#beyond hearteyes
teruel-a-witch · 10 months
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'You don't have to dance with me tonight'
(he doesn't have to, Steve, but maybe he wants to? Did you think about that?)
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qpjianghu · 7 months
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they are both looking respectfully 🤡 👀 🤡
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eliteseven · 1 month
So we all know Shadowheart is a badass, she is a cleric and Selune's favorite little princess after all.
What about Tav? I can see people thinking "human fighter woman" just can't keep up, but imagine Tav standing and with nothing more than sword and shield stopping a group of bandits, or something else to protect Shadowheart/someone else? Even better if the idea that she IS superhuman, as all high level characters have to be, comes to the fore.
"How the hell did she do that?" "No human can do this." "Watch me." and "I am your sword and your shield. I am your armor and until I am broken and dented, rusted beyond all repair, you shall not be harmed."
Oh yes, let’s please talk about Knight Tav for a moment! 😍
I think you’re right. All her life she’s been underestimated! Noble spoiled child who suddenly wants to take up arms? Laughable! But Tav LOVES to prove people wrong!
But also Tav has real fears, real concerns that drive her to learn swordplay, defense, battle tactics. She wants to be able to protect herself- but that eventually blooms into the desire to protect anyone who’s weaker, defenseless, in need of her sword and shield. (Like I always say- Shadowheart saw it firsthand (and first got hearteyes for Tav) with the Tiefling child refugees! Tav sprang into action to defend them, to care for them!)
But let’s talk about Tav’s battle prowess. A fighter, a knight, a Cormyr Purple Dragon (name still cracks me up lmao)- she finds herself in elite company after a decade of sacrifice, of training. She may not be versed in clandestine skills like Shadowheart, but pound for pound, out in the open, she’s absolutely something else. She’s often the last one standing.
The first time Shadowheart sees it in full force, I imagine it’s when she and the other party members are down. Unable to defend themselves, only Tav is left to fend off a swarm of enemies to protect them- be it Bhaal cultists or some simple bloodthirsty bandits. And she does. All power, beauty, effortless grace- blood of her enemies staining her face, her hands, her armor, the blade of her sword. It’s probably breathtaking, in a sense, watching her chest heave as she fells her last enemy and wrenches her sword free. And the dichotomy of the way she fights vs how she drops to her knees immediately after to cradle Shadowheart in her arms??? 🥹 to heal her with no thought of her own wounds???
She lives and dies by her honor and her ability to protect her loved ones. And boy, does she come through. She may not be winged like Aylin but I feel that she is as much of a warrior angel in her own right. And Selûne probably holds the savior and lover of her chosen in high regard 😉 so that’s a little boost in her abilities, too.
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housewifebuck · 3 months
I really wonder where this is headed because ryan's "this goes beyond friendship and I love you to the core" etc doesn't match the vibes at all. If anything, buck was the one making hearteyes and eddie was very "just bros" and happy in his relationship... make it make sense
im honestly really curious to see where they go with it bc ur right a lot of stuff is like...not adding up
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shoshiwrites · 1 month
Hi Shoshi! For the ship questions, can I ask Love 7 and 8 for Bucky/Jo, and Pre-Relationship 2 and 4 for Kay/DeMarco? - @lostloveletters
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
Answered here!
8. Who’s better at comforting the other?
Benny. Kay can get wrapped up in the perfectionism of her work, and he’s the one reminding her to take a deep breath. He’ll get her out of her own head. But she’s there for him when the memories press just a little too hard,  they’re both there for each other in the day to day, and on the long nights, the ones where they’re both remembering what they’ve seen.
2. What was their first impression of each other?
He thought she was beautiful, smiling in her uniform and a few stray wisps escaping her hairstyle. She immediately went ! at him playing with Meatball, tbh. Handsome, kind, fun to hang out with. Sense of humor.
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Kay. I think they’re both really into each other, but it’s wartime, and he’s trying not to open any doors without knowing where she’s at and what she’s feeling. But after he catches her hearteyes? In a hotel bedroom, in London, in the morning. He’s not backing out.
They’re not talking about it too much at that point, but it grows stronger during their letters, beyond the happy fling territory, when she can start to see a life with him in it. When it’s not a question for him when he gets out (and he’s holding onto that) that he’ll ask her to marry him.
Ship asks here and here!
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queerxqueen · 2 years
I think Mike falls into a really weird place in which people don't really know how to understand or acknowledge him, because him being gay would change so much about how they watch the show.
There's the people - mostly Bylers - who have seen his struggles even from the very beginning of the show. People who see the internalized homophobia and how badly he is trying to fight himself.
Then there are the fans of the show who looking for information and theories on it, might have come across Bylers's theories about Mike but are still adamant on Mike being straight. I want to believe this is mostly because Mike not being straight would ruin their own ship. Which makes sense because imagine being invested for 6 years on a ship that only now you understand it isn't working. After all the time you invested in it suddenly half your ship is gay and the ship dpesn't work anymore. (Not that it ever did qork but that beyond the point).
There are some casual viewers how are starting to pick up the clues laying around and are starting to see that, well, maybe Mike isn't as straight as they thought he is.
But the thing is there's at least another one group of people out there. The ones who really don't see the internalized homophobia Mike struggles with, because they never saw something like it.
As a person who is still fighting my own internalized homophobia even though i've been working on therapy for years, sometimes if you are not looking for it, it's a difficult thing to spot. Hence the fact that people even think Mike might be homophobic to Will if he comes out. And i'm like...are we even watching the same show? Do you think Mike, can't stand my best friend being mad at me more than 2 seconds, Mike, running after my best friend to apologize in the rain, Mike, doing whatever it is to bring back my best friend, Mike, is gonna be homophobic to same said best friend?????? The one Mike with the hearteyes when they were talking one on one in Will's room?
People call Bylers delusionals, but who are the real delusionals here???
I agree with all of the above, Anon, thanks for the message!
I think you've hit on a really important point here: that straight people have a hard time recognizing Mike's behavior as internalized homophobia because they simply don't have that unique queer experience to contextualize it.
Everybody wants to be able to relate to their favorite character, and they can't comprehend that Mike might be going through something they can't fully understand.
Conversely, the fact that so many queer people see their experiences in Mike's behaviors? Like Shawn Levy said, "There aren’t many accidents on Stranger Things."
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
What about Shisui and Mirio (mha)?
🥹 best boys
Mirio is so warm? He literally cried for joy when Eri finally smiled, I was fucking bawling because of BOTH of them, he's genuinely such a wonderful person, hero AND role model ❣️ we have heart eyes but, most importantly, Shisui has hearteyes and Mirio would 100% be like "you sacrificed yourself for your dream of peace, even if it put you at odds with the family you were trying to protect" and then just glows with admiration and warmth for all that Shisui's endured
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Strong as fuck, talk about taking an "embarrassing" quirk and turning it into something so insanely powerful, but also Permeation means that his buffness is just OG hard work! What a king! Shisui took the simple Shunshin to insane heights! Kings of saying "fuck you" to complacency!
Shisui would LOVE being a hero, imagine they're hero students together or maybe shisui, lost and in a new world, crosses the Shie Hassaikai (maybe they realise that he doesn't really have a "Quirk" beyond chakra and his bloodline so it sends Overhaul into a tizzy) and vigilante-interrupts the hero fight to drop kick Overhaul in the head 🥹 maybe he already knows Eri and he helps Mirio and they bond and it's just 🥹🥹🥹🥹
This was a REALLY good ship idea, welpjesuisla ✨
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astroboots · 7 months
Ok, here I am getting mushy about Homecoming:
It truly does feel so homey, so safe and comfortable, and this goes beyond your magical writing to the moodboards, they’re always so so perfect and they set the mood so well and the aesthetics are wonderful and they just make me feel so warm and cozy. The atmosphere you made within this universe is truly so special to me, I wish I could live within it every day. It just screams “home” to me, like the way you describe Frankie and Santi all soft and comfortable, Santi’s longer hair and beard once he’s put down roots and realized that he doesn’t need to run anymore was such an emotional sucker punch, I loved it. The chapter about the army sweatshirt especially made me fall in love, it was so well written and made me feel so many things. I started Homecoming for the smut and I stayed for the beautiful world and relationship you created. It reminds me of laying out in the sunshine, a hot drink on the porch, reading next to someone but not needing to talk, cooking dinner in a warmly lit kitchen with the people you love, dappled sunlight, mismatched glasses collected over years, clothes so worn and loved there are holes forming, knowing who sits where without needing to speak, sentimental holiday decorations - it’s home. It’s being in love. It’s knowing that no matter how far you run, you’ll always have someone to return to.
Homecoming has been my little escape for so long, and I just wanted to thank you for creating and sharing such a masterpiece with us. I always get a physical reaction, like an actual ache in my heart whenever I read a new chapter because you’re writing and the way you convey emotions and feelings and places are so real and so perfect
Hi hon, I'm so so so sorry I took this long to answer this. I want you to know that it only took so long because i've been hoarding this message to reread over and over.
Homecoming hold a special place in my heart, and to know that you feel this strongly about it, and enjoy it and especially the moodboards, which I spend so much time on for no damn good reason except that I think they're fun to make, means the world to me.
Your description of how this world makes you feel made me develop permanent hearteyes, I'm a cartoon now. Because that's absolutely the feelings I wanted to conjure up and I love it so much thank you thank you for sharing this.
The army sweatshirt, has been one of my favorite things to write in this universe. Originally it was just meant to be a fun little smutty piece and as I wrote it, it took a life on its own and by halfway I realized oh this is going to be an emotional rollercoaster but no smut.
I'm speechless with how this message has left me and I just wanted to thank you for sending this. Work has been grueling and I've been finding myself with less and less time writing, especially as I have friends and family and other social events outside of my life that's picking up with Christmas season, and seeing this message put a big smile on my face.
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2022 End of the Year Fic Review
The wonderful @underragingwaves tagged me, thank you love! (I put the longest part under a cut)
1. What is your AO3 account? for the vikings fandom it's my pseud vikingstrash.
2. How many words did you write total in 2022? 117.233 *whistles* not too bad if one considers what a year it's been.
3. How many fics did you publish in 2022? How many multichapters vs oneshots? 39 one shots and 2 multichapter. All Hail the One-shots!
4. What was your longest fic? Your shortest fic? Longest was Kings of Kattegat with 39,878 words and the shortest Story as old as Time with 119 words.
5. What was your most popular fic? Your least popular fic? Most popular (going by subscriptions, hits, comments, kudos and bookmarks) has to be my VBB entry Kings of Kattegat. Personally, the most self-indulgent fic I ever wrote.
Least popular is Sweat. I guess it would be a lot more popular if it wasn't hidden behind the AO3 log in. And also if it had full on smut and not just teasing, but oh well, I like it and in the end, that's all that matters xD
6. What fic didn’t perform as well as you thought it would? Huh, that's a weird thing to think of, I never really give it much thought if my writing is going to be popular or not so that thought of a fic not "perfoming well" is kinda...absurd to me. Anyway, if I had to take a guess, I'd say Greedy Gods? While it does have a lot of hits and a couple kudos, it's weird to me that for a fandom with so many people claiming they want more fic about the female characters and how much they love Aslaug, there was not as much love for it as I would assume. Must be a me-problem.
7. What fic performed way better than you thought it would? Basically anything I wrote for D. P. - Deserter Pursuit. I didn't think there would be enough people in said fandom to read, kudo and comment, but was positively surprised.
8. What was your favorite fic you wrote from 2022? For Vikings: Valhalla, Daughter of the Fearless. I loved giving Altöra more background story and this glimpse of her relationship to Freydis. It was fun to write.
For Vikings, Strung up, Tongue-Tied. I mean....sub!Hvitserk restrained and dom!Amma playing with him? Ubbe observing, just being present without doing anything besides kissing Amma? Yeah, I loved that one. It's full of tension.
For D. P. - Deserter Pursuit, Pity. My dumb ass actually made it a published WIP because there was more to tell and I liked it a lot. Only the Gods know if I will actually write more though xD
9. What was your favorite fic that somebody else wrote in 2022? Well, for someone who couldn't be paid to read other people's fics, I managed to read quite a lot in 2022 for free. Mind boggling, I know. But here go my favs:
Gotta start with Not A Fairytale by underragingwaves, because...have you read that fic? It's really a fun read (for those who like crime stuff which is basically exactly what I love) and promising a bigger universe underneath that small treat she wrote.
Will totally never stop making hearteyes at Twice Now by ritual-unions. Love how Kara (heh) is so clumsy and unable to function in the real world and the way Ubbe basically just watches and smiles to himself, before his eye-roll moment that will make him intervene. I also love myself some good hurt and gosh, this is gonna hurt so damn bad at the end and I will love every second of it.
There were a couple to pick from and it was hard to choose, but when someone can make me read an Ivar fic, then it says a lot about that persons writing skill. The Mental Tyrant by grimeundglow deserves so much more love than it has been given.
Reactions Of Your Kind by Ulfrsmal was my fav of him in 2022, but only because I didn't really get to read the rest of his fics xD I'm sure there are more gems in his list, but this one stood out to me because...Hvitty and Ubbe 🥺
A Prize of Battle by Mercurygray, is absolute Emma/Canute goodness and Idk what else to say, because this womans writing skills are beyond anything I could muster, so hearteyes from afar will have to do for now.
For Mince Pie by emma-ofnormandy, another author that captures Emma and Canute's relationship so well and it's so fluffy, I wanna hold it really tightly against my chest.
And last but not least The Queen of Kattegat by northernxstories! I will remain deeply impressed by how effortlessly she managed to pull me into her story and made me read it in one go, even though it's 12k of words xD It was such a new way of approaching the characters and it's brilliantly written. An absolute treat in 2022.
10. Tag your friends to do this year-end fic review as well!
most have already been tagged, but perhaps one of you want to do this? But no pressure! @emma-ofnormandy @nothingtolosebutweight @author-morgan @lmillay @barnes-lothbrok @errruvande and anyone who feels like doing the fic review :D
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Buster & Rio Pt.3
Rio: [steadying yourself by putting your hands behind you and holding onto his thighs ‘oh my god, how many people do you think have seen you fuck me already?’ ‘cos y’all must be in double digits easily]
Buster: [being loud about that despite the task at hand limiting how loud he can actually be because so about the fact they’ve gotten away with so much tonight, we’ve been too kind to y’all tbh]
Rio: [soz everyone else is also on a mad one, it will not be this easy like, any other day lmao unless you’re going to the right kind of places ‘your tongue is-’]
Buster: [mhmm, we picked the date for a reason and it wasn’t just that he was guaranteed to be in Dublin, and we’re letting you be this feral for the same reason, it’ll all go downhill from here in terms of how much you can get away with, lads, REALLY using his tongue like yes I know and also feel free to finish that sentence any time haha]
Rio: [‘do you want me to cum on your face?’ almost threateningly like because I will if you keep this up lol]
Buster: [he do so he will, yet again moaning about it as if his actions weren’t already blatant enough]
Rio: [this confirmation ending you because how could it not ‘take it’]
Buster: [this boy just casually too turned on to function by all of that, so soz he won’t be giving her hardly any time to recover before y’all are going at it on this floor, yet again with not a care in the world for the fact anyone could walk in and see you both in whatever wild position he has picked for deep penetration as if he didn’t just kill her hard enough a sec ago]
Rio: [never too dead to be enthusiastic about this because literally cannot get enough ‘you’re so ready’ like I see and LOVE how turned on you are sir]
Buster: [‘everything you do is a turn on’ because it is, he’s so about this gal]
Rio: [‘it has to be, I need this’ very deliberately fucking you as we say this to illustrate what we mean as if you’re unaware]
Buster: [‘I need you’ and then saying her name so much as if he could possibly mean anyone else, soz just can’t and won’t stop cos he’s feeling so !!!]
Rio: [kissing him however hard the position may or may not make that but still letting him say your name so they’re intense but quick kisses ‘you have me, no one else deserves me like you’]
Buster: [I’m sure he went for a position that allows you to kiss as deeply because you love kissing each other so doing that after she’s said that because simply must]
Rio: [wrapping your tongue around his so you can pull his further into your mouth and then suck on it ‘if you had kissed me like this then-’ obvs referring to the infamous truth or dare]
Buster: [that tongue move REALLY getting to him, so he has to bite hers, not hard but so she knows as if it wasn’t obvious ‘I wasn’t ready then’ because she’s already commented on how ready he was for this, and we’re reminding her as if that wasn’t yet again obvious, with how extra he’s moving rn]
Rio: [the most extra noises that make the ‘you are now’ unnecessary but we still have to soz]
Buster: [‘for anything’ it really doesn’t need to be spelled out at this point that he’d do the most feral things for and with this girl but he is, if only for how it sounds when he says it and all the emphasis that’s being put on anything because he really has no limits here]
Rio: [switching up the position to another within our ability here and now like okay, anything, yeah]
Buster: [1000% doing the most without missing a beat whatever the new position is because he’s that bitch and yes]
Rio: [hearteyes baby, doing this to the point it’s lowkey a game ‘cos never know what we’re switching to or when]
Buster: [you’ve gotta join in, boy, I insist, at least until you find one that you really wanna stick with and then you can just pin her into it if needs be]
Rio: [you clearly both fuck with it and we’re making that known but when are we not encouraging you to pin us]
Buster: [being like ‘fuck, baby, this-’ as if it wasn’t beyond obvious why you’ve decided to stick with this position for a sec, she simply must KNOW]
Rio: [‘you’re so deep in me, it’s like-’ not being able to say whatever you were going to because how this is feeling has you wilding ‘please don’t stop’]
Buster: [likewise wilding, how could you not, it clearly also feels bomb to you + her reaction is everything as per ‘we’ve got all night’ like remember, as if either of you are gonna be able to sustain doing this for that long when you’re dying this hard about it but I love the enthusiasm]
Rio: [‘you’re gonna be wishing it was longer’ not a promise you even need to make, we all know it’s already true but still]
Buster: [‘You know I idolized you at [whatever age this truth or dare was], already realising you’d grow up to be a goddess’ because he does wish it was and had been longer and what an extra af way to tell her that, never change, sir, just like I told you before I’m rarely wrong and I wasn’t about this]
Rio: [‘No one can do anything about the fact you’re a God too, this is the only outcome that makes any sense for us’ wrapping our arms around your neck so our faces are touching, no space between y’all anywhere]
Buster: [can’t relate but I love y’all and your giant egos, never change, thank you, the eye contact just at an insane level because gotta do the biggest heart eyes about this but stay this close still]
Rio: [‘it feels like I’m in love with you right now’ not technically said it but like come on]
Buster: [his face is obvs all smug like of course you are how could you not be when I’m doing all this to you but his actions are giving away how !!! he also is in this moment and lowkey has been this entire night]
Rio: [‘you need to cum’ with urgency ‘cos you can’t take back what you said, especially in this moment when you’re too !! yourself but we can distract from it with you by being extra]
Buster: [‘do you want me to cum on your face?’ a genuine question unlike hers earlier because she did do it on his so like if you want, we’ll be even then]
Rio: [the noise ‘cos how badly we do want that]
Buster: [‘you need to say please’ manners always lol, even though that noise was everything and the way he just said that gives away how good it was]
Rio: [‘daddy, please’ pouting about it like you gotta hurry]
Buster: [holding her face looking so seriously at that pout like no no, as if that simply won’t do at all]
Rio: [‘don’t be mean’ just pouting even harder about it]
Buster: [‘Don’t pout at me when I’m about to give you exactly what you want’ like I know you can behave better than this]
Rio: [‘how else will you know where to aim?’ but stopping the pout like okay]
Buster: [‘you’re doubting my aim now too?’ as he strokes her entire face like wow rude]
Rio: [‘I just really want it’ like I’m sorry BUT]
Buster: [‘then say please like you want it’ just making her beg here not at all casually]
Rio: [‘Please, I’ll give you anything you want, everything just please give me your cum’ of course we will]
Buster: [stop lowkey torturing her now and do that]
Rio: [again, just on someone else’s floor making an absolute mess]
Buster: [the audacity, also thank god you aren’t going back to the pub because y’all might not doubt his aim but I do sir when you’re this !!!]
Rio: [of course we’re not making any effort to do anything but be here so you can look at us, never mind anyone else could]
Buster: [and he’s enjoying looking at her too much to do anything about it as far as even offering to clean her up, soz not soz]
Rio: [‘do I look pretty?’ a question you know the answer to but we must]
Buster: [‘stunning’ because it’s true and we’re gonna say it]
Rio: [‘so show me’ like I can’t see]
Buster: [a casual photoshoot occurring as if she isn’t your cousin and this isn’t a random kitchen ‘I could fall in love with you too’ as he’s doing this as if that’s also a remotely casual thing to say]
Rio: [thank god no one is going through your phone hun because we are making this worth keeping ‘you can look when you miss me’]
Buster: [a sigh ‘I’ll have to wait until I’m off the flight’ like so sad I can’t look at these in front of the fam, no shame in exposing that he’ll miss her immediately because no shame ever, pouting himself as he hands his phone over for her to look, like, see, how good they are]
Rio: [‘the bathrooms are small’ looking up at you like yeah, you’re too large for that to be a comfortable experience because airplane loos give me claustrophobia and I’ve never been on a flight long enough to go thank god; but we’re just smiling at how we look as we go through these photos ‘offer to tag and give you credit but’ a look like whoops as if this incest is just so bants]
Buster: [a look like yeah you’re so right my life is SO hard, but really he’s just watching her face as she goes through the pics because love to see it and telling her to put them on her other account]
Rio: [‘you don’t fly first class here, do you?’ like lowkey what a waste but if you got the money lmao ‘I look…’ trying to think of the word to describe it]
Buster: [‘I fly first class everywhere, but my parents are still kidding themselves it isn’t too late to teach Nancy some life lessons’ oh baze god bless you, you try, soz your children are dickheads and she is particular is a giant flop, if it was up to him he would fly first class exclusively and does but fam trips are fam trips soz hun]
Rio: [shaking our head ‘cos really is too late, soz guys]
Buster: [‘More importantly, you look exceptional, it’s on par with how you’ve behaved’ just like yep you look and are doing amazing sweetie]
Rio: [crawl over to him so you can sit at his feet ‘it’s easy, I wanna behave how you like me to’]
Buster: [smile at her like a proud dad lol]
Rio: [‘you turn me on when you look at me like that’]
Buster: [reaching out and touching that thigh lovebite he gave her before, as if it’s just idly and he doesn’t know exactly what he’s doing rn and always ‘I know’]
Rio: [doing a little yelp like it hurt/we’re that overwhelmed]
Buster: [obviously kissing it better as if that hurt so much we simply must]
Rio: [‘you kill me’ so sincerely because we mean it and it’s not a brush off]
Buster: [‘I should be more careful with you’ as if he was so rough and so mean and she didn’t love it]
Rio: [crossing our legs like absolutely not lmao ‘you know I can handle it’ full 😠 for the bratty vibe]
Buster: [uncrossing them and simultaneously pulling her across this floor to him like oh okay then, just the hottest move nbd]
Rio: [‘have you been holding back?’ as if you remotely think that from how feral y’all have been]
Buster: [‘Is that what you think?’ because y’all have been that feral, like she’s disappointed]
Rio: [‘I don’t want you to be’ like we read your mind on that last part you didn’t actually say]
Buster: [‘I wouldn’t tolerate being’ because he is that rude if he wasn’t here for this he’d have left ages ago]
Rio: [‘good, we already talked about playing fair’]
Buster: [just sitting her on his knee and re-dressing her in his jumper again, as if she’s a bub, again nbd]
Rio: [just watching him with so much love, casually ‘you’re not cold, are you?’ as if either of you could be with your antics but it’s an excuse to hug you like here you go]
Buster: [will hug you back and breathe you in and actually sniff her neck as he kisses it for the probably 100th time tonight because I’m sure she’s wearing perfume too and I’m sure it’s nice]
Rio: [‘why are you so perfect?’ with a sigh but it’s a happy sigh even if we intended otherwise for dramatic effect, it’s unavoidable]
Buster: [‘Why would I allow myself to be any less, especially here with you’ no notes]
Rio: [‘I’ll believe it’s possible, to back-up your hardwork but-’ we can’t imagine you’re capable of any less boy]
Buster: [looking around like well these surroundings are hardly perfect, but we know he’s just being a perfectionist and saying he could do better because he’s that bitch, y’all have been living your best lives in this random kitchen lbr ‘I can always do better’ in her ear, just because, like you better believe that]
Rio: [leaning further back into his body in his lap because we do and we’re so about it ‘are you going to live in your Dublin house when you go to Uni?’]
Buster: [I’m not gonna commit you because we’ll have to decide where we want you to live actually but talk about all the plans you’ve already started making for uni even though it’s months away because you’re that bitch 1000%]
Rio: [just listen to him and be playing with one of his hands absentmindedly ‘you’re gonna love it’ ‘cos we know that]
Buster: [‘America failed to live up to a single one of my expectations’ love that you’re shading the country as a whole after being disappointed by a few places, haha]
Rio: [‘it’d be pretty cliche’ with a shrug, writing off the American Uni experience you almost had there casually]
Buster: [his own shrug because yeah agreed]
Rio: [‘are you still disappointed?’ ‘cos would be shit]
Buster: [‘I’d be more disappointed in myself if I went ahead when I’m well aware the negatives outweigh the positives’ like that’d be too stupid and I could never]
Rio: [nod because that makes sense ‘I’ll tell you what’s what, so you don’t give yourself away as a total Trinity student’]
Buster: [a look like excuse you ‘You’re making me sound helpless and hopeless’ but he’s amused not annoyed]
Rio: [‘I’m just saying’ with a lol like sorry but]
Buster: [‘What?’ playfully annoying her like he’s so offended here, tickling her/poking her etc, you know the vibes]
Rio: [‘you did get lost coming here’ through your proper lols]
Buster: [‘No I didn’t, because I was capable of asking for directions before getting lost’ technically true, still being playfully annoying]
Rio: [making the agree to disagree noise like well ‘fine, stick with the Uni tour, boy’ getting up to actually sort yourself vaguely, get another drink etc]
Buster: [pulling her back down before she can finish remotely doing any of that like no no ‘I’m sure it would be fine, yeah, but just fine’ because he hates fine, he only wants epic 24/7 ‘I’d much rather stick with you, babe’]
Rio: [‘I’ll book you in’ like you do legit tours lmao but we’re kissing you again because what we wanted to hear and always going to be about you being as clingy as we are]
Buster: [kissing her back like it’s been a thousand years as always, getting up mid makeout without stopping it just to throw her around this kitchen a little bit and up against something]
Rio: [moaning against the skin of his neck, saying his name and letting our teeth graze the same skin ‘you know I’ll be waiting’ like you took offense to being pencilled in]
Buster: [‘I have no interest in denying you anything’ too true, and said like it’s totally possible they can just keep doing exactly what they want whenever, as if to prove his point and because he did not let her finish getting a drink, pouring something he finds into her mouth from whatever bottle he picks up]
Rio: [maintaining an indecent amount of eye contact whilst he does this and whilst we swallow it without wincing however strong said drink is ‘cos pro ‘you wanna give me what I deserve’ smiling]
Buster: [nodding because he do, deliberately spilling the next drink pour purely so he can clean it up, we see you sir, you know it’s deliberate because he’s not letting it go far enough to fuck that jumper up]
Rio: [priorities lmao, we love to see it, just letting you drink this alcohol only via us rn for the mood of it all]
Buster: [as if it hasn’t been chucked on numerous potentially gross floors, but that was necessary, there’s no need for wanton destruction lol]
Rio: [‘let me take a photo of you’ like we’ve just remembered we don’t have one and that is unacceptable]
Buster: [‘take a video of me’ cos always gotta make it more extra]
Rio: [😳😻 pointing our camera at you because the anticipation, sis]
Buster: [me like hmmm what can you do that’s hot that you haven’t already done, painted myself into that corner, didn’t I]
Rio: [‘hi’ because we’ve gone shy ourselves looking how handsome you are via our phone] 
Buster: [gonna just have to say you slay the game and leave it at that because I’m having a mindblank here but he would never]
Rio: [we know it’s everything and we’re shamelessly rewatching like it didn’t just happen live in front of us]
Buster: [that’s my bad guys, don’t let it stop you being feral, as if anything could, obviously gonna watch it too like he didn’t just do it because nobody loves themselves more than this boy does]
Rio: [‘have you done it before?’ meaning sex tape vibes]
Buster: [‘you’d have seen it’ meaning you can’t and he doesn’t trust the girls around him not to show it everywhere]
Rio: [rolling our eyes like ffs people ‘cos lads are as bad]
Buster: [‘but we can’ repeating what he said earlier so she knows it’s not just horny nonsense]
Rio: [‘you really want to’ like we’re fully taking that onboard this time ‘there’s loads of ways to not show your face, I have to show mine but you wouldn’t’]
Buster: [‘you know what you’re doing’ because she said it before and we wholeheartedly agree]
Rio: [‘gutted for them but’ just stroking your face like soz you must be deprived, world]
Buster: [‘it’s not as if nobody’s become a lawyer after releasing a sex tape though’ for the bants because shoutout to Kim]
Rio: [😏 ‘cos lol ‘we are also related, remember’]
Buster: [a look like oh really as if he’s forgotten, again for the absolute bants]
Rio: [nudging him like excuse me ‘not that hard to believe, thank you’]
Buster: [‘isn’t it?’ full shade to his sister being a massive cunt though, not to you gal]
Rio: [‘you wish’ like you can’t deny these roots, no matter your accent and postcode]
Buster: [‘I don’t, actually’ because not trying to deny our roots, would never disrespect our fave grandfather like that]
Rio: [nudging him again but softer ‘cos we know and we’re just playing]
Buster: [spinning her around again like she keeps nudging him cos she wants to dance again]
Rio: [have a little kitchen bop]
Buster: [I love that for you, especially because it can just be an adorable slow dance vibe, or at least start out that way, we know what you’re like]
Rio: [there’s probably also minimal music by now esp. In the kitchen you’ve just taken over lowkey so very cute]
Buster: [it’s giving the cosy vibe of music from another room, and is so romantic, I also doubt she’s put her shoes back on yet so that’s adding to how cute it is]
Rio: [gonna be slightly mean as we’ve been so nice thus far and say someone comes in and spots her like oh hey girl because you do know whoever’s house this is, even if it’s more work friends/aquaintances vibe than a good friend]
Buster: [Winnie approves because he’s nasty he’s evil and I approve because it’s realistic, you clearly got invited to/saw someone you know post about this party, gal, so, you’re welcome they’re coming in now and not earlier]
Rio: [being so momentarily shook you almost jump out his arms ‘cos if it was the pub you would have to but luckily not so do recover as smoothly as you can there and introduce him but give him the out like oh we’re just going to bitch about work so he doesn’t have to stay]
Buster: [it would look weird if you stayed so flirt with whoever this random work friend is a little bit the way you do when you’re introduced so that the vibe doesn’t feel off and then probably wander off]
Rio: [when this lady clearly took you at your word and is now bitching and you’re lowkey stuck lmao, whoops]
Buster: [We’ve all been there, when someone won’t shut up and you just wanna go]
Buster: What number do you want me to count to before I call you and get you out of this?
Rio: She’s 26 and has worked there for 4 years so she wants to act like my ma 😬
Buster: 120 at the most then
Rio: a minute for every year of her age would be pushing it
Rio: at least she likes me
Buster: and she really likes me
Rio: Hmm
Buster: Oh come on, I was charming despite the interruption
Rio: You’re always charming
Buster: yeah, I am
Rio: some girls don’t like charming, babe
Buster: Some girls tell themselves they’re immune to it, but they aren’t
Rio: you’re cute
Buster: You miss me more because she isn’t cute or interesting
Rio: she’s not my type, don’t worry
Buster: nobody worries me like that, I don’t have to compete for affection
Rio: I’m sure
Buster: and if she was an actual threat I wouldn’t have left you alone with her
Rio: She’s the furthest thing from a threat, to me either
Buster: Exactly, so I’ll continue to be nothing but civil, even though she’s wasting your time and mine with you
Rio: I can’t be rude either
Buster: which includes not being able to ignore my fake SOS, thankfully
Rio: I won’t ignore it
Buster: All you have to do is say when, angel
Buster: as soon as you’re tired of being good
Rio: alright, I might miss you a bit
Buster: Fine, I’ll leave you to talk to her until you miss me a lot
Rio: hey
Buster: admit it and I’ll save you
Rio: it’s her fellas party, I’ll give her another minute, considering we just fucked over their entire kitchen
Buster: Well maybe, but that you at least have a degree of plausible deniability about
Rio: do I?
Rio: could still be cum on my face for all I know, she could be that polite herself
Buster: I’m not so rude as to walk away if you were in a position like that
Rio: tah, would be your fault otherwise
Buster: I can’t be faulted for giving you what you wanted
Rio: you wanted it too
Buster: meaning it wasn’t a mistake and I won’t be accepting any criticism
Rio: of course it wasn’t a mistake
Rio: you’ve got pretty good aim, actually
Buster: I told you not to doubt it
Rio: My face has gone red now, she thinks I’m beyond pissed 🥴
Buster: Good, there’s every chance it’ll shut her up
Buster: but if not, you have the ready made excuse of desperately needing to run to the bathroom
Rio: Literally getting me water
Rio: where are you actually though, if I go running upstairs
Buster: [tell her wherever you are]
Rio: Alright, I’ll finish my water and go get some fresh air, that’s a better excuse
Buster: Unless she decides to follow you out
Rio: where the fucks her man when you need him
Buster: Show me who he is and I’ll find him, direct him right to her
Rio: [send him this man’s socials and clearly he’s the opposite of your clean cut self hence we were saying she doesn’t do charming lol]
Rio: if you see him with another girl, I’ll tell her that tomorrow
Buster: [Go find him and tell him whatever will work to get him to go find his gf because you are that bitch being able to read people so it will work and this man will appear, thus freeing up poor Rio to leave]
Rio: [get yourself outside and away from the eager gal like oh lord]
Buster: [blatantly was looking for when she’d show up knowing it would only be a matter of time so go to her from wherever you were lurking]
Rio: [look up at him ‘thanks’ ‘cos managed to do that speedily]
Buster: [‘it was too easy’ because it clearly was, obviously helped by all the peeps who aren’t still standing at this party]
Rio: [raising a brow like oh I’m sorry ‘good to know he’s not cheating’ like clearly you didn’t stumble onto anything dubious lol]
Buster: [a shrug because you blatantly would’ve preferred that scandal over how boring it was]
Rio: [tapping him like excuse me 😏 ‘I have to work with ‘em, not you’]
Buster: [doing his own eyebrow raise and smirk like yeah and that’d make it way more interesting, obvs]
Rio: [rolling our eyes in amusement like oh you messy boy]
Buster: [fixing her hair for her, just cos, looking down at her like how dare you be so cute making that face]
Rio: [‘A lot’ quietly but it’s probably just y’all chilling wherever you are currently so still audible as an amendment]
Buster: [kissing her because we all know that’s what he wanted to hear and he didn’t even need to ask her to amend it]
Rio: [wrapping ourself around him because feeling beyond lovey dovey and was rude to interrupt your little slowdance but had to]
Buster: [such a happy sound about it ‘I love how our bodies fit together’ because he do]
Rio: [a noise in agreement that’s equally as happy ‘yours covers mine’ like I feel so small and safe]
Buster: [soz but he has to lie on top of her and literally cover her rn immediately even if that’s on the grass or gravel outside this gaff]
Rio: [‘you’re such a nerd’ but we’re breathing so fast]
Buster: [‘Are we [the age of the dare kiss] again?’ because that felt like such a childish insult, so amused, but holding her so close and so tight rn too]
Rio: [‘could be’ closing his eyes for him like alright, might need a bit of help to pretend]
Buster: [keeping his eyes closed like hmm okay, you know he’s the smirking emoji other than that though]
Rio: [‘yeah, you were’ ‘cos you definitely would be as it was a dare from your sister, putting our lips on yours but so gently it’s barely any pressure]
Buster: [obviously kissing her back as gently with only slightly more pressure coming from him]
Rio: [holding back is always going to kill, especially when you’ve been so feral]
Buster: [mhmm, which is why you’ve gotta do it, just so torturously ever so slightly doing more each time and trying not to absolutely DIE about it]
Rio: [‘you could’ve-’ and putting his hand on our boobs but on the outside of our clothes like I definitely would’ve let that happen]
Buster: [doing it, which would also kill y’all compared to the absolute feralness that’s been occurring via the pierced nips, hence ‘When did you?’ because you wouldn’t have had them at whatever kid/tween age he last kissed you, I’m sure lol]
Rio: [for real, our reaction is so intense for how little is actually happening by the looks of it ‘my 16th’ ‘cos I’m sure you could convince someone to do it by then so why not lol]
Buster: [I’m not gonna commit you in case we do ever wanna go back in time how we like to do but tell her about your 16th in between kissing her and touching her up because I’m sure she saw socials of it at the time but that was like years ago so]
Rio: [tell him more details about yours, likewise won’t be specific but we get the vibe ‘you could’ve done more then’ like by 16 sis, lowkey moving our hand down your body like hmm]
Buster: [kissing her more dramatically to fit that new vibe and moving his own hand underneath her clothes now like oh do you mean like this?]
Rio: [very lowkey dry humping you with this like mhmm]
Buster: [the GASP like we’re pretending we’re so scandalised about this but actually we’re just really about it, hence joining in with this too]
Rio: [‘don’t call me frigid’ with an amused lil smirk because clearly were not remotely but we’re way too turned on in all the ways you cannot deny rn too]
Buster: [‘you’re way more into being called a slut’ like I would never because we remember earlier when she called herself one and that was iconic behaviour so ‘for me’]
Rio: [doing the tongue suck move ‘cos yes we are ‘worst kept secret, right’ like you know, everyone knows]
Buster: [‘we’ve got plenty of other secrets now’ like it’s okay we can allow it, as he’s doing the most dry humping her here, that goes without saying]
Rio: [‘no one will know I’m actually your whore’ as per so hard to resist the temptation of how easy it is to take this up a notch when it’s just your knickers in the way]
Buster: [‘Everybody here will when I do this’ removing the obstacle like I’ll literally be wearing the evidence of it because you’re wearing nothing ‘and your friend could definitely hear us’ we all know how loud and feral you are but ideally don’t get caught like that lol]
Rio: [moaning his name so loudly at this ‘she won’t mind’ as a sentence that takes forever to get out, obvs]
Buster: [‘she won’t be jealous?’ do you mean because you’re so slay or her bf is such a flop or both, sir, regardless, going for this so much rn, undoing his trousers for the reason of being too turned on to not be able to again but otherwise keeping all the clothes where they are cos very much the point atm]
Rio: [shaking your head ‘happy for me’ ‘cos realistically this lady was there when your boyfriend broke up with you, dunno if she’d be thrilled about this but you know, understand the sentiment ‘I can feel you’]
Buster: [nodding because clearly he got that vibe from her however short of an interaction they had but whatever he was gonna say isn’t coming out because SUCH a moan is because really gotta make sure she can feel EVERYTHING, nothing else matters]
Rio: [our eyes going SO BIG and maintaining ridiculous eye contact like we aren’t dying ‘I’d be jealous’ like if this were not me rn]
Buster: [‘I’d have to fight for you’ like if this were not me I’d have to make sure it was me and steal you away lol]
Rio: [‘I’d let you’ ‘cos you wouldn’t have to fight hard is the tea but we’re 😍 so you have to]
Buster: [giving her the biggest heart eyes back of course, how could he not ‘squirt for me again’ impractical under the circumstances that you would end up looking like you fell fully clothed into a swimming pool lol but I love that you want that to be the energy sir]
Rio: [tugging on his expensive clothes like what if I ruin them, an adorable amount of concern tbh lol]
Buster: [‘I’d let you’ exactly as she said it]
Rio: [go in harder with moving yourself like okay, then I shall]
Buster: [y’all just living your best lives being extra af in public once more, god bless, saying her name so indecently as if she needs the encouragement]
Rio: [‘this has been the best night ever’ so sincerely]
Buster: [‘Easter is gonna be even better’ as a promise because he’s always gotta top it, idk how you will sir but you always have faith that it’s possible so]
Rio: [we’re nodding because believe it and will also do everything we can so that’s true ‘you can stay ages’ in comparison and that’s all that counts rn]
Buster: [‘Can you behave for that long?’ he knows she can but still gotta challenge her to prove it, duh]
Rio: [‘you can be in charge forever’ like even if I couldn’t]
Buster: [‘own you from a different city’]
Rio: [gripping onto him because we have to or we feel like we’re gonna die]
Buster: [‘you wanna be mine wherever the fuck we are, don’t you? Belong to no-one else but me’ the absolute drama, shh]
Rio: [‘that’s all I want, I know you do too, to be able to do whatever with me, whenever you need me’]
Buster: [kissing her like his life depends on it because that’s so true and such a read]
Rio: [‘say I’m yours’ between these kisses because need to hear it]
Buster: [obviously doing it, however long it takes to get the words out]
Rio: [doing your own dramatic kiss so you don’t tell him you love him]
Buster: [‘you would’ve let me do this too, yeah?’ putting just the tip in how boys do when girls don’t wanna hook up and they’re trying to be like let’s just 🥺]
Rio: [the actual GASP as if you fully just slammed your entire self into us ‘cos feeling like it after all this teasing ‘God yes, daddy’]
Buster: [the actual levels of restraint required to not fully do that, give this boy an award because he isn’t]
Rio: [likewise has stopped moving so we don’t accidentally make that happen ‘cos haven’t asked permission for that ‘I only didn’t try ‘cos I knew I’d like it this much’ none of us were ready for that before now]
Buster: [the way he’s breathing rn so !! because not trying to accidentally hardcore start with all that either, moving so deliberately to make sure it’s only out and as far back in because we’ve set a mood and we must stick to it, closing her eyes for her the way she did for him when they first ended up on the cold hard ground, just cos + the gentlest kiss]
Rio: [doing the littlest almost crying like sounds from being that overwhelmed by this softness and the torture of it ‘I don’t need anyone else’ like you didn’t even realise you said that because that out of your own head in this moment]
Buster: [‘of course you don’t’ as a whisper before he fully puts his tongue in her ear for the contrast]
Rio: [put your face in his neck and breathe in so hard you’re gonna be more lightheaded than you already are ‘I would’ve let you do whatever you wanted from [the truth or dare moment]’ as if it’s not blatant but we gotta say it]
Buster: [even though it is blatant it is gonna mean all that restraint is non existent and he will just be fucking her fully in the most slow but intense way ‘this?’ la la la I’m just not thinking about however old y’all were, excuse me]
Rio: [the ‘yes’ basically exploding out of you like you’ve been dying to say it ‘cos yeah lowkey]
Buster: [the loudest moan ever because trying not to cum immediately about it honestly]
Rio: [could not be more mutual ‘I can’t stop thinking about it now-’ like know I shouldn’t but can we care, not currently, soz]
Buster: [‘if I don’t, I’m gonna-’ can’t and also don’t need to finish that sentence, we’re all well aware]
Rio: [‘I’ll squirt for you, just like you asked’ sounding as frantic as we’re moving now]
Buster: [he has yet to say please himself so far but you better believe he’s saying it now]
Rio: [that would do it for you, soz to this household again but not at all honestly, not to mention all these random partygoers ‘cos yet again being obscenely loud about it]
Buster: [me like don’t worry girl they’re outside as if being literally in this girl’s front garden means it’s FINE haha, lowkey there’s probably even more people about coming and going, no pun intended]
Rio: [the neighbours just tryna sleep like … y’all better be finding a new party or a club or somewhere else when you’ve recovered which is not yet remotely]
Buster: [honestly, you probably finish up to discover there’s a really off their face person also just chilling in this garden like a creepy zombie, just scaring the shit out of you, like the vice versa of that Shaun of the Dead scene when they think that zombie in the garden is just a v drunk girl lol]
Rio: [truly lmao and y’all can’t even say shit ‘cos what do you expect frankly if you’re gonna do all this, would have you getting up and going faster though so that’s a plus]
Buster: [a club is a good shout for anonymity though because you’re probably pushing your luck at another party as far as not running into Rio’s actual friends/people she wouldn’t want to see her being this feral with someone who even if they don’t know he’s her cousin they’d be like ?? and ask too many questions later]
Rio: [I’m sure you can find somewhere to get in before closing time, even if it’s a little bit of a walk]
Buster: [she’s hot and he’s rich, it’ll be fine even if it’s late af they’ll still blatantly let you]
Rio: [at least you don’t have to go find that girl and say your goodbyes hun, how awkward lol]
Buster: [just run away lads]
Rio: [bebopping down this street casually, holding his hand ‘in case you get lost’]
Buster: [‘in case you get hurt’ because it’s valid, there’s still clearly lots of people about doing all sorts of wilding so]
Rio: [‘not with you around’ swinging your hands a little]
Buster: [a look like yep exactly, he is protection squad, probably also pushing some peeps out of the way who are being too ridiculous too close to y’all to really make that point]
Rio: [😍 snuggling into your side looking up at you]
Buster: [looking down at her with a lil smile like yep you’re so safe rn cos we know you loves it]
Rio: [doing a happy little dance casually]
Buster: [😍😍😍]
Rio: [laughing at yourself like what am I doing but we’re just pure buzzing soz not soz]
Buster: [loling too as well as smiling bigger because how happy she is is contagious and you clearly feel the same way anyway you’re just more reserved about showing it]
Rio: [‘you could get in anywhere’ like look at that smile]
Buster: [pulling her by the jumper sleeve closer to him like true but I’d also go literally anywhere with you rn including just walking forever through these streets tbh]
Rio: [hard same hence we’re going to keep you out until it’s time for your flight, basically, telling him as much like fyi babe]
Buster: [being the smirking emoji because he likewise had no intention of going home and only ever planned to turn up directly to the airport when he’s gotta go but we’re letting her think it was her great idea, for once, lol which is how you know he’s happy and in love ‘Where are we going?’ eventually after they’ve just been walking for a while and she’s told him this plan]
Rio: [my boo says play mastermind honey, just list clubs for him that y’all could go to, of all the varieties, vanilla, cheap, bouj, strip, gay etc etc because we’d know everywhere to go]
Buster: [this boy blatantly has spent no time out and about in Dublin but picking somewhere that isn’t too cheap and packed that they’d run the same risk they would at another party of running into peeps she knows but that isn’t the kind of boujee that means he might as well be in Chelsea rn]
Rio: [speeding up slightly from the way we’ve truly just been wandering and enjoying it like let’s go then honey ‘if Nance is anywhere she’ll have picked [the boujiest option available]’ like no worries of that run-in]
Buster: [a look like yeah I know and that’s why he didn’t pick it because if he’s been out anywhere it’s probably there with her at some point because the vibe isn’t that they spend a lot of time here and have loads of friends so]
Rio: [‘it’s boring anyway, unless you’re looking for some celebrity’s kid to buy your drink’ ‘cos those sorts of places always are and we’d only go there for such purposes]
Buster: [giving her such an amused look with a raised eyebrow like you’re so shocked and appalled she could’ve ever done such a thing]
Rio: [pushing him like shh ‘could’ve mentioned the whole sugar baby scene’ like that’s worse and also a blatant hunting ground]
Buster: [‘it’s a scene I’m familiar with’ because he’s rich and so are all his friends and their parents and everyone he ever encounters, of course he is ‘the celebrity namedrop you teased me with however, remains an unknown’ like tell me which celebrity kids you were trying to get with thanks]
Rio: [just tell him some of your friends who do it/have done it and their stories because you’ve only toe-dipped so it isn’t like you have any scandalous ones of your own, as for the celebrity kids just tap your nose like ah well]
Buster: [tell her about the dad of someone you went to school with who absolutely embarrassed himself and tore his fam apart by falling for a sugar baby or something like that because I’m sure it’s happened and however long ago it was/distant to your friend group everyone would talk about it because hilariously awkward scandal, and obviously do all the playfight/tickling vibes after to try and get her to tell you about the celeb kids, don’t even wanna know that badly, just like getting her to tell you]
Rio: [‘good thing your mum would kill your dad before letting him embarrass her like that’ like that’ll never happen to your fam on her watch, ‘cos we have a father that is really embarrassing and we don’t like to talk about it honey, hence telling you these celeb kids for your own distraction too]
Buster: [‘The only vaguely embarrassing thing about my dad is how obsessed he is with my mum’ cos tea, baze are so about each other forever and always, he would never cheat under any circumstance, telling her what celebrity kids you’ve met/encountered and how big of a twat they are comparatively because you’d have come across many]
Rio: [‘and what’s wrong with that? Aside from the fact it’s your parents so you’re automatically turned off’ shrugging like that’s how it should be, surely; doing a lol ‘they’re all twats, but you know, insecure ones so you have to feel a bit bad for ‘em’ doing the 🤏 about it]
Buster: [‘Nothing, aside from the fact they’re my parents, it’s aspirational’ because it is, we all know he wants what they have and of course he would, they’re an iconic power couple, a shrug ‘No, I don’t’ because if he doesn’t feel bad for none of y’all, soz not soz]
Rio: [a look like yeah, I was gonna say ‘I wouldn’t settle for less, no matter how much money was in it’ like could never go all in and fully just marry a rich man that didn’t care about us and we didn’t care about him]
Buster: [‘money can be made countless ways, there are always options, less so when it comes to sourcing what else they have for yourself’ because true, love is harder to come by than wealth, especially if you’re as ambitious as these two are]
Rio: [‘cheek’ like he’s saying it’d be hard for her purely, not as a general statement but obviously we agree with what you’re actually saying so making a face like yeah, I know ‘Oh well’ doing a little spin away ‘cos nothing to be done about this dilemma tonight when you’re only 18 ‘you can still fuck me on my wedding day, whenever it happens’]
Buster: [‘before, during or after my objection?’ when you’re just outing yourself as someone who would stop her fictional wedding to someone else]
Rio: [thank god you walked ahead ‘cos you are clearly bright red right now, even if you’re grinning with it and you can hear that in her voice ‘well, during WOULD be the most theatrical but the priest would probably object to that himself, like’]
Buster: [‘because he’s jealous, which would be true of a majority of the guests as well’ soz for shading this fictional priest like this and coming for the lives of every ex or bitter single friend of hers we’re imagining is there and heartbroken also haha]
Rio: [‘what else is a wedding for?’ but we have to LOOK back at you, turning and walking backwards to do so, clearly an empty enough street to do that, even just for this moment]
Buster: [STARING at her obviously]
Rio: [‘I haven’t forgotten what’s important’ ‘cos what he said about blood earlier when y’all were being the most, so casual]
Buster: [‘Good, don’t’ not at all casually]
Rio: [‘I made a promise to you first, nothing has to change that’] 
Buster: [‘nothing could’ yet again too secure, this boy, he genuinely believes that he has nothing to ever worry about here cos who can take him, no bitch]
Rio: [turn yourself back around girl like you really didn’t just drop this bombshell]
Buster: [grabbing her wrist/sleeve to spin her back around in the hottest move because always ‘you know that’ because you both do, there’s no stopping this now ever]
Rio: [the !! the stunned silence of holding your breath first because always ‘that’s why I said it’ quiet but the most !! of course ‘nothing and no one will change the fact you can have me whenever you want’]
Buster: [yet again kissing her as if it’s been a thousand years because you will say something really extra if not and no thank you sir]
Rio: [putting your all into this makeout, not at all subtly pressing your hips against his]
Buster: [‘I need to stay inside you all night’ repeating what she said earlier when they were fucking on the street because it’s how he feels, literally can’t get enough of you gal]
Rio: [biting your earlobe at this reminder ‘you belong inside me’ meant to be whispered but it’s more frantic than that when we say it]
Buster: [not this boy taking her underwear off right here right now and putting it in his pocket like you simply won’t be needing to wear it ever again, excuse you, other people exist and can see y’all]
Rio: [having no respect for anyone around you ever because we’re so turned on, purposefully flashing you about it ‘take them home’]
Buster: [giving her a lil smack when he pulls her dress back down like that was such bad behaviour, again, please chill]
Rio: [such a NOISE in reaction, threatening to pull this dress up again like a badly behaved child 😈]
Buster: [a not at all casual staring contest like will she or won’t she lol, biting his lip indecently the entire time]
Rio: [teasing it out by almost doing it so many times but then do, because you can’t not]
Buster: [we all know you wanna hit her harder, boy, because wouldn’t have left a mark the first time and you’re all about that, especially knowing you’re leaving so soon]
Rio: [we know you both want that so go ahead, pushing up to give you the most surface area for that/shamelessly showing you more]
Buster: [pop off, you’re not wrong, clearly nothing and nobody is stopping you at this point]
Rio: [isn’t like you’re smacking her in the face rn, no worse than the rest of your admittedly unhinged antics]
Buster: [and you won’t be fully choking her out either, just pulling on a necklace that she’s bound to be wearing as part of this lewk]
Rio: [we’re clearly v happy, at this point lads you may as well ignore them honestly ‘what do you want me to do?’ like am I apologising, am I going harder, what’s the vibe]
Buster: [‘Are you sorry?’ because we know you’re not remotely and neither is he but let’s pretend it was bad behaviour still]
Rio: [the most unconvincing ‘yes’ on purpose ‘so sorry’]
Buster: [‘No, baby, you’re not, and it’s unacceptable to say things you don’t mean’ such a dad voice happening here obvs]
Rio: [the way you can’t help your body’s reaction to that no matter what you may have intended ‘I’m sorry I’m not sorry’ with a does that work? Tone]
Buster: [shoutout to the thigh lovebite for being where he’s slapping her next, not that hard but very deliberately there because 🥺 dad vibes that you’re not sorry yet]
Rio: [‘I’m sorry I lied to you’ because softness will always kill us and we are dead from that one]
Buster: [‘show me, if you’re telling the truth this time’]
Rio: [very slowly cover yourself back up with your dress like see, but it’s purely so you can turn back around and get on your knees doing your own 🥺]
Buster: [just LOOKING down at her being ruined by that face nbd]
Rio: [as slowly unzipping his trousers without looking away for a second ‘please let me make it up to you’ kissing the imprint of his dick over his boxers]
Buster: [such a dramatic intake of breath about it]
Rio: [licking up and down in the same manner ‘I know I don’t deserve it but…’ looking away finally just so you can LOOK back a second later like you want me to, don’t you?]
Buster: [‘I’m forgiving like that though’ as if you’re doing her such a massive favour here sir and not the other way round]
Rio: [just saying all the thank yous and doing loads of kisses ‘I’m so glad you’re my daddy’ with such a grin like you aren’t then going to shamelessly get these boxers out of your way and give him the most indecent head]
Buster: [The way y’all really are gonna get the shock of your lives when you can’t just be this publicly indecent whenever you see each other is sending me yet again ‘You’ve learned your lesson, haven’t you?’ so serious about this]
Rio: [honestly you are so lucky to have evaded the police thus far ‘cos they’d be everywhere but the fights are more pressing lbr so you’ve managed it somehow lads, leaving him just in our open mouth when he asks this like you tell me, have I? Like you can go in if you want]
Buster: [tbf she’s not a tourist and would hence know the drill and where to avoid so that’s at least somewhat believable, more so anyway than if he was just feralling with someone who didn’t, pulling her necklace again harder than he did before like ! promise please ‘because I can’t stay mad at you’ when you fr can’t because you’re dying here, still giving it big dad energy though ofc]
Rio: [the love is so real and all over our face ‘I promise, I’m going to do nothing but behave for you all night, you deserve a good girl’ proceed to show him what that entails again]
Buster: [grabbing her where he slapped her purely involuntarily because he’s just that highkey about everything she’s doing rn, soz not soz if he’s just adding to those booty bruises]
Rio: [forever silently encouraging when we can’t actually talk because too busy trying to make you even more highkey]
Buster: [really just frantically grabbing her to the point it’s ridiculous and he’s spreading her cheeks apart with it ‘you’re fucking divine, Rio’ no notes, just how many ways can he call her angelic or godlike in one night]
Rio: [all the noise we’re making is going to feel amazing for you boy because both those things have us so turned on]
Buster: [at least you can start touching her too even though there’ll be 0 finesse about it when he’s dying this hard himself, we appreciate the attempt]
Rio: [not even made it to the venue, oh lads, literally cannot leave you alone and that’s so obvious in the way we’re doing this like it’s the first time and we’re gonna do the most because might not happen again, despite the fact it isn’t and it clearly will]
Buster: [I stan that you’re both keeping this energy up when I’ve literally lost count of how many times y’all have hooked up so far and yeah like my boo said haven’t even made it to this clerb ‘I could get obsessed over you’ just admitting that they can be baze, it’s FINE]
Rio: [we all know what that means, just like we know her pulling out every stop is her saying DO IT without actually saying the words]
Buster: [meanwhile I’m just here like PLEASE stop running your mouth this hard on night 1, nobody asked for this, boy, thank god how much she’s doing will have to kill him and thus you can shut the fuck up for a sec hun, other than how LOUD he’s obviously being noise wise]
Rio: [have to make you cum immediately, even if that means moving away from you touching us so we can focus and also make EYE CONTACT too ‘cos we know that will kill you]
Buster: [doing it as dramatically as if it was the first time xoxo]
Rio: [swallow it this time as you were all about the facial in the kitchen]
Buster: [do yourself a favour and find a wall or something to sit on for a sec because you can’t just carry on walking as if that didn’t happen]
Rio: [eventually get up off your knees and come sit beside him like hey]
Buster: [checking her knees when she does sit because you really did just deathdrop onto whatever surface no fucks given sis]
Rio: [you probably have fucked them up a bit hun like whoops]
Buster: [giving some very lowkey TLC as if it’s super casual and not actually a really soft and kind thing to do, we all see you cleaning her up with your spit as well like that’s not a hot thing to do]
Rio: [kicking our legs because trying to do anything but be hearteyes at this boy]
Buster: [holding them still in a hot move as if she’s doing it to be a brat and make this nursing moment harder]
Rio: [‘I don’t know what to do about this’ as a blurt out]
Buster: [just looking at her waiting for her to elaborate]
Rio: [is not, just kissing his cheek like anyway]
Buster: [untangling her necklace for her because noticing he tangled it when he was grabbing it like a heathen and one thing this boy will do is take responsibility for his own actions, big or small]
Rio: [holding his hand there when he’s finished]
Buster: [saying her name, I think for the first time in this entire convo potentially when they aren’t in the middle of a hookup, I could be wrong but no notes]
Rio: [I think you’re right hence the ?]
Buster: [when you clearly just wanted to/didn’t realise you had/are overwhelmed by this entire night so you don’t actually have anything to follow that with]
Rio: [‘yeah’ because hard same boy, resting our head on his shoulder ‘that’s what I was gonna say’]
Buster: [‘Your own name?’ for the bants like okay what a power move]
Rio: [‘how could I not?’ you can hear the eyeroll as we’re kicking/playing footsie with you]
Buster: [absolutely trying to remove her shoe with it which depending what kind of heel it is could be v easy or not but throwback to when he was being a foot pervert earlier and shoutout all the walking these streets they’ve done]
Rio: [‘not here!’ with such scandalised tone as if you’ve not gone so far beyond that out in these streets today heheh]
Buster: [1000% putting her feet up in his lap and giving her an actual legit foot rub but pretending we’re just doing it because she was scandalised and we’re an unrepentant devil]
Rio: [‘you’re so nice, you know that?’ in a happy sigh like you gotta know it boy]
Buster: [‘I know nice isn’t the word’ because true it is such a bland word with so many meanings, not even saying it like I’m actually just a massive dickhead]
Rio: [‘I’ll think of one you like better when I catch my breath’ like give me a sec but we’re smiling]
Buster: [smiling back like okay then as if he’s really gonna hold her to this, but saying ‘don’t’ as in don’t catch your breath because he’s obviously kissing her as soon as the word’s out of his mouth]
Rio: [kissing you so softly again like y’all are so sweet and innocent and not demons ‘kissing you is so-’ about to say nice which then makes you stop and lol like oh no, gonna say it again]
Buster: [‘I aim to please’ because can and will bring back that phrase from so so long ago, of course I shall, smiling like oh you whilst still kissing her]
Rio: [making a noise in agreement ‘understatement, if anything’ getting in his lap, as per, still kissing him]
Buster: [‘I’m not totally incapable of showing restraint’ like haha at least conversationally I can, whilst physically doing the most in terms of this ongoing makeout because simply must]
Rio: [doing a little pout ‘such a shame’ for the bants like no never]
Buster: [touching her in response because she stopped him earlier to focus on her indecent blowjob and antics so]
Rio: [resting your head on his shoulder because you can’t ‘fuck!’]
Buster: [going at this like it’s his first ever attempt because simply must be this extra and enthusiastic at all times, especially tonight]
Rio: [kissing up his neck when you can focus and aren’t just lost in your own pleasure, at least you’re at the perfect spot to make all the noise in his ear]
Buster: [‘I really like you’ because he do, no notes]
Rio: [no pretending that didn’t make you GASP, even when you recover enough to get out ‘I like you too, Buster’]
Buster: [saying it again but adding more reallys as he does more and more to her and she therefore reacts accordingly]
Rio: [pushing back against what he’s doing with as much energy ‘are you teasing me?’ about all he’s saying but still 🥺]
Buster: [‘I wouldn’t do that’ so sincere]
Rio: [kissing his cheek but how you would if you were actually kissing his lips not just a peck vibe]
Buster: [kissing her jaw with the exact same energy]
Rio: [‘I like you the most right now’ pushing yourself up holding onto his shoulders]
Buster: [‘it’s gonna be a permanent thing’ like not just for rn gal, but for always]
Rio: [‘okay’ but !! like I want it]
Buster: [could not be being more !! with everything he’s doing in response, of course]
Rio: [‘I like playing with you again’ so uncasually]
Buster: [‘I’m not playing’ again doing the absolute most like excuse you this is v serious business and very important]
Rio: [‘you’re hot when you’re serious’ trying to be bantsy but you’re literally dying so it ain’t nothing but the truth being blurted out]
Buster: [‘We fucked up not playing truth or dare like this’ because she’s literally incapable of lying to him rn]
Rio: [‘go on’ like I’m not stopping you]
Buster: [‘I already know everything I need to about you now’ because tonight has been illuminating that’s true, I see why you’d feel like that legit]
Rio: [a noise like true ‘what else could be relevant?’ gesturing at the current situation]
Buster: [his own noise like yeah exactly in her ear while he’s just going in on her lobe again nbd]
Rio: [‘you know how needy I am’ gripping his wrists at this ear action to steady ourself even slightly]
Buster: [‘and how to satisfy you’ like gal you’re insatiable like I am but I’ve got you, said in her ear indecently, obvs, putting his tongue in there again]
Rio: [‘I’ve lost track’ haven’t we all, doing a lil squeal at this tongue action]
Buster: [when you’re trying to remember but it’s all such a mad blur because how could it not be]
Rio: [‘maybe tomorrow we’ll remember’ ‘cos you’ll have time to]
Buster: [‘easter we’ll start over’ because that’ll be a brand new count and a whole new set of feral things to do]
Rio: [‘I’m not forgetting’ like he’s asked you to and you are like no thank you]
Buster: [‘there’s no chance of that, babe’ because neither of you will’ yet again pulling out all the stops as if he’s gotta prove she can’t and won’t]
Rio: [‘daddy, can I cum for you?’ because we are perilously close now]
Buster: [‘you asked so politely’ like how could I possibly refuse]
Rio: [go in and let go of the tiny amount of control you were holding onto to stop yourself just fully losing it]
Buster: [this boy loves to see it]
Rio: [be here again, just cuddling into him whilst you recover, eventually ‘I’m gonna owe you new trousers’ because imagine the state lol]
Buster: [the way he’s shrugging that off like they weren’t expensive af, oh to be rich, far more concerned with gently fixing her clothes for her from the disarray they are bound to be in]
Rio: [looking down like oh yeah, are either of us going to get in this club, of course you will but truly ‘am I a mess?’]
Buster: [‘you keep getting more tempting every time I look at you’ true we’re just falling in love here]
Rio: [looking around y’all like we should probably try to get a bit further but then you can’t help but look back at him with hearteyes ‘you’re not real’]
Buster: [looking at every single bruise he’s left on her so far that’s visible with the ootn having been readjusted lovingly ‘yeah I am’]
Rio: [‘yeah’ running your hands down his arms and holding his hands like you’re checking ‘never looked forward to easter so much in my life’]
Buster: [a smile cos hard same, he’d have found it so annoying when Ava was younger and dragged him along, you do look good in pastel colours at least sir, don’t have to sacrifice your aesthetic]
Rio: [my boo says another look to slay]
Buster: [except maybe not because Winnie says we should cockblock as they’ve gotten away with everything tonight and I’ve thought of a way how to, but more about that when it’s relevant hehe, for now ‘Ready?’ a genuine q because if you need more recovery time he’s happy to give you it chilling here but he’s not a boy who wastes time]
Rio: [‘let’s go’ get your shoes back on girl and hit the road]
Buster: [see if you actually get there this time haha]
Rio: [good luck lmao but we’re making more of an attempt anyway]
Buster: [we should probably let you, if there’s any kind of a line of peeps to get into this clerb you’ll have a chance to be extra then to kill the boring wait]
Rio: [there’s always some line, especially nights like this]
Buster: [yeah, normally there wouldn’t be cos y’all have left it later to go but it’d be busy everywhere cos the sheer numbers of tourists and peeps out and about]
Rio: [get in this queue then lads]
Buster: [he’d be the dickhead to jump it a bit but you don’t need to be getting into any fights sir so don’t fully go to the front thank you]
Rio: [that isn’t going to win you any friends lol, get in this line and deal ‘what time is your flight?’ like actually because we have not asked and have only just realised]
Buster: [don’t worry he’ll just do it a lil bit and sneakily so there will be no aggro, obviously tell her what time your flight is, knowing baze it’s probably earlier than you or your messy af sister would wanna leave if it was up to y’all but it’ll work well for your rocking straight up there vibe that I’m sure Nancy will also do]
Rio: [‘may as well be hungover on the plane, I guess’ like all the adults are gonna be so unsurprised your fam isn’t sticking around to feel slightly more human]
Buster: [the smug grin you can do knowing you’re like 18 and don’t get hangovers yet, soz baze, telling her whatever work thing they have to get back for because you’d know that, they’d always keep y’all in the loop and have the fam calendars synced to know what everyone is doing and when]
Rio: [‘unlucky’ ‘cos if you had school you’d skip it and work wouldn’t be until the PM like sucks to suck baze]
Buster: [‘it’s only a real holiday here’ with a shrug like in london life goes on sis]
Rio: [‘when’s your first exam?’ like speaking of work]
Buster: [tell her, I can’t remember when a-levels start I’m old, ooh *appaz a-levels start in like may but end in june whereas leaving cert exams start and finish in june, they must not be as spread out/there aren’t as many, that was just a quick google though so pinch of salt there]
Rio: [compare ‘cos likewise idk the difference but it’s all around the same sort of time, that’s weird though because leavers is more because you have to do all your cores still unlike a-levels, we know Irish schooling is to a higher standards though lol, soz to y’all]
Buster: [apparently for our future ref it’s like june 8 to june 28th for the irish ones but yeah, if we’re saying easter is in april you really won’t have long before yours start, boy]
Rio: [yeah they usually want you to start studying proper in easter hols, not that most do but I remember that energy]
Buster: [he is that perfectionist nerd and totally would, I’ll tell you my easter hol cockblock idea anyway as we’re talking about it, I thought that maybe baze could take the fam away for a holiday somewhere for the full 2 weeks off school because it is before exams so would be a nice way to chill before all that plus it’s lowkey the last fam hol you can guarantee because who knows what Nancy and Buster will be doing when they take Ava on a summer one and if they’d go/be too busy with their own lives and then it’s uni from there for him etc so it just tracks, but obvs he doesn’t know about it yet and it’ll mean no chance for him to come to Dublin]
Rio: [that makes perfect sense, I agree girl]
Buster: [blissfully unaware rn that you realistically aren’t gonna see each other til exams are over because there is no other reason he can just bebop after easter and vice versa]
Rio: [get ready to pine honeys]
Buster: [and absolutely DIE when you do see each other again, I cannot wait]
Rio: [right now be obliviously in this queue looking ‘round vaguely to see if you see anyone you know or nah] 
Buster: [imagine, just like oh great, we’ll be kind and say your charmed night continues though since you’re not gonna see each other for months after this, will give him an excuse to pick her up though so she can see better, no other reason, of course not]
Rio: [‘because that’s not noticeable’ with a lol]
Buster: [‘it isn’t my fault you’re eye-catching, whatever you do’ always hitting her with compliments]
Rio: [‘yes it is’ LOOKING at him ‘I wore this for you, remember’]
Buster: [checking her out yet again as if he doesn’t have this outfit memorised by now ‘I haven’t forgotten, you shouldn’t that it’s very little to do with the dress’ cos gal it’s YOU]
Rio: [‘it’s a nice dress’ but we’re 😳]
Buster: [‘nice still isn’t the word’ LOOKING at her like yes we stan the dress ngl]
Rio: [‘you give me a different one then’ word not dress lmao]
Buster: [‘seductive’ no notes]
Rio: [‘okay, that is better’ because into hearing you say it and always the goal]
Buster: [‘but like I said, that’s because of you’ because yes lbr if she wasn’t hot the dress could be 10/10 and would he care, no ‘I probably could’ve called the dress nice’ what a lowkey drag, soz to this dress that doesn’t actually have feelings]
Rio: [shaking our head in the oh you sort of way ‘cos we’re still blushy ‘say you want to see me out of it, like’]
Buster: [‘not here’ the way she said it earlier but also not at all because there’s a possessive vibe to it of I’m not gonna share you with this entire queue of people]
Rio: [‘isn’t that kind of club’ like there are limits but we have to get closer to you about the way you said that ‘when?’ in his ear ‘cos you haven’t actually been naked in front of each other long enough to appreciate it, obviously, she was for a bit in the cellar but that’s about it]
Buster: [‘it’s whatever kind of club we decide it is’ because what they said earlier about making their own rules tonight, but pulling her even closer to him because not trying to share her in there either tbh ‘when we don’t have to leave our hotel for anything’ soz to piss on your easter goals lads]
Rio: [lbr lads would be looking and probably saying things ‘cos never have any decorum but especially not half cut like everyone is by this point, pressing into him so tightly ‘I won’t pack’ like no clothes will be required for the entire stay then]
Buster: [it’s so true, good job he has enough decorum not to fight all of y’all rn because nobody needs that rn, he’s already had one fight ‘I will’ pulling at the jumper like in case there’s anything else you wanna steal cos it looks better on you]
Rio: [‘I might die when I see you naked’ the drama as if you haven’t been banging him all evening but tis how we feel truly]
Buster: [‘I better think of something I can do to revive you’ so saucily like don’t worry gal, I’ve got this if you do]
Rio: [‘you better’ smirk at him ‘because so far all I’ve seen from you is the opposite’ like can you even ‘cos a shameless challenge there]
Buster: [a smirk back like okay challenge accepted, obviously, who is he, and lowkey nothing is a challenge for this boy, he believes he can do anything]
Rio: [pushing his face away gently like ugh you’re the worst but we’re 😻😍]
Buster: [pulling her hair but gently and soft not !! like he has so far in their hookup moments]
Rio: [just gazing up at him ‘it’s been ages since we danced’ it has not but you’re drunk in love]
Buster: [soz not soz to everybody that he will be dancing with her within this queue and if y’all can’t hear the music from outside he will be playing some from his phone like a chav on a bus]
Rio: [when none of your boyfriends have been secure enough to be this carefree and silly low-key and you’re so about it, no one in this queue be a hater]
Buster: [oh to have the absolute unfaltering confidence of a young, hot and rich white boy, if only]
Rio: [just dance your way into this club basically babes ‘what are you drinking?’ Once you’re in the door, obviously has to be in your ear because clubs]
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smokedanced · 2 years
@virmireisms​ sent munday meme questions!
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Do you have any people you look up to? :: in the rpc? yes, definitely, but i’d rather not name names because i don’t want people i forget to mention feel bad sksksk but yeah, there are many people whose content i am hearteyeing at in awe!
Are you someone who prefer a lot of paragraphs, or few? :: somewhere in between? i’m more of a variety type of a roleplayer? i feel like the expectation to match length is harmful to writing quality, seeing as i think there are times where you’re setting scene, delving into backstory, etc. when a novella response feels suitable, but in that same thread, there may be writing through a really intense sequence where going beyond two paragraphs is just... filler? because you need the other muse to react before you can go on with the actual story. i think it’d be better if reply length being based on what you have to say was the norm, that replying to 10 paragraphs with 2 or the other way around when the thread naturally flows that way would be expected. i hate both feeling like i have to write pointless filler and that i’m making the other person overwhelmed by having a lot to say.
but in general, i prefer to write about 2-3 paragraphs as the baseline. shorter can feel like i don’t get to write everything relevant, longer makes executive dysfunction amp up.
What is the biggest turn-on in characters? * not sexually speaking :: pain. i am notorious for making my muses go through a lot. characters who have a strong sense of duty (which is interestingly entirely opposite of myself, i shirk away from any kind of suggestion of “responsibility”) who feel like they have to Do A Lot (shepard, the doctor, castiel being my primary/single blog level muses), bonus points for being uncomfortable being vulnerable because then i get to force that on them in stories hehehehe. on the flipside, villains. actual villains with no regard to basic morality. i don’t necessarily pick these characters as muses as often (hannibal lecter is my only downright villain muse right now), but boy do i love them. i’m attracted to some very dark fiction, and some very dark characters. it’s liberating to consume and create such content because it’s entirely divorced from my real life values and ethics. hannibal lecter, sylar, the master, are all among my favourite characters.
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marvelingjules · 4 years
I need you all to know that yesterday I talked about The Old Guard and how much I liked it and the characters and how we needed the comic in our system and also maybe also Charlize Theron and how much I love her in action movies lately that today.
Today my coworker comes up and says “Charlize Theron’s got a panel for Comic Con about how she’s a badass. I knew I had to tell you.” And I forgot “oh yeah your coworkers don’t actually know your a disaster bi” and threw my hand over my heart and made A Noise and then like a whole minute later was like “...whoops. Cat may be outta that bag now lol.”
But also worth it because said coworker is the one who sends orders for the teen and adult graphic novels and she said she’d try to convince the head of tech to order it so worth it.
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Okay but I don’t talk enough about how much Willem loves art?? He loves music, loves to see paintings and drawings, and he would give the world to see someone create something around him. From writing stories to dancing. He might not be able to do it himself he finds peace in seeing someone else create a work of beauty, especially since he himself is so used to destroying that he finds a somewhat childlike glee in witnessing someone create. 
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jawritter · 2 years
Jen’s 3k Celebration!!!
Tell Me A Story Celebration!
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I can’t believe I’ve made it to 3k followers right here on Tumblr! You guys are amazing! When I started this blog, it was just a hobby. I honestly thought that no one would read the things I’ve written, so to log on this morning and find out that I have 3K followers? Wow, I’m stunned beyond words, because honestly, THANK YOU just doesn’t feel like I’m saying enough! 
That being said! In celebrations of this new milestone, I’ve heard the outcry for open request amongst bloggers and while I’m not at the place where I can fully open my request up, (I’m still working on the full story request you guys sent me not that long ago), this is what we’re going to do! 
Tell me a story celebration!
How it works: 
Okay, you’ve seen bloggers do this before. Send a gif in, with the prompt, tell me about how.... And I will write you a drabble from your gif request. That simple! Drabbles will include anything from Smut to Fluff in short form. 
Sense I typically only write for Jensen Ackles and Dean Winchester, please only send Jensen Ackles related Characters. Dean Winchester, Beau Arlen, Soldier Boy, or Jensen Ackles himself. You get the idea. 
I do not write Destiel. 
I do not write Winchest. 
All requests are X Reader Inserts unless specifically specified otherwise, I do not write OFC much. 
If your story request is a pronoun other than Female, please include that in your Ask with the gif, and your Tell me about... 
No kink shaming other request and readers, if I see you doing that in the comments or reblogs, you will be blocked. 
Stories can be AU, Canon level, ABO, choice is yours it’s your story!!!
Okay Guys! Send me those Gifs!! SEND ASK HERE!!!
Tags Below the cut: 
Forever Tags:
Jensen and Dean’s Babes
Jensen’s Babes
Dean’s Babes:
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melibemusca · 2 years
Michael/Hastur/Ligur headcanons
I was just answering a very sweet anon ask about M/H/L headcanons, but I accidentally posted it before finishing it, so I went to edit it, but then I accidentally deleted it instead. Wow. I’m pretty amazing at this tumblr thing.
I’m sorry, anon! On the bright side, I had copied and can now paste some of what I wrote, and maybe the person who sent the ask can find this even though the ask itself is gone forever?
Thank you for the ask! :hearteyes: I did not expect to fall so hard for this ship, and yet here we are. It's awesome to know that you're enjoying it too! I have two sets of mutually exclusive headcanons, because I like thinking about them in different ways, and I'm not strongly attached to any of these, so I'd be delighted if other folks want to add on with their own ideas! The first set:
Michael and Ligur were close before the Fall. They didn't fight each other in the war, because Michael was a big deal general tasked with casting Lucifer down, and Ligur was more like infantry. They were both quietly grateful not to have to face each other, but also heartbroken they didn't even get to say good-bye. Michael nurses a grudge against Lucifer for twisting the minds of so many angels to his cause, most especially Ligur. And Ligur regrets that he couldn't convince Michael to join the rebellion--he's sure that it would have succeeded, with her on their side.
Ligur and Hastur became close soon after the Fall, in the early days of Hell. They understand each other on a deep and mostly wordless level, and they've always got each other's backs.
I think Michael established the backchannels even before Aziraphale and Crowley came to the Arrangement. She is nothing if not practical, and she plays a long game. I don't think she was specifically trying to get back in touch with Ligur--she'd walled off her emotions pretty well, and making a connection Downstairs was purely business.
Ligur similarly had completely buried his memories of spending time with Michael in Heaven. Until this message arrives from Heaven, smelling like her. He gets Hastur to write back, and after some cautious letter exchanges, a meeting is set up in neutral territory on Earth.
Michael shows up at the rendezvous, cool and calm and ready to exchange information . . . and there’s Ligur. It’s an emotional kick to the gut. And he’s with this tall empty-eyed Duke who is clearly protective as hell, and . . . it’s kind of sweet, really. She’s happy that Ligur has found someone. And she’s not wistful at all, and it’s good that Hastur is here, because it will keep things strictly business, and she and Ligur won’t be tempted to revisit their age-old feelings for each other.
Of course, we know how that goes.
Ligur and Hastur were already an item when they were angels in Heaven. During the war, Michael was the one to throw them out (along with a bunch of other rebelling angels, including the Big Guy).
When Michael began reaching out to form the backchannels, she couldn't get any responses from Hell at first. Demons don't trust each other, and they're certainly not going to trust any angel. But Michael kept patiently reaching out every few centuries.
Finally Beelzebub gives one of Michael’s messages to Hastur and tells him to do something about it. The Lord of the Flies doesn’t have the time and interest for this themself, but they’ve decided it might be worth delegating. And hey, if Michael ends up betraying and killing Hastur, well, they never liked him much anyway.
Hastur brings the invitation to Ligur to discuss. The two of them have a relationship that goes beyond trust, they simply know where the other will be and what the other is thinking, and it gives them a bit more courage and a bit more conviction than a lot of other demons have. They decide to write back to Michael.
Cautious correspondence, eventual meetings on Earth, etc. etc.
Michael is surprised to realize that when she meets with Ligur and Hastur, she feels something extraordinary between them that she’d never expect from demons. Love. But when she brings it up, they act like they have no idea what she’s talking about.
Michael is intrigued. At first she’s studying them almost academically, wondering what makes their relationship tick, but then something happens--maybe the two of them are in danger, and she acts without thinking to protect them--and she realizes that she’s falling for them both.
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wickedpact · 3 years
whats funny is if you count the van speech as 1 single instance of joe saying something romantic/affectionate to nicky, technically speaking that would mean that nicky says more affectionate/romantic things than joe does
i mean
1. “its like destiny”
2. “the love of my life etc etc”
3. “as much as i like watching you sleep im glad youre awake”
fuck, as a bonus round you could add comics!nicky casually calling joe ‘the man i love’ when they were fucking up kozak
i mean, joe’s speech is Long, and obviously has the biggest romantic impact of anything said in the movie by far. (not only in terms of the phrases themselves, but also their Passionate Delivery) if you count each phrase of the speech as 1 affectionate/romantic instance then joe by far has nicky beat
1. that man is more to me than you can dream
2. moon when im lost in darkness
3. warmth when i shiver in cold
4. kiss still thrills me etc
5. heart overflows with kindness etc
6. love him beyond measure and reason
7. hes all and more
(u could also add the bonus ‘i need to know hes okay’ if you wanna stretch it)
but the van scene is the only scene where joe says something explicitly and verbally affectionate/~romantic~ to nicky. (of course, joe is affectionate in other scenes, and anyone who argues otherwise doesnt have eyes. the wink, the grin on the plane, the constant hearteyes, the bedhead joke, etc. but in terms of joe + explicit verbal affection, the van speech scene is the only one).
[arguably you could count the ‘you shot nicky’ line as affection but that line isnt even said to nicky]
plus, given nickys reaction to the speech and the general unusual circumstance surrounding it (ie being kidnapped), we can assume joe isnt giving nicky speeches like that every day. meanwhile nicky’s comments to joe are interjected into conversations pretty consistently, with little reaction to them from any party involved, implying theyre pretty common
i mean. basically,
nicky: small & subtle statements of affection said often
joe: long & grand statements of affection said rarely
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