#because my body is falling the fuck apart!!!
artdcnaldson · 1 day
the ONLYYYY thing on my mind right now is what happened (or didn’t happen 😔) UNDER THAT BLANKET. can’t even imagine the energy in that room. i need a prequel horrendously badly cat 😭
Three’s Company || Art Donaldson x Reader x Patrick Zweig
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Rating: E (18+)
Notes: Patrick POV, exhibitionism, very tame descriptions of fingering, sexual fantasies, masturbation
Word Count: 841
Summary: In the Fall of 2006, Patrick just wants to watch a movie with his best friend. Art, unfortunately, gets distracted. Then Patrick gets very distracted.
A/N: Mic…. This was supposed to be short 😭😭😭 but I knew I had to feed you 🩵🩵
Requests are OPEN
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Patrick wasn’t paying attention to a single damn thing happening in the movie, and would’ve liked to, considering he was the one who paid the money to rent it from Blockbuster.
He was having a very hard time focusing on Channing Tatum playing soccer when you were panting beside him, hand fisted into the blanket that was covering you and Art.
Your thigh shifted, bumping against his, and you offered a sweet apology that was more of a squeak.
Art was grinning, looking like the cat who got the fucking cream while his hand moved beneath the blanket, finding a home between your thighs. Patrick couldn’t look at him, because making eye contact with Art meant acknowledging that he knew what was going on.
Art was probably doing it on purpose— the fucker. Maybe he was mad that Patrick got to have Tashi, and was making a point about having something the other person can’t. But Patrick wasn’t going around fingerfucking Tashi while Art tried to watch a movie, was he?
“I can’t fucking hear,” Patrick snapped finally, hoping if he turned up the volume on the laptop, it might cover the feeble attempts you were making to stifle pretty gasps and sighs.
He mashed the buttons on the laptop, maybe a little too hard in his urgency, but the volume spiked, barely loud enough for him to force his brain to tune you and Art out.
You leaned into Art’s shoulder, muffling your noises in the junction of his neck.
“What? You don’t like the movie?” Art teased. He pressed his lips to the crown of your head, and it was then that Patrick finally met Art’s gaze.
That smug motherfucker.
He must’ve done something particularly nice with his fingers, because a low moan slipped from your lips that you tried to pass off as… fuck if Patrick knew. It had to have been your first attempts at exhibitionism, because both of you were awful at it.
Art grinned, tilting your face to eye level. “Should we turn it off and do something else?”
“No!” You piped up quickly, eyes wide and glossy.
Patrick tried his best to conceal his annoyance and focus on the movie as Art pulled you closer and closer to the brink. Which was hard, because all of those little noises and the feel of your warm body beside him was enough to make anyone go fucking crazy.
He’d been faithful, even if Art was dubious. He hadn’t stepped out on Tashi— he would probably have a moment of clarity in some foreign country or a shitty bumfuck country club that he loved Tashi.
But it was like Art wanted him to break.
Your body was trembling, breath coming in shaky pants from your pretty, open mouth.
If things were different, he would’ve kissed you. Licked right into your mouth, let his hands wander.
Finish her off, Donaldson.
Art would have the first set, but Patrick could rally. He could always make you fall apart with his mouth. Better yet, he’d fuck you and make Art sit there like a asshole watching the goddamn movie Patrick had rented.
Art wouldn’t like it. He doesn’t like feeling left out. Whatever, Patrick would let you swallow Art‘s cock down your throat as a reward for him being so fucking ballsy in the first place.
A muffled squeak snapped him back to reality. You were panting, giggling softly in the juncture of Art’s shoulder.
Art’s cheeks were pink and flushed, and he wore a smug grin on his lips before he slipped the fingers that had just been buried inside of your pussy between his full lips. And then, like it hadn’t even happened, he reached over and grabbed his Gatorade from the nightstand. Patrick watched as he took a long drink, throat bobbing, and felt like he was going insane.
“What’s happening?” You asked, leaning over to whisper in Patrick’s ear. “I totally zoned out.”
Patrick stood suddenly and went for the door, hyper aware of his cock straining against his jeans. “Start it over, I’m gonna go smoke.”
He made it halfway to the door before Art spoke up. “Patrick?”
His voice was strained. “Yeah?”
“You left your pack.” Art was smug as he handed Patrick his pack of cigarettes— his fingertips still spit-slick when they grazed his wrist.
There was a silent exchange then. An I-Know and an I-Know-You-Know-and-I-Know-You’re-Hard. Patrick almost scowled as he snatched the cigarettes out of Art’s hands and darted out of the room.
He probably should’ve smoked. It would’ve been smarter than… well, anything else running through his brain. He settled on the shared dorm bathroom, a thin curtain of privacy in a mildly molded shower, and a spit slick hand working himself to completion.
Then a smoke.
Ten minutes later, he walked back into Art’s dorm and you smiled sweetly over at him. He sat back down, stole the popcorn from your lap, and glared at Art for good measure.
Art’s laughter made him forgive him for the whole thing anyway.
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Thank you for reading!! Hope you enjoyed 🩵 let me know what you think + any other requests in the changeover universe 😚🩵
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bigfatbimbo · 2 days
It's been 84 years whoops I live. Someone said something at you about Vox railing them and listen, listen my beloved that is not an indication of dominance for him past the first minute of fucking. He thinks he's hot shit and demands to stay on top this time like he's got something to prove (he does) but within minutes his thrusts are so sloppy and uneven because he can't keep himself under control. He's collapsed forward and clinging to you like a lifeline while his hips just keep jolting forward without his say so. All his bravado from the start has devolved into humiliated whining that it feels so good, too good, begging you to please please please keep taking him he can't stop please mommy he needs to cum in you so bad. Any attempts he makes to collect himself just lead to him whining even louder when he can't. Anyway thats my essay on subtop vox technically doing the railing while also falling apart and begging the entire time thank u for ur consideration.
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18+ minors dni
MG!!! Great to have you back brother, always leaving good shit in my inbox, dear lord. I don’t think I talk about subtop Vox on this blog enough because like it’s just so… Vox.
If you’re a naturally dominate partner then he would absolutely insist on topping or domming at least, like, five+ times. And most of that time, they would have the same result. Because Vox talks a big game, but in action it’s almost embarrassing how fast he unravels.
He would be so cocky at first, talking to you in that condescending manner, “Aw, is poor y/n upset they’re not in control for once—“ que sinister snickering “—Oh doll, you’re just gonna have to get used to it.”
You know what, he’s actually doing okay the first few thrusts, that is, until he’s not. And you two are only a few minutes in too, what a shame. It’s true, maybe you weren’t humoring him as much as he’d like you to be, but his frustration is almost an afterthought when compared to how tight you feel around him, how mind numbing the pleasure was.
But that can’t be right, Vox needed to do this right. If there’s one thing he was, he was competent, right? But you don’t even have to make a comment on the situation, although you’ve absolutely noticed, for him to start having to bite back whines.
“Fuck—zzh,” He’d curse before he sinks down, only propping himself up by an elbow as his body shudders above yours.
“Do you need any help, baby?” Your comment is sweet, too sweet. He can’t tell if it was meant to condescend him or not and, frankly, given the way your allowing him to hump into you like dog, he finds himself not caring as much as he should.
Instead he just grunts, before letting out a short staticky whine, and rutting into you more before stopping short, body shivering, muttering curse words under his breath.
At that point, it would only take a “It’s okay, sweetheart. You tried!” For him to fully collapse onto you. His bravado has been completely diminished, and the worst part is even Vox knows that there was virtually no way of winning back dominance. Not after that embarrassing display.
“Bit off more than you could chew?” Well, that was clearly condescending on your part this time.
“No that’s not—zzh, I— fuck—“ He whines, clinging onto your sides as his hips jolt into you, chasing the pleasure in his dick subconsciously, “I can’t stop, fuck, mommy please— ah shzzz, cant stop!”
Even with his full body weight on you, he doesn’t slow down or soften up, instead fully using you as a lifeline while he fucks into you with growing humiliation. His battle has officially been lost, as it is most times with you. There’s no point when you can see through his facade, so he gives in with his tail between his legs.
He’d practically beg you to let him come inside you, because hasn’t he tried so hard? “Mommy, please, please, I need it inside— Can’t—“ He has trouble articulating these words between static and buffering. When you finally tell him he’s allowed, you resist praising him too much, aka: calling him a good boy because, I mean, he did fail at the one thing he promised he would do.
But you still park him on the shoulder and reassure him it was okay because, after all, he looks cuter when he’s all fucked out, anyways.
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andysorbit · 5 hours
how long do you think it would take jisung to match your freak? i feel like it would take him months to let out his inner perv but it’s definately in there 🫣
I feel like I said some of this before or maybe because I had most of this in my drafts already and I've been kinda chipping away at it?? if you've seen this before, no you didn't.
but lezgetit!!
Jisung x fem!reader
he would be so eager to start matching your freak but the shyness would have him dragging it out for a few centuries and I know most of the time everyone has him made out to be this soft lil whisper of a guy and I mean I do see him being shy but he's definitely got some kinky marbles rattling around in that big ass head of his ugh bless his heart.
so... here are some ways that Jisung would let you know he got that dawg in him but he's just not ready for you to meet said dawg
as always... minors, fuck off t(-_-t)
• he praises you so casually.
if you tell him about a petting you've done, no matter how tiny it might be, he's gonna praise you for it.
"Okay so I managed to get my dresser drawers reorganized," You tell him as you drop the mail down on the coffee table. "That's wonderful, baby!" he exclaims and pulls you down to sit beside him on the sofa. You turn and press a kiss to his lips, "You always gas me up for nothing. I love that," You whisper appreciatively.
Jisung bumps his nose against yours, "S'not for nothing," he mumbles, "That's a good thing you did and you worked hard on it so I need to acknowledge it and tell you what a good job you did. What kind of a jerk would I be if I couldn't tell my girlfriend how proud I am of her?"
You smirk, "You're proud of me?" You chuckle softly. Jisung shifts to kiss you harder, "Of course I am. You're handling your big girl responsibilities and pretty girls who do good things like handle annoying big girl responsibilities are the best girls."
• he roughs you up but playfully
"So, you little punk... are you gonna tell me what you were out shopping for all day or am I gonna have to beat it out of you?" he asks you as he softly grabs you by the collar of your shirt and backs you against the door.
"Just stuff," You reply with a smug smirk. He tightens his grip on your shirt and kicks your feet apart, " What kind of stuff? Anything you'd like to model for me?" he asks, lowering his voice in longing. He kisses you hard then pulls away and you shake your head, "Mind your beeswax," You tease him dreamily. It's too easy to fall for him. You love where this is going and immediately decide to make this as hard on yourself as possible.
Jisung grabs you by the shoulders and turns you around, pressing the front of your body to the wall, "I'll get the answers I want... You don't have much of a choice, baby." He gently traps your arms behind your back and gives your ass a rough squeeze. You whine in anticipation.
• He jokes a lot but they're jokes very 😏👀😏👀 and then he's a fkn dweeb about it
"would you choke me if I told you I forgot to get your chips when I went shopping?" You ask as Jisung fills a glass with water. He takes a drink then turns to you, "Oh c'mon, I'd choke you just for the fun of it... I didn't mean it like that... Like... I meant I'd- Nevermind, that sounded better in my head."
"No don't start getting shy now! C'mon! Elaborate!" You ask as you float across the kitchen to circle your arms around Jisung's waist, "Keep talkin'."
Jisung takes a long drink from his glass and you watch his Adam's apple bob. You wait for him to find his words and he finally does, "I might've thought about it when I'm fucking you..."
"Might have?" You tease. He kisses you harder, "Maybe."
• Until one day... he's collected enough receipts to know just how to handle you...
he wants you to ride him until he's seeing stars and he wants it to be nasty but he's not gonna just say it. he'd be thinking about heavily one day while laying back in the bed watching you shuffle through your drawer for some pajamas and when I tell you his ass is watching you like a hawk like yeah you've heard of a mean mug but get ready for a subtle horny mug from a very shy boi. I feel like he's more of a hint dropper so he wouldn't say anything ever like he'd just be laying there watching you
after you slip your nightgown on, you turn to look at him and eye him suspiciously, "what's on your mind, pinhead?" he perks up a bit, thrilled that you're taking his bait, "nothing... you just look pretty," he hums, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows nervously. you crawl into bed and make your way up to sit adjacent to his long frame. he's lounged against the pillows, squeezing and releasing the stress ball in his right hand.
"do I?" You ask him softly. he nods and pulls you in for a soft kiss. his free hand softly cups your cheek, "you always do... pretty princess," he whispers as his lips brush against yours, "let me get a better look at the lace." he slinks his arm around your waist and pulls you into his lap. he's smooth, almost getting over on you as he examines the pink lace around the plunged neckline of your nightgown. you gasp when you feel him growing hard against you. the thin material of your panties cling to the dampness of your pussy and you both hiss. he presses kisses along your jaw, down your neck, and across your chest; dropping the stress ball down onto the mattress.
"the details in this lace are really good, baby. are these... peonies?" he asks "marigolds, sungie. they're marigolds," you whisper, hips rolling slowly as his cock pulses against your heat.
"they both look alike. does it matter?" he asks, rutting against you and squeezing your ass with his large hands. he's leading this but he does it in such a way that has you positive that you're the one in control.
"that sounds racist against flowers," You whine, "fuck... sungie." You grab his shoulders and drop your hands down to roam over the firmness of his chest.
he chuckles, "sorry flowers. I meant well." You wriggle as you drag your pussy over his cock, "can I ride you?" You ask him longingly. he smiles against your lips and nods, "That's different. are you sure?" he asks you teasingly. he slots his mouth against yours harshly and pries your mouth open. "mhm," You muffle against his open mouth. you raise up when you feel him trying to push his pants down; mewing when his cock thumps against you. one of his hands reaches down to pull your panties aside, "fuck, baby. gonna take it all?" he growls. You nod, "all of it... need it."
Jisung eyes you, "Sit."
You don't hesitate to follow his orders and you slowly begin sinking down on his cock. "That's my girl... That's my good little girl," he groans. You clench around him and he brings a hand up to stroke your cheek, "M'not gonna give it to you, sweetheart. you gotta take it. you asked for it so you gotta take it for yourself. show me how you want it," he groans, fingers digging into your hips. he's done it again; achieving exactly what he wants without having to say it. he smiles briefly; smugness fading as you begin riding him. his head rolls back and he grunts softly, his hands grabbing and squeezing at your hips, "Just like that, baby. you like riding me?" he breathes heavily, hips bucking as he looks at you with a twinkle in his eyes.
"sungie... love it. love it, baby" you pant. jisung let's you ride him but his hands stay tight against your hips, "m'not your Sungie... m'not your baby either... put some respect on my name little girl."
you open your mouth to speak but quickly shut it, head falling back for a moment as your back arches. "look at me, young lady... right now. c'mon," he coaxes you softly but firmly. you raise your head back up to look him in his eyes. jisung's cheeks burn a deeper shade of red, "close your fucking eyes back. damn," he gushes as he brings a hand up to cover your eyes, "Stop looking at me." you giggle breathlessly and bounce a little harder on his cock. your hands busy themselves with pushing his shirt up. he quickly pulls the reins in on his shyness, "if you wanna see mine, you gotta show me yours," he purrs and slowly begins lifting your nightgown. it feels like a matter of only a second before Jisung is tossing it aside and kissing the heated skin between your breasts. he pulls back, voice even and fond "daddy's turn, princess."
your mouth falls open and you pant as your hands claw at his shirt and clumsily pull it off. Jisung takes the shirt from you and throws it somewhere behind you before pulling you back in for a greedy kiss, "is my pretty girl getting tired?" he asks.
you nod, "don't wanna work for it anymore... please fuck me. please," you plead. your voice breaks and Jisung circles his arms around your torso and plants his feet into the mattress, "please what," he whispers as he slowly fucks into you. it's painfully slow and you whine, "please, daddy," You beg softly.
Jisung bucks his hips up into you, pounding you mercilessly and pulling a string a squeals and whines out of you, "So fucking big," You warble in awe at how his cock always stretches you to your limits. "tell me you love my dick, baby. tell daddy how much you fucking love it," he moans. you nod though you're not sure why you are, "Uh huh," You whimper, pulling a laugh out of Jisung. "Oh my God, am I fucking you stupid? aw, y/n, stop you're so cute, baby," he coos as his hips continue delivering harsh blows to your pussy. your cheeks heat up and you wrap your arms around his neck, "harder, daddy... fuck," You mumble longingly.
Jisung fucks you like he'll never stop, desperately and equally as hard; sending your mind jettisoned into a world where he is the only thing that could sustain you. his mouth, his hands, the feel of his tongue stroking over yours, the way his hips meet yours so needily...
his voice.
"is this hard enough, honey? tell me how you feel," he drawls. you close your eyes again and let the sweet sensation of his cock stroking your walls melt your brain even more, "s'good, daddy... th- mmmm fuck... thank you, daddy..."
"anything for my good girl. good girls always get what they want, right?" he whispers against your lips. you nod, "Yes, daddy... yes, yes, yes, yes..." You cry. Jisung brings his hand between your hips and his own before rubbing circles into your clit, "want you to take daddy's cum... all of it. can you do that for me? wanna... fuck, baby... wanna breed your tight little pussy. tell me it's okay baby," he practically begs. you nod, knowing that to speak right now would be in vain. Jisung's hips and fingers show no mercy, "how many times are you gonna let me make you cum, princess?"
pressing your forehead to his, you whine again, "I dunno... daddy, please. Just want it," You plead. jisung kisses you then rolls you both over and he sits up between your parted legs to push his pants off. you watch him, wonderstruck by the sureness of his movements and his hands grab at your panties, his eyes meet yours and he crumbles again, "would you stop it?" he breathes bashfully and his eyes fall down to where his hands rest on your hips. he does a soft and steady sway from the left to the right as he tosses a thought around in his head. he comes to a halt when you speak,
"Whatever it is you're thinkin' about doin'... just do it. A hundred percent of the choices you've made so far have been fuckin' awesome so... Don't stop now," You whisper. jisung grips your panties and hesitates for a moment before shaking his head, "it's not about whether or not I should but whether or not I can..." he sighs. "but?" You whisper. "we'll never know if I don't try but you'd not fuckin' laugh at me."
you giggle, "I won't, baby. promise." jisung beams at you and gives your thighs a playful slap, "Oh shut up you're already laughing," he laughs. you lock your legs around his waist, "just wanna feel a little helpless," You whisper. jisung nods and makes an attempt tearing the flimsy material but with no success. you both laugh and he tries again with the sand results as before, "never mind then. I can think of a few other ways to make you feel helpless," he says and pulls them off.
"how?" You whisper and pull his hands down to your breasts. he smiles, "like this," he hums and traps your hands above your head. his fingers stroke you, "not gonna stop until you're begging me to," he breathes, "I wanna see if I can get your to cry a little."
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romanstheory · 7 hours
Empire a Roman Reigns One Shot
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Warnings: smut, language, rough sex, roman x afab, choking
Word Count: 1,750
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Three years, it's been three years since I've been deemed the face of this company. The first woman to ever hold that title, and I do not take it lightly. Three years being the face also means three years since the former... Roman Reigns has been around. He left after a string of losses, the most devastating being to Cody Rhodes, who I went on to defeat for the title. I'm one of one in this company, no other woman would even dream of doing what I do... what I have done. Rumors are circling that Roman is making a comeback, his bloodline has been falling apart since he left. Adding and subtracting members to try to make it all work, Solo has destroyed everything Roman built. Not my problem, but it's an interesting topic.
Another smackdown in another town I don't want to be in. Another arena full of people I would never associate with. My jaw ticks with what I can only assume is irritation as I sit in a chair getting my makeup done. "I'm sorry to bother you, but rumor has it Roman is returning.... Tonight" My assistant's voice soft and trembling as if I would grab her by the throat at the mention of his name. "Roman's return has nothing to do with me". My attempt at hiding my annoyance is pitiful, but she takes a long pause before continuing "The other superstars are saying he's angry and wants everything back" Worried... She's worried.
"Well, he's going to have to fight the devil for it" a smirk creeps on my lips "Or... Lady death I should say". Lady death is the nickname the fans have given to me. I can only assume it's because of the way I leave my opponent lifeless in the ring. Maybe it's the lack of emotion on my face. At the end of the day nobody can deny that I am the machine behind this company, everyone watches to see me. To see the enigma that is Lady Death. "If he shows his face, he'll be seeing mine" Finally I add.
The night carries on as normal, no sign of him. Rumors swirl all the time, Roman seems to be the main topic recently. Solo's music sounds, likely another piss poor attempt at salvaging the bloodline. I roll my eyes and continue watching the monitor. Boos pour in from the mouths of the crowd, so loud you can barely hear Solo. He brings the mic to his lips to speak when music blares... Familiar music. Roman Reigns music. Rage fills my body, my cheeks heat with anger... There he is. I could punch a damn hole in this monitor, but I need to watch what's next. Slowly he walks to the ring, so fucking slowly it makes me grit my teeth with hatred.
He begins addressing the fans, and then Solo before mentioning me. "I've heard a certain Lady Death or whatever the hell she's calling herself seems to think she's taken my seat. Seems to think she can be the head of the table" A cackle escapes him. "You think you can sit at the same table as me let alone the head? Do me a favor baby girl and stay in your place because the only place you have at my table is on my lap being a good girl". My fist flies for the monitor, cracking it before it falls to the ground. I storm for the curtain, Hunter attempts to stop me but my music is already playing. Rage, all I feel is rage. The music and screams from the crowd are muffled, I have tunnel vision on the tribal bitch that is Roman Reigns.
Snatching a mic from a nearby crew member I get into the ring, his eyes locked on me. "Watch what you say when you mention my fucking name" My voice laced with cool deadly rage. "Or what?" He cackles "What are you going to do to me?". I pause for a moment, choosing my words wisely "Ask Solo what I'm capable of" I've beaten him more times than I can count, bruising his ego in the process no doubt. "Let's not pretend that your empire hasn't been crumbling after you decided to go throw a bitch fit for three years" I continue "And let's also not pretend that I have anything less than hatred for you... Joe". He tried so hard to keep me from opportunities when he was around. Tried so so hard to keep me caged probably out of fear that I would become what I am now.... his biggest competition... or his biggest fear.
His eyes narrow as I speak, jaw clenching, hands opening and closing as if he was picturing choking me right here in the middle of the ring. Closer and closer I walk toward him until we're less than an inch apart. He's taller than me, bigger than me.... But so is every other male superstar I've dragged and beaten. I crane my neck to look him in the face, he gulps deeply, breathing unevenly. "Your empire is falling because you've left a jester to uphold it while you ran and pouted in a corner for three fucking years" I bark at him, my eyes cutting to Solo before going back to Roman. "My empire is just fucking fine" A piss poor rebuttal. "Cat got your tongue? Or am I making you.... uncomfortable" i've never been one to use my sexuality to get the upper hand or embarrass another person but this was... satisfying.
"You make me sick, now get out of my damn ring!" Roman barks, baking up a step before trying to conceal the bulge now present in his joggers. A smirk pulls the side of my mouth up, comical... he's comical. Solo steps forward, only to meet my hand extended to his face stopping him in his tracks "Do we need to revisit those times I handed you your ass?" The crows erupt in laughter, Roman hasn't stopped glaring at me. Satisfaction rips through me as I see that his bulge hasn't gone anywhere. "I'm head bitch around here, but if you play nice maybe I'll let you get that close to me again. If you're even more of a good boy then I'll let you sit at MY table" A cackle escapes me before I throw my mic at his feet and leave the ring.
Backstage empties as the rest of the talent returns to hotel rooms for the night before we head to the next godforsaken city. I swing my bag over my shoulder, releasing a deep sigh. A rewarding but lonely life this is. Slowly I walk toward the exit when a pair of hands grab my wrist, pulling me into a nearby hallway. "What the f-" I begin "Shut the fuck up!" A voice barks, Roman's voice. His hair is messy despite it being on a bun as if he's been pulling at it. His grip on my wrist is tight "Let me go Joe or I-". He presses me against the wall, his body pressed roughly against mine. My vagina heats with arousal, he smells so good. I guess the rage I felt earlier didn't allow me to smell it or even take him in completely. "I see you're still... Excited from earlier. Tell me, Joe do you like being this close to me?". A sirens smirk crosses my face, lust coating my eyes as I stare into his already dark eyes.
"God I hate you" He growls, pressing himself into me more, a groan bubbling in the back of his throat. "Oh honey, God isn't present in your thoughts at all" I continue to tease as his bulge grows against me. His hand releases mine before he roughly grips my jaw, forcing my head up. "You just don't know when to shut the fuck up do you?" He says through his teeth. "So make me" I whisper to him. roughly his lips crash into mine. Our lips meet sloppily, tongues weaving in and out. Soft nips on each others lips met by the iron tang of blood. Erratically we undress in the middle of this damned hallway, not caring if anyone is left to see. Our breathing is heavy and uneven with lust as he grabs me, pinning me against the wall. Throbbing, i'm throbbing for him to push his length inside of me.
His tongue traces along my nipple sending chills down my spine and wetness to my vagina. He softly nips it with his teeth, a light gasp escapes me. Quickly he pushes himself into me, I yelp loudly before moans replace the sound. Roman covers my mouth before smashing into me, I can't tell if it's passion or pure hatred that motivates him. Over and over again his length slams into me, my thick ass vibrating with the contact. If anyone is still here, they've already heard us by now. "You feel so fucking good" He groans "All I could think about was fucking you". His hands grip my ass hard enough to leave marks. "I know" I groan. "You're the fucking worst" He grumbles, still pounding in and out of me.
Putting me down and facing me against the wall, he slams back into me. Euphoria sets in and I forget where we are. Moans pour out of my mouth accompanied by loud swear words. Roman thrusts into me deeply, pushing further and further as if he's trying to see how far he can go. "Joe!" I scream "Fuck! Oh my god!" My climax is approaching quickly. His balls tighten as if his is nearby as well. Pulling me by my neck, he connects out bodies, his strokes long and deep this time. My knees threaten to give out soon, his hand tighten on my neck as he pushes further and further into me. "You're too sexy to be such a fucking bitch, but I will admit the bitchiness turns me on" Roman whispers into my ear before softly licking it. My vision blurs as my climax erupts seemingly at the same time as his. He quickly pushes me away before groaning loudly, releasing his load onto the floor beside us. The hall is now filled with our uneven panting and pathetic attempts at catching our breath. A devilish grin spreads across his face "Good girl" He coos as he dresses himself.
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hemmingshouse · 5 hours
you’re not my pizza pt 2 / chris sturniolo
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summary: you and chris show each other that there’s more feelings than just hatred.
warnings: usage of petnames, fingering, making out, sex, sub!chris (sorta)
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a/n: HAPPY STURNIOLO FRIDAY MY DARLINGS! here’s part two my loves! thank you all so much for the love on the first part 🥹 hope you enjoy this one, mwah x
✧・���: *✧・゚:*
“when did you put on lip gloss?”
his question caught you off guard, your head slowly turning to meet his curious gaze and raised eyebrows. you were so confused as to what chris meant until he reached his hand upwards to brush some pizza grease from your upper lip.
“oh!” you let out a loud laugh, “chris what the fuck,” you shook your head, “that’s fuckin’ pizza grease, bro.”
chris’s mouth dropped agape at your answer, hands letting go of the pepperoni slice as his eyes widened and a string of giggles fell from his mouth. “oh,” he nodded his head, “yeah well- i was like when the fuck did she even put on lipgloss because you weren’t wearing it when i tried to- when i tried to kiss you.”
the way he noticed small details about today made your heard race slightly, not expecting this come out at all when you let him into your apartment to explain himself.
you chuckled at his statement before putting the slice back into the carton pizza box, placing it onto the coffee table before looking back at chris. the way his unruly hair was messily laying on top of his head, his crystal blue eyes looking back at you with a hint of playfulness in them - he got you hooked for real.
there was no denying the fact that you always found chris extremely attractive (until he opened his mouth and spat snarky remarks your way) and now that he was chilling on your couch it had only downed on you way more. his dark grey oversized tracksuit cozily covered his body, white tank underneath and the thin chain around his neck caused your cheeks to heat up. chris had also caught onto you eyeing him up and down, a slight smirk dancing on his lips. “are you checking me out, ma?”
you gazed into his eyes as a breath left your mouth, “it’s the first time i can actually look at you without being scolded at - ‘m just enjoying the view.”
a loud laugh escaped chris as after he swallowed some of his pizza slice, chucking the crust back into the box. “it’s okay, i fuckin’ love the view too.”
“shut the fuck uuuup,” you whined with a breathy laugh, letting your hands cover your face when you felt your cheeks heat up at his complement. “i ain’t used to you talking to me like this, tone it down a bit.”
chris found himself grinning at your joking remark, leaning forward to grab your hands in his own and pull you forward slightly. “thank you for dinner,” he joked, raising your tangled hands to press a kiss onto the back of yours. “didn’t know you were such an amazing chef.”
you were quick to playfully roll your eyes at him, loving the way his thumbs were brushing the back of your hands. “there’s a whole lot of things you don’t know about me, chris,” you challenged, ticking your head to the side.
he clicked his tongue before he let his head fall back and stared at the ceiling with a shit eating grin on his lips, “good god, the things you do to me,,” chris muttered under his breath, tugging your hands to try and get you closer to him. “c’mon, come here, mamas.”
without any hesitation but a bit of insecurity, your knees dug themselves into the soft plush of your couch as you lowered your body to sit on chris’s lap - hands still intertwined. he looked at you and sent you a soft and warm smile, “there you go,” he spoke quietly, “you were so far away.”
you chuckled and felt how he untangled his fingers from yours as he freed one hand, reaching it upwards to brush his thumb across your lips once again. “hi,” he mumbled with a small grin, eyes scanning every inch of your beautiful face.
“hi,” you chuckled, brushing some wavy hair from his eyes before sitting up straight - trying to get rid of the aching feeling you got going on because of how tense your body was. chris let his hands rest on the small of your back to try and support your body slightly, pulling you closer to him.
“you alright?” he asked you as concern was clear in his voice, “tell me what you need.”
his words hit you like a truck, even if there wasn’t any sexual meaning behind it- yet. you let out a sigh and adjusted yourself on his lap, carefully arching your back to ease the heavy feeling. as you did so, chris’s eyes concentrated on your face - the scrunch of your nose and furrow of your eyebrows slightly worrying him.
“i’m okay,” you smiled softly, playing with the silver zipper of his zip up hoodie, “i just- i need you to try that kissing thing again, like- now.”
a smirk danced on his lips as his fingertips softly dug into your waist. he clicked his tongue as he felt how you leaned forward and tried to stop squirming around on his lap - much to his dislike. “ma,” chris mumbled, pushing your hips down onto him and letting your body slowly roll against his. “c’mere. now.”
you let out a breathy laugh at the needy tone in his voice as your hands found his jaw, cupping it as you let your lips brush against his in a teasing manner. he wasn’t buying your bullshit and grabbed the back of your neck to bring you in for a deeper kiss, his tongue quick to search for yours.
never in a million years you thought you’d be sitting on chris’s lap whilst hungrily making out with him, but it surely felt so comfortable as it was happening in this right exact moment. a whimper left your mouth as his hands found your ass, slowly guiding you to rock your hips once again.
“mhm,” he hummed, “that’s it baby, look at you.”
your fingers fiddled with the zipper of his hoodie, sliding it down his shoulders before helping chris get rid of the unnecessary piece of clothing. with a quick glance and a nod of approval from you, chris took off your oversized shirt and threw it somewhere beside you on the floor.
his thumbs ran along the white cotton of your bra as he let out a huff, shaking his head in disbelief. the way you were currently sitting on his lap without a shirt and in your extremely short pyjama shorts made him realise that this was all he could ever wish for.
“are you going to do someting or just stare at my tits while you’re daydreaming away?”
your voice caused him to laugh and sit up straight, tightly holding onto you as chris got off the couch and walked you two to what he guessed was your bedroom. placing you down onto your made bed caused you both to smile, chris’ hand trailing up your leg until he met the waistband of your flimsy shorts. curling his fingers around the elastic, he took them off as well as your matching white thong - hungry to touch you and make you feel so good.
“tonight’s all about you baby,” he told you sincerely as he started peppering light kisses onto your thigh, trailing upwards to your core. “let me show you how fuckin’ good i can be for you.”
“please,” you breathed, feeling how his fingers were working against your pussy, slowly dragging through your folds. “chris- my god-”
when he noticed how worked up he got you by just kissing you and rocking you onto his lap, he opened your legs a bit wider before slipping his middle finger into you. “fuck ma,” chris sighed contentedly, “you’re so wet for me, huh? i fuckin’ love that.”
your moans started to fill the bedroom as chris added another finger and started pumping them in and out of you, adoring the way your voice sounded when it was projected into moans. “i love that, please- oh fuck!”
chris could hear how your breaths got quicker and noticed how your hips were bucking into his touch, signaling to him that you were close to your orgasm. “god you look so beautiful,” he told you sincerely, speeding up his fingers even more. “you gonna come for me?”
“chris!” you moaned loudly, nails digging into his bicep as he guided you through you first orgasm of the night. your blown out pupils looked back at him as his fingers slid out of you, a content sigh leaving your mouth. “oh my god,” you giggled softly.
chris leaned forward to kiss you on the lips, backing away after a few seconds. his hard on accidentally brushed your thigh as he sat up straighter and it caused him to slip out a moan, a chuckle following afterwards. “fuck,” he laughed, “you ready for round two?”
you rolled your eyes playfully, hands playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. “fully only let you into my apartment in the hopes you’d apologise and fuck me dumb,” you teased, one of your hands slowly palming him through his sweats. “so yeah, i am more than ready for round two.”
his mouth fell agape with a loud groan following as a loud laugh escaped your lips, hands pulling him by the back of his neck to capture your lips in a kiss once again.
chris loved the way you two were still playful and teasing each other like you had been the entire night, it made him feel like you were actually interested in him and enjoyed it as much as he did.
“okay okay,” chris groaned, loving the way your fingers worked on him through the fabric of his sweats, “as much as i’d love to shut you up by shoving my dick in your mouth,” he announced, “i’d rather hear you scream my name instead, that alright with you mrs. big mouth?”
he had you nodding your head with a laugh as you watched the boy get rid of the sweats and his boxers all in one go. chris found his way back to you super quick, not wanting to waste any time with you. you nodded as you noticed chris leaning forward and spreading your legs a bit wider, dragging the tip of his cock through your folds.
“oh chris,” you moaned softly, loving the way he responded to your body almost immediately. “feels so good.”
the boy hummed at your statement, sending you a quick glance to make sure you were ready for him to get to work. the way a rosy blush was spread onto your cheeks and your lips were red from biting them too often told him that you were so down for what was about to happen next.
chris slowly pushed himself into you as he kept track of how you responded to him, your back arching as he pulled back and slid back into you once again to get himself wet with your arousal. “you’re so fuckin’ tight, ma,” he moaned as his hips continued to work their magic, “fuck, i ain’t gonna last long with the way you’re clenching around me.”
you cupped his chin with one hand to get him to look at you, purposefully clenching your walls around his cock as you looked him dead in the eyes. “i don’t see a problem with that.”
chris let out a laugh after he groaned, “oh for fuck’s sake,” he shook his head as he continued to thrust into you, hands holding your waist to keep your body down onto the bed. “if i would’ve known your pussy was so good i would’ve dropped the hate act and fuck you sooner.”
you let out a moan as chris sat up slightly and he hit your g-spot continuously. “chris- oh f- oh my god, keep doing that,” you told him, toes curling as you felt your second orgasm nearing. “mhm, god, you fuck me so well.”
“and you’re taking me so well,” he praised you, feeling the knot in his stomach tighten, “fuck fuck fuck- where do you want me, ma?”
the way his words repeated themselves inside your head made it so easy for you to get close to your second orgasm, and the way chris was now rubbing your clit to get you over the edge made your head fuzzy. “fuck,” you breathed shakily, “just inside me, please.”
it didn’t take long for chris to climax, the strain of grunts and ‘fuck’s leaving his mouth causing you to come undone as well. he looked so hot keeping himself hovering above you as he slid out, a hiss and a content sigh causing you to let out a giggle.
“oh my god,” chris mumbled as he took a look at you, sending you a big grin when he noticed the sexed out look on you - your hair was a mess and your pupils were larger than usual. he still found you absolutely stunning - and once he noticed his cum dripping out of you he couldn’t help but moan once again. “where d’ya keep the towels, babe?”
the petname caused you to blush even more, him using it randomly and not during intimacy made you think that from now on, you and chris were finally able to get along.
“bottom drawer,” you answered chris after you saw him walk into the bathroom, returning just a second later with a damp towel. “who would’ve thought i’d have you this whipped huh?”
he let out a laugh as he carefully cleaned you up, “you have me whipped?” chris shook his head, “you were the one that undressed me with your eyes when we were having dinner, sweetheart. i just used the pizza grease as an excuse to set the tone.”
“so you fucking knew that wasn’t lipgloss?” you groaned, throwing your head back as chris grabbed a shirt from your floor and let you raise your arms so he was able to put it on you.
he clicked his tongue before leaning forward to press a kiss onto your lips, “nah,” he grinned, “i’m stupid, but not that stupid, baby.”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
taglist: @mattsturniololoverr @matthewsturniolosgirlfriend101 @satvisfavetoodles @bernardsbendystraws @sturnsxplr-25 @sturnioloxlver @pinkishpearls @leahsbussy @sturniololover-09 (@isasturns i couldn’t tag you love i’m sorry!)
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leofrith · 1 year
getting to the point where i think this job is negatively affecting my health <3
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not to make angst out of a fucking gag but also thinking about the silly au rei in the final episode makes me think about how different rei would be if she didn’t have literally the worst dad ever. like, no, she probably wouldn’t have been the upbeat adhd whirlwind in the high school au lmao. but it does just make me think. because while all the pilots lives are incredibly marked by trauma, rei's the only one to have never had access to any sort of normal life. her entire personality and worldview is shaped from being isolated, groomed, and taught to see herself as a tool and not a person. and then i just get so sad that she never had any chance of a normal life where she could discover herself and what she is. she went from being abused and manipulated by gendō (which is made even worse with the implications certain scenes leave about their relationship) to becoming god. she never had any chance of living a normal life. and just like. fuck.
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kiwidotcom · 5 months
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downfallofi · 2 months
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Document the good body days.
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z00r0p4 · 10 months
Been progressively getting more depressed and weepy on a daily basis about the hopelessness and meaningless of my life n situation n just today realized "oh it's because I go back to school on monday" and I associate school with pain because the seats are always fucking horrible and I always have to do sooo much work and coordination with accommodations, and I have a 3 hour long class this semester that I have to take in order to graduate with my minor and I cannot sit almost anywhere for that fucking long given my health problems. So I'm going to have to probably talk to this professor and beg them to let me stream in-- which will probably not work. My spanish class is in a room with god awful seating. I have one class more than I usually do and even though its a 1 credit class it's still another hour I have to spend in pain.
So all that said, my brain is apparently so traumatized by how awful my pain has gotten in the last 2 years that it's basically triggered by just. school. Probably need some sort of cptsd diagnosis. And lots of therapy. idk guys. I hope I can actually make it to my graduation.
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yardsards · 2 years
opalite is such a lovely stone (or, "stone", cuz it's manmade like glass). it's different colours depending on what angle you look at it and where the light source is and what's behind it. in the light, it gets a cloudy yellowish colour like the morning's first weak rays of sun. but on a black background it practically glows blue. very underappreciated, tbh.
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fagnumopus · 7 months
#what am i doing wrong what am i doing wrong WHAT AM I DOING WRONG#why is it always wrong why can't i be stable why can't i just hold my shit together#why can't i know exactly what to do what to say why does it always have to be SHIT why do i make things WORSE#i feel so fucking hopeless im trying so hard all the time and it's not enough i feel like I'm always playing catch-up with my own life#my brain my body my psyche my money my relationships my marriage#it's all fucking crumbling why do i feel like everything around me is running away in different directions#i feel like I'm being torn apart i feel like I'm being ripped at the joints like some satirical cartoon of medieval torture#everything is falling apart around me and there's TIME LIMITS there's THINGS TO HANDLE and there's THE FUCKING DISHES#im so tired im so tired im so tired why am i so deeply miserable i want to take a flight anywhere i wanna LEAVE i wanna restart from 5y ago#i want a do-over because this is miserable i fucking hate it i hate my life rn#i haven't drawn a single line in DAYS im SO fucking miserable the thought of picking up a stylus makes me wanna throw up#i hate this fucking tattoo because I'll feel awful if i cut again#and i hate the connections and bonds bc I'll feel awful if i try to end it all bc i don't wanna put extra strain on my loved ones#i hate this#i hate myself i hate my life i hate my job i hate my brain i want do-overs please i just wanna have made better decisions#5 years or 2 years ago or just#a few months#i just wanna go a few months back#i just wanna try again#i don't wanna be stuck with a life that i got out of being reckless and stupid and idiotic and not planning better#i fucking hate this world and society im sick of it im sick#i wanna disappear into a vacuum until things get better#i wanna walk home one day 6 months from now and have a peaceful happy homemade dinner and see my cats sleeping together#and watch a fun show and then go out for a comforting coffee#i want so fucking little from life and i still don't get that#vent#to delete#do NOT message me abt this i just need to vent SOMEWHERE bc#i havent healed that other stupid fucking part of my brain that gets mad at people showing me compassion and worry#for some fucking reason
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I am physically sick from my yearning for Frankie or Joel cock
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mbat · 8 months
im never going to not utterly adore the trope of eyes reflecting someones emotional state tbh. eye color, eyes glowing, hell, even something as human as pupil size, but especially if it expands past the limits of humanity and goes like how cats eyes go soo big lol. physical form changing inhumanly to reflect ones emotional state going out of their control is just so. mmm thats so delicious
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oneknightlight · 9 months
Ykw I was brainstorming what cosplay I could make that would be good for casual sundays at cons where my skin is irritated, I can’t wear makeup, my eyes need a break from cosmetic lenses, and I don’t want to wear outlandish clothing. And I realized
I should make a Fix it Felix cosplay, and have a sewing kit and all kindsa repair shit on my person, and I help people repair their cosplays.
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hannahhasafact · 11 months
Every time something shitty happens to me this year all I can think about is how on New Year’s Eve my sister said to me, “I think this is going to be your year”
Motherfucker put a curse on me is what she did
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