#bc I thought it was a feminine name
thormanick · 9 months
The real question is if Neuvillette = surname, does that mean that each and every Melusine is also Neuvillette?
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Not nonbinary as in “third distinct gender” or “lack of gender”, nonbinary as in “pressure’s off; I don’t have to label whatever the fuck is going on in there”
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pidgefudge · 4 months
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besarelcielo · 1 year
cutting myself off from blogging again i need to re-enter my own brain and just interact with my own psyche for a minute. and try to limit my consumption of other people’s thoughts opinions and images (even though i love that and find it inspiring i need to familiarize myself with the self again).
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thedeadthree · 1 year
25 and 26 for ur current favs 💕
JASMINE HI HI DEAR <3 i hope your doing well and thank you so much ! will be doing olga and @risingsh0t's logan as they're to have little ones 💕 🌸
25. are they the type of parents to boast about their kids’ achievements? 
i would have to say in a way? olga would certainly be over the moon by anything they do <3 and would be the one to also take a step back and let them and their achievements shine on their own? they more than deserve to be celebrated and she would want them to have that! she is in awe and proud they are theirs and that is enough <3 though olgie is certain to be found a bit misty eyed arm around logans as they're being recognized. she's proud of them and over the moon to be there to support them !
26. who is more likely to give in to “puppy dog eyes” when their kids misbehave? 
though certainly as olga has captured what was thought locked away behind a impenetrable wall of logans feelings, olga's family wasn't much for the puppy eyes (a family of politicians and scientists/doctors don't have time for puppy dog eyes I GUESS *sighs*) i think it would be her to be the one most often to fall for the eyes? as it was she as a child to use them, she would be caught off guard and likely to fall for it if it was used on her hehe <3
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dbphantom · 10 months
fuck it im watching the (other) mermaid magical girl show
<- obsessed with magical boys and girls and merpeople
#no the OTHER other mermaid magical girl show#wait ok i just looked it up on crunchyroll holy shit there's SO MANY i didn't realize this was like fi/nal fan/tasy there's so many...#not all of them have mermaids tho. wadda hell#cruddy rambles#i know this is because as a trans dude i intentionally removed myself from feminine stuff out of fear of being perceived as a girl as a kid#you know ye olde 'i HATE pink stop FORCING pink on me' -> 'actually pink is such a nice color now that im not being forced into it'#so now that i know myself im exploring it like ''hey this stuff actually slaps AND i get to be a dude 'despite' liking it''#i can have my cake and eat it too and if you're mad about it then die mad about it bc im not changing for anyone anymore#rahhhhh rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#and im gonna watch it while beating the fuck outta people in skyrim. very much looking forward to it actually.#update:#so i didn't realize this entire show is gonna be about putting on make-up ;-;#episode 1 was uhhhhhhhh. well... they REALLY like lipstick. im happy for them don't get me wrong but this is not for me LOL#makeup gave me serious self image issues sooo i do not feel good watching this even if the message is just 'wear it and be confident'#which like. i probably could've guessed from the name? but tbh i thought it was like... magical girl 'make-up' not LITERAL makeup#happy for everyone who likes it tho! mermaids are awesome and the characters seem great i am just getting ick-ed by the focus makeup has
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bixiaoshi · 1 year
if i were to hypothetically use a masculine name what would fit me... hm....
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astrxealis · 2 years
hii just updated my pronouny w/ more details & names >.<
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what-thisiscrazzzy · 2 months
Every once in a while I remember that from the age of 6 onwards I was very dedicated to renaming myself Charlie and some how never thought to question that further
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angabby-zzz · 9 months
Wondering if i should try going by a Different different name
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se7ens-oc-heaven · 2 years
Ah dammit I just realized
Since I changed Luca's name, now he's the only one of the vamphunters trio without an obviously story-based name...
(Hesperides as in Hera's garden, Cheshire as in Cheshire Cat... Luca Used to be Lucifer which. Would have made Chesh the odd one out in terms of theistic names but that's ok lol)
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reallyromealone · 8 months
Hear me out. Bonten Mikey x omega male reader
A few years after mikey and m/n broke up, mikey discovered that m/n has a 6 year old daughter who looks like a copy of mikey, and mike like connects rhe timeline and realizes m/n was pregnant at the time of their break up but m/n never told him bc he didnt want his kid to be involved in the mafia/gang shit
-🐰 (late birthday gift for me 🥹?)
(Name) smiled as he put his little pups hair in pigtails, her bangs/fringe pinned back with a cute bubble hair band, today they were visiting Draken and Inui and little (daughters name) wanted to dress her best for her favorite uncles--- don't tell the others.
(Daughters name) was (name)s world, the sweetest little pup in the world who was absolutely precious.
Though sometimes it hurt to look at her, she was literally a spitting image of her father-- (name) never realized how feminine Mikey looked till his pup came into the world, but he loved her so much. She was the kindest and most selfless little thing ever. It wasn't the easiest at times but with the support of his friends he managed. Just starting first grade, (name) was thankful to work at the bike shop and being able to collect his little sunshine.
"Don't forget the cookies papa!" (Daughters name) said excitedly as left for their visit, without a care in the world.
Many would ask "where's the sire" upon learning (name) was a single parent, the question annoying and invasive but (name) always lied and made up an excuse about the father being overseas and such.
He refused to let anyone know about the actual reason, that being (daughters name)a father was the most dangerous man in Tokyo, (name) was thankful as much as he was hurt that Mikey dumped him.
He refused to let anyone go through what he did with Kanto Manji Gang.
With what Mikey was quickly becoming.
It was sheer /fucking/ chance that Mikey was waiting for the light to change in his limo as (name) stood at the cross walk holding hands with--
Holy s h i t.
"...boss are you seeing what we're seeing" Kakucho and Sanzu stared in Shellshock as they looked at a tiny Mikey with pigtails and a little dress, all of them doing the mental math and coming to a quick realization that holy fuck (name) was pregnant.
He was pregnant that day, oh my god that's what he wanted to talk to Mikey about!
"What are your thoughts on kids?" (Name) asked awkardly as they ate dinner, Mikey surpisingly home for once to do so "annoying, would get in the way" the blond said simply "a liability"
(Name) forced himself not to place his hand on his stomach, anxiety riddling his body "I see..."
"Just curious"
Mikey was always so disinterested in (name) these days, (name) always suspected that he was cheating, never saying anything though.
(Name) wanted to just scream.
Mikey remembered that night.
It was the night Mikey dumped him, a rash decision on his end and during one of his dark impulse moments.
He immediately regretted it after, the pained look on (name)s face and they hadn't seen each other since.
(Name) had many expectations of life, but seeing his ex sitting on his couch after he put his pup to bed, noticing the other Bonten men guarding the apartment "the fuck are you doing here" Mikey expected (name)a hostility and glanced up "that's my kid"
"What do you want Mikey" (name) wasn't having any conversation, he wanted to know what the hell he was doing here "I want to meet my kid"
"And get involved in your bullshit? Absolutely not! "Babies are a liability" remember that Mikey?" He hissed out and Mikey sighed, knowing this wasn't going to be easy "I deserve to meet her"
"You lost that chance when you broke up with me, I'm not letting my daughter deal with your shit, Mikey you're /dangerous/! She's six and I don't want her to ever go through what I went through!"
"I can keep you both safe!"
"YOU COULDN'T EVEN KEEP ME SAFE!" (name) was crying at this point, so angry at his once beloveds audacity"I kept her away for a reason Mikey, you are dangerous! She gets to play with her friends and have sleep overs! Has sleep overs at the friends you left behind! She gets to have a childhood that isn't currupted!"
"Why can't you let her have that?" (Name)s voice was broken and his body shaking, he would sacrifice everything for his daughter and at this moment he would stand his ground.
Bonten would poison her.
"Can...can I just please /know/ my daughter"
(Name) was tired, he was tired of it all "if you can /promise/ me that nothing will happen to her, I will let you meet her but one slip up Sano and I will never let you see her again"
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imthursdaysyme · 3 months
While I love Steve having a kid that's a nerd, my favorite is if his kid is just like him. He's popular even at 7, he's extroverted, funny, and charming albeit a little strange. He loves sports and struggles in math and doesn't really get english and gets scolded when he laughs in history—sue him he thought it was funny—and has a tendency to get detention but also is somehow a teachers pet all at once.
He has a tendency for feminine things, makes it his own with earrings and the occasional pink flower print shirt.
He begs steve to not work on the car until he gets home from school, cause even at 5, he would rather climb over the fence and run home by himself then learn his dad worked on the cool car without him.
He loves driving and cooking and dancing and loves swimming—aunt Robbie calls him a variety of aquatic animals instead of his name; minnow, fish, stingray, tigershark. Anything went.
They look alike and act alike to the point robin laughs and claims Steve just cloned himself, Eddie says that the kid is actually just Steve brought to the future through time travel. Steve laughs, he loves it ofc but he's never pushed or forced it, it just happened that way.
But there's also times, where Steve sees his son, so like him with big tears in his eyes trying to be tough. Or when all he wants is to sleep in the bed with Steve when he has a nightmare, wants his dad to kiss everything better, when he so easily seeks affection or struggles with school to the point he's getting stress migraines at 9, sees him try so hard to do his best and do what he does well. Sees him fail.
And when Steve sees this, he wonders if maybe he wasn't a bad kid. Didn't need to be tougher, manlier, smarter—better—to deserve love.
Just. Like. Steve seeing that he didn't need to be anything other than what he was. That he has no idea how his parents didn't love him bc how could he ever not love his kid? Just like its okay for him to be how he is and have a kid that a like him as well bc he's pretty great
And like. Its just that idea that Steve could only “heal his inner child” with a kid that's different then him or a girl is kind of sad that it's only that what if him and his son go to every game and constantly have grease on them what then.
#stranger things#steve harrington#robin buckley#dad steve harrington#i just think it would be so nice#I am going to draw this kid I hope y'all know#his name is going to be Jimeno#bc Steves Cuban and wants to give his son a Cuban name too#his nickname will be meno and that's why robin thought calling him minnow was hilarious#he is now part of my st universe#I have three main ones#the steddie one the stali one and now this one#single dad Steve#I also have a very set past stancy universe that I don't delve into where they're divorced and have a kid and Nancys with robin#that one is fun and I will draw it someday#but anyway#let Steve have a kid that's like him bc why tf can he only have a kid that's different#like what's so wrong about Steve#why can't his kid like all the typical jock stuff#and be sensitive and shit#and Steves like oh my god I wasn't a horrible kid who could never do anything right my parents were assholrs#and Steves like I will give my kid ANYTHING he desires and what are YOU gonna do about it#him and robin living together practically coparenting#jimeno starts calling robin roberto bc Steve does#and imagine robin HAS to learn Spanish fluently bc Steve only speaks Spanish in the house#jimenos first language will be spanish if Steve has anything to say about it#robin learns so fast#but imagine Nancy having a hard time learning it and like every ones so co fused bc Steve and jimeno will talk to her in Spanish and she'll#talk back in English and every ones confused but they understand each other so it's fine
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sunsh1n3s · 5 months
— he doesn’t talk much ( don hume x reader )
a.n. after long demand and long wait- here is my first don hume piece. one should be coming out soon also. not the real don hume, just thought to preface that. and take my writing lightly, it’s been a minute.
contains. swearing, gn!reader, if you squint could have some fem!reader themes only bc im feminine so it may slip in accidentally
a party celebrating the winning hometown rowing team was the biggest talk. y/n couldn’t imagine themselves actually paying attention to the sport. they were busy with their own things, but with convincing they ended up one of the thousands of people who watched in the crowd.
what also added to their interest was the stroke of the boat, don hume. y/n had him in a class of theirs, he was quiet, studious, and was like the others; just wanted in and out of the class. they missed small segments of notes to look at him. nobody noticed their interest, hardly noticed him until he beat the schools biggest rival.
“come on y/n, support your guy.” joyce teased, making y/n let out a laugh. joyce watched as her friend smiled, “he’s not my guy, joyce.” y/n stated and walked into the study commons with her. “well he’s caught your eye and,” joyce looked around her, looking back at them “do you really think he’s gonna find someone else? he doesn’t talk to many.” joyce said. y/n sighed and sat down with their things. joyce sat across from them and stared, pleading with her eyes. “fine, you’re right.” they agreed.
joyce walked with y/n to their destination, joyce was there to support joe and y/n was there for don. they claimed they were there for everyone, but joyce knew it wasn’t the case. after admitting their crush on him to joyce, they knew they’d regret it.
with their flags and spirit, the two cheered on the team. they watched as the flag with down and the boys started rowing like crazy. it was impressive, the way they all moved in sync and flowed beautifully. joyce got y/n to scream and cheer, don’s name slipped out their mouth a few times.
as they passed teams and were head to head with california; their biggest rival, y/n swore from then on their hand was numb from joyce. they smiled at the strong grip she had on their hand, but it did hurt.
everyone cheered yet had the urge to hold their breath, “cmon boys.” y/n spoke, leaning on joyce. they passed california and everyone around y/n screamed. joyce and y/n embraced one another in a hug, moving down to the guys that finished the race, their guys.
the boys noticed joyce and y/n, as joyce locked eyes with joe, y/n caught a shared glance with don. they smiled at him and he smiled but looked away; obviously flushed. the coxswain looked up at them, back at don, and back at them with a grin. y/n covered their face and turned on their heel to joyce.
y/n awkwardly stood near joyce and joe, talking with roger until the coxswain came up. “hey, y/n right?” he asked, y/n nodded. “i’m bobby, and i saw your glances to my buddy donny, he’s not a talker but the look he gave you said enough. why don’t we go talk to him?” he rambled, without an answer from them, he led them to don.
“hi don, congratulations.” y/n greeted, don looked from the water to them. bobby’s hands left the sides of their arms and he walked away. don smiled, getting the courage to talk. “i-uh thank you.” he said. y/n smiled and he swore his heart was theirs. “so there’s a big party after, am i gonna see you dancing there?” they asked, their grin turned into laughter while he nervously smiled.
“i don’t dance.” he shook his head. y/n crossed their arms, somewhat smug, “and you don’t talk so much, but here you are talking to me, so would you care to dance with me?” they used the adrenaline of watching the competition as courage to ask for a dance.
don’s eyes widened and he tried to stay calm, “yeah-! yeah sure i would.” he stuttered. they nodded, smiling, “alright, i won’t drag much out of you now. but congratulations again, don. i’ll see you tonight.” they bid their goodbye and he waved, looking for bobby while they looked for joyce.
“you actually spoke to someone other than your team- plus someone attractive” “shut up bobby.”
the dance was one to remember. it was crowded and people were tipsy. it was a lovely night filled with celebration and happiness. girls left and right talked with the guys, but few of the guys had main interest in certain ones.
y/n entered much later than joyce, which was noticed by don. he even mustered up the courage to ask bobby, who asked joyce; who would tell y/n later on once they sat in joyce’s room thinking over their night.
don kept an eye out for them; afraid he was stood up. but they arrived, and it was like his nerves skyrocketed. don resorted to the bench that was placed in the room. there they were, dressed all fancy, beautiful. he looked around in case they caught him staring, but he failed to hide it once he looked back at them and they had just met his eyes. a smile spread across their face, and beside them a smile was seen on bobby’s. they walked over and sat next to him, “wanna dance?” they asked, face close to his ear because the music was so damn loud.
don looked at them, their faces were close. y/n flashed him yet another smile, without a word he nodded and they got up. they held out their hand and he took it, following y/n to where the rest of his buddies were. don felt more comfortable around them, but they didn’t help in the moment as they whooped and shook his shoulders. it didn’t seem to bother y/n, as they smiled up at him. he couldn’t help but smile back.
their hand in his and they moved with one another, y/n was impressed with his rhythm. he was probably the only guy in the gang that knew how to dance and stay with the song.
in the middle of their dance, tipsy bobby came up to the pair with the rest of the guys. “y/n have you seen don’s talent?” he asked, their eyebrows furrowed and they raised one while looking at don. “talent? no i haven’t heard nor seen.” they answered cautiously. “really? give me a sec.” he excused himself and ran to the stage.
“don’t embarrass me.” he said to his teammates, his hand gripping y/n’s. they laughed at the sight, squeezing his hand in a reassuring way. soon bobby made a speech and the guys dragged don over to the piano. a smile rested on y/n’s face and they watched as they forcefully sat him down at the piano.
the boys returned to y/n, nudging them jokingly but paying attention to don. he played and y/n’s smile grew, that’s how he knew how to dance or follow a rhythm.
in awe, they listened to him play and watched him relax. they joined the crowd in singing and dancing, moving around with bobby and taking glances at don. it was short, but he got up with a nervous small grin. don’s eyes met y/n’s as they beamed and clapped; and he bowed, to be polite but just for them.
everyone calmed and it was like the man couldn’t get off the stage fast enough, thanking the people he passed and they nudged or slapped his shoulders. he politely brushed off the girls who flirted or whoever’s looks lingered too long. he just wanted to return to y/n.
once he did, it was like he was safe. “you get more amazing everyday, don hume. did you know that? and even more attractive.” they complimented. his face got red and he smiled, “thank you.” he accepted.
something gave don the courage to make a move he’d never expect to make. whether it was the slight alcohol, adrenaline rush of the attention, or the urge to make a move forever; he didn’t care, he was thankful regardless.
don gently held their face and brought them to a kiss. they melted into it and returned the action. cheering from don’s mates and people around them made them both go red. they pulled back with beaming smiles; what a night to remember.
— j note. i hope you enjoyed! i don’t have any dividers yet i just don’t feel the urge to find or use any so if it’s sloppy formatting just tell me to get some. but i hope this didn’t feel rushed or too much- it’s been a while since i’ve written something.
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huexuri · 5 months
i have a thought! soob sending u a whimper audio or a lewd ass clip of him playing w himself bc he's so desperate for u to come back lol
yes omgeeee anon u are so smart !!!! i was thinking of something like this earlier but this seems like a better idea😭 also u are my first ask THANK UUUUUYYYUUUU
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⋆ please come home (switch!soobin x switch!reader)
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(warnings: soob is switch(very sub lean) in this, reader is switch(dom lean), fem!reader, protective!soob, bratty!soob, degrading, masturbating, whimpering, sexting, dry humping, pet names: [good boy, baby, slut] thigh humping, tell me if there's more!)
note: ive been dying to get a request like this omg what a way to start the new year (HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERUONE)
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"soob," you sighed.
you'd only be going out for a few hours to a party that one of your girlfriends practically begged you to go to, and since you haven't met her since the pandemic, of course you agreed to go. yet when soobin said himself that he absolutely didn't mind yesterday night, it didn't occur to you that 5 minutes before you head out, he'd be holding on to your arm asking who's gonna be there, where are you off to, etc. maybe it's just one of his protective traits, but you two agreed on this, so you weren't sure why he was so protective of you now.
"just promise you're not gonna go and let other guys hit on you okay? you know you get tipsy so easily right? i'm not saying i don't trust you at all ... i just don't want other guys to look at you! because you're so pretty in this dress... but only my eyes are allowed on you right? just don't go ar—"
"soobin!! i won't drink or anything okay? don't worry about me so much, just send me a message when you feel lonely okay? i'll talk to you on the phone if you need to. it's gonna be fine, soob.." you cut his words off, gave him a peck on the lips, smiled at him with reassurance and waved him a goodbye before he smiled back at you hesitantly.
"bye!! be safe!!!" was what soobin yelled as you were about to shut the front door, and all you could respond with was a louder "mhm!!!!" followed by the door flying shut.
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an hour later, and you're sitting at the bar gossipping with all of your girlfriends. other than that, they constantly persuade you to drink. but knowing you, after one shot you go all red... which, sipping your iced water you decline their offer... over and over and over again. they just won't stop bugging you!!!,, so, you excuse yourself to the bathroom just to text your beloved.
sneaking yourself into a stall, you open your chat box to realize you'd left him on delivered for an hour ... "damn," you muttered to yourself, feeling bad that you possibly left him worried, but only 2 unread messages greet you with : "i miss you already!!:(" followed by a 2 minute long voice note.
you immediately plug in your earphones, ready to listen to whatever song he wanted to sing or whatever gossip he had to tell you.
"haa... miss you s-so bad.... mmh... come home pretty please?—a-ah fuck....."
immediately your eyes widened at the lewd sounds he made, you paused the voice note with a look on your face as if you just got caught commiting a crime. it caught you SO off guard, that was the thing you least expected ...., he knew you had a thing for his moans. in fact, it was one of your major turn-ons.. but soobin was never a vocal person in bed, he'd deny it even. if he made any sounds, he'd get flustered immediately. he thought it made him seem too feminine, so he never believed you when you said you liked it.
was this really him? you thought to yourself..
your finger hesitantly pressed the resume button on your screen.
"f-fuck, baby.. i'm c-cumming, aah,, you like it? come... c-come back for it.. ss—shit !!.."
2 minutes in, the audio coming to an end, you felt your thighs squeeze against each other, you felt your walls clench around nothing. my god, he sounded heavenly. you could hear the squelches of him stroking himself up and down, you could practically hear his pace fasten as his breaths became more irregular and his moans slowly increase in volume. you could literally tell when he busted all over himself. and oh, you did not know how much this aroused you until today.
screw this party, screw the drinks. he SO knew how to get you to come back home.
"i'm coming." you simply sent him, then you get ready to leave. after you left the stall, with a "sorry everyone, i have to go back, it's urgent.", you hastily left the party.
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you practically bust the door open when you reach back to your apartment, panting as you see soobin lying on the couch scrolling away on his phone as if he didn't just get you leaking out of your panties. this son of a bitch, seriously.... teasing like that and acting like nothing happened??
"oh hey! you're finally back!! i missed you~" soobin happily exclaimed as got off the couch and walked up to you to give you a peck.
when you don't reply, he has the audacity to ask you what's wrong. towering over you, he still acts cute and ignorant until you nudge him against the door as it flings shut. your knees are in between his slightly bent legs and immediately you shove your lips into his, cupping his face as your tongues fight for dominance. your free hand reaches down to his bulge to stroke it through his pants. he moans into your mouth and oh my fucking god did it turn you on even more. how badly did you miss his beautiful voice? you could feel his erection start to fill in the space in your palm as it grew bigger and harder. pulling away from the kiss with both of you panting, soobin only pouts at you..
"what did i doooo? why so rough?" he looked at you with glistening, innocent eyes. not so innocent though, because he knew what he was fucking doing.
squeezing his clothed cock in response, he let out a soft moan at that. "soobin you fucking brat ... you KNOW what you're doing." you say in between breaths.
in a blink of an eye he'd flipped you over, now your back leaning the door with a soft thud, "brat, huh? say it again.." soobin responded, with a smug smile on his face.
when you don't respond but smash your lips back onto his, his dominant composure melts away into your kiss and he desperately grinds against your bare thighs. you rock your hips in response and his moan travels down your throat again. your hand wanders around, tugs on his waistband and sinks under, where now you feel the material of his boxers and his cock that twitches in your palm. your other hand runs up his shirt and tugs at his nipple, which he bucks his hips in response. he finally pulls away from the kiss, this time sloppier, and runs a finger though your hair. you took your hand off his boxers and your other hand out of his shirt, and placed them both on his shoulders.
"do you want it?" you muttered.
"i've been waiting for so long," soobin whispered, barely able to make out words.
"promise that you'll put those vocals to use?"
now your hands leaving his shoulders and holding onto his wrist, you lead him to the sofa and pushed him onto his back.
"couldn't even wait until i came home, huh.." you muttered as you quickly unbuckled your tight leather dress. soobin only looked up at you with eager eyes when your dress fell off of your shoulders, exposing your body to the cold air. throwing the dress on the ground, you pull his pants down as well. just as he was going to take off his boxers you grabbed his wrist, and instead sunk down onto his hard on, the both of you clothed.
"soobin, patience.."
you interlocked your fingers with his and started to grind down on him. his precum and your slick starts to seep through the cloth and soon you were sloppily humping him. he didn't lie when he said he was going to put those vocals to use, because as you rocked against him, he let out the most heavenly sounds you'd ever heard from him. those broken moans, only he could see how badly it turned you on. his fucked out face and his wet hair weren't helping either.
"i r-really want to cum ... p-please!—" soobin was only able to mumble between whimpers.
"not yet, hang in there..." you cupped his face, then thrusting a finger into his mouth. "take it like the good boy you are, and maybe i'll let you cum in me.."
soobin only nodded in response, his eyes squeezed shut as he sucked on your finger like his life depended on it — his saliva coating every surface of your finger.
"gooood boy... so needy just for me... huh? sent me a clip of you playing with yourself just so i can help you finish?"
his eyes fluttered open with the neediest look someone could ever look up at you from, in response to the pet name. you smiled at that and let him release your fingers. you pulled down your soaked panties and motioned him to do the same, he looked at you with a "really?" kind of look, and when you assured him, his cock immediately sprung out of his boxers— tip fiery red and shaft twitching like it's deprived of touch.
"do you wanna fuck me?" you said as you lied down on your back, looking down at him, looking like he's been desperate to fuck you.
"oh my god.." soobin panted.
soobin positioned himself in between your legs, his twitching cock against your aching cunt, he looked at you with a final confirmation.
"go ahead, baby."
with one full thrust he thrusted into you. unaware about his bigness, when you winced slightly in pain he was worried if he'd done anything. but since he was so desperate... you didn't want to ruin his moment, so you let him.
"s-soobin... fuck.."
"shit, baby.. you're so fucking— t-tight..."
eventually, your walls had moulded into the shape of him, and each thrust became less and less painful, more and more pleasurable. you were so focused on how good he felt when it caught you off guard that he started to play with your clit, long, veiny fingers flicking up and down on your swollen bud as he thrusted in and out of you at a controlled pace.
"fuck, fuck— when did you— get this g-good with your fingers... mmh..." you muttered.
soobin looked down at you with a satisfied smile and continued to rub circles on your clit,, soon his thrusts became sloppier, strings of saliva mixed with all sorts of other bodily fluids connecting soobin's body with yours...
"i'm—fuck, c-can i please!! please please... please let me c-cum.. mmh—!" soobin moaned, with obvious need in his voice, beads of tears welling up at his eyes, sweat dripping down his chest and soaking his shirt,,
"s-soobin... you can cum, baby ..... s-shit i—i'm—" your voice shakey, you could feel yourself reaching your climax. you fisted his shirt and pulled him closer to you, now chest to chest, you pulled him in a sloppy kiss, he moaned into you as you felt his warm seed fill you up to the brim.
you both stayed like this for a whole 5 minutes in silence. you thought he'd fallen asleep until..
"thank you.." soobin whispered.
"thank you for coming back home."
"do you really like it when i'm vocal?"
"are you fucking serious, soobin?" you playfully smacked his back in a effort to hit him.
you could feel soobin grin against your ear.
"let's go get you cleaned up, pretty." soobin patted your head as he got off of you.
"hey, you too.." you weakly responded.
soobin could only giggle at that, and you scoffed.
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cowboyjen68 · 6 months
I just wanted to ask some advice from one butch to another.
I recently got my dream job of being a warden on a nature reserve (and i love it!), while interacting with people there I get called a young man very often (i am 18 lol) and it gives me euphoria to know im masculine enough to even pass as a man. I've also had some volunteers ask if I was a man or not (despite my feminine name).
But recently I got called a "lady" outside while out with my mother. It drove me INSANE I cried alot.
Don't get me wrong I do identify as a woman but I hate being seen as a lady.
I've even thought about using he/him pronouns recently and changing my name but i'm too scared to as most people won't understand bc im still a lesbian.
Is this strange?
ps love u and ur blog lots xx
This is an easy answer because I was 18 once and looked enough like a teenage boy that I got "hey sport" and "hey young man" all the time, especially when in my work clothes. I worked for The Mayor's Youth Corp in Iowa City in the summers of my 15th and 16th year. Mom and Dad let me get a work permit AND bought me a used Datsun Pickup so I could drive myself the 20 miles there and back each day.
I was a volunteer with the Corp of Engineers youth from 14 to 16 and Dad knew I was super excited about this job. Mom was not thrilled that I wanted to cut my hair but my "grand mullet" was really hot under the hard hat in the summer heat of Iowa. (in the 1980's boys and girls had the short in front long and permed in back look) We compromised and I cut the sides really short. (photo of my me at 16 in my uniform for reference)
Using "he" would never have occurred to me because "EWWW Boys". This is not to say, however, that I hated being mistaken for a boy, on the contrary, it felt good. When someone thought I was a young man it meant they treated me as such. They didn't talk down to me, I knew they assumed I was capable and willing to get dirty. I knew unconsiously that along with the mistaken identity came many perks. This was nothing I analyzed but little girls see very early on the difference in treatment they recieve from their brothers, male cousins and neighborhood boys. This difference leads us to become negotiators to control our circumstances and not entittled to treatment based on our skills and actual personalies.
When an adult recognized me as a boy, even for a second at first glance, I knew I didn't have to prove myself. They, for an instant, assigned to me words like "strong, capable, demanding etc". No negotations required.
When someone realized I was a girl they literally had a change in their face. They smiled at me, softened their voice. When I was called "young lady" or "Miss" it always seemed to be backed my the worst assumptions (in my mind anyway). Lady is steeped in all kinds of traits I didnt want assigned to me. "quiet, weak, likes to dress pretty"OR "motherly, submissive, meek" Nothing good in my teen brain, that is for sure. Lady felt so OLD, so married to a man and reliant on him for survival, so polyster pants and ugly flats and scratchy blouses with a flower imprint. NONE of these things are inherent to being a woman or even socially forced on us but that is not how things work sometimes. Words that describe people get stereotypes and myths and traits attached to them all the time. Woman and girl are no different.
I can tell you, the best feeling in the world when I was in that job was when my supervisor, who damn well knew I was a young woman, trusted me with all the same tasks as the boys. Who valued my opinions and abilities equally to the young men. He took time to teach me what I didn't know, just like with them and didn't assume I couldn't or didn't want to learn things on the job. He didn't shame ANYONE for not being strong enough or for getting tired or needing a break.
Don't let the assumptions of others force you into another box of conformity. You don't need a boys name or to use any pronouns you don't feel connected to just to please others. In fact, none of that effort will change perceptions of those around you. I can promise that one day being called Lady will just be another word that you can hear and know it does not change your personality or your interests or control the hope you have for your future. What does waste a lot of time and energy is trying to adjust things in your life to fit incorrect or snap assumptions about you as a person. You can never control the thoughts of those around you but what you can do is stop worrying about it and enjoy YOU.
You have a job you love and are sure to thrive in. You are solid in your sexuality and love of women, you are in a unique position to possibly change the perceptions of others when they think of "young women". Your interactions with the public are sure to effect the assumpions of at least some people when they think of young women and their roles in our society.
Congratulations on your new career and I bet you rock that uniform.
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