#bbc sensei
daddiusnoir · 2 months
Join daddy 🥷🏽
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dilatorywriting · 1 year
Pray tell, do you have any advice for improvement? Honestly, I agree with the other posters I saw! You're quite good! I always feel my stuff lacks substance the way I want.
Sorry if this goes a bit long but I LOVE writing and tone concepts, and the process of developing personal styles, so! Ahh! Here is a ramble!
I suppose the best advice I could give is something that was recommended to me in like my childhood karate classes of all things (goodness knows how my sensei would feel about me using his words as my lifelong fanfic motto, but I digress lol). Which is simply, 'perfect practice, makes perfect. And nothing else.' Which basically means in this context that while writing a lot and frequently is good and all, you really have to be writing at your best for it to stack up and improve over time. So take all the time in the world to double and triple-check your grammar if something sounds off, read everything out loud, use Dictionary and Thesaurus.com like it's your best friend! If you pick up poor habits and don't work to improve them, then it doesn't matter how many thousands of words you type up a week. On the other hand, if you can only write a single page--or even a paragraph--a week but you make it your absolute best, then over time that will lead to improvement! That's usually the exact opposite of the advice that's given for people trying to get back into writing or who have lost motivation, but if it's more of a matter of self-improvement over motivation, I think it's the best way to go!
As for if you feel like you're having substance problems, my best recommendation is read! Which again might seem a little silly on paper, but! Everyone develops their own voice in writing, and once you know yours it's a lot easier to start building up the meat of your story because you're not getting caught up in the more technical aspects of writing it. I can tell you offhand where a lot of my own personal ticks come from, because I remember reading them for the first time and falling so in love with the way they were done--I love crossing out 'thoughts' in text, which I first read in Carrie by Stephen King. I started picking up a sarcastic tone after reading a lot of Mozart's Sherlock BBC fanfics back on Lunaesence. I like using silly words and incorporating sounds into text, which comes from Clockwork Orange. Repetition to describe big events like looking up, up, up comes from Dragon's Bait by Vivian Velde. Reading more books really helped me decide what kind of writing I liked and what I really did not. It was a great way for me to see what stories really left an impact on me, and made me consider from a technicality stand point why that was.
So, TLDR; Perfect practice makes perfect writing! Even a little bit will slowly build up over time. And read lots of books! Find a genre you love and dig your teeth into it, because it will give you a great framework for your own writing.
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itsmylosssherly · 1 year
Things in YuuMori that could be the authors not quite knowing or it could be part of the story - Part 1
So, we can all agree that YuuMori takes quite a few ... artistic liberties, when it comes to western historical accuracy, christian themes etc. (Which I, as a christian-raised european, actually quite enjoy, it takes the forced "perfection" out of the equation and makes for a much more pleasant reading of the actual story)
Now I was thinking of some things, that stood out to me, when reading the manga, that I wanted to talk about
(This will mostly focus on the english translation of the manga, because my japanese is not yet good enough to reliably understand the whole context, so if you see something, that doesn't come across in the english translation very well, but is in the japanese, please do not hesitate to tell me)
This will also be a multi-part-series, because it goes on longer than I thought it would
Sherlock's Cockney Dialect
As people have previously pointed out, Sherlock and Mycroft were born in "North Riding" (presumably "The North Riding Of Yorkshire", which is a historical region near York in, you guessed it, Yorkshire), as per the official character sheets in Volume 18
In Volume 2 Chapter 5 "The Noahtic, Act 1" William says Sherlock "[CHOOSES] to speak with a Cockney Accent"
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And while Sherlock doesn't actually speak in a Cockney Accent in the manga (because american translators can't write british dialects apparently) it does get implied every now and then
Now, Cockney is a VERY regional dialect and sociolect of english, that is basically only spoken by the working class and lower middle class in London (which is about 300 km away from Yorkshire (which doesn't sound like a lot, but for a dialect it is))
Side Note - Cockney can also historically more or less refer to people, things, culture etc. from London's East End (The place where William and Louis grew up, before they were adopted into the Moriarty house hold, and I think it's quite funny to imagine William and Louis being able to switch between Cockney and The Queen's English quite easily, and maybe even other dialects)
So Sherlock was born in Yorkshire, has a brother who speaks The Queen's English and chooses to speak in Cockney ... How does that make sense?
And some people have proposed that Sherlock might have commuted between Yorkshire and London when he was younger and therefore he might have picked up Cockney on some or other escapades to The East End Of London, but that doesn't seem completely right
And honestly I did think at first that it was just Miyoshi-Sensei and / or Takeuchi-Sensei not being quite aware of english dialects (and granted, that could be the case)
BUT it could also be, that Sherlock and Mycroft's The Queen's English speaking father, married their Cockney speaking mother
(At this point it should be stated that "proper" The Queen's English is more or less an "artificial dialect" (as artificial as english dialects can get, (which is not very)) and learned and used a lot by for example the BBC (that's why it's also sometimes called BBC english) and government officials (at least until a few decades ago) and about as close as you can get to a british "high english" as some other languages have "high languages" (high german, high arabic etc.))
So father Holmes, presumably a government official, might actually come from The North Riding Of Yorkshire, learned The Queen's English, met mother Holmes, had children with her
And while Mycroft, probably already early on, was involved with the Holmes' legacy and almost always has to hold himself in a "proper manner"
Sherlock, as the second son, probably didn't feel as much pressure to conform (or he just didn't really care) and if he has a better relationship with his mother than he has with his father, then maybe he just decided he did not want and / or need to "[FIX] his accent" (as he says to Billy in Chapter 67), the dialect of his mother, Cockney
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He might consciously choose to speak in Cockney and not force himself to speak The Queen's English, because he is proud of his and his mother's roots, like William says
I will for now try to ignore the fact that it doesn't really make sense for someone like Sherlock and Mycroft's father (who is presumably a relatively high-ranking government official like Mycroft) to marry someone from a class in London that speaks Cockney (like Sherlock and Mycroft's mother and / or her family apparently does)
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mrsmarymorstan · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks....
Oh god, from ANY MEDIA EVER?! That's a lot! 28+ years worth of #Content to remember... I'm just gonna be totally random about it I think and this is not an actual ranking!!! Just who first springs to mind. I'll also try not to double up on franchises.
1) Misty (Pokémon) - She was The Girl One and also Not Like Other Girls! I was five, okay?
2) Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) The boy who set me down the path of Monster Hugging and Furrydom. If you want details my entire blog exists lol
3) Sir Gwaine (BBC Merlin) Baby's first Dose of Heteronomativity! Plus he helped introduce me to amazing crack ships and made me laugh and broke my heart!
4) Jadzia Dax (Star Trek DS9) - She's just SO COOL! She's semi-immortal, is both an expert on gender and doesn't believe in it, is canonically queer, snarky AF, knows all about Klignons, is very pretty, and does THE SCIENCE!!! Plus she marries Worf and I mean goals.
5) Grog Strongjaw (Critical Role) - He is the definition of Positive Masculinity. An Aromantic King. My precious Baby Boy who could rip me in half if he wanted to but wouldn't. The man who makes me laugh and makes me cry. I miss him so much, I just want more Grog in my life when will he return from the war Matthew???
6) Uncle Newt (John Finnemore's Souvenir Program S9) - A Canonical Asexual Icon, breaking and healing my heart all at once, hell yes to historical queers and elder queers helping to raise baby queers and the found family trope and LOOK JUST LISTEN TO SERIES 9 OKAY?! (They don't use the WORD Asexual but that's because Newt wouldn't KNOW that word but everything about him and his character descriptions and his arc SCREAMS Asexual)
7) Kanade Miyako (Twinkle Stars) - Takaya-sensei made a character so relateable to me I just sat there and cried the whole time. The Academic burn out? The pressure to conform to expectations? Not knowing what to do with your life? Seeing the way she had the narrative treat him as a guide to myself to just take care and take things one step at a time? That it doesn't matter what others say, taking baby steps to heal yourself important and you shouldn't dismiss that. URGH. TAKAYA-SENSEI!!! WHY YOU DO THIS TO ME?!
8) Stephanie Brown (DC Comics) - Purple Clad Icon who tries her hardest and doesn't always succeed but DAMN IT if she isn't gonna crawl back on her feet again no matter what!!! Every single shitty thing a male writer can do to a female character has been done to her, and she's STILL STANDING!!! I will defend her to my last breath.
9) Mary Morstan (Sherlock Holmes) Very few adaptions ever do my girl justice and it's SO FRUSTRATING!!! But god I love her. I love how she's so strong not in a badass Hashtag No Fear way but in the way she is terrified and scared and still goes forward anyway! She's also snarky and loves to tease her husband (and his boyfriend) and I just wish more adaptations understood her! I think the best version of her I've seen is the Ritchie Verse version? More like that please!
10) Gilbert (Being Human) He was in it for one episode and is an absolute Icon. All those years and the only thing he had to do to find his door was to fall in love unironically? He just had to be honest with himself and his feelings. Also this:
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(I debated putting the Sarcastic Vicar here but decided upon Gilbert in the end 💜)
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azumasoroshi · 2 years
Randst Magazine Episode 6
what the fuck does herlock have against natsume help
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i havent heard this saying before but im gonna start using it whenever someone is being unnecessarily rude
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he's just a littol guy please
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oh god bungou stray dogs jumpscare
they're all praising mori for like. being cool and having bitches and i just have the sadistic creepy doctor mori in my head
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ohhh wait that was from soseki??? i see
immediately thought to koe no katachi and the tsuki thing lmao i remember watching english dub and being like what the hell is going on
i got it on a second rewatch but back then i was like what is the significance of the moon what
it's very funny that here soseki admires/is jealous of mori for being outgoing and stuff while soseki was mori's sensei in bsd and clearly did not teach him how to get bitches
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the amount of japanese herlock actually understands eludes me
i mean i guess it's a rather basic sentence but still
imagine he tries to be cool and be like "tsuki ga kirei desu ne" to barok and barok is like what does that mean
and he's like oh it means i'm a great detective and barok squints at him because even with the amount of japanese he's bleached from his brain he still can tell that is definitely not what it means
so he goes on a whole wild goose chase trying to figure out what it means and ryuunosuke finds him pouring over soseki's books and he's like well im not going anywhere near that
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to stop herlock from being stupid you just have to say bad sholmes! three times and he will briefly use his brain cells before willingly turning them off again
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this line made me laugh out loud ngl
the whole sao thing for shakespeare is actually really funny now in a modern context because. one of the historical literary geniuses shares his japanese name with fucking sword art online
i do wonder how exactly they got sao from shakespeare instead of like. sheikusupiiru or something like that
well sao is kanji right so i guess it's just easier than writing out all those katakana
does the "o" imply like. king or something. i dont know japanese
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i do wonder if he has a similar kanji thing because his name is just written as シャーロック ホームズ in japanese so
dude i kept wondering why シ would make a "he" sound and then i remembered his name is fucking sherlock holmes and not herlock sholmes
i use herlock the most because it's more easily distinguishable compared to like bbc sherlock and stuff but also herlock just fits him more?? is that just me. he looks like a bastard so it's fitting that his name be bastardized too
i know the whole conan doyle estate thing and dgs's english release getting super delayed but i really love the name herlock sholmes over just calling him sherlock holmes so maybe it was worth it
someone on one of my fics was like "sherlock holmes is public domain now you can use his name in fanfiction it's fine" and i was like but i dont want to :)
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golvio · 1 year
Musical character palettes for my current favorites:
Pipe organ concertos
Orchestral music
Piano (any genre, esp. classical, jazz, or new classical), esp. Chopin’s Nocturnes
Progressive metal (Wilderun, Wilderun, Wilderun, and maybe a little Devin Townsend)
Black metal
Avant-garde Metal (Zeal & Ardor, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum)
Experimental electronic
Lingua frickin’ Ignota
clipping. Just clipping.
Synthesizers, especially old-school ones like the Moog. Think the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, Wendy Carlos’ “Switched-On Bach,” or “Synth-Sensei” from Salvinski’s soundtrack for “Narita Boy.”
Nu-Disco (Lindstrom, Jessie Ware’s “What’s Your Pleasure”)
Synthwave/Dark Synthwave (Dance with the Dead, too)
Progressive rock
Psychedelic Rock (both newer stuff and the old stuff with that funky little wurlitzer organ)
Japanese Psychedelic Rock (think Osamu Kitajima, the Mystery Kindaichi Band)
Japanese Jazz (old and new stuff, particularly SOIL & PIMP Sessions)
Ghost (the band)
Kabuki Theater hayashi
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x3xpurowr · 1 year
Kaylee Hilton fucked in front of boyfriend by bbc Terrible cogida a zorra ardiente Amateur Young Girl Drinks Own Piss Sexy hoe got fucked so hard Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!? Kana Kojima (3D HENTAI) White girl muslim dick xxx Local Working Girl Pinay new viral Cebu bago ko lang siya nakilala big cock tranny Natalie Mars, Ella Nova Outdoor piss with ass flash UK Paki Ilford doggy
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barlemusic · 1 year
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Awesome #WIKF BBC event👌 @ #Yasuragi ⛩️. Great training 🥋 with #Sensei #JonWicks (WIKF World Chief Instructure) & Sensei #MathieuBeysen (WIKF President Europe), topped with #Japanese 🇯🇵 dinner 🍣 & #Spa 🧿 #SuHaRi #Karate #WadoRyu 👊💪👍 (på/i SU-HA-RI Karate Wado Ryu) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClpHxW3jzkZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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consultingsunsky · 2 years
Adobe master collection cs6
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With Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, you can make minor edits to text and images right in your PDF file without requiring the original document or graphic.Įdit text in a PDF. Create and edit PDF files with rich media included, share information more securely, and gather feedback more efficiently.Īdobe Acrobat Pro DC software is the advanced way for business professionals to create, combine, control, and deliver more secure, high-quality Adobe PDF documents for easy, more secure distribution, collaboration, and data collection. So you can start a document at work, tweak it on the train and send it for approval from your living room - seamlessly, simply, without missing a beat.Īcrobat Pro DC is packed with smart tools that give you even more power to communicate. This is a pre-activated lifetime license version this means The License Key is already applied in the Installer.Īdobe Acrobat Pro DC 2020 ₦6,000 Acrobat Pro DC 2020 with Document Cloud services is packed with all the tools you need to convert, edit and sign PDFs. Or free online delivery with download guide because file size is large. lol)Īdobe Master Collection CC 2021 WinMac ₦100,000 Up-to-date Complete Master Collection of Famous Adobe Products.Ī free 32gb Flash drive containing the full collection will be delivered to you.
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ittetsuspecs · 2 years
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Ukatake × Merlin BBC
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daddiusnoir · 1 month
Dm daddy for a fill up 🥷🏽🍆
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time2wonder · 6 years
Tech Tent: Are tech giants held to account?
Silicon Valley's big businesses should be subject to more scrutiny, argues author Lucie Greene. from BBC News - Technology https://ift.tt/2o9AV8m
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ryuucha · 6 years
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I’ve been quite busy.. Now that more or less i have free time, i had decided to chase the inktober prompts before October ended. Although I couldn’t chase them all, I think it’s an improvement from last year’s inktober.
part 1 inktober: day1-day10
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grellsutcliffsworld · 2 years
Fandoms I will write for:
Good Omens:
Black Butler:
Ciel Phantomhive
Sebastian Michaelis
Elizabeth Midford
Alois Trancy
Claude Faustus
William T. Spears
Grell Sutcliff
Eric Slingby
Alan Humphries
Ronald Knox
Prince Soma
Baron Calvin
Sherlock BBC:
Sherlock Holmes
Mycroft Holmes
John H. Watson
Mary Moran
Mrs. Hudson
Molly Hooper
Jim Moriarty
Greg Lestrade
Phillip Anderson
Sally Donovan
Assassination Classroom:
Koro Sensei
Bitch Sensei
Karasuma Sensei
Nagisa Shiota
Karma Akabane
Kayano Kaede
Nakamura Rio
Maehara Hiroto
Isogai Yuma
Okuda Manami
Yada Toka
Sugino Tomohito
Kanzaki Yukiko
Kurahashi Hinano
Fuwa Yuzuki
Okano Hinata
Kataoka Meg
Hayami Rinka
Chiba Ryunosuke
Okajima Taiga
Hara Sumire
Mimura Koki
Kimura Masayoshi
Sugaya Sosuke
Takebayashi Kotaro
Hazama Kirara
Terasaka Ryoma
Muramatsu Takuya
Joshida Taisei
Itona Horribe
Asano Gakushu
Teppei Araki
Ren Sakakibara
Natsuhiko Koyama
Tomoya Seo
Ouran highschool host club:
Tamaki René Suoh
Kyoya Ootori
Haruhi Fujioka
Hikaru Hitachiin
Kaoru Hitachiin
Honey Mizukuni
Takashi "Mori" Morinozuka
Renge Houshakuji
Highschool of the dead:
Takashi Komuro
Rei Miyamoto
Saeko Busujima
Saya Takagi
Kohta Hirano
Shizuka Marikawa
Alice Maresato
Koichi Shindo
Things I will write:
Reader × Charakter
Genderneutral reader
What I won't write:
Character × Charakter
LGBTQ+ (Because 1. I don't know much about it and 2. It actually just makes me really uncomfortable.)
Incest (I also don't ship Ciel and Lizzy, since they are cousins.)
I do:
O&A for the characters
Be polite
Keep in mind that I still have a personal life to tend to outside of this account and that your request might take a bit, so please be patient.
If you see in this description that I don't write certain things, don't request it.
Don't pressure me into things or to write faster.
Now I do hope to see your requests in my inbox very soon~
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lang-queen · 3 years
🎉1k+ Followers Language Resources Masterpost🎉
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First of all, I want to thank you all for following this tiny blog! Without you, anything of what’ve done here wouldn’t have been possible. If I’ve ever been of help for any of you, I’m very much glad and I hope I can continue helping you for a long time more! 
[DISCLAIMER: My current main languages are Japanese and Portuguese right now, so I have more resources for those. I’ll try to maintain this post updated whenever I find more for other languages] 
Uploaded at: 24/December/2020
* sites in the language they’re listed in.  
Nihongo Ichiban - List of all particles. The site offers lessons. 
Ehonavi* - Has interviews and articles. No kana on top of kanji. 
Matcha Easy* - Has articles, most of them from the Matcha brand of icecreams. It’s written in easy Japanese with kana on top of kanji.
Matcha* - Same as above, but written in advanced Japanese.  
Yahoo Kids* - Educational site for children that has articles, lessons and games. Written in easy Japanese, but not all kanji have kana. 
NHK Web Easy* - Japan official news in easy Japanese. Has kana on top of kanji and audio version for the article. 
Asagaku* - Online newspaper. No kana on top of kanji.
Japanese IO - One of the best sites for reading practice in Japanese. Has reading material for all levels and their interface allows to see the meaning of a word by clicking on it. You need an account and there’s a paid version, but the free one offers almost everything you may need. 
Locari* - Site for fashion, food and beauty articles. No kana on top of kanji. 
Watanoc* - Online magazine in easy Japanese. 
Renshuu - Site for practising and learning kanji. It tracks your learning as long as you use the site and has several ways to learn kanji, it also has some games. You need to create an account.
Jtest4you - Has tests for al JLPT levels, grammar and vocab lists for those levels and some resources. 
TV Japan Live - Watch Japanese TV live!
Traditional Japanese Children’s Stories - Site that offers a list of stories in easy Japanese, written in kana and with English translation.
JLPT Study Page - Recompilation of study material for JLPT levels from N5 to N2. IT’S NOT OFFICIAL. 
Ameba* - Site for popular articles and news. It’s in advanced Japanese and no kana on top of kanji. 
Rawdevart - Read raw manga in Japanese and Chinese. 
Love Heaven - More raw manga.
Wasabi - Paid lessons, but has some that are free.
Tofugu - Japanese learning site. Not only has grammar lessons, but also cultural articles and offers new resources every month or so.
Japanese with Anime - Lessons that are inspired in the Japanese and cultural marks we see in anime. 
Irodori - Free textbooks for beginners. 
Japanese Lesson - Lessons for beginners.  
JGram - Japanese grammar database.
Fontbear* -  Japanese fonts! As far as I can remember, some are free, some are not.
Coliss* - More fonts!
Nishinippon* - News and articles in easy Japanese. No kana on top of kanji. 
IGN Japan* - Videogame and pop culture articles. No kana on top of kanji.
Entabe* - Food articles. No kana on top of kanji. 
KanjiTomo - Software that recognises kanji in images. 
Wanikani - Site to learn kanji and vocabulary. You need and account and you need to pay to get access to all the content.
Try it* - Japanese Khan Academy. It offers lessons for subjects Japanese children have in school, like math, science or English!
NHK for School* - More school lessons. 
Book Share ZIP - Download raw magazines and light novels.
Kabegoe* - Travel articles. No kana on top of kanji. 
Travel Lovers* - More travel articles.
Marshall’s site - A very complete site that offers Japanese lessons and quizzes for all levels. You need an account.
Maggie Sensei - Great blog that gives grammar lessons with tons of examples.
Jmagazine scans archives - Download raw Japanese magazines. 
Hukumusume* - Site for children, it has stories for 1st to 6th grade.
Animelon - Watch anime with Japanese subtitles. The interesting part is that you can look up the meaning of an unknown word by clicking the subtitle.
Youtubers I Watch for Listening Practice - Check out my post! I still have to update it and do another ones for more languages. 
Libros de texto gratis Este blog tiene un montón de libros de texto de japonés completamente descargables en formato PDF. 
Descarga libro de texto Tobira. 
Mexico Shimbun - Revista de noticias mexicanas en japonés. La página está caída, pero su sitio en FB sigue en pie, aunque no tan activa.
NHK en Español - Lecciones básicas.
Kira Teachings - Lecciones básicas y artículos.
Guía sobre la gramática japonesa - Sitio muy completo con explicaciones de gramática.
Japolatino - Más lecciones de gramática!
R7 VIRTZ* - Good news.
Easy Portuguese - Basic to intermediate lessons. 
Aulas de Português* -  Japanesse ortography lessons for fanfiction writers!
Público* - News. 
Learning Portuguese - Lessons site from basic to intermediate.
Maiores e Melhores* - Tops and tops.
Cultura Genial* - Pop culture articles, tops and other interesting trendy stuff. 
Revista Bula* - Online magazine, most articles are about pop culture.
Yahoo Notícias* - Brazilian news.
iG* - More Brazilian news.
IGN Portugal* - Videogame, movies, music and pop culture articles.
Máxima* - Online fashion and beauty magazine. 
Activa* - Fashion and beauty blog.
Ímpar Público* -Lifestyle articles.
Elle Portugal* - Online fashion and beauty magazine. 
Vogue Portugal* - Online fashion and beauty magazine. 
Bab.la Diccionario - Ofrece distintas combinaciones de idiomas.
Bab.la Conjugador - Conjuga verbos, se tiene que escribir en portugués y aparecen todas sus conjugaciones en todos los tiempos.
Estudiemos.org - 18 lecciones con mucho vocabulario. 
Portuguesweb.com - Tiene bastantes lecciones. 
Wolkenkratzer - Online textbook. 
Essential German - Another textbook that is very complete.
FSI German Basic Course - Free textbook. It’s old, but very complete.
A Foundation Course in Reading German - Free online textbook by the University of Wisconsin-Madison. 
Deutsch im Blick - It’s supposedly an online textbook, but seems more like an archive. Has exercises, videos, audios and lists.
Learn German Online (ielanguages.com) - Offers lessons separated by subject, i.e, weather, seasons, transportation, etc. 
German Language Guide - More lessons!
Sesamstrasse - Sesame Street in German!
German Lessons (DW) - Lessons offered by a popular German broadcaster. 
Learn Swahili (ilanguages.org) - Grammar and vocabulary for absolute beginners. 
Learn Swahili (mylanguages.org) - It’s really similar like the one above, but it’s more complete. 
Learn Swahili (Magical Kenya) - Basic phrases by a travelling agency at Kenya. 
The Kansas University Textbook - This completely free textbook has 65 lessons.
KIKO: Kiswahili kwa Komputa - Three years worth of material by the University of Georgia.
BBC Swahili - Read news in Swahili!
FSI Swahili - Free textbook from 1950 by the government of the USA. 
Swahili - English Dictionary - There aren’t that much dictionaries for African languages as far as I know. 
Nawatl - Es un curso muy completo.
Matinahuatlahtolzalocan - Libro de texto de parte del gobierno.
Lectura del Nahuatl - Libro de texto gratis. Tiene vocabulario linguístico avanzado, puede ser difícil de entender.
Ejercicios para el aprendizaje de la lengua nahuatl - Libro de texto de parte del gobierno. 
Learn Greek Online - This site offers 105 lessons.
Learn to Read Greek - Free textbook by Yale.
From Zero to Greek: An Introduction to the Language for Everyone - Another free textbook, this one is smaller in volume.
New Testament Greek for Beginners - Free textbook that says for beginners, but seems pretty dense; however, it looks very complete.
Cultura Clásica - Lecciones básicas.
Academia Latin - A diferencia de otros cursos que ofrece esta página, su curso de griego moderno es bastante básico.
Manual para Aprender Griego - Libro grátis con ejercicios.
Lengua Griega I - Libro grátis, es una guía de estudio. 
Learn Latin (mylanguages.org) - Lessons and lessons. 
Learn Latin (Learn101.org) - It’s similar as the one above, but it’s not that complete.
Academia Latin - Las lecciones son más completas que las de griego antiguo.
Linguim - Lecciones para principiantes.
Learn Russian - 100 lessons!
Master Rusian - Lessons, poadcasts and other resources.
Russian for Speakers of English - Tiny free basic guide.
Russian for Dummies - No explanation needed!
Ruso Gratis - Es un sitio bastante simple que ofrece lecciones básicas, vocabulario y ejercicios.
MasterpostnStuff masterpost for ASL
Sign School - Free online courses from beginner to advanced. You need an account. Has app version for both iOS and Android. 
Master ASL: Level One - Free book for the very beginners.
The Everything Sign Language - Free book that also teaches sign etiquette and other important factors to communicate with deaf people. 
Learning to See - Free book. Rather than a book to learn ASL, it’s an analysis of acquiring it as a second language, or foreign language. 
LSM (Lengua de señas mexicano)
Manos con voz - Diccionario gratuito por Conapred.
Diccionario de Lengua de Señas Mexicana - Diccionario de parte del gobierno de CDMX.
International Children’s Digital Library - Books for children in several languages.
Lingolia - Has lessons for English, Spanish, German, French and Esperanto.
Lexicity - Resources for ancient languages.
Tuna’s masterpost of resources for classic languages. 
Studens docere’s masterpost of resources for Latin and Ancient Greek. 
101 Languages - site that has lessons for TONS of languages.
Lovely Blue Panda’s guide to keep a journal in your target language.
Langcorrect - Write something and natives will correct it; you can also correct others in your native language.
If one of the links doesn’t work, DM me to either change it or remove it.
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turtlethon · 2 years
"The Turtle Terminator"
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Season 3, Episode 37
First US Airdate: December 8, 1989   First BBC UK broadcast: March 2, 1992
Shredder and Krang create an android replica of Irma that’s programmed to eliminate the Turtles.
"The Turtle Terminator" is the fifty-fifth episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. David Carren and J. Larry Carroll are credited as writers here, who most recently brought us "Case of the Hot Kimono".
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This one has an opening scene that’s as straightforward as they come, with Bebop and Rocksteady blundering their way into the bedroom of Irma’s apartment – a location appearing here for the first time in the show. Irma protests, insisting that she’s free to be abducted tomorrow but has a date with Channel 6’s star anchorman today; the mutants grumble about always getting the difficult jobs.
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A reliable go-to for any given Turtles episode is to have our heroes introduced by way of engaging in a training exercise, and that’s where we find ourselves again today. The Turtles are shown looking in on Splinter by way of a still frame that appears on screen for a few seconds because we’re approaching the end of the season and there’s clearly no time or money left – as we proceed through this episode it’ll become evident that this is the most ramshackle TMNT outing thus far. The team jump their sensei only to end up smashing into a mirror. Leonardo laments that they “fell for the oldest trick in the book” before the real Splinter emerges to preach that “things are not always as they appear.”
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Donatello is alerted to the sound of his Turtlecom and then... Leonardo answers his Turtlecom. That was confusing. April alerts the Turtles to the Bebop and Rocksteady-shaped holes in the wall of Irma’s bedroom, and the green teens are on their way.
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Rocksteady and Bebop drag Irma to the abandoned hideout of the day, where she’s introduced to Shredder (“Mister Shredder” as she refers to him). Shreds by this point knows Irma by name, and introduces her to a robot that to all intents and purposes is a Terminator exoskeleton. The robot takes her by the hand and, amid a flash of glowing yellow light, assumes her appearance.
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Shredder lurks in an alley with Android Irma, instructing her to enter the Channel 6 building and destroy any turtles on-sight. On her way in, she encounters a man selling balloons, and after spotting one of them resembles a turtle, she destroys the lot, reciting the order given to her: “Turtles... ZAP turtles!” The balloon seller breaks the fourth wall to suggest she “must be a balloon hater”.
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The Turtles go on patrol after discovering a hunk of seaweed lying on the floor in Irma’s bedroom, and try to use this to determine the location of the bad guys. Meanwhile, at Channel 6, April attempts to talk to [Android] Irma as we head into the first commercial break.
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When we return, April looks on in astonishment as “Irma” powers through her work. April informs the Turtles that Irma is insistent Rocksteady and Bebop were never in her apartment, despite all the evidence to the contrary. The Turtles continue to drive around, having passed that “Bob’s Pizza Co.” van at least three times now. They eventually discover a giant hole in the road, confirming that Shredder’s transport module had been in the area.
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Irma’s anchorman date approaches her at her desk with the most janky animation I’ve ever seen in this series (we’re sinking to Wacky Delly-level production values here). When he says it’s time for their lunch date, “Irma” insists she’s only interested in her mission, and when he takes offence, she launches him through the air into a nearby wall. April watches all this with interest, seemingly unfazed by her co-workers throwing down in front of her.
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Rocksteady and Bebop are operating out of an abandoned paint factory, where a still-captive Irma is cooking for them. In the process, she manages to trample them due to her klutziness before the food in the oven begins burning. When Shredder’s transport module surfaces in the factory, the vibrations cause the oven to land on top of them.
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Shreds lambasts the mutants, who blame “this floozy here” for their predicament. Irma then manages to stand on Shredder’s foot as well, but this entire sequence is missing, and still frames of Rocksteady, Irma and Bebop appear on screen instead (the three shots above). An absolutely catastrophic sequence all-round, I can’t believe this made it to air.
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Later, the Turtles spot Bebop and Rocksteady walking through town with Chinese takeout. At Channel 6, Android Irma overhears Burne Thompson on the phone to his girlfriend Tiffany. He refers to her as his “one and only turtle dove”, which results in the robotic Irma using her laser eyebeams to melt the phone. April watches this and alerts the Turtles. Notably, this is the last time Burne’s girlfriend is ever mentioned in the series. Truly the end of an era!
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At the paint factory, we’re treated to the improbable scene of Shredder, Rocksteady, Bebop and Irma sitting around a table eating Chinese food. Irma’s klutziness soon rears its head again, as she manages to stomp on Shredder’s foot once more and cover him in soy sauce. When she goes off to find a cloth to clean up, she discovers the Turtles waiting to rescue her.
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A battle briefly breaks out between Shredder’s crew and the Turtles, that concludes with our heroes being trapped under a pile of paint cans, while Shredder ends up with a bucket on his head. The villains escape via transport module, an event depicted via the use of a still image from earlier in the show of Shredder standing in an open module, while the sound of it drilling is heard. My goodness, this episode is a catastrophe.
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Back at Channel 6, Vernon informs Stan the cameraman – he has a name! - that a report was received of a truck tipping over and “turning turtle”. Android Irma zaps the fax machine Vernon received the report from and we immediately cut to the two men standing outside the room, looking dishevelled. Stan receives his first line of dialogue ever as he declares “I’ve heard of hot news flashes, but this is ridiculous!”; the only problem is that this episode is such a mess that the line is uttered from Vernon’s mouth. April again witnesses all of this, and alerts the Turtles, who speed to Channel 6 in their van with the real Irma in tow.
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Shredder arrives in the Technodrome, still sporting the bucket on his head, to the amusement of Krang. Android Irma is given orders by Krang to intercept the Turtles, who are on their way just as soon as they pass that Bob’s Pizza van one more time. The second act ends with our heroes speeding toward Android Irma, who stands in the middle of the street, eyes glowing.
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Android Irma opens fire on the Turtle Van, sending it skidding into a lamp-post. The team leave their vehicle to confront the robot, declaring that “Turtles fight with honour”. The real Irma follows this up with the most memorable line of the episode, adding that “women fight with handbags!” April intervenes, encouraging everyone to get into the news van. When Android Irma uses her magnetic powers to pull the van towards her, the team plan to use this to their advantage. They let the robot cling to the back of the van and drive off to an abandoned amusement park.
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While the Turtles confront Android Irma, April and the real Irma flee across the park. Irma is distracted by a vending machine offering her “favourite health food... chocolate-covered marshmallow fudgecake!” April loses track of her, and ends up meeting up with Android Irma before the two Irmas eventually confront each other.
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The Turtles are eventually able to lure Android Irma into a hall of mirrors, and use what they learned in their earlier training exercise to trick the robot into opening fire on their many reflections until her systems are overloaded. Donatello reprograms the burned-out robot, now in its original state, and sends it back down to the Technodrome, where it opens fire on the villains.
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Later, April and the Turtles watch as the real Irma comes face-to-face with the horrified anchorman that Android Irma hurled into a wall earlier, now on crutches. The two collide in a heap as the episode wraps up.
The most charitable thing I can say about “The Turtle Terminator” is that the story is serviceable. It’s never explained why Shredder and Krang would go out of their way to make a robotic clone of Irma specifically, but there’s a degree of novelty in seeing her cohabiting with the bad guys for a bit.
In terms of animation, this is absolute rock bottom. Astonishingly bad. MW Dublin handled this adventure, which is a huge drop-off from their previous efforts (compare this to “April Fool” from earlier in the season and the difference is glaring). It’s so bad that it’s actually intriguing – I would love to know the story of how things ended up going so wrong here and still made it to air, but given that more than three decades have passed, I doubt the truth will ever be revealed. There are at least glimmers of the great character work the Dublin team are capable of in scenes like when Android Irma malfunctions, but in motion everything is hideous, a rushed mismatch of clumsy characters, looped and reused footage, and entire sequences seemingly going AWOL. To see the series go from Toei’s much-lauded output in the first season to this is downright depressing.
NEXT TIME: I was hoping things would turn around, but the next show will see the return of “The Fifth Turtle” Zach in “The Great Boldini”. Dammit.
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