#beyond the sierras
hedgiwithapen · 9 months
DHD: no comma murder but make it Leverage
(Leverage AU based on my D&D game Fuck YEAH)
Nate didn't talk about it.  Everyone knew the shape of things, of course, just not the details. Sophie might have guessed, but she had her own secrets, and her prying was too subtle and coaxing--Nate simply stepped out of the net she set, every time.
It was Parker who got it out of Nate, one pointed question at a time. Anyone with an ear to the ground knew he’d dropped off the map when his son was taken. Hunting down stolen art and artifacts, stolen magic, stolen jewels, that could all go to hell. All that mattered was the ship that had attacked his town, and where it had gone.  Parker had sat against the tree, thinking of Archie, thinking of Kelley. What would it have been like, to have someone able to burn it all down to find her?  She knew, now. To be hunted was different than to be sought.  But they'd never find her if she didn't want to be found.
"I found it," Eliot said, climbing down from the tree and handing Hardison back his spyglass. "Docked."
Nate's head shot up. "It's here?" When Sophie had gone poking with Parker's information, he hadn't realized that the ship was this close. They were so far from where he'd started, thousands of miles. 
"The Lost Arc, yeah," Eliot said.
"So what's the plan?" Sophie prompted
Nate took a shaking breath, steadying himself.  "The logbook. If Sam's not on board, we need the logbook. So no fire."
Eliot nodded, and Hardison spread a piece of paper on the ground in front of them. he scribbled 'plan' at the top. Eliot waited for Nate to speak, but the party leader seemed lost in his own heart. 
"So we ki-" Eliot cut himself off with a glance at hardison "-incapacitate the guards-"
"No," Parker said. "Murder."
"No murder," Hardison agreed, writing it down.
"No, comma, murder," Parker corrected, stealing the pen from between his fingers and adding the missing punctuation herself. 
Eliot shrugged.  "Works for me."
"They're slavers," Sophie said, glancing at Nate. "I'm on board with murder."
Nate nodded, his eyes dark. "Eliot, you kill the guards. We need some of them alive to question, though.  Parker, you'll go below and free any prisoners in the commotion, get the logbook if you can. Hardison--"
"I get them off the ship. Yeah, I can figure something out."
"And Sophie?"
"I go ahead to keep the captain busy, then you and I make him very, very dead." She nodded. 
"Ok," Nate said, rolling up the paper. "Let's go steal back my son."
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nobrain-onlysteven · 8 months
Will Ryan Gosling every play a character who is not babygirl?
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thehumantrap · 2 months
Ryan Gosling Characters Spotify
I had the idea to make some playlists for some of Ryans characters - feel free to save them and follow if you like ❤️
Holland March
Colt Seavers
Ryan Characters generally
Sierra Six / Court Gentry
Henry Letham
Jacob Palmer
Luke Glanton
Officer K
Sebastian Wilder
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kenposting · 10 months
Mojo Dojo Bingo Yeehaw
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。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚。 Ken's Mojo Dojo Bingo  ゚・。・゚
i currently have ryan gosling brainrot and found myself rechecking google to see what movies i haven't seen. thought this would make it a lot easier!!
☆ updated version here with links to all the free films!!!
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stupidfuckingwindow · 7 months
Sierra Six
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Colt Seavers
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Holland March
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Henry Letham
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Luke Glanton
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Richard Haywood
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Sierra, Nuka's Biggest Fan by Anna Podedworna
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darcyolsson · 4 months
revisiting riverdale season 3 episode 4 "the midnight club" post-season 7 is insane because so many of the story elements that are constants in the different incarnations of the main cast (riverdale/50sdale) are also true for the parent characters. and they're portrayed by the same actors. do you understand? fred & hermione dated because archie & veronica did and alice & fp dated because betty & jughead did. in a sense they're just yet another alternate main cast, so even when portraying the parents these characters are still stuck in their own respective narratives because that's what riverdale is about
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elusivewildflower · 8 months
After nearly a year, my friends and I have decided to open up our Ryan Gosling fan discord to more members! Our server is called the Goose Groupies, and if you're looking to find more chill goose lovers to make friends with, we'd love to have you! All of us are from tumblr, so many of us have written fanfics for several of Ryan's characters!
If you'd like an invite, send me a message/ask and I'll reply with the link!
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void-botanist · 3 months
Rose's Kiss Week Day 6: Home Alone
OCs: Sierra Callawel and Ian Carlisle (Spinder's oldest sister and her husband)
Words: 1189
Content warnings: none
Notes: Ian's canid form is a common raccoon dog. It is also well-known that shifting to that form makes you itchy.
When Sierra looked up from her computer, she could see the full moon hanging too-large over the faraway trees outside her window.  She’d lost track of time.  Ian would be transformed, now, and she hadn’t seen him at all.  She locked her computer and stood up.  The kids were out, so making a circuit of the house wouldn’t draw them out of their rooms and interrupt the nice night she wanted to spend alone with her husband.
“Ian?” she called as she started up the stairs.  “Where are you?”
She heard a mournful squeaky-toy noise from somewhere down the hall and smiled to herself as she went to find the source of it.  When she flipped on the light in her bedroom, she got a louder and angrier squeak from the bed, where a golden brown and black fluff of a dog was burying his little face under his front paws.
“Sorry,” she said, going to turn on her bedside lamp before turning off the overhead light.  He didn’t raise his head until she sat down on the side of the bed, and then he tried to crawl in her lap immediately.
Laughing, she held him back gently and got fully onto the bed, leaning back against the headboard before she let him snuffle his way into her space.  He seemed content to put his paws across her legs and rest his head on them, but she scooped him up all the way, holding him close against her.  His response was to put his paws on her arm and set his head there instead.  He was probably just tired after transforming, but he always looked so cute and sad in his dog form, and it made her want to hug him tighter.  So she did, pressing her cheek to the top of his fuzzy little head and then kissing him there.  He let out a longer squeak, stretching his neck out further, and as she petted his head she followed his gaze to the brush he’d set out for her.  Oh, of course.  Grabbing it was a bit of a stretch, and she almost dumped him out of her arms accidentally, but once it was in her hand she settled him in her lap and began running it through his fur in long strokes, head to rump.  Instantly he was a dog-shaped puddle in her lap, his only reaction little snuffles of pleasure.  
When she paused to pull out the mat of hair that had collected in the brush, he rolled over onto his back, cradled in her crossed legs.  She scratched behind his ears while she drew the brush along the contours of his ribcage and haunches and arms.  He didn’t even tense as she carefully brought it over his neck and chin.  As soon as she set the brush aside, though, he was getting back out of her lap, jumping down onto the floor with a cacophony of clicking nails and pausing in the doorway to look back at her.  She smiled and followed him back downstairs to the kitchen, where he waited by the table while she got their dinner out of the fridge: sliced chicken, lentils, and a touch of cranberry sauce.  For him, at least.  She could have as much as she wanted.  His was already in a bowl, so once she pried off the lid she set it in front of him on the floor.  He wagged his tail but didn’t move.  While she made her own plate from the main bowls of food, she saw him bend down and sniff his bowl, his eyes never leaving her.  
“You can start without me,” she said.  
He made a sound somewhere between a shriek and a growl and sat straight again. With a laugh she returned the food bowls to the fridge and brought her plate to the table.  
“Blessed be the fruits of the earth, and us among them,” she said, and he squeaked out the same cadence before shoving his face in his bowl.  She ate with half an eye on him inhaling his food, mostly because his enthusiasm was adorable.  
On the way back to bed she carried him up the stairs, letting him jump down on the bed before she got into her pajamas.  He didn’t stay on the bed, though, since she had to go to the bathroom to brush her teeth and he apparently had the energy now to not let her leave his sight.  He brushed against her ankles where she stood in front of the sink, hopped in the bathtub, and started rolling around on the textured treads on the bottom of it.  That was why he was accompanying her.  He’d told her before that there was something sublime about the feeling of the bathtub treads specifically that he really couldn’t explain.  He didn’t feel that way about them in human form.  She didn’t care as long as he didn’t leave his fur in the tub, though she was often the one who cleared it out to take a shower anyway.  But it was worth it to see him being so happy in there.  When she left the bathroom, he followed, and she scooped him back onto the bed.  He curled up right next to her while she read her book for a bit.  After she turned out the light, he yipped along with her presleep prayer, and she gave him a last pet on the head before relaxing into the dark.
At the crack of dawn the sudden weight on the bed woke her.  In the light that sifted around the edges of the curtains she could see Ian, now fully human, getting under the covers.  He turned his back to her—he might not even remember that his transformation always woke her up—but she came over to him anyway, putting a hand on his side as she kissed his shoulder.  When he shifted onto his back, she kissed his scratchy cheek, then gave him a peck on the lips before leaning back on her elbow to look at him.  There was always something a little canine about him to her, but it was stronger when he’d just come back—the way he blinked at her like a sleepy dog melded with the way he still smelled of fur.  And it was his smell, because he smelled the same if she met him in the middle of the hallway, or raiding the fridge downstairs.  After he took a shower it would fade, but for now she breathed it deeply.  She could never explain it to anyone but him, but these were the hours when he smelled most like himself, like her Ian.    
His hand slipped into the curls at the back of her head, guiding her into a deeper kiss.  She wrapped an arm around his warm chest as he smoothed his other hand over her shoulder.  He kissed her a second time, then ever so gently pushed her away.  
“Okay, I’m sleeping now,” he said with a tired smile.
She caressed his cheek, then laid back on her side of the bed.  “Goodnight.”
RKW taglist: @jezifster @kk7-rbs @vacantgodling
Shifters taglist: @outpost51 @kk7-rbs
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the-purest-wolf · 2 years
> Get a job . > Start sighing at that knowledgeable guy who fixes things for you. > Watch The Gray Man. > Start sighing to Ryan Gosling. > Watch Blade Runner 2049 and realize that Ryan Gosling looks exactly the same as YOUR CRUSH FROM WORK. > Find out that the guy from work is married and has a child. > And is a good fifteen years older than you. > Whatever. > Watch everything Ryan Gosling was in and continue to sigh softly at the guy at work. . . . > Come to work today and see this new boyfriend who looks EXACTLY LIKE A DRIVER. HE EVEN WEARS A WHITE JACKET. AND HE'S YOUNGER 👀👀👀 > Sigh now to the two guys in work, One actor and at least a dozen characters. > Life sucks.
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ethersierra · 11 months
would it be possible to get a simple guide of what you're looking for with the Taz wiki, or how to approach the issue, or maybe what holes need filled? maybe it is because I am on mobile, but I found the website hard to navigate, and I would love to help, but I'm lacking some clear direction in what is needed. I know you and the other editors have put a lot of work into it, and even those who do not come help edit will be able to appreciate your collective efforts way more if it is clear what that looks like. thank you!
Thank you for the interest! We are working on getting that set up and plan to have that information available on the front page as soon as it's ready. There's just a whole lot to uncover unfortunately. I'll be sure to let people know once we do get that going.
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nicollekidman · 1 year
jesus: ramin karimloo
judas: patina miller
mary magdelene: denee benton
pontius pilot: patrick page 
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Take the southwest corner of the West African nation of Guinea. One of the world's most biodiverse forests once covered the region. Large tracts of underdeveloped forests, being difficult for people to penetrate, had limited contact between forest animals and humans. Wild animals could live in the forest without encountering humans or human settlements.
That changed during the 1990s, as the Guinean forest was steadily destroyed. A wave of refugees descended upon the forest to escape a long, blood, complex conflict between armies and rebel groups from neighboring Sierra Leone and Liberia. (At first they'd tried to settle in refugee camps in the forest area's central town of Guéckédou, but rebel groups and government soldiers repeatedly attacked their camps.)
The refugees cut down trees to plant crops, build huts, and turn into charcoal. Rebel groups started logging the forest, too, selling timber to finance their battles. By the end of the 1990s, the transformation of the forest could be seen from space. In satellite images from the mid-1970s, the jungles in Guinea bordering Libera and Sierra Leone looked like a sea of green splattered with tiny islands of brown, where small clearings had been made for villages. Satellite images from 1999 showed a complete reversal: a sea of treeless brown, with tiny islands of green forest speckled in between. Of the entire region's original forests, only 15 percent remained.
Just how this wide-scale deforestation affected the forest ecosystem has yet to be fully described. Many species that lived in the forest probably just disappeared when humans moved into their habitats. What is known is that some species stayed. They squeezed in, resorting to smaller patches of remaining stands of trees, in increasing proximity to human habitations.
Bats were among them. It stands to reason: bats are widely distributed and resilient creatures. Of 4,600 species of mammals on earth, 20 percent are bats. And, as a study in Paraguay found, certain bat species thrive in disturbed forests in even higher abundances than in intact ones. Unfortunately, bats are also good incubators for microbes that can infect humans. They live in giant colonies of millions of individuals. Some species, like the little brown bat, can survive for as long as thirty-five years. And they have unusual immune systems. For example, because their bones are hollow, like those of birds, they don't produce immune cells in their bone marrow like the rest of us mammals do. As a result, bats host a wide range of unique microbes that are exotic to other mammals. And they travel around with these microbes over significant distances, because bats can fly. Some even migrate, traveling thousands of miles at a time.
As the Guinean forest was chopped down, new kinds of collisions between bats and people likely occurred. Bats were hunted for meat, exposing hunters to microbe-laden bat tissue when the animals were slaughtered. Bats fed on fruit trees near human settlements, exposing local people to their saliva and excreta. (Fruit bats are notoriously messy eaters; their modus operandi is to pick off ripe fruit and suck out the juice, littering the ground below with saliva-covered, half-eaten fruits.)
At some point – nobody knows just when – a microbe of bats, the filovirus Ebola, started to spill over and infect people. In humans, Ebola causes hemorrhagic fever and can kill 90 percent of those it infects. A study of blood samples collected from people in eastern Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea between 2006 and 2008 revealed that nearly 9 percent had been exposed to Ebola: their immune systems had created specific proteins called antibodies in response to the virus. A 2010 study of over four thousand people in rural Gabon, where there'd been no outbreaks of Ebola, similarly found that nearly 20 percent had been exposed to the virus.
But nobody noticed. The ongoing conflict had severed supply routes and communication networks, leaving the refugees hiding in the jungle bereft of outside help. Even the most stalwart aid organizations such as Médecins Sans Frontières had been forced to withdraw. The isolation coupled with the violence compelled the United Nations to call the West African refugees' plight “the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.”
It wasn't until the political violence eased, in 2003, and the people hiding in the Guinean forest slowly reconnected with the rest of the world that the virus's presence became apparent. On December 6, 2013, Ebola virus sickened and killed a two-year-old child in a small forest village outside Guéckédou. Perhaps the toddler had played with a piece of fruit covered with bat saliva, fallen from a nearby tree. Perhaps the parents had been handling a recently slaughtered bat before picking up the child. It was probably not the first time someone in the Guéckédou area had encountered Ebola virus from a local bat. But this time, the people of Guéckédou were no longer as isolated as they'd been in the past. The virus was able to spread.
  —  Pandemic: Tracking Contagions, from Cholera to Ebola and Beyond (Sonia Shah)
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moreclaypigeons · 1 year
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
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phoenshire · 1 year
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