#bonkie answers
bonkie-barnes · 2 years
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oh my god i’m sorry this is so late but this is genuinely the funniest thing i have ever seen. how dare you be funnier than i am on my own blog
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navybrat817 · 2 years
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BOOst of positivity accepted, boo-tiful! ❤️
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Sending love and thanks back to you! ❤️
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flightplan-fox · 2 years
let’s fuckin go
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sparkledfirecracker · 2 years
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You’re such a cutie, Skye ♥️. This made me smile and look at that freaking cute seal.
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sofi1sstuff · 2 years
🪖Steve Rogers recommendations🪖
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🪖Captain’s legacy (by @onsunnyside​): Steve Rogers is the prideful golden-haired captain of the football team, the vice president of Arcadia Phi, and a gleaming star amongst the dull, forgettable faces of school. He shines with domineering entitlement and an unbreakable resolve, and you were doomed from the moment you stepped onto campus.
Series masterlist
🪖Third eye (by @onsunnyside​): The man out of time meets a woman out of touch.
Series masterlist
🪖His sinful devotion (by @marvelcriminalhoe​​): You’re the preachers daughter. The innocent, young, church loving, preachers daughter. And Steve is one of the most eligible men in the church. Who is far older and more experienced than you. But he’s Steve, everyone trusts him. Which means you should to, especially when he sets his sights on making you his wife. Because Steve Rogers would never do anything wrong, or have you do anything wrong. Right?
Series masterlist
Completed (series/miniseries)
🪖What a world (by @onsunnyside​): S.H.I.E.L.D. had a lot of secrets, you just never expected one of them to be an actual person—a blue-eyed giant, wild manbeast at that.
Series masterlist
🪖Photograph (by @kaiparker-avengerssmut​​): You find out what photo your husband keeps in his wallet
¨Part 1  Part 2
🪖All is fair (by @sunflowersoldat​): Family is important, but so is the Family business. Everyone has secrets, some are deadly. Your the best in the business, but no one knows who you are. Tensions are high, will you raise the stakes or fold under pressure?
Series masterlist
One Shots
🪖Its always the quiet ones (by @bonky-n-steeb​): You set your eyes on the new doctor in town.
🪖The professional (by @labella420​​): You get your first professional massage
🪖Clandestine meetings and stolen stares (by @cruelfvkingsummer​​): Who knew Steve Rogers had kept such a pretty little secret?
🪖Good girl faith (by @cruelfvkingsummer​​): The world is ugly but at least it ahs you
🪖Religion (by @lanadelreyscokewhor3​​): Steve’s prayers have finally been answered after all these years, as he finds you waiting for him in the church he calls home. Captivated by him and his charm, you get swept up in his arms, to soon find out Steve isn't the saint he painted himself out to be.
🪖It’s you (by @rogersevans​​): It’s always been him. You’ve just never noticed it before, until it was too late. One confession in a heated moment changes your entire relationship with Steve.
🪖Lamb to the Slaughter (by @chrisevansredbelt​​): Steve takes a liking to you and your naivety. he also takes advantage of it.
🪖Enemies (by @assembletheimagines​): Captain America gets on your nerves. But he could say the same about you.
🪖No Strings Attached (by @viperbarnes​): “Every time you’ve called me, I’ve come,” Steve says, voice thick with hurt, and you clench your teeth. “Every. Time.”
🪖She calls me daddy (by @hertzwritings​​)
You can check other characters recommendations here
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nameforthemain · 7 months
Hey I hope you enjoyed my last mutuals game! I have a new one! (hopefully this makes sense 😂. )
A witch has cast a spell on your mutuals 👀 and have turned them into their spirit animals, what animals do you think they changed into? Also bonus one if you want it what colour best signifies your mutuals?
Again no pressure in doing this
ooooh returning ask game anon, hello again 👀 this is fun. And helpfully enough, I keep a list of which animal each Jeff cult member is so that covers most of my mutuals already 😌 Then the colour is probably based mainly on blog themes lol but it's supposed to be the first colour I think of 😭
@wolferine - a wolverine - yellow
@bonkie-barnes - bear (also hi bonkie if you actually see this) - brown
@flightplan-fox - ...a fox - orange
@earth-to-ezra - raccoon - green
@alexia-redacted - cat, though tbf you give more big dog vibes hehe - orange
@family-house-of-m - giraffe - yellow
@yungdumbrok - seal (also hi!) - blue
@the-fandom-abyss - otter - grey
@leolionsblog - lion - orange
@taysmirrorball13 - small dog; I can imagine you speeding around when you're excited hehe but you also bite 🤨 - pink
@spaceynat - frog (still mutuals in spirit even if I don't follow your other account 🤭) - green
I know I've missed a few mutuals, but these were just the ones I had definitive answers for 😭
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bonkleton · 1 month
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Fused Frenemies C.C
Looks like the fused body is Phoebe's to mold and play with as she wants! Sophie isn't pleased... ----  Continued from Fused Frenemies C... Sophie barely kept her balance, both mentally and physically. She was just about to topple over and make a mess of the situation, but her focus and control kept it all together. Phoebe wasn't making it easy, however. She was all too amused by the pair of legs below her having a mind of their own, and even more amused that it was Sophie's mind. "Come on Soph, work those thighs! Keep us both up!" Phoebe didn't miss a chance for a poke at the generous proportions of the leg form Sophie had imagined and transformed into. Sophie had simply visualized the shape of Phoebe's legs as she remembered them, but maybe it was a bit exaggerated? "You really nailed it with the curves, Sophie! You're just like my last pair of legs." Well, Phoebe answered that one, unless she was giving her previous legs more credit than they were due, which was certainly possible. Phoebe elongated her belly and looped in front of Sophie, down, and back around to put her upper body behind Sophie, balancing her weight with the belly in front and behind Sophie. She looked Sophie's leg form up and down from behind, for a moment of time just long enough that Sophie noticed the extended silence. "Mmm, nice, good to see my old friends back," Phoebe purred, stroking Sophie's butt.  Sophie tensed in a reflex, since, even though her entire body was now a pair of legs, her butt being touched still felt the same as it always did. Phoebe stuck her tongue out playfully and grabbed Sophie's left "cheek" firmly, then gave a solid pull, elongating the lump of flesh to over a meter long. Sophie wanted to shout in protest, but was unsure how to respond for a moment, until she finally figured it out. Sophie whipped her left leg out and slapped Phoebe up the side of the face with her foot. Phoebe let go and Sophie's buttcheek snapped back into place as they tumbled to the ground into a heap together. Not a much better situation, Sophie had to admit, but at least Phoebe knew what was up! ---- NEXT - CHOOSE ONE: A. Sophie still has control, but Phoebe can morph too! It's a morphing fight, but how will it end? B. Sophie's out of there, and Phoebe's also along for the ride! C. As long as they're stuck for a while, Sophie might as well cooperate... ---- Thanks to Noah-Wave for doing this comm for me! You should check him out, because he does awesome stuff! : D Hope you enjoy! ~ Bonkie
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booksandchainmail · 1 year
Pale 9.11
Her spiritual antler having enough to it that the actual antler could float there. Verona’s mask hadn’t stuck, apparently. She wasn’t sure what that was about.
My theory here is that Verona's mask remains broken because it breaking was an emotionally resonant moment. Avery's mask just got damaged in battle, and hasn't impacted Avery's view of how it should look. Verona's mask was shattered in a moment of betrayal and cruelty from someone she should have been able to trust, and had a corresponding impact on her Self.
“You related to Ken?” Avery asked. “He’s my dad, I guess,” Nettie said. “I’m the offshoot. We figured we’d scatter, cover more ground.”
oh neat!
“Well, it’s nice to meet you.  I like the name Nettie,” Avery said.  “Now I’m wondering what the others are called.”
I think there were four total? So some ideas: Kendall, Kendra, Kennedy, Nate, any name that ends in -nette
“Good.  The pin will help you with the prep.  If you’re in a place for a while, it’ll change.  Tells you when you’re attuned to a place, when you can ask the city spirits things.  There are ones smaller and vaguer than me.  Neighborhood spirits, street spirits.  You’ll usually need to do things for them, even picking up litter or something, before they’ll do something for you.”
I like this! Good for the girls' role as protectors of Kennet, and particularly suited for Avery's personality
Nettie nodded, glanced around, then leaned in a bit.  “Nobody’s listening, so I can tell you Verona’s claimed her gift.  She called, another part of me answered.  I’m meant to forget after I’ve told you two.”
something that helps her run or hide within Kennet would be very useful right now
“When things go really wrong my mind kind of shuts off,” Avery said.  “I’ve had thoughts before that it doesn’t work like that for Verona.  I don’t think she’s making dumb moves.”
she's making extreme moves. She is making them very effectively! But entirely possible to get herself in too deep while she's like this
“I think she can be very smart and have almost no common sense when she’s like this.”
High INT low WIS. Honestly that seems to describe Verona most of the time, but it gets amplified when she's like this. In this state she doesn't seem to have much sense of self-preservation or care for the future or side consequences.
“I don’t want her taking some property from Ken and doing a demesne ritual without us there, or anything.”
I mean. That would be one way to keep the furs out of reach. But I don't like the implications of Verona choosing her new home while in this state, or of creating it all alone.
Scary Others, goblins, body snatchers, a heist of some ancient spirit judge’s furs?  That was one thing.  But buzzing a classmate she barely knew for weird reasons, then having to improvise an explanation?  Augh.
big mood
Steph + Reagan + Howie Perry.  It was only visible with her Sight.  She tapped the name.
Reagan! From the Hungry Choir ritual!
“Bonky Donks? Cookies? Whizzbangs?”
are those actual canadian snacks?
“It’s fine,” Avery said.  “Your daughter was really cool to us when things got really hairy, and I’m really grateful for that.  You raised a good daughter.” “Why even tell her if she’s going to forget?” Melissa asked. “Because it’s important,” Avery said.  Maybe if I say it again, “Reagan was cool.”
“You can stay if you want, Melissa, we don’t really have the time to drag you with us, but I’m going to be blunt, on a seriousness scale of clown to terminal cancer, I’d rate this a multiple stab wound,” Lucy said. “What are you even talking about?” Melissa asked.
yeah I'm with Melissa, that explanation does not help
“I’m the Frankenstein’s monster that got put together from the scraps that were left behind. A bit of the backfill that’s smoothing over the holes they left, so the universe can heal and move on. I was a confused jumble of a bunch of people’s memories, at first, and then I put myself together. It was excruciating. Tying knots in two ropes that are being pulled in opposite directions, over and over again. I don’t think I’m very long for this world. When the universe has smoothed it all out, I’ll be the bumpy bit that gets scraped away. Probably.”
Man that sucks. And made worse by how all the component pieces of him were in a place to join the Hungry Choir ritual.
I wonder if there's a way to preserve him? Tie him to something other than just the gaps of those missing kids? Crack theory: make him the new Carmine judge.
“McKay and Bridge have a solid game plan.  Pick a body I want, drive out the occupant, then slip inside.  Depending on the fit, I should be able to hang out for a few decades.”
or that :|
“They were so desperate.  All of them.  It wasn’t just those three.  They bit, they clawed, they screamed, they hurt.  In their last moments they stood on the edge of oblivion.  More of them gave their all than gave up.  That’s the space I’m occupying.  Those are the Frankenstein pieces I’m made up of.  They were barely even human.  They were scared and savage.  They were torn to shreds and I’m the shreds that didn’t get eaten.”
Anyone who made it past even a single night of the Choir had to have come to terms with watching people die. And anyone who participated in one of the last night's of the cycle, like Reagan, knew what their survival would cost and had to decide to keep going.
Now that I think about, we've never got details on the night Brie won. Maybe some the parts she needed from other people were willing, but there's no way she didn't choose to go after people with force to survive. I wonder how much of her not wanting to fight is having to live knowing that seven people died in her place, and now their twisted echoes are bound in her flesh?
“I don’t think you realize what it means, for me to be made up of people who were like these guys were right at the end.  Doing anything to keep going.  Even eating vomit, clawing at a friend’s arm, begging…”
which of course means CK is born from a place that is desperate enough to make those awful choices. No wonder he's contemplating stealing someone else's body to survive.
"We- the idea we were debating was… we’d spread enough raw chaos that the universe wouldn’t be doing any paving over for me. McKay would have more people with their lives in shambles to steal from, and Bridge would maybe be able to pull more Self together. If anything can survive the Abyss and its chaos then it tends to get bigger, tougher and stronger." “That’s a terrible idea, you know, and I don’t know much about the Abyss.”
having read Pact: do not try to get more Abyssal! It's bad!
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caesurah-tblr · 2 years
Im bored so I’m gonna rank TQ characters from my sweet summer child I adore you so much to I would punt you into the sun no questions asked:
-Dylan Lenivy (You guys might’ve noticed he’s my fav because I never shut up about him. He Gets Shit Done. That’s my boy. My sunshine. I’d throw myself in front of a thousand werewolves for him.)
-Max Brinly (Everyone’s favorite malewife. Full of golden retriever boyfriend energy. Binky Bonky. I love him bunches)
-Kaitlyn Ka (The ultimate girlboss and lesbian icon. The fact that she’s played by Brenda Song only adds to her character. Her friendship with Dylan means everything to me. Would smooch her given the chance.)
-Laura Kearny (Only ranks this high because her and Max’s relationship is Goals. Painted as a confident leader but we all know she doesn’t have A Fucking Clue about what’s going on 90% of the time. She and Ryan share a singular brain cell that only works about half the time. Still a certified girlboss though.)
-Ryan Erzahler (Is his last name spelt correctly? Probably not. Also never has a single clue what’s going on. I know we all say he’s autistic but we all know the writers just did him Dirty. Doesn’t have a single leading bone in his body. Undercover himbo. Dylan is definitely the holder of the brain cell in their relationship.)
-Abigail Blyg (I adore her so. Such a sweetheart. I can say with confidence that she is definitely Not Straight. I wish she’d had more screen time.)
-Nick Furcillo (I wish I’d gotten to know him better. There’s not much there, and what’s there is Not Good. He’s better in fanon than in canon.)
-Jacob Custos (It’s so hard for me to feel any sympathy towards him when he can’t take no for an answer. His willingness to break Emma’s boundaries puts him very low on my list. But I know Emma is also to blame for their toxic relationship. Other than that, love him. A certified himbo. Not a single brain cell to be seen.)
-Emma Mountebank (I just can’t stand her in any way. Her played sections feel like such a chore. Her manipulative way she has with Jacob pisses me off, but I understand where she’s coming from at the same time. She’s much better in fanon. She does get the girlboss title for her section with Max tho.)
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The Live Vlogging of Travis and Laura
The Grand Premier
It’s only been two and a half years since what has become known as “The Hackett Family Massacre”. Not long after that traumatic summer, the Hacketteers reunited online under their camp moniker. They even got to know Laura and Max through the whole thing and it was for them that they were coming together now. More specifically for Max.
For the sake of this endeavor, they decided not to use  FaceTime. Instead, they were using a site that Dylan made for them. Everyone’s windows ran along the bottom of a large layout. In the middle, a large window took up most of the website’s space. Below the window are five buttons that read; live, hallway, living room, kitchen, front door.
“So roll call, who's all here for this?” Dylan asks, wiggling in excitement with a bright smile on his face.
“Well, I’m obviously here.” Ryan comes up behind Dylan while dragging a chair alongside him. “Scoot over.”
Dylan complies and the couple tries to get themselves situated properly.
“Aw, you two are so cute. But you still don’t know how to sit in front of the camera together?” Emma coos from the camera frame that was set to show off as much of her room as possible.
Jacob is there, but when Emma spoke up he looked down at his desk and didn’t raise his head.
“I’m here!” Nick speaks up. “Also sorry if I drop in and out, my aunt’s wifi is a bit shotty.”
“Ready, but I don’t think we should be excited about this Dylan.” Abigail sits down in her chair.
“Here, and ready.”
“All set.”
Kaitlyn and Jacob’s greetings clash together. Kaitlyn gives a look with a slight, but not true annoyance. Jacob responded with a playful, apologetic smile and shrug.
“We already know you were here, Jacob,” Emma said and Jacob’s smile shrunk and he looked away to his room.
Emma ignored the glare Kaitlyn shot her way.
“So, are things going well for everyone today?” Abigail didn’t miss it and worried about it escalating.
“Doing fine on my e-e-end,” Nick said. “Another boring day, family’s out for a while so I’ve got the house to myse-e-elf.”
“We’re mostly fine,” Ryan answers next.
“Schrödinger hasn’t been feeling too well, but the vets say he’s fine. Just a little sick.” Dylan looks to his left where Schrödinger was sleeping in his little bed.
Everyone cooed sympathy for the cat.
“Well I was supposed to be working on a group skit but one of them is sick and the other two just skipped out on it. So fuck it.”
“Nothing much on my end.” Kaitlyn says.
“Same.” Jacob follows up. “How about you Abi?”
“Artist block.” She states dropping her head in a defeated manner.
Finally Max’s screen came to life showcasing a soft brown rug, the bottom of a drawer and a door.
“Son of a binky bonky.” Is heard off screen.
“Binky bonky?” Abi repeats the words while everyone else laughs.
“Shush.” Max admonishes, bringing the phone up so that his face is in view. “Hey everybody.”
His eyes are tired and pitiful looking. His smile is tight and despondency radiates from him.
“You look like shit.” Kaitlyn says and no one disagrees.
“Yeah.” Max runs a hand through his hair. “Yeah I do. Hey, did anyone check to see if the cameras are working?”
“I got it!” Dylan says and begins to flip through the different views. “Live? Check.”
He gives a thumbs up that Max returns. Dylan continues.
“Hallway? Chek. Living Room? Check. Kitchen? Check, but you should move that to a better spot. The angle is funny and it could be easily covered up. And the front door?” Dylan pauses. “They are at the front door.”
Max goes wide eyed.
“What!” He screams.
Max quickly hangs up and runs from the bedroom to the living room just as the door opens. Laura and Travis came through carrying some bags. A laugh slowly fades from Laura while she tries to catch her breath and Travis has a small smile.
“Max!” Laura shouts, kicking off her shoes and placing the bags down to run over to him.
She gives him a hug and a quick peck on the lips. Despite what he fears Max loves Laura so much and with her arms around his neck Max can’t help but smile. Travis takes a wide path around the pair to the kitchen and deposits a few bags on the kitchen counter and a few on the living room table. Max and Laura come over with the bags she initially sat down and places them next to the ones Travis had.
“Oh my God! He’s just that comfortable in their home?” Emma watches astonished.
“I don’t think that’s so weird. I’m comfortable in Kaitlyn’s place when I visit.” Jacob watches the proceedings indifferently.
“I guess.” Emma concedes. “But he also knows where everything goes.”
On the camera feed Travis removes items from the grocery bags and puts them away in various cabinets, the pantry and the fridge. Emma switches the feed to the kitchen camera. The angle is askew and partially blocked by a decorative item. Everyone’s pretty sure it was a whale. Standing at the corner by the oven Travis could be viewed well, but Laura could be seen almost from above but also missing her head. She switched it back to the living room camera.
The older man still had a few ingredients near him and pulled a pot from a bottom cabinet placing it on the stove. He double checks that he has everything and begins to pour them into the pot one by one.
“Whatcha making?” Max looks over Travis’ shoulder.
“Barbeque Sauce.” Travis leans away from Max some.  “Making dinner for you two as thanks for letting me stay here for my trip.”
“He’s staying there?” Ryan shares his disbelief with the others.
“It’s, uh, no problem.” Max says walking out of the kitchen over to Laura who's busy going through the bags on the table. “You really don’t have to cook for us though.”
“I’d feel bad if I didn’t. Makes me feel less like a pest.” Travis responds.
“Ugh!” Laura groans, throwing her head back dramatically before returning her attention to the bags. “For the last time Travis you’re not a pest. We’re glad to have you here. Right Max?” Laura looks at Max.
He feels a bit uneasy but hopes that Laura doesn’t notice. She asked and double checked with Max if it was ok. The was something that partially assuaged his concerns.
“Yeah, it’s cool T-Money.” Max says comfortably.
Travis groans at the nickname. When Max turns back to Laura she mouths a thank you to him and Max can’t help how his heart blossoms at her smile. He turns his attention to the table where there’s some basic things in and around the bags. Period products, some pain meds, toothpaste, shampoo and apparently Laura got a movie they’d been talking about buying at some point. Noticeably though there was a nice stack of shirts Laura was laying out. In one set there had to be at least six shirts and there were two in the second set.
“What are all these about?” Max focuses on the top shirt of the second set.
It's a white shirt with a pair of skeletons posing like power rangers, both are wearing shades and behind them was a large blue and green mushroom. He snickers at it.
“I bought you and Travis some t-shirts.” Laura says.
Everyone that’s not Travis and Laura recoil in shock.
“You bought him some shirts!?” Max hopes he didn’t sound too upset, but the hell?
“She bought him shirts?” Abi stares at the pile.
It's easy to tell which pile of shirts belongs to who.
“It's not that big a deal right?” Jacob speaks up despite knowing the obvious answer.
“I-I-I’ddd s-sa-a-a-ay no-o-o, b-b-but. Those ar-r-re a lot of sh-sh-shirts.”
“Wow, your wifi is really shit.” Kaitlyn tells Nick who's glaring at his wifi icon. “Also it’s not like he’s, I don’t know. It’s not like he’s a relative.”
“What do you mean you bought him shirts?” Max asks and Laura just looks at him quizzically.
“Yeah.” She says it as though it’s an obvious thing to do.
“She insisted.” Travis looks at the two briefly, his default expression on his face. “I told her it was okay, but she wanted to make up for the groceries.”
“It's only fair.” Laura defends. “You bought everything food related, even things not meant for your recipe. So it’s only fair that I make it up to you with some clothes. At the least.”
Laura looks at Max and gestures to Travis like the oldest of the three is being ridiculous. Laura holds up a shirt that ironically has a wolf on it. There’s a gun between its teeth and a pool of blood is formed at its feet from the droplets falling from its mouth. The shirt that was under it is a Slayers shirt.
“Max, I need you to help me convince Travis to keep these shirts. He keeps fighting with me about them.”
“That’s cause I don’t need any t-shirts.”
“Yes you do.” Laura stomps over to Travis holding up the wolf shirt. “I’ve seen what you have and you need more than those plain ones and all those button ups.”
“She’s seen his shirts? Like all of them?” Ryan is growing confused and starting to believe in Max’s worries.
“Okay to be fair.” Laura continues, “You have a few band shirts, a camp shirt and police shirt, but that’s only 5 overall. You can’t tell me you actually hate this one. I saw you keep wandering to it.”
She holds it up to him, waving it back and forth as if to hypnotize him into keeping it. Max meanwhile is simply looking at all the shirts Laura has collected for their guest. The first few on top were from the supercenter, but the remaining shirts came from other stores. Max takes note of a very nice sports jersey, some with simple and catching patterns. There were even some from things that in no sense would Travis know about. Some of them are for movies, some for shows and some for games. Travis and Laura aren’t watching when Max peaks at the living room camera with a stressed pitiful look.
Max collects the items on the table.
“So after I put these away, is there anything I can help with?” Max asks.
Laura was already taking Travis’ shirts to the guest room.
“No, I've got it all under control.” Travis responds. “You two love birds carry on as you do.”
“What are you making exactly?” Max watches as Travis tends to several chicken legs, a pan with oil heating on the oven.
“A chicken and barbeque sauce recipe my aunt taught me, corn on the cob, and a green bean recipe my uncle taught me.” Travis is focused on putting the right amount of seasoning on the legs. “You two are getting an actual meal tonight.”
“I can’t wait to try it.” Laura returns. “Max, Travis’ cooking is so good. And now you’ll finally be able to try it, instead of just brushing off the leftovers I bring.”
“Yeah.” Max says almost as a whisper.
Max heads towards Laura and his bedroom. He puts everything away slowly. The bedroom door closes causing him to turn around to find Laura.
“Hey babe are you okay?” She asks, walking towards him with a downcast expression.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Laura was unconvinced.
“Seriously Max, if this is about Travis, we still have time to change our set up.”
“No honey I’m serious it's okay.” Max puts his best smile on. “Everything’s fine. I just had a phone call earlier that shook me up some. Got some bad news.”
“Yeah? About what?” She had her hands on his shoulders standing close and looking at him sweetly.
‘Oh shit.’ Max thinks, floundering for a reason. “A teacher from my elementary school passed away yesterday. Old friend was letting me know.”
“Aw, who were they?”
“Her name was Mrs. Crow-n..bar?” Max tried to play it off. “Yeah Mrs. Crownbar, she was my homeroom and art teacher.”
He covered his eyes faking the oncoming of tears.
“Oh, baby.” Laura comforts her boyfriend.
Max turns his head, changing to hiding his eyes with his forearm and biting his lips.
“Yeah, no I’ll be okay it-it was just so soon to hear.” He faked sniffling while turning to face the bed. “I knew she would pass away at some point but it's still so surreal.”
“Aw, I didn’t know you had a teacher you cared about that much.” She rubs his back. “Do you need a minute?”
“Yeah.” Max utters. “Just a little bit. Sorry.”
“No no, it’s okay. Take as much as you need okay.” Laura kisses Max’s shoulder and leaves, closing the door softly behind her.
Everybody watches as Laura leaves the bedroom and goes into the kitchen. They reluctantly switch it to the awful angle, able to get a peak of Laura’s sorrowful expression.
“Everything ok?” Travis asks her.
“Yeah, Max just needs a moment.” She looks back towards the room worried. “A teacher that was important to him.”
“Oh.” Was all Travis could think to say.
“Oh no, his t-t-t-each-er-r-r-r died?” Nick says.
“Mmm, probably not.” Ryan speaks next. “He was fine earlier, so he was more than likely just lying to Laura.”
“Well here comes the man himself.” Emma feels quiet, possibly inappropriately excites.
Max’s face pops up on the screen looking much like he did when he first appeared on screen.. At worst he looks  a bit more tired and irritated.
“Hey Max, quick question, did you really have a teacher die?” Abi asks.
Max looks at her with a slight tinge of embarrassment.
“No, or at least not one I would entirely cry about. I just made her up.” Max answers.
“Well hope there’s no actual Mrs. Crownbar out there. You might have just jinxed her.” Ryan jokes.
Max’s wide eyed worried expression made Ryan’s smile grow into a teeth showing grin.
“Dude, I thought Travis was supposed to be staying in a hotel?” Jacob asks Max.
Max flaps his free arm helplessly.
“Sudden change of plans.” There's a slight bit of anger in his words. “He’s visited before but Laura this time wanted to have Travis stay in our guest room.”
“And you said yes?” Kaitlyn speaks.
“I wanted to say no, but Laura was so excited about it and by the time I agreed she called Travis and he canceled his reservation.”
“Okay well, I’ll admit things are just as weird as you said they were,” Dylan says and everyone shares expressions and sounds of agreement.
“Right!” Max tries not to shout. “I asked my therapist and she said it's uncommon but sometimes victims and the people that torment them reconcile and become friends, but still.”
Max ruffles his hair.
“You…” He stops not even believing what’s about to come out of his mouth. “Do you guys think that it looks like Laura is…cheating on me?"
A silence falls onto them as everyone stares in disbelief. The words erupted from them at once.
“Max, what the fuck!” Kaitlyn
“Why the hell would even think that?” Emma
“What is wrong with you?”  Dylan
“The fuck?” Ryan
“Not cool, Max.” Jacob
“Wow! Really!” Abi
“Are you out of your mind?” Nick
The clamor causes Max to shrink back. He hates that he put that thought into the atmosphere, but it’s been clawing at his mind. He would never in his life think that Laura would cheat on him, but…
“That’s why I’ve got all of this set up. I feel like I’m going crazy. I need a second, a third,” Max flails some. “I need seven different insights. Guys, please help me.”
Max’s plea drains him and he falls back onto his bed to compose himself. A wordless deliberation was held between everyone.
“Okay Max, we’ll help you,” Kaitlyn speaks for the group.
Max’s expression is one of wide eyed relief and joy.
“Really!” A smile slowly makes an appearance on his face. “Oh, thank you so much.”
“This feels like a weird thing to be thanked for.” Dylan shrugs. “But hey this is all about friendship and support. So here we are friendshipping and supporting.”
“We got you, man!” Jacob backs up the sentiment.
“Oh my God. Thank you so much.” Max finally calms down. “I should get back up front. Um…bye I guess? How does it work with you watching me?”
“It counts as a goodbye.” Emma offers her advice. “Also please remember that you’re on camera. Try not to forget that and be or do anything that’ll scar us.”
“What are we supposed to do about Travis or Laura then?” Abi voices a concern that doesn’t go noticed.
“Okay, everybody. Thanks again and bye.” Max waves and turns off his camera.
The Hacketteers watch as Max rejoins Laura and Travis upfront. The latter are simply making small talk and eating snacks. They don't know what to fully say about Laura so casually popping snacks into Travis’ mouth. It wasn’t too bad of a friendship thing to do, but it seems odd between the pair.
They take their attention away from the feed.
“This is gonna be hilarious,” Jacob says drawing Kaitlyn and Abi’s ire.
“Really Jacob?” Kaitlyn asks her friend.
“Yeah, why would you think that?” Abi asks.
“But he’s not wrong is he?” Emma interjects before Jacob says anything. “This is going to be a trainwreck and as human beings, it’s our duty to watch it burn.”
“Jeez, Emma,” Nick speaks up, his wifi acting correctly.
As sad as the reason was, they couldn’t deny that this was going to be darkly entertaining.
“So…should we plan some food nights?” Dylan breaks the silence this time.
“Food nights?” Ryan looks at his boyfriend oddly.
“Yeah, we can have days where we all eat the same thing.” Dylan shrugs.
“Sounds…good to me I guess,” Abi says.
“Yeah, let’s add to the fucked up fun.” Kaitlyn slowly sinks into the twisted appeal of watching their private reality show. “So yeah, we’re all in on this.”
“Well, I guess for now I’ll go get some Peanut Butter Pops,” Nick murmurs.
“Oh, same!” Jacob shoots out of his chair towards his kitchen.
One by one everyone leaves their seats to gather food and drinks for the remainder of the first night of whatever this experience will be.
So the start of new fic here’s the first chapter for everyone and you can also find it over on AO3
This was supposed to be a Max/Laura shipped based fic with Travis as a friend only, but @lovesomehate corrupted my fic and now I’m slightly tempted to make this a slow transformation into a Travis/Laura fic. I don’t know and won’t know until a few chapters in. So we’ll see.
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bonkie-barnes · 2 years
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navybrat817 · 2 years
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You get all the boops and love! 🥰 Love and thanks, my lovely. ❤️
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sims4fiction · 1 year
Evelyn Smith
Evelyn Smith, Daughter of [information lost]. Active, Loyal, Music Lover
Early Life
Evelyn spent her young adulthood in Brindleton Bay, after graduating from high school. Instead of attending university, she spent her time exploring her favorite hobbies: Fishing, Gardening, and Handiness.
She became an expert angler, filling her notebook with information about each new species that she caught. Evelyn met her best friend while fishing. She was setting up a tent by her favorite secret fishing spot, when another sim appeared! She thought to herself, "I guess my secret fishing spot isn't so secret after all." She and the new sim became the best of friends.
Evelyn began growing seasonal veggies and flowers and soon her garden was bountiful. With help from Patchy the Strawman, her plants never faltered. With careful attention and plenty of all-natural fertilizer from the local waters, her plants steadily increased in quality.
As she approached adulthood, Evelyn began to wonder if she should start a family. Her friend, Salim Benali had similar ideas. The two briefly dated before marrying in Tartosa at a celebration attended by their closet friends. Evelyn was happy to adopt traditional clothing from Salim's culture for the ceremony. They enjoyed married life together while trying to conceive. Finally, their prayers were answered with their daughter Lyndsey (named for the famed adventurer of legend). Salim worked as a writer while Evelyn stayed home. When Lyndsey was old enough to attend preschool, Evelyn devoted herself to her garden, which by now had become quite profitable. The produce that Evelyn sold from her garden was such high quality that she was able to support the three of them almost entirely with just her income (a fact which would lead to Salim growing resentful with time).
Repairing things around the home became one of Evelyn's favorite pasttimes and as she became more proficient in the Handiness skill, she started upgrading anything around her home that could be upgraded. Her favorite project was her robotic vacuum cleaner (who was nicknamed "Bonky" by little Lyndsey.
Mid-Life Crisis
Salim found it difficult to progress forward in his career, with promotions few and far between. Over time, he became resentful of Evelyn's independence. His fears of unfulfilled dreams and being stuck in a dead-end job made him insecure and bitter. He began taking his frustration out on Evelyn regularly, belittling her and chewing her out for the slightest annoyance. He was lazy and would regularly leave his stinky laundry all over their little house. He rarely would clean up after himself and spent most of his time writing or napping. Evelyn on the other hand was active and loved to go jogging through their beautiful town.
Weary of Salim's constant complaining, Evelyn did something previously unthinkable to her. In a moment of weakness, she had an affair with none other than Father Winter. As usual, Salim had gone to bed early after a long day of not helping around the house. Father Winter shimmied out of the fireplace and right into Evelyn's... heart.
His kindness moved her and she laid with him, becoming pregnant with his child. As the next day dawned, she believed it all to be a dream. That is, until the morning sickness began. Salim, oblivious, simply complained more that she was throwing up all the time and unable to cook breakfast for him. A pregnancy test confirmed her suspicions and she knew what she had to do. The conversation with her husband was one of the most difficult things she ever had to do. He was devastated and she was equally wracked with guilt.
Evelyn divorced Salim and he moved back to San Myshuno with his cousin. This was extremely hard for Lyndsey because her parents had been very careful to hide their arguments from her. She began wearing a bear suit everywhere and refused to be seen without it. Evelyn showed compassion and empathy, even dressing in a similar bear suit to help Lyndsey adjust to the changes in the household. This brought the two together and helped Evelyn regain Lyndsey's trust.
Evelyn gave birth to Alondra Frost and struggled greatly with postpartum depression. She was unable to bond with her baby and hired a nanny to take care of her. Lyndsey saw her mother's sadness and tried to cheer her up whenever she could.
Elder Years
Evelyn never remarried, but she lived happily with her two daughters. They moved to Sulani so that Evelyn could soothe her aching joints in the warm waters. Lyndsey was brilliant and graduated early from Copperdale High. She married her childhood best friend, Annie Sterling, who moved in with them soon after. Evelyn absolutely adored Annie, and Annie saw Evelyn as everything her own mother, Bess Sterling, wasn't.
When Evelyn died, she was home with her family. She sat on the dock behind their house and looked up at the stars. She looked across the waves and heard the distant echoes of dolphins in the reef. The Grim Reaper sat down beside her and they chatted for a moment before Evelyn laid down and breathed her last.
She is remembered by her two daughters, Lyndsey Benali and Alondra Frost, along with her grandchildren Myron and Brody Sterling.
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sparkledfirecracker · 2 years
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🥺🤡🦅✅ for the ask game!!
hiiii eve ily <3 this one took me a while because i went back through my fics to find some things
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
I answered this one here!
🤡 What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
there’s a couple!
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this scene from pick up potter never fails to make me laugh. god. i am catering to the humour of one (me)
also everything from pick up potter where tom is stupid. “what’s a pencil” “why is this labelled incest” etc. i love him. glasses 2.0 was a good one too
[gestures vaguely] tom in falling for someone (long gone) because it’s like. he’s so pathetic and sad and angsty. but in a funny way
the entirety of riddle me chat fic and g lestrade (made a mistake) and in the beginning, bonky said: are designed specifically for my terrible humour <3
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
I answered this one here!
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
i think this one is super similar to 🛒 so you can look here for that answer, but as for unintentional. uhhh. probably the existence of aesthetics because by god half of mine are just the fcuking concept of them
thanks for the asks!!
send me an ask about my fics (using these emoji asks)
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tomdutch · 3 years
hi! i saw your 50 kissing prompts, can I request 10 and 17 for peter? maybe the classic 'Peter gets battered up after a fight and the reader patches him up' trope, and if the reader can be gender neutral as well? if it's okay with u!:) thanks!!<33
10: happy you’re alive kisses
17: desperate, passionate, not sure if you’ll ever kiss again kisses
warning: mentions of violence and blood
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Grey’s Anatomy makes it look so much easier than it really is. You find yourself cursing ever watching that show (knowing full well that you’re not going to stop when the mood strikes later), as you softly dab a clean, warm washcloth over Peter’s naked abdomen. Trying not to stare at the blood and colored bruises sprinkled over his pale skin, you bite down on your lip and sigh as Peter’s hand cups your working one.
“What’s up, doc?” He tries to joke, shooting you an awkward smile when you look up at him. At your unamused expression, his features droop and darken before he lets out a deep sigh. Thumb rubbing over your hand, Peter mumbles, “Thank you for taking care of me. I’m sorry I keep asking you to do it.”
His words are what pushes you over the edge, your shoulders crumbling under the weight of them and the tears you’d been shielding roll down your cheeks. Peter’s eyes widen, guilt and panic curling in his stomach at the sight of you all broken down. 
“It’s not that, Pete―I never want to stop taking care of you.” You cry, hiding your face with your shaky hands. “But I hate feeling so... so powerless whenever I see you beaten up like this and I can’t do anything about it.”
Struggling to sit straight, he uses what’s left of his strength to move up and wrap an arm over your heaving shoulders. You let him pull you into his chest, careful not to hurt him despite your hectic state, and you lay your head against his collarbones. Peter’s lips drop kiss after kiss to the crown over your head, whispering his love for you and hoping the words settle into your bones so you never doubt him, never doubt how much he cares for you. 
Barely an inch away from your cheek is a navy blue bruise, no doubt a place where a fist collided with his heart. Lone index tracing over it as your sobs calm down, you lock eyes with him; his own honey orbs filled with tears.
“I know it’s a burden,” Peter breathes, chin quivering as he tries to keep his own emotions at bay. “And I’m so thankful you choose to bare it everyday, for me. Every night I’m out patrolling, you’re the only thing that grounds me. When those thugs had me surrounded, all I could think of was you, how I needed to make it out safe for you. I wouldn’t be Spider-Man, I wouldn’t be able to help anyone―hell, I wouldn’t be alive if it wasn’t for you. Not just because you fix me up when I look like the guy from Operation,” he smirks as you let out a snort, shaking your head at the way he can’t help himself from trying to lighten any and every mood, “but because you’re what keeps me going. You’re anything but powerless, Y/N.”
Your tears come back tenfold and you’re sure you’ve never looked worse, with a messy bedhead and dried blood on your Thor pyjamas, but Peter still smiles at you―still looks at you like you’re the sun and he’s a far away planet seeking your warmth.
“I love you so much,” you whimper, eyes drifting shut as your foreheads press against each other and you cup his warm cheeks in your palms. “I’m so in love with you, Peter Parker, that I’m not even going to question if you have a concussion that lets you wax poetry in the state you’re in.”
He laughs, wincing as a flash of pain in his stomach protests that action. “I love you too. So, so much, baby.”
When he finally kisses you, it’s more passionate than you would’ve expected, lips desperate and forceful in the best way possible. You melt into him as much as you can, his tongue tracing along your bottom lip as your fingers play with his ruffled hair. Peter kisses you like it might be the last time you two ever get a moment alone, his digits digging into your waist and teeth softly nibbling on your lip. As you pull away, your mouth trails from his own down to his neck and until it reaches the bruise over his heart. You press a long, delicate kiss to his skin, praying that it keeps his heart safe through whatever comes next.
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❀ rosy taglist ❀
@quaksonhehe // @starlight-starks // @duskholland // @geminiparkers // @ivegotthepetertingle // @tayyx // @more-like-reyna // @darlingspidey // @spideyssunflower // @tombrina // @lowkey-holland // @pastelpeter // @spider-babe // @ethereal-beauty-p // @cunaeparker // @victorianvampirebf // @jejegu // @viagracex // @dummiesshort // @repostcentral // @miraclesoflove // @sovereignparker // @chickendidi // @saturnpeter // @tpwk-grande // @hihiweezing // @peterspideysstuff // @itstaskeen // @peaches-parker
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