#blossom!sibling x jughead
scorpionwins · 2 years
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Don't underestimate her. And don't bet against her.
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mrs-jughead-jones · 7 years
Seal of Approval || Jughead Jones
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Request from anon: Hey can I request a Jughead x reader fic where the reader is a new student who has icey blue eyes and red hair and she's really shy but she really likes jug. Your stuff is really amazing. Thank you in advance you lovely person you <3 <3
Request from @sunshine51879: An Jughead request. The reader is Jason & Cheryl ' s little sister. She is not like them, quiet, shy, loves to read. Dating Jughead, the twins know & approve. Everyone else finds out when Cheryl blasts Reggie for blaming Jug for Jason's death.
A/N: I don’t own the conversation between Jughead and Reggie. That belongs to the “Riverdale” writers.
As you, Y/N Blossom, looked up at the building that was Riverdale High, you couldn’t help but feel nervous. Sure, you were definitely a Blossom with your bright blue eyes and fiery red hair and your older sister basically ran the school. But after your older brother’s death, your parents had pulled you out of your private school in the city and brought you back to Riverdale so they could keep a closer eye on you. They didn’t want to lose two children. You were also very different from your siblings. While Cheryl and Jason were involved in a ton of after school activities and loved to have parties, you were more laid-back and quiet, preferring to read in your spare time. You were a freshman, just a year younger than Cheryl and Jason but you felt like a kindergartner again, going to a brand new, big, bad school.
“Hey, Y/N!” a voice called, making you turn around.
You smiled once you realized who it was.
Jughead Jones, your boyfriend of seven months made his way over to you, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. You blushed and quickly looked around, making sure no one saw the two of you.
“Jughead!” you lightly scolded. “What if someone saw us?”
Jughead smirked.
“What a shame that would be,” he said sarcastically.
You and Jughead met over your spring break earlier that year. You had accidentally walked into him while carrying a milkshake and spilled it all over him. You apologized to him profusely as you tried to clean up his shirt as he continuously reassured you that it was fine. You then offered to buy him whatever he wanted from Pop’s as an apology. Little did you know that would end up being your first date. Laughing and joking with each other over spilt milkshake.
Although you were dating Jughead, not a lot of people knew about it. Your and Jughead’s families were always under scrutiny and you didn’t have to deal with your relationship being under the public eye as well. However, Cheryl knew you were dating the beanie-clad boy. Jason did too, when he was alive. To your surprise, they approved of the Jones boy. Why, you never knew. You decided it was better not to question them on it. Jason would always joke with you that he would murder Jughead if he ever broke your heart. You would always laugh at that.
You didn’t like to joke about that now.
“You ready?” Jughead asked, breaking you out of your thoughts.
You sighed and nodded, looking back towards the school.
“Readier than I’ll ever be.”
You managed to get through the majority of the day without any drama going down. But seeing as you were a Blossom, of course you couldn’t escape the drama that went down during your free period.
You were in the student lounge along with Jughead and the rest of the Core Four. The jocks were on the sofa and Cheryl was there as well, occasionally looking over at you to make sure you were alright. The jocks were chatting amongst themselves but you only started paying attention when you heard your brother’s name.
“… let's be honest,” Reggie began. “Isn't it always some spooky, scrawny, pathetic Internet troll, too busy writing his manifestos to get laid? Some smug, moody, serial killer fanboy freak. Like Jughead?”
You quickly turned to Jughead who looked at Reggie with a calm albeit annoyed expression.
“What was it like, Suicide Squad? When you shot Jason? You didn't do stuff to the body, did you? Like after?” he teased.
“It’s called necrophilia, Reggie,” Jughead stated. “Can you spell it?”
Reggie quickly got up.
“Hey, come here, you little—”
“Enough!” Cheryl snapped, stepping in between Jughead and Reggie.
Everyone looked at Cheryl bewildered, wondering why the Blossom girl suddenly cared about Jughead’s wellbeing.
Reggie scoffed.
“Step aside, Cherry Pie, and let me avenge your brother’s murderer,” he said, a smug smile on his face. “It’s not like Jughead’s important to you.”
Cheryl looked like she was about to explode.
“He’s important to Y/N. She’s her boyfriend and she loves him and I’ll be damned if I let you hurt him. Back up.” she snarled.
Everyone’s eyes widened as they looked at you and then Jughead, the two of you now blushing furiously.
“No way,” Reggie said in disbelief. “Your little sister and Norman Bates?”
“I said back up!” Cheryl yelled.
Reggie knew better than to mess with the eldest Blossom girl and held his hands up in surrender, slowly backing out of the student lounge.
Cheryl sighed and turned back to you, and apologetic look on her face.
“I-I’m sorry, Y/N,” Cheryl said as she walked over to you. “I know you and Jughead wanted to keep your relationship a secret and I just—”
“No, Cheryl, it’s okay,” you reassured.
You looked over at Jughead who was smiling and holding out his hand out for you, ready to walk hand-in-hand with you to your next class.
You smiled.
“It’s more than okay.”
A/N: Hope you enjoyed! Please send me feedback!
@lydixstiles @jughead-from-riverdale @pinkhappypanda @iamthegoatmaster @subsi4123 @deanskitten @latenightbooknerd @lostinpercyseyes @captainelsaeverdeen @itsjaynebird @allineedisconnor @superoriginalteenwolf @sastielstan @1amluke @satanwithstardust @babearchie @theselfishllama @katshrev @juggiesjuliet @betty-coopers-number-one-stan @imperfectanatomy @casismyguardianangel @irrajj @fangites @apocalypticangell @sparklingriverdale @jvghead-jones-iii @onceuponagladerhead @isabellaskyliner @vodkaluh @tegan-eva @murderyoursoul @regenpony @xbobaaa @farmfreshcoldsprouts @hellolittlebigstudent @audreyxhorne @faithmichaluk @thebloodyshuckface @castawayalicia @lost-in-wonderland-x @holoqraphik @nadya0128 @soulception @jughead-archie-imagines @juggys-betty @twizzlersnizzler @riverdale--trash @barbarachern @likesiriusly @thatsavagehufflepuff @multi-madison @mrs-fangirl @thatcraxygirl15 @frobert20 @miss-mia-rae @buckyplease @myblackwings5 @thecrossroad-demon @writing-in-riverdale @jghdjns-iii @johnmurphys-sass @killjoyloki @annoyingsibling @the-local-dreamer-star @stephyra17 @reginaphlanageadams @river-vixns @genderabused @wetsknn
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b1t5andpi3c3s · 2 years
B1t5andPi3c3s Master Post
The Chronicles of Narnia
Joining the Fight Against the White Witch Becoming the next King/Queen Sheltering small animals in your home  Being the White Witch’s half-sister Professor Kirke’s niece
Maleficent and Descendants Crossover
Alternate + 2 Maleficent and co. end up in Auradon
Harry Potter
Being Lily’s sister and dating Sirius Black Being Sorted into Slytherin, but you’re a Muggleborn Being a Muggleborn witch and neighbouring Harry and the Dursleys
Being Draco's older sister
To Watch You Go Remus Lupin x Reader, Angst Paper Rings James Potter, fluff
Hydra being after you, a Werewolf Having the power of all the Infinity stones Being made to watch Hydra experiment on People Being Nick Fury’s niece and growing up hearing stories about Carol Danvers Being a normal civilian and dating Steve when Thanos attacks Helping Bucky Hydra taking you, Howard’s sister and Bucky’s girlfriend Going undercover at Peter’s school, because Tony wants more information about Spider-man Peter Parker tutoring you Bonding with Dr. Strange while practising magic
Locked like a Fortress, but I Love You Anyway Steven Grant x Reader, Angst + (Smidge of) Fluff This Morning Steven Grant x Reader, Fluff Black as Pitch Steven Grant x Reader + Marc Spector x Reader, Fluff + Angst (a little) + otherwise pretty neutral
The Maze Runner
Newt looking at you like Falling in love with Thomas but he doesn't notice The Creator's not properly wiping your memory
Nothing Yet :(
Peaky Blinders
Congratulations Thomas Shelby x Reader, Angst
Being a Blossom sibling Charles having a twin Being a Riverdale parent Being attacked by Ghoulies and the Serpents save you Helping Jughead with his novel Being Hiram Lodge's estranged sister
Star Wars
Nothing Yet :(
Being Crowley's Child Having the ability of everything you say coming true Being an old uni friend of Sam's Being Bobby's daughter and being engaged to Sam Being a normal human, but being able to read the tablets
Teen Wolf
Being a Vampire in Beacon Hills Being Theo sister and he gets the Dread Doctors to change you Being the only one Stiles trusts with his Jeep
The Umbrella Academy
Working for the Handler
The Vampire Diaries / Originals / Legacies
Dying in Stefan's arms Being a Werewolf from Beacon Hills Being in a love square with Klaus, Elijah, Stefan and Damon Being a Donovan sibling Having blackmail material over your friends
Ragnar having a wife before Lagertha + Part 2 Ragnar remembering you Through Innocent Eyes Hvitserk x Reader, Fluff
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lcthebtswriter · 5 years
into the sunset
pairing: sweet pea x reader
summary: you sticking up for the serpents catches the attention of one in particular
tags (reblog and comment): @brianaraydean, @im-that-trash-over-there, @caswinchester2000, @readingemma, @miscellaneoustoasts
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Word of the integrating schools traveled fast, and in your brother’s clique the newest gossip was turned around over and over until another drama happened. Being Archie’s fraternal twin was hard enough; you were never quite considered anything but his sibling. Jughead was his best friend, Betty was his neighbor, Veronica was his girlfriend. You were there for the ride mostly, but the new students from Southside High would provide you with a separate identity.
When the Southside Serpents and the Northside Bulldogs stood face to face in their respective mobs, you were the one who jumped in first to diffuse the situation. When Cheryl talked down to Toni in the bathroom, you were the one who introduced yourself to the new girl and became her first Northside friend. You quickly earned the reputation of control factor. Whenever someone or a group from either side got feisty, you were the one who settled disputes. It gave you something to do instead of follow your brother around or listen to Cheryl spit at everyone.
Inevitably you fell for the bad boy complex, which was something you had definitely been avoiding to accept, but Sweet Pea was a charmer. He first acknowledged you on a day that Cheryl Blossom felt particularly bitchy. Pop’s Diner was the common hang out spot for students to do homework or relax with their friends, but you were doing neither the day that Cheryl walked in with two other Vixens.
You sat on a stool at the counter reading, your eyes glancing up at the occasional sound of the bell ringing. Looking up you found, after Cheryl, that Sweet Pea walked in and sat at the other end for a pick up. Before he could gather his paper bag of ordered food, Cheryl and her Vixens caught your attention as they marched past you and toward Sweet Pea.
He turned, calm as ever, and raised an eyebrow. “Can I help you?” He asked sarcastically, and you were thankful there weren’t many others in the diner at the moment. You could see Cheryl’s smile and the way her upper lip curled, and you were about to slide off your seat before she attacked.
“I was wondering why you thought it would be okay to taint Pop’s Diner with your presence,” Cheryl said bitterly at him. Sweet Pea bit the inside of his cheek, looking between Cheryl and the door as if contemplating whether or not to even speak with her anymore. Before he could decide, you shut your book loudly enough to gain everyone’s attention.
Being used to sticking up for people, you confidently said: “Cheryl, I know your family is full of snakes so can you go pester the ones actually doing harm?” You didn’t mean to sound so cruel; you just wanted enough venom evident in your voice that it scared Cheryl off for a few days. You knew she would carry on with her teasing, but if you were able to postpone a fight then you would. Sweet Pea, aware of this, nodded once at you as if accepting your help, and then he pushed past Cheryl’s frozen figure and out the door. Cheryl, knowing what your friends were capable of, simply glared at you as you followed after Sweet Pea.
Outside of Pop’s the sun was setting, and orange light lit up the landscape of pine trees. It was warmer than most days and the parking lot had only four cars. Sweet Pea was hopping into a beat up old truck when you called out to him. “You okay?” You asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious in your Northside slacks and tee. You felt overdressed while talking to Sweet Pea, but you settled so many differences that you didn’t think the way you looked would change his opinion of you.
Sweet Pea tossed his food into the passenger sat and shut the driver’s side door to lean against it. “Used to it by now,” he shrugged. There was a tilt to his head and a smirk on his face and, although it was subtle, it was enough to make you blush. Sweet Pea, either knowing this or genuinely wanting to speak with your more, added: “I’ve seen you around school, hear what you say. You’re Red’s twin, but the Serpents like you for obvious reasons.” He spoke slowly, forehead wrinkled as if thinking through every single word. You found this adorable and couldn’t help the smile that came upon your face.
“Someone has to keep the peace,” you replied, mocking yourself. Efforts to keep both sides of Riverdale from ripping into each other was exhausting, but the last thing you wanted was to see your peachy hometown become Sin City. You were happy to have your brother and friends subtly follow in your footsteps, and as much as you would like Sweet Pea to do the same, something told you that he would be harder to get through.
He had started fiddling with his keys, anxious to say what he really wanted just in case it were to offend you. Sweet Pea said it anyway because (judging by the way he saw you looking at him in class) there was a sliver of hope that he would get his desired response from you. “I’ve gotta admit,” he began, “you’re attracting me.” He wanted to add that it wasn’t just in a physical sense-- that your bravery and wisdom were admirable traits in your personality--but he knew that you understood. The way you shyly looked at the ground and tried to hide your smile of gratitude said enough, and Sweet Pea couldn’t help but chuckle at your uncharacteristically shy behavior.
Suddenly, in the midst of the ego boost brought on by Sweet Pea’s confession, you looked up at that six foot tall boy and asked with as much courage as you could muster, “What are you gonna do about it?” And Sweet Pea, both excited and startled about your response, walked around the front of his truck to open the passenger side door for you.
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Bad Habits: Part 3
Pairing: (Kurtz x OC) (Malachai x OC)
Word Count: 1100+
Warnings: fighting? Talk of death.
A/N: So, despite last nights episode, I'm obviously still going to post chapters of this story. Considering the story is currently writen about what season one. But I'm just gonna pretend the episode last night didn't happen.
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3rd person point of view
   The only thing people could seem to talk about all weekend was the waterlogged body of Jason Blossom that was found. With a singular gunshot wound in the middle of his forehead.
   Emma helped maintain the drive in while her brother took some time for himself and his novel about the unfortunate death.
   Kurtz held to his word and every night he'd come to late showings of whatever movie Emma had picked with his friends. They insisted on paying. Kurtz had the habit of secretly sliding tips into her pocket so she'd find them later. He always waited for the thank you text he'd get later that night.
   During her shift Emma liked to sneak away and join Kurtz and his friends. Emma didn't have many friends, so the fact that they welcomed her so openly made her happy. The one night Emma had fallen asleep, her head nuzzled into his shoulder. Neither of them really addressed it after she woke up.
   School was tense. Everyone was tense to say the least. Emma tried to distance herself from the drama and stick with her brother. But unfortunately, sticking with him didn't help. Emma stuck to her routine. Wakeup, school, Vixen practice, drive in, repeat.
   Emma walked down the hall quietly. She was trying to find her brother. Emma walked by the student lounge and gasped. Reggie Mantle was once again being an asshole and messing with her brother. Emma ran in and grabbed her brothers arm just as Reggie was about to tackle him.
   "Leave him alone!" Emma said, gripping her brothers sleeve tightly with her shaky hand. Archie stepped in and shoved Reggie away from the two siblings.
   "Shut the hell up, Reggie." Archie said. Jughead wrapped his arm around Emma's shoulder and held her close to his side.
   "What do you care, Andrews?" Mantle taunted.
   "Nothing, just leave them alone." Archie said. Emma wouldn't admit it out loud, but Reginald Mantle scared her. As did most of the Bulldogs.
   "Holy crap, did you and Donnie Darko kill him together? Was it some sort of pervy, blood brother thing?" Reggie hissed. Archie's lip twitched and he shoved Reggie. Reggie pushed Archie back, shattering the glass of the vending machine. Jughead tried to pull him off, and Emma tried to pull her brother off of the boys. In the process Archie got punched and Emma was thrown off the boys and onto the floor. The fight was broken up and it ended with Archie getting a nice black eye. Jughead took Emma's hands and helped her up. He gently tilted her head up and inspected her.
   "Are you okay?" He asked. She nodded.
   "Y-Yeah. I'm fine, Jug." She said softly. He kissed the top of her head and hugged her.
   "Don't do that. I don't want you to get hurt." Jughead said calmly. She rolled her eyes and nodded.
   "Fine, you loser." She teased. He scoffed and pushed her shoulder.
   "I've got that stupid pep rally tonight, just so you know." She said before heading to class. Emma walked down the relatively empty hall, head down just as always.
   "Hey!" Emma jumped and spun around. It was a girl, her age.
   "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you. I'm Ella." She said. Emma smiled and walked up to her.
   "I'm Emma." She said.
   "Just wanted to say that I saw what you did in there. Standing up to Reggie Mantle? That was sick. More people should have the balls to put him in his place." Ella said. Emma smiled and laughed softly.
    "Yeah, he was messing with my brother and uh- I guess it's a twin thing. Mess with one of us, you get both of us." Emma joked.
   "Good to know." Ella said, laughing lightly. The girls exchanged numbers, promising to talk again soon.
   When the day ended Emma was dragged to the student pep rally. When the rain started Emma smiled. Emma wanted to run after Cheryl but she didn't want to infringe. Veronica had already gone after her. Emma cursed softly, realizing her brother had already left. She stood under the bleachers to avoid the rain. She huffed and pulled her phone out. She scrolled through her contacts and landed on Kurtz. She shivered at the cold and bit the inside of her cheek.
   "Please answer." She whispered as she pressed the call icon. It ran for a bit and then he answered.
   "Hello?" He said. Emma sighed in relief.
   "Kurtz? It's Emma. I'm kinda- stuck." Emma said softly.
   "Are you okay?" He asked.
   "I was at a thing. A stupid thing and it started raining and my brother left already a-and I don't have a way to get to the drive in." She ranted. He smiled on the other end of line.
   "Doll, it's okay. Where are you? I'll come get you." He said. She sighed and smiled.
   "Thank you. T-Thank you. I'm at the Riverdale High stadium." She said.
   "I'll be there soon, Em. Sit tight." He said. After they had hung she was waiting for maybe a little over five minutes and Kurtz pulled up in his truck. He got out and ran over to where he saw her sheltered under the bleachers. Emma gasped and jumped as he gently touched her shoulder.
   "God, you're freezing." He whispered. He slid his jacket off and wrapped it around her shaking shoulders. Emma hummed and slid her arms into the sleeves.
   "Thank you." She said softly, pulling the warm leather tighter around her. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her tightly. She was stunned at first but them gratefully excepted the comfort.
   "Come on." He whispered. They ran to his car and jumped in. Emma giggled softly and looked over at him. As they drove Emma reached out and turned the radio on. She searched the stations and landed on the local rock stations.
   "You like this kind of music?" He asked, eyebrow raised. She smiled and nodded.
   "Yup." She said. Humming along to the song that filled the car. Emma pulled her hair out of the tight ponytail and sighed. Emma sang along softly, making Kurtz smiled. He didn't judge her for being a River Vixen. He didn't even ask, which Emma was thankful for.
   He pulled up to the drive in and Emma jumped out and unlocked the gate. She hopped back in the car and they drove in. She dragged him into the projector room and she put a movie in. They watched from the projector room. Kurtz had left and Emma had fallen asleep all before Jughead got back. He walked into the projector room and smiled at the sight of his sister. He needed to make things better. For her.
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A/N:This is chapter one of the dark truth sorry if it is bad it was filler chapter to kick off the story
Summary: Scarlett and Winter-Rose hear a unidentified bang that ends life as they know and kick starts there journey to discover the dark truth of Riverdale
Taglist: @jonesnovakwrites @cella-stokes @lil-goosey
Want to be tagged? Let me know.
Pairing: Scarlett Blossom x Winter-Rose Jones (Platonic)
Words: 940
Chapter: 1/?
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It was the night of the eleventh of July. The sun had set long ago and the rain was pouring. Two teens one with hair a rustic gold and the other with hair like strands of gold with tips a bright neon pink sat in the redhead's Ferrari Xoana.
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Their names were Scarlett Blossom
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and Winter-Rose Jones.
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The Ying and Yang and the proof opposites do attract. Scarlett was the perfect princess of Riverdale. She was rich and one of three possible heirs to the Blossom fortune not to mention she was daddy's princess. The youngest of three siblings. She had the perfect family. Straight A'S and never been in trouble. She was a River Vixen. She was rumored to be the prettiest girl in all of Riverdale with perfect ginger hair, big puppy dog chocolate brown eyes, and a short but athletic body. The Redhead was caring, nurturing, helpful, funny, smart, bright, cheerful, energetic, fun-loving, proud, witty, thoughtful, friendly, ambitious, daring, creative, loveable, thrilling, daring, exciting and curious. But the brown-eyed beauty could be a bit impulsive, controlling, bossy, manipulative, spoiled, vain, and arrogant maybe even a little bit intimidating at times. The blossom was not only her daddy's princess but Riverdale highs. She was a party girl and partied every weekend. Scarlett was envied by girls and lusted after by the rest. She was dating one of the football team members that was a guaranteed captain there junior year after her older brother and his best friend graduated. He was the prince of the school he went by Reggie Mantle. Scarlett and Reggie won the crowns at every dance. Every couple wanted to be them and everyone shipped them. On the other hand, Winter-Rose Jones was the troubled loner teen with a bad home life. Her father was a drunk and her mother and sister abandoned her and her twin brother. Jughead tried to help her but she was too stubborn to accept it. Rose was beautiful with blonde hair and always had her tips dyed a different color, hazel eyes, and an average height and built. Rose could be sarcastic, stubborn, impulsive and quick-tempered but for the most part, she was closed off, funny, quiet, reserved, passionate, selfless and smart. Rose was more of a shadow around school gliding amongst her day unnoticed. She didn't party most of the time she read or did photography. The two were completely different without anything in common or so it seemed. They were each other's lifeboats. Rose would die without Scarlett and vice versa. They told each other everything and have been inseparable since Scarlett adopted Rose as her best friend and Rose agreed in pre-school. The two girls believed they were soul mates in best friend form since Gladys Jones and Penelope Blossom gave birth to the girls and Winter's twin brother at the exact same moment in Riverdale general.
Scarlett's phone was hooked up to the aux cord so the speaker softly played the girls favorite songs. "Your outfit is actually really cute today," The blossom complements her friend. "Thank you asshole you kinda look like your mom as a teenager in that outfit," The jones accepts with a laugh. "Ouch, that hurts So why did you call me at 11:00 at night saying pick me up," The brown-eyed girl asked? "Dad," The hazel eyed girl mumbles. "You can stay the night with me don't sweat it Winnie the Pooh also I am thankful anyways between my mom and Cheryl wailing there is no peace in my house," She thanks. "Thanks, Scar Scar anyways any news on J," Winter-Rose asked? "None other than what Cheryl said who would have thought a stupid fucking glove would have killed my brother," Scarlett says with the shake of her head trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. Winter reached out placing a comforting hand on her best friends hand. "Knowing J he made it to the other side farther down the river and some nice family took him in and is nursing him back to help and when he has recovered he is going to come home," The Blonde comforts. "I know this sounds weird and completely crazy but it almost feels like he isn't dead like I have this weird feeling he isn't dead but he is in trouble if that makes sense," Scarlett admits. "They will find him," Winter promises. At that moment there was a loud bang that rang out. "What was that," Rose asked? Winter-Rose had heard that sound quite often living on the Southside of Riverdale so she was almost quite certain that it was a gunshot. "It is probably some idiot letting off remaining fireworks," The girl in the driver seat answers. "Um yeah, your probably right um hey I am little hungry want to go by pops," The girl opposite of her asks a bit of fear coming out. "Yeah sure my treat," She answers lifting her seat up and buckling up. Winter did the same as they pulled out of the woods and sped off towards the small diner. Scarlett felt sick and she felt a stab in her heart.
That bang didn't just give fear to Winter-Rose it also took that feeling of the redheads older brother still being alive. That firework or whatever it was was the end of the life as the two girls knew it but it was the start of a something new something much scarier something much darker. Scarlett and Winter-Rose were about to discover the dark truth of the town with pep.
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lovingdelusions · 6 years
Car Hop (Kevin Keller x Male! Jughead’s Brother! Reader)
Word Count:1,799
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Kevin Keller was your everything. To him, you weren’t Jughead’s brother or Archie Andrews’ other best friend, you were you: someone who he loved so much that it hurt. Kevin had no problem showing anybody that he loved you, and that’s why you had to get him a promise ring. You had every intention of marrying Kevin Keller, and you wanted him to know that. 
Unfortunately, you were a bit tight on money. You had taken a job at Pop’s to earn some extra cash. You hadn’t told your brother or his friends because they were the worst when it came to keeping a secret. They thought that just because they got away with a few things meant that they were amazing liars. The only one who even held up a chance at keeping a secret was Cheryl. 
Tonight was going to be your last night working at the diner, but you loved this job. It paid decently, and skating was fun. Plus, it didn’t hurt that you got free milkshakes. 
“Y/N is-” Kevin started. The gang groaned. They knew what he was going to say. Kevin gushed about his boyfriend at every chance he could, and each time he’d start, it got more descriptive.
“Yeah, Kevin. Y/N is so sweet and sooo hot. He’s amazing, and nobody will ever treat me better than he does. He’s too good for me. The little dips on his chest make me want to melt,” Cheryl said, rolling her eyes. Kevin pressed his hand to his chest and pursed his lips, clearly offended. 
“I was trying to say that Y/N won’t be able to make it tonight because he has homework to do,” Kevin said. He flipped off the amused eyes of everybody in the room. 
“Hey, what’s up with that?” Jughead asked. His brother had been skipping out on every plan they’ve made within the last month. It wasn’t like him to cancel out like that. 
Kevin shrugged. He thought nothing of it. Your last days at Riverdale High School were rapidly approaching, and you had yet to choose a college. Throughout most of your time in school, you didn’t focus much on grades but focused on your brother and Kevin. However, you knew that your grades were the one thing that would get you and your friends out of Riverdale, so you spent many weekends studying instead of getting caught up in the town’s drama. 
“You know, he has been acting a little suspicious lately,” Betty said. 
“His car wasn’t in the driveway when I left,” Jughead piped up. 
“Okay,” Kevin said. “Are you guys trying to convince me that my amazing and wonderful boyfriend is up to no good?”
The Northside gang looked at each other, glints in their eyes. Kevin groaned. He hated when they had ideas. Their ideas always led to laws being broken or immediate danger. Most times it was both. 
“We’re not saying that he’s cheating on you, but-” Veronica started. 
“No.” Kevin glared at them. “There’s no way that he’d ever do that. Don’t even suggest it.”
“But he’s probably doing something stupid and illegal,” Jughead said. Everyone looked at him, a bit shocked. Jughead and his brother were tightly knit, and out of the two of them, Jughead was the more mischievous brother. “What? Just ‘cause he’s the good child doesn’t mean he isn’t a Jones. The Jones’ are always up to something. Always.”
Kevin sighed. Before he could speak, Cheryl pitched in. “I already texted Toni to see if any of the Serpents have seen Y/N. And look! I’ve got an answer.”
It was too late to back down now. Everyone was already deeply invested in this, including Kevin. 
“What the fuck? Is that Joaquin?” Archie asked, squinting to make out the low quality picture. You and Joquain were sitting together in the corner of the Whyte Wyrm, and your faced was scrunched up. It must’ve been pretty serious.
Whenever Kevin talked about Joaquin, he could never look you in the eyes. Instead, he focused his attention on his shoes and unconsciously tapped his fingers against his thigh. He would sigh and take your hands in his. It broke your heart to see a usually confident person so vulnerable and frankly a little heartbroken. You never got angry at him even though he was still hung up on his last break up. Instead, you held him and peppered kisses to his face because you wanted him to know that you weren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
“Guys,” Kevin said. They looked at Kevin, waiting for him to wave it off as nothing, but he didn’t. “You now what this means, right? We have to go to the Whyte Wyrm right now.”
They smiled at him, knowing that he would come around. Quickly, the gang all piled into Cheryl’s car with Archie sitting in the trunk and drove to the southside.
“Where is he?” Kevin asked, grabbing Fangs by the collar of his shirt. Their noses were touching, and Fangs began to sweat. He wasn’t supposed to reveal anything about your plan, and if he did, he’d probably end up like Jason Blossom. 
“Where is who?” Sweet Pea asked innocently. He was slightly amused because he knew Kevin meant no real harm. 
“You know who,” Veronica spat. “Y/N.”
“How daring for a Lodge to be here at this time of day,” Fangs said, avoiding eye contact with Kevin, though it was nearly impossible. 
“He said something about the sheriff,” Toni said. Sweet Pea and Fangs shot her a look, but she paid no mind to it. “I don’t know what Y/N has in store, but if it involves the sheriff, then it must be something really illegal or dangerous.”
“Thanks, babe,” Cheryl said, pressing a kiss to Toni’s cheek before they departed. 
“What?” Toni said. Fangs was looking at her incredulously. Was she afraid of anything? 
“Heyyyyyyy, dad,” Kevin said, stumbling into his office. Sheriff Keller stared as his son and his nosy friends all clambered into his office. Knowing them, they were most likely getting into business they didn’t need to be involved in. 
“What is it?” Sheriff Keller replied gruffly. 
“Have you seen Y/N by any chance?” Archie asked, trying to be nonchalant about it. He was leaning against a filing cabinet and lost his balance, falling and taking a whole drawer of files down with him. 
“No, I haven’t,” the older man sighed. “Andrews, will you please stop trying to destroy everything?”
“Officer Keller, please,” Jughead said. “We’re afraid that my brother may be getting into something that could get him killed. We just want to know that he’s safe.”
The older Keller recognized when he was being played, and Jughead Jones had just pulled the sibling card on him. Unfortunately, he didn’t want to wait all night to keep them away because now he had a case to solve and a filing cabinet to rearrange. 
“I assure you that whatever Y/N is doing is perfectly safe. Now, please, go to Pop’s and get a burger or something. You can’t cause trouble if you’re eating,” Sheriff Keller said, subtly hinting at your location. 
“Fine,” Kevin huffed. 
“What am I going to do with him?” Officer Keller said, rolling his eyes. 
“I’m starving,” Archie complained. “Can we actually go to Pop’s?”
“When are you not hungry, Andrews?” Cheryl said, glancing at him in the mirror. “Alright, we’ll go. I’ve been craving a strawberry milkshake anyways.”
It was almost midnight by the time they arrived at the diner, so they called in their orders and waited for someone to come out. 
You yawned, happy that your shift was almost over. You would be able to cuddle with Kevin and sleep for a few hours before beginning your next shift. Right as you were about to leave, Pop Tate whipped up the food and put in a bag for you to bring to the customers. 
You skated out to the parking lot, not paying attention to whose car it was and knocked on the window. You began to repeat their order to confirm if it was correct when you were interrupted. 
“Y/N?” Betty said. You snapped your head up from the receipt. 
“Uhhhhhhh,” you said. You were at a loss for words. “Double cheeseburger with three strawberry milkshakes and two orders of fries?”
“Since when do you work at Pop’s?” Kevin asked. 
“Hey! Kevin!” you exclaimed. There was no use in denying it now. You had been all over town, trying to make sure that the ring you had in your pocket was perfect. Even though you had a slight grudge against Joaquin, he was really close to Kevin, and he would know if this was right for him. You knew that Kevin’s dad loved you as if you were his own son, and he respected you more when you asked his permission to give Kevin a promise ring. “Baby, can you get out of the car for a second? I need to talk to you.”
Kevin dreaded this moment. He knew that your relationship was too good to be true. You would leave him like Joaquin. Wait, were you going to leave with Joaquin? Although he was internally panicking, he kept a blank face as he stepped out of the car. 
You got down on one knee, bringing the jewelry box out. 
“Holy shit,” you heard your brother mutter. 
“Kevin Keller. I love you so, so much. You are the light of my life, and everyday, I find something new about you that makes me fall more in love. Your eyes sparkle brighter than any star, your lips are softer than any flower petal. You’re so confident and sarcastic and amazing. I know that we’re too young to get married now, but I promise you that one day, Kevin Keller will become Kevin Jones. So. . . .” you trailed off, not knowing how to end it. Your heart was close to jumping out of your chest as you waiting for Kevin’s reply.
“God dammit, Y/N,” Kevin sobbed out. How could he have ever thought you were going to leave him?
You panicked, scrambling to get off of your knee, but Kevin wouldn’t let you. He took you in his arms and buried his face into the crown of your head. 
“Yes,” he said, through his tears. “I love you, my handsome Prince.”
The gang cheered as you two kissed. Sliding the ring on his finger, you lifted him off the ground without separating and carried him to your car. You were going home to sleep with your future husband. 
“Uh, guys?” Archie asked, still in the trunk. “Don’t get me wrong, this is touching and everything, but I’m still pretty hungry.”
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serpentlifeonlylife · 6 years
Meet the Wilders Pt. 1
Summary: When the Black Hood is finally killed Riverdale thought they'd finally get some peace. But when a new family moves into town a few of its residents aren't prepared for how the family will turn their lives upside down. And when the Black Hood returns along with a new murderer how will they affect this new family? Meet the Wilders . . . and their secrets. 
Part 2     Part 3   Part 4                                        
Warnings: fluff, swearing, slowish burn                                                                  
Pairings: Sweet Pea x OC, POSSIBLE Sweet Pea x OC x Fangs, Kevin x OC, Choni, Bughead, Varchie.                                                                                      
If you want to be on the tag list please comment or message me! 
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“I don't think we've properly met,” Veronica said kindly as she, Kevin, and Josie approached the group of Serpents sitting at the couches in the lounge. She mentally cursed out Cheryl and Reggie in her mind as they all turned to look at her cautiously. Veronica couldn't help but feel extremely bad about what had happened that morning. “Veronica Lodge,” she said, holding out her hand to Toni, who sat closest to her.
“Of the Park Avenue Lodges,” Jughead mocked and Veronica rolled her eyes at him, causing him to smirk.
“Toni Topaz,” Toni said, shaking her hand.
“Oh, the purple colored gemstone,” Veronica said, causing Toni to let out an impressed laugh. “Love it.”
“And I'm Josie McCoy,” Josie introduced. “Formally of the Pussycats, now just . . . Josie,” she said sadly. She shook herself out of it a moment later with a small, fake laugh before gesturing to Kevin, who had taken a seat beside Sweet Pea on the couch. “And this is Kevin.”
Kevin smiled at them all before his eyes fell on Fangs, who met his eyes. “What's your name?” he asked.
“Fogerty,” he said kindly. “Or you can call me Fangs. Your last name's Keller, right?”
Kevin tilted his head in confusion. “How did you know that?”
“Joaquin and I used to hang out,” Fangs explained. “He talked about you all the time.” Kevin raised his eyebrows in surprise before looking down at his lap in thought.
“Hey,” Ethel chirped as she excitedly hurried inside the lounge. She looked at the Serpents nervously before shooting them all shy smiles. Focusing her attention on Veronica and Josie she said, “you won't believe who just got arrested.”
“Who?” Veronica asked, dreading the answer.
“Mr. Williams,” Ethel exclaimed.
“No way!” Josie said, completely shocked, as Jughead groaned.
“Who's Mr. Williams?” Sweet Pea asked.
“He's an English teacher,” Jughead sighed. “And one of the only teachers I actually liked.”
“What's with your favorite teachers being arrested?” Toni asked.
Jughead threw his hands in the air in defeat. “Honestly, I couldn't tell you.”
“What’d he do?” Veronica cut in.
Ethel's face scrunched in disgust. “Both Mr. Weatherbee and Mr. Keller got anonymous messages saying that Mr. Williams had child pornography on his computer. They did a search of his computer and it turned out to be true.”
“And now I feel dirty,” Jughead said, squirming in his jacket.
“My dad didn't say anything about this,” Kevin said, his eyes wide.
“That's because it just happened,” Ethel said. “Literally two minutes ago they both stormed into his class and pulled him out to check. Your dad  just walked out with him in handcuffs. I overheard Mr. Weatherbee raging about how he needs to find a new English teacher asap.”
“That's disgusting,” Josie groaned.
“Welcome to Riverdale,” Veronica said, addressing the Serpents with a fake smile. “Where there is always one scandal after another.”
Everyone laughed lightly at this, still reeling from what they just learned.
“You guys!” Mr. Weatherbee demanded, suddenly appearing in the doorway. They all looked at him in surprise and confusion. “Yeah, you guys. Come with me. Now!” he said angrily before stomping away.
They all shared wary looks before getting up to follow him. They quickly followed him down the hall, where they noticed a very cocky looking Reggie standing with his arms crossed. Mr. Weatherbee stopped next to him and glared at them all before gesturing to the ground. They all looked down to see the Serpent symbol spray painted over the school's crest on the ground. The Serpents immediately felt dread and disbelief pool in their stomachs. “Which of you defaced our school seal with this graffiti?” Mr. Weatherbee asked, his expression hard.
“This is what they do, Mr. Weatherbee. They tag their turf,” Reggie said, giving them all dirty looks that poorly covered up his sick amusement.
“My God, Reggie, could you be anymore transparent?” Veronica sneered. Reggie pretended to think about it before nodding his head.
“No gang related activity of any kind will be tolerated in my school,” Mr. Weatherbee said, glaring at them all. “As of this moment no more Serpent jackets.”
“What?!” Sweet Pea exclaimed angrily.
“Are you kidding me?” Jughead snapped.
“No more Serpent jackets!” Mr. Weatherbee yelled over them. “All tattoos are to be covered. Any possession of any gang paraphernalia whatsoever will lead to suspension. Are we clear?” They all glared at him, even those that weren't Serpents. But none of them could do anything about it. “That's all,” Mr. Weatherbee dismissed. The Serpents all glared at a smirking Reggie, who glared right back. The group slowly walked away, each person cursing both Mr. Weatherbee and Reggie in their minds, none more so than Jughead.
Rose sighed as she stared at her new school. She didn't know if she was ready for this. This had been a stupid idea, moving to Riverdale. Starting over. Whoever suggested that they move should have been slapped.
Oh wait. That had been her.
Well someone should have slapped her.
“Stop that.” She looked to her left to see her twin brother, Alfie. He was looking down at her with his usual knowing expression he always wore whenever he caught her deep in her thoughts.
“Stop what?” Rose asked innocently, even though she knew exactly what he was about to say.
“Over thinking,” Alfie replied, his eyes lighting up in amusement as she rolled her eyes at his predictable answer. “It's going to be fine. It'll be fun. It always is.”
“Please,” Rose scoffed, staring at the school. “Being the new kid is never fun. All the stares, all the whispers, all the introductions, all the questions. None of it is ever fun.”
“I beg to differ,” Lix said from Alfie's left, looking at the new school with his usual boyish excitement. “Being the new kid is always fun. It's like a new adventure every time. New town full of new people with new stories.”
“Let me remind you once again that this isn't one of your fiction books,” Alfie laughed. “This isn't Percy Jackson or Harry Potter, little man.”
“First, I'm not little. The two of you are just giants,” he said matter-of-factly, causing both of his siblings to snort. “Second, every town has a story just waiting to be revealed. Especially this one. You guys remember what I told you about the things that have gone down.”
“Ah yes, the murder of Jason Blossom, done by his own father. Remind me again why we came here of all places?” Alfie asked, shoving his hands in his jean pockets.
“You know why,” Calvin, their father, said. He came to stand beside Rose, throwing his arm around her shoulders. He looked down at her with a gentle smile. “Rose, its over. We're done running. We can finally settle down and live our lives without fear.” Rose continued to stare at the building from where they parked their cars, nerves still fluttering around in her stomach. “You know the number one reason why you always dread being the new girl?” Calvin continued. “Besides all the questions and the staring? Because you always knew you could never get close to anyone. Never join clubs, or make friends, or even have a relationship. But you can now. You can walk into this school, make friends, and not have to worry about the next time you're going to leave. This is it. Riverdale is our permanent home.”
“I can finally join clubs,” Lix said excitedly, practically bouncing on his feet. “I'm going to join robotics club, chess club, future scientists club, mathletes, photography, film, drama, anime club-”
“Make sure to leave time to breathe,” Rose laughed, but Lix just grinned widely.
“And I can finally date,” Alfie said, grinning. “Finally I can freely flirt with all the girls. Or boys. Whichever tickles my fancy in the moment.”
Rose scoffed. “Like that stopped you before.”
“But now I can flirt with the possibility of it going somewhere being an option,” Alfie said happily.
“And you can make friends,” Calvin said, tugging her closer to his side. “People you can hang out with and have fun, go out to eat or do something with, have over the house, or sneak out to go to a party with. All the fun stuff.”
Rose raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you encouraging us to sneak out and go to parties.”
Calvin shrugged. “Sneaking out to go and party is a teenage right of passage.”
“Preach,” Alfie grinned.
“Besides, don't think I don't have all your phones chipped so I know where you are should I choose to check.”
“Un-preach,” Alfie deflated, causing Calvin to chuckle.
“I won't check unless I feel I have to,” Calvin reassured. “I trust you kids. It's everyone else I don't trust.” Everyone stood in silence for a moment, taking in just how much their lives would be different now.
“And what about Sampson?” Rose said, looking down at the dog dutifully sitting at her feet. The pitbull/bulldog mix was wearing his typical yellow vest that said ‘Do Not Pet’. She couldn't help but smile fondly at him as he looked up her with his big, round eyes, almost as if he was asking ‘are you okay?’. She looked back up at Calvin and said, “You know what people think of the girl that has a service dog? That she's a freak or disabled. No one wants to be friends with that girl.”
“Then it's their loss,” Alfie said, crouching down to rub Sampson's head, “because both she and her service dog are pretty great.” He stood and placed his hand on her shoulder. “Rose we’ve got this. Together, like always. And this time we've got Lix going to school with us as well, and Pops is teaching so he'll be there too. We're all going to go through this together.”
“Rose,” Calvin said, turning her so they were face to face. “You chose Riverdale, and for a reason,” he said giving her a pointed look. “Make the most of it.”
Rose sighed and looked at them all before looking at the school determinedly. “Ok, you saps, let's do this shit.”
Both Alfie and Lix whooped and high-fived while Calvin just grinned. “Language, but I like the sudden confidence. Let's go.” With that said, he headed towards the school, Lix quickly joining his side. Rose tightened her right hand around Sampson’s leash and interlocked her fingers of her left hand with Alfie's before following after them. None of them were aware of just how much their lives were going to change from that point on.
“Hey,” Toni said as she approached Sweet Pea and Fangs in the hallway. “Have you guys seen Jughead?”
“No,” Sweet Pea said, scoffing. “I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't show up at all. Especially with how mad he is about the jackets.”
Toni hummed in agreement, getting lost in her thoughts as they went back to their conversation. She understood why Jughead was so mad, they all did. But what Jughead didn't understand was just how much going to this school meant to the other Southsiders. They'd all been used to crap schools their entire life. Going to a real school with real teachers that actually gave a fuck about teaching you was a real opportunity for them. It gave them a chance to make something of themselves and get out of this hell hole of a town.
“Hey,” Kevin greeted excitedly as he, Josie, and Ethel approached them in the hallway. Toni smiled kindly. So far they, along with Veronica, were the only Northsiders that had been kind to them. “The new English teacher is here, and he is hot.”
“Mr. Loser-bee found a replacement that quick?” Sweet Pea asked.
Josie nodded. “Apparently he and his family just moved to town and he was looking for a job when the ad for the position popped up. He applied and got the job the same day Mr. Williams was arrested. I guess he has a Masters degree in English and was a college professor back in California.”
“How do you know all of this?” Toni asked incredulously.
Josie shrugged. “News travels fast at Riverdale High.”
“Plus I help out in the main office and Mr. Weatherbee speaks loudly,” Ethel added.
“Anyways, his kids are starting today as well. Look, thats them,” Josie said hurriedly, pointing towards the main office where a group of people were lead from the office by Mr. Weatherbee.
Toni took them in. All of them were black and like skyscrapers. The oldest, who was obviously the father and the new teacher, was hot. He was ridiculously tall, even taller than Sweet Pea, with muscles that were obvious through his shirt. He had short, black, cropped hair and brown eyes. He was dressed casually, wearing a brown sweater and jeans, and he had a messenger bag slung around his shoulder.
Next to him stood a boy that was around her age. He was also very tall, maybe about six foot one or two. He was thin, but in a lean way, and had a small afro. His eyes, which were focused on Mr. Weatherbee, were green and filled with amusement. He was wearing a grin that he was obviously trying to control as he listened to whatever the principle was saying. He had on a purple flannel shirt that was buttoned up with a black bow tie at the top, dark jeans, and white sneakers.
The other boy was obviously younger, maybe a freshman. He looked a lot like his brother in build and hairstyle, but he was a tad shorter,brown eyed, and was lighter skinned. Thick black rimmed glasses sat on his nose. He wore a red shirt that had a yellow lightning bolt in the center, and over that he had on a brown sweatshirt. His hands were buried in the pockets of his dark brown pants, though he'd remove one once in a while to happily wave at people that passed them by. He was looking around in excitement, obviously very glad to be there.
Lastly, Toni took at the girl. She noticed immediately how the girl kept to the back of the group, basically staying put in the doorway of the main office. She, like the younger boy, also had lighter skin, and she was also as tall as the older boy, probably taller than the average amount of girls in the school. She also seemed to be a little on the thicker side, like Ethel, but instead of looking chunky she just looked sturdier, bigger boned. Her hair was wild with curls, some falling in her face. She also wore thick, black rimmed glasses. She wore short overalls that seemed a little worn out, and the shirt she wore underneath was a pale yellow button up with a small, floppy black bow tie. Toni smiled when she saw that the girl was wearing Avengers themed converse. The girl was looking around nervously, obviously not as happy as her brothers to be there.
Toni's attention was drawn to her left hand, which was nervously petting the top of a dogs head.
“She has a service dog,” Toni said, nodding in its direction.
“I didn't even notice that,” Ethel said as they all took in the girl and the dog.
“I wonder what's wrong with her,” Fangs said.
Toni shot him a look. “Please don't ask her that,” she said.
Fangs rolled his eyes. “I know sometimes I can be stupid, but I'm not that stupid. Nor am I insensitive.”
“Good,” Toni said, turning to look at the group again.
“I'll see you guys later,” Ethel said. “Mr. Weatherbee wants me to show them around and help them out today.”
“Ooh, we have an inside source to all the details,” Josie said excitedly.
Ethel laughed. “Yes, but try to remember that they are people.”
“Yeah, yeah. Now go get us the good gossip.” Josie teased. Ethel laughed and waved at them as she walked away.
“Well, as fun as its been to stare at the new kids, I'm hungry. Vending machine?” Sweet Pea said, looking at Fangs.
He nodded. “Y'all coming?” he asked the rest.
Toni nodded, taking one last look at the new girl, who was now smiling slightly at Ethel as she spoke. They all walked away, wondering if they'd get to meet the new kids.
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Riverdale fic idea- Being Reggie's adopted sister and catching Veronica Lodge's eye
Veronica x fem!Reader
The L/Ns and the Mantles being close friends eversince high school that you and Reggie treated each other as siblings despite your opposing personalities, him being a meanie and you being the silent quiet nerd. He was your protector though and he has beaten off Chuck a couple of times for being a jerk to you.
You grew up with everyone in Riverdale and they adored you for your kindness and humble personality but you had to leave to London when your dad got a promotion causing for you to move.
The summer before your third year in high school, your parents got in a car crash. You had no other relatives and when the Mantles heard of what happened, they had no qualms in adopting and taking you. Reggie was ecstatic to have you as a sister.
You moved back to Riverdale the weekend before the start of school. Reggie was quick to catch you up and tell you about the high school drama and the murders the previous years.
You entering Riverdale High with Reggie's arm around your shoulder. His face in a shit-eating grin while you roll your eyes.
The Bulldogs being ecstatic to see you and nearly crushing you in a dog pile. The boys had always had a soft spot for you since you indulged them in playing sports eventhough you all knew you much preferred books over anything else when you were kids.
Cheryl being her usual, screaming at the bulldogs for being rabid in the hallways.... until she finally sees you and with a squeal, runs to you even with her high heels on.
The core four with Kevin standing in the sidelines. Veronica internally wondering if it's the end of the world because of how Cheryl's acting. Kevin being excited by your presence and all the possible drama that can blossom soon. Betty fighting off the urge to grin. Archie rushes to say hi to you. And Jughead being Jughead, though anyone can see a faint hint of a smile.
You not being in any of her morning classes so Veronica waits for lunch to talk to you.
You showing up in the cafeteria with Cheryl talking your ear off and her dragging you to the vixen's table. Betty and Veronica sitting down with you and Cheryl just raises her eyebrow. You and Betty sensing the tension so Betty immediately greets you and introduces you to Veronica.
Veronica being fascinated by your simple and yet, mysterious personality, she doesn't hear Betty doing the introductions. Cheryl clearing her throat and tells Veronica that if she's done eye-fucking you then it's about time to eat.
Veronica blushing and you just flashing a friendly smile knowing Cheryl's being her usual bitch self. Betty internally shipping you two despite knowing how oblivious you can be (she knows you're worse than Archie)
You inviting Veronica to Pop's before leaving for the library. Veronica freaking out thinking it's a date until Cheryl points out that you usually do that when you meet someone new.
On the way to the library, you're internally freaking out if you've made it sound like a date and the prospect of Veronica being creeped out.
Reggie laughing out loud before you shut him up telling him you were in the European football team. He remembered all those times when you kicked him in the shin when you were kids, not doubting you can now aim higher and he covers his groin instantly.
Reggie giving Veronica "the talk" when you finally started dating.
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bugheadfamily · 6 years
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This week the spotlight is on Anna ( @writeradamanteve )! Click the read more link below to get to know our member!
Spotlight by Mila, @jughead-jones | Graphic by Katie, @betty-cooper
Anna | @writeradamanteve
Name: Anna 
Age: 40
Location: New Jersey
Any other languages aside from English people can contact you in?: Filipino.
Favourite Riverdale characters and ships?: Aside from Betty and Jughead, I do love the awfulness of Cheryl Blossom and spitfire that is season 1 Veronica.
Cheryl Blossom is unapologetically terrible, and in real life, I would absolutely HATE her, but there’s something to be said about a woman who just goes all in. I get that hardness in her, and I like it that she admires others for it, too. That Toni brings out her soft side is a plus, but I would prefer that she stays true to her character outside of her romantic relationship. 
Season 1 Veronica Lodge was a champion of women. I loved that about her. I may not have bought the whole “Betty is my best friend” assertion, but I did like that she was doing it to make amends for her past. S1!Veronica wanted to do better and she looked at Betty and thought Betty was a good person to hang out with to further that. Veronica as a person is methodical. Deliberate. And those are characteristics that can be both good and bad. I like it that Veronica can go both ways. I also mean that in a very gay way. No amount of her sleeping with Archie will convince me that her character can’t be bi. I can’t even say I hate her in season 2. She seemed a little lost there, but she was deciding between her family and her principles. For a while she thought that both could coexist, but when she realized in the end that it couldn’t, she broke away. That’s badass. 
As for Betty and Jughead, I have at least 500K worth of words in fanfic that expresses the many ways I love them. But to be clear: 
I love Betty for being so steadfast in her beliefs. She may have her insecurities when it comes to how she looks and what her mother may think of her, but when it comes injustice and friends endangering themselves for sex, she isn’t going to let anyone prevent her from doing the right thing. She is a go-getter, from saving Pop’s to saving her relationship (especially when Jughead was pulling away from her). She is a master at wielding household items — a skill, we learned, she got from Alice, who’s clearly handy with a lamp. She’s kinky, and she can be scary stone cold — forcing Cheryl to testify the truth with blackmail, watching Jughead punch Chic in the face without flinching, drowning a man to get him to confess to his sins (although ask me some other time about the morality and racial undertones of that, as that is an entirely different conversation). But she also deeply values her relationships. She cares for her loved ones so much, friend or family. That makes her so strong.
Let me tell you the many Jugheads I love: Soft!Jughead, Smughead Jones, Curious Jones, Snowflake!Jughead, ProudBF!Juggie, and even HaplessSerpent!Jughead. I like him best when he’s writing and when he’s making literary references in regular conversation. I love how sarcastic he could be and how his transition from loner weird kid in Riverdale High to popular serpent prince in Southside High tugs at my heartstrings and makes me mad, too. Like Betty, he cares fiercely for the people he loves. His need to belong becomes real to him, after he tried to deny it for so long. As much as we all have our issues with Season 2 Jughead, it added certain dimensions to Jughead that I love to write about in fanfic.
Favourite moments from S1 & S2?: I think I loved most of season 1, but the moments that stood out to me most were these: When Betty was dancing happily in her Cheerleading uniform, when Betty and Jughead were searching Jason’s room and got caught, when Jughead and Betty went to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy together, when Betty rushed to SSH to save Jughead only to find him laughing at the lunch tables with his newfound friends, when Veronica stood up for Betty at the tryouts, when Veronica showed Cheryl compassion, when the girls all banded together to make Chuck suffer the consequences of his misogyny (again, I have words for this, but mostly — why only him? His wasn’t the only name on that playbook), when Cheryl calls people names, when Jughead protected Betty from her vandalized locker, and of course, when Jughead climbed Betty’s bedroom window.  While I can’t get enough of Jughead throwing Betty against the kitchen counter, I have to admit I still loved those other scenes a whole lot more. That said, I will still hope for what I mention in question #7.
Season 2 — ah, my goodness. I don’t need to explain how S2 broke my heart in so many good and bad ways. While there were some golden moments, I think most of us are in agreement that there were so many things that could’ve been done better. However, I STILL do have favorite scenes in this Hell Season: Jughead running the gauntlet was amazing, Betty working on Reggie’s car, the entire street race sequence, every time Betty uses a household object to save people (a shovel, a rolling pin, a poker), Jughead and Betty disposing of the car--from her house to the swamp, that entire episode of “The Wicked and the Divine”, Cheryl and Toni finding one another, and the hunger strike scenes.
What are your hopes for S3?:
Bughead summer sex montage. 
MOAR Bughead Detective Agency. 
A slammin’ Riverdale Parents Flashback episode. 
Joaquin stays and Kevin gets better with love and BDE.  
Kevin and Josie becoming step-siblings.
Reggie and Sweetpea being half-brothers.
Veronica being the Speakeasy Queen.
Cheryl stirring trouble (even if I know I’ll hate her for it).
Archie getting a clue.
Other fandoms you’re into?: My thing is that I don’t usually fan hard on more than one thing. My past fandoms were Harry Potter, Teen Titans, Anime (many of them at once), Cowboy Bebop, X-Files, Star Trek Voyager, and Firefly. At present, I love Star Wars (all of them — eh, except maybe for Episodes 1, 2, and 3), Wonder Woman, and all the Marvel movies.  
What are some of your favourite movies/TV?: Classics: Galaxy Quest, Tropic Thunder, Labyrinth, The Princess Bride, Forest Gump, The Matrix, Constantine, Clueless, The Breakfast Club, Transformers: The Animated Movie, Snatch, Firefly, Veronica Mars, Supernatural (Seasons 1 - 5), X-Files; 
Most Recent: Pacific Rim, Black Panther, Wonder Woman, Rogue One, Ready Player One, Anne with an E, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Anthony Bourdaine’s old and new series. 
Favourite books?: There are so many, fam, but here are the ones that first come to mind:
Harry Potter 1 - 6 (yeah, sorry, not a huge fan of the 7th)
Emma by Jane Austen
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
All of Louisa May Alcott’s books
All of Sharon Shinn
All of L.M. Montgomery
Anne Marston’s Rune Blade Trilogy
Barb and J.C. Hendee’s Noble Dead Saga
The Infernal Devices Trilogy (Cassandra Clare)
A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray
All of Zilpha Keatley Snyder books
All of Paula Danziger books
Juliet Naked by Nick Hornby
Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer
The Unlikely Disciple by Kevin Roose
The Monster of Florence by Douglas Preston and Mario Spezi
The Terror by Dan Simmons
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett
The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Misery by Stephen King
Favourite bands/musicians?: I shall date myself, thanks:
Guns & Roses
Nikki Minaj
Cardi B
Imagine Dragons
One Republic
The Killers
Lily Allen
Amy Winehouse
If you could live in any fictional world which one would you choose and why?: Harry Potter, no doubt. I would like to live in a world that relies on magic. I would like to go to a magical school like Hogwarts. I would love to fight in a resistance to overthrow an evil sorcerer. Plus, I would really, really love to meet Hermione.
Favourite food?:
Ramen (the real stuff, not the dried instant ones)
Banh Mi
Bun bo Hue
Filipino Food — particularly Adobo
Mangos and strawberries
Favourite season?: Summer.
Favourite plant?: This is an odd question to me as I don’t have a favorite plant. They are just there and sometimes they give me grief when I have to tend to the outside of my house because they’ve gotten unruly on some level (like — Fall, why do you have to discard your leaves all over my grounds?)
Favourite scent?: Baby’s breath, food, and freshly changed bed sheets.
Favourite colour?: Victorian pink.
Favourite animal?: Cats and Owls (I am definitely a witch by heart).
Are you a night owl, an early bird, or a vampire?: I sleep late and wake up early. I am an old person who can go on 5 hours of sleep.
Place you want to visit?: Portugal or Prague is next on my list.
Do you have pets? If you do, tell us a little about them: I have two pets. Pootie is a cat. He is a gray tuxedo. He loves me best, but he also hangs around my eldest child a lot. Every once in a while, he bothers my husband. Bob is a hermit crab. Bob bores the hell out of me and I am equal parts terrified that I will find him dead in his cage and tired that I am still taking care of him. His previous companions, Larry and Curly, have perished. When I found them dead, I screamed. Hermit crabs are creepy as fuck when they leave their shells, like I can’t stand them that way. I don’t know why I am stuck taking care of Bob, but he’s here, he is under my care, and God help me, he’s a stubborn bastard.
Tell us a little about yourself?: 
For work, I’m a web producer/web developer, and I maintain about 20 sites for my company.  
I used to work in publishing.
I went to law school and quit.
I eventually married my high school sweetheart and now we have 3 children.
I was always attracted to women, too, but growing up, I was too afraid to come out as bi. It still intimidates me, coming out to new people now. Most times, I just let them draw their own conclusions.
Fun or weird fact about you?: There’s nothing weird about me that you don’t already know. Fun fact: I kickbox in the nearby UFC gym, and one time, I was practicing with Tai pads with a dude who kicked me in the leg by accident — he just “grazed” me, really. I TRIED VERY HARD to pretend that I was alright. That night, my leg was swollen, and three months later, I saw that same dude fighting in the octagon on TV.
Asks for fanfic authors:
How long have you been writing?: 20 years.
Which is your favourite of the fics you’ve written?: That is impossible to answer. Truly. So I’m going to close my eyes over a list of my stories and where my finger lands, that’s my fave. It’s Drive.
Favourite fic/chapter/plot-point/character you’ve ever written?: This is even harder. 
Polly’s character arc in Wicked. I really love how I fleshed her out in that story
The development of Kevin and Jughead’s friendship in Harvest to Home
Jughead’s relationship with Archie and Jellybean in Drive.
Betty’s story arc in Drive.
The twists and turns of Wicked.
The rich ambience of Harvest to Home.
Betty and Cheryl’s friendship in Harvest to Home.
The text conversation in Drive.
Sweet Pea’s background character in Drive.
Cheryl’s character in Wicked.
The car chase scene in Drive.
The hotel scene in Cowboy Jones.
The Peitho kitchen scene in Cowboy Jones.
Which was the hardest to write, and why?: Wicked was hard to write. I had set out to write this story with the twists and turns in mind, and those twists were interlaced. I had to set stuff up all throughout the beginning and middle so that the end would make sense. It was also harder because of Season 2. The background of those episodes in contrast with what I had in mind tended to make me nervous about reader expectations. Like when Hal was suddenly the Black Hood on Riverdale, it felt odd to not make him so terrible in Wicked. 
One of the hardest chapters I had to write was a chapter written in Cheryl’s POV. Delving into her psyche was a difficult switch to turn on and at some point, I was doubting whether I can do it, but I did it and there it was. And I don’t regret it at all.
How do you come up with the ideas for you fic(s)? (examples: Do you draw inspiration from real life? Listen to music? Get inspired by TV/movies?) Do you have an process to your writing?: Inspiration is different every time. 
For Harvest to Home, I wanted to write a fic about a very domestic Betty who made beautiful things. While I was writing that fic, I was deeply into the show Fixer Upper because we had just moved into our own new home. I was absolutely inspired by the designs I saw on TV and our need to decorate our home. I wanted Betty to be so good at it that she wrote a blog about home making. I had a lot of inspiration for that as well, since in the publishing company I used to work for, I worked with a lot of chefs and homemakers who published books. 
For Drive, I was inspired by images of Mechanic!Betty at the start of Season 2. I think I may have seen a couple of fics inspired by the movie Baby Driver, where Jughead drove the getaway cars, and honestly, I got a little mad that Betty was never the driver. So I wrote the damn thing, and suddenly, Jughead was drag racing in Season 2. I wrote that fic with a lot of alternative music in the background. I usually started my chapters with the lyrics of those songs that inspired me.
For Wicked, I started writing it for Halloween and it basically grew too large of an idea to make it to Halloween of that year. I was also hesitant about how the fandom would receive a fic where Betty was a witch. Then there came that article about how Alice was possibly a Spellman. WELL THEN. 
Cowboy Jones was absolutely inspired by the Camp Bughead prompts. I figured since I hadn’t been driven out of the fandom by torches and pitchforks because of Wicked, I’d try for some sci-fi, a genre I really love. I aimed to misbehave with Cowboy Jones, so I told myself that this was going to be my smuttiest work yet. I had also put out an X-Files inspired bughead short called The Truth is Here for that same prompt. 
I answered the question about my writing process here and some more about character development here. 
Idea that you always wanted to write?: Kitchen Confidential type story, where Jughead is an asshole chef who is determined to make his restaurant succeed. Betty becomes his sous chef and shows him a thing or two about cooking and about life.
Favourite character to write?: Betty and Jughead, no doubt.
Best comment/review you’ve ever received?: Well, there are so many commenters who have been so fantastic, but my favorite comments come from those who want to have a discussion with me, mostly because I like to reply to all commenters to express my gratitude and it’s easier to reply when I can pick up a conversation.
Best and worst parts of being a writer?: Best part is finishing a chapter and posting it. Worst part is getting flamed. I have been fortunate enough to have a welcoming group of readers here, but I’ve had my share of flames in other fandoms. I always try to dig deep for something constructive in them — there always is something that can be so useful to my writing, but man, those are TOUGH to handle sometimes.
Do you have any advice to offer?: Few things:
Don’t let fear rule your life. Embrace that fear and get to know it. Find out what makes it frightening, then overcome it. 
Practice. That is the only thing that will make you better at anything. 
Learn from failure. It’s a bitch of a teacher but it’s the best lesson you’ll ever have.
Find work that you love. It always pays.
This is the eleventh installment of Bughead Family’s Member Spotlight series. Each week, a member’s url is selected through a randomizer and they will be featured in a spotlight post. In order to participate, please join the Bughead Discord (more information found here). Thank you.
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myriadimagines · 6 years
Riverdale One Shot
Pairing: Reader x Sweet Pea
Other Characters: Jughead Jones, Toni Topaz
Warnings: Violence, injury
Request: “Would I be able to request a one shot where you're joaquins sibling who stayed to help the serpents and you join around the time Juggie does so you have to go through all the steps. Sweet pea has had a long time crush on you so when he has to deliver one last blow during the last stage of initiation it hurts him more than it hurts you and after he makes sure you're alright? Thank you! And sorry if this is too detailed for you:/” — anonymous
Word Count: 1,721
A/N: So I wasn’t sure if you wanted male pronouns or not since the girl initiation is different (or not who the hell knows honestly) but I ended up just making this gender neutral. And y’all never need to apologize about making something too detailed, the more detailed the better!!
please reblog/leave comments, they’re very much appreciated!
Your name: submit What is this?
y/n DeSantos. Most people disregarded you, refused to acknowledge you as you hid in the darkness of your older brother’s shadow. You were the younger sibling who tagged along, with Joaquin as your only connection to the Serpents. You never belonged, no matter how close you got to some of the Serpents. You’d laugh with them at the Whyte Wyrm, cheer during their motorcycle races, but there seemed to be a universal agreement that you didn’t truly fit in. A tourist stopping by, seeing the sights but never seeing the truth behind the innermost workings of the Serpents.
Part of the reason why you never became a Serpent was attributed to your brother’s protectiveness, how he didn’t want you involved with the gang, especially after his involvement with Jason Blossom’s murder. However, once your brother was forced to leave Riverdale, leaving you behind, a part of you felt oddly liberated, no longer restricted by your brother. You knew Joaquin only wanted what was best for you, but once he was gone, you had made the decision to become a Serpent.
For the most part, your decision was welcomed with open arms. Becoming a Serpent meant they could finally invite you into the family for good, that the Serpents would no longer have to observe you with hesitation, that you would finally become one of them. Your friend Jughead had just been initiated, giving you the courage to believe you could get through initiation, too. However, there was one person who had conflicting thoughts -- Sweet Pea.
When Joaquin brought you to the Whyte Wyrm for the first time, it didn’t take long for Sweet Pea to develop a crush on you. You were tough, like your brother, but Sweet Pea could see a softness inside of you that he couldn’t help but fall in love with. A softness that constantly guided you to help others, no matter the consequences, and Sweet Pea admired that. You were one of the few people that could always make him smile, lift his spirits. You seemed to have a heart capable of so much love, which is exactly the reason why Sweet Pea dreaded to see your initiation.
He didn’t want to see that light inside of you snuffed because of the initiation. And he most certainly didn’t want your perception of him to change, either.
Sweet Pea was all too familiar with the steps of initiation. Taking care of Hot Dog. Remembering the six laws. The knife from the rattlesnake’s cage. And finally, the physical beating, the most important test of all. To show that you were truly one of them, that you would be willing to do anything for the Serpents. That was the trial Sweet Pea most dreaded, knowing he would have to knock you down, punch the air out of your lungs with brass knuckles on his hands. He would never want to do anything to hurt you, but being a Serpent was what you wanted, then it was something he had to do.
The first three trials was a breeze for you. You and Joaquin used to have a dog, so taking care of Hot Dog was no problem at all. The rules came fairly easily to you, too, seeing as Joaquin had once taught them to you on a whim. Sweet Pea watched you, his smile widening as you yelled out the laws with such conviction laced into your voice.
“In unity, there is strength!” you yelled, and Sweet Pea could see the faintest of smiles on your lips, knowing you had passed.
Pumping a fist into the air, Sweet Pea chorused with the rest of the Serpents, “In unity, there is strength!”
Silence fell upon the bar, before the next task was revealed. Sweet Pea stepped aside, revealing the rattlesnake cage, a knife nestled in between the coils of the snake. You took in a sharp breath, showing no emotion on your face before you squared your shoulders and made your way over to the cage. Your eyes flickered up to meet Sweet Pea’s and he nodded at you slightly, a silent encouragement. Taking another deep breath, Sweet Pea watched as you plunged your hand into the cage, snatching the knife from the snake and narrowly missing it’s fangs as it lunged towards your hands. The bar erupted into more cheers, and Sweet Pea was quick to grab you, pulling you into a quick hug of congratulations. He could hear you laughing into his shoulder, overcome with achievement and relief, and it brought a smile to Sweet Pea’s face, momentarily forgetting the next trial to come.
Even under the dim lights, Sweet Pea could see the determination painted over your face.
The Serpents stood in two lines, leaving a strip for you to walk through, where Sweet Pea stood at the end, his fist clenched. He could feel the cool metal of the knuckle duster, feel his heart pounding out of his chest. You stared straight ahead, taking your first step forward, and Sweet Pea resisted every urge in his body not to lunge towards you, to pick you up as you stumbled forward, cringing in pain. Blow after blow, strike after strike, the Serpents each took their turns hitting you across the face, into your gut, doing their best to knock you down so that you could stand up and face them again. Finally, you made your way to Sweet Pea, blood trickling down from your nose. He hesitated for a brief moment as you stared into his eyes, shining orbs of light burning into him. Your lips parted slightly, as if trying to form words, trying to silently tell him it was okay.
Forcing himself not to screw his eyes shut, he struck you across the face.
You looked yourself in the mirror under the faint light of your bathroom. Your nose was still bleeding, along with a large bruise across your cheek, arching close to the edge of your eye. You gingerly reached up to touch it, cringing slightly at the immediate pain you felt even from the lightest amount of pressure.
Nevertheless, a smile floated onto your face as you turned around, looking at your reflection over your shoulder. Donned in a new leather jacket, with the signature serpent embellishment on the back, you felt like a new person. One who had conquered and triumphed, and was ready to take on any challenge thrown your way. Sweet Pea’s blow at the end was by far the hardest, forcing you to the earth to the point when you almost didn’t rise again, but you steadied yourself to your knees, before pushing yourself to your feet. You could see the immediate relief in Sweet Pea’s eyes, and beside him, Toni approached you with you Serpent jacket, a congratulatory smile spread across her features.
You heard a faint knock at your trailer door, and you quickly readjusted your jacket before walking out of the bathroom. You pulled open the door, blinking in surprise when you saw Sweet Pea standing in your doorway. He nodded at you, his eyes flickering from your eyes to your jacket as he remarked, “It looks good on you. Suits you.”
“Thanks.” you grinned, running your fingers over the sleeves, admiring it. “I’m glad I earned it.”
“You deserve it, y/n.” Sweet Pea reaffirmed, and you shot him a grateful smile before stepping aside, letting him in. He took an awkward step forward, rubbing the back of his neck as he fumbled for words. He seemed to be avoiding eye contact, and you looked at him expectantly before he blurted, “Are you okay?”
You tilted your head. “Well, you left quite a mark, but it’ll heal, like everything else.”
“I’m sorry.” Sweet Pea’s words overlapped yours, the apology tumbling from his lips before he could stop it. “I’ve never wanted to hurt you, but tonight I had to, and I just… it just made me feel like an awful person.”
Sweet Pea trailed off, shaking his head as he sat down on your couch. You sat beside him, putting a hand on his shoulder as you reassured him, “Hey, you did what you had to do. I’m not holding it against you or anything, you know that, right?”
Sweet Pea nodded, feeling a slight sense of relief. Slowly, he continued, “I guess I just stopped by to make sure you weren’t beat up too badly.”
“Do you usually do this for newly initiated Serpents?” you laughed, a teasing remark, yet Sweet Pea stiffened. He never really checked up on anyone after the initiation -- it was something everything had to do, there was no point in babying anyone. Yet you meant something to him, you were unlike all the others Sweet Pea had initiated, and his feelings towards you felt more evident than ever.
“I like you.” Sweet Pea suddenly confessed, and your mouth opened slightly in shock, sensing from his tone that his ‘like’ towards you was more than friendly. “I guess that’s why it was so hard for me to hurt you like that.”
“Sweets,” you gently cupped his face in your hands, turning him towards you. “I don’t want you to feel bad about what you did. Like I said, it was just part of what you had to do, and I’m not angry at you because of it. If anything, I’m glad you hit me so hard, since it made me a stronger person when I got back up.”
Sweet Pea couldn’t help but grin at the determination behind your last statement. Nudging you, he replied, “You’re going to be the strongest out of all us, y/n, I can already tell.”
You puffed up your chest in a dramatic fashion, flexing your arms, causing Sweet Pea to laugh even more as you couldn’t help but laugh at yourself too. With the laughter, the tension seemed to dissipate, and Sweet Pea felt enormously better.
You leaned back on the couch, biting your lip as you considered your next words. Finally, you started, “So, about this whole thing about you liking me…”
You raised your eyebrows, waiting for Sweet Pea’s response. You flashed him a smile, a smile he seemed to understand without elaboration, and without even bothering to respond, he leaned forward to kiss you instead.
tags: @bohemian-nygma​ / @thedamagedcne / @fire--pheonix​ / @inspiredbynewt​ / @iammostdefinitelyonfire26​ / @jcremydooley​ ↳ want to be added to the tag list?
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simkaswriting · 7 years
Cheater-Reggie Mantle
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Characters: Archie Andrews, Jughead Jones, Cheryl Blossom, Veronica Lodge, Betty Cooper, Reggie Mantle and (Y/N)
Pairing: Reggie x Reader, ex!Archie x Reader
Word Count: 2638
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: (Y/N) and Reggie attend a party at her ex’s house, Archie, who cheated on her with Veronica. What will happen when they meet again and Reggie’s temper gets to the better of him?
A Blossom knows how to deal with prejudice and disappointment, is never seen poignant in public. A Blossom is regarded in the town of Riverdale as a force to be reckoned with, as a ruthless manipulator. But that’s not (Y/N) Blossom. No, (Y/N) Blossom is what you would call an old soul, unlike her sister Cheryl. (Y/N) has always been mature and collected, unlike her brother Jason. She’s never been afraid of any confrontation, unlike her mother. And she most definitely didn’t posses as many secrets as her father did. But there was something the oldest sibling had yet to learn. And that is to get over heartbreak. 
The sun shone down on her, the red hair ignited to a fiery hue. She skims over the words in her book, only half-paying attention. Her mind is far off, reliving the day the boy she thought she loved broke her heart.
“I can’t be with you if I love her, (Y/N). It would’t be fair on you and I don’t want that. I don’t want to hurt you.” Archie runs his hand through his red hair, his voice regretful and full of worry as he stands stock-still in front of his now ex girlfriend.. (Y/N) and Archie have dated for four years, labelled as the couple who would go on to marry and have red-head kids and live out the rest of their days in Riverdale. They were the schools sweethearts, but now her world is crashing down around her and all he can do is watch.
(Y/N) clenches her fist, not wanting to cry in front of Archie, he can’t see her like that, and instead nods her head in acceptance. 
“How long?” She asks, voice cold, though she could feel her chest tighten and her hands begin to shake. 
Archie tries to step forward, to hug her or to just hold the girl, but she moves back so quickly it pains him. Of course he loves her, just not the way she wants him to. It isn’t his fault that his heart was captured by the mysterious new girl in town.
“A few months now.” He admits in defeat. 
She further digs her nails into her palms in rage. “Did you act on it?” 
Archie looks down at the ground and slips his hands into his letterman jacket.
And that’s all (Y/N) needs to hear before swinging at the red-head football star, causing a sickening crack and nose-bleed, and storming off to wreak havoc.
“Hey Little Red, what’cha reading?” The undeniable voice of Reggie Mantle snaps (Y/N) out of her depressing thoughts. 
She manages a weak smile as she looks at the boy in front of her. Since (Y/N) and Archie broke up seven months ago, Reggie and (Y/N) have developed a good and firm friendship. Archie was never a big fan of Reggie when the two dated, though she has no idea why. Reggie is a great guy, dare she say almost perfect.
“The same book you asked me about yesterday.” (Y/N) puts the book into her bag and rests her hand on the wooden bench. Around her, the students of Riverdale talk excitedly amongst themselves, no doubt discussing the dance next week.
Reggie grins at the girl in front of him, a feeling of adoration washing over him. He’s never been the type to get crushes, he’s always been the type to have a different girl on his arm each week. But he would leave all that behind just to have the one girl be his. 
“Fair play, Blossom. So I was thinking, there’s a party tonight, or so I’ve heard from your lovely sister. Wanna be the Leia to my Han?” Reggie asks the girl in front of him, a shit-eating grin spread across his face. 
A smile of her own spreads across (Y/N)s face. Does she feel like attending a party? Not particularly. But would she leave her best friend hanging? Definitely not.
“Reggie, count me in. Pick me up at 8, and don’t be late because I’ll make you regret it.” She stands up from the picnic bench before waving to the boy and running off to her car. Once she’s in, she sits there for a moment, confused, as the feeling of excitement enters her body for the first time in months. But she brushes it off and starts up the car.
(Y/N) approaches Reggie's car, parked just outside of the gates of Thornhill, heels echoing across the empty street. The dress she’s wearing isn’t one that Cheryl would like, since it doesn’t show as much skin as her sister is accustomed to, but still shows some cleavage. Her makeup is perfect, and her curled hair bounces on her back. She feels so good, like she hasn’t in at least two years.
Reggie locks his phone as the car door opens and (Y/N) sits down, her sweet perfume filling the car around him and making his heart melt. He turns around to greet the girl, but finds that no words want to come out as he looks at her. Has her hair always been such a  fierce red colour? Have her eyes always been this full of life? She’s gorgeous.
“Reggie, close your mouth and start driving, I wanna get there in time to make a grand entrance.” (Y/N) laughs and puts her seat belt on, knowing fine well that Reggie drives like a maniac.
Reggie fumbles with the key for a few seconds before actually managing to start the engine and begin to drive.
“You alright, Mantle?” (Y/N) asks. She’s never seen Reggie look nervous before, so this is new. He’s always cocky and full of sarcastic comments.
He just winks at her before pulling his phone out and handing it to her. 
“Do you know where that is?” Reggie asks (Y/N), who looks at the address with a sinking heart. The phone almost slips from between her fingers as she realises she does indeed know where that it. It’s Archie’s house.
(Y/N) swallows before handing the phone back to Reggie, a worried look on her face. “It’s Archie’s house.” 
Upon hearing that, and the desolate tone of her voice, Reggie immediately pulls over. He turns to the red head next to him with a look of concern.
“(Y/N) we don’t have to go. I’m sure there’s other parties on a Friday night.” Reggie reaches over and takes a hold of her hand, trying to comfort her. 
He knows what it was like for her to go through the breakup with Archie, after all he was there for her. She didn’t let anyone in, she didn’t show a bit of emotion. She quit the River Vixens, handing the role of head cheerleader to her younger sister, when she heard that Veronica wanted to try out. But she let Reggie in, for a reason unbeknown to him. And he wasn’t about to force her into anything she wouldn’t want to do. 
(Y/N) looks down at his hand in hers for a few seconds. Yes, she would rather be back at Thornhill reading a book, or go bowling with the cute guy next to her, but she has to prove a point. Is she over Archie? 90% yes, so what’s the problem? She looks so good Hell could freeze over and she’ll still be the most talked-about in town, and she has Reggie, who’s so attractive and sweet that she can’t even recall what she liked about Archie in the first place. It’s the fact that she has to face the owner of the house for the first time since she broke his nose that has her worried.
The eldest Blossom brings Reggie’s hand to her red lips, places a gentle kiss to it, and grins. 
“Reggie Mantle, drive on. We look so good we could put Prada models to shame, so why not show off?”
Jughead has always been observant, so when Reggie’s Chevrolet pulled up outside of his best friends house, with his best friends ex in the front seat, he chuckled. He knew a Blossom wouldn’t let a minor inconvenience such as a breakup ruin her night, and (Y/N) is the perfect proof of that. Jug leans back against the railing, already knowing Archie would be shocked, to say the least.
Just as Reggie’s about to open the car door to get out, (Y/N) grabs his arm and turns him around.
“Reggie, wait. Am I overdressed?” She asks him, a small smile on her lips. The rest of the party-goers are dressed casually, a few girls wearing skirts but that’s about it. With the exception of her younger sister, who just doesn’t give a shit.
The boy turns around to face her and brushes a strand of hair behind her ear.
“You’re perfect, Little Red. Now let’s go, the beer pong table is chanting our name.” Reggie smiles gently at (Y/N), before smirking and jumping out of the car to open his friends door.
(Y/N) grins at Reggie, before taking his hand and intertwining their fingers. Partially because she’s nervous. Her relationship with Archie ended on a sour note, and yes, she might have spilled coffee on Veronica once by ‘accident’, so the nerves tingle in her stomach. But also partially because she loves the feeling oh having him next to her, he comforts her more than anyone ever has.
The pair walk into the Andrews household, where the music plays so loud they can barely hear the other. Immediately, (Y/N) notices Betty’s eyes widen before running off, no doubt to find Archie and let him know his favourite red-head was in the house.
“Wanna dance? I’m sure the beer pong can wait until later.” Reggie leans in close to (Y/N) so she can actually hear him over the music, and the thought of kissing her momentarily crosses his mind. But he lets it go when the girl nods enthusiastically and starts leading him to the living room where the makeshift dance floor's at.
(Y/N) wraps her hands around Reggie’s neck and begins to sway to the beat of whatever song’s playing. She doesn’t recognise it, but that doesn’t stop her. Reggie places his hands on her hips, high enough so he doesn’t seem like a pervert, but low enough that it earns the two looks from others.
The two jump around and grind for a couple of songs, laughing and barely talking, but enjoying the others company, before Reggie pulls his favourite red head aside and into the back patio, which is much more quieter. 
“Want a drink? I’m close to dehydration.” Reggie smiles at (Y/N), who nods her head ‘yes’, which is all the boy needs before hurrying off into the kitchen.
The Blossom leans against the large garden table and thinks to herself. Reggie Mantle is a sweetheart, a real nice guy and not to mention attractive. But he’s a serial manwhore, so why am I letting myself get so attached to him? It’s in my blood to ruin lives, not get my own one ruined. So why the fuck do I get weak in the knees whenever he smiles at me? Why does my heart run a marathon whenever he accidentally brushes his hand against mine? And for fuck sake, why can’t he-
“I didn’t think you’d show up.” The all-too-familiar voice of Archie Andrews interrupts (Y/N)s thoughts. Her heart skips a beat as her eyes scan over the red head who’s sporting a warm smile on his lips. The smile that used to make her heart skip now makes her feel sick.
She doesn’t say anything, because what’s she supposed to say? ‘Sorry for crashing your party when I broke your nose and still haven’t apologised’? Or ‘I ruined your girlfriends expensive outfit so there’s that’? Or ‘Yeah you couldn’t apologise because I’d rather cut my tongue off that talk to you’?
Archie walks towards his ex and leans against the garden table next to her. He contemplates pulling her into a hug, because this is the girl he’s spent 4 years with and he still adores her. But he decides against it. “I never got the chance to apologise.” Archie crosses his arms over his chest and looks at the red head next to him. 
(Y/N) doesn’t look at him, because she could think of better things to be doing right now than talking to her cheater of an ex. Like dancing with Reggie. She stands up and turns to look at Archie, her arms resting on her hips. If looks could kill, Archie Andrews would drop dead.
“You didn’t get a chance to apologise because half an hour after you told me you cheated you were fucking Veronica in the broom closet in the English department.” (Y/N) smiles sweetly at the boy in front of her, relishing in this moment. 
Archie looks like he just got sucker-punched in the gut, and the feeling worsens when his favourite red head starts to walk away. Immediately, he reaches out to grab her hand. The awful feeling in his chest has only been getting worse and worse. He cheated on the girl who helped him when his mom left, who tutored him when he was failing class, who motivated him when he was at his lowest. And he knows it was wrong.
(Y/N) yanks her hand back from Archie’s grip so fast it stuns him momentarily, before he steps forward and tries to stop her from leaving again. He has to get the apology off his chest before it eats him alive. 
The Blossom once again tries to pull free of his grip, but this time she doesn’t manage. 
“Archie let me fucking go!” She screams at the boy, ready to break his nose once again if needed. But before she has the chance to, someone beats her to it. 
Reggie’s punch is hard enough to knock Archie to the ground, and the boy just grabs his nose and looks up at his friend in shock. Reggie gets ready to pounce on his former best friend, but a gentle hand on his shoulder stops him in his tracks. The white hot rage he feels tingle through his body slowly evaporates as he turns to look at the girl he loves. 
“Reggie, darling don’t bother with him. He’s not worth it.” (Y/N) smiles up at her favourite person, before glaring at Archie and walking away from the party with Reggie’s hand in hers. The by-standers give them looks, and Betty almost marches up to the Blossom to share her piece of mind, but gets stopped by Veronica. 
The two make their way down to Reggie’s car, and before Reggie can open the door for (Y/N), she takes a hold of his face and presses a gentle kiss to his lips. The warmth that fills both of them relaxes her and causes his throbbing hand to fade from his conscious mind. For a few seconds they just stand there, both too invested in the other to give a shit about their surroundings. 
Reggie pulls away and looks down at the girl with a small smile.
“If he ever so much as looks your way ever again I won’t hesitate to break his nose again.” He grins at (Y/N), before pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. 
As (Y/N) looks up at the star football player, her heart melts. Yes, her relationship with Archie was good, but she has a feeling that whatever is going on right now will be a million times better. 
“I trust you’ll do that. Now, wanna go to Pop’s?” She asks Reggie with a huge, genuine smile. Yes, the party’s a bust, but that doesn’t mean that the night should end. And it doesn’t.
The next few hours the pair enjoy each others company at Pop’s, drinking milkshakes, taking selfies and laughing into the early hours of the morning. Back at the party, the rumours that Reggie and the famous Blossom are dating spread like wildfire, and the two couldn’t care less, because they’re happy and finally together.
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writtenwordsoffic · 6 years
The Breakdown of It All - Jughead x Reader - requested
word count: 870
Anonymous said: Hi I love your work! And I was wondering if you can write a jughead x reader where the reader is Archie's younger sister and Jughead has to help her through their dad getting shot? 
Sorry (that once again) this has been in my inbox forever but it finally came to me how I wanted this prompt to go. And in this scenario, Betty and Jughead weren’t together for obvious reasons. Thanks for reading and enjoy!
She wasn’t going to sleep that night. Not with her dad barely out of surgery and Archie trying to get to the bottom of things. Jughead returned from outside the hospital - pacing as a natural part of his day. 
“What is it?”.
Jughead turned not realizing Y/N was watching him in the corner of the waiting room. He clenched his jaw slightly, something he did when he was lying. “Nothing...nothing...just trying to figure this out”.
“Join the club...”.
“Why don’t you get some stuff with Arch and Veronica?”.
Y/N shook her head - “Nah...they need their own time. Archie is probably having her with him right now...”. Y/N looked at her fingers as she began to fidget - waiting for more new from the doctors. 
Jughead saw her nervousness - they were always able to do that though. Archie was always the one to relinquish his feelings but Jughead and Y/N had a different bond growing up. Being silent when they were overthinking a moment or in a time that something angered or saddened them. Y/N may have been a little younger than them - but she always did act like the older one in the group. She even acted like the older sibling most times - as Archie was much more impulsive than her.
He sat down opposite of her, hunching over his back - his hands on his knees trying to get Y/N to glance back at him. Her stare was elsewhere as was her mind until she saw Jughead give a puff of air as he stretched his body back. He looked just as tired as she was in the moment. She just figured that Jughead spent the night typing away at his computer - finding solemn in the mystery of Jason’s murder having an ending. She didn’t know that he was rattling with the idea of becoming a Serpent - something that he felt reluctant to tell Archie but wanted Y/N’s take on it. Knowing that she wouldn’t have such an uproar reaction.
“I asked some people to help...”.
Y/N looked back up finally as Jughead took off his beanie - pushing his hands through his hair. And after a moment his fingers held onto a strand of his hair that he kept twisting out of nervousness. 
“What kind of help?”, Y/N looked a bit confused.
“Wel...I mean...don’t get mad”.
Y/N slightly chuckled to herself, “I’m not the one that typically gets mad in the family”.
“Truer words...Well. I asked my dad’s friends for some help. They’ve got his back...and mine too. And I mean if they can find who did this or why...”.
Jughead paused as he was trying to decipher Y/N’s facial expression. And that pause turned into one of the longest moments that Jughead had ever experienced. 
Y/N took a few minutes to process the positives and negatives to what Jughead had said. She knew his dad deserved more than prison after Mr. Blossom had the escape of death and others had to give more for the city to feel like they got justice. She also knew there was no ill will behind the Serpents with her dad, and they themselves would never go so far as hurting her dad. Espeically without a good reason. But even then - as it felt like the town was already sure that her dad’s shooter was from the South Side - she knew better. And she had known people - like Jug - who had come from that side - who proved to have more behind them than just the naming of being the son of a Serpent.
“Thank you”.
“...I’m sorry, what? I didn’t expect you to be okay with...”.
Y/N cut him off - “Are you thinking of joining them?”.
Jughead slightly sighed as he was taken aback by her way to somehow guess the next logical step in his life. She somehow figured out when his Mom was leaving, she knew before her brother did that Jughead wasn’t living at home - and she knew how crushed he was the day he said goodbye to Jellybean without him even mentioning it. And she had done it again.
“They...well they came by last night. Offered me a jacket. And it’s nice to have people who believe in my dad”.
“They aren’t the only ones you know” - Y/N quipped.
The corners of Jugheads mouth turned up - “I know”.
“Will you tell me if you join? I understand if you don’t want it getting out right now - especially with...”. Y/N’s words disappeared as she saw a doctor come out - one that she knew was working on her dad.
She got up slowly as Jughead turned to see what caught her attention. 
Y/N felt weak in her steps as the doctor came more forward - he wasn’t as easy to read for her. Jughead looked over his shoulder and in a motion of following her to the doctor - their hands found each other. Not just there out of comfort, but it was as if a magnet had guided them together. Y/N took a breathe and before the doctor spoke - all Y/N heard was Jughead say, “It’s going to be okay”.
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The Break // Jughead Jones
Summary: After your mother, Mary, is dragged into the rift with Lucifer you take off for a break from hunting. Coming to a small town called Riverdale you adapt to normal life and get some friends and a boyfriend. They have no idea of your real life until trouble comes.
Characters: Jughead Jones x Winchester!Reader, Betty Cooper, Archie Andrews, Veronica Lodge, Lacey (OFC), Chuck Clayton, Sam Winchester (mentioned) and Dean Winchester (mentioned).
Words: 2512
Disclaimer: I do not own Riverdale or Supernatural in any way, shape or form. I do not own any gifs or images in there either. All I own is Lacey and the reader too.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, blood, monsters, and fluff
Author: Caitsy
A/N: Lots of requests to do that I’m excited about! This was shit at the end though.
Master List
Prompt List
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You were staring up at the building with interest given you only had a few weeks in each school you arrived at. This was the first one you could be staying at for an indefinite time and you weren’t sure how you would survive.
“Who is that?” Your keen hearing picked up from a short distance from you.
You shoved the book bag filled with supplies that Sam had helped you pick out with a tense silence between you too. As your older brother he wasn’t excited to not have you close by. The thing was that after your mother was dragged into the rift by Lucifer. Sixteen years ago, revealed to your siblings and you by Chuck, Mary was brought to life in order to make another full Winchester child. You were sure it had to do with the Nephilim that Chuck knew would happen.
“I have no clue Kev.”
“She’s so badass.” Kevin mumbled as you stomped your way into the school in your beat up black converse. You wore a dark jean jacket that Dean had gotten you for your sixteenth birthday to replace the genuine leather jacket a fucking vampire ripped.
“Damn girl.” You sighed hearing a cocky tone of voice, “Where’ve you been all my life?”
“None of your business.” You grumbled carrying on before you felt a hand on your upper back.
Twisting away you grabbed his arm to twist behind his back, you tripped him onto the ground to get in the proper place to snap his arm. His crying was the one thing you relished in.
“Ow! You bitch!” The boy cried trying to get you off, “You will pay!”
“Not as expensive as your hospital bill.” You spat dislocating his shoulder, “Don’t touch me you fucking pig.”
You scooped your bag into your hand taking off towards the office leaving the boy on the ground in pain in a circle of students. You felt happy knowing that it would keep people away for a while. Besides you would be kept in shape so you keep your stamina you signed up for the cross country running team.
After a tour by Principal Weatherbee you collapsed onto a group in the student lounge during your spare. Living in the bunker you had corresponded with a school enough that with Sam’s help you had credits for classes you needed here.

“You dislocated Chuck Clayton’s arm and I’m living for it.” A sophisticated voice said as she sat down in the chair near you. One leg over the over with a smirk in place, “Veronica Lodge.”

“He touched me.” You grumbled leaning back into the couch, “Y/N Campbell.”
“Where are you from?” Veronica questioned. You tensed up a little before mumbling a small town in Kansas. She hummed as more student filed into the room including a football player you saw help Chuck up.
“Hey Ronnie.” A blonde girl said bouncing into the room with a large smile.
There was a redhead wearing a varsity jacket with gold and blue on it with a large R on the left side of it. Beside him was a boy that made the red head look like stark opposites. This boy wore a black jacket over a burgundy sweater and grey shirt. The crown beanie stood out the most on his head covering the dark hair.
“Who is this?” The redhead asked.

“This is my new friend Y/N Campbell. Y/N this is Betty, Jughead and Archie.” Veronica said introducing you to everyone. You saw that Jughead opened his mouth before your burner phone in your bag.
“Did you get settled in?” Sam asked when you picked up the phone. He was more of a father figure than a brother like Dean had been to him.
“Hey. Yeah I’m settled in, how’s our stupid brother?” You knew that Dean would be the most cut up over your mother being taken away again and Cas being presumed dead.
“Dean is…well he’s in denial.”
“Hm. I’ll call later. Keep safe.” You mumbled quickly hanging up before fleeing the room to your first class of the day.
What you didn’t know was Jughead caught a glimpse of the multiple burner phones in your bag and the knife. That was enough to send Jughead into bloodhound mode. He issued an excuse to his friends before following you.
“Strange.” Jughead hummed as you disappeared into a classroom that was a senior class. He knew you were in sophomore year like he was. You didn’t seem like the academic type to be ahead of other sixteen year olds.
You however followed the English teacher’s to introduce yourself before reading the chapter for the class and writing a reflection. The teacher seemed easy going than what you were warned of from Sam but with Sam you were ahead of the game.
“You’re new.” A girl said with her head tilted to the side. You met eyes with brownish gold eyes with a wicked smile, “Lacey.”
“It’s obvious given I was introduced at the new student.” You returned picking up where you had been reading. It seemed the girl refused to let you ignore her.
“I heard you joined the cross country team.” Lacey said, “Don’t wear really short shorts. Chuck with eyeball you.”
“I took care of him.” You sighed, “Can you leave me alone?”
“Nah. You seem cool and I like cool people. Not many like being friends with the captain of the wrestling team.”
You froze turning to look her in the eye and it was then you noticed the blue and gold varsity jacket hanging on the back of her chair. It had a large R like Archie’s and the number 19 on the arm with Lacey delicately sewn in the arm.
“You’re the captain of a wrestling team?”

“Well I wasn’t allowed to be on the football team. Jason and Chuck made sure I didn’t get on so I dominated the wrestling team. Literally the reason we won last year’s championship and then I was made captain.”
“Congrats I guess.” You sighed before the bell rang.
“You should eat with me.”
“No thanks.” You returned heading towards the cafeteria not wanting anything to do people at this school. You wanted to get through the year before heading back to your hell of a life.
“I don’t give up.” Lacey called as you headed into the doors. The food looked better than some of the diner food you’ve eaten over the years.
You had nicely sat down at a table outside when the clang of a tray sounded and Veronica sank into the seat. The others trickled in within a few minutes not caring if you wanted to alone or not. You resigned yourself to knowing that Veronica wouldn’t give a shit.
“How’s your day so far?”

“It was better when I was eating alone.”
“Leave the angst to me.” Jughead informed eating one of the fries off his tray with a sarcastic smile in your direction.
“No offences but I don’t want friends.” You firmly stated going to get up before Betty rested a hand on your forearm.
There was something about the innocence she exuded that slowly made you accept that having some friends wouldn’t be so bad. It just meant you would have to hide the weapons in your house that you were staying in with a retired female hunter. You would have to carefully construct a backstory and carefully choose how to talk about your life.
“How old are you?” Archie asked taking a bite out of his sandwich.
“I am too.” Jughead inserted with a firm distrustful expression on his face.
The others announced their ages just as another redhead came up to your table with a cold and calculated smile. Obviously came from wealth and ruled the school. Probably a cheerleader by how she held herself and her body shape.
“Cheryl Blossom.” The manicured hand grabbed your hand to shake before she wiped her hand on her skirt. You obviously disgusted her.
“What can I help you with.” You questioned slumping down in your seat.
“You should try out for the cheerleading team. You have the perfect body and you have a potentially pretty face.”
“No thanks.” You said picking up your food on your plate, “I have no interest wearing a short skirt and worrying about my hair.”

“You could be someone if you joined.”

“Nah. I’m comfortable being a nobody. Besides I have these people to annoy me. I don’t need a spoilt rich brat to make me want to stab my face out.”

“Wow. Your psycho even more than Betty Cooper and her sister is a tragic story of teen pregnancy.”
“Oh fuck off.” You spat, “All you are is a basket face from a family that cares more for money and reputation than you. Bet mommy’s hit you huh?”

Cheryl stomped off with a huff and a threat to take you down and you didn’t even give a shit.
Three months went by with you hanging out with your friends you had slowly warmed up to, you didn’t even think of hunting anymore. You were hesitantly dating Jughead and keeping it quiet so only your friends knew about the relationship. You hadn’t heard of a hunt outside of the mysterious death of Jason Blossom that was completely human. Well until Greendale had a few murders that had no motive human wise.
That’s why when you were walking to Archie’s house after watching Lacey’s wrestling match you knew something was off in the look of a man staring at you. His eyes flashed back before you knew that shit was hitting the fan. You groaned before dodging the punch of the demon wearing a middle aged meat suit. You caused blood to drip down the demon’s face.

“When I heard of the Winchester girl not being protected by her big brothers I knew I could make my move.” The demon smirked easily dodging your hits and kicks before the man grabbed the angel blade in your hand and stabbed you in your stomach.
You stared down at the blade in shock looking up as he sliced into your skin shallowly before laughing manically.
“Ooh I think we should go into that house and kill your friends as you watch unable to help.” The demon snickered doing as he said by storming into the house.
The group seeing you bleeding held by the unknown man jumped up in absolute horror when he stabbed you in the shoulder this time. He pushed you aside and stumbled when you kicked him in the knee causing him to drop the angel blade.
“Let us have some fun.” The demon clapped his hands with a near giddy expression, “Do they know about you?”

“No you bitch.” You spat painfully getting your feet, “Leave them out of this.”

“Look baby Winchester. Your family has been causing too much trouble and if I can’t kill your brothers I’ll do the next best thing.”
“Winchester?” Jughead asked confused, “Your last name is Campbell.”

The demon started laughing as he looked at you almost disappointed.
“Not even a good alias. You’re a knockoff Winchester.”
“Oh hell no.” You spat rushing him with kick in the stomach. You were thankful the adrenaline was helping you even with the blood loss.
“Little girl you can’t fight shit.” He spat with a glare. He grabbed your arm throwing you onto the ground, “I think I’ll kill you first then your little friends.”
“Over my dead body.” You hissed shoving your elbow into his face before another kick into his midsection. He stumbled with a right hook across his face and roundhouse kick onto the floor.
“That can be arranged.” He said spitting blood on the ground. He tried stepping out before he was stopped, “Devil’s trap.”
You flipped the rug up to reveal a red large devils trap on the hardwood floor. You chuckled tilting your head to the side as your wobbled on your feet.
“Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas omnis incursio infernalis adversarii. Omnis legio! Omnis con…potestas-“
“Stop it!” He screamed as you began to exorcism, “You won’t kill me! You can’t kill me because you are useless human.”
“Your demon. Couldn’t even snag an attractive meat suit.”

“What the hell is going on?” Veronica demanded as the scene unfolded.
“Your human friend is dying. That’s what up.” The demon wickedly smiled.
“I can’t.” You winced as the blood loss became evident. You weakly grabbed the angel blade on the ground before stepping near the demon and shoving the blade into his heart. The orange light lit up under the demon’s skin before the vessel collapsed dead on the spot and you fell down struggling to breathe.
“What the hell?!” Archie exclaimed falling down to pressed his hands on your stab wound on your stomach, “You murdered someone in my house and he lit up!”
“He’s a demon.”
“Bullshit.” Jughead monotonously said.
“Explain to me why he lit up then?” You gasped as they came to terms with the news, “Call my brothers on my phone.”

“You kill demons.”
“The monsters under your beds and in stories.” You mumbled seeing black dots in your vision. You weakly coughed up blood onto your chin with a wince, “Cas. Help me! Cas!”
“Who’s Cas?”

“Castiel please!” You sobbed as you felt yourself falling into the pit of death.
“I am Castiel. An angel of the lord.” the gritty voice of your angel friend said as he knelt beside you, “Demon stabbed you?”

“I don’t want to die Cas.” You whimpered.
“Y/N you cannot tell your brothers I’m alive.” Cas warned you with a stern expression before he pressed two fingers on your forehead, “Y/N I can’t fully heal you. I slowed it down but I can’t heal you.”
“I want my brothers.” You sobbed accepting your fate just before another light blasted into the room. Standing in all his glory was Chuck with a concerned expression and two men behind him, “Chuck?”
“I need you to be alive.” Chuck sighed before healing you completely while Sam and Dean lunged for you.
“What the hell.” Veronica stated as she was able to see again.
“This is my brothers Sam and Dean Winchester. This is Chuck…he’s-“
“An angel.” Betty quipped.

“Not exactly.” Sam inserted slowly before stepping forward.
“Chuck is god.”
“I’m in shock.” Jughead mumbled as Castiel flashed away with the body and the floor was cleaned up, “My girlfriend hunts demons and monsters. My girlfriend is a badass. I just met God.”
“Can you tell us how you got into this?” Betty softly asked as Jughead held your hand.
And you did. From when your mother first died until Jack being born your age and everything in between even when your brother interrupted to add their own bits to the story. They didn’t fully understand but they didn’t see you any different and having Jughead love you more was worth them knowing your past.
Forever Tag List
@cityofsobbingfangirls @tas898 @barbidollash @trustnobodyshootfirst @winchesterfanfiction @deanwinchesterisamazing @oh-my-hecky-padalecki @padackles2010 @msimpala67 @deangirl5509 @heyitssilverwolf @therealme13posts @petlaufeyson @professionally-crazed @winterhurricane @tearsandbloodofmyenemies @blackwidow-romanoff @crazybarnes @marvelofcourse @takemetothefictionalworld @destiel67bellarke @ohmy-sammy @fightinthepain @vivabucky @waituntilthedustsettles @daydreaming1393 @cumonbucky @inhumans-of-shield @basicwhiskeyprincesss @soulfull-ofevans @spookass @glitterintheairblog @girl-with-wild-dreams @frickin-bats @darkestgrungeuniverse @shamvictoria11 @buckyappreciationsociety @sammysgirl1997 @fly-f0rever @archer-whovian-violinist @jenn0755 @anamarieswift2194 @unicornofdanger @ifyoudie @jealousbitxh @stormin-thru-glitter @sparklyaura @stilescstilinski @curlyxtomato @katshrev @its-sanaa-k @theoismydad @im-a-light-child @tmriddler @flirtswithdanger @divide-supermarketflowers @arkhamasylumpatient-blog1 @introverted-fandom-human @jennylj16 @potterandbucky @harleenq4life @runs-with-sciss0rs @superhero-lover101 @ridingmoxley
Riverdale Taglist
@n0average @ateliefloresdaprimavera @sgarrett49 @jarchiee @casismyguardianangel @supernovares @juggie-sprouse @an-enigmatic-avenger @leah-khaleesi @rax-writes @shameless-danni @rapunzxl @peetapansneverland @peetapansneverland @sebby-staan @katshrev @zachmantle @30inlovewiththecoco1 @semoremohhh @gilly-grantgustin-the-flash-glee @roses-are-bae @jackyfrost01 @cheytheredhead @my-baby-daryldixon @ladyfairenvale
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xlijahsgirl · 7 years
Doubts - FP Jones | Riverdale
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A/N: I am sorry for being inactive, but not only school started again, but I also caught the flu, a really bad one, which caused me to sleep all day. No promises that I will update every day again, but I try to write as much as I can between exams and projects since this is my last year of school. I hope you like this one, which was requested a long time ago!
Requested by Anonymous; " Hiya, you're an amazing writer. Ok, what I'm about to ask of you may sound extremely weird so it's completely up to you if you're up for writing it. Can you do an imagine where FP gets an 18 year old (still a student of Riverdale high) pregnant and it's all angsty and fluffy. Just wanted to see something different written about FP other than illicit affairs. TY! XOXO...."
Pairing: FP Jones x Female!Reader
Fandom: Riverdale
Warning: Just angsty and fluffy
Number of Words: 1063
With a shaking hand, you closed your locker. It was past school time, but you did not leave the bathroom since lunch. While everyone was out, taking a relieving break, you cried in the bathroom, after you found out the shocking news. You were pregnant. Since your parents were really strict, your friend got you a pregnancy test. Since not many people would actually use their only break to go to the toilet, nobody interrupted the two of you.
Once you took the test, your friend decided to leave you alone. She knew that you needed time. After all, you were in your last year of high school and your parents did not even know about your relationship. Last summer, between your junior and senior year, you met FP Jones in a bar in the south. In the first second, you did not only knew about the sexual tension between the two of you, but you knew that he was a Serpent too. After many nights of sensual moments, you made it official between the two of you. A lot of people did not know about his good side. Everyone just saw the bad guy, who was befriended with drug dealers and thieves. That was the main reason, why you did not tell your parents about it, but he was also a lot older than you.
It was not illegal, well not anymore, since you were eighteen, but school was really important to your parents. They wanted you to be a lawyer or a doctor. You, on the other hand, wanted to work with children. Having an own child, however, was something completely different. Right now, you did not only worried about your future but also about your relationship with your boyfriend. You were afraid that he would not want it since he already had two older children. Jughead, who was just two years below you, but also his younger daughter, Jellybean.
It even got worse, as Jughead came around the corner and spotted you. Not long, after he started talking to his dad again, he found out about your relationship. At first, he was not happy since he wanted his mother and sister to come back, but as he saw, how much you meant to each other, he accepted it. He stopped walking as he saw your tear-stained face. A flash of concern appeared on his face. "Hey, Y/N. Are you okay?" You open your mouth to say, 'Everything is fine', something you said a lot, but an only sob left your mouth. Jughead just stared at you for a moment, before he wrapped his arms awkwardly around you. "Come on, we go somewhere private," He told you and lead you to the common room.
Once both of you entered the room, you sat down on the couch. Jughead followed your lead and placed a comforting hand on your back. "Did something happened between you and my dad? Do you want me to talk to him?" He asked with a worried tone, which broke your heart even more. How could you tell him that he would get another sibling? Not even from the same mother. You feared that he would get mad and FP would choose his son over you and the unborn child. It never bothered you before, but this child also should get the same support and love as Jughead and Jellybean.
"I am so sorry Jughead," You whispered while tears kept rolling down your cheek. "What do you mean, Y/N?" Jughead asked and you took a deep breath, preparing yourself. "I am pregnant." You replied, looking down. In this moment, you could not look at him. Disappointment probably appeared on his face, so you did not expect his sudden touch. Jughead wrapped one arm around your shoulder, pulling you against his warm body.
"Is it my dad's?" Jughead asked and you pulled away from his embrace. Once he saw your glance of disbelief, he chuckled nervously, "Just checking in." You replied nothing. "You should tell him. Not only because he is the father, but also because you need some comfort. Like you just saw, I am not really good at it." You shot him a smile, which probably looked like a grimace, as a thankful gesture. "Still thank you, Jughead." With a last glance, you walked out of the room, knowing you have at least Jughead's support.
It took you over twenty minutes to reach the trailer. It was raining and it reflected your emotions. You felt uncomfortable and sad, which followed with tears leaving your eyes. FP saw you as you entered the trailer park and opened the door of his trailer. He got worried when you did not come, straight after school ended. "Hey, I already began to worry. Maybe you got kidnapped by a Cooper or Blossom." He joked, but his smile dropped as he saw your expression. "Everything okay?" FP asked and closed the door behind you. You turned to him and pointed towards the couch. "Maybe you should sit down?" Your boyfriend looked confused but still sat down. "Are you breaking up with me?" He asked, but you shook your head. Actually, you expected him to break up with you.
"No, but there is something else." You told him and he took both of your hands in his. "You know, you can tell me everything." FP's words made you smile, even when you were not in the mood for it. "I am pregnant." You told him quietly, but still loud enough for him to understand. He stood up and stayed close to you. "Pregnant?" He repeated your words and you nodded. FP broke out into a smile and pulled you into a kiss. In the first second, you were surprised, but when you felt his soft lips on yours, you relaxed and closed your eyes. His arms went around your waist and he pulled you close.
Slowly, you pulled away from his lips. "I was afraid that you would not want it and break up with me." You told him and he caressed your cheek. "I am not only in love with you," This was the first time he told you that he loved you, "but I am also in love with our child already." You gave him a watery smile before telling him, "I love you too," and pulled him back into another kiss.
Tag-List: @preciousgalvan @sour-kangaroo1998 @kapolisradomthoughts @obrigadoneymar
Jughead-Tags: @sparklyaura
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lxme-xss-imxgines · 7 years
Family // FP & Jughead Jones
Request: Can you do a FP Jones x reader x Jughead Jones oneshot where the reader is FP's gf for awhile & Jug has never liked the reader(you can make up why he don't like her). When she gets prego w/ FP's baby, Jug gets distant towards FP&everyone? When the reader is 9 mo, she goes into labor but FP isn't there to be w/ her bc he's in jail or something, so she begs for Jug to be there bc she doesn't want to be alone. he gives in & he's happy to meet his new baby sibling & calls reader mom? Fluff plz! 
 Pairing: FP Jones x girlfriend!reader, jughead jones x mom!reader
 Words: 2053 
 Warnings: fluuuufffff, may kill u 
 A/n: y/b/n, is your baby's name. Also, I hope y'all like this. 
You pace the length of the trailer bathroom nervously, eyeing the piece of plastic on the counter every so often. This is the most nervous you've felt in your whole life. While FP was asleep, you ran to the nearest drug store and picked up a pregnancy test. 
You had missed your period for two months now, and the first time you dismissed it as an irregularity because of your birth control. However, once the second month rolled around and there was still no blood, you knew something was up. So here you are. 
You decided that you would wait until you knew for sure before scaring the shit out of FP. Come to think of it, you had no idea how he would react. The thought just made you more nervous. Over a minute had passed, and you thought for sure that the pregnancy test must be done. You had placed it upside down on the toilet lid so you wouldn't have to look at it. You picked it up, flipping it around . . . All of the air was taken from you as you saw the two lines on the stick. 
 You were excited, but the uncertainty of FP's reaction overshadowed it. You take a deep breath, grabbing the stick and hiding it behind you. Walk out of the bathroom and toward the kitchen, and you smell freshly brewed coffee. 
 As you walk into the kitchen, you see FP's back turned to you. "Uh, FP," your voice comes out weak. 
 He turns around,"Morning, baby. Coffee?" He notices your worried expression instantly,"Are you alright?" You clear your throat, but then decide that you didn't really need to talk. 
You brought the stick that was previously hidden behind your back into view, and FP's eyes widen.  He doesn't say anything, and you feel tears come to your eyes,"I'm pregnant, Forsythe." He still says nothing, and tears drop down your cheeks. 
He's been staring at your stomach this whole time, but finally looks up at you,"Hey, why are you crying, doll? This is a good thing, right?" 
 "It is? I just didn't know if you were ready or if you thought-" His laughter cuts you off, and you send a confused expression. You were sitting here crying and he thinks this is funny? 
 "Baby, sweetheart. Of course we're ready. I've got a job, you've got a job. We love each other. The next thing is, well, is this," he says with a cheeky smile. 
 "Oh thank god," you run up to him, encasing him in hug. You can't hear the door open over your excitement. 
 "Hey, dad- whoa, sorry," Jughead suddenly walks in, and looks away. 
 "Jug, its fine. We were just hugging," you separate from FP, both of your mouths still smiling wide. 
 Jug turns back to you, him being the confused one now,"What's with all the excitement?" But as soon as he finishes his sentence, he notices the stick you're holding. His face drops instantly,"Oh. You're pregnant." "
Wow, Jughead. Don't sound so enthusiastic," his dad retorts. 
 "So this is actually a thing. You're not just replacing mom, but you're trying to replace Jellybean too," he says with a hard expression. You open your mouth to say something, but decide it's probably better if FP handled it. 
 "Jug, I've been with y/n for over a year. You have to accept this, and you have to accept your mom left me and doesn't want to come back. I will love this child, but no more than I love you or Jellybean," FP says with a hopeful look. Jughead just shakes his head and exits the trailer. 
 After you had gotten pregnant, Jughead almost completely cut off ties with you and his father. He was even being distant toward his friends, but not on purpose. 
 You're about seven months along, and you had just witnessed FP getting arrested for the murder of Jason Blossom. This murder case has put a damper on your mood throughout your pregnancy, with FP trying his hardest to keep your mind off of it. For you and the baby's sake. The news about FP being arrested hasn't spread yet, so you decide it would be best for Jug to hear it from you. Even if he hates you. 
 After taking longer than what is normal to get your shoes on, you get in your car, making your way to Pop's, the best place for you to search for Jughead. When you arrive, you see through the glass hay Jughead is sitting with his three friends, like usual. You walk into Pops, your eyes still red from crying when they took FP away. 
 Approaching the booth, Archie clears his throat and gets Jughead's attention. He looks up at you, previously smiling, but it drops when he realizes who it is. 
"Can I talk to you Jug? It's important, about your father," you croak. 
 "You can tell me in front of them," he says, sneering slightly. 
 "Uh, okay, if you insist," he stays silent when you pause. "Okay, well. FP has just been arrested for the murder of Jason Blossom. I just thought you should be the first one to know." 
 All four of the teens eye's widen, and no one says anything until Betty speaks up,"Uh, thanks for telling us Y/n." You nod, exiting the diner. You almost wish you wouldn't have told Jughead, and would've let him find it out for himself. But then he'd only hate you more. 
 two months later
"Well, looks like I'm having a baby," you glance down at the floor in disgust at the pool of water between your legs. You sigh, deciding that with contractions, it may not be the best to drive. So you decide the best way to go would be to call Fred Andrews, FP's best friend. You dial his number, waiting patiently for him to pick up the phone. 
 F: hello? 
 Y: hey, yeah, it's y/n. My water just kind of broke, and I don't think I'm in the best position to drive myself to the hospital. 
 F: oh. Oh! Oh shit! Yeah, I'll be there in five. Just, uh, hang in there? 
 Y: yeah, sure. Just hurry, please. 
 You hang up your phone, grabbing a drawstring bag with some things you want to take to the hospital with you. You walk out to the porch of the trailer barefoot (because honestly, you weren't bending over at this point) and wait for Fred to pull up. Once he does, he puts it in park and rushes up to you, helping you to the passenger side of his truck. There was no way in hell you were getting up there yourself. 
 Once you were both in the car and on the way to the hospital, a sudden wave of depression hit you. Hormones for one, and the fact that you knew FP wouldn't be there for you. You pull out your cellphone, scrolling to the only contact that would make sense to call. Jughead. He doesn't answer you, of course, but you leave a voicemail. "Hey, Jug. I just wanted to let you know that I'm going into labor, and your dad can't be with me so I was really, really hoping you would come and see your sibling be born. I know it may be a lot to ask. I'm begging you. I cannot do this alone. I know you hate me, but I've grown to love you. And I really hope I'll see you in that hospital room." You hang up with a sigh, and you then realize that you're at the hospital. 
 "He's a good kid. I'm sure he'll show up. You sure you're alright on your own?" Feed questions. 
 "Yeah, I'll be fine. I do need help getting out of this truck though," you say with a laugh. 
It's an hour later, and you're squirming in your hospital room. Contractions are bad, and you just wish this sucker would pop out already. You reach for your phone, about to leave Jughead the fourth voicemail. To your surprise, he picks up this time. 
 "Y/n, you've left me three voicemails. What could you possibly want from me that bad?" He questions, slightly agitated. 
 "Well, I'm currently contracting a lot, my water broke earlier. Soon I'll be popping this child out of me, and I was really hoping you would be here with me because your father can't." Before he can reply, you drop your phone as you grip the bed rails, another painful contraction coming on.
 A nurse comes in,"Alright, Miss L/n, it's time to go. Is anyone coming?" 
 "I think my step son might be coming, the baby's brother, but I don't know," you squirm again. 
 "Alright, we'll keep an eye out for him," she replies and begins to push your bed to another room as a contraction comes on. 
 "SON OF A F-" 
 "Alright, get ready to push!" You look around nervously, not seeing Jughead. He didn't come. He hates you that much, that he'd skip out on seeing his little brother or sister be born? 
“Y/n, push!" You let out a deranged scream as you push again, feeling like you're getting nowhere. As the doctor tells you to push again, you feel a hand on yours. You open your eyes, half expecting to see FP, but instead see Jughead. You mouth a thank you to him as you're commanded once again to push, and you scream in pain. 
You tighten your grip on Jughead's hand as a reaction, and he grabs back. Maybe he doesn't hate you so much after all. You pushed and pushed with all your might, thinking that you were going to break Jughead's hand. 
 "Young man, would you like to cut the umbilical cord?" Jughead looks back to you for approval and you nod your head with a smile. You see his eyes crinkle and know that he's smiling too. 
 After the cord is cut, a nurse takes the baby momentarily to clean them off. After a moment, the nurse walks over to you,"Here's your beautiful baby girl." 
 You hold her in your arms, tears rolling down your face from the extreme joy swelling in your chest. "Hello, little y/b/n," you say with a smile. 
 "Y/b/n? Let me guess, dad's idea?" Jughead asks with a smile. 
 "Of course." 
 After the baby (finally) was delivered, you and Jughead were sent back to your original hospital room. The nurses said after they cleaned the baby and wrapped her up, they would bring her to you. 
 "Alright, Miss L/n. Here's your baby girl. When you want to rest just let one of us or this young man here know, and then we can lay her down," the nurse says with a smile as she hands you your daughter. 
 You stroke her little nose, it was definitely FP's. You couldn't wait to see her little eyes open. Her hair was dark, like FP's also. That definitely had given you heart burn. You look over at Jughead, who decided to stay and take a seat in the corner.  "Jug, you want to hold her?" 
You look at him with a lazy smile. He gets up from his chair, swallowing nervously. He walks to you, and you hand him y/b/n,"Make sure her head is resting on your arm." 
 "Okay, okay," Jughead mumbles nervously. "She's so tiny." He mutters as he gazes down at her. 
 "Yeah, most babies are," you respond. 
 He rolls his eyes,"Still a smart ass on pain meds, I see." He looks at the baby, and to your surprise, starts talking to her. 
"Hi, y/b/n. I'm sorry your dad can't be here right now, but your big brother is. And I love you very much. So is mom. She loves you the most, probably. And even though I don't act like it, I'm very grateful for her, and even more for you." Your mouth drops open a little bit when the word 'mom' comes out of his mouth, but you smile immediately afterwards.
 "Jughead Jones, a softie. Who would have thought," you smile. 
 He rolls his eyes again, smiling still. "Babies do that to ya."
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