#building control systems
acvk · 1 month
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coldgoldlazarus · 10 months
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On that note, here's yet another thing I did on a whim just now.
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puhpandas · 9 months
It’ll always be funny and amusing to me that Gregory IQ is like an adult, bro is literally a genius I love smart children they solo
fr he collabed and built a state of the art security system and canonically built Freddy a new body post sb because of the fist/foot marks from freddys body in ruin. like hes so smart but hes also dumb in the way kids are it's so funny
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fights4users · 11 months
Program language and the nuances of Human communication |
I will not apologize, the novelization is good you’re getting a lot more now that I finished re-reading, lol. This time I’m actually writing little analysis pieces instead of sharing photos and screaming, so that a bonus?
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Conversational nuance, and the MCP-
There’s a lot here, first and foremost it’s confirmed that it is actually speaking to Dillinger and Flynn through speakers hidden throughout the office and the laser bay. (Both users marvel at how far the voice modulation has come.)
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Second is how quickly the MCP is learning, it’s clear that ambition and want drove it into its tyrannical rule. It’s quick, efficient and deadly in capturing other systems and assimilating what it finds useful, but what’s not talked about is how quickly it is learning human quirks and nuance. It’s clear that it is still learning as Flynn manages to best and confuse it in the real world, but the little inflections it’s managed to add to its voice startle him and Dillinger.
This also opens the implication that program communication may lack a lot of things we see as intrinsic to conversation. It’s hard to notice as everything we see on the game grid and in the main computer seem to be regular conversations to us. On some level they are as there is that “user touch” in the world (such as the main programs we see being a reflection of Lora, Alan, Gibbs etc.) but as things go on the difference begins to be more noticeable.
I don’t think Ram is naive or as oblivious as Flynn notes when talking with him- I think he’s just a program. He can’t quite fathom why someone wouldn’t be excited/delighted to talk about their purpose. Not to mention that language is shaped by one’s surroundings- I think different domains may sound different from one another, it’s like the program equivalent of an accent. Same language but differing inflection.
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Flynn confuses everyone by using sayings or expressions completely alien to them. Either because such things don’t exist in their world or theirs a similar saying that better fits it (Thank God -> thank the Users | Dumbass-> Bit brain, etc.)
Language? Maybe? Possibly?-
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The Headcanon is becoming more popular and I’m a big fan of it- that there’s different languages that sort of correlate to Programing languages. There may be some sort of universal translator or just - again in your common area everyone gets along etc.
This is kind of a thing in canon? I don’t know if it’s an actual language or a reverting back to a more primitive form of communication? As Yori and other programs reduced to automation (basically work zombies) speak in numbers and the occasional word. Yori, though she doesn’t remember much of her time like that retains understanding of it where Tron does not at all.
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I’m imagining it’s something close to binary that the bits use. It’s a very basic language that doesn’t need much energy, function or thought to speak. So the working drones can communicate on some level while still being given the lowest possible ration of energy from the MCP. (I can’t stress enough that they’re functioning but not at the same time)
Regardless of what this actually is, legitimate language or confused, energyless mumblings - it does prove that there are some speech not all understand 🤷‍♀️… in a round about way.
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scratching92 · 11 days
I was saying this on discord, but I do really like that Iskander pairs so well with Lich's systems. It feels right that the Gravity Mech should make good use of Time Manipulation. Einstein would be delighted.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 10 months
If anyone's wondering about that last post... yeah I have no real interest in the lore of the previous games. I want to move on, with new lore and new characters. I will take what is interesting from what I glimpse of the books through Breezewiki and leave it at that.
And this has me wondering about just straight up overhauling SB and Ruin specifically to make it about the new and not the old shit that's been done to death. Hm.
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jcmarchi · 7 months
Nuclear Power Renaissance with Molten Salts - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/nuclear-power-renaissance-with-molten-salts-technology-org/
Nuclear Power Renaissance with Molten Salts - Technology Org
A science team is reinventing nuclear energy systems via molten salt technologies.
A retro wonder gleaming white in the sun, propelled by six rear-facing rotors and four jet engines affixed to the longest wings ever produced for a combat aircraft, the Convair B-36 Peacemaker looks like it flew right out of a 1950s science fiction magazine.
Frozen uranium containing fuel salt (NaF-BeF2-UF4), inside a glovebox in Raluca Scarlat’s SALT lab. Illustration by Sasha Kennedy/UC Berkeley
One of these bombers, which flew over the American Southwest from 1955 to 1957, was unique. It bore the fan-like symbol for ionizing radiation on its tail. The NB-36H prototype was designed to be powered by a molten salt nuclear reactor — a lightweight alternative to a water-cooled reactor.
Nuclear-propelled aircraft like the NB-36H were intended to fly for weeks or months without stopping, landing only when the crew ran short of food and supplies. So what happened? Why weren’t the skies filled with these fantastical aircraft?
“The problem was that nuclear-powered airplanes are absolutely crazy,” says Per F. Peterson, the William S. Floyd and Jean McCallum Floyd Chair in Nuclear Engineering. “The program was canceled, but the large thermal power to low-weight ratio in molten salt reactors is the reason that they remain interesting today.”
Because of numerous concerns, including possible radioactive contamination in the event of a crash, the idea of nuclear-powered aircraft never took off. But nuclear submarines, using water as coolant, completely replaced their combustion-powered predecessors. Civilian reactors were built on the success of submarine systems, and as a result, most nuclear reactors today are cooled with water.
Professor Per Peterson holds a single fuel pebble, which can produce enough electricity to power a Tesla Model 3 for 44,000 miles. Illustration by Adam Lau / Berkeley Engineering
While most water-cooled reactors can safely and reliably generate carbon-free electricity for decades, they do present numerous challenges in terms of upfront cost and efficiency.
Molten salt reactors, like those first designed for nuclear-powered aircraft, address many of the inherent challenges with water-cooled reactors. The high-temperature reaction of such reactors could potentially generate much more energy than water-cooled reactors, hastening efforts to phase out fossil fuels.
Now, at the Department of Nuclear Engineering, multiple researchers, including Peterson, are working to revisit and reinvent molten salt technologies, paving the way for advanced nuclear energy systems that are safer, more efficient and cost-effective — and may be a key for realizing a carbon-free future.
Smaller, safer reactors
In the basement of Etcheverry Hall, there’s a two-inch-thick steel door that looks like it might belong on a bank vault. These days, the door is mostly left open, but for two decades it was the portal between the university and the Berkeley Research Reactor, used mainly for training. In 1966, the reactor first achieved a steady-state of nuclear fission.
Fission occurs when the nucleus of an atom absorbs a neutron and breaks apart, transforming itself into lighter elements. Radioactive elements like uranium naturally release neutrons, and a nuclear reactor harnesses that process.
Concentrated radioactive elements interact with neutrons, splitting themselves apart, shooting more neutrons around and splitting more atoms. This self-sustaining chain reaction releases immense amounts of energy in the form of radiation and heat. The heat is transferred to water that propels steam turbines that generate electricity.
The reactor in Etcheverry Hall is long gone, but the gymnasium-sized room now houses experiments designed to test cooling and control systems for molten salt reactors. Peterson demonstrated one of these experiments in August. The Compact Integral Effects Test (CIET) is a 30-foot-tall steel tower packed with twisting pipes.
The apparatus uses heat transfer oil to model the circulation of molten salt coolant between a reactor core and its heat exchange system. CIET is contributing extensively to the development of passive safety systems for nuclear reactors.
After a fission reaction is shut down, such systems allow for the removal of residual heat caused by radioactive decay of fission products without any electrical power — one of the main safety features of molten salt reactors.
The first molten salt reactor tested at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in the 1950s was small enough to fit in an airplane, and the new designs being developed today are not much larger.
Conventional water-cooled reactors are comparatively immense — the energy-generating portion of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant in San Luis Obispo County occupies approximately 12 acres, and containment of feedwater is not the only reason why.
The core temperature in this type of reactor is usually kept at some 300 degrees Celsius, which requires 140 atmospheres of pressure to keep the water liquid. This need to pressurize the coolant means that the reactor must be built with robust, thick-walled materials, increasing both size and cost. Molten salts don’t require pressurization because they boil at much higher temperatures.
In conventional reactors, water coolant can boil away in an accident, potentially causing the nuclear fuel to meltdown and damage the reactor. Because the boiling point of molten salts are higher than the operational temperature of the reactor, meltdowns are extremely unlikely.
Even in the event of an accident, the molten salt would continue to remove heat without any need for electrical power to cycle the coolant — a requirement in conventional reactors.
“Molten salts, because they can’t boil away, are intrinsically appealing, which is why they’re emerging as one of the most important technologies in the field of nuclear energy,” says Peterson.
The big prize: efficiency
Assistant professor Raluca Scarlat uses a glovebox in her Etcheverry Hall lab. Illustration by Adam Lau / Berkeley Engineering
To fully grasp the potential benefits of molten salts, one has to visit the labs of the SALT Research Group. Raluca O. Scarlat, assistant professor of nuclear engineering, is the principal investigator for the group’s many molten salt studies.
Scarlat’s lab is filled with transparent gloveboxes filled with argon gas. Inside these gloveboxes, Scarlat works with many types of molten salts, including FLiBe, a mixture of beryllium and lithium fluoride. Her team aims to understand exactly how this variety of salt might be altered by exposure to a nuclear reactor core.
On the same day that Peterson demonstrated the CIET test, researchers in the SALT lab were investigating how much tritium (a byproduct of fission) beryllium fluoride could absorb.
Salts are ionic compounds, meaning that they contain elements that have lost electrons and other elements that have gained electrons, resulting in a substance that carries no net electric charge. Ionic compounds are very complex and very stable. They can absorb a large range of radioactive elements.
This changes considerations around nuclear waste, especially if the radioactive fuel is dissolved into the molten salt. Waste products could be electrochemically separated from the molten salts, reducing waste volumes and conditioning the waste for geologic disposal.
Waste might not even be the proper term for some of these byproducts, as many are useful for other applications — like tritium, which is a fuel for fusion reactors.
Salts can also absorb a lot of heat. FLiBe remains liquid between approximately 460 degrees and 1460 degrees Celsius. The higher operating temperature of molten salt coolant means more steam generation and more electricity, greatly increasing the efficiency of the reactor, and for Scarlat, efficiency is the big prize.
“If we filled the Campanile with coal and burned it to create electricity, a corresponding volume of uranium fuel would be the size of a tennis ball,” says Scarlat. “Having hope that we can decarbonize and decrease some of the geopolitical issues that come from fossil fuel exploration is very exciting.”
“Finding good compromises”
Thermal efficiency refers to the amount of useful energy produced by a system as compared with the heat put into it. A combustion engine achieves about 20% thermal efficiency. A conventional water-cooled nuclear reactor generally achieves about 32%.
According to Massimiliano Fratoni, Xenel Distinguished Associate Professor in the Department of Nuclear Engineering, a high-temperature, molten salt reactor might achieve 45% thermal efficiency.
So, with all the potential benefits of molten salt reactors, why weren’t they widely adopted years ago? According to Peter Hosemann, Professor and Ernest S. Kuh Chair in Engineering, there’s a significant challenge inherent in molten salt reactors: identifying materials that can withstand contact with the salt.
Anyone who’s driven regularly in a region with icy roads has probably seen trucks and cars with ragged holes eaten in the metal around the wheel wells. Salt spread on roads to melt ice is highly corrosive to metal. A small amount of moisture in the salt coolant of a nuclear reactor could cause similar corrosion, and when combined with extreme heat and high radiation, getting the salt’s chemistry right is even more critical.
Hosemann, a materials scientist, uses electron microscopes to magnify metal samples by about a million times. The samples have been corroded and or irradiated, and Hosemann studies how such damage alters their structures and properties. These experiments may help reactor designers estimate how much corrosion to expect every year in a molten salt reactor housing.
Hosemann says molten salt reactors present special engineering challenges because the salt coolant freezes well above room-temperatures, meaning that repairs must either be done at high temperatures, or the coolant must first be drained.
Commercially successful molten salt reactors then will have to be very reliable, and that won’t be simple. For example, molten salt reactors with liquid fuel may be appealing in terms of waste management, but they also add impurities into the salt that make it more corrosive.
Liquid fuel designs will need to be more robust to counter corrosion, resulting in higher costs, and the radioactive coolant presents further maintenance challenges.
Nuclear engineering graduate students Sasha Kennedy and Nathanael Gardner, from left, work with molten salt. Illustration by Adam Lau/Berkeley Engineering
“Good engineering is always a process of finding good compromises. Even the molten salt reactor, as beautiful as it is, has to make compromises,” says Hosemann.
Peterson thinks the compromise is in making molten salt reactors modular. He was the principal investigator on the Department of Energy-funded Integrated Research Project that conducted molten salt reactor experiments from 2012 to 2018.
His research was spun off into Kairos Power, which he co-founded with Berkeley Engineering alums Edward Blandford (Ph.D.’10 NE) and Mike Laufer (Ph.D.’13 NE), and where Peterson serves as Chief Nuclear Officer.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission just completed a review of Kairos Power’s application for a demonstration reactor, Hermes, as a proof of concept. Peterson says that high-temperature parts of Kairos Power’s reactors would likely last for 15 to 25 years before they’d need to be replaced, and because the replacement parts will be lighter than those of conventional reactors, they’ll consume fewer resources.
“As soon as you’re forced to make these high-temperature components replaceable, you’re systematically able to improve them. You’re building improvements, replacing the old parts and testing the new ones, iteratively getting better and better,” says Peterson.
Lowering energy costs
California is committed to reaching net zero carbon emissions by 2045. It’s tempting to assume that this goal can be reached with renewables alone, but electricity demand doesn’t follow peak energy generating times for renewables. 
Natural gas power surges in the evenings as renewable energy wanes. Even optimistic studies on swift renewable energy adoption in California still assume that some 10% of energy requirements won’t be achieved with renewables and storage alone.
Considering the increasing risks to infrastructure in California from wildfires and intensifying storms, it’s likely that non-renewable energy sources will still be needed to meet the state’s energy needs.
Engineers in the Department of Nuclear Engineering expect that nuclear reactors will make more sense than natural gas for future non-renewable energy needs because they produce carbon-free energy at a lower cost. In 2022, the price of natural gas in the United States fluctuated from around $2 to $9 per million BTUs.
Peterson notes that energy from nuclear fuel currently costs about 50 cents per million BTUs. If new reactors can be designed with high intrinsic safety and lower construction and operating costs, nuclear energy might be even more affordable.
Molten salt sits on a microscope stage in professor Raluca Scarlat’s lab. Illustration by Adam Lau/Berkeley Engineering
Even if molten salt reactors do not end up replacing natural gas, Hosemann says the research will still prove valuable. He points to other large-scale scientific and engineering endeavors like fusion reactors, which in 60 years of development have never been used commercially but have led to other breakthroughs.
“Do I think we’ll have fusion-generated power in our homes in the next five years? Absolutely not. But it’s still valuable because it drives development of superconductors, plasmas and our understanding of materials in extreme environments, which today get used in MRI systems and semiconductor manufacturing,” says Hosemann. “Who knows what we’ll find as we study molten salt reactors?”
Source: UC Berkeley
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the-official-account · 8 months
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trollbreak · 5 months
I love how visually nya podsol and bill’s spines r very similar but um. Under the skin it’s a whole different setup
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thebleedingeffect · 2 years
I still unironically think that hashirama's and tobirams's mom was a hatake and was one of the key factors in the mokutun kekkei genkai and not just senju bs alright good night everybody
#i love how this makes zero sense if youre not invested in narutos lore#results from my very very late night energy spike but im crashing now so yippeeeeeeee#some elaboration cause i feel like it. i personally headcanon that the hatake clan used to exist but was killed around the same-#time as the uzumaki clan#the reason they werent so well known in the fire country is cause they originated from the lightning country#the hatake and uzumaki clan became allies after the lightning country became fearful of their white charka and turned hostile#the uzumaki clan deeply related so the two quickly became fierce allies and that's how tobiramas mom happened#basically konoha met the hatakes through the uzumakis extremely early on in their history and was a key result of the mokuton#in my brain white charka works like this. its an extremely volatile but powerful charka nature but its not made up of any one element#its basically pure energy that has the ability to heal and build upon existing jutsus to make them 10× more powerful#thats why people were so fearful of them as they could take your own jutsu and make it way more lethal in a blink of an eye#another plus is that the healing properties are unlike any another. basically it was well known of hatakes healing uzumakis that had-#pushed their charka systems too far during sealing. blowing out or even collapsing part of their charka network#white charka would basically restructure their network to a 'fixed' or 'pure' state#it was also very common for hatakes to work alongside uzumakis to help them control and share the vast power of their charka so that-#if anything happened. they could siphon majority of the kickback and make sure they didnt just fucking ko in a heatbeat#thats my argument to why things such as charka chains were much more common in the past cause youre SUPPOSED to have-#a hatake on standby who helps heavily in stabilizing their charka and shares the power while making it more durable and controlled#thats why karin and kushina fucking combusted each time they did the charka chains and its NOT supposed to be a-#solitary jutsu!! get you a fucking hatake to HELP YOU OR YOU WILL REGRET IT!!! yeah anyway so im making an oc
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meowww-ffxiv · 1 year
Anyway enough touchy feelys for tonight.
Did you know that Liios nearly got detention back in his Studium college school days because he made what you'd call a lawnmower, got his bestie Louisoux to try it out by cutting grass on the lawn of the Studium, but it went haywire, cut an ugly path through the lawn, went down a cliff, and crashed into an extremely delicate cart full of gleaners' findings being shipped into the city.
Then it caught on fire.
Liios's adoptive mother had to go in front of the Studium board and vouch for him that it wasn't a weapon. It wasn't! Louisoux also begged his parents to put in a good word for the troublemaker.
After escaping disciplinary actions, the next week Liios made a drone that homed in on bugs. But it mistook a girl's butterfly hairclips for bugs and sprayed water on her head.
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huccimermaidshirts · 2 years
Took my sister to see DWD yesterday and she fucking loved it! When the twist happened she kept turning to me and saying "fucking brilliant"! She thought Florence was amazing and the cinematography, she thought Harry was okay in it! Not stellar but okay! And she thought that some parts needed more development to show more of the reason of why everything happened! Overall, as someone who had seen NOTHING from spoilers or controversies etc (only super vague stuff), she didn't see any of the twists happening! And she enjoyed herself a lot! And we were having such interesting conversation! It was also her first movie post pandemic!!!!!!!!!
#second time was much more enjoyable than the first#and you notice many many many more elements and patterns and full circle moments#also the dancer moments were so creepy and jump scare-y omfg i dunno how i handled them the first time#and i noticed at the beginning when jack and alice are driving in the desert they're doing circles with their car and it's the exact same#circle the victory project looks like!!!!!!!! and also how the perfect illusion of the perfect couple begins to chip away after the first#time alice exists the simulation and he yells at her and she's like 'youre worried about a demotion?' and then he very naturally gaslights#her! AND when he tells her all happy and dreamy like that he wants to have kids when they're ~agreement~ was to not have any#admittedly Harry's best scene (imo) is when the reveal happens and he's yelling at her and especially when he says 'you get to stay here#amd you're happy! you're happy' the way he delivers that scene is very haunting! the way he thinks that's the best thing for her or that#she shouldn't want more out of her life! and also i teared up when alice yelled 'it was MY life! MY LIFE! And you don't get to take that#away from me'!!!!!!!! and I can't stop thinking about how much of a good fit harry was to the role because majority of abusive men are not#what society considers less attractive! they're the ones with the suits and the good names and the 'good' high paying jobs those who come#in neat little boxes and are exactly society's standard for men! and bunny's character is also very genius because she's someone pushed so#far by grief and she's the woman who along with Shelley uphold the system. and it's so fitting that she's bffs with alice because alice is#the one who's willing to do things to 'blow up a system that serves her' and bunny is dying to uphold it because without it she's nothing!#and I keep thinking what if the promotion means that the men selected are more involved in the building and expansion of victory/the#simulation?Also what if the ring is actually Frank's way of controlling them IN the simulation? And that's why jack seems like a puppet#while Frank is yelling 'do you want to see him dance?'!!!!!!!!!!!! so many thoughts!!! i want to watch it again!!!!!!!!!!#dwd spoilers#don't worry darling
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subconsciousmysteries · 11 months
Vultology is the stupidest thing ever
I've heard a lot of people argue that "vultology is the only way to realistically type yourself" "when you type without vultology you're not accountable for yourself, you're just believing what you want to believe about yourself, and you're probably not being realistic" and the narcissism in all these statements is beyond belief.
Where is the "accountability" and "realism" for the person who invents a whole system to tell other people who they deeply are inside based on how they look?
Did she or he invent their vultology system through any sort of scientific method?
Or is she or he just a professional stereotyper and dehumanizer?
Usually it's the latter.
I've never seen someone invent vultology who isn't a massive hypocrite that wants to dehumanize others, reducing them to appearence, whilst getting to keep their own self-identity story intact. Most vultology systems are always chopping and changing the rules despite claiming to have it all figured out and be objective. And most vultology systems have also twisted the rules of enneagram and/or MBTI around the cult leader's snowflake identity. To name one example, I was in a group that thinks 4 is a gutty id type and 9 is about Compliance. The leaders typed as 4 and 9.
"Nobody is a real person except for me, nobody is allowed to have their stories about their identity except for me, I reserve the right to pervert entire systems of thought to keep my identity intact but you're not even allowed to self-type" is the mantra of all these professional stereotypers. Don't believe my word, go out and see it for yourself. Vultology is a stupid tool of narcissists and it always will be.
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namro · 1 year
5 Things about Stainless Steel 316H Forged Fittings manufacturer you will never know!
Stainless steel 316H forged fittings are widely used in a variety of industrial applications due to their exceptional strength, durability, and corrosion resistance properties. These fittings are made by a specialized manufacturer who uses advanced technology and techniques to produce high-quality components.
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In this article, we will explore 5 things about stainless steel 316H forged fittings manufacturers that you may never have known before.
Expertise and Experience
SS 316H forged fittings manufacturer has extensive knowledge and experience in the field of metallurgy, engineering, and manufacturing processes. They have the expertise to produce customized fittings that meet specific customer requirements, such as dimensions, shapes, and materials. These manufacturers also have a deep understanding of the properties and characteristics of stainless steel 316H, which enables them to optimize the forging process and produce high-quality components.
High-Quality Standards
This manufacturer follows strict quality control measures to ensure that their products meet the highest industry standards. They use advanced testing and inspection techniques to verify the properties and characteristics of the components, such as hardness, tensile strength, and corrosion resistance. These manufacturers also use high-quality materials and production techniques to ensure that their products are durable and reliable.
Customization Capabilities
They also have the ability to produce customized components based on specific customer requirements. They can create fittings in a variety of shapes and sizes, including elbows, tees, couplings, and reducers. These manufacturers can also produce fittings with specific threads, such as NPT, BSP, or BSPT, and can create specialized components for unique applications.
Advanced Technology and Techniques
They also use advanced technology and techniques to produce high-quality components. They use computer-aided design (CAD) software to create 3D models of the fittings and simulate the forging process to optimize the production process. These manufacturers also use advanced forging equipment, such as hydraulic presses and hammers, to produce high-quality components with precise dimensions and properties.
Compliance with Industry Standards
Stainless steel 316H forged fittings manufacturers comply with various industry standards, such as ASTM, ASME, and ANSI. These manufacturers also adhere to various international standards, such as ISO and EN. Compliance with these standards ensures that the components produced by these manufacturers are safe, reliable, and meet the required specifications.
In conclusion, stainless steel 316H forged fittings manufacturers are experts in the field of metallurgy, engineering, and manufacturing processes. They use advanced technology and techniques to produce high-quality components that meet specific customer requirements. These manufacturers follow strict quality control measures and comply with various industry standards to ensure that their products are safe, reliable, and of high quality.
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roguetelepaths · 1 year
If I had to name one theme that captivates me more than anything else, it's people rejecting the abusive and coercive ways of relating to each other that are offered to them by society and choosing care and kindness instead.
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first-only · 2 years
Biggest disappointment is
Someone you follow reblogs a proship post, you get your hopes up, they then later go back on it, revealing themselves to be an anti, claiming they didn't know it was a proship post (and proceed to show that they have no knowledge of what proshipping is)
I am annoyed, but honestly not surprised
ahhh sorry nonny, that does sound annonying.
i dont even try to follow people i havent thoroughly checked on thought crimes, with the state of fandom as it is i really dont need more disappointments lol
it /is/ kinda telling tho that they agreed with the post until they learned it's 'proship' tho no? like it seems a bit of a mask-off This was always a ship war moment lmao. Unless it's the yeah no thought crimes! unless it's /those/ thoughts, theyre magically worse!! kind but ey, at this point
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