#basically a big candel
gameraboy2 · 1 year
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Melting Toht in Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
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bunniesnuggie · 2 years
Hey it’s my birthday today and I was wondering if you could do an Eddie/ little! Reader and what he would do for their birthday? Hcs or fic, either one is cool :))
first of all, happy birthday lovie!!!! im gonna do head canons so i can get them out faster!!! sorry if it’s short and sucky, i wanted you to have them today :3
~ Birthday Baby! ~
cg!eddie munson x (gn)little!reader
summary: it’s your birthday, eddie’s favorite holiday
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• eddie LOVES to celebrate you, doesn’t matter the reason
anniversaries (he’s the type to celebrate the day you first spoke to eachother, even if it was only a word), good grades, any accomplishments, tying you shoe and especially your birthday, to put it lightly he celebrates everything you do
• did someone say birth week?
because that’s what eddie heard when you told him when your birthday is. you’re his baby bunny boo-boo you deserve the best, and he feels bad that he can’t afford the best so he prolongs it for as long as possible
• like I stated in my first headcanons about Eddie, he doesn’t make a lot of money but he’s crafty
 homemade cards? Oh yeah, the pop-up kind. he may not be that good of a cook but he does try and he makes you breakfast in bed every morning, whatever you want!  And of course he writes a new addition of “Sir Edward the Noble Knight and his Precious Prince/ss” where it is the Royal‘s birthday. he makes birthday hats for all your stufffies so you can wake up to a tiny surprise party!!!
• takes you to build-a-bear!!
you both make bears that look like each other. yours is a brown bear with curly fur, you dressed him in a band tee, jeans, boots and your daddy even bought you a tiny guitar for him 🥹 his is your favorite color and is wearing a little onesie and we’ll as has it own tinier bear (bearception). he splurged so you both could record a secret message for them. his was a funny little song / lullaby he always sings to you, and you left him a sweet message about how much you love and appreciate him. he definitely doesn’t cry when he hears it, and he definitely doesn’t sleep with it when your not there. he does kick dustin’s ass for making fun of the little bear
• if you don’t like cake, he makes you a birthday sundae with a candel
a little self indulge sorry hehe but i don’t like cake (sensory thing) so all week you get a different treat with a candle in it!
• since he celebrates all month week he does at least one “big” surprise and one “little”
not like, in size. buy like you get a present big you would like; concert tickets, jewelry, recreational things 🧍🏻‍♀️etc. but he makes sure to get presents little you would like more; stuffies, blankeys, cartoons, little space gear. he loves to give you gifts in general, but you light up the most when small
• it’s basically a rule free week
no bed time, allowed sugary drinks and candy whenever, no limit on screen time, stuff like that. you still have to be his good babysitter. he’s already pretty lax anyway, but he still has things set for your own good. one week won’t hurt
• biggest celebration is on your actual birthday
it’s all day. you wake up to a huge breakfast in bed, alll your favorite foods are made. this is when the tiny stuffies surprise party is btw!! he has your daily card set out with two gifts on the night stand. he lets you pick out your lil birthday outfit, crown included and he takes you to do whatever you want that day!!! then that night he takes you to dinner, nothing super fancy, but it’s perfect. when it’s time for bed he puts an extra scoop of sugar into you angles milk <3
• you watch tangled a million times that week
bc duh
• he just loves his little peanut so much, thinks they deserve the best
(which you do!!) literally plans it a year in advanced, as soon as the day ends and your in bed. he’s reading you your new story and planning next years 🥹🥹
• ofc on his birthday, you always return the favour
he never got the normal birthday experience when he was young, so you try to give that to him, it makes him 🫠 so now, birthdays are a thing in the munson trailer
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a/n : saw this and got super excited because my birthday is in two weeks, cancer supremacy :D
also i’m actually going to build-a-bear for mine so that’s where that came from!!
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@bootlegmothman420 @angelbaby-fics @lil--bun @stardancerluv
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howhow326 · 2 years
What if the "Dolores is the villain" theory was good and not racist AU
Just a fun idea I came up with. Basically Dolores is going through her villain arc, but at the end of the movie her family finnaly sees her pain and tells her that there is nothing broken that they can't fix togather. Also, Camilo gets more of a role: be an amazing brother to his older sister :)
The movie is almost entirely the same before the Dinner scene, which is basically the nail of this AU.
Before the dinner scene; every single scene that has Camilo in it is reframed or rewritten to set him up to be the villain (we using the Carlos concept). His relationship with Mirabel is like Isabella but maybe slightly worst (he calls her mean words but nothing worse than that). The townsfolk are also scared of Camilo because Alma uses him to catch criminals, and because he bares a slight resemblance to his uncle. Camilo's clothes are also red orange instead of yellow orange to make him seem "eviler". Unrelated, but Dolores is wearing a color swapped version of the shoulder-pads Isabella concept.
Camilo and Dolores gifts a bit stronger: Camilo can turn into animals (again like his concept) and Dolores can hear people's thoughts (Dolores needs to have as much knowledge on the plot as possible for the AU to work. It also makes her more sympathetic).
After the Dinner scene, "Turn It Down" plays immediately. It's a really good fan song, okay! Seriously, if you haven't heard it yet go listen to it now (might add a link later).
During Camilo's part in TID, he flashes a smirk at the camera at the "... Or will we end up losing it all" part to make him even more of a red herring villain.
From that point on, the movie mostly goes back to normal Encanto (Mirabel meets Bruno, WECID plays).
During the Alma roast scene, Mirabel catches Camilo sneaking off into the direction the direction of the candel. She catches him before he leaves, obviously, and then accuses him of mainipulating events to destroy the miracle for... some reason. Pepa and Felix definitely ain't having any of that, but Alma admits that she has speculated Camilo might be a threat to Encanto because of his personality.
Luisa is moving closer to Camilo in case he tries to run away, Pepa is getting ready to zap everyone and then herself in case someone touches Camilo... and then Dolores comes in.
IwillnowattempttowriteDolores roastingherextendedfamily
Dolores: *moves in front of Camilo* It was me.
Dolores: No, Camilo is the one that's been protecting me this whole time. I asked him to help me destroy the miracle.
Everyone: ShockedPikachuFace.jpeg
Alma: (sad voice) Why would you do that?!
Dolores: Because I'm sick and tired of being quiet! Do you think it's easy having to keep everyone's secrets? "I feel useless" Tío Agestiné? "I can't help anyone" Tía Julieta?
Alma: That's enough.
Dolores: "I feel worthless" cousin Luisa? "I don't want to marry Marino" Isabella???
Dolores: You don't even know that Tío Bruno's still in the house, but you're the one that pushed him away!
Alma: ... what?
Dolores: ... All of you were blessed with gifts while I got stuck with a curse. (Crying) I can't live like this anymore! I can't keep living in everyone else's shadow and keep quiet about their secrets!
Mirabel: Dolores you aren't cursed, we do appreciate your gift!
Dolores: What do you know Mirabel?! You're the only one that never got a gift!
Mirabel: But I-
Dolores: And I heard from Casita that you are the one causing the cracks.
Mirabel: (so sad that she breaks the house)
Instead of Mirabel running away, Dolores runs because of the guilt she feels from her plan succeeding.
Dolores plan: Use Mirabel to destroy the miracle. Dolores gift allowed her to sense that Mirabel was causing the cracks (without context) and Dolores theorized that she could use her cousin to finnaly be rid of her curse. The only other person she told her plan to was Camilo, who was more than happy to help his big sister stop feeling chronic pain (Camilo drinks respect female family member juice).
Alma and Mirabel find Dolores togather, which leads to Dos Oruguitas.
Annnd, the movie wraps up about the same way. Yay!
Dolores did nothing wrong.
Also, when the house get's rebuilt Dolores gains the power to turn her gift on and off, ending her pain. Yay!
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Things that I thought only happen on telenovelas ...
*Long txt about pregnancy read it if you want.
So i was losing my free time on Twitter when:
" pregnant woman kidnapped while going to the hospital to deliver her baby" I was shocked I clicked and read:
"Pregnant woman was on her way to the hospital after her water broke , desperate and alone took a cab from the street and called her family, they were waiting for her at the hospital entrance but she never arrived. 24 hrs have passed now since the last time they heard from her , she is nowhere to be found. Police and authorities suspect of human trafficking mafia."
I felt an anguish, a woman in her most vulnerable state kidnapped? They killed her ? Maybe. They stole her baby? Most likely. But how ? How is that they cannot find her? she was basically giving birth wtf is wrong with this world?. The more I read the more sad I became , she looked so happy on her baby shower showing her big belly to the world, playing games with her partner in the party ... The family said the young mom was planning everything for her daughter's arrival. Yes ,the baby was a girl , they even had a name for her: Martina
The woman's mother asked for help on television, said that her daughter's partner was now suspected because he did not report the incident as quickly as he should have.
The partner. A man. why that doesn't surprise me. I immersed myself on the story so much that I started searching some article , video where that man showed his face and his dispair for his now missing child and woman... But nothing. I started to think " he did something to her , maybe he didn't love her anymore ,maybe he never wanted to be a father , he is a monster , someone hang him upside down and make him talk " I wanted blood, I wanted answers , I wanted justice because as a women how i would not to ?
More time passed , there was not a single clue. Her phone out of service after she called her family, no info about the cab or driver that was with her , no cameras on the main avenues. The whole country paralyzed , groups of women praying with candels asking God to please have some mercy ... Maybe if we appeal to Virgin Mary she could help us , In a country were in the last year 5 thousand women disappeared maybe a miracle is what we need.
Then a ray of hope , a close neighbour had some security cameras, the angle was short but it was good enough to film the instant where the pregnant woman ( lets call her J) is seen leaving her building in a hurry , and then a couple ( man and woman) come back and leave the building again but with luggages on their hands. WHO ARE THEY , maybe the fake driver had accomplices , maybe they where following her , they kew where she lived and now they are retrieving her stuff ... where did they take her? BUT it was reported she was completely alone what its going on?
That was yesterday
Today we woke up with good and bad news
" J appeared. In early hours of the morning , the woman was abbandoned in a location far away from where she was kidnapped, her child is still missing" . The familly found her , well actually she found them, some of her relatives live in the town where she was left or released. From there her parents took her to a hospital where the doctors stabilized her, she had scratches - bruises in her arms, and seemed drugged. Meanwhile J's Partner was being interrogated by the police.
The public is expecting some answer and now we will have more clues , in the meantime the country authorities has forbidden new borns to travel out of the country.
J doesn't want to talk, understandeable we think. The hours pass and new info surface : The happy couple that expected their first child , Was in fact reunited due to the pregnancy... they were separated before that. This explain the family suspicion. They didnt have a good relationship.
With J in the hospital and the baby still missing; the now father, still does not appear on tv or any other media asking for help. He is silent , very silent. What kind of father is he?
J finally finally speaks, and say that she gavebirth the baby but didnt hear her cry , their captors told her the baby was born dead, she was not able to see the body. She is afraid of reveal their identities , they threatened her with killing her or her family. How did she scape them? its not very clear
The search for the baby girl continues.
At noon today : The case was so big at this point that a couple of ministers where talking with the press about it. One of them, the head of all the police forces declares the imposible: She has no clinical signs of ever being pregnant.
The country frozes for a second. WHAT, HOW ? we all saw the pictures and videos, friends an family get defensive and declare they saw and touched the belly , they all saw it grow ... but no one can answer who was her obgyn doctor ,its like no one had ever wondered that till today. More time pass , there is no actual proof of one thing or the other , medical records are confidential ... J requests to be discharged cause she felt harassed by the doctors. " They dont leave her alone" said J's father.
Leave her alone? If she in fact gave birth in poor conditions SHE NEEDS medical attention with urgency. The police reveal that she doesn't want to cooperate with physical examinations. The baby search is now second priority.
Some of us still want to believe in her, "this is just a mistake, she is just traumatized, dont waste more time. Keep looking for that baby God dammit!! " I say while I'm reading the updates.
Then , because since the dawn of the internet nothing really remains hidden, her lab works are leaked to the press:
Her Human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG) levels , the pregnancy hormone , were basically 0 zero . In a puerperous woman those levels are still high during the 2 first weeks after labor and she allegedly delivered the baby a day before yesterday. She lied. She was never pregnant.
J suddenly feel better and declare to the press outside her family's house wearing jeans and walking without problems, she insist in her pregnancy, says the doctors are wrong because maybe she couldn't get all the examination done ( she refused them but doesn't mention that) , that she will prove she was pregnant. She only mentions the baby and how worried she is when someone reminds her that.
But no one believes her. The "father" is still silent , the police now investigate a fake pregnancy and delivery ... That is a felony here.
Unless a psychologic pregnancy is proven.
These las 2 days were an emotional rollercoaster... I have never thought someone could ever go that far with a lie of that sort. Did the guy knew? And play all along with her waiting for the moment to come? Pictures, videos, baby shower, she arranging the baby's room, people who touched her and saw her ... She lied every one. For what?
Time and investigation will determine.
Life imitates fiction.
The news here but in Spanish
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honeyleesblog · 1 year
Astrological Outlook and Personality Analysis for Individuals with a May 31st Birthday
Horoscope and character for those brought into the world on May 31 They endeavor to acquire control and beat their blemishes. Cordial and understanding: they need to assist the debilitated and individuals with incapacities. Profoundly gifted: They have grandiose goals and eagerly penance their own accomplishments for higher standards. They are described by great demeanor: they are respectable, useful, kind, enlivened, they live for other people. His basic and near abilities are profoundly evolved. They likewise show an ability for medication. They are individuals supplied with uncommon energy, and they advance quickly in their professions. They have great circumstances and are delegated with positive outcomes. You can achieve a great deal when you help out others. They can likewise have great relationships. Sicknesses: The life form of these individuals isn't areas of strength for extremely. They are in every case extremely dynamic, which jeopardizes them of being exhausted or depleted and creating difficult issues. They should stay away from superfluous disturbances and stresses; if not, they will be overpowered areas of strength for by. Astrological Outlook and Personality Analysis for Individuals with a May 31st Birthday 
 Assuming your birthday is May 31, your zodiac sign is Gemini May 31 - character and character character: sympathetic, careful, shrewd, terrible, fastidious, defeatist; calling: innovator, veterinarian, secretary; colors: blue, yellow, turquoise; stone: fluorite; creature: cheetah; plant: Borage; fortunate numbers: 19,22,23,41,55,56 very fortunate number: 1 Occasions and observances - May 31 Spain: Castilla-La Mancha Day WHO: World No Tobacco Day. Peru: Day of Fortitude and Reflection on Cataclysmic events. Made by the Public Foundation of Common Safeguard of Peru in recognition of the Ancash Quake of 1970, in memory of its casualties and to bring issues to light about the mindful mentality to cataclysmic events in the country. In Guatemala the day of the Political Constitution of the Republic is praised. May 31 Big name Birthday. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1902: John Russell, American b-ball player and mentor (d. 1973). 1908: Wear Ameche, American film and theater entertainer (d. 1993). 1908: Nils Poppe, Swedish entertainer (d. 2000). 1910: Luis Rosales, Spanish artist (f. 1992). 1911: Maurice Allais, French financial analyst and architect, 1988 Nobel Prize champ for financial matters (d. 2010). 1912: Alfred Deller, English countertenor (d. 1979). 1917: William S. Knowles, American scientific expert, 2001 Nobel Prize victor in science (d. 2012). 1917: Jean Rouch, French movie producer (d. 2004). 1921: Alida Valli, Italian entertainer (d. 2006). 1922: Denholm Elliott, English entertainer (d. 1992). 1923: Raniero III, Monegasque blue-blood (d. 2005). 1924: Aquiles Lanza, Uruguayan legislator and specialist (d. 1985). 1925: Francesc Candel, Spanish author and writer (d. 2007). 1925: Joan Bosch Palau, Spanish movie chief (d. 2015). 1929: Jorge Ricardo Masetti (Second Officer), Argentine guerrilla and writer (f. 1964). 1930: Clint Eastwood, American entertainer and movie producer. 1930: Juan Genovდ©s, Spanish painter. 1930: Elaine Stewart, entertainer and American moderator (d. 2011). 1931: Juan Carlos Adapts, Argentine tango artist. 1931: John Robert Schrieffer, American physicist, Nobel Prize champ in physical science in 1972. 1931: Shirley Verrett, American show vocalist (d. 2010). 1932: Jay Excavator, American innovator, chip architect (d. 1994). 1934: Pablo Castellano, Spanish legal counselor and legislator. 1934: Jim Hutton, American entertainer (d. 1979). 1935: Jim Bolger, New Zealand State head. 1935: Marდ­a Galiana, Spanish entertainer. 1936: Macrino Suდ¡rez, Spanish lawmaker (d. 2012). 1938: John Prescott, English lawmaker. 1940: Alfonso Guerra Gonzდ¡lez, Spanish lawmaker. 1941: Louis J. Ignarro, American drug specialist. 1943: Joe Namath, American football player. 1945: Pepe Eliaschev, Argentine columnist and author (d. 2014). 1945: Rainer Werner Fassbinder, German movie producer (d. 1982). 1945: Raდºl Gდ³mez Jattin, Colombian artist (f. 1997). 1945: Laurent Gbagbo, Ivorian president. 1948: John Bonzo Bonham, English drummer, of the band Drove Airship (d. 1980). 1948: Zero, English performer (d. 1991). 1948: Paulinho da Costa, Brazilian trailblazer. 1949: Tom Berenger (Thomas Michael Moore), American entertainer. 1950: Josდ© Ramდ³n Disease Matinero, Spanish picture taker and history specialist. 1952: Karl Bartos, German performer, of the Kraftwerk band. 1953: Jaime Maussan, Mexican TV writer and analyst. 1955: Odდ³n Elorza, Basque legislator. 1955: Tommy Emmanuel, Australian guitarist. 1958: Roma Maffia, American entertainer. 1959: Andrea de Chდ©saris, Italian Recipe 1 driver (f. 2014). 1961: Lea Thompson, American entertainer. 1962: Corey Hart, Canadian vocalist. 1962: Victoria Ruffo, Mexican entertainer. 1963: Laudelino Cubino, Spanish cyclist. 1963: Viktor Orbდ¡n, Hungarian legislator, current State head of Hungary. 1964: Josდ© დ?ngel Arcega Aperte, Spanish b-ball player. 1964: Scotti Slope, American guitarist, of the band Ghetto-town. 1965: Brooke Safeguards, American entertainer. 1967: Sandrine Bonnaire, French entertainer. 1967: Kenny Lofton, American baseball player. 1968: John Connolly, Irish writer. 1969: Imre Csდ¶sz, Hungarian judoka. 1970: Mariana Baraj, Argentine vocalist, percussionist and author. 1971: Claudia Motta, Mexican naming entertainer (voice of Applejack in My Little Horse: Kinship is Sorcery in Latin Spanish). 1971: Diana Damrau, German soprano. 1972: Pilar Montenegro, Mexican entertainer and artist. 1973: Rodrigo Cortდ©s, Spanish movie chief. 1974: Kenan Dogulu, Turkish artist. 1975: Sienna Guillory, English entertainer. 1976: Colin Farrell, Irish entertainer. 1976: Tonka Tomicic, Chilean TV have. 1976: Matt Harpring, American ball player. 1978: Juaninacka, Spanish rapper 1978: დ‰ric Moussambani, guinea fowl swimmer. 1980: Andrew Hurley, American drummer, of the band Drop Out Kid. 1981: Daniele Bonera, Italian footballer. 1981: Marlies Schild, Austrian skier. 1982: Tony Dize, Puerto Rican artist. 1982: Jonathan Exhaust, American entertainer. 1983: Edno Cunha, Brazilian soccer player. 1984: Andrew Bailey, American baseball player. 1984: Mario Lisson, Venezuelan baseball player. 1984: Nate Robinson, American ball player. 1984: Yael Grobglas, Israeli entertainer and model. 1986: Sopho Khalvashi, Georgian vocalist. 1986: Robert Gesink, Dutch cyclist. 1989: Pablo Alborდ¡n, Spanish vocalist. 1989: Daul Kim, South Korean model (d. 2009). 1989: Marco Reus, German footballer. 1989: Daniel Wass, Danish footballer. 1989: Pablo Alborდ¡n, Spanish vocalist musician. 1991: Azealia Banks, American rapper and lyricist. 1995: Alejandro Speitzer, Mexican entertainer. 1996: Normani Kordei, American vocalist, of the band Fifth Congruity.
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xsugarysweetsx · 4 years
Rin Okumura x Reader 2
1. 2. 3. 4
A few days pass and you were getting more accustomed to your new school. You were an excellent student, as told by Yukio. Even so with no friends came new interests. You and Rin had gotten much closer than before. You’d spend more time together, and it showed threw Rin.
His grades were started to improve a lot. Mostly because you convinced him to study with you. Somehow just listening to you explain things made him fall deeper for you. Today during lunch Rin had asked to talk to you.
Every night he’s ramble on and on to Yukio about his thoughts on you. As much as it annoyed him to hear his brothers love filled heart, it made him happy to see him smile. Rin didn’t have too many people close to him, but you were special. He made a huge decision to tell you something. Something big.
He was going to tell you about his demon half.
At first you thought it was to just ditch your friends but he seemed serious about it. He took you near a beautiful tree, it was a bit far from others
“Rin is everything alright?” You asked as you came to a stop. He took your hands in his causing you to blush
“Y/N, promise me something?” He said with sad looking eyes
“What is it?” You said with a squeeze to his hand
“What....would we still be friends if I were a demon..? Like just putting it out there!”
“Well that’s oddly specific but, I don’t think you being a demon would change anything between us” you said with a smile. He lunged at you and gave you a tight hug
“But for the record I already knew” you giggled
“What but how?!”
“Rin we basically live together I’ve seen your tail before”
He blushed for being so careless. But he was happy to know you don’t see him different, demon or not. Maybe one day he’ll let you know exactly who he is. Without hesitation he bowed towards you and spat out quickly
“PLEASELETMETAKEYOUONADATE!” He said quickly without a breath. You took a second to process exactly what he said. You push back to look at him
“I’d love to go on a day Rin” you said gently the bell rang signally for every one to get back to their next class “hey I’ll see you after class alright” he dreamily waved goodbye.
It was planning time!
After school he raced home and started a five star meal with Ukobach. Everything had to be perfect. He had appetizers, main meal and dessert ready. He even asked Yukio to help him not mess up. He followed proper manners, what to say and how to dress.
He just wanted to make a good night for you. After class you texted him and said to get you in about half hour so you could get ready. You put your hair up in a loose bun, a blue knit sweater, ripped jeans and some boots (that look like Dr Martens)
He went and knocked on your door
“Good evening I’m here toooooooo” he didn’t finished by how awestruck he was when he saw you “you look....beautiful”
“Awh geez Rin I’m not even in formal wear.”
“Either way your out of this world” he said with doe eyes. He lead you down to the kitchen where a meal was set with candels and flowers.
“I know it’s not a high end restaurant but, I hope you like it”
“Oh Rin how could I not? This is...oh my gosh, you spent so much time and just...for me?” He nodded and pulled out the seat for you. You both enjoyed the meal and talked. Hours had past but it felt like only minutes. Once your meal was done you thanked him and Ukoboch for the meal.
It was pretty late and he noticed you were getting tired.
“Thank you for tonight Rin, the meal was amazing, you were amazing I just..” you sighed “I’m really happy”
“I’m happy you are” he reached for your hand with his pinky which you accepted warmly. You fingers interlock and you walk back to your dorm. There it was your time to separate.
“Well...Goodnight” that’s it? No it can’t be! The night was over before it could start, he missed it. He wanted to spend so much more time with you! He unconsciously reached out for your hand. He pulled you flush against him and crashed his lips to yours. Your eyes fell shut as you melted into him. He then picked you up and held you up by your thighs. He held you just a bit above him where you were looking down at him. As you both pull apart, he swears the way the moon hits your face. It made you look so angelic.
“Goodnight...angel” he said putting you down, hugging you once more. You both let go of each other slowly until you were only at your fingertips. Each of you going to your designated areas yet leaving your hearts with one another.
My box for request are open! If you want to know how it works click here for my rules (:
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tokensfortalkers · 4 years
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Review of My Body is a Cage of Screaming Metal (Pilot Guide)
played: character creation
I made a character 🌟 I couldn't happily fit a 5x5 grid on the half-letter sheet i was using, so i drew the grid 4x6 and just made the Free Space mobile (you discard a d6 to move the Free Spot 1 square up or down.)
I rolled ½d12|½d10|½d8|½d6|½d4 to randomize allocating the opening 6 bonuses to my skills, because i couldn't bring myself to attack a mostly-blank character's starting stats (too much pressure, for me).
I added the subsection "Spirit Album" to the Genre stat. No idea what its for, but i had the space on the sheet, and that's what came to mind. For my character's Spirit Album, i chose 217_tech mech i-iv by el intrudo; it feels Nano-Tech, to me. Another thing i added because i needed to fill the space with something was pronouns for my gender, so I made up some pronouns ("fw/fwd").
Making a character in this play document feels good. The reading flows smooth; as soon as i felt ready to play, the document ended.
The competitive setting mixed with internal struggles of the game brings back to mind Jane Yolan's Pit Dragon light novels (slaves cage-fight nobles to save up enough winnings to buy freedom). Those are good reads. (Wait there's a 4th book noe‽ 👀 ).
The arena feel and visual novel structure in the play doc also gives me big Pyre pleasureshivers. Pyre is a game in the big itch bundle. Play it to see 1 studio's idea of a Screaming Metal campaign. There's a Pyre doc (20 mins) here that covers the basic feel, play, and atmosphere of that game:
I'm sure any sports film (Shaolin Soccer, Varsity Blues, Space Jam, etc) or sports anime (Yowamushi Pedal, Initial D, Yuri on Ice, ect) should have come to mind as well, but that whole camp of media only sprang to mind just now as i write this and not while i was reading through the play doc. So i take it to mean i feel like the game seems only distantly related to those. idk why ― mechanically, mb.
The Screaming Metal Character i made while reading through the rules is below. I love that fw never got a name. I feel like "[my] pilot" is the perfect name for all characters in this game. That's weird. (This game's weird. You play something akin to the being erupting from a heteroglossiaic event. I love it.) If someone asked me to make a callsign for my mech, i think i'd just concatenate my pilot's 2 inventory items. So it'd be Wheeze Candell, here. To create the secret name my pilot calls the mech, i would shorten some part of my pilot's job title to one syllable, so "STAB", here.
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audio from here
Find @johnbattle.itch.io/my-body-is-a-cage
My Body is a Cage by Batts
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HOW GALAXIES DIE: NEW INSIGHTS INTO THE QUENCHING OF STAR FORMATION ** A simple model explains a wide range of observations by describing the contest between galaxy halos and their central black holes that eventually turns off star formation. ** Astronomers studying galaxy evolution have long struggled to understand what causes star formation to shut down in massive galaxies. Although many theories have been proposed to explain this process, known as “quenching,” there is still no consensus on a satisfactory model. Now, an international team led by Sandra Faber, professor emerita of astronomy and astrophysics at UC Santa Cruz, has proposed a new model that successfully explains a wide range of observations about galaxy structure, supermassive black holes, and the quenching of star formation. The researchers presented their findings in a paper published July 1 in the Astrophysical Journal. The model supports one of the leading ideas about quenching which attributes it to black hole “feedback,” the energy released into a galaxy and its surroundings from a central supermassive black hole as matter falls into the black hole and feeds its growth. This energetic feedback heats, ejects, or otherwise disrupts the galaxy’s gas supply, preventing the infall of gas from the galaxy’s halo to feed star formation. “The idea is that in star-forming galaxies, the central black hole is like a parasite that ultimately grows and kills the host,” Faber explained. “That’s been said before, but we haven’t had clear rules to say when a black hole is big enough to shut down star formation in its host galaxy, and now we have quantitative rules that actually work to explain our observations.” The basic idea involves the relationship between the mass of the stars in a galaxy (stellar mass), how spread out those stars are (the galaxy’s radius), and the mass of the central black hole. For star-forming galaxies with a given stellar mass, the density of stars in the center of the galaxy correlates with the radius of the galaxy so that galaxies with bigger radii have lower central stellar densities. Assuming that the mass of the central black hole scales with the central stellar density, star-forming galaxies with larger radii (at a given stellar mass) will have lower black-hole masses. What that means, Faber explained, is that larger galaxies (those with larger radii for a given stellar mass) have to evolve further and build up a higher stellar mass before their central black holes can grow large enough to quench star formation. Thus, small-radius galaxies quench at lower masses than large-radius galaxies. “That is the new insight, that if galaxies with large radii have smaller black holes at a given stellar mass, and if black hole feedback is important for quenching, then large-radius galaxies have to evolve further,” she said. “If you put together all these assumptions, amazingly, you can reproduce a large number of observed trends in the structural properties of galaxies.” This explains, for example, why more massive quenched galaxies have higher central stellar densities, larger radii, and larger central black holes. Based on this model, the researchers concluded that quenching begins when the total energy emitted from the black hole is approximately four times the gravitational binding energy of the gas in the galactic halo. The binding energy refers to the gravitational force that holds the gas within the halo of dark matter enveloping the galaxy. Quenching is complete when the total energy emitted from the black hole is twenty times the binding energy of the gas in the galactic halo. Faber emphasized that the model does not yet explain in detail the physical mechanisms involved in the quenching of star formation. “The key physical processes that this simple theory evokes are not yet understood,” she said. “The virtue of this, though, is that having simple rules for each step in the process challenges theorists to come up with physical mechanisms that explain each step.” Astronomers are accustomed to thinking in terms of diagrams that plot the relations between different properties of galaxies and show how they change over time. These diagrams reveal the dramatic differences in structure between star-forming and quenched galaxies and the sharp boundaries between them. Because star formation emits a lot of light at the blue end of the color spectrum, astronomers refer to “blue” star-forming galaxies, “red” quiescent galaxies, and the “green valley” as the transition between them. Which stage a galaxy is in is revealed by its star formation rate. One of the study’s conclusions is that the growth rate of black holes must change as galaxies evolve from one stage to the next. The observational evidence suggests that most of the black hole growth occurs in the green valley when galaxies are beginning to quench. “The black hole seems to be unleashed just as star formation slows down,” Faber said. “This was a revelation, because it explains why black hole masses in star-forming galaxies follow one scaling law, while black holes in quenched galaxies follow another scaling law. That makes sense if black hole mass grows rapidly while in the green valley.” Faber and her collaborators have been discussing these issues for many years. Since 2010, Faber has co-led a major Hubble Space Telescope galaxy survey program (CANDELS, the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey), which produced the data used in this study. In analyzing the CANDELS data, she has worked closely with a team led by Joel Primack, UCSC professor emeritus of physics, which developed the Bolshoi cosmological simulation of the evolution of the dark matter halos in which galaxies form. These halos provide the scaffolding on which the theory builds the early star-forming phase of galaxy evolution before quenching. The central ideas in the paper emerged from analyses of CANDELS data and first struck Faber about four years ago. “It suddenly leaped out at me, and I realized if we put all these things together -- if galaxies had a simple trajectory in radius versus mass, and if black hole energy needs to overcome halo binding energy -- it can explain all these slanted boundaries in the structural diagrams of galaxies,” she said. At the time, Faber was making frequent trips to China, where she has been involved in research collaborations and other activities. She was a visiting professor at Shanghai Normal University, where she met first author Zhu Chen. Chen came to UC Santa Cruz in 2017 as a visiting researcher and began working with Faber to develop these ideas about galaxy quenching. “She is mathematically very good, better than me, and she did all of the calculations for this paper,” Faber said. Faber also credited her longtime collaborator David Koo, UCSC professor emeritus of astronomy and astrophysics, for first focusing attention on the central densities of galaxies as a key to the growth of central black holes. Among the puzzles explained by this new model is a striking difference between our Milky Way galaxy and its very similar neighbor Andromeda. “The Milky Way and Andromeda have almost the same stellar mass, but Andromeda’s black hole is almost 50 times bigger than the Milky Way’s,” Faber said. “The idea that black holes grow a lot in the green valley goes a long way toward explaining this mystery. The Milky Way is just entering the green valley and its black hole is still small, whereas Andromeda is just exiting so its black hole has grown much bigger, and it is also more quenched than the Milky Way.” IMAGE....A new theory explains how black holes grow as a function of galaxy mass and eventually quench star formation in their host galaxies. The images on this graph, taken by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, are of nearby galaxies at the present era chosen to represent galaxy evolution. The graph shows how the evolution of small, dense galaxies differs from that of larger, more diffuse galaxies. The denser galaxies have larger black holes for their mass and therefore quench sooner, at a lower mass, whereas the more diffuse galaxies have smaller black holes for their mass and must grow more before quenching occurs. (Credit: Sandra Faber/Sofia Quiros/SDSS)
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eldridgecandell · 5 years
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A soft jangle of bells caused Miles Cypress to lift his rheumy eyes to the door of his shop.  The old Kul Tiran reached up and adjusted his half-moon spectacles blinking to clear the fog of his previous concentration.  His aged hands gently setting aside the green cloth and needle as he stood with a bent and moved to the counter.  
“Afternoon, sir,” the old man spoke softly as he peered at the customer.  Tall and lean, probably around a 32 inseam and maybe a 16 neck size as he adjusted his glasses again on his crooked nose.  “What can I do fer you today?”
“A patch job if you have time.”   An old black wool pair of pants and jacket were set on the counter, wrinkled and aged from who knows how long ago.
“Easily, sir.  Let’s see what we have to work with,” Miles gently pulled the items apart and set the coat to one side as he looked over the pants.  Basic make probably on the cheaper make and from the feel of the cloth much older than what was fashionable.  And larger as he felt over the cloth with his experienced fingers more than eyes.  “Quite a bit of frayin.  Looks like a hole here in the knee and a belt loop or two busted.  You done a good job with these.”
“I try,” the customer replied, his tone strained with the polite conversation.
The old man picked up the coat and began to look it over, same material and once a healthy black but time and wear did wonders to dyes.  His fingers tracing the inside of the coat finding the lining torn and worn through in places.  His fingers stopped at feeling five slashed in the back, knowing well what a knife meant to accomplish
“I trust you’re alright.  I’m not really in the business of stitching up people,” Miles spoke carefully as he lifted his eyes to the frowning man and really took him in.
The man was definitely at the wrong end of age to be doing work that left such damage to his attire judging by the wrinkles and lightening hair.  A bearded face did little to hide the sun wrecked skin and light scarring that men of war seemed to never lack.  The blue eyes were haunted as well but Miles got the feeling that it was not just from the raging war of today.  He spoke again calmly with a restrained aggravation at the mild prod of the tailors.  “I assure you, I am fine but I do need a patch as quickly as you can.”
Miles blew out a sigh as he tossed the garment before him and removed his glasses to look up at the man.  “Going to be honest with you sir, I can’t do this patch.”
“For one, this coat has been worn so thin, if I try to sew it up it will likely fall apart in my hands.  This wool is so damaged and old that it’s likely ta rot off in a heavy rainstorm.”  Miles hands folded on top of one another as he spoke.  “Also this coat is far to big for you, so I’m not sure if it is yours truly or if perhaps this life you’re leading as definitely taken a bit out of you.”
His patron frowned harder with a look of confusion and possible insult at the seniors assessment of his belongings.  “And your suggestion?”
“Burn it.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Burn it and we start fresh for you.”
“I’m not going to burn that my wife -“ one of Miles’ gnarled hands was raised to stop the protest.
“Would be ashamed and flabbergasted to find ya still wearing a garment from before the Second War.  Despite what you think, a good suit says a lot about a person and this.”  Miles lifted the ruined clothes to add emphasis.  “This is not you anymore.”
The patron’s face grew dark as midnight as he reached forward to grab the coat from the counter, his thick fingers grasping the cloth tight.  Miles sat still as stone as he watched him, his arms folded over his chest as he locked eyes with the wanderer.  A few moments of contested wills eventually lead to loosening of the death grip and a soft sigh of regret.  “What should I do?”
“How much time do we have?”
“Three days.”
Miles stroked his chin a moment before lifting his glasses back to his crooked nose.  “I trust you have coin.”
“How much coin?”
“How much do you have?”
“That’s not what I asked.”
Miles thought a moment as he got down from his stool and hobbled around the counter to meet the taller man.  A hand coming to pat his arm as he nodded to himself, “I don’t have enough time to get you a full tailored suit but I’m sure we can piece something together and adjust.  Come along, Mister…”
“Right then Mister Candell, let's get you properly attired for life in Boralus.”  
Three days later Eldridge Candell stepped down into the wet streets of Boralus from Cypress Textiles.  Adjusting the long black  coat a moment with a frown as he felt out of place in a such finery but it was needed at least for today.  From head to toe the witch hunter looked like an entirely new man and secretly felt it.  New boots to dark green suit to a new black hat atop his head to match a fresh haircut and shave.  It had cost him more coin than had been planned but it would be worth it.  She was worth it.  
Adjusting the hat with a muttered curse as he wished he’d kept his own but Cypress had insisted to complete the look.  Shaking his head, Eld would tug the head wear back on his head only to find a pair of black eyes watching him with curious intent.
“Not a word,” Eld grumbled to Bandit, the dog letting his tongue loll out in a panting giggle at his master.  The massive hound rose to pad alongside the Inquisitor as they began marching down the cobbled streets of the port city.  It would be a long day at the garrison.
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(Opted to recast Eld with Iain Glen and bid a fond thank you to Timothy Dalton for inspiring the initial building of the character.)
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freshjoyblog · 4 years
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This past century has seen an explosion of scientific discoveries. Just when you think that you have grasped some understanding, another one comes along.
As a child, I was taught that God created the earth and everything in it within a period of 6 days (as in Genesis 1). Looking up at the night sky, I would wonder how all those stars and planets could be so created.
Then, I was told that earth was suspended within the galaxy for infinity … in a time capsule that was and would always be. I was told that this consistency enabled everything to come-together for Creation to occur. Was this true?
Einstein’s theory of general relativity describes how space is stretching and warping, according to the energy and matter dispersement in that space.[1] The astronomer Georges Lâmaitre said (in 1927) that he believed that the universe started as a single point and that it expanded to its present size, and that the stretching will continue. This is in keeping with the second law of thermodynamics which basically states that molecules in motion (such as heat) will only go in the one direction. Then, a few years later, Edwin Hubble observed that the universe was expanding, with the galaxies furthest away from earth moving away faster than those closer to earth (this is called the Hubble expansion). Thus, they must have been closer together in the past. From the earth, scientists can observe the universe back in history to 13.7 billion years ago.[2] This is the point that they calculate that the universe’s matter was compressed into a dense hot mass that ‘exploded’ in what is termed as The Big Bang. In the 1960’s, scientists discovered cosmic microwave radiation. Mathematical calculations confirm these, along with the amounts of chemical elements in the universe, to be leftovers from the ‘explosion’. As scientific theory and observations confirm that there was a beginning, many scientists believe that God initiated these events,[3] others refer to a force or a being.
Does the big bang theory contradict the Bible, and my Christian beliefs? No. Written thousands of years ago, the Bible states that God brought the heavens into existence,[4] he stretched them out and is spreading them out.[5] The universe functions according to and is subject to fixed physical laws.[6] Scripture also refers to the cooling and decay of the earth.[7]
NASA launched the optical Hubble Space Telescope (HST) into orbit from the Space Shuttle Discovery–04/24/1990.[8] The computers on board Hubble have beamed hundreds of thousands of celestial images back to Earth. The largest project, “CANDELS” (commenced in 2014) "aims to explore galactic evolution in the early Universe, and the very first seeds of cosmic structure at less than one billion years after the Big Bang."[9] Hubble–along with COBE, WMPA and Plank– have greatly assisted research into the origins of the universe and, in turn, the origins of the earth.
[1] The theory, published in 1915 (known as GR and GTR), is a geometric theory of gravitation that states that gravitational forces are equivalent to forces caused by acceleration–that the physical effects of gravity equal those of acceleration. As I am writing this as a general blog, suffice it to say that GTR equations are used by physicists and astronomers to accurately access (within time and space) physical phenomena such as the life and death of stars and black holes, the evolution of space and the dynamics of planets.
[2] Distances are calculated using the speed of light, Einstein’s theories, etc.
[3] Psalm. 90:2
[4] Psalm. 148:5
[5] Examples: Isaiah. 42:5, 45:12; Psalm. 104:2; Jeremiah. 10:12; Job. 37:18.
[6] Jeremiah 33:25; Romans. 8:20-22.
[7] Romans 8:20.
[8]Space orbit prevents the effects of atmospheric moisture, pollution and turbulences, and                                                   allow the telescope to ‘see’ infrared and ultraviolet light.
[9] SpaceTelescope.org. August 15, 2013. Retrieved 1/30/2020.                                                                                                                https://www.spacetelescope.org/news/heic1315/#3
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liviz-luv · 6 years
1, 3, 5, 18 and 31? ♡
1.) what’s your sexuality?
3.) would you consider yourself a hopeless romantic?
at times…depends on the person. I can be in love with the infatuation and not really feel anything. But the second I get to know the person and I like it, yes. Ya girl is hoplessly in love.
5.) what’s your type? (body + personality wise
i answered it in another ask but I’ll reiderate it. 
Girls- boobs, see i don’t really have a chest and plus i’m a tomboy so i basically look like a dyke + i have a naturally deep voice. I like girls with a pronounced chest, but i’m fine with a girl with hardley any chest. I love personalities that blend with mine, music type, and style. I also am a sucker for Girly girls and Tomboys, heck Young M.A. i’ve had the biggest crush on her for the longest time. Booty, girls with big booties and hips/thighs are my WEAKNESS!! oof. I love my lower half too, so yeah. I like a girl I can tweark with. I like girls that are innocent, i like girls that are ‘dirty minded’ I like feisty girls like @leeknowbaby and she knows. I bet you thought it was going to be a cute answer, but most of my life was spent with guys, so I’ m kinda objective, but i never let control my decisions, just guide them.
Boys- Height. I’m BARELY 5′3! I want a tall guy! he has to be my age or older, I cannot deal with younger guys. If he’s okay with physical atteintion cuz i’m not good with words, like to hold and be held. His imagination, does he like to read, listen to music. Muscules. I love muscules! Personality, does he call girls bitxhes? if he does… THE DOOR! Is he a respectible young man? How does he treat his mother? Sister? Is he okay with me loving Kpop. Is he overly possesive or over protective? is he unloyal, honest, trust worth? I like bad boys. but i also have a crush on @curlychans and he knows. I like boys like Wonho, Changkyun, Yoongi, Yongguk, Jay Park, Simon D. Dean. Soft, caring, agressive(in a good way), intimidating(in a good way), dark, rebellious, open minded.
I like my girls and boys like i like my books. Soft, thought provoking, open minded, aesthetically pleasing, feisty, rebelious, daring, forever young. Classic
18.) ideal date?
in a backyard/park. White sheet hanging over a tree branch, a cute movie being projected onto it. Fairy lights or candels lighting up the night. cute songs playing softly in the background as we sway to the beat, hand in hand, stupidly smiling. Nigh time.
 31.) favorite love song?
oof. I have a whole playlist of songs i want to play when i fall in love.
I’ll Be There- G.Soul  i remember listening to and screaming “I WANT BE IN LOVE LIKE THIS! I WANT MY BAE TO PLAY THIS TO ME! I WANNA PLAY THIS TO BAE!!”
I Like Me Better- Lauv CRUSH
Paris In The Rain- Lauv CRUSH PT.2
Apple Juice- Jessie Reyez YES PLEASE
Moonlight- Ariana Grande OHH THIS SONG
romantic/lovecore asks
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jasonjoo · 2 years
Blog Post #2 La Ribera Quarter
Five Barcelonan streets dedicated to craftsmanship or trades:
Carrer dels Corders: This narrow alley was dedicated to ropers, or ropemakers. These craftsman would make ropes that could be used in day-to-day life, but they were also responsible for crafting nooses that would oftentimes be used in executions.
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Carrer de Sant Pere: This street was known for its toolmakers. These metalworkers made all sorts of tools for the people of Barcelona, from hammers to hooks.
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Carrer de Les Candeles: As the name suggests, this street was occupied by the city's candlemakers. Experts in wax, these candlemakers supplied the people with the light sources they needed, as well as candles for various services or holidays.
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Carrer de Banys Vells: Literally translating to "old baths," Carrer de Banys Vells was a street for public baths. Here, the citizens of the city would gather and bathe communally, which was very common in that time period. People would come here to wash their bodies and their clothes.
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Plaça de La Llana: Plaça de La Llana is where all the wool in Barcelona was made and where prices were negotiated. This area was filled with all of the woolmakers in Barcelona.
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The "Els Gremis" were guilds / groups of artisans and craftsmen who specialized in one specific craft or good. They were basically the first worker's union in Barcelona, and they worked together to set the prices of their services or goods. These close-knit groups often lived nearby each other and functioned as a family, making sure that they all got fair prices for their business.
La Casa-Taller
La Casa Taller basically was a house-workshop hybrid that was. very often employed during this time period. The first floor of the house was usually very open and was used primarily for the actual craft that the artisans or craftsmen were working on. Here they would display their work, and anybody passing through would be able to see the goods for sale. As you go up in floors, the house would get narrower, and the owner of the shop would live upstairs. As the building goes up in floors, the poorer the individuals would be living in that space, just like Roman style architecture.
Main Architectural Aspects of La Ribera
The Casa-Tallers were meant to last a long time, so the merchants and artisans would build these homes with stone and wood because of how durable they would turn out. However, stone and wood were very expensive, so not all buildings could be built from these materials. For example, the industrial buildings in the area, which focused on more mass production of goods rather than careful hand-crafting, used much less expensive material and thus lasted for shorter amounts of time. The roads in this area were very narrow and mostly paved with river stones, which I found interesting because of how bad the conditions are for modern-day transportation.
Cultural Significance of Points of Interest in La Ribera
Santa María del Mar: Santa Maria del Mar is a church constructed in the Gothic architecture style, and it was built by the merchant class of Barcelona so that they could have a place to worship. The emphasis of this church was not on flaunting wealth; it is quite minimal and unlike many other churches in the area, is not covered in gaudy decorations or gold. This church shows the importance of religion to Catalan culture while maintaining the humble approach that Barcelonan culture encourages.
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El Mercat del Born: El Mercat del Born, as the name suggests, was a big open market meant for trading of goods, and it was also heavily used by merchants and artisans. It remains one of the biggest and most important markets in Barcelona, and it is an indication of what Barcelona was like when it was created. The use of iron framing and detailing points to the fact that this market was made during the industrialization period in Barcelona, and it shows the value of trade and commercial work in Catalonia and the rest of Spain.
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El Fossá de les Moreres: This plaza, which was built over a cemetery with Spanish war heroes, is a public space used as a memorial for these aforementioned Catalan soldiers. There is a monument that is meant to represent the fallen soldiers in the middle of the big square space.
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La Ciutadella Park: La Ciutadella Park, established in the mid-19th century, is a historical garden. Found in the north of Barcelona, this area is where King Philip V erected a citadel, or fortress to protect from invaders during the Spanish War of Succession. It used to be one of the only places in Barcelona with grass and trees, but today it is home to museums, the Parliament of Barcelona, and even the Barcelona zoo.
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Changes to Catalan society after September 11, 1714
September 11th, 1714 was a day of defeat for Catalonia, but it is known as the national day of Catalan culture. On this day, the Catalan people fell to King Philip V's siege of Barcelona. It is more of a day of remembrance than a day of celebration or a holiday, and it is meant to honor those who fell protecting the city and region. It signifies the great pride that Catalan people have in their culture and their land, and while it was struck down during the Franco regime, the holiday was reinstated in 1980.
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El Consolat del Mar
El Consolat del Mar, or "The Customs of the Sea" was a judicial board which was started in Barcelona, but spread throughout the rest of the Mediterranean. This organization was created between the 14th and 15th centuries and it was heavily influenced by the merchants and tradesmen of the land. It was meant to regulate the prices and sales of goods coming from the sea outside of Barcelona, protecting its local artisans and tradesmen by ensuring that local businesses could not be destroyed by these outsiders. Today, the customs are a commercial court system - an official trade organization - that allows merchants to fix issues / resolve problems without involving the actual legal system, and it ensures that trade is regulated in Barcelona.
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Summary: The sides go on a fall outing to a farm. There are bunnies. (How can you say no to bunnies?)
“Why, exactly, are we doing this again?” Virgil grumbles, upset at agreeing to come along to the “fun” fall activities Patton had planned. Honestly, he could never say no to Patton, not after all the times he’s been there for him, but uugh being in the same vicinity as people who weren’t Thomas’s other sides was so frightening, and he would much rather be scrolling through Tumblr in the safety of his room. He was already in the car, though, so the was no turning back. Logan, pushing his glasses up his nose, was ready to reapond. He had done reseach on the benefits of beong with friends. “Studies have shown that spending time with your friends is actually very beneficial for your health. Being with close friends helps you feel secure, your stress levels are lower than people with weaker social ties, and people who spend time with acquaintances are less likly to have high blood pressure and even live longer!” “Well I’m pretty sure we’re going pumpkin picking to have fun, not to live longer, but those are some pretty cool facts, smarty pants.” Roman says from behind the wheel. “Anyways we’re here!” Patton, channeling his inner dad, pulls put his bag from the trunk that has lunch, sunscreen and water, and starts browsing through the activity list. “Alrighty so I say we pay, eat lunch..wait there’s a petting zoo! Can we go there first?! Farm animals ars so cute and fluffy!” “Yeah Patton” Roman chuckles “We can go see the animals.” “Well let’s get going then!” He yells as he bounds ahead. He is immediately drawn to the bunnies, cuddling with them and wrapping them in his cardigan because “they looked so cold!” Roman goes over to a beautiful steed, fantasizing about battles where he and this horse would absolutely slay. Monsters…and foes of course. Logan is kind of lost but makes his way over to the goats with their sophisticated looking goatees. Boy, was he wrong. By the black sheep is Virgil, a tiny lamb in his lap, smiling widely. A loud “aaAAHHHHH” makes everyone’s heads pop up, witnessing Logan frantically running from an angered goat. Virgil makes no attempt to help, nay, he can't, he's too busy rolling around laughing at the shrieking not-so-logical side. Didn't he know goats were aggressive when in mating season? Geez what is the point of being smart if you didn't know basic goat facts? Eventually the farmer collects the goat, and Logan pleading to Virgil says"We will never speak of this incident again, right?" "Oho yes we will. The Great Goat Catastrophe of 2017 will be my personal favorite thing to share at future events." Eventually, they have to leave for lunch, but Patton can't find in in his heart to leave the snugly bunnies. "They are just too cute!" He coos. Virgil has to drag him away from the bunnies, rolling his eyes when he blows them tiny kisses. They quickly eat lunch , then go searching for the perfect pumpkins to carve later tonight. Princes is the first to find it. "Oh my Lordy. We have to get that one!" He says pointing to the largest pumpkin any of them have ever seen, or though humanly possible. "We can't get that one, it's way too big" Virgil argues. "How are we going to get it home?" Patton begins to grin. "We could use a wheelbarrow! And we could each carve a section of it, instead of carving separate pumpkins!" "Yeah, and it's cheaper than buying 4 medium pumpkins. It only makes sense." Says the Logical Side. 
"So it's agreed, we'll get this fabulous pumpkin." It takes all 4 of them to lift the pumpkin into the wheelbarrow. "This must be the heaviest. Fricking. Pumpkin. Ever." Virgil complains. "No actually, the largest pumpkin weighed 1,502lbs, so in comparison, this one is much lighter." Logan counters. " Alright we get it, you're smart." They pass through the orchid, picking a few apples as they went. Logan insisted the stop at the drinks shop, and 5 minutes later he has a pumpkin chai tea, Patton has cocoa with marshmallows and a mound of whipped cream, Princey has an apple cider, and Virgil is chugging a coffee with 2 expressos. "What? It's not like I'm going to get any sleep anyways." He defends, rolling his eyes. "Hey I don't judge, kiddo. " Said a smiley Patton, wiping off his whipped cream mustache. "Oh hey I have a joke: why are skeletons always so calm?" "Why Pat?" "Because nothing gets under their skin!" "Uugh now Halloween jokes?" Virgil cringes, hiding his face in his hands. "Well I thought it was quite funny." Logan chimes in. "Wait, you understood a dad joke? Good job Lo!" Princey smiles. Sadly enough, they have to leave the farm, and go home to carve the pumpkin. They gather around the table, Virgil cuts off the top, and Patton, Princey and Logan start scooping out the guts and seeds. "Come on Virge, help us! It's fun!" Patton smiles warmly, wanting to include his shy son. "Umm I'd rather not, it looks kinda nasty. Sorry." "That's ok, kiddo, you can help carve." "Yeah ok." After cleaning a pumpkin out, a knife is handed to Virgil, who starts to carve a puppy as per Patton's request. Everyone carves sections of the massive pumpkin while talking and laughing until it is a collage of pictures ranging from smiley faces(Patton) to the beautifully animated faces of the sides laughing together (and a puppy) by Virgil. "Whoa...that is absolutely amazing, Virgil!" breathes Roman. "How you do that?" "Well I...uh took a woodcarving class in college, and it's not that different." "It's so good!" The pumpkin is moved (with great difficulty) outside, a lit candel is placed inside, and the four sides admire their handywork. Then they head back inside and curl up on the couch, not wanting the feeling of warmth and friendship to diminish. Virgil is the first, despite the expressos, to fall asleep smushed against Logan and Patto, who pulls a blanket around him. Logan, removing his glasses, rests his head on Princey's shoulder, and there they all fall asleep, squished on the too small for 4 people couch, not caring about the lack of space, but enjoying being close to one another.
@Mewsicalmiss @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch
Hope you guys liked it! Thank you so much for reading my post! Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, uploading this super late and was far too lazy to read it through one more time. 💜
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thepennydarling · 6 years
Hello there, Penny Darlings!
Happy Huuuuuump Day and Happy FIVE DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. As your local Cindy-Lou-Who I am here to tell you that my little heart is BURSTING with holiday cheer. It’s been wrapping central with the Christmas Morning candle burning and about eight different Christmas Pandora stations.
And the poor delivery man must be tired of seeing our door. Shout out to all the delivery drivers who are busting their bums during the holiday season! You’re heroes. Thank you!
But, as a person who is usually done shopping in October, who didn’t start shopping until last week – I now truly understand the panic of worrying that something isn’t going to make it in time.
So for those, like me, who waited a bit, or forgot they needed stocking stuffers, or want to bring something fun to a White Elephant/Pollyanna/Gift Exchange, or want just a little something to add to – I wanted to just share my recommendations.
  1.) UnderSummers
UnderSummers are one of my TOP recommended products. I did a review for them back over the summer (which you can check out here)….and I’ve become a total convert! I’m absolutely obsessed with mine. They are under dress/skirt shortlettes that prevent chub rub. And as a person that wears dresses 365 days a year – I have four pairs and wear them basically every day. They’re perfect in all seasons and an amazing stocking stuffer. For any of the gals in your life 10/10 recommend.
Get these LIMITED edition leopard print ones here (which you can get from the UnderSummers site with priority shipping!) There’s also Limited Edition pink, pastel blue, and this cute yellow!
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They also have the more standard colors (black, white, & beige) available on Amazon Prime! So if you’re more of a prime gal – check this page out!
2.) Badger Balm
I lovelovelove Badger Balm (when summer comes around – you NEED to check out their bug bite treatment. it’s a literal GODSEND). But for Christmas I totally recommend this three piece little giftset for all the busy badgers in your life.
It comes with the Badger Balm, the Sleep Balm, and the Sore Muscle Rub. They each are made with extra virgin olive oil and beeswax so it’s gentle on sensitive skin (which I reallllllly struggle with). The BB is to help with the winter cracked knuckles and the dry skin, sleep balm can go anywhere on your body but is infused with essential oils to promote relaxation, and the sore muscle rub is a mix with cayenne pepper and ginger to really soothe those sore muscles (from hauling Christmas gifts up onto the roof!)
Grab this mini-sampler here or on Amazon or Badger Balm is stocked at most Wegman’s & Whole Foods!
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  3.) Scented Candles
These Bath & Body Works 3-Wick Candle are on sale for $15, just saying. They are cute, perfect for the season, and who doesn’t like their house smelling like pancakes? No one. Every single person wants to constantly smell like waffles. That’s a fact.
And since there’s basically a Bath & Body Works, Yankee Candle, Home Goods, TJ Maxx, Marshalls, Target, etc. near literally everywhere – they’re super easy to grab on Friday after work before heading to your Friend Christmas party.
  If you’re a big fan of soy candles – I lovelovelove Candelles. They are absolutely delightful. They smell so good, burn so nicely, and they are also local PA natives! And you can nab this Pumpkin Frosting one on Amazon Prime and it smells FREAKING HEAVENLY! 
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  4.) Holiday Pack of Chapstick
Now, I don’t know about you but I am CONSTANTLY, all the time, always in need of Chapstick (or lip balm, if you’re a less branded person!). I keep it in my coat pockets, a few in my purse, one next to my bed, one in the living room, one in my desk, a few in my car, one in my make-up bag, etc. We even have a little mini bucket JUST for chapstick.
I personally love mixing it up with the holiday collections and flavors. This year’s holiday collection is Candy Cane (yum!), Pumpkin Pie (yummer), and Sugar Cookie (yummest). I picked mine up at a CVS – but you can get these most anywhere!
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  5.) A Travel Sized Umbrella
This little guy is nearly pocket side and perfect for people on the go or frequent walkers (I’m thinking everyone out in the cities!) where you need to be able to easily store an umbrella, college campuses, commuters, anyone who needs one to keep in their purse for emergencies. This gift is perfect for you NYC living niece, your college sophomore, your mom, your grandpa, and everyone in between.
Bonus: it comes in, like, nineteen different colors and cost less than TEN FREAKING DOLLARS…and you can nab it on Amazon Prime.
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6.) Sugar & Shea Scrub & Goatsmilk Mousse
I talked in my Q&A post last week about how much I lovelovelovelovelove these products. They are from a local bath & beauty boutique in my college town of Kutztown, PA. These two products have been LIFESAVERS for my dry skin (particularly on my alligator dry legs!). I use them both daily and they are amazing.
Bonus: You can get the Goatsmilk Mousse in any color/scent combo you want! I got a pink colored, peppermint and vanilla scented mixture. It’s the perfect combo. And the sugar and shea scrub has a very mild citrus scent and doesn’t leave you feeling oily.
This combo of products is perfect for both men & women! Preston uses the a Pumpkin Coconut blend (his own blend creation!) every day for that wintery dry skin!
If you’re local to the area – here’s a link to their shop hours. If you want to order online – here’s a link to do that as well!
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  7.) Travel Products
So ya’ll know that I am a HUGE Not Your Mother’s brand fan. They are the absolute MUST of all hair care products. I like the dry shampoo to the conditioner to curl cream to texture spray to volumizing hairspray. It’s all the things.
While I’m a HUGEEEEE fan of these particular products (especially since I have about four or five friends who fly home for Christmas) but any travel sized beauty products are an absolute delight!
You can grab most of these are your local Ulta, drugstore, or even online!
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  *This post is sponsored by UnderSummers and may contain affiliate links, however, all thoughts and opinions are my own!*
The last few weeks of the year are going to be jammed packed with so many things! If you are at all interested in doing a collab or working with me – please feel free to check out my new Contact Me! page!
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Thank you for all that you do. You are truly extraordinary.
Love all you wonderful ladies (and gents!) out there!
How Very,
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I teamed up with @UnderSummers to show off some amazing last minute stocking stuffers! #ad Hello there, Penny Darlings! Happy Huuuuuump Day and Happy FIVE DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. As your local Cindy-Lou-Who I am here to tell you that my little heart is BURSTING with holiday cheer.
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feral-bunnie · 7 years
all 100 :)
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  spotify
is your room messy or clean? meeeeeeessy
what color are your eyes? brown
do you like your name? why? yeah i guess so, idk lol its not too stupid
what is your relationship status? taken
describe your personality in 3 words or less? “wat”
what color hair do you have? pink
what kind of car do you drive? color? 2007 Pontiac grand prix, its silver 
where do you shop? ?? i shop at many places
how would you describe your style? idk i look homeless most of the time
favorite social media account? eh they are all the same to me
what size bed do you have? full
any siblings? noo
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? idk lol probably where i am just because i already have friends and family here
favorite makeup brand(s) i like urban decay and kat von d the most prob
how many times a week do you shower? everyday?? i hope everyone does
favorite tv show? tie between rupauls drag race and its always sunny 
shoe size? 10 lol
how tall are you? 5′5″
sandals or sneakers? flip flops
do you go to the gym? lol no
describe your dream date? tbh anything. i like just about anything, just as long as its fun and we get some type of food and or milkshake
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? 20 bucks
what color socks are you wearing? none ooo
how many pillows do you sleep with? literally 8
do you have a job? what do you do? yes i work at a dollar tree lmao
how many friends do you have? like 4
whats the worst thing you have ever done? i once spread a rumor about this girl in middle school that she masturbated in the girls bathroom with a cafeteria hot dog. lol its bad that i’m still lowkey laughing at it but i do feel bad i did that
whats your favorite candle scent? oooh tough one i love the yankee candle “cherries on snow” a lot. but i love basically any kind of candel 
3 favorite boy names? seth, spencer and zack
3 favorite girl names? Veronica, Melody, and Olivia
favorite actor? paul rudd
favorite actress? winona ryder
who is your celebrity crush? paul rudd
favorite movie? heathers or beetlejuice 
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? not as much as i use too but probably the Bell Jar by Sylvia plath
money or brains? brains are cool but i also love $$
do you have a nickname? what is it? not rlly unless you count Jess a nickname
how many times have you been to the hospital? like 5 
top 10 favorite songs? i have waaay to many but my fav is brick by boring brick by paramore. but i love any paramore, brand new or no doubt song
do you take any medications daily? my acid reflex medicine and my kolonopin (its taken as needed tho)
what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) i have combination skin
what is your biggest fear? hospitals 
how many kids do you want? 2
whats your go to hair style? i straighten it and thats it
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) medium 
who is your role model? hayley willams 
what was the last compliment you received? got told i looked sexy
what was the last text you sent? “ooh boy ;)”
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? 7 i think
what is your dream car? idc tbh 
opinion on smoking? i smoke like half a pack a day so like
do you go to college? beauty school
what is your dream job? probably Vanna White’s job. i’d love to get paid to look pretty and flip letters. 
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs fuck the country shit scares me
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? i prefer my own shampoo but yeah i’ll snag it
do you have freckles? yes
do you smile for pictures? not usually
how many pictures do you have on your phone? 2,360
have you ever peed in the woods? ye
do you still watch cartoons? hell yeah
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? tough ass question they are both amazing but the real question is about the ranch, mcdonalds ranch is fucking BOMB where as wendys ranch tastes like shit. therefore i choose mcdonalds.
Favorite dipping sauce? ranch lol
what do you wear to bed? usually just panties
have you ever won a spelling bee? nah
what are your hobbies? i like watching game grumps and playing pokemon
can you draw? eh
do you play an instrument? i use to play trumpet
what was the last concert you saw? joan jett, forget who else was there bc i think i was hammered or stoned or both
tea or coffee? toughh, but bc of my acid reflex i can’t rlly drink coffee so tea i guess
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? tim hortons
do you want to get married? yeah
what is your crush’s first and last initial? WB
are you going to change your last name when you get married? eh probably bc i hate mine lol unless their last name is something dumb like “WIENER” (no offense to anyone with that last name)
what color looks best on you? black idk
do you miss anyone right now? yeeee
do you sleep with your door open or closed? CLOSED fuck that ghost shit
do you believe in ghosts? yes
what is your biggest pet peeve? people biting and or picking at their nails
last person you called`wes
favorite ice cream flavor? i like anything with chocolate
regular oreos or golden oreos? reg
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? both
what shirt are you wearing? a black tie dye hoodie
what is your phone background? gwen stefani lol
are you outgoing or shy? shy
do you like it when people play with your hair? yeah people play with my hair all day pretty much
do you like your neighbors? ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh not rlly
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? at night
have you ever been high? yes
have you ever been drunk? yes
last thing you ate? brownie
favorite lyrics right now? i like all of them
summer or winter? summer i hate the cold
day or night? night
dark, milk, or white chocolate? milk
favorite month? november 
what is your zodiac sign? scorpio 
who was the last person you cried in front of? my teacher i think lol
thank u whoever sent this i love u!
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