#bi leonard mccoy
lokilenchen · 1 year
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Happy Pride month from my two favorite space boys!!
This is a redraw of the Jim and Bones at Pride drawing I made two years ago
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doctor-mccoys-sanity · 6 months
Watching Star Trek TOS spending all my time staring at Bones when he’s onscreen and I can’t tell if it was an acting choice for McCoy to check out every attractive woman in front of him or if it was just Deforest Kelley🥲
Also I love lesbian uhura, whenever there’s other women she just spends her time admiring them and i love it.
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artsyhamster · 2 years
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Saw this post saying that Kirk’s chest would be a better pillow than the hard rock, and I agreed
McKirk snuggles. :>
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toboldlygohome · 5 months
"Patch Me Up, Doc"
Leonard McCoy x Reader
Summary: When disaster strikes on the Enterprise and the unavoidable happens, Bones is there to patch you up again.
Character(s): Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, James "Jim" Kirk, Christine Chapel
Warning(s): Wounds, Minor character death, Violence, Cursing
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Leonard wasn't sure how his day could possibly get worse. Three cases of Ankarian flu, several engineers came in with all manner of abrasions and burns, and an ensign went into anaphylactic shock. All in the last two hours.
The one thing he had been looking forward to all day was seeing you. Today you were scheduled for your bi-monthly physical. Despite the engineering department being notorious for having the most casualties, you were one of the few exceptions.
You were always careful and aware of your surroundings and you never made silly mistakes. It was one of the things Leonard really liked about you, but that also meant he didn't see you as much as he'd like to. At least you were taking care of yourself. If that meant he only got to see your beautiful smile a few times a week, it was worth it.
Leonard looked down at his PADD and frowned. You were late, which was very unlike you. He had tried to call you multiple times, but you weren't answering any of his messages. After about thirty minutes of waiting, Leonard dialed Scotty.
"Hello?" Scotty said. In the background Bones could hear what sounded like a hundred hammers banging on pipes. That was his first clue to what was holding you up.
"Scotty, where is-" Leonard started, but was cut off by the head engineer.
"Ah! Doctor, what can I do you for?"
Bones huffed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Lieutenant Y/L/N is late for her medical exam," He grumbled.
"Oh yeah! She mentioned something about that. Is it that time already?" Scotty asked. "We're a little busy down here. I'll send her up when we get this figured out." Suddenly there was a loud hissing sound. It was so loud that Leonard had to pull the communicator away from his ear.
"Dear god man! what's going on down there?" Bones talked over the static.
"Something strange is happening with the warp core. We're running on a power shortage."
"Power shortage? What do you mean, power shortage?" Bones implored. As if in response, the lights dimmed with a dangerous sounding hum before brightening again. "Ah. That power shortage."
"Losing power up in med bay!" Scotty announced to his crew before responding to Bones. "Don't you worry doctor, we have all hands on deck to figure out what is draining the power. When we do, I'll send your lass up for her physical."
"How long is this gonna take?" Leonard furrowed his brows.
"Oh at the rate we're going at, I'd say a couple hours at least-"
"A couple hours?! Forget it. Just tell Y/N I'll get with her later to reschedule." Bones ran a hand over his face.
"You got it lad!" Scotty hung up.
An hour went by and the power outages were growing more frequent. Leonard couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was about to happen. But of course he was a doctor, not a psychic.
Bones busied himself at his desk filling out some patient reports, when a low rumble coursed through the ship. It vibrated the floors and walls, shaking the contents of Leonard's long forgotten coffee mug. When the shaking slowed, the lights slowly faded out and didn't turn back on.
"What the hell are they doing down there? Opening a god-damned back hole?" Bones shoved aside his chair and stormed out of his office.
The nurses in the medbay already had out their flashlights and were pulling open the automatic doors, which had frozen in place with the power outage.
"Back up generators should be switching on any minute" Nurse Chapel said as she fiddled with her PADD screen. They waited in tense silence for the lights to come on. When nothing happened, Leonard grabbed a flashlight of his own.
"I'm getting to the bottom of this mess." He grumbled and marched toward the door, only to be thrown against the wall by some strange force. The nurses, biobeds and all manner of medical equipment felt the impact as well. Dimly, Bones registered a loud boom from deep within the enterprise that rattled his insides. What followed was the sound of emergency sirens and flashing red lights.
"Everyone okay?" Leonard called out as he pulled himself up. There were various murmurs of agreement as the nurses regained their balance. Dr M'Benga rushed in soon after, along with a steady flow of medical personnel. Everyone worked in a frenzy to prep the medbay for...whatever it was that was happening.
"Jim! medbay to bridge! Pick up dammit!" Leonard hollered into his communicator over the blaring sirens.
"Bones! Read you loud and clear!" Jim responded.
"What in god's name is going on? are we under attack?!" Leonard could barely hear himself think over the sound of the red alert.
"Not entirely sure."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means, i'll get back to you on that. Right now I need a medical team down in engineering ASAP!"
Leonard felt his stomach drop. That must have been where the explosion was. 'All hands on deck' Scotty had said. So many people were down there. He was down there.
You were down there. Dammit.
Leonard hung up and grabbed his kit "Alpha shift, you're coming with me to engineering. Beta and Gamma shift, stay here and get ready. I have a feeling we're gonna be busy."
Down in engineering, you struggled to stand. Your legs felt weak and your head was pounding. The room was spinning and it was unbearably hot. You couldn't hear anything at first, the ringing was so bad. Then the ringing turned into sirens, then into shouting. Your eyes adjusted to the lights.
There was fire everywhere. The whole engine room was a mess of destroyed systems and fallen cross beams. You couldn't recall what happened at first, then slowly you remembered the alien device. the one harvesting the power. There must have been multiple, and they must have been bombs.
Amid the grogginess, you heard your communicator beeping. It was Scotty.
"M'here boss" Your voice sounded much more hoarse than you were expecting. you must have been screaming when you went down.
"Where are you? I've been trying to find you!" Scotty yelled from the other end.
"I'm by the eastern bulkhead." You pushed yourself up on your knees to survey your surroundings.
"That's perfect! Captain says they see an unfamiliar ship closing in. Given the circumstances, we can assume it's not too friendly."
"Affirmative," You whole-heartedly agreed as you struggled to your feet.
"We haven't enough power for shields. The captain needs us to redirect all the power to the warp coils."
You huffed, catching your breath. "Consider it done, be careful Scotty." you hung up and hooked your communicator to your belt. The smoke was terrible and it was hard to breathe, but you had a job to do. You grabbed a rogue toolkit and rushed toward one of the massive power panels. On the way there, you saw something that froze you in your tracks.
It was an ensign trapped under a large pipe. She appeared to be incapacitated. You dropped everything and rushed over to her.
"Nella! Can you hear me?" You cried out. She didn't respond. "Nella, I'm going to get you out of here! Just hold on!"
You grabbed one end of the pipe and started lifting, but it wouldn't budge. "Come on!" You grunted, putting everything you had into it. You pulled and pulled, but you couldn't free her alone. "Help! over here! Someone!"
Footsteps. Your prayers had been answered. Dr. McCoy came rushing around the corner with his med kit and those strong arms you needed right about now.
"Leonard! Thank god, I need your help! She's trapped, I can't get it myself!" You swallowed the lump in your throat. You were so glad to see him, Bones always seemed to appear just when you needed him.
Leonard froze when he saw the ensign on the floor and held up his tricorder.
"Come on doctor, we gotta get it off of her" You said through gritted teeth, fighting to lift the pipe off your fellow engineer.
Leonard's scanner beeped and he sighed. "Y/N, I... I'm sorry." He placed a firm hand on your shoulder.
You froze, trying to comprehend what he meant by that. "You...what?" You asked in a daze.
"She's gone Y/N," he squeezed your shoulder.
You let go of the pipe and turned your gaze to the ceiling. You were on the verge of a breakdown and you needed to stay calm. There were other people, living people, who needed your help right now. You pressed the heels of your palms to your eyes and took a deep breath.
Leonard moved his hand to your back. "Lieutenant, we have to go."
You steeled yourself, grabbed your tool bag from the ground and darted toward the power panel. Leonard grunted and hurried after you.
"The doors are this way! where are you going?" Bones caught up with you as you navigated the mess of wires, pipes, and rubble.
"To redirect the power!"
"Slow down dammit, you're injured!"
"If I don't transfer the power to the warp coils, all of us are gonna be dealing more than just a few bumps and scrapes, Doctor"
"What you have there is not a 'scrape' Darlin' you've practically sprung a leak!"
"Perfect! You can follow my blood trail!" Everything was going wrong. This was one big, terrible nightmare. The floor shook again and you stumbled forward into the power panel. Leonard fell into you from behind, that was when you noticed the searing pain in your side.
"Shit," you winced.
"What did I tell ya?" Leonard grumbled as he helped you up. You reached for the controls, only to find the displays were fried. With a cry of defeat, you slammed your fist into the keyboard.
"Nothing can ever be EASY, can it?! Time to get creative then!" You went to the side of the panel and pried it open to reveal it's mechanical innards. "You work on me, I'll work on this!"
Bones didn't need to be told twice. He dove into his medical bag for his hypo spray and bandages; meanwhile, you were looking for the command cable that would allow you to divert all the power coming into the panel to the warp coils.
You ignored the sting of the hypo entering your neck and focused on finding your coveted wire.
"Lifting your dress Lieutenant." Leonard warned, already gripping the bottom hem.
"Do what you gotta do doctor, modesty is the last thing on my mind right now." You groused as you dug deeper into the panel. Not that modesty was an issue, you were wearing leggings after all.
He lifted your dress and winced on your behalf. Bones gave it some sort of antibacterial spray that burned like hell despite the pain medicine he injected you with. The barrage of what you assumed to be phaser cannons didn't lighten up. The floor kept shaking, but neither of you payed it any mind.
The world seemed to slow as you finally found the cable. "YES!" You beamed, ripping it out of it's socket.
"Woah, woah, woah. You're messin' up your bandages!"
"No time for bandages! I have to get these cables into that panel" You pointed across the destroyed engine room. "That'll reroute the power, then we can get the hell out of here!" You struggled to stand amid the shaking and Leonard hoisted you up. If the circumstances weren't so terrible, you would have relished in the feeling of his arms around you. Unfortunately, time was of the essence. Once you were on your feet, you were already running through the wreckage to the panel. Leonard was hot on your heels, shielding his face from the flames as he ran.
A powerful crash sent you flying forward yet again, knocking the wind out of you. Behind you, Leonard was in a similar predicament. You didn't stop. All you had to do was plug it in, then the enterprise would finally be out of danger. You tore into the panel. This time you knew just where the cord was supposed to go. You ripped the old cord free and replaced it with the new one.
Instantly you felt the ship lurch forward. All at once, the shaking stopped. The familiar hum of the warp coils lulled you into a sense of ease. You were back on your feet, the ground steady beneath you. You turned and found Bones, pulling himself off the ground. Your relief was immeasurable. It was all over. The ship was safe.
Leonard was safe.
You smiled so brightly, Bones was sure it out shined even the brightest star in the galaxy.
Unfortunately for you, the universe was against you that day. You took one step toward him and your world lit up. You saw nothing. The only thing you felt was pain. The last thing you heard before drifting away was the sound of Leonard, crying out for you.
An incessant beeping stirred you from your slumber, that and the terrible ache you felt in every part of your body. It took a long time for you to work up the courage to open your eyes, but when you did, you were blinded by the overhead lights in the medbay.
You groaned and tried to shield your eyes with your arm, but you just felt so weak. Instead, you closed your eyes and hoped your head would stop throbbing
"Lights at 50%" A familiar voice drawled.
You peeked your eyes open again and hummed approvingly at the light levels.
"Hey darlin'...how are you feeling?" Leonard asked as he sat on the edge of your biobed. He looked so tired. You just wanted to reach up, take his face into your hands and hold him until he fell into a restful sleep.
"Like I was swallowed by the sun and spit back out again." You tried to smile.
"Well, at least you're feeling something." He placed the back of his hand on your forehead. "I'd be mighty worried if you felt nothing at all."
You closed your eyes and sighed, relishing in his gentle touch. "How are you feeling?" You asked softly.
He chuckled lowly and slowly pulled his hand away. "You nearly get blown to bits and you're asking me how i'm doing?"
"Have you slept?" You ignored his question.
Leonard sighed "you are something else... Not yet. Don't think I could fall asleep if I tried," he reached up and tapped on the screen of the biobed to check your vitals. You wanted to say something, anything. You wanted to thank him, reassure him, tell him you'd do it all again if you had to.
"I'm gonna check your bandages sweetheart. It might sting a little, but I'll try to be gentle," he said whispered.
"I trust you Len," you gave him a tired smile.
Bones pulled back the sheet on the bed. Your arms were all bandaged and one of your legs was in a cast. You couldn't see the rest of you under the hospital gown. The cold air stung your burns and you clenched your teeth. Leonard pulled up the side of the gown to check your cut. You had nearly forgotten about that wound amidst all your new ones.
"Just as I thought," he muttered "Time to change your bandages. Y/N, are you-"
"Patch me up, doc." You closed your eyes and tried to relax.
Leonard frowned and heaved a sigh through his nose. He brought his hands to the bandages, but stopped just sort of cutting them off. He was much quieter than usual. You were used to his grumpy complaining, his witty banter. His silence was unsettling, his hesitation even more so.
"Bones?" You whispered.
"Y/N, I...." He trailed off and looked at you. His eyes glistened with unshed tears. The sight of him so distraught... You didn't know what you were feeling. You focused hard and ignored the pain as you lifted your arm.
"H-hey, don't-" he started. You ignored him and brought your hand to his cheek. He closed his eyes and swallowed thickly.
"I'm not going anywhere..." You said softly. "Not now, not ever."
"You can't possibly promise me that darlin'..." His voice came out as a broken rumble.
"I can't promise you that I won't get hurt... I can't promise that I will never be in danger. But I can promise that no matter what happens to me, I will always come back to you... who else would I trust to make me better again?" You brushed your thumb over his cheekbone. He ghosted his fingertips over your hand and pressed a tender kiss to your palm.
It was then that you knew everything had changed.
"I'm gonna hold you to that," Leonard whispered against your skin.
"I wish you'd hold me in other ways too," you giggled.
Leonard smiled and shook his head. "We'll discuss all that when you're better."
"Well, then you'd better get a move on doctor~"
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Youvebeenlivingfictional Kinktober 2022
I’m participating in Kinktober 2022 this year using this list by the phenomenal @absurdthirst​ . If you'd like to be tagged, please leave a comment on this post or send in an ask.
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Day One - Diego Jimenez x Reader.
Warnings: Exhibitionism, gun play; grinding; one light slap
Day Two - Nathan Bateman x Reader
Warnings: Voyeurism; toy use (dildo); overstimulation; oral sex; cursing
Day Three - Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Warnings: Cursing, spanking, one (1) pussy slap, handjobs, blowjobs, piv, spitroasting, threesome, unprotected sex, cumplay, Dom!Steve, Switch!Bucky, Sub!Reader
Day Four - Layla El-Faouly x Reader
Warnings: Nipple play, biting, grinding
Day Five -Josh Lyman x Reader
Warnings: Kitchen counter sex, spit as lube, piv, unprotected sex
Day Six - Jack "Whiskey" Daniels x Reader
Warnings: Sex work; lingerie; reverse cowgirl; piv; unprotected sex; accidental fluff and angst; this one also wound up being way longer than I expected it to be
Day Seven - AOS!Jim Kirk x Reader
Warnings: Shower sex; oral sex (male and female receiving); fingering; piv; unprotected sex
Day Eight - Jonathan Levy x Reader
Warnings: Begging; phone sex; the fellating of a lollipop; masturbation; subby Jonathan
Day Nine - Benoit Blanc x Reader
Warnings: Fingering; rimming; oral sex; anal sex; unprotected sex
Day Ten - Duncan Idaho x Reader
Warnings: Fingering; slight sensory deprivation; unprotected sex; size difference; choking
Dany Eleven - AOS!Leonard 'Bones' McCoy x Reader
Warnings: Frottage, smooching, fingering, handjob
Day Twelve - Duke Leto Atreides x Reader
Warnings: Cock warming; riding; desk sex
Day Thirteen - Benny Miller x Reader
Warnings: Masturbation; phone sex; scent kink
Day Fourteen - Orlando Oxford x Reader
Warnings: Glory hole; piv; unprotected sex
Day Fifteen - Santiago Garcia x Reader x Frankie Morales
Warnings: Cuckolding; facesitting; oral sex; dirty talk; piv; unprotected sex; cumplay; implied bi characters
Day Sixteen - Angel Reyes x Reader x Bishop Losa
Warnings: Oral sex; unprotected sex; piv; anal; double penetration; cursing
Day Seventeen - Matt Murdock x Reader
Warnings: Pussy slapping; oral sex; dirty talk; spanking
Day Eighteen - Oberyn Martell x Reader x Ellaria Sand
Warnings: Pegging; piv; unprotected sex
Day Nineteen - Tangerine x Reader
Warnings: Role playing/prep for a honeypot mission; oral sex; fingering; spit as lube; unprotected sex
Day Twenty - Benedict Bridgerton x Reader
Warnings: Flouting of Regency Mores; Handjobs; gags; piv; unprotected sex
Day Twenty One - Gurney Halleck x Reader
This can kinda be read as a companion piece to The Warmaster's Wife
Warnings: Masturbation; oral sex; fingering; breeding
Day Twenty Two - James Bond x Reader
Warnings: Sex pollen; unprotected sex; piv; implied multiple orgasms; rough sex
Day Twenty Three - Benny Borracho Magalon x Reader
Warnings: Lap dance; oral sex; fingering; rough sex; piv; one degrading term
Day Twenty Four - Javi G x Reader
Warnings: Edgeplay; praise kink; masturbation; piv; unprotected sex
Day Twenty Five - Mirror!Christopher Pike x Reader
Warnings: Collaring; mirror sex; choking; fingering; piv; unprotected sex
Day Twenty Six - Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Warnings: Flouting of Victorian mores; riding; piv unprotected sex
Day Twenty Seven - Abel Morales x Reader
Warnings: Oral sex; piv; infidelity
Day Twenty Eight - Christine Chapel x Reader
Warnings: Oral sex; fingering; body swap; blindfolds; edging
Day Twenty Nine - Stewy Hosseini x Reader x Kendall Roy
Warnings: Masturbation; voyeurism; oral sex; mentions of cocaine, but not use or abuse; implied Eiffel Tower
Day Thirty - Harvey Specter x Reader
Warnings: Public sex; oral sex; piv; unprotected sex
Day Thirty One - Ray Merrimen x Reader
Warnings: Prey play, dub-con, dom/sub dynamics, derogatory language, pussy slapping, restraints, gagging, rough sex, piv, unprotected sex, aftercare, praise kink
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onlybonesleft · 5 months
Character Info Sheet
name: Leonard Horatio McCoy
name meaning: Leonard (/ˈlɛnɚd/ originating from Old High German, prefix levon ("lion") from the Greek Λέων ("lion") and Latin Leo, and the suffix hardu ("brave" or "hardy")- meaning "lion strength", "lion-strong", or "lion-hearted".)
Horatio (/həˈɹeɪʃiəʊ/ from the Latin Horātius, possibly meaning "timekeeper")
McCoy (/məˈkɔɪ/ anglicized from the Irish, Mac Aodh (/ˈiː, ˈeɪ/), meaning "son of fire")
alias/es: Len, Doctor, Bones, Leo
ethnicity: American (because his family has been in the Georgia area for at least 200 years)
one picture you like best of your character: (not in character but I have loved this pic since I first saw it)
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three h/cs you've never told anyone: (I've had this blog for a little over 10 years, so there isn't much I haven't said in terms of headcanons so...)
While he doesn't hate it per se, Leonard is not a fan of being called Leo. Only a handful of people in his life have called him Leo and they are about the only ones he can stand it from. A couple of whom were his parents and grandparents. A few of his exes called him Leo. He's never really felt attached to the Leo part of his name and doesn't like to be reminded of his deceased family, or of his ex relationships.
He still occasionally has nightmares about the events in ST:ID even after years pass though they lessen in frequency as the years pass. The nightmares range from getting blown to smithereens because the torpedoes were actually bombs and they didn't diffuse it fast enough, not being there when Jim was actively dying to provide something for his…for Jim, not being fast enough and Jim actually dying, and being put on some sort of trial for playing god.
Expanding on previous sexuality and relationship headcanons: Leonard is bisexual, though most of his relationships have been with women. He's a serial monogamist, though with the right people (read: Jim and Spock or some OCs), he could and has done polyamorous relationships. That being said, he doesn't often fool around or have casual sex much because he finds that sex with a long term partner or partners is much more fun and fulfilling, but everyone has itches that need scratching from time to time. He'd probably not describe himself this way, but Len is a service top who can and has switched--he likes making his partner feel good and learning exactly what makes them tick.
three things your character likes doing in their free time:
Physical activity
eight people your character likes / loves: 4 canon and 4 muse specific and not exhaustive lists in any way shape or form
Jim Kirk, Spock, Scotty, Uhura, (or basically any of the main bridge crew really)
Silas (@exastrisnonnocere), Khan (@respondedinkind, and a previous Khan I rped with who is no longer on tumblr), Fable (@irresoluteextraterrestrial) or any of @playerentity's muses really, Q/Marcus (@resignedworkaholics)
two things your character regrets: Leonard has tried very hard not to have regrets in his life. But….they have happened.
He regrets not trying harder to find a cure for his dad. Too many what-ifs linger around his dad, and on bad days he airs them out before folding them away as something that is in the past and cannot be changed no matter how much he wishes it could be.
Not telling that one boy at Ole Miss that Leonard loved him. Whether it was fear or something else, Len sometimes wonders what his life would have looked like if he confessed to that man rather than going back to Jocelyn.
two phobias your character has:
thanatophobia - / ˌθæn ə təˈfoʊ bi ə / - an irrational or disproportionate fear of death, and in Leonard's case, for those he loves (he's witnessed it one too many times for it to not be completely irrational in his mind)
aviophobia - / ˌeɪ vi əˈfoʊ bi ə, ˌæv i- / - an irrational or disproportionate fear of flying in an airplane or other aircraft
stolen from/tagged by: @ensnchekov and @exastrisnonnocere
tagging: anyone who wants to do this
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mysticninetalis · 1 year
Christmas Woes and Peach Cobbler
@fuckyeahspones thanks for doing the prompts lol. This goes for baking and beginning:)
Today began like any ordinary Thursday for Leonard. Some ensign fucks themselves up doin' something or someone stupid, comes to Sickbay whining about how they damaged themselves tinkering, then he yells at them for being stupid, fixes them, and rinse and repeat. Ugh, he couldn't just catch a break, could he?
On top of the overgrown children he had to patch up on day-to-day, he was brooding about canceling his before-Christmas call to Joanna, missing another Christmas with her. Their biweekly call was supposed to happen Monday, but the Brass decided they needed to do some last-minute exploring of some baby nebula some lightyears out. Just his luck, he guessed. God, did he miss his little darlin' somethin' fierce!
He was tagging some additions to Ensign Donivan's chart and was so engrossed he still had yet to hear that an individual had requested entry into his office. He jumped at the feeling of someone touching his shoulder and turned in his chair to see Spock behind him. Their eyes met, and Spock did that little not-smile he does with his eyes whenever he catches Leonard off-guard. 
"Leonard, it would appear that I have caught you unaware. You had been so immersed in your work that you forgot your midday meal. I have also observed over the last 3.62 days that you remained melancholic about not being able to have your bi-weekly correspondence with Miss Joanna." Then Spock paused and did that slight head tilt whenever he was unsure. Pushing forward, the Vulcan continued, "As such, I have acquired you one of your 'southern comforts.' I know this cannot replace the emotions you would feel conversing with your daughter, but I hypothesized it would lift your spirit." Spock remarked as he gently positioned the plate of food in front of Leonard on the work desk. "Was my hypothesis correct?" Spock questioned.
On the plate in front of him was a peach cobbler, fresh from the oven; he could tell as the slightest bit of steam was coming off the top. The dish was plated with precision and consideration that he knew the replicator didn't usually do. This stunned Leonard a little bit, if he was being honest. He knew that he and Spock ribbed each other at any opportunity; it was merely how their little frenemy-ship they had goin' on was. He also understood that their arguments could get really heated if left unsupervised. It was an unsaid agreement that they also did it to irritate Jim, but it was neither here nor there.
Leonard's gaze drifted from the southern confection to Spock. For an instant, he reckoned he saw a speck of hesitance in Spock's warm gaze. To be frank, he was speechless. And because he didn't understand how to respond to Spock's spontaneous act of compassion, he did what he always did: taunt him.
"Now, Spock, whatever happened to that Vulcan logic of yours? Ah didn't think you had it in you to do a deed out of the goodness of your heart?" McCoy knocked the Vulcan.
Earning himself a look of furrowed brows and a slight not-frown as the Vulcan's cheeks were dusted with a bit of green. "While you believe you have proven your illogical argument that I am able to exhibit emotion, I will tell you that you are incorrect." the First Officer articulated his gaze hardening. After a minute pause to regain his emotional control, Spock restarted his rebuttal. "The conclusion that one of your favored desserts would improve your mood was purely the outcome of a logical thought process and data. Past occurrences have shown that to lighten your moments of emotional distress by choosing highly sugar-filled confections 67.982% of the time compared to your preferred alcoholic beverage of Kentucky Bourbon or a Mint Julep at 32.018%. As you are still on shift, and it would affect your efficiency in treating patients or reacting accordingly in an emergency, I inferred that this outcome was the most acceptable." The Vulcan concluded.
The Doctor looked away from Spock's newly blank gaze. He'd let out a heavy sigh as he scratched the back of his neck. That wasn't the reaction that Leonard expected, if he was being honest. Leonard knew that Spock did feel, and very deeply at that. Even if the Hobgoblin wanted to prove that he had the same logic stick stuck up his ass just like the rest of his people. Dammit, now he felt terrible.
"Look, Spock. Ah didn't mean any of that in a mean way; 'was only teasin' ya. Ah'm sorry. Ah appreciate the gesture, and your right, 'M real upset 'bout not bein' able to talk to Jo. Haven't been able to be home the last two Christmas', y'know? Ah know 'm bad a sayin' what Ah really mean. So, thank you." Leonard said. Looking back to Spock, McCoy wrapped his hand around Spock's covered wrist, giving it a gentle squeeze. Spock looks down at their almost handhold, and his face remains the same, but his eyes soften just the ittiest bit.
Spock softly pulled Leonard's hand away from his wrist and then nodded, " I find it gratifying that I was able to bring you an amount of comfort, no matter the minute amount." Spock then did something that Leonard hadn't expected would ever happen; he moved a loose strand of hair off Leonards's forehead and held his hand behind him in his usual parade rest. " If you continue to find work challenging to maintain, I suggest coming up to the Bridge, as you have not done your visit of the workday. If you are inclined, I invite you to observe my and Jim's chess session this evening if you persist in feeling alone. I acknowledge that humans require an amount of amiable intimacy to ease their negative emotions."
McCoy gapes at the ship's First, but he dumbly nods. Spock, pleased with Leonards's response, nods and takes his leave. Leonard turns back to his desk and glances at the peach cobbler. The Doctor smiles to himself. He picks up the fork he was given, takes a bite, and rumbles an approving hum. Finishing every last bite, he decides that he'll make Spock some of his mama's cinnamon apple crisp next time.
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cheesybadgers · 2 years
Name 10 Characters From 10 Fandoms That You Love
Thanks for the tag @alonelyturtle ❤️
1. Javier Peña and Horacio Carrillo from Narcos (Ok a bit of a cheat, I know lol, but I'm sorry, I can't pick one and not the other after everything I've put them through in my fic...these two have become my go-to comfort characters and I will not be taking any questions)
2. Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad (The urge to hug him is still strong)
3. Jimmy McGill and Kim Wexler from Better Call Saul (The show already separated McWexler enough as it is, so they once again come as a pair...and I'm classing it as a different fandom to BrBa for the purposes of this game lol)
4. Louis de Pointe du Lac and Lestat de Lioncourt from AMC's Interview with the Vampire (Again, sorry, I can't separate them, they're deranged soulmates, damnit!!)
5. Kendall Roy from Succession (Such a pathetic mess of a man, I can't wait to watch him suffer again next year lol)
6. John Childermass from Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (I get giddy just thinking about one gruff, eyerolling, 100% done Yorkshire magician)
7. David Rose and Patrick Brewer from Schitt's Creek (Sorry, another couple I couldn't bring myself to separate lol)
8. Faith Lehane from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Not that I realised it at the time, but she was my bi awakening)
9. Leia Organa from Star Wars (Iconic and I always wanted her hair when I was a kid)
10. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy from Star Trek (AOS) (My favourite space grump)
No pressure tags: @mariamariquinha, @thoroughlymodernminutia, @massivecolorspygiant, @queenofthefaceless and anyone else who wants to play!
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runekeepershymnal · 2 years
10 Characters, 10 Fandoms, [10 Songs,] 10 Tags
The esteemed Mili @rajalagang tagged me, and I have finally pared it down to ten. Some of these Blorbos do not, as far as I know, have a fandom at all, but I love the movie The Show, and The Invisibles was a hugely formative comic for me. Also I’m gonna give you a song for each of them, just ‘cause my hipster, so-old-that-I’m-still-occasionally-tempted-to-write-a-songfic ass likes to slap more music onto everything.
Adam Parrish - The Raven Cycle / The Dreamer Trilogy (In all his flawed, bitchy, mean bi glory.)
Diminishing Returns - Harvey Danger
Rhys - Tales from the Borderlands (Haven't gotten around to BL3 yet because I stupidly bought it for XBox and was lost without WASD and twenty carefully mapped mouse buttons.)
Boyscout’n - Menomena
David - John Dies at the End (Oh, David. He's like if a character exposed to Eldritch horrors beyond his ken was capable of intense compartmentalization and swinging a baseball bat like a champ.)
Foreign Object - The Mountain Goats
Joy Wang / Jobu Tupaki - Everything Everywhere All at Once (Yes, baby, make it everybody's problem while dressing like the God you are.)
People II: The Reckoning - AJJ
Fletcher Dennis - The Show (Watch this, it's trippy and cool)
Top Drawer - Man Man
Five - The Umbrella Academy (Long pants at last! Cranky man child mathematician.)
Here’s Your Future - The Thermals
Sergey Razumovsky - Major Grom (movie and comics) (Okay, but this tech billionaire villain is a queer “coded” [the code is pig Latin- no one is being fooled but Bubble comics is still, technically, in the clear] sad little meow meow and I love him, your honor.)
Puppet Loosely Strung - The Correspondents
Dr. Leonard “Bones” McCoy - Star Trek (He and Spock are my fictional dads. The rest of the crew are my fun aunts and uncles.)
Wheels - Cake
Lord Fanny - The Invisibles (there are lots of problematic aspects to this character, but this was one of my earliest, longest exposures to a trans character and she meant, and means, so much to me.)
Fighting Fish - Dessa
I don’t have the mental wherewithal right this sec to tag specific people so if you are reading this I am tagging you! If you’re thinking, “that probably means mutuals, they don’t mean me” I DO MEAN YOU and we would probably be mutuals if I wasn’t avoiding spoilers on 9000 things. You don’t have to, or if you do you don’t have to include songs but I hope you do because I like it.
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lokilenchen · 2 years
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Barista Bones
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ao3feed-spirk · 2 years
Starfleet's Poster Boy (Or, Kirk Comes Out to Different Members of His Crew)
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/41490918
by Solid_Medical_Advice
The Federation was a wonderful place, where people could be themselves. In theory. Starfleet saw the ‘in theory’ part and decided it would be their motto. That was to say, whenever Kirk came out to a member of Starfleet personnel, he vomited.
 Six times Kirk came out to someone of the crew, and six times they came out to him.
Words: 4157, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Trek: The Original Series
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: James T. Kirk, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Nyota Uhura, Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov, Spock (Star Trek)
Relationships: James T. Kirk/Spock, James T. Kirk & Spock, James T. Kirk & Nyota Uhura, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy, James T. Kirk & Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, James T. Kirk & Hikaru Sulu, Pavel Chekov & James T. Kirk
Additional Tags: Coming Out, mentions of biphobia; homophobia; transphobia; sexism; racism; xenophobia, Kirk is cis for the sake of this fic I'm sorry, Vomiting, Friendship, Love Confessions, Spock is a Good Friend (Star Trek), Bi James T. Kirk, Asexual McCoy, Queer Uhura, Bi Scotty, Gay Sulu, Queer Chekov, Queer Spock, queer :), Author is bisexual, Starfleet is bigoted, but the crew is not!, James T. Kirk is a Mess
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/41490918
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shyravenns · 2 years
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Happy Pride!!!
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sawtrap · 2 years
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some bisexual icons from the tribble episode + a bonus bones&kirk one because it was cute :) feel free to use if you want!
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brw · 2 years
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assorted bones mccoy pride icons, feel free to req other flags, colours or characters. credit not needed but appreciated!
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andoriantrekkie · 2 years
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The cutest Bi characters of all time
From the Star Trek TOS Epsiode “Trouble with tribbles” (1967)
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asingularbee · 3 years
Diversity win! The fuzzy keychains taking over your ship are bisexual!
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