#bisexual biohazard
goldenamaranthe-blog · 11 hours
HAPPY PRIDE 2024!!!!
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Happy Pride, everyone! I've been meaning to upload this for a while and figured now would be the perfect time. SHOUT OUT TO ALL MY FELLOW BISEXUAL BIOHAZARDS OUT THERE!!!!
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kanashiichan · 1 year
Leon and Luis
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inky-snowdrop · 1 year
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Love Is Love
A 2023 L.G.B.T+ Aesthetic Collection
Day 16 • Lucas Baker is Bisexual!
Day 15 • Day 17
👇🏽 Pride Headcanons Below! 👇🏽
Oh boy, if you thought Jack would come down hard on Zoe for being a lesbian, that would be NOTHING compared to the shit he would do to Lucas. He's already threatening to throw Lucas out of the house for the smallest of things, Lord knows how he would react he found out that Lucas found some men attractive. It's for this reason that absolutely no one knows his sexuality (except for Zoe, who caught him watching gay porn one time and never let him forget it).
Speaking of, I'd LIKE to say that Lucas found out he was bisexual in a really unique and beautiful way (such as him swooning over some southern man from New Orleans and having a forbidden romance like Romeo and Juliet) but nope. It was because PornHub recommended Lucas a video with two guys and two girls in it one time and, because he liked one of female pornstars, he watched it and had to deal with some really uncomfortable feelings afterwards.
As a general rule, Lucas likes women more than men, but he is NOT PICKY. He would honestly take anyone who wanted him (because he knows he'd be the hassle of the relationship and that he'd be damn lucky to end up with someone). He does have a few types though; The overarching themes are people that are lithe/underweight (you know, people Lucas might actually have a chance to beat in a fight if push came to shove) and people that are witty/intelligent (aka someone who won't get offended by his dark humor and who can throw it back at him in an interesting way). Celebrity crushes include Kurt Cobain and Nicole Dollananager.
Internally homophobic. Lucas does NOT like being bisexual and often views it as just one more thing that's wrong with him. He knows that if word got out that he even slightly liked men, the neighbors and townsfolk of Dulvey would tear him limb from limb. He's already on the church's shit list; He doesn't need all his old classmates (who used to bully the shit out of him) to start spreading rumors that Satan fucks him up the ass. Zoe told him once that he's ridiculously paranoid to which Lucas responded with a, "Shut the fuck up Zoe," and locked himself in the barn for almost a week. When he came out, the entire farm was rigged with security cameras and Zoe just shook her head because deep, deep down... She understood his fears because they mirrored her own. The South is not kind to the LGBTQ sometimes...
In a perfect world, with no Eveline and no murderous tendencies, Lucas and Clancy would've be great as a couple. Someone had to fucking say it and I'm not ashamed that it's me ☺️
If Lucas had to pick a song to describe his sexuality, he'd pick: All In the Family by Korn
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hyper-cryptic · 1 year
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chrisitsraining · 1 year
Nice! can I req bi and poly flag Wesker pride icons?
itching for a new icon
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methinks you meant two in one with the flags but if not...
i can change it in like five minutes lol
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mc-fucking-icons · 1 year
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Ada Wong, Resident Evil icons ´ ▽ ` )ノ ♥ F2U no credits required! Enjoy! ✿
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not-your-lifeline · 9 months
I've done it again.
I made Albert Wesker propose right after his confession.
after I helped him escape The Fog after killing The Entity(I'm so sorry my spider friend), he returned as S.T.A.R.S. captain in Resident Evil universe and became a down bad simp.
I fixed another horrible man without intending to again.
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ittorule34 · 9 months
I can give u a c section x
Omg please he won’t come out
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Some Resident Evil ocs
All are made on picrew!
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Angel Baker
Age: 20
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Parent(s): Lucas Baker
Occupation: Unoccupied 
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Name: Nikki Winters
Age: 24
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Parents: Ethan Winters, Mia Winters
Occupation: Castle Maid - Lord Dimitrescu
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Name: Luisa Phoenix
Age: 22
Sexual Orientation: Greysexual
Parents: Leonardo Phoenix and Citrus Phoenix (both ocs)
Occupation: Villages groundskeeper 
Picrew credits!: 
Nikki’s: https://picrew.me/image_maker/597326
Angels: https://picrew.me/image_maker/196270 Luisas: https://picrew.me/image_maker/46139
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theemperorsfeather · 1 year
The horrid chicken coop is now 90+% two piles of wood - one for the dump (b/c too disgusting) and one much smaller for potential reuse. (Not counted: the 2 pieces leaning against the fence because I was relocating paper wasps.) I only had to make one questionably safe maneuver to get it to that state, but I didn't hurt myself nor drop the sheet of plywood on anything else!! When you are smallish and weak you have to learn how to use leverage at least mildly safely.
(Speaking of which, since most of the coop was screwed together (yes, with the world's worst wood screws, but at least this time they all used the same bit size, a small mercy), I didn't get to use my pry bars as much as I hoped, but it's probably better (less energy intensive) that way.)
In the process of taking down some of the last bits, I was reminded there is a troubling low spot at the edge of the coop, oh yes I remember that, I remember finding that before and thinking "oh, oh no, that seems bad for some reason I can't quite put my finger on, it's probably related to this mystery pipe angling out of the ground; well, I'll deal with that later, maybe," and I my feelings of dread have been renewed.
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bluephoric · 25 days
ridiculously long list of larry johnson hcs because fuck you he doesnt get enough love
Tw for depressing ass shit
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- larry is a tired clumsy airhead, and as a result he always has SOMETHING spilled, wiped, or drawn on his clothes.
- undiagnosed adhd, and probably a few other things
- both him and sal collect bottlecaps, they like to make pins out of cool ones they find, often trading them like pokemon cards. they have multiple matching friendship ones. on common ones though, he likes to flatten and paint.
- larry's mental health generally sucks, but when things get really bad he stops caring about his physical safety, often pulling some reckless shit. even when he gets hurt from it, he doesnt seem to mind. Times like these kinda scare him, and he tries to avoid falling into them.
- despite seemingly "not caring about anything" (as he puts it) during these episodes, he's still fiercely protective of his friends and tries to be gentle with them, both physically and emotionally.
- callused hands, fingers yellowed from smoking.
- big fan of gas stations when he's high, practically raids that shit. one of his nicknames is "stoner jesus"
- he's openly bisexual and flirts with random people for fun. its usually something light. dorky pickup lines, stupid puns.. he Never expects it to be shot back at him but on the rare occasion it happens, he turns into a giggling mess.
- he actually pissed off travis even worse a few times with it, I could go into it further but this isnt a larvis post so i'll spare you all. For now.
- his favorite horror movies are the funny ones
- he isnt much of a drinker, mostly around holidays and just to get a little buzzed. spiked eggnog and fireball are his go-to's. Drunk christmas karaoke is one of his favorite things (he's constantly giving sal secondhand embarrassment). 2 words, mariah carrey.
- For awhile he genuinely tried to be a good student but because he was so far behind and his undiagnosed adhd, the teachers started to demonize him. Eventually he realized it didnt matter how hard he tried, so he just gave up. The only subject he likes is art, so that's where he focuses all his energy and actually tries.
- skips school sometimes but lisa tends to give him hell for it so he tries not to do it too often, mostly just skips certain classes if hes really not feeling it.
- almost always comes to school high
- his room is such a mess. sal tries to help him with it but he has similar struggles. whenever ash or todd come over, it becomes a group effort and shit gets done rather quickly. luckily no biohazards, so its not like his room really needs a DEEP clean but still. its nice.
- larry fucking LOVES jack black movies, also stupid stoner movies.
- Loves the arcade too, You'd think his favorite would be guitar hero, but that's more for sal. his favorite is mortal combat or those car racing games that you sit in with the steering wheel.
- larry cant cook for shit, hes always burning something, it always turns out gross and inedible. unless he's stoned, in which case he magically turns into a michelin star chef. weird ass combinations, but it always turns out really good.
- despite being shit at cooking, he still tries to help his mom with it, even though he mostly ends up just being in the way and she eventually shoos him out of the kitchen
- he smells super musky, with cheap cologne and the faint scent of weed
- when he was really little, he had a dinosaur onsie that he would wear everywhere, very rarely taking it off until it started to get too tight. he was beyond devastated when he realized he grew out of it, lisa had to pry it away from him in fear that he would accidentally destroy it. She keeps it in her closet collecting dust. Its one of the few things she kept from before jim disappeared. despite it bringing up memories of what things used to be like before he "left", she couldnt bear to throw it out.
- sometimes when larry needs comfort, he sneaks into her room and steals it temporarily. on sleepless nights, he zips it over his pillows as a makeshift pillowcase, its one of the few things that help him relax. It's always put back in place by the next morning. Lisa has no idea, and he's far too embarrassed about it to say anything to her.
- the only person who knows about this is sal because of their sleepovers. One night He was high as balls and got paranoid, when he tried to sleep it off the fear was just too much so away he crept, into lisa's room. Of course he made sal come with him, he sure as shit wasnt going alone.
- when questioned about it, larry refused to answer and so sal let it go figuring he would tell him when he was ready.
- Larry Harbors an obscene amount of guilt. struggles with sh off and on, tries not to relapse unless things get really unbearable. to prevent this, him and the SF gang (primarily ash) regularly doodle and sometimes paint on the places he's prone to harm.
- when he can feel himself slipping into an episode, larry makes it a point to braid his hair so it won't get matted. tries to brush it and rebraid it at least once a week, but often struggles to find the energy and lets it sit in for longer. Not to mention, a lot of the times he stops showering which makes it even harder to braid because of the greasiness.
- has given himself a few amateur stick and pokes. They look like shit, and he knows it but he's still very proud of them.
- the ink he uses for it fades pretty fast
- he's also tried to give himself piercings, but always fucks it up so he takes them out and slaps a bandaid over it
- collects different kinds of flavored chapstick, takes a bite out of them sometimes when he thinks no one is looking (ofc sal has caught him a few times but has never said anything)
- after he first met megan, he was scared shitless. slept with the lights on for the next few weeks and refused to shut the door when going to the bathroom, insisting to his mom on keeping the shower curtain open at all times (he tried to act chill about it around sal and it kinda worked. kinda.) after awhile he eventually calmed down but still finds himself getting really nervous whenever him and sal talk to a ghost, though he would never admit it.
- has a picture of his dad in a locket but rarely wears it because he's afraid he'll accidentally break it. always keeps it with him though, usually in his pocket, holding it as he walks.
- Despite his general demeanor he's quite the gentleman, always holding doors open and really courteous towards women. Most people don't expect it just based on his appearance, but Lisa raised him right.
- also he's hot as fuck.
- we all know larry is a metalhead, but what kind of metal is his favorite? It generally depends on his mood but id say sludge, thrash, and doom.
- You're telling me this man, who is depressed as fuck and also a stoner wouldnt eat up some electric wizard? saint vitus? bitch, please. I know quite a few albums that would bring him to his knees.
- And I know I'm prolly gonna get hate for this but I notice when a lot of other people write about larry (AND sal), they tend to lean towards nu metal or just plain emo. And while I don't think either of them would mind it, The lyrics and vocals of Sanity's fall feels more reminiscent of death or black metal and given the fact that SF is his favorite band, I don't think he would listen to that kind of stuff, at least not on a regular basis. Ash on the other hand definitely would.
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ahumblenipple · 3 months
Chapter 18 is up babyyyy
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Biohazard | Resident Evil (Gameverse)
Relationship: Karl Heisenberg/Ethan Winters
Characters: Ethan Winters, Karl Heisenberg, The Four Lords (Resident Evil), Mother Miranda (Resident Evil), The Duke (Resident Evil), Luiza (Resident Evil), Random Villagers, Alcina Dimitrescu
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses, Or rather forgotten gods, Karl Heisenberg Being a Little Shit, Clumsy Ethan Winters, but he's adorable and I love him, Bisexual Ethan Winters, Ethan Winters Needs A Hug, tags will be updated as I finish writing this, Slow Burn, Mildly Dubious Consent, Dream Sex, Anal Sex, Unsafe Sex, i can't aparently include condoms whoopsies, Bottom Ethan Winters, Top Karl Heisenberg, Minor Violence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Flashbacks
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meowlphibia · 3 months
Just saw something
I just saw something that said bisexual biohazard and I think that might be my new favourite phrase
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chrisitsraining · 2 years
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jill valentine bi icons <33
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leatherandlipstick · 10 months
wait does the bi in ur bio stand 4 bisexual??
no actually, it's short for biohazard. i'm an ecological nightmare.
of course it stands for bisexual, what the fuck else could it be?
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ipegchangbin · 6 months
I'm the most disaster bisexual because I love boypussy and girldick and boydick and girlpussy (anything else out there too tbh), and we sooo need more of these in the world. Thank you for your incredibly delicious boypussy service z <33
this is very true and real. i too am a disaster bi (turning into monstrous bisexual biohazard) and this genderfucked genitalia mix & match makes my brain run laps. i really want to make something new out of these concepts but give me 900 months to perfect the clitdick juice recipe
psssstttt i have ideas for the rest of skz and they will involve a mix of boypussy and girldick :))
thank you for sharing your love over my works <3
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