#because gray showed me this and it's UGLY IT'S SO UGLY EW
lovemesomesurveys · 10 months
Gathered from various sources on the internet autumn_stroll
1. What's your best tip on being a better listener? Do you consider yourself to be a good listener? It's about really listening and hearing what they're saying and engaging with them to show you're listening. To really listen and hear a person, you can't just be waiting for them to be finished or planning how you're going to respond. You need to give the person your full attention.
2. What's something you do less and less as you've gotten older? I've changed so much in the past almost 10 years due to health and life stuff. I'm not the same person I used to be, and not in a good way. I miss a lot of things about my old self and my old life. I feel like there's a ton of things I do less and less as I've gotten older. Like, a lot less effort into my appearance. My hair looks horrible and I want to dye it so badly because for some reason ever since I turned 30 grays just started popping up all over. Life really beat me down, I guess. I just don't enjoy a lot of the things I used to as much and even the things I do still enjoy I just don't have the motivation or energy to do it. During that same span of time I mentioned I also became more withdrawn and closed off; pushing everyone away. Needless to say, I've definitely become less social.
3. Do you believe in your intuition or logic more, and why? You know, I don't know. I always say I'm almost too logical to a fault because I'm able to see things from various angles and I feel it makes me more understanding and empathetic. I can figure out why someone did what they did and then I become understanding and more likely to forgive. That becomes a problem when people take advantage of your kindness and just want to use you. However, intuition plays a huge role as well. If I get a bad feeling about something I'm going to pay attention to it and act accordingly. If I get a bad vibe, I'm going to pay attention to that. It just really depends, I guess. There are things where I'm trusting my intuition over anything else and not being told otherwise. If I don't feel comfortable with something or have a really bad feeling, even if it's not entirely logical, I'm going with my intuition.
4. When was the last time you acted irrationally? What happened? Oh jeez, who knows honestly. One thing about me is that I'm suuuuper stubborn.
5. Are you scared of being lonely? I know loneliness and it's awful, but what I'm really afraid of is being alone.
6. Do you often feel jealous? If so, why? I think survey makers likely mean envy instead of jealous most often. Anyway, I hate to say I feel envy quite a bit and it's an ugly trait of mine in my opinion. At least for me because I get so bitter and ew. I'm happy for others, but I also will feel depressed about myself or sad because I want to do what they're doing or have what they have. Because of that I admittedly like I said get bitter and make sarcastic, snippy comments cause I'm being a hater. Like someone I know just went to Hawaii, somewhere I've always wanted to go, and I was thinking, "oh, how nice for them" or "lucky them, must be nice." lmaoooo ew I'm gross. I really am happy for others, it's just me being miserable and bitter and ugly.
7. How do you react to criticism? Uhhhh, depends. Unwarranted is especially not appreciated.
8. What has made you laugh out loud in the last week? Bridesmaids will always have me dying even if I've seen it a gajillion times.
9. What gift have you gotten in the last year that brings joy to your life? For my birthday I got a new MacBook Air and a new iPhone.
10. What is something you've learned in the past week? I know there's something cause I come across something whenever I'm catching up on trending news or even something on social media, TikTok, or YouTube. Something I've seen on TV or something someone told me as well. We're being bombarded with shit all the time. And we're absorbing it whether we realize it or not. You know, like those annoying TV jingles you catch yourself singing all the words to haha.
11. What are some things you have now that you didn't have five years ago? A lot has changed health wise, so I have some additions there. The little girl in me popped out when the new Barbie movie came around, which happened to be around my birthday, and I may have gone crazy with the Barbie merch lol. Marijuana tablets.
12. What is a quality you have that you consider negative? Now what is something positive that comes out of that quality? It's like I said earlier, I'm very logical and understand, but sometimes it can actually bite me in the ass. I'm very forgiving, which can become a problem if people take advantage of you and feel they can do whatever cause they know I'm not going to do anything. However, being understanding is a good thing, too. I think it makes me easier to talk to and feel comfortable around.
13. What is a small win that you accomplished in the past 24 hours? Yesterday I finally got the blood work done I'd been kinda putting off for awhile. That's that stubbornness I was talking about. Or just pure negligence and stupidity.
14. Describe a small, everyday thing that you enjoy with a special person in your life. I love watching our favorite shows together with my mom and bro. I really look forward to it. It's fun really getting into the show together and sharing our thoughts and predictions.
15. Look around the room you're in and list 10 things you're grateful for. My bed, my MacBook, my phone, my clothes, all the things I've collected of various things from my favorite fandoms, books, this portable AC unit that saved me this summer for real, my wigs, my medicine, and all my giraffe stuffed animals and knickknacks.
16. What is an emotion you try to avoid? Why are you afraid to feel it? I don't want to feel upset, depressed, anxious, etc but unfortunately they like to be felt and heard.
17. Are the people in your life bringing negative or positive energy? Some positive, some negative
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ahungeringknife · 9 months
365: March 23
This is like… an anti shipping fic that also makes me laugh so fucking hard thinking about
Cat looked over from where they were playing a game of war with Bear and Lizard when the clubhouse door opened and Wolf positively slumped in. She leaned against the door looking absolutely defeated which Cat hadn't seen on her in a long time.
"What's up baby girl?" Cat called. The game was forgotten because if their clan leader was depressed it had to be something.
"I can't like the guy I like," Wolf groaned.
"You like guys again?" Lizard asked sarcastically. Wolf just whined wordlessly.
"What happened?"
"Come away from the door and tell us what happened," Bear said. Cat were surprised when Wolf slouched off the door and climbed into Bear's lap. "Oh. Must be serious," Bear said, adjusting himself so Wolf could lean against him.
"It's so stupid," Wolf complained.
"Why can't you like this boy?" Cat asked.
"Also what boy? I haven't heard you talking about any guys?" Lizard said.
"Is Wolf talking about boys?" Fox called from where she was across the room reading.
"Maybe," Cat called back.
"What's the matter with this boy, Wolfy?" Bear asked her, rubbing her back.
"He's actually a boy," Wolf bemoaned.
"Also who is it?" Lizard pressed.
Wolf grimaced. "You're all going to be so mad about it," she sighed.
"Why would we be mad?" Cat asked.
"Because it's Shin Malphur," Ghost said when Wolf couldn't bring herself to say it.
Cat got a wild mad grin on their face. "Wow! You are so right. I am mad," they said.
"Ew," Lizard said.
"Wolfy there are way better guys out there," Bear said.
"I knowww. I know!" Wolf cried. "But I am not going to date him. I can't."
"I don't follow?" Bear asked. Cat had an idea but they weren't about to ruin Wolf's confession.
"So I saw his face for the first time today," Wolf said.
"He ugly?" Lizard asked. "Bet he's ugly."
"Worse," Wolf moaned.
"Don't tell me that string bean is hot. I refuse to believe anyone born in the Dark Ages was hot," Bear said.
"He might be eventually," Ghost said.
"He's like fourteen," she groaned.
"What?" Lizard asked and from the couch Fox also yelled that. She'd been listening.
"He took off his helmet and he's a fucking teenager under there. I knew some Guardians were young but??" She slumped against Bear. "I can't like a fourteen year old looking guy that's fucking weird," she complained.
The table was quiet for a moment. "Wait Shin's actually a kid under his helmet?" Cat asked. They knew he was juvenile and a bratty shit they'd kicked the shit out once or twice when he'd erroneously crossed into their turf with his shitty friends but actually a child???
"Yeah," Ghost said gravely. "He uses some voice changing module on his helmet to sound older. Probably knows no one would take him seriously otherwise."
"I thought he was just weird but nope. Doesn't know how to talk to women or what to do with one because he's a little teenager," Wolf sighed dramatically and slid halfway off Bear's lap until he caught her.
"I'd say that's rough but at least you'll be forced to get better taste in men," Cat said.
"But I liked him," Wolf whined. "I still kinda do but that's not going to happen now uggggh."
"There are other men out there, Wolf," Lizard said.
"I know. I'm just mad the one I was flirting with is a fucking child," and she made an appropriate gagging noise to show her dislike.
"I'm surprised he never grew himself up," Cat said thoughtfully. Wolf looked at them. "What? You think I started out all gray? Also I know Ghost changed how you looked." When Cat had met Wolf she'd had move curves and a bigger chest but other the years Ghost had smoothed those out because Wolf didn't like being viewed as a sexual object by people she didn't know.
"It is Malphur. From everything I know about the... heh, kid, he's a self important idiot," Bear said. "Also he's not Risen. He might be stupid enough to not think like that."
"Even still. He's fourteen," Lizard said.
"I could never, knowing he's fourteen. He should have just kept his stupid helmet on," Wolf complained.
"Feel better having cried about it?" Cat asked.
"Yeah," she whined and Bear hugged her.
"You'll find a real man for yourself, baby girl, don't worry about it," Cat assured her. "You want to play war with us?"
"No," she whined but just stayed on Bear's lap. "I just want hugs and will watch."
Bear chuckled. "Lucky for you I am excellent at that," Bear said and hugged her some more. Cat was glad Wolf was just a bit pouty and went back to the game with Bear and Lizard.
I think it's semi confirmed Shin is actually like... a child Guardian. Idk if Bungie walked that back but GOD it's so funny to think about because that explains SO MUCH about his behavior. Dude's perpetually stuck at the start of puberty. I'd be a little shit who starts cults too if I was 14 for 300+ years XD
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footsiepop · 2 years
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hoefette · 3 years
All the petty things I hate about fate!winx and their shitty universe/world building because
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I'd added most if these in tags of other posts but I'm still so mad lmao
The way characters, Aisha and Mrs Dowling specifically make references to explicitly human or American things like instagram and Harry Potter
These people are from a different dimension for ffs why are they concerned with or are even aware of this very earth-specific shit? Do they teach earth classes at school over there?
I understand not wanting to have them be oblivious so Bloom wouldn't have to explain it to them, but it simply could be ✨omitted✨
Why would you go out of your way to date your work like this lmao ew
Ms. Dowling calling Tinkerbell an air fairy.. I cannot breeve with the stupidity why did they keep that in there
Why is Ms. Dowling.. the headmistress.. teaching classes? Where are the other teachers?
We ended up with a trio of antagonists (I guess you could call them that?) by the end of the season anyway so why not give us the trix, why have the characters play double roles as friends of our protagonists and also the villains/bullies? They clearly wanted a delinquent trio, in which case they could've gender bent the trix if they wanted to keep all the unnecessary sexual tension.
It just feels like the production team was lazy, they didn't want to hire more actors, they didn't want to bother with making the world immersive or lived in or believable at best, they just didn't give enough of a fuck
They wanted to make this show and attatch Winx to it for.. what? Like did you even google the main plot points? The abridged version or sparknotes to get details on the very literal, basic characteristics of our main characters or their roles or the world they inhabit????
It lacks wonder and intrigue.. I mean Bloom moves to another dimension, a school for fairies and we don't see her marvel once at anything.. and that's because she might as well have been in Switzerland because she's in exactly the same environment she would've been in over there anyway.
They could've said Alfea was in Europe and I'd believe it because nothing about the setting makes it feel otherworldly. I'm sorry but I'm not impressed.
Why do the teachers and graduated specialists communicate via facetime ?? In the magic dimension. ??? Why do they text each other and those texts then appear on screen like .. oh look, like a bad netflix teen movie ????? HELLO ??? it's the way technology and magic could've blended in so seamless into the world THE WAY IT WAS ALREADY DONE/SHOWN. Missed opportunity. it just takes you out of it imo every time you see the ugly, bland, gray text bar. Some fucking flavour pls I'm begging
How stupid the specialist must feel clonking around with the skinniest shreds of armor, plastic swords on their backs and battery powered flashlights and cellphones in their bags. R we larping?? I know I'd be laughing and asking why we hadn't already come up with something more effective .. idk like guns. I'm surprised I ain't see one gun in there.
In the beginning Ms. Dowling says some nonsense about fairies having lost the ability to transform to explain why there are no wings, which means they could've transformed before. So are we to assume that this supposed to be set in the time proceeding the original then?? Because something is not adding up with where they should be as a magical society technologically if that's the case
How does the production team want to keep the dark academia vibes with torches lining the walls and also want them to be face timing each other, presumably from miles and miles away in the dark forest???
Pls pick an aesthetic and stick to it everything was so unnecessarily dark. Where do they charge their phones since it's the only device we see that is the slightest bit modern and dont fucking tell me they charge it with magic I will punch you in the face
Why is there only one major monarchy that we are shown? Why are Solaria the only ones contributing to the efforts to defend the school and where is this mysterious battalion we never see lmaoo it's all so bad its laughable.
Is this set in the kingdom of Solaria? And why does the queen of an alleged interdimensional superpower monarchy pull up in black SUVs??????????? Why does she pull up with Andreas?? Is he not the king of Erakleon?? Where are his soldiers and his battalion and just?? Huh!? The world just feels empty like nobody lives here fr
Are we supposed to believe that the specialists get paired up with fairies just as a normal occurence and that they have to 'trust each other' and not because the plot demands it suddenly half way through when all we've seen so far are the fairies doing normalish school and homework, and the specialists outside, being physical everyday all day. This was never even implied that they'd have to work together apart from when we see the faculty as youngins with Rosalind. But even then.. it's like well why are they even together lmao? Is this a special team formed from Rosalind’s protégées? Were they formed after graduating from Alfea or what is this?? Are they the ONLY team of specialist/fairies hunting every single burned one?? What?
Are we now supposed to buy that Musa is being switched to 'support' because that's where her strengths lie and not in combat?? Are we supposed to believe that these girls know hand to hand combat?? When was this established? We see Terra wrapping some baby vines around a dude and I'm sorry is that the practical application of her power? Is this what the fairies are supposed to do once they graduate? Or is it just a switch in curriculum because of the threats outside the barrier?? This is never made clear.
Because if not then what's the point of this?? Why do they suddenly have endless classes together when the expectation was never set for the fairies to be like soldiers or out in the field fighting ?
Where exactly are they supposed to be what was the purpose of including Aster Dell and why is it a joy ride away from Alfea lmao?? Where Bloom is from and also not from?? Plot pls make it make sense
Why are fairies from another dimension vaping or smoking weed?? They are not human so why are they engaging in specifically human vices, yol couldn't come up with anything else to characterize 'delinquents'?? Very lazy very como se dices.. no effort. Nothing a little more spicy yol could invent, at least change the name and some properties holy shit did yol even try ??
So its fairies everywhere, having a lil party in the east wing of a phat castle.. and they are playing beer pong and dressed in t shirts and jeans..
Can you hear me screaming? Can you hear me vibrating with rage?
Not one floating decoration or magical anything in sight. Just purple lights and subpar vibes
Stella's costume design: tragic. I won't discuss further because we don't have the space or time but just know that it was absolutely atrocious and I hated it. Giving very debutante vibes
The entire budget going to that lame transformation sequence that was not a transformation sequence and those horrible, barely-there fire wings
Edgelord bloom and all her fucking leather jackets. Why do 30 yo, white cis men think girls exist in a binary? They could keep her earlier characterization and make her a hothead.. Bloom literally screamed herself into a couple power upgrades in the original come ooonnnn
Let girls be feminine without it being a character flaw what is wrong with yol its 2021. They could make her more mature, more angsty or whatever the hell else and not style her like that
The way Aisha's abilities flipflop between episodes and scenes. Very inconsistent. One minute she's struggling with a drop of water and the next she is moving an entire body of water for her bestie Bloom to fake transform because the plot demands it. Why even add in her struggles at all if you're just going to ignore it?
Why was Stella with them in that scene? She didn't do anything literally.. Aisha pulled the water and she did .. nothing.
Who the fuck is Rosalind? Why would they add her in,, to add nothing to story? The company of light was a thing, they could've plucked one of them hoes to be the antagonist. Why did the winx club need their own Delores Umbridge? Valtor was right there if you wanted an evil educator type character.
The camera work was so bland during the down beats, stagnant and fixed during a fairy party and erratic and ugly and disorienting during the fight scenes
I'm not getting over the fairy party because it was a good opportunity for the production and everyone else to show the differences between where Bloom was and where she is now but instead it just looks like a regular teen high school party?? This could have been set in Switzerland fr.
Everyone's just kind of standing?? You mean to tell me these people are from all different places in the magical dimension and their customs are all the same? They all throw parties like this ??
White and flavorless I am very bored
I guess the main question or takeaway I have is just.. who is this for? Because everyone, including the showrunners keep saying that it's for us, the fans of the original. But apart from the characters sharing some names, there are really no other similarities. So again, who was this supposed to appease or placate or satisfy? Because it sure as hell wasn't the winx club fans.
Overall, this feels very much like something I wrote and probably published on ff.net when I was 13 because I thought girls couldn't be taken seriously if they liked pink, and injected angst into everything that didn't need it and had no idea how to structure scenes or dialogue. It's just bad, objectively and N*tflix will keep making shit like this because apparently some people have bad taste??? Idk yol, be easy
#im never gonna stop i dont care i dont care#and i dont even usually make my own posts i just be reblogging and vibing#but im passionate abt this because he originak was the reason i wanted to learn how to draw#it was the reason i wanted to learn how to write and tell stories#it shaped a lot of shit for me because it was the very first one of its kind id ever seen#i ran home from school to watch it and argued with my friends about who got to be flora#i forced them to make cardboard wings with me and to perform the opening song during a school talent show#thank god we didnt get to perform otherwise we would all have died of embarrassment in hindsight#but ye i just hate to see things that obviously are very dear to a lot of people be treated with such casual indignity and its a disservice#a disservice to the fans and to the people who had probably want to create it as a passion project#to the people who spent hours and hours in rewrites and fanart amazing fanart and post series continuations#no one is saying the original is sacred and cannot be touch#this fandom actively calls out the bullshit rainbow has done and continues to do to the characters we love.. i havent spoken to one fan who#doesnt have an alter dedicated to their downfall. we found a piece of ourselves in these gorls and they were stripped and caricatured and#played for laughs so netfilx can make money and its just very upsetting to see.#so again fuck you brian young fuck you ignio and rainbow and fuck whoever the costume designer was#mine#text#fate winx club#fate: the winx saga#f:tws#winx club
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Survey #388
“i wanna stay inside all day  /  i want the world to go away  /  i want blood, guts, and chocolate cake  /  i wanna be a real fake”
Name three people who you'll never forget: I doubt I'd forget Jason even if, God forbid, I had dementia. That's trauma for ya. I HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHLY doubt I could EVER forget my mom, either. In many different ways, she's literally kept me alive and has done so, so much for me. Then there's also Sara, whose friendship with me matches no one else I've been friends with. Have you ever been told you are fake? No. What was the name of the last pet of yours that died? Teddy, my dog. Do you like pineapple? I do. When was the last time you wished the day would just get over with? I know this sounds seriously depressing, but that's... pretty much every day. My life is just currently such a drag that being awake bores me senseless. But it's funny, because then some nights I stay up late for like... no reason. My existence alone is confusing. Is there any specific number that has any significance to you? No. Do you remember much from high school? I remember a lot from high school. Where would you go for the ultimate honeymoon? Isn't there a black sand beach in Iceland or something? Take me there, man. I'd also love to go to the Bahamas, but ew humidity and also I'm afraid of the Bermuda Triangle lmfao. If you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would you get? The big piece I want to get on my left upper arm; it's called "Denialism" by NukeRooster on deviantART. I got her permission forever ago to get it tattooed. Do you have any alarms set? What time and what for? Not currently. Have you ever had to work while there was a film crew at your work place? No. Have you ever supported anyone’s Kickstarter? If so, what was it? No. What do you like in your omelet? Ham pieces and cheese. Have you ever boycotted something? Yes: Chick-fil-A. Homophobic, transphobic pieces of shit aren't getting my business. Has anyone ever borrowed something from you, and not returned it? Yes. Most notably a video game I LOOOOVED as a kid. I was mad salty and still am lmao. Do you vent a lot on social media? God no, not anymore after embarrassing the everliving FUCK out of myself with a suicide note. What was your first bill you started paying on your own? I don't pay any bills bc unemployed. .-. Do you watch ASMR videos? No. What is your favorite charitable cause to donate to or volunteer for? The Trevor Project. Have you ever received a misdiagnosis? Yes. A psychiatrist I had in middle school thought I had ADHD, which was ABSOLUTELY ludicrous. Most recently, my long-time bipolar 2 diagnosis has been questioned, but I do think I have it. I think. Does it bother you when others don’t share the same religious beliefs as you? No? Freedom of religion is a thing. What was your last argument about? Ummmm... I don't remember. Probably something with Mom. Have you found your first gray hairs yet? No. Somehow. You'd think all the stress would have me pure gray by now, lol. What are the names of all the pets you’ve had? Dude, I've had WAY too many for this. What’s the most you’ve ever spent on a cosmetic or skincare product? *shrug* Who was the last person that invited you to go somewhere? Did you accept? Mom invited me to come with her to Nicole's to get out of the house because at the time our A/C was still out. I didn't want to go, even though damn did I suffer, haha. What was the last food item that you toasted, other than bread? That's... a great question. I don't know if I toast anything other than bread. Have you ever named any of your pets after a cartoon character? I remember I had a cat named Taz when I was younger. What was the last thing that someone else recommended, or suggested you try? My TMS doctor is like SUPER friendly and makes the treatment go by so fast (it's exactly 22 minutes and 30 seconds; don't ask why), and recently she was fangirling to Mom and me about the show Once Upon a Time, haha. I saw very little of it with Jason, but Mom did check it out. When was the last time you wore a hat? What kind? I have zero idea. When was the last time you ate a bowl of ice-cream? What flavour? Oh wow, it's been a long time. It was probably vanilla with chocolate syrup? If you menstruate, has your cycle ever synced with anyone close to you? Yes. Tell me something positive about the town or city that you live in. ... You said "positive," right? Did your parents have high expectations for you to excel in school and go to college/university? Yes. They were pretty serious about going to college when my sisters and I were younger, but they opened up to the concept that maybe it wasn't for all of us (coughmecough). Are you a polite person? I genuinely think I am. I definitely try to be. Have you ever been in a relationship where everything with your partner felt natural and effortless? Sigh. Yeah. Have you ever been in a relationship where everything was difficult and rocky? No. That's not the kind I'd stay in very long at all. I mean yes, there are always bumps, but there comes a point where you gotta say fuck nah and find something better. When you were a teenager, did your parents set rules about dating? Other than keeping age gaps in mind, no. Have you ever committed a crime that directly harmed another person? No. Did you grow up in an urban, suburban, or rural area? My childhood home was suburban, but leaned towards rural. We were on the very edge of the town. Which disease do you personally think is the most horrible? After seeing my mother suffer from borderline stage 4 ovarian cancer, I've gotta say cancer. My mother is the strongest person I know and yet she cried so frequently from chemotherapy. It broke my fucking heart. The person I copied the survey from mentioned especially childhood cancers, and I have to agree. Like just... why. "Everything happens for a reason." Bull. Fucking. Shit. Just TRY and convince me why a young child has to deal with CANCER. Do you remember where you first drove to after getting your license? I still don't have my license, as I've said in many a survey before. What did you get into trouble for the most when you were a kid? Being on the computer too much. What is your biological sex? Female. Do you use online dating? Or do you use another method for finding dates? Nah. I'm at the point in my life where I wanna let love just find me and not actively search for it. What is the oldest gaming console you own? We MIGHT still have our old Atari? If not, it'd be a GameBoy Advance. Which accents can you emulate pretty well? Just British. Do you think you'll ever manage to do everything you want to? No. But then again, I think that sounds pretty realistic? I doubt most people check off everything on their bucket list. What do you fear most? Probably becoming truly homeless, living on the streets. Do you wear shoes around the house? No. Are you a good driver? If you can't drive yet, do you think you'll be good? I mean, I'm not the worst in the world. My mom's always pointed out though that I ride on the brakes (which I do out of fear) and I tend to speed up and slow down quite a bit. I also stop kinda abruptly sometimes. What is/was your favorite thing about school? Seeing friends. What are you most likely to spend money on? My own personal money, tattoos, lol. Have you ever been a complete fangirl/fanboy over anything? @_@ Do you hate how, when the public like a celebrity, they overpublicize them? I feel bad for them, more than anything. You breathe wrong and suddenly it's news-worthy. It's like your every inconsequential action is under heavy surveillance and judgment, and it seems so unfair. Have you ever became attracted to someone you weren’t at first because their personality made you find them physically attractive? That was Jason for me. I never thought he was ugly, but regardless, he became THE most attractive man in the world to me. Have you ever worked in retail? Yes. -_- Are you even a little bit racist? Nah man, it's 2021, baby. Were you more fond of swings, monkey bars, or seesaws as a child? I was all about the swings. Do you believe in a near-future apocalyptic event? I don't know or care, honestly. A gamma ray or whatever they're called could incinerate us all tomorrow. A black hole could swallow the earth in an hour. We don't know. Do you have a chandelier in your home? No. Do you have a bar with stools? No. Is your Christmas tree faux or real? If faux, what color? We use a fake green one. Do you eat the crusts of your bread? Yes; it's the first part I eat. Which body type would you say you had? Did you know whales can survive on land? :^) Have you ever flown a kite? Yeah! I used to LOVE doing that with Dad as a kid when the field across our house wasn't in use (tobacco was grown there). What’s your preferred flavour of jam? I just like grape. What kind of animal did you last pet? My cat! Name a celebrity that you admire that nobody would expect you to: I massively admire Jeffree Star's work ethic. Do you prefer to shave or wax? Shave. I used to wax my eyebrows, but now I just don't care. Would you ever have sex in a public place? Uh, no. Do you think Jenna Marbles’ videos are funny? I've actually never watched her. Your favourite pasta dish: Just your normal spaghetti with meatballs. Strangest thing you’ve ever seen? Probably what I'm assuming was a star (but it was green???) flickering and then fizzling out of the sky kind of like some sort of backwards firework. I'd been watching it literally grow over a few nights, so when this happened, it was a big "?????? the fuck??????". It honestly scared me for some reason so I went inside after that. Aliens? I say aliens. Ever had a crush on somebody of the same sex? Yes. Has anybody ever called you a bastard? I don't think so. Who is the last person you ignored? uhhhhhhh Would you wear feathers in your hair? So actually, for my first prom, I wanted to wear a blue jay feather I had in my hair, reason being Jason's nickname from his parents was always "J Bird." It ended up not working out because we couldn't make it look natural with what we had. When was the last time you were well and truly scared? Hm. Favourite member of your favourite band: Ozzy, obviously, haha. Who’s your favourite female rapper? I don't have one.
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angeldolanx · 4 years
Chapter 23. /- treat yourself/
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"You need to tell everything" said Corinna probably the 5th times today. I felt bad for not spending as much time with her like before, so I thought we could have a little girly day. We went to get our lash extensions done first, and later went to a restaurant for launch.
" What do you wanna hear?" I asked while we sat in the restaurant's balcony and read the menu to try to pick something for myself.
"First are you together? Like official?"
"No, I mean I don't know. We never said we are a couple, but we act like it" I replied that made her frown her brows. " I am gonna be gone in less then a year Corinna, maybe it's gonna be easier if it's not official or I don't know. It's hard" I sighed.
"A million and one people lives in a long distance relationship even from their husbands. It can work" she shook her head.  "Of course it's not gonna be easy, but I think you two can work it out. "
"We will see I guess."
Our depressing conversation thank god was interrupted by the waiter who took our orders. I hate that I always need to worry about something in every single one of my life stages. I can't wait for the moment when I live with my husband in a happy relationship while I am pregnant in our home somewhere and I don't need to worry about whats gonna happen in a year or two.
Everytime I thought about the end of the year, when I am gonna go home, I wanted to stop the time and didn't wanted to realize that the weather is started to get warmer as we went to the spring. I don’t even wanna think about how fast time can go and all I’m gonna realize soon is that it’s summer and there is the winter when I leave everything here. I always tried to not talk about it to anyone, and even if I thought about it I tried to distract myself. It was easier like this.
"When you first mentioned Grayson as a "celebrity crush" I've never have thought that he is gonna be your almost boyfriend a year later" grinned Corinna and took a sip from his limonade.
"I secretly hoped" I bit my lip, while my eyes moved from Corinna to the streets behind her. I saw myself from one year ago on those streets, I was so lost and didn't know what's the future is gonna bring. She would probably look at my today self as I laugh carefree in a restaurant's balcony and be jealous as hell. " You know I always love to get what I want."
" You need to teach me this" she laughed.
"You should be more confident first. The boys love that, and the girls gonna hate you for that " I said. I really thought this is the case though for real. I realized when I started to take care of myself and of my body it had a good impact on my life. I hate hearing things from teenagers like, omg I hate myself, I am ugly or anything. I never in my life said the word ugly to myself, I love myself way too much to say that and no one should do it either. If you don't love yourself first nooe can either. You need to accept how you look and then show the word how unique and beautiful you are. No not perfect, but beautiful. And it's not about weight, height or hair or skin color. It's about you.
After we finished our lunch we ended up going to the mall. We looked around in a few shops and bought some things, since the spring and summer was already on our neck. Every time there is a gap between meeting Corina I always realize why is she my best friend. Maybe if she wasn't here, I would have never end up with Grayson and my life would be a lot more boring in general. I was glad she was in my life.
Our last destination was a Victoria's Secret store. Corinna already teased me for even coming here, but I just tried to handle her and say I only wanna see the Pink sanction for some lounge wear to the house. Her grin was not even surprising when I ended up at the sexy lingerie section after the hoodies were in my hands.
" Is the prince has a  specific desire?" asked Corinna jokingly.
"I buy this for myself, you fool " I rolled my eyes. I didn't even wanna mention that her sentence made me remember that Gray's favorite lingerie color is red, so I looked in that direction more. When I found a really cute and scandalous two peace and searched for my size, I gave my stuff to Corinna and went to the dressing room with it in my hand.
I really liked how the lingerie fit me, after I put it on and looked at  myself in the mirror. It had enough push up to make my boobs look bigger and rounder, and since the whole thing was lace, from close not much left to the imagination either on the high waisted thongs, but maybe enough to Grayson to make his imagination move around a bit. So with these thoughts in my mind I picked up my phone from my bag and stepped in front of the mirror. I pushed my hips slightly to the side, squeezed my stomach in and placed the other hand in my hair that I throw to one side. After I took a few picture I dressed up and I ended up sitting down in the dressing room to pick my favorite photo, that I could send to him.
Me: I like this set :) - I added the innocent massage next to it and bit my lip as I pressed the send button. I ended up putting my phone in my bag and was not even surprised on Corinna's angry look, because she needed to wait for me so much. I just took my stuff from his hands and went to the cashier with her on my side.
We spent the whole day walking around, it was not surprised that we ended up tired a bit so from the shop we went straight to Corinna's car.
While she concentrated to driving I took my phone again and opened Grayson's massage to my photo.
Grayson: how many times do you wanna cum today?
His massage made my stomach flip and I needed to press my thighs together while I tried to hold back my giggle. I bit my lip to cover that stupid grin on my face, and shook my head because of his crazy massage.
Me: since I sleep at Corinna's today, ew none - I replied since I promised her that this whole day is hers without boys.
Grayson: i hope you wish i was in you right now, angel
First I just saw the massage but then when the picture popped up I thought, fuck it, I am coming over for an hour. For real though, his massage and the picture sent tingling feeling all over my body. He really knew how to hit back because of my picture. He looked like a fucking goddess, and even the thought that he was sweaty from working out but he probably would look like this after a few hours with me in the bedroom too, made me really wish to sleep in his house today instead of Corinna's.
"God, M" said suddenly Corinna.
"I need a man he makes me grin on my phone like you now " she looked at me.
"Shut up. How do you know I'm not texting to i don't know, my mom?"
"Probably because it's in the middle of the night in Hungary and I am sure you are not blushing from your mom's massages" she laughed.
"I am not" I giggled and checked myself in the car's mirror to make sure my foundation covered my red face well. "I don't know what you are talking about" I added when I saw everything is fine and the coverage saved me from getting caught.
"I fucking know you" she rolled her eyes and just shook her head while laughed at me for not admitting that she was right. I was glad he didn't saw Gray's massages.
Me: fuck..i wish - I replied to Grayson and ended up putting my phone away before anything else happens. I didn't wanted to talk about it more with Corinna either.
We planned that our night is gonna be a lazy chilling night. We watched a movie, but we basically didn't even payed attention because we kept talking next to our glass of rose. We really needed to catch up in a lot of things even though we always talked on the phone every day, but it was not the same.
Our night turned a bit crazy probably around two am when we got tipsy and went down in our pjs to in front of Corinna's house, where were a playground with a swing. It was probably ten years ago when I set in a swing the last time, but I really enjoyed how the wind caught my hair when I pushed myself away. That's why I loved being around Corinna. I never had to control myself, I just knew I can do anything, she is gonna understand it and probably do the same thing. We completed each other and I was really grateful for her stepping into my life. There was a phase in my life when I haven't really had real friends. I've had a lot of buddys, but I felt like if i would be in trouble the only people I could have called is my family. Now I know the error wasn't in me, I just didn't searc in the right place.
"Are you in love, like for real?" she asked now in a more serious voice. I smiled and slowed down with my swing till we both stopped and just sat next to each other while we talked.
" I am really into him. It's crazy " I giggled.
" It's fine, I am happy for you. You really deserve it finally."
"It's just new and weird. I don't need to play around and I just know he loves me and I never experienced anything like this " I replied. The light smile never faded from my face every time I thought about him and I wished he would be in front of me just to give him a big hug. Only a few days went since we saw each other, but I already felt like I started to miss him. We loved that both of us had their own life, we don't spent every single day together and still had time to everyone else around us.
"The strong and independent M, who is now melting from a boy. Who would've thought?" 
- treat yourself√
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crutchie-with-a-y · 4 years
Good Day
(Warning: Drinking, Drunkedness) 
“Oh, good mooooooooorning ugly!” Race pulled open his dark red curtains and looked out over the rainy Manhattan streets. He didn’t necessarily dislike ugly weather, he was just telling it like it was. The clouds were a smudged pencil gray and had opened up on the pedestrians scurrying to their office or subway station to start the week. Race decided he wasn’t dreading this morning, at least, not as much as everyone else. Even though the Monday after a long holiday weekend always seemed to be particularly grueling, Race wasn’t having it. He pulled on his shirt and buttoned it up, looking in the mirror as he fixed his collar. A good day, that’s what this was. He rolled his wrists around in his crisp cuffs as he shook out his golden curls. Medda from human resources had once told him that every day was a good day if you just decided it was. He cracked his neck and slid his hands into the deep pockets of his dark dress pants, and, deciding he looked respectable enough, slid across the floor in his black dress socks, skidding through the doorway of his bedroom as he grabbed his shoes off the ground. 
A good day, he repeated to himself as he hopped into his kitchen, popping the shoe on one foot and then the other as he leaned against the counter. Let’s think about it, he thought, opening a cabinet to grab a tumbler for his coffee, a great job, great friends, the holidays just around the corner, and he had just gotten HBO go, and what a great investment that was proving to be. He popped the lid off the tumbler and walked over to the coffee machine. Now, some may call him old fashioned, but Keurigs were wasteful, and it was just a lot easier to make one pot of coffee and just always have it there, in case he needed a pick-me-up when he got home. The first thing he did in the morning was to hop out of bed and start the coffee, then shower and get dressed. Another thing to be grateful for, Rave thought as he poured, routine. A healthy one at that. How many people could say they had that, he asked himself, opening his fridge and grabbing his hazelnut creamer. Not a lot of people. He flipped off the lid and was disappointed by the few dribbles of white that splashed into his coffee. 
“Grrrrr,” Race growled to himself, tossing the empty bottle in the sink. “Hey Ale-no, excuse me, HEY GOOGLE,” He corrected himself as he dumped an unidentified but still horrifying amount of sugar into his coffee. He’d recently parted ways with his Alexa, and since Jeff Bezos was as an asshole, he’d decided not to get a new one. 
“How may I help you, Ra-aCecRACK?” The automated voice responded, causing Race to bend over in silent laughter. He’d somehow gave the machine his name wrong, but it was just soooooooo fucking funny to hear that clunky robot voice say Racecrack that he’d just left it that way. 
“Yeah, oh my god, uh, please add creamer to my list, and uhhh,” He opened the freezer and frowned, “ ice cream, breakfast sandwiches and grapes I guess, to balance it all out.” 
“Creamer, ice cream, breakfast sandwiches, and grapes have all been added to your list.” We're rollin', Race thought as he grabbed his coffee and snatched up his keys, wallet, and Juul from a clay olive dish on the counter that he’d gotten in the office white elephant last year. 
“Thank you so very much, Google, I will order you around more when I get home, servant speaker” He opened his apartment door, patting his left pocket to make sure his phone was there. 
“You are very welcome. Have a good day!” The voice called as he opened the door. 
“Already decided I would, Bitch,” 
“...okay then, Ra-aCecRACK.” 
Race clambered up the steps of the subway station, glancing down at his phone as he did. 8:34. Perfect, he thought, dashing across the crosswalk as the orange hand began to flash. He speed-walked down the sidewalk and up to a Jack in the Box. Plenty of time, plenty of ti-
Race’s thoughts on timing were immediately cut short when a man walked past him through the door of the fast-food place. His breath hitched. He blinked and walked into the building, taking a sharp right to the restrooms and ripping open the door to the single-stall, locking it behind him. He slammed his back against the door and slid down it to the floor, his hands attempting to rub the small tears back into his eyes. 
The man he’d walked past hadn’t done anything wrong, Race didn’t even know him. The only offense this man had committed was wearing the same cologne as a certain man named Austin. 
Who just happened to be Race’s ex. As of quite recently. 
The two-year relationship had ended with lots of fights and lies, and then finally an evening where Race had come home to a practically empty apartment. 
“God, Race you’re so so so so so stupid.” Race said to himself, smashing his eyes into his fists. He sat there for a moment, eventually giving up and letting the angry, heartbroken tears come. This was why he had to remind himself to have a good day. This is why he had gotten that stupid Google Home to replace the Alexa that had been taken. Because he couldn’t stand a lonely, empty apartment, where it was always silent, a constant reminder he was alone. The only were sounds were the ones he made, him going to the fridge for a beer, him sobbing into a pillow, his sarcastic commentary to no one but the walls. This is why he’d gotten that stupid thing, to just make it seem like he wasn’t entirely alone, give the illusion that there was someone to talk to, even if it was just to tell them to turn on music or to remind him to buy something. And this is what led to him laughing alone, at 7 am, in a kitchen with only a microwave and the fridge that came with the apartment and some plastic silverware because he wasn’t ready to face the fact he needed to go furniture and appliance shopping by himself, to his fake robot roommate calling him Racecrack. 
“Racecrack.” Race whispered. He giggled sadly. “RaaACEcraCk.” He let his hands drop to his side and he sigh-laughed, his shoulders slumping with emotional exhaustion as the misspoken name echoed against the tiles of the bathroom. 
“rAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaacccccccceeccccRrRrRaccccccck.” He took a deep breath and shook his head. He pulled himself up with the corner of the sink and looked at his red eyes in the mirror. “Ew.” He splashed water on his face, figuring that if it worked in the movies he might as well try it. He dried his face and rolled his shoulders back, looking himself in the eye one last time before leaving the bathroom to go and order. 
“Good Day.” 
“Morning, Race!” Hannah looked up from her receptionist’s desk as Race walked in. “What kept ya so long?” 
“There was a line for breakfast.” He leaned against her desk, waving his breakfast sandwich around before taking a huge bite of the greasy sausage and cheese mess which he held together between two paper napkins. Hannah chuckled. 
“Don’t worry I covered for you.” She reassured him, and then, before he could react, leaned forward and snatched a chunk of his breakfast. Race’s jaw dropped dramatically. “Lying-for-you-tax,” Hannah said, covering her full mouth as she talked. 
“RACE!! Race, have you filed your report yet, dumbass?” Jack’s head suddenly poked up out of one of the many cubicles in the office. Davey’s head popped up next to his, his hair a little rumpled, causing both Hannah and Race to look at each other. 
“Yeah, because all of that hard work you’re doing with Davey in there?” Race raised an eyebrow at them.
“Oh it’s hard alright,” Hannah added, followed by many OOOOOOOOOOOHs erupting from the cubicles of people who were eavesdropping. Race high-fived Hannah as Jack elbowed Davey out of his cubicle. The chuckles died down while Jack hopped up on top of his desk so he could stare down at everyone in their cubicle like he usually did when he needed to tell everyone something important, or at least something he thought was important. People leaned back in their chairs or stood up and leaned their arms over the tops of their cubicles, chewing on pens or making stupid faces at one of their coworkers while their boss talked. 
“Oh yeah, haha, very funny everyone. But seriously though, we need need to actually get some work done today-”
“But that’s not my job!” Henry shouted over the complaining noises that followed. Jack looked at him like he was a spot of mold on a brand new loaf of bread. 
“Yes actually, it is.” Crutchie reminded him, rolling his eyes. 
“DAMN IT.” Henry slammed his hand on his desk. 
“Aright, seriously though,” Jack said as chuckles shook the cubicle walls. “The new Company Event Planner’s first day is today, and they’re gonna be working in our space so Joe will be bringing them down.” 
“What’s their name, Jack?” Mike called, tapping his cheek with a pen. Jack rubbed the back of his neck. 
“I don’t know..I didn’t actually open the email so,” The office sigh-laughed collectively at their always-behind boss. “BUT Joe will be in here, so we do have to have something to show for our day.” A collective groan washed over the office. 
“Also,” Medda snapped for everyone’s attention from her corner of the room. “We’re having a welcome party for them at 3:30, so if you didn’t remember to bring a dish to share I suggest running to Trader Joe’s on your lunch break.” 
“And I already brought chips and salsa so you will have to be creative,” Finch added. 
“You going to visit the Trader, Race?” Buttons poked his head in Race’s cubicle while a large group of their coworkers gathered by the door. Race looked up from his computer and then to the form he was filling out. 
“Uhhh, I’ll catch up with you guys, I want to finish this before lunch.” 
“Okay, see ya!” Buttons darted off to crowd into the elevator with everyone else. Race sighed. He had a lot of work he needed to get done. With a new event planner, his job would technically be easier, but would also require a lot of teamwork between the two of them. Race’s official title was “Community Outreach Supervisor” and, like everyone else in the office, his job was actually meant for like five. I don’t mind though, he thought to himself, and he didn’t. He liked getting to work with prominent community members, he’d met some incredible people since he’d gotten this job, and he liked being busy, it kept his mind off other things he’d rather not think about. And lately, that was a lot of things. 
Currently, Race was working on organizing job shadowing and internships by local high school students. He’d been emailing back and forth with a counselor who was plenty nice, but kinda sucked at providing him with all the information he needed. He hoped it would work out though. After going to several job fairs in gymnasiums crowded with confused students, he realized how important it was. The kids he met with were wonderful, they were polite and eager to learn, and he wanted to make sure they all got jobs they liked, were good at, and could make a living doing. This goddamn counselor, however, was not exactly putting a lot of effort into helping him do that. 
“Whatever.” Race closed a few tabs and put his computer to sleep as he stood up and slid his jacket off the back of his chair. He walked out of the office and down the hallway, jogged down a few flights of stairs, and took a deep breath of city air. Before he could exhale, however, an aggressive rain whipped across his face. 
“For fuck's sake.” Race flipped up his hood and rammed his hands into his pocket, as he ran as fast as he dared down the block with his head down. He dashed across the Trader Joe’s parking lot and headed toward the sliding doors, unsuccessfully trying to dodge the several shoppers who were losing control of their carts on the wet concrete. 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” A voice said half-heartedly as the sharp metal corner of a shopping cart jammed itself into Race’s ribs, temporarily knocking the breath out of him. 
“Good...day,” Race wheezed as he dragged himself into the store, clutching his side. He staggered through the isles, trying to think of something nobody else would have thought to grab, which did not exist. He looked longingly at the shelves lined with liquor but knew that today was not the day to break office policy. Wondering if there was some sort of pizza bagel-esc thing he could grab, Race turned abruptly into a freezer aisle. Only to be hit in the face with the edge of a freezer door. 
“Oh. my god.” His hand slammed over his right eye and he steadied himself against a closed door, one arm still wrapped around his torso. A young woman holding a pint of ice cream gasped and rushed over to him. 
“I’m s-s-o sorry, sir!” she stuttered, unsure of what to do. “Are you alright?” Nope, Race thought, feeling a bruise forming, but a glance at his watch changed his answer. 
“Yep, no worries!” He straightened up immediately and darted down the aisle, ignoring the water that flooded his eye when he looked into the light. Joe was set to bring in the new event planner in ten minutes, and Joseph Pulitzer was always right on time. He squinted across the entire store, finally giving up and returning to the freezer section and grabbing the first thing his eyes landed on. 
“Gluten-free cheesy quinoa bites. Perfect.” Race declared aloud, stacking his arms withs several boxes, and then heading toward the express lane. 
“RACE FINALLY!!!” Jack threw his arms out toward the wet-haired blonde that stepped through the office doors holding a ripped paper bag. 
“Calm the hell down, Jack.” Race snapped, carrying his bag into the kitchen where the table was piled high with jugs of apple cider, plates of cookies, and vegetable platters. He chucked the hipster cheddar snacks or whatever the fuck they were on into the freezer and jammed the bag into the recycling. He stomped back to his cubicle and shrugged his coat off as he plopped into his chair. He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his desk, rubbing his eyes with his fingers. 
“Hey, Race! Want some more coffee?” Davey stepped up to his desk and shook the coffee pot he held in one hand and winced when he splashed some on his hand. 
“Yes, God Please.” Race grabbed his mug that had been sitting on his desk for who knows how long and held it up to be filled. 
“Joe’s gonna be down in a few minutes so make sure you look like you’re working,” Davey advised as he poured. He looked at Race’s face for the first time and gasped. “What happened to your face!” 
“Oh, I mean not like, it’s just....your eye.” Davey sputtered. Race whipped around to look at himself in his computer monitor. 
“What’re you talking ab-oh, my god.” A black eye had formed where Race had been hit in the face had Trader Joe’s. 
“It’s not that bad.”
“Davey, you are a terrible liar.” Race snapped, opening a desk drawer and shoving boxes and papers aside. 
“Can someone get Race some ice?” Davey yelled towards the kitchen. 
“On it.” Someone yelled back. Davey looked back down to see Race unscrewing the cap of a flask and pouring its contents into his coffee. 
“What is that!?” Davey pointed with a dropped jaw. 
“Creamer.” Race said knocking the contents of his mug back and then slamming it onto his desk. 
“Race! You can’t be tipsy during Joe’s visit!” Davey whisper shouted as Finch spun into the cubicle with an ice pack wrapped in paper towels.
“Oooh, Race is tipsy?” Finch grinned mischievously. 
“I won’t be able to survive Joe’s visit if I’m not tipsy.” Race retorted, taking the ice pack from Finch and pressing it against his eye. Finch chuckled and leaned against the empty desk on the other side of the cubicle from Race’s, crossing his arms.
“So you get in a fight or-” 
“wHYYYYY HELLLOOOOOOO THERE! IF IT ISN’T JOSEPH PULITZER HIMSELF!” Jack shouted his greeting to alert the rest of the office of their boss’s presence. 
“Ah, shit.” Finch leaped up onto the empty desk and hurled himself over the wall into his cubicle. Davey shot out of Race’s space and dashed across the office, the entire office hearing him jump into his chair and then spin into his desk with a thud. A sweaty Jack escorted his boss and a new hire into an office full of stifled laughter. Joseph Pulitzer raised a critical eyebrow but decided to let it slide, and walked up to the front of the office so that he could introduce his newest employee. 
“Hello, everyone. As I’m sure you all know, I’m here to introduce our new event planner. Our company has long been on the search for a...” Race paid absolutely zero attention. As Joe droned on, he attempted to balance a pencil on the tip of his nose, wobbling it back and forth until Sniper reached over the wall and snapped it off his face. 
“You bitch!” Race’s exclamation was met with a round of disapproving hushes. He just scoffed and pulled out another pencil continuing to wobble, his chair creaking underneath him. When that pencil fell, he looked at it on the ground, decided it was too much work to reach down and pick it up, and grabbed another one from the broken mug by his keyboard filled with pens with mismatched caps, bent paperclips, and an assortment of chewed pencils. As he tilted his head up to place the pencil on his nose, he noticed the middle-aged man still talking at the front of the room. God, he’s still here? Race thought. He shook his head lightly and gently pressed the eraser against his nose. 
“So please join me in welcoming Spot Conlon!” A round of applause shook the office, knocking the pencil off Race’s nose. 
“Oh, we’re clapping.” Race banged his palms together obnoxiously before realizing there was an unopened email from the school counselor he’d been working with sitting in his inbox. He clicked on it and read it speedily, his eyes scanning for any ounce of the information he’d actually asked for. 
“Now, I’ll show you to your desk,” Pulitzer said, Race barely noticing as he scrolled through the counselor's useless paragraphs. “Good afternoon, Mr. Higgins.” 
“Look, lady, I don’t care about how many years you’ve been doing this, I just need to know how many kids are applying!” Race yelled at his monitor, completely oblivious to the two men standing behind him. A snort that Race didn’t recognize caused him to look up, and he met eyes with his annoyed boss. 
“Wha-Oh, hello, Joseph.” Race grinned widely. “How are you doing on this lovely winter day?” 
“Mr. Higgins, I’d like you to meet our, new event planner, Spot Conlon.” Pulitzer gestured to the short but broad man standing next to him with an amused look on his face, the same one who’d snorted at Race’s email rage. Race turned in his chair. 
And looked into the most beautiful eyes he’d ever seen. 
They were dark brown and deep, eyes that had seen everything, smart eyes. Eyes that told a story. Eyes that looked at something and figured it out. Eyes that saw people for what they were. Eyes that were smart and hardworking. Eyes that lit up when the rest of the face barely moved. Eyes that Race could get lost in forever. 
Eyes that were looking down at him with a confused look. 
“Oh my GOD, I’m an idiot, as you’ve probably already guessed.” Race lept up and over-enthusiastically shook the hand that had been outstretched for way too long without meeting a second one.
“No shit,” Spot said with a smirk. Race wanted to crawl into his desk. 
“Ah yes, well. I’m sure you will enjoy working here with Mr. Higgins. I will have IT bring up your computer.”
“Sounds good,” Spot nodded. “Thanks.” 
“No problem.” Pulitzer stretched a hand out to shake, but Spot had already turned around and flopped into his chair. He, unsuccessfully, tried to turn it into a wave and then turned around to leave, Jack jogging up to him to walk him out. 
“So tell me,” Spot said, spinning around in his chair to look at Race. “Is he always such a pompous asshole?” Race laughed nervously, still having trouble looking him in the eyes. 
“He can be a bit much.” Spot snorted.
“Don’t sugar coat it. I came in a bit late because my bus got in an accident, and he goes ‘oh so you don’t have a car.’ This is New York. Who the fuck has a car?” Race laughed and shook his head. I love this guy, he thought. It’s been five minutes and he’s already my favorite person on earth. 
“Alright, fine. He is such a goddamn snob that he puts a minimum price for how much out outfits for the yearly gala cost, and,” Spot banged his hand on his desk in laughter, the sound of his chuckles and the smile on his face making Race’s heart flutter. “and we can’t wear the same thing as we did the year before.” 
“Oh god. I wear the same thing every day, he’s sure in for a shock.” Spot looked at the ceiling, right as their coworkers came up to their cubicle, some of them launching themselves over the walls and landing next to them. Spot’s eyes widened. “Is....is this normal for you all to come at each other like the stampede that killed Mufasa?” He leaned toward Race as he said this, and Race felt like his face was on fire as the rest of the office laughed. 
“Only when old Scar comes sauntering in and throws someone new into our gorge.” Specs responded, jabbing a thumb towards the door their boss just went through. Everyone laughed, and Race couldn’t help but stare at Spot as he rubbed his chin as he chuckled. You could cut ice with that jawline, he thought. 
“Yeah...Alright, so I’m the head of this floor, Jack,” Jack stepped forward and motioned for the others to follow. “This is Hannah, she does most of the talking with prospective new clients, and she will greet you by the door every morning-”
“I’m not like a talking welcome mat or anything, that’s just where my desk is.” Hannah butted in, her comment greeted by a smirk from the coworkers. 
“Right, and this is Davey, he does budgeting and money stuff, and this is Albert, head of marketing....” Jack continued to introduce everyone, each person stepping forward as he said their name. “And, saving the best for last, this is the lovely Ms. Medda, head of HR.” 
“Alright.” Spot nodded with a pleasant look on his face. “I’ve already forgotten everything you just said, but I’m sure by Christmas I will have stopped calling you the names you’ve all been assigned in my head.” 
“No worries,” Medda smiled as everyone chuckled. “We are having a little welcome party for you, so if you wanna follow us to the break room.” Everyone turned out of the cubicle and headed towards the break room, but Spot waited until Race had stood up to start moving. 
“Lead the way,” he said, making Race’s ears turn bright red. Once they got there, people were pouring drinks and stacking paper plates high with cookies and tortilla chips and chatting about the events of the day. Medda waved Race and Spot towards the table.
“Help yourself! It’s your party.” She smiled and gestured to the array of food in front of them. Spot bit his lip and inhaled loudly, causing Medda’s face to drop. “What is it?” 
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Spot shook his head, “It’s just that....I’m gluten-free.” Race looked up quickly.
“Oh, dear. Well...I’m sorry about that, we’ll have to keep that in mind next time.” Medda shook her head. 
“No, no wait!” Race ran over to the freezer and held up his Trader Joe’s purchase. “I got this gluten-free ch-” 
“CHEESY QUINOA BITES!” Spot interrupted and grabbed the box out of Race’s hand giddily. Race chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry, I LOVE these things, bro,” Spot apologized as he opened the box. 
“Wait, really?” Race’s heart leaped. 
“Yeah,” Spot looked up at the microwave and squinted at the buttons. “How do you work this thing?” Race laughed at walked over to help him, his smile practically busting his face with the joy that his desperate purchase and been a good one. 
An hour or so later, the cheesy bites were gobbled down and everyone was seated at the table, telling Spot office stories and asking him questions. Race sat on his left, sipping root beer and watching closely. Spot was absolutely fascinating. Race just couldn’t tear his eyes away from him. The way his chocolate brown eyes dance when he talked, how he leaned forward on one elbow when he told a story. And his stories! They were incredible! He told stories of growing up in Brooklyn, which was mere miles away, that kept everyone on the edges of their seats and made the walls shake with laughter. 
“Speaking of drunks, I’m new to this area, any bars you all would recommend?” Spot asked the group, pulling Race out of his daze. 
“Oh well, THAT, my friend is a question for no other than Racetrack Higgins.” Finch walked around the table and gripped Race’s shoulder. “He holds the shot record of the office, and has the best drunk stories this side of the Hudson.” Race felt his ears go red. What a great way to start things off with the cute new guy, he thought, ‘Hello, I’m the office drunk!’ He wanted to just laugh it off, but then he looked up at Spot. 
“Is that so?” Spot turned to face Race and placed his elbows on the table, leaning forward, challenging him with his eyes. “Then, please, Enlighten me.” Race looked directly into those eyes and rose to the challenge, straightening up to meet his gaze because he knew, no matter how attractive Spot was, nobody told a story like Racetrack Higgins. 
“I’d love to,” Race responded confidently, recognizing his comfort zone. “But I think some tequila would make it a little better.” He looked up at the clock as the group snickered, and back at Spot who wore a smirk that recognized exactly what Race was doing. “It’s about five, what say we all pack up and go down to Maria’s for some shots and tacos?” 
“But, Race...it’s Monday,” Crutchie said, looking around for someone else to agree with him.
“Yes, and if I remember correctly happy hour at Maria’s starts an hour earlier on Mondays, so let’s get going.” Race slapped the table and stood up, heading out of the room and all but declaring that they were going. Spot was close behind him and the others shrugged and followed suit as Crutchie silently shook his head. 
“So how’s the bartender at Maria’s?” Spot asked Race as he walked into their cubicle, pulling his laptop back off the floor and setting it on his desk. 
“Oh, Aaron? Fantastic, heavy pour and great mustache.” Race responded as he slid his jacket over his shoulders. 
“Ah, I see you know him quite well.” A look of...something flashed in Spot’s eyes. Was it...jealousy? He wasn’t sure, but whatever it was, Race grabbed hold of it and dragged it back. 
“Oh yeah, we go way back.” He said, chuckling as if remembering an embarrassing story. “I’ve spent many a bad breakup with his shaker and that mustache giving me advice.” The same look stayed in Spot’s eyes, but he laughed as they headed out of the office and into the elevator. 
“TINA!” Race shouted as he walked through the doors of Maria’s Mexican Bar and Grill, throwing his arms toward the hostess leaning on her elbow at the front desk while his coworkers piled in behind him, shaking off droplets of rain and stomping their feet on the mat in the doorway. She looked up at the group, her long dreadlocks framing her well-highlighted cheekbones and jawline that she drummed against with her long, glittery maroon nails. 
“Oh well if it isn’t Shitface Race!” Tina grinned mischievously, gathering a stack of menus in her arms for what was going to be a large table. The group laughed and Spot looked at Race with a dramatic jaw drop. 
“Ah, Tina.” Race ran his tongue along the inside of his cheek and leaned over the desk on one elbow. “Try not to expose me to much in front of my guests.” 
“Oh I won’t,” She assured him, throwing her dreads over her shoulder and beckoned for the group to follow her through the crowded restaurant to the largest booth. “Now will you be requiring any tissues on this visit and will you be ordering your usual three margaritas?” She joked as she winked at Race and gestured for the coworkers to sit. 
“Actually, my dear,” Race clarified over the chuckles, folding his hands on the table and swallowing hard when he noticed Spot sliding into the booth next to him. “We are here for shots!” 
“And food!” Elmer added, greedily opening the menu and licking his lips. 
“Then I’ll start y’all with some chips and salsa?” Tina clasped her hands together in front of her. 
“And guac!” Race hit Tina with finger guns and dancing eyebrows.
“It’s extra!” She shot right back at him with her manicured nails. 
“We can stretch it,” Jack said and slung his arm over Spot’s shoulders. “This is a cause for celebration, after all, Spot here is new.” Spot waved awkwardly at Tina and leaned away from Jack, causing Race to inhale sharply when he felt his shoulder brush against him. 
“That’s code for ‘Jacks buying.’“ He said, jutting a thumb towards his manager. 
“Good to know I won’t have to split the bill!” Tina smiled, and spun on her heel and walked towards the kitchen, ignoring Jack's protests and the group's laughter. 
“Hey!” The group looked up to see two women holding hands, one redheaded and one dirty blonde, waving at them as they weaved in between tables to get to their booth. 
“Oh my god, Kath and Sarah!” Henry waved back and scooted as far in as he could, attempting to make room for the couple. 
“What are y’all doing here?” Sarah asked as Katherine squished up against Henry and pulled her down to sit on her lap. 
“We’re celebrating a new member of our team on floor six,” Mush gestured towards Spot. 
“With shots!” Race said gleefully. Spot leaned towards him and whispered in his ear. He was barely able to hear what he said over the pounding of his heart. 
“Who are they?” Race opened his mouth but was unable to form words, wishing he had asked Tina to break a round of waters. He swallowed and looked straight ahead at the women, knowing that if he looked Spot in the eyes this close he would explode. 
“The lively ginger is the one and only Katherine Pulitizer, yes, the daughter of our boss. Interestingly enough, she works for our biggest competitor.” Race explained, stretching his hand toward his superior’s offspring.
“A fact that he does not know and shall never know,” Katherine added, her eyes wide. Race could see Spot’s smirk out of the corner of his eye and he melted a little bit just at the sight of it. 
“And that lovely gal on her lap is Sarah Jacobs, she works upstairs in design and is Davey and Les’s sister.” Medda continued the introduction. Sarah grinned, fanning her dimples with awkward jazz hands.
 “And this, ladies, is Spot, our new event planner.” Race looked back at Spot and caught his eye, and immediately whipped back around when he felt his face on fire. Katherine noticed and waggled her eyebrows at him before cupping her hands over her mouth to whisper into her girlfriend’s ear, whatever she said resulting in Sarah dramatically dropping her jaw at him. Thankfully, before either of them could say anything, Tina came up to the table, her arms lined with baskets of chips and ramequins of salsa and guacamole. Followed close behind her, to Race’s excitement, was another waiter, holding a tray of shots. 
“Holy shit,” Romeo laughed as the group clapped and whistled, excitedly rubbing their hands together for the next events of the night. As Tina took down orders, Race tried to get someone’s attention to slide the shots his way. Eventually, Spot noticed and he smiled, making Race want the liquor even more so it could calm the butterflies in his stomach. 
“I’ve got an idea,” Spot grabbed his napkin and slid the fork out of it and, reaching across the table, dragged the tray towards them. Race quickly followed suit, sliding the salt shaker with them as they pulled it across the table.  
“Good thinking,” He winked at him, and Race immediately reached for a shot while Spot licked the back of his hand and poured salt on to the moistened area. By now, Tina had taken everyone’s order and the group was munching on chips and watching the pair like popcorn and a movie. “Now, if you please, Race, entertain me with some of your infamous drunkard’s tales.” Their friends banged on the table in excitement, egging Race on. 
“Once,” Race quickly dabbed on and licked off his salt and then downed a shot, slamming the glass back onto the table when it was empty, “upon a hangover....” Spot’s eyes caught his, the way they dance intensifying the warm fuzzy feeling the tequila had gifted Race as their group erupted into wall-shaking laughter, carefree and ready to get plastered. 
“Are you FUCKING serious!?” Spot jokingly shoved Race as they exited the bar for the night, a little harder than he probably meant to as the liquor coursing through him had lessened his awareness of his strength. “Rhiana was really there?” Race’s heart still jumped at his touch, but it was less overwhelming with the buzzing of his head. 
“Yes, and let me tell you, Rhi-Rhi loves her RUM RUM RUM RUM RUM,” Race stumbled into cool Manhattan air, imitating the hip-hop star. 
“That’s amAZING!” Spot’s eyes went wide at him as their drunk friends staggered out behind them, each laughing harder than the next. 
“HOLY! FUCK!” Sarah shouted as she stomped onto the icy cement. “IT IS! COLD! AS FUCK!” 
“YES! We should build a lil’ fire.” Davey squatted down to warm his hands on an imaginary bonfire, tripping, and landing on his ass in a puddle of giggles. 
“We cannot do that, SILLY.” Jack bent over to help him up, almost falling himself. “There is no wood!” He waved around at the absence of trees as his friends nodded in agreement. 
“Well, then maybe we can heat things up ourselves,” Davey retorted, slamming his lips on Jack’s and aggressively pushing his fingers through his hair. The friends gasped and whooped at them, until Jack pulled away, scratching the back of his head with rosy cheeks. 
“Ah, AHEM, there’s our Uber!” He pointed, grabbing Davey’s hand and dragging him towards the black sedan that had just pulled up in front of the group. Jack waved goodbye as he opened the door until Davey kissed him again and shoved him inside the vehicle. The coworkers laughed as they pulled away, all drunkenly mumbling about the cold or about work tomorrow, as one by one their Lyfts and Ubers came to take them home. 
“Oh my god, I’m going to be hungover for my second day,” Spot whispered to Race as they watched Sarah and Katherine hop into a red Toyota. It was only when he said that did Race realize how close they were standing together. He immediately sobered up as he felt Spot’s shoulders rub against his as his coworker huddled toward him, trying to escape the brisk winds. 
“It’-” His voice cracked and Spot laughed obnoxiously, adding to the pink the weather had spread on Race’s ears. “It’ll be fine. I’ve been popping aspirin and vomiting in between meetings on multiple occasions. And this time everyone will be just as gone, so you won’t stick out as much.” Spot chuckled again.
“I guess.” They stood in silence for a while, watching their friends leave, and soon they were the only two left. Race wondered if he should say something, or if he had made him uncomfortable, but Spot spoke before he could. “I had a really fun time here,” He said and turned to look at Race. “I’m going to like working here. I can feel it.” Race laughed dryly, looking directly forward and watching his breath curl into the evening air. 
“Don’t be too sure, you’re going to have to sit next to me every day.” Spot turned to him again, and Race felt compelled to meet his gaze and realized his eyes had gone soft. 
“That’s the best part,” Spot smiled, and even though he was freezing and he could barely feel his legs and his fingers were burning from the cold, Race felt a rush of warmth shoot through him, racing through his veins and into his joints, his heart almost bursting. “Now, you wouldn’t happen to know what the fuck a gray Corolla looks like do you?” Spot looked back down at his phone as if he hadn’t just set Race’s heart on fire. It took him a minute to form a response.
“I-uh-I think you have your answer right there.” Race pointed to a car pulling up to the sidewalk. Spot looked up and nodded, waved to the driver, and then turned back to Race. 
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow then.” 
“Yeah,” Race shuffled his feet. Spot looked at his own feet as if searching for something to say between his shoe buckles. 
“By the way,” He looked back up, having found the right words. “Where is a good place for coffee by the office? You know your bars so well you must know the best place for recovery from them in the morning.” Race chuckled. 
“The Chadwick Sister’s Coffee makes a mean latte.” He responded. He debated saying more, and then finally took the risk. “I could...meet you at the office early, walk you to it, say 8:30?” He licked his lips and waited for what seemed like thirty hours for Spot’s answer. 
“Sounds good.” Spot smiled. This seemed like the end of the conversation, but he didn't turn to leave. “Thanks for showing me the bar, it was fantastic, even though I still think you inflated your shot numbers a little.” 
“You’ll beat me next time.” Race smirked. Spot cocked his head as if studying his features with intense curiosity.
“Today was a good day, Race." He said, slowly turning away. "Good night," 
“Good night,” Race said, quieter than he meant to, so quiet he wondered if Spot even heard him. He watched as his new coworker climbed into the Carolla and pulled away. He stood there until he could no longer see the brake lights of the car, contrasted by the exhaust shooting out from underneath the trunk. 
“I need to go home.” He said out loud to himself once the street was dark and the only light was coming from the bar behind him. He hadn’t called a cab, and he pulled out his phone to do so but then realized a stop for his bus was just a block away. He jogged towards it, his fists firmly pressed against the bottom of his pocket, wondering if he missed the bus. He wasn’t concerned. Nothing in the world could upset him right now, not even the aggressive sleet that came ripping through the air as his bus stopped at the light just before his stop. 
“Sorry about the wait,” The bus driver, a nervous red-headed woman with a septum piercing, apologized, anxiously squeezing the steering wheel as Race climbed through the bus’s open door and up the steps. 
“No worries,” He assured her, scanning his bus pass through the back of his phone case. “No worries at all.” He walked to the very back of the bus, passing an old woman who squinted to read her beauty magazine in the dim light and a short man in his early thirties, who sat clutching several paper grocery bags close to his chest. Race slid into a seat just as the bus pulled away from the curb. He leaned his head against the window, watching the raindrops speed down the window, illuminated by the bright traffic lights of the city, Spot’s words echoing in his mind. 
He’s right, Race thought to himself.
Today was a good day. 
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lesbian-choso · 4 years
for the ask game: 1, 17, 39 and 44!
1 - who are your favourite bands/artists?
In no particular order: 5SOS, Alphie Templeman, Arctic Monkeys, Avicii, Billie Eilish, BTS, Conan Gray, Denzel Curry, Girl in Red, Gorillaz, Higher Brothers, Hozier, Joe Hisaishi, Joji, Juice WRLD, Kasabian, Labrinth, LoveLeo, Maná, Megan Thee Stallion, MGMT, Rich Brian, Rina Sawayama, Roddy Ricch, Stray Kids, SUNMI, Superorganism, TOKYO’S REVENGE. (Most of this is just the ppl I follow on Spotify)
17 - If you had to pick one movie to erase from your memory, what would it be?
The Good: I’d erase Spirited Away from my memory just so I can experience it all over again.
The Bad: although Hereditary and Midsommar were good films, they honestly scared the crap out of me too much and were so disturbing so I just wish I never knew anything about them (e.g. the blood eagle 😰).
The Ugly: the After film. Just ew stop. Honestly, if they went ahead and make SJMs books into films, I wouldn’t be surprised if it played out like After 🤢
39 - What are some of your unusual pet peeves?
I don’t think many of these are unusual but imma just put them here anyways (I’m sorry this is a VERY long list and I’m doing this at 3am so there is a lot to think about):
“Do you really have [x,y,z] issue? Prove it.” HOW BRUV, DO U WANT MY X-RAYS, OR MY DOCTORS CERTIFICATE?¿
“So do you speak Uruguayan?” 🙃🙃🙃 sis I—
“Why are you so white tho?” HMmmMmm I’ll give you a hint, it rhymes with ‘white colonialists’.
“Can I try on your glasses? *tried them on* wow you really can’t see!”
The sound of metal touching each other scraping
the sound of fingernails clicking together
the sound of blow-dryers
the sound of lawnmowers (idk a lot of sounds irritate me idk why)
People that answer questions in a specific way so that you ask them something they really want to talk about (it’s usually about themselves)
People that destroy perfectly fine makeup/food/objects in general for content
People that give their opinion on something without having any knowledge on the situation whatsoever
People that think you have to love your blood family/relatives even if they’ve wronged you/ are abusive/ are prejudiced towards you/ etc
People that think you have to debate something with them if you disagree (fun fact: it’s easier to walk away)
People that just like irritating people for the fun of it
People that start arguments for fun
People that think prejudice/hate speech is okay because it’s “just an opinion”
People that are either too far left or too far right
People that judge others on their clothing
People that call themselves woke
People that call you “brave” or “courageous” if you’re a minority/marginalised group when all you’re doing is living life normally so it just sounds weird/condescending
People that don’t take into consideration context before they “call people out” on “problematic” behaviour
People that try to call out “problematic behaviour” from years ago even after the individual has apologised/become a better person (disclaimer: it’s fine to mention those things because yes they did happen and it probably was bad, but there’s no point in keeping a grudge forever)
Cancel culture
“I’m not like other girls” riiiight okay, or even better, “you’re not like other girls” 🤢
“I only hang out with guys, because girls are too much drama” just say you internalise misogyny and move on
White feminism (wiki definition: feminist theories that focus on the struggles of white women without addressing distinct forms of oppression faced by ethnic minority women and women lacking other privileges)
People that oversexualise minors but then when called out say, “teens have sex it’s normal so it’s okay” ?¿ those are two very different things
People thinking they deserve a pat on the back for “being inclusive to minorities/marginalised groups” like bruv, I appreciate it but it doesn’t make you very special to just be a decent person
Ads/shows/films/the media capitalising on marginalised groups
People that think free healthcare is a bad idea
People that think it’s okay for the rich/ certain organisations (e.g. religious groups) to not pay tax
People with certain religious views that think they can say certain things and get surprised when some ppl are offended
Christians that act like they’re a marginalised group (disclaimer: this isn’t an attack on Christianity because I’m more or less Christian myself, it just pisses me off a lot that the biggest religion in the world comprising of over 2 Billion people think they’re deserving of the same sympathy as a minority)
People that think they’re unique for having edgy opinions; no, it just makes you look like an asshole
People that think no one should be offended by edgy jokes (disclaimer: you can say any type of joke you want, but that also means the audience can have any type of reaction, so they’re entitled to be offended)
People that think climate change is fake
People that only talk to you because they want something from you
Sorry this became longer than I initially thought it would be 😅
44 - how has your music taste changed over the past 10 years?
When I was younger I think my music was leaning more towards commercialised pop/EDM because that’s when all the top tier stuff came out (e.g. Avicii), but then I got into my various phases: first it was trap music in 2014/2015, and a bit of edgy early 2000s rock in 2014 but I grew out of that hella fast, then it became classic rock 2015/2016 (lol when I started watching Supernatural), now my music is a bit of everything, as seen in question 1 lol (except for screamo because I still don’t like the genre, although I can respect anyone that can do a vocal fry)
I think I just stopped caring about what other ppl were listening to, and I ended up finding different genres I was really into. :D
Anyways, this became a loooooong post.
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melodiouswhite · 5 years
Classic literature vines compilation: crossovers pt. 02
A/N: The second part of the crossover compilation. :)
Victor Frankenstein: *The Screamer*
Dr. Jekyll: *The Sexual Stretch*
Dr. Moreau: *The Tarzan*
Van Helsing: *The Exorcist*
Herbert West: *Death Metal*
Hyde: *struggling with his shoes*
Dorian Gray: *laughs* Can't tie your shoes?
Hyde: I can't tie my shoes, but I can fuck your bitch!
Van Helsing: And when we go in there, let's show Victor, that we're happy for him!
Dr. Moreau: But I'm not.
Dr. Jekyll: Well, then fake it.
Dr. Jekyll: Look at me, I could be grinding on the fact, that without my stabilising telescope mount, he never would have found that stupid, little clump of cosmic Schmutz.
Dr. Jekyll: But I'm bigger than that!
Dr. Moreau: … Fine. What do you want me to do?
Van Helsing: Smile!
Dr. Moreau: *smiles creepily*
Dr. Jekyll & Van Helsing: … O_O
Dr. Jekyll: Oh crap, that's terrifying. O_O
Van Helsing: We're here to see Victor graduate, not kill demonic entities. -_-
Dr. Jekyll: Try less teeth.
Dr. Moreau: *still smiles creepily*
Dr. Jekyll & Van Helsing: … O_O
Van Helsing: Close enough. Come on. -_-
Victor Frankenstein: I'm so angsty!
Dr. Jekyll, to Herbert West: Hold my champagne.
Dr. Jekyll: It was destiny, that we met! ;)
Herbert West: Did it hurt, when you fell from heaven? ;)
Victor Frankenstein: … *very fast* Do you want your mouth on my mouth? Darling. I'm out. >///< *runs off*
The other two: …
Griffin: At what point did you forget that WE'RE TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!!!
Edward Hyde: Who gives a shit, GET THE FUCK A LIFE!!!                
Everyone else: *clapping in approval*
Dr. Jekyll: I'm not angry. Nooo! *laughs* You thought I was angry? Quite the contrary! I feel … splendid, I do! ^^
Dr. Jekyll: *knees Dr. Moreau to the chin* My knee hurts a little bit now, but that's okay. Because, I'm … I'm a gentleman! A gentleman never gets angry. ^^
Dr. Jekyll: A true gentleman keeps his calm cool. And he … he … he respects his environment …
*Victor Frankenstein appears and taps him on the shoulder*
Dr. Jekyll: And he is nice to people-FUCK YOU!!!
Victor Frankenstein: :(
Victor Frankenstein: I'm so troubled!
Dr. Jekyll: Hold my champagne.
Edward Hyde: Hah, joke's on you!
Dorian Gray: There is something on me?!
Edward Hyde: Uh, no, that's-
Dorian Gray, shrieking: GET OFF ME!!!
Edward Hyde: But-
Dorian Gray, hellish voice of hell: GET OFF ME OR I'LL KILL YOU!!!
Edward Hyde: …
Herbert West: Yo, what do you wanna eat?
Victor Frankenstein: What do I want to eat? How can I eat, when life is an illusion? An elaborate-
Herbert West: So, like pizza, or what?
Me: Story time! For some reason Victor Frankenstein and Dr. Henry Jekyll are fighting. Again.
Victor Frankenstein, proudly: I created an artificial human, when I was nineteen!
Dr. Jekyll, drily: Yes, by committing grave-robbery and using rotting flesh and then you wondered, why he didn't turn out the way you had imagined. Also, why does your creature have to be so tall?
Victor Frankenstein: It was easier to form him that way!
Dr. Jekyll: Then you must really suck at sculpting.
Victor Frankenstein: Excuse you?! Your creature is just as hideous as mine!
Frankenstein's Creature, thinking: Why am I still here …
Dr. Jekyll: *glares* First off, don't call him hideous! He may look creepy, but he's not ugly! Except for being very small and pale, but that's not the point! He gives off the impression of being ugly, that's a difference!
Dr. Jekyll: Secondly, he's my alter ago and my other half. The only one who's allowed to call him a creature is me!
Victor Frankenstein: You were already an old man, when you created him!
Dr. Jekyll: Yes, I spent decades of scientific work, research and theorising! You just decided to reanimate a corpse out on a limb, like the immature teenager you are. And when you succeeded, you ran away. Like a coward, leaving him to his own devices.
Frankenstein's Creature: First trauma of my life.
Victor Frankenstein: *gasps*
Dr. Jekyll: Yes, I just went there!
Victor Frankenstein: Well … you're also a coward! As soon as your alter ego What's-his-name caused trouble and got into shit, you claimed that none of this was your fault!
Dr. Jekyll: That's true, I admit it. One of us has to be the adult in this argument after all. Still, your creature killed almost your entire family and your best friend and you did nothing to stop him. Hyde killed one man.
Victor Frankenstein: Fuck you, old man! At least I don't have a split personality! Your alter ego is a psycho!
*Suddenly Edward Hyde appears visibly in a nearby mirror*
Dr. Jekyll, noticing his alter ego: Why don't you say that to his face, Victor?
Edward Hyde: No thanks, I heard everything. I just showed up, because I have to tell Frankenjerk a thing or two.
Edward Hyde: Alright, kiddo, first off: leave Henry alone. Because if you make him upset, I will take control and tear you to pieces! The only one who's allowed to bug him is me! Also, don't try to be the smart one here: you're a college drop-out, he's an actual doctor and professor.
Edward Hyde: Secondly, I may be a freak of nature - I stand by that - but Jekyll is not, so shut the hell up. Also, even though we don't get along, he still treats me better than you treat your creature. At least I have a name, a place to stay, papers, a bank account and he lets me have fun once in a while. And he didn't immediately book it when he saw me, just because of my appearance!  He may be hypocritical, but he's not as superficial as you! You're an arsehole to your creature 24/7. You didn't even name him! But don't bother, Jekyll and I already did that for you. His name is Adam Frankenstein now.
Frankenstein's Creature: *nods* It's all true.
Victor Frankenstein: YOU DARE GIVE HIM MY NAME????
Frankenstein's Creature: *grins gleefully* Indeed.
Edward Hyde: Try to bloody stop me. He's your fucking son, so deal with it. Moving on.
Edward Hyde: Thirdly, Jekyll may be fifty, but he's still gorgeous. Unlike you. Seriously, how old are you? Twenty? And you look older than he is.
Dr. Jekyll: O///O
Victor Frankenstein: *gasps* Oh no, you didn't just-
Edward Hyde: *smirks* Yep, I just went there.
Victor Frankenstein: *stomps off angrily*
Dr. Jekyll, to Edward Hyde: *blushing* … Thank you.
Edward Hyde: Eh, it's nothing.
Dr. Jekyll: Why did you defend me?
Edward Hyde: Hey, you're still my creator and my other half! And that little shit certainly has no right to talk shit about you. If anyone does, it's me. It's my privilege and mine alone. Do you hear me?
Dr. Jekyll: Duly noted.
Frankenstein's Creature: Ahem!
Dr. Jekyll: *startled* Ah, I'm sorry. Do you want to come over for tea?
Frankenstein's Creature, surprised: Really?!
Dr. Jekyll: Sure. Well, unless you mind having Mr. West and Dr. Moreau for company.
Frankenstein's Creature: Of course not! Count me in. :)
Dr. Jekyll: Great, let's go! ^^
Victor Frankenstein: I got 'A's in both my tests last week.
Dr. Jekyll: That's great.
Victor Frankenstein: And I was productive today!
Dr. Jekyll: Awesome.
Victor Frankenstein: So this is happiness! O_O
Dr. Jekyll: … Ew.
Edward Hyde: Can we go yet?
Dorian Gray: Not yet! Gotta do make-up! ;)
Edward Hyde & Dracula: *groan*
*later, after Dorian styled them both up*
Dracula: Never mind, this was an amazing idea!
Edward Hyde: We look so good!
Herbert West: Today we're gonna show you how we keep this delicious pie we just made taste fresh. ;)
Victor Frankenstein: And how we're gonna do that? ;)
*later, after they gobbled up the pie*
Herbert West: Eat the whole thing at once.
Victor Frankenstein: *burps*
Griffin: This homework is impossible!
Victor Frankenstein: I already did it.
Everyone in class: ANSWERS?!?!?!
Victor Frankenstein: Uh-oh. O_O
Dr. Jekyll, the professor: Boy, you better run.
Victor Frankenstein: *runs from a mob that wants his homework*
Dr. Jekyll, the professor: No one is answering? I guess I'll just have to call on someone.
Victor Frankenstein: GET DOWN!!!
Everyone in class: *panics and goes down*
Dr. Jekyll: *points at Griffin* You.
Griffin: Uhm … 42?
Dr. Jekyll: WRONG!
Griffin: x_x
Victor Frankenstein: I bombed this test! :(
Herbert West: Yeah, we all did that, I got-
Victor Frankenstein: -Ninety-seven!
Everyone in class: *throws their paper away in frustration* 
Victor Frankenstein: I'm so bad at baking.
Dr. Jekyll: Recipes are step-by-step instructions.
Victor Frankenstein: Yeah?
Dr. Jekyll: So you're actually telling everyone you can't read. 
Dr. Jekyll, to the class: Alright, who's happy to be back?
Victor Frankenstein: Absolutely no one.
Dr. Jekyll: Me neither, let's get the heck out of here.
Everyone: *boarding the next train* YAAAYYYY!!!
Victor Frankenstein: *struggling to catch up* HEY, WAIT!!!
Dr. Moreau, sternly: Where is your project?
Herbert West: Uh, right … here!
Herbert West: *holds up a dog* PUPPY!
Dr. Moreau: *gasps* PUPPY!!!
Everyone in class: *squeals in delight*
Frankenstein's Creature to Edward Hyde: You ever thought about shaving your body or cutting your hair?
Edward Hyde: You ever thought about why your dad left you?
Frankenstein's Creature: …
Edward Hyde: Oh crap.
Frankenstein's Creature: *starts to cry*
Edward Hyde: I'm sorry!
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langstwhynot · 6 years
(Don’t) Make(-it-)up
Warnings: Shance, grammar mistakes, where Lance has Vitiligo.
From a really young age, Lance learned how to do makeup. He was taught about so many abilities he could do, that it was written in his brain. Forever.
He asked his sisters to teach him, he asked from his mother to as well, sometimes he would even do their makeup just to practice and they would tell him how to get better.
It was fun.
But the reason he had to put makeup every morning before school, or every afternoon to meet with his friends, or sometimes after showering when he didn’t feel comfortable with himself, wasn’t fun at all.
He hated how he looked.
The only thing that gave him hope in his body was his dark blue eyes, that people said they were beautiful.
He would do anything for people to say it directed to him.
He would look on himself in the mirror with a face of disgust and disappointment. Why couldn’t he be like all the other kids? Why did he had to be cursed with this colorful skin?
It was rare to be born with Vitiligo, but of course Lance had to be different.
He is always the odd one from all.
He never showed or told anyone about his skin, only his family knew, and a few other kids in school, by accident! He never took down his makeup in front of people. Only late at night when he was all alone he would take the cream off from his face and hands, just to go straight to sleep.
Sometimes he would cry himself to sleep when his mind replayed the faces and screams from the kids who saw Lance cry in the bathroom of school, and the kids he ran past by when he tried to get to the exit.
Most of the times when he cried quietly, trying not to wake up his siblings, his mother was the only one to hear him. She would come and sit on his bed, brushing his hair and saying that he looked beautiful. She would repeat the things she loves about him and the things he’s good at, until he fell asleep.
When his mother was deep in sleep or too busy to hear her son crying, because of late night working or taking care of his younger siblings (or anything else), he tried to say good things about himself. He tried to copy his mom’s doings.
It was never the same as she did.
Lance landed Blue in the clearing forest he found and jumped out from her mouth when she crouched down. He drew his bayard and scanned the area around him for any enemies. It was clear.
“No Galrans here.” He said into his helmet. No one said anything except of Shiro saying calmly “Roger that.”
Lance sighed and looked around.
“Hey Pidge? Which side did you say I need to turn to?” His eyes jumped from the path into the right side of the forest surrounding him, to the left one. Pidge growled. “Didn’t you listen to what I said?” She answered angrily. Dealing with Galra and Lance at the same time wasn’t one of her things on the “to do” list.
Lance was about to answer when she replied. “If you landed your lion facing West you should be fine if you just turn 37 degrees and go straight.”
He repeated the information inside of his mind.
“That means to go left? I’m going left, screw this.” He murmured to himself and started stepping into the big mess of green.
When he got to the end of the path he saw some of his teammates already fighting. He joined the battle without hesitation. Hunk and Keith joined a few moments after him.
It was hard to fight the Galarns when you could barely see them. It wasn’t that late, in fact, it was almost afternoon on this planet. But Lance didn’t have the time to pull his head up to the sky and see who turned off the sun (or two suns, he couldn’t remember).
He hid behind a massive tree that was twice his size, and from time to time when the shots on him seemed to relax he would pop his head out for view and aim on his targets, which caused them to fire back again.
Once he hit all the three of them, he ran over and rolled on the ground to reach the pile of boxes and hid behind those. He pressed his back and scanned the area to his sides.
On his right Keith was slashing every moving creature that came near him, which is why Hunk was 40 feet away, backing up.
And on his Left Shiro was being... Shiro, with his weird and cool fighting tactics, cutting through bots and kicking heads. Pidge wasn’t to far away from him, for once using her special height ability against the very tall Galarns and causing them to fall flat on their back.
Lance yelped when a shot came too close to his head, he turned around and aimed on the target. A purple Galarn with two cat ears and a mark coming down his face, like-cutting-it-for-two-sides.
Lance and the Galarn were both aiming at each other’s head, trying to get the best position before pulling the trigger so they won’t miss and get killed. Luckily, Lance was the first to pull it and hit his enemy. The Galarn fell back on the ground.
Lance turned his head to the other side with a sigh of relief. He scanned the area, trying to focus through the dark on which figures are his teammates or... not, and also searching for an answer of how many Galarns are left.
And he was happy to see Pidge cutting through the last bot who fell on the ground in two different pieces. He smiled and got up from behind the boxes.
“Great work team, now we should get back to the Trixons’ city to tell them we took down the threatens ship.” Shiro said as he took down his helmet, walking closer while the others did as well. They made a circle.
They kept talking but Lance couldn’t listen. He finally was able to look up to the sky to see what made darkness cover the planet’s afternoon. He took down his helmet to make sure what he got was right, and not just the helmet’s dirty glass. He raised an eyebrow when he saw he was right.
The sky were gray.
“That’s weird.” He whispered to himself, a hopeful feeling raised in his chest and made his heart race a bit. He looked down to his friends who kept talking and cheering, not all of them took down their helmets.
Hunk finished his laughter and turned to face Lance. “What’s weird buddy?” He asked, without any confusion showed. Lance didn’t care, he just wanted an answer. “Am I the only one that see the sky are gray?” He pointed up.
This drew everyone’s attention up to the cloudy sky. “Huh,” Keith let out. “They really are.” He continued.
“Ew! Keith! Stop spitting on people when you talk!” Pidge said as she wiped a water dot from her forehead, looking up to Keith on his left. “I didn’t spit.” He said.
Lance looked up to the sky again and blinked his eyes when a tear dropped on his nose. He opened them again, now they were shining in awe. “It’s-“ He smiled. “It’s raining!!!”
Some of his friends gasped as more tears started to fall down on them and around, looking up to the sky, unabling to keep looking for too long or else water will get in their eyes. Soon they started cheering.
Everyone took down their helmets now, they jumped around and danced, laughed and hugged, how much did they all miss rain. Something to bring them a feeling of home.
But all their feelings weren’t even close compared to Lance’s. He kept his head up to the sky with his eyes closed as he cried in joy and tears mixed with a salty rain came down his cheeks. He smiled.
The smell of the water meeting with the ground and the sound of the leaves of the trees being washed clean. The wind that came from time to time and made Lance shivers, but he didn’t care. The static sound of the drops who only got stronger and painful with their falling down to the planet. Lane began to laugh as well.
He didn’t heard when, and he also didn’t notice, that his teammates stopped laughing long time ago.
“Lance...?” Shiro said quietly.
Lance turned to him and wiped the tears and the rain from his eyes so he could see the black paladin. He flinched when he met with his teammates’ face of worry. “What?” He asked, and no one answered.
Pidge just pointed on her own face.
Lance, who saw nothing on her face, pulled his hand up to his cheek and met with wet. He pulled his hand back away when he saw on his hand a light brown cream on the fingers that met with his face.
Oh no.
“Oh no.” He now said out loud, backing away from his friends and covering his “naked” face. “No, no, no no no!! Don’t look at me!!” He yelled, looking out around from the mask made of hands he made to cover his face, between his fingers, searching for his helmet.
He found it and put it on his head, turning around and running away from his friends. “Lance!!!”
Lance stared blankly into the abyss his legs hung above. He sat on a cliff and stared down into the forming darkness inside of the crack in the ground.
How could he forget about his skin? How could he forget the makeup? Now his teammates are going to think he’s disgusting and ugly, or pity him for how he looks. He doesn’t need that.
He sighed deeply and buried his face in his hands.
He flinched and turned his head around to see Shiro, standing with a worried look a few feet behind him. Shiro started stepping forward and Lance suddenly wished he would have picked a better place to hide at. Shiro came and sat next to him.
No one dared to talk, Lance barely let himself breath. But for sure he won’t let Shiro look at him and see his face, so he looked to his left side where Shiro didn’t sit at.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Shiro said, putting a hand on Lance’s right shoulder. Lance didn’t turn his head. “Did you tell us about your nightmares?” He replayed aggressively.
Shiro stayed quiet for a few seconds after speaking again. “You can’t compare this to nightmares, Lance. It’s different.”
Shiro was right, it was different.
How Lance could be so selfish? Shiro has been captured for a whole year, tortured and got his arm cut off. He can’t compare his ugliness to Shiro’s pain. That’s unfair.
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” Lance sighed and tried to focus his thoughts on the sight in front of him. To his left side, where he was looking, the green trees stood up high and the clouds began to disappear in distance, probably moving with the wind to cover another place with it’s rain.
The two suns’ beams gave them a bit more light and Lance smiled at the weird green rainbow formed for the mix of the light with water (Stfu).
“Lance, please look at me.”
He sighed again, but this time he turned his head to look back into the abyss, so Shiro could see now his right profile. “You don’t have to hide your skin.” Shiro said finally, and Lance got confused. He looked up to Shiro to see his sad smiling face.
“We love you for being who you are, not for how you look.” Shiro tilted his head. “Besides, I think it looks cute.” Lance jumped from the sentence and flushed red. He covered his face again but now, it wasn’t in shame of his skin.
Shiro knew what he did to Lance, but he still kept going with his explanation. “We are team Voltron. The defenders of the universe. Not even a scary powerful dude living for 10,000 years can stop us.”
Lance chuckled into his hands.
“If we want to win this war, we need to accept each other and trust each other, no matter what.” Shiro continued, and pulled Lance by his chin to turn his head and take his hands off so the two could share a look. Lance didn’t fight.
“Do you trust us? Do you trust me?”
Lance watched Shiro’s eyes sparkle with hope. And suddenly, he felt like all his problems blew into dust and flew with the wind, far far away.
“Yeah.” Lance smiled. “I do. Thanks.”
I’m sorry for the shitty ending<3
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lodestarslagoon · 6 years
American Horror Story Apocalypse Live Blogging 8x02
Here we go!
Oh thank god X-men Apocalypse is over
Omg I just got the movie title thats funny they put it right before.
My god Sophie Turner’s hair is so ugly. Why can’t they add extensions for more volume? Game of Thrones Sansa too...
Oh shit the lights went out on Jail Girl! Is rubberman here?
I didn’t watch Murder House, so I hope Rubberman is just creepy and not murdery.
I hope her and UCLA are like Adam and Eve basically.
Kathy Bates eat the snake YASSS!
OMG MALLORY MY ONE TRUE LOVE NEXT TO COCO! Madison is me, so I can’t love myself. That’s egotistical.
Lol 18 months later Andre is still bitter about the stew is stu.
I still say Jail Girl is wearing white.
Ew was that sex during Leslie Grossman’s name in the credits.
Commercials ugh.... Where is Madison.
Omg my dad’s phone just made an App noise and I jumped so high!
Omg yes, Vitam Vitalus snake please or Resurgence.
Kathy Bates needs to axe Jail Girl. UCLA too.
Oh Look a male gray across the door from Mallory isn’t bad looking.
I wonder why all the grays are white....
Is Michael trying to makeout with Venable?
Oh she moved, what big dick energy....
What random locations to hold outposts. Where is this one?
Lol “Thats Classified”
I still wonder why Andre is there. Not like Gays are helping repopulate the world.
Wait why can Gay Evan Peters volunteer as tribute?
Why would I want a pill? Ugh, cannibals are weird plot device.
I was wondering if he will ask about the Grays and deteremine if they were good.
“You were 52 when Elvis took his last shit” #CocoIsLife
Michael Langdon needs a chill pill....
I can’t handle his wig...
Lol your ability to impregnate a woman isn’t needed.
Anger and grandmother.
Lol she’s shaming him to be the perfect gay. 
Is Michael Langdon flirting with Gay Evan Peters?
I will admit if he came out as straight I zoned out and missed that remark, not trying to erase his sexuality, just still on the he’s gay train.
Subrban Gay Lunches hahaha
I hate brunch
Lol a cat charity, yay Joan Collins.
Omg yes, I love this luncheon improper dining material attire he has.
LOL He’s so relatable with his rebellion
“I like a lot of things” I bet it’s Michael.
OH GOOD We both find Michael flriting. Just a gay baiter I swear.
I mean you’re either gonna get in or die, I’d jump on it to make out with him.
Wow, what a power move.
Lol him asking if he got him just got him thrown out.
I agree with Jail Girl, this kissing between her and UCLA guy is bullshit.
She’s going to explore the world to find a safehouse?
RUBBERMAN! AHHHH Michael Langdon is all for this.
Wow I’m not even into leather and I find this hot.
Oh nvm, lick, “I’m yours.” #Done.
Oh... Joan Collins going to walk in on it.
Wait isn’t this unauthorized copulation?
Oh another commercial.
I think the biggest Horror Story this season yet is I bet that the Rubberman did NOT have lube with him while doing that....
Oh Joan Collins appears to Kathy Bates, what a snitch.
I personally thinking that Joan Collins batty old lady is dying. She said in an interview she’s playing 3 or 4 characters this season so this seems like a good time to die.
So Michael Langdon walked by, while the Rubberman’s afoot with Gay Evan Peters.
Oh, an email and such.
Like am I supposed to be scared when the Rubberman is on the ceiling, all I know about him is that he appears and sex/rapes people.
Oh god, they’re going to realize that sex is allowed, do it, then get caught and punished because of the email like the promos.
Michael Langdon confronting Venable; I love his outfit.
“Nothing would be more humiliating to a man such as yourself than to have a woman know more than him.” TELL HIM VENABLE!
“I’m just doing my best with the mess men created.”
A woman, young mother? Nevermind, I thought it was Cordelia for a moment.
LOL That no to the Mercy Killing.
Coco St. Pierre Vanderbilt <3
Venable’s last choice is COCO!?
Damn Venable hates everyone! Guess that’s what torturing for 18 months does. Although, I don’t know why.
Lol getting undressed is shame and undressed? Jeez, guess I’m not making it into the Sancutary.
Is that a hump back? A Tumor? Like I’m too biologically stupid to get Venable’s condition.
Cody Fern is doing great wonders acting as Michael Langdon.
Kathy Bates is so angry at Michael, but later she says “Hail Satan”?
Wow this whole sexual tension with Michael Langdon going on made me forget we have yet to see Madison yet for a minute.
Oh we are back.
Oh strung up and stuff. 
“In my soul I have know him always” My god, why is this necessary, can I just get to Madison.
Gay radicals of the 70s and 80s... Ryan Murphy... I’m surprised you’re not throwing your name into this.
Oh thank god Venable see’s he’s loving it.
Oh well at least he admits Gay Evan Peters is hot.
Awww needy </3
“My Nana” really? You were selling her out hours ago....
If this entire season is just one person being interviewed an Episode I am going to throw a fit.
Oh look, Michael used telekinesis.
“Yeah of course it was, you had three networks.”
Omg Coco’s monologue about how hard it is to be young in here. I can’t. Sexual Orientations hahaha.
“Um... we’re sitting right here.” Tell her Coco!
“Perverted Lifestyle” </3
“I am the bridge between the past and future.”
“Humanity may be in a sorry state, but it deserves better than you.”
Oh Joan Collin’s ring is NICE!
“Well, it’s a good thing you convinced me to save your Nana.” #TellHimCoco
UCLA BOY NO! Ugh I thought Jail Girl would cave in first.
Oh Rubberman.
Ugh commercial.
Maybe Madison’s the Rubberman.
At this rate I’m just praying Madison’s been involved as The Rubberman. Anything to get her into the show.
Oh and another commercial...
Awww Gay Evan Peters looks so sad </3
I hope that’s Stevie at least. It sounds like her.
How alluring, to just come and follow me.
Rubberman has transmutation?
Ew is Rubberman killing Joan Collins?
Oh okay no. They’re just going to engage in the sex again.
Oh UCLA and Jail Girl got caught finally.
Oh Gay Evan Peter’s is getting rough.
I wonder how Emma Roberts feels about this acting.
Oh snap!!!! Conciliium. 
I wonder what Joan Collins was thinking in their world as Evan Peters was being all sexy talk and such before he killed her.
This cane dong dong that Venable does is such a powermove. It’s kind of cool.
OH SNAP he shot Kathy Bates!
Oh she’s fine. 
Oh we get a new episode trailer this week?
Unless she’s like an alien from season 2? I have no idea. I just am noticiting it’s 10:57 p.m. EST and no fucking Madison Montgomery despite the fact that she’s in the starring cast opening trailers....
All Hallows Eve?
Mallory demanding to be freed?!
Oh I saw the witches walking through the fog.
I’m still confused why Kathy Bates is a robot.
Oh well.... No Madison. No care. Good episode, the writing and acting were nice. I wonder which episode Evan Peters will direct.
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jdmainman123 · 2 years
Okay okay you got fish here Russia #report
If you really wanted to break my heart whitey you should have told your little girl to show me her tits .ewe. GET AWAY FROM ME
She was too ugly to die SO SHE HAD TO PAY THE ULTIMATE PRICE because she was born a female
I'm sorry BUT FIRST OFF THIS LOSER DIDN'T WANT TO SEE ME WANT ME TO SEE HER SEXY DANCE ON TV. NEXT TIME I GET HOME THERE'S F****** 15 MORE BLACK SKIN MEN THAT WERE SENT TO MY BASE TO WATCH ME. I CAN'T WATCH ONE WHITE HAIR GIRL ON YOUTUBE SING ME MY FAVORITE LOVE SONGS it turns out you just wanted to break my heart with this girl. It's only halfway across the world for timeline you had a few white hair white skin girls that were still Innocent by the age till 12
Yeah but if this world has turned into the side of the world with trains Mia p o w. What I suggested to the men this morning was forget about the beach. If we could all have our own beaches in our backyard. Then I ordered them to go to home Depot and each one of them grab a shovel. So by the time night falls the whole new backyard will be big enough to fill it with water and concrete
That is all you guys want to do is stick me on train so I'm surrounded by your f****** loose suicide f****** squad of men and boys. We all know we're already dead. We're going to stop being nice to people. We're going to start being mean to people outside. AND RUSH ME TO THE AIRPORT TO CRAP
This white hair girl has cost me more pain and suffering then I can ever imagine it's all the only offering you one black skin girl from my beach for two white hair girls TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT THEM GIRLS THEM GIRLS TAKE MORE CARING FOR
Oh come on bird flu they actually made me sicker now I remember this campaign with white skin black hair girls and it was indeed the boys and men around them remember that cloud of gray that cloud of brown that cloud of black. It actually made me sick but to see how much these loser man all declare Black Mass how much that little white hair girl brought them back to being a little kid. But you can't reform murderers. You can't reform remember the guys who used to beat up pitbull puppies. You can't reform that kind of thing
If he doesn't kill this one
You got a second chance with another family
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rockkcityboy · 6 years
Ep 151
My laptop is supposed to be back sometime this week.
Their voices..... Don't like that
What's this fuckin opening called.... This is the one I love and NEVER remember the name of
Break Through! That's the bitch!!!
"There's no room for remorse; just progress."
EW these bitches again
"Who have them the right to be so annoying?!"
Who gave YOU the right to be such a dumbass ugly bitch
"I could have. But why spoil the chance to see that look on your face?"
You.... You still would've seen it....
"Playing hooky, we need a break too, I'd rather be here, cuddling with you~"
"If anyone's going to be cuddling with Juvia's beloved Gray, it's going to be Juvia!"
"I'm pretty sure you both have more than cuddling in mind."
Gray fully acknowledges that Sugar Boy wants to fuck him.... And that Juvia wants to fuck him.... And doesn't give a shit about either of them...
"Then it's not true love; just vulgar infatuation."
Lucy is so gay for Hughes.... Hughes is so gay in general... Mary Hughes reminds me of Sunset Shimmer from Equestria Girls tbh. She's so edgy, I love her.
"Since Zentopia raised me up from nobody to a total badass wizard-"
Why does no one love Hughes and Erik
"We can start as friends and see where that takes us."
"I appreciate the sentiment, but I'm not sure I'm ready for what you're implying."
....... So.... What you're saying is..... Hughes canonically has a crush on Lucy...... And Lucy is okay with this but isn't ready for a relationship........ Almost canon gays.....
They went from Big Brother and Sammy to Bro and Sam.... Beautiful....
"Don't you get tired of looking grumpy all the time? Try crack a smile once in a while."
Natsu deadass just gave the "smile" line to an old dude. Big mood. You subvert those expectations, babes.
"That was scary Lord Byro.... Please don't ever do that again."
Oh my god, Coco, leave him alone
"Tartaros and Grimoire Heart have stayed quiet."
Grimoire is still together???????
"Who's Sabertooth again??"
Fuckin hell, Natsu...
"And that was all she wrote."
Was that a fucking Murder She Wrote reference or some bullshit??? Max, what the hell????? DOES FIORE HAVE TV SHOWS?????
It was probably just a thing they added in translation to make a fun joke, but I like theorising.
"Gray never considers my feelings like that..."
...... Juvia. Babes. Shut the actual fuck up. He doesn't consider your feeling much, because you NEVER consider his.
Holy shit, Lumen Histoire. Forgot about that getting revealed.
"It's my job to choose the next guild master, and that's you."
Sh... Shouldn't you have asked him to be the guild master before you showed him Fairy Tail's greatest secret..?
"I didn't care for him. He was scary."
Sting is so funny tbh
"Hold up, are you just gonna ditch your pals? That's harsh, man."
So fucking funny
"Damn straight."
That's what you're not
"He couldn't hold a candle to ya."
Yes he could.... He is a candle
Holy SHIT, this arc has a strong opening and closing theme? Wild.
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theoddcatlady · 7 years
Tumblr media
Guess who’s going on a cruise in December? This bitch right here! :D
Finally, all these years of entering contests and putting my name into prize draws has paid off! I’ve always wanted to go on a cruise guys. A whole two weeks out on the beautiful blue sea. Away from stupid work, away from all my responsibilities, and more importantly- away from freaking winter.
I’ll make a special tag for my cruise album so you all can keep up on it. Hearts!
The more I read about the features this cruise is having, the more I’m getting hyped for it. I’ve been going to tanning booths to make sure I have a bod that isn’t pasty white. My mom’s super jealous, but I only got the one ticket, and I’m the one going on that boat!
Seriously though. Dream come true. Twenty four hour buffets and room service. Fancy dinners every night with waiters that dance on the tables. A stop on a vacant island in the Bahamas to spend a day chilling on the beach, sipping drinks and swimming with dolphins. Spa. Hot tub. Shows every night. I will never be bored.
Maybe I’ll get lucky and come home with a hot babe too ;)
12:41 PM
Gonna be boarding soon! And get this- it’s the maiden voyage!
The ship’s called the Maenad, which is such a weird name, I know. But it’s sooooo pretty! So white and clean! I just hung out with this super sweet couple. The girl’s name is Adrienne, she’s a blogger too, I’ll try to link you to hers later, and her fiance’s name is Emery, and he’s. A. Hunk. He’s got the bod of a god (hehe it rhymes!). He’s got a super sexy voice, so low and smooth. And his smile, holy shit, his smile! I’m in love.
Sucks he’s taken, but I’ll just BFF it up with Adrienne.
1:16 PM
Well, boarding happened late, and hooooly crap you guys will not believe it.
Two guys got into a fist fight like, right as we began boarding. I don’t even know what caused it! Maybe they got their bags switched or maybe they just got cranky, I dunno. But the big guy just turned around and started whaling on the other dude. The other guy started squealing before he went for the cheap hits, like kidney punches and groin shots. By the time security managed to pull them away, the big guy’s face was purple because the little dude managed to get him in a headlock. Little dude was apparently tougher than I thought, even though his nose was smashed in and bloody.
I doubt they got let on the boat with that attitude. :P
The room’s… almost perfect. I thought I was getting a room with a balcony, buuuut guess not. Oh well, it’s still a cruise, and I still got internet! Paid out the ass for it, but can’t seem to upload any pics. Ugh. You’ll have to wait till I’m home. I’m gonna chill until dinner.
6:39 PM
Disappointed again. Dinner was cold. I just wanted to enjoy the buffet dammit! If I wanted cold, chewy nuggets I’d go to McDonald’s.
Ugh. I guess first day was always damned to go bad. I’ll just watch TV, if I can get a connection. Although good news, I found out Adrienne and Emery are right down the hall from me! We’re totally going to hang out tomorrow.
2:21 PM
So glad I have Adrienne around. Because otherwise today would be laaame.
Spa’s closed. Which was my plan for the first day! Adrienne is super bummed too. Lunch isn’t as bad today, at least it’s not cold. Poor Adrienne though, she went for the Chinese noodle things and ended up biting down on a chicken bone. She ended up just having some soft serve ice cream while crying about how her teeth hurt.
Tonight’s the first dinner though. Fingers crossed we get them dancing to What Does the Fox Say!
8:07 PM
No dancing. And my soup had a really bad aftertaste, super bitter. Dessert made up for it though, brownies! I ended up sitting with Adrienne and Emery. Emery’s a pilot! Like actually licensed and everything, he even owns his own plane. I asked if he could take me up sometime and he laughed and said it was only a two seater, but maybe!
Ugh, I think the couple across the hall are having a fight. I think their names are Evan and Corine. They’re about my age too but they’re always at each other’s throats! Even before boarding they were bickering with each other. So dumb. Why am I the only one single on this stupid boat?
3:21 AM
Had a supersuper bad nightmare oh my god I almost want to jump off the boat and start swimming home.
There was all this screaming, and these poor kitties, oh those poor kitties, people kept grabbing them by the legs and pulling, just pulling, while they cried and tried to get away. Their bones popped and snapped and then they just tore apart like paper and sparkly lil bits flew out of them, confetti. It was glittery confetti like the stuff at my twelfth birthday party.
I wanna go back to bed and never wake up.
12:31 PM
Ugh. Slept something awful last night. I just couldn’t get comfy.
Turns out I had a nightmare too, judging by my post? I don’t remember it. So. WEIRD. I’m gonna spend today in my room. Just order in lunch and dinner. I need some me time. Meditate. Think of nice, happy thoughts.
Like Emery’s smokin hot body on top of mine. Yum.
10:23 AM
The spa’s open! I’m gonna hit that up with Adrienne today. She invited me to go with her, gossip about the super cute but so gay guys giving us massages and doing our nails. Ugh. I cannot wait. It’s going to be AMAZING.
3:21 PM
It was not amazing. It was not even subpar.
I’m gonna be honest and say it as it is: it was fucking awful.
First off, waaaayy overcrowded. There were a bunch of these really old wrinkly bitches with their saggy boobs practically hanging out of their bathrobes, yelling and teasing the poor masseuses and manicure people :(
The one doing my foot massage, I can’t remember his name, but I’ll call him Blue Hair because he has this really screwed up blue hair. You know the kind of hair where someone’s bleached and dyed it too many times? So ugly. He. Was too damn rough with my poor feet! I’m not even gonna go to dinner I’m so sore. He was so bitchy too, called me a whiner and that my feet smelled like cheese. My feet do not smell like cheese!
I was about to kick his stupid face when a really fat old woman started yelling at him about why she wasn’t being helped at this very second and how her feet were killing her and that she was going to complain to the people in charge when he like snapped? He got up and started yelling back at her, and it escalated so fast all Adrienne and I could do was watch.
Finally the old lady had enough of his sass and punched him across the jaw. Blue Hair was super twiggy so he hit the floor with a really loud thump. I didn’t see if he got up, I think the old lady was about to stomp on his head when someone finally pulled her away and out of the spa. I got the hell out of there, ditching Adrienne and just going to hell with this.
It was for the best though, Adrienne wasn’t mad or anything. She said she went in for the mud bath and oh my gosh was it bad. It smelled like actual feces and then someone started screaming about how there was blood in their mud. Like. A lot of blood.
Adrienne says someone probably was on the rag when they got in and just didn’t care, but ew! I was looking forward to it and now you can’t pay me to get near that spa ever again.
5:31 PM
Going to dinner again with Adrienne and Emery. Apparently tonight’s gonna be a dancing night! So excited. This is one of the main reasons I wanted to come, dancing waiters on the tables sounds like so much fun! I’m wearing my cute dress, I would be showing you guys pics but one, impossible to upload, takes too long, and I haven’t taken a good selfie all day! Ugh. Bad selfie days are the wooorst.
Oh, there they are now! Better go!
9:50 PM
That couldn’t have gone any worse.
First off, dinner was like, nearly optionless? The first night there was like a million choices, from exotic to elegant, but tonight I literally sat down and got handed an appetizer without so much as being handed a menu. I don’t even want to know what it was. It was some piece of dried out meat. Tasted a bit like pork, but maybe it was fish? Emery said maybe it was shark and that made me laugh, which helped.
Main course was burnt black steak. Not even Emery could joke about that, I swear his perfectly tanned complexion went gray when he realized the hunk of charcoal on his plate was meant to be steak. He flagged over a waitress and asked what the big deal was.
“Chef’s choice, fuck off and hit up the buffet if you’re going to be a bitch about it.”
I was floored. I heard wait staffs were so nice on cruises! I don’t think even Emery knew how to react.
The dancing though. I really, really hope the accident wasn’t as bad as it looked.
Our stupid waitress got up on Evan’s and Corine’s table, taking off her apron and swinging it above her head as some old tune crooned out of the speakers. Evan was super into it, making crude comments about the waitress’ panties while Corine fumed.
I’m not sure if it was the feedback from the speakers that made the waitress stumble or if Corine finally snapped and sucker punched her, but the waitress tumbled from the table with a scream. She slammed into the floor with a painfully loud crack and I saw blood pooling around her head.
We all got shooed out, the host apologizing and saying we’d all get a special dinner sent up to our rooms as an apology and that the woman would be fine.
BTW- still waiting on that special dinner. I’m so hungry I’d eat that excuse for a steak.
… Okay maybe not that hungry. My stomach’s still churning from the meat that may have been shark.
6:32 AM
Dinner was delivered ten minutes ago. It was the same damn steak from last night. It was so cold now though that it was practically rock solid, and I swear it started to smell a bit. It went into the garbage. I’m nauseated and super tired. I can’t get the sound of the waitress’ head hitting the floor out of my head. I really, really hope she’s okay.
Corine and Evan are having the LOUDEST SEX EVER in the room across the hall. I’m pretty sure the mainland can hear her orgasming, oh my god, SHUT UP.
12:13 PM
I think I saw someone get divorced at the buffet.
I was loading up on lukewarm french fries and half cooked chow mein noodles when the quiet argument turned up a few notches. I turned to see this middle aged couple screaming at each other while their little kids stood to the side, eyes like a deer’s in headlights.
No one even bothered to get in between them, I think she was mad about him letting their kids eat nothing but garbage all week, and he was mad she had a stick up her ass. It ended with her ripping off her ring and pitching it into the ocean. His face went purple with how pissed he got, screaming about how that was a family heirloom and all that shit. I got the hell out of there, they can get this damn plate back later.
12:31 PM
Holy shit the angry guy threw his wife overboard.
Emery ran in my room looking sick. He was tanning with Adrienne on the top deck when the woman, apparently her name was Delia, ran up there and she looked terrified. Angry husband Donald ran up after her and grabbed her by the hair. Emery tried to get up to break it up but he wasn’t even finished crossing halfway when Donald dragged her to the edge and threw her over his head into the ocean, telling her to ‘go find the fucking ring!’
I am. So glad I didn’t see that. I don’t know if she’s even okay, can you fall from the top deck to the ocean without, ya know, breaking every goddamn bone in your body?!
Emery’s hiding in here for now, he wants some comfort. Adrienne needed to be alone.
His hair’s so soft, I wanna pet it all day.
Christmas Eve and I’m so homesick.
I don’t want to go to the special ‘dinner’. Knowing what luck we’ve had so far, someone’s probably going to get frikken impaled on a dropped knife or something. So just buffet. Which has gone dramatically down in quality for how little we’ve been out here. It’s cold, it’s undercooked, it’s overcooked, it has a horrible aftertaste. I’m going a little crazy.
I just wanna be home.
At least tomorrow we’re on the island. Won’t blog until I’m back on the boat. Don’t think I’ll have signal.
10:19 PM
Okay, so the island was kinda nice at first. I saw no sign of Donald or his kids. Or Corine and Evan. But Adrienne and Emery were there! Emery helped me apply suntan lotion, and his hands were like a god’s. Adrienne got a bit pouty but she was happy after we went swimming together. She’s such a good friend. <3
So much was a lie though. There was no wait staff to bring us drinks. The dolphin meet up had to be booked ahead of time, which none of us knew, and by the time it was noon people were getting a lil testy. I mean, we were promised a beach haven and all we got was basically the same crap you get at home, except it’s salt water.
I heard yelling about half way through the afternoon and went to check it out. I thought it was just two guys rough housing in the water until I realized what the teenage girl next to them was screaming.
“Help! He’s gonna kill him! Oh my god, someone help!”
I ran into the water, Emery hot on my heels. The one guy was holding the other underwater, and I nearly puked when I realized the other guy had stopped struggling. I tried to shove the guy’s attacker but it was impossible, he was so much bigger than me and I just couldn’t move him. Emery tackled him so hard he sent them both down into the water, and I dragged the drowning guy up, trying to smack his chest to help push the water out of his lungs.
He wasn’t breathing.
I think the attacker was put in custody. The girl said they were just horsing around to get her attention when the victim accidentally hit the other guy in the dick. Apparently that was worth murder.
I want to go home.
I think I just heard Emery at the door, so I’ll end this post here.
I slept with Emery last night.
It didn’t mean to happen, it just did! He came to me for comfort because apparently Adrienne was being all cold, we were close, I set a hand on his thigh, our eyes met and just… fell into each other’s arms.
He told me this morning he’ll break off the engagement with Adrienne after we get back home. I’ve apparently showed him what it’s like to be with someone who cares. I feel so bad for Adrienne but… Emery’s so nice guys. He’s the perfect man. He listens, we have sooo much in common, and I’m sure Adrienne will understand that maybe he and I have something that we never thought we’d find with another person.
I still had awful nightmares though. Maybe it’s the guilt.
I shouldn’t feel guilty though. I shouldn’t.
12:58 PM
I’m suing this cruise line when I get home I swear to god THERE WAS BUGS IN THE FOOD
I was eating with Emery, having a good time, he took a forkful of noodles and was about to put it in my mouth when I saw the carrot start to twitch. And then it exploded and squirmed and buzzed IT WAS A FLY. There was. A fucking fly. IN THE FOOD.
I puked all over Emery and I’m so embarrassed, but just seeing it writhe while impaled on a fork was too much. I’m not eating another damn thing on this cruise. No way. I’ll starve myself until we get back home. We’re docking on the first. I’ll make it that long.
6:00 PM
I’m starving but oh my god I can’t stop thinking of that fucking fly. I almost caved and ordered room service twice but just. Flies. I can’t stand flies. They make me itch. Emery hasn’t been in to see me all day and I’m super depressed. Today’s the worst. I’m hungry, I might’ve just lost my new boyfriend, and I just want to be home.
11:23 PM
I think I heard someone die.
Corine and Evan were arguing, and then they were sexing, and then I heard Corine laughing while someone was choking and gasping. There was a thump and something dragging, and I’m too scared to get out of bed.
This is the worst fucking cruise.
9:42 AM
Adrienne knows.
She’s been at my door for half an hour, knocking and saying she has to talk to me. No way. No how. Am I opening that door. She sounds like she’s been crying, but I swear to god she’s going to kill me. I don’t know if I was imagining Corine murdering Evan last night but I’m paranoid as hell. I just keep closing my eyes and hearing that choking or seeing that poor kid get drowned by his friend.
Everyone on this ship is crazy.
10:30 AM
She’s left for now. Oh my god my stomach hurts. I’m so hungry. But if I leave I’m gonna get tossed overboard like Delia.
3:02 PM
She’s brought reinforcements. I hear Corine out there too. I’m so scared.
3:30 PM
They’ve gone for now or they’re just being really quiet. They probably think I have to leave sooner or later or have food ordered in. The only time I’m having that door open is when I’m all packed and disembarking this stupid fucking ship. This is a nightmare.
10:45 PM
I don’t hear anything. I’m scared to go to sleep. I’m scared to die. I’m praying. I’m praying so hard right now.
They broke into my room last night. But they didn’t kill me.
Adrienne and Corine just wanted to talk. And all we did was talk. And I feel so bad for thinking they wanted me to get hurt. I’m so selfish and stupid, I only cared about what I felt to not see what was going on right in front of me.
Corine is Emery’s ex. They were engaged too. She showed me pics on her phone of her wedding dress, and she’s so pretty. But he left her for another woman. She had no idea he was going on this cruise too until she saw him while they boarded. It’s why she was fighting with Evan in the first place.
Adrienne was tricked too. Emery left Corine for her, saying that he found out how to love again.
What a sack of shit.
I’m still refusing to eat, but the alcohol on board is better than nothing. We’re just drinking and bitching about men. We all got tricked by a sweet smile and nice words. What a cunt.
Corine’s suggested we confront him all together. I’m all onboard. I’ll take the wine bottle with me, it might be mostly empty but it’ll mean business.
It took a lot of talking. A lot of arguing. A little bit of force. But we all decided it wasn’t fair only one of us get Emery. So we’re going to share him.
Corine gets his chest. The chest she used to rest her head on as he promised to fly her to the moon.
Adrienne gets his arms. The arms that used to hold her tight and make her feel safe.
And I get his head. The head which has such beautiful lips that spilled nothing but poison and such soft hair that I love to pet. They’re better now that they’re silent. We’re all in Adrienne’s king sized bed, with our favorite parts of Emery. It took some tugging… but the pop of his bones coming loose was the most satisfying of sounds.
We’ll never lose Emery again. He’ll always be a part of me.
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Survey #121
“it’s the rich man’s war, but it’s the poor that fight.”
Does your refrigerator have an ice maker or do you use ice cube trays?  Trays. Have you ever been searched by the cops?  No. Do you draw your name in the sand at the beach? I never have just because... why? Are any of your great-grandparents still alive? No. Would you rather sleep with someone else, or alone?  I'd rather sleep with Sara any night. Did your parents try to push you into a certain degree or career path?  No.  I was blessed with parents who seriously did encourage me to do what I wanted. What’s your favorite film genre? Horror. Would you ever dye your hair silver? It's on my to-do list. What color is your refrigerator?  Black. What was the last thing you sent in the mail?  My closure letter to Jason. What cuisine is your favorite restaurant?  Italian. Have you ever visited hot springs?  No, but I'd love to. Who was the last person/thing to lick you?  My dog. If you had the chance to live anywhere in Europe, where would it be?  Germany. Do you have a favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle?  No, I never watched it. Do you like candy canes?  Yeah. Do you prefer pads, tampons or something else? Tampons.  Pads feel like bloody diapers. Have you ever visited someone in prison? No. Is there anything you absolutely refuse to eat? Sashimi. Are you the type of person to take naps, even if you’ve slept plenty? If I'm sad, stressed, or unbelievably bored, I sometimes will. Have you ever had casual sex? No, never would. Do you think it’s attractive for a man to wear eyeliner? I'm a sucker for that shit. Are you the kind of person who does not like talking about their past?  Nah, I'm open about the dark parts now. Have you ever taken a ride in a convertible?  Yeah, my brother had one. What size bed do you sleep on?  Queen. What sort of music did you listen to when you were in high school?  The same I do now, though I went through a more screamo phase. When was the last time you made out with somebody?  Years ago. What month of the year was your mother born?  August. Would you rather travel to Japan or Scotland?  SCOTLAND. Does your house have a porch/balcony?  We have a small front porch and a really big back one. Do you share a middle name with any of your siblings?  Nicole that I know of, idk about Katie. Have there ever been any bushfires/wildfires in your area?  No, but we've been a few hours away from some that were so large the smoke traveled here. Do you think age matters in friendship? Nope.  One of my closest friends is in his early 30s. Do you enjoy clubs? If so, which club do you enjoy going to the most? I've never been to one and I'm really not interested in going.  I can just imagine it being too loud and crowded. Do you take good care of your skin? Apparently not considering it's dry as fuck. Do you play any PC games? What is your favorite?  Not currently.  I loved WoW, but I'm not paying for the subscription when I could spend money on better things. What have you done to your room to make it cozy? Fill it with personal things. What is your favorite seasonal candy? (only available at certain times):  Hm... candy canes. Are there any television shows you own in entirety on DVD or VHS?  "Meerkat Manor." How far away from your house is the nearest gas station? Like two minutes. Have you ever been to SeaWo​rld?​​  As a kid, yes.  I never would as an adult because I don't support it.  You can't keep whales in a damn pool. How long did your last relationship last?  If you're talking about the last one that ended, like four months. Last person you watched a movie with?  Sara. Have you ever touched a cow?  Maybe? Do you call the ice cream topping “jimmies” or “sprinkles”?  Sprinkles. Do you like the idea of promise rings in relationships?  No real opinion.  If you're not ready for engagement but know you will be one day, sure, give one if you mean it. Do you plan on dressing up for Halloween this year?  Hopefully. Have you ever been on a subway?  No. What do you usually buy for snacks when you go to the cinema? Popcorn and a soda. Look to your left and name five things you can see. Water bottle, medicine basket, Illidan poster, crashed ship lamp, and my Silent Hill 3 poster. Do you like having your lip softly bitten when you’re kissing? Yes. Have you ever been on a boat?  Yep. Do you have or want any piercings? I have five, but I want my right nostril and collarbones pierced, plus loads more in my ears. Have you ever set foot in a tanning bed?  Nope, never will.  Skin cancer doesn't sound fun, nor does having to keep exposing myself to one to maintain a tan. Do you trust a lot of people? No. Do you have both a loud side and a quiet side? Yes. If you had to save one thing from your burning house, what would it be? Assuming Mom and Nicole are already out, my dog. What would you want your last words to be if you could choose them?  I don't know, haven't thought of it.  Guessing my family's there, in that case I'd want them to be "I love you so much." Can you sleep with the light on?  Only if I'm seriously tired. Would you ever have a bird as a pet?  Realistically, nah.  I wouldn't be able to handle to likely noise. Do you know someone who’s been cremated? Not to my knowledge. Do you like canopy beds? YESSSSS. What is your favorite animated movie? Probably "The Lion King." Have you ever been 'violated'?  I felt violated when Girt tried to make out with me when I in no way wanted it.  He for a second tried following me as I pulled away, and that's when I really felt violated. Have you ever put gum on the bottom of your desk/chair?  No, disgusting.  There's trashcans for a reason. Would you rather open a used clothing store or an antique store?  An antique store would be cool. Magenta, aqua, or coral?  Coral. Would you rather be a wedding photographer or a nature photographer?  Honestly, nature, but for income's sake, I'm aiming to be a wedding photographer.  I'd love both, though. Have you ever had an ulcer?  No. Have you ever felt like you were going to throw up while you were at school?  In kindergarten, I was running for the trashcan and threw up on the floor.  Whoops. What is your favorite type of donut? Cake and glazed. Have you ever walked through a labyrinth? No. Do you like avocado?  EW. What is your favorite kind of bear?  Pandas. If you have any piercings or tattoos, do you remember the name of the person who did them?  June Bugg did one of my tattoos.  I don't remember the others. Do you do that typical girl thing out in public where you have to have someone come into the bathroom with you? No, I'll go alone. What does your dad look like?  Super tan, black hair that's mostly gray by now, connected beard and mustache, brown eyes, tall. Do you like chicken soup? Not really. Do you like deviled eggs? NO EW. Do you keep your fingers on the home keys when you type?  Yes. What would you name your future son?  Probably Severin. When was the last time you used a regular telephone?  Been yeeeaaars.Do you like the moon or sun more?  The moon. Do you think dimples are ugly? Personally think they're real cute. Has your boyfriend/girlfriend ever stayed up with you all night? Not my current girlfriend, but an ex. Are you a paranoid person? Yup. Have you ever been in an inflatable bouncy house?  Yeah. Have you ever seen a nun in public?  No. Who was the last person to kiss you on the cheek?  Sara. Have you ever played in a waterfall?  No. What job would you NEVER take, even as a last resort?  Prostitution, for one. Who was the last person you sat beside at a restaurant?  Sara. Have you used Limewire before? Ha ha yeah. Is the taste of alcohol appealing to you?  Noooo.  If I ever drink, it has to be fruity and cover the taste well. What’d you last look up on YouTube?  A KittyKatGaming video because I knew Mark was in it lmao. Would you ever get a tattoo sleeve?  FUCK YES I WOULD.  I'm already planning on dedicating my entire right arm to things that relate to my recovery, so I could kinda design it into a sleeve. Do you have appreciation for graffiti?  It can be gorgeous and super creative.  Personally don't mind graffiti if it's not vandalizing a public-public place and isn't offensive. If you could learn a superpower in exchange for your memory would you do it? Definitely not. Do you know any TV shows’ theme songs by heart? Which ones? "That '70s Show" and "Supernatural." Have you ever gotten stitches? Twice. What’s your favorite music video at the moment?  "Cool Patrol" by NSP will always be the answer to this. Your take on one-night stands? Are they okay?  It's a no from me. Have you ever had sex outside? No. Have you ever needed to call the police? No. How do you feel about kettle cooked chips?  Ew. What strange food combinations do you thoroughly enjoy? My dad loves waffles with peanut butter and syrup, so I tried it when I was young.  It's AMAZING. Would you considered yourself to be well-exposed to life or sheltered?  Too exposed. If you’re in a relationship, how long have you been dating?  Six months. Have you ever played the game Halo?  No. Have you ever had to learn lines for a play/skit/movie?  Not that I remember. Can any of your friends sing very well?  Sara has a gorgeous voice. Have you ever been attacked by an animal?  No. Who did you dance with last?  Colleen. Can you speak in different accents?  British. Has anyone ever aimed a gun at you?  No. Have you ever been through a natural disaster?  Hurricanes. Have you ever been in a parade?  No. Have you ever had a dream where you could understand a foreign language?  No. Have you ever owned a beanbag chair?  Maybe? Are you a fan of retro things?  YES. Have you ever used pastels? Yes. Who was the last person you flipped off? Probably Colleen or Chelsea playfully. Would you consider yourself to be loyal? Very. Who was the last person you shared a bed with? Sara. Do you know anyone who has been abused?  Yes. What is your brother’s name?  Robert/Bobby. Did you ever go to daycare as a kid?  VERY briefly.  One of the adults hit me simply for going into the wrong room. Have you ever experienced a medical emergency?  Yes, when I passed out and got a concussion plus a deep wound in my chin.  And when I overdosed. Do you know anyone who has been to prison?  I don't think so. Do you have one of those removable hand-held shower heads?  Yes. How many burners does your stove have?  Four. When you go to a restaurant, do you prefer to sit at a booth or a table?  Booth. What’s something you think everyone should do/experience at least once in their life?  A different country.  Working towards that. What is the last compliment you received?  That my singing was pretty. /v\ Do you shower facing the water or away from it?  Away. Do you wash your body or hair first?  Hair. Do you put your name on your food coverings?  No. What is the most daring thing you’ve ever done?  Fly alone. Have you ever given to any charities?  Yes. What have you created that you are most proud of?  Some, imo, interesting OCs that I love like chilren. Who was your favorite Disney princess as a child?  Ariel. When did you do your first illegal activity?  When I was in middle school, downloading music. When did you lose your virginity?  I don't remember the age because at the time I didn't consider my virginity lost.  I'd guess 17-18. Do you like your boyfriend/girlfriend’s parents?  I LOVE THEM. Are you taller than your mom?  She's less than an inch taller than me. Where did you get your last bruise/cut from?  Bruise from working out on the floor, cut, idk. Is anyone over-protective over you?  Not really.  Mom's pretty protective, but not overly, I'd say. Have you ever had to call the cops on someone? No. Are your parents divorced?  Yes. Who do you think is the most attractive actor?  Johnny Depp. Are you good at wrapping presents?  NOOOOOO. Who were the last two boys to text you?  Dad and Girt. Are there certain things that can’t be joked about with you?  Yep. Have you ever read the Hunger Games series?  I read the first book. Are your lips soft?  Everyone who's kissed me has told me so, yet I think they're dry as fuck?? Your thoughts of long distance relationship?  Being in one, they're definitely hard, but SO damn worth it for when you actually see the person.  I think it's true that distance makes the heart grow fonder. Do you drink regular or diet sodas?  Regular, diet gives me a headache.
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Alec was in some meeting,honestly it had turned into some people’s ego contest. So he was messing around with his phone underneath the table mostly just texting his siblings. However then came a text from his boyfriend which immediately stole all focus from the Lightwood siblings group chat.
Eyes glancing up taking a second double check the arguing was still happening before opening up the text from Magnus. Which was simply asking him about if he’d be fine with a small spell accident. Keeping a normal face much he wanted to subconsciously raise a brow before texting a simple question mark. 
Taking small sips of his no longer warm coffee when the picture showed up. Coughing coffee onto the table everybody stared directly at him. Slipping his phone subtly aware swooped up the coffee cup. “I uh need to go drink some water.” 
Retreating out the room before slumping against the wall covering his mouth to stop from laughing. The picture probably didn’t do justice if was real because glowing hair would certainly be different in person. Recovering he headed to the kitchen finishing off the dregs of coffee.
Leaning against the sink while it cooled off,glass nearby for the water meanwhile pulled out his phone again. Texting Magnus joking that no way could it be real before heading back into the meeting. Which mostly became a whole lot more stares at him,and him ignoring his phone because Izzy and Jace had spammed him with texts.
Meeting over with figured could call it a night,head home to Magnus so quickly organized everything in the office for the next morning. Izzy appeared leaning in the doorway,”So big bro what’s gotten into you?” He glanced up setting down the reports he’d relocated. 
“Just inhaled wrong that’s all.” She looked unimpressed with the answer but he just resumed as he had been. Honestly highly doubted she would find the real answer all that amusing. “My reputation already is pretty bad so doubt it even dented it that much more.” Pocketing his stele and figured pack his laptop up take it with for some reports before bed.
Or maybe his tablet? “Alec I love you but clearly you’re not overthinking which is a blessing if not a curse.” Pausing he looked at her wondering just what she was trying to say. “It first off must have been something from Magnus,and secondly your reputation is everybody’s pretty much aware of that fact now I’m not saying I had the same lame train of thought as them but-.” 
Alec’s eyes widened,”Seriously?!” Sighing just shook his head,”People are weird but no that was not-ew real mature just was some probably photo shopped picture of his hair that’s all.” Her eyes sparkled stepping closer with curiosity. “Doesn’t matter did promise once the meeting was over I’d head home so that’s that.” 
His sister reached towards him before swapping some candy off his desk,”Alright cool as for your honor gladly fight for it,and I think the first victim is Jace any opposition to me finding a baby duck to leave in his room?”
“No you’re right I should get two baby ducks,bury his ugly shirts and then enlist him to assist,thanks Alec.” With an added kiss to his cheek before she ran out of the room leaving him to sigh. She might not do it was all he could hope slinging the bag containing his chargers,tablet,laptop,and probably some pens onto his left shoulder. 
He texted Magnus saying he would be home shortly,and then made his way to the loft maybe just a bit curious if his hair was actually glowing neon blue. If so then there was all the teasing possible for messing up a spell to such an interesting outcome. Even if it was on purpose probably looked good regardless real or not. 
Finally reaching the top of the building slid the door open stepping inside,sliding his bag onto the floor,”Hey Magnus I’m back.” Calling out before dumping his holster,boots and jacket aside as well. Heading towards his boyfriend’s office poking his head in,”Maybe for good cause Izzy may wreak havoc on the Institute and put me out of a job.” 
Arms wrapped around him from behind and he smiled especially recognizing the rings along with his boyfriend’s hands. “So you decided to let her run rampant,to come home instead any concussions today?” Rolling his eyes he turned around but before he could reply blinked yeah okay the hair was real,and it was eye catching for sure. 
“Uh huh,your hair’s not as bright looking-.” 
“In person,noticed hours ago speaking of which do promise entirely accidental and temporary.” Alec just gave a nod hands resting on his boyfriend’s sides curled up thinking a moment before kissing him. “So how was the meeting anyways?” Coughing he pulled away collapsing onto the couch. 
Unsure entirely what to say,”Well two people got in a fight the whole meeting was them bickering,naturally everybody just let them go at it I mostly was just texting with my siblings or messing with my phone.” Magnus gave a look which spelled ‘don’t you run the Institute now’ to which he didn’t answer it was obvious. “Then you texted and shortly after it was called a night.”
When Magnus sat down curled up into his side,”So what about you Magnus,what exactly caused the hair?” Stealing his hands to play with while listening to the tale of some new spell going wrong,and it nearly making Church’s fur change color too. Laughing a bit at it before kissing him again then came the lazy choice of summoning dinner,pizza because it was easiest. 
They put on some low budget cheap film,so terrible and cliche but easy to laugh at. Giving each other the occasional kiss,if not spending a minute deprieving themselves of oxygen. Of course towards the end of the movie became some sort of actual conversation. 
“Okay but in reality think a ghost wouldn’t be on this plane of existence.” Magnus gave a look like ‘are you seriously overthinking ghosts’. “Ghosts should hold no effect on reality,let alone be able to pick up a knife and stab people especially if the ghost is hundreds of years old.” 
“Alexander you are aware there is stranger things like that they even went into the house in the first place?” 
“Horror cliche-but the knife thing’s absurd.” 
“Remind me to never let you pick the movie ever again.” 
“It was my turn,Magnus but yeah maybe revoke my movie choice privileges this one was not my best choice.” 
“Yeah I love you,but that power’s a bit much for you at least for the rest of the week.” 
“Now you’re just taking it so you can make us watch your shows all week.” 
Rolling over head facing upwards to look at Magnus’ which gave a sort of facial shrug in reply which caused him to put a hand gently near his boyfriend’s face. Then he propped up giving a fake pout instead of simply sitting up to kiss Magnus,or ask because what fun would that be. 
Especially when he felt their breath mix,and lips over his eyes closing slowly sitting up in his boyfriend’s lap. Dizzy,lack of oxygen thinking it was heading somewhere when a thud landed beside them. Lips pulled away from his and Alec was about to let out a huff when followed where the attention had gone. 
Some cat was sitting there staring at them must be one of Magnus’ wasn’t gray nor grumpy so must be Chairman. It meowed stretching out clawing at Alec’s leg some,”Ow.”  Moving the paws carefully sliding off his boyfriend’s lap only to watch the cat stretch across it. “Just realized never met your cat’s now kind of realize why.” 
Magnus shook his head giving the cat attention,namely petting it till purring happened. “Chair’s probably hungry that or hiding from Church as for the clawing purely accidental.” Alec gave a nod rubbing his eyes watching the cat a moment. 
“Right well I think while you feed Chairman I’m going to start getting ready for bed,or maybe just hog the bed seeing as you might be stuck on the couch via cat imprisonment all night.” Dodging the pillow thrown at him with a grin heading towards their bedroom. After glancing back at the still glowing hair still unsure how hadn’t made a joke about how it’d likely glow all night. 
Or how could probably act as a glowstick in the dark.. The ideas kept appearing while he brushed his teeth and used mouth wash really wasting time before he could curl up close under the covers with his boyfriend. 
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