtroom. I was being taken away for disrupting the trial. I was telling them not to it for some reason. I think this just confirms that I was telling them that they had the wrong guy. I thought that’s what it was, but now I’m sure of it. There were a few pieces of evidence I saw as well. But more than anything, I remember an evil smile. Staring me down. I can’t even remember anything else about the face. It was horrifying.”
Everyone else looked concerned. “Are you OK?” Sophie asked.
“I don’t know” I told them. “Ever since we got here, I’ve been having dreams about this. Although, they usually surround something bad happening.”
“So, you believe this is what Monokuma means when he says ‘Failed to convict the Ultimate Killer’?” Annabelle asked.
“Well, considering that I only found out that I am the Ultimate Lawyer a few days ago, the alternative is a lot worse,” I said. “I want to trust all of you. Besides, me having these dreams now can’t be just a coincidence.”
“So, based on that, what can we tell about Monokuma’s motive?” Pierce said.
“Well, I doubt that we’d get the details that Justin told us” Cassy said. “If we were given only ‘Failed to convict the Ultimate Killer’, someone here might have jumped to conclusions and acted upon them.”
“So, you think he wants to pit us against each other?” Tammy said.
“Well, that does sound sensationalist” Annabelle said. “One wrong headline can cause a panic, you know.”
“Or a carefully crafted one aimed at misleading you,” Andy said.
“Right…” Annabelle said.
“So, it goes deeper than just exposing our secrets. It’s secrets that might make people turn on each other” Pierce said.
“But why give a release order?” Jay said. “Why not all at once?”
“I have a theory on that,” I said. “I mean, obviously, it’s to keep the pressure on. If it was one sudden release of information, we’d just have to wait out Monokuma. Monokuma wants us to think like individuals instead of as a group. If I didn’t want anyone to find out, I’d be panicking and grabbing a frying pan. However, some people on the later end have to wait. They can plan out their attack more, but that also means that they see the effects of the tension boiling.”
“I thought as much” Cassy said.
“However, there’s another component to it,” I said. “It provides an easy defense option.”
“How do you figure?” Cassy asked.
“Let’s say someone’s secret is revealed:” I started. “They next day, they decide to murder somebody.”
“That’s stupid. Why would they do that?” Tammy asked.
“You just proved my point” I told her. “It’s the perfect defense. ‘It couldn’t have been me. My secret was already revealed.’ And if it was them, and they get away because of it, then everyone who knows will be dead.”
“Damn” Tammy said.
“You said it” Buck said.
“Well, this is certainly complicated” Pierce said. “But I bet Monokuma wouldn’t have it any other way.”
“Still, we can’t assume that everyone has an innocent explanation” Cassy said. “So what should we do about that?”
“Are you assuming malicious intent from us?!” Andy yelped.
“I don’t want to,” Cassy said “...but we’ve had two murders so far. I can’t discount anything.”
She was right. My story might have an innocent explanation, but someone else might be hiding something more sinister.
“Well, why don’t we give people a chance to explain themselves?” Sophie asked. “I mean, that seems to have been a problem that caused the murders we’ve had so far…” Those words must have been hard on her. She still blames herself for Troy and Rachel.
“Hmmmm. That sounds like a good idea” Cassy said. “Is anyone else ready to go now? Or do we want to push it back?”
“Well, the motive says that Monokuma will reveal at noon each day,” Elliot said. “Maybe we can meet then and question the person whose secret is revealed.”
“Good idea” Cassy said. “But is there anyone who wants to get it out of the way now?” The room went silent. “I don’t blame you. Hell, even I’m not ready to spill the beans. But it might be better is we get stuff out of the way quicker.”
The room was still silent. “Let’s just give everyone a day, OK Cassy?” Pierce said. “We’ll meet at noon after Monokuma reveal’s Justin’s secret, and we’ll see who’s up for it then.”
Cassy looked at him. “That’s fair” she said eventually.
“Great! So, I guess there’s nothing more to do here. So, let’s just try to enjoy the rest of the day” Pierce said.
Everyone dispersed. There was a lot that they had to think of. Their secret, and what to do when it is revealed. We had agreed to meet and talk about it, but we always agree to meet and talk, and yet someone died each time Monokuma gave a motive. This place is stripping us of our rational. Or at least trying to. At least I take solace in the moments that we are having fun. I hope everyone else does too.
I then spotted Monobird. He looked concerned. “Monobird? Is something the matter?” I asked.
“Well, of course my priority is watching you,” Monobird said, “but I think I can get someone to work on your story.”
“Pardon?” I asked.
“Well, think about it” Monobird said. “If the Ultimate Killer killed someone, and the crime went to trial, then that means that someone else was convicted.”
“I guess so” I said.
“Well, I was thinking that if we can figure out what that case is, we can reopen it, and possibly save the innocent soul that was convicted of a different crime” Monobird said.
I was stunned. Like, of course that would mean someone else was convicted. I just didn’t put the pieces together until this motive. “OK” I said. “What do you need?”
“Just tell me every detail you can remember” Monobird said. I told him what I can remember. “I see… The evidence might be the most helpful bit here. Just come to me if you remember anything else.”
“Right” I said. Monobird left.
I decided to hang around for the remainder of the day. Today felt like a lot had happened, but then it eventually died down. Really, only one big thing happened. Monokuma gave us our next motive. Is someone willing to kill over what they’ve got? Possibly. I’d hope not, but I’ve been proven wrong before on that front.
The next day, after breakfast, none of us had anything better to do than wait until noon, when Monokuma would reveal my secret. We ate breakfast silently. We waited silently. Hoping that someone would work up the courage to tell us what they’re afraid of telling everyone else.
Finally, it hit noon. We got an alert on our monopads. We checked it. I got the message “Everyone now knows your deepest, darkest secret in regards to your talent. Are you sure you’re an Ultimate?”
“Ugh” I said.
“What was that about?” Tammy asked.
“I got a condescending message from Monokuma” I said.
“Oh,” said Tammy.
“Well, it’s noon. Does anyone want to share?” Cassy asked. Silence. “Really? Nobody wants to head it off?”
“How about you?” Pierce asked. “After all, your secret’s going to be revealed tomorrow. Why not head it off at the pass?”
Cassy didn’t answer right away. “What about you? You’re going last. I’m sure it’s killing you not telling anyone.”
“Are you sure it’s me who it’s killing?” Pierce retorted.
“HOW ‘BOUT I JUST GO?!” Andy yelled. “OK, so, my secret reads ‘Lost trivia contest worth $20,000 because they couldn’t tell the difference between Vlad the Impaler and Ivan the Terrible.’”
“$20K?” May asked.
“That’s a lot,” Duke said.
“Well, Monokuma’s being sensationalist here a little bit” Andy said. “See, this was part of the qualifying round. They ask you a question and then if you get it right, you’re in. I failed, so I didn’t get in the contest. However, I did eat there that night and played along for fun. If I hadn’t failed to qualify, I would have won. It’s my biggest shame.”
“Wow” Cassy said.
“Yeah. That’s the trouble sometimes. You remember all of the hard stuff, but get stumped on the easier stuff” Andy said.
“Well, thank you Andy,” Pierce said. “Anyone else?”
“The floor is still open for you” Cassy said.
“Nice try” Pierce said.
“Will you stop…?” Andy asked, weakly.
“Andy’s right” Pierce said. “If we aren’t ready, we aren’t ready. No need to get hostile.”
“Yes, of course” Cassy said. “Sorry about that.”
“The feeling is mutual,” Pierce said.
“So, with that out of the way, does anyone else have anything they want to share right away?” I asked. Nothing. “OK then. I guess we’re done here for today. Just remember, the truth is going to have to come out eventually.” Everyone broke off.
Annabelle was grumbling to herself. I decided to see what was up. “Hey Annabelle” I said.
“Duke thinks he’s a better swimmer than me!” she said.
“OK” I said. “Where did this come from?”
Annabelle sighed. “Well, we were having a discussion after the diving contest, and Duke said he’s a better swimmer. I said he’s full of it. So, he challenged me to swim laps.”
“Well, you two did get second and third place in the diving competition,” I said.
“Yeah, and I told him I beat him, but he said ‘Yeah. Well, I’m better at swimming laps.’ The nerve” Annabelle said. “The problem is he might be right. See, the thing that helps me get energized is Lightning Gum. I haven’t been able to find any in the shop though. Now I feel like I’m actually going to lose this…”
I feel like I should help her out. “Well, as luck would have it, there was some Lightning Gum in the MonoMono machine. And it just so happens that I got some.”
“Really?” she asked. “Can I have it?”
“Of course,” I said. “We don’t want you at a disadvantage now, do we?”
“Right. Of course not! Thanks. See you after dinner” Annabelle said.
“Um, aren’t you supposed to not swim after eating?” I asked.
“That’s a load of crap” Annabelle said. “It continues to be one of the highest misunderstandings in our yearly column on that. But still, it gets repeated.”
“OK then,” I said. She walked off.
I decided to hang out until dinner. It felt odd. Everyone wasn’t talking as much. Of course, some of that was due to the fact that four people were dead. But something else felt off. This motive hit close to everyone. People were afraid of opening their mouths because someone might ask what their secret is, and if they would kill over it. Andy and I might have had the most to say to each other the entire meal.
“So, Justin,” Andy began, “what makes you so sure that that case was the case Monokuma was talking about? Why do you think it was neither case here?”
Never said the conversation was pleasant. “Well, two things” I said. “First, according to the rules, we can only convict the killer. No one else. If the Ultimate Killer were somehow here, I couldn’t convict them anyway.”
“Oh. Makes sense” Andy said.
“The other thing is faith,” I said. “I have faith in everyone here that they aren’t malicious freaks seeking attention by doing grand stunts like this that result in the death of many people. If I started to believe that, then I wouldn’t trust anyone ever.”
Everyone stopped to look at me. “Um...how?” Andy asked. “How do you hold on to ideals like hope and faith in times like these?”
“Well, in times like these, they’re they only thing you can hold onto” I said. “Monokuma and the Ultimate Killer have taken away everything else away from us. They’re trying to take this away as well.”
“I see…” Andy said.
“Pardon the interruption,” Cassy said, “but hope and faith are intangible objects. I am someone who believes in facts. And the fact of the matter is as much as we know, we still don’t know enough to escape.”
“Well that’s why you gotta believe” Pierce said. “After all, why spend time filling up your mind with facts and figures that never add up anyway?”
Everyone was no looking at her. “Uh, you got something you want to share with the class?” Pierce asked.
Cassy growled at him. “Calm down. Both of you” I said.
“But-” Cassy said.
“No buts” I said. “Let’s just calm down. Look, I know that the situation is bleak. But it’s better if we’re not at each other’s throats. If Cassy doesn’t want to talk about it, that’s fine. We have to respect that. Even if Monokuma doesn’t. OK?”
“...Fine” Cassy said, sitting back down.
“Good. Now, let’s all just finish our meals, and have some pleasant conversation” I said. Sure enough, that started to happen. One by one, people weren’t as on edge anymore. I’d like to say it’s because people started having faith in each other again, but that’s just me being sappy as hell.
After dinner, I left the dining area. “Oh right. The race” I said. I headed toward the pool area. I went into the locker room and got changed. Apparently, the word got out, because Elliot, Tammy, Sophie, Andy, and Buck were also there to watch. “You ready to go down?” Duke said.
“Yup. Down into the pool, then up for air in a formation that helps me win” Annabelle said, chewing her gum.
“Hang on, what are you doing?” Duke said.
“I’m just chewing gum” Annabelle said. “It helps me focus.”
“OK…” Duke said.
“Are we fucking doing this?” Buck said.
“Yeah, let’s see some competition!” Elliot remarked.
“Right. Of course” Duke said. He lined up at his lane. Annabelle spit out her gum onto a wrapper and put it down next to her when she got to her lane.
“3...2...1...GO!” Andy said. Duke and Annabelle began swimming laps. They were pretty fast.
“Um, I forgot to ask, how long is this going to take?” I asked.
“They’re going for 12 laps” Sophie said.
“Oh,” I replied.
“GO ANNABELLE!” Tammy called out.
Annabelle and Due were neck and neck for a while. The shift went back and forth. Eventually though, on the last lap, Annabelle took a solid lead and won. “YEAH!” she said, emerging.
Duke finished his last lap. He emerged and said. “Well, congratulations. I guess I’m not as good as I thought.”
“Well, to be honest, I was thinking the same thing” Annabelle said. “That is, until I had my Lightning Gum!” She got out of the water and started chewing her piece again.
“Lightning Gum…” Duke said. “Hey. Mind if I get a piece?”
“Sure” Annabelle said, giving him a sick. Duke looked at it intently. “Aren’t you gonna eat it?”
“Not yet” Duke said. “I want to study its chemical components. You know, to make sure you didn’t get an unfair advantage.”
“What? Come on, are you trying to blame something other than your lack of skill?” Annabelle said. “I won, fair and square.”
“For all I know, it could be dangerous as well,” Duke said. “I don’t want to see you getting hurt.”
“I mean, that’s a nice sentiment, but you you think I didn’t do my due diligence as a reporter before using this gum? Come on man” Annabelle said.
Duke was embarrassed. “Just...let me study this without getting the third degree. It’s how I deal with things.”
“Fine” Annabelle said. “You still lost.”
“Yeah Yeah,” Duke said. We all headed out to the lockers.
“That was fun” Sophie said.
“It’s nice to just watch something for a change,” Elliot said.
“It was touch and go for a while, but Annabelle pulled it out in the end” Buck said.
“She creamed him in the end” Tammy said.
“Yeah, it really was something else” Andy said.
We changed out of our swimwear, and left the lockers. “I’m going to spend some time in the lab tonight” Duke said, pointing at the science lab.
“Actually, if you don’t mind, I would like to join you” Annabelle said. “I wanna see how you work.”
“Oh. Uh, sure” Duke said. “I’m always happy to have company.”
“Great” Annabelle said. The two of them went into the lab.
I decided to walk around some more. I ran into Monobird. “Hey Monobird. Any luck yet?”
“As a matter of fact, no” Monobird said. “I’m sorry, but we don’t have that much information to go on, plus everyone here is so busy. Between you all here, and whatever other crime is happening, there isn’t enough manpower or will from the higher-ups to work on an unspecified closed case. I want to bring you good news, trust me I do, but sometimes we have to focus on what’s in front of us.”
“I see” I said. What’s in front of us, huh? “Thanks anyway” I told Monobird. I went upstairs and knocked on Cassy’s door.
“GO AWAY!” she screamed.
“Its not Pierce, it’s Justin” I said.
“GO AWAY!” she repeated.
Well, it wasn’t Pierce this time. “I’m not going anywhere” I said. “You sound upset, and I don’t think you should be alone.” At that moment, I thought I felt something. Like, a pat on the back. Probably just my imagination.
Cassy opened her door, eyes red. “What do you want?”
“I just thought I would check up on you,” I said. “Seeing as your secret will be revealed tomorrow, and you don’t seem to be ready for it.”
“I’m not telling you!” she objected.
“You don’t have to,” I said. “I just want you to be OK. From the moment Monokuma took over, everything went to shit. It’s our job to lift each other up and remain sane. Like two days ago, when May made everyone have fun. That’s her way of lifting people up. I choose to do it thought things like hope and faith.”
Cassy stood there. “I like assurances based on facts,” she said. “From what I’ve gathered, we do have an outside shot at beating the Ultimate Killer, but it’s going to take time to put all of the pieces together. Something Monokuma delights in us not having.”
“True. But we all delight in hearing what facts you bring to the table. It gives us something more solid to hold onto than hope. But we don’t want to destroy you in the process. I can see this process is destroying you, so I lent you an ear.”
Cassy took a moment and said, “I hate this.”
“Now THAT’S a fact.”
Cassy giggled. “Thanks.” she said.
“Anytime” I said. Cassy closed the door. It was getting late, so I went to bed. These past couple days have been turbulent. There have been many calms, but just as many storms. Maybe even more storms. There might be someone freaking out right now, and I don’t see it. I’ve got to hold onto the hope that no one is willing to kill someone over this. If failing that, I just hope that I can make sense of the senseless afterward. It’s important to look back to see what we can glean from it. It’s also important to look forward to see where we are going, and correct our course if we don’t like where we’re going. But the most important thing we can do is look at the present and enjoy it while we are here.
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theonyxpath · 6 years
Today’s sample comes from “No Fear is There for the Wide-Awake,” the introductory fiction to Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition.
If, with perceptions polluted, one speaks or acts, Thence suffering follows As a wheel the draught-ox’s foot. — The Dhammapada, Chapter I: The Pairs, Verse 1
There’s a boy on a boat in a purple sky, where the air flashes like catastrophic dragons and a patch-eyed man lays a heavy hand on that boy’s shoulder and tells him This is where the world dies, son.
…but this isn’t the way it happened at all…
From the edge of the boat, I gaze into the Abyss. I’d like to think it gazes back, but all I feel is vast indifference. This, then, is the legacy of truth: Everything I have known, was a lie.
“Johnny!” cries the Patch-Man, his black boots gleaming with the ending of our world. I refuse to answer him. If this is where it ends, or starts, I want to be alone when it does.
But the Patch-Man grabs me by the arm so hard I feel things break inside. His familiar face ripples in the purple light, contorted to a waxy sheen where falling stars reflect their dying selves.
He shakes me and my left arm stretches in some slow-motion taffy-pull, then pops off suddenly, leaving floating globes of bright red blood behind. I howl butterflies as my jaws stretch out toward the corners of the clouds. The ship veers suddenly at an impossible pitch, tossing us into the flashing purple skies.
“Here,” she says, reaching out her hand – a girl with eyes as old as time.
From horizon to horizon, the sky goes dark, closing like the eye of God.
“You’re still mine, Johnny!” yells the Patch-Eyed Man My Father as he drifts into the dark and is gone.
Fuck, but my head hurts.
All of me hurts, actually. Lee Ann dearest, perhaps you’re finally getting too old for this shit.
That’s ridiculous, of course. You’re only as old as you think you are, the saying goes, and I realized a long time ago that that was true.
Going by the calendar, I look younger than I am, feel older than I am, and stopped aging a long time ago. The play of years on human calendars is a trick of the light – one of the first tricks I’d learned to turn on its back. Like a stranded turtle, Time kicks its legs but goes nowhere unless I choose to pick it up and set it on its expected path again.
Every so often, though, that turtle knocks you down and tramples you ?at with all four feet. I feel like that this morning, and I’m not quite sure why.
It’s not the dancing. I’m used to that. Or the hike – that’s my favorite thing in the world, except maybe dancing. It’s not the sex, though gods know it was passionate enough.
The storm is in my bones. Then, now, and always.
Well, yeah. That would explain a lot.
Lightning ?ickers underneath my skin – needles, tongues, fingers, fists, a rush of stars exploding into nova to blot out the thrusting of my father’s cock – but all those eternal Nows are distant to the person in my skin today. We shed our skins like serpents, washing through the molecules every seven years until only memories hold the energy of what we are together in a construct I call Me. I can choose which Now I live in, and so as much compassion as I hold for the little Me’s that I have been, I’m not that person anymore. Right here – this now, this Me – is the only one I want to be.
Although I could do without the headache…
A mental shrug, and it’s gone.
Still… huh. It was there for a reason, so…
Time to check things out.
Shutting my eyes, I let the pain ease back into my skull, then expand my senses out beyond that pain, beyond my skin, beyond Ryk’s sleeping body and our tent, out into the dirt and trees and coiled power of the forest and the mountaintop. The essence of the breeze and every dancing drop of water in the mist.
What’s HE doing here?
I guess I’ll go find out.
Slipping out from under Ryk, I savor the glide of skin over skin, the little hairs across his arms and chest, the puff of living chemistry in this stranger’s morning-breath. The tent still smells like sex, like us, so powerfully that for an endless instant I fall back into the scratch and push of last night’s rituals. It’d be nice to hang forever in those moments, but I’ve apparently got shit to do outside. So leaving a little bit of dream inside his head, I push Ryk deeper into Maya’s domains. He’s still asleep, so I’ll leave him asleep. If I need Ryk later, I can wake him from a distance without making a sound.
Right now, though, I think this visit’s just about me.
She’s Awake.
A miserable scrap of smack-addicted wreckage, but the signs are obvious. The smeared remains of what used to be her teacher attest to the efficiency of his methods… and to their results. I had planned to dispose of him myself, but I can’t say I’m sorry to have been saved the trouble. The paperwork, though, will be a pain.
Initial VDAS scans reveal a latticework of minor spells – blood-work, mostly, and a petty example of it too. Rats, a few alley-cats, no sight of the missing children our reports had spoken of. As usual, popular hysteria exaggerates the facts at hand. Still, our sources are expected to be more accurate. I make a mental note to emphasize reliable restrain, with dark skin, cropped hair, and a decidedly feminine build that would have been unthinkable in our ranks during my initial Processing), I scan the occultist trash for signs of children or items of authentic paranormal value.
Nothing. All significant risks of Deviance died with the organic finger-painting on the wall.
Agent Briggs glances back to me, her face betraying nothing that an unskilled eye could read. My eyes, of course, are not unskilled. What should we do with her? Briggs asks without making a sound. The “her” in question is obvious.
Reading our silence, the girl goes quiet too.
A blink of my eyes activates a temporal-probabilities scan. Tiny numbers flash near the corner of my left eye. Faint green traceries skim across the shivering girl. The VDAS datacrawl begins:
The datacrawl moves by: Facts, numbers, estimations, probabilities, mechanical prognostications for one scared mess of a girl.
Finally, the one I’m looking for:
RD%: 96.045763946352
There was a time when I would have shot this girl on sight. Under hot lights, I took her kind apart, synapse by synapse. I beat them bloody with skillful fists, sent hot projectiles tearing through their organs and skeletal structures until their vital processes ceased. This was not simply my duty (although it was) or my privilege (which, again, it often was) or my last resort on a menu of less-attractive options. I must confess, if only to my private internal jury, that I enjoyed it.
That has changed.
One simple motion of my chin signals Agent Briggs to my intentions.
An almost imperceptible tilt of her head questions my decision.
The merest tightening of my eyebrows reminds her who among us holds seniority.
Silence in the room, broken only by hissing candle wax and the dripping of a once-human masterpiece.
Finally, the girl speaks up, her voice just above a whisper: “You’re not cops, are you?”
I resist the urge to quote a well-known film. Instead, I simply tell her No.
Sliding from the tent’s warm shelter feels like an act of sacrifice. Throughout the clearing, a cold cloak of early morning mist shimmers with the light of a distant sun. Thunder burns across the break of dark and dawn, the grumpy roll of elements in their beds. Stretching out the morning stiffness, I zip up the tent door, plant my feet in the dirt, shut my eyes, and reach my arms to the hidden sky.
Off to the side, hidden by the mist, he’s there. A dense presence, more solid than the hills. Without turning to look at him, I reach tendrils of perception out across the space between us. He’s alone, as usual. I smile at the thought of the mud on his shoes. My own feet, rich with trail-dirt, pad lightly on the rain-thick soil. Through my soles, the earth welcomes dawn. I’m in my element here. He’s not. Still, it’s never smart to turn your back on his kind.
So, of course, I do.
When people think of “magic,” they envision wands and circles and all that ritual stuff. And they’re not wrong – not all the time. To me, though, magick is the pulse of life. Rain on skin, dirt underfoot, Nature speaking in a storm. It’s not his kind of magic, though. His world doesn’t have magic… until it does… and then, it needs another name.
Well, I’ve certainly been accused of that before.
The creak across my muscles as I stretch reminds me I am mortal. Still, the play of chilled breeze and dew across my skin, the earth-pulse, the wash of possibilities contained in every molecule of mist, help me reach beyond my human frame. I am soil. I am ?ies. I am water trickling in a stream nearby. I’m the trees. I’m even him. He occupies space like a blank block of nothing, but we’re still bonded in the unity of All.
“You can stop pretending you don’t see me,” he says in that bleak monotone of his. “That’s insulting to both of us.”
“You can stop looming, John. It’s not polite.”
In the dark behind my eyes, I feel him frown. “I see you dressed for the occasion.”
“Isn’t it fitting?” I say, opening my eyes at last. “You’ve dressed enough for us both.”
He’s not behind me now. He’s in front of me without having walked across the distance, dew sheened on his trench coat, mud caked on his shoes.
“What are you grinning at, Lee Ann?”
“Me? Just happy to see an old friend.”
His mirrorshades re?ect two Me’s back at myself. He’s not smiling anymore. “Spare me.”
“I knew your shoes would get muddy out here. I find that funny.”
“It doesn’t fit your image.”
I can’t lie – he still scares me. That black solidity with the presence of a mountain and the grace of a greased tiger. If John Courage wanted me dead, though, I’d have never left that loft over 20 years ago. And since then, we’ve both had reasons to be glad I did.
“Do I have an ‘image,’ Ms. Milner?”
I reach out and press my palm against his chest. It’s like touching leather-wrapped ice. He doesn’t move. I get nothing off of him at all. Sigh. Typical. “You’re so much image, John,” I tell him, “that I’m not sure that even you know who’s really you.”
What does Secret Agent John Courage need with Lee Ann Milner? You can read the rest in Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition. Available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG.
All deluxe edition Mage20 and Werewolf20 products are 40% off from Indie Press Revolution until the end of the month! Unfortunately the Ultra-Deluxe Mage20s sold out almost immediately, but there’s more great products available if you’ve missed one of our earlier Kickstarters!
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