#blobby nose
tenth-sentence · 7 months
There were long, pointed noses, and long, soft noses like small trunks, and great blobby noses.
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"The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair" - C. S. Lewis
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centi-pedve · 4 months
tbh we don't have beef with the jelly art style or whatever visually. it's cute. we just wish the people who really like it could be honest about the fact that they're mostly just interested in drawing primarily young attractive people which is Fine instead of insisting "no no no the art style works for every type of person!! (:" while also turning around and going "full feminine lips long eyelashes and intensive softness are integral to the artstyle"
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sillywizardvoice · 27 days
let’s talk about bonzo. fucking asshole shit face bonzo, can’t even buy his own motherfucking house bonzo, lunchbox in comic sans frankly embarrassing goddamn blobby knockoff bonzo. i REFUSE to call that waste of space “mister” because he is undeserving of my time and respect. He’s a freak and gets paid to murder people, LIKE WORKS FOR THE FUCKING GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM and he STILL lives with Nigel Dickface. From the moment I had to see his ugly ass yellow eggplant-for-a-nose face during the ARG i knew he was a piece of shit and guess what? time and time again i am proven right. If I ever have to hear him and his jaundiced ass again i am going to end the episode, unsubscribe from protocol, delete spotify, and scream. I want him to die a death where he is ground up Mikaele Salesa style, or maybe has each of his stupid motherfucking orange spots popped one by one. Do not come to me with your defenses for this sickly excuse for a creature. I don’t care whether he is a bear or a twink or a twunk he is BONZO he is SHIT and i HATE HIM. Stupid cocky asshole has a goddman theme song with children singing about him WHERE DID THOSE CHILDREN FUCKING COME FROM he is ugly and i haet him. fucking illiterate piece of televised garbage i hope nigel dickenass wakes up in a cold sweat every night because he created such an abhorrent monstrosity. i hope he knows it lives in his stupid fucking house wearing a stupid fucking fedora and i hope idiot loser bonzo kills him and then kills itself. i would celebrate his death every year with a cupcake that says I HATE FUCKING BONZO.
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rosielav · 1 year
Idk what happened at 10pm yesterday when I had to come back into work to meet a late crew.
Apparently I was feeling uh. Something. About Alina. So.
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Mr Bonzo’s on his way
(description under cut)
image one description: two depictions of Mr Bonzo from The Magnus Protocol. the first is child friendly and brightly coloured: he has a pink hat with a yellow flower sticking out the top, a puffy white shirt with ruffles on the neck and cuffs, pink and blue striped overalls, giant yellow gloves and big black clown shoes. he has a long, toothy grin with bright red lips and cheeks, oval eyes with red triangles on the top of sides of his eyes, pale pink skin, and a big red nose. he is very round, with a small head and no neck, which leads into a large belly and short legs. underneath him, with an arrow pointing to him, is a note that reads 'canonically a Mr Blobby recolour but fuck it, we ball.' next to him is a scarier version. the outfit is the same but desaturated, baggier and ill-fitting. his large hands drag on the ground behind him and knobbly knees bow under his weight. his grin is longer with wrinkles around where it stretches his face. his eye holes are still ovals, but round eyeballs sit in the middle, with dark space above and below. above the main drawings, three doodles fill the empty space: a cuter, laughing Mr Bonzo, a crude drawing of Mr Blobby with the words 'gross, disgusting, ew' around him, and a nervous and sweating Gwen asking if Mr Bonzo can read, with a note underneath her reading 'woman with PRIORITIES!!'
image two description: two close ups of the scarier Mr Bonzo's face. the first is unchanged, but a halftone is layered over his toothy grin. a label on his left reads 'costume has a mesh mouth for actor to see out of.' the second close up has real teeth, each one long and blunt and textured like wood chips. The teeth are evenly spaced apart from each other, but not touching. the inside of his mouth is a dark, brownish red, getting darker towards the back of his throat. a label on his right reads 'mesh falls away to reveal teeth (not soft)'
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runwayrunway · 9 months
id be interested in seeing you rank plane emojis from different platforms (by their livery, or by whatever else) just for fun, if you want!
You're right. I WILL do this for fun, because this is fun. Not based on livery, since they're mostly white with blue wings - just how much I like them. I'll be adding a rating out of 10 for each one because I think that's the tradition for this sort of thing.
Apple - 4/10
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I mean, because I have an iPhone this is my default conception of an airplane emoji - I think it's fine, I just find it a bit offputting how they model the individual flaps and cockpit windows but the rest of it is a white airbrushed tube. It's a weird contrast.
It's fine, I think. Acceptable. I maybe think emojis by default aren't the most aesthetically pleasing.
Google Noto Color Emoji - 4.5/10
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I think this is a slight improvement over the Apple version because of the more consistent stylization. It's also a little more contemporary, since most airliners that are flying now have two engines. I like that they added a few windows and highlights to keep the cabin interesting, and I think it's a bit...something that they took off the flaps but added flap track fairings. Cockpit windows look awful though.
Samsung - 2/10
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This is a bit more of a realistic shape for an airplane but for some reason I don't like it. Maybe it's the fact that you can barely recognize that there's a tailfin at all, or the cockpit window looking weirdly...shiny? I think what gets me the most, though, is that those engines look like Super Mario pipes.
Microsoft - 1/10
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She's a little...phallic somehow. I just think a top-down view of an airplane is almost always going to look worse if you make it super round and blobby. On the bright side, it's still recognizable as a plane.
WhatsApp - 7.5/10
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I really like the way this one is red. Way to stand out in a crowd. It's also quite realistic without giving up on being stylized. My one issue is with the cockpit windows, which look a bit out-of-place and weird. This seems to be a common point of failure for this sort of emoji. Also, I'm unsure if this is meant to be a two-engined 747, but if it is points off for those not existing.
Twitter - 6/10
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I hate to ever hand it to Twitter but this is just solid. That's an airplane, just a very simplified and round one. Even the cockpit windows on this one look okay.
Facebook - 3.5/10
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Maybe airplane emojis with airbrush shading just look bad to me. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with the shape of this but I don't think they differentiated the tailfin from the fuselage enough. It looks like a stub. Also, what is up with that miserably short wing chord?
Telegram - 7/10
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I mean, it looks like a 3D version of the Apple one, but it's surprising how much making it 3D improves it. Plus, gotta hand it to them deciding their emoji was being flown by Tex Johnston. I admire that sort of verve.
Microsoft Teams - 0/10
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On the flipside, animating this one and making it 3D makes it so much worse! It looks like it was made right when people just figured out that 3D animation was a thing that was possible to do, back in the 50s or something. And boy are those pixels crunchy - I wouldn't mind this if it weren't already heinous. Seriously, how is that tailfin even attached?
Skype - 10/10
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Now this I really like. Most of these are impossible to assign a model to but this distinctly looks to me like one of the earlier, stubbier 737s, just really short with a pointy nose, and she's waving at you. Crisp, nice smooth animation, just fantastic.
Twitter Emoji Stickers - 0/10
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Looks bad. One of the few of these which are very easy to recognize as a specific model of airplane - this is clearly a 747, based on the inclusion of the hump. There is a reason basically none of the others are trying to be a 747. Adding a weird lump to the front of your emoji doesn't really make it any less weird-looking, and rendering a plane from above tends to be weird-looking already. It looks like she was stung by a bee.
JoyPixels - 6.5/10
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As with the WhatsApp red, I appreciate anything setting itself aside in color, so I have to compliment the choice of this sort of toothpastey green. This is one of the better simplified airplanes we've gone over today, and the only thing I really dislike is that it has the same issues with the tailfin Facebook does.
Toss Face - 0/10
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I can barely tell this is supposed to be an airplane. It makes me want to, excuse the mental image, toss face.
JoyPixels Animations - 10/10
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Now THIS is what I'm talking about! Just a nice little pixel aircraft, doing the same sort of smooth wriggling as the Skype airplane - no criticisms.
Sony PlayStation - small/10
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Adequate, but too small to really assess further - but the fact that I don't dislike anything about it is honestly a credit at this point.
Noto Emoji Font - 3.5/10
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This just looks like the Samsung emoji but rendered with plain lines. Removing detail from these tends to improve them.
OpenMoji - 0/10
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Oh, no, I take it back! Too few details! It's like a torpedo with wings awkwardly stapled on. A really phallic one at that.
emojidex - what the hell/10
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I think this more or less looks fine, and the livery it has also looks fine, but I'm so thrown off by the fact that I don't think this is a real airplane. I am obviously not an authority on every model of airplane ever built but I'm reasonably sure this isn't a real one. It most resembles a BAe 146/Avro RJ, the only four-engined t-tail plane intended for passengers rather than heavy cargo. But the 146/RJ has high wings, located above the cabin windows, so...what is this airplane? What does emojidex know that they're not telling us?
Messenger - 7/10
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While not ugly per se, it's a bit futuristic for my taste. Still, the choice to model it from a position other than directly from the top avoids a lot of the pitfalls that make many of these so bad to look at.
LG - 4/10
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Boring? Yeah, without question. But this is just a good representation of an airplane, and at this point I'll accept that. Does the tail thing, though.
HTC - 3/10
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Something about the way this is shaped makes this look more like a rocketship than an airplane. Or a Convair Pogo.
SoftBank - 5/10
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A decent pictoral representation of an airplane. See: LG. Fixes the tail thing.
Docomo - 5.5/10
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Also a decent pictoral representation of an airplane, but I think rendering it in silhouette gets rid of many of the pitfalls associated with airplane emojis. No details to mess up, just the shape of an airplane. Why do the majority of these have four engines? Seriously, there are only three four-engine airliners in passenger service right now. Have the people designing these not flown since the early aughts?
au by KDDI - 2.5/10
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Okay, I know I've been saying being a good representation of an airplane is good enough but this is just simplifying too far. This isn't an emoji, it's a unicode character.
Mozilla - 1/10
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Why pointy but only sometimes? Why does the tail pinch in like that? It's ugly, Mozilla, you made an ugly one.
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adiproseprose · 11 months
Pig Status: Released
You swell with each suckle of the machine, thick shake violently dumping itself down your throat and into your arteries. Into your belly. It stretches down to your shins, now, an endless void of creamy white fat, keeping you pinned to your hospital bed. You don’t know how long you’ve been here. There is no day, no night. No one but you. Pump. Swallow. Pump. Swallow. 
You’re propped up on the bed in a way that gives you a view of your endlessly growing expanse. Diabetic, fat padded feet that grow worryingly swollen and red. Tits two garbage bags of meat stretching down to the center of your stomach. The real centerpiece is all your but hips. A spread of lard, dripping off the sides of your hospital bed, inching towards the floor with each calorie. Tubby hands to fat to close, skin stretched so tight you can hardly feel them. 
A sharp tingle runs down your shoulder, and your increasingly degrading muscles are overcome by weakness. Your swallowing, normally rhythmic and robotic, becomes more panicked. You muffle cries as your heart beats become harder and more painful, quick bursts of sharpness radiate throughout your whole upper body. The fat laden substance being forced into you, clogging each organ and ridding you of basic human function. Wheezing through your nose oxygen barely grazing your blubber, choked lungs as you wiggle your upper arms, cry desperate, muffled cries, anything to make it stop. 
What you didn’t expect, however, was for the tube shoved so far down your throat that refusing to swallow was impossible, wiring and slowly depositing itself from your mouth. You gasp, thick shake still coating your mouth, taking in air for the first time in ages. You pant underneath your own mass, and let out a massive BURP that echoes throughout the room. You want to look around, but your fat neck and blobby double chin prevent you from doing so. The pain in your chest is lessened from your fatty intake suddenly being striped, and the heart attack slowly goes into remission, the endless throbbing pain in your weakened muscles remaining the same. 
Slowly, you swing one massive leg over the side of the bed. Just lifting it takes up a huge portion of your energy, actually bending your strained joints a whole other story. A thick ring of sweat has surrounded your collar by the time you’ve actually managed to scoot your massive ass to the edge of the bed, heaving and panting. 
Now comes the real challenge: putting stress on your legs, which God knows you haven’t done in literal decades. Everytime you put stress on your knees, tears buildup in your eyes from the sheer amount of pain. You gasp and struggle, the very edge of your cellulite packaged, ample stomach hitting the floor as gravity does everything in her power to keep you glued to that bed. But you’re up. Each step invokes a sharp throb in your chest, arms too weak to even grab the flab hidden organ. 
Now let’s see you waddle to the door, piggy.
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the-kr8tor · 3 months
Ok so I figured out (I think) how to do a request.
Could you please do one where R and Hobie are being gf and bf, but Blob just wants R’s attention and when they see Hobie having all of it Blob is like “Move u ain’t her child 😒”
If you can write that my life would be filled with joy plis 😭🩷🩷🩷🩷
I got you, lovely!! Hope u like it 🫶
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: no use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader, CW food mentions, Cat symbiote AU, Blob the Symbiote cat AU, FLUFF
You and Hobie are doing your own thing, with the telly on, you rewatch your favourite series whilst you munch on chips, the sound of crunching gets Hobie's attention from his gadget. He's been tinkering on the dining table, brows knitted together in frustration.
Huffing, he calls it a day, fingers stiff and aching from pinching small mechanical parts. Hobie flicka his eyes on an unusually quiet Blob. The symbiote cat purrs on top of the fridge, twin tails swinging from side to side, sweeping the top door. Hobie guesses that Blob has discovered the warmth on top.
Taking the opportunity to finally cuddle you on the couch without the alien in the middle hissing at him. He makes his way towards you, socked feet padding on carpeted floors.
Without warning, he takes the cheesy bag from you, placing it on the coffee table.
You look up at him, mouth full of cheesy goodness, eyes questioning him. “bhat?”
Hobie lays his head on your lap, prompting you to lay your legs flat on the settee. He sighs into your stomach, nosing your shirt, hand splayed over your lower back, hand squished in between you and the couch. He doesn't seem to mind it though, with how his eyes are closed, furrowed brow smoothing out as you trace his spine with your knuckles.
His legs dangle off the arm rest, too tall for the three seater couch.
“Tough day?” You flick your eyes from the telly to his scrunched face.
He groans into your shirt in a reply, you feel the vibration from his throat, tickling you a bit.
“Can you at least get my crisps back before turning me into your pillow?” You fold yourself, to whisper right in his ear, knowing what it does to him.
With your lower back aching, he twists around to aim his webshooter at the snack, snatching it right from the table to his hand.
Hobie hands it to you before he goes back to his previous position.
“Spiderman has saved the day once again.” You announce it like an anchorman from the twenties.
“Dork.” He murmurs into your shirt, leaning slightly to look up at you. “Crisps me.” opening his mouth comedically, you giggle at the sight.
“You’re the dork, dork.” You feed him chips while you watch your show.
Instead of Hobie watching with you, he watches your expressions shift from smiling to a frown. He bets the show is entertaining but he's more interested in watching you laugh and pout at the telly.
You feed him another crisp, Hobie tilts his head when a black mass flashes on your side. In a quick movement that he couldn't even anticipate, Blob has flopped on top of Hobie's face, suffocating him in all his blobby symbiote self.
Hobie rapidly sits up, you dodge his oncoming face. Blob stays attached to his face. For a second you thought he's trying to bond with Hobie again but Blob hisses when Hobie tries to pry the alien off his face.
“Love, a bit of help?” He struggles, Blob's tentacle-like limbs stretch as Hobie moves him further away, but the little symbiote is stuck on him like glue.
You huff, thinking that Blob needs to be trained better at co-existing with Hobie. Scratching the one spot you know Blob can't resist, you coo at him even though you're currently annoyed at the alien. His milky white eyes close, limbs loosening their hold on Hobie's head.
Blob drops like a sack of potatoes on Hobie's lap, triumphantly making his way to your lap. He purrs, curling around himself happily.
“You little shit. I was there first!” Hobie puts his foot down. You stop him with a look, wordlessly telling him an ‘I've got this’. He lets you, crossing his arms on his chest like a kid who didn't get his candy.
You take Blob by his armpits, looking right at his big white eyes. “If you want to cuddle you gotta share. Do you understand, Blobius Cornelius Blobirington? You can't just suffocate Hobie—” he meows like he's arguing back. “Anyone for that matter, you can't just do that. Got it?”
Blob moves his head towards Hobie, glaring his alien eyes towards the man.
“Hey! Play nice.” You place Blob on your shoulder, he immediately splayes himself over, lounging. But you don't see his scowl thrown at Hobie. “See? Compromise. We don't fight for attention.”
“He's literally tryin' to kill me with his stare.” Hobie points at Blob. You crane your neck to look but you only see him happily sleep on your shoulder. “What a wanker.”
“Don’t rile him up. Come back here, the spot’s all yours.” Patting your lap, he crawls over to you still huffing and puffing at how Blob is spoiled.
You just want to watch your show in peace, hopefully they stay asleep until you finish the episode.
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infinite-orangepeel · 7 months
“get too close to your muse & you, the artist, will lose all ability to decipher one shade from the next on your palette. keep your distance…”
fall quarter begins at the curly roots of eddie munson’s ineffable head, runs its’ labyrinthian course through passageways of blue veins & black ink, & ends at a set of hairy crimson painted toes.
steve finds himself squandering every waking moment of his lifeblood & attention somewhere, egregiously, in the middle.
“say you’re drawing a bed of flowers,” his professor lectured a few weeks back, “what happens if you put your nose in the middle of those flowers & try to recreate the details on your canvas? you come up with color and shape, sure, but it’s blurry—isn’t it? it’s a big blobby blur of nothing. that’s not very good life drawing, i’m afraid.”
flash forward to the present—
the bed is firm but comfortable. reminding you of its’ presence.
it doesn’t encourage daydreaming &, yet, steve is ignoring the better advice of his mentor & pressing his curious nose directly into the bud of an all too striking flower.
he knows the intimate contact could kill the rose, is aware of the thorns lining the stem, but he can’t stay away.
he’s struck by fear and temptation and self-loathing and a beauty that stings like a slap across the face.
eddie’s his roommate, his friend, his muse for the most important project of steve’s career as an art student.
& getting too close is lethal, so he creates a sort of optical illusion.
designs an environment in which he can pretend they are star-crossed lovers in a broken world that won’t let them be together. in which touch is a small death each and every time.
steve flits to eddie like a dragonfly to water—
never touching.
never spending too much time in his orbit before making up an excuse to leave & jerk off to the smell of old cigarettes in the bathroom.
everything he really wants to say sits in the back of his throat like a painful, malignant lump & gets spat out onto his sketchbook in a tragically romantic exorcism.
doing the dishes next to him is enough to drive him insane.
drawing him, butt-naked, is another story.
“is it supposed to be so….erotic?”
eddie arches an eyebrow as steve traces the outline of his cock into his sketchbook.
“it’s not that erotic,” steve says, blushing into his charcoals, “besides no one will know it’s you. it’s art.”
art is supposed to be weird & naked. now, hold still, & let me draw you.”
it’s definitely erotic.
there are roses—de-thorned, for safety—shrouding eddie’s dick & leaving a trail of pink petals across his pale thighs.
eddie’s hand is draped over his head; exuding a certain brattiness, lust, boredom—
as if he’s lying there because he wants someone, like steve, to stumble upon him & use his body the way it so clearly needs to be.
his lips are parted on the precipice of whispering some filthy secret into steve’s ear while milking him like a simple farm girl with nothing better to do.
he can’t be this close to eddie without losing his mind.
fuck. fuck. fuck.
it’s just a body. just limbs and a huge cock and—
eddie’s quiet for a little while which is rare for him, before he pipes up again.
“what if we painted the flowers together?”
steve wipes the sweat from his brow, drops his pencil, and looks up at eddie across the mattress. working overtime to avoid staring at the erection sticking out amongst the bouquet of roses.
“the piece isn’t supposed to be very colorful. i’m going for muted tones. that’s why i picked the pale pinks and whites.”
eddie giggles a little and, it’s so cute, steve has to pinch his own thigh through his shorts just to maintain composure.
“i don’t think you’re understanding—the colors wouldn’t change much. except for some more white, if you catch my drift,” eddie pumps his hand over his cock several times and mimes cumming stop the petals, “might look cool. might get you extra points with that asshole professor of yours. you’ve said he likes ‘shock value.’”
“i—i guess you’re right. that’s a pretty….different and unique….um….idea. yeah.”
it’s like this that steve strips naked and clambers as close to eddie as he can possibly get without laying a finger on him. adhering to the rules—keeping a particular distance between artist & muse.
they lay side by side. sunlight streaming in through the blinds & bathing eddie’s spindly fingers in gold as he touches himself.
“harrington, don’t act like you haven’t been dreaming about this since day one,” eddie snarks, “i’ve seen the way you look at me, sweetheart. your eyes are gonna burn holes in my ass if you’re not careful. touch that pretty cock of yours, lemme see you.”
before steve can do anything about it or change his mind, he’s got a fist wrapped around his own cock and the other hand pinching his nipples. left and right, back and forth, dragging his nails through the hair sprouting around them.
“didn’t think you thought about me like that,” steve whines, watching as eddie edges himself methodically—
moving faster, slower, squeezing at the base, thumbing over the slit, cupping his balls, slapping the insides of his own thighs until they match the pink petals.
“i like a little pain,” he comments when he catches steve’s wide eyes, “and i’ve always was hallucinating the first time i walked into this room and saw you on the bed—thought i was going into the light and seeing an angel.”
“you’re so full of it.”
“i’d like to be full of you,” eddie breathes against steve’s neck, not allowing his lips to pass the barrier, “but i don’t know if you can handle me, big boy. you’re blushing like a nervous little schoolgirl.”
“am not—”
“are too, &, you’re about to cum just listening to my voice. it’s so crystal clear. look at you—fucking yourself so stupid.”
eddie looks so beautiful.
laying there like a forsaken god locked out of heaven.
steve’s been so good about keeping his hands to himself, about keeping his nose out of the flowers, but desire and temptation are stronger than any amount of remaining willpower he has.
he grabs eddie’s shoulder with his freehand & kisses him until they’re both seeing stars.
celestial explosions of pleasure & truth & this thing that’s been growing violently between them since the moment they first met.
“i’m cumming. i’m gonna—fuck steve, it’s gonna be on the flowers—i hope that’s okay—”
they cum in tandem over petals of pink and white and thornless stems.
steve gets an A+.
taglist (message me to be added or removed at any time <3): @estrellami-1 @disastardly @ilovecupcakesandtea @the-redthread @asbealthgn @bestofbucky @vampireinthesun @carlyv @shrimply-a-menace @lordrrascal @malachitedevil @anxiouseds @gay-little-bitch @jhrc666 @pinkdaisies1998 @perseus-notjackson @eiddets @corroded-coffin-groupie @three-possums-playing-human @stevesbipanic @plutoshelm @arkenstoned @indiearr @they-reap-what-we-sow @gleek4twd @bunnyweasley23 @livingoutload @a-little-unsteddie @novelnovella @neverlandwaitingforme @swiss-cheeze
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scribbledeck · 1 year
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I realized pretty late that by the Vietnamese lunar calendar (vs. the Chinese one) it’s actually Year of the Cat, so here’s a water kitty that sits if fits! Dex entries and image description below.
Liquitty is a blue cat with a liquid/puddle-like form. It has one main body that is a wibbly circle, with two cat ears, two blobby front paws, and one blobby puddle-like tail. The eyes are a pale blue, mismatched in size. The right eye is bigger with a tear-like blob hanging from it. Its tongue hangs from the right side of its mouth. The shiny form is a bright, radioactive green.
Nyaqua is a cat inside a pot, with its front paws and tail flowing out of the pot in the front. Its body inside the pot is shadowed black, gradually lightening to water-blues and -whites along the tips of the paws and the waterfall-like tail. Its eyes, inside of ears, nose and mouth are a gold color. The eyes are spirals, extending into a long eyelash-like curl along each bottom corner. The pot its in is navy blue with 5 golden spiral motifs. The shiny has a red pot.
Mistarius is a cat in a potion bottle. Its face is at the bottom of the bottle, with a fluffy, smoke-like tail extending from the mouth of the bottle. Its eyes are mismatched in size with little blobby protrusions. Its mouth is open in a smile. It has lightning bolt-shaped eyebrows. The common form is purple with cyan eyes, eyebrows, highlights, and smoke tail. The shiny is radioactive green with bright yellow-green eyes, eyebrows, highlights, and smoke tail.
Liquitty like to collect in shallow holes in the ground or, in a more domestic home, in small cups or dishes. It evolves into Nyaqua when leveled up while holding a Lucky Vase, and into Mistarius after using a fire or electric move while holding a Contaminated Flask. 
Nyaqua are a quiet breed, preferring to hide in large, spacious containers. When disturbed, they leap out and splash the intruders with a powerful spray of water formed from its tail. Nyaqua were once seen as pests for invading the decorative vases of wealthy families. As trends changed, however, people began to consider them guardians and lucky tokens of any houses they inhabited. It is said that a house with a Nyaqua would be blessed with calm and serenity for the duration of its stay.
Mistarius are a noisy and chaotic breed. Its liquid body, now mixed with volatile chemicals and heat energy, emits a noxious smoke through its tail. The smoke can burn skin or hide and explode when exposed to more heat. It likes to knock over containers of hazardous fluid and absorb the fluid into its flask. When well-trained and carefully monitored, however, Mistarius’ keen sense for the effects of different chemical combinations can make it a flexible battler and chemist’s best friend.
*Cats are basically made of water anyway right *Nyaqua and Mistarius are both puns on Aquarius, no thought into what Aquarius zodiac means for them though
*I designed Liquitty after Nyaqua and Mistarius in that order less bc I was particularly inspired and more bc I needed a base form but actually I love this creature now
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misseffect · 4 months
7 snippets, 7 mutuals
Thanks for the tag @otemporanerys!
Tagging a lot of people who have already been tagged: @diaphanouso @helila @dispatchwithlove @kalliesa @angry-jager @dwarrowdams @serendipitys-teapot
All of these are from my Mass Effect F1 AU: Flashpoints
Singapore Shower
One moment Garrus is holding her by the arms, water rolling over his shoulders – there's a knotted look on his face; his mouth is moving but no sound is coming out, which is weird – and the next she's lying on her back on the shower room floor.
"Shepard? Hey – c'mon."
Garrus is kneeling beside her, pinching her arm gently, holding her legs in the air with his shoulder. She feels heavy, like her bones are full of syrup, and the thumping behind her eyes is keeping time with the fuzz crowding her vision.
"It's alright." He sounds further away than he should, and so does the water still beating down on his back. "You passed out for a second, that's all."
Shepard Does An AMA
probinguranus6969 - Would you rather fight 20 duck-sized Jokers or 1 Joker-sized duck?
janeshepard54 - I know your reddit handle joker
probinguranus6969 - damn it
FaceTime Antics
She fishes another biscuit out of the packet while Garrus props his phone up on the side and heaves his suitcase onto the bed. It’s a nice enough room from what little she can see: old-fashioned, like the rest of the place, but in a plush, cared-for sort of way.
“Oh, by the way–” Crunch. “–you don’t happen to know how the dark web works, do you?”
He unzips the case and flips the lid. “Not really. Why?”
“I got called up for drug testing at Paul Ricard and my sample went missing,” she says, chewing glumly. “Joker’s winding me up about it; thinks someone’s selling vials of my piss on the black market.”
Normal Thoughts To Have About Your Bestie's Car
The second he starts to ask the car for more, everything changes. 
It feels familiar – in fundamentals, sure, in throttle and steering output – but there’s something else, too. It’s more pliable than the Hierarchy car, more predictable than anything Omega or Archangel could give him; it's unlike anything he’s even driven, but somehow he knows it. Like catching a familiar smell in a place you've never visited.
And then it hits him.
It's not the car. It's her.
He knows Shepard's driving style almost as well as his own – reactive and twitchy, nose-heavy, late-braking, all faith and guts – and this thing lives and breathes it. It takes everything he's got to give, the good and the bad, and amplifies it tenfold. It grins and says c’mon, I dare you.
It’s not just a car designed with her in mind. It’s like wearing her clothes.
Not To Be Dramatic But I Would Die For Mr Blobby
Shepard rounds the corner into the kitchen to find Mr Blobby loitering by the back door like a pair of cow-coloured slippers.
“He’s in a time-out," Hannah calls through the open window, paintbrush in hand.
“Aww, Blob.”
Mr Blobby makes a mournful rrrr sound. There’s a dab of brown paint on the end of his tail.
Shepard Has PTSD Probably
It's not a nightmare really. Sure, it wakes her up every few hours, sweaty and unrested, and when she closes her eyes again, it drops her right back where she left off, but it's not scary. She's not being hunted or chased. She's not standing at the front of class with no clothes on. Nobody's dying.
Shepard's driving a road car on suburban streets - shifting, nebulous streets; faintly European but also faintly not - and somewhere in the distance, there's a fire.
There's a fire and she has to reach it.
She can see a column of black smoke in the distance, catch the odd lick of orange between buildings, but every turn she takes feels wrong and by the time she doubles back, the smoke isn't where she thought it was. It's in her rearview mirror, or out to her left when it was on her right. Sometimes a fire engine blasts past her in the opposite direction, the wailing siren fading before she can follow.
Everybody Hates Conrad
Mathematically Shepard could win the Championship as early as Japan, five races before the end of the season, and it shows. Media seems to come naturally to her in a way it never has to him, but still; he’s never seen her so relaxed this early in the year. Al’Jilani can’t draw her in with pointed questions about Anderson giving her an easy ride and she doesn’t even bother taking a bite out of Conrad Verner.
“Any comment on rekindling your relationship with Thane Krios?” he asks, his big square face expectant.
Shepard scratches under her chin. “Why am I always the last person to find out who I’m dating?”
There’s a ripple of laughter. Emily is checking her watch and people are starting to shuffle their belongings around.
“Are you going to answer the question?” Conrad calls, but by then there’s enough ambient noise for everyone to plausibly ignore him.
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fernifox · 1 month
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Johngalli A, weird goopy dream guy. I made his nose a little blobby to match his stand.
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blizzardmagic · 9 days
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Have a Jevin. I had a hard time getting inspo for him but I love his little blobby nose :)
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vernadskova · 5 months
So glad that as a global society we've condemned That Artstyle every subpar euroamerican cartoonist had up until like the 90s to the dustbin of history. It sometimes sneaks through and lives on only in decrepit corners to be damned from memory... you know the one, blobby smurfthing men with giant noses, semirealistic women that are just tits and ass. Whole thing was whack. Thank goodness for anime.
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Hideaki Anno’s Shin Godzilla Strikes Back pitch being a love letter to the Champion Festival + Godzilla vs Evangelion: The Real 4-D being Ghidorah, The Three-Headed Monster with Shinji, Asuka, and Rei playing the parts of Rodan and Mothra, complete with Godzilla playing a “hero’s” role despite the sheer Shin Godzilla™ of him, it just gets me thinking.
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For all Shingoji (obviously) approaches Shodaigoji (and the maquette), the slow sweeping tail of King Kong vs Godzilla, and the sinister zombie lumber of Mothra vs Godzilla and 1984, along with the darker and grim energy of Godzilla as a horribly burned and disfigured mutant... 
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... there’s still so much of the 60s + 70s “begrudging good guy” and kid’s superhero Godzillas in the design? Daisensogoji’s blobby, earless crust of a head, the gnarled teeth. Soshingekigoji’s long neck, bell-shaped body, furrowed brow. Megarogoji’s ‘75 side profile, the dorsal arrangement. The jaws, the faces, the noses! 
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All the NGE tie-in merch, games, rides, and the current Shin Japanese Heroes Universe nonsense all frame Shin Godzilla in that begrudging hero role, in a hilariously deranged contrast with his horrifying nature and apocalyptic existence. And the more I think about it, while we sit in fannish imaginings of the Fifth Form swarming, further horror and The End of Evangelion-styled nightmares set to Ifukube tracks, I think Anno’s “Champion Festival” sequel really would’ve been that same deranged joke? Especially with Shinji Higuchi’s Shin Ultraman energy, the delight and self-aware handling of Tokusatsu as its most gleeful, cranked up, gigglingly unhinged. 
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Shin Godzilla, world-devastating ecological disaster, twitching and brimming with horrors beyond our comprehension (Hiromi Ogashira comprehends them, but we would die) simultaneously walking into Invasion of Astro Monster, Ebirah, Godzilla vs. Hedorah. Shin Godzilla vs Gigan complete with peacefully returning to the ocean, boiling it as he goes. 
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You know, the threat of further evolutions constantly hanging overhead, further countdowns to UN attacks, all while beam spamming with The Real 4-D’s “Shin Ghidorah.” TriStar’s Godzilla 2000 dub “Then why does he keep protecting us/Maybe because Godzilla’s inside each of us” set to the most horrific horizon-splitting back laser combo move you can fucking imagine. I’d like it. 
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helloescapist · 7 months
Halloween Cookies | Mitsuri Kanroji
Word Count: 768
Setting: Mitsuri Kanroji x gn!reader
Content Warning(s): none 💕 SFW, fluff drabble
Summary: Halloween is close! and Mitsuri wants to make a special treat for you!
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The vibrant hues of her laughter, as melodious as her voice. Tucked giggles, playful as she doted her time and energy to the mess before her. Her pink braids secured into place behind her back, the draw of her sleeves procured by the tug of a soft green ribbon you had gifted her quite some time ago. Her large grin as evident as the giggle of a child keeping a cheeky secret.
The kitchen littered amongst the chaos of festivities; the once clean surfaces you had known before your mission now buried beneath an onslaught of baked goodies. Rolled pumpkin treats, multiple bowls filled to the brim with tasty delights. Frosting fluffed and glistening beneath the dim lights as she set to work, twiddled with the tip of a knife as she giggled to herself. A variety of colors as playful as the way her tongue cupped the top of her lip, her eyes far too focused to have noticed your intrusion. Mitsuri’s large beautiful jade eyes captivated by the trace of line work before her, gooey and messy as though a child had smeared the top of fresh baked goods. Warmed by the fires, the temperatures far too much for the whipped sugar to withstand. Melting against its touched, the puff of her cheeks. Adorable, but revealing her frustration as she dabbled more and more. Her handwriting near undetectable. A series of gooey chunks, layered colors ranging from the seasonal traditional hues of oranges, reds, and blacks that welcomed brighter additions suitable of the Love Hashira, blues, pinks, purples, and greens. Muddled editions of what you could only vaguely make out as obscure as a child’s art. Squished moons that were intended to be pumpkins, black cats, or perhaps bats, blobby monsters gushed in a puddle of goo—no wait, was it perhaps a werewolf? What was it?
                The clip of your eyebrows, drawn and curious as you drew closer. Your lover far too enthralled by her abstract art, and onslaught of sprinkle confections to be aware of the way you leaned over her shoulders. Delighting in the joy of her giggles, proud of her doodles, and eager to share the efforts of her labor. “A ghost?” you whispered, the warmth of your breath tickling the base of her neck. Eliciting the height of her squeal, triggering the rush of heat that spread from her cheeks, down her neck, caught against her fingers that now shielded the place you had inquired. Fumbled mumbles and excuses, her bashful nature overriding her senses as she attempted to obscure your vision from her baking blunders. Waving her hand every which way, her eyes squinted and blurred. Embarrassed at how carried away her baking had grown—unbecoming of one who wishes more than anything to be a bride.
                Blissfully unaware of her adorable frazzled state captivated your heart. Mitsuri effortlessly procuring your thoughts, dazzling at the state of her. Whispered of her adorableness, caught at how beautiful she was as the blush carried over her features. How the depths of her eyes quivered under your gaze. Fumbled over her words, attempted to explain the state of the kitchen, oblivious to how your eyes traced her forms. Dedicated yourself to etching this sight into your memory, to know these side of her, vulnerable and enchanting. The touch of icing caught at her nose, carried away in dashing a variety of colors to realize that the backsplash caught her. The delicate birthmarks beneath her eyes immersed in a vibrant shade of red as your finger stroked her nose before sampling the reminiscent of her treats. “it’s good,” equipping a smile tilting your head as you peered at the goodies behind her, “I would expect nothing less of you.”  Her mixture as she tucked the cookie she had been fretting over in front of her face, averted eyes that did not dare meet your own. Shy, and the twitch of her shoulders, desperate to escape your gaze as she offered it. The crumble of a goopy mess, intricately dabbled across and completely…. Abstract beneath layers of colorful sprinkles. Her love and efforts touched upon your heart; her blush contagious as the shy smile that caught against your rib cage. Thundered against your heart.
                Only when she had recovered from her stun state did Mitsuri explain the remaining goopy mess. Her well intentions spirited away in holiday cheer. Shy at your praise, and adoring the reassurance—because truthfully, if anyone dared to insult her cookies, they would have to deal with you.
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