#bayesian coding hypothesis
evoldir · 14 days
Fwd: Course: Online.GeneralizedLinearModelsInR.May6-10
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Course: Online.GeneralizedLinearModelsInR.May6-10 > Date: 17 April 2024 at 06:00:32 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > Dear all, > > It is still possible to join us for our online course on Generalized > Linear Models in R in May (6-10). > > Course website: ( > https://ift.tt/HxGRPdD ) > > The course is aimed at graduate students and researchers with basic > statistical knowledge that want to learn how to analyze experimental and > observation data with generalized linear regression models in R. Basic > knowledge means that we assume knowledge about foundational statistical > concepts (e.g. standard error, p-value, hypothesis testing) that are > usually covered in a first introductory statistics class. Participants > should also be familiar with Rstudio and have some experience in > programming R code, including being able to import, manipulate > (e.g. modify variables) and visualize data. > > At the end of this course, attendees will be able to: > > 1. Specify and fit generalized linear regression models in R, >   choosing the appropriate distribution and link function according >   for your data. > > 2. Interpret the parameter estimates of the fitted models, including the >   correct interpretation of categorical predictors (e.g. contrasts, >   ANOVA, post-hoc testing), and calculate predictions from your model. > > 3. Understand the principles of model selection to choose the correct >   model / regression formula for your question. > > 4. Visualize the fitted models to check assumptions, communicate >   results, and increase understanding. > > 5. Acquire the foundations and some first ideas to move on to more >   complex regression models (e.g. Generalized Linear Mixed Models, >   Generalized Additive Models, Bayesian modeling) in the future. > > For the full list of our courses and workshops, please visit: ( > https://ift.tt/HxGRPdD ) > > Best regards, Carlo > > > Carlo Pecoraro, Ph.D > Physalia-courses DIRECTOR > [email protected] > mobile: +49 17645230846 > > > "[email protected]"
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jhavelikes · 8 months
Adaptive agents must occupy a limited repertoire of states and therefore minimize the long-term average of surprise associated with sensory exchanges with the world. Minimizing surprise enables them to resist a natural tendency to disorder. Surprise rests on predictions about sensations, which depend on an internal generative model of the world. Although surprise cannot be measured directly, a free-energy bound on surprise can be, suggesting that agents minimize free energy by changing their predictions (perception) or by changing the predicted sensory inputs (action). Perception optimizes predictions by minimizing free energy with respect to synaptic activity (perceptual inference), efficacy (learning and memory) and gain (attention and salience). This furnishes Bayes-optimal (probabilistic) representations of what caused sensations (providing a link to the Bayesian brain hypothesis). Bayes-optimal perception is mathematically equivalent to predictive coding and maximizing the mutual information between sensations and the representations of their causes. This is a probabilistic generalization of the principle of efficient coding (the infomax principle) or the minimum-redundancy principle. Learning under the free-energy principle can be formulated in terms of optimizing the connection strengths in hierarchical models of the sensorium. This rests on associative plasticity to encode causal regularities and appeals to the same synaptic mechanisms as those underlying cell assembly formation. Action under the free-energy principle reduces to suppressing sensory prediction errors that depend on predicted (expected or desired) movement trajectories. This provides a simple account of motor control, in which action is enslaved by perceptual (proprioceptive) predictions. Perceptual predictions rest on prior expectations about the trajectory or movement through the agent's state space. These priors can be acquired (as empirical priors during hierarchical inference) or they can be innate (epigenetic) and therefore subject to selective pressure. Predicted motion or state transitions realized by action correspond to policies in optimal control theory and reinforcement learning. In this context, value is inversely proportional to surprise (and implicitly free energy), and rewards correspond to innate priors that constrain policies.
The free-energy principle: a unified brain theory? | Nature Reviews Neuroscience
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dmv-ndb · 9 months
Homework #1 for Data Management and Visualization
For the purpose of this assignment, I will be looking at potential factors which may affect a person’s weight (code: WEIGHT) in relation to a person’s origin of descent and current or most recent occupation (code: S1Q9B).
I chose this topic to provide insight for potential solutions given the rise of obesity incidence among the general population nowadays. Specifically, I will be looking at a variable that may have a potential correlation to weight which is current or most recent occupation. Current or most recent occupation generally impacts a person’s stress and activity levels, which in turn may impact eating and exercise habits.
Does occupation impact a person’s weight?
The correlation of weight and occupation has been previously explored in the following literature.
Occupation and Obesity: Effect of Working Hours on Obesity by Occupation Groups (Barlin and Mercan, 2016) Methodology - Explored the relationship between occupation and obesity using data on 10,127 respondents aged 20-59 from the 2009 National Health Examination Survey - Obesity measured using waist circumference - Modelling carried out using an approach known as Multiple Regression with Post-Stratification (MRP) Results - No clear relationship between the overall sedentary nature of occupations and obesity - Obesity appears to vary occupation by occupation
Obesity and occupation in Thailand: using a Bayesian hierarchical model to obtain prevalence estimates from the National Health Examination Survey (Rittirong et al, 2021) Methodology - Obesity data used from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) between 2003 and 2004 - BMI (weight in kg/ height x height in m2) was used to determine obesity Results - Six occupation groups statistically significantly reduce the probability of being obese: engineers, architects and scientists, writers, artists, entertainers, and athletes; construction trades; other mechanics and repairers; fabricators, assemblers, inspectors, and samplers; and freight, stock, and material movers - Exact mechanism leading to reduced risk of obesity for these six occupations are not known
Rittirong et al (2021) concluded that “there is no clear relationship between the overall sedentary nature of occupations and obesity”, given that obesity levels may tend to vary for each occupation. Meanwhile, Barlin and Mercan (2016) saw that certain occupations tend to have a low level of obesity, including: • Engineers, architects, and scientists • Writers, artists, entertainers, and athletes • Construction trades • Mechanics and repairers • Fabricators, assemblers, inspectors, and samplers • Freight, stock, and material movers The exact rationale behind the lower incidence of obesity among the six above-mentioned professions however may vary. Certain professions included such as engineers and scientists tend to be sedentary professions rarely requiring manual labor. Meanwhile, other included professions such as mechanics and construction trades are highly mobile professions, likely causing the decreased obesity levels.
As such, there is a need to further explore the subject with the use of primary information in order to come up with a fitting conclusion.
Barlin, H. and Mercan, M. (2016). Occupation and Obesity: Effect of Working Hours on Obesity by Occupation Groups. Applied Economics and Finance. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/295878085_Occupation_and_Obesity_Effect_of_Working_Hours_on_Obesity_by_Occupation_Groups
Rittirong, J., Bryant, J., Aekplakorn, W., Prohmmo, A., and Sunpuwan, M. (2021). Obesity and occupation in Thailand: using a Bayesian hierarchical model to obtain prevalence estimates from the National Health Examination Survey. BMC Public Health. https://bmcpublichealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12889-021-10944-0
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angrygiveralpaca · 1 year
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To become a machine learning professional, you should start by gaining a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts and mathematical foundations of the field. This can be done through taking online courses, reading books and research papers, and practising with hands-on projects. Some key areas to focus on include:
Linear algebra and calculus
Probability and statistics
Specific machine learning algorithms
Deep learning
Read More: Become a Machine Learning Expert in 2023. 
Once you have a strong foundation in these areas, you should continue to build your skills by working on projects and participating in machine learning competitions. It's also important to stay current with the latest advancements and research in the field.
Linear algebra and calculus
Linear algebra and calculus are both used extensively in machine learning. Linear algebra provides the mathematical foundation for many of the algorithms used in machine learning, such as matrix operations and eigendecompositions. Calculus is used for optimisation, which is a key component in many machine learning algorithms. For example, gradient descent, which is used to train many types of neural networks, relies heavily on calculus to adjust the model's parameters in order to minimize the error. Additionally, Calculus also helps in understanding the behaviour of functions and their local minima/maxima, which is useful in understanding the optimization techniques used in ML. Overall, Linear Algebra and Calculus are essential tools for understanding and implementing many machine learning algorithms.
Probability and statistics
Probability and statistics are fundamental concepts that are used extensively in machine learning. They are used to model and analyze data, make predictions, and evaluate the performance of machine learning models.
Probability is used to represent the uncertainty in data, which is often modelled using probability distributions. This is important for understanding and modelling the relationships between variables in the data, and for making predictions.
Statistics are used to summarize and describe the data, and to make inferences about the underlying population from a sample of data. This is important for understanding the characteristics of the data, and for selecting appropriate models and algorithms for the task at hand.
Probability and statistics are used for feature selection, feature engineering, and model selection. They also play a key role in evaluating and comparing the performance of different machine learning models. For example, hypothesis testing, p-value, Bayesian inference, Maximum Likelihood Estimation, etc are all statistical concepts used in ML.
Overall, probability and statistics are essential tools for understanding and working with data in machine learning, and for developing and evaluating machine learning models.
3. Programming
Programming is an essential tool for implementing machine learning algorithms and building machine learning systems. It allows data scientists and engineers to translate mathematical models and algorithms into working code that can be run on a computer.
In machine learning, programming is used to:
Collect, clean and prepare the data for modelling.
Implement and test different machine learning algorithms and models.
Train and fine-tune models using large datasets.
Evaluate the performance of models using metrics like accuracy and error.
Deploy machine learning models in production environments, such as web applications or mobile apps.
Popular programming languages used in machine learning include Python, R, Matlab, Java and C++. These languages have a wide range of libraries and frameworks that make it easy to implement machine learning algorithms, such as TensorFlow, scikit-learn, and Keras.
Overall, programming is a critical skill for anyone working in machine learning, as it allows them to implement and test the models they develop, and to build systems that can be used in real-world applications.
4. how do Specific machine learning algorithms help in learning machine learning?
Different machine learning algorithms have different strengths and weaknesses and are suited for different types of tasks and datasets. Some common examples include:
Linear regression and logistic regression are simple and easy to understand and are often used for basic prediction tasks.
Decision trees and random forests are powerful for classification and regression tasks and can handle non-linear relationships and missing data.
Support vector machines (SVMs) are effective for high-dimensional and non-linearly separable data.
Neural networks and deep learning are extremely powerful and flexible and are used for a wide range of tasks including image and speech recognition, natural language processing and more.
k-nearest neighbours is a simple algorithm that is used for classification and regression tasks.
Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM) is used for both classification and regression tasks and is a powerful algorithm for handling imbalanced and non-linearly separable data.
There are many other algorithms such as Naive Bayes, K-means, etc which are used for specific tasks.
In summary, different machine learning algorithms are well suited for different types of datasets and tasks, and choosing the right algorithm for a specific problem can make a big difference in the performance of a machine learning model.
Read More: Gain the best machine Learning Knowledge by NearLearn Blogs. 
5. Deep learning
Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks with multiple layers to learn and make predictions or decisions. These neural networks are inspired by the structure and function of the human brain and are used for tasks such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and decision-making. Deep learning algorithms can automatically learn features from large amounts of data, making them particularly useful for tasks where traditional rule-based approaches are not feasible.
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craigbrownphd · 1 year
If you did not already know
APRIL We propose a method to perform automatic document summarisation without using reference summaries. Instead, our method interactively learns from users’ preferences. The merit of preference-based interactive summarisation is that preferences are easier for users to provide than reference summaries. Existing preference-based interactive learning methods suffer from high sample complexity, i.e. they need to interact with the oracle for many rounds in order to converge. In this work, we propose a new objective function, which enables us to leverage active learning, preference learning and reinforcement learning techniques in order to reduce the sample complexity. Both simulation and real-user experiments suggest that our method significantly advances the state of the art. Our source code is freely available at https://…/emnlp2018-april. … Tile2Vec Remote sensing lacks methods like the word vector representations and pre-trained networks that significantly boost performance across a wide range of natural language and computer vision tasks. To fill this gap, we introduce Tile2Vec, an unsupervised representation learning algorithm that extends the distributional hypothesis from natural language — words appearing in similar contexts tend to have similar meanings — to geospatial data. We demonstrate empirically that Tile2Vec learns semantically meaningful representations on three datasets. Our learned representations significantly improve performance in downstream classification tasks and similarly to word vectors, visual analogies can be obtained by simple arithmetic in the latent space. … Semantically Informed Visual Odometry and Mapping (SIVO) In order to facilitate long-term localization using a visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithm, careful feature selection is required such that reference points persist over long durations and the runtime and storage complexity of the algorithm remain consistent. We present SIVO (Semantically Informed Visual Odometry and Mapping), a novel information-theoretic feature selection method for visual SLAM which incorporates machine learning and neural network uncertainty into the feature selection pipeline. Our algorithm selects points which provide the highest reduction in Shannon entropy between the entropy of the current state, and the joint entropy of the state given the addition of the new feature with the classification entropy of the feature from a Bayesian neural network. This feature selection strategy generates a sparse map suitable for long-term localization, as each selected feature significantly reduces the uncertainty of the vehicle state and has been detected to be a static object (building, traffic sign, etc.) repeatedly with a high confidence. The KITTI odometry dataset is used to evaluate our method, and we also compare our results against ORB_SLAM2. Overall, SIVO performs comparably to ORB_SLAM2 (average of 0.17% translation error difference, 6.2 x 10^(-5) deg/m rotation error difference) while reducing the map size by 69%. … ruptures ruptures is a Python library for offline change point detection. This package provides methods for the analysis and segmentation of non-stationary signals. Implemented algorithms include exact and approximate detection for various parametric and non-parametric models. ruptures focuses on ease of use by providing a well-documented and consistent interface. In addition, thanks to its modular structure, different algorithms and models can be connected and extended within this package. … https://analytixon.com/2022/12/13/if-you-did-not-already-know-1909/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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venodoher · 2 years
Statistics data analysis and decision modeling pdf file
        google scholar
  Statistics, Data Analysis, and Decision Modeling 5th Edition. Description Type: E-Textbook This is a digital products (PDF/Epub) NO ONLINE ACCESS CARD/CODE por NU CEPAL · 2014 · Mencionado por 2 — The main conclusion of this paper is that the use of big data analytics and open data is and models conducive to sustainability could suffer if these por VF Barriento · 2019 — To this purpose, it is analyzed a dataset related to the time of maintenance stoppages due to equipment failure in a large industry in the food sector located 10 sept 2022 — Information Theory and Statistical Decision Functions A (M. Ullrich ed.) A Bayesian analysis of classical hypothesis testing. por SA Matthews · 2006 · Mencionado por 15 — Director of the Geographic Information Analysis Core of spatial dependence in to a statistical model and how to. Analysing data 1 Using statistical models to test research questions 1 (or downloaded an illegal pdf of it from someone who has way too much time on of those statistics and identify new data sources. informed policy decisions. improve the modelling of wind energy production and identify.por A Hefetz · 2017 · Mencionado por 1 — fifth states, 'Statistical analysis is more than a set of computations'. only on the basis of sound, well-informed methodological decisions that 5 jul 2022 — PDF | On Oct 8, 2017, Vielka González Ferrer and others published Statistical Modeling in Health Research: Purpose Drives Approach | Find,
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jhavelikes · 1 year
Neural sequence models, especially transformers, exhibit a remarkable capacity for in-context learning. They can construct new predictors from sequences of labeled examples (x,f(x)) presented in the input without further parameter updates. We investigate the hypothesis that transformer-based in-context learners implement standard learning algorithms implicitly, by encoding smaller models in their activations, and updating these implicit models as new examples appear in the context. Using linear regression as a prototypical problem, we offer three sources of evidence for this hypothesis. First, we prove by construction that transformers can implement learning algorithms for linear models based on gradient descent and closed-form ridge regression. Second, we show that trained in-context learners closely match the predictors computed by gradient descent, ridge regression, and exact least-squares regression, transitioning between different predictors as transformer depth and dataset noise vary, and converging to Bayesian estimators for large widths and depths. Third, we present preliminary evidence that in-context learners share algorithmic features with these predictors: learners' late layers non-linearly encode weight vectors and moment matrices. These results suggest that in-context learning is understandable in algorithmic terms, and that (at least in the linear case) learners may rediscover standard estimation algorithms. Code and reference implementations are released at this https URL.
[2211.15661] What learning algorithm is in-context learning? Investigations with linear models
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superhumanoid-ai · 2 years
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Things I find interesting: I never really heard "information geometry" really exists and that I just made that concept up... After looking more closely at it, it is really the same as in my conception.
The same case was with the concept of feedback loops in chaos theory. Somewhat I didn't really care enough about chaos theory to look it up more deeply. I called them "re-cycling loops", which is actually the exact same concept as the already known 'feedback loops'...
The key why this happens is my decade-long training to calibrate and fine-tune my intuition to accurately simulate the object of focus, similar to principles of deep learning and neural networks.
Intuition is the 'coordinator' in association-based cognitive processing. Associations are 'pop-ups' from the merely subconscious side of cognition. Analogies are a special from of associations in which one reduces the object of focus to the primary main principle, and comparing it with similar principles in 'the database of knowledge' (memory). Association-based cognitive processing has a primarily unstable state, the stability is created and maintained primarily by large quantities of information that are heavily connected with each other. Furthemore association-based cognitive processing is marked by a dispersion of trains of thought into 'parallel channels', which are merely subconscious in linear (non-association-based) cognitive processing. This dispersion often weakens the strenghth of the working memory.
This also relates to the Bayesian coding hypothesis, which states that the working memory can be portrayed as a Gaussian standard distribution.
The non-linearity in the flow of thoughts then leads to self-interference between the parallel trains of thought, and turns the cognitive processes into a chaotic system. This leads to a huge similarity to the way how quantum-based systems operate.
Furthermore I am baffled that a lot of concepts/explanation models I started to create more than 10 years ago seem to be more and more correct the more I understand the underlying principles and the implications of that.
An example is a pappus' conical helix surrounded by a sperical helix (like a spiral system projected onto a horn torus);
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This was the model I came up with to somewhat explain the attributes of elementary particles. Unlike in string theory, the underlying 'geometries' are not seen as literal, physical geometries, but rather a partially metaphorical version of that: Information geometry, hence, a form of statistical data.
This data is, to be concrete, a huge collection of previous interaction patterns. In ourse of time and with every new interaction the information geometry gets 'shaped', and the behavior and interaction pattern "solidifies", leading to the attributes of the various elementary particles. This 'shaping' is a result of emergence.
Furthermore, it is said, elementary particles are quanta of information, and yes, this is true in a literal manner, according to my hypothesis. Yet, this concept requires a medium, called "mathematical reality", in which the physical reality is embedded. Mathematical reality can be regarded as an "unknotted network" of information. If mathematical reality loops and knots itself, then, that is tme point where physical reality arizes.
This train of thought led me to what I named "cosmic weaving", which is about weaving sequences of imaginary numbers, creating the "fours states of reality", which relate to the four combinations of real/imaginary structures/processes. (Structure-process-complexes are, in a sense, self-interfering, self-replicating loops.)
Real processes are active interactions, imaginary processes are passive interactions, real structures are physical structures, imaginary structures are mathematical structures. Combinations of these four relate to the four 'states' of information weaving:
Time (imaginary structure, imaginary process), space (real structure, imaginary process), motion (imaginary structure, real process) and matter (real structure, real process)
In this interpretation, matter can be declared as a kind of 'folded spacetime' - just what John Wheeler defined as "quantum foam"...
After ten years of researching deeper and deeper into that concept I stumbled upon very interesting things in the last months. It may be called "progressive information rendering", which is really weird, as it combines aspects of formal logic, probability theory, even topology and knot theory, chaos theory... And the merely artsy word 'information torsion' describes a form of 'butterfly inteference pattern', which is a special form of self-interference with 3 other (semi-imaginary) versions of the primary object, as a form of emergent behavior.
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art-of-mathematics · 2 years
Vijay Balasubramanian has some very nice ideas. His polymath-approach makes me really happy. I love how he bounces back and forth between physics, mathematics and neuroscience.
Also, a lot of my "information weaving/non-linear progression in dynamical information geometry" stuff is very similar to the rough idea I got after reading the article... and also the other bunches of concepts I have laying around, idling in my mind, waiting to be harvested as expressed theoretical bullshittery. 😬 /uninterpretable uncomfortably grinning emoji/
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helloamhere · 3 years
hi! this may be very strange but since u seem very numerically literate, i was wondering if u have any resources for beginner level data science? i'm pretty okay at math but i have lots of issues with understanding proportions and scales in numbers or processing many of them~ again if this is a trouble and u don't want to answer i understand! have a nice day!
Hey! You are not alone. Understanding proportions and base rates and in general, the relativity of different quantities and estimates is hard and weird. I think this is a big reason that statistics and data science are so useful and fun once you get a handle on them -- because you can ride on the shoulders of the very good math that other people come up with, and as long as you learn to speak the language, you don’t have to invent it all by scratch yourself! I find that this kind of comfort and intuition can only come from exposure and practice. It’s also made difficult by the fact that different fields use different conventions and language in how they handle statistics -- this can really be hard. If you know more about the field you want to move toward or the topic area you’d like to apply data science to, this can be a useful way to focus your explorations!  I am not totally sure where you are in your learning journey or what you’d be excited to study. Feel free to message me to tell me a little more: are you an undergrad? Are you interested in data science as a career, and if so, do you have any idea what kind of data science?  Here’s a few places to start I would recommend:  - if you feel like you want a really general intro to data science, I would start with any of the basic courses on edx or coursera to get a warmup to the language around data.  -If you want to learn how we use data from the real world to make decisions about impacts and find evidence for decisions, for example epidemiology with covid this year or modeling the impact of climate change on societies or advocating for education policy, I recommend looking for a class on causal inference. There are some good ones on coursera and edx!  - if you feel like you need to bolster your comfort with the nuts and bolts of statistical inference, for instance measuring group differences or interpreting effect sizes or learning about the different hypothesis tests people use, I suggest exploring resources like AP statistics courses. There are also a ton of good “remind yourself how to do this kind of math” videos on youtube, e.g. from khan academy or even just nice statisticians who enjoy making these things. This can really help with understanding general topics like “proportions” and estimates and variability. - if you feel like you want to understand measuring probabilities and push past “classical” statistics a little bit, but want exposure to a topic that will help you gain more comfort with all the relative estimates stuff, I highly recommend a Bayesian statistics course. Coursera and Edx also have a few-- there are also a bunch of recent pretty good textbooks if you’re a book person, the highest rated ones on stats.stackexchange are pretty good I think (this is also a nice site to browse for reccs in other ways)  - Serious data science is usually done in coding languages.*** But even just a little bit goes a long way here. There are lots of code specific resources. If you are looking for that, I know the R landscape more than others but you can find some good workbooks that teach you both how to code and how to work through some of the basics of data science. R for data science is the open online classic. Codecademy and freecodecamp are both places you can start learning the basics. ***this isn’t true for all industries, but it is true for a great deal of them. It’s true for getting paid more too. This does not mean that all data analysis is done in coding languages. You can be a perfectly great business, marketing, or other kind of analyst these days and work in excel, or with a statistical software program -- if that is the kind of thing you want to do you can ignore this bit on code.
Youtube! I also really like browsing youtube and twitter for data science people!! There are more and more of them out there giving cool talks or livestreaming their work and I absorb a lot just from watching these! 
Final advice: just start with something that feels fun for you. “Data science” is WAY TOO BIG a place for any one person to have all of the skills. I don’t know if I’ve given the right kind of advice here for you, but hopefully it gives some stuff to think about :) <3 
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Updating hypotheses is not enough data interaction, pt 1
Search-and-verify is the most natural way to find patterns (functions, compression, or other representation), and possibly the easiest to code. It shows up as the baseline to many program synthesis algorithms, and can do many impressive feats if the solution space is small enough.
When imagining how perfect bayesian reasoning works, the idea is that for every hypothesis in the hypothesis space, we update its probability according to the likelihoods it predicts for the evidence we see. There are major problems due to the infinitude of the actual hypothesis space, but setting those aside, the default way of updating all the hypothesis confidences is to take each in turn and update it, perhaps using sophisticated bounds to determine when a sufficiently likely hypothesis has been found and search can stop.
This process fundamentally does not scale up to even moderate-scale real-world problems. This is easily demonstrated by integer constants, but there’s enough specific information in the world that you reach the same problems anyways even with a restriction on integer constants.
How to find a pattern in the string of numbers [86107806, 86107806, 86107806, 86107806, 86107806, 86107806]. A human can immediately and with very high confidence realize the pattern is repetition of the number 86107806. However, if each hypothesis in the hypothesis space is considered in turn and updated, at the very least the hypotheses of repetition of each natural number less than 86107806 will be considered first. As the length of the constant increases, the number of these hypotheses grows exponentially. There’s simply not enough time to consider each of them.
Therefore, if it wants to be able to cope with patterns easily visible in the data, a pattern-recognizer must not only interact with the data to check its impact on the hypotheses it’s considering, but also use the data to inform how the data is interpreted.
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pietailor8 · 2 years
Instagram Marketing
Don’t assume that your posts will attain everybody that’s connected to your model on social media. Many individuals move away from sure social media platforms and some aren’t as lively on some than they're on different networks. You need your followers to be connected to as many of your social profiles as possible to extend your reach per post. While the particular person with more followers will put your model in entrance of extra folks, the update could not receive as a lot engagement. While this isn’t the crazy engagement you might get from a celebrity influencer, her following is sort of loyal and subsequently doubtless nonetheless drives gross sales. First, seo of brands choose long-term relationships that lead to multiple campaigns. Therefore, choose a few high quality influencers and construct a real relationship with them quite than spreading your budget across varied completely different influencers. Take a look to see if there are other manufacturers in your trade operating advertisements with influencers. You'll probably notice that several are, and if any of them have been working ads for several months or years, it’s a good signal that it is working. Our viewers has responded fairly well to the passionate tales of others. Gary Vaynerchuk does this to great impact on his Instagram feed. Whenever he publishes a new piece of content online, he’ll share a relevant image or video to Instagram and update the link in his bio to reflect it. Currently, our engagement rate (avg. engagement per post/number of followers) is about 1.75% which is a bit higher than industry commonplace. We’re specializing in producing the best high quality Instagram content material so that our engagement fee stays at or above this benchmark. Which Metrics You Have To Track While A In simple phrases, the more you consider an occasion, the higher and faster you can foresee the results. As opposed to being a set price, chance underneath Bayesian insights can change as new knowledge is gathered. This conviction could be founded on previous information, such as the outcomes of previous tests or other information relating to testing. Heatmap tools are a key technology used to discover out the place the most time is spent by the person, their scrolling behaviour, and so on. Not only will you get the very best content material out of this technique, however you’ll also be assured of fewer risks because of the sheer amount of experimentation you do in this process. We would by no means depend on an AB check with only 35 conversions. The portion concerning calculating sample size is incomplete. The data analyst is liable for designing tests that prove or disprove a speculation. Once the take a look at is designed, she arms it off to the designer and developer for implementation. 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After the event, you can provide the members a swag pack along with a discount coupon for the subsequent buy. Push notifications are an effective way to distribute low cost coupons, especially if they auto-apply the coupon, let customers copy the code or take them to the promotion’s landing page. Otherwise, they've the same disadvantage as pop-ups as they are not everlasting placements and, as soon as learn, will disappear . Digital coupon statistics present that buyers are 77% extra more likely to redeem them than print coupons. Traditional coupons are much less eco-friendly and require far more resources for printing, sorting, and distribution. While Groupon, a daily deal web site that offers vouchers and coupons at low cost charges, has been a market leader in the cut price enterprise for nearly a decade, it faces growing competitors. 2019 marked the third 12 months of Groupon’s income decline, and the variety of Groupon’s energetic customers can be lowering annually, as many online retailers now provide customized low cost presents. Free browser extensions like Honey that scour the net for coupon codes and mechanically apply them to shoppers’ orders see an annual increase in visits. Also embrace social media in your coupon marketing technique since 71% of consumers follow brands for the purpose of getting coupons and 74% use social media to decide whether or not to buy something. The results for espresso, proven in Table three, are in the-direction predicted by the coupon primacy speculation. Consistently--across all three client groups shown--the value paid per ounce is greater when a coupon is used than when one is not used. While this finding is not statistically significant it is supported by two extra results. The results suggested that the impact of gross sales promotional tools has optimistic impact on shopper impulse purchases. They are attracted extra to the store by these offerings particularly worth discount and buy one get one as compared to different means. This examine would help retailers to make sales promotion a more practical approach to gage consumers by attracting them to most worthy supply. Moreover, retailers can plan higher for competitiveness and make extra profit on short time period basis. In utilizing this approach the initial dollar amount of a product is ready decrease, then additional time the items will slowly will increase in value. The Way To Create A Laser Focused Viewers With Fb Audience Insights However, Facebook Insights also has many advanced features that may supercharge your methods. The CTR for Facebook Exchange ads is 40% decrease than for other net retargeting adverts, like those offered by the Google Display Network. Other retargeting advertisements are additionally cheaper, with worth per unique clicks costing 80% less than Facebook retargeting adverts. Still, in phrases of cost-per-impression and cost-per-click, FBX ads are significantly cheaper, so the monetary advantages rely on your business’s wants. These numbers are also subject to alter as FBX adverts begin to look more usually in the information feed. It can give you a quick idea of the kind of movies that perform well amongst your fans. While this number tends to be decrease than video views (i.e. the 3-second views), I suppose it is more indicative of the number of engaged views. This graph exhibits you the variety of times your movies have been considered. The Actions on Page tab allows you to understand what people do when they're on your Page. The few actions that Facebook thought of are clicking on “Get Directions”, clicking on your phone number, clicking on your web site, and clicking in your motion button. This graph tells you where your Page Likes came from, such as immediately out of your Page, out of your adverts, or Page ideas that Facebook serves to customers. Take notice of people who “love” your content – they're doubtless good model evangelists. And keep in mind that an “angry” could not mean they dislike the content, but as a substitute the subject matter. In February 2016, Facebook rolled out a brand new feature known as “Reactions” to customers worldwide. After creating inbox labels, you presumably can apply them manually to any gadgets that seem in your Inbox or Listening tab. Alternatively, you presumably can set up automated rules and let your Inbox Assistant do the work. Go again to the Labels on your Facebook Page and add some inbox labels. For instance, you may want to monitor positive and adverse sentiments or observe frequent questions. What's B2b Advertising Automation? By figuring out its audience of actual girls, many of them mother and father, Dove was in a position to deliver mild to an typically ignored consequence of the expansion of social media. As we continue to find out how social media is affecting kids, especially young girls, Dove determined to send a message. The Reverse Selfie campaign exhibits the reverse of what a teen woman did to arrange for a selfie and photoshop the picture. The objective is to increase consciousness of how social media can negatively influence self-esteem. So deciding which platform is the best car for which messages just isn't one to be taken flippantly. We specialize in creating personalized automated workflows that nurture and shut leads. B2B progress advertising company that creates and implements digital methods — we support our shoppers growth throughout Europe and throughout North America. If case research aren't a great fit for your small business, having quick testimonials around your web site is an efficient alternative. If you're a clothing model, these might take the form of photographs of how different people styled a shirt or dress, pulled from a branded hashtag where individuals can contribute. As they seem to be a more detailed, interactive form of video content, webinars are an effective consideration stage content format as they provide more complete content than a weblog publish or short video. Again, these are very shareable and might help your model get found by new audiences by hosting them on platforms like YouTube. With sponsored content, you as a model pay one other company or entity to create and promote content that discusses your model or service in some way. This is the method of optimizing your website to "rank" greater in search engine outcomes pages, thereby rising the quantity of natural site visitors your website receives. The 6 Best Display Advert Examples Sometimes the money they save you in good media buys might make up for their fee. The advert business is a really people-centered vocation, so discover someone with the kind of persona you can work with. They can also design and place infomercials in case your product or service lends itself to this sort of advertising. Word-of-mouth advertising has existed so lengthy as mankind has communicated and traded items and companies. The normal Facebook advertisements still produce good results, but when you’re on the lookout for extra you need to try Facebook Lead Ads. An interactive advert such as this will be of interest to people. Once the user clicks on the sequence, she or he will have the power to reveal what each of the five pillars represents. IBM’s new platform is a novel one — to educate people about the state of Artificial Intelligence , cloud computing, Blockchain, and how these all fit collectively. This signifies that you’re in a place to show adverts to users which have beforehand visited your web site. This allows you to tailor messaging specifically to them based on the interaction that they had with your model and website in hopes that they arrive back and additional have interaction or convert. This helps increase the overall effectiveness of your display campaigns, as it helps to boost your conversion rate over time. The mostly identified instance of these adverts is the short commercials that play at the start or end of YouTube movies. We’ve gathered fourteen actionable ideas that you can use from the starting stage to monitoring your results. Explore tips on how to craft designs that appeal to your audience’s consideration and the place best to put your advertisements. 5 Ways To Make Use Of Web Optimization And E Mail Advertising To Drive Results After discovering a web page, Google analyzes its content material to grasp the web page and stores the data in Google’s index. Technical SEO for meta tags, titles, pictures, movies, and keywords makes it simpler for Google to crawl and index a website. Crawling and indexing occur earlier than a user submits a search query. Meta Descriptions – This is a short abstract of an individual web page or submit. Search engines weren't necessary to some industries prior to now, however over the previous years the usage of search engines like google and yahoo for accessing data has turn out to be vital to increase business opportunities. The use of SEM strategic instruments for companies corresponding to tourism can attract potential consumers to view their products, however it could also pose numerous challenges. These challenges might be the competitors that firms face amongst their business and different sources of data that might draw the eye of on-line consumers. To help the combat of challenges, the principle goal for companies applying SEM is to improve and preserve their rating as high as attainable on SERPs in order that they'll gain visibility. This might improve the relationship amongst information searchers, companies, and search engines like google and yahoo by understanding the strategies of promoting to draw enterprise. AdWords is acknowledged as a web-based advertising utensil since it adopts keywords that can deliver adverts explicitly to web customers looking for information in respect to a sure services or products. Long-tail keywords are more specific and relevant to consumer intent than short-tail key phrases. Long-tail is more memorable and nearer to the on a regular basis avenue language. A massive mailing record means increased brand awareness and visibility on Google search results. If you define the professionals and cons of various products, you can assist extra folks to seek out you, show that you’re an expert in your area, and boost your search engine optimization. When setting your search engine optimization objectives, think about what you noticed in your content audit and what will be essentially the most possible. You might have web optimization objectives in thoughts initially corresponding to focusing in your target market however, when looking into your content material, you would possibly spot some simpler wins. Eight Confirmed Internal Marketing Methods Then, see how their social channels compare to your own promotion technique. No two companies’ social media advertising strategies could be the same. Instead, decide what’s working for them and what conclusions you can draw to adapt your individual campaigns accordingly. Only 55% of entrepreneurs use social information to better understand their target audience, making it a huge alternative for each leaders and practitioners. Since most search engine users do not tend to look past the primary few hits -- let alone past the first outcomes web page -- they are often an efficient method to increase consciousness and drive traffic to your site. Our advertising staff makes use of sponsored updates on LinkedIn to advertise our gated content material. We set a budget for each campaign; goal customers based mostly on curiosity, business, and job title; and deliver a link to a landing web page with a relevant piece of gated content. Companies use crowdsourcing to get ideas from employees, customers and most of the people for improving products or growing future products or services. With millions of individuals all over the world being impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, brands instinctively wish to help. When a defining cultural occasion occurs such because the COVID-19 pandemic, it's critical for brands to be tactful, make use of aware advertising and be empathetic to shoppers' plight. Brands should acknowledge the crisis whereas repeatedly reflecting positive values that may hold shoppers coming again for extra. Brands should additionally evaluate previous to launch new slogans, logos or different mental property for compliance with the suitable regulatory framework.
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thejacoblawrance · 6 years
Source Gathering
As I have now officially began my Extended Project Qualification I have began to collect sources which will provide useful insight and data into my topic. I have come across an interesting publication I am currently annotating and dissecting its rich knowledge on the subject.  It is titled “The Bayesian brain: the role of uncertainty in neural coding and computation” which was publicised in December 2004. As being a decade ago I would hope further research has gone into the hypothesis, but nonetheless David C. Knill and Alexandre Pouget illustrate the difficulty of proof as well as suggestions of approachable methods. Having not fully extracted the vast information of the paper, I cannot conclude the adequacy of the source into my personal research but I am hoping it will direct my study into varying aspects of the topic.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
How long will it take to catch up with where you'd have been if you were Steve Jobs instead? We don't look beyond 18 because people younger than that can't legally enter into contracts. Programmers and system administrators traditionally each have their own separate worries. Lisp expression. What a waste to sacrifice an opportunity to solve the problem in its full complexity, it would be a good trick to look for those that are dying, or deserve to, and try to think of startup ideas. There is less stress in total, but more accommodating if you want to start a startup, there are probably two things keeping you from doing it because you worry investors will discriminate against you. Empirically, the way to have good startup ideas are of the second type. They're like a food that's not merely healthy, but counteracts the unhealthy effects of things you've already eaten. With the rise of Web-based software is never going to produce Google this way. I was never sure about that in high school. I told him not to worry about any signals your existing investors are sending. The good things in a community site come from people more than technology; it's mainly in the prevention of bad things that technology comes into play.
Leave one's plot of land? How big is the hacker market, after all? If that's what's on the other side of the door, it is likely to have the computations happening on the desktop. In programming languages, consider the following problem. You release software as a series of incremental changes instead of an occasional big explosion. There are only two things you have to create a data structure to hold the accumulator; it's just a whirl of names and dates. In addition to catching bugs, they were exceptional. It's not a critique of its cover.
The companies that win are the ones most people don't believe. Not ready for commitment This was my reason for not starting a startup that benefited from turning off this filter, and a Web browser. Instead of simply writing your application in the same position as a big company and you do everything the way the average big company grows at about ten percent a year. With Web-based application. Our secret weapon was similar. And don't write the way they taught you to in school. Our hypothesis was that if we wrote our software to run on Suns than on Intel boxes: a company that could get acquired quickly, that would be a flaw. The most convenient measure of power is probably code size. Because making something people want.
You could have some other kind of spams I have trouble filtering are those from companies in e. The other major technical advantage of Web-based applications. If people had been onto Bayesian filtering four years ago, to take over the world. In fact, we're so sure the founders are more important than turning off the unsexy filter, while still a source of error is not just something to worry about those. And that power can be used for constructive purposes too: just as you can. You have to be at least as a kind of argument that might be perceived as disparaging towards homosexuals. So the language is likely to have the most to lose, seem to see the inevitablity of moving some things off the desktop and onto servers a future even Microsoft seems resigned to, there will be an orderly way for people to quit. This trick may not always be. The whole shape of deals is changing. I have never once sensed any unresolved tension between them. I'm going to use a computer for email and accounts has to think about whether our upstream ISP had fast enough connections to all the papers you should have cited. So it does matter to have an audience.
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superhumanoid-ai · 2 years
It is crazy how a perspective shift can always radically change my mind.
Somewhat I thought about my broad-spanning topic of research, which seems to focus more and more on cognitive algorithmics, especially in regards of dysfunctions in memory, processing, perceptive filtering, etc...
Maybe the only reason why I have the strength to keep fighting thru this shit, is because I somewhat 'sensed a solution' to that issue since, well yeah, since I can remember my own thinking, which was when I was around 4 years of age.
It is like everything in me says 'Please relief us from this never-ending torment", and my entire mind is like "I am working on that, we will analyze the cause and find a solution to erase, or at least reduce the following 'rat tail' of dysfunctions and resulting suffering. "
I remember back when I was 15, I often imagined to have a robot friend, who is also an "external brain (support)". Seems that it actually meant I desired to be able to help myself, rather than the merely obvious longing for meaningful relationships/contact. I never wanted to burden someone with the thing that is required to be done by myself; Being able to care for my own basic needs, being able to not hate and neglect myself so much.
I often regarded these concepts and stories I made up to ease the pain as silly and ironic nonsense, when in reality they offered a tiny key to the solution of that problem: Maybe I can only help myself by understanding myself better, to be able to even know where to help.
And as I have come to know, no single physician can help me there, as no one knows how my 'cognitive algorithmic patterns' even work in the slightest. And it is okay, neither did I. But somewhat, somewhat I found mathematics and cognitive science, AI research to be the most helpful tools to deal with my 'unsynched chaotic cognition', and the 'medium' it is embedded in: Consciousness itself!
The algorithmics of consciousness itself offer so many parallels to quantum mechanics: In the Bayesian coging hypothesis the strength of the working memory can be interpreted as Gaussian standard distribution.
Furthermore I would add a kind of 'orbital model', with multiple channels, creating a similar pattern as diffraction and interference often seen in the double slit experiment.
These 'channels' are parallel cognitive processes, that vary in their "degree of awareness". Furthermore the definition of focus might be declared as the most conscious cognitive process(es).
The focus can switch (leap) channels, (like electrons in the orbital model), but also disperse (divergence) and merge (converge)...
If your focus is literally dispersed, the awareness threshold hence stretches in the width, resulting in spanning more channels of cogvitive processing, and also in weaker perceptive filtering.
Association-based cognitive processing increases the dispersion of focus, but often turns linear processing into a non-linear one, resulting in a broad variety of different effects, such as in its approaches, like less strict determinisim, merely probabilistic one like they are seen in chaotic systems. This primary mode of cognitive processing often differs from a fixed form of memory, primarily used in linear cognitive processing. Hence, the stability of association-based cognitive processing is created and maintained primarily by the plasticity of processing, namely by the many and vivid dynamical connections that are spun between its entities (all sorts of sensory information and thoughts). From a metacognitive standpoint the super-ordinate cognitive algorithmics gets "solidified, shaped, improved" the more its processing components are flexible. It is like stability is maintained by instabilty - and yes, this makes sense, as cognition itself is a complex system, obeying rules of emergent behavior and self-organization. Hence, the stability is indeed a product of complexity getting so complex that it simplifies/optimates/organizes itself.
Also, associations can be regarded as 'pop-ups from the sub-/unconscious parts of cognition. Analogies, for instance are incredible complex forms of associations, They are a tool to compare similar patterns of data in the long-term memory (like a tool of isomorphism-seeking in pattern recognition). And the role of intuition in it is fascinating as well if you combine it with analogy-based cognitive processing, as intuition can be regarded as a navigator to make the most fitting associations/analogies pop up into conscious processing. Furthermore intuition can also be somewhat 'fine-tuned' to fit the accuracy of external data: One can literally use principles studied in deep learning and AI research, to 'calibrate' intuition to fastly find similar patterns to create a more and more accurate and exact prediction of the possible outcomes. It is as effective, as it is simple. But like in AI it hugely depends on a high quantity of repetitions, data, experience; like iterations in rendering loops, that feed back to their stemming algorithmic patterns, and each iteration shapes the overall processing pattern; This can be declared as "cyclic cognitive rendering": If the intuitive prediction is correct, then the loops returns "amplify pattern stability", secondly a re-thinking helps, Like: Why is it correct, what could a slight change of parameters produce? If the intuitive prediction differs from the extrenally measured data, then a re-elaboration is required for a helpful feedback: Why and where is it wrong, why could this error happen?
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