#but I haven't gotten around to it yet but I still wanna make stuff and share it
bueris · 15 days
okay maybe I should seriously reconsider my path in life and sell my soul to marketing or journalism instead
#okay venting in the tags you are very welcome to ignore or not respond to it i just need to yell somewhere#i always thought id be an art therapist because well i care about people and want to help them and love art#but everyday i wake up feeling like a fraud and an imposter so like. should i really be doing all that when im not entirely#certain i cpuld handle it??? like i know i haven't gotten the meaty bit of the education towards that yet but like#university costs a disgusting amount of money here and if i pick the wronf thing im likely doomed forever thanks to awful government#i know things could get better like they did after thatcher but honestly im not putting any bets on it considering how the current labour#party is so like if i fuck up here im basically dead#also can i actually do art uni. like could i cope with that. im deeply unethused with art at the moment and honestly will i evwr be#idk#it was jusr a thing i always did but education around it is fucking soul sucking#also the emotional weight of hearing and solving people's problems as a therapist. i would consider myself quite empathetic for the most#part i feel other people's pain quite strongly and obviously as a therapist id be feeling that quite a bit so could i actually cope with it?#ik therapists have therapists but still#i mean im doing work experience at an occupational therapy place so ill just be extra inquisitive about it all to make sure im going#the way i wanna#I'll be fine by the end of a levels ill probably understand what i want in life#if not then gap year to work it out#should probably look at unis for english language too then#sigh#ucas website i may as well marry you#ill be okay im getting in my head about stuff im actually pretty good at art even if there are things i can improve on (like patience lol)#yeah maybe the voice telling me i suck doesnt know shit and should shut up#yeah#shut it nasty voice you're wrong actually!!! im doing just fine and you're being overly critical#they should make a brain that's your friend and not mush that hides the amalgamation of every bad thing ever in its crevices#crevices shoyild be filled with kindness and love.#sex jokes about that#why the fuck is yahoo mail syncing i dont use you you washed up search engine#bue waffling#vent post
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dan-crimes · 9 months
OH SHIT I TOTALLY FORGOT like ages ago I wanted to make abstract pieces on my OCs so that I could post them here but I have so many drawing ideas so often with zero drive to actually DRAW them that I totally forgot
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mntcoronet · 2 years
*pause moment* hey why the fuck did I just realise that during high school, I felt like a fair number of my peers (from outside my friends group) treated me somewhat more "softly" or like a child than they would've done with other people. and why was that
#maggles ramblings#like idk if they were actually doing that or if that's just what i Felt was happening#but. when they'd have to talk to me for things; like short 'do this in pairs' stuff; i def felt like they treated me differently#like I'd point out something in the thing we were looking at and they'd go 'oh wow good observation!!' as if we weren't the same age#maybe they just acted differently cos they didn't wanna be doing it. which like sure. but man u could at least try to discuss the topic#or did i seem like too much of a shy little creature that only just learned human speech that they forgot i was competent enough to get A's#but hhh man idk. i never know how people perceive me that's the real issue here#i can sorta make estimations based on how they talk to me; i can tell well enough if someone just doesn't wanna keep talking to me#but that doesn't mean i can figure out WHY. but i do know that sometimes it feels like.. they pick up on something about me#like i can roughly tell whether the person talking to me still considers me Just A Normal Guy or if they've realised like 'hey...#this person doesn't quite Get It with regards to social/conversation stuff'. bc of the way they talk. but i still never know why!!#like sure every time i go have conversations with new people i feel like I'm just pretending to be A Normal Person yknow#and when other people who seem very socially competent Keep talking to me i just think oh wow you haven't figured it out yet that's wild#figured what out? idk that I'm just pretending i guess. about what? uh good question just pretending in general#pretending like i know what to say; that it feels completely Natural to talk like that; like I'm not mentally rating each of my actions#but then sometimes there's people i just feel like i don't have to do that around nearly as much. i swear i gravitate towards those ppl#but yeah it's just. it def feels like they know I'm Not Getting something when i talk to a lot of people. like they Know i missed a memo#and i don't even know what the memo is about; or whether I've gotten any of the previous memos or just absorbed the knowledge#by observing things. ya#ok im done with that train of thought i need to go and work on that au i accidentally stayed up till 2am last night thinking of ideas for
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sl-vega · 3 months
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Pairing: [Actor!] Scaramouche x [Singer!] Reader
Genre: lovers to strangers to lovers again, fluff, hurt comfort, angst, drama, crack (?), celebrity au, actor au, modern au, social media au
Synopsis: It's been years since you've seen your childhood sweetheart, Kuni. It's been an eternity since he's moved away, but you still haven't gotten over him. You've spent years trying to rekindle your relationship, but as time passes, the gap in between the two of you grows larger. While the two of you tried to make long distance work, out of nowhere, he went radio silent to focus on his career. He's now one of the most recognizable faces in the acting industry, and you've been dubbed as "The Rising Star" of the music scene. So when you're just about to give up on your hopes of reuniting with your first love, a very interesting opportunity comes your way. An all new dating-reality show that aims to match-make celebrities from all around the world. So when you find out that Kuni is one of the featured stars, who are you to refuse the invite?
Will you be able to win the heart of your first love for the second time? Tune in to find out!
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ FEATURING
y/n and the ladies ll scara and the gentlemen ll our lovely hosts
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PROLOGUE-i promise we'll meet again
01-so close, yet so far
02-always crossing, yet never intersecting
(and much more coming eventually)
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additional notes: 
-taglist is open tho this smau won't start for a LONG time
-and i mean LONG time
-i have two other smaus to wrap up so don't be surprised if this thing doesn't start till next year
-i might drop the profiles if i feel like it
-a self indulgent scara fic cuz why not
-characters/chapter names are not set in stone
-honestly the plot might change
-i decided to post this cuz smth tells me there's a bigger audience for this kinda stuff
-if you need smth to read while waiting for this to come out check out my xingqiu smau
-feel free to comment if you wanna be added to the taglist
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(OPEN) TAGLIST: @ladyninggs, @featuredtofu, @levianamor, @veekoko, @glxssmemories, @foomeowmeow117, @scarasbaby, @d-d3arest, @heavenforyyou, @seternic, @danfelions, @jf-117, @kukikoooo, @uuyuomi, @rozariwho, @freyao7, @lapinaenmicoche , @thatoneswordgirl, @reixtsu, @kaitfae, @mercy-not-merci, @liuaneee, @luvkvni, @ainnofinway, @thystarsshine, @amvpk01, @scaradooche, @adres-tia
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spiderfunkz · 24 days
heyy could you do a peter parker blurb based on him asking you out on the last day of school? i love ur writing btw
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summary : someone has a pretty crush on you!
word count : 0,7k
contains : fluff, fem!reader, super cutesy stuff.
a/n : next month i'll be graduating so this prompt is actually perfect omg omg, thank u for requesting anon i hope u like this !!! 🤭 i used the word 'smile' so much in this i apologize
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"hey, peter!"
you waved cheerfully,
it was the last day of school. the final bell just rang and everyone is running out of the building yelling, cheering, crying, and smiling. papers were scattered, pens fell out of backpacks, shirts were signed, and flowers were exchanged.
you were going to hangout with your friends but that's when you spot peter at the end of the hall. hair messy, backpack full, his hands were in his pocket, he looked very nervous.
but you weren't going to leave him alone like that, it's been a while since you two have catched up.
you have been friends since middle-school, but as friends do, they drift apart, though you've never lost that spark with peter. you loved his company & he loved yours.
"hi!" peter waved.
you catch up to him, "hey, i didn't see you anywhere today! you haven't gotten a chance to sign my jacket yet. here," you pass a marker.
"i saved you a spot to sign." he nods, signing it.
you smile, "aw, this looks perfect."
he smiles too, he seems to be very smiley every time he's around you.
sometimes he forgets that you can see how much he smiles when he's near you, or how you can see that he's clearly staring at you.
"what? do i have something on my face?" you rub your cheek,
"oh, no. no you don't, sorry."
"you sure?"
he nods.
"you're weirdly quiet. you okay? i'm still going to the same college as you if that's what you're worrying about," you giggle.
peter has always loved how easy you are to talk to. in a way that there's never awkward pauses between conversations, and how your smile makes everything feel so calm and nice.
"i know. i just, uh-" he fiddles with something in his pocket, "there's something i wanna say, if that's okay."
"yeah, why wouldn't it not be okay?"
he shakes his head, smiling.
he passes you a picture from his pocket along with a small flower he picked.
you take it, your hand softly brushing his hand for a second.
it was a picture he took 2 months ago. you remember the day very well.
it was hot, awfully hot for new york. there were no clouds, the skies were clear and everybody was talking about it. how eager they are to take a walk and how excited they are to enjoy time outside.
though you and peter wanted nothing more but to stay inside, but this doesn't happen everyday. so why not try your best to enjoy it?
you were at the park and just finished your 2nd cup of lemonade (it was peter's), peter brought his camera for memories. your hair kept sticking to your face and it didn't help that you were smiling a ton so it got in your lipgloss as well.
suddenly wind came and flew past you. the air felt cool for a second and your hair went all over your face, you still smiled though.
peter saw and took a picture immediately, the sun perfectly leaving a glow on your hair, also giving your lips a nice glow.
"did you just take a picture?" he quickly shook his head, "yes you did! let me see!" — "no! i know you're just gonna delete it."
you finally saw the picture. at the bottom you can see a handwritten note on it. a beautiful day with the most beautiful girl!
"peter, this is so cute. you- you took this?" you asked, he nods shyly.
you couldn't hide the fact that your face grew red. "i was wondering... if maybe the most beautiful girl in the world would like to maybe.. like to.. go out with me sometimes..?"
peter said, whispering the last few words, looking down at his shoes, the doodled converses you once drew on.
you smile, "i'd love to."
he looks up, shocked. "really?"
"yeah! i mean all of this coming from the most prettiest, talented, caring boy in the world? how could i say no?" you smile, teasingly.
peter smiles.
he thinks for a second before taking the small flower from your hands and tucking it behind your ear, "pretty." he says, stated actually.
"so are you going to walk me home now, most beautiful boy in the world?" you ask. he nods almost immediately, "absolutely, most perfect girl in the world."
you walk outside the building, your hand holding his.
"just so you know i'm gonna draw a big red heart around your signature on my jacket."
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Last preview of “Dress Up: Part 2”
This will be the last preview of Chapter 2 of “Dress Up” since I wanna save the best part for everyone to experience at the same time! Luckily this is a very short preview! This is already at 2,500 words and we haven’t gotten to the good stuff yet
No active warnings for this section!
You startled awake with the sound of knocking at your door. Your mind was still foggy, brief memories of last night flooded through your head. "Lucifer?" you sat up and looked around your room, but he was already gone, leaving you alone in an empty bed. He had kept his promise after all. There was another set of knocks at the door. "Coming!" you shouted as you ran to grab the robe you had left on the armchair. You opened the door to see Charlie bouncing giddily.
“Good moooorrrrnnniiiinnnngggggg~” she practically sang. “Did you sleep well? Are you ready for your big day?? Are we forgetting anything???” She rapid fired questions at you while you were still rubbing the crust from your eyes.
“Charlie, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think you’re more excited than I am,” you joked, gesturing her to come in. “In order: Yes, I slept…well. Yes, I’m ready...mentally speaking. And no, we’re definitely not forgetting anything. You’re the most meticulous and thoughtful person I know, you definitely have everything planned to a tee!”
"Aww, thank you!" Charlie smiled as she skipped into your room. "You can never be too prepared, ya know? Especially for a day that's so wonderful and magical and full of love!" You saw tears welling up in her eyes out of pure joy.
"Hey now, I thought I was the one that was supposed to be crying today!" you joked.
"Right, right! Sorry!" She wiped the tears from her eyes and grabbed your hands excitedly. "Let's get your hair and make up done!"
Charlie dragged you over to the vanity and sat you down in the chair. You weren't one to wear much makeup typically, but Charlie insisted. And when Charlie asks for something, it's pretty much impossible to tell her no. So you obliged. But you made her promise that she would not go overboard, only the basics. Charlie grabbed the hairbrush and began to comb through your hair, gently pulling out the knots out of the nasty case of bed head you were sporting. She truly was the kindest soul you've ever met. But that didn't stop you from feeling a little awkward.
"Charlie," you mumbled, "are you-oww...can I ask you something?"
"Yes, of course!" She grabbed the the already plugged-in curler and started working on adding some volume to your hair.
"Are...are you sure you're alright with this?" you asked timidly. "I mean...me and your father. I just don't want you to think I'm trying to, you know...replace your mother. I know I don't know much about her or your relationship but..."
Charlie put down the curler and kneeled down next to you, gently grabbing your hand. "You don't need to worry about that! I promise, it's alright with me. It's more than alright, actually! I haven't seen my dad this happy in a long, long time. He loves you so much! You wanna know how I know that? Because he tells me. Every single day. His eyes light up when anybody mentions your name! And I know you would never do anything to hurt him, or me. You're too kind and good hearted for that. I know it may feel like you're inserting yourself into the picture, but I'm more than happy to have you as part of our family! I know the love you have for my dad is genuine, and I wouldn't change a thing!"
A smile formed on your face. "Thank you, Charlie."
"Now," Charlie hopped up from the floor and grabbed the large make up bag sitting on the counter, “time to make magic happen! I have the perfect idea! Close your eyes and no peaking until I say so!”
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lu-zijing · 7 days
Soooooo, me and @cherllyio looked through some scenes in the ~ LMK S5 trailer ~ again, and stopped by this specifically scene yet again:
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Credit to "@SimplyRemarkable" on YouTube for uploading the trailer
Who Is MK Attacking???
Cherrlyio (aka Cory) was like the first time we saw it and said again: "That kinda looks like Li Jing, you know, The one MK is attacking." And I was also like the first time we saw it and said again: "Hmm, are you sure?? I don't know, it could be, but who knows? It's so blurry." Cory: "Well, maybe.. I guess it could be something else, but still." Me: "Fair enough."
((I think they made a post about the whole thing- Go check out their channel, they got good stuff—))
*Us looking through the trailer again today-*
Imagine that whole conversation again- and THEN—
Me: "hm.. I'm still not sure... Waiiiiiittttt-- Dosn't it kinda look like the Black Tortoise? It's feet, I mean."
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Me: "The one who was likely also present in the scene right before?~"
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Cory: "....OHSHI——"
Me:"( ̄︶ ̄)"
Cory: "SHIT YOU'RE RIGHT——!!! w(゚Д゚)w"
Cory: "Ah damn, I just made a post about it being Li Jing...."
Yes, I'm bragging a little bit over for Cory—
It could just be that the angle turned after that first picture we see the Black Tortoise in, where it is behind the kneeling Mk.
Because, it is not behind MK any longer, in the scene where he is seemingly attacking it.
And it could even be in this scene too-!
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Where - in that case - we see Sandy seemingly attacking it??
Credit to @deliveryboysomewhatequaltoheaven For pointing that detail out!
And here comes a theory: ~~
The Black Tortoise is one of Four Mythological Creatures that appear in Chinese Philosophy/Astrology.
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Picture 1: http://www.ianridpath.com/startales/chinese.html
Picture 2: https://www.mapcompanion.org/constellations-song-dynasty/
It is usually represented with a snake coiled around it's body, but I mean - We haven't gotten one good look at it in the trailer, so that doesn't mean it can't be what we saw in LMK
Soo huuh~? Could it be that they are appearing in LMK??
If you wanna know more about them @deliveryboysomewhatequaltoheaven seems to have made some posts about it! I didn't know they had also noticed it, so go check that out if you can't wait!!
Because I am also currently making a video about it, hoping to be posted in the near future on YouTube, A continuation of my collab with @cherllyio "The ULTIMATE Breakdown of the Season 5 Trailer" (on YouTube)
So You might ask... Even if it actually is a black turtle, how do you know it's the one from the Four Mythological Creatures in Chinese Culture??
WELL, ma bud ~ Because there IS proof that ALL THE OTHER THREE CREATURES actually appeared in the trailer-!!!
You wanna know what~? []~( ̄▽ ̄)~*
*Psssst* Then here-! Take a quick little sneak peak at the video in process~~
An Azure Dragon:
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A White Tiger:
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A Vermillion Bird:
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AND the Black Tortoise:
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As It seems very likely that we have seen three, if not ALL four of them . . .
-It would make quite a lot of sense that these four creatures who are appearing in the trailer IS INDEED the Four Auspicious Beasts Yes, they got many names, google it- from the Chinese Constellations.......!!!!?OAUFR)EKWNADOIFNKAAODNKFLF——!!???
But WAIT! I'm not done yet--
Here's ONE more detail that we're gonna cover in that video I mentioned~ :
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These characters are wearing White Tiger accessories AND holding an Azure Dragon, instead of an red-gold Dragon that is usually held during Chinese Lunar New Year, which this could very well be..?
Even if it actually IS a thing to use Azure Dragons too, it IS a little suspicious they BOTH have an Azure Dragon and things that represents a WHITE TIGER..?
I'm pretty sure orange tigers is more usual too, just like red-gold Dragon is more common in China as well.
What do you Think~?
If you're interested in that video, where me and Cory will be covering more details and some basic knowledge about these Four Creatures, Then keep an eye out on my Blog!
I will defintely Post an Update here. And Cory will do so too, as it is a Collab~
Well, that was all for now!
Just realised this is the first time ever I made a long theory post like this—
I like it
Cory: "...........*sighs in tiredness, after making so many long theory-posts at this point already...*"
Hope You found it interesting..!
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
It is I!! With (yet again) another small Idea I JUST had
Imagine this: Corpse x Apartment neighbor reader, where one night Corpse just Scream to the top of his lugs and then the reader screams back just for fun and then they get to know each other that way
I found it kinda funny honestly but that's like a rough idea of what I just thought let me know if ya liked it, k?
-with love Miss Kia
PS: Remember to take care even if it's just sleeping a bit or a glass of water okay?🥰 Whatever you do is good enough for us
PS2: Please tag me with it done, if you do make it ☺️
Hi dear! I know it's been literal months since you sent in this request but I've finally gotten around to it and I hope the final product makes the wait worth it. Love you with all my heart, Vy 💕
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Pairing: Corpse Husband x Reader (Gender Neutral)
Warnings: Mentions of Anxiety and Stress, Swearing
Genre: Fluff, Humor, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: see request above
As you slump against the only standing piece of furniture in your otherwise barren living room, you can't help but sigh. Boxes surround you, silently judging you for leaving them in their status quo for yet another day. Postponing the inevitable unpacking awaiting you isn't much of a choice with your busy schedule but it is what it is and anything else would be making excuses. And there's nothing you hate more than making excuses.
You moved into this new apartment three days ago and yet you have only spent twelve hours in it total. Your stuff is still in boxes which you are quite frankly afraid to open, worried of all the broken crap you'll find because the movers you hired turned a blind eye to the large bold letters the word FRAGILE was written in.
Working two jobs is the only way you can pull through your final year of college but it's starting to feel like you're digging your mental health and sleep schedule a grave instead.
You wanna scream. Scream your fucking lungs out. But you can't with these shitty thin walls. You don't want your neighbors to think you're a nut-job. At least not already. Hell, they haven't even seen your face. You could be living next to Leonardo DiCaprio and have zero clue.
Ok, full disclosure, the building is filthy, so Leo is certainly not living next-door but a serial killer might be.
And speaking off....
Just as that ridiculous though passes your mind and causes you to chuckle, the aforementioned thin walls are straight up rattled by a guttural scream, the vibrations of which nearly bring the ceiling down on you.
You let several moments go by as the building settles in it's slot in the Earth following that vocal earthquake. You stare blankly at the wall behind which the scream emanated from, the wall separating you from your neighbor.
That serial killer thing seems to check out, you think to yourself as your loopy, exhausted brain hits the wrong instruction button, sending you in a fit of quiet giggles.
They can't think I'm a loose canon if they're just as bad, can they?
You decide they can't and go on and rip your friendly neighbor a new one. A scream much stronger, louder and longer that simultaneously establishes your dominance as well as deflates the tension that had built up in your chest.
It's the relief you've needed for a while now.
Similar silence follows your scream, leaving you to catch your breath, head tilted back with peace you haven't felt since you decided to move.
At least until there's a knock at your door.
"Hey, um, you good in there?"
The knock maybe put you on edge, but the voice is what seriously caught you off-guard. In all honesty, it intrigued you more than you'd like to admit. Not enough to get you to open the door, but enough to get you up from the couch and get you to approach the door at least a little.
"You're one to talk. You started the chain, pal." You retort without a second's hesitation which probably should have been considered, with the whole serial killer theory and all.
You hear the guy chuckle, "Desperate times call for desperate measures. It's not like I own a stress ball."
Another step brings you closer to the door, "I mean, they don't really do much. And therapy is expensive. Scaring your neighbors is free."
"I scared you?" He has the audacity to sound shocked, almost offended, "You scared me!"
"You bet your ass I did. Gotta let you know who the boss is around here." You sass right back, unable to prevent the bubbling laughter from escaping you.
It mirrors his, "Well, boss, wanna open this door? I feel a little looney and I probably look so too. Talking to a door and all."
His comments provokes a mumbled apology from you as you, against all the better judgement your 2-minutes-ago self possessed, go to open the door.
And my, oh my, did you win the neighbor lottery. You got a lethally cute one.
"Hi there, neighbor." You greet the taller figure crowned by a mop of messy dark curls. His dark eyes barely peer through the curtain.
But you still manage to make out his smile, even with the mask blocking it from direct view, "Hello to you too, neighbor."
"Y/N, nice to meet ya."
"Corpse, the pleasure's all mine."
His name wouldn't help his serial killer case if you weren't so focused on the few features of his you could see.
There's a brief beat of silence he puts an end to with a shy yet still witty comment, "I know you're supposed to bring baked goods to new neighbors but I can't cook for shit....I got beer though?"
A smile brightens up your face which clearly releases some tension from him, "Say no more, Corpse. You got my full attention. Even if you might be a serial killer."
His eyes blow wide, "What?"
So do yours, "What?"
Well, if that isn't the most rom-comy thing ever. Hallmark and audience approved.
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash @laylasbunbunny @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter @sunnyrae-cessh  @ladykxxx08  @meowiemari  @renupf  @booklover76  @sra-verissimo  @beatrhizn  @blueberrystigma  @beatrhizn  @chicken-taco-burrito  @scorpio-echo  @nyctophiliiiiaaa  @squirreljoe    @azra-x  @ace-of-spaids2  @kxllanxtdoor  @ateliefloresdaprimavera  @allens-underground-lair  @tattered-tales  @madame-isabelle
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pattypanini · 2 months
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Lay All Your Love On Me
Chapter 7- Girls Night Out
Jake Kiszka x Reader and Josh Kiszka x Reader
Word Count: 4.5k
AN: Hi everyone! Here is the seventh chapter of Lay All Your Love On Me from me and @mar-rein12! Although this chapter does not have anyone going to pound town, we wanted to have a chapter where you could get a little lore on y/n and her friends.
Warnings: 18+, Alcohol (like an insane amount do NOT do this), sexting, nudes, cursing, angst. (Not very exciting stuff but your not ready for chapter 8 and 9 so take this chapter as a breathe of fresh air.)
Y/n’s POV
It’s been a little over a week since that night with Jake. After receiving that late-night text from Josh, things have gotten better between you two, but the guilt was still eating away at you. Josh has been friendly, but not as sexual with you. Sure, you’ve wanted to go over a few times and he's teased at it but nothing ever came of it. You missed your time with him. To make matters worse, you haven’t heard from Jake since that fateful night. You didn’t really know where you stood with either of them. You were confused by your own feelings. 
There you stood on the stage, right beside Josh, preparing to run ‘the wedding scene’. Your stage mom begins to walk you down ‘the aisle’ when the music begins to play, Josh standing at the altar. As the priest begins to speak, Donna interrupts him making the announcement about Sophie’s father. 
Your dialogue continues with your mother, “ I don’t care if you slept with hundreds of men. You’re my mom and I love you so much.” You give her a warm embrace. 
“I haven't slept with hundreds of men,” she chuckles along with you. Sam, one of your potential dads, walks up to the front and begins the tense conversation. As all your possible dads, come join you at the altar to support you in your marriage, for you to call off the wedding.
“Sky, let's just not get married yet. You never wanted this anyway. I know that. Let's just get off this island and just see the world!” You project in your animated acting voice. “Okay? Alright?” 
Josh pulls you in for a kiss and a hug. “I love you.” You know it was just acting, but you genuinely felt cared for in that moment. Josh scoops you up, bridal style, and carries you off stage. 
When you make it backstage, Josh gently puts you down, accidentally swiping his hand across your ass. You know it doesn’t mean anything, but you couldn’t help feeling a little spark. You take a deep breath, innocently resting your head on his shoulder. His left arm snakes around your body, gripping at your waist to pull you into his side. His mouth leans down towards your ear, lightly whispering “You did so well. This is gonna be a really good show.” 
“It really is.” There’s a moment of silence before you decide to bring something up that you have been thinking about for a little bit now. “We've gone through some real character development with each other. We went from enemies, to fucking, and now we’re really good friends. I would say that's pretty good.” 
“I wouldn’t say we were enemies.”
“I would, you hated me. But it doesn't matter because we're here now better than ever.” You stand there whispering a little closer. “But I do miss our times together. I think about it sometimes…”
“No one ever said they had to stop, you just never came over.” He places a little kiss on the top of your head. Giving you butterflies.
He was right, you haven't been over since your night with Jake, you felt weird going over. It felt wrong. But you’d be lying if you said you haven’t wanted to, maybe you should.
“Okay so when are we hanging out.” You ask boldly. 
“How about this weekend. We can go out Saturday, and if things lead to it you can come back to the apartment. Jake will probably be there. Do you care?”
Of course he’ll be there. But you couldn't act like that would change your mind. “Yeah that sounds good. I can't wait.”
“This might be a little pushy now but do you maybe wanna call tonight and catch up. Even though we’ve been hanging out during practice we haven't been talking much since then.”
“I mean we didn’t really talk a lot before that either, we kinda just fucked.” You chuckle a little.
 “True but we still texted more. So can we?” Josh asks with puppy dog eyes.
“As much as I’d like to I can’t tonight, I’m going out with Charlotte and the girls. We’re going to go bar hopping.” 
“On a Thursday?”
“Yeah! Thirsty Thursday.” A small giggle bubbles out of you nervously. Why was he making you nervous?
“Okay, well, what about tomorrow night?” He pushes. 
“Someone sounds a little desperate.” You tease him. 
“Is it desperate to want to talk to my friend?” Friend. You hadn’t heard him refer to you as his friend before, it was weird. But you pushed that feeling down and shook it off.
“Yes definitely, we can call, but why don’t you just have me over?”
“My dads coming up on Friday with my little brother to visit. He’s probably gonna come here unless he convinces our parents to let him work on music the way he wants to. Jake didn’t get out of that one.”
You chuckle a little. “Yeah sure we can call tomorrow and then hang out Saturday.”
“Sounds like a plan, I’m really excited.”
“Me too.” You smile at him,  really excited for this new era of the two of you. 
As your friends, Arianna and Mae, make their way to your apartment, Char finalizes her look for the evening you finish off your hair still in your satin robe. Char was sporting a red v-neck bodysuit with black flare leather pants. 
As you look at your closet you ponder on what to wear but couldn’t think of anything good. Maybe you could have a little fun tonight. You open your phone to your messages opening a new chat.
9:45pm y/n: What am I wearing tonight hottie?
9:46pm Jake: Didn’t expect to be hearing from you, I missed you.
It felt wrong, but you weren’t tied down, you weren’t with Josh. 
9:47pm y/n: I missed you too, I’ve been thinking about you a lot. Sooo I’m going out tonight, what am I wearing?
9:47pm Jake: Depends, where are you going?
9:48pm y/n: Bar hopping in town.
9:53pm Jake: Wear the baby pink tank that you wore on your insta a few weeks ago for your friend’s sorority event and that white mini skirt you wore in your Christmas post.
9:54pm y/n: Stalker much lol
9:56pm Jake: I told you I’ve had my eye on you for a while now.
You make your way to your closet and pick out the pieces of clothing Jake chose. You opted for no bra since this shirt held your boobs in place since it's pretty tight.
10:05 pm y/n: Done, thanks for the recommendation.
10:06pm Jake: Umm… no. Not how this works, show me beautiful. I wanna see that sexy body of yours.
You take a quick mirror picture, making sure to pose in a way that accentuates your curves. 
10:07pm y/n: Attachment: 1 image
10:08pm Jake: Perfect as always. I really love having some control over you. You know since I can’t really be with you other than in secret. 
10:10pm y/n: Thank you 😘 I like it too, you can control me however you’d like. 
10:12pm Jake: I'll keep that in mind. Keep me updated tonight, I'll be thinking about you.
You slip on your white booties and clasp your plain gold chain around your neck, along with your classic initial necklace and daily earring stack.
“y/n, Arianna and Mae are here now. Are you ready soon?” You hear Char shout from the other room. 
“Yeah one moment!” You make sure your makeup and hair look up to standard and finish everything off with deodorant and a quick spritz of your favorite perfume. You make your way out of your room, being met with the faces of your best friends. The room fills with shrieks and cheers as everyone sees each other all dressed up. 
“You look so hot, y/n. Your outfit is serving cunt,” Char never fails to make you feel good about yourself. Arianna and Mae agree with her, as Ari pulls her phone from her purse. 
“Selfie?” she says holding her phone up. You all lean into each other, smiles plastered across your soon to be drunken faces. 
“Alright! The uber is gonna be here any minute. One shot, then we gotta go.” Char says lining the shot glasses up on the table, she pours the clear liquid into the tiny glasses. Everyone throws their heads back to take their shot.
“WOOOOO! Lets fucking do this!” Mae screams at the top her longs making her way to the door. God you loved these girls.
Once you are finally in the Uber you feel a buzz come from your lap. 
10:27pm Josh: Be safe tonight, lmk if you need anything. I’ll be thinking about you.
I’ll be thinking about you. These twins have you fucked up, majorly.
10:27pm y/n: Thanks, have a good night too ☺️
When you finally make it to your first bar you and the girls hop out of the uber, feeling excited and ready for the night. Your heels clack against the concrete as you make your way down the sidewalk. You open the door of the bar and you’re immediately smacked in the face with deafeningly loud music and an intense wave of heat. 
“Holy shit, it's hot in here,” You hear Mae announce from behind you. You all make your way over to the bar to order your drinks. 
Arianna, Char, and Mae voice their drink choices to the bartender, as you stand there trying to decide what to get. You came to the conclusion that you needed something strong, something to help you let loose and forget about those god damn Kiszka boys. 
“May I have a long island, please.” You politely ask the bartender and turn around on your heels to face your friends. They are all staring back at you with widened eyes, drink in hand. 
“Damn girl, we’re only at the first bar,” Arianna jokes, a laugh erupting from the other two. 
“I know, I just really want to let loose tonight, it’s been so long since we've all seen each other. Besides, it’s okay to get fucked up every now and then,” you wink at them, you all share a boisterous laugh. “Ugh, I missed you guys so much.” You pull them all in for a big group hug, and pull away only when the bartender offers you up your drink. You give him a quick ‘thank you’ and make your way over to the booth the girls snatched up. 
You squeeze into the booth beside Char, who is sipping away at her vodka spritz. You take a sip of your own drink and spark up a conversation, “So, what have you guys been up to lately? Any special men in your lives?” 
You watch as Mae’s cheeks flush a light pink, “Actually, I have been talking to this guy. He's a really cute, kinda surfer boy with blonde hair. He’s from Hawaii and said that I should come down to visit him so he can teach me how to surf. Isn’t that so romantic?”
“How did you meet him?” Ari asks, wanting to know all the details.
“Well I was there in Hawaii for like a month on vacation, he was wearing a Michigan sweatshirt so I went up to chat and he said he was transferring here. We hooked up a few times while I was there and we’ve been talking for a few months now, I think it's getting real.” 
“That's so cute Mae! I'm so happy for you. When will I get to meet this amazing man?” You ask excitedly. You were happy at least one of your friends wasn’t struggling with relationships like you were. 
“Umm I don’t know , maybe I can introduce you guys to him this week. And what about you y/n anyone new on the roster or are you finally settling down?” Mae says, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.
“Nothing crazy, just doing my normal stuff.” You say, trying to bypass the question.
“Ummmm no actually, you’ve been pretty occupied with a certain someone for the past few weeks. He has even been over to the apartment.” Char says sipping at her drink, looking over to Ari and Mae.
“The apartment?! No guys are ever brought there, he must be special y/n.” Mae adds, giving you a sentimental look.
“He’s just been a good hookup, it's really nothing crazy. Don't act like you guys haven't gotten with the same guys more than once.”
“Well who is it?”
“That's none of your business, Ari.” You tease her with a devious smile on your face.
Mae and Ari look to Charlotte, knowing that at some point she would spill. You can see her struggling to hold it in before…
“IT'S JOSH KISZKA! I’m sorry y/n I really tried to keep it in.” Your forehead falls into your palm not wanting to look up at the group. “Charlotte, seriously!”
“Josh Kiszka, like the sexy theater kid Josh Kiszka?” Mae’s eyes are practically popping out of her head.
“Is there any other?” You reply dryly.
“How did you guys start talking, I hear he’s a hard one to get with. Heard he's kind of an ass, too” Ari says leaning towards you.
“Being an ass is 100% true, getting with him was actually pretty easy though. He was ready to risk it all the first time we hung out together outside of practice for the musical.” You feel the alcohol begin to take effect on your body.
“And his brother Jake, well the one time-.” Everyone is sitting waiting for you to finish. “Well he’s always gone. Josh always kicks him out of the house. I barely even knew he existed.” Lie. “Except for when he walked in on us.”
“WHAT! When???” Mae’s bright blue eyes grow even wider than before. 
“I don’t know, a few weeks ago? It was the first time we hung out alone. He made Jake go to a friend's house and then Jake forgot he had to go and walked in on us. Honestly, I think he did it on purpose.”
Ari cuts in. “I bet he did, I had a class with him freshman year and I overheard him talking with some kid. I think it was Tommy Bucks, nonetheless, they were looking at your Insta and Jake was saying some crazy stuff.”
“L-like what?” Suddenly you’re completely sober. 
“Oh I don’t know normal boy stuff. ‘She’s so sexy, I’d fuck her, She has a fat ass.’ Just the usual.” 
“I did end up getting with Tommy actually, I think.” You mention. You all share a little giggle. 
“Have you ever thought about getting with Jake?”
Oh fuck. “Like I said, I don't really know him. Only time I talked to him was when I had to leave and he apologized.” Oh, you were going to hell. 
“Makes sense.” Ari adds, Mae nodding in agreement. But Charlotte's face was telling a different story. Her eyes narrow at you, in suspicion. 
You chug the rest of your drink. “Next bar?” you suggest. 
Everyone nods and quickly takes their last sip before grabbing their things and heading out the door to the next bar. There were a good amount of bars nearby so taking an Uber wasn’t necessary. 
When you finally get to the next bar you start thinking about him. He’s been on your mind a lot recently, but you were so confused with your emotions. Things were becoming way too complicated for your liking. Against your better judgment, you decide to shoot him a text. 
11:15pm y/n: I miss you, I want you. Wish you were here.
11:16pm Jake: I miss you too sexy, and your body. I wish I could be with you, taking that slutty little outfit off. Who picked that out again?😏
“y/n order your drink!!!” Char screams into your ear over the blaring music. You look up from your phone noticing you’ve been staring at your phone for a little bit. 
“I’ll just have a strawberry daiquiri please, thank you.” Your eyes go straight back to your phone, fingers typing away quickly. 
11:16pm y/n: You did baby and I wouldn’t mind you taking it off of me either. 
Something washed over you, maybe you were ovulating but you were feeling a certain type of way. 
11:16pm y/n: Wanna see me, Jakey?
11:17pm Jake: Of course, sexy girl. Show me what's mine.
The bartender hands you your drink, and immediately you take a big gulp emptying half the glass. 
11:18pm y/n: Who said I was yours?
11:18pm Jake: Is anyone else getting these pics?
11:18pm y/n: No
11:19pm Jake: Then they’re mine, along with your body, all mine.
Next thing you know, Charlotte fingers are snapping in your face. “y/n, it’s girls night not ‘whoever your textings’ night.”
“Okay fineee.” You slur out,  shoving your phone back into your purse. You take another large swig of your beverage, following the girls out to the dance floor. One of your favorite party songs comes on, Bloodline by Ariana Grande. Perfect timing. 
“Even though you’re bad for me, I know!” You serenade Charlotte. Well, maybe more like scream at her. “You’re the one that I’m thinkin, got me feelin’ so incredible. Would you mind maybe linkin?” You sway your hips to the beat and every now and then take a sip of your daiquiri. 
Your favorite part of the song comes on, and with the influence that you were under, you were being absolutely obnoxious. “DON'T WANT YOU IN MY BLOODLINE, YUH. NOT TRYNA MAKE YOU ALL MINE, YUH. AND NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE, NO. BUT YOU GON’ HAVE TO LET THIS SHIT GO.” You scream the lyrics with your chest, jumping all around with Char, Ari, and Mae. This was the most fun you had in a while, but he was still lingering in the back of your mind. 
As you continue to dance, your drink slightly sloshes around in your cup. Charlotte, in her drunken haze, accidentally bumps into you,sending your drink flying all over your shirt. “Oh my God, y/n. I-I’m so sorry,” she apologizes, her words slurring together. 
“Char, it’s not a problem, really. I’m just going to run to the bathroom real quick to dry off. I’ll be right back!” You begin to walk away from the dance floor towards the bathroom.
“Do you want me to come help?” You hear Charlotte ask.
“No, no. It’s okay, I promise. I’ll be quick. Might take a piss while I'm in there, too.” You hand your drink to Char and disappear through the singular bathroom door, quickly locking the door behind you. You grab a few pieces of toilet paper and try to wipe off as much of the drink as you can. Oh fuck. When you look into the mirror, your nipples fully see through your baby pink top. Wait. You look back to the door to make sure it is locked. 
Opening your camera you take a few shots of yourself. One straight on, seeing your nipples through the shirt. One from above showing your cleavage, making sure to push and pull them in all the right places. You look back to see them. Damn you look pretty good. You take one more shot from below, showing your ass peeking out of your skirt. Perfect.
11:31pm y/n:  Attachments: 3 Images 
11:31pm y/n: I hope you're still thinking of me, I know I’m thinking of you.
11:33pm Jake: Holy fuck y/n, you’re so fucking hot. I need you so bad. Show me more baby please, I'm so desperate for you. 
11:34pm y/n: You want me to come over?
11:35pm Jake: Really? Please.
11:36pm y/n: No, keep dreaming tho 😉
11:37pm Jake: You're such a tease. I think you owe me now.
11:38pm y/n: You’ll get more later don’t you worry baby. Ttyl 😘
You quickly take your piss and make your way back onto the dance floor trying to find where your friends were sitting. When you finally locate them you take a seat next to Mae and take a sip of your drink.
“Char get off of HayDay, I swear you're addicted.” Mae says from across the table, much louder than she has to.
“HayDay is life guys. I’m almost to level 40 and I need to get my stuff ready for my boat.” She slurs as she stares at her phone like a little kid. You giggle at her taking a larger sip of your drink. I really want a beer.
“I think I’m gonna get a corona. I'm in the mood for it.” You say before slipping off your seat trying to make your way to the bar.
Ari grabs you by the shoulder, “y/n, I think you should slow down a little on the drinks.” 
“Omg you guys are so boringggg. I don’t even have class until 4 tomorrow so I’ll deal with it before then.” You continue your way to the bar asking the bartender for a corona with a lime. As you wait for the bartender to return with your drink you meet with an old face. Oh shit.
“What’s up, pretty lady.”
“Hi Mark.” You give a dry response not super happy to be seeing him especially after the call situation when you were with Josh. 
Mark used to be a regular hook up for you. He was an attractive man, 6 foot 2 and played basketball for the university. You met him in a class last semester and through ‘studying’ you began to see each other more often. Which led to makeouts and then quickly became hookups. But his attractiveness is as far as it went. He had an awful personality and wasn’t very faithful to any of his past girlfriends. And while he may seem charming on the outside, once you got to know him, his aggressiveness came out. He would get mad when you slept with other men even though you weren’t dating. So you slowly weaned off him and didn’t really reach out to him after that. 
“Why the sour face, aren’t you happy to see me?” He asks with his classic smirk.
“Not really Mark, so if you don’t mind I’m gonna go back to my friends now.”
“Whatever y/n, give me a call whenever you’re actively fucking someone else” Mentioning the call that happened the other day. 
“Why did it make you jealous hearing someone else make me feel good?” You give him a fake little pout, pretending to feel sorry for him. 
“Not at all, I know you’ll be crawling back to me whenever you get bored of the current man.” He says bluntly, walking away without another word. 
Fuck him. You grab your drink and head back to the table. “Guys you would not believe who I just saw.” You say sitting back in your seat.
Charlotte looks up from her phone, ready to hear the drama. “Who, spill.”
“I fucking hate him bro. I don’t know why you hooked up with him for so long.” Char rolls her eyes.
“I didn’t give a shit about his personality, I just wanted to be dicked down.”
“Well, I think it's a sign we should head out.” Char says quickly sipping the rest of her drink down. You quickly grab your beer, chugging as much as you can before handing it off to Mae to finish the rest.
The last two bars were a drag. You didn’t drink that much due to the fact that you heavily drank in the last two. You finally get into the Uber and doze off until you are nudged by Char when you arrive at the apartment. 
When you make your way inside you shake off your boots and head back to your room. Jeez you look a mess. A hot mess nonetheless. You open your phone to a couple texts. 
The first being from Josh. 
12:47am Josh: Lmk when you get home safe. 
1:23am y/n: I just got back, Thanks for checking in on me, Josh. 🥰 Ttyt
The second being a less innocent text from his twin brother. 
1:04am Jake: I’ve been thinking about you all night. There hasn’t been a moment I wasn’t thinking of you. 
1:12am Jake: You make me wanna touch myself y/n. 
1:25am y/n: I can help you out with that 😉
1:26am Jake: Please baby I need it. If you don’t want to, it's okay, but I wanna cum to you. You make me fucking crazy.
You smirk at his texts. Oh, how you love begging men. You slip off your top and take a picture of yourself, holding one tit in your hand pushing it up slightly, snapping the photo. Maybe it was the alcohol but something came over you. You begin to take a little video. Holding your tit and pushing it up to your mouth. Sticking your tongue out trying to lick your tits, something that has been proven to get the men going. 
1:29am y/n: 2 Attachments: 1 image, 1 video 
1:30am y/n: I’ll talk to you tomorrow, enjoy your little videos, and don’t be scared to save them for a later date. Night Jakey😘
Without waiting for another text you plug in your phone and take off your skirt slipping into a large shirt. Taking off your makeup was not even a thought, you crawled into bed, reminiscing the best girls night out ever.
@demonrat444 @gvfstuddedmajesty @jordie-gvf @jazzyfigz @slut4lando @gvfmarge @peaceloveunitygvf @jjwasneverhere @areuirish @mar-rein12 @woyayaofdreams @freyjalw @musicspeaks @jennabobenasblog @do-it-jakey-baby @dannys-dream @sarah-gvf01 @jakekiszkapunchmeintheface
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ravieisunhinged · 10 months
Noah Sebastian x Reader
Oneshot / Imagine
Content Warning: Just fluff.
Background: You and Noah are roommates, until one day he hears you talking on the phone with someone.
One year. It's been a year since you've been roommates with Noah. And that was enough time for you to get feelings for him. During the time you've been living together, you two have gotten pretty close. When on tour, you both text and or call each other.
So, while you had time alone with yourself, it got you thinking a lot. You played back memories from the past year, and you definitely had feelings for Noah. You end up falling asleep for a bit accidentally. Later on, your close friend calls you on the phone. What you don't realize, is that Noah had come back home when you fell asleep earlier.
You're currently sitting on your bed talking.
"So, are you gonna tell him soon?" Your friend asks you.
"When the time is right I guess." You say.
"No, you need to get your head out of your ass and tell him. Or I'll do it myself." She lectures you.
"I'll tell him eventually, just...not right now." You say.
"Why not?" She asks.
"Just scared, I suppose." You mumble.
"Why?" She asks.
"Just fear of rejection, if that makes sense. Kind of why I haven't even told him yet." You reply.
"If he rejects you, he's missing out. You're gonna be fine, I promise." She reassures you.
You bite your lip. "I guess you're right." You say.
Noah had been listening to your conversation and had suspicions. So, a few minutes after you end the call, he knocks.
"It's unlocked." You say loudly. You're currently laying on your bed, scrolling on your phone. 
Noah slowly opens the door, and closes it. Then walks to your bed. You sit up, locking your phone and putting it down.
"So, what was that conversation about?" He asks.
Your eyes widen. "Uhh, shit. How much did you hear?" You say looking away.
"Enough to know that it's about me." He says, forcing your jaw so you're looking at him.
"So, when did you plan on telling me?" He asks.
"Telling you what?" You say, raising an eyebrow.
He leans into your ear to say something. "That you have feelings for me. I heard all of it." He tells you.
Your cheeks turn red, and he notices. "So it's true?" He asks.
"Yeah, just didn't wanna say anything." You say.
"Why?" He asks, placing his hands on your thighs.
You finally look at him again. "Just didn't wanna make things awkward I guess?" You question yourself.
He laughs. "You wouldn't have done that. Have you wondered if maybe, just maybe. That I feel the same way?" He questions you.
"Is there something you're not telling me?" You ask.
He glares at you. "I like you too, idiot." He replies.
You smirk, and then say, "Prove it." 
"I fucking will." He says, before placing a hand on your jaw. Then, he leans down to kiss you. You kiss back, and wrap your arms around his neck.
After a few moments, you both pull away. His hand still on your jaw, and your arms still around his neck. "So does this mean we're together now?" He asks. You laugh, and say yes. 
He suggests you both spend time together for the rest of the night. You both decide on ordering food off of DoorDash, and watching stuff on TV. Yes, you both fall asleep in each other's arms. On the couch. 
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teresalace · 1 year
🥵The Bastard Takes You Home (Courtin Cowboys the bastard x G.N Reader)
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• Words: 4.2k
• Triggers: Usage of word Member, non consensual humping, In the woods, Minor spoilers, Ditzy reader
Author notes: WHere's the bastard x reader fics at?🍳👄🍳Back from My long ass hiatus and now it's studying season for abit, going to work on unfinished stuff for yall, hope you enjoy guys! (tho this isn't the most satisfactory story I've written so far personally 🥴🥴 Or maybe I wasn't in the mood anymore) As always, minors beware AND SUPPORT @ffishstickks COURTIN COWBOYS!!!
It's 1863 and you're on a journey with an old friend to the western town of Summerfair.
Luckily or not for your incredibly charming friend, they managed to win every heart from left, right and center while you were settling down and becoming a decent inn's cook. Last thing you heard from your dear friend, landing themselves in some love scuffle before ending up with a dopey shepherd, was having an all lovey dovey time in that barn. . . 
The clink of a beer infront of you pulled you from your thoughts, full and chilly when you grabbed it.
Downing it immediately, the noisy world around you came bubbling back to life. The bar, ever so lively with patrons chatter and piano tunes, made you feel less alone. 
"Thanks bartender," you smiled with a bright buzz, "I'll cook you up something good next time for the free drinks." HIC.
You stood from the bar seat. A solemn head nod from the bartender bids you farewell.  
Out of the saloon you went, a pleasant buzzing throughout your body, still in the middle of the quiet town.
Just as you walked a step to balance yourself, something below stopped you. Looking down at the ground by your shoe, you couldn't believe it!
You picked up the 100 coin pieces, quickly pocketing it into your pouch and gave it a pat. A cheerful smile making it's way on your derpy face.
What a good omen! 
Maybe it could mean it's time for you to find somebody to spend the rest of your days with. Good omens don't always come your way. 
.   .   .
Hah, what funny things were you thinking now, the sun has barely set. 
The loneliness must've begun to sink in after overhearing a married patron brag about one of the multiple lovely times he's had in the saloon. Oh how suddenly you wished to be living in those romantic stories, to be the one held sweetly underneath moonlight and stars. 
It would be so nice, you thought wistfully.
In your slightly drunken walk down town, head high in the clouds, you smacked right into a charming familiar face who you haven't seen in a while of a week.
"(Name)! Great timing, I've got so much to tell you– What are you doing daydreaming outside the inn– you'll get all sweaty and red." Not waiting another second or for a response, they dragged your bubbly-self into the shelter of the inn. 
Your body felt cooler already, calming you down as both you and your friend plopped on the reception seats. The buzz in your blood slowly going away. 
"Thanks, buddy," you pushed down an incoming burp from ruining whatever you wanted to say. "Thought you were busy loving that Shepherd."
"I was, just LAST night." They chuckled, looping their arm around yours. "But never too busy to visit my dearest friend, so tell me, what's gotten you looking so glum? I hope this town hasn't bored you yet." Oh no this town was the most exciting thing to you since you weren't close to anyone besides your friend and the friendly inn keeper (who provides rare ingredients for your cooking per request), barely boring but then again you were simple to entertain.
The one and only friend loyal enough to stay with you through hard times while disappearing into thin air when not needed. The friend you needed right now to make a life-changing decision, drunk as can be.
"I've been wanting to settle down you know. Maybe in this town or the next one, I don't wanna keep–" A large burp from your guts interrupted your heart-to-heart talk.
"Burping?" Your friend teasingly finished the sentence.
"–Being alone after a long day."  You breathed out a sigh as they watched, sobering up slowly. "It sounds nice enough to imagine having somebody to go back home to." You hoped you didn't sound ungrateful to them but it just isn't the same anymore, you couldn't always rely on your friend for emotional support. Both of you knew that. 
A short pause. 
Giving their earnest attention to you, your dear friend pulled your hands into their lap and held them. "I truly hope you find what you're looking for, (Name), take  your time and see what or who life can surprise you with!" 
When they comfort you like this and talk sweetly, it's no surprise they've got the whole town smitten for them in an instant. Even though you were generally known as their best friend, it still came with some advantages– free drinks sometimes– and more if the time of day was right. You were proud to have a wonderful friend like them and hope to have an equally amazing partner too. 
Wishing that day came sooner.
"(Name)," their voice brought you back to earth and to a pair of concerned eyes. "I think you need to down a cup of water or two, you must've had too many drinks." 
Smiling unashamedly, "only one but guilty." Your answer was followed by a snort response from them. 
Your friend's eyes twinkled like an idea popped in. "I'll tell you what, after you have some water, why don't we go fishing together? Might as well when the weather is lovely and the sun is still out." You took a brief minute to think. Fishing wasn't the most fun activity, you've tried before and preferred to buy your fishy ingredients from the market but with your friend as company? It started sounding not too bad of a plan.
"Hmm. Alright, let's do it," you agreed, shrugging. What could possibly go wrong other than feeling boredom and being sprayed with water or slapped by some fins if unlucky. They cheered loudly and shook your hands together in theirs, earning a glance from the ever-smiley handsome inn keeper.
"Don't you worry, it'll be fun!" They grinned enthusiastically, getting to their feet and pulling you up along. "A warning, you'll need some patience and a strong grip because some of those fishes are slippery fellows." Too late to back out now when you heard that. 
"Great. I could use a challenge now and then," was what you said until both you and your practically beaming friend left the inn, following the forest path and arriving at a creek they discovered in the woodside of the town. 
Fresh minty breezes, vibrant greenery and shrubs surrounded you in every inch though you didn't expect for the fishing spot to be at an unimpressive small creek. 
"This place is where I usually fish! You can even forage some of them delicious berries if you walk a bit and turn right." They squeal showing you, delighted and setting down their basket full of fishing supplies near the creek edge, not too close to be worrisome.
Its deep and calm blue waters glittered in the sunlight while both you and your friend settled down on the flat grassy patches (that you assume have been made by their many trips here), under the cool shades of the forest. 
Curious, you stared at the creek then asked them. "If you've been fishing here a lot of times then there's no way there'd be any fish left, right?" They turned their head to face you, giggling as if you said something funny, pointing to the basket.
"You'll see, (Name). Just give it a try and wait, this town never seems to run short of anything. Really." That felt like they weren't referring to the fish anymore but something else entirely you couldn't understand. 
Moving on from that before the small talk ate away the remaining time before sunset, you and them began unpacking stuff, each person equipped with a sturdy, metal fishing pole in both hands. Looking back at the waters then to the wriggling worm on the hook of your fishing pole, some part of you doubted this would work and be a waste of time. 
Sure you couldn't see through into those unclear waters but could there really be fish swimming in there? 
The answer, a shocking yes with a side of boots and weeds. 
No kidding patience was important, you fished more junk than actual fish whereas your friend beside you managed to capture the most. 
"Really wasn't expecting this much fish, wow," you exclaimed at the sight of the bucket full to the brim with a colorful variety of fish, some you've never seen before in all your years of cooking. 
"What did I tell ya?" They set side their fishing pole, grinning, barely a drop of sweat on their shining face.
"You were right." 
"Psh, of course I'm right," they teased, leaning against a tree. "Told you to go exploring the town some time, there's plenty of surprises to experience. But a word of caution, don't go exploring at night. There's nothing much to see than maybe a pervert here and there doing their business."
"Yeah, I'll keep that in mind."
Everything was peaceful, with your friend relaxing beside the full bucket, you laid on your side on the soft cool grass, bare feet pointed towards the creek. 
"Remind me to bring more buckets next time we go fishing," you slurred, lips slowing down in movement.
"Hah, will do, (Name)." Their giggles fading into the breezes.
Gentle rustling of bushes lulled you to doze away and drape your eyes from the world, no longer hearing the shrills from the birds overhead. 
It felt like nothing could ruin this perfect day. So you decided to fall asleep, waving off your persistent friend to go on back without you, trusting that they would leave some fish behind for tonight. Though fishing alone wasn't fun, they were right about the weather being lovely, almost too lovely to not take a nap.  .  .
Unfortunately the short nap you originally intended for, lengthened to an hours long coma. Only when the sudden burst of froggy croaks and loud crickets chirp disturbed your sleep, did you realize the sun had been replaced by the brightest full moon. 
You hugged your form, waves after waves of chills beginning to settle in your bones. 
That was one dangerous nap, to be waking up at near midnight in the woods. Nope, you got to head back to the inn and fast.
Rustle. Rustle.
Instinctively you held your breath, paused in the middle of pushing yourself off the bitter-cold ground. It could just be the wind? Or an insect hopping about. Yeah, yeah it must be. 
Convincing yourself that it was nothing, no, it had to be nothing, was a tough feat but somehow you managed to carefully get up. 
The tip of your shoes accidentally kicking over something nearby, oh- it was the bucket of fish! How nice of your friend to not leave you without some company. 
It was too dark though, you put aside the urge to bring along the bucket and opted to only placing it in your spot. Hope the fishes wouldn't spoil at sunrise. 
Then off you went, towards the inn.  .  .
There was a small problem in your navigation skills when everywhere you turned to appeared to have the same vaguely shaped trees, it was black as the night sky above too but fortunately you walked out of the creek area. 
You think the hard ground beneath your shoes feel familiar, that is, until mud and softer patches of soil messed with your senses. Great, you stood there in silent frustration.
Maybe you should've explored the woods like your friend suggested before as now you surely were lost. Not that it was their fault for leaving you behind. 
.   .   .
Louder now, you heard it, the rough shaking of bushes close by. Your heart pounded. 
That wasn't nothing. 
Loud enough to freeze you in place, just as you looked in the source's direction– 
Something heavy tackled you to the ground from behind, the side of your face smashing against dirt and mud as that thing landed on your back.
–Oh no, bear. A huge bear in these woods and no warning signs in sight about it?! Your friend would've told you, scratch that, would've not even mentioned fishing had there been a wild animal–
Hot air fanned the nape of your neck as it sniffed you over like you were its next meal. 
Frozen and taking in shallow breaths, your mind was focusing too hard on the sharpness of its talons pressing against your arms. Almost warning you to stay still, not that you could successfully struggle against its monsterous weight before being crushed to death.
Wait, did bears know how to cage people? 
"Grrrr," its breath leaned down and edged the curve of your ears. Please get it over with, you were awaiting, hopeful for, a quick and painless death at this point.
Panting over you, in the silver of moonlight you caught a side-glance at the wild animal or at what you initially assumed to be that had you pinned down. 
It was no animal but a humongous bare chest man, canines glinting as he grinned down at you.
Long shaggy pitch black hair that resembled fur than human hair, earthy toned skin that faded to an inky black down his forearms. 
Was half of his body covered in mud? 
Ah, your neck ached from trying to get a better view of him. Surely even a beast of a man like himself would help if you explained yourself, right? 
"Uh– excuse me, sir." Huffing, he dragged his gaze from your body to your eyes as you managed to turn your face with small relief. 
"I uh just went fishing and lost my way from the pathway to town, could you please help?" It never hurt to attempt for anything but you had a moment of regret as the stretching silence that followed was less than helpful. 
His claws, or sharp nailed hands, shifted from your holding down your arms and now dug into the sides of your waist. Maybe he didn't intend for it to be painful but his weight wasn't one bit comfortable.
Low and rusty, the beast, ops you meant, man let out a gut-busting laugh before removing his weight on top of you. Finally you could gasp for a lungful of air, for how long you laying there for the former freezing soil under you felt warm. 
The man hadn't spoken anything but It must be a good sign! 
"Oh thank you, sir!" Just as you gathered strength to push yourself up, a big hand forced you down hard. Admittedly it wasn't your first time dealing with an unexpected kissing to the ground. 
Thankfully none of the mud or dirt made in your mouth but why on earth did he? 
"Uh sir, weren't you going to let me go?"
A mightier growl escaped from him, showing teeth this time around, scaring you in place as your voice gave out. Again. 
In that second, you remembered this man was no friend, a practically nude stranger who roamed the woods, clearly not dressed to make any good impression. But at least you were given some breathing room, so he wasn't evil. You think. 
Another low growl, this one directly over your head. 
Staying silent became the best option. 
He must've sensed something changed as the sound of him sniffing you grew louder, stopped, and with an unimaginable swiftness you heard an audible long rip in your outfit. 
Chilly air instantly flooded the areas where fabric used to be, your skin felt sensitive. Your eyes flew wide, more opened and shocked, heart trembling at the noise.
Another long tear by no doubt his claws. Oh no no no, your poor overalls, your trousers! 
Your thoughts sizzled, face flushing when his claw-like hands ran down your exposed skin, like in search of something– 
The jingle of coins startled you. No, oh no, he was aiming for your money all along! 
In horror, you watched as he picked a few coin pieces out of your pouch and pocketed it somewhere, tossing your still full pouch away out of the moonlight.
Your fear changed to actual frustration. The nerve of him! To be robbing you in broad moonlight, why, you ought to teach him a lesson and give him a good head smacking. . . If only he didn't have his hand and knee pressing down on your back.
 .  .   .
Wait a second, you felt his knees shift near your legs. Then finally in your delayed mind, you came to a terrifying realization that the hard thing pushing against your lower back was most likely a gun– 
"Uh sir! Please let me get up, surely you're satisfied?" You spoke in a pleasing tone, trying to move a tiny bit under his body weight. Heart thumping.
 He had better be satisfied after taking a piece of your precious money. 
He didn't move off you. Still staying there on top of you, sniffing? Looking around the moonlit forest as if he had forgotten your existence being squashed beneath him. The cold ground painfully pebbling your nipples against the ground, evident of how long you had been in that darn position.
"H-Hey! Could you please get off–" Something hot and stiff poked at your waistline, long and harder than any boulder. He shifted his body or must've crouched over you as his gigantic shadow covers you whole.
The hard poking grew in size and so did the fear in your heart. Wait, how did you even feel that, this almost entirely nude man has no pockets to carry a gun, it didn't feel metallic in the slightest so what was poking you– Oh.
Oh dear no.
Don't look down, don't look down– 
"GRRR." Oh what was he growling about this time?! He already took your money, what else was he going after now. You stilled.
Then he began moving it, slowly rubbing his hardness in that one spot below your lower back. Like he didn't know what he was doing but you weren't going to correct him. 
Already uncomfortable just lying there being used as some scratching post for an animalistic man who robbed you not so long ago. . . Wait, in this position, a strong heat radiated from his lower body and grew closer and closer- 
He began rubbing himself on you, soft as if testing the waters at first than harder. Vigorously humping himself against your exposed buttocks, warming up the cool skin and pressing you into the earth further. 
Breathless and at a lost for words, you shivered while struggling to stay put. Heart wildly beating in your chest like it was screaming for help, so loud you'd think the entire forest could hear it. 
He wouldn’t hear it, he kept going, the hardness of his member cutting into you and you felt it.
A slimy slick spreading across your bottom, thick globs of heaviness sliding down and sending tingles in between your thighs. The tingles grew everywhere, and you became aware of a throbbing, not from the man’s flesh, but yours, as if your body was enjoying this terrible torment forced on you. 
Please let it end. 
He would slow down to your momentary relief, only to speed up at an alarming rate and burn you from behind, skin to skin. The smell of the earth and everything became a blur.
The rumour of the beast in the woods was no exaggeration, like an animal he wouldn’t stop pleasuring himself on you and all the while you silently prayed for it to end as it felt like hours had gone by like this. 
Kept going and going, barely any drop of sweat on him all the while you felt like you were being cooked from the inside out, sticky, clammy skin, and out of breath.
The persistent throbbing, hot and needy, inside of you couldn’t cease to stop craving. . . Touch, any kind of touch to relieve this ugly tension fully other than being kneaded into the ground. After this ordeal you were going to ask the pretty saloon lady for help, you won’t be able to last another night without some help.
Finally his rubbing slowed down, hardness swelling impossible hot against your ass and as if his throat was caught on a fishing hook- a deep grunt expelled from his chest and like dread, you felt it, almost a bucket load of slime spilled over you, your hips and down your thighs.
"Now could you move, please?!" That must've sounded more aggressive than you intended it to be but it worked, he crawled off you but the stickiness remained. Before you could muster up the energy to give him a piece of your mind, he slowly growed before bolting into the shadows. 
You were alone again, thank goodness.
Sluggishly, you rolled onto your side, flinching at the disgusting globs of slime slide off of you and pool underneath. Taking a moment to rest and mostly to catch your breath, lungfuls of air expanding your chest, feeling crumbs of soil stuck to your skin. The moon was blinding you by the second the longer you stayed there in the open. . . Exhaustion and the cold lulled you to almost dozing off but it was too dangerous out here, you slowly rose, grabbing your pouch of money, swaying like a brittle leaf in the wind as you walked on the path back town. 
.  .  . 
Maybe because you hadn’t been seen by them in a while, your friend instantly burst out of the inn and instantly spotted you, supporting your weight and walking you to the bathroom as you confided in them about the attack.
“How horrible! What a disgusting thief,” your friend spat while helping you change out of the torn pieces of fabric that used to look like an outfit as you quickly covered yourself, hiding the slime on your skin from being seen. They continued ranting, dissatisfaction written all over their face. “I’ve had the same experience weeks ago, it’s always the money that they want. I even told the sheriff about it but there’s been no news yet, shucks.” 
You nodded agreeing, not that you told them exactly all the details but enough to draw the conclusion that you’ve been unwillingly robbed. Worried about you, your friend promised to stay the night and went to visit the sheriff to give your account. The innkeeper was a trustworthy fellow who wouldn’t let any criminal in.
After a long, long much needed bath, the heat within your body eased down to a tolerable simmer, especially places where that beast’s release reached. Like where your holes twitched and- Ah, stop you shouldn’t be thinking of that! Huffing out a frustrated sigh, you stomped past a mirror into your room, not feeling brave enough to take a look at your no-doubt reddened face.
It felt like heaven being comforted by your dear friend and sleeping together in the same bed, your curiosity popped out again- wondering what became of that beastman- if just giving the sheriff a report was enough for his capture. Maybe you should do something, see if you could mark a spot in the woods where that man would visit, it would be a ton better than waiting around for good news. Right! 
Determination filled your blood and forced you onto your feet, heart thumping fast in almost excitement.
The moment you stepped out of the inn, it felt like a terrible idea. With no plan in mind, you snuck away from your snoring friend in bed and proceeded on the moonlit path towards the dreadful forest. 
You heard a hurt groan before you saw the source. A man who should’ve already fallen dead, the naked beast with a weapon deep in their forehead spilling blood. Black blood trailing down his rough face, dripping onto the ground. 
Witnessing something incomprehensible had you rooted to the spot, it was a scene out of those horror tales your gram would tell to get you and the other children to sleep, of a monster impossible to defeat. You should've never curiously followed a beast of the woods. Now you would never be able to escape his territory, entirely roamed by him. How could you even attempt to stop him from carrying you when you see not even a dagger lodged in his forehead deterred him from staying alive. 
Could you call him a beast? He sniffed the air like one.
Even beasts can be killed but not this man. 
He froze like he heard or smelt something.
What was far worse than a beast is an unkillable one, and worse than that- was a beast who has found its prey. You. 
It didn’t take long for you to sprint away out of instinct but it was too late, he had seen you, and with one long arm he caught you mid-air and carried you on one broad shoulder, whimpering and struggling to no avail. Deeper into the woods where you’d never be able to escape, where only wisps of light and fireflies lit the mornings and darkness reigned the rest of time to come. 
Deep below the neck of the woods, rumours of the dangerous beast have now changed due to the rare sightings of him not only alone- there was another one who stood by his side, a beast more humane looking yet scared and equally as nude. No one dared to overstay in the woods anymore, not wishing to join those monsters or become their next meal.
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stillgotme · 4 months
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Been pretty quiet the past month and I don't know if there's really anyone that's still stuck around to see what I do next, but I'm still here! And the reason I haven't been posting as much is because I've been planning and I’m here to make some quick announcements for how 2024’s gonna go on this blog moving forward.
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First things first....Karaoke Secrets is going on hiatus and this was what I was embarrassed to say because this story has barely taken off yet I’ve already had two big gaps in between posts and we still haven’t gotten anywhere. Oof. 
I admit, I kinda went overboard with adding a third story when I haven’t even finished the other two. Not to mention, because this one was more driven by fun and me needing a break from my usual stuff, I’ve faced the realization that this story isn’t as developed. It’s why I unfortunately hit a creative wall with it and along with the struggle of trying to do 3 stories at once, my inspo just isn’t with it at the moment. 
Don’t get me wrong, though, I still very much love this story! But I gotta really sit down and figure out an outline for it. I do prefer some sort of structure and I don’t have the full structure yet, so it’s best to put this thing to halt and see what I really want to do with it. Maybe one day when I’ve gotten the inspiration again and I’ve tightened some rough spots, then I can come back to it. For now, it’s on a break. And don’t worry, you will still see Risa and Akira every once in a while when I do some edits. I hope you understand.
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AFTER FOUR LONG YEARS, REDEMPTION IS FINALLY MAKING A RETURN. Now, despite my lack of storytelling since the pandemic, I’m letting you all know that in the background I never actually stopped writing. I was still going over scenes for this story, writing dialogue, even going back to old scenes and writing in depth prose for them to get more in touch with my characters. 
This story is so dear to me and the inspiration has called me for the past few months. And thanks to the lovely people in the writing discord I’ve joined, that storytelling spark has finally come back. What held me back was the worry over Karaoke Secrets, but I needed to stop forcing myself to treat this like a job and follow my inspo. 
So we’re picking up where we left off. To new and old readers, I will do a summary post that tells you the story so far. I understand not everyone has the time to sit down and read and you are in no way obligated to do that so you’ll have the option to get a recap. That way we’re all on the same page by the time the story returns. And if you do wanna read from the beginning, be my guest!
Thank you to everyone that’s taken the time to read this and stick around. I understand I’ve been so messy with storytelling lately because of real life, but it really feels different now. I’m genuinely excited to get back to telling this story that’s been in my head since 2018 and hope you’ll join me in this crazy journey (again). And shoutout to the writing group for giving me the motivation. It may not have seemed like much, but your support has led me to fully get my storytelling back out there. 
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I love you all 💖
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skyf0ckz · 3 months
I wanna know more about your God’s au👀 and also, is there any art you’d like to make but haven’t yet?
*checks watch* how much time you got? I LOVE this AU. It’s been consuming my mind every waking moment. a lot of the characters information will be on the character sheets I’m making but here’s some info on the 3 boys I’ve been working on most :3 Daniel: an unknown rank of being, only known to be more powerful than Demi gods and about as powerful as Arch Angel. Has the power to produce new stars/light and grow/preserve nature. He trains with Miyagi, who helps him harness his powers. The moment he’s around kreese his wound begins to act up, and occasionally that sparks a memory of his mortal life. He doesn’t know why it happens around kreese but he has a bad feeling about him.
Johnny: between principality and seraphim, but is still gaining everything that comes with his rank. Currently training under kreese, who is helping him harness his physical strength and not just his powers. Has the power to create light, learning to raise the Sun and looking after the heavenly beings. He’s considered a prince. He currently resembles a seraphim but can control what he shows so he tends to only show one pair of wings or none when he’s training.
Bobby: an archangel ordered to protect Johnny. He has been trained under both kreese and Miyagi and is basically a bodyguard. He only holds a small amount of power to control light but has mastered swordplay and his physical abilities. He has two pairs of wings.
I’m currently trying to work out the Hierarchy of the angels, God and heavenly beings, and flesh out the cobra boys. I’m probably going to work on drawing jimmy next as he’s going to be the next heavenly being. Jimmy will be a regular angel, Tommy will be a Demi God and Dutch is currently a mortal! I won’t give away how he knows the other boys…yet ;)
OOF there is a lot of art I’ve wanted to make but haven't gotten around to it or have given up doing it. I have 3 WIPs run and I don’t know when I’ll get around to finishing them, especially since 1 of them is a 9 page comic…
Here’s some ideas I’ve thought of making(and might if people like them):
The cobras heaving Johnny onto a motorbike(just cute boyfriends stuff)
Johnny and Daniel sharing a kiss in the back of johnnys car
the cobras in stsrwars themed Halloween costumes (Bobby 100% suggested it)
lawrusso as Wall-E and Eve screen caps (bc I love @amadeusevenstar Wall-e AU)
here’s one of the WIPs that I may or may not finish (that just so happens to be of my Gods AU)
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tetsutits · 2 years
i wanna start off by saying i really liked your recent mitsuya post. it was so cute and that's kind of how i imagine mitsuya. so it was really fun to read it.
also, if it's alright with you i'd like to make a request. can i request draken with a fem!reader who tends to overwork herself and downplay her bad health even when it's obvious that she is suffering in pain or just not feeling well at all.
you can make it cute and fluffy and/or add nsfw stuff if you want to. whatever you fee like.
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✰ PAIRING — draken x fem!reader
✰ TAGS — fluff <3 barely edited!!! reader has a caffeine addiction lol. tends to forget to eat/drink water. i think that's all
AN: oh gosh i am so SO sorry that this took so long! i was on vacation and on hiatus for a while. but thank you for the love on the mitsuya piece it really means a lot <3 <3
|tr masterlist| @tokyometronetwork
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your eyes are starting to strain.
you don't know how long you've been sitting here — staring at your laptop screen on your dining room table with the lights dimmed low. wasn't the sun up when you first sat here? you really can't remember. it's dark outside, and the apartment is deathly silent.
you're on your third cup of coffee, your back feels as stiff as a wooden board with how long you've been sitting down. for the most part — you've been productive, even getting ahead of your work and what's been asked of you.
you notice there's a pattern every time — you sit down, telling yourself it would only be for a little while, then you start remembering things that still haven't gotten done, the to-do list gets longer; and you find yourself still in the same spot hours later.
you distantly hear the faint sound of the front door opening and closing, and a few seconds pass by as you wait for the greeting you're always met with.
"i'm home!" draken yells out. he cant see you yet, still in the foyer, but he knows you're here.
the thud of footsteps gets louder and you see him enter through the doorframe of your kitchen. you think it's pretty funny how he has to slightly dip his head down to make it through, his height always getting in the way.
"hey," you smile at him from where you sit, "how was your day?"
he visibly slumps at the sight of you, like the relief of finally being home gets to him. he places a white bag—that you assume has takeout in it—on top of the counter and sighs, "long, tiring, but, it was pretty good. inupi and i finally settled down in the new shop. it was hectic."
he approaches you from behind, and rests his forearms on the back of your chair. "whatcha up to?" he places his chin on the crown of your head, a habit he's picked up while living with you.
you cant really look at him when you talk, so you laugh lightly and tell him, "just work, its been really stressful lately. and there's still so much i have to do! i'm not even near being finished," you groan.
"have you. . . " he pauses, and he looks around at the state your space is in: the empty coffee mugs, used napkins, pencils and papers spread out. ". . .have you even taken any breaks?"
"or, drink any water? because all i see is coffee mugs here, babe," he continues.
you suddenly forget how to speak, because, no, you haven't drank a proper amount of water today, and no, you don't think you've taken any breaks either. it finally hits you, and you realize just how long you've been sitting down.
"I—yeah. of course i have," you say slowly. and it so obvious that you aren't telling the truth, because he feels your body tense and your voice crack.
he drops his forehead now on the back of your head, and sighs deeply. his arms come down to circle around your upper body as much as the chair would allow him, "what am i gonna do with you?"
silence engulfs the room. you really don't have anything to say, but you know better. he's always asking you to take care of yourself and to make sure you aren't overworking. but, if he's not here to remind you, then who will? you definitely can't rely on yourself when it comes to something like this.
"there's. . . water, in-in the coffee," you say, trying to lighten the mood but he only huffs out a breath of laughter and it makes you crack a smile too.
"y'know that doesn't count, silly girl," he lifts himself, and you're suddenly yanked away from the table, the chair pulled back by him.
"k-ken! what're you doing?"
"c'mon, get up," he says, walking in front of you and pulling your arms.
"but i'm not done! there's still-"
he throws his head back and sighs loudly in frustration, but you know he's not angry at you, "babe, i'm sorry, but your work can wait. it's literally the weekend and i'm so hungry i think i could die,"
you're out of your chair, and you look up to see him already gazing down at you, "i've brought food, I'm not eating all of that on my own."
there's a beat of silence before your stomach growls, loud enough that both of you can hear it.
"tch," he flicks your forehead playfully, "of course you haven't eaten anything. do i need to watch you 24/7 to make sure you're living like a proper human?"
you look away, too embarrassed to face him anymore, "I am taking care of my self! i just, i get too caught up with what i'm doing once i start,"
he turns around and barks out a laugh, "sure you have!" he says sarcastically.
he makes his way back into the kitchen, "help me set the table, i've been dyin' to tell you about this dog thats been wandering into the shop recently. he kinda looks like inupi,"
you smile, and you realize that even if you can't seem to put yourself first, you know that draken will always be there reminding you to care for yourself.
you don't know what you'd do without him.
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reblogs and feedback appreciated <3 — my requests are open!
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saltydoesstuff · 7 months
Uh, okay- real talk for a moment.
Some life stuffs have been happening for a while, and now it has gotten pretty serious regarding a close family member's health. Both outcomes seem pretty dire for them; one is prolonging the inevitable but them still hurting and the other letting it take its course. Either way, I cannot promise that I will be as active or posting (like I did that anyway sdkjsn).
I do not deal well with change. I do not deal with death very well. And well, this is a pretty huge change no matter the outcome. And even though I am terrible at communicating or showing my emotions, this is scary.
So, if I one day just kinda drop off the face of the earth for periods at a time- this is most likely the reason. I appreciate everyone who I've met and got the chance to interact with since I started this silly blog, and everyone who gives my writing and content the time of day. You guys mean a lot to me, and I'm thankful for you continuing to stick around. I am not going to abandon this or any of my other blogs, I wanna make that clear. I just may not be on very much for a while. This is subject to change, of course. But I want to put it out there in case things don't change.
I hope you all have a lovely day/night! Drink water, eat something if you haven't yet and make sure to take care of yourselves!! That's what the Ferals would want from you all.
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sukimas · 2 months
Have you read cheating detective satori? I haven't gotten to it yet since I'm still reading forbidden scrollery, but I know a lot of satori fans who wanna start reading the touhou mangas but I also heard it was the worst one (and can't find any reasons why no matter where I look beyond vague stuff)? Would they be fine starting there?
I have, yes. Here’s a rundown of why I don’t think it would be a good starting point for your satori-enjoying friends:
-Bluntly, it doesn’t have a lot of Satori. She’s technically the main character, but the manga is far more about Reimu (and the antagonist.)
-It isn’t very good in that it tends to be poorly paced; certain events will drag on far longer than they need to and certain other events will last for far shorter than they need to given their impact. This can make it poor as an introduction, because some might drop it due to poor pacing.
-It’s unfinished and is a manga that primarily revolves around lore that one understands well only after exposure to a fair number of other Touhou works. As in, one will not understand the main antagonist’s motivations without reading 3-4 other Touhou works first.
Personally? If they’re Satori fans for her personality, I’d suggest Curiosities of Lotus Asia; while that’s not a manga (it’s a series of short stories) it has a protagonist very similar in personality, and is a good introduction to the world of Touhou while also being funny. As a bonus, it has some of the background you’ll need to understand the antagonist of CDS’ motivations. If they have their hearts set on a manga specifically, I recommend Forbidden Scrollery; while Lotus Eaters is a more objective look at what Gensoukyou is like, it can be a little boring for someone fairly new to Touhou, because of the expectation that one understands the dynamics of the setting already.
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