I finished season 3 of The Pretender and I don’t get why Miss Parker still feels loyalty towards The Centre? Like, all the suspicions started in season 2 about the ethics of this place and more clues to the mystery of her mother’s death. And then in season 3 it was clearly someone from The Centre who killed her boyfriend, framed and killed a random junkie and then killed anyone else who could possibly give her any more clues about who killed him.
I know she has daddy issues and a weird sense of loyalty to her father, but he’s proven time and time again that he can’t be trusted.
I also think it’s odd that she even refers to Lyle as her brother bc like… he can’t be trusted and she knows how much of a trash human he is. But when she found out he’s her twin brother it didn’t take her long to accept it, even though she still doesn’t like or trust him.
Through all of this she still works there on this mission to catch Jarod. Her, Sydney, and Broots are always digging and uncovering conspiracies. And Jarod has helped her out from a distance a ton of times. He has even come to her in person to help her out and she didn’t try to bring him in. But ultimately she still remains loyal to the Center.
It was really weird how much compassion she showed for Jarod’s clone who they found that was like 13 years old. I know part of it was because she knew that her mother had been against that project. But even though she shows compassion for this clone of Jarod who was at the same age as when we saw flashbacks of the two of them being friends, she still sticks to her mission of bringing the original Jarod back to the Centre.
I feel like she needs to wake up and join Jarod’s side taking Sydney and Broots with her to bring The Centre down.
I haven’t watched this since like 1999 or whenever it ended, so I still feel like I’m mostly watching it for the first time. So i just started season 4 and I have no ide what happens next. Maybe that is what happens. I’ll find out
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life-love-geekculture · 7 months
Miss Parker the entire Pretender series:
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thestalkerbunny · 1 year
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I'm still listening through A Crown of Candy so I can legally/morally listen to The Ravening War and I've been doodling more little veggie and fruit livestock and pack animals.
I've fallen in love with COWWET. He is just such a GOOD boy,
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creeperchild · 1 year
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yus! An art trade with the awesome @wyrmy This a a scene of their story, "hekets broot"! Not my cup of tea with the themes, but you should check it out because its very well written!
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liefst · 6 months
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boodschappenlijstje voor de kerstlunch
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dcbinges · 9 months
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The New Teen Titans #24 (1982) by George Pérez & Marv Wolfman
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lauricia · 1 year
Broots & Miss Parker (the Pretender) \\ music video by Lauricia
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splooosh · 1 year
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“The Fight”
Tom Smith
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holywaterzzz · 8 months
He is here and he is Not Happy
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lumendelmari · 1 year
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AI test portraits of NPC characters from ‘The Grey Warriors,’ based on the Dungeons and Dragons module, ‘Out of the Abyss’. These were created using Midjourney on Discord. Featured are:
Prince Derendil, cursed elf prince trapped in quaggoth form (barbarian)
Eldeth Feldrun, shield dwarf fighter (her cartoon portraits crack me up!)
Fargas Rumblefoot, halfling explorer/rogue
Sarith Kzekarit, drow warrior (his close up is awesome!)
Broot, warforged juggernaut
Varan Fenhirel, half-elf ranger (the AI couldn’t figure out what to do with his hawk companion, lol)
Lucian Erenaeth, wood elf druid/ranger (I really like how the last portrait turned out, though it still needs work).
You can read the story here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35100307/chapters/87436915
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fancyfade · 2 years
Raven sits the furthest away from others that she can. They have not yet boarded the ship. They're still on Tamaran, Raven's close to the wall of the spaceport, looking at a pond where some type of alien creature swims.
They're leaving soon. They are going to part with the Omega men. Raven is fine with that. Perhaps it is harsh, but she did not like watching how they did battle. Some petty part of her blames them for Trigon's near escape, for the pain she felt, even though it's not fair, even though they wouldn't have had to fight had the Citadel not threatened to destroy their planet.
She was horrified, weakened, by every death she felt, by every bit of pain she absorbed.
But she could feel whatever part of her that was Trigon was drawn to the battle. Enraptured. Captivated.
That thing was home. As if it had been raised in Trigon's world, rather than on Azarath, raised as a wolf rather than a sheep.
It was disgusting.
keep reading
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life-love-geekculture · 7 months
One thing that’s wonderfully weird and wacky about The Pretender series is just how important names are in distinguishing the good guys from the bad and the shifting allegiances between. In that, the good guys are almost never referred to except by their “first” names & the bad guys are usually referred to only by their last.
For instance, we have Jarod who, obviously, doesn’t know his full real name…except that by season four he really should. He (and the audience) by this point have met his dad, Major Charles. Adopted or otherwise, his surname should match his father’s. But we’re never even told the major’s last name. He’s always just referred to as the Major or Charles or Major Charles. Same as Jarod’s mom is only Margaret, his sister Emily, and his brother Kyle. Ethan, his half brother, is a special case we’ll get back to. But it’s especially weird how it’s never brought up because it’s established it would be an important piece of identity to Jarod himself. Throughout all the pretends in the series the one thing he never relinquishes is his given name despite the fact it would make it harder for the Centre to find him.
But that’s just the tip of this iceberg, things get more complicated when you look at the Centre crew. Because, of all of them, Angelo has the simplest relationship to his name. It is literally given to him by Dr. Raines’ after the experiment that gave him his abilities. And because it is a given name we know Angelo is one of the good guys.
Same could be said for Sydney & Broots. While the name Sydney can be a last name, it’s origin as that are English/Scottish while Sydney himself is specifically described as Flemish. More importantly, in spite of his degree & training, his title as doctor is never referred to by other characters. Like Jarod & Angelo he’s established as a good guy by his first name only. Broots is interesting, because while he’s occasionally referred to as Mr. Broots and it’s more likely his surname; functionally it works as a nickname.
“But what about the villains?” I hear you ask. All of them, with the exception of Brigitte (who is arguably the 2nd most on the fence character in the series) go by a title. Be it Mr. Parker., Mr. Raines, or Mr. Lyle. The title is emphasized at some point in every episode. Which makes Miss Parker one of the more fascinating exceptions to the rule.
Because where her mother & half-Brother serve as the only two plot-important characters with a first & last name (emphasizing they are both a part of the centre but ultimately opposing forces against it), Miss Parker is in a weird position where her name codes her as a villainess with the good guys but she’s referred to as Angel by her dad, othering her from the villains crowd. So, basically, her internal conflict is constantly reinforced for the viewers depending on who she is dealing with.
Like I said, names in this show are wild!
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morbidcherryblossom · 10 months
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Arthur Manson (Front) glaring at Tyler Brown (Reading a book)
Arthur belongs to my BF
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amerasdreams · 1 year
dream last night about the Pretender. I turned on the TV and it was the only thing good on. In the middle of the ep something about Jarrod and the navy or just commercial boat (seemed like it was on the river). The next ep was Jarrod before he escaped the Centre and someone kidnapped him for their own purposes. He went willingly bc he was happy to get out of the Centre.
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dcbinges · 1 year
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Invasion! #1 (1988) by Todd McFarlane, Keith Giffen & Bill Mantlo
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