#bless him he's trying
majorpepperidge · 7 months
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how to reassure your boyfriend, a dissertation by olwin
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sometimesanalice · 1 year
Bradley’s Room from Give Me Your Hand {Here Is My Heart}: updated with headcanons
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This is the before, and here’s the after! 
Bradley is practical. If it’s in good condition then he isn’t going to throw it out, not if it serves the purpose he needs it to. He knows he’s not the best at decorating, but he does his best.
More headcanons below!
Bed: His bed and the wall print are his newest additions to his room. This was his first time picking out his own bed. (his dorm came with one, his semi-furnished apartment had one, and the the Navy always provided him with one) was a bit overwhelmed by the options when he first settled on getting a new one. So he went to IKEA and picked one out in the show room and called it a day. Then the print caught his eye on the way to the check out. All the people and all the choices had stressed him out, so when he got home the first thing he did was got to his fridge for a beer. Which turned into a few, and then putting the bed together seemed like a piece of cake, so he definitely half-assed a couple steps. He’s a fairly light sleeper, so sometimes that squeak does wake him up when he rolls over.
Other furniture: Some of the things he has, like his bookcase and desk lamp, are things from his college years that he took care of. His taste has always been pretty classic (except for his affinity for Hawaiian print shirts), so when his graduating friends would offer him things they were trying to offload, he would only take what he thought he’d get good use out of. Things that could sit in storage for a long while, but he would still like years later.
He doesn’t care much for the aesthetics, but he does try to match woods or get things that are complimentary. (Like he was excited about finding his nightstand because it tied in well with the desk he had.)
Other things like his tall standing lamp and desk were handed off to him by Navy friends who had their own places and were upgrading to nicer things (usually at their partner’s insistence). He’s never thought much of it, but realizing that his stuff is really just other people’s cast offs that he’s accumulated really hits him when she’s in his bedroom for the first time. And probably because it wasn’t an intentional choice to source things secondhand, but a byproduct of necessity and being survival mode for so long.
Bookcase: His book case is mostly NATOP manuals. But he has his childhood collection of the Hardy Boy series, the copy of ‘Why Men Love Bitches’ that Phoenix gave him as a “congrats-on-your-break-up” gift, ‘A Promised Land’ by Barack Obama and some other political biographies. He also definitely has a copy of 'Infinite Jest’, that he touted as his favorite book in college until someone called him out for having the taste of an “elite fuckboy”. While he does enjoy a good mystery novel, he doesn’t have the time to read them. He’ll try and start them to decompress from the, but usually ends up falling asleep because he’s drained. So some of those novels have some noticeable creases from accidentally rolling over on them in his sleep.
Model Fighter Jet: Displayed on his bookcase, there is a model F-14 Tomcat that was his favorite toy when he was a kid. His mom had it mounted on a stand and gave it to him as a gift for his 16th birthday. (the same birthday that Mav gave him the blue Montero and spent the summer helping him fix it up) So he didn’t have an appreciation for it back then, but it’s come to be one of his most prized possessions.
After he redecorates his room (with that canopy bed and expensive dresser), SG moves the model downstairs to a place of honor on his fireplace mantle, so that he can enjoy it more. And in the winter on the rare occasion that they turn on the fireplace, she moves it to his side table with the framed picture of his parents. Just as a precaution, since she doesn’t want the heat to do anything to it.
Framed Sheet Music: The framed sheet music is from a book of music that SG gave him for his 12th birthday. She was so excited when her mom agreed to take her to the music shop and she found one that had “Great Balls of Fire” in it after she had heard him saying it was his favorite song. She spent a long time doing her fireball art on it because she thought it would make it more fun to learn if there was something to look at. (her mom thought it was a *choice* but didn’t say anything about it) But at his birthday party when she gave it to him, he laughed along with the other tween boys who thought playing the piano was for nerds. So she faked a stomach ache and had her mom take her home early. It’s kind of bittersweet, because it really was Bradley’s favorite song, but he wasn’t the nicest about receiving it. (he definitely still feels guilty about it sometimes) This was before they had really formed their own friendship outside of their moms, but for his next birthday he asked that they go to the retro diner that had giant milkshakes. So he keeps it with him because it reminds him of her, but also of home.
And when they move into their perfectly charming 1930′s tutor house, they hang it on the wall by the entry, so it’s the first thing you see when you walk in.
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pfenniged · 2 years
I swear there was an exact moment in that whole wedding feast scene where Viserys literally just transformed into Teddy Roosevelt talking about his daughter Alice, and was just like, “I CAN EITHER SAVE THE KINGDOM, OR CONTROL RHAENYRA, BUT I CAN’T DO BOTH.”
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2.12 Chimney Begins - 2.09 Hen Begins - 2.16 Bobby Begins Again - 7.04 Buck, Bothered and Bewildered
Tommy's family arc
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navree · 11 months
my adventures with superman turning deathstroke the fucking terminator into an anime twink is the single greatest thing i've seen in the history of animation i have not been able to stop laughing
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lazycranberrydoodles · 10 months
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you’d think after 800 years he’d learn his lesson about taking afternoon naps. / prev comic / follow for more sleepy xie lian
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demaparbat-hp · 1 day
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Oh, Aang, you're really in it now...
This is Zu—I mean, Jian Li and Katara's second meeting in the Kyoshi Warriors AU. The first proper one, anyway.
Once they get through a minor difference of opinion or two (“I can carry my own basket!” “Never said you—” “I'm not weak!” “I didn't—” “Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean—” “Would you listen for once, woman?!” ) they'll become nearly inseparable.
For now Jian Li will carry Katara's basket all the way to the Kyoshi Warriors' dojo and, once there, they'll mercilessly tease Sokka when they see him in uniform.
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i-bez-togo-toshno · 2 months
I'm sorry
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Template by @oshikasa
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demigods-posts · 3 months
imagine during the third book where percy gets his final recommendation letter. he is approached by a god or goddess who asks him to reconcile past relationships. because to move forward, you can't let the things of the past hold you back. so percy gets closure with the side characters from the pjo og series. clarisse, nico, thalia, and rachel. and it just gets progressively more intimate until he has to confront one final person: the ghost of luke castellan.
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yangjeongin · 4 months
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HYUNJIN BIRTHDAY COUNTDOWN (2024): hyunjin in every letter... ↘ D-26 | EATING
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calciferstims · 1 month
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senshi stimboard
if you’re seeing this, then senshi wants you to take care of yourself and go eat some food <3
sources: 🧡🧡🤎 | 🥘🍲🥘 | 🤎🧡🧡
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mblue-art · 7 months
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hhappy pocky day 11/11!! here's some self-indulgence ft oreo man///
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everylastbird · 2 months
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I enjoy the thought of a hanahaki au where Hua Cheng developed hanahaki disease before he died, but instead of ridding himself of it after death, he allowed it to progress far past what a living being could ever survive. I think he'd be really, really into such a physical embodiment of his adoration for Xie Lian!
I also like to think that in this au Ghost City is full of lush flower paths and gardens, and every single plant was grown from cuttings or seeds from Hua Cheng
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benevolenterrancy · 4 months
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I'm reading bk6 and have just met ghostfire!Hua Cheng. i am enamoured...
feng xin and mu qing are trying to be supportive of xie lian's bizarre new castle but they're drawing the line at the evil little fire demon that seems to hate absolutely everyone except xie lian
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benoits-neckerchieves · 4 months
i love this boy so much
“You let him have it cause he’s real cute” yes, yes he is
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Knives Out Q&A, 14/11/2019
Also there’s a part where the interviewer says he should do a full version of that Sondheim song he sings in the car and he goes “nobody wants to hear that” and i would just like to say that everybody very much wants to hear that
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layalu · 17 days
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so i uhhhh. started PoE
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