#best torrijas
greedyapron · 4 months
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28/12/2023 - Dinner P2
🇪🇸 La Clandestina, Zaragoza
🐟 Sedoso de Bacalao (€ 17.50, $25.41)
Silky cod with garlic, mashed potatoes, shimeji mushrooms, caramelized peppers and eggs cured in soy. Fish was really tender in the potatoes but the mushrooms were wayyy too salty. Has a nice tomato dusting. A sad downfall. Not a very exciting dish. Especially since this came after the first two.
🐮🥩 Tataki de Ternera (€ 21.90, $31.80)
Beef tataki macerated in 48h japanese sauce. Comes with two sauces and straw crispy potatoes. Steak was tender enough but not phenomenal especially for the price. One of the sauces was more mustard-like and the other like a savoury steak sauce.
🍞🥚🍨 Torrija (€ 7.50, $10.90)
This was the highlight of the second part of the dinner! It was amazing. The texture of the bread is cake like and creamy in the centre without being eggy. HOW DO THEY DO IT. The middle retains the look of bread but the fork cuts through nice and easy. A definite MUST HAVE here.
Will want to be back to try the cakes and pastries. Seems like they shine for the starters and dessert. Maybe we just picked the wrong mains to have.
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stxrlxrds · 11 months
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munday asks!
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❤️ — what are some of your best qualities?
// hmmm I'd say my height? I love my height. being tol is great >:3
I used to be really insecure about being tall but now I wouldn't have it any other way
for those wondering I'm 5'9 ft / 1.80 m
🔏 — want any (more) tattoos?
// as I slowly beat my phobia, I would love to get a few tattoos! no idea what I want them to be yet tho
🍝 — favorite food(s)?
// pizza. and torrijas. i love torrijas so fucking much.
📕 — favorite book/series?
// ingo is my childhood favourite book!
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swamyworld · 1 month
Tips for selecting the best bread for French toast
French toast is a breakfast staple for the ages. It has a long history and is eaten in many forms all over the world (Spanish torrijas is just one example). When planning your next brunch, you could go in a variety of directions. Should your toast be sweet or savory, cooked on the stovetop or in the oven, served up in slices, baked into a casserole, or even stuffed with ricotta? The choices don’t…
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25mn · 1 year
How to Freeze French Toast
French toast is an extraordinary breakfast choice. It's not difficult to make, it tops you off, and it tastes scrumptious.
In any case, what do you do when your French toast gets cold? The response is straightforward: warm it.
In this article, we'll tell you the best way to warm extra French toast the correct way so that all flavors are completely reestablished.
How Would You Keep French Toast Warm and Firm? French toast is one of those morning meal works of art that you can serve for any dinner.
The most effective way to keep your French toast warm and fresh while it's passing on the counter is to placed it in a preheated dish or stove.
You can likewise wrap the entire dish up with foil for extra protection, however don't make the bread spongy by wrapping it too firmly.
The most ideal way to hold your French toast back from drying out before you eat isn't to leave it lounging around uncovered.
You can likewise leave your French toast on a baking sheet in the stove to keep it warm. Instructions to warm french toast French toast has an astonishing limit: when warmed, it tastes nearly, while perhaps not similarly as, flavorful as when initially cooked.
There are maybe a couple choices like the broiler, oven, toaster, and microwave. As we have said previously, the broiler is the most ideal choice and the microwave the most un-alluring.
Warm the torrijas in the broiler The broiler strategy is an extraordinary choice, since you can warm up family servings of French toast in one go. To utilize the stove strategy, you ought to cover a baking sheet with cooking shower, then, at that point, spread the cuts of French toast equally.
Make sure to leave a ½-inch hole between each cut of French toast. Preheat stove to 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
Place the treat sheet with the French toast in the preheated broiler, making a point to watch the toast cautiously as it warms. Flip the toasts after around 4 minutes, so they are firm on the two sides.
You can warm frozen French toast directly in the stove, yet it will require a couple of moments longer than refrigerated.
The development of air in the broiler permits the torrijas to warm uniformly across their whole surface, yet with a fresh covering.
Benefits of utilizing the broiler The broiler offers, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the most in any event, warming across the whole surface, yet permits the French toast to stay clammy within and fresh outwardly. You can warm a lot of French toast at one time using the stove.
Cons of utilizing the stove The main drawback to utilizing the broiler is that you need to hang tight for it to preheat prior to putting the torrijas in. At the point when you are extremely eager, this stand by can appear to be an unending length of time.
Warm the French toast in the kitchen Utilizing the oven is a decent choice, since that is most likely the way in which you cooked your French toast in any case.
In the first place, you want to warm a skillet or iron over medium intensity and immediately cover it with cooking splash. Place the French toast in the skillet and watch out for it.
French toast will warm up rapidly , just requiring a moment or so to warm through on each side. When the French toast has warmed through and is fresh once more, eliminate it from the intensity.
Step by step instructions For How to Freeze French Toast  In the event that you will eat currently pre-arranged French toast in the following two or three days, you can simply store it in a fixed holder in the cooler. I normally go with a glass Pyrex with a tight cover.
Nonetheless, in the event that you have a lot of extras, or have deliberately made extra to freeze for later mornings, there are two freezing strategies.
Cook your French toast to no one's surprise and permit it to cool. Put a sheet of wax in the middle of between each cut so they don't stay together, and afterward wrap the stack firmly in foil. You can likewise put the stack into a hard core cooler sack rather than the foil. Or then again both! Eat this French toast inside a couple of months to get the most ideal quality. The subsequent choice is to simply absorb the bread the player and afterward freeze. There's no cooking until you're prepared to eat it. Essentially put the splashed cuts on a lubed baking sheet and glimmer freeze in your cooler for around 45 minutes. Then move to your cooler safe holder. Streak freezing makes it simple to get each cut in turn, so you just need to cook what you will eat. Most strategies for warming French toast take into consideration warming straightforwardly out of the cooler, however in the event that you will utilize the toaster oven or a skillet, you ought to thaw out first.
How to Warm French Toast in a Microwave?
One of the most widely recognized botches while attempting to sort out some way to warm French toast in the microwave is utilizing a glass dish.
You ought to utilize either a paper towel or waxed paper, which will keep the bread from becoming spongy and stuck on your plate.
At the point when you're prepared to warm it again for breakfast or lunch, wrap a singular cut of french toast firmly with aluminum foil prior to microwaving.
This keeps the cheddar from softening all around your plate and keeps everything overall quite warm until noon.
This are steps headed to warm french toast in the microwave:
Place a paper towel or waxed paper on a microwave-safe dish. Wrap the bread firmly with aluminum foil and put it on the paper towel or waxed paper in the microwave. Microwave for around 30 seconds, really looking at regular intervals to guarantee that your french toast isn't consuming. Open up your rich garlic goodness and appreciate. How to Warm French Toast in a Broiler? A broiler is a decent choice when you are searching for a fast method for warming the French toast.
You can likewise involve the oven as toast gets cold. Eat it with jam or syrup and milk.
You can likewise warm the toast in the broiler without getting it excessively dry.
Preheat your stove to 325 degrees Fahrenheit. Put a wire rack on top of the baking sheet prior to setting the bread cuts onto it. This will ensure that all sides are warmed uniformly and will not get singed as fast. Cook for around 15 minutes or until they're hot all through and brilliant brown at the edges. This is an optimal method for warming French Toast on the off chance that you don't approach microwave or burner cooking strategies.
How to Warm French Toast in a Toaster oven? The issue with other warming techniques is that the toast is generally cold and spongy when warmed up.
The arrangement? Toast in a toaster.
Along these lines, your French toast will remain fresh outwardly while remaining warm within. Follow these means:
Place two slices of bread in the toaster oven (discretionary: add margarine or syrup prior to putting). Set your clock for five minutes and toast until light brown. Slide out the plate, take a gander at how things are going up to this point, then put it back on if necessary. On the other hand, you can utilize a stove rack for concocting a group of four French Toast cuts all the while.
Rehash these means however many times as the need might arise.
When done, appreciate quite hot toast with softened spread and cinnamon sugar sprinkled on top.
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hahahax30 · 1 year
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Wtf Wagner I just saw this and your other post about wanting to go to Spain for semana santa??????
Now I have a whole schedule (?) planned for our future trip! We're spending most of it in my province because we have the best semana santa (slutty soldiers and goats included), then we're going to sevilla to see the madruga and then on Saturday we're going to Granada to see the virgin (Madonna????) of the Alhambra* and the Alhambra as a whole. And ofc we're having buñuelos and torrijas because the former are delicious and the later are semana santa sweets (?)
* listen the people who carry tronos in granada have my respects because that city is STEEP it's 99% hills istg idk how the Catholic monarchs were able to conquer it because going to the Alhambra on foot feels like climbing mount Everest only it's way hotter. Just imagine hauling this
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on your neck up a street that's like this
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foodies22 · 1 year
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bioluminescentfrog · 1 year
Don’t know if you’re Spanish but the food here is amazing! Tortilla de patatas? Croquetas? Paella? Los ibéricos? El marisco? Gazpacho? Salmorejo? Comida mediterránea? Migas? Cachopo? Patatas con alioli? Patatas bravas? Pescaito frito? Cocido? Mojo picón? Calamares? Pisto? Bacalao a la dorada? Huevos rotos? Torrijas? Roscón de reyes? Pan tumaca (con jamón)? Churros? Maybe you haven’t tried most of this, but our cuisine is great!
Heya Anon! Yeah, I've had most of that stuff, I've lived in Spain for a several years and been all over the country, having most dishes from their place of origin :]
For the purpose of the conversation I'm assuming you're Spanish. And hey, if you like Spanish food, there's nothing wrong with that! It's just not my cup of tea <3 (and feel free not to read this if you don't feel like it!)
(putting everything under the cut for people who don't care)
So. Spanish food! It's decent at best. Not bad, but also not the best cuisine I've seen. I wouldn't put it top 3.
Now, to put why I don't like Spanish food simply:
I think Spanish food is boring. For 3 main reasons:
1- When looking at Spanish cuisine, you see a couple of the same ingredients shifted around into different things, which is fairly common in most cuisines, but its really notable in Spanish food.
Salmorejo and Gazpacho have very similar bases, Patatas con alioli and Patatas bravas are both just (usually fried) potatoes with different sauces. Pan tumaca is slightly toasted bread with cold tomato purée, salt and olive oil. It's not even that filling of a breakfast.
2- I've had lots of cuisines, and when comparing [Insert most cuisines] vs Spanish food, Spanish food seems.. bland? I mean- it's kinda telling if a food controversy is if tortilla de patata should have onion or not.
Regardless, I think most Spanish food is lacking in flavor. Salt and pepper is good but more is needed for certain stuff (esp most fried foods like cachopo or flamenquines).
3- Just my personal preferences, honestly. I don't like fried food much (same reason I dislike USA food, too greasy) and I like Spicy in a lot of dishes :> I once got yelled at for putting hot sauce on my tortilla. And most days I'd choose any most other commercial meats over pork.
So yeah, that's why I tend to lean more towards South American/Asian/Arab (& Moroccan) food. It has the spicy factor, I won't get ridiculed for adding more as I see fit, and while some of it is oily, you can usually avoid it if you really want to!
Galicia makes banger octopus, and calamares are hit or miss, depends how greasy they are. I had Flamenquines in Córdoba, those were tasty. Sheep cheese is good. Gambas al ajillo, but those are pretty simple.
Overall, I'd give spanish food somewhere from a 2.75/5, it's tasty, but nothing special and, personally, I'm just not a huge fan.
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tkc-info · 3 years
Se fue (He's Gone)
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OCtober 2021 day 20 - tear
It was 0:10am, and Areusa’s roommate Ashraf was still shoving his tongue down his boyfriend’s throat. Areusa had had enough. Enough of Ashraf, the room she shared with him, and his boyfriend. Of boyfriends in general.
As a fourteenth grader at Emtikax in the Archaic Branch who also hoped to succeed the current principals one day, Areusa should be either studying or sleeping. But she was also fucking tired of giving her all for such a disgusting world. So she abandoned any intentions of faking sleep to kick her sheets aside and get out of the oppressive room.
“I’m going to take a walk.” she announced.
Ashraf’s bed stopped creaking abruptly; his head peaked out from the sheets. “I thought you were sleeping. If I had known you weren’t, I swear I—”
“Don’t bother.” Areusa turned her back to him “I’m going outside.”
Ashraf was probably frowning worriedly. “I’ll accompany—”
The door closed behind Areusa with a definite BAM.
Emtikax being placed in your Mirror territory had mostly bad sides. Areusa personally liked seeing different architecture, hearing different languages, and tasting different dishes (especially since she had a general dislike of Spanish cuisine; especially those godforsaken torrijas the school canteen was so dead set on offering). Tata Leonila constantly dragged her to Spain-related events: Areusa was tired of most things Spanish, being its history the only exception —mostly because everyone was already dead and her maruja nature could be satisfied watching their drama.
Although she would admit having the streets she’d grown up treading so close was useful now.
No one questioned Areusa as she made her way out of Emtikax into Aboveground Granada. They probably thought her a heartbroken girl who needed time to cry; which Areusa was, even if she’d sooner die than admit to crying over him.
The portal station left her near her house in Mirror Granada. The notion of going home just for a tiny bit was tempting, but her family would definitely worry over her, and Areusa didn’t fancy undoing the web of lies of wellness she’d strung around her family. So she kept walking when she should’ve taken a left turn, and eventually arrived at a Mercadona. She hesitated for a moment —why would she want to be in a supermarket?— before an idea occurred to her.
She didn’t want to cry over her ex-boyfriend, but she wasn’t foolish enough to think she wouldn’t bawl her eyes out in virtually no time. The next best thing was not remembering such a humiliating episode.
“How old are you?” the cashier inquired, alternating between looking at the five bottles of vodka Areusa presented him with, and inspecting her not-so-adult face. His eyes briefly stopped at her old-fashioned nightgown before seemingly deciding she was some nun apprentice gone mad, and going back to the vodka “You know we can’t sell alcohol to minors.”
Areusa presented him with 17000 pesetas. The cashier slipped the stack of bills into his apron, and wordlessly put Areusa’s alcohol in a plastic bag as the background music changed from Hombres G to a song Areusa had never heard before. The singer was Italian, she thought, but the lyrics were in Spanish. They immediately made her tense:
It’s gone, the smell of him is gone
The murmuring of his silences is gone
His fabulous smile is gone
The sweet honey I tasted on his lips is gone
He’s gone, I only have his poison left
He’s gone, and my love was consumed by ice
He’s gone, and life abandoned me alongside him
He’s gone and I only have tears since then
Memories of him shook her with impossible force. His laughter, like music from heaven. His cluelessness as he tried to make sense of the string of insults Areusa tended to spurt in Spanish when stressed. Him leaning down to kiss her neck. His cool steadiness coming undone when she raked her hands down his torso. Their days and nights of illicit secrecy… And then him.
“Are you okay?” the cashier asked.
Areusa blinked to keep the tears away. “I’m going to take another bottle.”
She ended up taking two more, and left the Mercadona with her alcohol and an extra box of piononos the cashier had slipped inside her bag when he thought she wasn’t looking.
Now she definitely could not return home; her sister Elicia would feel how thoroughly wasted she was, and lecture her on ‘safe drinking’ till dawn because Elicia was a doppelgänger and could afford to pass sleep. Areusa was a historian, and did not have that leisure.
But she couldn’t go back to Emtikax. Too many people would try to stop her from drowning in her misery. As if being an outstanding student meant Areusa couldn’t subject herself to a bit of teenage drama after the worst breakup in the history of this horrid world.
Areusa paid no heed to the path her feet were taking her, filled as her mind was from that wrenching song and the memories. Perhaps it was that song’s influence that she ended up in La Alhambra.
“Me cago en la puta.” she swore.
She’d been to the Alhambra plenty of times with him; the palace had been one of their favourite places, their place. He’d liked its ornate moorish architecture, while Areusa would unashamedly admit that the court life of the Nasrid sultans had been very interesting; as of course, that of the Catholic Monarchs and their progeny.
Their dates had widely consisted of trespassing the grounds of the Alhambra late at night and reaching the rooms visitors didn’t have access to. Areusa would always make dramatic interpretations of whatever she was glimpsing into (adding a few spoilers here and there) to get him to laugh. Then her glimpsing would stop when he began kissing her a bit too much, and well, they were teenagers, right?
He’d been among the select few she’d allowed herself weakness with, and the Alhambra had been the only place they could express their affection as she truly wanted to. Not in that sterile way they acted out at Emtikax.
But that didn’t mean anything now.
Areusa opened her first bottle and took two long swallows. The vodka made her grimace, but she brought the bottle back to her lips a second later. She walked past the communal rooms without so much as a second glance. It was only when she reached the rooms that had belonged to the royal family that she stopped.
There was one in particular that caught her attention. The Catholic Monarch’s successor, their only surviving daughter, had had a complicated relationship with love. Of course, Areusa was nothing like Juana La Loca. For once, she hoped never to be imprisoned to death at the hands of her son (not that she would ever have children, much less male children). Yet Areusa couldn’t help the pang of kinship she felt for the late queen.
She left her first empty bottle on the floor, opened the second one, and sat crosslegged against a corner. Areusa glimpsed into the past and saw an excited Juana —only a little bit younger than Areusa— talking about her future husband while her mother, Queen Isabel of Castile, tried to instil in her the mentality of a monarch to no success.
Areusa knew Juana’s life would soon twist into misery, and so her present happiness was all the more devastating —and addicting. Areusa looked at Juana and saw herself only a few months ago, when she’d first been kissed by him. She heard Juana talking about her fiancé Felipe, and heard herself talking about him. Still unaware of how her happiness would suffer a devastating end.
That’s when the tears finally began rolling down Areusa’s cheeks.
Juana and her were nothing alike, however. Not even in love. For Felipe had died a sudden death.
Areusa had murdered Gera.
Spanish translation:
Me cago en la puta = (literally) I shit on the whore (meaning-wise) fuck
Juana La Loca = Juana the mad (as in crazy)
@oc-growth-and-development @wagnerthedragon @iloveallmyocs @goodknightfriends @goodknightfriends
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solarmobilizer · 5 years
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Honey on Bread
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mcmirestaurantes · 3 years
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María Parejo- This popular establishment is located in Triana, in San Jacinto´s street, one of the best known streets in this neighbourhood of Seville. It offers delicate cuisine and a wide variety of tapas and dishes.
When I visit this restaurant I prefer to try tapas to be able to try a little of everything. Be sure to try “papas aliñá”, “prawns croquettes” and “meat cannellon with roquefort sauce”. It´s delicious! I suggest you, leave a space for the desserts. For me, they offer one of the best dessert I´ve ever test “brioche bread torrijas with vainilla ice cream”. An authentic cocktail of flavours and textures on our palate.
The restaurant has a separate little lounge and a little bar. This restaurant is included in a route of the best bars in Seville and it is always full of people, especially tourists. The treatment of the staff is exquisite and the service is exceptional.  I recommend you book to eat although it isn´t necessary if you go for “tapas”.
Visit it, you won´t regret it!
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scottishhellhound · 5 years
The sound of the grandfather clock clicking back into place, sealing the entrance to the Cave for the night, had the tension draining from Bruce's shoulders, letting them fall for the first time in what felt like hours.
5 days, 22 hours, 14 minutes, and 43 seconds. That's how long the Batman and various Robin's, past and present, had spent chasing the Joker and Two-Face around Gotham, after a breakout from Arkham.
They'd been caught several hours ago, but Bruce had told his family to head home, either to the manor or a safe house to get some well earned rest, and he'd take care of the reports.
3 hours later and he'd finally finished, and was heading up for some much needed rest of his own.
His assent up the large staircase was interrupted by the sound of a small crash, followed immediately by quiet, but heartfelt cursing, coming from the kitchen.
Bruce immediately ran through a mental tally of who could be awake in the manor beside himself.
Alfred was in bed. Had signed off once everyone had called in safe and sound, and no immediate medical emergencies reported for treatment. Cass had gone to crash at Stephanie's apartment. Dick and Tim were at the penthouse, and Damian had been sent home the night before, and benched, after almost falling off a roof in his exhaustion.
Which only left Jason.
But as far as Bruce knew, Jason had headed to his safehouse in the Bowery as soon as Joker had been brought down. Having retreated to calm himself down, Bruce assumed, away from his family's prying eyes and invasive questions.
His siblings meant well, but Jason preferred to not talk about his trauma unless he wished. And after direct and prolonged contact with a perpetrator of that trauma, Jay very much preferred to be alone.
Bruce turned on silent feet, pulling out one of Tim's collapsible bos as he passed one of the "weaponized plants".
He circled around to the far side of the kitchen, taking the long way around, entering through the old service entrance.
He stepped into the dimly lit kitchen, his last step loud in the silence, and three things happened at one. The smell of warm sugar hit his nose, he raised his borrowed weapon just in time to block the knife thrown at him, and dark blue eyes met teal across the dark expanse, as Bruce took in the picture of his second son in sleep pants, a tank top, and an apron, arm extended from the thrown knife.
"Shit! Jesus, B, warn a guy why dontcha."
"Sorry, I -"
Bruce just watched as Jason turned back to the stove, ignoring him - seemingly forgetting that he just threw a butcher knife at his father - and pick up a piping bag.
Bruce edged closer cautiously, leaning the bo against the wall, watching the tense line of Jason's shoulders, the stiff way he held himself, as he squeezed out batter into the pot of boiling oil. He took in the bandages on Jason's arms, the bit of white he could see peeking out through the arm of his shirt, hinting at injured ribs.
"Jason... what... what are you doing?"
Jason shoots him a look over his shoulder as he pipes another strip of batter out into the pot. "I'm making churros... what does it look like?"
The former Robin doesn't say anything for several moments as he grabs a set of tongs, and starts fishing cooked churros out of the pot, setting them on a prepared plate.
"Wanted a snack."
"And you decided to make churros?"
"I like churros."
Bruce heaves a heavy sigh as he reaches the island. It didn't used to be hard talking to Jason. It used to be easy, almost easier than talking to Dick at the same age had been.
But that was before the Joker. Before the Lazarus Pit, before the madness and blood of Jason's return.
However he was slowly coming back to the family, getting along better with his siblings. He and Steph got along like a house on fire, and Bruce still wasn't sure how he felt about that friendship quite yet. But he was working with them, instead of against them, and that alone was a miracle. He talked once a week at least with Alfred, helped Dick on cases, made sure Tim was surviving on more than energy drinks and coffee. The only one Jason seemed to still avoid was him; especially if none of his siblings were around.
But Jason was here, at the manor, knowing that everyone else had been sent to bed. There had to be a reason. Jason was a lot of things, reckless, brash, brave, but even his most reckless stunts always had a reason.
"Jay, it's four in the morning, what are you doing here?"
Jason stiffens immediately, blue-green eyes narrowing, and Bruce winces, knowing exactly how Jason would take that statement.
Bruce quickly holds up a hand, pinching the bridge of his nose with the other. "I'm sorry, that came out badly."
The apology brings Jason up short, Bruce can see him snap his mouth shut, biting back whatever his no doubt scathing reply would have been.
"What did you mean then? That line you always spouting about the major always bein' my home, no matter what a lie?"
"No, Jason. The manor is and will always be your home. We will always be your family. That is never a fact you need to doubt."
Both men stared in startled silence after Bruce's uncharacteristic outburst.
"Wow, B, that's...." Jason rubbed at the back of his neck as he turned away, a faint hint of red spreading across his face, ignoring Bruce for a moment, and turning off the stove. "You must be totally sleep deprived if you let all of that out." He turns back and Bruce fights back a grin of his own at the teasing smirk he sees on his son's face. "I'll have to tell Dickie the secret of getting you to open up is to not let you sleep for close to a week."
Jason hops up onto a stool at the island, placing a the plate of churros between them, dusting them with cinnamon sugar, before picking one up and biting into the still steaming dough.
Bruce watches as Jason sets the sugar down, and raises a surprised brow when he nudges the plate towards him. He grabs one along with a napkin from the stack that Alfred always keeps on the counter.
Bruce takes a bite, being careful not to burn himself, and can't help the small hum of appreciation as he chews.
"Jason, this is really good."
"Thanks, it's not much. Just a recipe I remember one of our neighbours making when I was a kid. She made mean Torrijas too."
The sat in companionable silence for a bit longer, both finishing their early morning snack.
Bruce wiped the sugar off his fingers before risking asking his question again. "Jay, what are you doing cooking at 4 in the morning? I thought you went to one of your safe houses?"
Jason stiffened again, hands balling into fists. Bruce watched as he took a breath, slowly relaxing his hands, though he was still tense, like he expected a blow at any moment.
"I don't mind that you're here, son, I just thought after all that happened, you'd want to be alone?"
"I was, I did, but...it was too quiet, but too loud at the same time. I could hear everything. Every drip of the pipes, every creak of wood, the traffic, the silence, and -" he cut himself off abruptly, shaking his head so hard it had to hurt. Bruce wanted so badly to reach for him, but knew from past experiences to not touch Jason when he was this worked up.
His next words were soft, so quiet Bruce barely heard them, but they made his heart break all the more for his Robin. "Everything sounded like his laugh, nothing could drown it out, so...I came here." Jason scrubbed a hand down his face. "I tried sleeping in one of the guest rooms for a bit, but that ended...badly. I didn't want to go down to the cave, and I didn't want to bug Alfie, but I needed something to keep my busy, so I just came down here and started cooking."
He shrugged, eyes fixed firmly on the plate of churros. "There's batter in the fridge for pancakes, a bunch of fruits cut up for toppings, and - " Bruce reached across the table, stopping Jason's rambling by placing his hand on Jason's, and squeezing gently. Bruce was surprised, but pleased, to see that despite how much Jason had grown without them to see, his hand was still just a bit smaller than his. Reminding Bruce that even though he was close to being an adult, could take care of himself, Jason was in many ways still a child, and he would always be his son. No matter how big he got.
"It's fine Jason. I don't mind. We all don't want to be alone sometimes. Even if we don't want to talk about the problem, doesn't mean we need to be by ourselves."
He squeezed his hand once more before letting go, standing and taking his plate and napkin to the sink.
"That...okay, who are you and what have you done with Bruce?" Jason snapped, voice hard and uncertain.
Bruce paused as he placed his plate in the sink, thinking on Jason's words. Did he really not talk to his kids about non-work things that often, that Jason's first thought is that he's an imposter?
He turned around to find Jason glaring at him, eyes hard, hand shaking around the knife he was holding.
Bruce immediately raised his hands, palms out. "I'm me Jason. I'm not an impostor, or being controlled, or a doppelganger or anything like that."
He took a slow, careful step back towards the island, making sure his gaze never strayed from Jason's face. "But I'm starting to realize I may owe you and your siblings an apology."
"Why?" Jason's face pinched tight, eyes dark with suspicion, as he watched Bruce retake his seat at the island.
"The fact that your first thought is that I've been replaced, tells me that I haven't been doing my job as your father as well as I should have been."
The knife dropped back to the island as Jason's hand goes slack, the clattering of plastic and metal echoing in the suddenly silent kitchen.
"Bruce that's - "
"Don't say that's not true Jay, we both know that that would be disingenuous at best."
"I didn't notice how much this whole thing affected you, when I should have known." He looked Jason in the eye then, not bothering to hide his regret. "You, who have lost the most to the Joker and Two-Face. If I didn't notice how much you were struggling, knowing that, what else have I missed? Not just with you, but with your brothers and sister?"
He shook his head, running a hand through his hair, and letting his head rest against his palm, hiding his face now. "Dick has called me on it before, so have you, but I've refused to see it, and that's not okay either, and that its taken this, sleep deprivation, and the fact that after two years of coming back to us, that you still doubt your place here with us, with me, means I've failed."
It's so silent following his statement that Bruce thinks Jason must have left, and he wouldn't blame the boy either. So to say Bruce was startled when a heavy hand dropped onto his shoulder, would have been an understatement. His head shot up, nearly colliding with Jason's jaw, and Jason took a hasty step back, other arm coming up across his chest, ready to block.
They both took a moment to reorient themselves and Jason inhaled deeply before speaking.
"It's not just on you, Bruce. I mean a lot of it's on you, and your conceal don't feel, bullshit life motto. But God knows I don't make it easy on you, neither do Tim, and the demon. We all know Cass is basically perfect," both men chuckled briefly. "And the only one of us well adjusted enough to talk about feelings is Dick, and even he's too much like you most days to talk about his own feelings. We're all to blame for this."
"So how do we fix it? Most people recommend counseling of some kind, but that won't work here, not with what we do."
Jason tilted his head in thought, forehead creasing like it used to when he was younger, still Robin, and was trying to puzzle out a Rogue's latest scheme.
Before Bruce could poke his forehead, tease him like he used to for thinking too hard, Jason's face paled and he looked at Bruce in horror.
"Jason, what is it?"
"All I can hear is Dick chanting "family bonding" in my head like deranged puppet, and the puppets not wrong."
Bruce's own face pulled into a frown as he tried to make sense of Jason's bizarre statement.
"Jay...I don't understand."
Jason waved his hands around as he tried to articulate his point. "You're worried about not being a good enough dad, we all have parent-issues, we don't talk because none of us feel like a family unless we're out on the streets punching criminals in the face. Which is great for working out frustration, but not for actually handling issues."
Bruce caught on then, realizing where Jason's thoughts were heading. "We don't do enough as a family outside of the masks...you're right, this is Dick's dream come true."
"Movie night." Both men looked at each other as they spoke the words together, before dissolving into laughter muffled behind hands.
Bruce stood once he got himself under control several minutes later, placing a hand on Jason's shoulder.
Jason glanced at it, before looking up and offered Bruce a small smile.
"I'm sorry I'm such a pain in the ass, sometimes."
Bruce smiled back, then reached up and ruffled his boys hair, ignoring the indignant squawk Jason made in protest. "Well, as Alfred would say, you come by it honestly. I taught you to fight, for this city and your family, it's only fair I passed on some of my less admirable traits as well."
They left the kitchen and headed back towards the big staircase in comfortable silence, pausing when they'd reached the top.
"I'm sorry too Jay, for lot of things. I'm going to try and do better. With you and your siblings. I'm going to make mistakes, and I'm probably going to make a bigger mess of things before I get it right, but I'm going to try. "
Jason stared at him eyes wide before he seemed to come to an internal decision, face hardening. Before Bruce could say a word Jason was stepping into him, head dropping onto his shoulder, and arms wrapping around him.
Bruce was rigid for all of two seconds before returning the hug from his second son, something he never thought he'd get again willingly outside of life and death situations.
"That's all I-we want Bruce, is for you to try."
Bruce tightened his arms around him, bringing one hand up to cup the back of Jason's head, holding on for as long as Jay would let him.
"I think I can do that."
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noeliaanne · 5 years
European Ask Game
In honour of the annual tumblr takeover that is Eurovision, let us know what country you’re from and answer the questions your followers send in:
I am Spanish and I am sorry for my neighbours but this is your stereotype
1. Stereotype your country’s neighbours: Portugal: they only have towels, France: love baguette and croissants
2. How many European countries have you been to? 9? Denmark, Sweden, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal Germany, Croatia, Slovenia
3. How many European languages can you speak? 5 (German, Spanish, Italian, French, English)
4. Any landmarks you really want to visit? The castles in the south of Germany
5. Favourite Eurovision entry? Rybak Fairytale
6. What’s the best traditional food from your country?  Tortilla or Torrijas 
7. Castles or palaces? Castles
8. Tell us a myth/legend/fairy tale from your country: Hmm hmm OMG I cannot think of a spanish legend in this moment 
9. Have you ever been interrailing? nope
10. Cobbled pavements- cute aesthetic or a twisted ankle waiting to happen? BOTH, BOTH
11. Find the countries of Europe on a map. Let us know how you do! 39/47
12. Gothic, Romanesque, or Baroque architecture? Gothic
13. Name an idea worse than invading Russia during winter Going to Spain without sunscren
14. What’s the traditional drunk food in your country? Kebab or pizza or sunflower seeds
15. If you had to move to somewhere else in Europe, where would you live? I live in France now. I would love Italy or Denmark
16. What’s your favourite cheese? Roquefort
17. Ancient Greece or ancient Rome? ROME
18. Show us a medieval painting that captures your current mood
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19. Milka, Lindt, Cadbury, or Ferrero Rocher?
20. What’s a stereotype about your country that you really live up to? We are loud
21. When did you first have alcohol? 17 almost 18
22. Do you think you would have survived the Black Death? NOPE
23. What’s the most overrated European landmark? Tour Eiffel sorry France or the little mermaid in Copenhaguen
24. What time did/do you finish school? Primary school at 14/ 2 pm  secondary school at 15/3 pm
How long were your summer holidays? From Mid june to mid september
25. Would you rather drive through rush hour in Rome or winter in the Alps? Rush hour in Rome
26. Give us some movie recommendations from your country Go visit mor ethan Barcelona or the south beaches. We have lot of beautiful cities from the old capital of Roman civilization in Spain to gothic churches more beautiful than notre dame and they have also caught in fire
27. Would you rather visit the Battle of the Oranges (Italy), La Tomatina (Spain), or Gloucestershire Cheese Rolling (UK)? Cheese one 
28. Favourite European musician that never made it big in the States? Lordi
29. Which country are the worst tourists? European wise? Holland 
30. What’s the best thing about living in Europe? Freedom of movement and eurovision
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kurosaaki · 2 years
Hi Jen I read you’re spanish and I wanted to ask you what should I eat there because I’m going there in a few weeks and I’m really excited☺️
it actually depens on where you’re staying though. there are plenty of traditional foods you can try (besides the typical paella🙄) but wherever you’re going, there’s always variety. You won’t get tired of trying new foods, i promise.
i’m not the best at giving food recs but PLEASE try sweets there (churros!!!!!!churros with chocolate!!!!! most basic thing ever here BUT very yummy) (torrijas too!!! perrunillas!!!🤤)
idk if this helped but if you want more info lmk!! and enjoy!!
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angelalee12 · 2 years
Spanish/Catalan Food 3: Cerveceria Catalana
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Cervecería Catalana is a Catalan tapas restaurant located in Eixample. This is one of my favorite, if not my absolute favorite, restaurants in Barcelona. I took Spanish at IES with Professor Cristina Hitaies and she recommended that we go to this restaurant to get a real taste of authentic Spanish foods and tapas. I immediately went the following week and had the best tapas in the city. Much of the menu and the tapas were catered to seafood (which I love). The restaurant is so popular and so nice that you cannot make reservations. It is first come first serve, and if you go at peak dinner time there is a possibility that you can be stuck in line for hours before being able to sit down for dinner. My personal favorite tapas were las gambas al ajilo,  mixto de espárragos y champiñones plancha, langostinos cocidos, and of course the croquetas de pollo y jamón. For dessert, I had the torrija cremada de sta. Teresa, or also known as bread pudding, as a recommendation from a worker and it was delicious. Cerveceria Catalana gave me my first authentic Spanish tapas meal and dinner experience which I will never forget.
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onejamtart · 2 years
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Those of you that know us at OJT will know how much we love seafood and so when Seabird opened up, it was only a matter of time before we went down there to give it a go.
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First up were these croquetas.  While maybe not quite at the standard of our favourite croquetas from Barrafina but were still really good.  Super crunchy on the outside and amazingly velvety and cheesy on the inside, we do love a good croqueta.
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These were anchovies yurrita which seemed to just be another way of saying anchovies on toast.  These were delicious; salty strips of anchovy with a line of mayo sat on perfectly toasted sourdough.  One of the best and most simple dishes I’ve had in a while.
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A good heritage tomato salad always hits the spot.  This plate was huge with juicy chunks of refreshing tomato.  Really tasty!
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These were the only bit of the meal that was a little disappointing.  They weren’t bad but just not qiute up to the exemplary standard of the rest of the food.
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We decided to share the whole market fish of the day.  The day we went, it was seabass, one of my personal favourite fishes.  This was grilled incredibly well and was delicious!
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This is Seabird’s take on a torrija, a Spanish French toast like dessert.  Super rich but surprisingly light as well.  It had a great crunch from a biscuit crumble thing on the side.  A really great way to end the meal!
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We couldn’t go to Seabird without checking out the terrace.  It was still a little bit too cold for anyone to sit out there at the moment but it’d be perfect for the Summer to have a drink and a snack.
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Not too shabby a view huh?
Seabird, 14th Floor, 40 Blackfriars Road, London, SE1 8NY
Cheers, JL
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learningwithmarta · 3 years
Family activities to have fun at Easter without leaving home
In this section we will give ideas and activities to have fun at Easter without leaving home.
1. Easter bunny craft Combining the recycling of objects with a traditional character of these dates it is possible to carry out this simple craft. To do it, you have to store rolls of toilet paper in advance, which will simulate the body of the jumping animal. Decorated to your liking, you will have to add small details that give it the appearance of a rabbit: two ears of drawing paper, a paper ball to make a nose, some whiskers with threads and painted eyes or using moving eyes. You can also add some feet with eva rubber, which will finish giving personality to the craft.
2.Easter eggs Other traditional elements of these dates are Easter eggs. These can be edible or decorative. The objective of this activity is to design and decorate these objects and then play a game. The first step is to cook the eggs and, for this, it is necessary to have the help of an adult. Once cooked and cooled, they can be used like this or emptied to take advantage of the hard-boiled egg in a recipe and keep only the shell. Afterwards, it is time to dye them or paint them to taste. To give them more personality, it is possible to stick small strips of tape on them so that, once the paint dries, there are streaks of another color or add all the details you want.
3. In Search of Easter Eggs Once the eggs created in the previous craft are ready, it is time to carry out a fun activity with them. To stimulate discovery, imagination and teamwork, it is possible to perform a gymkhana whose objective is to find the eggs that will be hidden in different corners of the house. An adult will be in charge of distributing them in different places and minors will have to go later in their search. To facilitate the activity, the monitor can give small clues in the form of a riddle about where the object is hidden. With all the treasures collected, it's time to get the prize: Chocolate Easter Eggs.
4. Traditional recipes When we think of Easter there is always a sweet that appears in our mind: torrijas. This traditional dessert can easily be made with children and then enjoy a pleasant family snack. For its preparation the following ingredients are necessary: ​​a liter of milk, special bread for torrijas or a loaf of stale bread, two eggs, a lemon, sugar and cinnamon. The first step is to boil the milk accompanied by sugar, cinnamon and lemon zest. This step is best done by an adult as minors run the risk of getting burned. Later, when the milk is warm and strained to remove the lemon residue, it is time for the children to take care of soaking the pieces of bread with it. After this, you have to coat the torrijas in egg and fry them with plenty of oil. The final touch: sprinkle sugar and cinnamon over them to finish giving them the flavor that characterizes them.
I hope they have helped you, greetings. <3
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