#buddie fic ideas
loserdiaz · 1 year
temptation tuesday
tagged by @honestlydarkprincess @rogerzsteven @buddiearemydads @ebdaydreamer @spotsandsocks and @jobairdxx 💗
buck is hiding an injury fic: um... i think this is pretty self explanatory sooo yeah. he's hurt, he's a dumbass, we love him anyway <3
ravi & buck besties fic: listen, i haven't written A WORD for this and i might never do it but sometimes think about them being best friends, especially now that ravi isn't a probie and that buck isn't terrorizing the living shit out of him. and like maybe them becoming closer, maybe them being roommates and eddie getting jealous when dude! buck literally is in love with you and wants to fuck you stupid what are you talking about
exes to lovers with musician buck bc he's so special to me
an au where buck is a dispatcher and eddie is going through his 5b era where he's at dispatch trying to work through his trauma after leaving his station. and like office romance idk. buck used to be a firefighter but after the truck bombing, his leg was never the same. he still wanted to help ppl so he's a dispatcher! and eddie IS a firefighter but for now he needs to think of chris and what's best for him so he's a liason or whatever. it's all very vague bc it's just an idea i've been thinking about lately.
i have two secret relationship fic ideas. one with musician buck (are we even surprised at this point?) and mma fighter eddie and one that it's canon divergence.
tagging: (no pressure) @monsterrae1 @cowboy-buddie @cowboy-buck @dorkydiaz @littlebitofdiaz @comaboybuck @buddierights @bigfootsmom @lovebuck @loveyourownsmiilee @maygrantgf @dollhousejee @alyxmastershipper @the-likesofus @spaceprincessem @elvensorceress @messyhairdiaz @hippolotamus @shortsighted-owl and anyone else who wants to do it!! 💗
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eddiebabygirldiaz · 1 year
Temptation Tuesday
Tagged by @eddiescowboy @speaknowdiaz @spotsandsocks @ebdaydreamer @honestlydarkprincess @rogerzsteven @rose-buddie @jobairdxx @buddiearemydads @bekkachaos
Thank you my loves! (Kissing all of y'alls brains because you have such amazing ideas) 💖
Two things have been tempting me lately
Firefighter calendar fic - some of you know about this, but I'm planning on having the boys kind of competing for the calendar again but this time Eddie and Buck decide to send in one submission with the both of them, cause they are so much hotter together, right? So they take some sexy pics together which has some pretty fun results
Different first meeting au - this would be set sometime during s3 I guess, but I wanna have Eddie and Buck (who work at different stations) run into each other every now and then during emergencies, then get together to have drinks one night and hook up, and the next day hey what do you know but they see each other at the parent teacher conference for their kids who absolutely love each other. Buck will have a daughter who is like a year or two younger than Chris.
No pressure tagging @elvensorceress @spaceprincessem @hippolotamus @shortsighted-owl @peachydiaz @prettyboybuckley @monsterrae1 @buddierights @messyhairdiaz @sibylsleaves @bigfootsmom and anyone else who wants to do it!
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bidisasterevankinard · 11 months
Temptation Tuesday
Tagged by @panbuckley @wikiangela @heartbeatdiaz @thewolvesof1998 💙💙💙
The things that constantly make me think about cheating Vegas, 5+1+1+1 and street dancer Eddie au are:
Two famous buddie au: singer Buck and dancer Eddie and enemies to lovers singers buddie (in enemies to lovers they would write hate song about Buck's ex together 👀)
Fics for angst fest. I'm going to work on them soon(I'm sure I wouldn't be able to write all but ideas): secret fic I mentioned last time, after 6s fic I mentioned too, fic with Buck dealing with Daniel's death with Eddie's help, spec fic for 7s with Buck and Chris in danger, Buck went missing
Eddie has a cat series
Today again was thinking about two ideas about fake dating: Eddie proves he can date to Buck making best date possible and both Buck and Eddie sad after breakups and decided to have fake dates to see if they are actually bad in dating
And challenge idea for myself I'm not sure i will do but maybe: to write smut fic for every friday to put fuck in friday (i think after angst fest) because I have smut ideas a lot, but scared to write
Tagging if they want to share: @911onabc @rogerzsteven @wildlife4life @hippolotamus @alyxmastershipper @ebdaydreamer @heartshapedvows @transbuck @cowboy-buddie @spotsandsocks @honestlydarkprincess @bekkachaos @housewifebuck @transboybuckley @buddierights
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evanbegins · 1 month
quite frankly ... i am very divided on what fic to work on!! help me out here (please)
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gascreates · 6 months
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when aang doesn't explain everything
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chronicowboy · 2 months
His breakup with Marisol is about as unremarkable as the rest of their relationship. There's no catastrophic muffin mess in his kitchen or divorce papers. Just a quiet I don't think this is working out, I'm sorry. Marisol hadn't even cried. She'd just nodded like she'd been waiting for it and left, didn't even need to grab anything from the house before she went and really that just reassured Eddie that this was the right choice.
So, his breakup with Marisol is unremarkable, except that it's not. It's pretty fucking remarkable when he thinks about it because it's not just that they weren't working out, not just that he really didn't care about spending time with her, not just the clench in his gut every time she touched him. No. It's pretty fucking remarkable because he realises he's in love with his best friend.
That's what pushes him over the edge, gives him the last kick he needs to actually break things off with her. Because Eddie may have sworn himself to secrecy about it the moment he realised, but he could never string someone along just because he couldn't have the real someone he wanted.
It's a fucking revelation once he has it. Not a ton of bricks, but the sun peeking out from behind the clouds on the greyest of days, bright and blinding. And the way Eddie has always thought of Buck in terms of sunshine maybe should have tipped him off sooner, but with the way Buck has been beaming over the past few weeks. Well. Eddie doesn't really think he can be blamed for only just taking his sunglasses off and daring to look directly at the light.
And, okay, so Eddie maybe makes it a full week before he decides his self-sworn secrecy absolutely is not a viable option when Buck walks through life now like a drop of sunshine in human form. It's after Buck leaves the Diaz house, walking out from a day of giggles and joy at the go-kart track they'd finally managed to convince Chris to be seen with them at, leaving behind a cosy heat like sun-warmed skin, that Eddie realises he cannot go another day without telling Buck that he's desperately, deeply in love with him.
And so, that's how Eddie finds himself at Buck's door on a random Sunday morning, knocking for the first time since Natalia waltzed out of the picture. Buck opens it a few moments later looking perfectly sleep-rumpled and soft and downright golden where he's backlit by the early morning sunlight pooling in the loft.
"Eddie," Buck breathes out, eyes darting up the stairs before refocusing on Eddie and what must be the most hopelessly lovesick expression painted across his face. "H-hey, what are you doing here?"
"I, um." Eddie takes a deep breath, suddenly nervous, and wipes his clammy palms on his jeans. "I wanted to talk to you about something. Now a good time?" And Buck must hear the slightly shaky steel in his voice because the surprise on his face morphs into a concern so quintessentially Buck that Eddie just wants to kiss it away.
"Y-yeah, of course, come on in." Buck holds the door open for him, and Eddie migrates to the fridge as Buck closes the door with the gentlest touch. "So, um, what's up?"
"I..." Eddie swallows against the heart in his throat, loses himself in the shining blue of Buck's eyes like an ocean he'd be more than happy to drown in. "I broke up with Marisol last week."
"Oh, Eddie." Buck slumps, and Eddie tries not to think that it looks a little like relief. "I'm so sorry, man. That sucks."
"No, no." Eddie waves him off with a laugh. "It's good. Was a long time coming actually." He shakes his head at himself. "I think I was dating her just to tick a box, you know? Realised you probably shouldn't be more excited about a phone call from your new buddy than one from your kinda long-term girlfriend. You definitely shouldn't be relieved when you see your best friend in the restaurant you're taking her to and disappointed when you realise he's just leaving."
And then, Buck blushes, ducks his head, does that little smile that could light up every house on South Bedford Street just like Eddie had been hoping for.
"Yeah." Buck looks up at him from under his lashes. "Probably not."
It bolsters Eddie. Buck's sunshine giving him that one last push he needs.
"There was something else I wanted to say," Eddie starts. And there isn't really any fear in him, knows they'll make it through this no matter what, just an overwhelming sense of peace to come. "I..." A deep breath, gathering all his love and devotion in his lungs so it's ready to pour out on his next inhale and—
A groan from upstairs has the words dying in his throat. A masculine groan. And then:
"D-down here," Buck calls back.
Eddie can't take his eyes off the loft, stuck there like a car crash he can't look away from as a very shirtless Tommy Kinard appears at the top of the stairs and quickly blanches.
"Shit. Um..." He looks down at Buck in a panic.
Eddie finally manages to drag his eyes away from the very chiselled curveball that just hit him at a hundred miles per hour and finds Buck's face. Small, scared, shaken. He knows the feeling. And because he loves Buck, because of just how deeply he loves Buck, it's the easiest thing in the world to lock that love away and let his face crack into the most genuine of grins. Because if Tommy's been the thing making Buck shine like every fucking star in the sky, well Eddie will absolutely not be getting between them.
"You've been so happy," Eddie chokes out, still smiling.
"I have," Buck whispers.
"And I'm so happy for you." Eddie covers the distance between them in three long strides and pulls Buck into a hug so tight and clinging he's sure it's a confession in and of itself, but Buck only buries in deeper, taking shaky little breaths in the crook of Eddie's neck.
"Thank you," Buck murmurs into his skin. Eddie squeezes his eyes shut against the sudden rush of tears.
"Sorry you didn't get to tell me on your own terms," he murmurs back, letting Buck pull away, but lingering with a hand on his hip, on his shoulder. He should maybe be worried about what this could look like to Tommy who had basically never heard anything apart from rambles about Buck, except when he glances up the stairs, Tommy is nowhere to be seen.
"I was going to tell you," Buck rushes out. "I-I just wasn't sure how."
"That's okay," Eddie says. It's okay. It's okay. "Well, I'll stop gate-crashing for the... Second time?" He raises an eyebrow, and Buck flushes a pink Eddie will never ever get to taste. "Yeah, okay. That makes sense." He remembers the pure fear on Buck's face, the indecision on Tommy's and the sudden tightening of his own chest despite his smile. "I'll leave you guys to it." He clears his throat. "Kinard, if you hurt him, they'll never find your body," he shouts up the stairs.
"Copy that, Diaz," Tommy shouts back.
"I'm really proud of you, Buck." Eddie wraps him in another hug then, a quick thing, just one last touch before Eddie seals every desire away for good.
"Thanks, Eddie." Buck walks him to the door, eyes glistening with unshed tears, and Eddie wants to hug him again. Wants so badly it hurts. But if he hugs Buck again, he doesn't think he'll ever let go. "See you at work tomorrow."
"See you at work." Eddie prays Buck is too distracted to hear the wobble in his voice.
"Wait, sorry, what did you want to talk about?"
Eddie freezes on the threshold, the stutter of his heart painful like he's back in a suit store, and he catches himself on the doorframe with a shaking hand.
"It can wait."
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lover-of-mine · 4 months
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daffi-990 · 9 months
What if …
Buck and Eddie got together days before the lightning strike and hadn’t told anyone yet (not even Chris), and when Buck wakes up he’s fine .. except he doesn’t remember that he and Eddie finally kissed and had the talk and promised each other forever.
But Eddie remembers.
Eddie remembers but Buck doesn’t and Eddie just .. he just doesn’t tell him. He’s scared and has all these feelings about the lightening and the memory loss and he talks it all out with Frank for weeks and when he’s finally ready to talk to Buck about it .. the graveyard scene happens.
So Eddie stays quiet and tries to move on. He tries with Marisol but his heart isn’t in it and so they break up and he decides to not date. To be alone because he loves Buck and will always love him. He’s his forever, even if he can’t have him the way he wants .. the way he briefly got a taste of.
And Buck is dating Natalia and things are .. fine. They get a couch and she stays over every now and then and things are fine. Except they’re not because something feels like it’s missing, and Eddie has this sadness in his eyes and Buck doesn’t know what’s wrong, and of course Eddie doesn’t want to talk about it.
And then one day Buck just remembers. He remembers everything and oh my god how could he forget?! How could he forget what Eddie tastes like? The way his eyes shone with tears of utter happiness and joy after their first kiss, their first “I love you”. How could he forget?
Cue Buck knocking on the Diaz front door at 11pm on a random Tuesday and of course it’s raining and Eddie opens the door and he looks tired but so soft and warm and like home and he says “Buck?” and Buck just starts crying.
“I remember”
And then they’re kissing and holding each other and crying but it’s okay. It’s better than okay because Buck remembers and he’s here. He’s home.
I ended up writing this and it’s now a fully completed fic on AO3.
You can read it here 💛
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thatbuddie · 10 days
MARIA HIIIIII i would love love love “What’s worse is, this is the first time I’ve genuinely felt this way about someone.” if it sparks inspiration 💕
oh my god it definitely sparked inspiration but i don't know how it ended up being this kskskks i hope you like it, kris *mwaaah*
never ask for any of it back
buddie | 2.4k | outsider pov, getting together, love confession
“Yeah.” Eddie nods. “I’m his best friend. I can’t count the number of times Buck’s said that to me. His best friend.” Hen has heard Buck use those exact same words before, as well. She’s heard him say them jokingly, in passing, earnestly, in joy, in despair. She has always, always, been able to hear the meaning behind them. She wonders if Eddie has ever been able to tell that when Buck says best friend he means soulmate. “Well, isn’t he yours as well?” Hen asks him. “Of course he is,” Eddie needlessly confirms. “He’s the best friend I’ve ever had. But I’m greedy, and I ruin everything, and I want more. I want so much more. I want him. All of him.” So have him, Hen thinks. Eddie, let yourself have him.
(read on ao3.)
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the-ace-with-spades · 10 months
The year is 1995 and Mav disappears off radars on a mission overseas. He's declared MIA and then when satellite pictures of an F-14's wreck show up, declared KIA.
It's a hot August evening when Ice opens his front doors to see a Navy officer with a precisely folded flag in his arms and a JAG lawyer with a suitcase full of documents. Baby Goose should be already sleeping upstairs, preparing for their planned camping trip the day after.
Ice lets them in without a word.
They walk past the living room where Ice had been checking their tent for rust, straight to the kitchen table. They don't sit down.
"On behalf of the President of the United States, the United States Navy—"
"Spare me the bullshit."
He's still holding the flag, letter on top of it, seal unbroken.
"Why are you even here? I'm not his—" Loved one. Ice was just—there. A close friend. A wingman. It doesn't matter whether he loves Mav or not, he will always be just someone in his life, not his loved one. "I'm just his best friend."
"Commander Mitchell stated this address as Bradley Bradshaw's main residence during deployment."
Jesus Christ. He can't—Bradley. What was he going to tell Bradley?
"Commander Mitchell's sole beneficiary is Bradley Bradshaw, and since he's a minor, we need to execute his will alongside our condolences." Bradley lost another parent. And all he has left is a will. "You've been named as Bradley Bradshaw's legal guardian if Commander Mitchell was—unable to take care of him."
"He's never told me that."
He didn't. Not even a word. He knew Mav had a will, they all did. But he never thought enough to make sense of the details.
It couldn't be Ice. He couldn't exist on paper in Mav's life or in Bradley's life.
"You can refuse—"
Ice phases out the words that come after — Mav can't be gone, Mav couldn't have left Bradley to him, Mav couldn't have thought he would be able to care for Bradley alone, without Mav's help and guidance. He couldn't have left them both there with broken hearts.
Ice doesn't believe this. It can't be true. If he stares long enough, the two officers in front of him are going to disappear and he will get a late night call from Mav from the ship and will wake up Baby Goose so they could chat and—
"Ice, I know I should be asleep but can we check if we got enough jars for bugs? I really want to—"
Ice finally comes back to the surroundings.
Bradley stands in the kitchen door, noticing the two people in there, in uniforms. "I'm sorry, sirs, I didn't know—"
At that exact moment, Bradley notices the flag and the unopen letter. He can see it nice and clear — his face falls and he doesn't look at anything but the goddamn flag and the stupid letter made on behalf of the President.
Ice stops breathing. "Bradley—"
"No," he says, shaking his head, so quiet. "Not again, no—"
Before Ice can say anything, Bradley is running back up the stairs.
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loserdiaz · 1 year
temptation tuesday! 🪐
i have a few ideas going brrrr in my brain and so im dumping them all here!!!
sooo that time capsule/hs au fic where it's almost the end of the summer?? and buck and eddie are about to start college. they used to be beat friends but kinda grew apart when hs began, but they buried this time capsule on buck's backyard when they were ten to open on buck's 18th bday. he does it alone and find that one of the notes/wishes for the future eddie left there was 'i wish evan was in love with me' and idk buck is shocked but he goes to eddie and things happen???
i had a weird kinda sad dream where like, imagine s5 eddie breakdown era and you know how he tries to call some of the soldiers he saved when the helicopter went down??? and they're all dead??? turns out buck was one of them and he's not dead. eddie calls him and he answers and they're both in a really dark place and yeah idk. (blame @monsterrae1 for this one)
bakery owner buck! who makes cookies for dogs and takes them to rescue vet clinics and stuff and vet eddie! (idk what im gonna do with this but also blame @monsterrae1 )
buck and eddie meet in peru. buck is a bartender and eddie is just on a vacation with his cousins before college?? idk. they have a party on the beach and it's late and there's a bonfire, buck takes his guitar and sings some songs and it's all very summer-y love fling vibes. they have sex on the beach?? idk
fake/pretend relationship between musician/famous buck and bodyguard eddie bc why not. he needs some good press??? and hia fans have been shipping him with eddie since he started working as a bodyguard for him so his pr team is like you're dating him!!! and there's a stalker somewhere in this fic too if i ever write it idk. lots of angst and drama ig.
buck and eddie recently started dating when eddie has to go to texas??? chris and buck stay in L.A, chris gets appendicitis and it geta really bad and he has to be rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery??? buck is freaking out and he thinks eddie will break up with him bc he had to take care of chris!!!! and he failed!!!! and the kid almost dies!!!! (eddie turns out is just thankful buck was there and buck comes to the realization oh, they really are family and he is chris' second dad idk)
figure skater buck! and hockey player eddie! (maybe buck recently lost his figure skater partner and he's never skated solo and eddie's team is missing a guy so buck is like, i could try out hockey?? why not??? i would love to be part of a team!! and eddie is so annoyed and whatever idk i haven't thought it through)
soulmates au where you realize who's your soulmate when you die. (buck dies and eddie brings him back with cpr)
tagging some ppl (no pressure): @monsterrae1 @cowboy-buddie @buddierights @alyxmastershipper @thespermdonorstorylineisstupid @honestlydarkprincess @911onabc @buck-coded @the-likesofus @bigfootsmom @spotsandsocks @elvensorceress @dorkydiaz @maygrantgf @dollhousejee @prettyboybuckley @rogerzsteven @hippolotamus @shortsighted-owl @messyhairdiaz @scarcrossedbuck @comaboybuck @loveyourownsmiilee @lovebuck and anyone else who wants to do it!
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agerasiaa · 4 months
A crack fic about Lucifer, Vox and Husk making an Alastor Hate Club. And it’s just them once a week bonding over how much they hate Alastor and Husk realizes more and more how he doesn’t actually hate Alastor and is bitter about it, Lucifer randomly trauma dumps about his tragic life, and by each meeting Lucifer and Husk notice how Vox’s sheer hate borderlines on obsession and they share awkward glances every time he starts ranting and shows them his Alastor shrine or something. And when he makes some comments like “Alastor does this and that every day” (some very specific detail about him only a stalker/someone with a long history with Al would know) and the other two are like “how do you know” and he’s like “I just do.”
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Thank you Ryan for give me food for my tattoo master!Buck and newly after therapy Eddie fics.
It's exactly what was in my head. Eddie let himself be free and make A LOT OF TATTOOS
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inkandarsenic · 2 months
I had a dream last night that could have been a fic and I’m disappointed that it wasn’t.
It was Buck and Eddie like after the last episode after Eddie was like “this changes nothing between us” and at first, everything was fine and normal but then it became very apparent after like six months that something very much had changed between them, like Buck was still dating Tommy and Eddie was still dating Marisol and in the field they were as in sync as ever but then everywhere else there was this weird distance between them? Like they were still best friends but like fundamentally they were Buck and Eddie instead of BuckandEddie like they used to be and everyone else in the 118+ could see it and they couldn’t
And then suddenly they could see it, because Buck was at Eddie’s and something happened and he needed to change his shirt but he realized that for the first time in years, probably since Eddie got shot, Buck didn’t have anything of his at the Diaz house. A couple weeks later, Eddie was telling the 118 a story about Chris and Buck had no idea what’s going on in the story and they (Buck and Eddie) were talking about it and they realize that it’s been a while since Buck picked Chris up from school or just like had a day that was just the two of them. And then there was some gathering at Eddie’s house instead of Bobby and Athena’s, and Buck makes cookies at his loft and brings them and Maddie points it out, and Buck has a mini crisis as he realizes abruptly that he is a guest in Eddie’s house and he was looking around and the couch was new (Marisol had convinced Eddie to buy a new one) and he hadn’t even realized.
And then Eddie and Marisol and Buck and Tommy were going on a double date at Olive Garden of all places but Marisol couldn’t make it, so it was just Buck and Eddie and Tommy and it was awkward and Tommy was like “look i haven’t known you guys as long as everyone else around you but even I can tell that there is something not right here and you need to talk it out and fix it because you’re both not the same with your lives being almost completely separate, it’s like not natural for you two.”
And they start talking except it kinda devolves into grocery store fight 2.0, about Buck not being there for Chris and not being around except this time it’s kinda on both of them and it’s really no one’s fault but it’s kinda both their faults. And this argument makes its way into their work life where they’re just not as in sync in the field.
And then something happened on a call (unclear what) that wasn’t really anyone’s fault but Buck blamed himself and the current issues he’s having with Eddie, and asked Bobby to be put on B-Shift for awhile and it was just super awkward in the firehouse and Bobby was talking to Eddie and was like “I don’t know what’s going on but whatever it is you need to fix it” and Eddie was like “I dont know what’s going on either, Buck and I just aren’t the same since he started dating Tommy” and Bobby was like “maybe you need to evaluate that because that’s something that only seems to be affecting you.”
And then like a week later, Eddie and Marisol broke up, and Marisol was all “it’s because of Buck isn’t it, you love him more than me.” And Eddie did not work through that, he just went to Buck’s despite still sort of being in a fight and they got drunk on Buck’s couch and Eddie kissed Buck just kinda out of the blue and then was like “fuck I didn’t mean to do that” and left.
Buck told Tommy immediately the next time he saw him (because he learned his lesson from Taylor) and Tommy was pretty cool about it but he was also like “hey maybe you should think about that because you don’t actually seem all that upset by the fact that Eddie kissed you just that he kissed you while you’re dating me and I feel like that says something” because Tommy is a real one.
After like two weeks wherein Eddie goes to great lengths to avoid Buck outside of calls despite being on the same shift again, and Buck talking through it in therapy and with Maddie, Buck breaks up with Tommy (who again is very chill about all of it and is like “we can all still be friends just give me a little space for a while”) and then he drove to the Diaz house and Eddie saw him pulling up and met him outside and it was raining so they really should have gone inside but I digress. And Eddie was like “Buck it’s like midnight what are you doing here” and Buck was all “i broke up with Tommy because you kissed me” and Eddie was like “fuck I’m sorry I didn’t mean to do that I never meant to get in between you two” and is just sort of spiraling and Buck can’t get a word in so instead Buck kisses Eddie and Eddie is just like “Oh. So you aren’t mad.” And Buck laughed and was all “No I’m not mad I’m in love with you”
And then my neighbor’s kid started screaming and woke me up so I didn’t even get to see the ending and I’m kinda mad about it because I wanna see how everyone else reacted to all of this
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neverevan · 7 months
Inspiration Saturday 📸
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This wip is loosely based on this post of mine and based on the initial outline I expect it to total out around 20k, but I have like 3 much longer fics on my list before this, so it probably won't be written any time soon, but it wouldn't leave my mind today, so!
After a serious injury on the job, Eddie takes up light duty as the temporary Instagram Manager of the LAFD and even though he's now physically healed, he's still not ready to return to active duty. The job has its perks though; namely the new guy who joined the 118 shortly after Eddie left.
Tags and a longish snippet under the cut 💛
“Hey Diaz, sure you don’t want in on the action instead of playing around with your camera?” Buck asked, lifting his helmet a little, probably to see Eddie better in the harsh sunlight.
He had ash smudged all over his face, giving him a ragged edge that Eddie thought fit him just a little too well. His turnout coat was open, revealing just how tight his shirt hugged his body underneath.
“And what if I prefer the camera?” Eddie asked playfully. “And I told you to call me Eddie.”
“Not until you tell me what it’s short for.” Buck grinned at him teasingly and Eddie clicked the button on his camera again, to capture the way the sun hit his laugh lines; sue him, the man was gorgeous.
Buck had this weird thing for nicknames and though Eddie found it kind of endearing, he didn’t really understand why Buck didn’t just ask the team what his name was if he wanted to know so badly — maybe it was part of some kind of game that Eddie never learned the rules for.
“You know this year’s calendar is coming up.” Eddie said, lowering his camera back down to his chest.
“Yeah? Are you the one shooting it?” Buck stepped in closer, still holding the jaws of life in his hands while everyone continued packing up behind him.
“Why? Would that make you wanna do it more or less?”
Buck chuckled lightly, before swiping a gloved finger across the tip of his nose, leaving yet another black mark there.
“I don’t know. Am I gonna be the only one taking my clothes off?” He raised his eyebrows suggestively and Eddie only had time to roll his eyes jovially before he was cut off by Hen.
“Stop riling up the poor guy and help us put these away, I’m starving!”
“I’m n-not rili—” Buck stammered, all his earlier bravado suddenly gone.
“Come on Buckaroo, it’s lunch time.” Chimney chimed in as well, walking past them and dropping his medkit into the back of the ambulance.
Buck looked back at Eddie and shrugged sheepishly. “Duty calls.”
“Yeah... I gotta upload these too.” He lifted his camera with a sigh, indicating the pictures he just took.
“Well, I hope you got my good side.” Buck smiled at him with a mischievous glint in his eyes and Eddie just grinned back at him.
As if you have a bad side, he thought to himself.
“Buck, come on!” This time it was Bobby who yelled over, so they both knew that they ran out of time.
“Coming!” Buck called back, still not taking his eyes off of Eddie. “Take care, Diaz.” He added gently before he finally turned around and jogged away, leaving Eddie standing in the middle of the road, watching as the engine and the ambulance pulled away.
“Yeah, you too, Buckley.” He mumbled to no one in particular.
I was tagged by @disasterbuckdiaz and @watchyourbuck thank you mwuah 💛
✨no pressure tagging: @malewifediaz @spagheddiediaz @daffi-990 @jeeyuns @ladydorian05 @steadfastsaturnsrings @eowon @heartshapedvows @nmcggg @rainbow-nerdss @jamespearce9-1-1 @eddiebabygirldiaz @theotherbuckley @thewolvesof1998 @fortheloveofbuddie @evanbegins
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epickiya722 · 5 months
When you're caught up with the manga, decide to do a reread and get to this part...
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