#bridgerton fanficiton
bohemian-nights · 1 year
Lady Danbury: Chapter 2
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Word count: ~3,539
Rating: Mature
Pairing: Lord Ledger x Lady Danbury
Warnings⚠️: This chapter contains sexual assault and mentions of a miscarriage.
Description: The new Lady Agatha Danbury was decidedly not happy. Neither was Lord Ledger. Perhaps they might find a bit of happiness in each other.
AN: This is a Lord Ledger x Lady Danbury AU fic. Some plot lines from Queen Charlotte: A Bridgerton Story have been axed🪓
Chapter 1, Chapter 3,
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Agatha had never liked doctors. Death, sickness, misery. A bad omen they were. Riding up the drive in their black carriages, she had never seen them ride in anything else. Carrying with them a bag of pain and false hope. A sign of foul times ahead whenever one came around for no one ever called upon them when they were hail and hearty.    
Nothing good came from them and their visits. With their poking and prodding. Many instruments in that bag of pain of torture at their disposal to aid in their torment. Much to Agatha’s dismay, the physician and his bag of horrors became an all too regular sight at the Danbury residence.               
It was six months into her marriage when the doctor was first called for. A few days before her sixth and ten birthday. Her courses had been late. She had been feeling nauseous, and as if she could sleep the whole day away. Agatha could barely keep down her food yet she felt as if she could eat a horse, and then promptly expel said horse into her chamber pot if she had.  
On her fourth day of expelling whatever she tried yet failed to keep down, her husband had sent for a physician. Dr. Simmons. He went to Eton with her husband, but the two were so dissimilar in nature. He was for all intents and purposes a cheerful older man with a jolly face. 
One could liken him to a father really. He had a way of easing her nerves as he went about his inspection. He was direct and never ignored her or her questioning. “My youngest is your age, Agatha.” He never called her Mrs. Danbury. A slight to some perhaps, but she did not mind the informality. 
He had a smile on his face when he pronounced his assessment. Giving her hand a fatherly pat in reassurance. She was with child. He had assured Mr. Danbury and herself that he’d be back in a fortnight to check on the babe's progress.
Agatha had never seen Mr. Danbury so happy. He could not stop grinning ear to ear. He did not stop to correct her. He had gone so far as to offer her anything she had wanted from her birthday. An offer which she gladly took. She requested a Ratafia cake instead of the Dundee cake that he had insisted upon.   
She wanted apricots soaked in champagne, but given her condition, Ratafia cake would have to do. She looked forward to that sponge cake, but that happiness was short-lived. Dr. Simmons had been back before the week's end.  
Agatha had woken up before the sun to cramps piercing through her abdomen on the eve of her birthday. A searing pain that nearly blinded her.  It was not an unusual occurrence. Her courses brought about a similar pain every month. Spending the first few days of it lying in bed. 
Ridden with nausea, a throbbing headache, and cramps that only relented for a moment or two before coming back with a vengeance, but this had not been that. This was a sharper ache than that. This should not be that. She was with child. She carried a child within her. This could not be that. 
She had managed to crawl out from under her covers. Hobbling her way to her chamber pot behind her screen. She would not look back. She could not look back. Agatha recalled that she had closed her eyes to calm her breathing. Fearing that she would pass out from her nerves rather than whatever it was that ailed her.
It could have been hours or a few minutes, but she finally managed to calm her nerves to pull away from the pot. Bracing herself to face whatever awaited her at the bottom of that porcelain base.
A mass of deep crimson is what her eyes landed upon. A trail of crimson marked her descent. Blood. As far as she could see. Disappearing beyond the screen. If she were to peer out from where she stood she would see the end of that trail. Leading to her bed. To her linens and feather mattress. Soaked through with her babe's blood. 
That was what remained of it. What remained of the thing growing inside her. Her child. It would have been her child, but now it was a thing. A clump of blood the color of jam. Blackberry jam. It looked like blackberry jam. Mr. Danbury’s favorite and it had come out of her.  She screamed for Coral.  
Agatha bleed for two weeks straight. Her cramps caused her to be bedridden for half the day, she absolutely refused to eat jam with her toast, but shame as she was to admit it, she did not feel sadness at its loss. That was what she had taken to calling her would be babe. It was a thing. Not a person. It certainly had not looked like a person and it would never grow into one.
Perhaps she should have felt shame, felt sadness, felt something, but the only thing that she felt, the only thing that she mourned, was the fact that their marital relations, which had been halted on account of her being with child, would resume in due course.
Mr. Danbury had been warned by Dr. Simmon that she had needed time to heal after the stress of their loss. Six weeks. True enough he had followed the doctor's orders. Kept to himself. He stayed in his own rooms. He did not disturb her. Let her recover. For a time at least, but all too soon that little window of respite had shut. He had not waited a moment more to resume his husbandly rights. 
Wife. He would call out for her with a whine and she’d make her way to his bedroom, like a child being called for its supper. She never got used to the stretch. He always rammed his appendage, a short little stubby thing, with no preamble into her. Over and over. 
He found her whimpers, which only came about because his thrusts would often cause her skull to crack against the headboard, to be an irritation. So he took to pushing her down onto the mattress when taking her from behind and pushing her head into her pillow when he was on top of her. She had learned to brace her head with her hands thrown before her. Agatha bit her lip to stop her whimpers and Mr. Danbury no longer pushed her head into her pillow. 
Thankfully he never took to kissing her during the act. He rarely touched her. A withered hand on her hips or her breasts, but that was the extent of it. It was always silent, save for the bed creaking and his low grunts. An emotionless affair. Ended by “I believe that should be sufficient enough to put my son in you wife.” His son. His heir. The baby race Coral had taken to calling it. It had become his obsession. A race she was losing. 
The doctors became a steady occurrence. An endless rotation for one was not good enough. Parading up and down the halls of her residence with their heavy boots, spectacles, and dark bags. They were usually called a week after her courses had ended.  
Once they were called twice in a month. Her courses had come twice that month. She had screamed for Coral when she had seen the blood at the bottom of the pot once more. She had to be given a tonic for her nerves. She would not stop crying even after Dr. Simmons had promised her that it was indeed her moon tide that had made another appearance and not a babe lost. More doctors were sent for. 
Hysteria one of them claimed. Everything was attributed to her hysteria or her melancholy. All according to Dr. Henrich Otto. A vile little German man. Agatha grew to loathe the sight of him the most out of the lot of them. 
Besides the occasional odd comment, Henry has five sons and I have not one. His wife is ten years your senior wife, Mr. Danbury did not chastise her too much for inability, her one duty,  to bear him a son and heir. Instead, he let Dr. Otto do that with his talk of hysterics.
He took great joy in her torment. In making her go mad. She was convinced he wanted to drive her mad.  Never running out of ways in which to do so. Taking away what little pleasures she did have in this life as Mrs. Danbury. 
She needed rest, the doctor said. Proper rest. She was far too active and those activities were putting a strain on her. They were leading her mind to wander without respite. That was the cause of her hysteria. Her empty womb.
Agatha needed someone so that she may focus her energies on conception. Coral, who should have been considered for the job, was deemed to be far too vapid to take up her duties. She would run their house into the ground. 
That honor went to Rupert, their butler,  a servile old man whom Agatha was half convinced that he had been around since the days of Moses. He was not truly a bad man, but whenever he was in the presence of one who he considered his superior, he bent to their Will so easily that one had to question if he had a spine, to begin with. 
When he called upon their residence it was a day-long affair. He always began by making a show out of his inspection of her intimate place. He had said that she was too small to use his tools upon so he used his hands. His fingers were cold, unnaturally so. Far colder than her husbands, and yet those thin fingers that impaled her with great discomfort knew her more intimately in that place than he. Mr. Danbury never touched her there save for his member. 
She snapped a month into her treatment when he had begun thrusting his fingers in and out of her in the same manner as her husband did with his appendage. “Why don’t you just impregnate me yourself, Doctor?” 
It was inappropriate. If her former governess were to burst through her bedroom door, she would have taken her by the ears and made her wash her mouth with soap, but what he did was improper and Agatha could no longer bear it. He had enough shame to pull away. Her husband could not even look her in the eye. Merely clearing his throat as he fixed his dark gaze upon her mantlepiece. 
After he was finished with his poking, the leeches came. To purify her of the toxins that festered. Preventing her husband's seed from taking root. He placed those creatures upon her inner thighs. Sucking the lifeblood out of her. Some days he’d take his knife and cut her himself. It was preferable to his other ministrations. The army of his foul tonics that burned her throat came last. 
They tasted like rotten eggs and earth. Dr. Simmons' elixirs did not taste much better, but he always made her laugh at her. It was month after month of his treatments, but her womb never quickened. A most curious thing to Dr. Otto. For his methods were proven with great success.  
Lemon tops. Dr. Otto accused her of inserting lemon tops into herself to prevent her husband's seed from taking. He accused Coral of helping her procure said lemon tops. Bringing them with her morning tea. She had implored Mr. Danbury to see reason. Forgoing the citrus fruit in her tea to convince him of her innocence. 
Dr. Otto was a man who did not like to be bested. So he turned his ire onto Dr. Simmons. He knew how much ease she felt. How she trusted him. Her husband had wanted him to dismiss Dr. Simmons when he had found the German, but she had managed to keep the man in their employ.
Despite Mr. Danbury’s rough ways with her; he was not a cruel man at heart. He was not a sadist. He was just a man desperate for an heir. For recognition. For a legacy and oftentimes it led to her discomfort, but he did what most husbands would do in his position. She was sure of that. 
A compromise was struck. She would see his doctor without complaint and subject herself to his treatments and her doctor would be kept. A compromise that Dr. Otto wanted rid of. For he found him to be a disturbance to his work of curing her.
Dr. Simmons had asked once to examine one of  Dr. Otto’s tonics. A week after both doctors had gotten into a little tiff over her progress. Each accusing the other for the lack of it. One sniff of the vile concoction and the good doctor had promptly emptied the rest of the bottle into her wash basin. He wore a frown upon his gray brow as he advised her never to take it again for it would leave her worse than they had found.
He had given his own poultice and ordered the cook to prepare her a diet of beef broth and yams in substitute for the potatoes she ate with her roast. An African remedy for infertility. His mother swore by it. That had been the final straw for her husband's doctor. 
Voodoo he called it. The great Dr. Simmons, so beloved by Agatha, undermined his methods, his treatments because he favored his African witchcraft. He put on a rather It had no place in society. He was no man of science. He was a charlatan.
For that too she had to beg Mr. Danbury not to send her doctor away. “Dr. Simmons was educated here. You went to school with her husband. He is English. He is only trying to help us. Dr. Otto is a foreigner from a German backwater. His methods are barbaric.” 
It was this reminder of his Englishness and their own that stopped him from listening completely to his German doctor, but time and again the doctor tested the limits of Hermains tolerance. Succeeded at pushing the boundary to the very edge. However, even those with the most patience or those willing to overlook much impertinence have their limits. Dr. Otto had exceeded them. 
He had cut her too deep during his bloodletting. She had unnerved that great man of science.  His proud mask of self-assurance, his arrogance, had cracked with a few musings she hadn’t meant to leave from her lips but left nonetheless. 
“You look down upon Dr. Simmons’ voodoo yet your remedies fail to heal my hysterics just the same as his doctor.” She had barely uttered the last word when the knife in his hand pierced past tissue. A gash marring her umber skin instead of a light graze. Finding an artery rather than a vein. 
The blood flowed out from her while he watched on in a half daze. His face the color of her blood. Agatha would have slipped into an eternal sleep had it not been for Dr. Simmon's quick work as Dr. Otto repeated his only defense. She had distracted him with her chittering.
Her husband's patience had finally worn out. A wife who had difficulty conceiving was inconvenient, but a dead wife was more so.  A woman cold in her grave could most certainly not produce heirs. Dr. Henrich Otto was at long last sent away and even Dr. Simmons' amusing visits were halted. 
Mr. Danbury had resigned himself to the bitter truth that his young wife, the wife he had found a seed on the garden floor, that he had molded to be his Eve upon this earth may never quicken with his child again.  
With this reluctant acceptance that she might be barren, her husband had sent for his brother's son and his mother to stay with them. He needed an heir and if he could not get one from Agatha his nephew would do. 
Agatha had never particularly liked her sister-in-law. The woman was cool. Unaware or rather uncaring of others' feelings. They could be attacked by a gang of bandits and she would inquire about when the tea would be served when they arrived home. 
She supposed her disposition was born out of necessity for she had become a widow at quite a young age. Still, she was not pleasant to be around. In her company, one felt like they were walking on eggshells. The ladies at tea dreaded seeing her emerge from the Danburys carriage with her black veil she insisted upon wearing long past her mourning period. 
She made cook or one of the maids cry with her criticisms, and Agatha took to voluntarily locking herself in her room during her brief stay.  Her husband easily grew tired of his late brother’s wife’s presence. Sending her back to her home in Bath with some expediency. A decision which relieved both parties for the widow found London to be  “a circus” and Mr. Danbury found her to be the most opinionated woman he had the misfortune to be acquainted with. 
Thankfully, Dominic Danbury had not inherited his mother’s frosty disposition. The boy was a sweet though shy child. He was away at school for most of the year. Or sequestered off to his own wing of the house with his nanny when at home. Mr. Danbury detested the noises of small children. Especially when they were at play. For all his talk of wanting an heir Agatha doubted that he spent more than a few minutes every few months in his chosen heirs company. 
There was of course another matter which preoccupied her husband’s mind. The fact that Mr. Danbury was and remained Mr. Danbury rather than Lord Danbury. 
It was little wonder why Miss Ingram had drilled in her head the names and titles of every landed gentleman in the country when Agatha had been but a little girl. She did not know which her husband obsessed over more. Her barren womb or his lack of a title. These wants plaguing him night and day. Kept him awake bemoaning to her on the nights when he visited her bed, clinging onto the hope that she may become with their child, or when she joined him for supper. 
“My father was king.” Back home she’d add to herself. “Good friends with our king.” Business partners. Precious metals, gold, spices all in exchange for weapons. The one thing the English had plenty of.  “I am the son of a king. What are these gentleman's blood to mine?” African blood. Not English. Not even European. 
Mr. Hermain Danbury was the son of a great king. Of a rich kingdom. Riches beyond what this tiny dank island held. What they could dream of, yet Sierra Leone was still an African nation. Not English.
It was not just her husband who was fixated on his lack of recognition. They all were. The Kent’s, the Hastings’, the Smythe-Smiths. All the families on their side of the Ton. They felt and expressed their slight with great displeasure. The men and their wives alike. One way or another the conversation whenever they gathered would always turn back to their lack of a proper social standing within England society. 
They were royalty back home or as good as it and here they were not given so much as the courtesy of a title. The men were denied membership at Whites, hunts with the king, land, and income from said land. The wives were kept from the best modistes, teas at the palace, and society balls. They had no place at court, but for all his moaning she supposed her husband had more access than most of the gentlemen on their side. 
She herself had been to the palace twice. Her husband a dozen times that she could recollect. The old king was rather fond of Mr. Danbury, but the old king was dead and this one and his court were more elusive than his grandfather’s. 
Their kind would never mix. It was their side and Agatha’s. Even the most rarefied among them, those who they had known since childhood, went to school with, and were their equals in every way were othered. They would never see them as English. That is why she had not believed Coral when she said that they had received an invitation from the palace. Not until she held the letter in her hand and read the contents thrice.
A wedding. They had been invited to the king's wedding. She could not, did not even fully believe it then. Not when they had arrived at Saint James. Not when Princess Augustus had declared them Lord and Lady Danbury. She had thought it was all some trick. A jape. A show even.
 It was not until Agatha had seen a  tawny face in a cream gown peering out with a look of determination and desperation from the archway overhead that she realized this was no mistake. Agatha held back a laugh at the sight of the missing piece. The picture becoming clear as crystal. 
Ao3 Link:
Taglist: @dd122004dd @nametoshort @gracienna @woahwwes-blog @librarydamee
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lillywhitefield · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Queen Charlotte (TV 2023), Bridgerton (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Agatha Danbury/Lord Ledger Characters: Agatha Danbury, Lord Ledger (Bridgerton) Additional Tags: Smut, Masturbation, Oral Sex, because Agatha deserves some fun and good sex, and Lord Ledger deserves a wife who isn't a racist Summary:
Agatha and Lord Ledger are at a ball.
They can't bring themselves to stay away, and he walks her home.
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peachpitfics · 11 days
Don't Blame Me
Fandom: Bridgerton
Summary: Daphne Bridgerton is your closest childhood friend, her eldest brother, Anthony, is the love of your life. After avoiding each other for years, you both finally lose control.
Length: 3.2k
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x fem!reader
Content Warnings: Unprotected sex, sex in public, penetrative vaginal sex, orgasm, 'caught in the act' vibes, best friends brother.
Bridgerton master list (tag list)
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Like many other close family friends of the Bridgerton’s, their home was always a beacon of safety and comfort, especially for you. You were Daphne Bridgerton’s first friend, and you had remained close well into adulthood, she wrote to you still from her new life with the Duke. Unfortunately, Daphne would not be able to meet you in Mayfair this season, the Bridgerton’s playing host while your mother and father were out of the country. It was your third year out; you had a few hopeful matches in mind, not realizing how difficult the season might be with unobtainable love staring you in the face.
“We are so glad to have you this year, y/n. It has been so long since we have seen you around the Ton” Violet Bridgerton was as much your mother as your own.
“Father’s responsibilities have been consuming these past few years. Mother and I hardly made it to the season last year. I am glad to be here, spending some time in familiar places” You smiled, linking arms with her as she escorted you to the ballroom. Your parents had entrusted your match to you, however, had requested the viscountess to keep a watchful eye.
Waltzing into the drawing room, just like old times, Benedict and Colin, discarding their playing cards, exclaimed with joy, rushing to greet you as if a long-lost sibling had returned. There was nothing as lonely as being an only child, deep in the countryside. Eloise was fretting in the corner, fingers agitated, tapping the outside of a book. This was to be her coming out year.
Anthony entered from the far side door, his feet skidding to a halt at the sight of you.
“You arrived” Anthony said flatly, turning on the ball of his foot, and exiting as quickly as he had come in. Embarrassed, you frowned, smiling chastely praying no one would notice his strange behaviour. It had been a year since you had last seen each other.
“I apologise, he is so bizarre in the mornings lately” Violet squeezed your shoulders, leading you over to a table laden with treats. Sitting on the settee with Hyacinth and Eloise, eating small cakes and discussing the books being read amongst you were some of the precious things you missed about living in the city.
In an unsuspicious amount of time, you excused yourself from company to find the washroom. Anthony stood outside the drawing room, leaning against the wall, unblinking and mind drifting elsewhere. You ignored each other walking past, which felt a lot like tiny shards of glass embedding into your heart. Locking yourself in the washroom, trying desperately to keep tears at bay, you looked into the mirror and told yourself it did not matter. You were going to find love this year, somewhere else. 
When you opened the door, Anthony had moved, he was nearly pressed against the door, waiting for you to come out. He stuffed himself into the washroom with you, closing the door as silently as he could.
“Why are you here?” He asked. He looked different from a year ago, he had changed quite a lot more than you were expecting. He had shortened his hair and filled out into his body. His hands looked the same, the same ring on that damned finger, flexing in distress and awkward guilt.
“It is the beginning of the social season. I am here to find a husband.” You stated plainly.
“A husband?” He scoffed, charming disdain painted across his face.
“Yes, it is what young ladies do in polite society. Was that unclear?” You asked. Your lack of facial expression and tone seemed to startle him, he had no idea what you were thinking.
“Why are you acting this way?” Anthony stuttered forward, getting uncomfortably close.
With the melancholic drop of your shoulders, and a heavy exhale, you pushed past Anthony and made your way back to the drawing room. It was so like him to put the narrative back on you. Anthony should have asked himself why he was acting this way – after all, it was he who decided not to court you. It was he who decided to kiss you beside the carriage that night. It was he who decided the two of you should not speak any longer. It was he who broke your heart.
The remainder of the evening was free of Anthony, filled with laughter at the dining room table over a delectable dinner. The Bridgerton’s sense of family was everything to you – even if Gregory and Hyacinth were bickering for most of the meal, it still felt as it was meant to. Violet showed you to the guest room, it had not changed much over the years, it smelled the very same.
“I am sorry Anthony could not join us for dinner” Violet’s voice echoed with somber searching. Perhaps she had heard the two of you in the washroom?
“Do not be,” You said quickly, “His time is his own, he does not owe me anything” Violet bowed her head, words fighting against her lips. She instead pursed them into a smile and closed the door behind her. Those shards of glass moved again, every second in this house, nausea held you hostage, terrified of running into him in the halls.
Daphne was the only other person alive who knew what had happened between Anthony and yourself. She had been disappointed in him, angry with the way he had handled everything. While she promised there would never be a change to your friendship, it had never really been the same. You tossed and turned far longer than normal; your mind flooded with images of the past. Thrusting yourself out of bed, it was clear you were not going to be sleeping tonight, you decided that a distraction may be best. In your nightgown, candle in hand, you remembered your way to the study.
The study was clear of any inhabitants, it was tidy, and the few cases of books loomed high over you, reaching the ceiling. Nothing in the Bridgerton house seemed to change, except Anthony, and it was perpetually for the worse in your opinion. You selected a book randomly from the nearest shelf and perched yourself on the seat closest to the window, looking out over the square. Lounging sleepily, you read in the low candlelight, only disturbed by the creaking of the door, an unexpected sound, making you jolt.
“I knew you’d be in here” Anthony said softly, entering the room with caution as your emotionless face watched him. “You were always in here when we were children. No one could ever find you” His smile was humorless.
“You did” You waited before responding, wondering why he was here, speaking with you, “Why are you here, right now, Anthony?” You demanded.
Anthony moved to the seat across from yours, sitting gingerly, holding eye contact in the hopes you would not tell him to leave. You allowed him to sit, his hands folded in front of him.
“I don’t know” Anthony rubbed desperately at his forehead, “I just got up, and felt myself pulled here, some unknown force, dragging me to you” Anthony admitted. You had always been attracted to each other, always gravitating towards one another.
“I did not choose to come here; my mother asked a favor of yours. I would never have chosen to be this close to you. You destroyed me, Anthony” Tears welled to your eyes, “We cannot be near each other – you made that it very clear, you took what you wanted of me, and cast me aside” Hands pressed down on your knees, you pushed off, making for the closest exit. Anthony dashed around in front of you, placing his body between you and the door for the second time today.
“Goodnight, Viscount Bridgerton” You curtsied formally, hoping the rules of social engagement were enough for this man to understand the dangerous position he was putting both of you in, yet again.
Anthony’s hand trembled, reaching out, taking yours into his. His fingers tangled between yours, his grip strengthening when he realized you were not pulling away. His thumb affectionately circling the skin on wrist, the sound of his swallowing resounding across the empty room, his anxious tongue flicking over his lips. If anything was clear, it was the internal battle that seemed to be always happening inside Anthony’s mind.
His touch, the supreme legacy of your existence. His unsteady breath, captivating your common sense. The thrilling space between you slowly closing, heads bobbing forward as if intoxicated and unable to control oneself, meeting together in the middle in an exhilarating kiss, just like you had remembered it.
His lips were shamelessly enthusiastic, as if made for this very purpose, just for you. His forceful hands weaved into your loose hair, pulling you deeper into every kiss. You were overcome, that old bold, need for him to find its way out of the labyrinth you had designed for it. Anthony’s fingers pressed to your hips, his teeth nipped eagerly at the skin on your neck, softs sighs of delight followed.
It was when his hand moved sensually to your breast that you broke free of the enchanting dance you had found yourself in so many times before with him. Your body did not reflect the same pleasures, you took his hands from your body and laid them at his sides, and stood tall and stepped back.
“I am here to secure a husband, for my future” Tears found their way back to you.
“Y/n…” Anthony shook his head, stepping forward, trying to hold onto you again.
“If you cannot give me what I seek, please, stop hunting me down. I want a life with you, Anthony. I will love you until my dying breath… But you, you will never grow up” You said finitely, again, pushing your way past him and fleeing back to your room.
Most of the next day was spent in tired indifference, you remained in your room, preparing for the first ball of the season. Tears had stained your pillow the remainder of the night, each knock at the door struck a chord of hope in your heart, wishing for Anthony.
Eloise and Violet helped you into your gown, the ladies’ maids fixing your hair and face. Violet ran a motherly thumb under your puffy eye, her compassionate heart shining through her eyes and tender smile. You gave a little nod, knowing there was never anything you could hide from her – she knew everyone in the Bridgerton house better than she let on.
The Viscounts escorted Eloise into Lady Danbury’s estate, greeting the Queen and Lady Danbury ahead of you. Violet linked arms with you in solidarity, following Anthonys actions and proceeding into the ball.
“Who will you be accepting dances from this evening?” The Viscountess asked quietly.
“I am not restricting myself to names, I will dance with any eligible man who asks” You answered politely.
Violet gave your forearm a squeeze, “That is very sensible” She nodded, releasing you, sending you off into the lion’s den. You met up with Eloise, taking a short turn about the room to appear social, greeting the other young ladies who you’d met years previous. There were several older men who seemed to take an interest in you as you moved about the room with your friend. No one really stood out to you, no true love at first sight, much to your dismay.
Retiring to the wall with a glass of lemonade in hand, you watched the gorgeous young women excited to dance with suitors and recalled how that was never an experience you had.
Soon enough, one of the suitors who had shown interest in a season previous approached, positioning himself next to you. Lord Harlan Grahame was intelligent, considerate, and not entirely horrible to look at.
“Lord Grahame” You curtsied, a familiar smile finding its way back onto your face.
“Miss y/n, I do hope your mother and father are quite well” He remarked, having known them for many years now, he had noticed their absence.
“They are in abroad, my father has business to conduct in Greece and my mother only saw fit to tend to him during this time” You explained, “I am being hosted by the Bridgerton family. How is your family?” You asked in politeness.
“Fantastic, Mother has moved herself to the country and hopes to get yet another dog soon” He laughed, clearly happy to be free of her in his home. Laughing along with him, you spied Anthony, discreetly looking on from across the ballroom. The conversation between yourself and Lord Grahame was easy and hardly uncomfortable. He was charismatic enough that you could see yourself becoming quite fond of each other in no time at all. He made small jokes at no one’s expense, he offered refreshments frequently and complimented you in kindness. You could see and accept a perfectly happy future with the Lord.
Across the ballroom, sheer asperity brewed live in Anthonys eyes for all to see. He was known to have a temper amongst society. With a final twitch of his left eye, Anthony’s feet picked up under him, carrying him in your direction. Violet watched on, fear and embarrassment ready and willing in her chest.
“I apologise” You mumbled preemptively to Lord Grahame as Anthony arrived to interrupt your conversation.
“Miss y/n, may I have this dance?” Anthonys eyes were terrifying, filled with rage and jealousy. You paused, contemplating antagonizing him, forcing his hand, backing him into a corner. But relinquished, excusing yourself from Lord Grahames company, taking Anthony’s hand as he swept you off to the dancefloor.
You did not meet his eye, your nails dug into the skin on his hand in resentment. You said nothing to each other for the first several minutes of the dance.
“You cannot marry him” Anthony muttered in quiet, helpless indignation.
Giving him a great look of disbelief, “Who are you to tell me who I can marry? I do not answer to you, Viscount” You growled into his ear as he pulled you in tighter.
Anthony finished the dance, bowing to you, holding onto one of your hands with unbelievable force. He walked swiftly from the dance floor, conspicuously pulling you along behind him, and into a room down the hall.
“You cannot blame me for acting this way!” He yelled, “If I have to see you speak to another man this season, if I have to witness another man watch as you walk by – You have driven me to the brink of insanity” He heaved, frantic energy filling his body.
“What would you have me do? Spend my life in loneliness, a Spinster? Would that be convenient to you, Anthony?” You parried.
His hands ran through his hair stressfully, at a loss for words, unable to express himself in the way he wanted. His intention had not been to yell when he sequestered you away to this side room.
“I was fine! You left Mayfair, and I was well. Now, here you are – and God help me, I am intoxicated every second we are in the same room. Your presence is the most decadent drug, forcibly hypnotizing me. I am powerless to you” Anthonys words were like honey, carried on the end of a bee sting.
“You made your choice!” You yelled back at him, hoping the music was loud enough outside.
“I was young, y/n! I made the wrong choice!” He retorted, his words shaking, and unfiltered for the first time in a long time.
There was a second of unblinking silence between you before magnetic energy pulled you into each other, deranged nipping at each other’s lips ensued. Hands grabbed and grasped at skin and hair, trying to force your beings into one person. There was a white-hot craze that seemed to come over the both of you, and you had felt it before, a few times.
Anthony sucked your bottom lip into his mouth, biting and kissing in a spontaneous fire.
“Someone will hear” You moaned into his ear, as his teeth moved their way down your neck. Anthony did not seem to care, his mouth on your chest, fondling and sucking on your breasts, still sitting pertly in your dress. He was simply uncontrollable, his behaviour now inherently superior compared to when he had been speaking.
Anthony maneuvered your body across the room, hands comfortably held in places of control, his left on your lower back, his right splayed across your throat like the prettiest necklace. You reached the door, his hands twisting your hips to face it. Your palms met the wood, bracing as Anthony bent you slightly, kicking your feet apart with his. Anthony hiked up your gown, undoing his pants in the same instant and buried himself inside of you.
You mouth gaped silently, aghast at the entire situation, but thanking God above for the opportunity.
“Oh my god,” Anthony gnarled into your ear from behind, “Just like I remember it” He moaned, sinking deeper and deeper it felt like. Every thrust led with intense and vicious primality, his hands wrapped around each of your upper arms, for leverage. He was right, it was just how you remembered – overwhelming, devastating, unforgettable. You had thought about your secret affair with Anthony every day since you had moved away. The pleasure Anthony elicited from you sent you into a familiar haze, deep and indefensible. Every movement, every sound from him made you feel greedy, always wanting just a little more.
The way he pounded into your smaller frame rattled the wooden door you were leaning on. “Anthony! They are going to hear!” You squealed in a whisper back to him.
“Let them” He panted, “If anyone asks, I’ll tell them I’m fucking my future wife” Anthony’s hand found its way into your hair, pulling your back sharply for a profound, wet kiss. Anthonys fingers sunk into the flesh of your hip, painfully pleasant as his nails clambered for an anchor. Your body arched back involuntarily, Anthony powering through fast, harsh thrusts as he found his inevitable end, placing sloppy kisses on your shoulder as he slowly finished moving inside of you.
You both leaned on the door in exhaustion, bodies heaving in unison. Anthony placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, stepping backwards and rebuttoning his breeches, fixing your dress behind you. You turned to face him slowly, knowing he could very well go back on every word he had said not moments before.
The softest smile enriched his face, his eyes lit in such a way that you had never seen them. His arm dashed out, pulling you into a grinning embrace, smooching dear kisses upon your lips.
“Loving you causes me delirium, y/n” He nipped at your nose, your foreheads planted together, eyes closed in tranquility.
As you stood, the doorknob gently turned and Violet Bridgerton slid her head through the gap, assumingly checking on the both of you; you had been in here for a little while longer than societally acceptable for two young single people.
Her hand flew over her heart, “Oh thank God!” She exclaimed, smiling ear to ear, a sense of pride glistened in her eyes.
“I cannot wait to write Daphne” The viscountess cheered quietly, finding it hard to contain her excitement. “I knew that you would find each other” She chuffed, slipping out, closing the door. Your foreheads knocked together again, never having a minutes peace in such a large family – you stood there a moment longer, relishing such a long awaited and monumental confession of your love.
tag list: @cringycat24 // @blckbarbiedoll // @freyagallileaevans // @junkie05 // @rosabeetroot // @flamewriterr //
If you would like to be tagged in Bridgerton fics, please let me know!
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frost-queen · 1 year
Burst like a glass balloon (Sis!Reader x Bridgerton brothers)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag: @missmelodramatic​, @theletterhart​, @alex--awesome--22​, @elllie-does-the-posts​, @floatlosers​, @merlieve​, @queen-of-books​, @glimmering-darling-dolly​, @denkisclown​, @wildieflower​, @meyocoko​, @bubblybrianna​, @justanothercoco​ @idkwhatmyusernameis,  @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23​, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr​, @swampthing07​, @freyathehuntress
Summary: Reader is the youngest of Bridgerton's. Your governess has a very abusive way towards you, gaslighting you into remaining quiet. One day your three brothers find out asking you why you didn't tell them, thinking they wouldn't believe you and you secretly deserved it.
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“Again!” – your governess snapped, letting her wooden pointing stick slam against your desk. It started you, making you sniff loudly. – “And don’t make me see any tears!” – she made clear bending down inspecting your cheeks. You quickly wiped them dry. You moved your book closer to you, starting repeating the list of flowers by their Latin names. – “Abelia…Abutilon… Acacia…” – you said between sniffs as not a moment ago you had busted out in tears.
“Pronunciation miss Bridgerton!” – the governess made clear. She said it during your speech, making you stutter out the word. Her wooden stick coming down hard again. – “A lady does not stutter miss Bridgerton. Should I fetch you the bottle for only baby’s babble as much as you do!” – Her words carving deep into your heart. – “Perhaps I should start the basics with you all over again? How to walk, talk, sit, and eat properly for a lady. Is that what you require miss Bridgerton? Teaching for the simple minded?” – she asked with mockery.
“No…” – you answered softly. She pressed her hand down on your book, coming intimidatingly close to your face. – “Then do better!” – her voice as sharp as a knife. – “From the top.” – she insisted letting the wooden stick fall in her palm. – “But…” – you said. Big mistake. Her stick came down hard on your knuckles. You squeaked in pain untensing your fingers. – “I said again!”
You curled your fingers up to your palm, moving them down to your lap. Grabbing onto your dress tightly trying to forget the pain. – “Abelia… Abutilon…Acacia…” – you started over. Your governess nodding content as with each word her stick fell into her palm. You made sure to not falter as the slightest bit of hesitation awoke the feral beast inside of her. Her eyes would narrow coldly, her mouth pulled up to a hiss ready to spew out her personage of you.
Finishing the list of Latin flowers you felt out of breath. Mouth dry from speaking the long list that endured for hours. You turned around slowly in your seat, head down. – “Did I do good Governess?” – you asked nervously. She inhaled sharply through her nose. – “No.” – she casually expressed, making your eyes widen. – “Five whips to the knee.” – she informed you, approaching. You held your hands on your lap, already clenching onto your dress for the first impact.
The first whack made you press your lips together. Head turning away to not make a sound. The second made your body flinch, a soft yelp escaping your lips. The third one was brutal as it made your upper body shot forwards out of breath. The fourth numbed your knees with a tingling. Biting on the inside of your cheek to not make a sound. The fifth touch drew blood.
Hands trembled on your lap as your Governess laid some lost strays of hair back in place. – “Now Miss Bridgerton.” – she spoke lifting your chin up with her stick. – “Not a word to my family.” – you told her with tears in your eyes. – “Exactly.” – she warmed up a smile. A smile that never could warm your heart. – “What will they say when they find out how improper your behavior is during my lessons. How incompetent you are.” – she straightened her posture. – “I understand…” – you answered, blinking rapidly. – “I’ll never be like you.” – the words coming out so truly you started to believe them.
“Indeed miss Bridgerton. You never will be. Not every lady can accomplish many things.” – she spoke lowering her stick on you. She turned around, collecting her supplies. – “I’ll see you next time tomorrow.” – she clicked her suitcase shut, dragging it off your bed. You watched her leave before letting yourself slide down your chair onto the ground. Biting in your arm to deafen out your screams of pain. Body shuddering from the sharp pain rushing through you. Wiping your eyes dry, you carefully got up.
Knees trembling as they could barely hold you up. Stumbling over to the bowl filled with water by your vanity. Falling down in your seat, you slowly pulled up your dress. Revealing your knees. Still red and blue from previous punishments. The skin rough as some blood had made a way down your leg. A thin line of evidence. Sniffing loudly, you moved your hand through the water, wiping it up your leg afterwards. Water drippled when your hand got out again. The clear water slowly changing into color. You continued to clean your knees as if there never had been blood.
Face contracting when it pricked. You then held your hands in the water as it eased your muscles a bit. It was almost a routine after your lessons. Clean up to get rid of any evidence of harm. After all you needed to stay quiet. You didn’t want your family to know how not good enough you were. Your sisters surely never had such difficulties. Perhaps they were better suited to be a proper lady then you.
The thought of marrying a poor man crossing your mind. It was after all what your governess said. That you should be lucky to have such an average face for you would never taste the luxuries of a title. Not one deserving off. Letting your dress fall back over your knees, you took a deep breath. Taking the bowl of water, you moved over to your window. Pushing it open as you came sitting on the edge for a second.
Looking down at the ground beneath you. Quickly you emptied the water as it fell into the grass. A sudden knock at your door made you jump out of your skin. Quickly close the window once more, setting the bowl aside. A maid entered. – “Miss Bridgerton, diner is served.” – she told you. You nodded at her, following her downstairs.
You encountered Hyacinth and Gregory chatting loudly and happily over to the diner table. Anthony sitting down as a maid pulled his chair closer. Colin and Benedict already deep in a conversation. You came sitting down near Anthony. Eloise rushing in to join mama’s side. Francesca taking her seat beside you. Anthony smiled upon your arrival. – “How have your lessons been, Y/n?” – he asked laying a napkin on his lap. – “Productive…” – you answered, fumbling with your fingers nervously under the table.
“Has she taught you already French? I’d say I struggled a bit with it.” – Francesca said with a snort. You quietly shook your head. – “Not yet…” – you whispered. – “Y/n is still young.” – Anthony made clear to his sister. – “She will learn French soon enough and when she does, she will thrive at it.” – He turned his head to you with a warm smile. You couldn’t help yourself, but smile saddened back at him. Oh how high value he had of you. The first course arrived making you swallow nervously. Looking around carefully at everyone and how occupied they were.
You gently moved your hand above the table, picking up your spoon. About to put the spoon in your mouth, commented your brother Benedict on your hands. – “Y/n, did you hurt yourself? Your hands are red and scraped.” – his comment made you drop your spoon, hiding your hand underneath the table again. – “Let me see!” – Anthony insisted grabbing for your hand underneath the table.
You fought with every might to not let him see it, but your brother’s grip was stronger. He revealed your hand above the table, forming an opinion for himself. Letting his fingers brush gently under your knuckles. – “Did you fall in the garden?” – he asked worriedly. Pressing your lips together you remained silent. – “Y/n hasn’t been out in the garden all day.” – Colin pointed out. – “Truly?” – Benedict spoke on it with furrowed brows. – “Y/n how did you require it then?” – Benedict turned to you, barely touching his soup.
“The skin is rough… flesh scraped… this doesn’t seem like a first wound.” – Anthony said out loud, thinking as he carefully held your hand. You pulled your hand out of his, moving it down. Your little action made your brothers wary. – “Y/n tell us where you hurt yourself. If it happened numerous times we must do something about it.” – Colin made clear pointing with his spoon at you. – “Is it from a sharp edge from your nightstand? A certain type of fabric that is rough?” – Anthony suggested concerningly.
You couldn’t tell them, not even a bit. It was all getting too much for you. Making you push your chair back and take a run for it. Anthony threw his napkin on the table, getting up as well. – “Where… where is everyone going?” – Violet asked seeing her sons get up. – “A moment mama.” – Colin said with a bow before following his brothers. – “Y/n!” – Anthony shouted loud going in pursuit.
There was an attempt to escape them, unfortunately you failed miserably. Benedict grabbing you quickly by the shoulder. – “No!” – you called out, swaying your arms around to break free. – “Y/n what is the matter? We are simply concerned about you.” – Colin made clear trying to calm you. – “Let me go!” – you stomped firmly on your brother’s toes making him call it out in pain. His grip on you released, yet you stumbled to the ground.
The burn on your knees from hitting the floor made you flinch. Slowly you turned around to come and sit down, hands beside you. A part of your dress upwards making Anthony’s eyes widen. – “What is this!” – he called out, dropping to his knees as he pulled your dress up to reveal your knees. Benedict and Colin gasping in terror. Anthony’s jaw tensed. – “Y/n this isn’t from simply falling. What happened!” – he outed loudly seeing your bruised knees. Black and blue as the bruises barely had proper time to heal. Still you remained silent, looking away.
“The truth!” – Anthony shouted, moving his hands forwards to grab you. When he saw you flinch, he stopped, staring with wide eyes at you. Benedict lowering him beside Anthony. – “Y/n. Is someone hurting you?” – you couldn’t hold it anymore when Benedict asked it. Tears streaming down your face. Sobbing loudly and almost out of breath. – “Y/n who!” – Anthony demanded to know as Colin came kneeling beside you, pulling you close against his chest.
You shook your head not wanting to tell them. – “Y/n please I beg of you.” – Anthony spoke nearly sobbing himself from seeing his little sister in so much pain. That someone was hurting you. – “My governess…” – you cried out finally speaking about it. Benedict and Anthony shared a brief glance. “Why didn’t you tell us?” – Colin spoke stroking your back. – “Because… you wouldn’t have believed me… and besides…I…I deserve it.” – you outed wiping some tears away. – “No!” – Anthony said loudly, placing his hands on top of your knees.
“You did not deserve it. Not one bit of it. Your governess was wrong to treat you like this and she will not be forgiven for it.” – he added as Colin placed a kiss down your head. – “That is no way to treat any person… you didn’t deserve it Y/n, you certainly didn’t.” – Colin told you. Benedict took your hand, placing a gentle kiss on it. – “She won’t harm you anymore Y/n. We’ll make sure of it.” – Your brothers helped you up to your feet, group hugging you so tightly you felt the warmth of their heart. – “You are worthy Y/n. You are enough.”
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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redheadspark · 1 month
May Prompt Sessions (CLOSED)
Hello, my Lovelies!
Can you believe we are already in May?! Where has this year gone?! I don't know about you, but I am lowkey not ready for summer to be here soon, but that's okay!
I'm ready for another prompt session for you guys! I have nothing but love for all of you for sending in requests and reading my work these past years, it means the world to me!
This Prompt Session theme is:
Show Dont Tell
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Here are my rules:
1.) You may choose ONE character from my list Here. It’ll have the list of characters that I write for or have written for in the past.
*(If you have a character not listed that you wish for me to write, PLEASE MESSAGE ME AND CLEAR IT WITH ME FIRST TO SEE IF I CAN OR WILL DO IT!)*
2.) There is only One Prompt list for this session, you can request the number you wish for me to write. Please provide BOTH the numbers you would like AND the character to pair it with.
Example: May I have Aziel from ACOTAR with #5?
*I write out the requests as a first come first serve. I will try my best to fulfill every request that comes my way, but please bear in mind I work full-time as a teacher. Because of that, I’ll be busy most of the day so please be patient and I’ll write in my spare time as much as I can :) *
3.) If I get two requests that are exactly the same, (same character and same number) I will only write it once! Please don't be afraid to ask if someone has already requested the character and number, I don't mind answering that for you :)
4.) You can request in my ASK box neither as yourself or anonymously. Although I would LOVE to give you a shout if you request as yourself, anon is perfectly fine!
5.) I will stop taking requests for this prompt session on Sunday, May 12th, at 3:00 PST
6) Have fun and enjoy :)
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Prompt List created by @writing-promptsss
making them meals/snacks
sneaking cute notes in their lunchbox/backpack/bags/bedroom/food cabinets/closet
remembering the important dates
remembering the little details about them
preparing a washbowl with warm water or a bath with warm water after they come home from a hard and cold day
preparing a special date night on the weekends
taking them out shopping and paying for the things they want
thinking of their s/o's needs before their own
preparing them cool beverages when they come home after a hot day
doing the dishes/chores when their s/o is tired
taking them out on a picnic
kissing them randomly
endless hugs and cuddles
giving them flowers
cheek/temple kisses in public
hugging them in public/holding hands in public
actively listening to what they're saying
not interrupting them when they are talking/doing something
asking them how they're doing/how their day was
sending cute texts
being their biggest fan
breakfast in bed
being their steady rock when they're having a tough time
letting go of arguments
doing anything to make their s/o laugh/smile (even if it means making a fool of themselves)
asking about their opinion
sharing everything with them
bringing them an umbrella to work/school if it's raining or driving them home if they have a car
driving their s/o home after work/school whenever they have the time (if they have a car)
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Once again, I will no longer take requests on Sunday, May 12th, at 3:00 PST. Thanks and happy requesting!
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Tagging -@a-lumos-in-the-nox @botanicalbarnes @heliosphere8 @virtueassassin @ethereal-athalia @heartofwritiing @valeridarkness @pemberlyy @saradika @basicrese
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siren-writes-things · 30 days
yet another fanfiction blog no one asked for
Hey, friends! My name's Siren and I'm 20 years old. My pronouns are they/them, so please use them accordingly. I have been writing and making up stories for most of my life.
I write in the third person and it's almost always gn-presenting. I'm not comfortable enough in my writing to write as a male. If it's not a series I've already started to plan out, the characters will always have they/them pronouns, and the character will be referred to as "Y/N." However, if it is a series, I've already planned a character to write for, AKA an original character of mine. If you'd like to see one of your characters to be featured in this blog, you're more than welcome to shoot an ask my way or message me.
For now, the fandoms I will write for are Supernatural, Teen Wolf, Bridgerton, and Percy Jackson and the Olympians. I've been tossing up the idea of writing for The Walking Dead, but I've not yet decided. This list will be subject to change once I delve more into different fandoms!
I will not base fanfiction around a real person. For example, I will not do Dylan O'Brien x Reader/OC. Writing for a celebrity, or an influencer for that matter, is something I used to do in 2014, which were some dark times.
Please note that I am not a smut writer, so I will keep it vague like Julia Quinn (Bridgerton's author.) You can request smut, but I will not do it as explicitly as other authors here do.
I can't wait to start writing for y'all!
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naomigoesferaldotcom · 4 months
I need someone to write the bridgerton fanficitons i wanna read
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lillywhitefield · 2 years
Chapters: 7/16 Fandom: Bridgerton (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Colin Bridgerton/Penelope Featherington, Colin Bridgerton & Penelope Featherington Characters: Colin Bridgerton, Penelope Featherington, Phillip Crane, Portia Featherington, Prudence Featherington, Philippa Featherington, Felicity Featherington, Violet Bridgerton, Anthony Bridgerton, Kate Sheffield | Kate Sharma, Eloise Bridgerton, Francesca Bridgerton, Hyacinth Bridgerton, Edmund Bridgerton II, Miles Bridgerton, Lady Danbury (Bridgerton) Additional Tags: sailor!Colin, mermaid!Penelope, The AU no one asked for, Regency, No beta we die like Edmund, Mermaids, Sailors, Eventual Smut, Colin swears like a sailor, Near Death Experiences, Mentions of Death, mentions of killing, Not the Main Characters Though, Desert Island, Protective Felicity, Dysfunctional Family, Mutual Pining, Smooching, and touching, Angst, Eventual HEA, Fluff and Angst Summary:
Penelope makes her choice. Everyone is very wet.
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redheadspark · 2 months
April Prompt Session (CLOSED)
Hello, my Lovelies!
So sorry for not making a prompt session sooner, but I wanted to get back to it and do another session! These are a lot of fun to write and make my day, so here we go!
This Prompt Session Theme is:
Words of Affirmation
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Here are my rules:
1.) You may choose ONE character from my list Here. It’ll have the list of characters that I write for or have written for in the past.
*(If you have a character not listed that you wish for me to write, PLEASE MESSAGE ME AND CLEAR IT WITH ME FIRST TO SEE IF I CAN OR WILL DO IT!)*
2.) There is only One Prompt list for this session, you can request the number you wish for me to write. Please provide BOTH the numbers you would like AND the character to pair it with.
Example: May I have Aziel from ACOTAR with #5?
*I write out the requests as a first come first serve. I will try my best to fulfill every request that comes my way, but please bear in mind I work full-time as a teacher. Because of that, I’ll be busy most of the day so please be patient and I’ll write in my spare time as much as I can :) *
3.) If I get two requests that are exactly the same, (same character and same number) I will only write it once! Please don't be afraid to ask if someone has already requested the character and number, I don't mind answering that for you :)
4.) You can request in my ASK box neither as yourself or anonymously. Although I would LOVE to give you a shout if you request as yourself, anon is perfectly fine!
5.) I will stop taking requests for this prompt session on Sunday, April 21st at 3:00 PST
6) Have fun and enjoy :)
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Prompt List created by @creativepromptsforwriting
"You are so special to me."
"We are so lucky to have you."
"Did I tell you I love you today already?"
"You always know how to make me laugh."
"I just want you to know how proud I am of you."
"Wow! You look amazing!"
"I appreciate you so much."
"You are being so good to me."
"I'm so impressed with you."
"Thank you for everything you do for me."
"You make me so happy."
"I'm so lucky to have you."
"You are doing such a good job at this."
"No one makes me as happy as you do."
"I trust you with all of my heart."
"You are literally the best."
"I really enjoy spending time with you."
"Thank you for always listening to me."
"I really value your opinion."
"You have so much talent."
"I'm so happy to have you by my side."
"You're the kindest person I know."
"That was so thoughtful of you, I appreciate it."
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Once again, I will no longer take requests for this session on Sunday, April 21st at 3:00 PST
Thank you and happy requesting!
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Tagging -@a-lumos-in-the-nox @botanicalbarnes @heliosphere8 @virtueassassin @ethereal-athalia @heartofwritiing @valeridarkness @pemberlyy @saradika
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redheadspark · 8 months
Grumpy Vs. Sunshine Session
Hello Lovelies!
I know I just ended the Halloween Prompt Session, but I stumbled across a GREAT prompt list and I HAD to make it into a mini session for certain!
I think you all will like it :)
This Session's Theme is:
Grumpy Vs. Sunshine
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Here are my rules:
1.) You may choose ONE character from my list Here. It’ll have the list of characters that I write for or have written for in the past.
*(If you have a character not listed that you wish for me to write, PLEASE MESSAGE ME AND CLEAR IT WITH ME FIRST TO SEE IF I CAN OR WILL DO IT!)*
2.) There are Two Prompt lists for this session, please provide the lines you wish for me to use, one from the grumpy list and one from the sunshine list
Example: May I have Aziel from ACOTAR with, "You know I love you, right?" and "See, I told you there's some good in you!"
*I write out the requests as a first come first serve. I will try my best to fulfill every request that comes my way, but please bear in mind I work full-time as a teacher. Because of that, I’ll be busy most of the day so please be patient and I’ll write in my spare time as much as I can :) *
3.) If I get two requests that are exactly the same, (same character and same number) I will only write it once! Please don't be afraid to ask if someone has already requested the character and number, I don't mind answering that for you :)
4.) You can request in my ASK box neither as yourself or anonymously. Although I would LOVE to give you a shout if you request as yourself, anon is perfectly fine!
5.) I will stop taking requests for this prompt session on Friday, October 27th, at 3:00pm PST (Pacific Standard Time)
6) Have fun and enjoy :)
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Prompt list created by @poohsources
from the grump
❛  how can you be this cheery already? we haven't even had breakfast.  ❜
❛  just don't make a big deal out of this.  ❜
❛  you know i love you, right?  ❜
❛  i know, alright, i know i'm an asshole. but i'm trying here.  ❜
❛  i'm sorry. i didn't mean what i said earlier.  ❜
❛  do you always have to be so damn optimistic?  ❜ ❛
 nobody has ever made me feel the way you do.  ❜
❛  there's no way in hell i'm doing that.  ❜
❛  i'm not good with this whole stupid feelings thing.  ❜
❛  you make me want to be better. you make me want to be good.  ❜
❛  can't you just move on and forget about it already?  ❜
❛  i'm only doing this because you asked me to.  ❜
❛  you're the only one who has ever believed in me.  ❜
❛  you won't stop this until i say 'yes', will you?  ❜
❛  how are you so happy all the time?  ❜
❛  until i met you, I never thought i would be capable of that.  ❜
❛  you're the polar opposite of me.  ❜
❛  whatever. i didn't think you'd care anyway.  ❜
❛  your optimism might be starting to rub off on me.  ❜
❛  why don't you give up on me like everyone else?  ❜
from the sunshine
❛  come on, it's gonna be fun!  ❜
❛  see? i told you there's some good in you.  ❜
❛  you should smile more. you have such a beautiful smile.  ❜
❛  i'm so excited! there's so much i have planned for us.  ❜
❛  i was just trying to do something nice for you.  ❜
❛  do you always have to be so pessimistic?  ❜
❛  stop being so stubborn. i'm trying to help you.  ❜
❛  i knew there was a big softie under all that tough exterior.   ❜
❛  i always feel better with you by my side.  ❜
❛  sometimes you should let others in.  ❜ ❛
 light up, [name]. we're gonna be here for a while.  ❜
❛  why is it so difficult for you to accept a compliment?  ❜
❛  stay? i just ... don't want to be alone right now.  ❜
❛  just because i'm generally a happy person doesn't mean i can't have an off day.  ❜
❛  i'm not some helpless little girl/boy!  ❜
❛  you're not gonna get rid of me that easily.   ❜
❛  stop that. i don't want you to talk about yourself like this.  ❜
❛  of course, i remember! i remember everything you told me.  ❜
❛  let's go outside and dance in the rain.  ❜
❛  you don't mean that, do you?  ❜
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Once again, this prompt session will close and I will no longer take requests on Friday, October 27th, at 3:00pm PST
Thanks and happy writing and requesting!
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Tagging - @a-lumos-in-the-nox @valeridarkness @botanicalbarnes @pemberlyy @heartofwritiing @ethereal-athalia @virtueassassin @saradika@heliosphere8 @reader6898 @simplymakkari
89 notes · View notes
redheadspark · 3 months
Spring Prompt Session (CLOSED)
Hello, my lovelies!
Spring is around the corner, and it's one of the best times of the year. Out with the cold and in with new warmth and blossoming plants! I hope you are all doing well so far in 2024!
This Prompt's Session Theme is:
Physical Touch
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Here are my rules:
1.) You may choose ONE character from my list Here. It’ll have the list of characters that I write for or have written for in the past.
*(If you have a character not listed that you wish for me to write, PLEASE MESSAGE ME AND CLEAR IT WITH ME FIRST TO SEE IF I CAN OR WILL DO IT!)*
2.) There is only One Prompt list for this session, you can request the number you wish for me to write. Please provide BOTH the numbers you would like AND the character to pair it with.
Example: May I have Aziel from ACOTAR with #5?
*I write out the requests as a first come first serve. I will try my best to fulfill every request that comes my way, but please bear in mind I work full-time as a teacher. Because of that, I’ll be busy most of the day so please be patient and I’ll write in my spare time as much as I can :) *
3.) If I get two requests that are exactly the same, (same character and same number) I will only write it once! Please don't be afraid to ask if someone has already requested the character and number, I don't mind answering that for you :)
4.) You can request in my ASK box neither as yourself or anonymously. Although I would LOVE to give you a shout if you request as yourself, anon is perfectly fine!
5.) I will stop taking requests for this prompt session on Sunday, March 17th at 3:00 PST
6) Have fun and enjoy :)
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This prompt was created by @creativepromptsforwriting
hugging - just random, to give energy, to breathe them in
holding hands every chance they have
sitting close together, touching each other
gently massaging their partner
casually putting a hand on the other's body
pulling their partner on their lap
dancing together
being their big spoon
casually kissing their partner
warming their partner up by rubbing their body
running hands through their hair
cuddling on the couch together
letting them lay their head on their partner's lap
squeezing their knee in a public setting
pushing hair back behind the other’s ear
initiating sex and paying attention to their partner's preferences
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Once again, I will no longer take requests for this session on Sunday, March 17th at 3:00 PST.
Thanks and happy requesting!
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Tagging -@a-lumos-in-the-nox @botanicalbarnes @heliosphere8 @virtueassassin @ethereal-athalia @heartofwritiing @valeridarkness @pemberlyy @saradika
20 notes · View notes
redheadspark · 5 months
January Prompt Session (CLOSED)
I hope 2024 will be kind to you and a new year and possibilities! I'm beyond excited for the coming new year and the new sessions I'll write for certain! Let's start off the new year with a brand-new prompt session!
This Prompt's theme is: Denial of Feelings
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Here are my rules:
1.) You may choose ONE character from my list Here. It’ll have the list of characters that I write for or have written for in the past.
*(If you have a character not listed that you wish for me to write, PLEASE MESSAGE ME AND CLEAR IT WITH ME FIRST TO SEE IF I CAN OR WILL DO IT!)*
2.) There is only One Prompt list for this session, you can request the number you wish for me to write. Please provide BOTH the numbers you would like AND the character to pair it with.
Example: May I have Aziel from ACOTAR with #5?
*I write out the requests as a first come first serve. I will try my best to fulfill every request that comes my way, but please bear in mind I work full-time as a teacher. Because of that, I’ll be busy most of the day so please be patient and I’ll write in my spare time as much as I can :) *
3.) If I get two requests that are exactly the same, (same character and same number) I will only write it once! Please don't be afraid to ask if someone has already requested the character and number, I don't mind answering that for you :)
4.) You can request in my ASK box neither as yourself or anonymously. Although I would LOVE to give you a shout if you request as yourself, anon is perfectly fine!
5.) I will stop taking requests for this prompt session on Sunday, January 7th, at 3:00 PST
6) Have fun and enjoy :)
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Prompt list by @novelbear
"are you crazy? they're not my type, you know that."
"i don't have time for a relationship." "that has nothing to do with anything i just said. like at all."
"they're annoying as hell, no i don't have feelings for them."
"i honestly don't even know who you could possibly be referring to."
"what if i told you i said those types of things about everyone? then what?" "i would really hope you didn't. oh god."
"i do not want to see their face, hear their voice or their name for that matter. stop talking about them."
"what gave you that idea?"
"why does everybody keep saying that?"
"it's just been a while since i've had a close friendship like this, that's all."
"i wasn't blushing! it was hot out." "it is literally snowing outside as we speak are you joking."
"i don't even like them like that i don't know what you mean."
"i'd do that for anyone!"
"flirting? me? i wouldn't say i was."
"cut it out, i'm tired of hearing you guys tease me about this."
"that's not true, where did you hear that from?"
"they're just a friend. that's all."
"we've been friends since we were little, we're practically siblings! no!"
"love?! you think i'm in love?"
"i know what having a crush feels like and this is nothing close..." "have you considered that it's because this is more than just a crush?" "stop talking."
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Once again, this prompt session will end on Sunday, January 7th, at 3:00 PST
Thank you and happy requesting!
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Tagging - @a-lumos-in-the-nox @botanicalbarnes @heliosphere8 @virtueassassin @ethereal-athalia @heartofwritiing @valeridarkness @pemberlyy @saradika
25 notes · View notes
redheadspark · 6 months
December Part One Prompt Session (CLOSED)
Hello, my lovelies!
Happy Holidays to those who celebrate! I'm happy to be back to writing again after some time since I was occupied with life, of course, and now I wanna get my creative juices flowing again!
This theme is: Hurt and Comfort
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Here are my rules:
1.) You may choose ONE character from my list Here. It’ll have the list of characters that I write for or have written for in the past.
*(If you have a character not listed that you wish for me to write, PLEASE MESSAGE ME AND CLEAR IT WITH ME FIRST TO SEE IF I CAN OR WILL DO IT!)*
2.) There is only One Prompt list for this session, you can request up to TWO numbers, not more than two per request! Please provide BOTH the numbers you would like AND the character to pair it with.
Example: May I have Aziel from ACOTAR with #5 and #16 ?
*I write out the requests as a first come first serve. I will try my best to fulfill every request that comes my way, but please bear in mind I work full-time as a teacher. Because of that, I’ll be busy most of the day so please be patient and I’ll write in my spare time as much as I can :) *
3.) If I get two requests that are exactly the same, (same character and same number) I will only write it once! Please don't be afraid to ask if someone has already requested the character and number, I don't mind answering that for you :)
4.) You can request in my ASK box neither as yourself or anonymously. Although I would LOVE to give you a shout if you request as yourself, anon is perfectly fine!
5.) I will stop taking requests for this prompt session on Sunday, December 10th at 3:00 PST
6) Have fun and enjoy :)
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Prompt List made by @promptfairy
"You don't have to hide your tears from me"
"I will always believe in you"
"Please just hold me"
"You are my home"
"You can admit you're hurting. It's okay to not be okay"
"You've always been strong for me. Let me return the favor"
"Please don't ever give up"
"Why do you always think you have to do everything on your own?
"You are so fucking powerful"
"Don't worry. I'll protect you"
"Just say the word. I'd do anything for you"
"Shh, it's just a nightmare. You're safe"
"Don't talk about yourself like that,"
"No matter what anyone else says, you are important to me,"
"I hate seeing you like this. Please....let me help."
"You know I'll always have your back"
"I just need a hug"
"hold my hand?"
"I'll destroy anything that so much as thinks of harming you,"
"I'm so so sorry, you don't deserve that,"
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Once again, I will stop taking requests for this prompt session on Sunday, December 10th, at 3:00 PST.
As a bonus treat for you all, I'll throw in a mini Christmas session before I leave for Oregon to see family for Christmas on December 21st. So if you miss out on this session, don't worry! I'll whip up another right after this one!
Thanks, and happy requesting!
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Tagging - @a-lumos-in-the-nox @botanicalbarnes @heliosphere8 @virtueassassin @ethereal-athalia @heartofwritiing @valeridarkness @pemberlyy @saradika
29 notes · View notes
redheadspark · 8 months
Halloween Prompt Session
Hello Lovelies!
It is officially Autumn AND October (Although in some places, it's still summer temperature wise). I'm beyond excited for Autumn since it's my favorite season! With Halloween right around the corner, I figured we would jump right into a Prompt Sesison to celebrate!
This Prompt's Theme is:
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Here are my rules:
1.) You may choose ONE character from my list Here. It’ll have the list of characters that I write for or have written for in the past.
*(If you have a character not listed that you wish for me to write, PLEASE MESSAGE ME AND CLEAR IT WITH ME FIRST TO SEE IF I CAN OR WILL DO IT!)*
2.) There are Two Prompt lists for this session, and since the list is rather large, please provide BOTH the numbers you would like (You can pick one from each list) AND the character to pair it with.
Example: May I have Aziel from ACOTAR with #5 dialogue and #16 action?
*I write out the requests as a first come first serve. I will try my best to fulfill every request that comes my way, but please bear in mind I work full-time as a teacher. Because of that, I’ll be busy most of the day so please be patient and I’ll write in my spare time as much as I can :) *
3.) If I get two requests that are exactly the same, (same character and same number) I will only write it once! Please don't be afraid to ask if someone has already requested the character and number, I don't mind answering that for you :)
4.) You can request in my ASK box neither as yourself or anonymously. Although I would LOVE to give you a shout if you request as yourself, anon is perfectly fine!
5.) I will stop taking requests for this prompt session on Sunday, October 15th, at 3:00pm PST (Pacific Standard Time)
6) Have fun and enjoy :)
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This Prompt List was created by @scealaiscoite
-ˏˋ. dialogue ˊˎ-
"what do you mean you've never gone trick-or-treating?!"
"I really appreciate that you're getting into the Halloween spirit, but it's ten in the morning. please turn off the slasher films so I can eat my breakfast in peace."
"ah, you've made the mistake in thinking that just because this is a couples/family costume that you get any kind of say in it. you don't, actually."
"I love you, I swear I do, but we're not wearing matching costumes."
"you're like the toughest person I know! am I really supposed to believe that a horror film is enough to have you cowering into my lap?"
"stop squirming, you're gonna mess up your face paint!"
"not to rain on your parade or anything, but since when are gingerbread haunted houses a thing?
"Please, I'm begging you. don't make me watch the nightmare before Christmas again."
"Should I be worried that you know how to replicate fake blood this well? i probably should be, right?"
"come on, if there was ever a time for me to be superstitious it's definitely now."
-ˏˋ. actions / scenarios ˊˎ-
carving pumpkins together
. having a scary movie marathon
going to questionable lengths to decorate their house/apartment
passing out candy to trick-or-treaters
throwing a Halloween party
going to a carnival/fair
comforting the scaredy cat amongst them
putting an inordinate amount of effort into planning their costume
going to a pumpkin patch
laying wide awake at night after watching a horror movie that left them unnerved
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Remember, I will not take requests after 3:00 pm PST on Sunday, October 15th,
Thanks and happy Requesting!
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Tagging - @a-lumos-in-the-nox @botanicalbarnes @heliosphere8 @virtueassassin @ethereal-athalia @heartofwritiing @valeridarkness @pemberlyy @saradika
22 notes · View notes
redheadspark · 9 months
September Prompt Session (CLOSED)
Hello Lovelies! Summer has come and gone, and now fall is right around the corner (Though it's still toasty outside here in California!). I figured it was about time we jump into another prompt session!
This Prompt Theme is:
Cozy and Content
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Here are my rules:
1.) You may choose ONE character from my list Here. It’ll have the list of characters that I write for or have written for in the past.
*(If you have a character not listed that you wish for me to write, PLEASE MESSAGE ME AND CLEAR IT WITH ME FIRST TO SEE IF I CAN OR WILL DO IT!)*
2.) There is One Prompt list for this session and since the list is rather large, please provide BOTH the number you would like AND the character to pair it with.
Example: Can I have Aziel from ACOTAR with #5?
*I write out the requests as first come first serve. I will try my best to fulfill every request that comes my way, but please bear in mind I work full-time as a teacher. Because of that, I’ll be busy most of the day so please be patient and I’ll write in my spare time as much as I can :) *
3.) If I get two requests that are exactly the same, (same character and same number) I will only write it once! Please don't be afraid to ask if someone has already requested the character and number, I don't mind answering that for you :)
4.) You can request in my ASK box neither as yourself or anonymously. Although I would LOVE to give you a shout if you request as yourself, anon is perfectly fine!
5.) I will stop taking requests for this prompt session on Sunday, September 10th, at 3:00 PST
6) Have fun and enjoy :)
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This Prompt list was created by @novelbear
drawing circles and patterns on their chest
humming/singing their partner to sleep
carefully trying to turn the lamp on the nightstand off without letting go of their partner in their arms
"what's wrong?" "your feet are cold!"
playing with their hair
laying their head on their lover's shoulder, one arm lazily wrapped around their torso and a leg over theirs
taking innocent peeks at their partner's phone every once in a while they're scrolling
"your hair smells nice..."
smiling as they feel their partner lay a firm kiss on the top of their head
"did we fall asleep?" "i think we did.."
not being able to be calm for five minutes as tickle matches ensue
"we should really get up." "we should....but we won't."
feeding them fruits/other snacks they have
absentmindedly playing with the other's fingers
melting because they just look so cute all bundled up in blankets
feeling little kisses being placed on their neck, chest, or chin from time to time.
"did you just wash these sheets?" "i did." "they smell nice. and they're still warm."
holding them as if they're protecting the other from the world as they're snuggled up at their side.
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Once again, I will not take requests for this prompt session after Sunday, September 10th, at 3:00 PST
Thanks and happy requesting!
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Tagged - @a-lumos-in-the-nox @botanicalbarnes @heliosphere8 @ethereal-athalia @heartofwritiing @pemberlyy @valeridarkness @virtueassassin
23 notes · View notes
redheadspark · 4 months
February Prompt Session (CLOSED)
Hello, my lovelies!
I hope 2024 has been good for you all so far!
February is here, and it is the season of love! Last year I did a soulmate prompt session, and it was a MASSIVE hit! I want to take another great prompt session and run with it.
This session theme is:
Make 'Em Swoon
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Here are my rules:
1.) You may choose ONE character from my list Here. It’ll have the list of characters that I write for or have written for in the past.
*(If you have a character not listed that you wish for me to write, PLEASE MESSAGE ME AND CLEAR IT WITH ME FIRST TO SEE IF I CAN OR WILL DO IT!)*
2.) There is only One Prompt list for this session, you can request the number you wish for me to write. Please provide BOTH the numbers you would like AND the character to pair it with.
Example: May I have Aziel from ACOTAR with #5?
*I write out the requests as a first come first serve. I will try my best to fulfill every request that comes my way, but please bear in mind I work full-time as a teacher. Because of that, I’ll be busy most of the day so please be patient and I’ll write in my spare time as much as I can :) *
3.) If I get two requests that are exactly the same, (same character and same number) I will only write it once! Please don't be afraid to ask if someone has already requested the character and number, I don't mind answering that for you :)
4.) You can request in my ASK box neither as yourself or anonymously. Although I would LOVE to give you a shout if you request as yourself, anon is perfectly fine!
5.) I will stop taking requests for this prompt session on Sunday, February 18th at 3:00 PST
6) Have fun and enjoy :)
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Prompt made by @creativepromptsforwriting
eyes meeting from across the room
reaching out, grabbing their hand
a subtle wink
licking their lips
a hug that gets deeper
“hi” *raspy voice*
falling asleep on each other
coming back for another kiss
pressing their foreheads together
smile that makes their eyes soften
brushing away their hair
putting their hand on the other’s neck
holding them close by their hips
pulling them on their lap
smirking in a way that suggests more
drawing with their fingertips on their skin
hugging them from behind
a kiss pressed to the neck
lips brushing against their ear
whispering to them like they’re alone in the world
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Once again, this prompt session will be closed on Sunday, February 18th, at 3:00 PST
Thank you and Happy Requesting!
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Tagging - @a-lumos-in-the-nox @botanicalbarnes @heliosphere8 @virtueassassin @ethereal-athalia @heartofwritiing @valeridarkness @pemberlyy @saradika
16 notes · View notes