#billy millions
nesperus · 9 months
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fizzigigsimmer · 1 month
Reality collision where Billy shows up to school one day with a baby. No one knows who the kid is or why Billy showed up with him; but he waits to corner Steve in the parking lot. Shoves the baby into his arms unceremoniously all - "Take your spawn Harrington."
Steve's never seen this baby in his life, and if anything it looks like Billy. Brown hair sure, but the eyes,chin, and those ears are all Hargrove. He's confused even more when Billy starts babbling about holes opening up on the walls and what sounds like demo-dogs, which he shouldn't even know about!
One thing he is sure of, he definitely didn't get attacked by a demo-dog last night or run into Billy's car out near the powerplant. He definitely didn't give Billy this baby and ask him to take care of it, but someone did.
AKA Billy and Steve get stuck temporarily taking care of their alternate reality baby and it brings them together.
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avalonlights · 8 months
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Happy Halloween 1984! 💘🎃
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lazybakerart · 4 months
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Vengeful Angel Billy with a Big Ass Divinely Blessed Sword for the specialest of special people @ihni!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! you are one of the most generous and supportive and CREATIVE people out there. you make the world a better place with your art and your presence!! and i am beyond happy to get to call you my friend!! Happy Birthday Moa!!!
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gavonosc · 9 months
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There’s a million gruesome ways to DIE‼️
Redraw of the album’s cover art
This song is so catchy
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crawley-fell · 7 months
What's crazy about iconic duos is that they always include David Tennant
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supercap2319 · 6 months
"Adam, Bree, Chase. This is Y/N Austin. Son of Steve Austin and Jamie Sommers." Mr. Davenport introduced the young man to the bionic teens. "He's got bionics like you three do."
"Wow, Mr. D. I can see where your son gets his good looks from." Y/N flirts.
Adam smirked. "Thanks. I get that a lot."
"Oh, I meant, Chase."
"What?! Me? Did you guys hear that?" Chase asked.
"Oh, we heard it. We just can't believe it either. Someone finally finds you attractive." Bree jokes.
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yikesharringrove · 5 months
steve being absolutely whipped for steve is my favorite thing ever. like ok what if they were friends and billy likes steve, and steve's oblivious to it but billy will drop whatever he's doing to make steve's like a the tiniest bit easier and it's so cute
It all starts with homework.
Homework Steve dropped on the floor in the hallway, to be more specific.
He fucking tripped and his shit went everywhere, and he was scrambling to pick it all up, when he noticed another pair of hands shuffling with his papers.
“Thanks, Hargrove,” he muttered.
“Most of these are wrong.” Steve snatched the math worksheet out of his hands, his face hot as he stuffed it in his backpack.
He tried to push past the absolutely solid wall that was Billy Hargrove, but the other boy kept blocking him.
“C’mon, I’ll help you.”
“I don’t need any help.”
It was a fucking lie. He knew he’d gotten most of the problems wrong. They were working on some weird formula that had to do with area, or volume, or something like that. And Steve really didn’t understand it.
But he didn’t want any help from fucking Hargrove, who would just spread it around the school that Steve Harrington is in remedial geometry as a senior.
But Hargrove had reached into Steve's backpack, and yanked out the assignment, using the pencil he had stored behind his ear to erase Steve’s shitty work.
“All you have to do is multiply the length by the width by the height. And that’s volume.”
Steve had added those three values and then cubed them. It had taken him hours.
“I know.”
Billy gave him a scathing look.
“Meet me in the library at lunch, and we’ll fix it.”
Steve wasn’t actually expecting Billy to be there, but he was. And they fixed Steve’s math.
And he got an A on the homework, his first one all year.
So it became a thing. They’d do Steve’s math homework at lunch together. And Billy would walk him through the tough problems, and clap him on the back when he got something by himself.
His teacher noticed his progress, and congratulated him on it.
“I got a tutor,” he told her.
They were studying on some random Thursday together, Billy with his nose in some worn-out novel, periodically peeking over the pages to take a look at Steve's math homework.
He was doing much better, and now Billy only had to silently point to an incorrect answer for Steve to go back and fix it.
Steve's stomach rumbled, breaking the silence,
"Jesus, Harrington. I think your stomach is trying to eat itself."
Steve rolled his eyes, but he smiled at Billy.
"Seriously, just eat lunch."
There technically was a rule against food in the library, but the librarian liked Billy, and tended to turn a blind eye to whatever he was doing at his usual back table.
Steve checked his watch.
"I'll just grab something later. I need to finish this."
He kept working on his math. His stomach growled again.
Billy sighed.
He dug into his bag, pulling out the crumpled brown paper bag Susan has passed him in the morning. She always made him lunch after a rough night with his dad.
Consolation prize, he guesses.
He pulled out the peanut butter and jelly sandwich, placing one half on Steve's open textbook.
Steve looked at him with round eyes.
"Nah dude, that's your lunch. I can get something after school."
"Like hell. Just eat the sandwich, Harrington."
Steve scarfed the first half like a small animal, and Billy glared at him until he had the second half.
He'll be okay, he can just sneak some food at home before his dad gets back from work.
"Harrington! How many times," Coach yelled from the sidelines. "You're leaving yourself too open!"
Steve was breathing hard, sprinting down the court after being bowled over by one of the guys on the other team.
It was deafening in the gym, the stands packed full.
Steve was playing like shit. The other team was dogging him, stealing the ball from him, blocking his every move.
He was point guard to Billy's shooting guard.
Billy yanked him by the back of the jersey, pulling him back to mutter in his ear.
Steve nodded once.
It was a good play, a simple pick and roll.
The other team scored, and Billy nodded at Steve.
They brought it down the court, and Billy made eye contact with Steve as he moved to set a pick on the asshole guard that kept knocking Steve down.
Steve moved, sprinting to the basket to finally make a fucking shot.
As he moved, the guard followed, but there was Billy.
They collided hard, and Billy got knocked flat on his ass.
His head cracked against the wooden floor, and he saw stars for a second.
He was fucking pleased as punch to see the other guard flat on his back, too. Looking as dazed as Billy felt.
There was a hand in front of his face, and he took it, allowing Steve to bring him to his feet, a look of concern in his big eyes.
"You okay, dude?"
"You score?"
"Then I'm fine." He clapped Steve on the shoulder, jogging back to get in the game, shaking off the dizzy spell.
Billy paid no mind to the phone ringing.
He was sat at the kitchen table, finishing up his chemistry homework.
Sometimes he and Max did homework at the kitchen table together. Neil would give approving looks when he walked by if he saw Billy helping her with something she pretended not to understand.
"Hargrove residence." Neil was the only one who answered the phone that way. The rest of them said Hargrove-Mayfield.
Billy tightened his grip on his pencil.
He could feel his dad's eyes on the back of his head, standing straight against the wall where the phone was mounted.
"Yes, he is here."
What could Billy have done now? He's been a model fucking citizen for the past week.
And no one can trace that fucking fire under the bleachers back to him. Besides, he put it out before anything could really get burned.
"Billy, the phone's for you."
At least if he was in trouble, the person wouldn't be asking to speak with him.
Billy stood up, ignoring Max's questioning look.
Billy took the phone, not making eye contact with his dad.
"Hey! Sorry, I know this is weird, but I got your phone number from Max a little while ago, and I know usually we just study during school, but I am so fucking confused on this assignment. And I'll pay you! I'll even order food if you want to come over to help me. Oh! This is Steve by the way."
As if Billy wouldn't recognize his rambling.
"Um, sure. I can help you." He looked at his dad. "And no need to pay me."
"Just try to get out of here without any money. I dare you. So, can you come over? Tonight? This is due tomorrow."
Billy wasn't supposed to leave on school nights.
"Can you give me a second? Please?" He didn't wait for Steve to respond, he just lowered the phone.
"Dad," he started.
"How long have you been tutoring that Harrington boy?" Neil's voice was unreadable.
"A few weeks. Mostly at school. He needs some help tonight, and uh, offered to pay me if I come by his place."
"And you said you didn't want to be paid?"
"Yes, sir."
Billy tried his very best not to flinch when his dad patted him on the shoulder.
"That's good. Rubbing elbows with the Harrigntons. I was wondering why they didn't press charges when you beat that boy to a pulp."
Billy fucking hated when Neil brought that shit up.
It wasn't his fault he has a hard time controlling his rage. If anything, it's Neil's fault for slapping him around before sending him on an errand.
Steve just happened to kinda get in the way.
But Billy apologized, and Steve said he got over it, and clearly he did, if he's inviting Billy over to his house to work on his homework.
He raised the phone back up to his ear.
"Sure, I can help you. But I can't be out late. It's a school night."
Neil nodded approvingly, and Billy flipped him the bird the second he turned his back.
"Yeah, whatever. The front door's unlocked, just come upstairs when you're here."
Steve didn't even wait for a reply before he ended the call, and Billy quietly placed the phone back on the receiver.
He cleaned up his own homework, and took his bag with him.
"Billy," his dad said as he was halfway out the back door. "Curfew's at 8:30. And I'll be locking the door."
"Yes, sir."
Harrington's house is fuckin' huge.
Billy should've expected it, with Steve's family being as well connected as they were.
He let himself into the house, as Steve had told him to do, and was immediately met with a slight woman, staring at him like he'd just walked uninvited into her home.
"Uh," he said. Why the fuck would Steve tell him to just come in? "I'm Billy? Billy Hargrove. Steve's tutor."
And then her face brightened, and holy shit, Steve looks exactly like his mom.
"He is upstairs, I'll show you." She waved him to follow behind her and she took off up the stairs.
Billy scrambled to kick his boots off and raced after her.
She was lean like Steve, with long legs and insanely thick,dark brown hair that went clear down to her ass.
(Steve even kinda has his mom's perfect ass.)
She knocked on the door to Steve's room, even though it was slightly ajar, and let herself in.
Steve was sitting at his desk, his head in his hands, all curled up and sitting cross-legged on his chair.
"Tesoro, il tuo amico è qui."
Steve turned, and he fucking beamed at Billy.
"Grazie, Mamma." He waved Billy over in the same motion his mother had done downstairs.
Billy felt awkward in the room, and his face felt hot, and his palms were sweaty.
"Avete bisogno di qualcosa?" She asked, and holy shit, how has it taken Billy this long to realize that Steve and his mother were not even speaking fucking English to one another.
He knew he was staring.
"No, grazie."
She smiled again at Billy as she left the room, quietly closing the door behind her.
"Damn, your mom's hot," was all Billy could think to say.
Luckily, it worked. Steve rolled his eyes, turning back to his work and shaking his head. But Billy could see a tiny smile on his face.
"Yeah, yeah. Don't start that shit and just help me with this, okay?"
Billy peered over his shoulder.
Steve was working on an English assignment, the same one Billy had completed last week.
It was a questionnaire about the Shakespeare play they had read in class, Othello.
Billy knew it was grueling, fifty multiple choice, ten matching, and three essay questions.
He had the book open text to him, and there had been lines and passages highlighted and annotated.
"This shit was nasty. I did it last week."
Steve scrunched his brows up at Billy.
"You're in English 12? How? You're a junior?"
Billy shrugged.
"That's just what I tested into when I moved here. I was on a fast track in California." Yeah, he would've probably gotten to graduate a semester early, if they had stayed.
"Okay, well, then you can help me. Because I can barely read as it is, and this stupid Shakespeare stuff just doesn't even make sense."
He put his head down on his desk, leaning his forehead against the questionnaire and groaning loudly.
"It's like another language. You have to learn to translate it. I mean, you and your mom were speakin' something, so you know how to do this."
"Yeah, and that's kinda the problem." Steve sat up, looking at Billy. Billy moved to sit on the corner of his desk. "My mom's from Italy, and I didn't even speak English until I was like, six. Regular English has never made sense to me, and then they give us this shit." He flipped the book closed harshly.
Billy had to bite his tongue, because the only thing he could think to say was you sure do talk a lot for someone who allegedly doesn't understand English. But he didn't really wanna be a dick right now.
"Okay. Here's what will do. We'll answer as many questions as you can. Once we get to the ones about specific passages, I'll read them in plain terms, and you'll be fine, okay?"
Steve nodded glumly, but he picked up his pencil.
"Okay, dude. You can definitely answer this first question."
Question one: Who wrote Othello.
Steve circled the correct answer and Billy pat him on the head. Steve glared at him playfully.
They went through the questions.
Some were easy, and clearly all Steve needed was a cheerleader, because he circled the correct ones right away.
But then, some were fucking difficult.
"Okay, question 36: What is the significance of Othello's handkerchief?"
Steve flipped through the book desperately.
"What fucking handkerchief?"
It was a little past eight, and Steve was just barely halfway through the packet.
He was clearly trying not to get frustrated, as he came across harder and harder questions, understanding less and less.
"So, in the passage, Iago is basically trying to turn Othello against Desdemona. He's saying that if she deceived her father, she would deceive Othello."
"But, I don't get why she lied to her dad. Like, what was the lie?"
"He didn't want her to get married to Othello, but she did anyway."
Steve just looked desperately at Billy.
"So, she did cheat on Othello? And Iago is telling him about it?"
"No, she didn't Iago is trying to fuck with Othello."
"Wait, so Desdemona did nothing wrong, and then Othello still kills her?" He looked incredulous.
"Yeah, man. It's Shakespeare. In the tragedies, everyone dies. In the comedies, everyone fucks."
"Because it was Elizabethan England, and everyone was fucking and dying, and half of these stories are based on the Greek plays that came before, in which everyone just fucked and died."
"I wish my life was like that. I just wanna fuck. And then die." Steve put his pencil down, leaning back in his chair. "I'm sorry, man. That I dragged you here to help me with this. I'm just fucking dumb."
Billy smacked Steve in the back of the head, and he yelped, glaring at Billy and rubbing the spot where Billy had merely tapped him.
"You're not stupid. This is hard. Now, let's keep going. This isn't gonna finish itself."
Billy ended up finally leaving Steve's close to ten.
His mom thanked him for helping Steve, and shoved a wad of cash in his hand that Billy felt too awkward to count until he had parked in his spot behind his house.
Jesus Christ, she gave him fifty bucks.
He put it with the rest of his stash, in the locked glove compartment, and wiggled into the back seat.
He doesn't doubt that his dad had locked the house promptly at curfew. He doesn't doubt that he was gonna get his shit rocked tomorrow after school when he showed up back at home.
But Steve had finished his assignment, and had flung his arms around Billy when it was finally over, and it's okay. Billy can take a few smacks.
Billy turned to see Steve rushing towards him down the hall. His cheeks were pink and he was beaming.
He thrust the assignment from last night into Billy's hands, and there was a big red A- on the top.
"That's my best English grade, like, ever. Thank you! Seriously, Billy. Thank you so much. I'm taking you out for dinner this weekend, okay? To say thank you. I'll buy you a burger and a milkshake, and anything you want."
"Nah, man. Your mom paid me last night, it's okay."
Steve shook his head, his hair flopping onto his forehead, and he pushed it back, still grinning. Fuck, he's so pretty.
"Can it. We're going to the dinner and you're gonna eat fries until you puke, okay? We're going Friday."
Billy's supposed to help Susan trim all the hedges on Friday.
Okay, if he wakes up early, he can do the front before school, and if he comes home during his free period, he could-
"Sure, Pretty Boy. Friday."
He was up before the sun, cutting hedges.
He had to shower before school, which he fucking hates doing, because he doesn't have enough time to properly do his hair in the mornings.
But he finished them.
He finished them all.
And he told Susan such when she handed him his pity packed lunch that morning.
She thanked him, and his dad narrowed his eyes.
"Why?" He barked.
Billy tried to act casual.
"Couldn't sleep, thought I'd just get it out of the way."
Neil didn't stop staring suspiciously at Billy until he and Max had closed the backdoor behind them.
"Why did you really do all that this morning?" Max asked when they were safe in the car.
"Jus' have plans after school."
She rolled her eyes.
"Oh, that's rich. You're going on a date."
Well, he hopes so.
But that's never gonna happen.
The school day seemed to pass as slowly as fucking possible. He was anxious all day, fidgety and nervous, and a tiny bit sweaty.
Steve was leaning against his car outside when Billy finally stomped away from the school, and he smiled brightly at Billy.
"Should we just meet at the diner?"
"Yeah. I gotta drive Max, so." He gestured lamely.
"Okay. See you in a bit." Steve tapped the hood of the Camaro, and normally Billy would've threatened to bite anyone that knocked into his car like that, but Steve can kinda do whatever he wants as far as Billy is concerned.
Billy made sure to idle in front of the house, making sure Max got inside alright, and making sure his dad watched him drop her off.
He'd be in worse shit if Neil thought Billy made Max walk home by herself.
But he sped back into town the second the screen door slammed closed behind her.
Steve already had a booth when Billy arrived, and he waved Billy down enthusiastically, as if Billy didn't hone in on him the second he walked through the door.
"Hey, man! Glad you could make it," he said, as if he didn't insist that Billy make it.
Billy grunted at him, shuffling into the booth on the other side of Steve.
"Thanks again, dude. My grades have never been so good. My dad even said I've been doing alright, which is, I think, the nicest thing he's ever said to me."
"Yeah. It's no problem."
"Why don't people know you're smart?" Steve's question took Billy off guard a little bit. "You act like you're a dumb jock, like me."
"You're not dumb. And it's just self-preservation, I guess. I don't need every pretty boy in this school to know I'm a good tutor. Already got my hands full."
Steve's cheeks went the faintest bit pink, and if Billy didn't know better, he'd say that Steve's casual shifting of position was more like a little squirm.
"I guess that makes sense," Steve mumbled, picking at the edge of the menu in front of him.
Their waiter came at that moment, and Steve ordered right away, rattling off what he wanted like it was second nature.
"So the usual, then?" The waiter winked at Steve, and Steve flushed a little deeper, looking shyly at Billy.
"I'll have the same." The waiter nodded, and swept off with their menus.
"So, you're here a lot?" Billy didn't want to look too far into it, but he was ravenous for little scraps of information about Steve. A little peek into his life.
"Yeah. I come here for dinner when I'm home alone a lot. Cooking for one person is kinda lame, and I like being somewhere that's not so. Quiet."
"How often you home alone?"
"Every few weeks. My mom travels around with my dad a lot, but she feels bad about leaving me on my own. Doesn't really stop her, thought." And Steve looked positively glum, like a pouty little cat caught outside in the rain.
"Well, next time you're alone let me know. I don't have too much going on. Usually."
Steve brightened, looking at Billy with a tiny mile on his face.
"Yeah? You don't have better friends then some dumbass you tutor?"
"I don't tutor a dumbass. And in case you hadn't noticed, I don't have many friends. Only been in town for a few months."
"I've been here my whole life, and I don't have many friends, either."
"That's their problem, then."
Steve beamed at him.
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carajilloplz · 10 days
i. cowboy like me ₊˚⊹⋆ billy the kid
warnings: none really lol, just 1870s bs and low-key flirting
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The lace fan in your hand and the spring breeze did little to soothe the flush caused by the early afternoon sunshine, making a light blush crawl up to your cheeks and small beads of sweat pool at the nape of your neck. It was pleasant to be out on the terrace of your friend’s townhouse, basking in the pleasure of not having to fuss over much before the season starts, but the imminent peril of your debut kept your mind elsewhere from the untouched tea and pastries laid out before you.
“Ada, do you suppose your brother’s guest will be handsome?” mused Josie, slumped over her chair turning to look at Ada
“Josie! Hush, don’t say things like that, I’d never be interested in someone who’s my brother’s age.”
“I’m just saying that if he’s going to be staying in your house, eating your food, and disturbing your peace he might as well be nice-looking”
“Perhaps Josie has a point, Ada.” you reasoned “Do you really know who this man is?”
“I barely just learned this morning that my brother’s coming back to New York, give me a break girls.”
“What I do know is that his friend’s a cowboy at his father’s ranch in colorado and that he’s looking for a change of scenery for a while, so my brother’s bringing him up here.”
A cowboy? You’d seen what they’re like on your trips to Texas— rough, rugged, almost uncouth, but there was something that intrigued you about a man that could ride in the ranges all day and never get tired of the landscape’s expanse. You saw a bit of yourself in that. A cowboy’s the furthest you’d expect to have in new york, especially attending the events of the social season.
“Just cross your fingers it doesn’t turn into a shitshow, Ada”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
The rattle of the carriage’s wheels on the cobblestone streets did nothing to help the unease in Billy’s stomach as they headed to Ash’s house in a side of New York drastically unlike the one he used to be familiar with. Is this really a good idea?
"Billy, while the people here can be greay gossips, they probably won’t think too deeply. As long as you keep a low profile and not cause any trouble, you should be fine. In due time you can return south," reassured Ash
“I couldn’t be more grateful Ash, really. It’s just going to be real hard to lie about everything.”
The carriage came to a sudden stop infront of a tall brownstone that matched all the ones next to it, creating a cookie-cutter row of houses that ran down the street until the eye could see. Finely dressed people walked down the sidewalks, conversing or walking their dogs, seeing and being seen under the spring sun. Billy stepped out of the carriage with Ash, giving a grateful nod to the driver and going up the steps behind his host. The door was opened by a maid inside, who greeted Ash with a smile, and as he and Billy walked in there was a rumble heard on the stairs as three young girls stormed down and an older woman walked behind them.
“Ash!” exclaimed one of the girls, her face lighting up as she rushed to greet him, followed by the older woman billy assumed was his mother. The other two girls stayed on the staircase, offering ash a polite greeting and peering curiously at Billy. You particularly, wearing a soft cornflower blue dress with your hair pinned up caught his eye, but he knew it was rude to stare so he quickly bright his gaze back to his host.
“Everyone, this is my friend William Henry from Colorado. Billy this is my mother Helena, my sister Ada and her friends”
“Pleasure to meet you ladies, and thank you Mrs. Upson for allowin’ me to stay in your house for some time. I hope it’s not too much of a bother.” As he said this, Billy finally had the chance to take a look at you, his stomach flipping but now for a good reason. His gaze lingered momentarily, trying to piece together the intrigue you caused -- you were beautiful, undoubtedly so but there was lightness and grace about you that captivated him. You smiled softly and nodded as a greeting, and he couldn’t help but notice the lightly flustered blush of your cheeks or the small hairs fallen from your updo that framed your face and neck.
Mrs. Upson snapped him back to reality. “It is absolutely no trouble, Mr. Henry. Hattie will see to your belongings, but for now you can join the girls and I for tea if you’d like.”
Everybody moved to the terrace once more, Ash being whisked away by Ada to catch up, leaving Billy to sit with Mrs Upson, Josephine, and you.
When Billy had stepped through the front door of the Upson’s house, your breath left you for a moment. He was very much a cowboy, slightly rugged and stoic but a gentle demeanor about the way he carried himself that brought your breath back to your lungs. He towered over you just the right amount and his shoulders, which he carried with a humble confidence, were (weirdly) attractively wide. Josie was also right about something— Ash’s guest was absolutely handsome.
“So your father is a rancher, Billy?” Asks Josephine, sitting next to you and nudging you slightly, making you pay attention to the cowboy sitting before you. Josie’s bluntness made you blush, elbowing her and shooting her a warning glance. “I apologize, if you don’t mind us calling you Billy.”
“I don’t mind that at all, I quite prefer it actually.” He swallowed before continuing, a strain in his face that piqued your curiosity. “And yes, my father owns a few ranches along the Arkansas river.”
“How wonderful, must be a beautiful sight.” you mention absentmindedly, picturing the mountains and the rolling hills that you imagine as his home. A small smile breaking his face snaps you back into the moment and it makes your stomach warm and cracks a smile out of you too.
“It is, really. Y’all should visit sometime, it’s beautiful around this time of year.”
“That’s quite a nice idea, William we would love to see your father’s ranches.” remarked Mrs. Upson, “I know you must be tired from your travels, but will you be joining us at the soiree tonight?”
“I’d love to Mrs Upson, what’s the occasion?”
“The girl’s debut this season! It’s just something small with some family friends before the ball tomorrow.”
Billy was visibly confused, “Debut?”
“It’s a ball where the girls get paraded around in white dresses like cattle so they can get married off” interjects Ash, joining them. “Frankly it’s degrading, but it’s tradition.”
Your stomach churned. Degrading is the perfect word to describe it. You were not looking forward to the next few months of insipid suitors and the prospect of a proposal. It’s not like you were completely opposed to a proposal, but this culling process was not the way you wanted to approach it. Yet, as Ash said, it’s tradition.
“Sounds…grueling” Billy admits.
“Absolutely. The balls are quite fun though.” says Josie.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
Later that night, the Upson household was bustling with people laughing, drinks pouring, and conversation buzzing with excitement about the upcoming season. Poor billy looked like a fish out of water, dressed in one of Ash’s suits that he was visibly unnaccustomed to using. You looked at the interactions from afar, Billy charming but clearly feeling uncomfortable, as you could see with the tension in his sharp jaw. Josie, a little bit tipsy, comes up to you and leans in with a giggle.
“Have you noticed he’s been staring at you all night?” she whispers.
A blush creeps onto your cheeks and you try to hold back a smile “And what would make you say such a wild thing, josie? Is it the champagne?”
Josie placed her hand on her chest in fake offense “Gah! You offend me darling”
“What’d she do now, Jo?” Ada, also a few drinks in accuses cheekily.
“She doesn’t believe that she is the most stunning girl in the room and that Mr Cowboy here has been stealing a few glances.”
“Oh Josie is right, you’ve been the only one he’s looked at.”
You noticed that he had excused himself from the conversation across the room and headed to the drinks table where the three of you were located, a soft smile greeting you and making your heart flutter. You realized then and there that it was impossible to get tired of his deep, kind blue eyes.
“How’s the night treating you, Billy?” asks Josie. Billy lets out a small laugh and glances at you and Ada.
“She needs to start findin’ her way home don’t she?”
Josie scowls, and you and Ada are laughing at your friend’s cheeky behavior “Gosh, you’re no fun! I’m just getting started, Billy boy.”
“Oh she is, Billy. She always has a few too many glasses of champagne but she’s great fun” you say with a smile. You both meet eyes for a moment and you drop it after a second, a bashful blush painting your cheeks.
“All three of y’all seem like great fun, champagne or not. I’m lookin’ forward to my stay here.” he admits. Billy gives you a smile too, picking the eye contact back up and going to say something before Ada interrupts.
“We should cheers to that then!” she says, serving each one a glass of champagne and handing it to them. “To Billy’s fruitful stay in New York!”
You all clink your glasses together and you down yours mostly in a few sips.
“Josie, you should go play some music!” squeals Ada, grabbing Josie, who is also downing her glass and pulls her towards the piano at the other side of the room.
You and billy share a laugh at the antics of your friends, and you go to serve some more champagne for the two of you. The bubbly buzz of the champagne was getting to your head a little and you faltered a few drops onto your dress.
As you served some into Billy’s glass, you couldn’t stop yourself from commenting—“Your accent slips out a little more when you’re drinkin’ Billy.” you noticed. It was cute though, your time in Texas had made you fond of a southern drawl.
“Does it really? You’ve kinda got one too.” he points out with a laugh, looking down at you through half-lidded eyes.
“Do I? It’s probably the champagne, I apologize.” you laugh, a light smile covered by a laced hand spreads on your face and you look up at him. “I haven’t been down south in forever, I thought it’d gone away”
“You’ve been?” he asks furrowing his brow in question and developing a curious smile. He quickly dismissed the thought of how much he loved the way your eyes looked from below him. “Didn’t take you for a southern girl.”
You let out a shy laugh and looked down, “I am, grew up in Texas and moved here with my mother and sister when I was eleven. My father’s still down there. He’s got an oil field in the Panhandle and takes care of a few ranches in the prairie near Dallas.”
Billy nodded, slightly surprised but still, extremely curious and amused by your personal history. He’d wondered whether he’d seen the same prairies as you had growing up, fallen in love with the same nature.
“Well darlin’ I’m quite surprised,” his stomach churned at his lie— “My father’s ranches run along Colorado but I’ve been to Texas quite a few times and I can’t wait to go back.”
“Me neither,” you confess, staring wistfully at your cup. “My father comes up every once in a while but I haven’t been since I was fifteen.”
“I’d happily take you in as a guest if it’ll take that downhearted look off your face.” he said softly, taking your chin in his hand and bringing you to look at him with the most tender gesture, giving you the most comforting smile. All of this made your heart flip and your chest tighten the lightest bit in fear. You’d had one or two callers before that had caught your heart, but whatever Billy did to you was different. Speaking to him felt familiar and the slightly calloused feel of his hand on you was a commiserative connection back to the wild girl you had once been. Being in New York tamed you, but he had a look that took you right back home.
You couldn’t. With a polite smile, you leaned out of his touch after a few moments and tried to will the blush off your cheeks.
“I’d much like that Mr. Henry, I appreciate the invitation.” He nonned curtly in response, a little confused at your sudden distance. “I should catch up with my friends. Enjoy your evening.”
You walked away, your heart almost beating out of your ribcage as you made a beeline to your friends. Looking around discreetly to see if anyone had noticed your interaction with billy, you caught the curious eye of your sister and her fiance, giving them a dismissive stare and catching up to josie and ada, who were sitting at the piano.
The rest of the night you stuck to your friends, the drinks pouring and the conversation flowing through the bustle of people in the salon. As you stepped through the balcony doors to take a breath, remembering the feeling of billy’s touch and the way he made you feel, your sister followed you through. It was pathetic how he had affected you so much with a single touch.
Your sister, accompanied by her fiance Theo, stared at you teasingly.
“And what was that with Ash's friend?” She asks, “I know you have a thing for cowboys.”
With a rush of blood to your face once more, you dismissed her with a gesture of your hand.
“Stop it Clemmie, you know that stupid crush was forever ago, and there is nothing going on with Mr. Henry.”
“He looks awfully familiar, somehow.” Theo comments. “Feels like I’ve seen him before”
“Theo, my love, you know I adore you but just because we went back home last summer doesn’t mean you know everyone in the South.” Your sister says, giving her fiance a teasing tap on his cheek. “Well, from what i’ve heard through the grapevine he is truly an uncut gem so I say go for it”
You blush, impossibly even more, at her comment. “Shut it Clemmie, my debut is tomorrow and I cannot have you putting stupid things in my head.”
“But he’s quite darling isn’t he?”
Hesitating, you sighed, staring wistfully at the man inside, speaking with Ash and somehow stirring your heart from afar, “I won’t deny that.”
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
a/n: HEY GUYS WELCOME so happy to be putting this out omg i've been working on this for forever i hope you enjoy :) part 2 is in the works but in the meantime if you have any ideas for any tom characters lmk jijiji i am very much taking requests (and look at my masterlist so you can see who else i write for !!)
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milimeters-morales · 1 year
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bobosbillionsknives · 5 months
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weird-an · 1 year
Murray is getting on Jim's last nerve. He has been calling the station four times today already, yelling into Jim's ear how he should check on Billy Hargrove, because he's hiding something.
"He's a fucking teenager," Jim says, "Of course we don't get him, of course he's got secrets."
"No, Jim, he's been stealing stuff from Melvald's and has not gone home for the last two nights!" Murray rants. "There's something going on."
Hopper sighs into the phone. At this point he's getting a headache.
"Stop stalking a teenager, Murray."
"Then do your fucking job and investigate!" Murray shouts before hanging up.
Jim doesn't think about it for the rest of the day. But when he sees the Camaro parked at Melvald's parking lot in the middle of the night, after he's on his way home, he stops the car.
Maybe Murray is right, he considers, something is going on. And if it's not, he can tell the idiot at least that he's checked without lying.
He walks over to the Camaro, half way wondering if he'll cockblock a teenager on a date, but he stops dead when he looks inside the car.
Billy Hargrove is curled up on the backseat of his car, a ratty blanket wrapped around him and chewing on a sandwich. At eleven o'clock on a Thursday night. A dark bruise on his cheek.
Billy freezes when he sees him. Hopper can't blame him. He's a big guy.
Billy crawls in front of his car and opens the door. "Is there a problem, Chief?" He smiles at Jim, apparently unaware he's got blood on his teeth.
"Who did this?" Jim points at Billy's face. "And don't fucking lie to a police officer."
He swears internally when the kid flinches at that. He's not good at the whole talking thing.
"Um. I.." Billy coughs and it's obvious he tries to come up with a lie.
"Your old man?" Hopper guesses, because he knows the story. Because he's fucking lived it, too.
Billy stares at him with wide eyes. "It's...I'm...He... doesn't really.."
Jim tries to keep his anger at bay. "Whatever he is, he is wrong about it. You're coming with me."
"Am I... arrested?" Billy asks. Hopper wants to punch someone. Preferably Hargrove Senior.
"No. We're going to mine...and I'm...going to help you." Thank God he doesn't sound as unsure as he feels. He just needs to get Billy away from this man. He's got to figure out how to help this kid.
He wishes the worst thing of all of this would be telling Murray Bauman, he's right. It isn't. It's a fucker kicking out his son after beating him up.
But Billy follows him and sits down on the passenger's seat of his car, still clutching the sandwich. It's a start at least.
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djobiny · 5 months
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Bro nothing cures ills like drawing headcanons
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wolfsbanesparks · 17 days
Teenage adventures in ghost hunting sounds like the title of an awesome 90s blockbuster movie
Thank you!
This is a fun one I've had in my head for forever. Basically it is a no capes AU where some of our favorite kids decide to try their hand at ghost hunting.
The ghost hunting crew would include Billy, Freddy, Mary, Damian, Jon, Maps, and Marcus (as of right now, it's still early enough in the writing process to change) The kids decide to break into a haunted building armed with only Billy’s recording equipment from WHIZ and some nice cameras Damian bought with his dad’s credit card. Billy was a bit reluctant to tag along but when they begged him to use his equipment he knee he had to because there is no way he's letting them just take it.
The kicker here is that Billy is a medium. He can and has seen (and spoken to) ghosts in real life (especially during his time on the streets). As they deal with a serious haunting they uncover the truth about what happened.
I kind of really liked the idea of Billy being seen as the team skeptic (probably alongside Marcus) only to be able to see ghosts and already be aware that they are definitely real.
So it would probably play out a bit like a 90s blockbuster!
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onlyrainbowshipstbh · 3 months
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Billy and Babe via Billy’s Insta!
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