#both on fb and directly
humandisastersquad · 1 year
Love going on facebook and seeing countless pictures of people in crowded/indoor spaces without a mask, further destroying my ability to trust anyone ever 🙃🙃🙃
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that art lull through december really just. made something in my brain click about Colors
if id made either of the last two pieces before then?? they would absolutely not look as good as they do.
like im super tempted to go back and redo the painting/colors on that one illustration of dusk + the deepfolk at the piers because i know i could really do the thing justice in a completely different way now and HHHH
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deke-rivers-1957 · 2 months
FTD Deleted Scene
Shoutout to @moonchild-daniella for showing me this but after all this time finally got an answer to where this pic came from.
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For those who don't have Instagram the story goes like this:
“In the 1980s co-star Anne Helm opened up her original script that spoke of a complete scene where the Kwimper family decided to skip town because a girl is on her way to get married to Toby Kwimper.” (Fb group ELVIS PICTURES) When Toby mentions Gertrude Patterson and the times tables, that is the girl they are running from. “That’s what happened that night behind the bowling alley with Gertrude. I forgot the nineses.”
The post also included different pictures, some of which I've never seen before when searching for the deleted scene.
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Man I wish we still had this whole opening scene. The whole concept of Toby hooking up with Gertrude only to skip town when she wants to marry him is so perfect. If we were able to see this whole scene or at least be able to see the whole script of this scene, it would add so much context to why he doesn't want to get married.
He vaguely mentions being with Gertrude behind the bowling alley but we still have no idea how far things got with them. We can't assume that it's sex simply because that's way too extreme based on what we know about him.
If anyone knows anything else about this or wants to share their own headcanons on what this scene would've meant for Toby's character leave a note down below.
Also this is how the book is different than the movie. To me, to fully understand Toby as a character you need both. The movie relies heavily on Elvis' non-verbal acting. The book on the other hand is directly written in Toby's POV. We understand exactly what he's thinking from moment to moment.
Tagging: @kill-bill33, @shakerattlescroll, @peskybedtime, @alienelvisobsession, @pinkcaddyconfessions,
@galaxygirl453, @dragonkingsdaughter, @jessicarcates, @cinnamonandmercury, @e-presley56,
@rjmartin11, @lookingforrainbows, @jerz-scisney, @missmaywemeetagain, @animalloverthingsss,
@messymortician, @ilovehobi101, @waiting4brucewayne2adoptme, @lynettethemadscientist, @jyxyx,
@b1655, @aaron57070, @marriedtopresley, @imaginationlast, @freudianslumber,
@littleemo477, @colinbowling, @myradiaz, @justafangir1, @edgeofrealitys-blog,
@daisydascat, @scarlettlight06, @scrivenershantelle, @generoustreemystic, @thetrashofthething,
@elvispresleover3435, @spooky-hazex, @presleyenterprise, @elvispresleywife, @18lkpeters,
@fallinlovewithurlove, @lovemoonsstuff, @amyelizabethdynes, @muppethollz, @sillybookmarks,
@awakenbutasleep, @yagirlalexx, @clawdyp, @iuv0ana, @itstylersblog,
@strawberryloveprincess15, @ifyouloveweedletsgosmoke, and @juldooz.
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empanadaaaaaaa · 4 months
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these are also from last year and only posted on fb.
After Ele's international studies ended, she had to go back to her country and Pete would be left on his own until 11 years later. Ele grows up to study toxicology and gets offered a job in New York, so she packs her stuff and leaves the country to establish a new life.
Her first week passes by and she decides to take a little trip to an aquarium to calm her nerves. She bought her tickets and took a little walk until she's left paralized, staring in awe at the huge shark tank of different species, until some guy approaches and taps her on her shoulder.
— "Ey', sweetheart. You wanna be in a movie?"
Ele turned around and saw a shorter guy standing. His tone seemed familiar, but Ele couldn't really notice a lot of his face since it's hidden by a hoodie and a cap, until he lifted his face and showed a toothy grin and some eyebrow raises. Those facial features quickly snapped on her mind and asked him:
—"Do I know you?"
which the guy responded with a "Just call me Pete". The brunette's eyes widened a bit and the last name that she had forgotten for years was about to quickly burst out her throat.
— "DiNunzio?"
Pete's grin was brushed off his face, a little nervous since nobody had a stranger adress him by his last name. He looked directly at the woman's dark orbs and, with a little quiver on his voice, he asked:
— "How do you know my name?".
Ele was surpised an old friend of her didn't quite remember her, maybe because she's not wearing those hippie clothes? Or her straightened hair?
—"How come you don't remember me? It's me! Elena! The girl who had her community service at the library?"
She got worried for Pete, explaining about her time, back when she was 16 and studying at Eltingville. The memory quickly got Pete to her ground, his beady white eyes getting bigger after seeing an old friend.
—"No fuckin' shit, you??!!"
He almost shouted, amused by her change of looks.
—"You look... different. Not that you look bad or anythin', you look pretty. Dat's it."
Pete was straightforward, honest with her, way different when he used to be a violent young man. The both of them remained still, standing beside eachother and now looking at the shark tank.
—"So, wat'chu working for? What brought you 'ere?"
Pete broke the silence, curious about how Ele has been through the years. He put his calloused hands in his pockets, keeping one mako shark in movement in his eyes.
—"I finished senior year back in Colombia. I graduated, went to college, studied pharmacology, toxicology, all that stuff. And I got a job offer when I graduated, but I had to move here in America. The offer said it pays well, so I'll get enough to live."
Ele calmly answered, satisfied about how far she's gone. She then inhaled and dared to ask the same question, a little curious about getting asked to participate in a movie.
—"And you, DiNunzio? What have you been up to? Are you in a movie crew, hiring actors in the wild?"
—"Well, yeah! That's sort of a part of what I do. I worked for my dad for a good time until I started workin' for cons and then at Chiller. But I met this one guy at a party, talkin' about horror porn, that shit I used to watch. That guy had a crew, specialized in doin' those movies and shit, and so I got hired at Sick Mofo. If you wanna watch some then come call me."
Pete reached his pocket and gave Ele a card contianing the information of Sick Mofo Productions, it's website and phone number. Something like a business card.
—"Interesting, you kept going with your horror stuff , I'm impressed. You doing good in there?"
Ele kept the card under the shirt's little pocket on the chest area, giving Pete a little warm smile.
—"It's awesome in there, at least for me. Lotsa chicks doin' the good stuff and havin' fun! Sight for sore eyes if ya tell me, sugar."
Pete flashed his confident, toothy grin to his friend, letting out a chuckle.
—"I'm glad we got to meet eachother again."
Elena stretched out her arm to give a friendly handshake. She had her manicure done perfectly, the tone of red that matched her skin like blood. Pete's cheeks tinted into a little red and reached out to shake her hand, illuminated by the blue of the water tank.
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did this one today. the probability for these two (US) to get married is about a 50%. not because they're so in love with eachother (friend w benefits) but because their respective families are disappointed that they're both single and need to construct a family or whatever.
("me marrying my friend on my 30's after neither of us got a partner")
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basketoffruitis · 1 year
fb incorrect quotes
Rin: Haru... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?
Haru: Your text told me to satanize the house before you returned. Rin: Rin: I wrote sanitize, Haru.
Rin: Haru was banned from the chicken shack, so we had to go out of town to get some. Haru: Well, they shouldn’t say “all you can eat” if they don’t mean it. Rin: Haru, you ate a chair.
Mine, struggling to keep upright in her 1 inch heels: Yeah, I-I don’t really think heels are for me Ayame, pointing at her and walking flawlessly in sparkly golden 6 inch heels: WEAK.
Shigure: I really like this whole ‘good guy, bad guy’ thing you guys have going on. Kyo: It’s not an act, it’s just that I’m mean and Tohru isn’t
Rin: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon? Kyo: I'm a knife. Tohru, from across the room: He’s the little spoon.
Store Worker: Would a Ms, Rin please come to the front desk? Rin, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem? Store Worker: points to Haru and Momiji Store Worker: I believe they belong to you? Haru and Momiji, simultaneously: We got lost :( Rin: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
Kyo: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat? Tohru : >:O language Yuki: Yeah watch your fucking language Haru: OKAY WHO TAUGHT YUKI THE FUCK WORD? Rin : 'The fuck word'. Momiji: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time Yuki: Oh my god they censored it Rin : Say fuck, Momiji. Haru: Do it, Momiji. Say fuck.
Kyo: Rules are made to be broken. Yuki: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken. Haru: Uh, piñatas. Momiji: Glow sticks. Tohru: Karate boards. Rin: Spaghetti when you have a small pot. Kyo: Rules. Yuki:
Kyo: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat* Yuki: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents Kyo: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you Haru: Actually I did the math, Yuki would have $225, not $0.15. Yuki: I’m right here.... Momiji: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :) Kyo: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please? Momiji: Sorry I only have a dollar Kyo: fuck u Haru: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Yuki would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent Momiji: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice Haru: You can buy anything you want with $22,500 Tohru: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice Haru: Apply juice to what Rin: Directly to the forehead Yuki: Great chat everyone
Tohru: Rin, can I talk to you for a second? Rin: Yeah, what’s up? Lemme guess. You and Kyo are having problems and you want me to teach you how to kiss? Tohru: What? No, stop that. I know how to kiss. I’ve read books.
Rin: You're the love of my life and my best friend, I would do anything for you. Tohru: I want you to eat three meals a day and have a decent sleep schedule. Rin: Absolutely not.
Kakeru: *Accidentally hits Yuki in the face* Kakeru: *Trying to decide between saying 'I’m fucking sorry' and 'Are you okay'* Kakeru: ARE YOU FUCKING SORRY?! Yuki : What’s wrong with you?!
Kakeru: I made tea. Yuki : I don’t want tea. Kakeru: I did not make tea for you. This is my tea. Yuki : Then why are you telling me? Kakeru: It is a conversation starter. Yuki : That’s a lousy conversation starter. Kakeru: Oh, is it? We are conversing. Checkmate.
Haru: *Kicks the door down looking panicked* Yuki : What did you do? Haru: Nobody died. Yuki : WHAT KIND OF ANSWER IS THAT?!
Yuki: Haru... Haru: Oh no, 'Haru' in b-flat. Haru: You're disappointed.
Rin: You often use humor to deflect trauma Haru: Thank you Momiji: She didn't say that was a good thing Haru: What I'm hearing is, you both think I'm funny
Haru: I wasn’t that drunk last night. Momiji: You were flirting with Rin Haru: So what? She’s my partner. Momiji: You asked her if her were single. Haru: Momiji: And then you cried when she said she weren't.
Rin: We need a distraction. Haru: Is anyone here good at jumping up and down and making weird noises? Momiji, whispering: My time has come
Hatori: This is such a bad idea. Shigure: Then why are you coming along? Hatori: One of us need to be able to talk the cops out of arresting us when this inevitably goes wrong.
Shigure: How's the sexiest person here~? Hatori: I don't know- Ayame, from across the room: I'm doing great, thanks!
Hatori, driving Haru and Momiji: So how was your day? Momiji: We almost got surprise adopted! Hatori: What? Haru: We almost got kidnapped. Hatori: Oh, okay. Hatori: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
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teanshan · 8 months
jealousy is my toxic trait. i can't get rid of it. the only thing i can do to diffuse these awful feelings is to demote the close relationship that I had, into basically an acquaintance.
a few years ago now, i had a very special mutual on my main blog. we bonded over our common interests, as is the tumblr way, and got quite close. we even met in person a couple of times bc she's from sydney and i'm in melbourne. back then I considered her my best friend.
well, it's a hard pill to swallow when you realise you're not someone elses best friend.
i remember it happening in real time. 'X', another tumblr user from fucking germany, was a mutual of both of us. would join us in reblog chains, comment on my art, and message my friend directly. and i could see them getting closer. my friend would send me screenshots of their messages, showing me how funny X is.
and i couldn't stand it. 'go away, she's my friend!' I wanted to scream.
it got worse and worse. they were talking everyday, tagging each other. my friend and I had less and less fandoms in common. we ended up only talking about our personal lives, and as we're both introverted nerds, personal updates were few and far between.
i couldn't get rid of these stupid, shitty feelings. i couldn't ignore their public friendship all over my dashboard. and i sure wasn't going to tell her to stop being friends with someone, how awful and entitled that would be!
so i had to unfollow her. and at some point she unfollowed me. we still chat sometimes over fb messenger, and she likes my personal ig posts and vice versa. but thats pretty much it. I hadn't felt those awful jealous feelings in years.
and then just ten minutes ago, simple curiosity took over me and I had to search her up on tumblr. its been so long that I actually forgot her username. I had to scroll through my old messages to find it.
and what do i see on her account? that she literally used 3 hours ago? reblog after reblog of X tagging her in posts and vice versa. daily correspondance. their friendship still very much alive and thriving and its making me sick to my stomach.
it sucks. im so fucking jealous.
she was my friend. my person to tag in posts like 'tfw your mutual lives in another state ;_;.' my person to message incoherent words like AKJFLSGKFG. she was my person.
god how fucking toxic is that mindset?! but what am i supposed to do! its a never-ending loop of shitty feelings. i cant fucking do anything. stupid.
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memphisflash · 1 month
📖 The below excerpts are from the book "Priscilla, Elvis & Me" by Michael Edwards. (source: Karine Blanc on FB.)
I want to indicate, as it’s important to note, that Michael Edward's behaviour towards Lisa and his obsession with a child was repellant and sickening. I want to emphasise that in no way do I think he was a decent guy, nor will I ever justify his behaviour's or character !
I'm putting these excerpts up because it demonstrates just how unfair at times, Lisa's life was with her mother. I think after reading this book which I read 6 years ago and read over again more recently, that this was the book that opened my eyes real wide to the personality and self centred persona of Priscilla Beaulieu. Her mothering instincts I feel were shocking at times and her inability to be faithful to any man is extremely telling.
Priscilla moved in Mike Edwards as soon as she moved Elie Ezerzer out. She moved Elie in after Mike Stone and Robert Kardashian. She was with Mike Edwards from 1978 until 1984, a 6 year relationship where Michael has indicated that she cheated on him with at least 4 men within that time. He cheated also.
What stood out was her manipulative behaviour and her deceitful character, constant lies and secrets. Another issue that alarmed me was that after Priscilla caught him taking Pictures of Lisa out at the pool in make up, she approached him in a jealous manner asking "Isn't she a bit young for you Michael"? A normal mother would have seen the dangers and instantly thrown him out for good, but no, Priscilla pursued her highly sexual relationship with him and after 2 times were she witnessed unacceptable behaviours, continued to live with him and allow him to be a babysitter to her young daughter whilst she pursued her need for stardom.
🗒️ The below extract is regarding Michael's daughter and Lisa sneaking out for some drinks when they were teenagers.
"When we drove up, Lisa and Caroline were so scared they went crying into Caroline's bedroom. Grace told them not to worry, we wouldn't hurt them. I went inside the house and got the girls.
"Priscilla wants to see you both," I said.
When Priscilla saw them come to the doorway, she walked up to them.
"I'm so disgusted with you, I can't believe you," she said.
Before either one of them knew what had happened, Priscilla reared back, swung, and slapped Caroline in the face in the exact spot her boyfriend had slugged her in.
Then she swung again, fast, and slapped Lisa.
Caroline turned and ran like lightning, and Lisa was directly behind her. I blocked Lisa, and Priscilla grabbed her by the hair. She dragged Lisa to the back seat of my mother's Cadillac in the driveway, where she started spanking her.
Lisa was screaming at the top of her lungs, and Priscilla was trying to hold her mouth with one hand while hitting her with the other.
Grace and I were in the doorway, and Grace said, "If you don't go out there and stop that, l'm going to” !
At that point, the police pulled up. Grace and I went out to the patrol car and tried to explain that everything was okay, we'd just had a family misunderstanding. The cops walked up to the back of my mother's car and shone their flashlights on Priscilla and Lisa in the back seat.
At that point, the police pulled up. Grace and I went out to the patrol car and tried to explain that everything was okay, we'd just had a family misunderstanding. The cops walked up to the back of my mother's car and shone their flashlights on Priscilla and Lisa in the back seat.
Priscilla had seen the patrol car coming and when the cops asked Lisa how she was, she made Lisa say she was fine.
The cops had no idea what they were investigating in the back of the Cadillac".
🗒️The below excerpt is regarding the housekeepers leaving after Priscilla moved Mike in. Lisa loved them and spent most of her time with them as they made her feel like she had a family ....
"Nearing twelve, Lisa was beginning to blossom, and it was clear that she was going to be a beauty. She resembled Elvis to an extraordinary degree, and looked more like his twin than his daughter. She had the same hairline, eye-brows, and heavy lids. Her hair was light brown, like Elvis's before he dyed it black, and her eyes were pale blue.
In the privacy of her room, she loved to listen to blaring rock 'n' roll. Dressed in black tights like her favorite singer at the time, Pat Benatar, she clutched a toy microphone as she sang along with the records and danced in front of the mirror. Occasionally Lisa played her dad's records, but when she did she always turned the volume down, as if keeping him to herself.
When I got home each evening, I often found her visiting in the servants quarters, watching the soaps with the live-in couple. She looked quite at home, curled up in their bed while the couple sat nearby on the sofa.
The live-in couple were very much a part of the family.
Weekends they spent alone in their room, watching television -Lisa loved the couple like family and didn't want any strangers taking their place.
"What am I supposed to do now?" she asked me. "Who have I got to talk to?"
She was just beginning to accept my moving in, and was upset over yet another change in the household. She continued to remind me that I was to blame for her losing the couple.
"I want to go back to Memphis," she said. "I don't like it here any more."
Graceland had been Elvis's sanctuary and he'd returned there regularly, just as Lisa wanted to do now. Elvis had kept his family together there throughout his life.
"Lisa, they wanted to leave anyway," Priscilla said.
"No, they didn't."
“It was a horrendous period for Lisa, who continued to grieve over her loss of the live-in couple. She was becoming more and more introverted. Priscilla and I were so wrapped up in each other and preoccupied with nightlife, being photographed, skiing, condo-buying in Colorado, charity events, Boozing and having lost weekends together, that Lisa was constantly being left with her grandparents or with Priscilla's sister."
Priscilla was in a relationship and living with Mike Edwards longer than she was married to Elvis.
They were together 6 years.
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kingcunny · 6 days
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actually Very interesting point. of course everyone int he replies is like ‘but the crown was forced on aegon 🥺’ … and it wasnt on viserys? fb rhaenys speaks up mutple times about her claim. theres no quotes either way about what viserys wanted. daemons the one that gathered his army. hotd viserys looks like hes about to throw up when he gets named heir. in both versions aegon directly rejects being king. neither one of them wanted to be king. the crown was forced on both of them just to block a female relative……
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fangirleaconmigo · 9 months
Calling any transmasc people, or people who use he/they for any advice you are willing to share with an online fandom friend.
I’m a little worried to ask this because I know how awful people can be online. (Goes without saying that anyone who interacts with this for the purpose of being transphobic will be immediately blocked.)
But. I also feel bad asking online friends directly because it feels like putting them on the spot to do emotional labor for me on a topic that might be triggering.
So I’m putting this into the tumblr sphere and anyone who feels comfortable doing so can respond. Here it is.
I have two young transmasc people in my life. For one I’m their auntie (actually I think it’s cousin once removed) and for the other, soon to be sort of aunt in law… The important thing to know is that they are young people (adults but very young/starting college age) in my life and I love them. They are both creative, sweet, delightful, intelligent people who I enjoy spending time with and want to support.
Both of them have come out as transmasc publicly on fb and insta. One uses he/they pronouns and one uses he/him pronouns.
But it is complicated because I’m connected by similar age and/or familial connections to their parents, who have actively refused to accept this.
So here are my questions.
They have both said to misgender them in front of their parents. Both have parents who are helping support them through school and who they love, so they sort of just swallow the pain of it.
I feel like garbage misgendering them in front of their parents. Based on what they’ve said to me privately and on social media , I know this is painful for them. But I obviously I will do what they ask.
But it leaves me feeling like…how can I show them I care in other ways?
And when do I stop misgendering them? One is starting hormone therapy and planning for gender affirming surgery. And what about other non parent relatives? How do I refer to them to other parent-connected people? What about social media?
And for the person who uses he/they, his friends ALWAYS use “they”. I’ve never actually heard anyone use the ‘he’ bit. So, should I always use they? Should I assume this a preference? Or is it just tolerated? (He is extremely shy and quiet and I don’t know what is just done for purpose of going with the flow)
And (sorry this is ignorant but I don’t know) does transmasc with he/they pronouns still mean boy or man? Or is it non gendery? Does the “they” make things non binary? Or should I refer to them with masculine names?
I feel very ignorant but I don’t know how else to fix that besides asking.
If anyone has advice please let me know. Should I just ask? If so is there a better approach than just being blunt?
I just worry about just straight up asking either of them direct personal questions about their identity when they’re under so much pressure and so many of the questions I see them get are passive aggressive veiled insults. It’s nonstop! Even “supportive” people are usually asking questions to challenge them and then they go “what I’m just asking??” but it’s obviously gaslighting. And one is extremely quiet and shy and I just worry about adding to the bullshit they’re experiencing every day.
Anti-trans people on social media are always painting trans folks as so aggressive about their identities, but in real life, all I see are trans people constantly bending over backwards and apologizing for their existence and it hurts my heart when it is young people that I care about.
But I don’t really always know how to support in these complicated situations.
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lokisasylum · 1 year
Someone on twitter said that ‘FACE’ brought out the true ugly face of the Music Industry--
But I think that it also brought out the true ugly face of the ARMY fandom.
So much so that from locals, casual listeners, to even the most hardcore Jimin biased OT7s finally realized that everything PJMS have been pointing out FOR YEARS was true all along.
That a great chunk of the fandom simply doesn’t care or downright HATES Jimin without reason and they will go to the most disgusting lengths to keep others from seeing the light as well under the constant harassment/threat/gaslighting of being called a “solo anti”.
They’re STILL doing it today, because somehow someone else failure is Jimin’s fault for some reason (but not the laziness of the ones who talked big and then did absolutely NOTHING to support all members solo projects the same way. And people showing full support for Jimin is considered some type of capital Sin).
And the shippers were the worst part of the deal, because most only cared about maintaining the integrity of their delusional narrative rather than protecting AND supporting both ends of their ship EQUALLY. 
Yoonminions wouldn’t stop bitching and moaning a week before the pre-release of “Set Me Free Pt.2″,  about some one-sided beef against Jimin for not “properly crediting” Yoongi IN A SONG & ALBUM THAT WERE NOT HIS TO BEGIN WITH. And only when Jimin said in an interview that the song was a nod to D2, BUT NOT DIRECTLY RELATED TO IT.  Only then did they finally STFU and started supporting.
Vminies... its time to wake up and smell the coffee, mi cielas, this cannot go on. We cannot continue with the crying-parties & embarrassing hashtags on twitter 24/7. You cannot claim a divorce when there was never a marriage to begin with. Do like Elsa and Let it go~♫
Jikookers... where to start with all of you lol... many of you were CHILL and constantly gave updates on Jimin, achievements, streaming parties and methods, voting, buying, funds, ect.
So yes, THANK YOU for your service & undying support to Team Jimin. 
The other half, however, were downright DISAPPOINTMENT upon disappointment. I swear if I could shove ya’ll in a blender on Max Speed I’m pretty sure that blender would malfunction and we’d all die together in a Nuclear Explosion. Because what do you mean you didn’t even bother listening to the whole album in support of Jimin but you suddenly gave a shit when it was revealed that there was a hidden track called “Letter” (also known as “DEAR. ARMY” as it is registered on KOMCA) where JK just did some backing vocals near the end??
And don’t even get me started  on the ones who were caught dragging other members, knowing this would get Jimin dragged as well. Those are the worse and already reaching a level of delusion I’ve only seen in trashcookers on the bird app.
But you know what tho? That’s okay, ‘cause outside of stan twitter, outside of tumblr, FB, IG, ect... None of that shit matters, Jimin's still loved, still winning, Those “other fandoms” that always shaded him got a rude awakening recently, and those individuals that always tried to discredit his achievements ALSO got a rude awakening themselves. And that’s on Karma.
So remember: “Everyone wants to see you doing good, but not better than them.“
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moe-broey · 4 months
It's not a Full Thought but I was a little miffed about the introduction of Emblem Heroes, ESPP after it was established that Alear couldn't call upon them in Askr. Like that was her Entire FB with Alfonse, the fact that she couldn't call upon the Emblems and it made her feel alone (but, hoping she may find a way to reach them again someday -- which, I guess there's that! That's charming and sweet, esp now that it's the case!)
But something that stuck out to me SO much esp the first Engage banner was how it was Heavily implied everything in Engage happens much later in the timeline. How (and I'm just going off of memory here) the Askr library didn't have any information on Emblems and the workings of Elyios (which is why Alfonse was so keen on speaking to Alear -- yes, she needed help settling in, but she also has a wealth of information he had no resources on otherwise and he was deeply interested in it!).
I also think esp for things where Heroes "come from the future" in a way, it's like. A time paradox. Previously Alfonse (guy who can fit SO much information in him) and the Askr library as a whole had No resources on Emblems and the world of Engage. Alear and her buddies end up in Askr, and Alear tells Alfonse all about her world and the Emblems. (Implication?) Alfonse takes notes and this is added to the information the library holds. (Maybe?) Emblems exist now because Alear told him about it and Alfonse recorded it and submitted it to the library (not sure how that works).
But also! I think a similar thing happened with Kris, actually. Where both Krises didn't want to be remembered as heroes, as they're completely in service to Marth. But they end up in Askr anyway. And (this is VERY much going off of memory) there's little to no information about them, but I think it's Kiran who starts compiling information on them. Which established the Krises as Heroes in their own right, when they otherwise would have been lost to time and history.
I think another thing that's established in Kris' FBs is that, the way Heroes Are summoned, they're required to have a record within the world of Askr (and the library) itself. Aahh I know I should be pulling up screenshots lmfao..... but I think it was directly stated at one point, that
I THINK IT WAS KATARINA ACTUALLY!!!!!!! WHO MADE MENTION OF KRIS!!!!!!! BECAUSE KRIS WAS IMPORTANT TO HER!!!!!!!!! And I think it was Sharena who told her, that if they're recorded as A Hero, maybe she would reunite with Kris one day (and Kiran played a role here too I think, as a keeper or recorder of the records).
Like maybe I'll go more in-depth w it I just. I can't get too occupied at the moment cause I got other things to attend to at the moment 🥲
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victoriansecret · 1 year
I'm in my mid-30s and my ever-growing love for history has spurred me to consider a career change into the field. I'd love to work in a museum or archive in a research or curatorship role (rather than as an academic), and I live somewhere where I could take time out to get a masters degree.
From your experience - is a change like this feasible? Is there work available? Will a late (re)start be a hindrance to getting a foot in? Is a degree worth it, or should I aim to get volunteer experience instead? Or am I better off sticking with my current decent office job and treating historical research as a passion/free-time activity instead?
This is a great question, and I wanted to give you as good an answer as possible so I outsourced to a friend and former colleague who worked in collections. This is what she had to say: *follow the Emerging Museum Professional FB page. There is lots of advice there
*I don’t think it’s ever too late to follow your dreams. You’re in your mid-30s, not 99! (Although even then I’d say go for it!)
* I’d recommend volunteering at a place you would be interested in working in. It’ll give you a better sense whether or not this is actually a field you’d like to get into, or just a fun hobby. Both answers are totally ok
* I’m a fan of experience over degrees, but it really depends on where you would want to work. Many positions require a masters degree, but not all. If you are in a small town, or more rural area, it would be easier to talk your way into a position than if you are in a big city
* if you’ve loved history for a long time, try to articulate how skills you have in your hobby or through your office jobs relate to the museum field. I used to manage cafes and found that many of those skills transitioned into collections management (inventory, databasing, customer interactions, etc.)
Best of luck! ---
I will echo her point that it's definitely not too late and if it's something you're truly passionate about it's worth at least considering. Obviously it's not always that simple - giving up a stable, decent job is a risk etc., so while I'm generally not a fan of volunteer work, it might be worth trying it just to see if it's something you would like as much as you think. I will also agree with her point about experience over degrees. I've never been to college at all myself, which is a huge rarity in this field, and when I got my first museum job my only work experience was running a salad bar at a restaurant. But my supervisor told me, years after the fact, that part of why she gave me an interview was that in my cover letter I made an analogy comparing running a salad bar to being a historic interpreter: something about how being in the middle of the dining room meant the bar and by extension myself were always on display, and how that would mean I'd be more comfortable with thousands of guests seeing me in period clothing etc. Granted, interpreting is very much about talking and making analogies to help guests understand the past, so it's a bit different from the behind the scenes work in how those skills translate, and how demonstrating an ability to talk is directly related to the work itself, but still. I hope this is helpful, and I hope that if you do decide to pursue this it works out how you hope! Thanks for the question!
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eldritchmochi · 10 months
I love when you talk about clothes. How do you shop?
OH MAN valda my dude you have opened such a can of worms
so the tldr of it is: all over. it really depends on what specifically i'm looking for and like.... the size i need, etc. i get a god awful number of *really on point* fb ads for small clothing brands, plus i try and pick up shirts and such from indie artists where i can, plus a variety of fast/er fashion alternative brands, and thrifting. so much thrifting
however, i do have some pretty strict guidelines for what i will buy. ymmv on a lot of my specifics because a solid chunk of it is based off of how i like my clothes specifically to fit and everyone has their own jam, but the key things i think everyone should pay attention to are:
sizing/fit: do not compromise. there is some flexibility depending on the item and how willing you are to alter a thing, but it should always ALWAYS fit the way u like, or otherwise be comfortably tolerable in the ways it doesnt (sleeve length almost always gets me because i have very long arms, but i generally push my sleeves up anyway so its not a deal breaker, BUT the rise of my pants will absolute result in me never wearing them if it's not Right, hence ymmv)
everything you buy should either be immediately wearable in at least 3 full outfits from things you already own OR be a staple piece to build a new branch of outfit options off of that otherwise works with at least one key item already owned, like shoes
other things i really look at are under the cut cos it got long lmao
colour pallet (i own almost no bright colours; if there's colour, it is 80% of the time going to be pastel pink or lavender, though I've been branching out into brights and primary tones a little. i also own precisely Four brown items: two are CR merch, one is my vintage cat vest, and the fourth is a pair of absolutely gorgeous vintage boots that i got for hella cheap as a bootblacking restoration project)
cut/fit (depending on where i wanna present of the masc >< femme spectrum in that outfit; i like all my bottoms to sit on my (very high and narrow) waist, with skirts generally hitting at or below my knee and either very flared (circle or swing) or pleated. box cut "unisex" shirts should hit where the ball of my hips sit in my pelvis but femme cut shirts dont have to be that long they will be tucked in. i almost never wear something sleeveless, or if i do i wear a shirt under it, and the closest i get to a low cut shirt is shirts with keyholes, otherwise nothing lower than maybe an inch or two under my collarbone. my shoes are also generally high tops or boots and often have either a thick sole or a full out platform)
theme (this is how i wear really weird shit in very cohesive ways lmao; my tshirts are all generally ominous goth graphics OR cutesy kawaii vomit (or both lmao), patterns on my blouses and skirts (or pants, on the few patterned pants i have) are in similar veins (lotta halloween themes, lotta hearts) OR theyre very basic stripes/tartan that i mix and match with graphic shirts)
i also pay attention to quality as much as i can, and will absolutely not shop directly from the really aggressively fast fashion brands like shein, h&m, romwe, etc. they're always cut and made like shit and basically never look good on an actual person, but every now and then i'll find something cute in a thrift store that i can physically check for quality. vintage also tends to be better quality in general, especially if youre looking for natural fibers (the number of vintage silk dad shirts i own for summer is A Lot lmao), but can be cost and size prohibitive
aannnddddd some shops that i either routinely buy from or have been planning to buy from, for reference
"big" brands:
killstar, blackcraft clothing (generally traditional goth, better for straight sizes, decent quality for the price)
unique vintage, modcloth (vintage repro, both stockists for other vintage repro brands on top of selling their own things, generally pretty good quality across stocked and in house brands, most skirts and dresses have POCKETS, lotta killer sales, good size range)
smaller brands:
myviolet and foxblood (sibling companies run by the same people, myviolet is pastel kawaii stuff while foxblood is goth; they do sometimes carry the same cuts of things in different pallets. generally pretty good quality, does a lot of stuff in cotton or modal but not everything. size range is pretty stellar tho especially for a small brand)
disturbia clothing, straight to hell apparel (disturbia is more corporate goth leaning with a lot of business type wear in goth colors and patterns, straight to hell is very rockabilly leaning. both are pricey but their quality seems very sound (i have not bought from them though))
wicked clothing (sarcastic goth), two crow collective (chronically ill), thentvs (native american streetwear) (mostly tshirts, but really off beat ones. only bought from wicked clothing so far, just tryna decide how many more tshirts i need)
sleepy peach (retro repro but make it weird, lotta weird mens cardigans)
kei collective (stockist of a lot of indie designers in the western kawaii streetfashion scene, a wide variety of very cute to VERY WEIRD apparel and accessories)
die with your boots on (stockist, carries foxblood and a lot of other straight black goth basics. quality is on par with foxblood, size range can vary depending on brand, great place to peek for things like strangecvlt shoes or foxblood items that are out of stock on the main site)
art brands:
morning witchy (lot of botanical all over patterns on button up dad shirts, skirts, joggers, shorts, tshirts, and so on, with absolutely banger size range. gorgeous quality and absolutely beautiful designs. i want so many of their sweaters so bad)
stablercake (not specifically apparel focused but they do pretty frequent tshirt designs and theyre all great, ESPECIALLY if youre a furry. quality is always top tier unless its a bs manu error, in which case they typically offer a replacement or coupon when they find out something is fading weird, etc)
crescent creepers (weird goofy goth all over patterns, like 80s style cartoon bugs or deep sea creatures. sizing isnt great but if you're thinner, they have a lot of really fun overalls/shorteralls and button ups)
vetiver fox (very pretty goth patterns, has a lot of gorgeous swoopy skirts (with fuck off huge pockets) and some cool tank tops, is planning on maybe doing a run of regular tshirts too)
s2heart bunny (kawaii anime girl art shirts except soft and pretty and often sad or, as is the case with the ones i have, kawaii bunnies with nail bats and middle finger flags lmao)
egglien creations (weird bright very clowncore apparel, i have the cardigan from their collab with lulu van hoagland, who also does gorgeous work, just usually not apparel)
also a lot of the times, artists (especially tattoo artists) you follow will do tshirts and the like, which is where i get a lot of my really weird things
uuuuh yep thats it
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getoed5725 · 2 years
Kenjaku's poem in jjk206
Spoilers for jjk206 i think
This is not an analysis lol, I made the rant on TT regarding Kenjaku's poem in jjk206, this panel in particular:
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I'm not sure if someone will analyze it later but im putting it here in case my tweets got washed away.
A lot got lost in translation, but this quote of him is written like a short poem in the original text.
(Please don't take this as it is, because I can only do so much research on my own, it might not be entirely accurate.)
courtsey of Trùng Roi (FB), I can understand the full meaning of it before it gets translated in English.
If you understand Vietnamese (or Japanese, Chinese) you'll see how this quote sounds so glorious and powerful in those languages in comparison to English. I think the one above is fan translation? The jist is there, but there are a lot to break down from this "poem".
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In Vietnamese it's like this:
"Nghìn năm không ngừng (1)
Long tranh hổ đấu (2)
Hợp tung liên hoành (3)
Với cái thế giới nguyền rủa này" (4)
Because Vietnamese can directly translate Chinese to the exact character, the syllables from both language might be more similar than Japanese. The first 3 sentences have 4 syllables, which can be a base for 4-character poems in our languages (this is also affected by the translator's skills of word selection, so thanks Trùng Roi again for this!!)
Direct translation:
(1) A thousand years, non-stop
(2) Clashing between dragons ("long") and tigers ("hổ")
(3) [I can't directly translate this, I will note this later but it does have to do with wars and alliances]
(4) In this world full of curses
For (2), the "clashing between dragons and tigers" can simply means "the fight (or tug-of-war, in the translation) between the giants", because dragons and tigers have long been the image of the strongest animals in the legends. Also, when I look up the VNese term "Long tranh hổ đấu (2)", this movie "Enter the Dragon (龍爭虎鬥/Lóng Zhēng Hǔ Dòu)" comes up in the results (because that is exactly its title in VNese):
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Which might be a coincident or not when Yuki (and by extension, Todo) has had her poses taking references from Bruce Lee, so this is really fascinating. (and see the 3rd character is also within Itadori's name too) I won't be surprised if Gege took the poem's references here, he seems to like Bruce Lee.
The (3) sentence is particularly difficult to explain. In the translation, it is "the capricious alliances and betrayals" but the original stems from 2 opposing war tactics by the ancient Chinese during the Warring States (475 - 221 BC).
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"Hợp tung liên hoành" is a combination of 2 tactics "hợp tung" (合縱/hezong) for the vertical north-south alliance and "liên hoành"(連橫/lianheng) for the horizontal east-west alliance (please note that Japanese and Chinese characters might be slightly different in writing). The hezong alliance is opposed to Qin state, and the lianheng alliance is an ally of Qin state. I'm not going to go further into history but basically, the sentence amplifies what Kenjaku has gone through in the past thousands years ago, where they experienced the brutal wars, saw alliances being made, saw sides opposing and betrayals happening, saw the states got broken down and the heavy process of it, and knowing how The Warring States happened, it's much much more jarring than the current fight they're having. They've "lived through" such periods, showing the extensions of their intellect and experience in comparison to Tengen. Basically, this is some kind of advanced mockery and show off that Tengen can never be on his level, but Kenjaku lives up to it tbh lol.
Anyways! those are just my thoughts because I really like that "poem" and it sounds way heavier than the English translation. JJK has long been said to be a difficult work to understand even by the Japanese readers because of his complicated choice of words, so I'm a bit sad a lot of it gets lost in translation. Gege obviously does a lot of research on plenty of references in order to write this up, so I hope more people are aware of his efforts.
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lacomandante · 3 months
I've wanted to delete FB for a long time but it's the only place where I can post a question about sewing a regency dress directly to the pattern makers and get help from both them and people who have made the pattern before and that is honestly worth any grief of having to use FB....I am so close to finishing this regency gown and it's driving me fucking nuts. I'd like to finish it today bc I'm two steps away but this pattern is so vague, or I'm stupid, and it's translated from German too which makes it even more vague. I just want to be DONE with sewing........"sew at marks" and marks say side seam except there are three possible side seams and no indication of which it could be!!!
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iloveyouemanuelmarco · 3 months
I hate being a person who genuinely likes the concept of feminine and other types of possibly gender-nonconformist men and other individuals who may be expected to be masculine because the internet(or atleast the anime-and-manga fandom and furry more mainstream community)has seemed to have e completely ruined the image of one in the modern day with the FB term. Like, I am not saying you can't express horniness whilst at the same time being more feminine as a masculine individual, but the problem stems from only knowing of such a concept when it's fetishized and sexualized to Hell and back, doesn't help that both fanbases I mentioned atleast have some sort of problem with constant open needless sexualization in spaces meant to be sfw. I don't know if I'm explaining myself properly but the concept has been genuinely bothering me for so long and I sincerly hope that someone can take what I'm saying honestly without bad intentions(By the way, please know I am not saying all furries, feminine boys[I refuse to say the shortened term as it had been used to refer to transfems/transgirls in the porn industry before the word became more popular in meme culture according to what I've heard]or anime/manga fans, whether they're more "smexy-media focused" or not, are directly responsible for the problem. I am just so sick and tired of people's kinks and fetishes getting in the way of other people's harmless fun for some porn-sick addict's pleasure. Thank you♡.
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