#bato is making fun of him
ultfreakme · 1 year
Zuko crushing on Sokka- 9/10
Zuko crushing on Hakoda because he's a gay disaster & Hakoda is just objectively hot & Sokka & Katara are out for Zuko's blood(its nothing serious its like a celebrity crush)- 10000/10
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ssreeder · 7 months
Conflicted on Jee holding Zuko back because on one hand I know Zuko would be in a lot more trouble if he killed him, but on the other hand it would’ve been funny if he bashed his head in like a watermelon
Also Iroh is getting some deep confirmations on his zukka suspicions. We love to see it
(Also also Bato x Jee? In a fantastic long fic? It’s more likely than you think)
Nothing would bring me more joy than to let Zuko smash that guys head in watermelon style…
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but I do think for mental health reasons & political reasons it’s good that was not allowed to happen. We know from canon zukos got some serious leg power… & yeah…. Good job Jee sorry about your nose.
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Can you give examples of Aang showing Empathy? Oh wait, you can't.
Actually, I can - because unlike you, I base my opinion of the characters on the actual stuff that happened in the story, not the bad faith takes dumb people on the internet come up with.
Zuko literally only survived past book 1 because Aang was the ONLY person amongst the heroes that gave a single fuck about his well-being. Aang offered to be FRIENDS with him as early as episode 13, even though this dude is trying to kidnap him.
In the first damn episode we see him realize and try to remedy Katara's struggle with no longer being able to act like a kid and have fun. He wants to travel with her so SHE gets to learn waterbending. He willingly lets Zuko take him into his ship because he understood that a conflict could lead to the people of the water tribe getting hurt or killed.
In Warriors of Kyoshi he apologizes to Katara for letting all the praise and admiration go to this head. He makes sure to put out the fires Zuko and his crew started in Suki's village.
He tries to help remedy the Hei-Bai situation, even though he is unsure of himself and even scared, because he knows he is the only one that has any chance of helping - and the thing that allows him to connect with Hei-Bai is the fact that he is ALSO upset about the destruction the Fire Nation has caused AND hopeful that the world would eventually heal.
He thinks Jet is awesome because he wants to help people that are being oppressed by the Fire Nation - and then is horrified when he finds out his intension is to "free" them by killing everyone
He wants to help the two rival groups not only safely cross the Great Divide, but also stop hating each other.
He confesses that he hid the map to Hakoda because Bato, Katara and Sokka are showing how much they appreciate and trust him and he feels unworthy of it after what he did because he knows it'd hurt him if the roles were reversed.
He is so devastated by the fact that he ACCIDENTALLY hurt Katara that he swears to never firebend again. He is also able to recognize the same principle behind his mistake in Zhao's fighting style, allowing him to win the battle against the bastard.
He accepts the fact that the Northern Air Temple is now occupied by people who not only don't belong to his culture but also don't understand it and unknowingly destroyed something sacred to him (and that one of them had been forced to make weapons for the Fire Nation) because these people have nowhere else to go and he doesn't want them to suffer.
He is furious at Pakku for refusing to teach Katara waterbending, because he knows how much it'd mean to her and how unfair it is that she can't learn it just because of her gender.
He is so devastated by the death of the Moon Spirit that the Ocean Spirit latches onto him to avenge it and save the day - and the leve of destruction it causes haunts Aang, even though the violence was against his enemies. And still, he tries to go into the Avatar state again because people are dying and he can't accept that.
After the fall of Omashu, he wants to rescue Bumi, not because he needs a teacher, but because they're friends.
He felt empathy for Toph when she was explaining to her parents how lonely and unappriacted their over-protection made her feel.
He and Katara both feel bad for snapping at Toph during "The Chase" and wanted to apologize for not understanding that being part of a group was a radical change to her, even though she had refused to even try. He also didn't have a problem with fighting alongside Zuko and Iroh against Azula, AND he looked concerned when Iroh was injured.
After Katara comments on the fact he called Toph Sifu but not her, he calls her Sifu while bowing, to show that he respects her both as his master and friend.
The hopelessness and downright depression he was feeling after Appa was stolen only starts healing because he saw a couple being happy with their newborn baby - the same couple he decided to help cross the Serpent's Pass, even though he and his friends had just been allowed to take a much safer route to Ba Sing Se.
His understanding and sympathy towards Jet, even after everything the guy did, was so strong that it freed him from literal brainwashing.
He doesn't want to push his love for Katara aside to gain power because he cares about her too much - and then does it anyway because, even though not making her his main focus 24/7 offers the risk of her being hurt, him neglecting his mission guarantees she'll get hurt.
He is devastated to learn that the world thinks he is dead because he knows he was everyone's last hope - and yet in the end he still accepts the burden of failure because he understood that, at that moment, everyone would be safer if no one else knew he was still alive.
He goes to a Fire Nation school and bonds with the kids, wanting to give them a taste of freedom and joy, as well as trying to understand what the war is like from their perspective. The same episode also has him pull Katara for a dance because he noticed she was feeling left out.
The boy felt empathy for, and understood the mistakes of, both Ruko and Sozin. SOZIN. Aang could see the humanity in the monster that is responsible for him losing his entire culture and everyone he loved.
When Zuko spoke about wanting to control his impulses so he wouldn't accidentally hurt anyone, Aang explicitly connected with that struggle and saw them being teacher and student as fate, and Zuko agreed because that's how deep their connection was.
Aang is not happy about Katara wanting to murder a man, but he still lets her take Appa on her mission and is not disapproving when she ultimately spares the guy but does not forgive him and makes it clear she never will.
He feels empathy for freaking Ozai, to the point that refuses to kill the guy - even as he has the balls to say that Aang's family, his people, deserved to die. He spared that guy - but only after he had a way to do that without it meaning the death of more innocents. Aang, the pacifist, was going to turn his back on everything he believed in just to avoid more human suffering.
So yeah, miss me with your bullshit and don't come back until your brain is developed enough to understand a cartoon aimed at kindergarterners.
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i'm fully willing to accept that sokka's weird "play hard to get" advice in "the fortuneteller" was just the writers (rightfully) making fun of that type of dating advice however there's a part of me that's still like. HOW did sokka come up with that. there were no girls his age in his village besides his sister so presumably he's only had 1 single romantic encounter (suki) by that point and that very much did not involve him being aloof and uninterested. yes he's lying to aang about being romantically experienced and probably pulling it out of his ass but why is that what he comes up with.
after pondering, i think there's a few possibilities:
hakoda. now, i don't think it's romantic advice hakoda would give. he's a friendly guy and presumably pulled kya just by being, y'know, sweet and funny and hot. however i CAN see him saying it as a joke. like he says something goofy and kya rolls her eyes fondly like "why did i marry you" and he's like "definitely my cool unattainable mysterious appeal" and they both crack up because he was actually adorably down bad. only thing is, baby sokka does not know that and takes the joke at face value. that's how dad said he got mom! but dad was joking. dad actually tripped over himself and fell face first into the snow when she smiled at him
some older kid in the tribe. there are no girls sokka's age in his village but i have to imagine there are other villages in the tribe, we just don't see them bc after the raid the villages got more isolated and more mobile (tents over igloos) to avoid detection by the fire nation. so baby sokka had a baby crush on a girl from another village and an slightly older boy (someone who would later be just old enough to go to war with the men and leave sokka as the oldest boy in the village) tried to give him Sage Advice. but sokka was 10 and the kid was 14 so it was Bad Advice
bato. this is the funniest option to me bc "play hard to get" is such childish advice for a grown adult to give. but it kinda fits with the whole bakoda storyline of bato quietly pining for hakoda for years. worked so hard at maintaining Maximum Aloofness that the guy he liked didn't realize it for decades
katara. okay actually maybe THIS is the funniest. she found out sokka had a crush on the girl from the other village and thinking her brother is gross and icky and no girl should have to deal with that she said hey. you know what girls like? when you pretend you're not interested :) baby katara is so cute and so full of mischief <3
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bookdragonideas · 1 month
Sokka is a brother
His first memory is meeting Katara. A tiny baby, so weak and squishy. Nothing like the Master Waterbender she would someday be.
"She's your sister." His parents tell him with a smile. And he's too young to fully understand that, but somehow the unsaid message rings in his ears. "Yours to protect."
Katara can make water move without touching it. It's fun, until it isnt. The adults worry, and he learns to worry too.
They play in the snow and get into trouble and some days she's his best friend and other days he wishes she was never born.
His father teaches him to fight. To throw a boomerang and hold a spear. He teaches him how to put on the traditional war paint and tells him the reasons and stories behind it.
Sokka is five.
And five is so old, an entire year older than Katara, half a decade. He runs after his father and begs the older men to spar with him. And he loses his first boomerang when he takes it penguin sledding. He watches his sister play with her water magic and promises to always protect her. And then he puts dead fish in her boots. (She deserved it)
He outgrows his Grangrans stories and insists on patrolling the village with his father. Katara calls him stuck up and meanie and they bite and kick each other until their mother catches them. She forces them to stop and to apologize and he doesn't really mean it (yes he does) and they don't get any treats for a week. And that seems such a harsh punishment and they decide they'll work together, if only to steal some treats from Bato. His mother sighs in exasperation, and makes them do extra chores as punishment this time.
Later his father will tell him that he needs to be responsible and do the right thing, even when he's mad.
Later Katara will apologize for real, and he'll tell her a dumb joke in forgiveness and everything will be alright again.
Later they will play together in the fresh snow, all quarrels forgotten.
And then the snow turns black and everyone will know what that means.
Sokka is eight.
And eight is so old. A whole year older than Katara, and he doesn't run to his mother, he runs to his father. Helping to defend the village like all the other men. He can't do much but throw things. But that seems to be enough. And he can hear Katara crying. He doesn't know yet what that means.
Eight is to old to cry. Men don't cry. Why is his father crying?
Where's his mother?
Sokka is nine.
And nine is so old. Nine is older than eight-year-old-Katara, nine is almost a decade. Nine is old enough to hate.
And he does. He hates the Fire Nation for what they took from them. He hates the North for the aid they never sent. He hates the way Grangran still talks of hope and peace, when there is neither. He hates Katara for not running fast enough. He hates his father for crying in the night. He hates himself for not running to his mother, for not being older and stronger, for not actually doing anything that mattered. Bato takes him hunting. He looks at the old ship, frozen in ice, and feels viscous satisfaction. They fought back once. They will fight back again.
Sokka is ten
And ten is so old. An entire decade, an entire year older than Katara. Katara who has been doing laundry and cooking and cleaning their home. Katara who has stepped into the void their mother left. He doesn't hate her anymore. He doesn't hate his father or his Grangrans stories anymore. Sometimes in the dark of night he still hates himself.
He goes fishing with his dad and spars with the older men. He patrols the village and trys to help with building the defenses. He makes dumb jokes and funny faces and sometimes Katara laughs. He loves it when she laughs. He loves it when his dad laughs. He loves it when his Grangran smiles and Bato chuckles. He loves it when his dad tells him he proud of him. Ten is old enough to love.
Sokka is thirteen.
And thirteen is so old. Older than Katara who's still only twelve, old enough to fight back. Old enough to fight.
His father disagrees. He says that his place is here, with his sister, with their tribe. He tells him he's proud and that he trusts and then he sails away.
And so Sokka protects. He builds defenses and tries to train the young boys. He goes fishing and hunting and sometimes Katara comes and sometimes she doesn't. And he still tries to make her laugh but less and less often. And when they fight he apologizes, because it's what his mother would have told him to do.
He goes fishing and Katara comes and she plays with the water and he gets wet. It's always him who gets wet.
An iceberg cracks (thanks Katara) and they find a boy.
Sokka is fifteen.
And fifteen is so old. Older than starstruck fourteen year old Katara, old enough to leave his home to save the Avatar and the world. Old enough to travel across the Earth Kingdom to their northern cousins. Old enough to know when's somethings wrong with this Jet guy. Old enough to get a job for some money (or fish). Old enough to fight their firey followers who chase them across the world.
Fifteen is old enough to protect his sister. And the Avatar. Who isn't just some kid anymore, he's family now, and Sokka will protect him as much as he'll protect Katara. Even if neither of them need him to protect them.
Katara challenges a Master Waterbender to a fight. She doesn't win of course, buts it's a close thing. Far closer than any of the northerners were expecting. Katara can protect herself now. But he'll keep protecting her all the same.
Fifteen is old enough to fall in love.
And fifteen is old enough to watch a girl his own age die.
The moon dies. And is reborn. And suddenly he understands why his father once cried in the night.
And he does what his father did and keeps moving.
They return to the Earth Kingdoms.
He has two little sister now. And neither of them want him to protect them but he keeps protecting them anyways.
They journey to Ba Sing Se. And he finds Suki. He didn't realize they had affected her so much. He's so happy to see her. He wishes she was back at her own home island.
He has to protect her. (She doesn't need his protection) he has to comfort Aang (Katara handles it before he gets the chance) he has to save Toph (Suki dives into the water with less hesitation than a boy raised in the frigid waters of the south)
They have to get an army from the Earth King. But this place is a maze and there's traps around every corner. But it's okay, because they'll find a way to make it work. They'll find a way to win.
They lose.
Sokka is fifteen.
And fifteen is so young. And fifteen is so old. He's older than Katara and Toph and Aang. He's younger than their fiercest enemy and his father and all the soldiers dying in this ancient war. He's old enough to know they need help. A place to rest. A place to be protected instead of protecting.
They modify his invasion plan. Katara is angry at their father. Sokka makes her laugh for the first time in weeks. He's so relieved he almost cries.
Aang wakes up. They spilt up with the rest of the group and head towards the Fire Nation.
Master Piandao teaches him the way of the sword. It's the first thing he's learned that he's been naturally gifted at. (Except for making his siblings laugh and protecting the worlds last hope and thinking up cool team names, but those don't count)
He learns that not every monster is from the Fire Nation, as he comforts his sobbing sister and finally understands the burden her powers can be.
He's horrible at explaining his own plan. Aang doesn't care.
His father is hurt and he takes the lead. They follow his command and all he can think about is his siblings, as his sisters fight and his brother flies.
He falls for Azula's tricks.
The invasion fails and they have to flee. He fails and he has to leave his father and his tribe behind. Again.
Zuko shows up.
Sokka breaks his dad and Suki out of prison. Azula finds them and they split up again. They watch a truly horrible play. And Aang learns firebending.
Aang disappears.
Only days before the comet comes.
They can't find him, but they'll be there to help if he needs it.
Sokka is sixteen.
And sixteen is so old. Sixteen is old enough to lead Toph and Suki as they desperately try to stop the airships. Old enough to fight and to kill. And maybe some will survive, but he steers the airship as they crash into the others. And he pulls the lever that dumps the crew in the ocean. And he looks at Suki and she looks back and he realizes she knows he did it himself so that she wouldn't have to. So that Toph, who is only twelve, wouldn't have to.
And sixteen is old enough to hold Tophs hand. As they dangle high above the ground. He throws boomerang and space sword and he makes a joke to help Toph. (She's crying. Toph never cries. Twelve is to old to cry.)
Sixteen is old enough to know what death looks like when it looms over (or under) you.
Sixteen is to young to die.
Suki agrees. Suki comes back and Toph makes a joke about boomerang, and the sky glows and the comet retreats for another hundred years and they won.
They won.
They won! And Zuko is the Firelord. And Aang took Ozai's bending away. And Suki looks absolutely amazing in war paint.
And his father is proud of him.
And his siblings hug him and laugh at his jokes.
And Master Piandao says they could probably remake space sword. And maybe even make a space boomerang as well.
And the world is at peace for the first time in a century.
Sokka is sixteen.
And sixteen is so old. An entire year older than Katara. And he walks with his father and they talk about the future of their tribe. He sits with Suki and she laughs at all his jokes. He plays pranks on Zuko with Aang and pulls scams with Toph. He travels the world with his siblings, basking in the peace they brought. He makes another sword and is given another boomerang. And he wears both wherever they go.
Because he's sixteen. And he fought in the war. And they might have brought peace but there will always be danger. He's the oldest and its his job to protect the others.
Sokka is sixteen.
And he knows with every bone in his body, that he will always protect his siblings and fight alongside them. His siblings are powerful, dangerous, magical, and skilled. But he's their brother. And he'll never stop protecting them.
Becauss Sokka is sixteen. And Sokka is a brother.
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oneatlatime · 8 months
The Blind Bandit
I had honestly forgotten that the Gaang were trying to find an earthbending teacher, so the 'previously on' segment was actually useful instead of spoilery.
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Nobody's face is having a good time.
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Look at this sweetheart. You go ahead and treat yourself honey. You've single-handedly escorted a pair of earth-shatteringly overpowered tweens around the world for months; the least you deserve is a shopping trip.
"You kids like earthbending?" Has the same energy as "wanna buy a sun dial?" from that animated Hercules movie.
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This guy is one of those strip mall karate types.
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I take back everything I ever said about Zuko's season 1 haircut. This guy has a dust bunny poop on his head.
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Momo's bag now.
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My absolute favourite girl power: incredible violence!
The acoustics at this earth rumble place must be great. I don't see any microphones.
"That's what I paid for." Sokka is a simple creature at heart. Likes food and violence.
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Something very strange about this guy's face. I think his mouth moves but his eyes don't.
So apparently earthbending gets you mad air.
Oh! I get it. This is a WWE parody. Somebody on the writing team did their homework too. Don't ask me how I know, but this is a very accurate parody.
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Sokka thinks listening to big muscles is a very good idea actually.
And here's the heel. Complete with russian accent. And oddly homoerotic anthem. And cowardice when challenged! Yep, total heel.
I LOLed at the zamboni badgermoles and hockey organ.
She's like two feet tall!
I'm. in love.
I could watch little girls beat up grown men all day.
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Earthbending sonar?
Omigod it predicts. She can see moves before they happen.
Well it's a good thing Bumi said to look for someone who Waited and Listened rather than Watched.
"I don't really want to fight you. I want to talk to you." Says the guy who just volunteered, in front of a full stadium, to FIGHT her. Time and place, Aang.
Get back on the ground you flighty airbender. She sees with that ground. No fair.
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This is about the face I made when Aang pulled that move. Does this boy think at all? I love him, but what part of stealing her well-earned title is supposed to convince her to talk to him?
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You messed up.
I love sartorially inclined Sokka. It's a tiny an innocuous little trait, but it rounds out his character so well.
I get to watch two different girls terrorise idiots this episode. I am blessed.
So I'm guessing the two idiots at the earthbending academy are doing that excercise where kung fu people stick their hands in sand (I've seen videos of it) but it really looked like they were in the 'beat back the dough' phase of making bread.
In this universe of plot-convenient clothing blindness, how do Dumb and Dumber recognise Aang as the one who beat the Blind Bandit?
I think the voice actor for the dumb kid with actual hair did a bunch of voices in season 1. The soldier who gives Aang Bato's map comes to mind.
Have I said recently how much I love Sokka and Katara?
These wrestling guys keep switching between first and third person. Too many rocks to the head.
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This could be a board for a murder mystery board game. Or a map for a DND dungeon.
It's her hair. I thought the Blind Bandit had a cap type thing with a little brim for her costume, but it's just a pile of her hair? Like a beehive?
A lesson in character writing: if you want to make someone look super dumb, have them earnestly believe in the credentials and authenticity of a guy you have previously set up as a borderline con artist. Lookin at you, Blind Bandit's dad.
"Basic forms and breathing exercises only." That line is just so funny. And they're all so stupid. She snapped like half a dozen spines last night and this guy is preaching breathing exercises.
Wow! I hate her dad!
I hate him more!
Sokka going ham on some rice rather than listen to the idiots. Good priorities.
This passive aggressive fight between the girl and Aang at the dinner table is so fun.
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Looking for somewhere to store your meal after you've face planted into it? Try the top of your head!
I need to get a hold of some of those magic napkins. Wiped up a whole multicourse meal in like 5 seconds.
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That is indeed the appropriate reaction to this pint sized badass. Glad Aang is learning. (Also this episode needs more Appa. The last couple have been sadly bereft.)
Called it. Earthdending sonar. Or is it more like echolocation? No! Whiskers!
How does this pint sized badass - who if I am understanding correctly, is not known to exist outside the walls of her house - have more emotional intelligence than the entirety of the Gaang put together?
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So much for the guards in the garden. They'd actually be useful now.
Sokka. Priorities. Although given how many times Aang has escaped custody/kidnapping he's probably ok to take a minute to fangirl over an autograph.
These idiot parents don't know their daughter at all. That chafes.
"I'm not smiling." I LOLed at that too. Perfect delivery.
Hippo man having a snack before he gets down to business. No wonder he's missing teeth.
All this blind and tiny and helpless and fragile talk is really making me hope someone smacks the crap out of the dad. What an awful thing to say, nevermind saying it where your daughter can hear.
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This is gonna be good.
If this girl does join the Gaang the writers are going to have to nerf her in every major conflict. She's too powerful. I bet she could take on the firelord now.
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And that's why you don't announce sneak attacks.
So remember how Sokka was absolutely losing his shit over the Boulder? That's me right now.
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She waits. All these idiots are losing because they're getting impatient and attacking first. Which means that, to her senses, they're telegraphing their moves. That is so cool. And so is this visual.
Here's your chance Dad. Are you going to mess it up?
"I love fighting. I love being an Earthbender. And I'm really really good at it." me:
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I don't have words for how much I LOVE when little girls STAND UP for THEMSELVES and THEIR INTERESTS. This would have had me HOLLERING if I'd seen it as a kid. It was a message I needed to hear too.
Wow I want to kill her parents.
You made my girl cry.
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Get wrecked belt stealer. I LOLed at this too.
Sokka just beaned a blind girl on the head. Not a good look. I laughed though.
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Fun fact: everyone in this picture is a piece of shit.
I haven't been this steamed since Zuko's dad burned half his face off.
Final Thoughts
IT WAS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously, this episode feels like it's movie quality. This show is usually excellent, but this feels like a cut above. I feel like I could sense the love the writers, animators, voice actors, everyone had for this episode. They had a good time making it and were enthusiastic about it. And there were lots of tiny background details in this episode too. I'm sure I missed quite a few. Oh No! I'll have to rewatch it!
New team member! That hasn't happened since Momo. Actually, no wonder the episode was so good. Introducing the first new team member in at least a season's worth of episodes is a delicate operation. I bet they were workshopping this episode since early in the first season.
And Toph! (thank you credits for how to spell that - I was really hoping it wasn't Toff). Be still my heart I love Toph. She may well take Sokka's spot as my favourite character. Strength of character, self-assurance, emotional intelligence, badassery, mastery of violence, what's not to love!!!
How did she get so emotionally intelligent and articulate if her parents have kept her caged her whole life? I don't know but I'm not complaining!
How did her parents get away with caging her for her whole life? I do know (money) and I am complaining. Very much so. And yet Toph can still find it within herself to have an honest conversation with them, including apologising for leaving said cage. I never would have had the maturity to do that in a similar situation. I would have gone the Katara explosive rage route.
A little girl who stands up for herself. Against HER PARENTS. I just. Do you know how amazing that is? Especially in a kids' show? I was ROBBED by not being able to see this show when I was Toph's age.
Does bending work like a muscle, in that you build up stamina? Because if so, then Toph is the strongest human earthbender in the world by default. If she's using it in place of seeing, then she's using it 100% of the time that she's awake, all day every day. By the time she was like 5 years old she'd probably used her bending more than the average earthbender does in their whole lifetime.
My one complaint is Toph's voice. Nothing wrong with it; this is a me thing. It fits her perfectly, but my ears do not play well with nasal voices, which hers is. I had to rewind quite a few times and resorted to subtitles by the end. Hopefully I'll get used to it like I did Zuko's.
Sokka! My soon to be demoted beloved! He shone in this episode. I love that he has fashion sense and is not afraid to show it. I'm thinking, what with how hung up he was on masculinity at the start of the show, that the water tribes have a different conception of masculinity: one that classes fashionability as a masculine or gender neutral trait. Even back in season one it didn't take much to get Sokka into the Kyoshi warrior uniform, and he's shockingly good at applying face paint symmetrically. Which I still cannot do with winged eyeliner.
Katara! Not headed for a career in diplomacy but so satisfying to watch. I would love to have a Katara in my pocket that I could unleash on people. And her and Sokka bouncing off each other this episode was great. Every one was at peak performance this episode, except Aang. Not at his brightest this episode.
Checking for typos before I post this and I realise I'd already forgotten that Toph is blind! Just like in the Northern Air Temple, this is how you do disability right: as just a part of who they are, rather than an entire personality. This show is so good.
In sum, Toph:
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the99thfanboy · 2 months
Hakoda teaching Sokka how to put on his face paint and a little Katara coming in all shy and asking if she can learn too.
Sokka opens his mouth and says something like “girls can’t wear war paint!”
Hakoda puts a hand on his son’s shoulder and gives him that fatherly look and a gentle lecture about girls being able to do what they like that makes Sokka cross his arms and pout.
Katara sticks her tongue out at her brother before she tries to follow Hakoda’s instructions and draw the right squiggles.
Sokka huffs and mutters “you’re doing it wrong” before he snatches the paint and does it himself.
Hakoda just smiles, watching his kids do each other’s paint. He chimes in to show them different symbols and colors with their respective meanings, but mostly the kids are just having fun.
Later, Bato has to help Hakoda wash all the paint off of the kids because it got everywhere and Gran-Gran will lecture the two men if she sees that mess.
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thegaybluejay · 2 months
Just for fun, here are my rapid fire rambling thoughts on the ATLA ships and platonic dynamics hehe (please don’t go full ship wars tho - these are just my opinions as a chill multishipper!)
My Favorite Ships:
• Zukka - My current brainrot and main ship!! I know they aren’t canon but I really love them and their potential okay😭I just feel like their personalities would work so well! Sokka would call Zuko on his shit and Zuko would be good at grounding Sokka when he needs it. Plus I have seen some absolutely breathtaking AUs with this ship! And fire-and-ice vibes except gay! Them <3
• Kataang - Cutiessss!! I love them! They may not be the ship I think about most often, but when I do think about them, they’re adorable! Aang is such a “my wife” guy and Katara absolutely adores him back! Also the last airbender x last southern waterbender dynamic goes HARD! I like that these two are canon!
• Yuetara - Listen I know they barely interacted but THEY’VE ACTUALLY GROWN ON ME SO MUCH LATELY AND I VERY HIGH KEY SHIP THEM! Something about like, Katara thinking about Yue when she bends is so😭Their story would be heartbreaking in the best way!! Sapphic noncanon blorbos <3
• Mailee - These two are SO cute and have so much potential rahhh!! Again, love some noncanon sapphics <3
• Batkoda - Super SUPER cute and silly and fun! The dads fr <3 Bato is either Katara and Sokka’s adopted uncle or their stepdad and I love it for them hehe! This usually pairs well with a “Hakoda adopts Zuko” AU lmao!
Other Canon/Relatively Popular Ships:
• Zutara - A good ship! I see the potential and tbh it’s very very fun to think about sometimes!!! However, some of y’all toxic Zutara stans need to leave my boy Aang alone lmao. Those who are chill tho, I rock with y’all!! Overall, I’m not opposed if it’s done well and I do sometimes seek out Zutara content! I personally do prefer writing them as found siblings tho, especially with the Azula and Katara parallels!!
• Sukka - Canon cuties!! I really like them! Suki my BELOVED <3 She’s so underrated!
• Yukka - Also canon cuties! They make me sad tho ahhhhh😭😭😭
• Maiko - Also ALSO canon cuties!! They have an interesting dynamic that I can really appreciate! And gotta love Mai <3
• Jinko - Jin my beloved! These two had a super cute dynamic during the one episode they had together lmaoooo, tho I don’t think about this ship too too often.
• Tokka - I don’t mind it if it’s them getting together as adults! But tbh I personally don’t prefer shipping them as teens and I think Toph’s crush was just a typical young girl crush on someone slightly older lol. Definitely not horrible and most Tokka shippers are relatively chill! I like to think Sokka sees Toph as a little sister tho.
Now For Some Of The Crackship-y/Less Popular Ships (based on ships I’ve actually seen):
• Zukki (Zuko/Sokka/Suki) - Power throuple fr and I love some polyamory!! While I mostly lean plain Zukka, this is extremely fun to think about and would be a great dynamic!
• Mai/Ty Lee/Suki - Saw this in a Zukka fic once and it was adorableeeeee! I may not have plans to actively write this or anything, but it’s cute! Another power throuple!
• Jetko - I don’t think they would be compatible long term, but by god they are very very fun to think about in a “Jet flirts with Zuko and Zuko is completely oblivious and they share one kiss before everything goes to shit” way lmao!
• Taang - I can respect it!! I will always love them as chaos siblings personally, but it’s a totally valid and chill ship!
• Katoph - Not a bad ship at all! I’ve only come across like one post tho lmao. Also I do think I heavily prefer them as found sisters, but that’s just me personally! Again, totally a valid and chill ship!
• Azutara - I’m very neutral on this lmao. I don’t despise it at all and it could be pretty interesting?? But tbh really not something I plan to seek out.
• Azulaang - I mean?? I’m also pretty neutral on this one. Aang would be kind to her if she was trying to get help but…idk lmao.
• Tyzula - I see the potential, but I personally think Mai and Ty Lee had a healthier and more interesting and more realistic dynamic. Just my preference tho!
(I think I just want Azula to be in therapy before I reallyyyyy ship her lmao, but NOT THE KIND OF “THERAPY” SHE WAS GIVEN IN THE COMICS)
• Zukaang - I don’t love this as a ship honestly. The canon age gap as teens is sketchy for my personal taste, tho I’ve seen people ship them in “Aang was 16 when he got frozen” AUs and that’s…better and I can get behind it a little! It would be interesting! But I think Roku being Zuko’s great-grandpa just still throws me off of this ship. I don’t have any beef with the shippers tho! I’m very “live and let live” and I have seen so much worse lol.
Can’t Forget My Fav Platonic Dynamics!
• Sokka and Aang - Two found brothers who share one idiot braincell when they interact LMAO! Love them always <3
• Sokka and Katara - The siblings ever!!
• Zuko and Aang - Enemies to found brothers!! Canon besties! I love their friendship and their parallels SO MUCH!!
• Toph and Katara - Absolutely ADORABLE as found sisters!!!! Love them!
• Zuko and Katara - I really like their development in a platonic sense and I think they’re very very fun and lovely found siblings by the end!!!! Zuko is 100% the brother that just “yeah my sister can and will whoop your ass” LMAO!
• Zuko and Toph - Also very found siblings in my head!! Only have a handful of solo interactions in canon but I DON’T CARE! I WILL FOUND FAMILY THEM ANYWAY! I’m a “Toph seeks out Zuko for sibling hugs/cuddles when she’s cold because he’s basically a space heater” truther.
• Uncle Iroh and the Gaang - Zuko needs to learn to share because that is ALL OF THEIR Uncle!!!
• Hakoda and Zuko - I thrive in this section of the fandom!! They have exactly one (1) frame together in canon, but I ADORE Dadkoda adopting Zuko! Something about it is just so wholesome and cute!!! My very very fav ATLA fics are this trope!!#LetHakodaBitchSlapOzaiAndAdoptZuko2024
• Uncle Iroh and Zuko - God they make me so ALSNDKSNXNCNSNSNXNX, y’know?
• The Gaang as a whole - Obvious I know, but I really do love them😭They all bonded sm and I adore their little family!! I eat up fanart of the Gaang cuddling like CANDY omg. And yes Suki is included in the Gaang because WHY WOULDN’T SHE BE!
Anyway, thanks for coming to my TedTalk. If you made it to the end, you get a big platonic kiss on the forehead MWAH!
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woodlaflababab · 3 months
hey! can i ask what your thoughts are on sokkaang? why do you ship them?:)
Oh my gosh. Okay, so funnily enough I literally gave a break down to someone yesterday. Sokkaang is my little rare pair gem that I hold close to my heart.
I did write this meta, but that doesn't cover even half my thoughts.
I'll give you the short version first in case you don't want to read my full ramblings:
Sokka is Aang's biggest protector. Aang. The Avatar. Sokka is a nonbender but he don't give a shit bc Aang still needs and deserves protection.
Aang is the biggest believer in Sokka. He thinks all his ideas are genuis, and unironically uses the stupid names he comes up with. He also brings fun to Sokka.
They're smart and wise seperately, but idiots together and I love that. I just think they'd make fantastic partners in all things.
Long Version:
So, I'm a sucker for protective tropes, right? And something that absolutely kills me about Sokka and Aang is that Sokka is a nonbender and Aang is literally the most powerful person on the planet, but it is Sokka who protects Aang. I've always been soft for Aang and more than anything I want good things for him. Too many people throw him at threats, too many people expect great things from him.
Sokka doesn't. He fights Hei Bai for Aang while everyone stands back. He realizes Aang needs them in the Bato episode. His plans to defeat the fire lord are always centered on helping Aang, giving Aang any advantage he can. At this point I'm just repeating my earlier meta BUT
Basically, when I realized this I was just like, "aw, cute friendship"
And then I remembered the fuckin "Toph writes a letter" plan. The two are fucking idiots together. It's hilarious that they affect eachother like this and it's not even like, unrealistic, because of what Aang does for Sokka.
Aang is Sokka's biggest supporter. He usually happily follows Sokka's ideas, he accepts the stupid names Sokka comes up with and uses them unironically. Aang belives Sokka to be a genuis, which means he doesn't question his ideas when they're stupid, he just trusts it's a genuis idea because of course it is, Sokka came up with it. And Sokka soaks that up like a sponge.
People talk about Aang bringing fun to Katara and like, 10/10 I love that, but I feel like it's not talked about as often just how much Sokka changes thanks to the brightness Aang brings. I'm paraphrasing someone elses meta here but I don't remember where I saw it but if you know it lmk, but Sokka literally goes from "You can't fight firebenders with fun" (to which Aang replies "You should try it sometime") to the finale where he gets rid of an entire crew by fucking around all amused at himself. He goes from the most sour character to the joke filled idiot we all know and love. I do believe a lot of that is thanks to Aang's influence.
So, yeah, cute friendship, blah blah, but then I was thinking about post-war them and I realized, despite zukaang being my favorite ship and loving kataang, there's no one I'd rather see travel around with Aang than Sokka. That's always been their dynamic, Aang with the purpose and Sokka with the maps and plans to get it done. I want Aang to be able to continue to rely on Sokka in tough spots, I want Sokka to continue experiencing the world and fun thanks to Aang.
I just don't see Sokka wanting to settle back down and take on the responsibility shoved onto him as a child. He fucking bloomed thanks to being on the road and getting true oppertunities to use his strengths and I want that for him.
And Aang is Not Good at the whole plans and stuff. Sokka is so good at filling the gaps in Aang's abilities and I don't want Aang to lose that. I don't want him to lose the person that says "I don't care if he's the avatar, I'm going to fight his battles with him." I feel like Aang would be lost in some ways without him.
Then I was thinking abt Aang's admiration and belief in Sokka and realized, it wouldn't take much to tip that into a crush, esp for Aang who falls so easily.
And Sokka, we have established, is attracted to people that could kick his ass without ever landing a blow. I can see Tall Aang being Sokka's surprise gay realization.
And I just think, if they were together romantically, it would be so drama free because it would be the epitome of a relationship built on friendship. They'd just be together. No bells or whistles. I feel liked they'd just be chill af about it. They'd love eachother and it'd be as simple as that.
Just, partners, in everything. I love them so much. I'm so alone in shipping this but I have so many sokkaang ideas and they will never not be dear to me. Also, tbh, it helps that Sokka is my favorite character after Aang ksndksnd
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chiptrillino · 1 year
I desperately need to know more about the Tooth AU
i think i have to come out and be honest here and admit that the tooth part is just an subplot in between and mainly its an whole au about sokka still following his father to war. (katara and gran gran none the wiser) and sokka is discovered hiding on the ship, when the Southern Water Tribe Fleet is restocking on kyoshi. and well... technically its not to late to turn back and drop sokka off back home and ground him for the next 10 years. but nope. now sokka with sweet fresh 12 years is on a warship. getting the oportunity to be with his tribe and grow to be a full warrior for the next three years. (don't worry sokka meets suki and she does more then just punch the sexism out of him.) (hakoda adopts his own son au? )
traveling the seas and staying in ports leads to cross path with the fire nation prince jerk that searches for the avatar. they obviously don't get along. even in neutral/mixed ports or grounds the boys can't help but constantly jab and antagonize each other till one day it comes to a brawl where sokka punches zuko in the face and a tooth gets lost. (zuko still wins though. sorry sokka you get later your chance)
and uh well... zukos tooth is found by bato and well they kind of keep it? as trophy? who can say they knocked the prince of the fire nation tooth out and has the proof!!! (that nobody believes, because it could be anyones tooth and the crew is not backing sokka up. TRAITORS ALL OF THEM!) (meanwhile zuko gets his golden one. and his crew wont stop with the pirate jokes. TRAITORS ALL OF THEM)
when i was talking with a friend about it i was always like "the only ship here involved are for transportation" but a few silly headcanons of drunk characters later leads to this sub plot of bato and jee kind of hitting it off behind the boys and their superiors back. sharing their love the wide blue sea and freeing feeling of sailing through her waves. sharing drinks ranting over their brats. jee losing it when he hears that sokka has the princes tooth now as necklace to not lose it. bato having fun pushing jee's buttons to get any reaction out of him (subtly wondering if this counts as bending). they both know they don't have much time to tiptoe around it, when they meet they have to go for it, who knows in what kind of circumstances they could meet the next time. they drink and make a toast to making the best of their time, share a bitter sweet good bye the next morning, hoping the memories last till their next encounter that could also be their last.
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amloveabledeathmo · 1 month
ATLA Headcanons
Was just thinking about ATLA the other day and have come up with new headcanons. In a world where my health wasn't shit I would love to write about them but instead I will just share the bits.
This is all after the canon events. Most of the Gaang travel with Toph back to her house to make sure she isn't kidnapped or kept against her will. She shows up basically says you all are terrible people I'm here for my stuff and goodbye.
They all get together to talk to Azula and decide what to do about her. Basically Iroh, Zuko, Mai, and Ty Lee all tell her they still care about her but don't know what to do to help her and Toph is sympathetic about ridiculous parental expectations. Azula is so happy and incredulous that they all care about her. She says she knows Aang took her dad's bending power and asks if he can do that for her.
Everyone is quite shocked by the request but she wants to not be a danger as she is trying to learn how to be whoever she is. Also she wants to know what she can do without her bending since that is all that she has ever been praised and loved for by her father. Aang warns that he doesn't know if he can give it back but she insists.
Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Mai, and Ty Lee all spend a lot of time together and there are many rumors about who is dating who. They announce a wedding and everyone assumes it's Zuko and Mai. When the wedding actually happens it turns out to be a triple wedding, Aang and Katara, Zuko and Sokka, and Suki, Mai, and Ty Lee. Azula and Toph get to stand up for everyone as witnesses and Iroh is the officiant.
Zuko and Sokka go to the air temple to discuss a new idea that Sokka had with Teo's dad. Azula tags along and Sokka introduces her to Teo. He teaches her to fly and the rest is history.
Azula asks if Aang could try to give her bending back, she thinks it would work great for creating updrafts while flying. He is successful at it and him and Zuko teach her how beautiful fire can be just like they learned.
Pretty soon Zuko and Sokka start collecting children. They end up with 10. Suki and Ty Lee both want to experience pregnancy and the throuple only want 2 kids anyway. No one asks who the dad's are. Katara and Aang have some kids too. Azula and Teo have a small wedding and at first Azula is afraid to have kids but she loves her nieces and nephews so much that she is happy when she ends up pregnant. It's triplets.
Sokka and Katara convince Hakoda that he should court Bato. That it would not mean he loved Kya any less.
Iroh, Hakoda, and Bato all get to be grandpa's to all the kids. Iroh is Grandpa, Hakoda is Gramps, and Bato is Papa. There are as many family gatherings as they can all manage.
Toph is the fun aunt who lives with them all for a few months at a time. She has a dedicated room at everyone's house since she is family. She is not interested in having a long term relationship or her own kids. She much prefers one night stands and spoiling her nieces and nephews and taking them on one on one trips. She also brings earth bending wrestling to the masses and is very famous as the Blind Bandit.
They also start finding a few air benders here and there who's ancestors had married into other nations before the fire nation wiped them out. Of course everyone would hide any air benders in their families until it's safe. Aang starts a school teaching air bending.
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kimwarris · 3 months
NATLA Sokka's trauma (contains spoilers)
Okay, some more thoughts of mine about Live Action Sokka.
Most of it is referring to Episode 5 and the flashback to after his ice-dodging test. After having thought about it for a while, I came to the conclusion, that Sokka is the village's weird kid.
He apparently gets mocked by the other boys - the reaction to his ice dodging test kinda implies, that it's not the first time that they are commenting about his lacking abilities as a warrior.
 Sokka knows that people don't see him as that or as a future leader, but he thinks his dad does. Unless, Hakoda doesn't. Sokka has to hear how his father confides in Bato, that he doesn't think that Sokka has it in him to become chief one day.
Something about how the conversation between Hakoda and Bato goes, gave me the impression that it is not the first time that they discussed the matter. Point is, Hakoda doesn't believe in Sokka. Instead, he's disappointed and (at least that's how I interpreted it) ashamed of his own son.
This was really heart-breaking to watch. Honestly, it got to me more than some of the Zuko backstory.
Side note: Gosh, I just loved Bato in this. Trying to convince Hakoda that everything was fine, that the test wasn't as bad as they say. Bato believes in Sokka, apparently more like his dad does. He knows that even if Sokka falls short in some aspects, he has other qualities. I don't know, somehow Bato really gave me Mom-vibes in that scene and I love that for Sokka.
However, apparently Hakoda takes ALL the boys with him when he leaves, except for Sokka and that other one (who was probably too young at that time). He might claim it as needing to leave someone behind to protect the village, but let's think about it for a moment.
Was there any real thread for the village after the Fire Nation raid to kill the last waterbender? Probably not. It's small, meaningless village at the end of the world. The adult women were apparently more than capable, because nobody can tell me, that it was Sokka's task alone to go hunting / fishing for an entire village.
Back to Hakoda being ashamed of him: Personally, I think he didn't WANT to take Sokka with them because he was afraid that Sokka would do something that puts him as a chief into a bad light. Somehow I got the vibe that Hakoda wanted him out of the way to avoid any trouble.
That also explains why Sokka is much more bitter about Hakoda leaving, than he is in the original series.
Sokka knows that there is not much he can do in the village for his father to be proud of once he returns. Thus, his mantra of being the protector of the village. Sokka will tell himself that what he does is of great importance until he believes it. At the same time he knows, that no one is taking him seriously. Not even his little sister.
Which is why the journey is so important for him, because suddenly there are people that respect him:
- Suki doesn't make fun of him or his boomerang skills. She clearly shows him that her way of doing things is more effective, and she teaches him.
- The Mechanist compliments him for his understanding of physics (did you see how Sokka's face lit up, when Sai said that he could see him as an engineer?) and he encourages Sokka to do something else than being a warrior, if that's not what he truly wants. I really loved that scene, because finally someone acknowledged his abilities instead of criticizing him.
- Hahn asking him if Sokka could share his experiences and knowledge of the enemy with them. You could see how Sokka becomes instantly insecure. He is not used that someone asks him for guidance, or values his opinion on such things. (Theory: Hakoda maybe tested him by asking him questions on how to react in a situation or another and usually Sokka's answer would be wrong).
In fact, in this series he is less of a comedic relief. Sokka is much softer BUT they made it make sense. I really like the changes they did to his character.
He is much less adventurous (not wanting to fly on Appa at first, repeatedly suggesting they go home in the first two episodes). He hides behind Katara more than once, when danger is ahead, etc. He's great with kids: a lot less harsh to his little recruits than in the original series and that scene with that little Earth Kingdom girl? Pure sugar.
I think this Sokka has so many issues, something that really doesn't get addressed enough in the original series. I really appreciate that deeper look into his character and I might incorporate some of those aspects in some future fanfics.
Urgh, Sokka has always been one of my favorites, but somehow the live action series made me love him even more <3
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cienie-isengardu · 1 month
Zuko’s stealing habits: Additional observation 
I have already talked about Zuko’s stealing habits in second Book and came to the conclusion that, narrative and visually speaking, he stole food and money primarily for Iroh’s sake. Even stealing the ostrich horse from the kind Earth family that fed Zuko and Iroh seen at the beginning of the season (something I did not include in the previous part) was done for pragmatic reasons rather than out of spite or for fun. As in, the ostrich horse gave them additional advantage to avoid or run away from pursuit. Iroh was not happy about Zuko’s choice but he ultimately accepted it and never again scorned his nephew for taking that animal - the later episode showed the ostrich horse was vital for their escape from Rough Rhinos. 
Interestingly, Zuko wasn’t that much prone to stealing and/or appropriating someone’s property in the previous season either. Especially not for a petty reason. The three examples (or as close to stealing it could be) that comes to my mind happened in:
Avatar Return, when Zuko took Aang’s staff that the young airbender used in fight against him and then offered willingly as a token of his surrender in exchange for leaving Katara and Sokka’s people in peace.
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On his ship, the Banished Prince said:
This staff will make an excellent gift for my father.
What A) shows he didn’t think of keeping the last airbender’s weapon for himself and B) is a similar gesture done by Iroh, who sent little Zuko a knife of an Earth Kingdom's General that surrendered to him during the siege of Ba Sing Sai.
The Waterbender Scroll, during confrontation between captured Katara and Zuko:
Zuko: Tell me where he is and I won't hurt you or your brother. Katara: Go jump in the river! Zuko: Try to understand. I need to capture him to restore something I've lost, my honor. Perhaps in exchange I can restore something you've lost. Katara: My mother's necklace! How did you get that? Zuko: I didn't steal it, if that's what you're wondering. Tell me where he is.
And yes, Zuko did not steal the necklace, as Katara lost it when she helped imprisoned earthbenders to free themselves and Zuko found it in ruins of the workcamp. But he was willing to use it as a bargain chip and later, to track Aang with the help of June. From this episode he knew the necklace meant a great deal to Katara but for him it was a tool to fulfill his mission. 
The Blue Spirit, we can assume Zuko, as the Blue Spirit, was infiltrating Fire Natin’s stronghold to steal information about Avatar and/or Zhao’s plans, as said knowledge was denied to the banished prince. And mind you, the first time we saw Blue Spirit at the fortress was long before Zhao’s people managed to capture Aang. 
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During the first season, Zuko may not have a strong moral opposition to destroying other people’s villages or pursuing Aang from one end of the world to another, or keeping Katara’s necklace but in general he does not steal unless it is necessary. He does not even take trophies from defeated enemies and/or attacked villages (Water Tribe and Kyoshi Island were left immediately once Aang either surrender or escape) with the exception of Aang’s staff that Zuko wished to give his father, no doubt to earn his respect. Which is something fitting the theme of the second Book.  
But the most ironic thing about Zuko’s stealing habits? Iroh’s reaction. Our dear uncle Iroh was not happy that his nephew has no problem stealing - and is stealing to either provide them food and comfort to the level Iroh was used to (book II) or to fulfill his mission of capturing Avatar (book I). I mean, that is a reaction we should expect from a responsible adult and the fatherly figure, right?  However in "Bato of the Water Tribe", Iroh himself was shown stealing perfumes while everyone was busy fighting
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just because it smelled nice and there was no one to stop him. And from “Waterbender Scroll” episode we know Iroh had money to buy himself nice things on whim.
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But nope, stealing from people that he helped Zuko and June to attack is all right yet he will be upset that his nephew is desperately trying to please his father by capturing Avatar by any means AND Iroh, by providing him food and comfort the older man was used to.
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Apparently when Aang was depressed and suggested that maybe they should abandon hope, he was actually ordering/Forcing The pregnant Couple to accept air nomad beliefs.
Also Aang apparently Regularly disrespects and refuses to learn from other cultures and Aang actually isn’t even a good airbender because somehow even though he regularly airbends, we don’t see him practicing at all.
Finally even though Aang allowed Katara to take Appa and acknowledged that she believes that she needs to go on the journey to Yon rha, Aang was forcing Katara to murder Yon Rha.
What show were Aang’s detractors watching?
I love the implication that somethings as simple as "having hope" is considered "Air-nomad exclusive belief", when that's a big theme throught the whole show and we have IROH telling Zuko not to give into despair, and explaining to the crew on "The Storm" that Zuko is so obsessed with capturing the Avatar because that mission allows him to hope he can come home and fix things with his dad.
They REALLY think that "pacifist" (which IS an air-nomad thing) MUST mean "hopeful, optimistic and cheery" like Aang - like we didn't see the air-nomads clearly freaking out so bad that they tell Aang he is the Avatar four years ahead of time, getting pissed whenever he is having any fun, and even want to separate him from his "father" because they knew something bad was gonna happen. Aka, they gave into despair.
As for him "forcing" the couple to give that name to their child
Husband: What should we name her?
Wife: I want our daughter's name to be unique. I want it to mean something.
Aang:  I've been going through a really hard time lately. But you've made me ... hopeful again.
Wife: I know what I want to name our baby now. Hope.
Husband: That's a perfect name. Hope.
That was a suggestion at most. Not an order, not intimidating them into doing what he wanted them to, and surely not forcing them to accept "air-nomad beliefs."
"The guy who spent the whole series traveling around to learn from different people, and was so understanding he was even sympathetic to the nation that killed everyone he knew and loved, did not respect other cultures" Bruh.
Literally the only two "disrespectful" things I remember Aang doing were:
1 - That bitter comment about "dead animals" towards Bato - which he only made because he was feeling left out of the conversation since his friends were so excited about being with someone from their tribe that they were completely ignoring him. Not cool, but totally understanding considering he's 12.
2 - Snapping at Pakku for not wanting to train Katara/trying to teach her what he was taught behind his back (even though the second one is on shaky ground since, even though that was a bit of a "cheat code" to make Pakku train Katara indirectly, he doesn't have the right to demand Aang never share his knowledge with someone he doesn't approve of)
And both of these, on top of being understandable, also have the disclaimer of "You can disagree with someone's beliefs/cultural habits without looking down on them" - hell, Katara full on says Gran-Gran left because she wouldn't let the Northern Water Tribes stupid customs ruin her life. Not to mention, the Fire Nation's culture for at least 100 years has been "fuck everyone else, only our way of living is the correct one" and the whole point of the show is "This belief is not only wrong and hurting the other nation, it is harming the Fire Nation itself"
"It's my culture" is a neutral statement. It does not shield said culture from criticism, and Aang disagreeing with someone's beliefs - be it that hunting/eating meat is okay, or that women can't be fighters, or that not all life is sacred - is not the same as him being disrespectful. He owes people basic human decency, not blind agreement with anything and everything they believe in.
So yeah, these people need to keep. Aang's. Name. OUT. THEIR. FUCKING. MOUTH.
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atla old men + pole dancing
(inspired by this post by @allgremlinart)
iroh: might not be physically capable of it in earlier seasons but he is a flirt and a charmer and a generally fun-loving guy, he'd be down to try and it would probably be entertaining regardless
bumi: absolute fucking master of the pole. he's got the physical ability he's a fun guy with zero shame about public nudity. i'd say it's too bad nobody's into a 112 year old stripping but i don't think that matters to him at all
jeong jeong: would've killed it when he was younger and more fiery and his joints didn't ache, but as it is, he is way too old and depressed
pakku: absolutely the fuck not
piandao: piandao is pure artistry. graceful and intensely choreographed, with a playful side. there are swords involved. he complains that he's getting too old for it, but that only makes his performances, which are still as good as ever, more rare and therefore special
gyatso: is a monk, but has a respect for the art form
bato: actually a really good dancer but would only try pole if hakoda asked him to. the only pole dance bato does is traditional south pole dances
hakoda: similar to iroh, he's down to try because hey, it'll be fun, right? he's not very good but he's hot and charming enough that people enjoy the show anyway
ozai: would be physically capable of it but the fire nation official stance on dancing is that it's frivolous nonsense
sozin: see ozai
roku: could use some crazy avatar skills but probably won't, let's be real
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botherkupo · 3 months
i think people let nostalgia blind them a little when it comes to atla. don’t get me wrong, it’s great cartoon and i’ve rewatched it countless times but i also recognise it’s fine for the live action to make changes because that’s what happens when you adapt something. the live action is not perfect, but i had fun watching it and it feels like some people are just watching to nitpick and hate
Big agree. There are weak spots in the cartoon and also weak spots in the live action show. Are both enjoyable shows, though? Yes.
And that’s what I feel people can’t grasp. They’re like oooh they cut this, or why did they add that, or this character isn’t the same blah blah — and like yeah it’s not the same. I had zero interest in watching a replica with real people. I’ll just watch the cartoon and enjoy it
Like shows with real people have a lot of limitations, and not just because of budgets. It shouldn’t be news to people that there would be changes and a lot of stuff will get condensed, cut, or adapted in a different way. That was always going to happen.
I’ve seen people complain about Bumi and I’m like you know what I really loved the live action show Bumi. It’s a different take on it — him feeling bitter, showing obvious trauma from the pressure of ruling during a war that’s lasted this long, and being more unhinged rather than all super goofy guy like hey Aang just wait till you realise who I am. It’s different, more serious, and that’s okay. You can still enjoy cartoon Bumi. He ain’t going anywhere
Ppl complain about Katara, and like yeah I get it. She’s not as “fierce” in some aspects. But she suits this version of atla. She suits feeling more like a younger sister instead of a pseudo mum. She suits getting angry when Sokka treats her like a little girl rather than angry he doesn’t wash his own socks. She suits being paralyzed during fights at first because she has major ptsd and has been hiding her bending gif so long. It is realistic and fits the show, just as Cartoon Katara fit the cartoon and is still there. You can enjoy her. Cartoon Katara is not going anywhere
Like please will ppl stop looking for the things to complain about and instead see what we’re being given — an adaptation that is intense, funny, emotional and yes different.
We get Jet and the freedom fighters bombing places in omashu than wanting to flood a fire nation village. That’s not a bad thing. It cut out a whole lot of unnecessary stuff and also gave us an emotional scene with Jet and Katara. Did the part where she freezes him and says goodbye feel less dramatic? Yeah, honestly I would have been down to see her angrier. But I also think part of that is the limitations with special effects and waterbending (which always looks the weakest). the actress playing Katara is also dojng her interpretation of the character. (And can I just Jet was perfectly cast and I couldn’t imagine a better Jet)
So we didn’t get Sokka being with Jet? Who cares. Sokka’s story arc is focusing on different things. I loved how his interactions with Suki went. I love even more the scene where he’s listening in on Hakoda and Bato’s conversation and that line “some people aren’t made to be responsible for others lives” or whatever it was. It was so powerful.
And the cave of two lovers being resolved through family love? YES. I love that so much. Like thank you for giving non-romantic love a moment to shine. Katara and Sokka’s argument in that cave had so much weight and emotional intensity. It’s different from the arguments we get in the cartoon and that’s okay. Their dynamic is slightly different and that’s okay. THE CARTOON IS STILL THERE. YOU CAN ENJOY THE CARTOON OKAY
And honestly I could scream for days about what they’ve been doing with Zuko and Aang. I love them both so much and I love the extra stuff we’ve been getting with them. The Blue spirit stuff and that scene after was sooooooooo good. The little smile, the way they start to connect, and then Aang says t he wrong thing (bringing up Ozai) and Zuko lashes out and it’s just perfect ahhhhh
Also Zuko actually fighting back in the Agni Kai but hesitating to hurt his father was such a good choice. I love the cartoon for having him cry and beg to the end, but I also love the live actuon show for giving us something different. I WANT TO SEE THESE KIND OF CHANGES
And maybe I’m in the minority for that and I really don’t care if ppl think my opinion is rubbish. I love the cartoon. I love tye live action show
I wish ppl would understand that it’s okay they are different
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