#because i'm not ready to put my clown costume on
hermit-frog · 2 years
sometimes, when upset/pissed, Armand just:
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p.s. i see that some of you are misunderstanding this post. it's the self soothing rubbing motion he does with his thumb
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swagatron9 · 2 years
hi! do you take requests? if so, what if the slashers see the reader dressed up as them for halloween? i’m wearing a michael costume today and its all i can think about lol. ignore this if ya dont do requests though^^
Slashers Reactions To You Dressing Up As Them
Pairings: Brahms Heelshire, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Art The Clown. Authors Note: I do take requests and will be happy to do them depending on what it is, so feel free to request.
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Brahms Heelshire:
While it wasn't Halloween, you still felt the need to dress up as the stinky wall boy. So after coming across Brahms' discarded mask, you decided that today was the day. You took Brahms' mask and went to your own room, where you searched through your wardrobe in search of some similar clothes. The white tank top was the easiest to find paired with some dark-colored trousers. The rest of the clothes you made up with whatever was possible before finally adding on the mask. "Y/n, I lost my mask-" Brahms walks into your room and is surprised to find an almost identical copy of himself. You look at him in the mirror, standing like a deer caught in headlights due to not being ready to reveal yourself to Brahms. "Y/n?" His head tilts as he takes you in. "What are you doing?" At first, Brahms is a bit upset to find out that you stole his mask, but then he insists on creating a mask for you to wear so that the two of you can look alike, but his only rule is that you have to take it off when he asks you to so that he can see your pretty face.
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Michael Myers:
It wasn't uncommon to come across a Michael Myers outfit in the Halloween costume section, so after seeing it one too many times, you decided to finally purchase it. Your friends had insisted that you join them in dressing up as different slashers for Halloween this year, and you made your claim on Michael. After purchasing the white creepy mask, you headed back to your empty home, where you rummaged through Michael's closet. You checked through the sizes of Michael's coveralls and found that they were all the exact same size, so you chose the cleanest one that you could find. You struggled to hold the sleeves up on Michael's coveralls, so you decided to pin them up; only when you went downstairs to find some pins you ended up walking into Michael. "Oh- Michael! Hello." You smiled underneath the mask but then remembered that he couldn't see you. You removed the mask and awkwardly stood in front of Michael. "I'm you." You stated the obvious. Michael shook his head before walking into the kitchen. You weren't entirely sure what he meant by shaking his head, but you brushed it off as nothing. That was until Michael returned. A knife was placed into your hand, and Michael then nodded his head after seeing your completed look. He couldn't deny that you looked adorable in his overly large-clothes.
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Jason Voorhees:
Jason wasn't keen on allowing you to leave the camp, fearing that if you left, something could potentially happen to you without him there to protect you. But Jason was aware that you had taken a liking towards holidays like Halloween and Christmas, so when Halloween rolled around, he gathered an outfit for you to wear. After going for a walk around the camp, you returned back to the cabin to find Jason's clothes laid out on the bed. "Jason!" When Jason entered the room, you questioned why his exact outfit was laid out on the bed even though he was already wearing it. "Where did you get these? And why are they out?" He pointed to you in response before pointing to one of your Halloween decorations. "You want me to dress up as you?" You asked in confusion. Jason nodded his head. "Okay!" You instantly began stripping out of your original clothes right in front of a flustered Jason and started putting on the clothes he had on the bed. Like Brahms, Jason wants you to only wear this for Halloween as the only reason he wears it is because of his own insecurities.
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Art The Clown:
Art would be the happiest man in the world to find you dressed up at him. The day that you show him your outfit completely inspired by his own, he's already come up with an entire list of things that you must do. He insists that he gives you lessons on how to mime in order to act like him. He's overjoyed at the thought of tainting you with his own evil ways and can't wait to teach you. "Art, do you-" You would be cut off by Art pretending to zip your mouth closed and throw away the key. He would sign to you that there is no speaking before continuing on with his class. What you originally planned to be a fun experience to dress up as him, turned into an entire lecture where you were no longer allowed to dress up in your own clothes.
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livingdreams97 · 1 year
Wednesday Addams -- "The wolf in my bed" (Part 2)
Wednesday Addams x Male reader/oc
Summary: The new girl at Nevermore Academy is forced to live with a person who is the complete opposite of herself. But what will happen when the brother of said roommate has a personality similar to Wednesday's?
Words: 3.720
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A couple of days had passed since the full moon and today is the day the Poe cup was held. I am going to participate together with my friends Xabier and Ajax and one of Ajax's gorgon friends.
The theme of our canoe is a mix between clowns and the joker, although I see us more as shady buffoons. But according to Xavier we are like the joker and according to Ajax we are clowns. So it's a mix.
Everyone is around the lake, where the competition is going to take place and the groups are ready to get into the canoes.
Enid: Y/n! - she exclaims screaming and running towards me dressed as a black cat. –You look a little scary.- she assures me, looking at Ajax and me from top to bottom.
Y/n: Thank you.- I say proudly, smiling broadly.
Wednesday: They're not scary.- she denies appearing next to my sister in the same costume, with cat ears and everything, but without the mustaches.
I look her up and down, noticing how the suit clings to her body and fits her like a glove. But I can also see her brows furrowing slightly in annoyance as well as her crossed arms.
Y/n: What happens, the kitten hasn't been given its sweets?- I ask my sister's friend with fun and with a false pout.
Wednesday: This kitten can tear you into 13 parts if she wants to.- she returns the comment with an intense look.
Y/n: I want to see you try, Addams.- I assure her, crossing my arms and with a superior smile on my face.
Wednesday: You better sleep with one eye open.- she threatens me directly and I just smile at her.
Y/n: Then I'll make sure to hide anything colored in my room, in case you see something colorful and don't tear me apart at the end.- I comment without removing the smile from my face and seeing how Wednesday's eyes narrow slightly.
Enid: What's going on here ? - I hear how she asks my friend in a whisper.
Ajax: I don't know.- he whispers back.- I think they're flirting.- He comments and I immediately look at him threateningly.
Wednesday: I don't flirt.- she denies in the form of a grunt. -I'm just telling this idiot what I can do to him if he continues to tempt his fate.- she tells my friend, pointing at me with her thumb, using her threatening tone and causing my friend to take a step back in fright.
Enid: I just came to wish you luck.- she tells me and Ajax. -Although you won't need it, because this year we are going to win.- she assures us with all the confidence in the world.
Y/n: As long as Bianca doesn't win I'm happy.- I commented raising my arms. -I can't stand Bianca's superior smile when she always wins.- I growled, crossing my arms.
Ajax: That's because you like Bianca and you hate when she rubs her superiority in your face.- he tells me with a smile full of fun.
Enid: Wait. Since when do you like Bianca?- she asks with a look of disgust on her face.
Y/n: I don't like her.- I deny immediately wrinkling my nose, feeling an intense and heavy gaze on me . -Is she attractive? Yeah. But it's Bianca, I could never like someone with the ego and personality that she has.- I assure my sister with an unappetizing gesture.
Enid: It's better for you, because this sister-brother bond ends up here if you like her.- she threatens me, pointing her index finger at me.
Y/n: I don't like her! - I exclaim in the form of a growl.
It's not to put Bianca down. That is to say, as a friend Bianca is fine, she helps you with your homework and listens to you when you need it. But as a couple I doubt it's the same.
I've known Bianca for years and even though my sister doesn't get along with her at times. I have spent more time with her, since she is Xavier's ex-girlfriend and since we are friends I had spent time with the ex-couple.
So I know Bianca well. She is a sensitive girl with maternal traumas, which prevents her from being her best version with people and causes her to act in a conceited way most of the time. But behind that facade, there is a good person and only very few people can really know her.
But as a girlfriend she is very bossy and demanding. So it would never occur to me to think of her in anything other than as a friend.
Wednesday: I wouldn't be surprised if you felt a certain attraction towards Bianca.- she assures causing us to look at her confused. -You are both immature, conceited, and insolent beings. You would make a good couple.- she nods to what she said, with a certain aggressive tone and I look at her confused.
Y/n: What?- I ask in a whisper, not understanding where her comment comes from and the tone with which she said it.
Wednesday: I have said what I have said and I do not take it back.- she says with her usual monotonous tone of voice and with her face impassive of any emotion.
The four of us remain completely silent, while I look at  Wednesday confused and try to understand what just happened.
Enid: We're leaving.- She clears her throat, before grabbing her best friend's arm and pulling her towards the shore of the lake.
I just watch the girls walk away, frowning and completely confused with what just happened.
Ajax: Stop looking at Wednesday's ass or she'll tear your eyes out.- he whispers to me and I open my eyes surprised by his accusation.
Y/n: I'm not looking at her ass.- I deny immediately, looking away from the girls and directing it to my best friend.
Ajax: Aha, whatever you say friend.- he says patting my shoulder without much importance and following the path that the girls have taken moments before.
Y/n: I wasnt't! – i exclaim running after him, listening to his laughter and receiving confused looks from those present.
The last thing I need in my life is for Wednesday to get the rumor that I was looking at her ass and carry out the threat she made to me earlier. Plus I wasn't looking at her ass.
Wednesday POV
After the victory of the Poe cup, the worst example of kidnapping by Nightshade students and the stupid and unnecessary need to "work" in Pilgrim World, it's time to return to the investigation.
Having briefly stopped by the Weathervane and spoken to Tyler for information, I head to the original meeting house.
I walk through the woods, looking for what's left of the meeting house and hoping to find some clue regarding the monster. I need to find something, something that will help me advance my investigation and discover the identity of the monster.
In the distance I can make out the ruins of the original meeting house, so I quicken my pace a bit and safely enter it. I put the backpack on the ground, so Thing can come out and help me look around.
I look around, finding nothing important in sight and feeling a slight disappointment at the ruins of the place.
Wednesday: I also expected more.- I nod towards thing, who makes me some signs of agreement.
XY: Who are you talking to little girl- I hear a male voice behind me, so I turn around and see a rather scruffy older guy.
Wednesday: Use small and girl again to refer to me, and I do not assure you of your well-being.- I warn him with all the honesty that my body has.
XY: This is my house! Get out of here! – he orders starting to get angry.
Wednesday: Can you give me a hand? - I ask Thing and it immediately moves, throwing itself at the homeless man's neck.
I watch as the thing chokes him and grabs his chin for a few moments, before turning around and continuing to look through the ruins of the place.
Y/n: Can you tell why I just saw a thing choke a homeless man? - I hear a familiar voice, so I turn to the door of the house and watch the blonde boy for a few moments.
Wednesday: It's none of your business.- I answer monotonously and direct my attention back to the ruins.
Y/n: Ok.- I hear how he clicks his tongue against the top of his palate. -But why the hell are you searching through the ruins of this site? - he asks and I can hear his footsteps approaching me.
Wednesday: I'll repeat it again, it's none of your business.- I tell him again, lightly tapping a can of beer with my foot. -There's nothing here.- I assure, turning around and seeing Thing back in the ruins.
Y/n: And what are you looking for? - he asks again and I fight with all my might to not growl at him.
Wednesday: Nothing that interests you.- I assure him, turning my body towards his and staring at him. -Go away.- I order him firmly.
Y/n: And why would I? - he asks with a small funny smile on his lips. -That is to say, we are in a public place and you have no right to throw me out of here.- he assures me starting to walk around the place and look everywhere.
Wednesday: Maybe a don´t have that right, but I do have a knife and I warn you that I can use it.- I threaten him, trying not to show my frustration in my voice.
Y/n: Yeah, just like your threat to dismember me.- he comments humorously. -Last night I was waiting for you to show up, you know, so that you would cut me into 13 pieces and all that, but you didn't show up.- he reminds me and I look at him with narrowed eyes.
Wednesday: I can do it right now.- I assure him, narrowing my eyes just a few centimeters.
Y/n: Yes, well, right now I don't feel like it.- He pretends to be disappointed. -But going back to the main topic, why are you here?- he asks me again.
Wednesday: It's private.- I answer crossing my arms and without taking my eyes off him.
Y/n: So this has nothing to do with the monster and your investigation, right? - he comments with a proud smile and I grit my teeth.
Wednesday: How do you know about my investigation?- I ask him in a threatening way, taking a step towards him.
Y/n: Enid.- Answer as if it was the most obvious thing. -What I don't understand is what are you doing here? - he asks, moving his hands in reference to the ruins.
Wednesday: Searching for information for my research.- I answer simply.
Y/n: And what do you think you can find in a place like this? - he asks walking around the place.
Wednesday: I think I've already answered enough unnecessary questions on your part.- I assure him, refusing to continue wasting my time with him and looking towards Thing.
I see how he tells me to touch things, to see if I can get a vision and that it will be of help to my case.
Wednesday: No, I can't just touch something.- I tell the hand. -My visions appear spontaneously.- I remind him approaching the appendix. -I would rather dye my hair pink than ask my mother for advice.- I assure him when he suggests the option.
Y/n: It would be something worth seeing.- He laughs from the other side of the house.
Wednesday: And can I know why you're still here?- I ask aggressively and he raises his hands up in the air.
Y/n: You don't have to be so aggressive.- he assures me with a frown. -But answering your question, I'm not going to leave you in this place alone and with a monster prowling through the forest.- he explained with a serious face.
Wednesday: I don't need your help or protection, I know how to do it on my own very well.- I assure him with a frown.
Y/n: Do what Thing told you.- he tells me changing the subject and I stare at him. -What? Maybe by touching the things in this place you can provoke a vision and that will help you in your investigation. - he explains to me as if it were obvious, shrugging his shoulders.
Wednesday: It won't do any good.- I deny seeing Thing supporting the wolf. -Do you want me to show you?- I ask and touch one of the wooden beams. -No.- I say walking to another part and touching a wall with both hands. -Nothing.- I assure them looking around me . -But I bet this will give us some clue.- I say ironically picking up a paper bag from the ground and raising it in the air, pretending to have a vision.
Y/n: You don't have to be so rude either.- He rolls his eyes at my actions. -Thing is just trying to help you.- He complains about my attitude.
Wednesday: He doesn't need you to defend him.- I assure him walking towards my backpack. -And my visions are as predictable as a shark attack. - I say picking up my backpack from the ground and walking towards the exit.
Y/n: Come on Wednesday, don't be like that.- I hear how his footsteps follow me. -You just have to touch a pa...- he begins but when I touch the door handle to leave, my body stiffens and everything turns dark.
As soon as I get into my vision, I see a crowd of people with torches and decide to hide behind some wooden barrels. I watch what happens and I see what happens between Goody Addams and Crackstone.
I see how outcasts or different people like me are burned in Jericho many years ago. I see how my ancestor escapes from the incandescence and from one moment to another I appear in a dark and smoky field.
Goody: He won't stop until he's finished with everyone.- she assures me erratically after running towards me . -He's here.- she says looking over my shoulder, which causes me to look too and see Crackstone approaching us.
Crackstone: You won't have any escape. - He threatens me with a gravelly and slightly distorted voice.
I stumble as I walk backwards, causing me to fall and rejoin in complete darkness for a few seconds.
Y/n: Wednesday!- he exclaims when I wake up, helping me to get up and sit on the now wet floor. -Are you okay?- he asks me with some concern on his face.
Wednesday: I have seen her.- I tell Thing. -The girl from my visions, her name is Goody Addams and I think she is my ancestor from 400 years ago.- I count feeling the raindrops fall on me and wetting my clothes more than they already are.
Y/n: Are you okay? - I hear how he asks again and I just nod in response. -Let's get you off the ground.- he tells me and helps me get on my two feet.
But my attention goes from the werewolf, to a noise behind one of the walls and I decide to walk towards it. I approached the wall, looking through one of the gaps between the wood and not seeing anything else in the forest.
Wednesday: It must have been that bearded man.- I tell the hand and the blond boy.
Y/n: Do you smell that? - he asks and I look at him strangely, while I observe how he sniffs the air of the place. -It smells different, there is something new and strange in the environment.- he comments looking around.
I just ignore it and look again through the hole from before. But suddenly, a big eye appears on the other side of the hole and the monster lets out a growl scaring me.
Y/n: Wednesday!- he exclaimed running towards me and pulling me back.
I just stare at the monster between the gaps in the wood, watching it look at me and start to walk away quickly.
Wednesday: Come on, let's go.- I say starting to walk quickly, leaving the house and running after the monster.
Y/n: Addams wait!- He yelled running after me. -Stop ! - he yells again and I can hear him closer to me.
I just ignore him, running and following the tracks the monster has left in the mud. I slow down, when I don't see the monster anywhere and I follow the footsteps.
As I follow the tracks, I can see how they go from being large to being smaller and more human-like. This means that the monster is human.
Y/n: What's wrong with you? - he asks me annoyed, grabbing me by my arm and pulling me up off the ground. -You can't just run after a monster like that.- he reproaches me, pulling my arm towards him and I look at him angrily.
Wednesday: Look, idiot.- I tell him, pointing to the footprints with my free hand, causing his attention to go from me to the footprints on the ground and his brows to frown.
Y/n: It´s human? - Asks surprised and confused without letting me go yet.
Wednesday: Yes.- I whisper a little uncomfortable, when I realize how my body presses against his and how his hand softens its grip on my arm.
I swallow hard, when his attention returns to me and an uncomfortable and unknown sensation invades my gut.
I am aware of the heat that emanates from his body against mine, contrasting with the cold that surrounds us and that my body reacts involuntarily sticking closer to his in search of heat.
I don't understand what's happening to my body, why I'm enduring such closeness from Y/n and why my body is reacting in such an absurd way to his presence.
I can even feel my dark heart beating in an exaggeratedly accelerated way, causing the noise of its heartbeat and the erratic breathing of both of us to be the only thing I hear.
Xavier: What the hell are you doing? - I hear behind me, making me separate myself from the blonde quickly and make sure to put as much distance between us as possible.
Wednesday: We're following the monster.- I answer completely ignoring what just happened and directing my attention to the boy under the red umbrella.
Xavier: Have you seen it?- he asks, starting to look around frantically. -Is it here? Do you want to die? - he asks only me, taking a step towards me and also covering me with the umbrella.
Wednesday: And what are you doing here?- I ask interested and suspicious of his presence in the place, just when the monster jut disappears.
Xavier: I heard that you were going to the old meeting room, I guess I've arrived a bit late.- he answers looking over my shoulder at the forest.
Wednesday: I have discovered something.- I assure, staring at him. - The monster is human, its tracks go from being monstrous to human.- I explain looking at him with some insecurity.
Xavier: Show them to me.- he asks me and I turn to point him to the place, but the heavy rain has erased the traces.
Wednesday: The rain has erased them.- I murmured loud enough for him to hear me, receiving an unbelievable sigh from him and I look at him seriously. -I know what I've seen.- I assured him firmly.
Xavier: I try to keep an open mind.- He defends himself quickly.
Wednesday: Y/n has also seen them.- I realize. -Right Y/n? - I ask turning to where the blonde is, but there is absolutely no one in the place he was occupying and that confuses me. -Where is he? - I ask confused.
Xavier: I don't know.- He shrugged without giving it importance. -I think you're right about Rowan.- he comments causing my attention to return to him.
Wednesday: And that change of heart? - I ask him interested and curious, that in just a few hours he has changed his opinion regarding his former roommate.
Xavier: I have written to him again today, I have told him that we could see each other to snowboard like last year.- he tells me while we walk. -This time he has answered me and told me that he was not going to be able to.- he tells me and I understand what he means.
Wednesday: But you didn't go snowboarding last year.- I say with certainty.
We talked a bit more about Rowan and why someone would cover up his murder. Before we part ways and I head back to the center of town.
Once downtown, I walk to the Crackstone fountain in front of the church carrying my cello and gesturing to thing to carry out our plan.
As the mayor gives his speech, my eyes travel over the face of each person present, stopping when they meet blue-green eyes.
I detail the frown on Y/n's face, seeing how his body is more rigid than usual and how he ignores what the people around her tells him. His attention is completely focused on the mayor, but he has a lost and somewhat dark look in his eyes.
So I can believe that he is angry or upset with or about something, but I don't know what and that bothers me. Because I don't understand the reason why I'm looking at him, because why I'm detailing his face and why I'm questioning everything.
It doesn't interest me and I shouldn't want to find out why the werewolf is angry. But not knowing why he's upset causes a nauseating and sick feeling inside me.
It's feels like some spiders were digging and trying to get out of my stomach.
I don't understand why I'm feeling this. What I do know is that I don't like it and that I want to stop feeling it right now.
I have to find a way to stop feeling this and I have to find it NOW!
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somerandomwizard · 1 year
Hazbin Hotel Incorrect Quotes
Angel: I did it! I memorized everything in the book! I'm gonna ace this test!
Charlie: Ok, Angel, I'll give you one more question before you go. What ended in 1918?
Angel: 1917.
Charlie: ...You're ready.
Cherri: It's not like I try to blow things up, exactly. It just sort of happens. You've got to admit, though, fire is fascinating.
Angel: Onion rings are vegetable doughnuts.
Vaggie, used to Angel being dumb: Sure...
Angel: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.
Vaggie: Okay?
Angel: Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake.
Angel: Lobsters are mermaid scorpio-
Vaggie: Jesus, that one is a little--
Charlie, interested: No, no, Angel, keep going.
Alastor: I am literally evil incarnate.
Alastor: I'm not actually, I just enjoy being evil.
Alastor: Which I think actually makes it even more evil because I'm making a conscious effort.
Niffty: Swear words are illegal now. If you say one you'll be fined.
Husk: Heck.
Niffty: You're on thin fucking ice.
Niffty: Oh no-
Angel to Sir Pentious: Me? I'm the bees knees, but you? You're just...
Cherri: Cockroach ankles!
Angel: Ye- uh, what?
Sir Pentious: I hope no one lowkey hatessss me.
Sir Pentious: Highkey hate me. Hate me with every fiber of your being.
Sir Pentious: Go big or go home.
Niffty: Fruits that do not live up to their names; passionfruit, grapefruit, honeydew, and dragonfruit.
Niffty: Fruits that do live up to their name?
Niffty: Orange.
Vaggie: Could you be anymore annoying?
Angel: Yes.
Arackniss: I'm not doing too well.
Molly: What wrong?
Arackniss: I have this headache that comes and goes.
*Angel enters the room*
Arackniss: There it is again.
Arackniss: *cocks gun* Go to bed. This is no longer a request, this is now a threat.
Molly, out grocery hopping: *takes a free sample twice*
Molly: Robbery and fraud. I am a rebel.
Vaggie: I karma doesn't hit you, I fucking will.
Husk: *gets a text* Oh, It's Alastor.
Niffty, excitedly and jumping up and down: Did he get the stuff?
Husk: Yeah, he says he got you the clown costume, the power drill, and 12 gallons of blood.
Niffty: Wow! Where'd he find 12 gallons of fake blood?
Husk: You wanted fake blood?
Husk: I'll call Al.
Charlie: Anybody got some crayons so I can color in my P.H.D?
Charlie, putting a loving hand on Vaggie's shoulder: Vaggie, sweetie, please don't stay up all night. Last time you got this sleep-deprived, you tried to eat your own shirt.
Arackniss: Could you all at least try to fucking see this from my perspective?
Cherri: *crouches down*
Molly: *kneels down*
Angel: *sits on floor*
Arackniss: I hate all of you.
Angel: We might have gotten in a bar room brawl back in the city.
Arackniss: Well, that was entirely predictable.
Angel: One if them punched a gang member.
Arackniss: Was it Pops?
Angel: Molly, actually.
Arackniss: Oh, that was going to be my second guess.
Angel, singing the tune to I Kissed A Girl: I killed a guy, and I like it-
Arackniss, whispering: Should we call the exorcist?
Molly, also singing: -The taste of his cherry chapstick.
Henroin, appalled: Call the eoxrcist.
Vaggie: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous.
Charlie: What if it bites me and it dies!?
Angel: Then you’re poisonous. Jesus Christ, Charlie, learn to listen.
Niffty: What if it bites itself and I die?
Alastor: That’s voodoo.
Charlie: What if it bites me and someone else dies?
Angel: That’s correlation, not causation.
Niffty: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die?
Angel: That’s kinky.
Husk: Oh my God.
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railingsofsorrow · 8 months
𝙾𝙲𝚃. 15th; 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊, 𝖎𝖗𝖎𝖘.
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summary: iris's letter.
pairing: spencer reid x oc!iris valentia
w.c: 635
warnings/content: mentions of AHS; brief mention of coulrophobia; fluff.
series masterlist
whoever wants to be tagged for this fic, fill this out or dm me.
[letter 1] [letter 2] [letter 3] [letter 4] [letter 5] [letter 6] [letter 7] [letter 8] [letter 9]
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October 15th.
Hi, Spencer.
There is no such thing as “recent research” that says that coffee can replace meals throughout the day. I did my research, and this is total bullshit. If you are not eating healthy at least once a day I'm going to find you and I'm going to shove broccoli down your throat. (that's a threat)
Just FYI: just because you have 5 PhD's and people call you “Doctor Reid” doesn't mean you can say your opinion means you are a medical doctor. It is not a second opinion, therefore, coffee is not a whole meal, Spencer!
(I hate broccoli. It tastes so bad.)
Oh, and yes. I am one of those 14%. I can't stand them. I can't see or hear anywhere close to me. It's unsettling. They are unsettling and the costumes should not be allowed anymore. Have you ever watched American Horror Story? It explains everything — and stop calling it irrelevant facts! They're relevant to me, Doc!
Did everything end up alright in the end, though? Did your team get to solve it in time? (Please tell me there isn't a crazy clown running around Virginia...)
Oh, Spencer. Henry sounds lovely. I hope you are not teaching how to steal his mom's forbidden books, though. What do you mean “your magic tricks”? Is the Doctor Reid a great magician too? Is there anything you can't do?
I classify “troublemaker” as a cheeky kid who defies his mom's rules. Since we're on this topic... I used to steal cupcakes before their deliveries. My mom had a catering service. Every time the food was ready I'd go to the cupcake section — her recipe is the best thing, I wish I knew how to cook — grab five and then I'd hide somewhere to eat them.
She caught me once.
Switching the subject, it's understandable that you can't be impartial all the time during cases. You're human, you feel. This is normal. Don't beat yourself up for it, please. It's your job and you love it but with what you face every day, you can't expect to be happy all the time. Even I can't be, at my field which is nowhere near yours. You are allowed to feel sad, angry, anything, really. Please, know that, okay? And you can talk to me. Write. Send birds, whatever. I think over two months of exchanging letters we could consider ourselves friends, somewhat, right?
Okay, so the strangest thing just happened. I was just grading my student's midterms in my lab, then one of them walks in. We initiated a conversation, totally fine, he's a great kid. When he was about to leave he told me to not come to University on the 27th of this month (for some reason?) and he left. I didn't even think much of it until now. I don't know why but it unsettled me a bit? Maybe I'm just being paranoid. I'm sharing this here because it's late and I have no one else to talk to.
I'm exhausted, I need to get home!
About the book, I think Radcliffe makes me visualize exactly what is happening through her writing, that's what grabbed my attention. I've created so many theories and now I think all of them are wrong but I'm only halfway through the book. What spell did you put me under, Spencer? I don't like horror!
Anyway, remember to hydrate yourself and get a good night's sleep. I hope you have a great week, Spencer <3
(I'm glad you know what the symbol means now, thank your friend on my behalf!)
Ps: I read The Tell-Tale Heart and I had to sleep with one eye open tonight. Thanks, Spencer. I have to say I prefer Annabel Lee.
taglist: @lilyviolets ; @chayceschultz
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clubwnderland · 7 months
⤷⋆⋆ 𝑱𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒊𝒏 + 𝑨𝒍𝒊𝒄𝒆 𝑼𝒑𝒅𝒂𝒕𝒆 ♡
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Listen, don't even ask me what I am because I don't even know either. Jangmi ended up putting some fake blood over my face and shirt and said that I can be a serial killer... how does that even- you know what? I don't want to know. I recently went back to blonde, what do you think? Do I fit the role? Would you scream for me?~
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I asked Hyunrin what she wanted to be for Halloween and she said Pennywise... should I be concerned? It's the way she embodies the character far too well that I'm afraid she might actually scare people especially when she keeps telling them she can read their minds. Children, they get to an age where they constantly surprise you... Well, off to go trick or treating now~ Would you like to come?
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"Uncle Channie, Uncle Channie!!" The girl runs to the door as soon as the sound of Chris' car pulls into the driveway, the wolf in the driver's seat not getting out while the other basically runs to the door when it opens, hugging the small girl who is half ready. "Uncle Channie, look! I'm going to be Pennywise!" She smiles proudly.
Channie's eyes widen as he looks at her mother, walking out from the living room, holding the balloons in her hand. "Pennywise?" He asks while Alice simply shurgs.
"Some of the girls from school had seen photos and decided that they wanted to all dress up as some kind of killer clowns." She can sense his mind going a hundred miles per second, worried that it was something he may have let her watch while she's been at their place. "Don't worry, puppy, liking scary things seems to be all the craze with kids these days."
Concerning, yes, but at least Rinnie would now make friends with the monsters in her closet rather than needing to be sleeping with her most nights.
"Oh!" The wolf realises, grabbing the bag he had brought inside and runs to the bathroom to change. "I won't be a second!" He calls out while Alice ushers the girl back to the living room so they can continue getting ready.
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Channie had given special instructions on where to go, heading around different areas and finding places that were doing trick or treats. This year, people had decorations up and signs that said trick or treaters were welcome while others left their homes undecorated to not tempt people. Channie had Alice and Rinnie visit Chan and Chris' places because he wanted to show off his costume as well as basically make them give him candy.
"Ahhh! Look at Chan's place!" He calls out, him and Rinnie about halfway through their current bowls of candy already, bouncing and sprinting away from Alice as she laughs softly.
"Hey! Don't you let go of those balloons!" She calls out as they are basically bouncing through the air, pulled by the small girl who is rather quick on her feet.
Knocking on the door, the two have basically mastered their synchronisation as the blonde wolf opens the door, "trick or treat!" They sing while Chan chuckles, grabbing the bowl of candy that he has by the door.
"Here you go," he says to Rinnie, placing a handful into her bowl while the wolf standing next to her is practically vibrating with excitement, his smile wide. "How much candy have you had to eat?" Chan asks, an eyebrow raised as he places some into the other's bowl.
"Not enough!" Channie says, Rinnie piping in and agreeing with him while Alice clicks her tongue and rolls her eyes. "We still have a time to get more candy." Oh, he's basically encouraging this kid to ride the sugar high before she crashes tonight.
Chan reaches forward, grabbing the strings of the balloon and asks the girl to hold out her wrist. "Don't want to lose these, do you?" He says, tying the balloons to the bracelet she wears before patting her on the head. "Now, take care of Channie, hm?"
"Yes, Uncle Chan!" She smiles, giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek before they race off again, stopping for a moment to look at his decorations while Alice thanks Chan once more and hurries them along so they can head to the next house.
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"Trick or treat!" Rinnie sings, holding out her little basket as Chris looks down at her, eyebrow raised before looking at the other two. As Chris grabs the small bowl of candy that he had specifically for Rinnie, the girl's brow furrows as she realises someone is missing. "Uncle Chris, where is Aunty Irene?"
"Work," he says, pouring the whole bowl into her basket, ignoring the soft whine coming from Channie.
Rinnie nods, as if she can understand the situation before she beams at Chris. A child's attention span short enough to not pay attention to the worries of an adult. "Thank you, Uncle Chris!" She says, opening up her arms to see whether he will accept a hug from her.
No, but she can get a pat on the head. "Have fun kiddo. Don't let Channie eat the candy I gave you, yeah?" She beams and hugs her basket, nodding her head before he sends her off on her way with a pouting Channie in tow.
Alice hangs back, turning to Chris before he heads inside. "You could always go and get her." The woman says with a knowing smile, "I'm sure she would rather be with you than at the club anyway." He hums, the only acknowledgment that he heard her before stepping inside and closing the door.
Back off on a candy hunt.
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It's nearly reaching midnight when Jongin knocks on the door, quietly as to not disturb the sleeping child. "He's on the couch," Alice says, letting the wolf in, closing the door behind him as Jongin quietly reaches the living room and finds his boyfriend passed out on the couch, a bucket filled with candy wrappers next to him. "They were full of energy until they weren't." She chuckles while Jongin smiles, giving Channie a little shake.
"Hey puppy," he speaks softly, a soft groan escaping Channie's slightly blue lips from some hard candy he had been sucking on. "Did you still want to go to the haunted house?"
It's as if those words had magical powers.
"Wolfman!" He's up, full of energy, with his hair slightly messy. Channie is practically pulling Jongin in for a hug while the older chuckles softly at how quickly he had woken up. There were soft snores coming from him, little whines and with one question - all his sleep had evaporated, replaced by excitement. "I can't wait to go to the haunted house!" He starts to say loudly before remembering where he is and slowly lowering his voice as he beams. "Is it still open?"
"Of course, pup, I wouldn't have let us miss it," Jongin says, his tone almost offended that Channie would think that he'd not make it in time. Looking at his phone, Jongin furrows his brow. "We gotta hurry though, we don't want to wait in line for too long."
It doesn't take long for Channie to ready again, tidying himself up before he says his goodbyes to Alice, two big hugs because she has to pass one on to Rinne, and they are heading out to Jongin's car. "I tried to save you some candy..." Channie starts, hand digging into the bucket, slowing his walk down as he does and finding only one measly chocolate bar. He looks at Jongin with big eyes, that puppy dog look that the younger uses to get his way. "I'm sorry, Nini..."
Oh, Jongin knows those eyes very well. He knows exactly what game Channie is playing.
"It's okay puppy, you can have it." Jongin 'falls' into his trap, letting the younger gleefully open the wrapper and devour the final treat in his pumpkin themed bucket. "I'll have my candy later~."
It takes a moment. They are climbing into the car, Jongin having started the engine and waited for Channie to bulk up and it takes him a moment to catch onto the other's meaning before his eyes widen and cheeks turn a soft pink. Playfully hitting Jongin's arm, Channie squeals, "I'm not candy!!"
"You are to me, puppy~ sweet and delicious."
"Ahhhh," he screams, causing Jongin to laugh, "stop!!! You can't keep saying that!!"
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The night is perfect. The haunted house is full of screams because even though they can hear people coming, it doens't stop Channie from jumping and screaming, holding onto Jongin for dear life. Not saying Jongin isn't scared but he's getting more frights from Channie screaming than he is from the actors of the attraction.
Haunted houses can be full of screams as well as betrayal and Jongin learns that the hard way when a ghost pops out, scaring Channie so badly that he shoves Jongin towards the actor and runs off in the opposite direction screaming. Scoffing, Jongin chases after him, calling out his name to try and find him while also planning his revenge.
Oh, he's going to get Channie good.
They go to a light show in a forest nearby, neon lights set up like exhibits and bump into Johnny and the woman he's been spending his time with. The couples only briefly acknowledge each other, nodding their heads before walking off in opposite directions. Channie loves the firefly display, the lights on strings softly bouncing in a meadow with soft insect noises playing around them. "It's like the forest is alive!" He says, eyes shining so bright that Jongin doesn't know if it's from how happy he is or the lights above them.
Maybe its both.
As the night comes to a close, Jongin leads Channie to what looks like an abandoned house near the river. The windows are all broken and it's clear that kids use it as a place to hide when not going to school.
This is where his sneaky texts throughout the light show will come to fruition. He had told Channie that he was texting Jangmi, checking in and making sure she was doing okay since he didn't know where she was after she left the club but really, he was plotting. Planning. Scheming.
The two enter the house, the faint noises of party goers sounding like its in the far off distance and Jongin uses the flashlight on his phone to help them make their way through the house. "Did you know," he starts, his voice quiet, eerie, like someone could be listening, "there was a lady who lived in this house with her husband." He hears the gasp coming from Channie, smirking because he knows the younger is wanting to hear more. "One day, she was cooking dinner for her husband when he suddenly killed her. He says he didn't. When they caught him the next day, he swears that he never did it but nobody else could have done it. They lived alone, they had no neighbours, how could anyone else have broken into the house and done it?"
"Oh my God," Channie hears something from upstairs and freezes.
"Sshh," Jongin says, hoping that the twins had kept themselves hidden enough that Channie doesn't figure it out. "They say that her spirit still haunts this house and she doesn't like when people enter her home without permission."
"Nini..." Jongin hums, "we didn't ask permission, did we?"
"Nope." A loud shriek sounds in the room directly above their heads and there's a loud bang on the floor.
Faster than anyone knew Channie could move, he's gone, screaming out the door while Jongin laughs, chasing after him while pulling his phone out to send a quick text to the witches upstairs. 'Thanks for that! That scream was so much louder than the haunted house.' Should he feel bad for scaring his boyfriend, maybe, but Channie threw him into a ghost to save himself so this is deserved, he reckons.
Finding Channie outside, doubled over, catching his breath, Jongin wraps his arms over his shoulder and smiles at his boyfriend, knowing he's going to be pissed when he finds out he had planned all of this... but that's tomorrow's issue. "Happy Halloween, puppy." He says with a chuckle and a kiss to the curly-haired wolf's head.
🧡 @moonlightchn
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sanstropfremir · 1 year
ok it's a bit overdue but are you ready? it's...
best stylings of 2022, part two!
once again, this covers comebacks that came out from july 1st to dec 31st, if you want to read the part that covers the first half of the year, it's here! there i explain the criteria that i use as well.
best overall
guerrilla - ateez
oh you think i'm over this? no i refuse. in fact i am STILL losing it over the fact that hanya and i managed to call a metropolis reference a YEAR in advance. i have a contentious relationship with the ateez stylists bc they have produced some very......questionable work (ketchup packet seonghwa), but then sometimes their affinity for ugly hits just the right spot like it did with guerrilla. not only is the styling an excellent blend of the best of ugly skater punk and revolutionary counter culture, but the mv is full of art references that perfectly balance the idea of starting a revolution in a dystopia where art and emotions have been made illegal.
stages: mcountdown 220804, music core 220806, music bank 220729, inkigayo 220731, inkigayo 220807, show champion 220803, music core 220813
bsides: sector 1 - mcountdown 220804, the show 220802, music bank 220729
2 baddies - nct 127
wrote an extensive post about how much is happening in the 2 baddies mv, it's already appeared on my fave choreos list, i am going to be a 2 baddies apologist until the day i die and there's nothing you can do about it. clown me all you want but this is one of the best designed nct mvs since probably wayv's regular.
stages: inkigayo 221002 (includes faster), music core 221001, k-909, music bank 220923
bsides: faster - k-909, music core 220924
gasoline - key
i have some...complicated feelings about gasoline that i'll get into in an extended post eventually, but i went back and watched the mv again for the first time in a few months and despite my complicated feelings, kibum gets it. the visual cohesion of this album is so interesting and unusual and there's so many ideas that i do love that it would be a betrayal to not have it in my top three. from the album design to costuming to all the promo material that comes out, kibum has such a strong eye and excellent ability to work with his team and i respect it so much.
stages: mcountdown 220908, mcountdown 220901, music core 220903, music bank 220902
bsides: bound mcountdown 220901, villain inkigayo 220904
panorama - lee chanhyuk
one half of akmu, chanhyuk had his solo debut and he went whole hog on doing something very holistically conceptual, down to the types of performances that he did. the album tells the story of a coma patient, and i highly recommend it as a listening experience, but the performances of panorama are exactly what i mean when i want idols to be fucking around with form. there are not that many so i'm actually going to give a brief description of each of them, because if there are any links you click on from this post, it should be these ones:
mcountdown 221020: he does the entire performance standing still with his back to the camera, including the ending fairy
music core 221022: does the entire performance with his back to the audience, staring into a mirror that is being held up by his manager
k-909 - eyewitness account: this is of one of the bsides, does the entire performance holding a glass of wine that he then dumps down his front halfway through the song
k-909 - panorama: honestly the most 'normal' of the bunch, but you can see the consistency in how he's performing and what type of aesthetic markers are acting as a throughline
inkigayo 221023: has a barber shave his whole head on stage in one take while he's singing
girls - aespa
i love aespa's techno nonsense. girls has all the flavour of a pre split tvxq mv but in a higher resolution. girls is purple line's daughter in a different colour scheme. i am not taking any criticism i'm right and you know it. the only thing it's missing is cunty yunho and honestly you could put him in there as he currently is and i wouldn't even bat an eye.
stages: music core 220716, mcountdown 220714, inkigayo 220724, studio choom be original
bsides: illusion - mcountdown 220714, music core 220716
nerdy - purple kiss
yea yea obligatory purple kiss entry, i love them and while memem wasn't a hit for me nerdy MORE than made up for it. once again they had almost a month long promo period and they managed to hit a variety of different looks from reimagined alt school uniforms to overly large sweaters. nerdy is probably tied for zombie from last year for me for best styling they've ever had. also rbw stylists are the only valid stylists for knowing how to dress someone who isn't a size zero.
stages: inkigayo 220814, music core 220806, inkigayo 220807, music bank 220729, show champion 220803, mcountdown 220811, music core 220820
sparkling - chungha
i love the idea of combining bird imagery and ocean imagery. it makes zero sense logistically if you give it an ounce of thought BUT the combination of feathers and sparkles and iridescent sheen with coral and lots of bright colours are such a lush visual experience that who even cares that birds don't swim. or fish don't fly. whatever look at the sparkles.
stages: music bank 220715, inkigayo 220717, the show 220719, mcountdown 220714, music core 220723
doom du doom - p1harmony
honestly i had a bit of struggle deciding on if i wanted to include this song or back down, because they both have really fun and creative mvs, but doom du doom won out in the end because i liked the stage styling more. the mv and its broke grimy street urchin olympic theme is so weird and charming and i love that they just have a guy hanging out in the background of all the shots just to be the guitar player. the choreo's fun af and actually uses their members' skills (see my choreo post), and it's a great touch that they had a couple of different flags made and they rotate them occasionally.
stages: music core 220723, music bank 220805, the show 220802, show champion 220803, inkigayo 220731
hair cut - xdinary heroes
like with the p1harmony entry, i had to decide which one of their two cbs from this half of the year i wanted to include, and it was TOUGH. i loved the styling for test me and admittedly it scratches my personal itch for punky shit, i like the ideas happening in hair cut more. plus the promo material from hair cut is just chefs kiss. so many jype groups went for an alice in wonderland theme in their cbs this year and personally i preferred xh's version because at least they threw in a lot of other references that offset it from being a direct one to one concept. the edward scissorhands themed concept photos were probably some of my favourite concept photos of all time. and they also produced a very cool and fun medley film for their album highlights that really loops all their thematic references together and has some great outfits.
stages: inkigayo 221120, music core 221112, music core 221119, show champion 221123
smartphone - yena
alright girlies pack it up, we got the definitive quirky girl fusion y2k cb, i don't wanna see anymore! i'm not a super avid follower of yena, but i really liked smiley and i like that she's got a consistent visual flavour. smartphone is a really fun blend of 00s references and retro gaming that gives it a different flavour then a lot of the y2k revival stylings that we've been seeing over the last year. although i'm not gonna lie, this cb makes me feel extra haggy, especially when she takes 'selfies' with the flip phones (for the young'uns, they did not have front cameras), but it's still very cute and fun.
stages: inkigayo 220814, the show 220809, inkigayo 220807, music core 220806, music bank 220805, mcountdown 220804, music bank 220812,
bsides: withorwithout music core 220806
runners' up
ok to start off: i have to make a category within a category, and that category is 'boy groups that vomited colours and fabrics all over the stage for three minutes', because no joke there where THREE separate cbs that had nearly identical stylings (there where actually more. i almost included bae173 here) and i honestly could not pick between any of them which i liked more. so here's the shortlist:
can't stop shining - tempest // the ogs, it was bad news that started this trend in the first place. i actually think the css styling is better than bad news, but i gotta acknowledge her trendsetting nature and also the competition was TOUGH in the back half of the year. highlights: the mv, mcountdown 220908, inkigayo 220904, show champion 220907
party rock - cravity // i was ready to be disproving bc nothing will ever be party rock anthem but the kids won me over. every single stage is just. what is happening. 10/10. highlights: music bank 221028, inkigayo 221009, inkigayo 221002, music bank 221007
drummin' - to1 // while i don't love that they booted two members (only for them to appear on boys planet), the rebrand for to1 has been really successful for me. drummin' is a fun dorky retro concept with some great choreography. they had the most themed styling of the three, which occasionally had some fun marching band inspired outfits. highlights: the show 220802, music bank 220805, mcountdown 220728
ok now that's out of the way, here's the rest of the runners' up:
play - lucy
i did actually talk about this mv briefly already, it's one of my all time favourite mvs from this year and maybe even one of my faves from the last several years. it's so stunning and heartfelt and deserves like 50 million more views.
halazia - ateez
honestly it was a toss up if i wanted to include halazia here or save it for the 2023 list because i wasn't sure what the stages were gonna look like, but now that i've seen a couple of them i'm confident this is the category i'd put it in for 2023 if i waited. i don't love the stage stylings but oh my fucking GOD the mv itself is a fucking masterpiece. the hala scarecrows...............
birthday - ten
screaming crying throwing up etc etc we all know, it's only in this category bc he didn't get to promote it other than on k-909.
forgive me - boa
screaming crying throwing up etc etc part two. the dinner table, the hats. the bloody stage. she's the queen for a reason. also only here because she didn't promote.
door - ftisland
i am not going to let any of you forget that this is a hag appreciation zone!!! also this is a great mv; it's fun, it's got great outfits, the production design is pointedly minimal. only in this category bc it's a jpn release.
hit the bass - blitzers
they went abroad and filmed in literally some of the MOST gorgeous locations i've ever fucking seen, which is what you should be doing @ kpop companies!! i'm tired of seeing stuff shot in la!!!! go to pakistan you cowards!!! they didn't make my choreo list this year but you should watch their studio choom to watch sya EAT the intro. ok here's a few stages with good styling too i guess: inkigayo 220724, the show 220726, the show 220802, mcountdown 220728
eyes on you - kangta
yea i know i'm the only kangta fan left on this webbed site and i don't care!!! this is a great mv with lot of great lighting effects and also a fantastic choice for the backup dancers costuming to include reflective taping. costume design that interplays with lighting is one of my specialties and i gotta shout it out the rare times it happens. also i'm pimp the og 90s it boy stage again, because i can and also it's a galaxy brained styling choice for him. and it has gorgeous set design.
pose - kino
gorgeous pink velvet suit, gorgeous mv that utilizes one of the most diffifult but most beautiful times to film: golden hour. he did do a stage in the pink velvet suit, but the mv is soooooooo pretty that it had to be on here.
458 - cix
for being produced with like $100 and however much it cost to rent that hawk, 458 is a fantastic bottle mv and definitely takes one of my top spots for having the most interesting combinations of imagery this year. there's a very obtuse connection to be made with the travels of dante through the circles of hell and motorsports and i wish they had played more into the idea of having driver/guide bc that could have been fun. also they should have called hajime kinoko and got hyunsuk strung up properly. it wouldn't have been that hard, he does commissions. just saying.
nabillera - hyuna
not my favourite of hyuna's showings, but she's still insane enough to make the list. love that she always greases up either herself or her dancers, or in this case, both. i'm gonna include some stages here bc the outfits are good, even though she didn't do that many: mcountdown 220721, inkigayo 220724.
birthday - red velvet
didn't love all the stylings, but the mv is a blast and the graphic design and all the concept and promo materials are soooooo good. my fave outfits are the 'candy' encrusted ones from music bank 221202.
standout element
mood trailer: awakening - trendz // this imagery literally never appeared anywhere else but this mood trailer is extremely cool.
28 reasons album trailer - seulgi // i wasn't expecting the mv to follow up on how good this trailer was, especially since it was for the album and not the mv, but damn it's good. it's so good. much better than the more half baked fairytale ideas that ended up in the mv proper.
i scanning film - nine.i // do i know what the hell is going on here? absolutely not. but the vfx are fucking CRAZY and i love how it's the intro song for the album.
you might have noticed that the standout element sections have been on the slim side this year, and that's because i'm actually gonna do a bonus post this year! since i got extremely hamstrung by the tumblr post limit, i wasn't able to showcase some of the music show stages that stuck out to me for whatever reason, so i'm going to make a post that's just dedicated to them. it won't necessarily be just stylings i thought were good, it will include good performances or nice set design or anything else that i didn't cover somewhere else. i know a lot of people don't watch music shows for whatever reason and therefore i think they miss out on a lot, so this is gonna be a fun post to highlight some of the stuff that i think is worth watching.
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binch-i-might-be · 2 years
I'm on the train back to my mother's so TO SUMMARISE
stadium ended up pretty much full
I spent about half of the show in the middle of the pit and then I fled off to the side because the heat and the BODIES were crushing. I literally thought "you have to get out now before you faint"
they actually stopped a few times to make sure everyone was doing alright!
the show was. so good
first of all mx way was wearing a clown costume. honk honk motherfucker
they also held a speech about how they're never going to take it off, eat all their meals in it, and fly home in it because it is so cool. he's right btw
the opening band was good! had great energy
ray was one of the first ones out on the stage and that was pretty much when it hit me I was at an mcr concert. I was like "now WAIT a minute that's the man from the pictures in my phone!!!!"
they played BOTH save yourself and scarecrow!!! which are the two songs I have tattooed!!!!
the opening with foundations was magical. unfortunately no one really knew the lyrics so we just Yelled
closing song was I'm not okay!
I could not stop looking at gerard. they're such an amazing performer. CAPTIVATING
during helena the lads in the moshpit formed a wall of death (I think) and fucking CRASHED on "when both our cars collide" which was admittedly very very sexy and also badass
during scarecrow a lot of people put on their phone flashlights and Vibed™ and after gerard talked about how much he loves when we do this because it looks like the night sky. there was a glass dome thingy in the ceiling and he told everyone to put their lights back on and look up, because with all the reflections above it really did look like the night sky. they also said ray was the one who pointed it out to him and for some reason I thought that was so sweet
immediately after that they played famous last words. I got to scream "I am not afraid to keep on living" along with gerard and thousands of other people and I cried!
anyway that's all for now my feet hurt SO indescribably bad and I'm ready to pass out, so long and goodnight <3
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piracytheorist · 2 years
I cannot imagine why people read the name "the connections" and go oh yes this is a company that would advertise that they create incredibly powerful bioweapons in their day to day life? like imagine once you get deep enough to learn illegal bioweapon dealings and just being able to leave. you want to quit but can't because you know things so they can threaten you and the people you love who're you gonna tell... so why is Mia so hated for part of this? like I 100% can see the Connections watching all the shit going on the tanker as oh no... someone should have done something then started collecting data they sent two people escorting a powerful bioweapon without the treatments needed to keep it stable also Alan the person transporting Eveline with Mia I rarely see him get mentioned he says "its my fault Evie got out" and before Alan dies he is stuggling and to keep him from falling to the ground Mia reaches out and stabilises him shoulder asking Evie to stop and that's when Evie infectes her and Mia gets shoved away by Alan and then he dies... i have a lot of thoughts about the connections and because Evie turned up in shadows of rose I'm choosing to believe that RE9 will bring back the connections in some way (don't worry the clown costume is ready and waiting because of the stupid "winters story is now down" with Rose)
I mean, just because the Winters' story is """over""" doesn't necessarily mean they won't bring the Connections back... it may be hopeful thinking but you never know.
Also yes a lot of people miss the point about Mia not being a high-up in the Connections. They act like she was some kind of criminal mastermind or whatever, when she was 100% expendable for them. After Eveline attacked the ship, ended up in the Bakers' house and started infecting everyone, did the Connections try to rescue Mia? Did they at least consider observing the situation through her? Nope. They sat back on their chairs and got Lucas to give them info on Eveline's development. Granted, Lucas had more control over his mind than Mia did, as we see in Not a Hero, but they still let their own operative get fucking infected and potentially murdered in there, while choosing to observe the situation via a random murder-happy civilian. Doesn't sound like Mia had a lot of pull in that company if that's how easily they practically made her part of their experiment.
And like, as you said, it's not like all people who end up working for criminal organizations reach that point by choice. It's not like they start working and giggle evilly all cartoon-villain-like while waiting for the moment they'll be given license to kill. It's a slippery slope and before they realize it they're actually committing crimes, and by that point it's too late to just say "Yo I quit I wish y'all well" nah dude you either stay or you die. And it's not like criminal organizations advertise the fact that they do crimes. Evil people do not realize they're evil, and it's dangerously easy to forget that.
Also it looks like pretty much immediately after they were rescued, Mia spilled out everything she knew about the Connections to the BSAA (per The Baker Incident Report), which is why she was put under witness protection. Like those people who complain why she wasn't put in jail- you've never heard of an informant, dude? Step up yo game man, this stuff is actually happening in real life it's nothing new. Mia was given a way out of the Connections, and seeing how they had treated her like yet another experiment she went like "fuck 'em bitches" and just spilled everything. Having shared sensitive intel about a criminal organization, and being a witness of bioterrorism, there's no way she could have been placed in a normal jail.
(Plus I'm convinced the BSAA knew Ethan was all moldy boi by that point, kept that a secret and instead they let him and Mia go live together with a semblance of freedom cause they were betting on them having a child at a later point; a child the BSAA would potentially use later on for their own purposes. So you've got a moldy boi who begs to have his wife back and said wife has received an antidote for that moldy infection. Why keep them apart when you could let things be for a while and potentially repeat the Eveline experiment with a significantly less amount of money spent?)
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wrennotrobin · 1 year
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I posted 359 times in 2022
That's 349 more posts than 2021!
86 posts created (24%)
273 posts reblogged (76%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 227 of my posts in 2022
Only 37% of my posts had no tags
#harry styles - 47 posts
#louis tomlinson - 39 posts
#one direction - 29 posts
#fanfic - 18 posts
#lt world tour - 16 posts
#ltwt 2022 - 14 posts
#larry stylinson - 14 posts
#fine line - 14 posts
#louis and harry - 13 posts
#down the line - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 123 characters
#because i have such a specialized night routine that i get ready for bed at the same time so i can take it at the same time
My Top Posts in 2022:
*puts clown nose on*
alright i'm ready to analyze louis' outfit choices and harry's symbolism
*paints on makeup*
oh? harry's walking though a facade with no walls and doors? louis' merch is all walls and doors?
*finds wig* *places it on head*
who- who is that in the back of the theater?
*wiggles into costume*
got it got. louis' wearing a shirt with the word house on it the same day harry's house is announced?
*fiddles with horn*
sooooooo the day louis is confirmed to be in europe the first door opens?
*starts clown car*
get in losers we're going clowning.
BONUS ROUND: if each door represents a song, then the last one will open on april 1st *clown music plays*
24 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
- amren is a thunderbird. or asteri. or something like that.
^^^^if not those, then she and the viper queen are like sisters?
-i think it would kill sarah to not give every single one of her main characters a mate. like wtf. i thought they were supposed to be rare and all.
- ruhn. daemati. >>> lidia. also daemati
- istg if the valg end up in this shit again, or asteri are valg kings, (fire kills them) ms. sjm better bring my girl aelin back to french fry their asses.
- okay ill add more as i continue to freak out over the next week and a half.
109 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
Down the Line by sunflouwerhabit
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Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson | General Audiences | 280k
“I hate all of you.” Louis’ cheeks flush. “You better watch yourself or Wootton is gonna release an article claiming all of our woes are a direct result of a serious Mario Kart addiction. He’s already got an insider ready to tell him Niall prances around the clubhouse pretending to be Yoshi.” Some of the boys chuckle, but Louis’ heart nearly stops when a honk sounds from second base. Everyone turns in that direction and Harry fucking Styles slaps a hand over his own mouth, as if trying to muffle the fact that he’s a motherfucking Siren. Louis stares. He wasn’t… it really wasn’t that funny? He couldn’t possibly be laughing at Louis, right? He…
“Sorry,” Styles gasps. His shoulders shake as those dimples, which have had blogs and articles and entire columns dedicated to them, bloom. “Sorry…"
Louis hates him. Louis hates him. Louis hates him.
OR: Star shortstop Louis Tomlinson only finds solace between the white-chalk lines of a baseball diamond, until Harry Styles- the absolute bane of his existence and (probably) the worst pitcher in Major League Baseball- becomes an overnight sensation in the city Louis calls home.
MLB + enemies to lovers + karaoke + MARVEL + OT5
133 notes - Posted March 18, 2022
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See the full post
282 notes - Posted March 30, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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these pictures are married.
309 notes - Posted May 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fleogecorpse · 2 years
Heyyo!! Could I request like- A romantic scenario with Kaminari? So, to give you some context (fellow writer trying to help another out lol), I’m somewhat introverted, but I’m really social and outgoing with the people I’m close with. So I’m kinda like a mix of Jirou, Midoriya, and whoever else. Like, I was thinking that a spontaneous date pops up, and it’s just us fooling around and we’ll, being two idiot teens in love. Plus my love languages are quality time, physical touch, and I’m an INFJ if that helps you out in any way. But thank you if you take my request, I really like your work so far, and I can’t wait to see you grow!! Have a good day/night, dude <3
Sweets and Costumes
Denki Kaminari x GN! Reader
a/n: I LOVED THIS SO MUCH IT'S SO CUTE SJDIEHSJF- and thank you! i hope you have a good day/night as well and are taking care of yourself <333 i also decided to just do a short one-shot cause i love this boy and your idea
warnings:SLIGHT angst, cursing, fluff, sad denki at the start
The sound of the door opening caused you to turn your head to it, and see their boyfriend Denki Kaminari with tears prickling his eyes and his mouth forming a small pout.
you knew you didn't need to ask if he's alright and got off the bed to pull him into your chest.
The boy weakly clears his throat before beginning to rant, "People were.. mocking me for my stupid quirk defects again, I told the others to take them down but- but they didn't even listen! They treat me like a stupid clown- or pig. I hate it Y/n I fucking hate it!" all you could do was rub his back, stuffing his face deeper into your chest to hide the furious expression you were holding about their classmates.
Of-fucking-course they would mock him and treat him like a stupid pig just because of his silly quirk defect, what makes you pissed is that they only target HIM for it and not the others like Midoriya or Uraraka. It made you feel disgust and anger towards them, you wanted to smash their heads in but needed to comfort your boyfriend first.
An idea popped into your head and you tapped your lover on the shoulder, making him look up from them, dried tears covering his face and a red nose. "Denki.. There's this new costume shop in town and maybe you'd wanna try it, it's not that big or loud, just normal so we can get some quality together, would you like to go?"
He let's out a few sniffles and nods, a small smile making its way to his face.
"I'm gonna go take a shower first, I look and feel like a mess" He tells you and walks out your dorm to go to his.
You made your way to your closet and chose an outfit to wear, nothing fancy, just something comfortable and casual.
"Oi Denki! You ready?" He opened his door and smiled at you, feeling a bit better after what happened.
Linking your arm with his, you dragged him out the dorm building, him laughing along the way.
The walk wasn't too long, but it was long enough for you to talk about your interests and everything else.
Eventually you made it to the costume shop and went inside, holding hands and begin looking for random things that peak your interest.
"Psst~ Y/n" Denki calls your name and you look to find him wearing a clown mask with cat ears own, of course, you laugh at him, shaking your head and continue looking for stuff.
You find a goldfish head mask and put it on, turning to your boyfriend and plant a kiss on his masked lips.
Both of you were now giggling idiots and a store owner near by chuckled softly at you before going back to their office.
You guys then decided to hold hands and took a picture, planning to post it on instagram cause why not.
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Sorry if this isn't what you wanted but i hope you still enjoyed it! had fun writing it.
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rommahh · 3 years
Congratulations on 500 🥰
4. From the 'Random' list
thank you! and thank you for sending in a prompt!
{thinking HSLOT!harry before tour.}
“If I die, I’m haunting you first.”
Halloween wasn't your favorite holiday. You were sensitive to say the least. It was the gore, blood, scary masks, etc. that scared you during halloween. The only thing you liked about halloween was seeing kids in adorable costumes and the candy that went on sale after the holiday.
Harry on the other hand loved halloween. He had a costume ready to go months prior to the occasion. He loved scary movies and haunted houses much to your dismay.
Tonight was a celebrity haunted house that was raising money for childhood cancer awareness. Normally you wouldn't partake in any haunted houses but you loved charity events. You also couldn't pass up the opportunity to put Harry in a matching couples costume.
The event was massive. There was a large red carpet where different celebs were taking pictures without their masks. The event did a good job at making sure covid was taken into account.
Your stomach started to bubble as the line to the haunted house started to move forward. There was only three groups in front of you and harry. You and Harry were going in as a duo instead of a large group, which sucked for you because you had no one to cover each one of your sides from the monsters in the haunted house.
Harry could feel the sweet build up on your hands from where you were clutching his hand tightly.
"Baby its going to be fine, just imagine the kids." He tried to calm you down with your words and it sort of helped. For each person that donated and went through the haunted house would have their donation matched. You and harry both donated a lump sum of money and knew that if it were matched, it would be great.
You two were now at the front of the line and you felt as if your heart was in your ass. You could see the dark, red lights that peaked below the curtain that separated you from the haunted house. There was an echo of screams that followed resonated through the house trailing down to where you two stood.
All of a sudden the curtains whipped open, permitting entrance to the couple. Harry moved to enter but you were grounded to your spot in fear.
"Cmon, you're gonna hold my hand the whole time." Harry reaches his hand out to you and you latch on. The haunted house was started with long winding hallways of different scare actors jumping out. Of course you were beyond scared, you felt as if you could pee your pants at any moment.
It was dark and there were red lights shining above to add to the scary effect. Scarers were jumping out at you every few seconds, it seemed like they were only jumping out at you. Harry was very nonchalant about the whole thing, never breaking a sweat.
When the winding hallway came to an end you both were walked into a large room with dividers separating the room in two. You felt a hand on your opposite arm pulling you away from harry. You start hysterically screaming, all while Harry laughs. You knew you weren't going to die but in that moment you weren't too sure.
"Harry! Harry If I die, I'm haunting you first!"" You yell once you both were separated. On your side of the divider was a creepy clown holding fake torture devices. You start to scream again. You can hear Harry laughing on the other side making you scream more. The clown slowly starts to saunter towards you, but you're quicker than the clown. You rush over to one of the other walls looking for an exit. The clown was hot on your tail following you from each corner of the room. It was too dark to find the exit so you felt stuck.
As the flight started to dissipate from you, your last instinct was fight. You grab the nearest prop closest to you and hold it out in front of you.
"Don't come closer bitch." You yell. The clown lets out a deep guttural laugh stomping closer to you. You start swinging the prop with ferocity, eyes tightly shut, hitting anything you could hit. Obviously you got a few good licks in because by the time you reopened your eyes the clown was on the floor with his mask off, the lights were turned all the way on, and Harry was behind you holding you back.
"Shh, its ok, calm down, its ok." Harry whispers into your hair. Someone pries the prop out of your trembling hands.
Lets just say that before you and Harry left that evening, your prior donation went up double just for your troubles. You even sent a personal gift basket to the clown actor.
Join my 500 follower celebration!
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babybatscreationsv2 · 2 years
Okay. Im back with more No Way Home thoughts so BIG SPOILERS!!
It's such a love letter to Spiderman. Just every second of it is just being in love with Spiderman.
So so glad everyone was right about Matt Murdock that was everything. And it made it feel so much more authenticity Marvel than any other film I can think of. One of the staples of Marvel comics has always been characters randomly bumping into each other or dropping in to be like "hey, you got this bud? Okay, see you at game night!" Without actually offering any real help. I need more of it. More random heroes please.
They really had Norman say "I'm something of a scientist myself" and I was the only clown in the theater to laugh.
Peter was not afraid to acknowledge Oc's tentacles and yes I did notice how his eyes lingered...
I love how you could tell immediately that it wasnt Tom standing in that portal, but I didn't want to hope, i wasn't ready yet for the heart break, and then he came through and he was so tall and I just knew. I have never felt such joy.
The way Stephen teared up as Peter asked him to make everyone forget him, holy shit. I feel like we all willed Stephen into loving Peter the way Tony did and someone actually listened for once.
Also, why did no one say the words I love you? Like only MJ said it and thats weird to me. Is my family the weird ones? It was bugging me.
Also, they really put so much emphasis on calling her MJ. I dont think anyone called her Michelle even once. Maybe they were just afraid to call her MJ before because of the backlash idk
Watching Tom Holland cry will never not make me cry, he makes everything look like agony and my heart cant take it.
Also, can we talk about Green Goblin? When I was a kid I didn't know about misogyny as a concept so it went right over my head, but that's his whole thing. Goblin hates women. He hates femininity. Anything perceptivly feminine, like compassion and kindness, sets him off. I think we all knew Goblin wasn't going to let Peter cure Norman, but I really didnt put together what his whole shtick was until then. Norman is soft and loving. He's a man who isn't afraid to ask for help, who loves his son deeply. And Goblin is the opposite. And that's why Goblin is the most terrifying Spiderman villain.
Tobeys Spiderman felt a little more Spiderman than ever before, like was it just me or was he different? Not sure but I liked it.
I live for younger characters being the utmost respectful to little only ladies. The whole scene with Ned's Lola gives me life. It is my reason to live.
MJ: Crawl
Andrew: 🤨
Ned's Lola: Crawl
Andrew: Yes, ma'am I will do it for you, no need to ask twice, I got it Lola
The trope of killing a superheroes loved one so that they go all dark and have to face their inner demons is one we can do without. Comicbook spiderman once went on a darkside rampage because a villain killed like 30 people. It didn't have to be May. Goblin could have blown up his highschool or killed three random people and it would have been in character for Peter to go ballistic.
Big appreciation for sane Doc Oc. The man is a genius and he loved Peter so much and I'm glad he was there to save the day.
Also, Elektro's costume. Chef's kiss.
But I feel like Sandman had no real motive to do bad guy stuff. He was all, my daughter my daughter, and then suddenly he doesn't care. Sure.
Criticism aside, 10/10 film. I am obsessed. I will probably see it again before it leaves theaters.
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catsukichan · 3 years
Story of Trickster Travis
Once upon a time, this story takes place in 1863, at the amusement park in Edinburgh, Scotland on early Halloween. Hillary, an average 8 year old girl, have prepared for the holiday. There was her father Simon handing out an angel costume while his daughter was decorating her room with pumpkins, skeletons, and gravestone designs of Halloween decorations. He walked upstairs to her room and hung her costume on the doorknob. "Sweetie, wasn't it past your bedtime?", he questioned Hillary. And then, Hillary responded, "Sorry I forgot the time". And she dressed herself in her pajamas and tucked herself to bed. " Goodnight dad", she says. "Goodnight my darling", Simon says. And he turned on her nightlight and switched the lights.
Later that night, Hillary woke up with a noise. "Meow" is what she heard echoing from the 6 feet distance. She realized that she didn't have any friends to go trick or treating with because they live separately. So, she wished upon a star for a close friend that she could go trick or treating with. Then, she went back to sleep. The next morning, her wish came true! She woke up and saw the wonderfully colored box on the floor in front of her feet. She picked it up to take a look at it. She took out the note that says "Happy Halloween, Hillary! Have a great time with Trickster Travis!". Hillary was confused. But she saw a crank on the right side of the box. Then, she cranked the box playing the industrial music but in a cheerful tone. She has never heard of it before. She was humming along with the music until it stops and she placed it on the floor where the fancy rug was. She backed up her steps. The box was slowly shaking and then opened with pastel colored heart shaped confetti and a figure jumped out as Trickster Travis. Dressed in pastel clothing and makeup, with pastel pink hair, pale white skin, and candy pink eyes. His cat ears wrapped up with a pastel yellow ribbon and a fluffy light pink tail. Hillary stared with delight as Travis giggled with his soft pink eyes closed and then opened and then sees her. "Nice to meet you dear! My name is Trickster Travis! The greatest trickster of them all!" Hillary stood up and led her hand on her back. "Why hello there, Travis!", Hillary says, "The name's Hillary! It's nice to meet you!"
Smiling, Hillary's mother Chloe called her out, "Hillary, are you almost ready?" "Yes mom", Hillary responded. And then she told Travis that she'll get ready to put on her angel costume. So, she put on her angel after taking her casual clothes off. Then, she asked, "Hey Travis, while we're at it, would you like to come with me to go Trick-or-Treating?". Travis smiled but he was too shy to answer, but responded, "I would love to!" Hillary accepted his answer and says, "I'll take that as a yes!". Then, she took the clown nose, a jester collar, and a jester hat out of the chest full of accessories. " Here you go! You can be a clown for Halloween!", Hillary says handing the accessories to Travis. Travis put on these accessories. "You look great! Ready to go?", Hillary says winking. " Uhh.... Yeah!", Travis says shyly and giggling. Hillary called out her mother, "Mom, I'm ready!". And she faced Travis with a smile, "Let's go!". Travis and Hillary walked downstairs to the living room. Travis handed Hillary her candy basket holding another for himself. Everyone went outside and went around people's houses trick or treating for 13 hours. Simon sensed Hillary's weird imagination.
As 13 hours passed, everyone went home. Hillary went upstairs to her room. She placed her candy basket on her desk. Then, she looked around the room and Travis went missing. " Peek a boo!" Hillary turned around to see Travis smiling and giggling. "What the heck?!", Hillary pounced. Travis started laughing. " Sorry sweetheart!", Travis says as his laughter cut off, "I was hiding from your parents so they won't distract us." And they both shared their candy and played chess.
As 9 years have passed, Hillary was now a 17 year old teenager, however, Travis did not age at all. He was still at a preteen's body (He looked like a preteen). "I'll be right back", Hillary says. She walked downstairs to tell her parents about her imaginary friend but Simon shushed her. "Hillary, you're ought to keep that nonsense to yourself. There is no such thing as-" "But I-", Hillary bragged. "NOBODY FUCKING CARES, HILLARY!!", Simon scolds. "I'VE BEEN FUCKING FED UP WITH YOUR BULLSHIT!!" Chloe gasped. Hillary didn't react until 5 seconds flat, but Simon did. He felt very guilty seeing Hillary's eyes growing sad and weary. "Simon, that's a little-" "This doesn't evolve you, Chloe.", Simon whispered tearing up, and sheds a tear. Hillary ran upstairs to her bedroom and cried. Travis could see what was happening right now. He didn't overreact, but he felt pity for Hillary. And Hillary's parents left for work after a few minutes. A month later, Chloe has set up a doctor's appointment for Hillary because she thought Hillary was going crazy. So have Simon, even though he didn't want to, but Chloe does because she's concerned. As days are turning weeks and into months, Travis's colored clothing and makeup faded to black, his hair faded to bright crimson red, and his eyes of pink fading to red. He's a demon clown (trickster). He's losing his mind right now. He's going insane. A month passed by.
Hillary walked out of her bedroom hallway confused. Her parents walked to the kitchen. Then she heard a window smash sound effect. "Shit! At least my parents are...Wait, where's Travis?" Travis stood up and Hillary turned around. "Travis? Is that you?" Hillary says confused. "Have you seen my parents?" Travis chuckled at heart when he sees Hillary. "My darling, they're already behind us.", He responded. " But there's no way you can bring back the-" "Who the fuck are you?!", Simon hissed. Travis turned his head around and glared at him (Simon). " I believe you should move out of the way", Simon says. "I believe you should fuck off!", Travis says rude back to him. Simon rushed to the kitchen to grab a kitchen knife. And Simon sped to Travis to stab him, but he accidentally stabbed Hillary (in the back) instead. Terrified, Simon slowly and gently slashed the knife out of Hillary's wound. Travis watched it all with rage and walked up to Simon. "You... Fucking bitch!!", Travis hissed at Simon shedding tears. "Killed your forsaken daughter in front of me?!" Simon stared at him downheaded, shaking his fists crying. Hillary took a last breath before dying. Travis and Simon backed up because of blood spreading. "You're such a fucking liar, Simon. I hope you regret it. ASSHOLE!!", Travis shouted. Simon backed up to the wall targeting the blade at Travis before Travis pulled out his butcher knife before wiping his tears with his sleeve. "Now, you better tell me, Simon", Travis phrased, "Whenever you're thinking about-" "Well I'm not letting you go anywhere near anyone in this-"
"Oh you wouldn't tell your wife shit!"
Travis went closer to Simon and aggressively stabbed him 7 times in a chest and broke his ribcage. Simon's mouth bled and he immediately fell to the floor. Travis's red eyes glowed and sparkled with malice as a smile spead across his face while he's giggling. Chloe rushed to the living room and hand out a gun out of her pocket as she sees Travis plucking Simon's eyes. "Don't even think about touching my husband you bastard!", Chloe hissed pointing a gun at Travis. Travis's giggles cut off. "But he's already dead, you foolish nuisance bitch!" Chloe didn't respond, but she was horrified. Then, Travis rushed to Chloe and violently stabbed her 4 times in a ribcage that caused her to cough up blood and he started laughing maniacally until it cracked. It was the music playing "Pop Goes The Weasel" that was distracting Travis. "Where is that music coming from?", he says confused. Nonetheless, he followed the music that was playing, leading to Hillary's bedroom before it stops playing. He saw the monochrome box on the ground in front of Hillary's closet. He looked down at his knife licking the blood until he heard the maniacal laughter. He looked up to the left and sees a monochrome female clown, Laughing Jill. " Hello, Travis", she says to Travis and giggled. "Well hello there dear Jill", Travis says to Jill.
- The End~
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luna-minerva · 4 years
A theory for the s7 finale
Ok so I've been thinking about this for the past two days and I need to get it out of my system before the ruckus of tonight - also because if Amy is not pregnant by the end of tonight's ep I will have to quickly fetch my clown wig and make-up.
Some days ago I read this theory for the season 7 finale by @peraltasames and let me tell you guys, I think that's likely.
My theory builds on this and rests of course on the assumption that 1. Amy becomes pregnant soon (in Trying or episode 7x07) and 2. she will be giving birth by the end of this season. [That's why I'm getting my clown costume ready]
Ok so picture this: it's the final episode, they are all at the precinct. Amy is also there because the baby is a little bit early and she is still on desk duty - or maybe she is right at the end but she was having massive FOMOW at home. Either way, Amy goes into labour.
They want to go to the hospital asap because Camila Santiago had quick labours and Amy thinks it might be the same for her, so Jake and Amy (and Rosa! She's there to help out her Sleuth Sister!) get into the elevator to leave.
Now you can all guess what happens: they're inside the elevator when the black-out happens and they're trapped there. Amy ends up delivering the baby there (I'm 99% positive that the fact Rosa went to med school for 3 years was put out there by the writers to use it in a scenario related to a Peraltiago pregnancy). Jake is there of course because I can't bring myself to imagine a scenario where the writers are so cruel not to have him there for the birth of his child - if I really had to force it, the most "dramatic" scenario I can imagine is him not being in the elevator with Amy and Rosa when the black-out happens, but he ends up joining them before the actual birth by die-harding inside the elevator in some way (the whole squad is of course doing their best to get them out of there as soon as possible).
In any case, the image that has settled into my mind is this one: the squad is in turmoil waiting for the black-out to be resolved, when the lights come back and the doors of the elevator open to Jake and Amy cuddling with their newborn baby. This idea has originated by looking at gifs of the numerous Peraltiago moments where the elevator is the setting.
Here's a gallery (each gif is credited):
The OG Jimmy Jabs from season 2 (gif by @amez-santiago)
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The most recent Jimmy Jabs (gif by @jonahsimms)
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The Mischief Managed scene in Pimemento (gif by @tryingforalways)
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The end shot of Casecation (gif by @captainpoe)
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And it's a bit of a stretch but they first meet in front of the elevator (gif by @captainsamericaa)
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Finally (Jay Halstead)
Summary: You find out you're pregnant and decided to do a fall themed pregnancy announcement to Jay.
Words: 1047
Requested: no and yes
Warning or A/N: I was gonna do this a bit different but it ended up like this. I hope yall like it
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It was the second week of October and you were bored. You feel like going to a  party or getting drunk so you just decided to sit at home and watch horror movies with Jay but you started wanting to do something. You paused the movie and look over at Jay who looked at you with annoyance. "Why did you paused the movie?"
    "I'm bored,"
   "I'm not,"
   He tried to reach for the remote but you yanked it away from him and looked at him. "No. I wanna go do something!"
   He groaned. "We dont agreed that we didn't want to go to any parties,"
    "I know that but weve been watching movies all day and I want to go do something,"
    Jay sighed and sits up on the couch. "Theres a haunted house down the street, do you wanna go to it?"
    You jumped over at Jay and kissed him all over his face. "Yes,"
    He gently pushed you off him and laughed. "Okay. Go get dressed,"
    You two had decided just to walk to the haunted house as it was only a block away. You were holding Jay's hand with one of your hand and the other was wrapped around his arm. Jay's hands were in his jean pockets. You walked past a costume shop and saw that there were families picking out their costumes for Halloween. You smiled at how happy the kids were cause they get to be what their favorite things. You looked up at Jay. "I cant wait to experience my future kids to be this excited over getting costumes,"
     Jay smiled and kissed the side of your head. "Maybe someday,"
    You and Jay have been dating for a few years now and you have talked about if you guys accidentally get pregnant, you'll still be happy because you guys wanted kids but arent actively trying to conceive. Jay pushed you gently to get you to start to walk again.
    Jay yelled as a scary clown jumped out at him. You laughed as the clown tried to scare you but you didnt flinch. "How are you not scared?"
    You shrugged. "I dont know, I guess I prepared myself too well,"
    Jay looked at you like he was upset. "Lucky you,"
     You rolled your eyes and pushed Jay to the next room which was the exit. "Thank God,"
     Jay went to the door to open it and a guy with a horror mask jumped out in front of him and Jay without thinking punched him. "Shit man, I'm so sorry,"
     The guy shook his head and chuckled. "Not the first time it's happened but your punch was definitely the strongest,"
     Jay helped him up off the ground. "I honestly I didn't mean to do that,"
     "Dont worry about it,"
    -A week later-
   You flushed the toilet after you had gotten sick for the fourth time this week. You knew exactly what that meant and you had scheduled an appointment for yesterday and now you were sitting on the floor looking at the ultrasound. You are pregnant. You heard your front door opened, and footsteps walking. "Y/N?"
    You got to your feet and quickly put the ultrasound in your back pocket. You closed the door to the bathroom and walked out of your room to a see a smiling Jay. "Good day at work?"
He walked up to you and gave you a quick peck. "It was so-so, just happy to see you,"
You smiled sheepishly at him, he gives you a worried look as he held your face in both hands. "Are you alright? You look peckish,"
You pulled your head out of his hands and nodded. "Yeah, just a bit tried,"
He looked at you with the same look for a few minutes more, then gives up. "Alright, just tell me if you start to feel worse,"
You smiled and walked past him to the kitchen, you opened the fridge and looked at the contents as it was dinner time but you sighed as the sight of food made you feel nauseous again. "I'll cook, just go lay down,"
Jay gently removed you from in front of the fridge and pushed you towards the living room, you laughed slightly but did as you were told.
Half an hour later, Jay comes into the living room and you saw that he had a plate of your favorite food but the sight of it made you run to the bathroom and throw up. Jay quickly followed you to the bathroom. "Are you gonna lie to me again by saying you arent sick?"
You shook your head, you werent ready to tell him the real reason you're throwing up. You flushed the toilet and stood up and just went to bed.
You walked into the pumpkin patch with Hailey and Natalie, laughing at something Hailey said Jay did at work. "That sounds like him for sure,"
Hailey nodded. "Yeah, I just cant believe your excepting,"
You shrugged. "Tends to happen when you've been together with someone,"
"Too much information,"
You chuckled and walked over to the pumpkins were and started to decided which one you wanted.
It took you and the girls a few minutes to choose the three pumpkins you wanted.
You were in the living room, anxiously awaiting Jay to come home after work and while your pumpkins were in the kitchen knowing thats where he'll go first. You looked down at the same and it was seven fifteen when you heard the door open and close. You heard footsteps go into the kitchen and a few minutes later, you heard Jay call out for you. You slowly walked into the kitchen and saw Jay looking at the pumpkins confused. You had gotten three pumpkins. One large one, one medium size one, and a small one. You cut a hole in the medium sized one and put the small one in that with eith a sign that said "34 weeks til our pumpkin comes," with your ultrasound picture in his hand.
He looked up at you and gave you a look. "Are you serious?"
You nodded. "Yes, I'm pregnant,"
You just stood there not moving, scared of his reaction, he put the ultrasound picture back on the ground and walked up to you and kissed you. "Finally,"
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